tv Mad Money NBC May 8, 2012 3:00am-4:00am EDT
>> thank you, sophia and marco. tomorrow, actress and fitness guru suzanne somers joins us. >> plus father and son actors martin sheen and emilio estevez. >> and the final singoff in "today's bailey: there are 13,000 cabs in the streets of the big apple, but there's only one that pays you. climb into the cash cab, and i'll quiz you all the way to your destination. as the meter clicks, the questions get harder, and the stakes get higher. if you get stumped, you can shout out for help on the phone or off the street. but be careful, because in the cash cab, it's three strikes, and you're out. so, what do you say? you in? -- captions by vitac -- captions paid for by discovery communications
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but those are the rules of the game. what do you say? do you want to play? yes. yes, play. all right, let's take a ride in the cash cab. all right, here we go, ladies. so, what are your names? i am coco mackentire. i'm chicava honey child. dame cuchifrita. okay, welcome to the cash cab, ladies. [ laughter ] well, you asked our names. i'm not gonna try to repeat those back to you. that's okay. you're headed up to 67th and central park west. that is 42 blocks away. that means you're gonna have 42 blocks to accumulate as much money as you can. so we're going to begin immediately. are you ready? absolutely. yes. all right, here we go. these first questions are worth $50 apiece. here's your first one. suggesting an eight-hour workday, what nickname for stubble was coined in the 1930s ad for gem razors? is that what they mean by five-o'clock shadow? yes, i think so. yes, probably. five-o'clock shadow. five-o'clock shadow? five-o'clock shadow? that is correct, and you're on the board with $50 and off to a good start.
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good to go. b.g.b. b.g.b.? brown girls burlesque. burlesque starlet name? whoo! all right, you're one for one. you've got 50 bucks. let's see if you can double it. due to its drooping branches, the salix babylonica tree is known by what melancholy name? weeping willow. weeping willow. the weeping willow. [ sobbing ] that is correct. [ cheering ] $100. yeah, that's worth another $50, and you're up to 100 bucks. we got some fishnets now. all right. [ laughter ] also a classic don delillo novel, what zodiac sign is symbolized by a set of balanced scales? libra. libra? libra. libra. bailey: libra is right, and you're three for three. the enthusiasm. a pair of shoes. all right, now. bailey: all right, you're on a roll. you're 3 for 3. here's your final $50 question. 34 blocks to go. in its original version, what ancient physician's oath prohibited the performance of both surgery and euthanasia?
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the hippocratic oath? is there anything other? yes, yes, yes. no, that's it. the hippocratic oath. okay, the hippocratic oath. that's the oath, and you're up to 200 bucks -- four for four. we are hot. you guys are good. okay. all right, you're 4 for 4. you have $200. you still have both your shout-outs. things are looking very good. these next questions are worth $100 apiece, and they're a little bit harder. here's your first one. popularized in the 1990s, what flippant four-word expression traditionally precedes the phrase, "'cause the face don't understand"? "talk to the hand." "talk to the hand." yes, "talk to the hand." "talk to the hand." "talk to the hand"? bailey: that is correct and good for 100 bucks. and you're up to $300. all right, you're on a roll. here's a shot at another 100 bucks. before becoming an eight-term senator, what south carolinian ran for president under the slogan "segregation forever"? south carolinian? "segregation forever."
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south carolina. oh, and he has the -- strom thurmond? no. five seconds. strom thurmond? strom thurmond ran for president. i need your answer. time's gonna run out. strom thurmond. strom thurmond. ohh! that is correct and good for another 100 bucks. whew! [ cheering, laughter ] pulled that one out of nowhere. well done, ladies. you're up to $400. let's see if you can make it $500. 20 blocks to go. until it was eclipsed by a british cathedral, what ancient architectural wonder spent almost four millennia as the world's tallest structure? the great pyramids? yeah. the pyramid? the great pyramids. the great pyramids? i'm sorry. the great pyramid of giza is correct. the great pyramid at giza, but we'll accept great pyramid. and you're up to $500. and guess what. we're stuck at a red light, and triggers a red light chall-e-e-enge! [ laughter ] it's a multiple-answer question. you have to get all parts of the answer correct
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in order to win the money. if you do, it's worth an extra 250 bucks. no penalty for wrong answers on this one. and you have 30 seconds to answer from the time i've finished asking. are you ready? ready. well, then, here we go. this red light challenge may help your earnings to take flight. name the four stages in the life cycle of a butterfly. go! pupa, larva. bailey: got two. cater -- chrysalis. and butterfly. and butterfly. butterfly is acceptable. egg, yeah. you got it with egg. [ cheering ] yes. all right, well done. you ladies are ringers. you're up to 750 bucks. still no strikes, still have both your shout-outs. things are looking very good. how many blocks do we have? we have eight blocks to go. nice. here's your final $100 question. due north of windsor, ontario, what midwestern metropolis is home to the busiest u.s./canada border crossing? chicago or detroit. detroit, yeah. i'm thinking michigan. do we call michigan midwest? yeah.
