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tv   Today  NBC  March 17, 2012 2:05am-3:05am EDT

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captions paid for by nbc-universal television hello, everybody. we're so glad u're here with us today. it's try day friday, march 16th. tomorrow, more importantly, is st. patrick's day. >> and today we're lonely here on the set, but not today. today is different. today we have with us to celebrate members of the newark firefighters pipe and drum band. will you play a little something for us? >> bring it in.
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♪ ♪ >> that was fabulous. >> you know what, a big round of applause for our firefighters. thank you so much. we're going the tell you as they're departing a little about st. paddy's day. >> don't get rid of that hat. >> they're not comfortable. >> thanks, guys. >> thank you so much. >> i went to put it on and of course it fits me very, very well. >> absolutely. >> hoda, try yours on. >> my head is bigger than yours. >> hoda, try yours on. >> mine is on!
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let's show you some things we may not know. i can't help it. my head is big. you know what, i have so much trouble finding hats everywhere. you know. you've been around. try mine. mine's really big. >> okay. that's rude. >> all right. so st. patrick's day as you know is tomorrow. and everyone associates st. patrick's day with green, but there's a reason i'm wearing a dress you wore a couple weeks ago, blue and green. originally the color for st. patrick's day was blue. >> that's right. >> but it was considered unlucky. >> because good fairies -- people or -- good people or fairies would still children that were wearing too much of it. >> what's funny about st. paddy's day, we were in ireland once for st. patrick's day, and we're, like, where's everybody? >> they don't celebrate it. >> no. we celebrate it. they don't know what we're talking about. they think it's weird. >> celebrating tomorrow, big time. >> who?
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>> you know how much i love jimmy. he's celebrating not only st. patrick's day in new york city, but it's his 40th anniversary. >> oh. >> 40th anniversary. he came from ireland and worked at the new york athletic club and then started his own restaurant. his irish dreams came true in a great country called america. so proud of you, jimmy, and love you so much. >> that's the lamb chop recipe. here's the thing. we're drinking something. >> guinness. musky, no? >> but with a twist. it is guinness with champagne in it. they call it black velvet. >> oh. >> hmm. >> because you know what i don't like guinness. it's too thick, heavy. but this is good. >> we have some news to tell you guys about. we had something last night called the up fronts, and that's when all of the news people go and greet the advertisers and you talk about your upcoming season and whatnot. >> not just the news, though. everybody from all -- every show
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on nbc is there. >> right. so we as a network sometimes give them little pieces of tape they can show the advertisers for sort of a ha-ha funny, funny. we did a fake game show and willie geist was playing the host. >> yeah. >> it was a skit. they called the skit not "smash" like the show but "smashed." >> duh. >> anyway, there is a clip at the end -- >> don't tell them what happened. look. >> no. we're going to show them -- >> oh, yeah. >> take a peek. >> our first question. >> yes. >> which of these takes longer? for the earth to rotate on its axis, b, to walk from 30 rock to comcast headquarters in philadelphia, according to google maps, c, to watch a week's worth of "today" show broadcasts or d listen to the unabridged audio book of crime and punishment? kathie lee. >> the audio book. >> sorry. the floor is yours.
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>> watching the "today" show for hours. >> that's correct. >> thank you. >> yes! >> 28 hours total. here's the math. four hours times five days, 20, three hours on the weekend, five hours of the 2:00 a.m. encores. of the two of you. >> i forgot about the late-night thing. >> we've got a tie. never before has this happened in the history of "smashed." >> there has never been a "smashed." >> true. here's how we will settle this. whoever bottoms out their beverage first is our winner today. kathie lee gifford! kathie lee gifford is our champion. >> age and experience, people. >> a gift box from the playboy club. items we couldn't give away. we're glad you'll take them for us. wow. wow. wow. >> finally, something i want. thank you. >> thank you, everybody. >> bye! >> i want to point out that --
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>> bobbie. i was wondering who that was. >> oh, jerry. taking turns with jerry. >> by the way, after -- we should point out after that game show bit this totally surprised jerry, jerry kept going, thanks, kath. thanks, kathie. in the car, leaving. thanks, kathie. i'm, like, she's gone now. >> we taped it for a long time. i felt like things weren't moving along. but thank you, jerry. you're a great sport. all right. here's the thing. a lot of us have children of college age. so in the column "the sunday style" -- it's -- >> social cues column. >> tell us about it. >> a woman was wondering what to do because when her daughter comes home the boyfriend comes with. they were saying where should the boyfriend sleep? the woman explains her daughter she's a freshman, bringing home her first boyfriend, a small apartment. the options are the living room
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sofa or her daughter's bedroom. the question is where should the guy sleep? this is the advice from phil. >> love him. a sweet guy. not always right. >> not today. hold on. let's see. can you roll back just a little bit. there it is. the advice is ask the daughter where she would feel the most comfortable having her boyfriend sleep. >> uh. >> if she prefers to share her bedroom with her beau, go along with it. let her know you respect her ability to make decisions sensibly and behave safely. >> uh. >> total mistake. >> uh. here's where he stays, holiday inn. >> yes. >> this is the thing. we talked about it the other day on our show. kids running the home. if the mother has a problem with it, it's her home. it's the mother's home. you honor your mother and father in your own home. you know, once you send them off to college hopefully you've taught them the right way to live their life.
