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tv   Today  NBC  April 4, 2012 2:05am-3:00am EDT

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captions paid for by nbc-universal television ♪ ♪ my achy breaky heart >> it is tuesday, april 3rd. next to me is the achy breaky heart guy himself, billy ray cyrus is filling in for hoda. she's got a couple of days. good to see you. welcome back!
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>> good to be here. >> this is not your first time to the rodeo, as they say. >> no, it is not. >> you've hosted with hoda a couple times. >> yes, i have. >> well now you're in for it. hoda is a much nicer human being. you don't get nervous now. right? it is no big deal. >> no. it's fun. >> i think the difference is when you're a real performer and you've been performing -- has it been 20 years since "achy breaky heart"? >> it came out in 1992. >> did you have any idea it would just rocket you to stardom the way it did, but also this crazy world you entered into? >> i felt like there was some really good songs on there and it was a time period in my life when i was living the music. very similar to what i'm going through now with this new album, "hillbilly heart." and the songs that i've written for this album, it is an interesting time period to parallel that 20-year anniversary and the music is alive and real as it was then. >> you've got a lot more to talk about now, 20 years later. more experience. i got to be honest, i like your hair now a lot better.
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i just do. i never went with that mullet thing. >> really? >> who the heck talked you into that? >> you know what? just one of those things. >> and tell me about the new autobiography. is it going to be juicy? is it a page turner? >> well, let's hope so. >> did you write it yourself? autobiography means you wrote it yourself. >> that's right. i'm still writing now. should be out later this year. and again, it parallels the music and i kind of had to take just a little bit of a break from writing because i got so involved in making this album that i said, you know what? the book is about the music and i can't finish the book if i'm still doing the music. >> yeah. compartmentalize yourself so much. >> i'm excited. i'm going to play a couple things from the album. it is going to be a lot of fun. >> awesome. let's hear a little of it. >> sure. if you got some. that sounds like "hillbilly
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heart." good old rock, stomping southern, just rocking and stomping. >> i love the intro but it would be lovely to hear you sing. >> you'll hear that tomorrow. all of my roots, all of my influence is really come together and make this album really special. >> what state did you grow up in? >> kentucky. kentucky. which we love. love, love. what a gorgeous state. >> it is amazing. >> yeah. i haven't been to louisville -- the first time i went to louisville i thought, now i understand why they call it blue grass. >> congratulations, kentucky wildcats! >> oh, yeah! >> did you watch the game last night? >> i didn't. i was reading my bible. >> they're champions. go big blue! congratulations. >> that's their eighth time, right? i read about it. >> it was an amazing game. the team was great and as always, the state of kentucky -- it was amazing. >> did you proud! talk about doing you proud. how is our miley doing now? >> doing great. >> she's 19. >> working on a new album, just staying very busy and very happy right now.
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>> i think i read somewhere recently that she -- these days i don't believe what i read and i don't believe what i hear. i've gotten in trouble recently for that. tell me, is she happy about the hannah montana experience, the whole thing? would she do things differently if she had it back, and would you, too? >> i think that for both of us, we look at that and cherish that experience. you know? it was a great time in our lives and certainly was able to step forward and we wanted to make family entertainment. >> and you did. >> make people laugh. >> but it became -- >> make people cry, make people sing. give something that the whole family could do together and feel those emotions of life. and again, as professionals for us to work together and evolve, it was an experience both of us i think will always cherish. >> you were telling me though earlier today that she did give up certain things in life because of it. we're going to be talking about proms these days and how people are coming down on what these girls are wearing to proms.
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i asked her, i said was miley ever able to go to her own prom? >> yeah. we were doing "hannah" during her prom time. we did take her to one little prom -- it was like almost prom. >> but it wasn't her prom. >> one time i took my mom to nashville and she loved willie nelson but she met almost-willie. >> who's that? kris kristofferson? >> no. it was just like a guy pulling a truck that kind of looked like willie. my mom came in and said i just met willie nelson. it was at shoney's in nashville. i went out, the truck went out and said "almost willie." miley went to the almost-prom. >> nice boyfriend she's got, liam. >> "hunger games" is amazing. have you seen it? >> but look how sophisticated she looks. >> have you seen the "hunger games"? >> yes. i saw it and loved it. i hear he's got the role in the next movie.
