tv Today NBC May 9, 2012 7:00am-11:00am EDT
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good morning. spy games. . this morning new information on that foiled plot to bring down a passenger plane with a new, more powerful underwear bomb. the man at the center of it actually a double agent cooperating with the u.s. how did he gain the trust of al qaeda's most dangerous affiliate? where are they? fbi agents launch a new search for the man suspected of being on the run with two young girls, after allegedly killing their mother and teenage sister. this as a new surveillance video surfaces of the suspects, and new arrests were made in that case. and tanning ban? that case involving a new jersey mom leading to growing calls for tougher restrictions on underage
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tanning "today," wednesday, may tougher restrictions on underage tanning "today," wednesday, may 9th, 2012. captions paid for by nbc-universal television and good morning. welcome to "today" on a wednesday morning. i'm matt lauer. >> and i'm ann curry. good morning, everybody. we're learning more details about this thwarted terror plot and boy, it has the makings of a hollywood spy thriller now. >> that's right. the bomber was actually an informant, we now understand, who spent weeks infiltrating al qaeda and he volunteered as a suicide bomber before sneaking out of yemen with the finished underwear bomb. now the obama administration is voicing some concern over how details of that extremely top secret operation have become public. we're going to have the latest on that coming up in just a couple of minutes. >> and also coming up this morning, a big day of testimony in the john edwards trial, as a
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former aide claims edwards may have known donations used to hide his affair with rielle hunter could land him in legal hot water. >> and on a much lighter note, ann, al, natalie and i took on something very different. i want to say this was death defying. we paid a visit to a high flying off-broadway spectacle. that harness changed my life. it was really fun. >> you say you'll need some ointment to help you through today because of this? >> exactly. right. also ahead we've got the author of a book on, he's got some real important warnings for parents when it comes to them overseeing their children and their use of social media. >> a lot of concerns. >> exactly. let's begin with this double agent who helped intelligence officials foil a plot to smuggle a bomb onto a passenger plane. nbc's pete williams is our justice correspondent, pete good morning to you. >> matt, good morning. it's hard to overstate how remarkable and how dangerous this intelligence operation was.
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the u.s. and its allies actually managed to insert an informant into the inner circle of the terror group that's the single most active threat to the united states. the al qaeda affiliate in yemen. by the time this most recent plt was in its final planning stages the u.s. was tracking it closely and the terrorists in yemen apparently had no idea that the person who volunteered to be the suicide bomber was secretly the informant, someone who had agreed to cooperate with an intelligence service friendly to the united states. >> it was an amazing piece of intelligence work and no one was at risk. they were able to nip this in the bud before it got even close to as far as the christmas bomber did. >> reporter: after the al qaeda operatives gave the informant the finished bomb representing their latest design, officials say, he then got it safely out of yemen and it was eventually turned over to the united states, where it's now being examined. members of congress, briefed on the operation, declined to
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provide specifics, but praised the cia and its overseas counterparts. >> from what we were able to learn and monitor it and make sure that this was never going to make it onto a plane and actually seized the device, you couldn't have asked for more. >> reporter: those who've seen the bomb say it's remarkably similar to this, the one worn by the 2009 underwear bomber, who tried to set off his device on an overseas flight to detroit. but this latest bomb contained improved ingredients, and two possible ways to set it off in case the first effort failed. homeland security officials say they can't be certain it would have been stopped by airport screening, but they believe it would have been caught either by the full body scanners and pat-downs, or by a combination, screening, passenger background information, and other intelligence. the first suggestion that an informant was involved came monday night when a senior administration official said, quote, we were confident that we had inside control over any plot that might have been associated with this device.
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on tuesday, officials continued that theme, stressing that there was never any danger to a u.s.-bound plane. >> i want to say this device was always under control, and that no one in the united states was ever at risk because we did have control. >> reporter: the obama administration and members of congress say they're concerned that so much information has become public, and they say they'll investigate how word of this top secret intelligence operation first began to leak last week, well before it was made public this week. ann? >> all right, pete williams this morning. thanks so much for your reporting on this. nbc news national security analyst michael leiter was director of the national counterterrorism center at the time of the failed underwear bomb attempt in 2009. he joins us now. michael, good morning. >> good morning. >> just yesterday morning, michael, you were on the show talking about what a home run it was for the u.s. to have gained access into the hinterlands of yemen, they've gotten its hands now, how much safer now that we have our hands on this device.
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24 hours later, are we less safe now that al qaeda knows how we did this? >> well, i think we're still better off, ann. but there absolutely has been some loss of how we do our business. because of all the release of these details to the public. i understand the desire to know exactly how these operations develop. but the fact is, they now know the partnership we have with the saudis. they now know they're going to look for future operatives and question them for stringently. and it's going to make it a little bit harder for us to get people on the inside again and foil the next plot. >> so, so, to what degree then, because we rely on this international cooperation, to what degree is it possible that we threatened this cooperation that we need to get the intelligence we need to stop this kind of threat? >> i think the government of saudi arabia is quite fine with everyone knowing that we have a strategic level partnership. but they generally do not like the details of these intelligence relationships to be disclosed to the public.
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and in that sense, any time that we can't control sensitive information about sensitive operations, it absolutely makes foreign governments less likely to cooperate and provide their secrets to us. so we can push these operations forward. >> and, and, you know, you describe intelligence as a game of cat and mouse. in that game, what is the fallout more broadly, that it's now been revealed that we can use a double agent in a place like yemen? >> i don't think that al qaeda will be shocked that we can use agents like this. this is exactly what the cia and other intelligence services attempt to do. but they will simply be that much more cautious next time. so they are going to vet their operatives more closely. they're going to monitor them before they travel. and that's going to make it more difficult for them to get a weapon, to leave the country, and get to the safety of saudi arabia or the united states, and provide us with that information. >> we, now that we know that a double agent was involved, michael, what do you want to say about the courage it must have taken for a person to act in
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that position, and also, how much danger this person may be in now. >> well, there has been enormous amount of courage surrounding this entire plot. that we had an agent in there. but also, remember, the agents that ultimately -- the double agent, not necessarily knowing if he was a triple agent. as we all know the tragedy two years gig in khost where it cia officers lost their lives with what they thought was a double agent, turned out to be a triple agent. there's enormous courage on many fronts on this. we're lucky in this case it worked out well for us. >> michael leiter, thank you so much for your perspective on this this morning. >> my pleasure. >> now here's matt. >> thanks very much. the longest-serving republican in the u.s. senate is now headed for retirement. six-term indiana senator richard lugar lost to a tea party backed challenger in his state's republican primary. that happened on tuesday. for more on that and some other political headlines of the day we turn to conservative radio
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talk show host and fox news contributor laura ingraham. she's also the author of the new book called "of thee i zing." what did richard lugar? >> he is a nice man, very gentle person, however that era of bipartisan that we are kind of bemoaning the loss of today produced years of growing government, years of building up deficit and debt, and also it produced bailouts, it produced two wars, that frankly a lot of people are really unhappy with -- >> but also couldn't figure out where he lived. he had a residency problem that kind of hastened his demise. >> he's 80 years old. he's had an incredible career. unfortunately his own voters turned him out. with huge numbers. he lost by a huge percentage last night, and has has to mean something. it's not just about tea party, though. i think this is a general dissatisfaction with how washington is operating. >> does it make it easier for democrats to have a shot of taking over that seat though? >> it might. i have richard murdoch on my radio show -- >> who is the guy who defeated
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richard lugar. >> who will be up against congressman joe donnelly who is actually quite popular. he said i think the democrats probably preferred to run against mr. lugar. he's not going to have the easiest fight. >> let me ask you about the general election, how it's shaping up. in an interview on monday, governor romney said this about the auto industry bailout. he says, quote, i pushed the idea of a managed bankruptcy and finally, when that was done, and help was given, the companies got back on their feet. so i'll take a lot of credit for the fact that this industry's come back. >> yeah, well, look, i think romney has got to remember, there's going to be traps out there set for him. he said -- made some comments about the auto bailout early on that were critical. and then weeks later, he seemed like well, people are liking the auto bailout in michigan so this could be a problem for him. matt, as much as the democrats and maybe even you at times, want to turn this into a referendum on romney, this is romney running against an incumbent president who has a record that the media ought to start talking about, that the media also wants to avoid.
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>> but it is a guy, on this particular subject, who is trying to rewrite history. the version of the bailout he was looking for was money coming from private equity, and everybody agrees that money was not available. it couldn't have happened. >> well, i think he also understands is that there were a lot of people who ended up getting shafted in that bailout. a lot of auto parts manufacturers, people who didn't get the returns that they hoped to get out of the -- the wonderful bailout -- >> -- take a lot of credit for the fact the industry's come back. >> look, romney is romney. romney is not the, i think, the most -- he's not the most comfortable politician out there. this year the razzle-dazzle man is barack obama. he's with george clooney tomorrow night. i'm sure you guys are going to have big coverage on the "today" show. he's going to raise $14 million in molly wood. that is really cool for a lot of people, george clooney and the celebrities, that's great. maybe just this time it's not going to be about the cool factor. maybe it's about competency and ability to manage this economy and downsize this out-of-control
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government. >> i just want to throw five names at you real quickly. possible vice presidential candidates. just tell me who the obama campaign should be most concerned about, guys like paul ryan, marco rubio, rob portman, chris christie, kelly ayotte. >> i think paul ryan is one of the strongest people on that list. i think for a number of reasons. number one, he's someone who has been vetted nationally already. he's been up against the democrats, point by point, on this budget. he's offering real serious reforms. and again, this is an election about the president's record. romney has his own issues but this is about why you're better off than you were four years ago. and the obama administration is going to try to make it about a lot of other issues. we'll see if that plays out. where's chris brown? i thought chris brown -- >> laura ingraham, thanks very much. >> great to see you. >> we've got other music for you. >> okay, great. >> once again here's ann. >> all right, matt, thanks. the criminal trial of former presidential candidate john edwards has reached a critical stage and today one of his former aides will be back on the stand. nbc's lisa myers is in
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greensboro, north carolina, once again this morning. lisa, good morning. >> good morning, ann. in dramatic testimony, edwards' former speech writer claimed that he confessed to her that he knew all along that a wealthy donor had provided money to hide his mistress and child, while he ran for president. former aide wendy button returns to the stand this morning, after testifying tuesday that she worked with edwards in the summer of 2009, on a statement to admit paternity of rielle hunter's child. and possibly acknowledge money used to cover up his affair. she testified that edwards told her that he knew that fred baron had been taking care of things all along. although he didn't know the details. button testified about a draft statement that read, while i never asked fred baron for a dime, i stood by while he supported my daughter. but she testified that edwards rejected the draft. said that for legal and practical purposes, his
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statement shouldn't mention baron. instead, edwards suggested a new line for the statement. some people without my knowledge supported quinn. but a statement was never issued. >> it's not everything the government needs, but it's a start. it puts edwards back in the middle of the cover-up and the money flow. but it doesn't go to his criminal intent. >> reporter: the government alleges that almost $1 million from baron and rachel "bunny" mellon, some of it used to hide hunter, amounted to illegal campaign contributions. edwards denies that and has said he did not know about the money. earlier on tuesday, edwards' legal team brought up that infamous sex tape he made with rielle hunter, referred to in court as a personal and private videotape. >> good morning. >> reporter: tobin, prosecution witness andrew young admitted that he and young jokingly discussed how much they could sell the tape for. the numbers were pretty big numbers, he testified.
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edwar edwards' lawyer asked, did mr. young tell you he had hired an agent with respect to that tape? no, tobin replied. and that mr. young had discussions and meetings with the agent to sell the tape? >> no. >> the defense is trying to show that andrew young would go to great lengths to hurt, if not destroy, john edwards. >> reporter: tobin testified that after having dinner with edwards in may 2008, he became so alarmed edwards might become obama's running mate that he went to the obama campaign to warn that the tabloid stories were true. today, prosecutors are also expected to call edwards' former press secretary to the stand. she is said to have witnessed a heated exchange in an iowa hotel room in 2007, in which elizabeth edwards was upset about what was being done to take care of rielle hunter. ann? >> all right. lisa myers this morning. lisa, thank you. >> let's get a check of the rest of the morning's top stories. natalie is over at the news desk with the headlines. hi, natalie. >> good morning, matt and ann. good morning, everyone.
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we begin with overnight bomb scares on passenger jets out west. two southwest airline flights had to be isolated and inspected following a threatening phone call. both planes were later given the all-clear, and no explosives were found. the threat grounded one flight in phoenix, arizona, and another in orange county, california. voters in north carolina have approved a constitutional amendment defining marriage as solely between a man and a woman. adding to their state law already banning gay marriage. the amendment prompted president obama's campaign to express his disappointment in the vote. meantime, in colorado, legislation there to allow civil unions reached an impasse, along with several other bills effectively killing the measure. tsa screeners in rhode island busted one flyer's unique attempt to allegedly get a gun through security by hiding parts of a disassembled .40 caliber automatic handgun inside three stuffed animals. the weapon was found in the carry-on bag of a 4-year-old child traveling with his father. the gun and ammunition were confiscated and the father and
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son were allowed to continue on their way. an investigation is ongoing, but officials say the incident was related to a domestic dispute. now let's head to wall street. cnbc's courtney reagan is at the new york stock exchange for us this morning. courtney, good morning. >> good morning to you, natalie. the weekend's election in greece continue to concern markets. the dow falling for a fifth straight day as investors experience turbulence from the political strife in europe. and that's threatening the future of austerity measures, again raising fresh concerns about the region's debt crisis. and although most of earnings season is behind us a number of big names do report today like toyota, macy's, cisco and priceline. >> courtney reagan at the new york stock exchange. thanks. and a great night for the texas rangers, as josh hamilton came out swinging. he tied a major league record, belting four home runs in a single game. hamilton is the only the 16th player to ever do that and the first since 2003. and he also set an american league record with 18 total bases in a single game, leading
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the rangers to a 10-3 win over baltimore. congratulations. 7:17 right now. you're up to date. let's turn it back over to matt and ann. >> that had to feel good. >> very good. >> i'm still kind of puzzled over this, so they found this guy had disassembled a handgun and hidden it in three stuffed animals, they took it but allowed him to continue -- >> continue on with his child, and think it's related -- there's an investigation ongoing. >> i think this guy got on the plane? >> bizarre. >> but anyway. natalie, thank you very much. >> we want to go now and talk to al roker who is in kansas city, missouri, right? good morning, al. >> hey, good morning, ann and matt. we are in kansas city, and, in fact, we're talking about -- we're right in front of the j.c. nichols fountain. one of over 200 fountains here in kansas city. second only to rome with the most number of fountains for a city. we're here to help the salvation army raise some money. we'll tell you about that a little bitnumber of fountains i.
