tv Today NBC April 21, 2012 2:05am-3:00am EDT
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eive $400 in free bedding. only at the sleep number store, where queen mattresses start at just $699. captions paid for by nbc-universal television woo-hoo! it's try day friday. it is april 20th. you made it to the weekend, though it is going to be a little damp around here. >> hi. >> oh, by the way -- you said going out? >> no, don't. >> there's a new video. i haven't seen it yet. remember the one we did of the world's biggest zit?
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they have one now about earwax. you got to go see it. i haven't go seen it yet but i can't wait. >> i'm going to throw up. you're obsessed with weirdo gross videos. i've never seen the world's biggest zit thing pop. i don't want to because i'll have nightmares. >> peter, our photographer, showed me another one yesterday. >> stop! >> oh, my gosh! she says it makes you think of redi whip in a new way. >> ewww. >> she said that, not me. if have you a scientific interest in such things, check it out. all right. so memorable movie quotes. this is one of those things that there's actually a science behind why a movie quote sticks with you for a long time. >> as a writer myself i'm always looking for a line people will remember. they're not as easy as would you think to come up with. >> cornell university looks at how they break those down. it comes down to two factors. use of an uncommon word like
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bond, james bond. it makes you like think about how he put those words together. >> it was sean connery. remember? >> you do know who says those. they also say they try to use general words like using an a or an. like in a galaxy far away, as opposed to the galaxy far away. >> once upon a time always worked for me as a child. >> we have some clips of our favorite -- >> should we show some of the favorites -- not ours, but others? >> yeah, yeah. >> we don't have others. let's not look at others. >> yeah, let's look at ours. that's all we care about really. there's a movie that a lot of younger people haven't seen called "chariots of fire." one of the greatest movies ever made. this is when the lead, his sister is questioning why he wants to be a runner because they're very devout spiritual people and he says this. >> i believe that god made me
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for a purpose. for china. but he also made me fast. and when i run, i feel his pleasure. >> i love that. when i run, i feel his pleasure. >> that's beautiful. >> the other one is on the other end of the spectrum, it is about sex. in" funny girl," barbara streisand's character sees nicky for the first time, "hello, gorgeous." >> one that's really close to my heart. when you see a movie and it sticks with you forever. every now and then you think of that quote, you think this is so applicable in my life. right now, here's that quote. >> oh, right now. [ belching ] >> jesus, megan. >> i want to apologize. i'm not even confident of which end that came out of. >> that's not my real one.
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that's really not my real one. my real one is -- isn't that nasty? that is some kind of nasty. i'm not even confident what end that came out of. >> and you won't look at an earwax video? hoda woman! >> all right. no, but really -- >> you don't know hoda, people. i'm just telling you. >> but this is if you're in love with love, this may be one of your favorite quotes. >> shut up. just shut up! you had me at "hello." >> i gave you that one yesterday. >> i already knew it before you gave it to me. so here are a list of things the three of you who are watching our show. these are things guys should never, ever, ever tell their girlfriends. "you look like my ex." "your sister is a --" "we" should go on a diet.
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that one, that's terrible. and they actually think they're being sensitive. >> for some guys, that's very sensitive. "my mom thinks you should change this." "my mother," hey, my mom thinks that you should maybe, maybe if you -- it came from -- >> my mom thinks you should marry me. that ain't so bad. that's like you're the best thing in the world. >> i still don't want his mother advising him. no, i don't. >> no, i understand what you're saying. but it's better than the others. >> how about this? this one bugs me. you're getting too emotional. you're overreacting. don't ever say that. >> i can't stand it when cody says "calm down." >> ooh, ooh, ooh. >> you want to ring my chimes -- >> how about this? you look really different in the mornings. that is awful. >> now we're going to let them redeem themselves with the best compliments. this is for men and women.
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survey says -- number five, compliment their clothing. i love your dress, i love your -- number four, your hair looks great. >> i like that one a lot. >> does jay say that on weekends? >> i went to go get my hair blown out and the lady couldn't take me for whatever reason. i came back and jay's like your hair looks great. i go i didn't do it, he goes oh, okay. so the next day i really did it. he walks into the apartment, he's like hey, like he's looking to know whether or not he should go in with the compliment or not and he didn't. i was like i just did it. no one can tell. you can't win on that one. >> has he ever seen -- >> the crazy hair? not for long. >> has he ever seen this? >> don't even. you know what? i'm glad he doesn't watch the show. >> i like how they just have it right there. here's one everybody likes. you smell nice.
