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tv   Today  NBC  April 11, 2012 2:05am-3:00am EDT

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honey nut cheerios. it's a win win. good? [ crunching, sipping ] be happy. be healthy. can i try yours? captions paid for by nbc-universal television hello, everybody! it is booze day tuesday. april 10th. hope you're having a great day. hoda and i are having a better day so far than we did yesterday. >> we are. we're going to talk about our yesterday. but there's such a big headline out there -- >> she wanted to do this first because she has none of it. if you know what i mean.
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>> if you have cellulite, you can't get rid of it. you diet, exercise, what is going on -- it is still there! okay. there's something called cellulaze. >> look how excited she is and she doesn't even have it. >> what happens is they take your thigh -- >> take my thigh, please. >> they give it local anesthesia. they inject in a laser thing into you. see those little fiber things that you see pulling down? those layers are what puckers the skin. that yellow stuff is fat. you take the laser and you cut through the fiber puckery things -- >> and it melts the fat. >> your skin expands back so it is nice and smooth on the top. now nancy snyderman says very few side effects, if any, because it is local anesthesia.
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>> but it's ex-men -- expensive. >> it's at least $5,000. >> do we have a before and after of the thighs? look at the difference! >> the skin tone's also a very different color. doesn't look like the same person's leg. >> but it doesn't reduce -- doesn't make your legs thinner -- although in this picture it does. >> it certainly does. >> they say that it just unpuckers it. it's as if it were a mattress and you cut through the mattress with those buttons. >> what i don't understand -- remember when dr. wexler did my stomach, it was so hot, she didn't use anesthesia, you feel like your skin is on fire. it actually isn't but you tell your brain that. the great advantage of this is that it is not going to hurt you. a little bruising and stuff afterwards. i say we call up dr. wexler and let's give it a try.
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you want us to do it? for you. for america. we'll do it. >> that means we got to show our you-no-whats? >> i already did. i showed my ugly stomach. >> but you don't have it. >> i got it, where the sun don't shine. >> if the sun don't shine, who cares? a lot of people went to see "american reunion," you knew that was going to be a hit. didn't you? >> i never saw the first one. it is not up there with "yentl," if you know what i mean. >> we had a little shout out in this movie and we had to edit around because there was so much profanity and weird stuff. >> it is a very, very naughty little movie. >> but we cleaned it up for you. take a look. >> is it just me or do girls seem a bit -- slutty? >> definitely. teen sex, rainbow parties, sexting nude photos, saw it all on kathie lee and hoda.
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>> well, we are here to inform the public. though some of the things they mentioned had to be looked up by some of our staff to find out what it meant. you be the judge. >> thank you for that. of all of the things they could say, there's nothing bad about that. breathe a sigh of relief. now yesterday -- >> houston, we had a problem. we were getting ready to start the show. it was a couple minutes before the show. and then -- boom, some red wine fell -- and that happens. >> we don't want to blame anybody, but it was bob. >> definitely bob. >> then bob ran away. we're not even showing that. bob was gone. so when that happened -- all right. so when that happened, what do you do when you spill an entire -- we have a before picture of the dress. when you spill a whole bunch of red wine on a white dress or tan dress that one was, you want to just kind of toss it. >> you all were very sweet to give us some suggestions. >> let's try some of these. >> because you don't have donna
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at your house. we're going to introduce you to donna in a moment. >> these were your suggestions. first you said -- >> it was red. >> you said use white wine to take out red wine. >> white wine. we're wasting white wine on red wine. >> this one is -- let it settle. >> that's club soda. >> which is going over to the wine. >> and this is hydrogen peroxide. >> which sounds like because it's scientific sounding that that might work. now we'll blot. >> dab. >> look at the difference. look at the difference. that is the personality difference right there between hoda and myself. all right. you just smashed the heck out of it, hoda. go ahead. all right, let's see. the first one was the white wine.
