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tv   Today  NBC  February 28, 2012 2:05am-3:05am EST

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captions paid for by nbc-universal television hey, everybody. you're so glad you're starting out your week with us. it's fun day monday, february 27th, the day after the big oscar bash last night. >> who's bleary eyed? stayed up longer than i usually
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do. >> i think the thing went to 11:30, three hours and ten minutes. it was a long show. don't you think? >> every year we say the same thing. it was too long. >> it really was. >> longer than most broadway shows. loved it but too long. >> overall? >> first of all, i temper everything with this. i'm a huge billy crystal fan. i love him. i love him as an artist and as a person. >> yep. >> i just thought the show was sort of snoozesville. and i don't blame him for that because he does what is produced for him, and i'm sure he has a hand in what is chosen. but i don't know. the fact there are nine -- nine movies that were nominated, for one thing, it's too many. >> a lot. >> we can't keep track of them. i think the medley, the telecast, the award show, we stopped caring when we don't care about the lesser awards. >> yeah. >> we zone out.
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that's why it feels so long. if you saw nicholas nickelby on broadway, it was eight hours long and you didn't care because -- >> the technical awards, nothing against the cinematography and editing -- >> great awards. but they don't appeal to a mass audience. no one really cares. sad but true. the tonys learned this years ago. the lesser categories, they have a separate telecast for them. i think if somebody would have the guts to do it, if they did an unbelievable two-hour -- >> two. voting for two. >> from 8:00 to 10:00 or 9:00 to 11:00 and not got rid of but only to start off the bat with the major awards and give them time to give an acceptance speech. >> the thing that bothered me, when octavia spencer got up there, and this was her big moment, this is happening, her day, she gets up to give her speech, she's teary eyed -- >> hardly get up the stage. >> she's giving her speech and it felt like a minute and she's sobbing, everyone's watching, gets a standing "o," and all of a sudden she gets the wrap. she's a rule follower. so she's hurrying it up. >> the people with the lesser categories gave long speeches.
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they should outlaw this. i'm going to read my speech now. they should outlaw. if you want to do it on the side of your arm or something, but don't let -- if you care enough to give a speech, prepare it. because everybody tunes out. >> what bothered me was this was early in the night. why are you rushing her? we're not close to the deadline. there are long bits and -- >> they have to leave time for cirque du soleil which had nothing to do with anything, but i enjoyed it. they're very talented. love them. but i wanted it to work and a lot of it just didn't. i hope they bring billy back again, because i don't think it was his fault. he is adorable. he's best when he's spontaneous. >> doing his own thing. >> something happens and immediately makes a remark and that little -- >> yeah. >> my bad, you know. he's adorable. i love him.
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>> remember, viola davis was the front-runner. won the s.a.g. and all that. i guess if she's going to get beaten by anybody it should be the finest actor in the country. >> both of them gave beautiful nuanced performances. but when you look at the degree of difficulty factor, i don't think there's an actress on the face of the earth that could have played margaret thatcher but merril. >> meryl streep. >> and viola, as wonderful as she is, somebody else could have made that their own. same makeup man for 37 years. she thanked him, he thanked her. there's a trust factor. >> i don't know if you saw this, if you were watching "e" before the oscars, they do the red carpet. not a bigger pro than ryan seacrest. >> flawless. >> the dictator, sacha baron
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cohen, getting a lot of buzz and he's got an urn. anyway, he dumps it all over ryan seacrest to have his moment. he did get his moment. >> at somebody else's expense, as usual. >> and ryan, you could tell, you know, he likes to look good, and that wasn't great. >> ryan is a complete and total, consummate professional. and he handled that beautifully as anybody could. i just thought, you know what, the best way to get attention in this world is by your talent, not by that kind of thing. >> like reality show. >> yeah. >> let's talk about the -- >> not fair. >> wasn't fair to ryan at all. he had a lot more interviews to do. >> it all became about getting the stuff off of him as opposed to -- let him do his job. >> yeah. that was weird. oscar fashions, your favorite dress of the entire night was? >> i thought it was a dull night for fashion, as well. i mean, i love all that. even when people take great risks, you appreciate the fact
