tv Mad Money NBC May 9, 2012 3:00am-4:00am EDT
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tomorrow, singer-actress rita wilson. love her! going to be with us. -- captions by vitac -- bailey: there are 13,000 cabs in the streets of the big apple, but there's only one that pays you. climb into the cash cab, and i'll quiz you all the way to your destination. as the meter clicks, the questions get harder, and the stakes get higher. if you get stumped, you can shout out for help on the phone or off the street. but be careful, because in the cash cab, it's three strikes, and you're out. aah! oh, that kills me! so, what do you say? you in? -- captions by vitac -- captions paid for by discovery communications, llc
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oh, look. get in there. we're going to 33rd and 9th avenue please. 33rd and 9th ave? yeah. okay, 33rd and 9th avenue. yes. is that uptown from here or down? uptown. [ alarm sounds, bell rings ] oh, "cash cab." you guys are in the cash cab! it's a tv game show that takes place right here in my taxi. excellent. [ laughter ] all right. here's how the game works. i'm your host. my name is ben bailey. i'm gonna drive you guys to your destination. i'm gonna ask you general-knowledge questions along the way. they're gonna start off easy. they're gonna get harder as we go. okay. as long as you continue to answer them correctly, you're gonna win cash money all the way there. but here's the catch -- if you get three wrong, that's three strikes, and you're out,
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which means i'm gonna pull over and kick you guys out on the spot right where we are, and you lose everything. all right? all right. so, hopefully, that won't happen to you, but those are the rules of the game. what do you say? do you want to play? yes! yes! yes! all right. let's take a ride in the cash cab. man: off we go. so, what are your names? i'm mike. i'm jay. i'm mark. larry. you guys are headed up to 9th ave and 33rd. that is 36 blocks away, so you're gonna have 36 blocks to rack up as much money as you can, so we're gonna get started right away. are you ready? yes. all right. here we go. these next questions are worth 50 bucks apiece. here's your first one. introduced to the comic pages in 1924, what father figure made millions selling munitions during world war i? andrew stark. tony stark's father. yeah, andrew. yeah. i'm with you. all right. okay. we're saying andrew stark -- iron man's father. oh, no! strike one! what the! daddy warbucks. see, that was too ha-- yeah. daddy warbucks. uh-oh. rocky start, guys.
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one question, one strike. i never read a comic. i know. let's see if you can get on track with this next one. in 1996, a member of the nhl team colorado avalanche had his daughter baptized in what storied trophy? it's the stanley cup. yeah, it's got to be the stanley cup. good? yeah. all right. stanley cup. ooh! that is correct! [ cheering ] there we go. finally! synonymous with "straight up," what fastidious bartending term describes a drink without ice or mixers? neat. neat. we're saying neat. neat is right, and you've doubled your money. whoo, baby! yes! we got to do the high fives. come on. high fives. you missed the first one, but you got the next two. here's your final $50 question. abbreviated rtr on stock tickers, what news agency launched in 1849 with the help of passenger pigeons? reuters. reuters? boys? reuters? all right. we're going with reuters. that's the right way to go, and you're up to $150.
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yes! all right, guys. well done. you went 3 for 4 on the $50 questions. these next questions are worth 100 bucks each, and they're a little bit harder. sometimes described as a misplaced modifier, this question contains a grammatical mistake called a dangling what? participle. participle. yeah. we're gonna say participle. dangling participle. that is correct! and that's good for $100. grammar! bring it on. finally that education coming into play, boys. all right. you guys are up to $250. well done. let's see if you can make it $350. in 2005, what jurist became the fifth catholic member serving on the u.s. supreme court? 2005. um... what's his name? clancy, manny? no. no. moe. [ laughs ] i'm gonna say john roberts. oh, no! strike two! ouch! who was it?
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samuel alito. samuel alito. oh! alito. forgot all about alito. all right, guys. that's your second strike. one more of those, and out you go. 25 blocks to go, guys. you have 2 strikes. you got to make it 25 more blocks without another wrong answer. here's your next question for $100. awarded to the car of the year, the coveted golden calipers trophy is presented annually by what auto magazine? car and driver, i believe. yeah, 'cause j.d. power and associates isn't a magazine, so it's probably car and driver. we going with that? sure. five seconds. do you want to do car and driver and risk it? yeah. all right. we're gonna go with car and driver. oh, no! strike three! it was motor trend. oh! and i got to kick you guys out. ouch. oh, no. this is humiliation. oh, fellas. i'm sorry, man. i'm sorry i got to kick you out. it was a short-lived game. i hope you still had a good time, though. we did. nice to meet you, man.
