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tv   News 4 at 4  NBC  February 3, 2012 4:00pm-5:00pm EST

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today. a reversal and an apology today from the susan g. komen breast cancer charity. it is backing off its decision to cut grant dollars to planned parenthood. on tuesday komen said it could not fund organizations that are under investigation. today the group said it's amending the criteria so it only applies to investigations that are criminal in nature not political. komen also issued an apology on its website to supporters who were outraged this week by the funding cuts and threatened to boycott komen's fund raising projects like the popular race for the cure. planned parenthood said it is grateful for the reversal. a florida congressman launched a congressional investigation of planned parenthood to determine if federal money is used to fund abortions which is illegal. there is encouraging news today about the economy. more than 250,000 new jobs were added in january. unemployment fell to its lowest level in three years.
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president obama's political opponents say it's not good enough. steve handelsman has that story. >> reporter: it was a january jobs surge. 50,000 americans got work in factories. 70,000 in high salary professional jobs. 243,000 new jobs in all, improvement across the board. >> everything, everything is good -- hours, increase in payrolls. >> reporter: u.s. stocks rocketed up under the news. u.s. joblessness down to 8.3%, 0.2% better than december. it's a recovery to the rate of february, 2009, just after barack obama was sworn in. >> congratulations, mr. president. >> thank you. >> reporter: but 8.3 is still high. the president did not celebrate today. >> the recovery is speeding up and we've got to do everything in our power to keep it going. >> reporter: step one, he sailed, is republican lawmakers renewing his payroll tax cut.
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>> i want to send a clear message to congress. do not slow down the recovery that we're on. don't muck it up. >> reporter: house speaker boehner complained the president promised unemployment below 8%. >> i think our point is very simple. we can do better. >> reporter: campaigning into battle gop candidate mitt romney agrees. >> what this president has done over the last three years has made it harder and harder for businesses to be able to grow and invest in people and hire people. >> reporter: also in nevada newt gingrich took a shot. >> obama raises taxes, increases regulations, is anti-american energy and engages in class warfare. sort of the anti-jobs presidency. >> reporter: but the new job numbers show more americans are back at work. and that could help president obama keep his job. i'm steve handelsman, news 4, capitol hill. >> moving on to the weather now and the kind of winter we have definitely not seen in our neck of the woods. blizzard warnings in effect for
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much of eastern colorado today as a powerful storm sweeps across that state. take a look at the treacherous driving conditions in denver. the forecast calls for about two feet of snow there. that's on top of the 7 inches already accumulated overnight. well, that same storm out west could be giving us some flurries this weekend. >> reporter: storm 4 meteorologist veronica johnson has details for us this afternoon. hey, veronica. >> hey, guys. it's going to be a much, much weaker system. it has to do with some things to the north that have to meet up with it but take a look at how big this system is. it's covering colorado still with a lot of snow. denver, colorado getting between 9 and 10 inches of snow. locations just west of there a lot of spots over 30 inches of snow. but that 9 to 10 could wind up being one of denver, colorado's biggest storms for the month of february. black hawk, colorado by the way, 48 inches now on the ground. so the storm expanding right now. that snow up into nebraska right now, down to the south, in kansas and oklahoma.
