tv Today NBC February 7, 2012 2:05am-3:05am EST
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captions paid for by nbc-universal television hello, everybody. it's fun day monday, the 6th of february, also known as the day after the super bowl. and the day before the ticker tape parade here in new york. >> new york! >> what a game. >> people were up 5:00 a.m. already selling these shirts at model's. 5:00 a.m. apparently these are going to be the hot ticket. >> well, of course.
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we want to thank everybody in the boston area for letting us celebrate just a little bit. it was a great game, wasn't it? >> well, even if you just watched like the last ten minutes of the entire super bowl, you really got to see it all because there's always that moment when you think to yourself this game could go one way or the other way. eli manning threw that great catch to manningham, i think, the guy -- look at us. >> manningham. manning to manningham. easy to remember. what's his first name? mario manningham. >> just showing off because you're married to a legend. >> i just read it in the paper this morning. first time i knew it was mario. >> that last pass, tom brady, crazy pass at the last second, watching it bobble up in the air and thinking this could be the game changer. >> and it wasn't. >> wasn't. >> yeah. you know, right before that, they got a close-up on tom brady's face. and he looked -- it looked --
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you could -- it was like -- he realized with the clock the way it was it was not going to happen. >> i like more cutaways of the family members. >> you want to know what gisele thinks. >> i want to see gisele or eli's mom or wife right in that moment. drama. yes. i want to see that. because i feel it and i don't always need to see the coach because we know what they're feeling. i want to see the family wringing their hands. >> i'm with you. when somebody's singing the anthem, i like to see the person singing the anthem, not all -- they didn't show kelly clarkson -- >> she killed it. >> she killed it. she was so great. ♪ o, say does that star-spangled banner yet wave ♪ ♪ o'er the land of the free and
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the home of the brave ♪ >> so great. >> she stuck pretty much to the melody and sang her heart out. awesome. >> madonna's halftime show got a little bit of mixed reviews. >> everything i was reading they were saying how fantastic it was. i thought it was not very exciting. >> this is my take on it. when i watched her, i remember she said in her news conference before she was extremely nervous. >> yes. >> something about vulnerability you like. then had that stumble up in the bleachers. >> yeah. >> well, anyway, when i was watching, i thought she didn't dress -- she dressed, like, i don't know, i thought she should. i loved lmfao, these guys. this is where it got a little controversial. nicki minaj shows up on her left and then m.i.a.
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people were like -- >> she was not missing in action, that's for sure. yeah. there's some controversy about the fact she said a curse word and gave a certain finger gesture. and i didn't see it. >> it's the one on the right. >> i think a lot of people didn't know who she was, quite frankly. i know a lot of people know her, but many were like, who's the one with -- >> you felt maybe she needed to do something -- >> i don't know that was -- okay. we got it. >> i never heard of her before, but that's not unusual for me. you know, i love that kind of music so much. >> you rock out to it. >> i do. the nfl accused nbc, the nbc accused the nfl. forget it. the game is going to have the highest ratings probably ever, ever, ever. >> ever. >> it was good for madonna. she's got a tour coming up, a new album, a movie. >> if you stuck around after the game and you watched "the voice," you were in for a treat. but they had one kind of funny commercial and it was all the judges of the voice, you know the ideas the judges are looking
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for the right singer. >> right. >> in this one commercial all the judges are chasing after this singer and there's this explosion in a hotel. did you see this? >> no. >> let's watch. >> oh. it's about time somebody wanted me for my voice and not my body. >> the battle to find the voice begins right after the super bowl. >> my eyes are up here. >> on nbc. >> once again, she -- >> you know what, she steals it. >> she does. >> just showing up and being who she is. love her to pieces. >> can we talk about this for a second. then we'll get to the weekend. we have to show this because it is rare we have so many magazines that we're not involved in at all. but guess who is. >> cassidy. >> your girl cassidy. >> her first cover. >> i have to say she looks gorgeous on the front.