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that will test their relationship a little. you snow once he starts getting lots and lots of attention. she's used to it but i don't think he is. >> they're doing pretty good. >> now. i know. i wish them the best but you know what can happen. >> it can be tough out there, yeah. >> um-hmm. >> but they got a great script, got a great cast. going back to the movie. >> you're putting a different spin on everything. tomorrow we're going to talk to you -- >> congratulations to liam. >> we'll talk about that tomorrow because i want to get to this prom stuff. okay? he's going to be with me tomorrow obviously. >> 90210? >> let's talk about it. >> you're going to play -- i love the name of this guy you're going to play -- judd -- what is it? ridge? >> judge ridge. >> smokey mountains taken. judd ridge. >> this is my second time to be judd. >> it is a real stretch for you, i hear. >> yeah -- >> what's this guy like? >> he's kind of rude and obnoxious.
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that was different. >> you aren't rude and you are not obnoxious. >> i try to be nice to everybody. so it's fun for me to play that type of character. i did it once before in a movie called "bait shop." i played a guy called hot rod johnson. hot rod was pretty obnoxious, too. >> can't you ever just have a normal name. why do you and i have three names to begin with? billy ray cyrus, kathie lee gifford. lots of others. we figured out that there are some other people too with three names like jack "the ripper." who are some of the other ones? john wilkes booth. who were you named after? >> how about some more positive ones. >> jamie lee curtis. all right, so where did you get the ray? who's that? >> you know, when i was born -- >> no, i don't know. >> papaw and mamaw came to see me, cyrus, at the hospital.
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my papaw's eyesight was fading. i had a wrist band on that said baby boy cyrus and he misread it to be billy ray cyrus. my mamaw heard that and said billy ray cyrus and they thought perfect. >> he's so doggone cute, you believe him. did that really happen? >> no. i just made it up for the book. >> you didn't have to take her to the prom, our miss miley, but many parents are facing that right now. they're going to have some strict dress codes coming up. we have some powerful visuals to demonstrate what is acceptable and what is not. whoa! it's a hooker convention. oh, it looks like that adult entertainment thing they do at the -- in vegas every year. not that i've ever visited but i've heard. yeah. you know, cassidy, my daughter, is just around your daughter's
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age and she models for a wonderful designer named sherri hill. this is what they're trying to get the young girls -- now that's age appropriate, don't you think? >> perfect. >> it's short but they've got great legs -- there she is with kendall jenner. those are beautiful little dresses, i think. it's not up thes of cleavage. so i feel prepared today. sit rough to raise good kids. >> did you say that was your daughter? >> the little blonde. >> let me see that again. >> no, let's not. i don't like it -- >> she looks just like you. >> oh, now i love you. there she goes again. >> twins. >> she's going to be 19. she's a little actress. i watched you go through what you went through with miley. cass did, too. she actually auditioned for some stuff on your show. didn't get it. >> she's so beautiful.
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>> thank you. she's a good, good girl. want to talk about some other things with you. what do you want to talk about, big boy? >> i got a new tv show i'm working on. >> we just talked about that. >> no, no, it is a new one called nash vegas. >> my gosh! when do you sleep? >> we're casting for my daughter. your daughter should audition for my daughter in my new show "nash vegas." >> what would she have to do as your daughter? >> she comes to court -- well, i shouldn't tell you any more about it really. >> all right. she can audition but i'm coming with her. you know that women work harder than men? i bet you miley would tell you that's true. we'll talk about that again tomorrow, too. we're running out of time. >> i have an ex-wife on this new show, too. you guys could be like a team. >> you're going to have to stay through the entire week. hoda, take a few more days off because he speaks a little slower so we don't get in as much. billy ray, i'm so happy you're here, honey. we'll talk about more stuff tomorrow.