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they took a big -- i didn't see a lot of risk taking last night. >> one of them -- >> i watched the red carpet from first thing. first person i saw, i hope i'm saying her name right was milla jovovich. i thought it was a home run out of the ballpark. her hair matched the dress. it was old hollywood glamour and yet it was as modern as it could be. >> she was beautiful. >> she was my mila from last year. that made me think the whole next three hours would be amazing and they weren't. >> i loved, and it was very simple and i liked her whole look, i loved penelope cruz. >> a drop-dead movie star. >> there was something about her dress. i know she did her hair in the old kind of '40s way, but i like the actress and i usually love when they get up there, but she was great. we also had our viewers, i guess, and this is from bobbie thomas, they weighed in with
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their favorites. >> sure. who won that one? >> let's see. who won our favorites? let's go through some of bobbie's favorites. joe, are you here? >> anyway, somebody likes stuff. >> angelina's pose -- gwyneth paltrow was one of bobbie's favorites. >> regal. she looked beautiful. that is the pose of the night. i don't understand it. if there's any person on the planet who does not need to pose, it's angelina jolie. we see her coming, we -- she has our attention, drop-dead gorgeous. >> she had her leg -- that got a lot of attention. >> i understand that on the red carpet because it's all about the pose. but when you go up there to present, she got up there to present and did it, just went up to the podium and went -- and started talking, like -- a little lower, you guys? because it's about the leg. yeah. and then she kept talking. i'm going, i wonder if that's comfortable? she's got amazing legs.
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>> there it is. angelina and brad. we have a limited control room today because there's a lot going on, a lot of updating and things. the side pony was apparently another big trend. that was because -- i'm not sure who started that, but that was big. that was kind of a side sweep there. >> he came in with an oscar. didn't have to win any. >> sweep here there. >> side sweep. >> her hair was all down. i think it's kind of similar to your side sweep we had, i don't know, on friday? kind of looks similar to that, by the way. >> i am such a trendsetter, because that was friday. >> miss piggy. >> never looked lovelier. >> a side pony. >> only two songs nominated for best song. >> why didn't they play those? >> they did a little bit. i missed it when celine dion would come on and sing. >> our friends and had their own oscar parties.
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friends from facebook, victoria smith did her own thing. >> year after year after year, she gets all dressed up. >> a little champagne. here's another one of a woman -- oh, look at the baby in front of the tv dressed up with the pearls. and then here's -- >> oh, my gosh. you know what? people have fun. they really do. >> they know. >> did any awards really surprise you? i was surprised how many "hugo" got. >> "hugo" nailed it. >> i haven't seen that yet. i tried to watch it at home because they sent us, you know, for your consideration, but because it's a 3d film, it wasn't -- i need to go see it in a theater. that's the way you're supposed to see a movie like that. >> i want to give a shoutout to peter alexander's sister. sara and i did this thing called spin for sight, and peter alexander's sister has this debilitating disease called
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usher syndrome type 3. you lose your vision and your hearing simultaneously. anyway, we had a bunch of people -- >> look at you. >> sara -- there we go. >> anyway, it was a spin class full. it was people were soaking wet. we raised a lot of money for his sister's cause. >> isn't that jay behind you? >> jay knows how to play. >> just came back from palm beach early to do that for peter. >> a lot of fun. should we do favorite things? >> you know what, we were out in california a couple weeks ago, and she had some meetings, i did, too, and of course we always see cody when we go out there. we went for the first time to an adorable place for breakfast. and it is this place called jack and joe's. >> okay. >> and you go in, and a lot of people waiting to get in. it's just charming. and you can see tons of kids from colleges are there and stuff. just a beautiful vibe. i met the owner, and his name is mark, and his wife.