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talking about fountains, too much water is going to be the problem in parts of the northeast. and all the way down into texas. where we expect to see more heavy rain, in fact we've got a slight risk of strong storms along the southeastern atlantic coast. look at the rain from central georgia up into new england. we're talking anywhere from two to three inches of rain. some areas locally could pick up five inches, look for scattered showers in the pacific northwest. plenty of sunshine in the plains, here's what's going on in your neck of the woods. good morning, storm 4 radar is showing some lingering showers south and southeast of washington, moving away. and some more beginning to move into the tennessee valley and up toward the ohio valley. coming our way later today. these few sprinkles, areas of green on the radar are south of washington and those will move off and just miss the metro area. and then later today, maybe some more showers and maybe some thunder, too, during the afternoon and evening. highs 70s. then sun
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>> and that's your latest weather. matt? >> all right, al, thank you very much. tributes are pouring in for beloved children's author maurice sendak. the writer and illustrator best known for his iconic book "where the wild things are" died on tuesday at the age of 83. here's nbc's kevin tibbles. >> milk in the batter! >> reporter: there quite likely isn't a child's imagination that hasn't been touched by maurice sendak. just ask 5-year-old riley. >> they made him the king of the wild things. >> reporter: the wild things. >> wild things. >> reporter: sendak wrote and illustrated dozens of children's books. including "in the night kitchen," and the beloved "where the wild things are" about a boy named max and some scary monsters. >> particularly that the illustrations really allow children to fantasize. they love being able to fantasize, and that's definitely what this author has a gift in
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doing. >> reporter: it's also a favorite of the president, who read it to children at the white house. >> and max said, i'll eat you up! >> he really valued that time we call childhood, and understood it as a time that was a time of joy. but also could be a time of sorrow. >> reporter: sendak's books aren't sugary fairy tales. often quite the opposite. dealing with the dark, fearful, corners of a child's imagination. sendak grew up in brooklyn, a sickly child, who passed his time drawing and listening to his father's elaborate bedtime stories. >> childhood was not a wonderful time, at all. it was very d-a-r-k. >> reporter: he even named the monsters in his book after his relatives and once joked with stephen colbert, truth be told, he didn't really like children. >> i like them as few and far between as i do adults. >> reporter: but adults and children loved his work. >> it's like one of the books i think about in my childhood.
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it was really, the picture was so amazing. >> reporter: and perhaps like max, sendak now says, let the wild rumpus start. for "today," kevin tibbles, nbc news, chicago. >> and just ahead, the suspect acased of kidnapping a tennessee family and murdering two of those people caught on camera while on the run, as police arrest his mother and ex-wife. but first, this is "today" on nbc.
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are made with sweet cherries and the crisp, clean taste of our cranberries. i cannot tell a lie. 'tis tasty. okay, george washington, did you take my truck out last night? 'tis tasty. because grandpa said that our name goes on everything we make. [ male announcer ] tim and richard smucker grew up knowing that putting your name on every jar was a guarantee of quality. with a name like smucker's, it has to be good. pulland let's see howng gloves. colorful an afternoon can be. with certified advice to help us expand our palette... ...and prices that give us more spring per dollar... ...we can mix the right soil with the right ideas. ...and bring even more color to any garden.
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more saving. more doing. that's the power of the home depot. brighten mom's big day with colorful hanging baskets and color bowls. 7:26 is your time on this wednesday, may 8th, 2012, good morning to you, i'm eun yang. you're going to find it slow on the roads when you head out. danella sealock is here with more. >> good morning, it's a slow commute. outer loop at wisconsin avenue on the off ramp, a crash involving a motorcycle possibly blocking a few lanes. taking the outer loop in montgomery county prepare to drive very slowly, jammed even at new hampshire avenue, you're really jammed as you make your way to georgia avenue. a slow crawl the entire way. looking at 24 miles per hour from i-95 to i-270. eun, back to you. >> when will the rain stop? yo
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oh! >> there we are, flying through the air, certainly not with the greatest of ease in an off-broadway show billed as a heart pounding fantasy. our debut performance you actually have to see to believe is coming up in our next half hour. it might hurt just to watch us. >> looks like a lot more fun when you look at the tape. there were some moments there that weren't all that much fun. anyway, it should be interesting. >> welcome back. 7:30 now, i'm ann curry along with matt lauer. also ahead this morning. >> the case of the tanning mom in new jersey that is now leading to growing calls for changes in the tanning salon industry. we're going to tell you what
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some lawmakers are now considering. >> that's pretty interesting. >> and also the mom known as the human barbie, who admits to being addicted to plastic surgery, well now she's even reportedly trying to pass on her love of bow tax and implants to her young daughters. and she's entered her 8-year-old in a beauty pageant. so is she sending her kids the wrong message? we're going to talk to her and one of her daughters. >> and we want to let you know that tomorrow the self-proclaimed king of all media, howard stern, will make his very first live visit to studio 1a. what does he have planned as a judge on "america's got talent"? we'll talk to howard on that and much more going on, an always interesting guy. >> something to look forward to. we begin this half hour with the search for a man suspected of killing a tennessee woman and her teenage daughter, and fleeing with the woman's two younger girls. well now the suspect's ex-wife and mother have been arrested. nbc's thanh truong is in guntown, mississippi with more on this story. good morning. >> and good morning to you, ann.
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hundreds of state officers, police officers, and fbi agents are searching for two missing sisters who disappeared nearly two weeks ago. police believe they've been kidnapped by a family friend who they say is armed and dangerous. now investigators have new clues that they say may help them track down an accused kidnapper. this is newly released video of 35-year-old adam mayes, in the white t-shirt. >> hot enough for you? >> oh, yeah. a little bit cooler since i got a haircut. >> reporter: in the store surveillance tape, mayes jokes about his haircut. police believe he changed his appearance while on the run. the video was taken in guntown, mississippi, on april 30th. that's three days after police say he kidnapped jo ann bain and her three daughters from their home in whiteville, tennessee. two of the missing were found buried behind the home of adam mays' parents. the victims, jo ann bain and her 14-year-old daughter adrienne. bain's two other girls are still missing.
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12-year-old alexandria and 8-year-old kyliyah. the fbi believes adam mayes is holding them captive. on tuesday, a break in the case. police arrested mayes' ex-wife teresa and his mother mary. investigators say the women helped mayes carry out the alleged kidnapping. according to court documents teresa mayes admitted she was involved with the removal and/or confi confinement of bain and her daughters and she drove the family from hardeman county, tennessee, to union county, mississippi. she's charged with four counts of aggravated kidnapping. mary mayes is charged with four counts of conspiracy, authorities say she knew what adam and teresa mayes were planning and wasn't long with it. police say adam and teresa mayes were friends of the bain family. teresa is seen here with the bain girls. teresa mayes' sister spoke with nbc affiliate on phone by tuesday saying the two had discussed disturbing details about adam mayes. >> my sister has told me things, yes. she knew he dug the grave.
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>> oh, she did? okay. >> that was my understanding of the conversation with her, because i was yelling at her, because, i'm like, you what? you know. >> yeah. >> or, well, what she said was i saw him digging a hole. >> reporter: police won't comment on that conversation. as teresa and mary mayes sit in jail, hundreds of police officers are searching for adam mayes and the two missing girls. they're stopping cars, checking trunks, and asking questions in mississippi, tennessee, and beyond. teresa and mary mayes have not entered pleas to the charges against them. they'll be in court later this month. as for the two missing girls, police say that adam mayes may have altered their appearances, and for jo ann bain and her daughter adrienne, police have not released an official cause of death. ann? >> thanh truong, thank you so much this morning. nbc news analyst clint van zandt is a former fbi profiler. good morning to you. >> hi, ann, good morning. >> help us understand.
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what could possibly motivate a man who is a family friend to kidnap a mother and three girls in this way? >> well, what we haven't heard yet, ann, is the relationship between the alleged kidnapper, the adult victim, and the children here. there are a lot of stories going around about possible special relationships that may have existed. and the kidnapping itself may have been some type of panic on the part of the suspect, ann, where the victim, the adult victim and her three daughters were moving from tennessee, they were moving west, and if he had this special relationship, and he saw them leaving, this may have been a panicked reaction on his part. a terribly panicked reaction. >> what do you mean by special relationships? in other words, what kind of relationships would cause the kind of emotions that could be connected, as you look at cases, you look at cases all kinds of cases that could explain this behavior? >> well, part of that special
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relationship, there are allegations, perhaps, that the -- that the kidnapper may have had a ongoing relationship with the adult woman. that that may have been there. there also have been suggestions that he may have even been a biological father to one of the children. these are all stories that we don't know yet, ann. i think the fbi knows the answers. and i think the fbi has kind of put a cone of silence on this, because even right now, there's a good chance that the suspect is watching us, he's trying to develop information. i think the fbi wants to keep this case as tight as they can. because we've got three lives in danger right now. the two missing girls, as well as the suspect himself. >> meantime, prosecutors, as we just heard, have charged adam mayes' mother and also his wife now why would a wife and a spouse aid and abet a crime such as this? >> yeah, i've seen this before, ann, where a girlfriend, or a wife, or a spouse will help. a lot of times it's just because
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it's what my husband, it's what my wife wants. other times, it's because of fear. it's because the wife or the ex-wife has been threatened. she's been in a fearful state all of her life. and when she's told to do something, as terrible as this is, she does it. but again, the authorities are trying to figure out the inner relationship between all of these people. what's tantamount right now is the lives of these two little girls. and this guy, if he's watching you and i right now, he has t the -- he has the ability to do something right. whatever he's done in the past is over with. but these are two young girls, they have their whole lives ahead of them, and he has the ability, if they're still alive, to bring them to the authorities, to help end this thing in a -- the best, positive manner we can. and we hope he takes that choice, ann. >> clint van zandt. thank you so much for saying that and for joining us this morning. >> okay. thank you. >> and now let's head to kansas city, missouri, for a check of the weather from al.
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>> "today's weather" is brought to you by jared, the galleria of jewelry. with five times the selection of ordinary jewelry stores. >> ann, thank you so much. and as we look at afternoon temperatures for today, it is a little on the chilly side in the northeast. with highs in the 60s and 70s. right about seasonable, but still could be a little bit warmer. 0s as you make your way into warmer, 90s into the southwest. central california, 60s through the upper mississippi valley. 80s into the mid-atlantic states on into the gulf where we have a slight risk of strong storms, heavy rain off the new england coast. look for some hit-and-miss showers along the pacific northwest. sunny and seasonal in the upper midwest with 66 degrees in minneapolis. that's what's going on around the country, here's what's going on in your neck of the woods. good morning, we have some showers just south and east of washington, there's another wave of rain much farmer south and
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west, another area of low pressure along this front that will move in this afternoon. getting some light to moderate showers south of washington, prince george's, charles, calvert, st. mary's and anne arundel. later today, into the 70s and likely afternoon and evening showers and thunder and lightning ending predawn thursday, sun back tomorrow into friday, stand and sunday. >> that's your latest weather. matt? >> all right, al, thank you very much. the new jersey mom accused of taking her young daughter to a tanning salon has certainly attracted a lot of attention. now that case may lead to some changes in the tanning industry. nbc's mara schiavocampo is in nutly, new jersey, with more on that. mara, good morning to you. >> matt, good morning. new jersey is home to roughly 400 tanning salons, and many of their customers are teens. now, some state lawmakers say that soaking up artificial rays is downright dangerous for young people, and they want them kept out of tanning beds altogether.
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so-called tan mom patricia krentcil, continues to get lots of attention. following allegations the 44-year-old new jersey mother took her then-5-year-old daughter tanning with her. krentcil says she's innocent, but her daughter came with her to the salon, but never was exposed to any tanning. krentcil's overly tanned appearance has made her a national celebrity. even getting her roasted on "saturday night live." >> piece of bread. put it between my thighs. >> oh, my gosh. >> reporter: while krentcil may be trying to laugh it off. >> that was hysterical. >> reporter: others say it's no laughing matter. some new jersey lawmakers are hoping all the attention on krentcil's case will revive efforts to pass anti-tanning legislation for minors. an old bill reintroduced this year would prohibit a person under 18 years of age from using a tanning bed in a tanning facility. >> if you start tanning as a teenager, you're 74 times more likely to get a malignant
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melanoma as a younger adult than you would otherwise. >> reporter: 27-year-old allison doherty knows that all too well. at 21 she was diagnosed with stage 3 melanoma after years of tanning as a teen. >> something like a melanoma diagnosis doesn't just affect you. it also affects everyone else around you. this is where i might get emotional. because, you know, i remember, you know, my parents feeling like -- like it was their fault. and it wasn't their fault. >> reporter: in a statement to nbc news, the indoor tanning association says the risks of artificial tanning are exaggerated. writing, quote, it is a fact that ultraviolet light from a sunbed is the same as that from the sun, and regular, moderate non-burning exposure is essential for good health. as for patricia krentcil, it seems her 15 minutes of fame didn't end with that "snl" sketch. she is the inspiration behind
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this action figure. krentcil is due back in court on june 4th. now as for the salon, they say that krentcil's daughter was never allowed in the room with her mother while she was tanning. meanwhile, here in new jersey, currently 14 to 17-year-olds are required to have parental consent for indoor tanning. that would change if this bill passes. the bill is currently in committee. officials say it will be voted on very soon. >> mara, thank you very much. up next, warning to parents of young athletes on the dangers of concussions. a group of girls opens up about how their lives have been impacted. ka te? ♪ will you marry me? ♪ yes. ♪ attention. he went to jared. [ female announcer ] create your own one-of-a-kind ring at jared this thursday through sunday and receive get set in diamonds rewards up to $1,000 toward a beautiful diamond setting when you buy your diamond at jared. choose from thousands of diamonds and hundreds of settings.
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that i actually taught you something. [ heartbeat ] tell me i'm ready. that you look up to me. tell me you like spending time with me. ♪ that i'm doing this right. even if i'm doing it alone. tell me you are proud of who we are. just -- tell me. [ female announcer ] for everything moms need to hear, there's a hallmark card. ♪
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back now at 7:44 with the alarming rise of concussions in young girls who play soccer. nbc's kate snow is here with an eye-opening report. >> good morning, ann. most of the time when a young girl has a concussion, she recovers. but, with our kids playing harder, faster, younger, doctors are raising an alarm. and for one group of girls, what happened on the field was life changing. as the game gets rougher, tougher, and ever more popular, we found a group of girls outside philadelphia with a remarkable story to tell. how many of you have had a concussion? how many of you have had more than one concussion. how many of you have played through a concussion, you had a concussion, you just kept going? one group of friends, more than a dozen concussions. >> people who think of
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concussions as only being present mostly in guys, and mostly in the sport of football, are just plain wrong. soccer is right at the top of the list for the girls. >> reporter: dr. bob cantu, a leading researcher, says girls are reporting nearly twice as many concussions as boys, in the sports they both play. >> girls, as a group, have far weaker necks. the same force delivered to a girl's head spins the head much more, because of the weak neck, than it does to the guy. >> reporter: of the six girls we met, three have had such bad brain injury they had to give up the sport they loved. >> i lost my identity. i lost my love for a game. i lost my social life. i don't think i'll ever get that back. >> reporter: jenna and kimmy haven't been able to consistently make it through a full day of school for almost two years, because their symptoms are so bad.
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headaches, dizziness, nausea, and vision problems. as a result they have problems concentrating, and remembering things. >> okay. if at any point in time you feel dizzy or discomfort let me know. >> reporter: their days used to be filled with exercise and activity. now it's therapy and doctor's visits. >> she hit her head on the ground, and she didn't move. >> reporter: allison's first major concussion was more than three years ago. >> i told my friend, oh, my gosh, she's not moving. she's not moving. >> reporter: after she recovered from that hit, she played the next season, and suffered yet another concussion before quitting the game. now, to reduce her nearly constant headaches, they eat dinner by candlelight. her bedroom is bathed in blue. >> it's like a break. it's visible. but it's almost i need a sign on my back saying, my head is broken. i mean, you can say you understand. but it's like, you don't.