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hang on. hello. bailey: hello, ladies. how are you? 50th and 2nd. is this street the 2nd that i go straight on? uh, well, what's that street right there? [ alarm sounds, bell rings ] i knew it. you're in the cash cab. it's a tv game show that takes place right here in my taxi. no. yes. and here's more good news, ladies. this is a cash cab double ride, which means the dollar amounts are doubled, so you're gonna have a chance to win twice as much money. [ laughing ] oh, my god. money. we don't like money. what do you say? do you want to play? we want to play! whoo-hoo! all right. let's take a ride in the cash cab. oh, my god. this is my favorite knowledgeable show. so, what are your names? i'm janice. i'm stacy. you're headed straight down to 50th and 2nd avenue, that's 34 blocks away, so you're gonna have 34 blocks to rack up as much money as you can. okay. so we're gonna get started immediately.
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okay. all right. because it's a cash cab double ride, these first questions are worth $100 each. ooo-ey! here's your first one. okay. spanish for "good winds," what south american city has earned the nickname "the paris of the south"? buenos aires. buenos aires. that is correct, and you're on the board with 100 bucks. well done. that's my girl. i got one. [ imitating al pacino ] let me introduce you to my little friend stacy. a five-time presidential candidate, what staunch critic of corporations has been labeled a spoiler, a gadfly, and a saint? ralph nader? ralph nader. we'll go with it. ralph nader. ralph nader is correct, and you're up to 200 bucks! well done. you're two for two. with the scientific name mimus polyglottos, what songbird is famous for imitating the cries of other birds? mockingbird? mockingbird? i think. okay. mockingbird? mockingbird. mockingbird is right, and you're up to $300. excellent.
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all right, you're three for three. you've got 300 bucks, no strikes, still have both of your shout-outs. we have 23 blocks to go. here's your final $100 question. okay. in a failed attempt to lure vegetarians, mcdonald's once tested a hula burger featuring what tropical fruit? pineapple. pineapple. pineapple. pineapple is right, and you're four for four. you're up to 400 bucks. well done. we're the smart girls now. i'm telling you. all right. that's it for the $100s. because it's a cash cab double ride, these next questions are worth 200 bucks each and they're a little bit harder. okay. here's your first one. igniting book sales in 1981, what stephen king novel has been described as a paean to pyromania? "firestarter"? "firestarter"? "firestarter." "firestarter" is right, and you're up to 600 bucks. little drew barrymore, you were evil. evil! produced in scotland's oldest licensed distillery, what famous whiskey gets its name from a nearby glen?
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glenlevit? glenlevit. glenlevit is correct, and that's good for $200. you're up to 800 bucks. you guys are over $600 and in a double ride game and we are stuck at a red light, and that triggers a red light chall-e-e-enge! [ vocalizing ] all right. here's how the red light challenge question works. it's a multiple-answer question. you have to get all of the answer correct to win the money. if you do, it's worth an extra $500 'cause it's a double ride. ooh, baby. no penalty for wrong answers on this one, so both of you call out anything that you think might be a part of it till you've gotten it all or time has run out. if you do miss it, you don't get a strike, you don't lose any money, you just don't get the $500. you have 30 seconds to answer from the time i've finished asking. are you ready? oh, we are ready. we're ready. all right, then. here we go. this red light challenge is for fans of the freezer aisle. name five of the eight most popular flavors of ben & jerry's ice cream. go. cherry garcia. chunky monkey. got two. chunky monkey, cherry garcia, and cookies and cream.
