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tv   News 4 at 4  NBC  February 8, 2012 4:00pm-5:00pm EST

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>> i'm with craig small wood, a plow driver here in fairfax county, you you have one of those -- [ horn honking ] >> i love that sound. how long have you been out here? >> six hours. >> how much salt do you have in this truck? >> between four and six tons. >> how much have you spread so far? >> haven't put any down, wither ready for it. >> what are the roads like? >> not bad, not bad. >> how long are you going to be here, craig? >> till here tomorrow some time. >> you are in for the long haul? >> absolutely. >> all right. let's get outside now and take a look at what is going on. we are at route 7 and barren
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cameron avenue here in fairfax county. you can see we are getting sort of a mixture of -- a little bit of snow, a little bit of rain, but whatever comes down, it's turning into water when it hits the roadway. so far, it is not a big deal but as it gets colder tonight, it could be some concern later on tonight. you know when we mention snow, you know what happens at the grocery store. we are seeing a little bit of a different thing, a different attitude at the store in this storm. we will talk about that at 5:00. and one other thing, i got to tell you about, pat and jim, for years, for decades, i have been using this trusty old snow stick. tonight, tonight we are gonna debut the brand-new official pat collins snow stick, coming up at 5:00. >> wow. >> so stick around. we have got a lot to talk about.
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a lot to show you. and who knows, maybe we will have something we can measure. >> of course we are sticking with you always. that one's going to the smithsonian, right? [ horn honking ] >> don't you just love that? i love that sound. >> for good measure. >> ever ready. >> see you at 5:00. >> all right. pat collins, thank you, pat. turning to presidential politics right now, there are two big headlines today in the race for the white house. rick santorum suddenly on a roll. and a contraceptive controversy could become pivotal in the campaign. steve handlesman explains how both issues are connected. >> amen. >> reporter: in texas today, pastors put their hands on the candidate they pray has new life in the race for the white house. rick santorum. and he does. after his trim win last night in colorado, minnesota and missouri, santorum is claiming he would be stronger than mitt romney in the fall. >> we need someone who has got a strong record to go up against president obama on the biggest
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big government issues of the day. >> reporter: suddenly, it looks like that issue is birth control. and the new obama rule that religious affiliated organizations like colleges and hospitals must include birth control in their health care coverage. the catholic conservative santorum is leading the push back. >> and we have seen the assault by this president on just that, the freedom of people of faith to go out and live their faith every day. >> reporter: he got help from republicans in washington. >> this attack by the federal government on religious freedom in our country must not stand. >> this is not a women's rights issue. this is a religious liberty issue. >> reporter: the white house say it had is a women's issue and the president won't bend. the commitment to make sure all american women, no matter where they work, have access to the same health care coverage and the same preventive care services, including contraception, is absolutely firm. >> reporter: the issue could hurt mitt romney. >> i worked to try to remove all
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of those mandated could have rance. >> reporter: but under romney care, his birth control rule in massachusetts was the same as the obama rule. senior romney aides say nothing has changed. he has still got a big lead in delegates and they say he will win the nomination. i'm steve handlesman, news4. after two days of extensive questioning, a jury is now seated and hearing testimony in the trial of the former university of virginia lacrosse player accused of killing his ex-girlfriend. this is video of george huguely arriving at the courthouse in charlottesville this morning. during opening statements, prosecutors told the jury that a few days before yeardley love's death, huguely sent her an e-mail that said "i should have killed you." the defense, meanwhile, offered a new theory. it says love divide asphyxiation and huguely had no intentions of killing her. love was found dead in her off campus apartment in 2010. hugely, of chevy chase is
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charged with first-degree murder. seven men and seven women were chosen to serve on the jury two are alternates. more on opening statement and the latest testimony in a live report on news4 at 5:00. a new program making more event for travellers to pass through security will be at major airports in our area by the end of the year. it is called the tsa precheck program. eligible travelers have the option of giving the government personal information so they can be checked before they fly. at the airport, they wouldn't have to remove their shoes or belts before boarding the plane. the program is expected to be at reagan national airport at the end of march. bwi and dulles by the end of the year. >> when we are looking for that need until a haystack, we are also working with traveler programs to try to reduce the size of the haystack. >> not all travelers are eligible. right now, open to some frequent flyers of american and delta airlines and certain members of