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you have a nice smile. my favorite of all time -- you look like you've lost weight. >> that's a great one. >> here's the worst one. everyone says it, not just men. friends say it, your mother says it. "you like tired." i know. it's the worst. but the survey was done by a dental care-plus intake so keep that in mind. and your teeth are white. what do you use? i'm sure that's one of the other ones they like a lot. >> i don't know why we needed a survey for this. you could have asked any woman. a new survey says women who feel ignored seek out expensive retail therapy. >> they go shopping. >> no kidding. >> i don't go shopping when i feel ignored. but they also want labels. they want to buy stuff with big labels on it. that's the other thing. they want recognizable logos. maybe if you feel ignored you want people to see that you're wearing -- yeah. like gucci or prada. >> it just means you've been
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over to bobbie thomas' apartment and picked out something nice. >> exactly. >> what else, hoda? what else do we have to talk about? >> i like this one. a lot of times people leave their dogs at home during the part of the day. >> but they're alone and lonely. >> sometimes people leave the radio or tv on. now there is a great solution. it's even better than all those things, it is called dog tv. it is a channel for dogs. it is $5 a month, $4.99. it offers eight hours. the dog just looks at his own eye level and looks out. he thinks he's playing. >> i think it is so adorable. oh, look. swimming. this is actually kind of mean. the dog's watching what he's not doing. >> that's what most human beings are when they're watching tv or movies. >> look! they put it at the dog eye level. >> people laugh at this. cassidy has never been real crazy about bambino. i don't know why. i can't imagine why anybody's
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not madly in love with bambino. >> sure. >> but a couple weeks ago, frank and i were gone and i said cass, baby-sit bambino. she says -- ugh! they watched "best in show" together. and bambino is so excited when he sees her now and she's bonded with him over "best in show." that movie is one of the funniest movies i've ever seen. >> i love there -- that one. >> i think there's something to that. >> i think we feel like laughing. it might be time for kathie lee's friday funny. >> this one is short. >> good. >> and i can't believe -- i can't believe this actually got past practice and standards. sent in from kerry from ohio. if you have a problem, you find her on facebook. when i got out of bed this morning, i had chest pains. looked down and realized i was
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stepping on my nipple. >> that is good! that rocked. >> i had one last week that was so funny and they would not let me use it because it had a word that starts with scr and ends with a "m" for a man's part of his -- >> area. >> and in the middle there's an "ot" and i was not allowed to say that. i could say nipple up the wazoo but i'm not allowed to say that. >> i don't know why. they have a standards persons that goes through all that? >> i have obviously never met that person. jo ann says don't talk about that. it's time for "bobbie's buzz." >> hi, ladies. >> you look like you've lost weight. >> i actually love that dress. the color is so pretty. >> you never say you like what i'm wearing. you always want to put me in something different. >> it's earth day this weekend so i was inspired to find some
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eco friendly things that are very stylish. these of course, if you have any platforms like these laying around you could reclaim them and up cycle them. giddy spinster is the seller but she takes old shoes and reinvents them. i actually really like this. this is a great gift to maybe give a girlfriend. >> i love this. what i love so much is you so desperately wanted to lift that up and show us what -- they've nailed it down because nobody is allowed to take anything. >> this other one is really, really cool. these are pens that last for seven years. from seltzer goods. they're adorable. did you know 100 million pens are discarded every day? that's a lot. >> why would we know that? >> i don't know. but i was kind of impressed when i was told that so these are the
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seven-year pens. they'll write 1.7 something every day. some people like the refreshing feel of a can when you open it up, but that's bad. these are eco cans from uncommon goods that you can pop and use out of the bottle to minimize the cans which is really cool. you pour the soft drink in there. it feels like a can, but then you can -- >> cool, bobbie. thank you, honey. you never know what's going to happen when "the real housewives of jersey" get together. >> are they here? nobody warned me. >> well they're in the back and coming out right after this. ♪ so every year my family throws this great reunion in austin. but this year, i can only afford one trip and i've always wanted to learn how to surf. austin's great -- just not for surfing. so i checked out hotwire. and by booking with them, i saved enough to swing both trips. see, hotwire checks the competition's rates every day so they can guarantee their low prices. that's how i got a 4-star hotel on the beach in san diego
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for half price. ♪ h-o-t-w-i-r-e ♪ ♪ h-o-t-w-i-r-e [ male announcer ] who can clean your toilet thirty-six hundre[ ding ]a year? scrubbing bubbles toilet cleaning gel. it's flush-activated to prevent buildup of lime scale and hard water that cause toilet rings. the freshest way to keep a toilet clean. [ toilet flushing ] flush after flush. [ female announcer ] s.c. johnson. a family company. having one of those days? tired. groggy. can't seem to get anything done. it makes for one, lousy day. but when you're alert and energetic... that's different. you're more with it, sharper, getting stuff done. this is why people choose 5-hour energy over 9-million times a week. it gives them the alert, energetic feeling they need to get stuff done. 5-hour energy...when you gotta get stuff done.