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you got severe storms believe it or not. that's where the mild air is. so kind of a clash of two seasons still going on. off to the east, we are still dry. but again, that storm system is advancing this way. we'll talk about the details and how it's going to pass right near our area and what it could be providing for our weekend weather. i'll give you the timing on that coming up. right now we're at 51 degrees with a light wind at just 3 miles per hour. throughout the area we're doing just fine. just expecting a bit of a chilly start to the day tomorrow. we'll have more coming up. >> thanks, veronica. protesters in cairo took to the streets for a second day of clashes with police. the crowds blame egyptian security forces for wednesday's soccer riots that left more than 70 dead. meanwhile, two american women who were kidnapped in the sinai peninsula are now free. we have more from cairo. >> reporter: two american tourists kidnapped in the south sinai peninsula have been released after being kidnapped
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for a few hours by bedouin tribesmen. as we understand it five americans were on a bus visiting st. catherine's monastery a very popular tourist destination here in egypt and it was at that point they were stopped by armed gunmen. three were released on the spot but two detained for a few hours. it was at that point the military intervened and negotiated their release in exchange for some members of that tribe held in egyptian security prisons. now, all of this is happening against a very precarious security situation in the country. protests have continued now for the second straight day. the death toll continues to rise. more than 1200 people have been injured all across the country. protesters are frustrated with military rule here in the country and many of them are blaming the military and security forces for not protecting fans at a soccer game on wednesday in which riots killed 74 people. so it gives you a sense of really the frustration among many ordinary egyptians. nbc news, cairo. back here in our area today get ready for more metro delays this weekend. the roslyn station on the orange
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and blue lines and the arlington national cemetery station on the blue line will both close tonight at 10:00. free shuttle buses will be running to get you around the closed stations. there will also be single tracking on the red line between van ness and friendship heights. all the work should be done in time for monday morning's commute. we are inching closer to super bowl xlv between the giants and the patriots. the teams are making their final preparations and they're running out of time. just two days, two hours away as you can see from the official countdown to kickoff clock. it's a bright, sunny day in indianapolis. jim vance and dan hellie have been keeping us updated all week on the events out there. they have a look now at what's coming up today. >> reporter: you thought the super bowl was in indianapolis. it's sunny, 55, right? >> i came here expecting arctic weather and look at us. no coat. it is absolutely delightful out
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here in indianapolis. and it's been so all week long. >> it feels like it's south carolina or something this time of year. >> no, it ain't that good. >> we have a ton of cool stuff coming up. i got a chance to catch up with al michaels and get his take on calling the game, his preparation, who he likes to win, always, always very cool to get his take on the, not just the game but the final little details that he has to do before he calls it. >> well, the guy knows what he's talking about and he certainly does prepare well. speaking of preparing, too, the folks here in indianapolis did a heck of a job in terms of taking advantage of their opportunity to be the host city in terms of looking at not just the immediate impact of all that money coming in but how it can be used in the long-range both socially and economically to help the folks in this community. >> that's all -- >> we got more, toonchs. >> the best part. joe gibbs. >> the man. >> we get a chance to talk to him. it was cool. >> talking a lot more than professional football by the way. we'll tell you about joe gibbs'
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fascinating association th 10-year-olds. you don't want to miss that coming up tonight. >> we're liking the blues brothers look, vance and hellie will have live reports tonight and all weekend long from indy. it's also a super sized sunday night following the super bowl. after the game watch the season two premiere of "the voice." today we talked with singer and judge adam levine about his experience here in washington. back in august when we had our big earthquake. >> seriously, i'm from california which is like earthquake central and i didn't believe it because i was in my -- i had just gotten to the hotel and was putting my things down, opened up my suitcase and it was a decent sized earthquake too. that's coming from me. i'm the authority being from l.a. my whole life. been through a lot of big ones. that was pretty decent size. i thought to myself, what? this is not happening right now. no way. earthquakes do not follow me. and then of course i found out, and you guys all freaked out
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because the streets were just covered with people. nobody knew what was happening. it was funny. we were fine. we knew exactly what it was. so it was interesting seeing, you know, like a tornado in l.a. it was one of those things that doesn't happen. but it was pretty interesting fiasco. >> fiasco. he took it in stride. catch adam levine and "the voice" right after the super bowl. then don't miss a special news 4 at 11:00 edition. our super bowl coverage is just getting started today. coming up next -- an analyst joins us live in the studio to break down some of the best commercials you'll see this sunday night. >> they're fun. hoboken said no to snooki but one town wants the publicity that comes with having the jersey shore stars in their town. >> plus elizabeth banks debuts in a new movie promoting a healthy heart and wear red day. that story