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michigan. michigan. a city. detroit. detroit is correct. [ cheers and applause ] and you're up to $850. all right, ladies, things are looking very good. we're three blocks from your destination. you still have no strikes. you still have both your shout-outs. that's it for the $100 questions. these next questions are worth 200 bucks each, and they're a little bit harder still. here's your first one. favored by photographer william wegman, what breed of hunting dog is known for targeting its prey's privates? weimaraner. weimaraner. weimaraner is correct. [ cheers and applause ] oh, well done, and that brings you up to $1,050. and we are here, so you just won $1,050 in the cash cab. [ cheers and applause ] first winners of the new season -- congratulations, ladies. wow! b.g.b.! yes! b.g.b.! b.g.b.! b.g.b.! bailey: okay, so, here's the deal. you've racked up $1,050 in the cash cab. i've got the money right here. i can give it to you now. you can take it and go buy
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all the lingerie you can possibly handle. or you can stick around and risk it all and go double or nothing on a video bonus question. ohh. ohh. i -- you know, i don't know. so, take a minute and decide what you want to do. i'm satisfied with the $1,050. i'm totally satisfied. i feel like we know the answer 'cause we're smart. keep the $1,050? yeah. yeah, i think we'll keep the $1,050. does that make us, like, losers? you're gonna take the money and split. we're gonna take the money and split. all right, perhaps a wise choice -- we'll never know. but you've won 1,050 bucks in the cash cab. congratulations, ladies. great game. here it is. whoo-hoo! thank you. thank you. really nice to meet you. you guys rock. thanks. b.g.b. takes us for $1,050. have a great day. thanks for playing. thank you. whoo-hoo-hoo-hoo! thank you so much. thank you. dame cuchifrita! [ laughs ] bye. that was fun. and the brown girls burlesque takes the cash cab for $1,050,
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and away we go. with being fed on.ies, we are fed up we demand k9 advantix ii. it not only kills fleas and ticks, it repels most ticks before they can attach and snack on us. frontline plus kills but doesn't repel. and a tick that isn't repelled or killed may attach and make a meal of us. so let's put our paws down in protest and raise our barks to rally till we all get k9 advantix ii. join us at [ male announcer ] ask your veterinarian about k9 advantix ii. how long since you worried hey, heaabout flakes? users... since before jeans were this skinny. not since us three got a haircut. not since my first twenty-ninth birthday. [ female announcer ] head & shoulders. scalp and hair beyond compare. carol. fiber makes me sad. oh common. and how can you talk to me about fiber while you are eating a candy bar?
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this is that show where we get asked questions. there's a camera. we are on camera. hammerstein ballroom. you know where that is? yeah, 34th street, in between 8th and 9th. [ alarm sounds, bells ring ] it is! you guys are in the cash cab. it's a tv game show that takes place right here in my taxi. how you doing, guys? how you doing? oh, my god. it's hard to tell. what do you say? do you want to play? let's do it! yeah! all right, let's take a ride in the cash cab. steel neil. opus. nice, kid. all right, here we go, fellas. so, what are your names? i'm steel neil. i'm opus. steel neil and opus, welcome to the cash cab. you guys sound like a radio show. could be. could be. you're running up to hammerstein ballroom. that's 39 blocks away, so, let's begin immediately. are you ready? whoo-hoo. let's do it. all right, here we go. these first questions are worth 50 bucks apiece. here's your first one. what term for a female fox can also refer to a flirtatious femme fatale? female fox. that's rough. i don't know that one.
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let me think. uh, i don't know. i want to say chanteuse for some reason. five seconds. oh, should we do a shout-out already? oh, we got to do it. okay. already? whatever you want to do, man. time's gonna run out. call it. mobile shout-out. all right, a mobile shout-out it is. who are you guys gonna call? call my mom. she took french in class. i don't know why i keep thinking french. yeah, go ahead and call her. hey, mom, what's up? i'm in this thing called the cash cab. what's up, mom? hey, mom. hi, mom. and i need to ask you a question, so what term for a female fox can also refer to a flirtatious femme fatale? oh, please, mom. i don't know. she said vamp. oh, man, i hope that she's right. i doubt it. what's it gonna be, neil? vamp. oh, no. strike one. vamp is incorrect. it's a vixen. i knew that. i knew the term "vixen." all right, guys, a rough start -- one question, one strike, and you used your mobile shout-out. it's hard when you're burn-outs.