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brown -- what's that brownie nut thing? uh, moose? no, it's not moose tracks. oh, my god. everything but the kitchen sink? créme...créme -- [ laughs ] keep guessing. you've got two. you need three more. this is where we -- come on. vanilla, chocolate, strawberry, vanilla bean, vanilla cream, vanilla. five seconds. french vanilla. oh, pbht! we're fired. we are? yeah. oh, no! time has run out. we stink. the ones you did not say -- chocolate chip cookie dough... [ thud ] ...chocolate fudge brownie... i said "brownie." ...half baked, phish food, new york super fudge chunk, and coffee heath bar crunch. [ gasps ] but here's the good news -- you still have $800 and no strikes and both of your shout-outs, and we've got 11 blocks to go, so things are looking very good. let's get back to the regular game. here's your next question for 200 bucks. an offshoot of the mediterranean, what sea separates italy
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from its balkan neighbors to the east? a-algerian. alg -- al -- am i saying it wrong? alg -- aegean. aegean? aegean. oh, no! good guess, but strike one. it's the adriatic sea. the adriatic sea. ohh! [ thud ] that was it! please don't hit the cash cab. all right, that's only one strike. don't worry. shake it off. you still have 800 bucks. you still have your shout-outs. don't forget about those. according to an ad campaign featuring florence henderson, what unique quality is achieved with the use of wesson cooking oil? we're pulling into your destination, so this is it. wessonality. [ laughs ] wessonality. wessonality is right, and you're up to 1,000 bucks! whoo! we are here at your destination, so you just won $1,000 in the cash cab. oh, my god. that's great. thank you so much. thank you. oh, my god. $1,000. see? and...
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this is great. okay, ladies, here's the deal. i've got the 1,000 bucks right here. okay. i can give it to you now. you can take it, climb out of the cab, and go on your way, or you can stick around and risk it all and go double or nothing on a video bonus question. here's how the video bonus question works -- i'll play a video clip for you, i'll ask you a single question about that video clip. if you get it wrong, you lose the $1,000. if you get it right, you're gonna double your money. you're gonna climb out of the cash cab with $2,000. so, take a minute and decide what you want to do. i say risk it. you do? yeah. all right. we're going. we're going for it. let's go for the video bonus! oh, i hate you. okay, ladies. this is it. this is the big moment. this is for $2,000 or $0. okay. take a look at the screen and good luck. thank you. though they thrive in captivity, these mammals have a bright and busy coat that scares off predators in the forests of africa. sharing its name with a type of drum,
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what is this species of antelope? snare. snare? well, snare sounds good. what other -- bass drum? no. what kind of drums are there? snares. bongo. bongo! you just won $2,000 in the cash cab! bongo is the answer. unbelievable! i'm so glad you didn't go with snare. [ both laugh ] congratulations, ladies. you've won 2,000 bucks in the cash cab. thank you. here it is, right here. spend it wisely. have a great night. you...are a good man. thank you. whoo-hoo-hoo! and they double their money at the end of a double ride. 2,000 bucks will buy a lot of glenlevit. it's gonna be a fun time in there tonight. we did great. thank you. thank you. $2,000. whoo! whoo-hoo! in absolute perfect iphysical conditioner, and i had a heart attack right out of the clear blue...
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he was just... "get me an aspirin"... yeah... i knew that i was doing the right thing, when i gave him the bayer. i'm on an aspirin regimen... and i take bayer chewables. [ male announcer ] aspirin is not appropriate for everyone so be sure to talk to your doctor before you begin an aspirin regimen. so he's a success story... [ laughs ] he's my success story. [ male announcer ] learn how to protect your heart at i am proheart on facebook. [ female announcer ] letting her home be turned into a training facility? ♪ this olympian's mom has been doing it for years. she's got bounty. in this lab demo, one sheet of new bounty leaves this surface cleaner than two sheets of the leading ordinary brand. bounty has trap and lock technology to soak up big spills and lock them in. let the spills begin. p&g. proud sponsor of the olympic games.
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hello. what? lexington between 30 what? 31st and 32nd. 1st -- 1st avenue? no, lexington, between 31st and 32nd. lexington avenue? 32nd and 47th street? no. [ alarm sounds, bell rings ] you've entered the cash cab! it's a tv game show that takes place right here in my taxi. no kidding? no kidding. i can't believe this. this is [laughs] [ laughs ] are you all right? she's flipping out, huh? oh, my god. what do you say? do you want to play? yeah. yeah. yeah. let's take a ride in the cash cab. all right, here we go, everybody. what are your names? i'm anton. alan. anya. three a's. the "a" train. all right. that works. welcome to the cash cab, guys. you are headed up to lex and 31st. that's 32 blocks away. that means you're gonna have 32 blocks to rack up as much money as you can, so we are going to begin immediately. are you ready? yeah. all right. here we go.