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and everywhere were pictures of his bulldog, pudge elvis. apparently there's this incredible video of pudge -- they tried to set the "guinness book of world records" with different -- as many dogs surfing. there's pudge doing his water-skiing thing. he's a bulldog, as you can see. that's how they first taught him how to surf. >> oh my gosh. >> but then they later tried to win the "guinness book of world records" by how many dogs could pile on one. but what i learned, mark's the kind of guy, he comes around and talks to you and you get to know him. this beautiful family, he told me this story of pudge -- fudge -- pudge elvis was his daughter's dog. and unfortunately, his daughter got a fever one night and went into the hospital and four hours later passed away. >> oh, my gosh. >> and so this beautiful little
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dog goes all the time into the room to look -- but i just wanted to say that my new favorite thing out in california is this family. and if you want to hear more of their story, go to and more of the videos. that guy. he's the cutest thing in the world. >> mine is a little less significant, but if you have an iphone and you're sick of the battery dying, and i know you are, because they die so quickly. >> yes. >> here's the cure. it's called the mofie. this little guy snaps on and gives you almost more than like three-quarters of a day of battery. >> why didn't they make it with it to begin with so it doesn't run out of gas like it does? >> kind of expensive, 80 bucks. >> that's why. >> b i have to tell you it lasts all day long. >> that's great, but -- >> and then some. >> they should incorporate it into the next one so people don't have to pay twice for something. >> hi, guys.
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i'm trying to redo my apartment and i'm obsessed with esse, and i found this artist called j.m. jart studio. she did a series because her daughter is blind, she's a self-taught painter and this is braille for face. she has all kinds of different words and paintings. i was so moved. it was about $270, but when you think about original art and what you buy in stores, i was so touched that i could actually afford it. and it's just so moving to kind of have that in code in a sense on my wall. peaceful. >> speaking of something moving -- >> we might have to save it. >> we'll talk about "everyone has a story" tomorrow. it's a great one this thursday. >> we'll talk to christine roush tomorrow. sorry, christine. >> we have a lot coming up. the oscars aren't the only thing people are buzzing about.
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♪ sexy and i know it >> time for "today's buzz." a busy weekend in tinseltown, but there was a lot more going on than just the oscars. maureen o'connor joins us. look adorable today. >> you do. all right, maureen. beyonce and baby blue were out and about, right? >> their first public appearance, although you can't see blue that well, all wrapped up. >> in a blankie. >> we think there's a baby in there. the first time since beyonce put pictures on tumbler. the first time they have brought her out in public. >> she looks great, by the way. looks like she lost a lot of her baby weight already. >> she looks really good. >> 7 weeks old now, right? >> pretty quick. but they've been out without the baby. he's the co-owner of the nets so, they went to a basketball game. this is the first time she went out to lunch with the baby. >> sweet. taylor swift is one to do good things. >> i love this story. >> did it again. tell us what she's done.
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>> kevin mcguire, 18-year-old from southern jersey, has been fighting leukemia for years now. his sister started a campaign to get taylor swift to be his date to the senior prom. as it happened, she was, like, should she go? she wasn't able to go to the prom, but said i'll one up you, be my date to the american music awards. >> first of all, incredibly smart. but knowing her a little like we do, that's exactly what we would think she would do. >> he said yes. it's in april. so, you know, pending whatever he needs at the time. but he says he's really excited and told a local newspaper that's even better than the prom. >> there you go. >> she tweeted it to him. that's how he found out. she put it on facebook. >> probably write a song about it. >> you're right. >> justin bieber.
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>> by the way, he was adorable last night, so natural and such a natural actor, i thought. >> absolutely. so he and selena, there's been a lot of excitement because he gave her a diamond ring for valentine's day. a lot of people are saying is it an engagement ring? she said, no, it's a friendship ring, in the shape of a "j," which we would assume is justin. she's 19. got her first tattoo. >> everyone's getting them. >> people thought it was a heart. it was right on her handle and they thought she got a tattoo for bieber. later she said no, it was actually just a music note and it's for her -- >> every time i see angelina jolie and all the tattoos, it takes hours to cover that stuff up. >> 20% of people have tattoos. one-fifth, one in five. >> and many of them later have them removed, which is far more painful than to get them. not like i know. i just hear.