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simon cowell reportedly wants beyonce to be a judge on the "x factor" and is willing to shell out a whole lot of money to get her. the website media first reported that cowell is offering her a whopping $100
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million a year to become a full-time judge on the show. the music power house would become the highest paid celebrity on tv. cowell recently fired three "x-factor" judges as the show lagged behind "american idol" in viewers. beyonce appeared on the british version in 2008. the contestants she coached then went on to win the show. >> that's a lot of coin. wow. if snooki and j-wow need a place to live jersey shore will welcome them with open arms. jersey shore, pennsylvania that is. earlier this week hoboken, new jersey, turned down a request to film a reality show there. mtv is playing in a spinoff featuring nicole "snooki" ploezy and jersey shore, pennsylvania is in a part of the state near williamsport. mtv says it is flattered by the offer and loves all jersey shores but hasn't yet taken the tiny town up on the offer. this sunday is guaranteed to be one of the biggest tv
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watching days of the year. for some, it'll be that football game between the giants and the patriots, right? >> yes. but of course for others it'll be for the commercials. it's all about the commercials for a lot of folks. joining us now is david gortetsky an advertising pro with sage communications in the washington area here. nice to have you. at $3.5 million for a 30-second commercial advertisers are under as they always are a lot of pressure to produce. is this year's crop of commercials worth all the money? >> absolutely. the challenge for advertising during the super bowl is always everyone wachls watches the game. it is difficult to create a common thread to make the commercial relevant. so we didn't mind the financial risk. advertisers are looking for a big universal concept. an idea to make it appeal to most of us. >> sure. you brought in a sneak peek and we want your reaction to some. we've got a first look at some
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of these. you believe volkswagen's ad with the dog works so let's take a look first and then get your reaction on the other side. ♪ get up off of that thing you can feel better ♪ ♪ get up off of that thing and dance until you feel better ♪ feel good feel good ♪ >> back and better than ever. >> the dog's better. are you kidding?
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the dog is funnier than the vader kid. ♪ >> sorry. >> that is funny. but what did you like about it? >> it's a great concept we can all relate to. the dog is working hard to chase his favorite car. and we have a great surprise at the end for the darth vader fans. it worked perfect. >> they got everything in there. >> absolutely. >> so creative. go daddy. of course, you know, had a lot of tongues wagging last year. and usual -- the appeal as usual -- sort of to guys but let's take a look at this. >> this sure is a crazy way to draw attention to >> who won't notice a hot model
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in paint. >> definitely gets you noticed. >> that's why smart businesses go with dot.cos from go daddy. >> done. >> wow. >> i think we missed a spot. >> spots. >> see a lot more now at go >> well, what do you think? >> all right. go daddy historically always geared itself to the male viewers. always the eye candy. >> sure. >> everyone is looking forward to seeing those ads. i don't think the message has a broad appeal like the volkswagen ad. but it has its own market and people are looking forward to seeing these ads. >> interesting. we've seen a lot of fiat ads with j-lo in them, movies and pop culture always popular. here is one from fiat now. [ speaking in foreign language ]
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>> the fiat 500. you'll never forget the first time you see one. >> that's genius. it builds up and then the tease. >> it's great. i think it's a brilliant ad. it has the right sex appeal. it appeals to both male and female. >> right. >> it's funny. it uses all the right elements. it's short and to the point. really brilliant ad. >> it gets it done quick which is important. >> all right. two cars. let's move now to this one.
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william shatner is ending his run with priceline and it's reflected in this commercial. let's take a look. >> maybe this vacation wasn't a good idea. >> vacations are always a good idea. no time. out. quick. you're miles from your destination. >> we don't have time to bid. >> you don't have to bid. at priceline you can choose from thousands of hotels on sale every day. save yourself -- some money. >> it's what he would have wanted. >> wow. that's the end of the line for him on that. >> what a way to let shatner go. saving, sacrificing himself for the sake of obviously priceline customers. they change the business focus and the business is different. the message is no longer relevant. it's a great way to end a long lasting ad campaign. >> he's great. >> do some of these have staying
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power that they can air again and again or is this a one-time pop for a lot of these? >> absolutely. if you think historically, some of the greatest ads we still remember, the legendary 1984 apple, the 1992 sidney crawford with the redesign of the pepsi ad. there are some commercials that will remain in our memory and we'll discuss them. i'm not a big fan of the controversial ad because you know they don't reflect positively on the experience of the audiences. >> sure. >> but good humor always lasts. >> you're going to be back with us on monday and do some monday afternoon quarterbacking with all the ads and we'll get the best and the worst and your take on all of them. look forward to it, david. >> thank you so much. >> thank you. and coming up on news 4 wolfgang puck drops by the studio and dishes out about what he is serving up at the oscars. >> pretty darned delicious. plus we can see a little snow over the weekend. storm 4 meteorologist veronica johnson's forecast heading your johnson's forecast heading your way right after the break.