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these first questions are worth 50 bucks apiece. he-e-ere's your first one. familiar to fans of "the flintstones," what geological term refers to the solid layer of rock that lies beneath soil? bedrock. bedrock is correct, and you're on the board with 50 bucks. that was right up alan's alley. all right. you've got 50 bucks. let's see if you can double it. the college major of new york times icon will shortz, enigmatology is defined as the study of what? riddles? enigmatology? mysteries or riddles. something like that. i'd say riddles or puzzles. yeah. crossword puzzles. puzzles. puzzles? i'm gonna go with puzzles. that is correct, and you're up to 100 bucks! two for two. well done. will shortz. in a p.r. battle with the fictional borat, what eurasian nation placed ads highlighting its prodigious population of wolves?
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that would have to be kazakhstan. kazakhstan. kazakhstan is correct, and you're up to $150. whoo-hoo. here's your final $50 question. although its leaves are poisonous, what plant has reddish stalks that are commonly used as a tart pie filling? rhubarb. yeah, it's got to be rhubarb. rhubarb. rhubarb is correct, and you're up to 200 bucks. four for four. well done, guys. that's it for the $50s. these next questions are worth 100 bucks each, and they're a little bit harder. occasionally the subject of first amendment challenges, what four-word motto was added to u.s. currency during the civil war? in god we trust? no? yeah. yeah. definitely. in god we trust. yeah, that is correct! good for 100 bucks, and you're up to $300. 16 blocks to go. you guys are perfect so far -- no strikes, still have both your shout-outs. here's a shot at another 100 bucks.
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not yet replaced by the euro, what currency of both denmark and norway is abbreviated k.r.? danish crown? it might be. denmark and... norway. five seconds. i'm gonna say crowns. oh, no. strike one. close, but not close enough. it's krone or kroner. ohh! so close, but that's your first strike, guys. two more of those and out you go. here's your next question for 100 bucks. gracing the logo of swedish automaker saab, what mythical creature is half eagle and half lion? griffin! griffin! that would be a griffin. griffin is right, and you're up to $400. well done, guys. you know your mythical creatures. you got some fantasy buffs. you guys were like, "uh, griffin." good job. five blocks to go. here's your final $100 question.
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according to legend, what device did elias howe invent after dreaming about spears with holes at one end? a harpoon maybe. oh, yeah. that would make sense. if i'm gonna guess. yeah, i'm gonna go with harpoon. that sounds good to me. harpoon? oh, no! strike two! harpoon is incorrect. it's a sewing machine. oh, crap! believe it or not. all right, guys. shake it off. stay calm. you do have two strikes, though, so if you don't know one, you better use a shout-out. we're getting very close. carol. fiber makes me sad. oh common. and how can you talk to me about fiber while you are eating a candy bar? you enjoy that. i am. [ male announcer ] fiber beyond recognition. fiber one.
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strong enough to rebuild tooth enamel, yet gentle enough for sore mouths. new act sensitive. strong teeth, fresh breath. in a sensitive formula. i'm done. my skin's so raw. try new gold bond friction defense stick. it soothes skin and reduces friction. think bond. gold bond. ♪ this stuff works bailey: two strikes, guys, be careful. i don't want to throw you out. that's it for the $100s. these next questions are worth $200 apiece, and they are harder still. oh, god. set in new zealand, the novel "once were warriors" recounts the degradation of what indigenous people? the maori. no?
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oh. set in where? new zealand. yeah, so it would be maori. i totally watched that movie, too. five seconds. maori. maori is correct. that's good for $200. that brings you up to $600, and we're stuck at a red light, and that triggers a red light challe-e-enge! and are you ready? yes. yes. yes. well, then here we go. this red light challenge takes us on a brief trip down under. name four of the five most populated cities in australia. go! sydney. perth? melbourne. got two. got three. you need one more. queensboro. queensland. vic -- no, not victoria? victoria. just say whatever. victoria -- let's see. you need one, guys -- anything. um, perth. we already said perth. court? five seconds. blah!
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oh, i don't know. oh! time ran out. ouch. what was it? the ones you did not say -- brisbane and adelaide. but here's the good news -- this is 31st street and lexington avenue, so we're here. you guys won $600 in the cash cab! yes! yeah. totally awesome. all right. here's the deal, everybody. you've won 600 beans in the cash cab. i've got it right here. i can give it to you now. you can take it and be on your way, or you can stick around and risk it all and go double or nothing on a video bonus question. if you get it right, you're gonna double your money, you're gonna climb out of the cash cab with 1,200 bucks. so, take a minute and decide what you want to do. [ laughter ] i think we should just take the $600. that's my -- that's what i think. i'm good with 200 bucks. yeah, we're gonna pass on that one. gonna take the money and run? we're gonna quit while we're ahead. all right. congratulations, guys. great game.