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like us. [ laughter ] all right, here we go. let's see if you guys can get on the board with this next question for 50 bucks. aggravating track-and-field athletes, what is the term for a tiny break in the bone caused by repetitive force? i think it's shin splints. no, no. i'm telling you, a fracture. well, a fracture is not a tiny thing. that's a big thing. a fracture's a serious thing. shin splints are like fractures. they're little, tiny fractures. five seconds. i'm just gonna say shin splints. oh, no. strike two. what? was it a fracture? it's a stress fracture -- smaller than a regular fracture. would a regular fracture have won? nope. we're horrible, dude. we are horrible. this is bad. two questions, two strikes. here's your third one. here's your next question for 50 bucks. oh, god, 50 bucks. collecting treat-or-treat money since 1950, what u.n. charity has scared away the vatican due to its stance on birth control? you know this one. why would i know this one? it's, um, uh, uh, uh -- oh, god.
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i know. united way. all right, we'll try yours. you have to say it. all right. united way. oh, no. strike three. oh, my god. one, two, three. it's unicef. oh, we didn't even do our shout-out. that was horrible. oh, that's a rough game. dude, that was horrible. three strikes in a row -- oh, man. what up, loser? we should just go to, like -- i don't even know, man. oh, man, i'm sorry, guys. yeah, that's tragic. dudes, i'm sorry. i got to boot you out. it was still fun. i hope you had a good time anyway. thanks for the lift. we'll walk the rest of the way. got a good story to tell. all right. take care. aw. unbelievable. steel neil, we lost really bad, man. strike one. strike two. strike three. you're out of here! and the cash cab rolls on. we didn't -- we didn't make a dollar, not even change.
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lemon burst, blackberry harvest, pina colada... i can't imagine where she is... orange creme... [ grocery store pa ] clean up in aisle eight. found her! [ female announcer ] yoplait original. 25 flavors for you to love. ♪ we were skipping stones and letting go ♪ [ female announcer ] nature valley granola bars, rich dark chocolate, toasted oats. perfect combinations of nature's delicious ingredients, from nature valley. ♪ nature valley granola bars, nature at its most delicious.
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josh: good. hello. bailey: how you doing, man? good, how are you? i'm all right. hi, how are you? i'm doing fine. yeah, 62nd between amsterdam and columbus, please. [ alarm sounds, bells ring ] cash cab! [ laughs ] you guys totally knew. you're in the cash cab. it's a tv game show that takes place right here in my taxi. what do you say? do you want to play? yes! yay. let's take a ride in the cash cab. all right, here we go, folks. so, tell me your names. i'm marvin. i'm jen. josh. marvin, jen, and josh, welcome to the cash cab. thank you. thank you. bailey: you're headed up to 62nd and columbus. that is 33 blocks away. so we're gonna start right away. are you ready? we are ready. all right, here we go. these first questions are worth 50 bucks apiece. here's your first one. derived from the latin word for "vengeance," what italian term refers to a bitter blood feud?
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vendetta. vendetta. "v" for vendetta is correct, and you're on the board with $50. yeah, high five. bailey: lending its name to a vermont ski resort, a sugar bush is a forest-like growth of what variety of trees? why'd you look at me? a sugar-like bush is -- no, a sugar bush is a variety of tree. i didn't say evergreen, though. five seconds. what other kind of trees are there? sweet sap trees? all right, we're gonna need an answer. maple! maple! maple is correct. and you've doubled your money. you're up to $100. here's a shot at another 50 bucks. okay. referring to a person with prestige but no power, what term was inspired by the carved decoration on a ship's bow? figurehead. yes. no, i'm the one who has to give it. i know, but... it's a figurehead. yes, it is, and you're up to $150. three for three -- well done, guys. 20 blocks to go. here's your final $50 question.
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helping the hungry since 1942, what nonprofit organization was originally called the oxford committee for famine relief? the red cross? no. salvation army. what do you think? meals on wheels? famine relief. meals on wheels. no. five seconds. ocfr. ocfr, of course. should we do a pull-over? no. you have to say it. oh, no. strike one. time has run out. it was called oxfam. oh. all right, that's your first strike, guys. be careful. two more of those, and it's out into the street. don't forget about your shout-outs. they could save you a strike and keep you in the game later on. these next questions are worth $100 apiece, and they're a little bit harder. here's your first one. on his 70th birthday, what father of fitness towed 70 boats carrying 70 people for a mile and a half? jack lalanne? yes, i think so. well, say it. we're gonna say jack lalanne. and i'm gonna say you're back on track.