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>> all right. >> we have to run, but thank you. >> i know. >> we love maureen, but sometimes you have to go. >> bye. >> up next, we're going to meet our "fan of the week," and it could be you. >> then the red carpet hits and misses. the fashion police come out. ♪ februany any 5
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♪ $5 ♪ $5 footlong [ male announcer ] now through the 29th, get any regular footlong™ as a $5 footlong™! hurry in! subway. eat fresh®. 2:30 in the afternoon, a lot to do, and you've hit the wall. but you got to get stuff done. so take 5-hour energy. just open it up, knock it back, and roll up your sleeves. 5-hour energy is faster and easier than coffee. man, does it work. you'll get that alert, energized feeling you need to get stuff done. a lot of stuff. wow. look at you go. 5-hour energy. when you gotta get stuff done.
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it is time to meet our newest "fan of the week." >> miss sara is here to tell us who it is and where he or she is headed. >> drum roll, please. our winner this week is liz morrison from scottsdale, arizona, who watches on kpnx channel 12. liz's daughters submitted her for "fan of the week" because she listens to all you say, inspired by your style and always runs out to buy your favorite things. she said why text? kathie lee doesn't. >> i actually do. >> she loves to work out with
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her grandchildren. her daughters are thankful you bring their mom so much happiness, relaxation and laughter and makes a great day to sit down with wine and watch her two best friends. >> reading material. >> we are going to be sending her -- first of all, congratulate you and your daughters for being loyal fans, to st. lucia. three nights at the body holiday, daily meals, some of the property activities and one daily spa treatment each for two people, roundtrip air fare for two also provided. >> why can't hoda and i and you go? >> we have to sign up. >> gorgeous. >> want to be eligible, go to we might pick you next time. >> still coming up, al roker and all of oscar's memorable moments. >> and then down the red carpet for a look at the gowns. and no, not marilyn monroe, but she plays her on tv. a great actress, megan hilty.
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it's undoubtedly hollywood's biggest nights of the year and also one of the longest. >> if you had trouble holding on until the awards wrapped up, our man al roker is out in l.a. >> hey, al. >> with the most unforgettable moments. he has a beautiful picture in the "daily news" today looking good. >> thank you. >> have you had any rest at all or no? been up all night? >> well, first, i don't want to sound like i'm complaining because, you know, it's a great night, it's a lot of fun. you get to hang out with a lot of nice people. i'll sleep on the plane. >> it is a long night. you worked the red carpet, though, right? >> did the red carpet, did elton john's party and then the "vanity fair" party. >> what stood out to you on the red carpet, al? >> you know what, it was kind of
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quiet. >> mm-hmm. >> yes. >> people were a little subdued, and then brad and angelina showed up like with only 15 minutes to go. the carpet was -- we were all starting to wrap up and all of a sudden brad and angelina showed up. >> mm-hmm. >> so we were hanging out a little bit longer. but there was a certain solemnity to the evening. >> a lot of people didn't come with dates. a few people showed up with their moms, kind of cute. >> and rooney mara brought her mother and her sister. >> that's right. she did. brad pitt brought his mom and dad. jonah hill brought his mom. i think that's kind of neat. i remember last year, russell brand brought his mom. >> and jessica chastain brought her grandma, which was darling. >> i think that's really sweet. takes some of the pressure off you. if you don't have a date, what the heck, bring mom. >> tell us about the sacha baron
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cohen. >> in high school, you're a loser you bring your mom. on the oscars, it makes you look like a hero. >> real human being. >> yes. >> tell us about that sacha baron cohen moment. i know it's got tons of play and maybe people are sick of it, but what do you think? >> you know, i think, first of all, i think the whole -- oh, will he, won't he show up as general, i think that was a ploy between the academy and sacha baron cohen. it got great publicity. i don't think ryan seacrest was expecting it. i knew he thought something was going to happen. i don't think he was expecting that. he didn't look -- i mean, he's a pro. ryan's a pro. but he looked a little -- just a little miffed. >> yes, he did. >> he sure did. >> what about billy crystal? i mean, it was fun to see him back. i was trying to google something of his from last night and it brought up something from 2004. he looked, you know, the same looking back. >> well, you know, look, some people complained that, oh, you
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know, there was nothing cutting edge. you didn't -- you don't want cutting edge with billy crystal. that's why you bring billy crystal in. you bring him back, because you tried doing the other stuff, it bombed. >> yes. >> and you know what, i mean, it's tried, it's true, it's funny. you know, i thought he did a great job. some of the montages -- the one they did on the long lost focus group on the "wizard of oz" i thought was hysterical. >> i thought that was great. >> who did you think -- because you have a much better advantage in seeing them in person, who just radiated just beautifully on the red carpet? >> i think -- i think octavia spencer. she radiated joy and was just was so happy. i think -- i think, you know, meryl streep looked terrific, like a real movie star. >> yeah. she is. >> i thought that was terrific. you know, and of course george clooney and stacy keibler i think fantastic.