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here's your 600 bucks. try not to spend it all in one place. nice to meet you guys. all right. good game. nice to meet you, man. have a good night. anya: thank you. [ speaking indistinctly ] bailey: $600 -- that's a lot of kroners. in cash cab we trust. oh, yeah! i should close the car. oh, i'm sorry. show me the money.
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bailey: there are 13,000 cabs in the streets of the big apple, but there's only one that pays you. climb into the cash cab, and i'll quiz you all the way to your destination. as the meter clicks, the questions get harder, and the stakes get higher. if you get stumped, you can shout out for help on the phone or off the street. but be careful, because in the cash cab, it's three strikes, and you're out. [ whimpers ] so, what do you say? you in? -- captions by vitac -- captions paid for by discovery communications, llc
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[ indistinct conversation ] how you doing? very good. how are you? good. going to 9th avenue and 33rd. 9th ave, 33rd. where is -- b&h photo. it's two avenues over, and it's north of here. two over, and then north. no, it's two to the right. two this way? yeah. all right, but first... [ alarm sounds, bells ring ] you guys are in the cash cab. it's a tv game show that takes place right here in my taxi. oh! how'd we do that? that is so great! oh, let's go! oh, my god, we have to pay the rent so bad! all right, here's how the game works. i'm your host. my name is ben bailey. i'm gonna drive you guys to b&h photo. i'm gonna ask general-knowledge questions along the way, but here's the catch. if you get three wrong, that's three strikes, and you're out. which means i'm gonna pull over and kick you guys out, right where we are, and you lose everything. and you don't get a tip.
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and i won't get a tip. you're right. so, those are the rules of the game, gentlemen. what do you say? you want to play? yeah! yeah! all right! let's take a ride in the cash cab! so, what are your names? i'm john -- john kinter. and my name's shade, with a "d." like "nightshade." john and shade. i believe you are the first "shade" in the cash cab. probably the first john. yeah, and also the first "john," strangely. [ laughter ] all right, guys, you're headed up to b&h photo. that's 39 blocks from here. so we're gonna get started right away. are you ready? yeah! [ whistles ] all right, here we go. these first questions are worth $50 apiece. here's your first one. perched on the plains of salisbury, what british monument features giant pillars positioned like goalposts? stonehenge. that is correct, and you're on the board with $50. whoo! performed with outstretched arms and an arched back, what aquatic dive is named for a graceful cousin of the goose? swan dive. swan dive. swan dive is right. and you're two for two.
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here's your next question for $50 more. according to the traditional recipe, what classic american dessert requires exactly 16 ounces each of flour, butter, eggs, and sugar? um... pound cake. pound cake is right, and you're three for three. oh, my god! whoo! [ laughter ] zzzz! all right, here we go, guys. here's your final $50 question. far more ominous than the ides of march, what annual deadline in the u.s. has been nicknamed the ides of april? april 15th. oh, yeah, the tax day. april 15th. oh, april 15th, yeah. tax day. tax day or april 15th -- both acceptable, and you're up to 200 bucks. well done, guys. 32 blocks to go. that's it for the $50s. these next questions are worth $100 each, and they're a little bit harder. utilizing the website, what city in iowa has embraced
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the unflattering airport code "s.u.x."? [ chuckles ] oh, fly sux, so it's a city -- sioux city, iowa. sioux city, iowa, is correct, and you're up to 300 bucks. excellent. talk about it. a long-time candidate for border disputes, what asian region is now simply known as "northeast china"? what asian region had border deputes and its now known as "northeast china"? five seconds. gonna need an answer, guys. time's gonna run out. hanoi? uh, um... oh, no! strike one. time ran out. it was manchuria. wow. a long-time candidate. all right, guys, that's your first strike. be careful -- two more and it's all over. inspired by semaphore, what circular symbol originated in 1958 on signs advocating nuclear disarmament?
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peace sign. that is correct, and that's good for another 100 bucks. you're back on track. 17 blocks to go. here is your final $100 question. cherished by carrie bradshaw, what spanish shoe designer is said to be the fifth star of tv's "sex and the city"? um... other shoe designers? it's not my thing. we're sort of in the fashion district, too. uh... five seconds. sylvestri? falciani? um, moschino? oh, no! time ran out! manolo blahnik. wow. yeah, i've never seen the show. i don't know. strike two. oh, no. the game has taken a turn, fellas. one more strike, and i have to kick you out. that's it for the $100 questions. these next questions are worth $200 apiece, and they're a little harder still. from a greek word meaning "50th day," what evangelical christian movement advocates speaking in tongues? what movement?