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that's correct, and you're up to 250 bucks. if you're watching, jack, thank you. all right, you're up to $250. let's see if you can make it $350. okay. roughing up rodents for over 50 years, what household brand claims to be america's number-one mouse killer? pest control? no. oh, uh, um... if we can't think of this one, let's use one of our shout-outs. five seconds. raid. raid. just say raid. we have five seconds. raid -- just say it. raid. oh, no. that's strike two. the answer is d-con. all right, guys, i'm afraid that's your second strike. you still have $250. we have eight blocks to go. here's your next question for $100. protecting sultans for centuries, the janissaries are the elite infantry units of what eastern mediterranean empire? eastern would have been turkey. yeah, but what are the elite turkish -- no, no.
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if you don't know, we better call david. all right, we're calling. shout-out -- mobile shout-out. all right, a mobile shout-out. who are you gonna call? we're gonna call my brother. your brother, okay. and what's his name? david. david, okay. calling david. dave? josh: and one of many disappointments. okay, i'm in "cash cab." and you're our shout-out, and i got a question for you. are you listening? okay. he fainted. no, wait, hold on. okay, are you listening? protecting sultans for centuries, janissaries were the elite infantry units of what eastern mediterranean empire? [ laughter ] he says the ottoman empire. i like it. all right. we'll go with it. the ottoman empire. that's the empire, and you're up to 350 bucks. [ cheering ] yeah, you got it. well done. he got it. and you're up to $350, and we have 2 blocks to go. but right now, we're stuck at a red light, and that triggers a red light chall-e-e-enge!
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[ cheering ] are you ready? ready! her smile's amazing. is it a treatment? no! it's a toothpaste! [ female announcer ] colgate optic white toothpaste. it has the same whitening ingredient as strips. it's the hottest thing in whitening. [ female announcer ] colgate optic white. whiter teeth in one week. you know, from car insurance companies shouting, "save 500 bucks over here!" "no, save 300 bucks over here!" "wait, save 400 bucks right here." with so many places offering so much buck-saving, where do you start? well, esurance was born online, raised by technology, and majors in efficiency. so they're actually built to save you money... and time... and whiplash. esurance. insurance for the modern world. click or call. esurance. insurance for the modern world. [ male announcer ] tom's discovesee? that living he's taking his vitamins. one a day vitacraves plus omega-3 dha is a complete multivitamin for adults.
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strong enough to rebuild tooth enamel, yet gentle enough for sore mouths. new act sensitive. strong teeth, fresh breath. in a sensitive formula. and you're up to $350, and we have 2 blocks to go. but right now, we're stuck at a red light, and that triggers a red light chall-e-e-enge! are you ready? ready! well, then, here we go. as of 2008, 6 of the top 10 coffee-producing nations in the world are in latin america. name five of these six caffeinated countries. go! colombia, bolivia. peru, chile, brazil. got two. argentina, venezuela. you got two. you need three. uruguay. with an "n." chile, peru, andes. shout them out. nicaragua.
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uruguay, paraguay. panama. mexico, yes. you got three with mexico. you need two. keep guessing. latin america, anything. chile. chile, venezuela. what's the coffee's from? oh, no. time has run out. whew. you guys got three out of five. you didn't say guatemala, and you didn't say costa rica... oh, costa rica. ...also honduras. so, you didn't get the red light challenge, but you did make it to your destination, so you just won 350 bucks in the cash cab. [ cheers and applause ] all right. okay, guys. you've made it to your destination. you've won $350 in the cash cab. now, here's the deal. i've got the $350 right here. i can give it to you now. you can take it and be on your way. can stick around and risk it all and go double or nothing on a video bonus question. if you get it wrong, you lose the $350. if you get it right, you're gonna double your money. you're gonna climb out of the cash cab with 700 bucks. so, take a minute and decide what you want to do.
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so what, really? you know, like, we're facing national embarrassment. let's do it. i think we should go for it anyway. that's how i feel, unless you want to veto. no, no, just because i'm older than the two of you put together. video clip! video bonus. we'll take the video bonus. bailey: let's go for the video bonus! okay, here we go, guys. this is it. this is the big moment. it's for $700 or $0. take a look at the screen, and good luck. ranging from turkey to spain, these bridge-like structures are symbols of the ingenuity and immensity of the roman empire. what is the term for these engineering marvels of the ancient world? i know the answer. aqueducts. they are aqueducts, from the latin word "aqua," meaning "water," and "duct" meaning "to lead." [ speaking latin ] they're gonna take our money away. i'm -- i'm sorry. what? aqueduct. he's asking you out. you just won $700 in the cash cab! [ cheers and applause ] knuckles. congratulations, you guys. great game.