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♪ ...there are no sick days. ♪ vicks dayquil. defeats 5 cold & flu symptoms. [ snoring ] [ indistinct talking on tv ] [ snoring ] [ male announcer ] vicks nyquil cold and flu. the nighttime sniffling, sneezing, coughing, aching, fever, best sleep you ever got with a cold...medicine. ♪
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never in my lifetime did i think i could walk 60 miles in 3 days. 60 miles in 3 days is-- is huge. if my mom can fight and beat breast cancer, i can walk 60 miles. you just put one foot in front of the other, and you know that you're walking for such a great cause that you just keep going. (man) that you have all these people coming together for one common goal. (woman) the goal is to bring an end to breast cancer. (woman) the fund-raising was the easiest part. people were very giving. complete strangers wanting to help.
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if i can do this, you definitely can do this. (woman) i'll never stop walking, not till we find a cure. (woman) and it has to end, but it starts with us. i knew someday i was gonna do this walk. it is the most rewarding experience i have ever had in my entire life. we can do this. you can do this. we can all do this together. (man) register today for the... and receive $25 off your registration fee. because everyone deserves a lifetime. winter has arrived to the west of us. >> big time for them out in colorado. >> will we be getting it? >> we could see a little wintry weather but the thing weiss start with rain and most of the
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system coming up for the weekend is going to be bringing us some rain. whatever we get in the wintry weather realm it's going to be more conversational. okay? >> okay. >> let's talk about what's going on right now. gorgeous day today right? >> absolutely. >> we got the sunshine. that was okay. temperatures not bad either. we're at 51 degrees currently with a light wind and just three miles per hour and sunshine all through the area. dry air is over us and that will be key with this upcoming weather system. a lot of dry air that first has to overcome. right now the number 46 in olney. 52 degrees around warrenton. 52 degrees falls church. 51 in la plata. then you got 46, a little cooler again over in annapolis, maryland. all right. here is a look at the satellite and radar. not much going on. we got clouds increasing down around charlottesville, virginia, but for the most part overnight we are looking at a mostly clear sky. then by tomorrow morning we're going to start to see clouds increase. here is a look at your temperatures. 44 at 9:00. 41 at 11:00. then 37 and 36 degrees so a
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little chilly to start but still dry to start the day tomorrow. our radar is quiet around here. you can see the leading edge of not just rain but thunderstorms down through the south. just east of wichita down around oklahoma city these are being warned of, severe weather and to the north again where the air is cold enough a lot of snow. we talked about the # 48-inch total in i believe blackhawk, colorado. the snow advancing into areas of nebraska right now and that will be expanding north and eastward. for us, saturday morning is dry. then here is a look at 2:00 p.m. tomorrow. i think we'll see some rain coming to the area around 4:00 to 5:00 p.m. tomorrow. most of saturday night is wet and most of sunday now is looking a bit on the wet side too. that white that you see is snow. the pink that you see, a mixture of rain and snow, maybe some ice pellets and that's what we'll see early sunday morning so for 5:00, 6:00, 7:00, 8:00, 9:00 up until about noon time we could see a mixture of ice, snow, and
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rain mixed together before the system passes to the south of us. road temperatures should be fine. 43 to 47 degrees for your evening. clear skies. cool but nice. sun sets at 5:30. increasing clouds for tomorrow. definitely a cool start but still dry for the rning. we'll be between 30 and 36 degrees. then those clouds will thicken up, 45 to 50 tomorrow with rain developing about 5:00 or 6:00 p.m. right now your weekend, we've got a four-day chance for rain showers changing over to a little bit of ice and snow sa saturday night and early sunday morning so probably the most critical time early sunday when we'll have to see what type of wintry precip is coming down but i think for grassy surfaces we could see a coating of a little bit of ice and snow early sunday morning, late morning. the system pulls out by the time we get to mid afternoon on sunday. >> okay. >> again, just a brush with winter. >> exactly. a little taste. >> thanks. still to come on news 4 at
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4:00 mixing comedy with serious heart complications. up next how hollywood is pushing an effort to help women improve their heart health. plus a child with excellent hand-eye coordination. this future athlete, baby pingpong, after the break.
