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tv   Today  NBC  May 8, 2012 2:05am-3:00am EDT

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new glade expressions. sc johnson, a family company. captions paid for by s. nbc-universal television hell everybody. hope you survived your big weekend. it is fun day monday. it's may 7th. chugging along in the beautiful month of may. >> hi, honey. >> i saw you over the weekend. >> we spent so much time together these days. haven't yes? >> it is kind of a miracle -- we really should be married because we really get along well. it's legal now, hoda. come on! >> i know. but if you guys were home saturday night you may have
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watched "snl." what they have, if you've ever been to new york, they have something called the dress rehearsal, then they have the actual live event on saturday. >> sometimes i hear the dress rehearsal's even more fun because it is loosey-goosey. and everybody's -- >> yeah. and they have additional acts because they actually pare through them, they weed them out and figure out what the audience reacts to. it was eli manning's day. one of the highlights was the tan lady. >> oh, yes. >> from nutley. >> anyway, kristen wiig prop portrayed her. this is the original. anyway, let's watch kristen wiig having some fun with her. >> now the tanning mom, patricia krentcil. [ cheers and applause ] >> now, you said that those who criticize you are fat, ugly, and jealous. >> yes. no, i can't blame them for being jealous. i am alluring in a way they'll never be. trust me, there are plenty of men in new jersey who would love
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to snap into this slim jim. >> i don't know about that. >> really quick before i go i want to show you this trick. are you ready? >> yeah, i'd love to see a trick. >> piece of bread. put it between my thighs. toast. >> that's what we need up in our room. the toaster that takes ten minutes. we need that woman. we'll pay her to come and our crew will be so happy. they'll have their toast, their bagels, their waffles like this! >> so here's the other thing about that night. so eli manning hosted. he was adorable, great. >> he's a doll, yeah. >> before i went up to the show i was standing out on the street waiting for a friend to meet me to go see the rehearsal. and this guy from snl said i've worked at "snl" for 25 years. there is not a better show than rihanna. i don't even want to give it away for you at the rehearsal because it's off the hook, it's off the charts. and i love music. i was so excited. i get up there. we're all waiting. and then for the first time i
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think ever in "snl" history they stepped out and they said we want to apologize, rihanna's not feeling well and she's not going to be performing during dress rehearsal, only during the live performance. and there was this audible groan. they said she wasn't feeling well. it's funny because i guess all the great acts they've ever had -- springsteen, paul mccartney, everybody does it. >> so we don't know the real story of what happened to her. >> they said she was sick and someone reported she needed a penicillin shot. but they said they did the second show fine. remember, they're two three-minute songs. that's really what you're doing. >> but still, she's a high-energy act. it looks like there she's feeling just fine. yeah, she's fine. yeah. amazing what a little shot of penicillin will do. oh, yeah, spank it, baby. >> you know what's funny? because we got to see her choreographer doing that same thing. >> so far whatever that gentleman said to you about how amazing it's going to be, it hasn't lived up to that. >> well, it's a lot of bells and
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whistles. a lot of bells and whistles. >> i miss doris day personally very much. >> also, at the box office, if you weren't at home watching tv, a lot of people went to the movies. i can't believe -- >> this is when you know you're completely out of it. that is not an exciting performance for me. then you see "the avengers" which i have no desire to see and it broke all box office -- >> $200 million. the number two movie -- the number two movie in the list which is "think like a man," that made $8 million. $200 million, $8 million. >> yeah. well, "think like a man" might have some legs. steve has a lot of fans. and that might be a little word of mouth movie. this is of course going to get all the attention. >> sure, it will. >> well, good for them. people need superheroes i guess is the moral of that tale. >> speaking of people -- people who need people. ♪ people so cassidy and kathie lee are in this month's "people" magazine as the moms and daughter section. >> yeah, we're among four. kris jenner and her two girls,