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the fee-based trusted traveler programs. you may have noticed a jump in prices at the pump. the cost of gas is rising around the nation and some analysts predict prices will get even higher by summer. jay gray tells us why. >> reporter: unfortunately, it has become a sign of the season, every spring, drivers forced to find more cash for a fill up. >> you can see for yourself it is $82. >> reporter: turns out there's several reasons the numbers are spinning a bit faster at the pump. >> prices rise based on an increase in demand, based on tightness of the petroleum markets and the whole process is really, you know, stressful on the system. >> reporter: stress that includes uncertainty in the middle east with renewed threats from around the block the straits of hormuz, the main shipping route for petroleum while other refineries are making the switch for summer blends. essentially running it through the system twice, more environmentally friendly, so it
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costs more to produce. >> reporter: friendly for the environment but not too nice on the wallet. the. >> keeps going up and up and up. i see it i put $20 in this truck a day adds up to $100 a week, $400 a morning, you do the math. it's tough. >> reporter: especially tough since there was no break to start the year. >> we started 2012 at a record high on january 1st compared to previous january 1st. just gotten worse since then. >> reporter: it is not likely to get any better any time soon. >> just cut back on other little areas and maybe the wife only gets six roses instead of 12 this year, you know? >> reporter: prices at the pump are expected to keep climbing until some time around memorial day. jay gray, nbc news. on wall street, stocks ticked up slightly as investors waited on news from the debt situation in greece. the dow wound up about 5 poundp higher, the s & p 500200 points
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higher on the day. if you thought beyonce's baby name was out of the blue robert downey jr.'s baby name takes the cake. and one-on-one with jimmy fallon for a fitness challenge. our get healthy for life report today explains the side effects and science of makeup and what can go wrong and cause you problems with your health. ♪ i've been wait october sunset, bills on my mindset ♪ ♪ i can't deny they are getting high ♪ >> he wrote "keep your head
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it's a boy for the star of "ironman" and "sherlock holmes." robert downey jr. car rointd celebrity tradition of coming up with a unique baby name. downey and his wife welcomed exton elias. exton could refer to locations in pennsylvania or the united kingdom that could be fitting since downey's older son, indio is named after a city in southern california. singer katy perry's divorce could have cost her millions, but according to tmz, russell brand doesn't want a cent. the couple never signed a prenup and perry earned significantly more than brand during their 14-year marriage atmz source reports brand could have walked away with $20 million but
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refused. ♪ keep your head up and you can let your hair down ♪ >> remember that? that singer, andy grammer, his hit single, "keep your head up", the first male start to reach the top five in adult pop radio in eight years and he is in town tonight, as part of nationwide tour. this morning, grammer told news4's barbara harrison about his unlikely path to stardom. >> so much fun, you know, i performed on the street for like three years, so to have a single that hit and be able to go across the country has been a dream. amazing. >> now, where did you grow up? >> i grew up in new york, actually, and then i moved and living in l.a. >> and you were a street performer for a while, is that right? >> for three years. >> and how did you make it doing that? >> you know, just actually get -- paid my rent, burned my own cds at kinkos and slung cds. ♪ fall to his niece, the sand castle sight begging you please ♪ >> the kinko's route. grammer will perform to a sold
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out audience tonight at the jama java music club in vienna, virginia, but promised to come back for another show in the very near future. late night talk show host jimmy fallon turned the white house into a playground. the comedian joined the first lady to promote the second anniversary of her let's moffittness campaign. take a look. >> we are going to start with a stair race. you ready to this? >> i was born -- [ "eye of the tiger" plays ] >> don't challenge her on pushups. mrs. obama and fallon took part in a series of fitness activities, including dodgeball. he took it in the face. tug-of-war and a potato sack race, my favorite u this is the picture. the first lady won all of those, by the way. this photo of bo licking jimmy fallon's face was taken during a