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in the meantime, in sickness and in health means a lot more to these reality stars, giuliana and bill rancic. they prove that love can make you stronger. and still ahead, sara makes a curtain call. but first, these messages. when a carpet is clean and fresh, it's irresistible. experience this in your home with resolve deep clean powder. its moist powder penetrates deep, removing three times more dirt than vacuuming alone while also neutralizing odors at their source. it's a clean you can see, smell, and really enjoy. resolve deep clean powder. don't just vacuum clean, resolve clean. with smooth caramel and chocolate. ♪
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hmm twix. also available in peanut butter. hmm twix. having one of those days? tired. groggy. can't seem to get anything done. it makes for one, lousy day. but when you're alert and energetic... that's different. you're more with it, sharper, getting stuff done. this is why people choose 5-hour energy over 9-million times a week. it gives them the alert, energetic feeling they need to get stuff done. 5-hour energy...when you gotta get stuff done. whose non-stop day starts with back pain... and a choice. take advil now and maybe up to four in a day. or choose aleve and two pills for a day free of pain. way to go, coach. ♪
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best known for their candor and honesty and their beauty, i think was as well. they've had no problems welcoming viewers into their lives. tonight they're going to be doing it again. >> the reality series "giuliana and bill," it's so good. it's named after them. >> it's coming back for a fifth season on our sister channel. this time around they face their toughest challenge yet. and they are here to tell us about it. i thought we were going to that clip. we're not. >> we can do it live. we'll re-enact it. >> so welcome, you guys. that's so good to see you.
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you know how i mean that. but also so good to see you looking so strong, looking so healthy. tell us how you're doing. >> feeling fantastic. honestly, kathie lee. everything has been incredible, knock on wood. i found the breast cancer early. that's the most important thing. so i made it my purpose to get out there and let women know, if you find it early, hopefully you can be okay, too. >> you think you're tough -- because we're in a tough business anyway -- but you don't really know until you are faced with something like this. you also don't know how strong your love is, do you? >> that's right. that's right. >> i think it definitely tests any relationship and for us, fortunately it made us stronger because when one of us is down, the other one's there to pick the other one up. so we're very lucky that we found each other and this is something that is really changed our lives, changed probably a lot of other people's lives because giuliana's been so brave in sharing the message. >> i wanted to tell you, your bravery is just so awesome, overwhelming. you've been such a light and such a strength for so many
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people around the world. >> thank you. i appreciate that. >> i think people really liked you before, now they adore you. i really mean that. it's true. because people like to see people that find strength and can take adversity in their lives and bring beauty out of the ashes. >> you know what it is, truthfully? it is very easy to get sucked in to the negative. and you have every right to do that and i did that in the beginning. >> you had a little pity party. >> absolutely. but once i went through the cycle of grief i was able to come out of it and say what's positive in my life. i have an amazing husband, a great career, i have a beautiful family. he's really cute. so i was able to focus on the positive. there are a lot of really good things in my life so i choose to focus on those. >> i always say it can make you bitter or it can make you better, it is all in the letter "i," how "i" decide. it takes a lot of faith, family and friends -- >> and a lot of laughter. we laughed so much. tonight's episode is really -- >> good.
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tell us. because it is not all about cancer. >> not at all. >> tonight's episode, we show the behind-the-scenes of how we found out, how we told people. it is a very revealing episode tonight, but then from there on out, you really see how bill and i try to find the humor in every situation because sometimes you got to laugh. >> you're going through all kinds of other things as well. aren't you in a new home -- what's up with the mother? >> my mother. >> all kinds of -- who needs the mother-in-law on top of everything else? >> i need her now to take care of me! >> everything else in the mix, we opened up a restaurant this season in chicago. >> why not. >> to distract me, i think. it was a good distraction. but having my mom around, to me is incredible. my mom is hard-core italian. >> doesn't speak english. >> that might be a blessing. >> when bill goes out of town she sleeps in bed with me on bill's side. >> he doesn't like that. >> what? >> billy ray, come on, man. i come back, there's makeup on
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my pillow. her mom's hairs are on my bed. that's a little weird. >> that's kinkier than we want to know. >> i see a lot of happiness in their household. >> thank you. you guys are a great team, really. >> well, we love you guys. we're thrilled with all the good news and we will be watching your lives unfold before our very eyes. the new season of "giuliana and bill" premiers tonight at 8:00 p.m. on the style network. >> i'm watching it. up next, sara stars in one of new york's most rocking musicals, right after this. another day in paradise, huh george? i can't feel my toes, greg. yeah... cold feels nice on sore muscles, huh? you know you could just use bengay zero degrees. medicated pain relief you store in the freezer. just rub it on...brrr... and go. did you know about this greg? i forgot.