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you hung in there, and you stuck with it. you went for it. it paid off. here's your 700 bucks. thank you. thank you. great to meet you guys. yay! we did it! come on, sweetheart. yay! whoa. well, where do we go now? is joshua coming with us? i don't know. i can sit and stay. three more happy winners in the cash cab, and we roll on. josh, look at that. [ laughter ] congratulations.
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bailey: there are 13,000 cabs in the streets of the big apple, but there's only one that pays you. climb into the cash cab, and i'll quiz you all the way to your destination. as the meter clicks, the questions get harder and the stakes get higher. if you get stumped, you can shout out for help on the phone or off the street. sir with the briefcase. but be careful, 'cause in the cash cab, it's three strikes and you're out. ah! ah, that kills me! so, what do you say? you in? -- captions by vitac -- captions paid for by discovery communications, llc
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hey, how you doing? what's up? how you doing? central park west and 72nd street. all right. [ alarm sounds, bells ring ] whoa. you guys are in the cash cab. it's a tv game show that takes place right here in my taxi. i seen that show. i seen that show, too. so, here's how the game works, guys. i'm your host. my name is ben bailey. i'm gonna drive you up to the dakota. i'm gonna ask you general-knowledge questions along the way. they're gonna start off easy. they're gonna get harder as we go. as long as you continue to answer the questions correctly, you're gonna win cash all the way there. but here's the catch. if you get three wrong, that's three strikes and you're out, which means i'm gonna pull over, kick you out in the rain, right where we are, and you lose all the money. i thought we got a free ride out of it. all right, guys, those are the rules of the game. what do you say? do you want to play? yeah! yeah! yeah! yeah! all right, let's take a ride in the cash cab. so, what are your names, everybody?
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i'm michael. i'm george. i'm mike. and i'm p.j. are you a father and his three sons? yep. and what's your last name? connell. the connell boys -- taking a ride in the cash cab up to the dakota, which is 44 blocks away. that means you guys have 44 blocks to rack up as much money as you can, so we're gonna get started immediately. are you ready? we are ready. let's go. all right, here we go. these first questions are worth 50 bucks apiece. here's your first one. named for one of elvis' biggest hits, what graceland hotel features a romantic-burning-love suite? the heartbreak hotel? the heartbreak hotel. ♪ heartbreak hotel is correct, and you're on the board with 50 bucks. [ indistinct shouting ] borrowed from the subway system, what two-word term refers to a charged political issue that no one wants to touch? um, i have no idea. dad, do you know this one? hmm. absolutely have no idea. five seconds.
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second question. i don't think we should use a shout-out. don't know. oh, no, strike one! third rail. a third-rail issue. just one strike, guys. not a big deal. two more of those, though, and it's out in the rain with you. i hear you. now a famous landmark in south dakota, what midwestern mountain was called "six grandfathers" by the sioux indians? mt. everest. mt. everest. mt. rushmore? mt. rushmore. i don't know why i was thinking mt. everest. we're gonna go with mt. rushmore. mt. rushmore is right, and you're back on track. [ cheering ] two for three. you have $100 and one strike. here's your final $50 question. miles away from its amazonian homeland, what ferocious freshwater fish was caught in 2007 in a north carolina river? that japanese one... that father ted was talking about last year. what's it called? oh, man. it can walk on land, and it can swim. it has teeth. tiger fish? tiger fish.
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oh, no! strike two. ouch. piranha. i was gonna say that. that's two strikes, guys. one more, and it's time to look for an umbrella. that's it for the $50 questions. these next questions are worth $100 each, and they're a little bit harder. despite his stoic demeanor, what two-term president was dubbed "the kansas cyclone" on his west point football team? we're gonna say dwight david eisenhower. dwight eisenhower's correct! yeah! we're back in the money! well done, guys. that's worth 100 bucks, and you're up to 200. all right, guys, 30 blocks to go. you got to make it 30 more blocks without a wrong answer. here is your next question for 100 bucks. a vertical version of ticktacktoe, what milton bradley classic was adapted from a game called the captain's mistress? what'd you say? it was connect four? connect four. we're gonna go with connect four. pretty sneaky, sis. that is correct! good for another 100 bucks. whoo! [ laughs ] all right, still in the game an
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but first, you have $300, and we're stuck at a red light, and that triggers a red light challenge-e-e-e-e! bring it! bring it on. here's how the red light challenge question works. it's a multiple-answer question. you have to get all parts of the answer correct in order to win the money. if you do, it's worth an extra 250 bucks. no penalty for wrong answers on this one, so everybody call out anything that you think might be a part of it, until you've gotten it all or time has run out. if you do miss it, you don't get a strike, you don't lose any money, you just don't get the $250, and you have 30 seconds to answer from the time i finished asking. are you ready? sure, we're ready. well, then, here we go. the united states issued formal declarations of war during five different conflicts. name four of these five wars. go. vietnam. no, they didn't. they never declared war on vietnam. no penalty for wrong answers. guess anything. world war i. war of 1812. world war ii. got two. got three. uh...iraq? no. did we declare war on iraq? you guys need one more. the spanish-american war. you got it!