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but in your own home, you live by your parents' rules. >> think about the idea of such a small apartment. the whole thing is very weird. >> not soundproofed if you know what i mean. that's cassidy's age if she's a freshman. >> would you ever die if she said -- >> it would never happen. never happen. uh-uh. >> you know what, you laid down the law quickly. >> she would know not to ask. >> a lot of people say you have to stand up to your parents and tell them what you want. la, la, la. >> yeah. we're also paying the bills. you like that college you go to and the car you're driving and all the gas in it -- you know what i'm saying? if you want to live your life by your own rules, and make your own living, see how it all turns out for you. >> they're in my eye line. sort of bothering me, the make-out session. >> i'm a little jell use.
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>> you're jealous. >> yes. it was a little upsetting. >> a little study for jerry. stop trying so hard. you might live longer is the title of that. >> there's a new study out of notre dame that ambitious people don't necessarily come out on top. >> they tracked jerry. >> that is sick. >> they tracked 700 highly able individuals and found out ambitious people got a lot of education but didn't necessarily live longer. >> and you wonder if they're necessarily happier in their lives. some of my most miserable friends, not friends but people i know well, are the biggest overachieving people in the whole world. you know some of them. they're billionaires. they've got a gazillion people working for them. you know that saying he who dies with the most toys wins, sometimes he who dies with the most toys is the most miserable person on the planet. >> i agree. >> it's not about the stuff. >> when you have the itch you can't scratch, there's nothing that will ever make you feel like you're at peace, you've got a problem. forever you'll be chasing that high.
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>> never be enough. >> there's a difference between ambition, which is a good thing, and that chasing, that -- >> yeah. obsession. yeah. although i do like that perfume. >> yeah. >> it's time for kathie lee's hysterical "friday funny." >> it's too much. all right. an irishman walks into a pub. bartender asks him what will you have? he says three pints of guinness. the bartender brings it and the man alternately sips one, then the other, then the third till they're all gone. he orders three more. the bartender says you don't have to order three at a time. i can keep an eye on it and when you get low, i'll bring you a fresh cold one. the man says you don't understand. i have two brothers, one in australia, one in the states. we made a vow to each other every saturday night we still drink together. right now my brothers have three guinnesses and we're drinking together. bartender thought that was a wonderful tradition. every week the man came in and ordered the three beers.
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one week he came in and ordered only two. he drank them and ordered two more. bartender said i know what your tradition is and i'd just like to say i'm so sorry one of your brothers has died. man says, oh, me brothers are fine. i just quit drinking. get out of here! oh. get out of here! it's a tough room. >> it's time for our girl, bobbie thomas. >> bobbie! >> i have to follow that. >> hey, bobbie. jerry was great, wasn't he? >> he is. jerry's my lucky charm. i want to say happy 90th birthday to my grandmother, alice o'malley.