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break of filming last month. looking for valentine's day love? there is real science behind attraction, but as you will see in get hilty for life today there can be physiological consequences to your efforts to attract a potential mate. dr. jackie of family allergy and asthma care in gaithersburg is here. so, dr. jackie, many women, for many of them, the process of trying to attract a mate starts with makeup and with perfume. what does science say about what physically make someone attractive to someone else? >> basically in the end what we are all looking to do is keep the species alive what makes somebody attractive is the ability to know that they can make another baby, know that they are interested in caring for one, and that they seem to be interested in the whole process. >> all right. let's talk specifics, starting with the eyes, the windows to the soul, supposedly, we use mascara, we use eye shadow to
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make our eyes look better but what makes that work? >> what we are looking for is that sign that somebody is really interested is when somebody is attracted to another person, particularly in a sexual way, you will see that they will have dilated pupils, so you are trying to draw the attention to the eye and would you do that with a variety of different makeups, mascara and eye shadow and such. and sometimes, even back in the rep sans, they would use a chemical called bella donna that makes that black part of the eye even wider, gives that you doe-eyed look. >> what do we need to watch out for? >> the thing to worry about, drawing attention particularly with makeup to your eye, you end up getting an infiction and nothing is more attractive than that red, pussy eye. get rid of your eye shadows in a year. don't put anything on your eye too old to cause to you get an infection. >> blush makes us look healthy, right? >> does make you look healthy but that is not really the look that you are after. what we are talking about what
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we in the west see as beautiful, something again that means you are sexually interested and that is the flush of love. many women will experience this, that they will actually get a flush up their face and that's what the blush is really mimicking. >> okay. all right what are the most common problems caused by that? >> so i see this an awful lot, people will come in because they have a contact determine might 'tis and they will end up, instead of with a flush of love, they will end up with a rash of love and get this rash exactly where they apply the makeup. we can find out what it is by doing a contact allergy test and actually particularly say what the chemicals are and you will know to stay away from those. nothing like the rash of love. >> we know the lips are front and center, lots of lip shakes make your lips look full and lipsticks that stay on all day. >> right. >> good or bad? >> it is good it is doing your job. you are trying to bring attention to the ling, when somebody is sexually attracted, they will end up having these phillips. and that is what you are after.
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the bad part is they are drying and the lipsticks themselves, particularly the ones that are plumpers, they will cause an awful lot of edema or swelling and you can have pretty significant reactions to that. >> perfumes and colognes are popular. talk about the science there? >> you are really trying to work to fire off some neurons in your brain. literally when you smell, the smell goes from your olfactory nerve in your nose straight up to your brain. men tend to have that stimulated by sweet smells, there are some ancient cultures women would dust themselves up in sweet basil. women tend to be really attracted to scents like spices. it increases the blood flow. so they like those spices, which i suppose is why men's cologne like old spice are in existence. >> can we talk about muscles for a second? many men think women are attracted by muscles. studies see this is not necessarily the case. >> this interesting study at ucla, they lined up a bunch of photographs, overwhelmingly, the women did not pick up the
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muscles that were not overbound and certainly didn't pick the guy not developed at all, the goldilocks rule, the guy that was just right. if you end up getting too many muscles, that, too, can be a bad thing because they do tend to atrophy and then your skin gets saggy around where the muscles used to fill out the rest of your body. >> happy hunting. that dr. jackie. jim? >> nothing like a turnoff like pink eye. thank you, dr. jack kim that was fascinating. coming up on news4 at four, a new system is put in place in the big a toll keep hotel employees safe. how much snow are we going to get tonight? storm 4 meteorologist v
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we're gonna erase breast cancer once and for all. walking 60 miles... in three days. (woman) we're united. (woman) a family. (woman) a coming together of thousands. so at one has to suffer the agony of a loss. the agony of my loss. we're going to erase breast cancer once and for all. (woman) walking 60 miles. (woman) in three days. join us. (man) register today for the... and receive $25 off your registration fee. because everyone deserves a lifetime.