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not much. >> why don't we just show this. nothing worked really at all. okay? i don't -- maybe you have to soak it all day. >> though it did go in down to the other one. >> okay. so that didn't work. i would have thrown the dress away but not donna. >> everybody needs donna in their life. donna, come on over here. >> this is donna. first of all, you guys remember -- this thing was covered in red wine stain. donna used -- >> thank you, bob. >> that is so mean. poor bob. donna used some magic potion. what did you do? >> i just soaked it in this cold water solution which is perk. it's cold water, color safe. >> how long did you soak it? >> overnight. >> then boost, which is granular. >> what is the boost? >> it just boosts the color and getting the stain out. those things could have possibly worked if you -- >> if you soaked it longer. >> i just thought it was a goner.
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>> but look at this, it is absolutely perfect. >> that is shocking! >> so as soon as you changed in the commercial, i just submerged it. >> this stuff we looked it up, perk, it is actually used to clean plastic dolls, like antique gorgeous -- >> yeah. my friends makes dolls from adam alexander and he's the one who introduced it to me. >> $15.95 for a bottle. >> donna? love you. >> it's still wet. but thank you for cleaning it. you're the best. we also did an experiment yesterday, the case of the sinking coke can. we saw that the coke -- it went right down to the bottom. >> the coke sank and the diet coke floated. >> so we thought we were so genius and einsteinish over here figuring this out. but apparently everybody and their brother already knew about this especially the third graders and the science teachers. here's the -- look at this kid. zachary. he actually has a -- >> it was one of his scientific projects. yeah. >> let's go back to see what hillary said. this is what one of the science teachers says the deal is.
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regular coke contains sugar and diet coke contains aspartame. the density of water is one gram per milliliter. >> yeah? anyway, we want to show you how much sugar is in ten packets. >> ten packets of sugar in one diet coke. i guess they're claiming that the weight -- >> of the sugar. >> which can't be that heavy. >> the aspartame to sugar -- excuse me, sara, what? >> it is a fructose syrup. that's not how it is in the coke. >> then what are we having the experiment for? >> let's see if it works for diet pepsi. >> just stick it in there, hoda woman. let's see. >> what did that show?
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>> where else can you see this stuff? >> this is the best show -- ever! here's one of the greatest things about "today." you probably didn't know it but the people at beneful tell us that today is hug your dog day. remember we had the little beyonce? the minute i got home yesterday i was told i had to take a picture with our doggies. there's all three of them. yeah. lola and bambino and louis. >> look at bambino getting the prime spot. >> they always say -- if you want to know who loves you more, your wife, or your dog, lock them both in your trunk and about four hours later open the trunk and see which one's happy to see you. it's your dog. always!
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no matter what. you can leave it for ten hours. they shake their tail -- they're so happy to see you. >> why wasn't that the friday funny. that is genius, genius, genius. we have a couple of friends from facebook who also sent us pictures of their dogs. this is rose and cooper. then we have sherry with snoop. then we have heather and pickles. >> i'm sorry, but there is something about -- i was getting my manicure yesterday. jackie, my manicurist since cody was born says -- all right. i will take the dog. i will take -- i said get in line. beyonce, 500 people want to adopt that little dog. >> yes. all right, you guys, last night was "the voice." we'll talk about it tomorrow because the elimination is actually tomorrow. but it is a great show. can i just say one thing about bianca and lish? i went to do zoomba with them last night.
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these girls can shake it! no, wait. bianca and lish can dance their you-know-whats off. >> they work in our food kitchen all day long. like for hours. >> i didn't know they were such great dancers. a big thank you to you zumba class. we have some kids who have come in. we have our own big grown-up "voice" chairs and we're going to select our team today. or some members of our team today. >> okay. we don't have to do "the voice" from last night -- >> no. because we want to save time for these kids. they've come a long, long way. >> we have a lot coming up. >> we're going to head to the judges' chairs right away for the much-anticipated premier of the "today's kids voice" competition.