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>> o'malley! >> love you, gram. we just celebrated. i have some lucky charms besides jerry. don't be jealous. that there's this big craze. >> hello kitty but also straw seats has the limbed edition key fobs and bag charms. so does prada. it is hard to find these because they were collected. i know you're like what's happening but these were a big craze that spawned these little voodoo dolls that are at airport kiosks. >> voodoo. >> lucky little voodoo dolls. this one, nibble away at your worries, this other one -- sort of luck messages. this one's luckier than four rabbits feet, it says. >> cute. >> they're cute. there's a big craze. also dolce and gabana makeup have limbed edition lip liners and eyeliners with charms on the end. and last but not least, one of my favorite designers from l.a.,
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michelle roy, real four-leaf clovers in gold or silver. they're about $100. but you can have an authentic four-leaf clover as a pendant. >> beautiful. thank you, bobbie. [ buzz ] >> it's time to do a little try day -- bobbie, you can stick around. >> thank you. >> we'll do a little dance. >> jerry, too. >> yeah. we have maggie herzog. she is our teacher today. >> who's more irish than maggie herzog. >> hi, maggie. >> how are you? you're going to show us a little something. should we get up? >> yes. >> irish jig. >> irish jig. show us what you got. >> point your right toe and start with a big jump. and a cut. >> i can't do this. >> cut over your left knee. >> i'm not very balanced. >> bring that leg right to the back, hop back. >> i can't jump around. >> jump, cut, hop back.
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>> okay. ♪ >> the first part. >> six, seven, eight. >> you make it look easy. >> how about this kick. >> maggie herzog, you're good. >> all right. up next, what is the best vegetable to add to your salad to ward off an infection? >> kale. i don't know. take our immunity boosters quiz.
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it's just not breakfast without milk. get nourished every day. got milk? >> it's time for "get started today" and our immunity booster pop quiz. >> from the right amount of sleep to what will give you the best pick-me-up during the day.
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erin hobday is here with us from "self" magazine to put us to the test. hello. >> hello. >> these help boost our immunity. >> yes. some of the things we do every day can help improve immunity. we'll find out if we're doing the right ones. >> we are ready. >> question one. to boost your immunity, what's the smarter morning drink option, a, a fruit smoothie, b, a large coffee, or c, green tea? >> i'm going with large coffee. >> green tea. >> yes. you are correct. excellent. >> okay. go on. >> people who drink tea, their immune responses are faster than those who drink coffee. and green tea reduces inflammation. >> i knew that. >> correct. >> very good. very good. okay. now's your chance. number two, when you work out, your cardio philosophy should be, a, slow and steady wins the race -- >> you have to wait till she reads them all. >> you never followed that rule ever and now you want to --
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>> go ahead -- >> b, go hard or go home, c, i rarely work out. >> the fist one. >> that is correct. >> what is happening with this bad quiz? >> okay. >> we agree we're not doing it until after it's been read. >> okay. number three, for a quick energy fix you should have, a, a soda, b, nut, fruit or another small snack or c a vitamin-enhanced water. >> b. >> b. >> you are correct. >> ha, ha, ha. >> easiest ever. >> i did the first two. >> the sugar in soda can actually reduce your white blood cells from working. they can keep them from working, which is really important for your immunity. four, how often should you hang out with your friends? every chance i get, few times a month, c, rarely. >> she was not finished! all right. now i've had it. either follow the rules --
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>> i have a question. did i get it wrong? >> you were sort of right. it's a and b. both answers are correct. i think we can give you that one. friends can help reduce stress and stress can mess with your immunity. >> friends can help stress. >> yeah. where is one when i need one? >> okay. >> i'm just not going to follow the rules anymore, you guys. obviously there's no point. >> when it kms to immunity, which is best to add to your salad? [ buzzer ] mushrooms, cucumbers or tomatoes? >> tomatoes. >> incorrect. >> cucumbers. >> also incorrect. >> sorry. they work for me. >> the answer is mushrooms. mushrooms are one of the only types of -- >> i still get the point because she lost. >> no points awarded. >> 2-2. >> tiebreaker. this is it. kind of easy. how much sleep should you get per night? >> seven hours or more. >> that is correct. i didn't even read it.
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>> when you cheat, it's unbelievable. >> what are you talking about? >> oh, look. here's your jump rope. >> you earned it. >> all sorts of things that will help improve your immunity in there. >> you can do video workouts. nuts. >> up next, sara is getting ready to step up to the mike. this italian b.m.t. is amazing. i'm in italy... ♪ ♪ ciao! ciao! ciao! dude!? she was talkin' to me. they're never talking to you. -what? -never. [ male announcer ] get to subway pronto for our fresh takes on italian. like the delizioso italian b.m.t., and the molto bono chicken parmesan. subway. eat fresh.