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peppermint that cools as you chew. 5 gum. stimulate your senses peppermint that cools as you chew. (sfx: car garage sounds) today my journey brings me to charlotte, north carolina, where i spent the day with geico driver casey mears. i told him the secret to saving money on car insurance. he told me the secret to his car setup. first he adjusts... first he adjusts... (sfx:engine revving drowns out gecko's dialogue) then he... then he... (sfx:loud drilling noise continues to drown out gecko's dialogue) ...and a quarter cup of then he... neapple juice. or was that the secret to his barbecue sauce? hey, "secret" sauce. geico®. fieen minutes could save you fifteen percent or more on car insurance. they're back. if you just can't get enough of the "real housewives," you're in luck. season four of the new jersey edition of bravo's hit show premiers this sunday. >> it promises to bring all the glitz, glam and drama of seasons past. here to tell us about seasons past, caroline, melissa and kathy.
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good to see you ladies. i can't believe it is season four. where did the time go? >> time flies when you're having fun, girls. >> you've been there since the beginning. >> yes, i have. >> the other two ladies -- this is your second season. >> yes. caroline, it's old hat for you now, right? it's just like your dna. you're used to the cameras -- >> they're there. it's part of my day. that's pretty much it. >> how about you guys? have you gotten adjusted to the attention and the rest that comes with it? >> i think now. first season it was a little more difficult but now we are gating used to it. it comes with the territory. it is part of our life now really. >> it kind of feels like one continuous season. >> when one is airing you're making the next one. >> exactly. >> did you get -- not abuse but some problems with any member of your families when you all decided -- because once it came on the air, people realized what it was like. were there people in either one of your families that said i don't want you to do that or i
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don't want to be part of it? >> yeah. i had a couple people say are you sure you want to do that? or do you think that's the right road to go down? it is a little bit of a gamble, and it is a little bit do you want to put your life out there, should you take the opportunity. but you know, i guess. >> you're the voice of reason. you always have been from the beginning. have you noticed how people treat you on the streets? because i know people walk up to you -- i've been at events -- people are constantly coming up, they feel like they know you, they want to speak with you. >> i feel badly sometimes because i'm bad with names but i always remember a face. with me, they come up and grab me and hug and kiss me and cry. i'm like do i know you? you're very familiar. they introduce themselves to me and say because of you -- >> you've had an impact on their life. >> yeah. so it took a while for me to understand that. andy cohen is the one that explains that. he said you're in their lives every day. they feel like they're in it with you. when you cry, they cry. when you laugh, they laugh. >> there's another side that
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people have opinions and they do not mind sharing their opinions with you. >> and we're not allowed to have it back. >> i can't imagine you don't have it back. >> i have nerves of steel, trust me. >> whenever they give their opinion, it is never face to face. it is always behind a computer. >> nobody comes up to you and says something that's really abusive and rude? >> never. >> i've never had that happen. >> wow! >> you're into music. >> i am. >> are we going to see a lot of you singing? >> you are. i'm is so excited. i'm going to write two songs, one ballad that i write to my husband and another fun party song. i fly chris judd in who's worked with amazing musicians to come in and do some choreography for a huge performance i do. he's not easy on me. he's tough on me. >> what kind of music do you like to sing? >> pop. pop with a little bit of r&b. >> like who? can you do a little something? >> no. >> really? >> i'm like into rihanna, j lo.