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uh...50 is, um... i'm gonna do a shout-out. a shout-out -- a mobile or a street shout-out? uh, mobile. mobile shout-out. okay. who you gonna call? uh, i'm gonna call carl. carl. hi, carl, this is shade. john and i happened to step into the discovery channel's "cash cab." we're stuck on a question, so the question is, "from a greek word meaning 50th day..." "what evangelical christian movement..." "...what evangelical christian movement..." "...advocates speaking in tongues?" "...advocates speaking in tongues?" okay. pentecostal. that is correct! that is correct! all right! well done, carl. all right! thanks a lot, buddy. five blocks to go. you guys have $600 and 2 strikes. let's see if you can make it $800. [ exhales deeply ] presented by the international academy of digital arts and sciences,
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what annual award recognizes excellence on the internet? webbys. webby is correct, and you're up to $800. three blocks to go. oh. named for a circle of latitude, what graphic henry miller novel was the subject of a 1964 supreme court case on obscenity? "tropic of cancer." "tropic of cancer" is correct! all right! whoo! and we're here, so you guys just won $1,000 in the cash cab! yeah! whoo! all right, well done, fellas. great game. we can buy lots of stuff at b&h. it came down to the wire... yeah. ...but you made it to b&h. you racked up 1,000 bucks in the cash cab. i've got it right here. i can give it to you now. okay. take it and be on your way. or... you could stick around and risk it all and go double or nothing on a video bonus question. uh... i'm gonna pass. you're gonna pass on it? all right. a wise choice, guys. here's your 1,000 bucks. congratulations. great game.
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after allegra, i have the only one that's both fast and non-drowsy. after allegra, i have it all. we step out? hi. how you doing? we need -- good, thanks, how are you? i'm okay. we're going to 35th and 3rd, please. just driving, driving, you know. where? 35th and 3rd, please. 35th and 3rd. yeah. it's called "jackson hole." where is this? um... [ alarm sounds, bells ring ] you guys are in the cash cab! it's a tv game show that takes place right here in my taxi. [ laughter ] i was, like... are twins, are you not? yes. yes. yes, you are. so we just surprised each other. [ laughter ] i saw the camera, and i was like, "wait!" here's the good news -- this is a cash cab double ride, which means the dollar amounts are doubled,
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so you're gonna have a chance to win twice as much cash. that's pretty sweet, huh? is this 'cause we're twins? no, but it's very fitting. yes. so, ladies, what do you say? do you want to play? we want to play! we want to play! all right! let's take a ride in the cash cab. all right, here we go, ladies. so, what are your names? i'm lyssie. i'm tammy. lyssie and tammy, welcome to the cash cab. thank you. thank you. you're headed up to 35th and 3rd. that's 34 blocks away, so we are going to begin immediately. are you ready? we're ready! all right, here we go. because it's a cash cab double ride, these first questions are worth $100 apiece. here's your first one. the cinematic cousin of the chick flick, what genre of film is colloquially abbreviated "romcom"? romcom? romantic comedy! aah! that is right for 100 bucks. all right, here's your next question for another 100 bucks 'cause it's a cash cab double ride! on april 15, 2005,
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google's homepage displayed a sketch of the virtuvian man to honor the birth of what renaissance man? google's homepage. i don't know. think of a renaissance man. any renaissance man. five seconds. renaissance man -- oh, only five seconds! any renaissance man would be... oh, but i know this one! oh, no! time has run out, and that's strike one! uh-oh! leonardo da vinci. oh, that's what i -- yeah, i wanted to say -- oh, i couldn't think of his -- careful, ladies. my fault. two more of those, and i have to kick you out. all right, you're one for two. you have $100. you have one strike. we have 20 blocks to go. oof. here is another shot at 100 bucks. also known as a drone pipe, the didgeridoo is made from the wood of what ubiquitous australian tree? oh. do you think it would be from, um... yeah. okay, let's do the mobile shout-out. we'd like the mobile shout-out, please. all right, a mobile shout-out. who you gonna call?
