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tv   News 4 This Week  NBC  April 15, 2012 5:30am-6:00am EDT

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hi, everyone. ir i'm veronica johnson. we are going to show you the more interesting local stories making news. among them, a megamillions mystery. what we know about the maryland resident that claimed the biggest jackpot in lottery history. we share secrets of staying slim. he made national headlines of a viral video. we meet the man behind the batman mask. he's a real-life hero. they are dubbed the real
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life amigos. we don't know a lot about them. pat collins tried to get to the bottom of this megamillionaire history. >> reporter: they hid behind that big check and wore gloves to disguise the millionaire mystery. they could be our best buddies if we could find them. finding the winners could be most difficult. it could require special investigative techniques. let's go. they were modest. they were, i think, humbled by this stroke of luck that they have received. >> reporter: they call themselves the three amigos. they don't want to be identified. they are splitting all this money. >> hey, what about us? >> reporter: clue, the three winners are all maryland teachers.
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one works at an elementary school. the winning ticket sold at this 7-eleven on liberty road. have you seen schoolteachers hanging around? >> no. >> reporter: no? people often buy their tickets near where they work. 7-eleven here. elementary school there. >> they hope to take a backpacking trip through europe with their brother. another winner wants to pay for his daughter's college education and buy his sister a new house. >> reporter: we all could go down the ocean. crabs for everybody. they are all teachers. at the news conference, they say they work at different schools. the winner is a woman in her 20s. a man in her 40s. a woman in her 50s. what could bring them all together? megaball, you were with them, weren't you?
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are they related? do they live in the same neighborhood? are they on the same bowling team? hostile witness. are they happy? >> yeah! >> reporter: can i just rub this for luck? in baltimore, pat collins, news 4. >> yeah, i know what you are thinking. only pat collins can tell that story. another lucky group scored tickets to the biggest annual event at the white house. thousands of kids came to d.c. for the easter egg roll. the president, michelle obama and their daughters kicked off the big event. they cheered the kids on as they scrambled to the finish line. in case you missed it, we have a inside look at the celebration. >> reporter: if you are an easter egg loving kid, this is as good as it gets. the 134th annual easter egg roll on the south lawn of the white
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house. >> i kept hitting the egg with the spoon. >> reporter: there were miniature blazers and bunny ears, giggles and songs. let's go, let's play and let's move. it focuses on wellness with a hula hoop party. there's an obstacle course, live musical courses, story time with celebrity readers and serious easter egg hunters. this is also a celebration. it's her 9th birthday. they came all the way from atlanta to roll eggs in front of the white house. have you ever seen the white house before? >> no. >> reporter: what do you think about it? >> incredible. >> reporter: she and her brothers -- what did you think of the easter egg roll? >> good. >> reporter: a part of history. between giggles and photos
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children using these wooden spoons to roll the eggs across the grass. >> grateful to be here. >> reporter: also on hand, a huge cast of characters from mr. potato head -- >> how you doing? want to say anything? to peter rabbit. what would an event like this be without this big, white furry guy, the easter bunny. the tradition of the easter egg roll started in 1878. before that, it was done on the u.s. lawn capital. it has beau's stamp of approval. >> it's wonderful the white house is so successful, everybody can do it. >> reporter: they will hand out 13,000 hardwood eggs and make a lot of memories. at the white house, news 4. >> yeah, that was a cute story. this one may bring you closer to
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the tv. three dogs who were abused are searching for loving homes. a 2-year-old guy who is a jack russell terrier mix suffered a broken leg. he joins a 3-year-old pomeranian and a pit bull mix waiting for adoption. they suffered traumatic injuries due to an accident or abuse. they are making a full recovery thanks to the washington humane society. they are now looking for yeah, again, new adoptive homes. they are so cute. love it when they wag their tails. there's a tool in the fight against breast cancer. 3-d ultrasound screenings could help doctors better find tumor that is routine mammograms miss. we explain how it could save lives. >> if we had stopped with the mammogram, i would have went
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home thinking i was okay for another year. >> reporter: as part of a trial, they gave her a 3-d ultrasound and found a tumor hiding in her breast. >> the fact it was so clear was alarming. a lot of my friends think if you have a clear mammogram, you are okay. >> reporter: using 3-d ultrasounds were approved for women with dense breast tissue. it makes it difficult for radiologists to find tumors. >> it's like looking for a cloud in a cloudy sky. >> reporter: one of the investigators in the nationwide clinical trial looked atmore than 15,000 women. doctors found tumors from 100 of them.