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i'm sorry. you don't. >> their soccer careers are over. but for other girls cleared to play after concussions, it can be a real debate for families when do the risks outweigh the fun of the game. >> very important question. kate snow, thanks for bringing us this report. by the way want to mention that you can see more of kate's report tonight on "rock center with brian williams" at 9:00, 8:00 central time here on nbc. coming up next, with the newly crowned winner of "the voice." we'll be catching up, and matt, al, natalie and i will take a leap of faith into the world of performance art. and it's not always pretty. but first these messages. the wheat in every mini-wheat has gotta be just right.
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back now at 7:51 with the winner of season two of nbc's hit show "the voice." 33-year-old former background singer jermaine paul from team blake took home the title on last night's live finale. and he is live this morning. joining us. jermaine, congratulations. good morning. how you feeling? >> hey. >> oh, man, good morning, guys. it's -- it's so early here. but i'm so happy to be here, man. i haven't slept in -- i waited forever for this moment. so i'm happy to be awake. >> i loved what adam levine said not long ago. you used to sing backup for alicia keys. he said you're not a backup kinger anymore. that's been proven, i would imagine. i hope you realize that. >> you know, you know, to be
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crowned "the voice" of season two definitely put me on the path of, you know, just putting out a solo artist album, and stepping out into the spotlight for myself, and i'm so excited about the future. i'm really excited about the album that i'm about to put together and put out and give to the world. and you know, i'm hoping that i could, you know, inspire other background singers, and other struggling artists out there to just continue to, you know, pursue their dreams. >> you know, i know that you developed a great relationship with country star blake shelton during this process. i see the smile on your face all right. so, so tell us about how much this meant to you, during this process. >> oh, man, you know, carson asked me that question, and i mean, i got choked up, and all i could say is it meant the world to me. this whole process has been a -- just a spiritual journey for me and you know, each song that i sang, we carefully, you know,
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chose them, and to pinpoint, you know, emotions that -- and situations that i've gone through in my life, and i was able to connect with each strong. >> get to new york. we want to see you live and in person. congratulations, jermaine. >> friday. doing project with different stores is a really cool idea. we want to bring a little piece of the boutique experience to target. a real taste of luxury. it's pretty special for us to imagine this little nook of polka dog will be in target stores all around the country. the shops we fell in love with, collected and curated for you. exclusively at target.
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with one flavor in the granola bunch and one on the flake. try some. mmm! two flavors. in harmony. yummy. four nutritious grains and two big fruit flavors to make your day bunches better. in absolute perfect physical condition and i had a heart attack right out of the clear blue... i'm on an aspirin regimen... and i take bayer chewables. [ male announcer ] be sure to talk to your doctor before you begin an aspirin regimen. he's my success story. [ laughs ]
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. good morning, i'm eun yang, it's 7:56, a gray, damp morning, let's get the forecast from storm center 4 meteorologist, tom kierein. we had overnight rain, so things are damp, but we should get sunshine breaking out shortly in the mote ro area. it's off to our west, a close-up view of the radar showing areas in green, some sprinkles of rain east-southeast of washington moving across the bay, and heading toward the eastern shore. later today, clouds close back in showers and some thundershowers likely later this afternoon and overnight tonight. then sun returns on thursday. we'll have clear, dry weather thursday, friday, saturday, into sunday. with chilly mornings and mild afternoons. ♪
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good morning, a slow drive for you, inner loop ut of the beltway making your way towards braddock. you have the left lane taken away, you're slow as you head to the dulles toll road, traveling about 35 miles per hour. southbound on i-270, jammed at shady grove, delays start at father hurley. your delays start all the way over at the beltway.
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back now on a wednesday morning, 9th day of may, 2012. and let's be perfectly honest, it is not a nice morning here in the northeast. we've got rain falling here in new york city. and up and down a lot of the east coast. this could last until tomorrow. al is going to give us his forecast in just a couple of minutes. thanks to these people for stopping by and getting dranched out on the plaza. i'm matt lauer, along with ann curry. and coming up, we're going to try something a little different. ann, al, natalie and i, we recently kind of joined the cast of an off-broadway show called "fuerza bruta." it's odd. it's unusual.
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it's death-defying and you're going to find out how we did in that in just a couple of minutes. >> also coming up, we're going to meet a woman who calls herself the most surgically enhanced woman in the world. she's in our studio, and the questions she's going to be asking, is she sending her young daughters the wrong message, and would she let them have cosmetic procedures? we're going to talk to her, let her answer those questions and also her 8-year-old daughter coming up. >> from one of the most cosmetically enhanced women in the world to one of the most talented singers in the world, adele. she sat down with her in london not long ago for an exclusive interview. you're going to see more of that tomorrow, right here on "today." it is adele, and she is riding a wave right now. six grammy awards this year alone. we'll have more with adele tomorrow morning right here on "today." >> sounds like fun. meantime let's go inside with a check of the top stories. we have natalie standing by. >> good morning, everyone. we begin with new details about the cia operation that foiled an al qaeda bomb plot. officials now say the man who
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volunteered to smuggle an underwear bomb onto a u.s.-bound jet was actually a double agent. he infiltrated the al qaeda affiliate in yemen while working with the cia and saudi intelligence agencies, then delivered the bomb safely to u.s. authorities. a search is under way in western indonesia for a plane with more than 40 people on board. air controllers lost contact with the russian-made plane when it was in a mountainous area in just java. the plane was on a demonstration flight. mitt romney is celebrating a sweep with republican primary victories tuesday in north carolina, indiana and west virginia, adding at least 63 delegates to his count. meantime, president obama's campaign is slamming romney for saying he deserves a lot of credit for the u.s. auto industry's comeback. a former john edwards speech writer testified tuesday that edwards once told her that he knew money from a wealthy donor had been used to hide his mistress and child while he ran for president. the government says the money amounted to illegal campaign contributions. edwards denies that and has said
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he did not know about the money. royal style at both ends of the spectrum is turning the heads in great britain. this morning, queen elizabeth took part in a ceremony filled with pageantry as she announced her new legislative programs. and last night, the duchess of cambridge attended a dinner party in a striking white gown, slit to the knee, along with jimmy choo sandals. gorgeous as always. and now for a look at what is trending today, our quick roundup of what has you talking online. children's author and illustrator maurice sendak is trending across the internet since his death tuesday at the age of 83. fans are tweeting memories of bedtimes spent with "where the wild things are" and going viral on facebook, a quote from sendak, who recalls sending the drawing to a little boy who liked it so much he ate it. and if you like the tan mom, now get this, you can actually by the action figure. yes it's out. believe it or not. the toy is modeled after new jersey mom patricia krentcil who denies taking her little girl into a tanning booth. if you don't mind the orange
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face it will set you back about $29.95 plus shipping. maybe a lunch box will be next. >> >> just about everything secretary of state hillary clinton has done this months agone viral, including this comment about her low maintenance look. take a listen. >> because, you know, if i want to wear my glasses, i'm wearing my glasses. if i, you know, want to pull my hair back, i'm pulling my hair back. it's just not something that i think is that important anymore. >> secretary clinton is wrapping up an eight-day trip to china, india and bangladesh. it is now 8:04. let's go back to al with a check of the weather in kansas city, missouri, today. it's gorgeous there, al. that's the place to be. >> it is spectacular, natalie. we've got a great day today. in fact, a great day worked out pretty well. kansas city parks and recreation department, it's volunteer planting day, so you can see volunteers here at j.c. nichols fountain and they're going to be doing this all over kansas city, planting, and taking part in
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beautifying things. let's show you what we've got going on. pick city of the day, happens to day, happens to be kansas city, missouri, we've got 0 gorgeous day, action news 41, sunny, mild, 70 degrees as we look on the satellite, you can see we've got a gorgeous day throughout much of the western half of the country. from the gulf coast to the northeast, looking at a lot of wet weather. some areas picking up one to two inches of rain with a slight risk of strong storms along the southeastern and atlantic coast. here's what's going on in your neck of the woods. good morning, we have still a little bit of shower activity south and east of washington, across the bay in the eastern shore, there's another surge of rain coming out of the ohio valley and tennessee valley and farther south. that will be moving in later today. right now, just a few sprinkles in our eastern southern suburbs. a little sunshine may break out over the metro area over the next couple of hours and close right back in with clouds and thundershowers this afternoon into this evening. and tomorrow into friday, saturday and sunday, sun
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>> that's your latest weather. ann? >> all right, al, thank you so much. coming up next, matt, al, natalie and i fly through the air, in the name of art. that's coming up right after this. [ sneezes ] ♪ [ male announcer ] it's happening right now at your local walgreens. pharmacists are going above and beyond... armed with expertise and advice... ♪ ...with one goal in mind... to better serve you... ♪ nothing will get between you and the care you deserve. find your pharmacist at
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every so often we get a chance to venture out of the studio and broaden our horizons. >> we competed in the westminster dog show, also learned to paint. >> and matt and al have taken place in quite a number of synchronized activities. >> for our latest stunt we took on the world of performance art, joining the cast of a high flying broadway spectacle known as "fuerzabruta." >> it's a combination of cirque du soliel and a house party all rolled into one. >> ever good with the harness. >> i'm not sure what's wrong there but something's wrong. >> the only way to get through it is to attack. >> what are you doing? i have one of these at home. >> hopefully we'll blend in and they won't know that we're any
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different than the rest of the cast. >> realistic, yes. >> originally created in argentina, "fuerzabruta" has packed theaters in 16 countries, on four continents. >> they only have two hours to train before our audience, the group of kids come in, and expect to see a show. >> we're not graceful. we're not acrobatic. we fall well. but we can only do that once. >> the first thing you're going to do is hang on four lines. hang there, feel it out, feel how it feels to be in the there. >> there we go. how's that feel? >> now i want you goes all to separate. >> don't spin. >> that's nice. >> it would be great if we got some kids with sticks and they start hitting us. and candy falls out. >> form a circle. >> circle? >> farm a circle. >> whoa! >> pretty good. >> so now what?
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>> we'll be bringing the curtain back in. >> it's a silver wall that comes out in the middle of the show. >> how far up are we? >> right now you're actually about a foot off the ground. >> i know where i am now but i'm looking up there. >> so matt and al will be 25 feet high in the air, running on walls. >> that sounds pretty scary. >> on harnesses. >> 25 feet. >> do we think that's going to work? >> try to picture a group of screaming children below you. >> hi, kids. it's time for al to throw up on them. >> i have a little bit of an inner ear issue. >> really? >> yeah. >> you're going to tuck your head under, roll, you'll roll around. >> the chances of us accomplishing this -- >> is zero. >> pretty much zero. >> no, that's completely zero. >> here they come, you guys. >> all right. ready boys? let's go nice and slow. but be very careful. >> can i go? >> if you want. >> there we go. >> exactly. beautiful. >> good job. >> beautiful. >> exactly and then you start to
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run nice and slow. nice, big strides. >> catch me if you can, al. i'm going for the somersault. >> go for it. >> oh! >> amazing! >> defying gravity takes concentration, skill and a motor that basically drags us across the curtain, even if we go limp. which would never happen. clearly, we were born for this. >> whoa! >> good, al. >> whoa! >> that was a blast. >> i have no chance of having any more children. none! >> we ready to spin water? >> ann! >> wow. >> that is freaky. >> it could have been worse. this could have been us up there. >> i know. thank good. >> a really great moment in the
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show. it's a big pool comes down over the audience. the audience can reach up and touch it. >> they're going to love this on youtube. >> okay. we're done. >> drain the pool. cut everybody off! >> there's a big finale with all four of us. >> mm-hmm. >> kind of taking a leap of faith. >> climbing up the huge staircase. is nothing. when you get to the top of the staircase it's a stairway to nowhere. >> it's in alaska. >> it is. >> you guys ready? >> yeah. >> no. >> yes. >> don't get go. >> i'm not going to let go. >> we are finally getting in to the swing of things. >> hey, everybody. but after just two hours of training, a band of rowdy youths arrive, expecting to see a show. >> i'm not sure the kids are going to know that we haven't
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been doing this for a very long time. >> i think kids actually have a very good sense. >> they're more astute. >> of what is really good and what stinks. >> so i'm afraid of being booed, actually, is what it all boils down to. >> it's show time. >> thank you, john. >> don't say it. don't say it. don't say break a leg. because there are people on this show who've done that before. >> break a leg. >> oh! don't say that. >> don't say that. >> coming up. >> al and i kick it off with our high-flying curtain routine. we float above the children with the grace of angels. in between waves of nausea and partial paralysis, we do manage to coordinate a few moves. the kids seem to have no idea that two of the aerial sirens
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above them are amateurs. and nearly jump into the pool with them. it's hard to believe they're sliding across a piece of plastic that is just an eighth of an inch thick. so far, our performances have been flawless. but as we gear up for our final act, it dawns on me -- we've never fully practiced that big finish. i, for one, am rethinking that decision. >> whoa! >> whoa! whoa! >> we may be sore tomorrow. but it's a small price for the chance to fly today. >> it was fun to make the kids happy. you know. then because they weren't harsh critics. >> they were pretty easy audience. >> al you're out there in kansas
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city. you and i agree that "fuerzabruta" translated means rash that won't go away, right? >> that's right. it was -- it was pretty bruta, let me tell you. >> you had to spin around a couple times. you actually felt nauseous. >> in rehearsal we did it fairly slowly and during the show they kind of sped up that little conveyor belt. >> and they dragged us back and forth. >> yes, they did. >> just for good measure. >> anyway. >> all right, al, thanks. coming up tomorrow we're going to stake on the sport of crew, as the princeton crew team and all i can say about this one is ouch, as well. up next the mom who says she's addicted to cosmetic surgery. what message is that sending to her young daughters? we'll talk about it. ( telephone rings ) hi, honey. how's the camping trip? well, kids had fun, but i think i slept on a rock. what are you doing? having coffee. ah, sounds good!
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8:20 am
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and, frontline plus works non-stop for thirty days. no wonder it's the number one choice of vets for their pets and yours. ask your vet about frontline plus. accept nothing less. back now at 8:21, with a british mom who admits that she's addicted to plastic surgery. now, she's come to this country to enter 8-year-old daughter in a beauty pageant. here's nbc's michelle kosinski. >> reporter: cambridgeshire, england, home to the best university in the world. and the so-called human barbie. >> some people don't simply get me. >> reporter: admitted plastic surgery addict sarah burgess. this video is from a promotion for her reality show the entire family is trying to make. sarah bemoans all the negative press you've gotten. >> you could say this is the [ bleep ] that i put up with every day. >> reporter: but shock value seems to be a well-loved part of the family.