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look, i think it's great. and jean dujardin, i mean, he just looks like a movie star. amazing. >> how about the cirque du soleil performance? how did that go over? >> well, they always freak me out anyway, so i wasn't quite sure. i think people were split. i think some people loved it, over people were, like, what's going on here. >> yeah. all right, al. well, thank you. >> get some rest on the way home. we'll see you here tomorrow. >> i appreciate it. i really liked your enthusiastic responses. "yeah. uh-huh." >> we're looking at things on the monitor. >> were you guys up all night? what was going on? >> yeah. all night. all night. and we look fabulous. love you! >> bye. >> is he still talking? all right. up next, what's up hoda woman? >> we look at those who dazzled and those who didn't. you go next if you had a
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we're back on this fun day monday with more of today and oscars fashion hits and misses. "the artist" might have taken the top honors for the best picture, but it's the best dressed that shine for weeks following the awards. >> from "fashion star," and howard is "in style" magazine's fashion director. hey, kids. >> hi, guys. >> good morning. >> you look fantastic this morning. >> aren't you sweet. anyway. what kind of trends did you see on the red carpet today? >> well, i would think -- >> ladies first. >> thank you, how. thank you. i saw a lot of nude-toned dresses, lots of nudes. and i saw a lot of side-swept hair, a lot of up-dos, and i saw very lightly statement jewelry. >> but no necklaces. i mean, if you have to say, if a woman was strapless, used to use the big necklace.
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those are gone. but there wasn't an overall trend. there was an incredible amount of diversity in terms of what people wore. and, in fact, there were probably for just different designers on the red carpet than ever before. >> this is true. i liked seeing the differences. >> there was diversity. >> let's talk about j. lo. it caused controversy because what may have been a shelling or peeking out. >> the dress -- i don't love the dress, and on somebody else i probably would have gagged. but the thing is that's exactly how people want j. lo to look. >> i agree with how. i call it the j. lo whoa. if the she doesn't give us a big whoa, we won't be wowed. >> everybody would be disappointed. >> she brings this type of red carpet power even on "idol." >> she knows how to pose, know what is she's doing. nobody's fool. >> somebody from her camp said there was nothing showing, and you know what i'm talking about, when she was up on stage. what did you think?
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>> i think -- if an areola had to come out -- i'm kidding. you know what? here's thing. >> i'm staying away from this one. >> i'm going to bring it out because obviously we know j. lo is full of class. she never wants the attention brought in that type of way. everybody to be out there and understand that if something happened, even it suggests it, understand it was an accident. at the end of the day she looked beautiful and meant to just project that. >> she is a beautiful woman and she has a classy stardom, not like rooney mara, a cool girl. she's a glamour girl, not a cool girl. >> poor cameron is standing right there and all we're doing is talking about j. lo. >> gwyneth paltrow's dress got a lot of attention. >> i liked it. very classy. >> my favorite. >> and i hear it was chilly so it was nice to have that cape over her. >> but it was also wonderful --
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what it reminded me of when tom was at the height of gucci in the '90s and did that white collection, it was so elegant, chic, and simple. it's a dress no one's seen on a red carpet before. you couldn't miss it no matter where she was. >> mm-hmm. >> the minute how and i ran into each other backstage, we were gushing over gwyneth's dress because it was so signature. but here's it will -- i appreciated that gwyneth pulled this ensemble together. she did her hair very clean back in a ponytail and just very statement pieces of jewelry that were very sleek and clean. so nothing overpowered the silhouette of the dress. >> everybody's talking about how beautifully octavia was dressed for a full-figured lady. hugged her beautifully. >>, you know, she and viola davis both. i think al had it right when he said they both just radiated joy.