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but in the sleep number store, we hear it all the time. nine out of ten couples disagree on the firmness they want in a mattress. i sleep on the couch. with our bed, the sleep number setting represents the firmness that you like on your half of the mattress. you can have it your way and i'll have it mine. so we save a lot of marriages. at our semi-annual sleep sale, save on our most popular bed sets. plus, free standard shipping but only through march 18th! only at the sleep number store, where queen mattresses start at just $699.
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it is time for "3-2-1 live" with sara haines. she's hacking -- hanging with the crowd. >> let's see what probing questions you have lined up for us this week. >> hi, guys. alex from texas has a question about spring break. >> i'm with a middle school on our spring break trip. i'm sorry. i was wondering what was your favorite spring break trip? >> ladies? >> i went to cozumel. in mexico. and i don't remember much about it but it was fun.
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>> i went on a missionary trip to africa. >> of course you did. >> i don't remember -- we didn't really have them. i went home to see my family. always. one of the things i regret in life. never had the spring break experience. >> david from texas has a question about jobs. >> what are the pressures of having to watch what you say on tv every day? >> they don't. >> we don't do that. we know some people who do that, but they don't stay on the air very long. >> do you have time? beth, ohio. >> hi, girls. you are not the wine-drinking -- you are not the beer-drinking kind of girls. so what are you ladies going to do to celebrate tomorrow on st. patrick's day? >> i'm going to be down in the florida keys with my family. >> i'll probably be in florida, as well. >> yeah. >> have a great st. patrick's day. thank you all. >> still ahead, how to look great by dressing for your weight. >> also, the handiest new products from the international home and housewares show.
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>> plus, good food and fun activities for celebrating st. patrick's day with the entire family. >> even if you don't like them.
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we're back on this try day friday with more of "today." just one of those unfortunate facts of life, your weight goes up, it goes down. >> and back up. sometimes it's hard to dress to impress when all you feel is depressed. >> mm-hmm. >> but here to say don't wait to look great is wardrobe stylist amy acton. >> how are you? thanks for having me. >> nothing more depressing than shopping when you feel like blah, like you put on ten pounds and you go shop, not a great time to look for stuff, is it. >> it's not. it doesn't matter what size you are, 2, 22, all of us have that problem in the dressing room. that's the bottom line. i'm going to give you my tricks. >> start with jennifer. our first model.
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she blogs from home. she recently lost 100 pounds. >> good for her. >> she's dressing as if she was heavier. what's the solution? >> you work at home, you want to be comfortable. >> sure. >> she's always in oversized sweat pants and ts. we put her in these great jeggings, as comfortable as sweat pants and leggings and even better because no dimpling shows through and it holds you nice and tight. we put her in this kimono-style jacket which is flattering on every single body type. the way it drapes in the front is slimming. >> love it. >> the t-shirt from kohl's. i like the way the color works. your problem areas, you go darker. it doesn't mean it has to be black. >> looks great. thank you. >> really cute. >> next up is faith. faith had been a baby five months ago and now she's wearing a cocktail dress. >> look at faith. tell us about that.
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>> what we did is a cowl neck brings all the attention to her face, which is beautiful. >> beautiful. >> the cobalt color is an automatically feel-good color. subconsciously it makes you feel calm and serene. >> so sexy. that's ruching, right? >> that's horizontal tiering, which hugs the body properly in all the right curves. now she's embracing her new curvy figure. >> where is this from? >> jcpenney. >> thanks, hon. >> hello, jcpenney. jen's back in the working world and she wanted to find something that didn't find so stuffy as a suit. tell us about this outfit. >> kim has the most challenging body type, broad in the shoulders and full in the middle. >> and lovely basooms. >> right. so we wanted to give her a jacket with a soft shoulder. the knit jacket moves nicely with the body and floats away ever so slightly. >> right.
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>> when you're fuller in the middle, you want to go tone on tone. you do black, but you could do it with blue, green -- >> any chromatic. >> that looks great. >> then we put her in a skinny jean to give her some shape. >> love it. good job. >> lastly -- >> like wynonna judd. >> yes, she does. >> lastly, the bathing suit. >> looks great in that. >> terrific. >> so she's going to kill me but she's 5'2" and a full-sized 12, maybe 14. >> she doesn't look it. >> no. >> this is where you spend your money, ladies. the miracle suit. go out, invest in it. this off the shoulder look -- >> miracle suit. >> fantastic. one-shoulder look elongates her entire torso. >> very elegant. >> the wrap is just a scarf you can pick up at any department store. pair it with espadrilles. when you're moving out, move up. >> love it.