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my goddaughters. there's andie mcdowell. and i think also nicole murphy and her daughters. >> by the way, that is an awesome shot. this shows, by the way, i think the relationship. it's like it's playful, it's fun, bambino's in the middle of everything. >> bambino gets into everything. >> right? >> yeah. oh, i'm starting to feel it, though. she's going off to college in the fall and i'm already starting to, you know, wonder -- >> you going to miss her? >> how am i going to live without my cass? >> oh. >> anyway -- >> speaking of moms, can i just say my mom happens to be here? >> yeah, sammy's in the house, and she brought beautiful little hannah with her. >> they're all tucked away. they're just coming here to have some fun and watch. >> speaking of -- hanna's always very, very well behaved but there is a little issue with a little 6-year-old who was suspended for sexual harassment. >> this is the weirdest story. so a 6-year-old boy, colorado boy -- i think personally this is over the top but he got a three-day suspension. and again, the charge is sexual
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harassment. he sang a line from that song, "i'm sexy and i know it." that's the lmfao song. ♪ i'm sexy and i know it >> the kids love the song. >> what's not to love? >> come on. anyway, he sang it once and got in trouble. and then he was told never to sing it again and he sang it again. >> he sang it to a specific girl, hoda. you always want to minimize it and that's why our country's going into the toilet. >> how old is he? 6? he doesn't know what sexy means. ♪ ♪ i'm sexy and i know it >> that's why you tell them -- ♪ ♪ i'm sexy and i know it >> but here's the thing. he doesn't even know what it means. >> you think that's adorable. if some kid did that to my little 6-year-old daughter -- >> she wouldn't know what it meant either. >> if the kid is told one time that it's wrong, you have an issue. if the kid does it right away again to the same girl, then you have a problem. that's why kids never -- they grow up to be bad-behaving adults, hoda, because nobody
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stops them at 6 years old. >> but i don't think they know what the words -- >> well, then tell them you may not understand it yet but you're not to say it and don't do it again. ♪ i'm sexy and i know it >> you got hanna thinking it's just fine. i give up. there's only so much i can do. you know what? that's fine. that's fine. >> okay. all right. ♪ wiggle, wiggle, wiggle >> okay. all right. okay. it's time for a sip of something. >> let's just toast making it through the week having hosted three big events. >> talk about those. let's do that. >> you start. >> let's start with on wednesday. on wednesday we did an event for donny deutsch called jacob's cure. donny was actually honored at the event. beautiful event. it was one of those great ones where we got to sit with donny's entire family. that's his mom and dad who've been married almost 59 years. >> that's what we call a modern family.
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he's there with his baby mama, that's what he calls her, his children from different relationships, his parents who are the most delicious two people in the whole world. and his best friend since fourth grade. >> cindy, the woman in front. >> donny, if you only see donny on tv you would not really know donny. there's a tender really, really loyal side to him that we like a lot. >> then we together did another one on friday night. this was for save the children. angelique bell, who is our boss there on the right-hand side. >> that's jennifer connelly, who has just been named one of the ambassadors for this organization that helps children i guess in preschool situations with learning and that sort of thing. that was friday night. >> oh! and that sweet little girl. she was so sweet. >> she's from washington state. she was so sweet. >> you were busy -- >> that was saturday. >> saturday night frank and i hosted something called the dart concert, which dart is the dana's angels research trust. an organization we've been involved with for the last seven
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years battling niemann pick type c. the beautiful marella family, they have four children, two of them are afflicted with neiman pick type c. an incurable at this point disease. and natalie cole performed. the wonderful natalie cole that we almost lost a few years ago to illness. i'm telling you, she comes out there looking like a dream. she looks like she's 16 years old still. she must be a size zero and she sang her begonias off and never took one sip of water. >> you're kidding me. >> no. for an hour and a half not a sip of water, just effortlessly -- >> wow. >> that's music. i'm sorry. but you know what? take a page from the pros, baby. anyway. favorite things. >> yeah. what do you have? ♪ >> this is the "favorite things" music. >> you know what this was supposed to be on and it isn't. >> you just have to tap it. now you have to do the secret code. >> this is called "over the moon: the broadway lullaby project book."