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he told me yesterday. [ male announcer ] new bengay zero degrees. freeze and move on. what do you do when you can no longer get around like you used to? when you fear losing your independence? who do you call? call hoveround now, to see if you qualify for america's premier power chair. hi, i'm tom kruse, inventor and founder of hoveround. now you can do more, see more, enjoy life more. here's why hoveround makes it easier than any other power chair. hoveround is more maneuverable to get you through the tightest doors and hallways. more reliable. hoveround employees build your chair, deliver your chair, and will service your chair for as long as you own your chair. and most importantly, 9 out of 10 people got their hoveround for little or no cost. call now for your free dvd and information kit. and now every hoveround comes with this tote bag and cup holder for handy access to your favorite items. you don't really have to give up living because you don't have your legs. call now for your free consultation. and right now, get this limited edition hoveround america travel mug free with your hoveround delivery.
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it's time for "sara in the city," when our sara leaves the safety of our studio to explore everything new york has to offer. >> this week sara took her act just a few blocks away here to broadway. >> i had the pleasure of becoming a broadway baby at one of the hottest shows currently
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rocking new york city. well, let's just say, broadway may never be the same again. bright lights. massive billboards. flashy productions. broadway is rolling. and rockin'. clearly not your standard musical, the tony nominated "rock of ages" is celebrating its third anniversary on broadway this month. but the party doesn't stop there. this summer, tom cruise, catherine zeta-jones and russell brand will be bringing this totally tubular musical to the big screen. >> this club is totally out of control! >> reporter: but would yours truly have enough punch and pizzazz to join this '80s back on stage? >> for you we created an extra special bit to start the show. >> is it because you know of my vast acting experience? teach me a song. i heard this was a musical. >> reporter: i was slowly slipping into character. it's the '80s.
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am i going to be in like -- >> we're going to get you all hooked up. your hair's going to be big and bold. >> been there before. crimping and curling. where were you when i was in eighth grade? >> i had this curling iron. i might still have it in a box. hair scares aside, i took to the stage to practice. oops! hey, that's what rehearsals are for, right? >> we're going back to a sexier time. >> with that hair, and her attitude and that popsicle, it's a go. >> reporter: i'm getting ready to get into my costume, i'm heading into wardrobe. wait for it? tell me about it, stud. >> yeah! >> that's the way we like to do
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it. >> you're going to be breaking some hearts in that audience. >> yes, diva. yes, you look amazing! >> reporter: almost show time. i was ready to rock with cameo number one. >> we are going back to a sexier time. >> i'm ready to rock. >> that's what i mean! >> reporter: i focused on the popsicle. such a rush to walk out there. that's just the beginning. okay, my cue was the butterfly that flew off and he didn't. my head just naturally was like where is it going? as the evening progressed, i gained composure and confidence. >> is it? >> yes! >> is it? >> yes! >> on stage, or backstage, i had the best view in the house. caught up in the music and
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magic, my moment in the spotlight was slowly dimming. the time had come for my curtain call. "rock of ages" rocked my world. >> she rocked! >> i could die now a happy woman. >> that was the best thing ever. it was the most amount of stage time they've ever given a walk-on. i think kathie lee and hoda name dropping helped me. >> might have also slammed the door in your face. >> i kept pulling the costume up and they kept pulling it down. >> you didn't seem nervous. did the butterflies inside, too? >> i think the most humbling part was not the audience. it is looking around with the talent you are standing on stage with saying someone doesn't belong here and it might be me. >> we may be losing her to the great white way. >> you rocked it, sara. >> thank you.
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we got a lot of show today still ahead. actress shannen doherty will take us through the steps leading up to her walk down the aisle. plus, spring break, no sun, you're stuck indoors with the kids. >> we'll work it out.
