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tv   Today  NBC  February 17, 2012 2:05am-3:05am EST

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captions paid for by nbc-universal television it is thirst day thursday, february 16th. i am 58 1/2 years old. do you ever mark the half ones? >> no. >> i never used to. but i do now. because i'm approaching 60. how are you, baby girl? >> i'm great. >> hope you're happy to be with us like we're happy to be with you today. >> look at us. if you were up late last night,
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you got a taste of us on the jimmy fallon show. >> whether you wanted to or not. i wouldn't call it a love affair. >> i wouldn't either. >> let's see. >> pros, in new orleans, it's time for partying, drunken revelry and public intoxication. [ applause ] >> cons, also known in new york, the fourth hour of the "today" show. [ applause ] thank you. get complaint letters from hoda and kathie tomorrow. >> no, you won't, jimmy, because you know why? you're dead to us. >> yes. d-e-a-d. fat tuesday coming up. mardi gras. there cannot be cons for mardi gras. >> we love you, jimmy. >> this has caused controversy. the governor of new jersey, governor chris christie, decided
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he wanted to fly the state flags at half-staff on saturday for -- >> whitney houston's funeral. >> the day of her funeral. first i thought, sure, jersey girl from new jersey. why not? >> from newark. >> they did a nationwide poll and polled almost 70,000 people. i found this shocking. they said 88% of the people said it was not a good idea to have the flags at half-staff. >> and was there a box for the reason that they thought so? >> i don't know the why. they said it should be reserved for military and public service, things like that. what do you think? >> oh, gosh. you know, this is such a sad situation because, i mean, i don't think there's anybody in the world who didn't love and respect her talent. >> mm-hmm. sure. >> you know, and the jury is still completely out on her cause of death, no matter what you're hearing. we're not going to know that for a while. we have to be fair about that. some people are saying we don't want to honor a drug addict, is is what i was hearing. you know, she was honest with -- eventually became honest about
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her battle with substance abuse. but that's -- a lot of people are struggling with that. >> sure. >> i don't know. she was a hometown girl that they were very, very proud of. >> yes. yes. >> she brought so much joy to people for an awful long time. i think the people of newark should be able to decide that. the people of her hometown, let them decide. it's nobody else's business. >> i agree with that. so there have been a couple stories that have been floating out in the news on parents who have this thing called extreme parenting. one example is of this memphis girl. she had stolen something. and her aunt had her hold a sign that said, "i steal from my family." what happened was she took a debit card from her aunt to pay -- to restart her cell phone up again. apparently her cell phone was cut off. >> an ongoing problem that we have here. >> the aunt wanted her to feel what it feels like to be embarrassed. the other story north carolina
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dad who was very, very upset because his daughter posted something on facebook and basically the -- >> she took the dad to task about requiring her to do chores. >> but anyway, the father followed up after reading this post by doing this to his daughter's computer. >> kid, you got it easy. way easy. it's about to get harder. there was more curse words in that one post, just ridiculous. not happy. disrespectful to me, your mother, your stepmother. so, i'm going to put a stop to it. this right here is my .45. that was the first round. >> and then the last one he said, this one's for your mother. here's the thing. there was more to the story than i thought.
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there always is. apparently he had set up her computer the day before, gone to all kinds of trouble to put extra things into it, do all kinds of things, whatever you do. like i know. and he was thinking, well, this is the way she thanks me? she goes on the very thing i set up for her and she -- >> the way he disciplines her was going down to her level and take a gun, though, and shoot -- like, that's ridiculous. >> you said earlier, if he -- >> if he had taken a sledge hammer to it i think i would have felt differently or thrown it off the bridge. >> it's still violent. >> something about pointing a gun at it and blowing holes in it that is just ickey. >> look at the way the man was dressed. that's part of his culture. we have to understand this, hoda. i'm not saying what he did was right. i'm just saying -- here's the thing. on both situations, he's the grown-up and he should handle things better, absolutely. but in both situations there is an ongoing problem. and we don't know how many other things happen in each individual
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instance. this is what so many people don't understand. frank and i battled about that early on. not that i'm the perfect mother. close, but -- no. by this time it's too late. you've got to start teaching kids right from wrong before they know how to say right and wrong. >> right. >> i use an example, and frank and i used to fight over this because i'm a maniac about manners, as you know. when cody was like 2 years old, wouldn't give him something unless he made an attempt to say please. if he didn't say thank you, i took it back. this was hours we did this. frank was, like, he's a kid, leave him alone. i go, that's when you get them. >> i want to know if this type of discipline, whether blowing holes in a computer or having a kid stand out with a sign -- >> does it work. >> are there results. does the kid get embarrassed from standing out there it has a whole bunch of other repercussions or you say i don't want to stand on a street corner again, i'll never do that again.