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and it's a collection of lullabies. it has two cds with 26 songs and a hardcover book illustrating the lyrics of the songs. so let's just show you. the thing about it is the forward -- yeah. go ahead. this is a particular song written by rupert holmes. and different broadway composers, different broadway singers, arrangers, illustrators. julie andrews wrote the foreword and all of the money goes to breast cancer research, >> that's great. >> people like kelly o'hara and rebecca luker. >> it's only $12.99 to download. that's great. >> check that out. okay? >> my favorite thing is in this ziploc thing. my mom makes baklava every time she comes. >> look what's left. this is all that's left. >> okay? two of these full to the top. it is the best baklava you've ever had. >> in the world. >> the recipe will be found online or somewhere. we'll post it. >> and i'm sure miss sara's got something fun. >> well, she brings it so often
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that when she's here people will be like, so is there baklava -- it's almost not welcoming anymore. >> i know. >> but my favorite thing aside from hanna, she actually is sitting by someone other than hoda right now. this book "chasing daylight" by eugene o'kelly. this man found out he had a brain tumor and had two months to live. this book, it's not sad, it's uplifting. it talks about until he faced death he didn't know how to truly live. it is the most beautiful book. >> thank you, sara. we have a story of our own. it's "everyone has a story" week. let's take a pause to listen to one of the great singers of our time. ♪ suddenly clear in that moment ♪ you know, the public demand for me to come back and sing again is so overwhelming. we're going to speak with jane fossette from seattle, washington. her daughter denise wrote in, a beautiful letter to honor her. we figured with mother's day coming up she would be a good one to honor. jane was diagnosed with stage 1 diabetes when she was only 23 years old, so she's been in and out of hospitals and everything.
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but she raised three children, put herself through college, took care of denise, her daughter, who then was diagnosed with ovarian cancer when she was 47. so denise wants to show the world what an amazing mom she has. they're both on the phone! >> hey! >> hey! >> hello! >> happy mother's day! >> well, thank you very much. >> now we're seeing you. >> we're so excited for you to come visit us this week. >> that's going to be wonderful. >> i spent a lot of time back in seattle last summer and fall. so you have quite the flight on your way. it's a good six-hour flight you know. >> yes, it is. that's all right. >> you have a wonderful trip and we'll see you on thursday. >> okay. that's all. we can't wait. >> thank you. thank you. >> thank you, guys. coming up next -- actor matthew morrison on what to expect when you're expecting. >> we'll just take a pause and look at matthew. and why he knows all about us. really? i doubt it. but we'll probe him.
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don't you like that word? >> i don't like that word. >> i love the word "probe." we'll be right back. arker! sir... excuse me, excuse me... can i get you to sign off on the johnson case... ♪ we built this city! ♪ we built this city [ cellphone rings ] ♪ on rock & roll! falafel. yeah, yeah, i love you too. ♪ don't you remember! [ orbit trumpet plays ] don't let food hang around. clean it up with orbit! [ ding! ] fabulous! for a good clean feeling... after any meal. eat. drink. chew orbit. what do you do when you can no longer get around like you used to? when you fear losing your independence? who do you call? call hoveround now, to see if you qualify for
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inspired by the best-selling pregnancy guide "what to expect when you're expecting," the book is now a big-screen comedy about five very different couples whose lives are turned upside down by the challenges of having a baby. what's the problem? >> matthew morrison plays evan, a professional dancer on a tv reality show who, surprise, got his dancing partner, played by cameron diaz, pregnant. >> oh, that never happens. >> and even though they're in a relationship, there's a lot these two do not agree on. >> wow. >> oh, no, no, no. i don't want to know about everything that can go wrong. >> oh, my god. look at this. okay. there's breast-feeding. we have to know about this. and -- what? oh. circumcision, yes or no. >> of course! how is that even a question? >> actually, a lot of couples are choosing not to circumcise these days. >> who said that? >> the expert, honey. see, it is a question because it says yes or no.
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>> my answer is yes. >> whoa. >> well, if you can't get over a little bris situation, you're not -- >> oh, come on, get the clamps an snip it. >> there you go. >> this is an interesting film. it's the kind of film that has i think five different vignettes. >> an ensemble cast. >> yeah. five different couples. >> you and cameron diaz worked together but you really weren't familiar with what the others were up to? >> we had a big press junket the past couple days in los angeles. and we met a lot of the cast for the first time. >> that's weird, isn't it? >> yeah. >> you're used to broadway where you know everybody from day one. >> yeah. the crew, everyone. actually, some of the crew from some of my broadway shows work here. >> they love you. >> the cast is incredible though on this. isn't it? >> tell us about making the movie though. >> oh, gosh. chase. anna kendrick. jennifer lopez. chris rock. rodrigo santoro. there's a lot. >> an international cast. >> yes, it is. >> so what drew you to this? what interested you about this? >> they said you're going to play opposite cameron diaz.