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i'm gonna call my boyfriend. all righty, and what's his name? darren. darren. all right, calling darren. hey, "d." i'm in the cash cow, and i have -- cash cab. cash cab. we're riding up 6th avenue inside a cow. and i have a question that i want to have -- that i need your help with. here's the question. "also known as a drone pipe..." "the didgeridoo..." "...the didgeridoo..." " made from the wood..." " made from the wood of what ubiquitous australian tree?" eucalyptus? eucalyptus? eucalyptus is right! yes! yay, thank you! thank you so much! you're back on track. you still just have the one strike, and we have 12 blocks to go. here's your final $100 question. injecting an element of skill, what player-controlled mechanisms were added to pinball machines in 1947? player-controlled... okay, so -- oh, the spring? it's player-controlled 'cause it's, like, a spring,
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and you pull it. five seconds. i mean, if you think it's the spring. i don't know. that's the first thing that came to mind. gonna need an answer. spring. oh, no! strike two! ouch! ouch! the flippers. flippers. i guess before that it was just... i cannot say i would've known it. ...shoot the ball up and watch it. now you have two strikes. we've got eight blocks to go. you have $200. that's it for the $100s. these next questions are worth $200 apiece, and they're a little bit harder. known for his deep voice and love of the ladies, what passionate soul singer was nicknamed "the walrus of love"? the walrus? soul singer? i was gonna say marvin gaye, but he's not...a walrus. the walrus of love? um... who sings what? five seconds. oh, "sexual" -- that's marvin gaye. oh. gonna need an answer. time's gonna run out. marvin gaye. that's all we know.
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oh, no! strike three! marvin gaye is incorrect! aw! aw! what was the answer? barry white. oh, we probably could've gotten that. the walrus of love. we could've gotten it with a shout-out or a phone call. oh, man! three strikes -- i got to kick you out. i'm sorry. i hope you had a good time, though. we did. we did. still get to be on tv. still got to ride in the cash cab. so nice to meet you! all right, have a good one. we're gonna watch your show. thanks a lot. good luck with everything. thank you. you too! [ laughter ] i could be the walrus. i'd still have to give rides to people. in absolute perfect iphysical conditioner, and i had a heart attack right out of the clear blue... he was just... "get me an aspirin"... yeah... i knew that i was doing the right thing, when i gave him the bayer. i'm on an aspirin regimen... and i take bayer chewables. [ male announcer ] aspirin is not appropriate for everyone so be sure to talk to your doctor
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before you begin an aspirin regimen. so he's a success story... [ laughs ] he's my success story. [ male announcer ] learn how to protect your heart at i am proheart on facebook. [ female announcer ] letting her home be turned into a training facility? ♪ this olympian's mom has been doing it for years. she's got bounty. in this lab demo, one sheet of new bounty leaves this surface cleaner than two sheets of the leading ordinary brand. bounty has trap and lock technology to soak up big spills and lock them in. let the spills begin. p&g. proud sponsor of the olympic games.
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you're in the cash cab. it's a tv game show that takes place right here in my taxi. no, i'm not kidding, man. how are you? i'm okay, man. how's it going? what's up? okay, all right. what do you say? you want to play? yes, i want to play. all right! let's take a ride in the cash cab. all right. all right, here we go. so, what's your name? i'm zac. zac, welcome to the cash cab, buddy. you are headed down to 3rd and macdougal. that is 49 blocks away. that is a long ride, so we're gonna get started right away. are you ready? i am ready. all right, here we go. these first questions are worth $50 a piece. here's your first one. launched in california in 2006, "toma leche?" is a spanish-language version of what advertising catchphrase? got milk? that is correct, and you're on the board with 50 bucks. yes! yes! yes! i didn't say it right. i should've said, [deep voice] "toma leche?" sold in flip-top containers since 1969, what pellet-sized breath mints can double as makeshift maracas? i'm gonna say...
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altoids. oh, no! strike one. altoids is incorrect. it's tic tacs. tic tacs! oh, no! tic tacs, with the little flip-top. flip-top -- oh, i should've thought about the flip-top. so, that's your first strike. be careful. two more of those, and it's out into the night. all right. i'm sad. you still have both your shout-outs. don't forget about those. here's your next question for 50 bucks. described as "darwin's playground," what pacific island chain is suffering the effects of excessive eco-tourism? all right, that is gonna be the galápagos islands. galápagos is right. you're back on track and up to 100 bucks. awesome! all right, well done. you're two for three. you have one strike. you have $100. here's your final $50 question. meaning "under" in french, what subordinate chef oversees the day-to-day work in a kitchen? um... that is gonna be sous.