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but check out this picture. come on. >> she is. she is such a sweetie. >> looks absolutely gorgeous. >> i like in her interview what she says because she's an 18-year-old girl and sometimes they don't make much sense. >> love who you are, surround yourself great people and have faith so you can build a foundation. this is truly her and how she is. and if you happen to pick up teen vogue, hello. >> kylie on the cover of that one. but then this. >> yep. >> she's got a thing coming out this week. it's called growing up hollywood. it's on the e channel. and it premieres tomorrow night at 8:00 p.m., 7:00 central. let's take a listen. >> and i just think it's so funny because they know so many details about me. i'm just so grateful for that. >> i have two children. one of them is perfect and it's not cody. half angel and talent. she knows what she wants to do with her life. when she first told me she wanted to be an actress, i said,
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cass, i think it's a noble profession. >> it's a big week for her. >> fun. >> so nice to her over at e! >> and she was on page 6. >> i know. then she stayed home and studied for tests all weekend long. she's doing all of that as a full-time student too, and that's hard. but anyway, it was a fun weekend for frank and i. frank and me? yeah. we went up to western massachusetts where a dear friend of ours, mike kittridge, was celebrating his 60th birthday. you all know him from yankee candle. he was the founder and creator of yankee candle. sold it a long time ago and now it's a new company called kringle candle. anyway, we'll get to that in a little bit. >> what are you people doing? >> we had so much fun. look at these. singing my brains out. that's his architect, john kuhn
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i believe it's pronounced and mike on the right. mike is an unbelievable guitarist and singer. they have this lodge and frank and i -- >> crazy. >> that was friday night. want to wish him a great happy birthday. but he's the kind of guy, you know, you hear so much about how terrible the economy is. when he started crinkle candle in massachusetts, a sleepy little massachusetts town. you go there now, he's put 150 people -- he's changed the entire town. >> right. >> everybody's got a job. everybody's working there. >> right. >> i went last spring. >> yeah. >> and we don't have time. >> really don't. >> phenomenal restaurant there called the farm table. they grow all the food and the animals, the whole thing. genius. they've come out with a man's fragrance line. don't these look like -- >> gorgeous. gorgeous fabric. >> very manly. they all have different scents. they're only known by their number. >> that smells great. >> you may pick one for james. >> oh. >> and i have one for you, donny deutschman. yes. >> i'm taking this one. >> i love that one. >> you have to do your favorite thing.
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we're running out of time. >> if you want a workout shirt that fits like a glove and is flattering, under-armour. >> you love this. >> it feels like butter. they're v-neck. >> oh, my gosh. >> do you not love the fabric? the texture. come here. you can try it on. i'm telling you, they fit every woman in the right way. >> cute. >> they're 40 bucks and worth it. >> they look like they hold up in the wash really well because boy can you sweat. nice, nice, nice. sara, what have you got? >> i'm obsessed with personalized necklaces and stuff. i found one for my mom over christmas at this company that means three sisters. it's about $65. hard to find something gold without spending a gazillion. i've gotten them for my sister and dear friends. >> tres soeurs. i had italian in my ear. >> french. okay.
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thank you. >> joy bauer, remember she promised she would jump rope through an entire show if we reached the goal of whatever it is, 25,000 pounds? >> well, we went over it. >> she's going to do it. she's been jumping for nine minutes. we'll keep checking in to make sure she's not cheating. >> this is hard. >> yes, it is. >> nope, you cannot stop during commercials. you have 50 minutes to go. >> good luck, joy. >> thank you. >> we have the joy fit club. how is she going to do it? >> i don't know. how is she? >> during the joy fit club. >> time for our fan of the week. >> okay. >> yeah. this week it's kelly from elkhart, indiana, who watches on channel 16. her favorite part of the show is "today's talk" because she loves to hear your stories, opinions, ideas, what's going on with your life. she's had some health difficulties this year but the show helped keep her positive and offered a much-needed distraction. congratulations. sending you and a friend to san antonio, texas.
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>> we were there. >> the trip includes a three night stay at the a hotel, spa treatments for two, a barge cruise along the river walk, an alamo helicopter tour for two, one breakfast and dinner, passes to seaworld and six flags as well as roundtrip air fare for two. the package is provided by remember to log in. >> yes. >> terrific. all right. end up going somewhere great. coming up, we'll talk about the super bowl commercials that everybody's talking about. >> then country star dirk bentley is here. >> singing a new tune. ♪
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♪ the sunbeams that shine ♪ they're yours, they're mine ♪ ♪ and love can come to everyone ♪ ♪ the best things in life are free ♪ - i close my eyes, i open them. - and this has been happening since the accident? [piano music] - yeah. - your mind created an entire reality where your wife survived in one and your son in the other. - detective britten, the reality is that you can't tell whether you're asleep... - hannah! - or awake at this very moment. - yes, i see my wife when i close my eyes. i open them, and i see my son. the thing is, it all feels completely real to me. whether you watched the super bowl for the games or the commercials, chances are today you'll be spending more time talking about the ads than the plays. >> when advertisers pay more than a half million dollars for a 30-second spot, they better pay off.