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how often does this happen you meet mr. right who would be mr. perfect if only he would change. >> or perhaps you married the perfect partner except there's just one or two little things that irritate you -- like how he dresses or the way he chooses food or how he smells. i added that. >> there are some things you can change and others you may be better off just learning to live with. >> here to help with that our leslie jane seymour, editor in chief of "more magazine. and dr.ish major. it is hard to know the difference. there was that off-broadway show that said, i love you, you're perfect -- now change. >> exactly. big mistake, don't even go there. >> right. >> but do you hear the usual thing is that people do not change, people tell you who they are -- >> and that the older they get the more impossible it is. >> but i think you can change. i really believe if you fundamentally like the person, you like their values, you like
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how they spend money, you like their sense of humor, those kinds of things -- that's how you connect. the outside stuff, i have single friends all the time who say to me, he's a little heavy, i don't like the way he dresses -- and those things can be changed. we can work on those. >> is it nature though or nurture here? >> it's a little bit of both. there is a big genetic component to behavior but the bigger parts is the habits, those tendencies. those are the things we learn. right? we learn how to cope in different situations over time. those little tendencies we use. those are the things that can frustrate if you don't know -- >> first of all, you have to let them know. that's the hard part. when frank and i first started dating, he was so jealous. if i just said hello to somebody. that has not changed. it is ridiculous. >> but if you bring these things out -- a lot of people when they get into relationships over time they don't ask for what they want, they don't say i need to change. i need you to behave in a different way. >> i said that, it didn't work.
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you don't know frank! >> i think most men though -- i guess women, too -- will listen and will actually accommodate their partner because they want the relationship to continue. >> should you just change the way you're seeing it, look, he's going to be this way, the only thing you can change is how you react to it. he's going to be jealous, you have to be tolerant. >> i'll give you an example. my husband is chronically late. my kids and i have a little routine now. when he picks me up at the train station i tell him it is five minutes earlier than it normally is because we all know he's going to be five minutes late. even though every clock in the house is set five minutes ahead, he's still late. >> can you change those things? >> you can. >> work around it. >> like you said, it is about how you work around it. there is a way to ask for the change. let's say the cap's off the toothpaste, make him a part of the team. relationships are a team sport so he wants to be on your side. don't say you leave the cap off all the time. say that cap on toothpaste, it keeps getting left off.
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>> miraculously just is off. >> buy a new kind of toothpaste. as women we control the purchasing. so there's no discussion of stuff like that. you can undercut it by what you do. >> we don't mean to be male bashing here but once in a while a woman has a really bad habit, too. >> but the nagging doesn't work. for anybody. tell us why it is. >> the nagging is words. guys we don't respond to words, we respond to action. >> they do not respond to words, do they? at all! >> as you want the change, don't tell them what they should do. you show them what you are doing. >> you want the garbage taken out and he always forgets. >> so you let him see you struggling taking that garbage out. >> what if it's a little bag? >> just let him see you do. in a guy's mind -- >> run past his naked with the only thing but the garbage. >> for instance, things like i have friends who are having
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issues in their relationships, their marriages, they're saying she's like this, she's like this, she won't change. i have said if you go into therapy, that will change the part that you play and it will change the dynamic. >> thanks, guys. >> we could have spoken about this all day but we have a big competition coming up. the chairs are ready and waiting for "today's voice the kids edition." our first week's contestants are getting ready to sing their hearts out. but will any of them make the cut? we'll find out after these messages. [ male announcer ] new 5 rpm gum. an energizing fruit flavor.
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stimulate your senses. and got this one free. wow! [ tires screech ] buy one 6" sub? [ tires screech ] ...and get another one free? before 9am. all april long. [ male announcer ] subway, eat fresh. before 9am. all april long. having one of those days? tired. groggy. can't seem to get anything done. it makes for one, lousy day. but when you're alert and energetic... that's different. you're more with it, sharper, getting stuff done. this is why people choose 5-hour energy over 9-million times a week. it gives them the alert, energetic feeling they need to get stuff done. 5-hour energy...when you gotta get stuff done.