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welcome back inside. >> thanks a lot. a little wet from rain, not snow. >> where is it snowing? >> to the north of us. great images in from tom curran, hopefully i will get those in a bit, the ground, grassy area starting to become covered with smoker the mulch, too. around here, rain northwest d.c. so, i don't think we are going to get much of anything around the beltway. the thing is overnight, temperatures drop and it is going to get a little slick. the other thing, reduced
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visibilities, starting to already drop there. it is a look at our city cam, 37 degrees is the current temperature now, reagan national. we have got a light wind only at 5 miles an hour. finally see that wind move from a northerly to a northeasterly direction. that is what helped to give us more moisture feeding the storm system. so, where the white is, where the snow is. where the green is where the rain s even pockets of a little bit of moderate rain north there, charles county. in between, rain and snow mixed together. that is what we are seeing from the beltway, bethesda, d.c., leesburg, middleburgh, 15, a little bit of snow, gaithersburg and germantown 32 in those locations up to the north. freezing and just above freezing, martinsburg, 33 degrees. hagerstown, too. it is those areas, the northernmost counties that border pennsylvania, northside of there, that's where there could be maybe two inches of snow. for most of us, we might get an
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inch there good enough to see icy spots on area roads. area of low pressure you can the storm moves out. early tomorrow morning, already mostly clear sky throughout the area, we are expecting some sunshine throughout the day and a little bit of warming. so, any snow that does fall is gonna melt in a hurry tomorrow. meanwhile, for friday, too i think we will have lots of sunshine across the area and then we have got the approach of yet another weather system that will be coming our way for saturday and that means that saturday we could be looking at some more wintery-type weather. your evening forecast, area of rain and snow and some of those snowy areas, we could see it come down a moderate clip that means reduced visibility, not
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much coming us to, 32 to 37 degrees, light wind at 5 miles per hour tomorrow morning, chilly start for us, want to watch out for ice, means for parking lots, for sidewalks, for driveways, too, 24 to 31 degrees. by tomorrow afternoon, lots of sunshine, we will be cool, not cold, 42 to 46 degrees. let me show you the next four days, because it does include that wintery type of weekend, be 45 to 50 thursday and friday. the weekend, highs only in the 30s. that's one thing that has not changed. still advertising a very cold weekend with some flurries on saturday and some wind on sunday. so, maybe even windchills around freezing for sunday. maybe stay inside, drink something warm, watch a good movie weekend coming up. >> all right. we need that. >> thanks, veronica. still to come on news4 at 4:00, employees the hotels will soon get panic alarms. a social worker's 911 call is
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welcome back to news4 at four, i'm pat lawson muse. >> i'm jim handly. here's what's happen agent 4:30. winter finally returned to the renal, but right now, not leaving much of a mark so far. here is a live look what is happening so far in fairfax
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county. some areas are seeing rain, others flurries. for now, nothing seems to be sticking. no major problems reported from drivers. a new twist in the republican presidential race. rick santorum won all three nominating contests yesterday and he is using the sweep to boost his conservative credentials. his victories come as republicans press the obama administration on a controversial contraception ruling. the agency in charge of airport security is expanding a program that will allow some passengers to get through security easier it is called tsa precheck. passengers would give the government personal inform information prescreening. they won't have to remove their belts or the shoes at the airport. the three major airports in this area will be involved in the program by the end of this year. on wall street, stocks ended on a positive note but it was a flat note, as investors waited for news from the ongoing debt situation in greece. meanwhile, the dow industrials were closed five points higher.
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the nasdaq picked up 11 points and the s & p 500 ended with a gain of two. in washington state, funeral services will be held on saturday for the two young sons of susan powell, the missing utah would. >> the boys died after their father set the house on fire. >> miguel almaguer has our story. >> there was a man and two children. i just dropped off the children and he wouldn't let me in the door. >> reporter: the social worker who brought 7-year-old charlie and 5-year-old braden to their father, josh powell's home, immediately called 911. >> there's two little boys in the house and there's an adult man. he has supervised visitation and he blew up the house and the kids. >> reporter: from the beginning, it was clear this was no accident. >> and you think he might have done this intentionally? >> yes. >> reporter: police say powell planned the double murder a day before, purchasing ten gallons
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of gas, transferring $7,000 out of his bank account, giving away his children's toys. >> this is josh. i'm calling to say good-bye. >> reporter: powell then left this chilling voicemail with family and friends 20 minutes before he torched his home. >> i am not able to live without my sons and i'm able to go on anymore. i'm sorry to everyone i've hurt. good-bye. >> reporter: josh powell's sister was among the first who heard his message and called 911. she feared the worst had happened at her brother's home. >> i'm afraid of seeing something i don't want to see. >> reporter: in 2009, powell was named a person of interest in his wife, susan's, disappearance. he was never charged with a crime but in september, lost custody of his boys to susan's parents, allowed only supervised visits. this weekend, chuck and judy cox will bury their grandchildren.