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>> you enjoy baking -- >> i enjoy baking, cooking. that's been the hub of the house and like caroline said that, before, too, it is the heart of our household. >> do you any of you feel a sense or obligation somehow to up the ante from the season before? because once you do certain things on the air that have been shocking, or surprising, people tune in to see what's next and there is the potential for being -- like, oh, it's boring now, they don't turn over the table. >> i'm sorry to admit that that is all real. i'm like what just happened. it's real. it's not prefabricated. i haven't seen it yet with these ladies, but at least in my world. i wake up and when the cameras are on, my reaction is my visceral reaction. there's no prethoughts. you ask me a question and i answer it.
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cameras don't lie. they're going to get you if you do. >> i think people do think it is scripted. it's not. it's really not. >> i don't think they think it's scripted. i think they think you're working with producers. now today i want you to be with kathie, she's going to bake something and you're going to get sick from the cupcakes. in some shows i know that goes on. >> you can be told to jump over a bridge. you decide whether you want to jump. >> how are your boys? >> wonderful. proud mommy. >> thanks, ladies. catch the season four premier of "the jersey housewives" on our sister network, bravo. up next, sara is ka votering with our crowd to gather some juicy questions for us. >> are they dancing? >> some people call it that. follow the wings.
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c'mon dad! i'm here to unleash my inner cowboy. instead i got heartburn. [ horse neighs ] hold up partner. prilosec isn't for fast relief. try alka-seltzer. it kills heartburn fast. yeehaw! it kills heartburn fast. you'd have to clean your toilet toilevery time you flush.g up, that's over thirty-six hundred times a year. [ ding ] who would do that? it's scrubbing bubbles toilet cleaning gel. just stamp it in. its formula is flush-activated to prevent buildup
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>> first up, daniel from connecticut. >> hi. >> hi! >> what's the hardest part about being a talk show host? >> not offending anybody. >> yeah. which happens -- >> we don't mean to but sometimes because it is live and it comes out, that's the hardest part, is trying to make it lively and exciting and interesting without, you know, hurting anybody. >> and also trying -- we pack a lot in the show and try not to sprint through things because i know a lot of people like us to spend a lot of time yakking. >> you do it so well. next up, abby from boston has a question actually just for hoda. >> well, at school we're doing a project on celebrities and earth day and i chose you, hoda, and i was wondering what events you did as like a kid, like charity events. >> i was in the girl scouts. is that a charity event? no. we didn't have charities when i was a kid. >> hoda is not a charitable person and you should have picked me.
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>> no! listen. sara will tell you all about me. >> so many things. we may be running out of time. >> oh, sadly, we're out of time. >> i just dashed her whole dream. look at her. i feel terrible! still ahead, dress your best with the hottest trends in the maxi dresses. >> think of what you've done for the girl scouts, hoda. plus, ecofriendly products. and that fatty crab -- how to eat with your hand after this.
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we're back on this try day friday with "today's style" and ways to wear those maxi dresses. you've probably been looking at them for a couple of seasons thinking -- can i wear that? >> according to amy goodman, the answer is yes. it crosses all generations and heights. amy is the author of "wear this toss that!" >> you're going to prove it to us today. >> yeah. >> that is gorgeous.
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>> it's got that high-low thing. >> it's so popular. we've really seen an evolution. they were boring in 1968 when they coined the term maxi dress. >> they were granny dresses before that. remember? >> they were all ankle length. the high-low is one of the hot trends you'll see. i think anyone can wear this trend, no matter what your age as long as you wear it in an appropriate fashion for your age. >> we're going to go through all the different ages. let's start can katie, in her 20s. she's sporting this maxi. >> i adore that. >> so cute. >> it is quintessentially beachy. right? from baby fat, cut-out, zigzag chevron -- >> a little skin with you not too much. >> when you're in your 20s you can show off a little skin. i saw halle berry wearing a cut-out dress. that's $39.99. the hat from burlington coat factory -- $9.99. it is a great coral, beachy inspired jewelry. all my models are wearing jewelry from stella and dot today.
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>> they're terrific. >> really nice. i love the pearl necklace. >> thank you. >> next up, sidney is in her 30s. she is petite. if you're under 5'5", what should you look for in a maxi? >> all of the women who are shorter in height, i want to say you can wear the maxi dress. here's the key -- either one solid block of color head to toe or a print that's evenly dispersed throughout the dress. her print is petite. make sure your prints are proportional. she has a side slit too for a little sexiness on the side. she'll pop out a little angelina. this is a wonderful ruffle dress from nordstrom. >> very pretty. >> 40 and fabulous. we have sit ufrgs comeing out. ready for an evening out. >> tell us about that. >> this is how you wear the maxi dress for evening. i think this color, so beautifully frames her silhouette.