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i'm like okay, sounds good. >> but they also said you're going to dance. isn't there a big dance scene and the whole bit? cameron's trained and you have a big background in dance. >> i'm a big dancer. what happened was i learned to dance in los angeles and she learned it in atlanta. oh, my gosh. and then we had about four hours of actually learning it together in atlanta. and then we had two days -- that's actually an old abandoned home depot. >> are you kidding? >> i heard it was magic and i think it was. yeah. okay. >> wow. there seemed to be some on-screen chemistry going on there. >> what? >> well, they made a baby. at least five or six minutes there was. >> come on. that's all you're going to give me? five or six minutes? >> i don't know. i hear things. >> no. we had a great time. i think because we started this movie actually learning to dance together, and i think there's something about when you have a great body language when you learn like dance or -- it's so sensual, it kind of created the chemistry we had for the rest of
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the movie. >> a lot of people look at you and they obviously know you from "glee," but you had quite the career on broadway before any of that, right? >> if you say so. >> no, you did. what is it going to take to bring you back to broadway? we've got the tonys. it's a great time of -- >> i just want to come back to broadway to see all these amazing shows. i'm so behind. >> but you don't have time at this point. "glee" is still going strong. >> i still have my apartment here because with the thought that i would be back a lot but i just haven't had time to come back here. >> and i'm sure you can't tell us what's going on with "glee." >> well, there's three episodes left. and you know, it's a very -- we cried a lot on set. it's been very sad because it's kind of the end of an era for a lot of the kids. >> there is a little time for them to graduate. they're all 35! >> what? i don't know what you're talking about. >> it's time to move on into the real world, don't you think? >> isn't that always the case, though, with high school shows? they're all 35. >> exactly. we wish you good luck with this film. a lot of fun. >> you have a new cd coming out,
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i heard, about broadway standards. when you bring that out, please come see us. >> absolutely. will do. >> great to see you. >> again, the film "what to expect when you're expecting" opens in theaters starting may 18th. >> up next, we're going to reveal our fan of the week. >> yeah. ♪ so every year my family throws this great reunion in austin. but this year, i can only afford one trip and i've always wanted to learn how to surf. austin's great -- just not for surfing. so i checked out hotwire. and by booking with them, i saved enough to swing both trips. see, hotwire checks the competition's rates every day so they can guarantee their low prices. that's how i got a 4-star hotel on the beach in san diego for half price. ♪ h-o-t-w-i-r-e ♪ whose non-stop day starts with back pain... and a choice. take advil now and maybe up to four in a day. or choose aleve and two pills for a day free of pain. way to go, coach.
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♪ way to go, coach. we have product x and we have product y. we are going to start with product x. the only thing i'll let you know is that it is an, affordable product. oh, i like that. let's move on to product y, which is a far more expensive product. whoaaa. i don't care for that at all. yuck. you picked x and it was geico car insurance and y was the competitor. is that something you would pay for year after year? i, i like soda a lot but for a change of pace...
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it is time to announce our fan of the week. >> this might be what people look forward to more than probably anything at all. sara's here to do the honors. bring it on, miss sara! >> okay. drum roll, please. our winner this week is shara curry from lansing, michigan. who watches us on wils, channel 10. shara and her friend trina work the overnight shift at a home health care facility. so they tune in to the 2:00 a.m. airing of our show, when they have down time. though they can't drink wine, you'll find them watching with coffee or an energy drink in hand. same thing. your laughter and witty humor
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help to keep shara and trina awake and cheerful in the middle of the night. they love hearing about the latest trends in fashion, hair and makeup with "bobbie's buzz". the "joy fit club" segments inspire them to eat healthy and exercise and they look forward to hearing the inspiring stories. >> where are they going? where's shara going? >> shara, congratulations. we are sending you to ft. lauderdale, florida where you'll enjoy a three-night stay at the harbor beach marriott resort. >> i've been there. you too, hoda. that is gorgeous. >> the trip includes daily breakfast at riva restaurant and two 60-minute spa treatments and round-trip airfare for two. the hotel and airfare accommodations were provided by harbor beach marriott resort and spa. >> wow, that's a great gift. >> and that's for two, right? she can take that girlfriend that she works with at night. >> so people do watch that 2:00 a.m. repeat. >> apparently, over a million people, hoda. there is no accounting for taste in this world. still ahead, our friend andy cohen with stories from the front lines of pop culture. new book out! >> he would know. plus, everything you need to recover from your fashion
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emergency to be fresh and clean. we got jill martin in the house to tell us about that. also, recipes for breakfast in bed that your kids can make for you on mother's day. >> but you know what? mothers do not like to be woken up. let them sleep and then bring it to them.