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>> i think he was very selfish. that's why he took the kids. if he couldn't have them, no one could have them. >> reporter: with susan's disappearance still unsolved, tuesday night, investigators searched a storage unit represented by powell. >> if you got a storage shed, you know, we want to know what's in it. >> reporter: meantime, police say josh's father, steven, has been named a person of interest in susan's disappearance. he is in jail awaiting trial on child pornography charges. today, he is on suicide watch. >> steven will always be part of the investigation. we still have some questions and stuff we'd like to talk to him about. >> reporter: police say before his boys died in the fire, josh hit them both with a hatchet. jennifer graves is powell's estranged sister. >> the thought of those babies suffering, they must have, because they weren't dead when they -- when the explosion was done. they suffered and they died.
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>> that was miguel almaguer reporting. police say the social worker who brought the boys to the house and called 911 did everything she could. like many others connected to the case, she is now working with grief counselors. pat? hotel workers in new york will soon have a new measure of security. a new agreement gives them panic alarms to summon help in case of an emergency. officials say the move is not prompted by the case of a maid who accused the former head of international monetary fund of rape. that case was dismissed. the panic alarm's proposal is part of a labor contract set for a union vote next week. the rule would have to be implemented at hotels within a year. a woman who submitted nearly $10,000 worth of fake cancer treatment claims will spend close to nine years on probation. 52-year-old debra brown was sentenced tuesday in pennsylvania after pleading guilty to submitting the claims between 2006 and '08. the claims were for her
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husband's prostate cancer, even though he was cured after surgery in 2006. brown also submitted 29 fake claims for herself, even though she never had cancer. brown says she is addicted to pain killers but sobered up since her arrest last year and is remorseful. more to come this afternoon on news4 at four. children suffering from severe ocd. the cause may be strep throat. our special report straight ahead. plus, a day after a dog's rescued from
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some people use orbitz to book their plane tickets. >> that season, trying to book for spring. now you can use it for a lot more. wendy rieger joins us now with her app of the day. hey, wendy. >> hey there this is cool, for your iphone or ipad, it is the orbitz app. once you have it, you can book right off of your phone t is really easy. because it is so gloomy today, we decided to go to san diego. you hit that say when you want to check in and check out, how many people are going to be with you and then you hit it and i
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got all of these here on the left-hand side. so let's just take a look. let's stay at the w in san diego. it shows you where it is and then it comes up and this is cool, you can see all the different pictures, you can book it right now and you get 50 to 30% off and you can see up there in the right hand corner, it is kind of -- you see this room was originally $231, it is down to $154 for that night. let me look at a place, this one is kind of cool, the lodge at torrey pines. you can go up by star rating. this part is cool, you can look at the pictures, see it there, look at the pictures, this one is kind of cool looking, a golf course and originally 381, almost $400, now 305 for the night, two queen beds, book it right now, gives you the score and everything else. here is the other thing you can do, you can look at -- create different filters, what amenities do you need, what does it have to have that you're looking for? that is really cool. if you're some place and i think i need to get a hotel room
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tonight, not able to get out because it is snowing or anything like that it will use gps to find out where you are and tell you from the cheapest hotel to the one with the most stars and help you book right away. and again, the discount is built in to this, which is really cool. the orbitz app, back to you. >> thanks, wendy. >> we want to go to california now. >> let's leave now. coming up next on news4 at four, a homeowner finds a squatter inside their home and police find grenades. plus, a nightmare for parents when children suddenly become ocd. why doctors blame strep throat. and join us tonight on nbc washington nonstop. at 7:00, a nonstop valentine. get ready for valentine's day. checking out the romantic sweets and treats at bittersweet in
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it is coming down thought somewhere. >> right, somewhere. and sorry again with this storm system, another one of those storms, goes waaaa. just -- >> waa-waa. >> the system dies, don't get much of anything. icy spots for the morning rush. that is the issue we are going to have for tomorrow morning. i think right now, our roads are wet throughout the area. starting to see the snow accumulate, gaithersburg,