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sous chef is correct, and you're up to $150. yes! $150. the under chef oversees. how about that? all right. 3 for 4 on the $50s. you have 150 bucks and one strike. those are now done. these next questions are worth $100 apiece, and they're a little bit harder. 34 blocks to go -- here's your first $100 question. nearly 6 trillion miles, what unit of measurement refers to the distance a photon travels in 365 and 1/4 days? that is gonna be a light-year. light-year is correct, and you're up to $250. yes! awesome. you know how far it is? it's... to infinity and beyond! the counterpart to potential energy, what type of energy is possessed by an object due to its motion? i'm gonna say kinetic energy. kinetic energy is correct, and you're up to $350. yes! right on. all right. you're on a roll. we're gonna keep 'em coming. here's your next question for $100.
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on a classic monopoly board, what alliterative utility is symbolized by a simple faucet? that is gonna be the...water works? water works is correct, and you're up to $450. yes! you know your monopoly. i know my monopoly, sir. still just the one strike. still have both your shout-outs. things are looking pretty good, zac. i'm happy. 14 blocks to go. here's your final $100 question. meaning "brought back," what latin term is used to describe a tweaked rerelease of a movie? i'm not sure of the answer on this one, but i think i'm gonna try a mobile shout-out. a mobile shout-out it is. who you gonna call? i'm gonna call my buddy jack. jack. all right. calling jack. hey, jack? jack, i'm on "cash cab," and i'm gonna need help answering a question. all right, here's the question. "meaning 'brought back'..." "...what latin term..." "...what latin term..." " used to describe..." " used to describe a tweaked rerelease of a movie?"
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okay. hey, redux. thank you very much, man. thanks. you are the best person in the whole world, okay? all right. five seconds. it's gonna be redux. redux is right. jack was the guy to call. jack, you are the man! and you're up to $550, and we're getting pretty close. you got to make it eight more blocks. i think you're gonna do it, zac. i got a good feeling about this. you have 550 bucks, one strike. still have your street shout-out. that's it for the $100 questions. these next questions are worth 200 bucks apiece, and they're a little bit harder still. carol. fiber makes me sad. oh common. and how can you talk to me about fiber while you are eating a candy bar? you enjoy that. i am. [ male announcer ] fiber beyond recognition. fiber one.
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3:56 am
strong enough to rebuild tooth enamel, yet gentle enough for sore mouths. new act sensitive. strong teeth, fresh breath. in a sensitive formula. i'm done. my skin's so raw. try new gold bond friction defense stick. it soothes skin and reduces friction. think bond. gold bond. ♪ this stuff works you have 550 bucks, one strike. still have your street shout-out.
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that's it for the $100 questions. these next questions are worth 200 bucks apiece, and they're a little bit harder still. here's your first one. in politics, what alliterative term refers to a polling technique designed to indoctrinate unsuspecting voters? um... well, i don't think i know the answer to this, and i think i'm gonna use my street shout-out. all right, a street shout-out it is. and we are pulling up to your destination, so this is gonna be it. this is gonna be for 750 bucks. here we are. we're all set. so, choose wisely, zac, and good luck to you. all right. guys, obviously i'm on "cash cab" here, and i have a question, and i need some help with it. i can ask you. all right, you get them both. are they together? are you guys together? all right. now you got the couple. "in politics, what alliterative term..." "in politics, what alliterative term "refers to a polling technique..." "...designed to indoctrinate..."
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"...designed to indoctrinate unsuspecting voters?" push polling. he -- i think he's right, as well. i'm gonna say push polling. push polling is correct. yes! all right, nice job. right on, man. thanks a lot, guys. cool stuff. whoo! congratulations, zac. hell of a game, buddy. good job, man. that guy knew it right away -- push polling. okay, so here's the deal. you've won 750 bucks in the cash cab. i've got it right here. i can give it to you now. you can take it, go into the comedy cellar and enjoy the show and drink all you want, or you can stick around, risk it all, and go double or nothing on a video bonus question. so, take a minute and decide what you want to do. all right. $750. all right. you know what i'm gonna do? we laughed and we joked and we answered questions, and i walked in $750 at the end of that, and i think that's an awesome night. and i'm just gonna keep the $750. you're gonna keep the $750. you're a wise man, zac.
3:59 am
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