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we are back with more of "today" on this fun day monday. what's more fun than andy cohen? >> nothing. >> frequent guest on our show. also head honcho at our sister network bravo where he's executive vice president of development and tamt. >> very fancy. >> that's an interesting title when you think about some of the things that you watch there. that's funny. >> he hosts his own late night talk show, "watch what happens live." it is a show he can describe as an interactive cocktail party apparently. >> this is what he drinks. having cocktails while hosting. he's out with a new book called "most talkative: stories from the front lines of pop culture." what a cute cover! >> i was voted most talkative and biggest gossip, if you can
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believe it. >> not you. >> and i was very upset that i didn't win best dressed, but the most talkative thing, my mouth has taken me from there to here and back. >> what happened to the guy that was best dressed? nobody ever heard of him! >> thank you. exactly. >> first of all, can we talk about what we're drinking? >> this is a drink that i enjoy on my show, called a frescila invented by mark consuelos. my friend. it is fresca and tequila. fresca is a diet soda. >> very nice. >> so it's low calorie. >> low calorie. >> and tequila's your drink. >> yes, it is. >> we're happy about your book. because i didn't know a lot of things about you. we feel like we know you because we see you all the time. but listening to your journey, how first of all you were a susan lucci stalker as a young child. >> i was. i was a susan lupi stalker. >> you loved "all my children." >> there i am. that's when i interviewed her when i was 19 years old. look at that. >> i love your fro! >> fro on me and the '80s hair on her. there we are when i was a producer at cbs news the day after she won the emmy. i just always loved soap operas, specifically "all my children."
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and that really came back as we produced "the housewives." i think that my love of "all my children" kind of informed my love of "the housewives." but i was at cbs news for ten years. i've worked behind the scenes in tv for 23 years. >> one of the great stories is about when you went to be a host of a show early on and the producer railed you and said you don't have any talent and you'll never be anything. >> and how dare you think that you could go from behind the scenes to in front of the camera? how dare you? >> how hard was that transition? because a lot of people -- >> very hard. it is -- it's one of the things -- one of the themes of my book is it is really a dream come true story. i was told 25 years ago you have a wandering eye, you're never going to wind up -- >> a lot of men have a wandering eye. it's really not -- shouldn't keep them back. >> yes. but so i gave up that dream and then years later, there's a misconception that i just like gave myself my own show one day, which is absolutely untrue.
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and the story of how i wound up on tv, it's an amazing story but it really is an organic once -- it's really lightning in a bottle. >> which one is the wandering one? i don't notice it. >> i focus on you. >> oh, yes, sure you do. >> there's a lot going on here. yes. >> you learned that two things about yourself by the time you were 8 years old -- that you loved tv and that you were gay. >> exactly. >> tell us about that moment. >> well, i mean, realizing that i was gay was really a heartbreaking moment for me. i thought at this moment in st. louis, no gay people on tv, no role models anywhere. i thought this is not an option for a life for me. i'm not going to be able to be who i am in my life. and i thought there was going to be a fork in the road where i was just going to have to choose to put that part of me away. i just didn't think it was an
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option, and i tell the story in the book of how i came to a place where i could do it, and it was the hardest thing i've ever done. >> i love your mom's reaction when you told her. >> she said -- well, two things. she said, my biggest fear about you was that you were going to be an airhead because all i did was watch tv. that's a. b, i probably would have hated your wife anyway. she probably would have is the truth of the matter. that poor woman! >> long suffering. >> it is just one great last picture if we have it. but your hair is so out of control. and i was embarrassed about my lid? and then i -- >> i put every embarrassing picture -- >> that was a joke! i mean, that was me brushing my hair out as a joke, obviously. yes. >> whatever you are doing now, it's working for you. >> oh, that's nice. >> oh, my god. hoda. >> i don't need that kind of reaction. >> i don't know. on the right might be worse. >> was that no make-up day? >> no! >> that's just a normal day getting color. >> it's a fun book, it's interesting, funny. a lot of people are going to love this.