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also, just a sense of -- such a sense of pride as a woman in who they are, and i think it's something that women watching this show can relate to in such a great way, because it's not about being that glamour girl, about being j. lo. you can still be a personal best. if you're not a size 2. >> for any woman who is full figured, tadashi shoji has taken care of her for every red carpet. >> he's made major points. she's looked sensational throughout the entire awards season. >> thank you! you could call her a "smash" hit. megan hilty is here. >> how cute she is. good morning. today is going to be a mess. two sides of this storm to the north. it's going to be heavy snow at times pip go farther south into the pink and purple and you're
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looking more at a wintry messed. either that sleep or freezing rain, both of which can be extremely dangerous on the road. when we get after dark, we'll see the chance for severe weather, especially in northern arkansas and southern missouri, your best chance for some of in a severe weather. setting the stage for that will be the very mild temperatures. close to 60 degrees in kansas city, 70 in parts of the south and florida looking great. we're going to see 80. that severe weather threat moves to the east on wednesday. we have a chance for some severe storms all the way up into ohio. still looking at noon for minnesota, some of the lower elevations in the northwest may see a little bit. nothing to get too excited about.
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and then the temperatures steady. and a chance for severe weather on thursday. thursday we're looking at know, the i-95 corridor a little too mild for that. on friday, a another chance at first inor land owe 88 degrees. and on saturday, temperatures still looking mild throughout a huge portion of the united states. and then on weekdays you can wake up with al. when they have more energy than i do. hen i don't feel like working out. when there isn't enough of me to go around. ♪ when i have school. and work. every morning.
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it's faster and easier than coffee. every afternoon when that 2:30 feeling hits. -every day. -every day. every day is a 5-hour energy day. [ male announcer ] 5-hour energy. every day. yes. yes. noooo! [ male announcer ] yep, subway broke the 200-calorie breakfast barrier. with delicious fresh fit mornin' melt breakfast sandwiches. subway. eat fresh.
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♪ ♪
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♪ i neff met a man who wasn't on the prowl ♪ >> that's the talented broadway turned tv star megan hilty in the new nbc musical drama called "smash." >> megan plays ivy lynn, a porn star -- no. wins the coveted part of marilyn monroe and a new musical face. glad to have you back. >> thanks for having me. >> you're well into -- this is like the teens in terms of the episodes. >> yeah. we're wrapping it up. >> you just hit i guess last week a very steamy, sultry episode. >> yeah. and i was in the center of it. >> you loved it. you didn't get into show business to not stand out, so to speak. so you end up in the sack with your director. >> yeah. >> everybody does. >> it wasn't just a casting couch thing, though. as the season goes on, you'll see it's a real relationship that's building, and it's --
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>> at first it wasn't. >> yes, well, maybe just a little bit. >> make excuses for it. >> there are real feelings there. >> you've done a ton of work on broadway stuff, but being in that kind of intimate situation, even though you're just acting, how was that? you seemed almost -- almost nude it seemed. >> yeah. no. there was -- i was wearing sweat pants. i mean, yeah, i draw the line somewhere. but it was very -- i felt very vulnerable. but i was in very good hands. jack davenport is such a gentleman and he's done those kinds of scenes a million times. >> it's not the guy you're doing the scene with that's the problem. it's all the guys standing around going -- oh. >> they're a great crew. no. we have the greatest crew and they were all really supportive and really -- they knew it was a delicate situation. >> kath, you've seen her a lot on broadway. >> yeah. >> glenda the good witch. >> wonderful playing the dolly parton role in "9 to 5."