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sarah, whose spent what she says amounts to a million dollars on dozens of surgeries, is seen injecting her own face with poppy, her youngest child turned 7, her supposed christmas and birthday presents included vouchers for future lipo section and breast implants. this is who sarah used to be. >> how i never want to look. >> reporter: she says her cosmetic streak started when she was the victim of brutal domestic violence that disfigured her face. she brands herself as everything from a public figure to a pinup girl. >> believe you me -- looking like a middle aged matron. >> reporter: in the british press the criticism has been districted at her. especially over pictures like these, of poppy. and now here comes another stage for her, and mom. big hair and bigger personalities, american style. sarah plans to start poppy in beauty pageants, calling her
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little girl a diva, age 8. for "today," michelle kosinski. >> sarah burgess is joining us along with her 8-year-old daughter poppy. good morning to both of you. >> hi, poppy. good morning. >> first of all, let me let you talk, clarify, this part of the reporting that we've heard from overseas that is incorrect. i want you to set the record straight. first of all, a lot of parents will be watching this and wondering why would you teach your young child how to pole dance? >> i mean, i really do wish the media would concentrate more on my professional side rather than this absolute baloney that they're dishing out continuously. >> you -- >> i am not a pole dancer. this was for a reality show that i was doing a pole was ele erec in my house. my daughter came home from school and any child seeing a pole in the middle of the room would just go swing round it. she just climbed up it like a monkey and came down it. it was actually for a -- we
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actually decided to make that into a little bit of a comedy act. >> and the idea that you gave vouchers to your daughter for -- gave poppy vouchers that she could use for future enhancements if she may want. you want to clarify that? >> it's actually a tax-free gift that she can cash in at the age of 18 years old, we take herself to become the professional that she wants to be. poppy actually wants to be a plastic surgeon when she's older. and i think what to me just getting all hyped up and this sensationalism which is coming from the brutal press in england, i actually helped thousands of people every year follow the correct path to plastic surgery, through accident, disease and disfigurement. and most of them are from america. because they don't have an nhs system out here and i put them to the right surgeons for the
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job. i have e-mails from people who are desperately, desperately saddened by gunshot wounds, from their children, and everything. and i help these people, and i'm shocked that the media want to portray me in such a negative light when all i do is help millions of people. we're raising -- >> you're emotional about it. >> i am. we are raising money for charity in this beauty pageant. poppy is going to sell all her clothes to raise money for our charity, which is called don't mess with me. which is very appropriate, i think. and so we can actually help thousands of people. >> and, and, you know, i think that part of this is tied with this idea that when you have your child in a beauty pageant or when you encourage this kind of thing, that you may be sending a, a wrong message. i think that's the kind of judgment that people have. >> uh-huh. >> what do you want to say about that? >> well, i think we're wanting to take beauty pageantry back to
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its traditional, sort of time. and that is, not about, particularly about beauty. it's about grace. it's about poise. and it's also about raising money for charity, as well. >> sarah. money for charity as well. good morning, it's 8:26 on this wednesday, may 9th, i'm aaron gilchrest, a tough commute this morning, we're seeing delays. >> starting with the rails, seeing delays on the orange line, single tracking between east falls church and west falls church. crash on the inner loop, wilson bridge. traveling the inner loop of the beltway, 210, a parking lot right now. and also delays on 29 as you make your way to university. back over to you.
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good morning, temperatures now in the 60s, storm center 4 radar showing light showers east and southeast of washington, heading east across the bay. and west of washington, a little bit of sunshine breaking out. but then clouding quickly back up again later today with more showers and thundershowers likely. later this afternoon, and off
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8:30 now on a wednesday morning, the 9th day of may, 2004. it's raining cats and dogs out on the plaza, so our crowd definitely gets gold stars, each and every one of them, for staying with us. we're inside studio 1a. i'm ann curry, matt lauer, and natalie morales. anyway, we got a lot to talk about coming up in this half hour. we've got martha stewart in the house.
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and this morning she's going to be sharing her creative ideas for bringing the beauty of your spring garden inside. >> then most parents post pictures of their kids online. coming up we're going to talk to the author of a new book who says that may not be such a good idea. he's going to explain why he feels that way and why he'd like some social media sites like facebook, for example, to come with an erase button. and that's a really important concept. >> it is. >> absolutely. and mark bittman is here. he's hard at work in the kitchen. he's going to show us how to turn what we have in our pantries into delicious desserts. >> but first we have a special treat. we get to say hello to, to an actress and former sports illustrated swimsuit cover model brooklyn decker, starring in the upcoming thriller called battleship. good morning to you. >> good morning. >> you spent a lot of time running from aliens in this movie. >> i do, i do. >> how is that? >> it's funny. i learned to run much faster, after that. but you're basically running from men in pajamas. because it's all done on green screen. that's not scary.
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that's quite hilarious. >> brooklyn, is it true that when you were first talked to about this role, they met you and then they thought, no, you're not tough enough for this? >> that's exactly right. they kept bringing me and telling me i wasn't tough enough. i thought this is torture. >> how did you convince them? >> i had to make snot bubbles come through my nose. >> can you -- >> can you do that right now? >> that was not necessary. >> i know. >> it's so true. my director said -- >> i can't imagine that. >> he said you have to make snot bubbles or the part is not yours. so i guess i went in the bathroom, blew my nose and somehow made snot bubbles come out. >> you know, brooklyn, the second time we got the image. yeah, that was all right. >> just picture it. >> wow. there goes the glamorous -- >> that qualifies you for a role by the way, all my kids are going to be stars. >> meanwhile you're in another movie out coming out as well,
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that's "what to expect when you're expecting." you play the perfectly expecting trophy wife that your daughter-in-law hates because she's having a hard time with her pregnancy. is that fun? >> it was. >> she's annoying? >> my character is, yeah, and i was saying i'm setting the bar way too high for myself and every other woman. she's walking around in six inch heels. >> and she's so happy dplp >> so happy. >> and she's so in love with her husband. >> and it's so great being pregnant. everything's perfect. >> so not right. >> oh. >> i know. >> i know. >> i saw this movie. i thought you were terrific. >> thank you so much. thank you. >> a lot of headlines or you got some attention recently about talking about your own desire to start a family? >> one day, yes. one day. the question comes up because obviously with what to expect it's a part of the conversation. but not there yet. but i definitely see it in the future. >> nice to see you. we'll just -- all the snot. >> right. >> i'd love to see that. >> good luck, by the way, with the movie. the more very is called "battleship" and it's from our
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sister company universal studios, universal pictures, it opens on may 18th. now let's get a check of the weather from al in kansas city. >> but not far enough to not hear about the bubbles. nice folks here, we've even got the, got the sporting dog. there's no leash laws obviously here in kansas city. nice to see you. all right. let's see what we've got for you as far as your forecast. for today, we're looking at beautiful weather here. at beautiful weather here. however, we need some rain in the southeast and texas and into the southwest where we've got extreme to exceptional drought. the good news, they're going to get help in texas with more rain. the southeast will see some rain, too. ok for showers in the upper ohio river valley, scattered showers through the pacific northwest. heavy rain in new england, tomorrow the rain continues into new england and the northeast. we've got some showers hanging around the western plains, sunny
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and hot through the southwest. here's what's going on in your neck of the woods. right, we've been dry, too, so this has been beneficial rain. we've had anywhere from a quarter to about half an inch overnight. moving off to the east and northeast of washington now. just south of washington, southern maryland, still have lingering showers this morning. pulling northeast, moving across the bay over the next hour or so. a little sun breaking out over the metro area and points west. it will cloud up again, likely more beneficial showers and later this afternoon into this evening, maybe with some thunder and lightning, highs into the 70s. sun returns thursday, >> don't forget, check your weather any time you need it. go to the weather channel on cable, online. everybody say hi, ann. >> and hi, everybody. and thanks so much, al. and coming up next, shielding your kids from the digital age, including what to do if they post something online they later regret. first this is "today" on nbc. [ male announcer ] this was how my day began.
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we're back now at 8:37 with "today's" tech. this morning, parenting in the digital world. kids now spend an average of eight hours a day using some form of technology. that's more time than most kids spend with their parents and teachers on any given day. so how do you strike a balance? jim steier is the author of "talking back to facebook" the commonsense guidebook to raising kids in the digital age. >> good to see you, matt. >> the title suggests you want parents to have somewhat of an adversarial relationship with facebook and other technology. is that fair? >> i think we need them to do their homework. they need to understand what their kids are doing on cell phones and facebook and set clear rules and guidelines. >> you said kids and teens use social media differently than adults do. what's the biggest difference? >> first and foremay they do it in ways that can affect their social and emotional development. when you and i do it is to keep
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in touch with people we went to high school with, stay in touch with friends. kids today instead of having a face-to-face conversation, they'll text you, even if they're sitting in the same room. or they'll facebook you. and girls will put innumerable pictures of themselves on their facebook page and change them all the time. >> you talked to some students you thought and asked them how many of them have posted something online that they later regretted and the percentage was ridiculously high, wasn't it? >> ridiculously high. over 70%. the truth is, matt, kids oftentimes self-reveal before they self-reflect. and there's no eraser button out there. >> and you talk about that eraser button. is that just a theoretical pie in the sky thing or is there technology available that would allow sites like facebook to give kids something where they could take away something that might haunt them for the rest of their lives? >> there's no question that facebook and google, with their extraordinary technology expertise, and quite frankly their billions of dollars in their ipos, could build an eraser button. but they need to be urged to do that by parents like you and me.
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and quite frankly by everyone. >> you talk to parents out there and they have children. when they have a baby, they go online and they put a picture of that baby. some even before they have the baby, they post the sonogram online. >> exactly. >> you say this is the earliest online blueprint or footprint for your child and that's not necessarily a good thing. >> that's your digital footprint. and many of the leading tech executives that we're talking about here, they do not post those pictures and kids don't necessarily like that. remember once it's up there right now it's up there forever because there's no eraser button. >> why don't those executives post those thingses? because they know there could be ramifications? what could be the ramifications from a picture of baby at a week old? >> one, the kids can be embarrassed about it later. you know, kids don't necessarily want that. and the second thing is quite frankly, you never know how images are going to be used. and that's one of the reasons why we need some sort of commonsense rules about this stuff. >> sow much access would you say, and i know this is a difficult question to answer because every kid is different, every parent is different, but what would you say as a rule of
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thumb is the proper amount of access to technology and social media that we should give our children? >> depends on the age. i mean, zero to 2 basically no screen time. that's what the american academy of pediatrics would say. i think as they get older, the key is to set limits. you know, it's tough, because you and i both know with our kids, they want more. they want a phone when they're too young. but i think you have to think about an hour a day, two hours a day, and simply set limits and say, no. >> you have an interesting concept here. you talked a second ago about kids revealing more than they probably would desire. and i never thought about this, but reading it in your book, you say you shouldn't ever allow your children to take their cell phone or their laptop to bed with them at thinight. >> right. >> why is that time of the day so important in what they'll reveal? >> two things, one, it hurts their sleep. you know, digital media stimulates your brain when you're trying to go to sleep. >> also they feel less vulnerable. >> and they're sometimes literally doing it under the covers. and you know, they're sitting there in their own room.
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we always tell people with common sense, don't have a tv set for your kids in their bedroom. but a phone. how can you control that? >> and while we believe that most kids adore these things, like facebook and tweeting, you conducted another poll in your students and i think over half of them said they wish facebook did not exist. isn't that interesting? >> what was the reason for it? >> i think because they're starting to realize that their privacy is at risk. that they're self-revealing before they self-reflect. and honestly that there's a whole lot better about sitting here. i'm looking at you. i can see your smile, i know where you're -- i can feel the nuances of your feelings. and i think they're beginning to think that this isn't that good for their relationship. and at the end of the day, it's about how human beings relate. >> you always hear parents saying, complaining there's no textbook for raising kids in the digital age. this comes close. this is right there. jim steyer, nice to see you. >> thanks. >> up next, martha stewart shows you how to turn everyday items into beautiful spring gardens.
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back now at 8:44 and this morning on "martha on today" unusual container gardens. nothing says spring more than beautiful flowers. and martha stewart says you can use everyday household items to keep your home looking bright and colorful. the current issue of -- of "martha stewart living" is on standards today. hey, martha. good morning to you. >> that cake on the cover is really good. >> i bet it is. and also for mother's day is this idea you're going to show us this morning. >> yes. >> i've got to tell you, i have no green thumb and i'm always and throughout my history killing plants but you say that this is actually something for even someone like me. >> yes. because you can take ordinary plants, like petunias that you can buy at supermarket or at the home depot, and garden centers, and you can just take a can like this, paint it a pretty color. >> you're talking about a can that maybe had your green beans
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in it. >> and you just -- >> eat the green beans. >> use what's in the cans. save the cans, wash them out and paint them with a latex paint so if you get anything on your fingers or your -- don't get anything on your pretty dress and just paint one or two coats of paint. make it look like a nice opaque container. >> sure. >> this actually looks kind of cute. make sure you poke, in you're going to plant plants in it you poke enough drainage holes in the bottom with an ice pick and a hammer, okay? >> uh-huh. >> and then plant. >> right. >> so you plant with prepare -- you can put a little gravel in the bottom. you can put the potting soil in. and then, oh, these are beautiful begonias, which i love. and this is a nice present for the children to prepare for their teachers for mother's day. >> sure. >> or their mothers. >> sure. >> so the dads can do it with the kids. >> so that will be -- and that can grow in there because it has drainage. and you have a very cute and inexpensive way to celebrate. >> or like me you can just not
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put holes in it and just have it be a vase. now for the people who truly are challenged keeping plants alive. >> these are succulent and nothing is easier than a succulent, hen and a chick, these are so beautiful. and to plant them in a tray. >> now look here. look at this finished product. >> don't you like this on your dining room table? >> i absolutely want this in my house. >> first put some they call it cactus soil. put a very porous, dry soil in the bottom. >> mm-hmm. >> and then cover with sand. you can finish this -- >> this is regular sand? >> like beach sand. can you buy it. don't go to the beach and get it. then these are succulents. now many florists are now selling these as plants like this. >> mm-hmm. >> and so you see it already has roots, and you just put a little hole here, place this, and leave it like that. >> do you have to worry about getting it into the dirt though? >> no, no. a little bit. just place it down in there. try not to cover over the leaves.
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look at this one already in bloom. make a little hole and plop it in. >> once you plant you can use beach glass, you can use pebbles and spread those very heavily around. that will hold the plant down. >> and also to cover up the brown bits. >> you don't want to see any brown soil. >> nice. >> that makes a very beautiful garden. and water sparingly. these succulents don't need very much water at all to survive. >> okay. >> if you're going to do a mother's day lunch or a breakfast tray, how cute to plant an orchid like this in a tea cup. >> this is as a place setting, you couldn't leave it there for very long. >> no, you could not. i always use plastic wrap. put plastic in there first. and then you can just take this -- there's no soil at all. just to protect your cup, put that in like that and you have a very cute little arrangement. bowls the same thing. and this is so pretty. it's temporary, but beautiful. and then if you want to plant a herb garden or someone or a bottle garden you can use cinder
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blocks. so easy and you put a piece of wire, and some fabric cloth to hold the dirt in. and turn it over on its side -- >> and you get right here. >> yeah. >> this looks great. i've done a whole stack of these in my backyard. it's very nice container garden. >> and there's something very therapeutic about dealing with plants and bringing the outside in. martha, saw so much. >> you're very welcome. >> coming up next we've got some delicious -- hang out with us, mark bittman is in the house. take a look. involves chocolate.
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this morning on "how to cook everything today" do it yourself desserts. mark bittman is the author of "how to cook everything the basics" and his dessert ideas will appear in "the new york times" magazine. >> good morning. >> we're going to do this in the steps in the same way we handled hors d'oeuvres in the past and breakfasts in the past. this time you're concentrating on desserts and you're starting us off with simple procedures everyone should know. >> these are kind of things that are useful in making dessert. this is normal strawberries, obviously. and this is what they look like after you add a little sugar, and stir them up, and let them sit for maybe 20, even 10 minutes. >> so they take on this glazed look. >> they juice up. they get a little shinier.