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andy, good luck with it. >> i appreciate it. up next, just when you thought it was impossible how to find that balance between work and life, right after this. >> good job. [ male announcer ] new 5 rpm gum. choose your energy. ♪
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an energizing fruit or relaxing mint flavor. new 5 rpm gum. stimulate your senses.
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and it's time for "moms rule today," and ways to balance the scale between your work and your life. >> whether you're a single or married mom, chances are you feel overwhelmed from juggling work, kids, school activities, your home and everything else that comes with it. >> well, carol evans is the president of working mother media and siobhan probek is a working mother of two. hi, ladies. >> so neither of them had enough sleep last night. right? join the club, right? >> we've had this discussion several times. what kind of sparked this one is carol google c.o.o. said there is work, there is life, and there is no balance. what are your thoughts on that statement?
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>> she also went on to say that she leaves work every day at 5:30 to go home and have dinner with her kids. to me that is what women do. we feel like we have no balance. we feel like we're out of control. >> but she's making balance by making that choice. >> and women are amazing at finding solutions to the problems in their lives. like she did. >> well, if you're a c.o.o. you can probably call the shots. but in your case, siobhan, i mean it's hard to find balance. tell us what your situation is. >> i am a mother of two, a single mother of two. i am divorced. my ex-husband lives far away. it's not like i can call him, hey, trey needs to get to soccer and i'm staying at work late, can you do that for me. i do have a lot of help from home. >> your family's been great. >> i moved in with my mom and my dad and my sister baby-sits for me. but i mean troy's got soccer on monday. they both have soccer on saturdays. i get up and i have to get them both ready for school in the morning before my sister takes my daughter to school, i got to make sure troy gets on the bus. >> that's the point. is that she has all of this going on and yet she has found solutions. you have your sister.
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you have your mother. you have a lot of people helping. >> but that's -- i shouldn't speak for you, but if i were you, i would say that's just a part-time solution. this is not my -- this is not what i want. >> right. >> i want my own home. i want -- >> absolutely. >> independence. >> yes. but on the other hand, siobhan, you have to work to make it work for your family. most women in this world really do need to work. the two-paycheck family is essential and if you're a single mom you're all there is. >> but how does she get past her situation now is what i'm asking into, you know, freedom from all of that, into where she feels like she's calling the shots more, not the shots are being called on her. >> well, we're never going to really feel like we're calling the shots. i mean, that's just not life. >> until you're c.o.o. >> even carol sanders -- >> she doesn't call the shots. she has to work with her system. but what we want to do is reframe our thinking. we need to look at the value that we're adding to our family by working. what would your life be like if you didn't have a job and what would your life be like if you didn't have a career? take the long view of your job, what is it when you think about
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it as a career, and remind yourself that there is a real value to your bringing income into the home. otherwise, you probably would be in a very difficult situation. >> i can't imagine that happening. >> and when you think about that, you reframe it, you feel stronger about the choices that you're making. >> some women don't ask for help. >> yes. i can't ask for help. >> well, because you feel -- >> i have a problem with that. >> either at work. you don't want to delegate, you don't want to think i'm not enough. and at home you want everyone to think you're supermom so, you don't ask for anyone's help. and that's a problem. >> but there are ways to ask for help. and let me give siobhan a piece of advice. what you want to do really is you want to go out to whoever you are thinking about asking for help. and remember one thing, which is that people love to help. if i asked you to help me right now because i just couldn't jump off this big chair, you would be delighted to help me. you'd feel good about it. so remember, people want to help. the other thing is to say to the person that you're asking the help of to just talk to them in a straight way about what you need and not assume the answer. don't assume they're going to say yes or no. just say what you need. >> we also have to be very