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in 20 cases it was missed by a mammography alone. it wasn't picked up until after the ultrasound. >> mammography as well as by ultrasound as well in the future, it can increase the number of cancers that are potentially visualized and increase the number that is visualized at a smaller stage. >> reporter: today's recommendation is important because up to 50% of women under the age of 50 could have dense breast tissue. meaning doctors could be missing the tissue. doctors found out she had stage 2 breast cancer. she was treated and hopes there won't be recurrences. >> i wish i hadn't proven the point. >> doreen gentzler, news 4. >> doctors have been using 3-d ultrasounds for diagnostic purposes. they hope the procedure will now
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be covered by insurance. next, we are going to gross you out. rats are getting higher in the dis rick. the facts behind the boom and what you can do to stop them. plus, we are keeping it clean with tricks of the dinner's ready. [ female announcer ] hamburger helper stroganoff. beefy. creamy. stroganoffy. helpers. forty dishes, all delicious. gives us the most nutritious of gifts. but only when they are ready to be given. that's why green giant picks vegetables at their peak. ...and freezes them fast, locking in nutrients ...for you to unwrap. ♪ ho, ho, ho. green giant
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a lot of people love the fact that we had a warm winter this year, including me, i have to admit. it triggered a jump in the rat population, of all things. mild temperatures were ideal for people and rodents. that means more food is left outside in trash cans. for rats, more food leads to more babies. this has been one of the busiest years on record for rodent control. >> you can see them in the corners of the patio. >> the cats can't even catch them. >> hope i never see one.
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the rodent control office says they respond to dozens of calls every month. we can do our part by securing trash cans. put a brick on it, the trash can, i mean. speaking of keeping itd clean, many of us dread spring cleaning. all the guys in my house. liz crenshaw does it again. she turns to the ritz carlton to make spring cleaning better. >> reporter: ever wonder how the ritz carlton keep their rooms sparkling clean? the four-star hotel maintains 1,000 guest rooms. 1400 bathrooms cleaned and 1300 beds made every day. the director of service at the ritz says her trick for cleaning supplies is a simple shopping list. >> we have vinegar, lemon,
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rubbing alcohol, magic eraser, baking soda and microfiber cloth. >> reporter: no chemicals, all natural. it starts with a vinegar solution. 12 ounces of white vinegar and a squeeze of lemon. >> for the windows, we are using the solution and newspaper. >> newspaper? >> yes. we do not use paper towels because of the lint. with the newspaper, you clean without a trace. it's very easy. >> reporter: she using the same cleaning trick on glass shower doors. when it comes to table tops, she uses rubbing alcohol. plus, it's beneficial for guests with allergies as is baking soda. >> sprinkle it on the carpet. let it stay five minutes, vacuum it up. it eliminates odors and smells
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good. >> reporter: in the bathroom, mix the baking soda and use it to clean the grout. >> it makes it shiny. >> clean out the shower drain with baking soda and vinegar. what about bed linen, pillows? any tricks here? >> wash the pillows in a washing machine. >> reporter: you do? >> yeah, feather pillows in cold water. we dry them an hour, otherwise they will be nasty smell. >> reporter: now, on to dusting, the trick to cleaning off a flat screen tv? a damp microfiber cloth. >> reporter: no spray? >> nothing like that. we destroy the screen. >> reporter: when it comes to scuffed base boards, magic eraser. >> it works like magic. water.
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>> reporter: wow. it really does erase. tricks to spring cleaning can make your home as beautiful as a suite at the ritz. liz crenshaw, news 4. >> after watching that, you should see the arsenal of cleaning supplies i have on the weekend. i'm going try that. it's probably under $10. >> it's a boost for d.c. style scene. what local designers have inside the fashion incubator. misty shows us the word is swapportunity. can i have the definition? swapportunity: the opportunity to swap a higher calorie snack for a yoplait light. can you use it in a sentence? mmm. swapping a 300 calorie donut for this 110 calorie strawberry shortcake is a good swapportunity. that's not a real word. oh haha it's real. [ female announcer ] delicious, creamy, yoplait light. over 30 flavors each around 100 calories.
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do the swap today.
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a silly story, definitely not a political demonstration. hundreds of moustache wearers were on capitol hill for a rally. they provide a $250 annual deduction for people with moustaches.