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actually, of course, they get sweeter because you but sugar in them. same thing with blueberries. >> with ricotta cheese, what's the most important thing to remember? >> well, here, nice to put some honey or again you can use sugar, maple syrup. >> we will be using this as a filling? >> yes, a filling. just sweeten it up, and also as you work it it becomes creamier and creamier. >> okay. perfect. and next thing a lot of people don't think of doing, let me whisk this because it's starting to boil a bit. you take simple jams and jellies. >> and you put it in a pot and cook it over lower heat than this, obviously, and it thins out so that you get this really turn into a sauce. >> okay. >> and it's just -- you don't want to pour that on yourself but other than that it's pretty good. >> let's explain to people why they've done all this. now we've got this "a," "b" and "c" counter. the "a," which is always the case with your segments. these are the foundations for your desserts. >> anything you like. we have meringue, some cute
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little pancakes, store bought pie shells, lady fingers, any kind of cookie. >> some of this you would already have in your pantry, for example the ginger snaps or the vanilla wavers, you probably are going to have something like that? >> you could but meringue you can buy, brownies you make. >> so that's the base. then the "bs" are the fillings. >> yeah. so you would, for example, we'll do one while we're talking. take a pie crust you have sorbet or ice cream, cream cheese mixed with vanilla. the ricotta with honey. chocolate mousse, a little more elaborate. sweetened yogurt. a snap. vanilla pudding, lemon pudding and plain whipped cream. >> you might do this for an elaborate party. what you're also telling people is even if you have 20% of these items you can do a great dessert table. >> look, this is the "today" show so we do things really beautifully. at home, three of these, three of these, you have a pretty amazing dessert. >> you put the lemon curd in your pie crust. >> what would you like here?
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you know. you could use a little fruit. you could use anything you wajs. so we have nuts, fruit obviously of all kinds. toasted coconut. chocolate espresso beans and so on. >> all right. >> sauces. >> let's bring our guinea pig -- i mean our other staff members in and let's see -- >> exactly. >> anything for us? >> go ahead. >> wow! >> build your own desserts here. >> there are no -- >> the rules are set by your mind. but i have no rules for you. take a base that you love. >> i could eat that one. >> oh, yeah, you could do that. >> do i -- >> no, no, that's your base. >> something like -- >> something like this, ann. >> okay. i didn't pay that much attention. no, no, i did pay attention. >> she's eating healthy. >> don't double dip there, okay? >> okay. >> so now you've done the filling, ann. you've put a biscotti and what was that? whipped cream? >> whipped cream. >> now add a little topping. >> the chocolate. >> lemon curd. that's sweetened yogurt. >> yes, you can use two. >> that's really good.
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good morning, it's 8:56 on this wednesday, may 9th, i'm aaron gilchrest. a tough morning commute. we're seeing delays on the rails and roads. >> still seeing delays on the orange line on the single track. over to the roads, a crash involving a school bus in northeast 14th street at maryland avenue, knife students
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i run on dunkin'. america runs on dunkin' coffee. good morning, radar showing a few showers east and southeast of washington, heading across the bay over the next hour. maybe a little sun breaking out from time to time over the next hour and clouding up again and some more showers and maybe some thundershowers later this afternoon, overnight tonight. then sun back on thursday, friday, saturday and sunday. with mild afternoons and chilly mornings, back to you. another update in 20 minutes.
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we are back now with more of "today" on a wednesday morning, the 9th of may, 2012. yes it is a foggy morning here in the northeast. it's been raining on and off for the last several hours and should for the next several hours, as well. thanks to these people for stopping by to our little corner of the world. >> one of the great things about being here on a rainy day we make sure that camera gets to every single person. it's the only guarantee you're going to be on television. >> another great thing about being here, i've just polished off three scoops of strawberry ice cream, chocolate sauce and 11 ginger snaps. >> well done. >> and the morning is just beginning. inside studio 1a, i'm matt lauer along with ann curry and savannah guthrie.
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you did pretty well over there, too, by the way. al is on the road today. we're going to check with him in just a couple of minutes. coming up in "today's money 911" our experts are armed with advice for your money emergencies, including if you're around retirement age and you've lost your job, should you consider taking your social security early? also, what are reasonable fees when it comes to investment accounts? we'll have those questions, and answers coming up ahead. >> also we're going to be talking about tummy troubles this morning. from 70 million americans suffer from digestive problems so we're going to go through five of the most common disorders, such as acid reflux, and also lactose intolerance which i actually have a little bit of and we're going to tell you what symptoms you should pay attention to. >> you're giving us this after we had block lynn becker talk to us about snot bubbles. >> i didn't go into detail like this. >> won't go into detail coming up in just a few minutes on that. and then in "today's style," of course all about color and bold,
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fresh looks. we're going to show you how to kick up your look for the season with the right outfit for every occasion from the office politics to the sexy suit. >> first let's head over to the news desk. natalie is standing by. >> good morning once again. good morning, everyone. new details this morning about that thwarted plot to bomb a passenger jet bound for the u.s. officials say the man al qaeda members thought was one of them was actually a double agent, an informant who was working with the cia and saudi intelligence. he infiltrated the al qaeda affiliate in yemen, instead of sneaking an underwear bomb onto a plane the informant instead delivered the device to the u.s. government. the fbi is now analyzing the bomb. the longest serving republican member of the senate lost his bid for another term on tuesday. indiana's richard lugar lost in a republican primary to the tea party backed state treasurer. lugar has been in the senate for 36 years. meantime mitt romney won primaries in indiana, north carolina, and west virginia. he's about 280 delegates shy of
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locking up the republican presidential nomination. voters in noort carolina have passed a constitutional amendment defining marriage as solely between a man and a woman, becoming the 30th state to do so. the state already had a law banning gay marriage. at the trial of former presidential candidate john edwards, a former edwards' aide is back on the stand today. she claimed edwards knew a wealthy donor had provided money to hide his mistress and child while he was running for president. prosecutors say the money amounted to illegal campaign contributions. and maurice sendak is being remembered this morning as an author and illustrator who changed the face of children's books. his books, including "where the wild things are" sold millions. sendak died in connecticut at the age of 83 tuesday, four days after suffering a stroke. today, britain's queen elizabeth said restoring economic stability is united kingdom's priority over the next year. she also announced plans to overhaul the centuries old house
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of lords, and introduced direct elections for its members. meantime, two other members of the royal family were getting lots of attention last night. the duke and duchess of cambridge attended an event at one of the most elite dining clubs in britain. and once again kate middleton wowed the crowd wearing a white gown with a thigh high slit. absolutely stunning. and a personal fight against cancer is inspiring an outpouring of lover on our web site the video has shot by lieu kwooem keep yeah patient chris who spent one day taping fellow cancer patients and nurses at seattle's children's hospital then set it to the tune of "stronger" by kelly clarkson. ♪ what doesn't kill you makes you stronger ♪ ♪ stay a little longer don't mean i'm lonely when i'm alone ♪ ♪ what doesn't kill you makes a fighter doesn't mean you're over ♪ >> and one nurse said making the video lifted spirits of the young children, also as you saw
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the nurses getting involved there themselves. kelly clarkson herself called the video beautiful. absolutely is beautiful. i watched the whole thing on our website. it is now five minutes past the hour. let's go out to al again once with a check of your weather in kansas city. hey, al. >> hey that, that video is just so inspirational. thanks so much, natalie. going to say here in kansas city. not so much here in the northeast and the mid-atlantic states. got a lot of rain to talk about as we show you. we're looking at heavy rain from the gulf coast, all the way up into the eastern seaboard. into the new england. where we could have some really heavy rain. some areas picking up two to three inches before it's all over. and in fact, that heavy rain stretches all the way down into eastern georgia. rest of the country, we expect to see a few hit-and-miss showers in the pacific northwest. we're looking at sunshine into the upper mississippi river valley. into the central plains, and again, the heavy rain, slight risk of strong storms along the southeastern atlantic coast. country country, here's what's going on in your neck of the
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woods. good morning, tom kierein, looking at the storm 4 radar this morning, we have lingering showers in southern maryland across the bay in the eastern shore and northern neck, moving north and east. we might get sun breaking out from time to time over the next hour and then clouding right back up and more rain likely moving back in this afternoon and overnight tonight. maybe with some thunder and lightning, all ending before dawn tomorrow. the sun back on thursday, breezy and cooler. it will be near 70 during the afternoon. chilly mornings on friday, saturday and sunday, but mild >> and that's your latest weather. natalie? >> al, thank you. time once again for "today's money 911," where we answer all of your financial questions, whether you're heading back to school or heading into retirement. our panel of experts is back here to help you. jean chatzky is "today's" financial editor and author of "money rules." david bach is the founder of and the author of "debt free for life" and sharon epperson is cnbc's personal finance correspondent. good morning to all you guys. >> good morning.
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>> good morning. >> got people lined up with lots of questions for you. let's start off with constance on the phone with us right now from new hartford, connecticut. good morning and what's your question? >> good morning. thanks for taking my question. i'm 63 years old. i'm a widow. and i lost my job this past january. i have been looking for a job without a whole lot of success and it's been suggested to me by several people that i just file for early social security. i'm not eligible until full social security until 2015. people seem to think it's a good idea but i'm really not sure and i wonder what your advice is. >> sounds like you're going through a tough time right now. jean chatzky, you want to give constance some good advice. >> absolutely. if you watch this segment a lot you know that we tell people to delay. because every time you delay it for every year you get about an 8% bump in your monthly benefit. which is great. except when you are having trouble paying your bills. and at your age, if you're having trouble, take it. because this is what social
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security is for. if you have the choice between taking your husband's, or yours, you know, take the smaller amount first, see if you can make ends meet and if you can't, just go ahead and take it and make a budget and know this is what you're going to have to live on for the rest of your life. >> constance, hoping things get better for you. thank you for your question. >> thanks very much. >> okay our next question, another phone call we have sherry on the line with us in oklahoma. good morning. >> good morning. yes, i have a question. i have a raymond james freedom funds account consisting of mutual funds, bonds, and income accounts. i'm paying a fee of 1.75% per year on approximately $130,000. this is costing me about $2100 per year. is this wise? or are they just depleting one of my nest eggs? >> oh, a really good question. and david, you want to tackle that? >> and do you feel free? >> yes. >> here's what i want you to find out. first question i have for you is that 1.75%, does it include the
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mutual fund fees, or is it on top of the mutual fund fees? and the reason that's a really important question is, this 1.75%, and there's mutual fund fees on top of that, your real cost for that investment account is more like 2.5%. that's really high. so here's what i would tell you. you can go back to your add vieder and first of all, try and negotiate. the reality is 1.75%, that adviser has some flexibility. he's not going to want me telling you this but that can probably be brought town to about 1.25%. that saves about $500 a year. the other thing is that you're in an account that has active mutual funds. well that same firm also offers an account with exchange traded mutual funds. that will reduce the cost again about another $500 a year. really the important thing is know what you're paying, don't pay too much which i think you are paying a little bit too much, and then really critical, make sure you're being serviced for that. so it's not just about the investment account. you should be meeting with that adviser once a quarter and the adviser should actually explain
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to you what your asset allocation is and be rebalancing that account on a quarterly basis for you. that's all part of the fees. make sure you're getting the service for the fees you're paying for. >> thank you, sherri. thanks so much. next on skype we have dina. she joins us live from jacksonville, north carolina. good morning. >> good morning. i'm an active duty military spouse currently a state at home mom but i want to go back into school to become an ultrasound technici technician. i know my full tuition for a degree in that field will cost about $10,000. i want to take advantage of any free money i can get towards tuition. what are some grants and scholarships i should apply for? >> good question. >> so adorable, watching your little girl. first of all, i think you need to really look at where you're going to attend to get this program for ultrasound technician. so it needs to be accredited. you want to make sure you choose a school that's not expensive. not necessarily apply to an institution, but a public
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college where you could qualify for the in-state tuition or a local community college. from there, the free application for federal student aid. it's very important that you fill this out because you may qualify for a federal pell grant. that will be one step. and then the school may offer you some aid on top of that. also look at the po-9/11 g.i. bill education benefits. that may pay for tuition as well as books and supplies. there's a military spouse career advancement account. they call it my c.a.a. that's another account you may want to look at. look at some of the private scholarships or search engines that may help you find scholarships specifically for military spouses. i went on that site. a ton of res fors., we talk about that a lot. another site. and look at some specific programs. thanks usa, thanking service people for all of their services. they offer scholarships to military spouses and the national military family association is a wonderful resource for this and for many other things since you have a
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young daughter there with you. >> a lot of great scholarship opportunities. deena, good luck to you. once again on skype, we have carmen joining us from maine. good morning, carmen. how are you? >> good morning. i've lost audio. my husband and i are self-employed. we have delayed starting retirement plans because we're currently paying just over $14,000 a year for health insurance, plus an additional $2,000 to $3,000 a year in out-of-pocket expenses for things that aren't covered by the policy, which has a $5,000 deductible. we looked around for less expensive policies but haven't been able to find anything. we're wondering if we should consider going uninsured and put the roughly $17,000 that we're spending on health insurance into an hsa and retirement plan, and if so, what sort of retirement plan should we be considering, bearing in mind that we're both 40 and have three children? >> all right, jean, sounds somewhat risky to be giving up insurance. >> i think you're a little confused. an hsa doesn't mean you go
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uninsured. it means you buy a high deductible health plan, which should be seriously cheaper than the amount of money that you're paying now. and the deductible should not be a lot higher than the deductible you have now. i want you to go to e-health insurance and look for one of those. and also understand it's just two of you. in your state, two of you actually qualify to be a small business. and that comes with tax deductions. so, you can also look not just at individual and family policies, but at small business policies, that may bring the cost down, as well. i think you can find something to save you a lot of money. >> thank you. >> great advice to all of you guys. thank you, thanks to all who wrote in or e-mailed us or on the phone with us. thanks. coming up next, what your stomach is trying to tell you. five common ailments you should know more about. and then later, simplifying your style from day to night. effortless looks after these messages. ( telephone rings )
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hi, honey. how's the camping trip? well, kids had fun, but i think i slept on a rock. what are you doing? having coffee. ah, sounds good! i thought you'd say that. ah. ♪ the best part of wakin' up... ♪ you're the best! wake up to the mountain grown aroma of folgers. ♪ ... is folgers in your cup! i'm giving away money to make people like me-eee -- is what he said. and i was like, "you watch your mouth. she's my friend." friend is a strong word. [ male announcer ] chocolate just got more irresistible. find the all brown bag and you could win!
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with magic. you are? see the egg? uh huh. so, look at the orange. now close your eyes. ♪ alakazaam! [ sighs ] you're good. and now i'm gonna make this flower bloom. presto. "love you lots." do you want to see it again? yes, i want to see it again! [ female announcer ] hallmark blooming expressions delivers your love again and again.
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[ female announcer ] stains are annoying. get rid of them with clorox 2. its triple-solve technology penetrates, dissolves, and eliminates tough stains. clorox 2. the triple-solve stain fighter. [ female announcer ] new roc® retinol correxion max. the power of roc® retinol is intensified with a serum. it's clinically shown to be 4x better at smoothing lines and deep wrinkles than professional treatments. roc® max for maximum results. ♪ ♪ whoa-oh, yeah, yeah ♪ well, she goes the extra mile ♪ ♪ she's gonna make you smile, yes, she will ♪
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[ female announcer ] from special occasions to unplanned thursdays, it's one good time after another. town house®. where good times reside™. this morning on "today's health," five common stomach ailments. while we all may experience a little bit of discomfort once in awhile, up to 70 million americans are affected by digestive diseases which can sometimes be serious if left untreated. dr. carrie peterson is an internist and contributor to "women's health" magazine. >> good morning, savannah. >> we have a lot to get here. tummyaches are kind of a general estimate up but they can signify something more serious. >> they definitely can.