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>> let's bring all our models out. >> thanks very much, everybody. >> up next, the best new products from the international home and hardware show. [ degeneres ] what's more beautiful than a covergirl? two covergirls. that's right. get two miracles in one product. covergirl makeup... and olay advanced hydrating serum. it's new tone rehab 2-in-1 foundation. one pump... covers spots, lines... and wrinkles. and one bottle helps improve skin tone over time. that's what i was supposed to say now. well, no one can understand you. ♪ new tone rehab 2-in-1 foundation from [ babbling ] ...covergirl. that's what i'm talking about. see? what did you just say? i'm looking for some "beeza-beeza-vuza-vuza." 2:30 in the afternoon, a lot to do, and you've hit the wall. but you got to get stuff done. so take 5-hour energy. just open it up, knock it back, and roll up your sleeves. 5-hour energy is faster and easier than coffee. man, does it work.
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you'll get that alert, energized feeling you need to get stuff done. a lot of stuff. wow. look at you go. 5-hour energy. when you gotta get stuff done. so every year my family throws this great reunion in austin. but this year, i can only afford one trip and i've always wanted to learn how to surf. austin's great -- just not for surfing. so i checked out hotwire. and by booking with them, i saved enough to swing both trips. see, hotwire checks the competition's rates every day so they can guarantee their low prices. that's how i got a 4-star hotel on the beach in san diego for half price. ♪ h-o-t-w-i-r-e ♪
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if you are eagerly awaiting the first day of spring to reorganize and clean your home, you may be entrust e interested in some of the products introduced at the international home and housewares show in chicago. >> we have about six of them. we sent consumer expert sissy biggers was there last weekend and she's back with some of the latest and greatest gadgets to make your life easier. >> hi. >> st. patrick's day, a sure sign of spring and time to attack our home system. >> i like how you say mom inventors took a couple top prizes. >> mom-preneurs. they like solutions for their family life. >> they live it every day. >> this is the first freezable lunch bag. put your hands in there. it's got a gel insert that's
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sewn right in. >> oh, my gosh. >> you put it in the freezer overnight and your kids' lunch can stay fresh up to ten hours. >> genius. >> isn't that great? they're looking for solutions and they've got the wine bag, the picnic bag, soft coolers for every aspect of your life. >> that can be for now. >> this is a young gal from california. she invented because she had a 1-year-old, it's the bambino tidy table tray. you take it to the table, you snap it right on. >> easy. >> it's $35, completely light weight. >> so smart. >> these two things separate. you get -- they can dine on the green. you take it away and when you're continuing your mommy, daddy dinner, wash that. and then they're coloring while they have time at the table. this lip keeps the food on the tray and not in the baby's lap. >> brilliant. >> i had to come back with one gadget. i had 20 but donna made me choose one. the bananza. you didn't know you needed a
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banana cutter, did you. >> going home with mama. >> this is their 20th anniversary of making cool gadgets. >> oh, my gosh. >> less than $9.99. >> love it. >> so fun. okay. we know about silicone in the kitchen. it's already a proven technology. >> right. >> this is the new squish collapsible. go ahead. >> oh, my gosh. >> isn't that great? >> they collapse in no time flat. >> you can store them -- >> store them easily. and think about the play time for the baby on the floor. >> the baby will go bonkers. >> the bowls too? >> the bowls. >> don't get the baby caught in that. up to this five-quart bowl. you can take this on a picnic. >> it's over you go, time to go. >> that's great. >> you know what, the squish collapsibles. they're even showing ipad apps at the show. that's how far we've come.
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this is the cookbook. more than 2,000 recipes. i'm going to choose a way to break down my recipes. i'm going to pick the ingredient list. i can go to eggs. no matches found. >> oh, dear. that's why i don't go on computers. >> the fact of the matter is -- >> my eggs. >> once you get into it -- i wanted corned beef and cabbage. there it is. but it has a voice control. you can say next, keep your hands free and continue your recipe. sipping stones, your single malt will not be diluted. it's a soap stone. you keep it in the freezer. a little spirits technology. >> who's better than you, sissy? >> nobody! >> stainless steel wine canteens. >> i'm into red now but you're forgiven. >> one for each of you. you can work it out. a weightless scale.