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here with some of the top picks of the night are donny deutsch, deutsch, inc., and rebecca. hello, everybody. >> so people are talking. that's all they want to talk about. we know who won the game. who won the ad campaign thing? >> they all sucked. no. >> you actually said that to me earlier. >> i did not. i'm kidding. >> you had a couple of your own. >> i thought chrysler was fantastic, clint eastwood, deutsch l.a. did for volkswagen. >> let's show man's best friend, the one that was the number-one commercial according to voters. ♪ ♪ >> that was kind of effective
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but not nice to cats. >> they didn't get the gag in it. a dog trying to bribe a human. humans always trying to bribe dogs. very funny. >> glad you explained it to me. what about the dog concept? >> they're heroes. dog versus celebrities. i think as a country we're going more back to basic, kind of a little tired of celebrities so that was interesting. >> it shows dogs tend to do better than celebrities. >> dogs, babies, pretty women. >> that was cute with the little dog beating out the great dane. >> this one's yours, donnie, i think. this is the vw ad with the chunky dog? is that yours? >> yes. >> let's watch that one. >> or not. >> let us tell you about it. >> here it comes. ♪
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♪ get up off of that thing get up off of that thing and dance ♪ ♪ sing it now get up off of that thing and dance until you feel better ♪ ♪ woof feel good >> "star wars," which is kind of obviously -- >> the cafe. >> a nod to last year's darth vader ad, with tremendous success. the guys at volkswagen did a fantastic job. >> a great job feeding the ad out before the game. >> we had the dog here. and there's video of him getting in his fat suit because it was a fat suit he was wearing. >> you got to use all the medias. you have to take advantage of the social medias, the youtubes of the world. that's when the $3.5 million makes sense. the smart advertisers did that. >> do people buy more, donnie?
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>> you can't make a straight line. people don't run out from these or any other ad. it becomes part of the consciousness, builds awareness, makes you feel better about a brand. otherwise there would be no advertisers because people don't react that way. >> on a scale of 1 to 10, how did you think -- >> i didn't think it was one of the best years. >> i loved the ads before the game. jerry seinfeld. the videos we watched over and over. >> because people had seen them before? >> you have to be careful you don't oversaturate before because people want the surprise factor. what are you mad about me about? >> no, that's for us after. >> no worries. >> interesting you guys didn't talk about, i thought there was a very sexist ad from teleflora, where it basically said you buy a woman flowers, do right by her, she'll do right by you. >> this is different. >> you guys know i'm very kind
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of like puritanical so i was insulted by this. but it literally said, you know, if he scratches your back, you'll scratch his. >> we get it. we get it. >> you guys are women. that wasn't bad? >> the teleflora ads from years ago, insulted women, you thought that was okay. >> martina mcbride tweeted last night, this is the most sexist ad ever. >> i was really surprised with that ad. >> you're in trouble. >> let's do it on air. >> no, no, no. >> you don't want to. >> oh, yeah. to nashville. dirk bentley introduces his special little girl on his new cd. yes.
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yes. yes. noooo! [ male announcer ] yep, subway broke the 200-calorie breakfast barrier. with delicious fresh fit mornin' melt breakfast sandwiches. subway. eat fresh. 2:30 in the afternoon, a lot to do, and you've hit the wall. but you got to get stuff done. so take 5-hour energy. just open it up, knock it back, and roll up your sleeves.
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5-hour energy is faster and easier than coffee. man, does it work. you'll get that alert, energized feeling you need to get stuff done. a lot of stuff. wow. look at you go. 5-hour energy. when you gotta get stuff done. - they've grown closer... but how do you have a relationship in the middle of this? - it's gonna be okay. you've just got to trust me. - nsvu, wednesday, 10:00/9:00 central, on nbc.