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and welcome back. at 4:30 everybody i'm jim handly. >> i'm pat lawson muse. here's what's happening in the news at this hour. the susan g. komen breast cancer charity is reversing its decision to cut grants to planned parenthood. on tuesday, komen said it couldn't fund organizations that are under investigation but today komen said it's changed the criteria so it only applies to investigations that are criminal in nature. komen also issued an apology on its website to supporters who were outraged by the funding cuts. we'll have more reaction coming up in a live report on news 4 at 5:00. there is encouraging news on the economy. more than 250,000 new jobs were added in january. unemployment dropped to its lowest level in three years from 8.5% to 8.3%. the jobs report helped the dow today to its best close since '08. today it gained about 157 points. today is national wear red day.
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it's a day to promote heart disease awareness among women. a new comedy film is encouraging women to put their health first and it's been released by the american heart association. >> a lot of people wear these red pins today all over town. heart disease is the leading cause of death for women in the u.s. nbc's erica edwards has more. >> it started out like a totally normal day. moms, you know you've been here. done this, said that. >> you okay, mom? >> i'm fine. >> this short film is a humorous exaggeration of a typical working mother folk yugoslavsed not on her own needs but on everybody else's. >> i could relate to that. >> a working mother herself elizabeth banks directed the film and stars as the mom who ignores the signs of a heart attack. >> tightening of the jaw, dizziness, shortness of breath, muscle pain, achiness. >> reporter: in favor of getting her family out the door on time. she partnered with the american heart association for this unusual way of spreading heart disease awareness. >> it was definitely tricky to
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convince them that using humor would be a great way to talk about heart disease. >> reporter: because it's not fun to talk about the facts, that heart disease is the number one killer of women and that reducing your risk for a heart attack means taking the time no one thinks they have to eat right, quit smoking, and exercise. >> more women are dying of heart disease than men every year. >> do i look like the type of person who has a heart attack? >> reporter: and, yes, it can happen to you. >> even though you may be thin and look the picture of health, you are at risk for heart disease. >> reporter: the film drops a heavy hint to men to pay attention to the health of the women they love. >> you okay? >> if it's funny you pass it on. >> i forgot to cut off the crust. >> reporter: in this case the best way to deliver heart disease messages to a woman's brain may be through her funny bone. erica edwards, nbc news. >> humor can get through and make it memorable, too. >> yeah. >> important. >> something women and men need to remember. >> exactly. award-winning chef and
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restauranteur wolfgang puck is once again cooking up a fancy feast for the oscars ball. >> he was here in our studio during an appearance on news 4 midday and told barbara harrison what the stars will be nibbling on this year. >> this year it's going to be actually a big party. instead of having like a sit down formal dinner which makes it boring a little bit. >> yeah. >> you can move around and talk to other people so we'll have more like a grazing party with a loungy feeling. the whole dining room for 1600 people going to be like a big lounge. >> what are we going to eat there? >> small, little chicken pot pies with truffles, lamb chops, the same thing we do here, marinated lamb, we'll have baked potatoes with a little caviar. we'll have wild mushrooms so a lot of smaller dishes you can eat with a fork and a spoon. >> it sounds really good doesn't it? besides feeding hollywood stars, wolfgang puck has several restaurants around the world including the source here in
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washington. he is also the recipient of the 2012 james beard foundation's lifetime achievement award. that salutes people who, quote, have a positive and long-lasting impact on the way we eat, cook, and think. as far as food is concerned, congratulations to him. well, check out this hair cut, the one we'll show you right now. a taiwanese man needed to cheer his father up so this is how he did it with a hello kitty hair cut. the 50-year-old man says his father gets sad when winter comes so the man's son got this hello kitty hair cut to make his 84-year-old dad laugh. it took a barber about two and a half hours to shave the japanese character into his head. the man's dad gave the hair cut a thumbs up. he even called his son courageous. you could call him that. take a look at this. this is our viral video of the day. it's got everybody talking here about the pingpong baby. oh, boy. what a forearm.