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i want to know what happens as a result. >> that's what we were talking about earlier. can somebody do a follow-up on that. >> please. get on it. because we say these things and throw them out there, you don't know if anything came out as a result. i'd love to know if one of those kids who stood on a corner five or ten years later, if it helped them. >> you believe in strong discipline. >> definitely, but to a point. >> we agree on that. >> how about this -- >> i'm not picking sides. just trying to be fair and think things through. >> in brooklyn, and apparently this trend started in australia. they have something called baby chinos. >> everybody needs one. >> cappuccinos for babies. they're decaf. they've become the rage in brooklyn. a barista is serving a handful of them every day, they're $2. a tiny cup with steamed milk and decaf coffee and sprinkles on it. some are steamed milk only. >> a lot of people recoil at that and go, wait a minute,
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first of all, there's less caffeine in it than there is in a soda, which many people give their children in m times a day. >> yeah. >> and she wants more sprinkles. here's the thing. how many times have we as parents gone out to dinner -- hopefully they're not too hot. >> yeah. >> uh-oh. >> i would say so. >> that's okay. you can drink it now. >> he sounds like a nice daddy. >> uh-oh. >> uh-oh. >> looks a little grown-up with the coffee cup. >> let's be honest. how many times have parents gone out to dinner, ordered a cocktail and asked their daughter, would you like a shirley temple? they get their mock cocktails mommy and daddy are having. this has been going on a long time. >> they say it's mostly steamed milk and nothing unusual about steamed milk in a cup for a kid. >> i have more of a problem with little babies wearing high heels and things like that, before their foot has a chance to develop. >> i agree. >> it can alter --
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>> yeah. >> enjoy your childhood. wouldn't you love to be a kid again reading a book? >> reading a book. >> when you were a little kid. >> yes. all right. the scholastic group did the top books of all time. >> all time. >> and what's fun about these, they're books most of us have read when we were kids, some older, some newer. harry potter. one of them is number six. >> on the cover. may we point out scholastic books did put out that book. >> that is a great book. >> no question. it has its place in history. number five -- "where the wild things are." >> "the snowy day." number three. >> "a wrinkle in time." >> number two is "good night moon." >> and number one, "charlotte's web." >> "green eggs and ham" is on there, too. >> one that i loved that was off there, e.b. white as well, the
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call of the trumpeter? "the trumpeter swan." my favorite book of all time, the only one cassidy said when she was little, mommy, can we read that again, "the family under the bridge," which i loved so much i wrote a whole musical. do yourself a favor and read "the family under the bridge." it was by natalie savage carlson. >> good memory. >> what was your favorite one growing up? >> i loved curious george and all that and all the dr. seuss things. simple kid. >> you turned out all right. >> hey, hey, hey. ready for a little music? >> oh. that's right, it's thursday. >> this one is for everybody. rude that you drink before my segment. this one is just one i've loved for a long, long time. it's called "i'll be." by edwin mccain. you'll love it.
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♪ color them wonderful >> you know what? ♪ >> first of all, i can understand the words. ♪ >> get to the hook. ♪ tell me that we belong together ♪ >> i've actually heard this one before. yes. nice, hodie. ♪ i'll be captivated >> here it comes. right here. >> this is where we should have started. ♪ i'll be your cryin' shoulder >> that's where we need to start these in the future. ♪ i'll be the love suicide >> so beautiful.