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the spanish-american war at the last second. yeah, baby! that was close, man. the other one that you didn't say -- mexican-american war. you didn't need it. you got your four, and you're up to $550. often found in air-purifiers, what specific type of filter was originally used to prevent the spread of radioactive dust? hepa filters, right? hepa filters? we're gonna go with hepa filters. that's the right way to go, and you're up to $650. hepa filters! nice. popular in the corporate sector, what cubicle-bound comic-strip character has repeatedly made the cover of fortune magazine? it's got to be dilbert. dilbert. dilbert is right, and you're up to $750. yeah! i love that guy. you still have your two strikes. you're hanging on. that's it for the $100s. these next questions are worth $200 apiece, and they're a little bit harder. as suggested by its name, what versatile seasoning is thought to taste like cinnamon, cloves, and nutmeg?
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allspice. allspice is right! and you're up to $950. [ cheering ] all right, guys, 10 blocks to go. you have 950 bucks. here's a shot at another $200. from a french word meaning "to hide," what computer term refers to the block of memory that's used to store frequently accessed data? r.a.m. mike: i was thinking r.a.m., but... we don't know. r.a.m. oh, no, r.a.m. is incorrect. and that's strike three as we're pulling up to 72nd street. ouch. that's your third strike, guys, and i got to kick you out. what was the right answer, though? cache or caché -- c-a-c-h-e. you idiots! that's it right there? that's what we had to get? 72nd. that's the corner right there. bailey: oh, no. you're terrible people. [ laughs ] "you are terrible people." nice to meet you, fellas. i'm sorry i got to kick you out.
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you're not terrible people. he takes it back. all right. and the connell boys get kicked out 50 yards from the dakota. they'll be checking in to the heartbreak hotel. it's right there! what's "cache," anyway? with being fed on.ies, we are fed up we demand k9 advantix ii. it not only kills fleas and ticks, it repels most ticks before they can attach and snack on us. frontline plus kills but doesn't repel. and a tick that isn't repelled or killed may attach and make a meal of us. so let's put our paws down in protest and raise our barks to rally till we all get k9 advantix ii. join us at [ male announcer ] ask your veterinarian about k9 advantix ii.
3:39 am
how long since you worried hey, heaabout flakes? users... since before jeans were this skinny. not since us three got a haircut. not since my first twenty-ninth birthday. [ female announcer ] head & shoulders. scalp and hair beyond compare. carol. fiber makes me sad. oh common. and how can you talk to me about fiber while you are eating a candy bar? you enjoy that. i am. [ male announcer ] fiber beyond recognition. fiber one.
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allegra-d d-congests, d-pressurizes so you can breathe. a fast, non-drowsy antihistamine plus a powerful decongestant. allegra-d. d-fense against allergy congestion. hi. bailey: hi, how you doing? good, how are you? i'm okay. um, 62nd between columbus and amsterdam. [ alarm sounds, bells ring ] [ gasps ] you're in the cash cab. it's a tv game show that takes place right here in my taxi. oh, my...okay. [ laughs ] so, what do you say? do you want to play? yeah. yeah, totally. let's take a ride in the cash cab. okay. all right, here we go. so, what's your name? heather. heather, how are you? welcome to the cash cab. thank you. you're headed up to 62nd and columbus. that is 35 blocks away. so, we're gonna get started right away. are you ready? yes. all right, here we go. these first questions are worth 50 bucks apiece.
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here's your first one. named for a famous german river, what fake gems are used to add faux flair to cellphones and ipods? rhinestones. rhinestones is correct, and you're on the board with 50 bucks. for mountain bikers with exceptional balance, the muni is an all-terrain variety of what man-powered vehicle? a unicycle? unicycle is right, and you're two for two. yay! two for two. here's your next question for 50 bucks. featured in a flighty classical composition, what stinging insects are known as "foggy bummers" in scotland? bumblebees? bumblebees is correct, and you're three for three. here's your final $50 question. trademarked by w.l. gore & associates, what waterproof fabric boasts that it's guaranteed to keep you dry? gore-tex. gore-tex is correct, and you're up to 200 bucks. four for four. well done, heather.