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careful that when we say working moms we don't discount the work that moms who don't have a professional job do at home because that's -- you said you're jealous of them. >> i am super jealous of them. my son, i was able to stay home with him while my husband went to work for the first four years of his life. he is kind and he's quiet and he's self-sufficient. >> i bet he doesn't sing "i'm sexy and i know it" -- >> oh, he does! >> he does! >> no it's "i'm elmo and i know it." >> there's an elmo version? >> there you go. we've solved something. >> there's an elmo version? >> you've got to look that up. adorable. >> thanks, ladies. thank you so much. up next -- you got a fashion emergency? jill martin has quick fixes when you're on the spot. >> she always does. >> right after this. good morning. i'm meteorologist chris warren with a look at your weather channel forecast. and we have a chance once again for some storms from parts of
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the southwest, new mexico, all the way into the southeast and to the northeast. that's where we're going to have the chance for some very heavy rain. this is going to last through at least wednesday morning. not nonstop rain but the chance for some heavy rain at times. also in the midwest parts of the great lakes will be dealing with some rain. still some pretty warm air from southern texas up into parts of the mid-atlantic. upper 70s in d.c. louisville, 80 degrees. and things are going to start to heat up in some of the inland valleys in the west today. and then on wednesday the slow-moving front that's bringing all of this heavy rain pushes off a bit farther to the east and to the south. it's going to sag down to the south, push off into the eastern seaboard, the interstate 95 corridor going to be dealing with some wet weather throughout the day on wednesday. this is what the temperatures look like. more heat on the way for the southwest. parts of the intermountain west will be dealing with some warm weather. and in the south still going to be seeing those readings into the 80s. 60s for the northeast. and chance for some showers
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still with us in the northeast on thursday. not as much as the first part of the wave but still you're going to have some wet roads to deal with in places. drying out throughout the southeast, but cooler air has been moving into place, and will be in place it looks like by thursday, and then on friday we'll see those. the daytime high temperature readings warm back up into the 80s throughout parts of the southeast. here you go. phoenix triple digits. 100. and more rain even for some of the drought areas in texas. by saturday only a few areas of showers. around denver, also in the south and around the great lakes. and then on sunday a few more showers in the southeast and moving into the ohio valley with temperatures into the 60s and 70s around the great lakes. remember to wake up with al weekdays on the weather channel at 6:00 and 10:00 a.m. eastern. (sfx: car garage sounds) today my journey brings me to charlotte, north carolina, where i spent the day with geico driver casey mears. i told him the secret to saving money on car insurance. he told me the secret to his car setup.
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first he adjusts... first he adjusts... (sfx:engine revving drowns out gecko's dialogue) then he... then he... (sfx:loud drilling noise continues to drown out gecko's dialogue) ...and a quarter cup of then he... neapple juice. or was that the secret to his barbecue sauce? hey, "secret" sauce. geico®. fifteen minutes could save you fifteen percent or more on car insurance. see? he's taking his vitamins. one a day vitacraves plus omega-3 dha is a complete multivitamin for adults. plus an excellent source of omega-3 dha in a great tasting gummy. one a day, gummies for grown-ups.
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♪ time for fashion emergency. from the bedroom to the bathroom
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to the airport, quick fixes for fashionistas in a pinch. >> today "us weekly" contributor and author jill martin has everything you need to get put together and stay there. >> these are tipsy glasses. look at these. in case you've had a few and want to look fashionably chic, they're already slanted. >> very funny. >> okay. this is fabulous. these are necklace that's actually attach to the scarf and you can take them off. so it's a scarf and then it detached or it can be a necklace. >> so it doesn't get all lost in it. >> you can wear the necklace separate. >> clever. >> i wish i came up with it. i'm wearing these earrings. they're reversible and they're ecofriendly. do you see two different colors? >> yeah. >> okay. they're reversible. you could get the yellow and the gray. they have all of these different versions that you can stack, $12 and up.
2:51 am this is fabulous. jo jo loved these in the break. they are bangles with the hair band built in. >> best invention in the world. >> i really miss this one. >> the wheel, fire, then that. >> i know. look at this. so you could wear your bangle and look fashionable. >> oh, that's great. >> i'm very into displaying your jewelry as art at your home. this is, $15. you could put all your earrings on in a very fancy way. this is for the beach. it comes with all of these things. then you have a pail for your kids to put their things in. isn't that cute? this is just a dot. let's say you are wearing a shirt and you want to cover up a little bit. it's just a very simple dot you put on and it will give you a little more coverage. >> but you can see the dot. >> no, no, that comes off. >> nice but the dot -- >> if you're wearing a pashmina and you just want a little wrap -- this is great. this is $19.99. you can take any razor you have.