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down load it. you'll love it. >> okay or not okay? what do you think? >> is it okay to wear your wedding band after you split? you say no one know what is going on with two people in a marriage. if someone chooses to continue a ring, they must have a good reason and they are welcome to it. >> i haven't changed my mind. hoda says some things you need to ease out of slowly, although you didn't. but you may be keeping it on because there is still hope. >> maybe. i'm going to go to sara in one second but -- >> last night -- >> the red dress awards. such a fun event by the american heart association. >> you did find something nice to wear. >> i did. i borrowed it. that's javier colon. they had great music. they had sugarland, javier colon, three great bands. >> and hoda emceed the whole event and i'm sure you were magnificent. >> hi, guys. i'm here to remind everybody
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about getting out of your '80s rut. go to, post a picture of yourself stuck in the '80s and why you deserve this makeover and we'll make you over. >> thanks. >> thank you. >> up next, how to check your emotional baggage and pack it away forever. >> if you have some. and the best new ways to keep your kids busy. we've got them. and it doesn't involve guns, right after this.
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time for "today's" woman and how to get rid of that emotional baggage if you've had a relationship for several. >> why do we hold onto it and how to we move past it? here is the editor in chief of "women's health" magazine and psychologist michelle callahan, contributor to the same magazine. >> hey, ladies. >> hi.
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>> do you hang out together? >> we're in sync. >> sometimes we follow patterns. you know, we date the same sort of guy, good and bad traits, often. >> absolutely. we do that all the time. i mean, we have a tendency to bring past hurts into new relationships and that can really jettison that new union. >> you want a clean slate, don't you? >> but your old union -- let's pretend your boyfriend cheated on you. >> yeah. that's a huge one. absolutely. you're going to have trust issues. the way you might deal with that is treating the new guy guilty before they've proven innocent. >> aren't lots of them anyway? >> you can't assume that. can't assume that. >> you can't help it, though. you are going to be more careful the next time arnold. >> but if you're accusatory and you're suspicious and snooping around, not a good thing. >> if you treat him as if he has done that. >> right. you don't want to blame him or make him feel like he has to pay for the other guy's sins. ultimately, you want to go ahead and let him know, not on your first date but once you've
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started to have a relationship, let him know, i went through a difficult relationship before. sometimes when you're vague or not clear about what's going on, it makes me feel that feeling of something going on and i think you're cheating when you probably aren't. if you could help me out being a little more clear with your communication -- >> but don't come off like you're a psycho. >> exactly. >> guys don't like that. >> all right. what if you were with a man who had one of those hot tempers that you were used to always kind of backpedalling. >> absolutely. if you were with a screamer, you're probably going to try to avoid confrontation. but disagreement and conflict are normal parts of a healthy relationship as long as you express it appropriately. >> how should you do it in the new one? >> it's okay. don't panic. it's okay to disagree. sweat off some of that stress first before you have the conversation because that tension makes you nervous because of your past experiences, take a walk, take a jog, agree to come back when you're both calmer and you'll feel more comfortable
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communicating as opposed to shutting down and not saying how you feel. then you're not growing the relationship. >> you need to be in an environment where you feel like you can air grievances. >> what if you had a boyfriend that was critical of you. those kind of guys like, are you going to wear that? >> ouch. >> red flag. >> that cuts to the core. on an intellectual level we know any guy who does that is dealing with deep insecurities himself but it still stings. you might go into the new thing feeling bad about yourself and wanting to avoid intimacy, maybe not wanting to eat in front of the guy. >> creates problems. >> what's the solution? >> know that stuff is about him, not about you, so don't bring that into the new relationship. realize he was dealing with his own insecurities. people like to put themselves up to put you down. >> things are not going to change with a person like that, is it? that would be a red flag to say this is not going to work. go the other way. >> but if a good guy, learn to accept that compliment. don't brush it off.