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♪ it's time for the moment so many of you have been waiting for -- "today's voice the kids edition." our first round of blind auditions. we've asked you to submit a video of the most talented child you know singing acapella. >> the response was overwhelming making it very, very difficult for the folks here to narrow down the competition, but they did and over the next three weeks we're going to meet all of our contestants but before we started, the lovely miss sara haines will review the rules.
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we have rules. >> okay. just like the show, we'll have three contestants for three weeks. at the end you each need to have three people on your team. you're going to turn around if you like them, and that's how you pick your -- >> we press the buzzer. >> and use your feet. okay. turn around. contestant number one. ♪ if i should stay i would only be in your way ♪ ♪ and i will always love you
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♪ i will always love you ♪ you darling i love you ♪ i will always i will always love you ♪ >> great job! >> you are adorable. that was amazing. tell us who you are and where you are from. >> gabrielle. i'm from rutherford, new jersey. >> nice to see you, sweetie. >> that was beautiful. that was really beautiful. >> i've got to say, it was a little hard for us to hear you. >> really? >> yeah. so i'm sorry about that but we have to be able to hear you to be able to tell what your voice is like. so i'm sorry about that. you have a lovely voice. >> tell us about yourself. do you sing for fun? in school? >> i take singing lessons. i take a few glee lessons with -- >> cool! >> yeah. that's really fun.
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>> you just got sing in front of about 3 million people. >> biggest concert ever. >> thank you so much! >> we wish you all the best. >> now let's turn around again. >> what? just kidding. >> we're coming back. we are going to take a commercial break, then we're going to hear from our other two contestants who are vying to be on "the voice." the cat's bout of the bag. bobbie thomas is here with "tuesday's trend." she's got her eye on you. >> is bobbie engaged? attention - americans living with limited mobility. what do you do when you can no longer get around like you used to? when you fear losing your independence? who do you call? call hoveround now, to see if you qualify for america's premier power chair. hi, i'm tom kruse, inventor and founder of hoveround. now you can do more, see more, enjoy life more. here's why hoveround makes it easier than any other power chair. hoveround is more maneuverable to get you through the tightest doors and hallways.
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two pills can last all day. ♪ ♪ oh pepperoni ♪ how much i love yah see the game last night? course i did! [ male announcer ] try the meatball pepperoni melt today. subway. eat fresh. but it's really good. it's crunchy and noodle-y. what they mean is, it's french's french fried onions in my crunchy noodle casserole. french's french fried onions. available in the french's stay-fresh can. we're back on this tuesday with more of "today." if you are just tuning in, we are kicking off our "today's" competition of the kids edition on the last half-hour we heard one contestant sing one song. >> she was beautiful and she
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have two more to go. >> sara, what's happening here. >> just like on the video, "the voice," three contestants each week for three weeks. you guys have to end up with three people you've selected by turning your chairs around to say you like them. we'll go on to contestant number two. turn your chairs around. oh, fred flintstone. okay, come on out, number two. ♪ don't you remember you told me you loved me baby ♪ ♪ you said you'd be coming back this way again maybe ♪ ♪ baby baby baby oh baby ♪ i love you ♪ i really do >> yeah! >> that was luther vandross.
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>> bravo, bravo. >> i just want a technical answer that kathie lee pushed her buzzer first. >> no, like the show. >> like the show! >> even though i did press the buzzer first. >> 24's no pressure on you. >> hoda does that. she changes the rules as we go along. >> no, but it is just like the show. >> what's your name? >> christian cunningham. >> how old are you? >> i'm 16. >> where are you from? >> danville, illinois. >> danville, illinois. >> allrightee. >> are we going to put pressure on him? >> yeah. because now that we both turned our chairs you get to have one of us as a coach. one is a professional singer, and the other likes to sing rap music. that's me. she's the professional singer. i'm the other one. so what will -- >> she loves music. >> but i love, love, love music. so i get to choose. neither of us will be offended honestly -- >> hoda will, she holds grudges. i'll be fine.