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>> okay so as sid reflux is a very common cause of stomach ailments. what is it exactly. >> also known as heartburn. this is when the acid in the stomach goes -- leaks backward into the esophagus and causes a burning in the chest that you can feel, particularly when you lie down, right after a meal, or if you bend over. and it can be triggered by some of our favorite foods like -- >> so tell us. >> chocolate, caffeine. alcohol. spicy foods. even peppermints. so obviously diet changes may be one way to address it. how else do you treat it? >> initially if it's mild you can do over-the-counter antacids like tums or pepcid. but if you're noticing it's happening more frequently, this may be a sign that you have gerd or gastroesophageal reflux disease. your doctor can give you a prescription antacid that blocks acid production altogether. >> our next culprit sounds bad. irritable bowel syndrome. >> so common in women. it's a malfunction of the nerves that control the contractions of the intestines.
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and it can cause so many symptoms. nausea, bloating, cramping, gas, diarrhea, constipation. >> no wonder your bowel is irritable. >> a lot of these symptoms can mimic a lot of conditions we're talking about a little later in the segment. but one unique thing about ibs is that once you have a movement these symptoms can get a little better. >> so that's a telltale sign. how do you treat it? >> initially what's recommended is to use fiber in your diet. because the fiber helps regulate the contractions of the intestines. but in some people that may not be sufficient. and your physician can prescribe medication that targets your symptoms, so if you have gas cramps. >> we hear a lot about celiac disease. >> that's a new hot disease these days. >> a trendy disease. >> it's an intolerance to gluten which is a protein that's found in wheat and barley and rye. when you have celiacs, the gluten causes damage to the small intestine lining.
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so that the finger-like projections of the villae of the small intestine atrophy. these are responsible for absorbing nutrients and fluids. and when they atrophy you can get bloating, cramping, and diarrhea, in particular. >> i feel like i'm in science class. i hope there's not going to be a test. how do you address this? >> very easy you just cut out the gluten and the villi grow back and your symptoms resolve al together. nowadays there are so many products that are gluten free. >> lactose intolerance. another thing that a lot of people complain about. they drink dairy products and they start feeling bad. >> exactly. about 30 minutes to two hours after consuming dairy products you can get bloating, cramping and diarrhea. and this is caused by a lack of an enzyme called lactaid. it's responsible for breaking down the sugar that's found in these milk products. >> so avoid milk products. >> avoid them. you don't have to avoid them altogether. there are certain cheeses, if you really love your dairy,
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there are certain cheeses that are lower in loactose like swis and cheddar. and if you dairy with other foods it can help slow down the digestion. there are even lactose free dairy products like milk available. if you really need your fix, you can take it with a lactaid containing supplement. >> gallstones. >> little nuggets in the gallbladder made up of cholesterol in bile. more common in women, overweight people, diabetics and women, they cause pain in the right upper quadrant under the rib cage. >> see your doctor if you have those. >> yes. >> and we hope you don't. dr. carrie peterson, thanks so much. appreciate it. coming up it's all in the details. we're going to show you how to kick up your look no matter where you're headed with outfits for every occasion. [ woman ] my washer had a foul odor that made the whole room stink. [ woman #2 ] even my laundry started to get a funny smell. [ female announcer ] got a bad odor in your high-efficiency washer? clean it with tide washing machine cleaner. [ female announcer ] three uses will help remove odor-causing residues
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and leave your washer clean and fresh. to help maintain your he washer, use tide washing machine cleaner once a month and always wash with tide he detergent, specially formulated for proper he performance. tide washing machine cleaner. clean laundry starts with a clean wher. ever since i can remember. my name is paul fabry, and i grow oranges in florida for tropicana. my grandpa taught me that there's no orange like a florida orange.
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they're grown in just the right soil... with the perfect amount of sunshine. see, that's how you get that beautiful colour and ripeness. tropicana pure premium is made with 100% florida oranges. because the best oranges make the best juice. ♪ we asked total strangers to watch it for us. thank you so much, i appreciate it, i'll be right back. they didn't take a dime. how much in fees does your bank take to watch your money ? if your bank takes more money than a stranger, you need an ally. ally bank. no nonsense. just people sense. so we take time to sit down for lunch at olive garden, and we enjoy catching up as much as we enjoy the meal. it's the unlimited soup, salad, and breadsticks lunch. only at olive garden. featuring four homemade soups.
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enjoy all you want for just $6.95. the abrasives in the toothpaste actually create those micro fine scratches in the denture, and that's where bacteria can grow and thrive. these are the very bacteria that can cause bad breath. dentists do recommend that you soak your denture in polident. polident doesn't scratch the denture surface, and it kills 99.9% of bacteria that are responsible for causing bad breath. by using polident and soaking your denture every day you can feel confident your dentures fresh and clean. coming up from daytime chic to weekend wear, the perfect style for every occasion. >> and the perfect meal for any
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occasion, as well. with jimmy and impossible to resist potatoes. i'm here with carol, flo, and karen for a girls night out talking about activia. i tried it and my body felt so right, for a change. and then there's you... why should i try it? my system gets out of sorts but that comes with age, right? wouldn't you like to feel great? just because we're in that over 50... what does that mean? are we done? activia helps regulate your digestive system when eaten daily. these could be our best years yet. activia [ female announcer ] when you give your kids
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frosted strawberry pop-tarts baked with real fruit, they'll rise and you'll shine. pop-tarts, made for fun. good morning, it's 9:26 on this wednesday, may 9th, i'm aaron gilchrest. a tough morning commute, let's go to danella sealock for a look at the delays, danella? >> an update for the accident as you cross the wilson bridge on the inner loop of the beltway, your right lane is blocked. we have a flat bed on the scene looking to tow the four cars out of the road. you're still seeing a big delay on the inner loop of the beltway. jammed at st. barnabas road, slow as you cross the wilson bridge and the american legion bridge, delays continue to the dulles toll road.
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♪ we could have had it all >> that is british song stress adele. she's hat kwied a year your honoring six grammy awards and having an album that pretty much parked itself on the top of the charts. matt sits down for an exclusive interview for the woman behind these instant classics tomorrow on "today." the greatest breakup album of all time. >> i could hear that album over and over and over again. >> actually i think i hear it coming from your office. >> meantime coming up, millions of americans are in the battle with the bulge. and that rings true even for the head of weight watchers. now he's proud to say he's finally made his goal weight.
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and he's here to talk about his own struggle to lose weight and how he's used that to help others. then in "today's style," if you look in your closet every morning with that same drab, you've got nothing to wear, we've got ideas to brighten up your spring style or work or for play. >> and we're bringing the fashion theme to our cooking segment, cooking skirt take. we've got ted allen in the house. oh, you really liked napt >> yeah. >> that's a courtesy laugh. >> absolutely. >> all right. that's fine i'll take it. but you know what? let's head back out to kansas city and get a check of the weather from al. we miss you. >> oh, miss you guys back in new york. although we're here for a good cause. helping raise some money for the salvation army disaster relief fund, so we're going to be doing that a little later. got some nice friends who came down to help us and cheer us on. let's show you what we got as us on. let's show you what we got as far as your weather is concerned. for today, we expect to see some
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more storms in the northeast. going to be wet, heavy rain along the new england coast. slight risk of strong storms, mid-atlantic to the southeast. clouds and showers in the pacific northwest. sunny and warm through the rockies. then for tomorrow. more warm weather in the rock yz, mild conditions from the gulf coast to the upper mississippi river valley. more rain in interior new york, new england, in the northeast, look for the hot weather to make its way from the southwest into central california. that's what's going on around the country, here's what's going on in your neck of the woods. tom kierein, storm center 4. we've been abnormally dry for much of 2012, so this is bushel rain. we've had the one wave come through. there's another one to our south and west moving into the metro area later this afternoon. the lingering shower activity will continue to move north and east. later today, a lot of clouds, into the 70s. afternoon at evening showers, some thunder and lightning, ending predawn thursday, sun back with mild afternoons and cool mornings into the weekend.
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hi. we're spreading the word about new honey bunches of oats fruit blends and their unique taste combinations. like peach/raspberry. with one flavor in the granola bunch and one on the flake. two flavors. in harmony. honey bunches of oats. make your day bunches better. what are you lookin' at? i wasn't... not looking at anything... we're not good enough for you. must be supermodels? what do you model gloves? brad, eat a snickers. why? 'cause you get a little angry when you're hungry. better? [ male announcer ] you're not you when you're hungry™. better. [ male announcer ] snickers satisfies.
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agents, when it comes to insurance, people feel lost. that's a dead end. don't know which way to turn. this way. turn around. [ woman ] that's why we present people with options to help them find coverage that fits their needs. almost there. whoo! yay! good work. that's a new maze record. really? i have no idea. we don't keep track of that kind of stuff. well, you should. [ male announcer ] we are insurance. ♪ we are farmers ♪ bum, ba-da-bum, bum, bum, bum ♪ now you can brew over ice for delicious iced coffee or tea. hot or cold, keurig is the way to brew everyone's favorite cup in under a minute. choose, brew, enjoy. keurig.
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this morning on "today's style," fashions for every occasion, whether you want a bit more pop during the day or you want to look slim and sexy on the beach. creator director of "o" magazine adam glassman has great looks for day or night. >> good morning. >> we're seeing a lot of great trends that you're applying to all of these looks, as well. >> we are, absolutely. spring is here, we're ready 20 get dressed. >> lots of color.
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our first model is ekaterina sporting a great look for the office. >> this is for the office. >> you can be a little chic at the office. >> it's a creative office. because this is a power suit. but the power suit doesn't have to be matchy-matchy anymore. color blocking right now is super hot. so we have these bright orange pants from i say, paired with this sleek black blazer and a knit top. and it's a great look. she looks sophisticated and she's ready to run a meeting. >> the goldish, glimmery top is like an accent accessory. i imagine if she takes the blazer off she can go out right after work. >> looking great. thank you so much. next an evening look and modeling this one for us is holly. >> holly is sequinned. >> this is all about glitter and glam. >> and it's always about sequins. what i love about this dress is this beautiful blush color. it looks great on all skin tones. and also notice the sleeve, designers are finally listening to women's needs about not wanting to show so much skin. >> we like that. >> but if you want to show some
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skin, shoes, one area and just run with it. we're here highlighting holly's legs. >> can everybody get away with this look? she obviously has an incredible figure. >> i think if you're a petite woman you can get away with this. if you have great legs. you just have to work with your body and own your body. >> there you go. you look great, holly. thanks. next the polished and ready for the weekend look. this is sort of dressing up your weekend. >> dressing up your weekend. you don't want to look sh lumpy on the weekend. you want a great blazer. this is in this watercolor print. we paired it with a t-shirt and white pants and cute ballet slippers. it's all about looking stylish. >> right. >> and comfortable at the same time. >> and i like how you can do the stripe but with the pattern, as well. is the idea really to stick with a color palette? >> you want to stick within a color field. this is all the mediterranean blues together. >> that's really trendy right now. sort of a mix and match stripe. >> absolutely. >> with flowers, even.
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you have floral prints. >> yep, yep, in the office all the time. >> looking great. thank you. and then the great beach look, and probably i think what a lot of women are really going to love is this bathing suit. >> oh, i'm crazy about this bathing suit. a one-piece suit is a lot sexier and more sophisticated than two-piece suit. and this one from miracle suit i'm totally crazy for because it will take ten pounds off your body instantly. >> wow. >> the moment you put it on. >> it has that sort of -- sucks it all in, right? >> it sucks it all in. it's a great strapless suit. it never falls down. and we did a long sarong. made it into a skirt and she's ready to go from poolside off to drinks. >> looks gorgeous. jewelry and everything. bring all the ladies out for one last look here. adam glassman, as always. great job. they look stylish and magnificent. >> thank you. >> and we should mention by the way that adam is going to be a guest judge in the upcoming will minna over30 search.
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sounds like a lot of fun. >> it's going to be so much fun. go online, everyone and you can sign up for it. >> great. coming up next, the weight loss boss shares his own struggle withs battle of the bulge. that's coming up right after this. [ man on radio ] it's a scorcher out there folks... stay refreshed. hey boys, i have an idea. [ female announcer ] new lipton tea & honey. sweetened with honey, made from real tea leaves and real fruit flavors! mmm...that is so good. ♪ [ female announcer ] lipton tea & honey. real is refreshing. ♪ it's never felt so real ♪ no, it's never felt [ all ] ♪ so right [ female announcer ] new lipton tea & honey. lipton: drink positive!
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[ female announcer ] when you give your kids frosted strawberry pop-tarts baked with real fruit, they'll rise and you'll shine. pop-tarts, made for fun. will break your heart. it's my mission to make sure they all get the best treatment possible. petarmor flea and tick protection has the same #1 vet-recommended active ingredient as frontline® top spot and it's just as safe and effective against fleas and ticks. but costs about half as much. i use petarmor on my pets and these guys, they get the best. petarmor flea and tick protection. the same protection as frontline top spot at about half the cost. to help a pet in need visit actually it can. neutrogena® ultra sheer provides unbeatable uva uvb protection and while other sunscreens can feel greasy ultra sheer® is clean and dry. it's the best for your skin. ultra sheer®. neutrogena®.
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with magic. you are? see the egg? uh huh. so, look at the orange. now close your eyes. ♪ alakazaam! [ sighs ] you're good. and now i'm gonna make this flower bloom. presto. "love you lots." do you want to see it again? yes, i want to see it again! [ female announcer ] hallmark blooming expressions delivers your love again and again. and find more than just great styles. you'll also find great value in our free design service and in free local delivery. plus, shop the may sale and get special savings or 36-month financing. ♪ spread a little love my way ♪ ♪ spread a little something to remember ♪ [ female announcer ] fresh milk and real cream makes philadelphia and the moment a little richer.
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[train whistle blowing] and the moment we're here because we wanted to come as much as they did. (girl) it's really hogwarts! because i can fly with harry! because i love seeing him like this! (screaming) ahhhhh! (narrator) from unforgettable adventures to the wizarding world of harry potter, only at universal orlando resort.
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well, david's story is like millions of others. he waged a 25-year up and down battle with his weight. finally a doctor's appointment triggered a life change. but unlike most, david is in the business of weight loss. he's the ceo of weight watchers. and he shares his personal journey in a new book called "weight loss boss." david, good morning. it's good to see you. >> good to see you, too. >> you're looking fabulous. so we know it worked for you. >> thank you for showing all the before pictures. that was great. >> we'll keep on showing them. we do want to talk about your personal story. i bet a lot of people are surprised when they hear that the ceo of weight watchers is a man. >> it's a guy. >> yeah. >> i know. but you know what? obesity is no longer -- it's not a woman's issue. and i think that's an important point. i mean men suffer the same ill health effects of obesity that women do, yet they're half as likely to do anything about it. so a big thrust for us now is getting more guys to take control of their health and
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addressing obesity through that very difficult population of people. >> and this is a journey you know well yourself. having gone through it over a course of nine years. i know in 1999 you kind of had that moment. >> right. >> where it clicked for you. what happened? >> yet it took me nine years to actually get it. i'm a slow learner. >> i think a lot of people can relate. it's a difficult thing to do. >> but more important for me is it was keeping it off for the last three years. i've probably learned a lot more during that time than i did in my kind of ups and downs and twists and turns and actually losing the weight. >> you mention ups and downs. why did it take so long? what were the struggles you encountered? >> honestly i think i was because of the dieting mentality. which is be hard core for two or three months and then say, as soon as i get to "x" goal then i can kind of relax and go back to my old life. as opposed to the better way to think about it is to address the underlying behaviors, establish routines and habits, you know, try to avoid temptation, try to rely less on will power.