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his new hit "am i the only one" off "home." you're not home that often. >> no. >> we're glad you're here with us again. congratulations. >> thank you. >> thank you. well, this cd is really a labor of love. you worked so hard on getting the right mix of songs, right? >> i did. every record you make, the one after is a little more important than the one before and you put a little more time into it trying to hone in on your sound and make it interesting for your fans. feel pretty good about this one. >> last thing you want to be is a one-hit wonder but after the eighth number one, doesn't it just get a little old? >> no. it's better every time. you take less for granted. just being here with you guys is amazing, so much fun being in the city and having a chance to celebrate the record coming out tomorrow. i'll go to the store and pick it up. >> people are saying it's the best cd of your career. do you agree with that? >> yeah. one of my top seven favorite. >> am i the only one -- that
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song caught on with people. >> yeah. >> something about that one. what was it? >> just fans. sometimes you write songs that are a little more heavy, like "home," a patriotic thing. but fun songs, the crowd breaks free, pretend they're in the bahamas because you can't go to the bahamas. >> beautiful. look at your different haircuts. i like the short one, the one you've got going now. you're rocking it. >> change it up from time to time. tv, a lot easier. >> you were in indy and performing there. how was that? >> i was cold. there was a week of shows leading up to the super bowl and they were outside. it was, like, 17 degrees on stage. i had, like, six layers of clothing on, walked out like the michelin man. >> fans don't care. >> no, beers raised in the air going crazy. all about the fans. the interaction of our fans for a live show. makes us go crazy. >> what's fun, it's been a little family affair with you and your youngest daughter, ebby, right? >> yeah. she loves music and singing and
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dancing around the house and being in the studio. i'm so busy that whenever i get a chance to bring her to the studio or do something with me on the road, i always grab the girls. >> she's on this cd a little. >> she is. i was up on the road about eight days straight and in washington, d.c., for my birthday. i was alone in a hotel room, pretty lonesome. and my wife and producer sent me a video clip of her singing one of my songs back to me. it was so painful. it wasn't like this is a good thing. it was, like, ouch. >> you missed her. >> but she ended up kind of making it onto the track in the record and we kept it there. she's in the album. >> she was on stage with you last week. >> yeah. it was a really special show. she was in the wings and i brought her out for a song. >> we wish you great success. >> we love you. >> you're singing tomorrow on the show. >> back here tomorrow. >> yeah. >> thanks, sweetheart. still to come, all the news that has hollywood buzzing. >> plus what you really get when
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you order those valentine's day flowers online. i don't think you get the model. >> no. and the 47-year-old mom who lost more than 200 pounds. and joy is still jumping. >> good for her. >> we think. >> go, go, go! so to save money, we actually just adopted a rescue panther. i think i'm goin-... shhh! we find that we don't need to sleep that much. there's an easier way to save. geico. fifteen minutes could save you fifteen percent or more.
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bid for the next fashion star. - any offers on the table for luciano? - and the designs you see today you can buy in stores tomorrow. - every week, you can wear the winner. - that is amazing! - fashion star. this march on nbc. - ♪ you make me feel good we're back on this fun day monday with "today's buzz" with super bowl details and demi moore. news coming, folks. >> here with the sizzling scoop is "huffington post's" celebrity writer, rob shuter. >> hello. >> just got back, four days with mark cuban and his network, hd net. i had a blast, went to every party but didn't go to the game. >> of course you did. >> tell us what it was like behind the scenes.
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who cares about the game anyway? >> tell us about madonna. >> the rumors are tricky. the rumors are she didn't even stay in indianapolis because the room they offered her was not suitable. she stayed in chicago and drove in for the show. >> okay. i read in the paper she had like 40 rooms or something. >> her people did. they were at the marriott, which was charging $1,500 a night at the marriott hotel. so her people were at the marriott next door to the stadium. but she herself couldn't find that presidential suite so she drove in. she's madonna. always about madonna. she knew the whole city was about her. what was fascinating is she did bring a new crowd of people to the super bowl. i actually spent a little i actually spent a little time with neal patrick harris, who was there. >> he came because of madonna. >> katy perry there because of madonna. people who don't know anything about football. >> how did her performance rate? i liked the part with cee lo at the end. >> they say there's not a secret
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left in the midwest. >> the most unattractive outfit. i really did. >> what i loved is the party girl turned into a queen. she entered with a crown on her head and did enter like very cleopatra. very grand. a lot of people were a little disappointed that there was a lot going on around her and maybe not much she was doing herself. >> there's manning and tom brady, another kind of scene stealer, quarterback. >> never seen anything like it. at the espn party and the place erupted -- i thought brad and angelina had arrived. >> but it was? >> tim tebow. sent the crowd into a frenzy. people couldn't get enough of him. he shook hands with everybody. so charming. took photographs. every girl in town was chasing tim tebow. >> including katy i hear. >> yes. katy perry also at the super bowl, her first concert.