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maybe i'll get a paste on one. there are extra expenses that go into keeping them clean and trim with all the food out of it and stuff. from facial hair to fashion, for the first time, d.c. might have the right infrastructure in place to make a splash in the world. we have a new program that's working to create jobs and fashion stars along the way right here. >> reporter: fashion. it's a multibillion dollar industry. now, d.c. is in place to get its cut. >> the moment you can say you are producing you can say you have an industry. >> reporter: she is behind the d.c. fashion incubator. it's from the d.c. arts commission. it's a push to grow local talent and the economy. >> the credibility is here now. you have the fashion incubator, producing, creating. they are putting that made in d.c. label there. >> reporter: the design studio
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donated by the washington convention center hosts textiles sewing many sheens and training. >> it's hard for designers to get pieces done. they have to try to source out. our concept in design is give them smaller runs so they can shop out to boutiques. >> reporter: the goal from there, make the labels go mainstream. a dream. >> being a home based company, it was great to finally have a place to go, a place to create. >> reporter: a place that is going to get bigger. they will move to a 16,000 square foot warehouse. a space that can house up to 24 new designers. >> so needed. well, between evening gowns and bathing suits, most have to stay
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fit. we met up with america's miss d.c., sarah, and asked her, what's your workout? >> i was a chubby kid. i wasn't happy. i was depressed. i stopped eating beef and pork around age 10. i cut it out. i was able to drop 30 pounds within two or three years and keep it off. i was growing. i was young. it made me feel i could do anything. if i can lose 30 pounds and keep it off and you know, go from a kid size 16 to an adult size two or four and still be healthy. that made me feel good. it made me feel as if i was accomplished. pack my lunch throughout the day instead of eat out. little things. drink water. politely refuse if there's
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pizza. lot ofs fiber. i eat cereal with whole grain and almonds. a lot of fiber is essential. it's good for your digestive system. a lot of almonds, things like that. everything in moderation. there are times i eat cake or i feel like eating candy or, you know, having a croissant. that's fine as long as you don't eat them every day and try to maintain a general, healthy diet. always start out with running ten to 15 minutes on a treadmill. i run fast to get my heart pumping. i do a lot of abs. i'll do 100 sit up, then leg lifts to work the abs. then i get up and probably do some push ups. i try to stay between a certain weight range. i let myself gain a few pound
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ifs it's the holidays, then really work myself to actually lose that weight over the next couple months. i think health is important. without your health, you are not really living the best life you can live. it takes commitment to be a healthy person and change your lifer. it's something that is going to benefit you in the end. >> hey, have you heard we have a super hero in our midst? why the batman
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so, this is delicious okay... is this where we're at now, we don't care anymore? we just eat whatever tastes good? excuse me? [ man ] like these sweet honey clusters, they're awesome so no way they're good for you. but i guess that's okay right? actually there's a half a day's worth of fiber in every ... why stop at cereal? ya know? cancel the gym membership. bring on the pork chops and the hot fudge. fantastic. are you done sweetie? yea [ male announcer ] fiber beyond recognition. fiber one. a local man who is taking his inspiration from a comic book hero made national news recently. now, we know his secret identity. why lenny robinson is a real superhero. >> bat man is coming. >> he's coming. >> batman is coming. >> better to be three hours early than a minute too late.
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♪ batman >> in his tricked out lamborghini. in his batman best, the cape crusader at sinai children's hospital. holy smokes, batman. what brings you hear? >> the children. >> the children. holy bat hog. no crime fighting today. the mission, bring smiles to sick kids and their parents. what did he tell you? >> to get better. >> he was here for treatment this morning, received his chemotherapy. to know batman was there was great. >> he was all over because the cops stopped him for not having the proper maryland tag on his car. he had a bat tag, not a real tag. he got a pass.
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what cop would want to collar batman? oh my goodness. he'll never be able to wash that again. >> never again in life. >> batman's ulter' go. now he makes house calls to sick kids around the region. itis sponsored by henry's hope, a foundation for kids with life-threatening illnesses. holy bat wish. >> do batman a favor and get better. to the media out there and to the world, ask yourself, did i make a difference today? that answer had better be yes. >> reporter: there were other super heroes here today. wonder woman, spiderman. in baltimore, pat collins, news 4.
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>> that's all for news 4 this week. i'm veronica johnson. thanks for joining us. until next time, have a good one.
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