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germantown, up to the north, those are the locations that could get just under an inch of snow for southern areas of frederick county, southern carroll county, maryland, western faulkner county, could get the snow there the numbers you are looking at currently, these are the visibilities throughout the area, these are reduced up to the north, gaithersburg, leesburg, a half mile on that visibility. that is around maryland and martinsburg, half-mile visibility here where it's rain, around three to five months. not too bad. we take a look at thing, see how socked in we are getting, 37 degrees, reagan national, northeast wind at 5 miles per hour. so for d.c., we have got the rain, areas to the north, we have got the snow and by 9:00, i think we are just going to have clouds leaving the area with that snow tapering off. then the overnight period, we will clear out. tomorrow morning, upper 20s to around freezing that means some icy spots for 5, 6, 7 a.m.,
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temperatures get a chance to rise again above freezing. so, for tomorrow morning, afternoon, up to 45 degrees for a high temperature, 47, culpepper, fredericksburg, too and plenty of sunshine. here is a look at your future weathercast. by the time we get to midnight, again, all the way off to the east, baltimore, annapolis, areas far to the east might have a little bit of lingering snow, i really think it is going to be rain down here throughout lexington park and waldorf, maryland. as we clear out, that means again, temperatures a chance to drop. icy spots tomorrow morning. by the time all is said and done, i think we will have around an inch, maybe a little higher for those spots, just up to the north. here is a look at your four-day forecast, tomorrow, 45 your high, 50 degrees for friday. we have got two days of sunshine and of course, tomorrow, all that snow is going to melt but plenty cold for the weekend. 39 degrees the high on saturday, with probably falling temperatures and falling flurries, too then wind whipped and quite cold on sunday, a high
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of just 35 degrees. next week doesn't look like any major storms yet again. >> do your homework tonight. >> yes, do your homework tonight, although there might be some delays. might be some delays. especially up to the north in frederick county and howard county. >> okay. okay. thanks, veronica. almost everyone has had strep throat at some point a few days of antibiotics usually will do the trick. but doctors are finding that in some kids, strep bacteria may be causing obsessive compulsive disorder so severe, the children are barely able to function. doreen gentzler has our report. >> we thought it was a dream but it wasn't. >> reporter: it started four years ago when her then-10-year-old daughter, samant samantha, woke up in the middle of the night a totally different child. >> she wanted to touch everything. it was like a literal immediate onset of just severe ocd of a touching ocd. >> reporter: soon she developed
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tics were her whole body would spasm. lawrence says for nearly eight months, doctors struggled to figure out what was wrong and soon, her other daughter, melanie, started acting strangely, too. they noticed her symptoms started after being sick with strep throat. >> i didn't think anything of it. i just thought, okay, she has strep. by thanksgiving, she was no longer able to do school work. >> sometimes i have to do stuff over and over, it just wasn't good enough or right or something. >> reporter: the girls were diagnosed with pandas, pediatric autoimmune neuropsychiatric disorders associated with strep. research beers live it happens when strep antibodies attacks a part of the brain that controls behavior and movement. >> these kids are acutely aware something is wrong with their brain. >> reporter: pediatric neurologist elizabeth latimer treated 100 cases of pandas in the dc air yand doesn't know why some children develop the condition while most do not. it could be genetics or possibly
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a severe strain of strep. >> these kids are very, very sick. they do extremely impulsive things. >> reporter: latimer says pandas usually start suddenly. symptoms include severe ocd, tics, separation anxiety, sensory problems and obsessive thoughts. the good news is that doctors can often cure pandas. they give parents long-term antibiotics, steroids and special treatments to clean out the blood. >> okay. okay. hurry. >> reporter: today in dr. latimer's office, 12-year-old molly conway is undergoing another treatment called ivig, which replaces some of the blood's plasma. listening to her talk about pandas, you can hear its impact. >> pots and pans see up top and brought a pan down, i was like, no i started popping my ears like that it was really not good. >> reporter: her mother, jane, says molly is finally starting to recover. >> hopefully she will get through this, clear out, clean out the body of all this -- you have to have hope.