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post split. she did it at a party and she was fantastic. she was. in the audience, madonna's daughter was there and tom cruise's son was there, too. >> a whole new generation. >> it was wild. she put on a great show and sang live. >> the anthem they usually prerecord. but it sounded like kelly clarkson -- >> she did it live. she tweeted she'd never been more scared in her life. >> it's terrifying. terrifying. >> last year weren't the black eyed peas live? they didn't sound good. >> they were. they synced to a little but kelly was totally live. >> she was sensational. >> tell me about demi moore. >> she has checked into rehab. the place she's reported to be is the circle lodge in utah. this is a very serious facility. it's not one of those hollywood
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places where you go to rest. it's a place you go to get well. >> good. >> she's reportedly there. she's disappeared, hoda. >> yeah. >> she -- she misses her daughters, whom she adores. >> she's always been a very, very good mom. >> great mom. >> thanks, rob. >> coming up, a great segment. sending flowers for valentine's day. we're going to show you what you get compared to what you order online.
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okay. so get this, americans will spend almost $2 billion on valentine's day flowers next week, and a lot of that spending will be done online. >> so we had one of our staffers order flowers from a bunch of different floral delivery companies to see what you order is what you get. right? >> let's find out. >> today's financial editor jean chatzky is here with the results. from what we can see, they vary. >> they do. they vary greatly. absolutely. >> you're going to order for valentine's day. get it out of the way. >> get it out of the way because
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prices will continue to probably go up. >> i'm fascinated by this segment. starting off with 1-800-flowers. they come in a big box. >> no. 1-800-flowers actually outsource to a local florist. they look very much like the flowers you see on the website. >> that's good because you'll probably get a fresh rose. >> yeah. i would give this company a good grade. >> okay. >> they get an a. next group. >> they send it directly to you. you don't get it from the local florist. in the picture they're tightly together. >> if you cut them down, it would be better. >> well, that's what they say. because each order is styled by the recipient we prefer to ship flowers at longer length to allow for maximum design, creativity.
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the consumer benefit fifth is longer lasting. our product does require some involvement. yes. i should point out these were all delivered on saturday. so these are already two days old and, you know, you should take that into consideration. >> pretty good. >> let's move on down the line. >> again, these come directly from pro flowers. you'll notice here we had a couple of not so great flowers. >> yeah. >> unfortunate. this one's drooping. this one looks like a bite maybe was taken out of it. >> okay. >> pro flowers said they apologize. orders are backed by a seven-day freshness 100% satisfaction guarantee. >> they give you some more. >> they would probably do something about it. that's good to note. if you're unhappy with any of these things, call immediately. >> because you'd never use them again. if you get them, don't call and say the flower was wilted and the other -- >> yes. >> let's go to the empty -- there's a reason this is -- >> everyone has a story.
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>> this is complicated. >> tell us. >> this is from ftd. we were told our original request was not available so we ordered something else, the blooming masterpiece. it went missing. ray in props followed up on that missing order that he paid for by personal credit card and was told the order was canceled and no information given. then we told them we were from nbc news and we got some flowers a little later in the day. in fairness to the other companies, because these didn't arrive on time, we chose not to show that bouquet. >> they sent something else after. >> they say they cancelled the original and issued a new order number but delivery took place later in the day than we would have liked. they apologize it was not delivered earlier in the day but during peak holiday periods this occasionally happens. so there you go. >> okay. >> there you go. there you go. and finally --
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>> these look beautiful. >> these are the ones we're all walking around saying if we got flowers we'd want these. >> teleflora. >> they actually were originally delivered to the wrong address. these come from a local florist. but they quickly remedied the situation, got them here in the time frame. look beautiful. just like the picture. >> are these the ones that the sexy ad? >> they are. >> oh. >> they are. >> it is the sexy ad. >> are they all comparable in price? >> pretty much. they all were around $100, some a little less, some a little more. >> thanks to your investigation, jean chatzky. it's the thought that counts. >> up next, joy fit club inducts a member who is quite the inspiration. good morning. i'm meteorologist crystal egger with the weather channel. walk ug through the next week here, whether or not we have big whether changes on the way,
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let's see what's in store. this storm is going to be a quick mover. there will be lighter snow amounts, an inch or less. that does include the chicago area. on the south side rain, mostly dry across the northeast. thunderstorm down into florida where temperatures are still in the upper 70s and low 80s for daytime highs. the colder air up here and minneapolis at 24 degree, tracking the next system which will move into the west impacting california. we have scattered showers on the way including witness in socal. rain pushing through seattle. across the east brings light snow into louisville. we don't expect any accumulation but a little taste of winter as we get through your work week. 28 in minneapolis on wednesday, 37 in chicago. behind the system notice how much colder it gets in new york city. we're only going to be in the upper 30s.