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these are the things that i've learned keeping it off, which was effectively what i wanted to share back in the book which is kind of all my hard-fought lessons that i wasn't following for the first nine years that have been kind of saving my skin for the last three. >> do you think a lot of men are to some degree in denial, maybe, about their weight gain? as women we're obsessed on this issue. >> right. >> but something you wrote about is you were tall. you kind of thought, oh, well of course i carry a little extra weight, i'm a big guy. >> so you suck in your gut. >> yeah. >> and you convince yourself you're not tall. but i look at those before pictures and in retrospect i think it's less so, i think men are starting to take this issue more seriously. because you can't avoid the health impact of it. i mean, it's been impacting women for the wrong reasons for too many years which is body image and everything else, as opposed to once and for all, we need to start treating obesity as a health issue not as a vanity issue. >> weight watchers has had a lot
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of success with celebritieceleb jennifer 4udson being one of them. other than the fact she's beautiful and had great success, why does this work? >> well, you know, one of the things that we find over and over again is for people that have success in the behavior change process and stick with it, being inspired, and having a sense of belief was very important and with someone like jennifer, what you have is a great example of someone who had her own struggles with food, who has been able to overcome them herself. and she's kept her weight off now for a long time. and so i think people see that, they say, if she can do it, i can do it. >> another unworth dox choice, charles barkley who dressed up as a woman. tell me about that story. >> i thought about dressing up as a woman but i couldn't have rocked that look nearly as well. >> those pictures wille around forever. >> charles has been great in really giving guys air cover. you know what, it's okay to deal with this. it's not something you have to feel weird about and it's surprising how many men have come up to me and thanked me for actually making dealing with weight okay. >> yeah. well it really does make that
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this morning in "today's kitchen," what's on the menu? an easy skirt steak with a delicious chimichurri courtesy of the host of chopped ted allen. >> the recipe is straight out of his new cookbook called "in my kitchen." should we say congratulations are in order. >> thank you. >> you just one not one but two james beard awards. >> it's really exciting because when you have two of them they clink together in a really pleasant way. they're medals actually and i'm so excited. our judges also i think deserve much much the credit. the show is doing really well. >> well, good.
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>> best tv personality, that's pretty -- >> it was clearly a mistake. >> oh, no, no. >> on the strength of your courtesy lap. >> my animal magnetism. >> you have a good courtesy laugh. let's get to our skirt steak first starting off with a great lean cut here. >> not too lean. there's a lot of flavor in skirt steak. what's great about skirt steak is that it's just packed with flavor and it's affordable. and it's really tender and juicy. so long as you cook it correctly. you've got to cook this medium rare. it's really good on the grill and grilling season for me is already here. >> you probably need to get on this side? >> okay. absolutely. the way you cook a skirt steak, medium rare, love to go on the grill, i'm serving it here today with a chimichurri sauce which is a sauce from argentina, so flavorful, so spacy. i'm kicking up the sauce a little bit with roasted jalapeno chilies. >> how do you roast them? >> it brings out a different kind of flavor. gives it a little bit of char. and you know if you're nervous about how much -- you're going
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to take these guys, cut them in half and take out the seeds. a lot of the heat is in the seeds and you can scrape those right out. now we've already got some chilies in this blender. so to this the basis for the chimichurri sauce is tons and tons of parsley and cilantro. and it makes for a very vivid, green sauce. beautiful. for serving. and -- >> what's that? >> this is garlic. we're kicking it up a notch with garlic. a little bit of red wine. and what i think really makes the chimichurri great is the tangy, acidity that you get from this red wine vinegar and from some lemon juice. you throw that in there. fire this guy up, you just took an involuntary step back. >> i don't know. spills happen around me. >> does this have olive oil in it, too? >> that's coming up. so you just -- probably about half a cup of collive oil. and that's all you got to do. it's super easy. >> that's it. easy. >> and you can keep this in the
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refrigerator for quite awhile, right? >> there we go. i think it would be good in the fridge for a couple of days. >> yeah. >> we have some that's made already. so you take your skirt steak, give it a nice little coat of olive oil. generously salt and pepper it, you've got to season steak really nicely before you serve it. and then when it's finished, the other really critical thing about skirt steak is if you look at -- >> hmm. >> you have to cut it across the grain, it makes it more tender when you're eating it. you notice the grain goes this way so you get in here with your knife on kind of a diagonal, cut against the muscle fibers. >> oh, interesting. >> and it's a lot easier to chew. >> you just said put the chimichurri right on top of it? >> yeah, exactly. i think it presents really nicely sort of drizzled across the top. >> now duck fat fingerling potatoes. where do you get the duck fat? i mean obviously from the duck, but -- >> yes. >> you're welcome people at home. >> i'll give you another courtesy laugh. it's from the duck.
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>> go on. >> where do you buy it? >> you can buy it at places like -- >> the duck fat store? >> they sell it at places like whole foods market or if you ever cook duck. ducks live outside where it's cold, they have a thick layer of flat and when you cook a duck breast you really need to render that fat out. score the duck breast, cook it slowly. >> the amazing taste of that. >> this is what you get. i know it sounds a little decadent and it is a little decadent to cook with duck fat. my mother, i grew up with bacon grease in the refrigerator. >> and you turned out fine. >> i turned out all right. >> so this is one of -- it's an indulgence. if you don't want to use duck fat you could do the same recipe with olive oil or if you really want to be nuts, you can drizzle it with bacon. >> you just throw it right on and bake it in there? >> toss it with the duck fat. >> roast it in the oven? >> put your oven at 450, 25 minutes, good, hot oven. >> and top with parsley and lemon? >> lemon zest. >> ted allen, thank you. >> well, thank you.
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good morning, it's 9:57 on this wednesday, may 9th, i'm aaron gilchrest. it's not been an easy commute, danella sealock has a look. >> if you're crossing the wilson bridge, the earlier accident has cleared. you are still seeing some delays on the inner loop. heading to the wilson bridge, you're seeing volume at st. barbabus road. over to bigger delays, slow on the outer loop crossing the american legion bridge, delays
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continue to the dulles toll road. now tom says we may need an umbrella, here's more. >> the pavement is drying out from the morning showers, but it looks like more rain coming in by later this afternoon. there's a look at storm 4 radar, it shows an area of some rain now coming into southwestern have a ra and west virginia, advancing to the north and east. sprinkles along far southern maryland shore with the bay and eastern shore. temperatures are now climbing to around 70 most of the region, 72 at reagan national. mid and upper 70s, with the likelihood of the rain, thunder and lightning moving in sunshine returns thursday and into the weekend. weekend. >> you can
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never in my lifetime did i think i could walk 60 miles in 3 days. if my mom can fight and beat breast cancer, i can walk 60 miles. (woman) the fund-raising was the easiest part. people were very giving. complete strangers wanting to help. i knew someday i was gonna do this walk. if i can do this, you definitely can do this. we can do this. we can all do this together. (man) register today for the... and receive $25 off your registration fee. because everyone deserves a lifetime.
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be captions paid for byes nbc-universal television this is a test. >> we thought it was, but apparently. >> oh, thank you, jerry! >> jerry, what were you doing back there that made you late. >> he's busy setting up for other things. >> the big announcement that our voice winner will be announced in just a few minutes and we want to wish billy joel a very,
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very happy birthday. i'm not sure how old he is. >> is he 63? >> 63. i'm right behind you, billy. god bless you. >> last night it was a nail biter and you probably stayed up late if you watched this and a lot of people did. it was the finale of "the voice." there was so much drama, and it came down to four, giuliett luka, chris simms and julianne paul. >> everybody had their favorites. >> and it was whittled down to giuliett and jermaine at the end. >> okay. >> and can i say? >> i tweeted during the show. >> such a showoff. >> it appeared. my question is who got a picture of the tweet on tv? amanda. >> really? >> amanda is quick. click. she sits there with her iphone and waits for something. >> what did you tweet? >> get a life. get a life, amanda. >> i tweeted team jermaine. >> thought provoking. >> tweets aren't supposed to be thought provoking.
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it's supposed to be simple. >> both of us picked jermaine. >> yes, we did. >> and we were right. so we're not going look at that moment? >> let's watch the moment. >> jermaine paul! >> come here! >> i just want to say thank you to everybody that voted for me. all of the years that i put in, my wife, my children! ♪ i used to think that life could not go on ♪ ♪ life was not nothing but an awful song ♪ ♪ now i know the meaning of true love ♪ >> wow! >> oh, my gosh, i could cry all over again. >> i have chills.
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>> and then he was on our show. >> oh, wow! >> all day long i could watch. >> that was really special. >> what a beautiful -- it changes life, i bet. >> it will, of course, and then he was so humble this morning when he was talking on the early hours, and i think it was with matt and just so grateful and humble, you know? we don't see enough of that around. >> that's right. i did it i sang my -- off. you know, that's what we're used to, not people saying i am so grateful for the people that help mead, my wife -- humility is a beautiful thing! >> here's what's interesting about the finale, christina and adam -- team christina and team adam have a feud. >> you're still mad at christina. let it go. >> the singers ended up in the bottom two. >> there was controversy that maybe their little war of words hurt their actual contestants. i don't think we'll ever know. i know it left a huge bad taste in your mouth.
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>> a lot of people kept saying wow! they just couldn't believe that that's what it kind of came down to. >> it was like politics. it got so nasty and dirty. >> it did. well -- >> christina walking up on stage, i believe, because you just can't see it enough. let's watch. ♪ ♪ >> you have to see it. >> oh, yea! it's hard to see. >> you wanted me to see the outfit. >> it was an interesting choice of outfits. >> she can do no right in her mind. >> oh, i see. >> a little pant action. all righty then. >> we have a big announcement coming up on our show. this is kind of exciting. the daytime emmys are being announced right here on this program. >> exclusively. >> so we're talking about these are the best talk shows, the best soap operas, the best
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morning television shows. anyway, all of the nominees for the 39th daytime emmies and a lot of people are waiting to see who will be nominated. >> that is coming up in just a little bit. our melanie, one of our producers, got a text picture of a friend of hers that had just gotten on a plane, melanie jackson and she was taking a picture of this guy who got sat down next to her, took off his shoes barefooted -- crossed over right over to her -- that's her tray. look where his foot is. >> she also said his foot smelled like fritos. >> yes. which i usually like the smefl fritos, but if emanating from feet i don't think i'd feel that way. so anyway, we were talking about -- i've gone barefoot on planes before and you wear your sandals in the summertime, but you cover them up. >> i sometimes put my purse on
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the floor and put my feet on top of my purse. >> i've seen you do that -- i should just tell you something that you do just for the future. >> what? >> you -- i'm jealous of you about this you always put on a hoodie so you're comfy, cozy. >> so i can fall asleep. >> you don't realize some of the things you do when you're asleep. >> what are you talking about? >> you move around and you have long legs and beautiful long feet. >> what are are you talking about? >> you don't fall asleep all adorable. your feet move. you drool a little bit. >> i do not drool! >> a little bit and you circle like this. >> i do not. >> yes, you do. >> i am just warning you because i love you. >> if you were sitting next to that foot what would you do? would you, a, say something to the foot and the man or would you say to the flight attendant look at his foot? what's the right thing to do? >> how long is the flight? if i've got to sit here for six
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hours on the way to california i don't want to look and smell that foot smell. >> would you say, excuse me, sir, if you wouldn't mind -- would you mind crossing your leg the other way and putting it in someone else's face? >> i think it's better to get an intermediary. for someone to say would you mind asking the gentleman to please move his feet? >> no, she could come by and go -- you, no, no, no. people take up umbridge at stuff like that. they think because they bought a ticket they can do whatever they want. >> you could buy food on plane, but a lot of people bring on -- i'm talking salad with bleu cheese dressing and all kind of stuff so when you crack that open and the onions and all of that and they enjoy their meal. >> you're happy they enjoy their meal, but they're just one of several hundred people on the plane. it's a smorgasbord after a while. you have the guy with the pizza and the guy with the meatballs and the frito feet.
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the place has to be fumigated after one flight. >> all right. we'll do a follow-up with the met fashion ball. >> we go from frito feet to beautiful gowns and why not? >> we did talk about beyonce's gown from the met ball. >> most people did agree, 75% didn't like it, 25% did. >> here's another controversial photo, tom brady. tom brady's hairstyle it's the mohawk that is tilted over a little bit, right? >> yea. it's a little like alfalfa meets -- i don't know. gordon gecko. i don't know. it's -- he is such a gorgeous, gorgeous -- >> i wonder why he would have done that? >> i don't know him. frank likes him a lot. he says he's a great guy and i don't know either one of them. sometimes they get so much attention and maybe for a laugh they go, let's do this. who knows? i can only imagine. >> it is the big time we've been
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waiting for. >> already, hoda? let's make them cringe and wait a little longer. >> we'll announce the winner of the kids voice edition. >> our two finalists jillian ray and christian cunningham sang. >> take a look. ♪ i can catch the moon in my hand ♪ ♪ don't you know who i am ♪ remember my name ♪ fame ♪ i'm going to learn how to fly high ♪ ♪ i feel i'm coming together ♪ people see me and cry ♪ baby, hold me tight because you can make it right ♪ ♪ you can shoot me straight to the top ♪ ♪ give me love and take all i've got ♪ >> we didn't have somebody actually playing the keyboards. david freeman is there playing keyboard, but apparently he wasn't then.
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>> but apparently, 10,000 people voted. >> 10,000 people voted. this is unbelievable because it happened on tuesday and this was yesterday and just in one day we had 10,000 votes. by the way, you guys were both terrific. we had great, great, great feedback, but this is what america said. >> they know, hoda. they want to know who won! >> and the winner is -- christian cunningham! ♪ ♪ ♪ >> here you go, sweetie. here's your award. congratulations. bring it right in here, christian. >> now for jillian, we're not sending her home empty handed. >> no we are not, jillian. you were a home run and you were terrific. >> we have behind you a wii system that you can have and you're 14 years old. you have a long runway. we'll be seeing so much of you. >> by the way, you don't just get this cheap trophy. you know what else you get? you get a meet and greet with one of the judges of the voice. >> we don't know, it could be --
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or you just want to hang out at my house. we love you both and we're so proud of you. >> congratulations. all right. coming up next is pop culture turning all of america into one big reality show? >> from muffin tops to body shots, political talk show radio laura ingram and i agree with her on pretty much everything right after this. ♪ -wee! -woo hoo. [ kids ] pop-tarts, please! [ laughter ] ♪ [ female announcer ] when you give your kids frosted strawberry pop-tarts baked with real fruit, they'll rise and you'll shine. pop-tarts. made for fun. prego?! but i've been buying ragu for years. [ thinking ] i wonder what other questionable choices i've made? [ club scene music ]
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[ sigh of relief ] [ male announcer ] choose taste. choose prego. time out. sweet. [ female announcer ] with charmin ultra soft, you can get that cushiony feeling while still using less. designed with extra cushions that are soft and more absorbent and you can use four times less. charmin ultra soft.