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that is a toddler named jamie who appears to have a real future in pingpong or table tennis and possibly real tennis, too. we don't know much about jamie except this youtube video has gone viral and his dad has been working with him since he was about six months old. slugger. before jamie could even sit on the table by himself. that paddle is going to grow into a racket some day and he'll be like an andre agassi. >> great eye-hand coordination. >> he is watching that ball. well, there he missed one but everybody misses a few when we're 6 feet tall. he's got it. >> amazing. there is more to come on news 4 at 4:00 including wendy's app of the day just in time for the big day on sunday. he sat out this past july 4th hot dog eating contest but there is no holding him back at the
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well, we know the super bowl is just two days away now. >> and it's right here. but before it happens there is so much buildup even on your app. wendy has a fun one today. what's this all about? >> this is called chevy game time and is a really cool way to interact with your ipad, your droid, and your television during the super bowl and all your friends. chevy game time is a whole game
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thing. you register and see this -- see that license plate up there? you register for free and they will send you your license plate. then you have to watch the commercials. and look for your license plate in the commercial, the chevy commercials, yeah, a clever way for chevy to get you to watch the commercials. not that they have to make you. and if you happen to see that license plate, you will win a car. they're giving out several cars during the super bowl. you can watch the commercials on this app, take polls, where would you most want a player's autograph? on a napkin, photograph, forehead? then you just vote. and as you submit these things you can sometimes win how far would you go to show your team's loyalty? dye your hair, get a tatoo. as you submit these things you come back here and you can find out if you've won something. you might get instantly win a chance to get a half off a pizza
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or something. it is constantly interacting with you, with the game, and with your friends. it's really cool, called chevy game time. it's free. it's a whole bunch of stuff in case the crowd gets dull at the party. >> halftime entertainment. >> if madonna is just not doing it. >> thanks. that sounds good. well, will it stay warm or will winter return for the weekend? weather is next. also a heated debate is happening between physicians and parents about adhd. we'll explain after the break. i'm liz crenshaw. why do you have to pay a fee when you change your mailing address online? that's the question. the answer is coming up on ask liz on news 4 at 4:00.
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we've got an easy week so far but interesting changes. the storm is going to bring really cold temperatures or colder. >> chilly. much lower for us. for a lot of areas where the super bowl has taken place. it will be around freezing. take a look at denver, colorado now at 27 degrees. still snowing there. 33 in minneapolis. 38 in chicago. but for game time indianapolis, indiana, of course that evening game lucas oil stadium with the retractable roof but still 32 and getting colder as folks, you know, start to make their way back out after the game. 51 degrees here, though. not bad. the weekend we're talking about some lower temperatures.