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it will tell you how much you're off your goal weight, but it won't tell you how much you weigh. finally, the newest from dyson. >> show us. >> the ball canister. >> what is it? >> the ball canister. it will follow you around like a puppy around the house. >> it will? >> oh, you don't have to push or pull it. very satisfying. >> awesome. i want all of them. thanks. good to see you. >> up next, we'll celebrate st. patrick's day with food for the whole family. right after these messages. i'm meteorologist chris warren with your weather channel forecast. looking across the country, not going to be what's falling from the sky that will be the big story, it's going to be what you feel. and it's going to be warm once again. with that, we will see some pop-up storms from texas over to the carolinas and virginia. and in all of this red and orange once again, this is
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showing us where temperatures will get up to 80 degrees again in chicago. this is just not at all what you would expect this time of year, but it's what we're going to be seeing. meanwhile, totally different story in the west, from denver to los angeles to seattle to billings, it's going to be a bit of a mess. rain, snow in the higher elevations. and we're not even talking about that high of elevation that the snow will come down. the darker blues in the 40s, the lighter blues in the 30s. more orange and red, 70s and 80s once again. going to see even some mid 80s around the gulf coast. for monday, we'll see the next system pushing out into the plains. a chance for some rain, but seeing some very mild temperatures. hard to imagine that it is mid march when you see 70s in minneapolis. but that's happening right now. still a chance of rain from the gulf up to the northern lakes.
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once that gets through in minneapolis, around 60 degrees, still warm in the southeast. on wednesday, continue to see the barrage of storms into the northwest. a chance of storms from the great lakes to the gulf coast. the northeast still mild, as well. 70s and 60s. thursday, still going to be in the 60s. look at all of the 60s and 70s east of the rockies. 40s and 50s in the northwest. another system moving into the pacific northwest. weekdays, you can "wake up with al" on the weather channel. [ male announcer ] when do you take 5-hour energy? when i'm on the night shift. when they have more energy than i do. when i don't feel like working out. when there isn't enough of me to go around. ♪ when i have school. and work. every morning. it's faster and easier than coffee. every afternoon when that 2:30 feeling hits. -every day. -every day.
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every day is a 5-hour energy day. [ male announcer ] 5-hour energy. every day. ♪ icy, cool flavor in a delicious 5-calorie stick of gum. ♪ polar ice. from extra.
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happy st. patrick's day today is brought to you by the new nonalcoholic bailey's coffee creamers. find your flavor today. >> today celebrating with the entire family. with the kids home from school tomorrow, why not keep them busy with a few holiday-inspired activities.
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>> here is mary dial, the deputy editor of "family fun" magazine. nice to see you. >> clever little crafts. >> thank you. some great projects for families to celebrate. first of all, i have got a leprechaun frap trap. they'll sneak in, dye your milk green, leave footprints on your countertop. readers decided to put a stop to that and started making these traps. this is our hat trap. this is just an oatmeal container. the trick is you're going to cut a hole in the top that's smaller than the actual container, cover it with felt. you can decorate it as elaborately or simply as you like. but the trick is you put a piece of felt on the top after you cut the hole. >> they're going to go right into it. >> exactly. >> gold foil. something up there to lure them to the top.
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if you catch a leprechaun, they have to share their gold with you. even if they don't, they usually leave you a treat behind. you can't lose. they climb up to the top, step up to get the treasure -- >> down the hatch. >> drew, good job. >> thank you, drew. all right. next, we have got our shamrock smoothies. these are super delicious, super healthy. and very green as you can see. >> what's in that? >> a cup of frozen vanilla yogurt in there already. the secret ingredient is parsley. you need a quarter cup. you want to pack it in tight. and then we're going to dump in two cups of honeydew and two kiwi fruit and one frozen banana. just five things in there. >> easy. >> all right. pop that on, hit it. >> and this is what you get. >> yep. we made it fresh this morning. >> thank you so much. >> kathie lee, hoda. yummy, right? >> who do we have here? >> mm-hmm. >> she is making our rainbow cupcakes. this is hanna. >> hi. >> these rainbows, you can see here, some finished ones.