3:43 am
thank you. that's it for the $50s. these next questions are worth 100 bucks each, and they're a little bit harder. okay. 17 blocks to go. despite hamlet's doom and gloom, what nation did businessweek recently name the world's happiest country? denmark? denmark is correct! and that's good for 100 bucks, and you're up to $300. here's your next question for $100. thrusting the magic kingdom into the cold war, disneyland denied access to what russian prime minister in 1959? oh, my god. um... uh... five seconds. putin? is that his name? no. oh, no, time ran out! strike one. nikita khrushchev. nikita khrushchev. that's your first strike. got to be careful -- two more of those and out you go. you've got $300, one strike. we're just a couple of blocks away.
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here's your next question for 100 bucks. to the delight of aerosol addicts, what brand of dessert topping made its debut in 1948? reddi-wip? reddi-wip is right! and that's good for 100 bucks, and you're up to $400. we've got time for one more question. here it is, to bring you up to $500. inspired by the costly upkeep of pale pachyderms, what term describes a possession that's more trouble than it's worth? white elephant? white elephant is right, and you just won $500 in the cash cab! congratulations, heather! yay! thank you. all right, here's the deal, heather. you've made it to your destination. you have won $500 in the cash cab. i've got it right here. i can give it to you now. you can take it and be on your way, or... oh, god. can stick around and risk it all and go double or nothing on a video bonus question. so, take a second. decide what you want to do. oh, my god. what should i do?
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i don't know. i'm gonna take the money. well, congratulations, heather. excellent choice. i guess. we'll never really know. here's your 500 bucks. awesome game. thank you. thank you so much. nice to meet you. you had a good time, didn't you? i had a fantastic time. i'm glad. okay. thank you. bye. that $500 is no pale pachyderm. lemon burst, blackberry harvest, pina colada... i can't imagine where she is... orange creme... [ grocery store pa ] clean up in aisle eight. found her! [ female announcer ] yoplait original. 25 flavors for you to love.
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3:49 am
2nd avenue between 77th, 78th. okay. [ alarm sounds, bells ring ] [ laughter ] you guys are in the cash cab. it's a tv game show that takes place right here in my taxi. cool. what do you say? do you want to play? yes! all right. let's take a ride in the cash cab. all right, here we go, guys. so, what are your names? i'm carrie. i'm maryanne. kathleen. i'm peter. all right, welcome to the cash cab, everybody. you guys are headed up to 2nd avenue between 77 and 78. that's 39 blocks away. that means you're gonna have 39 blocks to rack up as much money as you can. whoo-hoo! we're gonna get started right away. are you ready? yeah! yeah! yeah! yeah! all right, here we go. these first questions are worth $50 apiece. here's your first one. though created in france and popularized in america, what breaded chicken dish bears a ukrainian name? chicken kiev, i think. right, guys? chicken kiev. that is correct, and you're on the board with 50 bucks. [ cheering ]
3:50 am
historically made of fur, or even human hair, what piece of sports equipment is commonly colored optic yellow? tennis ball. i think it's a tennis ball, right, guys? a tennis ball. tennis ball is correct and good for another 50 bucks. yeah. according to levi's, 7 out of every 10 american men own a pair of what brand of casual-friday khakis? dockers? dockers, right? dockers. dockers is right, and you're up to $150. all right. come on, guys. three for three. $150. known for speaking softly and carrying a big stick, what robust president earned a brown belt in judo? that's theodore roosevelt. teddy roosevelt. yes, teddy roosevelt is correct, and you're up to $200. that's my favorite president. all right, guys, you're four for four. you have $200. that's it for the $50s. these next questions are worth $100 apiece, and they're a little bit harder. with a name expressing urgency,
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what effervescent rival of airborne claims to help you "feel the good"? what effervescent rival of airborne? alka-seltzer? airborne's those little... it's the cold pills, right? it's, um... should we use up a shout-out? five seconds. emergent c, right? yeah, yeah. no, no. i think that's right. emergent c. bailey: emergent c is correct. [ cheering ] that's good for another $100, and that brings you up to $300. and we're stuck at a red light. that triggers a red light challenge-e-e-e-e! [ cheering ] speed round. are you ready? yes. yes. yes. yes. well, then, here we go. the website recently compiled a list of the most dangerous dog breeds. name four of the ferocious breeds that made the top seven. go. pit bull. rottweiler. got two. doberman. got three. german shepherd. got four with german shepherd. well done. [ cheering ] yeah! yeah! whoo-hoo! the ones you didn't say -- chow, husky, and malamute.