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back on this booze-day tuesday with more of "today" and our special guest host, the talented billy ray cyrus who's filling in for hoda today. we also have a very special guest i haven't seen in a while, shannen doherty. >> she played brenda walsh on "beverly hills 90210." >> then in 1998 she starred in "charmed" and played a witch. but today she's starring in her own reality show, planning a wedding for her now-husband. >> i need your help, so wedding,
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location. >> i'm playing football on sunday. >> we have wedding locations to look at. this is not going to work for him. or me. >> the teams are already picked. i'm 1 of the 5 on that side -- >> well they could unpick you and get somebody else. can somebody replace me on "90210"? they can replace you in a football game. >> not this game. >> ooh. shannon's here to tell us all about it. so he's russian but he's not -- >> well, he's not a first-generation. exactly. but he's got the russian last name, the russian fire. >> he should be on "dancing with the stars." i think that's a real stretch for him. you said he wasn't too thrilled about doing this. >> no. he's an unbelievably talented photographer who works quite a bit. >> he can take your picture for
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free. >> yes, he does. that's how we met. i requested him for a cover of a magazine. so, yeah. he already has his career. he was a little like, why would i possibly do this? i was like, i think it will be cool. you know? a lot of people think it's just them that goes through all the stress planning a wedding and the bride and groom start fighting and there's all this turmoil and meltdowns and everything else. i'm like, let's just document this experience so that women out there know it is not just them, that everybody goes through this. >> it was seven weeks you had to plan this wedding. hilarity ensued, right? >> yes. seven weeks to plan a wedding is crazy. then you add a tv show with cameras in your face for seven weeks and it makes it even crazier. >> you had been married before. >> yes. >> nobody ever knows what goes on in anybody else's home. but you went through some tough times. that you would agree. >> yes. yes. >> you said you'd never get married again. was that you, shannen doherty?
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>> yes, it was probably the me that was very sort of desensitize and closed off because i had failed. >> you failed together. >> i don't like to fail. but you know, the difference is i feel like i was never married until kurt because we've known each other for 3 1/2 years, we knew each other for three years before we got married. we went through all the couples therapy, we really worked out our problems. we would separate for 24 hours going -- i'm done with you! then automatically come right back and say, all right, you know what? we're stuck with each other. we love each other. we're soulmates so we just had to figure out a really healthy way to get through all of our problems and we have. we almost never fight anymore. it is crazy. >> a lot of people choose today not to get married. you know, they stay together, they're together, they even have families together, and there doesn't seem to be any problem with that in terms of the way the world looks.
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there's no stigma attached anymore. why was it important for you to be his wife? >> i am from the south. i'm from tennessee and mississippi so i'm very traditional. my grandmother would absolutely kill me if i -- >> now the truth. >> -- didn't put a ring on it. also -- hi, granny. also, there's -- i don't think there's any way in the world that i would give up the moment that my husband proposed to me. he was crying, it was so beautiful, it was so special. he put so much effort into it. that's -- how do you replace something like that with like, hey, you want to move in together? >> yeah. well we're happy for you and we're looking forward to it. it's called "shannen says." it premieres on april 10 on we tv. up next -- don't let april showers dampen your spring break. >> we're going to try out some indoor activities the whole family can enjoy right after this. [ male announcer ] cookies
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with smooth caramel and chocolate. ♪ hmm twix. also available in peanut butter.
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spring break is here which
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can be a big challenge for parents who want to keep their kids entertained without letting technology take over. >> and if april showers have you stuck inside, family fun magazine's deputy editor mary giles has some great ideas to keep everybody busy. >> yeah. great to see you again, mary. hi, kids! hey! so the first thing -- i mean it is fun to have them home but then whether the weather turns, it's like -- >> give me some ideas if you've got april showers and antsy kids. >> that's why you're here. >> everything here is inexpensive. easy to pull together. this is all already passed the fun test with our family fun tester. this is fiona. we're making ice cream in a bag. you can make ice cream with just what you see here. >> stop it! >> in this bag, two tablespoons sugar, one cup half and half, one take spoon of vanilla. in this big gallon bag, pour in a half a cup of salt with our ice cubes. dump it.
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we're going to put this bag in that bag of salt. >> make sure you put the bag in. >> fiona's going to shake -- just hold it tight there and shake it for five minutes! >> we believe you. five minutes. that will become ice cream? >> that is going to burn some energy. that is ice cream. we won't actually do five minutes here. burn that energy, right? this is what it looks like when it is finished. you can add a mix in. would anyone like to taste that ice cream? >> sure. >> fiona, you can, too. >> is this one you've already made? >> this is one we made. we shook this one for about five minutes. it is actually the very delicious ice cream -- >> mmm! that is good. reminds me of snow cream. >> yum! >> whatever that is. fiona, thank you, darling.