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she's well endowed so i think the support under the bust that gives her a lot of support and go for a slightly thicker strap. this dress is by macy's. the clutch is the "it" bag. obviously this is for evening but it is from dress barn for $30. >> it looks much more expensive than that. >> thank you. >> we talked about high-low, that's what erin is wearing. tell us the body type this works well on. >> erin is very tall. she can wear the high-low look. the two key things here are, age wise, we did try some dresses where the high was a little too high. also you got to have a little bit of height to you to pull this look off and you got to love your legs. those are the general rules are wearing the high-low trend. it is also color blocked. this dress from xoxo. wherever the lighter color is the highlighting color. we're really showing off her legs and for good reason. her shoes are by rue la la.
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the dress is $68. all the shoes on my models are at when you're going for the shoes, a wedge has more fabric involved and most of the dresses are a-line cut. >> the new shoe. it's nice, as well. nuke thank you. last up, bonita is our 60s model. >> we skipped a decade. we skipped over the 50s because i think bonita was in her 50s. she is so beautiful. the rules apply for both decades. i say go for bright hues. this gorgeous print, all of her clothes actually are from those sensitive about their arms, you can see through her sweater just a little bit because it is knitted. it is like a tease of the skin. if you get -- i'm going to ask her to throw it off because -- >> she looks amazing. >> when you are in your 60s and have you amazing arms like
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this -- >> show them, baby. >> you've got to flaunt what you've got. >> let's have all our models come out. up next, what to keep and what to trash after filing your taxes. haven't we done that yet? >> no. october. right after this. [ male announcer ] when do you take 5-hour energy? when i'm on the night shift. when they have more energy than i do. when i don't feel like working out. when there isn't enough of me to go around. ♪ when i have school. and work. every morning. it's faster and easier than coffee. every afternoon when that 2:30 feeling hits. -every day. -every day. every day is a 5-hour energy day. [ male announcer ] 5-hour energy. every day.
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follow the wings. [ male announcer ] who can clean your toilet thirty-six hundre[ ding ]a year? scrubbing bubbles toilet cleaning gel. it's flush-activated to prevent buildup of lime scale and hard water that cause toilet rings. the freshest way to keep a toilet clean. [ toilet flushing ] flush after flush. [ female announcer ] s.c. johnson. a family company.
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tax season is over but before you file your financial records into your stash of things you are afraid to trash file, we have a better idea for you. >> editors at kiplinger's magazine have compiled a list of what to keep and what to toss for the post-tax clean-up. and for those who haven't actually paid their taxes -- yet. kim langford is the contributing editor. nice to see you. thanks for being here. >> this is one of those things you worry about. you are afraid to throw anything away because inevitably someone will say do you have that special piece of paper? >> or we need to see it so you can buy this house. >> i think people keep way more than they need to because
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they're just afraid. there is real specific advice about what to keep and what to toss. and you can toss some things and feel comfortable with it. >> but for years it was five years you keep your taxes. the last five years. this year i thought -- they say keep three. now you're saying keep those no matter what. >> keep just the returns. that's just those few pieces of paper, the 1040 and those things that go along with it. don't need to keep all those receipts beyond three years but just the form. can be clues for some things in the future. for example, if you are applying for a mortgage, sometimes they ask for several years back. if you are applying for disability insurance or going out on claim. or a lot of times when you finally sell an investment, you have to figure out what you purchased them for and these can give you some clues so you don't have to pay more taxes later. >> in this digital age, so much is on line. even i know that, hoda. right? >> which is shocking. >> why is it a big deal? it's in cyberspace for you in you need it. >> the key is to keep those returns.
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that you can keep online. i say go back to all your tax records that you kept for the last few years and put them online. >> then do a back-up so they're there. >> exactly. >> what other things should we hang on to? you say your home's purchase price and major home improvements. what are you saving there? >> most people these days aren't having to pay taxes on their home sale gains. there's big exclusion. if you've lived out of two out of the past five years. but if you move before then you may have to pay taxes on your home sale and if you get a big gain on your home sale you may have to pay taxes. if you've added an extension, a deck, all of that can lower that tax bill and make a big difference. >> you also say keep records of stock and mutual fund purchases in taxable accounts. let's say -- talk about what we can throw away. we have so much junk in our houses. we can get rid of things. first you say get rid of tack documents. like what? >> all those supporting documents. all that stuff like -- >> how about just money market documents? >> anything like that. your investment documents.