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accept it graciously and move forward. >> that's the hardest part, reconditioning yourself. accept the praise and believe that it's true. that's the first step in rebuilding your confidence. >> take the compliment when it's given. >> exactly. >> don't say, no, you don't really mean that. >> thanks very much. >> up next, what's cuter than dogs and babies? >> nothing. >> sara has both. 2:30 in the afternoon, a lot to do, and you've hit the wall. but you got to get stuff done. so take 5-hour energy. just open it up, knock it back, and roll up your sleeves. 5-hour energy is faster and easier than coffee. man, does it work. you'll get that alert, energized feeling you need to get stuff done. a lot of stuff. wow. look at you go. 5-hour energy. when you gotta get stuff done.
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♪ give me your love >> time for "webtastic." a search of the next internet video that will have you singing a happy tune. >> that was madonna's new single. >> yes. >> still sounds 16 years old. >> unbelievable. >> we found a very happy pooch, milo, a golden doodle, sure to make you smile. >> smile. oh, look at that nice toothy grin.
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>> oh, my gosh! >> they came home from a trip and he was doing that. he's done it since he was 1 and he's 3 1/2. >> that's a good boy. >> hysterical. oh, my gosh. >> look how hard he's trying. >> no gingivitis on him. >> you're a funny boy. a nice big smile. yeah. >> from california. >> how cute is that. >> we can't make that up. >> never seen her do that. >> one more today. baby ashton, who does not like to be kissed by his mother. >> here we are. going to give you a big kiss. mwah. >> he doesn't like it. they said he's really expressive so whenever there's something like his little lips pop out. >> why is she still doing it? >> they wanted it on video for
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family and friends. he was only 5 months old but now he's 8. >> is it just her or -- >> no. whenever he doesn't like something that happens that day -- >> just his mom's kisses is what she's asking. >> i think it was just that day. because she kisses him other times. >> no means no. >> still ahead, how to throw a red carpet oscar party. >> plus the toy fair's in town and we have the next hottest thing. >> and our favorite chef is in the kitchen. reed alexander. >> he's 42 now. we love the kid. and jason mraz. ♪
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[ ding! ] dirty mouth, huh? what've you been up to? ♪ bleeeehhhhhh! i don't know what you're talking about. orbit. for a good clean feeling. no matter what. when i'm on the night shift. when they have more energy than i do. when i don't feel like working out. when there isn't enough of me to go around. ♪ when i have school. and work. every morning. it's faster and easier than coffee. every afternoon when that 2:30 feeling hits. -every day. -every day. every day is a 5-hour energy day. [ male announcer ] 5-hour energy. every day.
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we're back with more today on this thirst day thursday, and
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if you have any thought of throwing your own oscar party, you have about ten days to put it together. >> why not make it especially glamorous as a hollywood movie? "better homes and gardens'" elaine griffin is here with some fun tips. >> you look very oscary. >> because they're hollywood's most glamorous night of the year. i dressed for the occasion. >> you look lovely. >> if you're throwing a party it's all ant the glamour and movie themes. we'll start with bling even for the invitations. we got these at the dollar star. >> cute. >> great ideas. >> and this for drinks because we're going to start the evening off with a cocktail. >> nice thought. >> going to movies, the best movie nominees, themes, mai tais mean -- >> "the descendants." >> george clooney on the beach. this is for? >> "the artist." >> very cute. >> red carpet fizz. what about "hugo"? >> coming up. we have great ideas.
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when your guests arrive, you want to play a game. this is oscar bingo, our take on the betting pool. every time something happens you cross it off, like if brangelina kisses on the screen, which they'll obviously be doing. and the first one that completes wins. >> very cute. >> meryl streep's name. >> if she wins anything. >> okay. >> you need to make up the rules, though. could be like if she shows up on screen. clever idea. >> you obviously want the best dramatic moment for your buffet. and then we're going to the movies for themes. so we have checking in for "hugo" and "midnight in paris" with macaroons. >> cute. >> i love this because the oscars are all about movies, which is truly a pop moment. but we're upgrading the large butter with the diet coke to drink/popcorn pairings.