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>> just a little. >> it's a live show, so we got to go. >> i'm teasing. that's a kathie lee line. >> i want to say kathie lee. >> why are you pointing -- he pointed at me. which one's kathie lee. do you know which one kathie lee is? >> i don't know. >> just point. do you want the old broad or the egyptian? which one do you want? >> let's go with the egyptian. >> that's hoba, to you. >> to our biggest fans. >> congratulations. come here, just like in the show -- come to mama. >> hoda completely manipulated that to get her way. we got one more person to do. >> be careful there. >> i'm trying. >> as soon as hoda turns around we'll invite out contestant number three. >> how are you going to cheat this time, hoda? >> that was like saying yes and shaking your head no. we've got this.
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♪ standing on the corner ♪ ♪ brighter than the sun ♪ oh, we could be stars falling from the sky ♪ >> yeah! >> how cute are you! >> isn't she adorable? >> how cute are you. >> hi, honey, what's your name? >> lillia. >> how old are you? >> i'm 8 years old. >> from where, sweetie?
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>> flowertown. >> where's that? >> i don't know. >> do you know what state it is? do you live in new york or new jersey or connecticut? iowa? >> philadelphia. >> philadelphia. i love the state of philadelphia. it's awesome. >> now where do you sing? in the bathtub, at home, in school? >> everywhere. >> what's your favorite song? >> "someone like you." >> of course it is. someone like you. come here. >> you just joined a team. >> you just joined hoda's team. >> you already have two and we're already through the first -- >> i know. but -- you guys all did great. big round of applause for everybody. >> thank you so much. congratulations. all right, three down, six more to go. next tuesday we'll meet our next batch of contestants. >> up next, the bachelorette's attie talks about her gig. but first these messages. i used to not travel very much,
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but then i discovered hotwire. now, i use all my vacation days. i can afford to visit my folks for the holidays. and reconnect with my girlfriends in vegas. because i get ridiculously low prices on all my trips. you see, when hotels have unsold rooms, they use hotwire to fill them, so i get 4-star hotels for up to half off. now i can afford a romantic trip to new orleans. hi honey! ♪ h-o-t-w-i-r-e... ♪ i'm here to unleash my inner cowboy. instead i got heartburn. [ horse neighs ] hold up partner. prilosec isn't for fast relief. try alka-seltzer. it kills heartburn fast. yeehaw!
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a lot of us remember alley as the bachelorette who put her heart on the line. and accepted roberto martinez's proposal on national television. >> while that relationship didn't end as happily as we'd like, alley's getting ready to embark on a new career with nbc. >> checking out the best things cities have to offer. >> so this is a happening ending, in a way. >> yeah, i guess you could say that. that clip they just showed of me riding that boat -- >> where were you? >> in miami at the everglades. >> that's not going so far. everglades are five minutes outside of miami. are you going someplace exotic like the yucatan peninsula? >> first, it airs here on abc -- my new relationship. >> nbc. >> i'm sorry, nbc. >> well, that was a short-lived relationship. >> nbc. i meant nbc. it's this saturday.
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yeah, basically i'm traveling all over the country and going to different places. we're not going international right now but we might in the future. i take you all around to places where you can find the best places to eat, play and indulge. it is restaurants and night life, entertainment. >> whatever happened with the relationship? we saw the tearful moment there, the happy moment. then what happened with the relationship? >> sometimes they just don't work out. it was real and great -- >> half of all marriages don't. why should we be surprised? >> exactly. >> what's dating like now after that kind of an experience on tv? >> i've been so busy with "first look." i've just been traveling all over the place. i mean, i think -- >> you do meet people along your travels. >> yeah. if i do, that would be great and wonderful. but i'm really sort of focused on what i'm doing right now and it is a lot of fun. >> hasn't happened yet. >> no. >> are you on good terms with roberto? everything good there? >> i think we're just both healing right now. maybe in the future. >> relationships are tough enough. you got cameras in your face the whole time. it is rough.