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however, near 70 and rebounding there in los angeles. rain in an active pattern across the south, including southern texas and into new mexico. a few scattered snow showers around the northern lakes. otherwise pretty quiet on thursday. by friday the snow springs through the interior of the northeast and more rain across southern texas. we'll take what we can get, right? 36 in denver. sure has felt like winter. temperatures will be a reminder of that. new york city, a weak clipper pushing in around the lakes and will hang there again on sunday. dry across the southeast. you can always get the latest weather updates every weekday morning 6 a.m., "wake up with al." when they have more energy than i do. when i don't feel like working out. when there isn't enough of me to go around. ♪ when i have school. and work. every morning.
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it's faster and easier than coffee. every afternoon when that 2:30 feeling hits. -every day. -every day. every day is a 5-hour energy day. [ male announcer ] 5-hour energy. every day. ♪ $5 ♪ $5 footlong [ male announcer ] februany's on! any regular footlong™ is a $5 footlong™... all day long. subway. eat fresh®.
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is a $5 footlong™... all day long. - don't get caught in her web. - oh, that kind of spider. - ♪ and the itsy bitsy spider went on to kill again ♪ - i'm not a spider fan. - [hisses] - new grimfriday, 9:00/8:00 central, on nbc. look at me now. >> look at joy bauer go. >> go, go, go! >> she's been doing this because she said she would do it for the
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entire hour if we went -- if we met our goal. >> of 25,000 pounds, and we did. so we are going to induct our newest member into the joy fit club. she's a 47-year-old stay-at-home mom from lubbock, texas, lost a whopping 221 pounds. >> her name is christy. let's take a look at her story while joy continues to jump rope. >> hi. my name is christy and i have spent most of my life fighting with my weight. for so many years, my weight won the fight. i grew up in an italian family and developed a love for cooking from my grandmother. after i had a baby in 1995, my weight soared. i was told by several doctors that my yo-yo dieting had caused my thyroid glands to stop functioning correctly and that i would probably have a difficult time losing weight. three years ago, i attended both my niece's sweet 16 party and a family union. when i looked at myself in the photos from those event, i could actually see the pain in my eyes. my weight had reached 325
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pounds. i realized i wanted to be free of the pounds that were preventing me from truly living my life. i decided my will was stronger than any diagnosis and i began counting calories, keeping a food diary and exercising. a year and a half later i had lost a total of 221 pounds. i still love to cook and i spend lots of time in the kitchen, but now my relationship with food is a love affair and not a fight. nothing is stronger than a strong will. and nothing, nothing tastes as good as thin feels. >> oh, wow. >> before we bring her out, we're going to talk to joy, who's hyperventilating. >> i'm going to try to get this out. this is a phenomenal transformation, really. i think one of the things that really stood out to me, is breakfast. before she had 400 calories worth, which is not that much. >> right. >> of pure carb. >> cream cheese. >> it made her hungry an hour
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later. now she has a high-protein, nonfat greek yogurt with fiber-filling fruit so it keeps her full for hours. >> i love it. you run half marathons and you're hyperventilating. this is a difficult exercise. >> i had no idea how tough jump roping was going to be. saturday morning one hour long i thought. five minutes in i was gasping. >> amazing. >> here's christy's before picture. all right. christy, let's see the new you! >> wow. >> whooo! >> that is just not possible. >> but it is. >> a year and a half? >> year and a half. >> that's it? >> yes. >> didn't just fall off. >> started doing the right things? >> yes. i ate very little and tried to eat all the right things and exercise. the pounds fell off. >> the doctors were wrong about your thyroid. >> yes. >> you showed them. >> good. >> i like how you said it turned into a love affair.