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investment documents you can toss after three years. all of those receipts and canceled checks that you have. the key thing is -- >> the canceled checks. >> keep them for three years because that's what you'll need because the irs has up to three years to -- >> to get you! >> what about your utility bill? >> you can toss them! after you get the next bill, the next month and you see that you've gotten credited the right amount, unless you're using it for home office deduction -- unless it is tax related, you keep it for three years. otherwise, toss it out. >> what about your credit card receipt that comes once a month? >> that at the end of the year when you get that year-end statement, you can get rid of all those. all those things you have accumulated throughout the month, after they match up, you can get rid of them. >> you should shred them and not throw them away for others to find. what about your prescription --
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when you buy magazines? >> as long as it is all working out, you can get rid of that. >> paychecks. is that yours? >> no, this is savings. s who whose is this? don't read it? >> it's nameless. joanne. >> other bank statements, savings -- >> you usually get a year-end report from your brokerage firm, from your bank, your w-2 for your pay at the end of the year. keep that with your tax documents for three years. all those pay stubs, as long as it matches up at the end of the year, it is redundancy. get rid of that. >> atm receipts, all those little things? >> as long as you on the next month's statement there's nothing weird missing or anything like that, you can get rid of those, too. >> i'm sure you check to see if there's anything weird. >> i do not print. up next, our ecofriendly products with a sense of style right after this.
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good morning. tracking a big system as it moves into the east over the weekend. initially, your saturday forecast will bring most of the weather across the southeast and a threat for severe weather across florida. something we're going to watch very closely here at the weather channel. showers will build in the mid-atlantic as we head into the evening and across the northeast. but sunday and monday look to be the bigger days for the northeast, especially sunday night where we could see snow through the interior. we'll talk about that in more detail. 72 today, ahead of this big storm in new york city. temperatures starting to cool off, though, where you see the 53 here in chicago. that cooler air diving in with the trough. 60 degrees in louisville. completely opposite in the west. heating up to 101 in the phoenix area.
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so the first triple digit reading. temperatures will warm on the day sunday. the system that moves into the east coast will bring cooler weather and western new york and western p.a., that's where we could see accumulations higher amounts of snow in the higher elevations. 54 in chicago by sunday. and d.c. as we get into the end of the weekend and by monday morning could be a messy morning commute. look at that, snow showers for the appalachians but warming in the west significantly, even denver at 81 by monday. tuesday, we start to dry out. may see lingering rain and snow showers here in the northeast. and on wednesday, the ohio valley looking at some showers. 82 degrees in albuquerque. 60s across the coastal areas in the west. thursday outlook tracks another system in across the west. always get the latest forecast weekday mornings with stephanie and al. that's "wake up with al" at 6:00 a.m. and 10:00 a.m. [ male announcer ] to prevent toilet rings from building up,
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you'd have to clean your toilet every time you flush. that's over thirty-six hundred times a year. [ ding ] who would do that? it's scrubbing bubbles toilet cleaning gel. just stamp it in. its formula is flush-activated to prevent buildup of lime scale and hard water that cause toilet rings. and it keeps working, flush after flush. scrubbing bubbles toilet cleaning gel. the freshest way to keep a toilet clean. [ toilet flushing ] flush after flush. [ female announcer ] s.c. johnson. a family company. [ female announcer ] been looking for excedrin lately? now for your tough headache pain, turn to the long-lasting strength of aleve. problem solved. ♪
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and now on "today goes green," ecofriendly and fashionable finds. >> there's no reason ecoproducts have to look anything but stylish. >> samantha yanks, editor in chief of "gotham" magazine. >> she took time away from her daughter's birthday. >> happy birthday. >> thank you. >> so talk to us about all these ecofriendly products. >> ecofriendly and really fabulous looking. these are scotch nail polishes, non-toxic. void of any chemicals, safe for pregnant women, women with health issues. they launched a kid's line called hop scotch. >> very cute. >> these id bracelets are nice. >> the best way to go ecofriendly is to go the recycling end. these are vintage tags that this company called spin sisters engraves. these have these little leather