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you didn't need them, though. you're up to $550. 19 blocks to go. let's see if you can make it $650. resembling a backward "p," the pilcrow is a copyediting symbol used to indicate what? paragraph, right? paragraph. paragraph is right, and you're up to $650. all right, you're on a roll. we're gonna keep them coming. here's a shot at another 100 bucks. due to the collapse of the steel industry, the region stretching between st. paul and pittsburgh has earned what corrosive nickname? the rust belt. rust belt. rust belt is right, and you're up to $750. yeah! bring the money on. show me the money. show me the money. you guys are up to $750. here is your final $100 question. set in the city of nagasaki, viewers of what puccini opera might be bugged by its long second act? "madame butterfly." "madame butterfly" is correct, and you're up to $850. [ cheering ] right here. yeah. you guys are perfect so far. you're up to $850.
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that's it for the $100s. these next questions are worth $200 apiece, and they're a little harder, still. you still have both your shout-outs. don't forget about them. seven blocks to go. her smile's amazing. is it a treatment? no! it's a toothpaste! [ female announcer ] colgate optic white toothpaste. it has the same whitening ingredient as strips. it's the hottest thing in whitening. [ female announcer ] colgate optic white. whiter teeth in one week. you know, from car insurance companies shouting, "save 500 bucks over here!" "no, save 300 bucks over here!" "wait, save 400 bucks right here." with so many places offering so much buck-saving, where do you start? well, esurance was born online, raised by technology, and majors in efficiency. so they're actually built to save you money... and time... and whiplash. esurance. insurance for the modern world. click or call. esurance. insurance for the modern world. [ male announcer ] tom's discovesee? that living he's taking his vitamins.
3:54 am
3:55 am
i'm done. my skin's so raw. try new gold bond friction defense stick. it soothes skin and reduces friction. think bond. gold bond. ♪ this stuff works strong enough to rebuild tooth enamel, yet gentle enough for sore mouths. new act sensitive. strong teeth, fresh breath. in a sensitive formula. bailey: okay, guys, you have $850. things are looking good. here's your first $200 question. founded by the gardener brothers, what investment website borrows its name from a line in shakespeare's "as you like it"? motley fool, right? the motley fool. motley fool is right, and you're up to $1,050. we got some ringers in the cab here. block and a half to go. oh! used to make tequila, what plant's nectar provides a low-glycemic alternative for diabetics and dieters? it's agave. agave. agave is right, and you're up to $1,250.
3:56 am
[ cheering ] you guys are over $1,000, and we are stuck at a red light, and that triggers another red light challenge-e-e-e! are you ready to do it? yeah! yeah! yeah! yeah! 2008 forbes magazine compiled a list of the world's most dangerous destinations. name six of the unstable nations that made the top eight. go. iraq. afghanistan. ethiopia. somalia. got three with somalia. woman: myanmar. libya. kenya. kashmir. israel. pakistan. afghanistan. got four with pakistan. keep guessing. you need two. russia. dangerous. dangerous. dangerous. iran, iraq. lebanon. sudan. jordan. you got it! [ cheering ] lebanon and the sudan put you over the top. yeah! well done, guys. the ones you didn't say -- haiti and the congo. you didn't need them, though. successful red light challenge number two
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brings you up to $1,500, and we're here, so you just won $1,500 in the cash cab! congratulations! wow! what a game! you guys were perfect all the way through. great job. all right, guys, here's the deal. you've won $1,500 in the cash cab. [ cheering and applause ] and i got a feeling you know what's coming next. i've got it right here. i can give it to you know. you can take it into brother jimmy's and buy a barbecue for everybody. or you can stick around and risk it all and go double or nothing on a video bonus question. now, here's how the video bonus question works. i'll play a video clip for you. i'll ask you a single question about that video clip. if you get it wrong, you lose the $1,500. but if you get it right, you're gonna double your money. you're gonna climb out of the cash cab with 3,000 bucks. so, take a minute. decide what you want to do. what do we have to lose? let's do it, guys. nothing ventured, nothing gained. you want to go for it? go for it! let's go for the video bonus. whoo-hoo! come on, guys. yeah.
3:58 am
okay, here we go, guys. this is it. this is the big moment. it's for $3,000 or no dollars. take a look at the screen, and good luck. these artifacts date back to a prehistoric people who dominated italy before the founding of rome. historically and linguistically related to the region of tuscany, what is the name of this ancient civilization? i do know. you know it? i believe it's the etruscans. because that's the ancient language of latin. either that or the phoenicians. i think the phoenicians -- not phoenicia, but etruscans -- tuscany. yeah. you hear about etruscan pottery. let's got for it. yeah. etruscan. etruscans. it was more than one civilization. you just won $3,000 in the cash cab! [ cheering ]
3:59 am
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