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>> reporter: doreen again thgen unusual four. when we come back on news4, police find ten grenades inside a house. find out why the home owner was shocked. plus, a lot of buzz after the sighting of what some believe is the loch ness monster. and there is controversy over a college and there is controversy
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never in my lifetime did i think i could walk 60 miles in 3 days. 60 miles in 3 days is-- is huge. if my mom can fight and beat breast cancer, i can walk 60 miles. you just put one foot in front of the other, and you know that you're walking for such a great cause that you just keep going. (man) that you have all these people coming together for one common goal. (woman) the goal is to bring an end to breast cancer. (woman) the fund-raising was the easiest part. people were very giving. complete strangers wanting to help. if i can do this, you definitely can do this. (woman) i'll never stop walking, not till we find a cure. (woman) and it has to end, but it starts with us. i knew someday i was gonna do this walk. it is the most rewarding experience i have ever had in my entire life. we can do this. you can do this. we can all do this together. (man) register today for the... and receive $25 off your registration fee. because everyone deserves a lifetime.
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take a look at this dramatic rescue video caught on tape a dog fell into this icy popped in lakewood, colorado, yesterday. it treaded for about 20 minutes before firefighters arrived. one rescuer on the scene also fell through the ice you see but he managed to push the dog out. he held onto the leash and the dog pulled him out. the dog named max san 85-pound argentine argentine ma argenti argenti argentine masstive. he spotted a coyote and chase it had onto the ice. max amount rescuers appeared a denver tv station morning show.
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max bit the anchor, kyle dire, in the face. we are not showing the biting incident. dire is in the hospital right now in fair condition. the dog's owner will be cited because the dog bit someone and for not having max vaccinated for rabies. icelanders are all abuzz over a new video showing a water creature that looks like the loch ness monster. footage seen here was shot about a week ago in ice land. it shows what looks like the country's legendary sea monster named laggerfloat swimming through the water. many say this footage is fake, however, others believe it is living proof that iceland's loch ness monster really does exist. >> oh. >> something in that water. >> that's pretty creepy. coming up on news4, much more ahead, grenades, drugs,
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a man and his family are lucky to be alive after finding squatters and ten grenades in their florida home. the new york family just arrived at their miami vacation home when they found the intruder, along with the grenades, drugs and even a pot bell lid pig. nbc's justin finch has details. >> reporter: there's no other way to describe it but bizarre.
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miami police say this man in the black t-shirt came from new york to his property at 2021 southwest 37th avenue yesterday and found surprises by the number. two squatters, ten grenades, drugs and a potbellied pig. a neighbor saw the news on tv and looked outside and saw the police and bomb squad. the whole thing just left her shaken up. >> we have the tv on and we hear there's a bomb squad -- a bomb scare very close on 20th. i said, that's block away. >> reporter: miami police say it all began as a call about a neighbor dispute around 5:30 yesterday after the home's owner arrived at the house and found a man and woman squatting in his home. a search of the house turned up marijuana and cocaine. and in an open bedroom drawer, those ten grenades. >> the grenades have been taken to a laboratory to see if they are, in fact, active but that is under investigation. >> reporter: police tied up traffic along southwest 37th for
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hours where neighbors say stories like this don't happen too often. >> very scary. obviously, this is a very, very quiet neighborhood. we have never heard of anything like this going on. >> that was nbc's justin finch reporting. the man and woman arrest ready facing drug and weapons charges. that's news4 at 4:00. news4 at 5:00 starts right now. tonight at 5:00, the uva murder trial begins with a major twist, the defense changes its story about how yeardley love died. and a rash of fires leads to concerns about the safety of some ride-on buses in montgomery county. and good evening, good frosty evening. i'm wendy rieger. >> i'm jim handlism. first at 5:00, starting off with the winter weather, folks. parts of our area right now seeing mixture of rain and some snow and this isn't the last shot of winter weather in your
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forecast. >> our live team coverage begins on our front yard, chief meteorologist kammerer had to go outside to make sure it was truly wintery out there. >> you notice i'm using the tent umbrella from earlier. got tonight biggest umbrella i have seen in my life. seeing rain, but starting to mix with snow in and around northwest washington. many of you seeing the snow, others to the south and east, main lay rain event, like what we were talking about yesterday, but i still expect many areas to switch over to snow as we go on through the rest of the evening hours tonight. take a look at the radar, show what you is happening out there now, storm four radar showing you to the south and east of washington, talking about mount vernon, stafford, over toward waldorf, down toward camp springs, calvert county. this is all rain but in loudon county, in montgomery county, in parts of frederick county, we have started to see some accumulation there and it is very light. we are talking about a trace, maybe up to an inch in some of those locations, also started to see those -- that changeover from snow -- from rain


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