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bands on them or just a metal cuff. all recycled. >> look at these clutches! what are they made from? >> this is a company called rebags. they're made in the philippines out of recycled paper that they print on and then they find leather from shoe factories that are remnant pieces and make the handles. these are like super ecofriendly. >> very cute. are they pricey? >> no. really affordable. $45. this is a line that i have heard that you two are really big fans of. >> yes. >> it is called by tutti. all lip products, all ecofriendly, made of shea butter, cranberries, acai berries. and they smell amazing. >> we love tom's. >> he does so much good for the planet. >> this is buy and give back. you always hear about it because it's the most amazing line. every pair that you buy they give a pair of shoes to children
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in underdeveloped countries. >> can you imagine what the world would be like if every company cared as much as tom does? yea for you, tom. and you're darn sexy, too. >> so this is h & m. this is their ecofriendly line. it is out this month for ecofriendly month. this already has an amazing celebrity fan base. kristin davis wore this piece the other day. it is all organic cotton, hemp and recycled polyester. >> okay. all good. >> stella mccartney who has been long known for her ecofriendly line now is becoming more known for her kid's line. all of the clothing is 100% organic cotton. >> look at these little
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underwear -- stop it! >> these are called krb bottles. they are handmade glass. they're covered in silicone. it is all recyclable, completely shaped and each season they change the silicone colors and these are the colors. >> this is the color for spring. tangerine! >> one last thing to go. >> two more things. botanical paperwork. if someone sends you a notecard, you then toss your notecard in your soil, give a little sun and each one of these pieces of paper sprouts wildflowers or herbs. >> what! stop it! >> how cool is that. these are so cute. sustainable wood kid's growth charts in the shape of surfboards from a company called ten fingers four paws. >> happy birthday, katie. we'll be right back. but first this is "today" on nbc.
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and now in "today's kitchen," what's cookin. the fatty crab right here in new york city. >> that's right. >> he's known for his asian inspired soul food. he has a new cookbook called "eat with your hands." which is all my daughter does. >> i've learned from my son. just shove it in. >> what are you cooking for us?
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>> today we're going to make chili crab, which is a traditional malayian recipe. we have shallots, crab case -- it's got crab and a whole bunch of delicious things. soybean oil. >> that keeps? >> that keeps for -- yeah. comes in a jar. keeps beautifully. this is a little chili sauce i whipped up earlier, shrimp paste, chilies and salt. it makes a delicious, delicious paste. you can see you've got it going right over here. this you muddle. you smash this up until it looks like this. if you move over here, i'll show you this. >> what's up with the crab? what are you using? >> this is dungeness crab. let's pour this in. i'll turn the burner down. it comes from oregon, the coast of oregon. and the stone crab we have here comes from florida. >> which is sweeter? >> the dungeness is sweeter. i used to serve the maryland blue at the restaurant but
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people had a hard time picking out the meat. >> that's my favorite thing in the whole world, but they are work. >> people don't like to work anymore. have you noticed that? >> lazy eaters. you got to eat this with your hands in particular. so this now has a little liquid. it's got oyster sauce, soy sauce, a little bit of ketchup actually to sweeten it. we added the paste and that and we butter it up. we add this butter here. >> this probably is going to scare some people at home who don't feel like they can go to an asian market and order -- is it easier? >> this is very easy. it is all outlined in my book "eat with your hand." >> he did that so you could plug your book. >> thank for helping me do that. you have this beautiful looking sauce here. it is bubbling now. it is really gorgeous. now this has the butter in it. last thing you do just to thicken it a bit, you add some egg. the egg sort of binds it and gives it a nice roundness.
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egg adds a little fat, too. >> we just have about a minute. you stick the crabs in? >> throw the crab in. >> after it's been steamed? >> after it's been steamed. toss it around a little bit. and we throw it right in the bowl. just like that. >> really? >> yeah. >> then you eat with your hands. >> that goes in the bowl. then we do the muscles. muscles, we've got shallots, garlic, black pepper, chinese rice wine and yuzu juice. we throw the muscles into this. >> i love muscles. >> we're going to try that while we say good-bye. great restaurant in new york city, fatty crab. next week jack black, hugh grant and musical group little big town. bye, everybody. have a great weekend.
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