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>> okay. >> so we're having for the paramount pop popcorn goes with this. and then merlot goes with the cheddar popcorn. >> that's clever. >> centerpieces, we've taken what we already have at home. we repurposed these from the living room and putting them in a fun vase, a hollywood vase from the party store. >> i like it. >> and for dessert, once again, movie themes. this is the chocolate pie from? >> "the help." >> oh, i love that. >> somebody had a piece! >> they're in the ladies' room right now. >> we get the secret ingredient on that. then we have our red velvet i'll take you a star cake. >> by the way, these are my favorites. >> i want one so badly. >> so delicious with the cream cheese frosting. >> matt goes crazy over those. >> they are delicious. >> and then -- >> what's happening down here? >> every major movie needs a red carpet moment. this is ours. set up a photo booth.
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it's a box of props. >> what's this one for? >> "the artist." >> won't fit on your head. >> what's this one for? >> "the descendants." >> that should go. >> and what else? what are these? this is cute. look at this. >> here. okay. >> so you want -- you set up your camera. so click. click. yay! and then you can e-mail everyone -- >> what more could you want? >> very clever. good job, baby. happy oscars to you. >> up next, check out the toys your kids will want before they even know they exist. because they need more. >> they do. our kids need more stuff. and we're going to help you with that. we know a place where tossing and turning have given way to sleeping. where sleepless nights yield to restful sleep. and lunesta can help you get there, like it has for so many people before.
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when taking lunesta, don't drive or operate machinery until you feel fully awake. walking, eating, driving, or engaging in other activities while asleep, without remembering it the next day, have been reported. abnormal behaviors may include aggressiveness, agitation, hallucinations or confusion. in depressed patients, worsening of depression, including risk of suicide, may occur. alcohol may increase these risks. allergic reactions, such as tongue or throat swelling, occur rarely and may be fatal. side effects may include unpleasant taste, headache, dizziness and morning drowsiness. ask your doctor if lunesta is right for you. then get lunesta for $0 at there's a land of restful sleep. we can help you go there on the wings of lunesta. yes. yes. noooo! [ male announcer ] yep, subway broke the 200-calorie breakfast barrier. with delicious fresh fit mornin' melt breakfast sandwiches. subway. eat fresh.
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see? he's taking his vitamins. one a day vitacraves plus omega-3 dha is a complete multivitamin for adults. plus an excellent source of omega-3 dha in a great tasting gummy. one a day, gummies for grown-ups.
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no matter how old you get, you're never too old to play with toys. we have a woman who has made a career out of it. >> she's co-publisher of the toy
2:45 am she got to spend the entire week playing at the toy fair in new york. she's here with her favorite finds. >> i played with thousands of toys, had the best time and brought some of my favorites. >> this will be on the market soon? >> most of them fall. >> all right. >> certainly i love elmo. this year it is all about grover. [ grover talking ] >> who could resist? >> grover 2.0. and grover loves to fly. >> does he really fly? oh. >> up and down. >> very cute. >> you know what, that's clever. kids are going to love that. >> love, love, love. look at her. a kid in a toy store. >> i am. this is dee and her friends. the collection of dolls is called la-di-da. >> la-di-da. >> right here in new york city. they have a clothing collection
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called la-di-da. okay. so she's beautiful. they're actually wearing their sweet 16 collection. >> they are cute. a little inappropriate but cute. >> teenager mutant ninja turtles. they are back. they're coming back. >> new episodes? >> all new. >> whoa. >> so cool. and look at this. >> oh, my. >> this is the secret play set. this is awesome. we have our sewer level, our street level, our rooftops, 20 different ninja activities for them to do. it's awesome. >> wow. >> now, that would be a little pricey, right? >> it is a little pricey but you get a lot of play out of it. >> a lot for it. okay. >> okay. so monsters are so popular. there's that virtual world, moshi monsters. we can bring it to life with bobble bots. >> bobble bots. >> we have these little robotic
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kind of those bobble heads robots. and they go around. >> oh, cool. >> right? really, really cute. >> that is cute. >> what do they do? >> they go around. >> go around. >> they can put this any way then to arrange where they're going, reset the play pattern. >> okay. fun. >> you get that, hoda? >> is it fun? >> yeah. >> all right. >> so let's stick with the monster theme one more second. retro marbles, now we have monster marbles. so the marbles, you move them just like marbles. they're really cool. they're also very collectible. kids will want to collect them. knock the other monster out of the ring. lots of great games to play. >> very cute. >> this is cody. >> what? >> a fidget toy. >> say it again. >> cody. >> how do you spell it? >> it is also -- it is also a puzzle. and it also is a collectible. >> what do we do with this? like a lego? >> this turns into this.