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this is jake. whap >> after you made your ice cream, you can use your half and half container to make one of these absolutely adorable birdhouses. >> those are darling! >> jake, come back over here. just cover it with paper to hide the lettering. glue that on. if you don't have a container, you can buy one of these little birdhouses for about a dollar in a craft store. go on a nature walk, collect twigs, acorns, glue those on. >> how cute is that? i love that. >> i had an uncle up in kentucky that made a living making birdhouses. >> those were elaborate, right? >> they aren't made to hold up to the outdoors but they're super cute. >> that's a great present for your teacher at the end of the year if you took the time to make it for your teacher. would you do that, alexandra? >> this is more fun for kids i think than shuffle board. use tape to make a scoring
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triangle, 50 points, 25, 10. you have a starting line, as well. you just slide your bottle caps. 25 points, billy ray. see if you can knock her out. >> first one to 200 points wins. >> i bet they can play that all day long. >> the tape comes right up. >> who do we have here? >> this is rose. >> hi, rose. >> this is tabletop soccer. we love to recycle things out of your recycling bin to give them new life. this is a pizza box made to look like a soccer field. we're going to challenge -- >> keep going. >> i will play rose. we'll use a straw to blow our cotton ball soccer ball and try and score. >> oh, okay -- fun! >> i blocked you! sorry, rose. >> this is my favorite of all. come on, billy ray. >> no way! >> tie that around your waist.
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>> that just looks wrong. >> this is a very cute game for children. >> are you sure? >> come on, billy ray. >> will i go to jail for this? what are you doing? >> you're going to knock that orange -- no feet, no hands allowed. >> no hands allowed? >> yes. >> use your orange to knock the other orange across the -- >> that looks wrong. >> just don't touch it with your hands. >> thank you so much, everybody. thanks, kids. all right, up next, how to curb those cravings with foods that taste too good to be healthy right after this. >> yeah. right after this. i'm meteorologist chris warren with your weather channel forecast for today. we're going to see that system that brought the snow to denver and those extremely strong
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storms and tornados to the dallas area move to the east. the threat now will be in places like missouri to arkansas, louisiana, mississippi, in the mid south, tennessee and into kentucky, parts of the ohio valley. the threat for severe storms. part of the reason for that, that warm and moist air helping provide some of that fuel for these strong storms that we did see fire up in texas. we'll see that move further to the east now. still very mild in minneapolis. 64 degrees. another chance for storms on thursday throughout portions of the southeast and moving into parts of north carolina, into the outer banks. looking a little better there in the northeast as far as the sky conditions go. however, looking at temperatures on the cool side. boston, not too bad, 53 degrees. in the northwest, 50 in seattle. once the storms move through, a
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little cooler for parts of the sou south. a chance of storms in florida and parts of the southeast. that next system moving into the northwest, pushing off into the plains on saturday. looking dry for a huge portion of the country for the first day of the weekend. sunday, just a couple spots to look out for. parts of west texas, the east great lakes and pacific northwest. temperatures will be mild in seattle on sunday, a high of 62 and 70s from denver to louisville down to atlanta and 80s around the gulf coast. remember, weekdays on 2th weather channel, you can "wake up with al." uh oh!! ♪ [ boy ] max!!! no!! [ female announcer ] windex multi-surface lets you keep up with messes right when they happen.
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so you can put that windex shine on just about anything. [ jeff ] [ slight laugh ] did you see that? wayne? wayne!!?!? [ laughs ] got ya!! oh! [ female announcer ] get windex multi-surface and keep up. find that streak-free shine online. visit us on facebook for great offers and tips. sc johnson, a family company. see? he's taking his vitamins. one a day vitacraves plus omega-3 dha is a complete multivitamin for adults. plus an excellent source of omega-3 dha in a great tasting gummy. one a day, gummies for grown-ups.
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today we're kicking off a new series called "too good to be healthy."