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you're fighting with food versus a love affair. everything changed. >> i loved to cook and i didn't want to let that change. you know, you have to be. >> how about exercise like what joy's doing? do you do some? >> every day. >> she's going to join me. >> yeah. jump for joy. >> she doesn't have sneakers. >> congratulations. >> this is miraculous story. >> i'm almost done! >> spring's must haves for all you fashionistas coming up.
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- it's gonna be okay. you've just got to trust me. - nsvu, wednesday, 10:00/9:00 central, on nbc. get out your notepads. time for "today's style" and all those buzz-worthy trends for spring. >> people's style, miss kate bennett. >> hi, kate. >> how are you? >> doing well. >> we have new trends. >> we do, indeed. if you're going to take one thing away today it's color. >> good. >> very welcome this time of year. >> one interesting color i wasn't aware of, this mint green color we have on our first lovely model. >> what could be fresher? pastels in general are very big. as you can see in this look on lauren, mixing pastels is also a trend. but if you're only getting one item in a pastel color, mint green feels so fresh.
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>> fresh. >> any age can wear mint green? >> yeah. absolutely. >> come on. >> you might not do it in a jean, but i will find you a pant. >> all right. >> big bold colors you said are in. we're looking at bernadette. she's got a great yellow on. >> doesn't she look amazing? >> with the red shoes. >> i know. right? we went for it. >> sure. >> but again, bright colors are super duper important and yellow is a real standout. that just feels really new. and this is a great dress. i love length of this dress, too, on bernadette. >> sort of "mad men." >> exactly. this is a very chic length as well. so overall great look. >> okay. we move one down and we have this interesting hem. >> high-low. high-low. i heard people calling it a mullet hem line. but isn't it great? >> very feminine, i think. >> we love the at people style watch because it's very flirty. and this skirt is from forever
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21 so it's less than $20. >> oh, my gosh. >> jump in this trend and not spend a lot of money. what's really lovely about this is it's great for going out at night but, you know, you could wear this pretty much any time. i love another big trend in makeup is going back to the smoky eyes. >> good. >> but this time with a little bit of a metallic sheen to it. >> okay. >> we didn't talk about bernadette's lip color. >> the red lip, super duper big. what bernadette's wearing, christian dior, a little bit of an orange tinge to it, but anybody can wear it. you just have to find the shade that works for your skin tone. >> let's look at our -- sorry, sweetie. >> thank you, ladies. >> love that skirt. you can leave that in my dressing room. thank you. >> the shades. >> a real '50s moment is happening. >> i think it's just -- you know -- >> it looks awful on me. >> let's do it. >> it's a little cooler, '50s. >> this is a great way to get a
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little touch of that into your wardrobe. both glasses are great price points. >> okay. >> just a way to dip your toe in. >> look at that jewelry. >> isn't this gorgeous? >> blue-green ocean-inspired jewelry. a great example was that amazing necklace heidi klum wore to the golden globes. >> i loved that. that was beautiful. >> that is kind of the look we're going for here, this sort of little bit ocean feeling. >> we have 30 seconds. this ankle strap, it mixes things. >> here's a great way to try it. these are both from 9 west but a skinnier ankle, any hesitation, a skinnier ankle strap will work for you probably better. however, this wide ankle strap, it's just very sexy. adds a little shot of sexiness to any look you have going. >> and these bags. >> this is your go-to bag, a boxy shape but the great shoulder strap that makes it a little more functional. >> okay. >> excellent. thank you very much.
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>> before we say good-bye, we want to give joy a pat on the back she deserves. she's jumped for almost an entire hour. she's jumping right now. this is because we lost 26,000 pounds. >> see you tomorrow. >> steve: from studio 6b in rockefeller center, the national broadcasting company presents -- tonight's guests are -- and featuring the legendary roots crew. and here he is -- jimmy fallon! [ cheers and applause ] captions paid for by nbc-universal television -- captions by vitac -- ♪ [ cheers and applause ]
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