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it has all these links. there's numbered symbols and letters on it and when you follow the code you create a creature. eventually capable of coming up with their own codes and create their own. >> that's got to be very good for their brains. >> it is very good. the moving, the thinking about it. it's fun. >> is it fun? all right. okay. >> these are something you usually see for the boys, battling tops. now we have dizzy dancers. we have our dizzy stick. we pull it out. and they will start dancing. they speed up. they get faster and faster. they're very cute. >> look how cute! >> they're interchangeable. lots of fun. >> oh, so sad. >> that's cute! >> a metaphor for life. >> all right. so, one of the most popular, over 100 million down loads, but before i show you this, we should be fruit ninjas.
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>> we don't mess with hair. >> we have to tie this on. >> hoda will pretend. >> if you would do the honors. ready? slice that ninja. >> that's fruit ninja. >> that's cute. >> you want to do the watermelon? slice him! >> thank you. >> that's it? >> we got to go. that was fun. >> we'll cook up lunch after this. i'm meteorologist chris warren with your forecast. we have one system moving out of the northeast, the other one taking shape around new mexico and texas with rain in the south and throughout the pacific northwest. it's going to be pretty warm as we look into portions of the mid-atlantic, in the southeast. 50s and 60s for highs.
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keep that in mind as we look at the possibility for snow in the mid-atlantic by sunday. a chance for severe weather throughout portions of the south and we'll watch that move up into the mid-atlantic. still some of that nild air in place. lower to mid 50s in place from new york to washington, d.c. we're looking at snow mainly in the appalachians, whether or not we see it in d.c. or baltimore at this point, we'll keep you updated with the latest. weekdays watch "wake up with al" on the weather channel.
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2:30 in the afternoon, a lot to do, and you've hit the wall. but you got to get stuff done. so take 5-hour energy. just open it up, knock it back, and roll up your sleeves. 5-hour energy is faster and easier than coffee. man, does it work. you'll get that alert, energized feeling you need to get stuff done.
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a lot of stuff. wow. look at you go. 5-hour energy. when you gotta get stuff done. ♪ icy, cool flavor in a delicious 5-calorie stick of gum. ♪ polar ice. from extra.
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time for "today's kitchen." we're getting saucy with reed alexander is here with some nutritious kid-friendly meals. >> he co-stars in "i, carly." he's a spokesperson for the alliance for a healthier generation and has a big announcement. >> big announcement!
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>> yay! >> to share with you guys. the alliance for healthier generation, i was at president clinton's first ever national health summit. >> you were? >> we hung out. it was really exciting to be with chelsea clinton on her panel. my announcement is the recipes on the site are going to be launching in schools around the nation for 30 million students. so excited. >> oh, my gosh. >> you should get a commission. >> what are you going to be making? >> kid tested, kid approved. today we have great recipes to show you. >> is that a 5:00 shadow? >> no! >> reed! >> oh, my gosh. >> all right. so our asian salad bowl is really easy to make. we start by slicing some bok choy. this is going to be one of our stars. we have some soba noodles. do you like these? >> what are they? >> like buckwheat noodles. >> i have had them.