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>> do you regret doing the show and having sort of such a public romance out there? i'm sure come up to you and say what happened? >> like us! what happened? >> i think for the most part i just want to respect roberto's privacy so it is hard when i am asked questions. i almost don't want to answer for him. >> but at the same time it was his choice to go on the show as well. that's part and parcel of it. it is nice you want to be respectful. you're not saying anything nasty. >> we do wish you good luck with your show. again it is on after "snl." >> yes, here on nbc. >> that's okay. catch the first episode here -- >> right here right after "snl" on nbc. we've heard that. still ahead, sara stops and smells the roses as she takes on the job of florist. bobbie thomas shows us how to get the season's sexiest eyes. look what she's doing with britney. right after this. good morning.
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i'm meteorologist kim cunningham. starting with the forecast for wednesday, for the northeast, expecting showers, scattered showers. some of the higher elevations might see a little snow mixed in there, but for the south, dry weather. along a front, we'll see showers and isolated severe storms including western parts of texas and eastern new mexico. big trough or front coming into the west will mean rain and snow in the higher elevations, possibly over the next 48 hours in the west. the sierra nevada mountain range will pick up two or three feet of snowfall. temperatures coming down. that will be the trend the next couple of days and then the warmup towards the end of the week. the front moves out of the rockies, severe storms are possible, even tornadoes. so please be ready for this. think ahead in case you're under a warning. 59 on thursday in kansas city. new york up to 59 degrees and
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the west looks a little rainy and snowy. there's the severe threat for friday. anywhere from omaha into dallas will have to watch out for the potential of severe weather, even isolated tornadoes. saturday, 73 in kansas city. towards the latter part of the weekend, we see more showers and storms day after day, meaning the potential of flooding. so please keep that in mind. expecting more rain and snow in the higher elevations in the rockies. remember, tomorrow morning "wake up with al" at 6:00 a.m. for an update on the weather. [ male announcer ] when do you take 5-hour energy? when i'm on the night shift.
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when they have more energy than i do. when i don't feel like working out. when there isn't enough of me to go around. ♪ when i have school. and work. every morning. it's faster and easier than coffee. every afternoon when that 2:30 feeling hits. -every day. -every day. every day is a 5-hour energy day. [ male announcer ] 5-hour energy. every day. trash builds up and can make your dishwasher smell. over time, grease and residue get stuck inside. for an intensive clean, use finish dishwasher cleaner. it's taking out the trash for your dishwasher. ♪ icy, cool flavor in a delicious 5-calorie stick of gum. ♪ polar ice. from extra.
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we're back with "bobbie's tuesday trend." this week it's all about a comeback. the cat eyes are back. wing-tipped eyeliner was signature in the days of cleopatra and audrey hepburn. >> what are you looking at me for? here to help us get the purr-fect line is bobbie thomas, still engaged, still happy -- give it time. just kidding!
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>> tell us about this cat eye deal. it is all over the runways. >> it is everywhere right now. there were really extreme examples on the runways but some of our favorite celebrities rock this, too. beyonce. we also have adele. she's really become known for this signature mark. then also there are more subtle versions. angelina jolie has been doing it as well as emma stone on oscar red carpet. i can see you -- >> i'm not a cat eye kind of gal. >> you'll notice i have a very extreme eye on right now. >> a little bit. >> very appropriate. you're a cat. >> these are stickers i've worn before from dior. these are the velvet stickers. this is a really easy way. these were limited edition. there are still some available online at
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i've found these stickers on these are only $14. i know you don't love this, but i'm going to try. this is just for fun. it is really easy. you literally peel off and attach it to the lash line and stick on. >> see got an ooh. >> that's from leslie. consider the source. >> you'll notice that this is long but you can trim them to fit your eye. but can you see in this mirror? >> yeah. >> that's pretty hot. >> if you do two of them. >> the next thing i'm going to do -- >> i'm having a little allergic reaction. sorry, darling. >> i'm going to take mine off so it just peels off. okay? now i want to show you this next product. this is beth bender. she has these get in line
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stencil kits because stencils are a great way for those ladies saying how do you get that line even. if you look, do the close-up here, you just line the stencil up to your eye line. then you will just fill it in. you'll fill this in. what's great is that you'll get an even line and you reverse this to do this again on the opposite eye. so you get a nice line. i used a powder because you can make it softer like this to be more wearable because this is the velvet sticker but can you use a liquid liner but can it softer. the same stencil will give you the ability to also do the bottom or top of your eye so you can do other kinds of liners. one quick thing, you can also use a business card to cut your own liner. just draw a line and cut it out. you can get that for free.