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adorable in that. >> thank you. >> this is like your dream job all wrapped up together. >> it's everything i've ever wanted to do in one job. i get to represent the broadway community on television. so a real honor. >> now, right now you have the marilyn monroe part. but something tells me, because i know the world of broadway, it's a very tenuous grasp you have on that role. >> yes. i can tell you from personal experience doing these workshops and readings, just because you have it in the beginning doesn't mean you'll necessarily have it in the end or next week. >> you can do all the work and it goes straight to broadway with somebody else. >> yes. >> are you learning a lot about tv doing this? such a different animal for you. >> i am. my old job was doing the same thing every night but making it new. now i really try something new every day. it's like a little adventure. >> what a way to grow as a performer. >> absolutely.
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>> we're so happy for you. >> in real life, no time for a personal life. >> all right, sweetie. catch megan tonight on "smash" at 10:00, 9:00 central on nbc. >> up next, does it matter if you're counting calories? time for "today weighs in" and the answers to your e-mail questions about everything from gluten allergies to the truth about women and soy.
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>> madeleine bergstrom is here
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to help you figure it out. >> hey, madeleine. >> how you doing? >> we have some questions. the first one from m. herr in san francisco, california. she writes how do i know if i have food sensitivities or food allergies? should guy gluten free, dairy free? can i simply go and get a test? >> these are big buzzwords now and part of it comes from the health food stores, things that say gluten free, dairy free, egg free. very few people have true food allergies. your body senses some food component is harmful and tries to fight it off. trouble breathing, bad rashes. >> you don't know what it is. >> exactly. most people have some type of sensitivity or intolerance, and that's with stomach upset, a few hours after you eat it. the only way you can identify it as you said is to eliminate it. write it down and try and make these associations. oftentimes kids will get this. >> gluten sensitivity -- >> there is. that's something good to go for if it's a family history or anytime you have wheat products you start to get stomach upset. many people have a little bit of intolerance.
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think about lactose intolerance. >> how to you manage it? i take that probiotic and i don't do any dairy at all. >> eliminating helps. some people could have maybe one serving a day. what about you? >> i drink that lactaid milk. >> sort of predigested. there are ways around it. >> it just builds phlegm and then you can't speak and can't sing. and how attractive would that be if i couldn't sing?
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>> it just builds phlegm and then you can't speak and can't sing. and how attractive would that be if i couldn't sing? >> next. >> jennifer from wichita, kansas. when studies say eating broccoli or drinking tea will prevent cancer, how much do we have to eat or drink? >> if only they were true. having a varied die set what nature intends. there are laboratory studies. in a test tube you can find things in broccoli, green tea, black tea that can help promote good health on a cellular level, keep your cells running happily. the issue is how much of that in daily life. translate it, it doesn't mean eat broccoli but you can smoke and drink and not exercise and you'll have a healthy life. it's balance. keep a colorful plate. common sense can rule. but it can't offset things you're not doing. >> soy is a big thing. we have a minute. okay. a big thing. i thought, didn't you -- eat everything soy. and all of a sudden we're hearing it's not good for you. >> especially for breast cancer. >> soy from association studies in asia, low breast cancer rates, no complaints of menopause, a very good thing as a plant protein. the negative side is it acts as a weak estrogen and if you're sensitive to that, if you have breast cancer or are a survivor, you don't want extra estrogen. that can be a negative. talk to your doctor have you have these risk factors. in moderation, it's great. heart healthy plan. >> who's better than you? >> nobody. >> coming up tomorrow, the ups
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and downs of being a teenager. >> and hoda's three friends stop by. bobbie has "tuesday's trends." >> have a great day. we're lucky enough to do our show in new york city, just a few blocks away from one of the most famous streets in the world, broadway. and every night this week, we're bringing you performances from the biggest shows on broadway. we get things started tonight with a song from "how to succeed in business without really trying," starring nick jonas, right here at the al hirschfield theater on 45th street. welcome to broadway week! >> steve: from studio 6b in rockefeller center, the national broadcasting company presents -- tonight's guests are --


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