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saturday and especially on sunday. it's saturday night, most of sunday when we'll see this precip move in. there is a snap shot of 10:30 saturday. mostly cloudy already. the clouds are going to pile up fast and that rain will hit us about 4:00 or 5:00 and it is just that. rain instead of showers so coming through we could get about a half inch of rain in some areas. there is the white, the pink, and overnight especially sunday morning a mixture of rain and snow, maybe even a little bit of sleet in some areas. gaithersburg, frederick, hagerstown could get a quick coating by the time we get to midday the noon hour on sunday. then the rain moves away. all of this from this area of low pressure moving almost due east out of colorado. for temperatures overnight we'll drop down to 36 degrees. outlying areas 32. frederick, maryland 32. 29 degrees manassas. fairfax county areas right around fairfax city dropping down to about 33 degrees during the overnight and to start the day tomorrow. we're just shy of 50 degrees
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tomorrow, again, clouds to rain coming in late. the high on sunday only 43 degrees. we've been so spoiled by temperatures in the 60s and 70s, early part of next week we're dry again with a high of 50 on monday, 52 degrees on tuesday. and a next chance of anything doesn't come back until friday but we could be trending much colder after friday. >> we have been spoiled. a bit of weather wimps. >> no winter in winter. >> exactly. all right. veronica, thanks. our school zone speed limits, are they enforced wheen school isn't in session? which numbers are really toll free? why do you have to pay a fee when you change your mailing address online? liz crenshaw joins us now to answer the questions. >> i think the speed limit question is interesting for schools. it's a good one. >> let's get the answer.
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the first question comes from barry in prince george's county. he wants to know, is school zone speed limits enforced even when school isn't in session? >> the prince george's county police department gave us this answer and says school zone speed limits are enforced every monday through friday 6:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m. even when school isn't in session. in fairfax county though flashing lights around the school zones indicate whether or not the speed limit is enforced. so if the lights are flashing that means the school zone speed limit is being enforced. in d.c. many school zones have times that indicate when the speed limit is enforced. if there is no time indication the speed limit is 15 miles per hour during recess, opening, and closing school hours. to find out the rules in your jurisdiction simply contact your local police department. but it's kind of interesting that it's different from place to place. >> that's good to know. i think i assumed that school -- >> had to be in session. >> yes. >> our next question comes from jenna in north bethesda. jenna wants to know, she says she knows the old fashioned 800
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toll free numbers and wants to know which other numbers are now toll free. >> not just 800 anymore. the fcc gave us this answer. it reminds us that toll free numbers do allow callers to reach businesses or individuals without being charged for the call. the charge for the toll free call is paid by the called party so for example it's free for a customer if you're calling a business. now, the toll free codes in use right now are 800, 888, 877, 866, and 855. and toll free numbers are assigned by the way on a first come first serve basis to those providers who want to use the service. so we're getting a few more in there. >> expanding the data base. >> yeah. >> our last question comes from rita in arlington. she says she went to file a change of address with the postal service online and it's charging her a $1 fee. she wants to know why. >> how come? usps gave us this answer. it says the change of address may be filed online, over the phone, through the mail, or in person at your local post office. however, if you do choose to file over the internet or on the
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phone, the usps requires a dollar verification fee. this fee allows it to make sure you have the right to change the address and if you prefer not to pay the fee, you can print and mail your change of address form or go to the post office and complete the form in person. so it's a little safety maneuver for them. if you have a question you'd like us to consider for ask liz send it to ask liz at nbc and also connect with me on twitter. just search liz crenshaw. and on facebook by searching liz crenshaw's consumer watch. coming up on ask liz on news 4 at 5:00 tonight how do you keep the super bowl parties safe? why does michael's require you to show a photo i.d. when you're making a return? and can you use energy efficient light bulbs in your electric oven? >> wow. >> find out at 5:00. >> my goodness. >> it is a good question, right? didn't know the answer to that one. >> thanks, liz. jim? >> thank you both. coming up on news 4 at 4:00 the super bowl of eating. a chicken wing competition. plus why queen elizabeth began a
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long process of planting trees today. and i'm wenldy rieger. coming up on news 4 at 5:00 school officials are warning about a game that sent several students to the hospital. this game is so dangerous it could have killed them. before the super bowl there is the puppy bowl. we'll tell you the puppy's predictions about the big game on sunday. tonight at 6:00 a new twist in that mystery illness that's left dozens of teenage girls suffering from symptoms of what seem to be like
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does this happen at your house? indy has the super bowl but philly has the wing bowl. what a mess. the 20th annual competitive eating competition took place well before sunrise at the wells fargo center. competitors stuffed themselves with pounds of chicken wings as thousands of spectators watched, some in horror. the winner of today's contest, well known competitive eater kobayashi. he managed to eat, get this, pat, 337 chicken wings in just a half hour. >> wow. >> he also took home $20,000 bucks. >> he must have been hungry that day. >> mm-hmm. queen elisabeth spent time outside today planting trees to kick off the huge celebration across the pond. the project is aiming to plant 6 million trees across the country
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and it's to help mark the 60th anniversary of queen elisabeth's ascension to the throne. everyone in britain will have the day off june 5th to celebrate her majesty's 60th anniversary as queen of england. >> still to come on news 4 at 4:00 are more doctors prescribing adhd meds or are parents to blame? parents to blame? the never in my lifetime did i think i could walk 60 miles in 3 days. if my mom can fight and beat breast cancer, i can walk 60 miles. (woman) the fund-raising was the easiest part. people were very giving. complete strangers wanting to help. i knew someday i was gonna do this walk. if i can do this, you definitely can do this. we can do this. we can all do this together. (man) register today for the...