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the other big thing, people ask me about a pencil. the thing i suggest is get a pencil with a sponge tip because that helps you drag the line out to the point. another big thing professionals love are bent brushes. do you see the tip of this brush? it has a bent angle on the tip. as you are applying it on the eye, it gets your hand out of the way. >> why don't they all do that? >> that works really good especially in the corners. >> target and cvs. the gel pot is what you need. mac makes a great pigment, stays on all day. smashbox sells a duo. givenchy, you can wipe it off and perfect it. you can do so many different
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things can your cat eye. >> up next, everything's coming up roses for sara as she tries out her hand as a florist. but first, this is "today" on nbc.
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time now for another edition of "sara in the city." where sara bravely takes on a job outside of her comfort zone. >> this time around she seems to be blossoming. >> we are talking about flowers. we all love receiving them, but have you are wondered what goes into those pretty arrangements? >> a lot of work. >> completely. i went behind the scenes in new york's flower district to find out. >> welcome to superior florists. >> hi, you must be? >> i am sam. >> i'm sara. >> i'm steve. >> superior florist was started in 1930 by louie rosenberg. his son and grandson carry on the family tradition today. flowers to me seem very feminine. why are there no women in this place? >> we do have girls in here at times. >> what's the most difficult customer? >> some fancy pants bride that thinks she knows everything. >> bridezillas? >> ahhhhh! >> we get them. >> what's the absolute busiest
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day? >> valentine's day. >> hands down. >> yeah. >> everybody wants the same thing at the same time, the same day. >> valentine's day, you're dealing with men which is easier than dealing with women. >> it was time to nip those jokes in the bud. have you ever heard that song by poison? ♪ every rose has its thorns oh, i should probably help. then it was on to the art of floral arrangements. >> your arrangements needs greens to hold the flowers together. because if you put the flowers in, they'll just go all over the place. >> tony, i won't copy you, i promise. >> i wouldn't mind. >> i was beginning to embrace my flower power. >> have you ever heard neal diamond's "you don't send me flowers anymore"? ♪ you don't bring me flowers anymore ♪ >> but i started to see why things can get tense at flower shops. who gave me the dead roses?
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sorry! that's not what we do? >> no, that's not what you do. >> how much would this retail for? >> something like this would retail for like $50, $60. >> flowers by sara. i'm going to rattle off scenarios. you tell me one flower. you just fell in love. >> roses. >> you have a dear friend of the opposite sex and you'd like to let her know you appreciate her -- >> lilies. >> you've been married for 50 years. you screw up -- >> i never screw up. >> what do you send? >> a cheesecake. >> now you're going to be sending flowers to kathie lee and hoda. >> who's hoda? i know who kathie lee is. i think i would send her roses. >> what color? >> red. >> what would you send hoda? >> a hoda is a woman. >> a hoda is a woman. >> yellow. >> red roses for kathie lee, yellow roses for a hoda. >> this way one can't say they got a better one than the other.
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>> my business was blooming. >> there's a woman right now in the store asking about pricing for "my" arrangement. i even advanced to a bridal bouquet. ♪ going to the chapel and we're going to get married ♪ before taking a turn on the phone. >> happy sweatshirt. okay. anniversary. are you kidding me? that's adorable. it was a busy day at superior florist but by the end of the day, everything was coming up roses. you guys promised me if i did a good job today, you'd do this one thing for me. right? >> yeah. >> yeah, yeah, yeah. >> one, two, three -- superior! >> fun! >> they didn't want to leave you empty handed so the gentlemen, sam and company, at superior florist sent you your arrangements. >> that's very nice. >> for a hoda and for kathie lee. >> who's hoda? >> the egyptian. thank you so much.


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