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roll them out flat, cut them into long strips. you want to help me out and show, hanna? a bunch of different colors. they're sticky so you want to work on waxed paper. bend them into a rainbow. you'll put one on your cupcake here. stick it in there and add some gold chocolate coins. >> nice job, hanna. >> beautiful name. >> who do we have here? >> kevin is making our shamrock toasties. >> hi, kev. >> mm-hmm. >> it turns out if you cut a bell pepper it looks a lot like a shamrock. cut it crosswise. if you have a four-lobed one, you have a lucky shamrock. you'll toast up some english muffin, layer on cheddar cheese and one of your pieces of bell pepper for a stem. >> cute. >> just about 30 seconds. what do we have down here? >> we love projects you can do with things you have around the house.
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this requires some potatos, a heart-shaped cookie cutter and some paint. >> adorable. >> stick your heart shape there, cut around it. >> you can make a clove with them. >> three hearts make a perfect shamrock every time. >> you did it. genius. if you want to make t-shirts for the parade. >> thanks, everybody. that was neat. >> up next, our st. patrick's day celebration with guinness soup.
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♪ it's a great day for the irish ♪ >> in "today's kitchen," st. patrick's day style. >> here to show us how to make a deliciously irish dish that is so simple even hoda could make it -- >> hey, hey. >> the author of "kitchen hero," donal skeen. >> hey, ladies. thank you for having me. so excited. >> look like such a young kid.
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>> from one direction. >> yes. i'm 25, i'll have you know. >> let's do this. what are we eating? >> we are making beef and guinness stew. a delicious irish dish. it's using a good bit of guinness and it's tasty. i have some meat browning here. >> rump roast? >> little bit of strip loin. >> strip loin. >> no expense spared, ladies. come on. i got this in here, browning our meat. need a tig temperature to brown your meat. and then i'll transfer it across. >> you don't cook it all the way through. >> just browning it. do it at a high heat so you get it nicely seared. see that beautiful color? >> yes. seal in all the juices. >> yes. this is it. >> just fall apart in your mouth. >> this is it. >> yes. it goes sliding in here. i'm a messy chef so, you know. >> who taught you, your mom or your dad? >> i'm a self-taught cook. i am absolutely passionate about cooking and easy home cooking recipes.
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>> where are you from in ireland? >> dalton a little fishing village called hos. it is the most beautiful place. >> okay. >> i like it. >> we've got carrot, celery, onions. we'll soften them down. then a little bit of garlic and bay leaf, and our meat as well. it's a bit of an all in one pot. really tasty stuff. we're going to go in with a little beef stock and you add it because you want to make it milder. what happens is the guinness has this rich flavor so we need to balance it. >> this is heavy-duty stuff. >> this is it. >> two whole bottles? >> two. lovely head on the top. happy day. >> i've decided who you are. >> who? >> he is our irish reed alexander. >> yes. >> who's reed alexander? >> he is. one of our favorite guests in the world. >> really. okay. >> come on down.
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>> so moving quickly on, this is going to cook off, simmer slowly and get beautifully tender. >> am i right? >> you're adorable. >> you are adorable, kathie lee. i love you. i love you. >> soft skin. by the way, he's been skiing all his life. >> that's my line now. we are making irish soda bread. lovely buttermilk in here, a little bit of flour, some baking soda. >> 30 seconds. >> we put it in. okay. mix it through. >> eat it up. >> a little bit of flour, mix it up. >> thank you. >> donal, let it go. set it free. >> i'm trying to do it. >> happy st. patrick's day. >> oh, my gosh. >> here you go, kath. >> oh, my gosh. >> come and visit ireland. it's amazing. >> happy st. patrick's day. >> on monday, we have curt
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cameron and a bunch of people. >> it's going to be great. -- captions by vitac -- >> jimmy: hey guys. it's the last day of broadway week, here at "late night" and we're finishing the week strong, with a big number from "sister act," which is playing right here, at the broadway theatre. it's been a great week of amazing performances and tonight it gets even better. let's start the show. >> steve: from studio 6b in rockefeller center, the national broadcasting company presents -- tonight's guests are -- and featuring the legendary roots crew. and here he is -- jimmy fallon!


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