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and receive $25 off your registration fee. because everyone deserves a lifetime.
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a recent op-ed in the "new york times" set off a heated debate about the causes of attention deficit hyperactivity disorder. a psychologist is questioning what role parents play in the development of adhd in their children and whether kids are being over medicated. nbc's dr. nancy snyderman explains. >> he was all over the classroom during circle time. he used to spin on his knees. he used to roll around on the floor. >> at age 6 nancy and david's son brendan was diagnosed with adhd. >> 1 and 3. >> is? >> 4. >> very good. >> that's easy. >> reporter: he has been taking a modified version of ritalin almost daily for the past ten months. >> it's like night and day. he can't interact with his peers as well when he is not medicated. he can't listen to instructions. >> reporter: but in a recent
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"new york times" op-ed psychologist alan srove questioned whether medications like ritalin and adarol are over prexribld. >> i'm not saying no children should be on medication but i am entirely skeptical that the 3 million children currently on medication should be. >> reporter: he also suggests family stresses play a role in behavior issues seen in some children diagnosed with disorders like a.d.d. he writes, for example, a 6-month-old baby is playing and the parent picks it up quickly from behind and plunges it in the bath. such practices excessively stimulate and also compromise the child's developing capacity for self-regulation. >> i think the trouble with that article was the fact that it continues a heritage we have in this country of blame and shame. to suggest that if they didn't pick up their baby correctly at 6 months old, that somehow that
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could cause a brain disorder that would require their child to take medicine. psychiatric illness is different than that. >> this idea that adhd is an inborn brain disease and the only way to help these children is with medication. all scientists know genes and environment interact. >> reporter: as for brendan's parents they disagree and feel genetics played a primary role in their son's adhd. >> it's not bad parenting. i'm sure there are kids that are badly behaved because their parents are bad parents. that doesn't mean that the badly behaved kids are adhd. >> and that's news 4 at 4:00. news 4 at 5:00 starts right now. a major reversal. the susan g. komen foundation back tracks on its decision to pull funding from planned parenthood. and good evening. welcome to news 4 at 5:00.
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i'm wendy rieger. >> i'm jim handly. we'll have more on the developing story in a bit but first the weather. we've had a good old week but get ready for big changes can you say wintry mix? chief meteorologist doug kammerer is tracking a storm heading our way. doug? >> i could say that, wendy. you'll hear that term actually a lot over the next couple hours because i do think some areas are going to see that wintry mix. it's not going to be a big snowstorm for us. it is going to be mostly rain in many areas but some locations could pick up a mixture of rain, maybe some snow, maybe some sleet, too, as we make our way in toward the weekend. out there right now though we are ending our friday and really our week on yet another gorgeous note. we have 50 degrees currently with plenty of sunshine out there. winds out of the northwest about 6 miles per hour. it is another glorious afternoon. we've seen some fantastic temperatures this week but we also are going to see those cool down. as we make our way through the next couple days. storm 4 radar right now not showing anything across our region but watch what happens when we move out to a


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