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>> they cook easily, just like pasta, four, five minutes in water. this we steam. that way we get the crunch with that mellow, crispy flavor, really delicious. chinese cabbage. >> keeping it nice. >> it is wafting up from our grilled chicken, i have to tell you. we have some chicken projectiles. our chicken is grilling. white meat. protein. look out. can we get, like, a fan? we need to make some asian bowls together. >> can we douse this with water? we're going to grab some soba noodles. want to grab them with the tongs? go for it. >> what's your favorite kind of food? >> i love asian. i also love italian. really, really good. >> hard to beat italian. >> i know what you mean. so many flavorful choices. >> i know. but a lot of cheese. >> it is. low fat. that's what we can go for. low-sodium parmesan. >> do you always live what you
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preach? >> i think it's important. it helps me to feel great. it gives me the energy. >> is that where it comes from? >> yeah. >> you've got more energy. >> you guys bring it out. make it a party on the airwaves. >> what's the sauce? >> asian glaze. we can swing around and take a look at the ingredients. >> i'd like to do that. >> zbinger, garlic. it's fast and easy, mix it together. rice cakes, asian bowl, good to go. >> can we taste it? >> please. dive in. go right for it. tell us what you think. two other quick options. >> it's got to be kid tested. >> it does have to be kid tested. it is vetted by the tough critics. >> used the word vet. what's next? >> flat bread salad pizza, sweet and savory. tuna salad, swapping that out, instead of using mayo, that can get heavy, we use lemon juice and chives and dill. how is it?
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>> food fight soon. >> i know what you mean. >> good. i love that dressing. >> do you like it? i'm so glad. easy to whip up in your own kitchen. >> we could not be prouder. >> we're so happy for you. >> you're one of our favorite people. >> thank you. i love coming to see you. great to be here. >> up next, a great performance from jason mraz. but first, this is "today" on nbc.
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♪ so catchy, isn't it? before we get to jason, we want to congratulate our friend, reed alexander. what a great accomplishment. one kid's life can impact 30 million others by doing the right thing and for all the right reasons. >> sure can. >> jason mraz releases his third studio album in april called "love is a four-letter word." here's his latest song and take
3:01 am
it, jason. ♪ ♪ well you done done me and you bet i felt it i tried to be chill ♪ ♪ but you're so hot that i melted i fell right through the cracks now i'm trying to get back ♪ ♪ before the cool done run out i'll be giving it my bestest and nothing's going to stop me ♪ ♪ but divine intervention i reckon it's again my turn to win some or learn some ♪ ♪ but i won't hesitate no more no more ♪ ♪ it cannot wait i'm yours
3:02 am
♪ well open up your mind and see like me open up your plans ♪ ♪ and damn you're free look into your heart and you'll find ♪ ♪ love, love, love, love listen to the music of the moment people dance and sing ♪ ♪ we're just one big family and it's our god-intended right to be loved, loved ♪ ♪ loved, loved, loved so i won't hesitate no more no more ♪ ♪ it cannot wait, i'm sure there's no need to complicate our time is short ♪
3:03 am
♪ this is our fate, i'm yours do you, do you, do you do you want to come on ♪ ♪ scootch on over closer dear i will nibble in your ear i've been spending way ♪ ♪ too long checking my tongue in the mirror and bending over backwards ♪ ♪ just to try to see it clearer but my breath fogged up the glass so i drew a new face and ♪ ♪ i laughed i guess what i be saying is there ain't no better reason to rid yourself of vanities ♪ ♪ and just go with the seasons it's what we came to do our name is our virtue ♪ ♪ but i won't hesitate no more no more it cannot wait ♪ ♪ i'm yours
3:04 am
whooo, thank you so much. -- captions by vitac -- >> steve: from studio 6b in rockefeller center, the national broadcasting company presents -- tonight's guests are -- and featuring the legendary roots crew. and here he is -- jimmy fallon! [ cheers and applause ] captions paid for by nbc-universal television -- captions by vitac -- ♪


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