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this is a silicone pad and it will actually lengthen the amount of use of your blade because it straightens it out. so it's ecofriendly. $19.99. and it will save your blade for months. lower lashes. i have very short lower lashes. >> but they're very pretty. >> thank you. so it's very hard to get the lower lashes. this is little from clinique. >> it's a little baby wand. you need glasses to put it on. >> this, susie, one of our fabulous stylists downstairs, when you have a fridaysy, it's a john frieda hair wand. you go like this to get the fridaysies o frizzies out and it goes right away. >> that's cool. >> no color. just like using an emollient. can't believe i actually said that word. okay. $14 and up. you're going to love this. it's a mirror. it's a lip gloss and then it's a light to read the menu. >> but we saw this from amway. >>
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>> another version. but it's a great idea. >> yeah. isn't that great? $14 and up. >> all right. >> then this is a fashion emergency just to smell fabulous. i know you love your scents. this is just a random insert. new for spring. it's the lotion and the body wash. i love this. >> you want to put it on that other arm yet, hoda that you haven't taken care of yet? >> i didn't -- >> on thursday. >> on thursday i did laser hair removal on one arm and i haven't finished the other. >> she's a bushy mess on the left one. >> please don't say bushy. >> this is a bag that you could put through to look stylish when you travel over the summer and it's like this when you put it through and then it's a wristlet. >> i don't like clear because of all the things that are in there. >> because stuff you have is ten years old. >> it always looks a little grungy. >> but you need it when you go through the airport. >> all right. >> thanks, jill. >> up next a few good reasons to make mom breakfast in bed this sunday. but first, this is "today" on nbc.
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now in "today's kitchen what's cookin'," breakfast in bed for mom, from peanut butter
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crunch french toast -- i can't wait. to crumb top blueberry muffins. there's no more delicious way to wake mom up. >> here with quick kid friendly recipes, "food and wine" special project director gail simmons who brought along some little helpers, sophia and marco. >> i did. are you guys ready to cook? >> marco. >> this sounds fantastic. >> this is one of my favorite recipes from "food and wine" magazine, crunchy peanut buttery french toast. easy to make with the kids. are you ready to go? sophia's made beautiful peanut butter sandwiches here. she's going to fold them up together. make thm into sandwiches. that one goes there. and this one goes right on. you can do that. exactly. you've made your sandwiches. i'm soaking them in some eggs, cream and vanilla. >> come on. >> and once you've gotten them nice and moist, sophia, you're going to help me here, cover them in cornflakes. crushed cornflakes. >> you know how good that's going to be. >> get it all in there. we're going to press it on to it
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here. give it a good press. i'm going to put them into the pan and we're going to just make them nice and golden. re ready? >> like a minute on each side? >> yeah, a minute or two minutes on each side. you can hear it sizzling in there. once you've done the first side you can just flip it, give it a good flip. it is going to be nice and golden. >> oh, my gosh! that looks delicious. >> then you take it off. give that some confectioner sugar, maple syrup. >> nice work! that was amazing. >> all right, sophia, come with me. >> where are you going? hold on! >> they need to taste. >> hold the phone. >> oh, my god. >> nice! >> delicious. good job! >> it's marco's turn. marco, you ready? stay up here with me. i'm going to mix -- i've got some baking powder, some flour, a little bit of salt, i'm dumping it right into my eggs and my sugar. beating it all up together.
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you want to mix it all up. this is the batter. it's super easy. then once it's all whisked together i'm going to fold in blueberries. you want to dump those in? thank you very much. >> you're supposed to fold but she dumped. >> no, dumping is good. dumping is good. then we'll mix it all in together. once it's all mixed we'll scoop it right into our muffin tins. then we've made a crumb topping with brown sugar -- >> you want to do this for us, honey? go ahead. >> you dump those in. >> good one. >> and then we've made a crumb topping with brown sugar, butter, a little bit of flour. >> these are easy. >> these are really easy. >> sprinkle some of that crumb topping right on top. >> and how long do you cook those? >> they cook for about 40 minutes. not even. probably about half an hour. if you want to do a special drink, we made a beautiful smoothie. it's pomegranate juice, bananas and yogurt in the blender.


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