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today we've got some great options for the snacker in you. everybody has a snacker in them. >> this is too good to be healthy. these chocolate covered prunes? >> everything on the table is delicious! >> joy bauer knows everything about everything. tell us what we're going to have. you say all of this is nutritious and low-calorie. >> whenever i feature foods, healthy food finds on my facebook or twitter, everybody goes crazy. i'm doing all the work for you. >> you set the world atwitter. >> the ingredients are clean, sugar, salt, no preservatives. >> even you and i will like them. >> you're going to eat your way through the table. >> we're ready. >> the first one is almond crunch. you got to try these. they add three simple ingredients and it gives it major crunch and pure deliciousness. six pieces are 156 calories. they're great, right? >> that's amazing. >> this is good for both of you. they're widely available in airports so they're always my go-to snack on the plane.
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really good. mrs. mae's almond crunch. this is canyon bakehouse gluten-free cinnamon raisin bread. for a gluten-free bread, it is incredibly moist. it has things like brown rice flour an sunflower seeds an sesame seeds and olive oil. really natural ingredients. >> want to try a little of that? >> still working on the nuts. >> it's delicious, right? >> you're right. it is moist. >> people that have to go gluten free, it is a great find but also if you don't, it is a nice treat because it has a shot of cinnamon and sweet. >> 90 calories per slice. >> what i like about this, we know that laughing cow always has the light swiss cheese triangles but finally they came out with reduced fat cream cheese triangles. when you go to a deli, you are
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at the mercy of their spread. 200-plus calories just from the full-fat cream cheese. one triangle i'm featuring the plain and garden vegetable is just 45 calories. you pop it in your purse, bring it to the office, anywhere. >> now i'm sorry, these are unbelievable! >> these are great. this is a dark chocolate sun sweet dried plums, which are prunes. you get 14 pieces for 120 calories and it tastes like expensive decadent dark chocolate. >> it totally does. >> chewy sweet center but it is inexpensive. that's the best part. this is perky turkey jerky. it's packed with protein. >> my turkey jerky heart! >> it's packed with protein and it is ridiculously low in sodium. normally jerky is through the roof. it's got no preservatives and it gets its perkiness because they add a little bit of caffeine. >> which we don't mind.
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>> takes a real man to eat that. how is that? >> very jerky. >> we have a little pizza thing happening down here. >> this is one of my personal recipes. a slice of pizza is north of 600 calories. what i did here for just 225 calories, i took a whole wheat pita and toasted it, put part-skim ricotta cheese on top, garlic, salt and pepper, crushed red pepper, in the oven for eight minutes at 425. 225 calories. and it's on the website. >> okay, i'll have one more. thank you so much, joy. mother and daughter authors mary and carol higgins clark up next. but first, there is "today" on nbc.
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with more than 50 books written between them, mary hill higgins clark and carol higgins clark are called the queens of suspense. >> with enough plots, twists and turns to make you dizzy. literary delight. >> that's right. sound like a song title. doesn't it? >> sure does. >> mary's new novel is called "the lost years," and carol's book is called "gypped." a reagan riley mystery. ladies, both firsts. you write together sometimes but this time you -- >> we each write a separate novel a year but it always comes out together and that way we can travel together. >> i know.
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if it's tuesday, there's a new book by the higgins clarks. yours is an interesting premise. tell us about -- it's -- you tell us. >> okay. i will make it the quickest thing. my editor said i'd like to see a biblical reference. how about a letter that may have been written by christ? and i said, you're crazy! but then it teased me and it teased me and i thought, christ might have written a letter to joseph. he was a secret disciple so i kept going back to it. then it would be more valuable than the constitution, than the declaration of independence. >> it would be the most valuable piece of literature in the world, wouldn't it? >> in the world. >> and somebody knows how priceless that would be -- >> and has to have it. >> she writes such great thrillers. they're wonderful! carol, what's yours? >> well, my character reagan riley is a continuing character in my series. she goes to los angeles with her
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husband. she's out shopping one day an runs into a woman she was on a game show with seven years before. i was on "super password" a long time ago. neither one of them won on the game show but this girl has inherited $8 million from a neighbor she barely knows. now she has people who want her money and -- >> imagine that. so rude. >> it never happens, right? >> a real stretch. >> reagan gets involved with finding out what's going on in her life. >> okay, great. well what i love about you two ladies, is life is not just writing these wonderful books. i always see you at the home games for the giants. >> oh, you bet! >> i always have jimmy in this. >> but this time i couldn't fit him in. then in the epilogue, some of the characters say i haven't seen him since we had dinner.


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