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and amam offered tequila shots. >> and how about you, a guy in front of us has one of those gray hiking socks? >> yea. puts them up on the tray table in front of them and proceeds to pick at the lint at the bottom of his sdpoot throw it to the ground, and of course, not showing his face. i just took a picture of the foot and put it up on my facebook page and asked people to comment and they should be glad it wasn't a bare foot. what happened? >> have you seen what's going on in the green room downstairs? >> can we get a live shot of what's happening down there? >> we are exposing the underbelly of the "today" show. people sleeping with their mouths open and their foot up on the table. >> they're very tired. >> you did talk about a lot of the cultural issues that we have. >> it's a lot of fun -- >> it's all humor. >> not the political stuff you are known for on your radio
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show. >> no politics in it. >> and you talk about the workout regimen, zumba and the rest. >> i get kicked out of all those classes. when you are not exactly in step you get the look. you know the look you get? so you get the look and, i'm sorry, but when i'm failing on the step aerobics from 14 years ago it's not good for me to try kettle bells. is it cattle or kettle? those are collecting dust and no one is using those because everyone has thrown his or her backout. >> yow even doing pilates you have to get in line for last night. >> you have to sign up ahead of time. this is not organ donation. this is exercise. can't we just make it fun? i just like going to the gym. it's a spectator sport. >> we were talking about celebs and many of them are writing tell-all books and they're talking about themselves and you take issue. >> umbridge. >> must we hear everything about
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every slight that you received as a child? there are serious things that happened in everybody's childhood, but at some point you are probably going have children. do your children want to be abused by your tales of abuse? >> people don't think things through at all. it's an instant society. we want everything right now. nobody thinks about the effects of what they say or the repercussions from their actions. >> celebrity stuff is fun and so forth. at some point people need to live their own lives and i think sometimes the quest for fame and, look, i love "the voice" it's a great show and i hope the young man who won issa i beautiful person, but the quest for fame, people are not just seeking talent and seeking merit. they're seeking to do anything to get fame. >> being a star. >> so being the star becomes the end. how do you become a star? is it bad behavior? is it stupidity? it's filled with some really interesting stuff like i like watching the elections and stuff
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and it's the dumbing down of everything. >> and the world's biggest zit. >> don't watch that. >> no. >> we wonder why our kids don't grow up as fast as we want them to when we as adults are going to the avengers dressed as robert downey, jr., or spider-man coming out this summer i'm sure we'll have adult male spidermen. >> i think i'm older than you are, laura, but it's a generational thing so you go, girl. i agree with you. >> thanks a lot. >> who got the nod? find out if your favorite show is emmy worthy. find out if your favorite show is emmy worthy. >> we're doing the to cover all of manhattan out of landfills each year? the equivalent of 140 million trash bags, gone. by using glad trash bags, designed with reinforcing bands to be stronger with less plastic waste, we can.
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one of these three is your match instantly adjusting to your perfect shade because it's pretty and smart "pretty smart" ♪ that's good morning, veggie style. hmmm. for half the calories plus veggie nutrition. could've had a v8. where we switched their steaks with walmart's choice premium steak. ♪ this is really good. like what i grew up with. only one out of five steaks is good enough to be called walmart choice premium beef. can i let you in on a secret? you're eating a walmart steak. no kidding. noooo! i promise. it's very tender. you could almost cut it with a fork.
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>> "all my years" is -- >> after years. >> outstanding lead actress in a drammy searies. >> we have crystal chappelle of days of our lives. >> debbie morgan "all my children." erika slezak "one life to live," heather tom." who is missing? susan lucci. 21 nominations in her run and did not get nominated in her last year. >> not nice. >> outstanding lead actor in a drama series. maurice bernard, general hospital. anthony geary "general hospital."
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john mccook" the bold and the beautiful" darnell williams." those guys have been doing these for years and years and years. >> how about nominees for outstanding morning program. >> who do you think that might be? >> a little show called the "today" show and "good morning america" and congratulations "today" got six nominations in 2011 and 2010. if you're putting money on it. >> hopefully these things come in threes. >> outstanding talk show, the informative kind. >> are we on that one? >> why aren't we there is what i want to know. >> you are informative. "anderson." "the dr. oz show" and "the doctors." this is anderson cooper's first year. >> how about outstanding talk show host. >> once again, anderson cooper, dr. oz, regis and kelly. rachael ray and all six co-hosts of "the doctors."
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>> that left out "the view." >> and "ellen." ellen's show got nominated, but she did not get nominated for a host so we'll see. >> that's weird. >> can we say a quick shoutout to because we were nominated at -- remember this thing we did? trying to introduce the brand new website and we were drinking and apparently that got an emmy nomination. >> it did. >> and -- i can't believe that got an emmy nomination, right? >> the category of new innovative things that we're doing. >> that was great! >> you know, it just makes me miss my hair every time we go back to that! >> all right. thank you. >> think thanks, jessica. you can see a full list of the nominees at >> how embarrassing if we didn't get nominated. we would have had to fake that, we're so happy for everyone. how much do you know about your
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we are back on this wineses day wednesday with more of "today." we are ready to play "who knew." we'll test your knowledge of tv's most famous moms. kathie lee, of course, is across the street at the nbc experience store and she's ready to hand out 100 bucks to those who get the questions right and to those who don't get a copy of kathie lee's cd. lucky them. here to help me is e news correspondent. are rowe reyou ready? >> which of the following tv moms gave birth on real life as
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the day her character gave birth. maggie seaver from "growing pains" lucy ricardo "i love lucy or debbie baron from "everybody loves raymond." >> i'll go with b. >> and you would be right. >> lucy! "i love lucy" one for one. >> lucy actually gave birth in 1953. january, 19th, a record at the time. >> really? >> yes. she gave birth to -- it was a ridiculous, my friend. >> back across to kath. >> there's a guy here from athens, alabama. i don't know, but there's a story here, you know what i'm saying? in addition to being a mother of five in "the cosby show" fi phylicia rash ad's character was originally scripted to be what? a dentist, a plumber, a florist or a housewife? >> a dentist. no, but thank you for sharing your seat. >> anyway, so the correct answer
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surprisingly is a plumber. >> bill cosby wanted her to be a dominican plumber. he was going to be a cab driver and his wife said no, no, no. i want them to have professional jobs, hence the lawyer and the doctor. so camille saved the day. >> thank god. >> i know. shocking! >> very pretty lady from los angeles. which tv mother said i'm not going to vacuum until sears makes one you can ride? was that peg bundy from "married with children," marge simpson from "the simpsons." roseanne conner from "roseanne" or deborah baron from "everybody loves raymond." peg bundy? >> sounds like her, but you're wrong. >> the correct answer is roseanne conner from "roseanne." roseanne does not cook and she does not clean, my kind of girl, roseanne. >> i like it. >> back across to kath. >> look at this guy from connecticut. >> which actress begged producers to give her tv mom a profession.
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was it barbara billingsley from "leave it to beaver" florence henderson from "the brady bunch," or joanna kerns from "growing pains." isn't she good? >> wrong again. >> the correct answer here is florence henderson from "the brady bunch." i love this. in 1969 when she was cast as carol she said look, i want this to be a realistic character. she was ahead of her time. she begged for a career, but they wouldn't give it to her. >> do we know what she wanted to do? >> 1969 women weren't necessarily having careers so miss henderson was well ahead and setting the blaze. i like it. >> back across. >> sweet man from australia. which tv mom is famous for saying i can't talk. there's too much fruit in the house. was that edith bunker. marie baro, in elise keaton from "family ties." b. >> lucky guess!
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>> lucky guess. i can't talk, there's too much fruit in the house. there was one of the catch phrases. marie barone was the mother-in-law you didn't want to have. she loved her son raymond and was so hard on her daughter-in-law deborah. >> back across. >> which tv mom went back to college after years of regretting not going? norma arnold from "the wonder years." lorelai gilmore from "the gilmore girls" or murphy brown from murphy brown. >> angela bower. >> but i don't know who it is. >> he was very confident. >> the correct answer is norma arnold from "the wonder years." you think it could be murphy brown or any of those characters but yes, "the wonder years" won with out. >> do we have time for one more? >> that's all right. >> thanks for coming to see us. >> my pleasure. >> kathie lee will come back across the street and while we're talking about tv we need to make a correction, earlier we announced and said ellen wasn't nominated for talk show host,
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but it was because she didn't enter her name in that category. up next, last minute gift ideas for mother's day right after this. [ glass clinks ] [ mom ] i'll take this. it's mother's day. a day to thank me for all of the little things. like being the only one who knows how to turn on the dishwasher. not saying "i love you" in front of all your friends. and always finding everything for everyone. happy mother's day, family. you love me! you really are the best. i can't argue with you. now join me while i eat cake and receive gifts. [ male announcer ] celebrate mom. buy any kfc 10 pc meal or larger and get a free double chocolate chip cake. some aerosols may just mix with them. can febreze remove it. [ moderator ] describe the smell. it's very pleasant. some kind of flower maybe? awww, oh yuck! [ male announcer ] febreze air effects doesn't mix, it actually removes odors. so you can breathe happy.
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we have one for your mother, klg and one for -- >> good, because i have been a little late this week. >> thank you. >> it's a great classic gift for the purse. >> yea. beautiful. >> a pop of color for the purse. so these are great, colorful accessories from candy store. they're all named after candies and this is the flavor of the month debuting this may called rainbow sherbet. they're super soft made of silicone and -- >> for glasses would be good. >> you don't lose them. >> that's right. that's right. >> i like it. >> the ipad case is important. this is good. >> this is tech chic and these
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are from jonathan adler, and i love the beautiful prints and colors. they're gorgeous expect and also from target if you're into gardening. >> those are adorable. >> this is what your garden should look like, right? >> we have the floral inspired and these are available at target, but the boots and watering can available online. >> so those can make it in time. >> with the thank you notes and things. >> if you're a scribe, and i love the art of writing and these are all from target and they start ad$5.99 night. the amore me line. i love the necklace from bloomingdales. mariska hargitay started the joyful heart foundation and the prosgeesd to benefit the foundation of victims of child abuse and also violence. >> very pretty. >> very classic. >> this is my favorite find for makeup. this is from makeup forever. they're la boheme color collection and shimmery and make you look awake and great for new moms. >> so pretty. the pigment is so lovely and you
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want to give mom a bathtime treat this is from lush and everything is ecofriendly in here which is really nice as well, but the bath fizz and the bubble wand. >> right? that's what i'm saying. that's why you want to give her a gift certificate from do this the day of on sunday and you can give it electronically to her and you can do it far away or if you live overseas. instead of blooming flowers, why not give her flowers that you can grow. it grows in four to six weeks even if you don't have a green thumb, i promise, you'll have up to 50 blooms. >> that's great. >> very sweet. >> to magnolia bakery. >> it ships across the country. >> stop it. this is their mom's day box set and this is the classic cupcake and if mom happens to be great in the kitchen and loves to cook, how about aprons from sur la table that practically look like dresses. >> very cute ideas.
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[ female announcer ] gross -- i'll tell you what's really gross: used dishcloths. they can have a history that they drag around with them. for a cleaner way to clean try bounty extra soft. in this lab demo, one sheet of bounty extra soft leaves this surface 3 times cleaner than a dishcloth. it's super durable too.
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too it seems that hardly a week goes by without a best-seller from the king of thrillers author james patterson. the newest installment of the women's murder club series is called "11th hour." when you go out to pick up the whodunit, james wants you to remember to keep your kids interested in reading too. he's very, very passionate about it. he's written "middle school. get me out of here ". >> how are you? >> i'm good. i'm terrific. >> that's exactly the spirit of the book. >> get me out of here! >> yea. >> we were -- >> that's going to wind of being one of my post successful books. >> really? >>io do you think so? >> it's very funny and they're very engaging and there's nothing more important than a
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kid read ppg it's just such a big, big, big, deal. >> what age is this for? >> you have to find out where your kid's reading level is, but it's kind of 8 and up. >> you have a 14-year-old son, right? >> i do. >> does he take to reading naturally because it's in his dna? >> no. when he was 8 we said in the summer you'll read every day. he said do i have to? you do have to read. i always hear parents and say i can't get your kid to read. do you get him to the dinner table? if you can get him to the dinner table you can get him to read. >> how? >> you have to insist that it's a deal. >> we're going to turn off the tv and we're going to turn off the computer. you're not going get screens. and then the other, most important thing is you've got to get cool books for kids. >> my daughter was growing up she had to read a half an hour a night. the school should take a part of this as well. when they're learning to read. it's both. make part of her homework is to read for half an hour and the parents is to make sure you're
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sitting with them when they read. >> the parents have to find books and they have to -- that's why we have a band on the 11th hour. while you're here don't forget your kids. >> tell us about "the 11th hour" in the one minute you left for it. >> it's murders and women -- >> he doesn't care. >> i do care, but people will buy it anyway. the key to me is changing the habs of people we'll send you a book every week and we say spend 90 seconds and talk to the producer and talk to the head of nbc. 90 seconds you get kids reading. >> you go to schools and you talk to kids. >> yea. >> what are you feeling is the biggest problem? why aren't they embracing reading? >> the habit just hasn't been formed and they don't know what books that are going to turn around. i was on reach out to and go there, it's very easy to use. there's nothing, but cool books for your kids. >> and you can read on the ipad. >> they can use their computers to read. >> absolutely. yea, yea, yea, but read, read, read, read, read. >> what are you coming up with next week? >> another best-seller.
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toyota concert series on "today" brought to you by toyota. >> talented actress and producer rita wilson best known for her roles in "it's complicated" and "sleepless in seattle" is now adding recording artist and she's thrilled to hear the sound of her voice. her favorite songs and they're ours, too, from the '60s and the '70s on her album called am/fm and i put this in this morning and i thought, oh, please. i saw all of the songis and love
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every single one of those songs and you start singing and you know what you're doing. >> oh, thank you. that's so nice. i'm having a great time. >> you can tell. >> we love it's called am/fm. >> right. the am radio when i grew up in the '60s in california was and you could hear elvis, to doris day and they were romantic and sort of the fantasies of what love is like. >> and then the fm. >> the fm became about singer/song writers and rock and the disillusionment. >> and we'll be back-up dancers. >> do it! do it! >> this is rita wilson. that's awesome! ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ i've been crying
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♪ because i'm lonely. ♪ tears won't wash away the fear ♪ ♪ that you never ever going to return ♪ ♪ the fire within me burns ♪ keeps me crying baby for you keeps me sighing, baby for you ♪ ♪ come on boy, see about me ♪ i've given up my friends just for you ♪ ♪ you have too ♪ until you come back and be mine ♪
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♪ ♪ keep on crying baby for you ♪ ♪ keep on sighing baby for you ♪ so come on and hurry ♪ come on boy, see about me ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ sometimes up ♪ ♪ sometimes down ♪ ♪ my life's so uncertain ♪ with you are not around ♪ from my arms you may be out of reach sfoet ♪ but my heart says you're here to keep ♪ ♪ keep on crying baby for you
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