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tv   Mad Money  NBC  May 10, 2012 3:00am-4:00am EDT

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>> we love you! >> say hello to tom. bye, everybody, have a good one! bye, everybody! -- captions by vitac -- bailey: there are 13,000 cabs in the streets of the big apple, but there's only one that pays you. climb into the cash cab, and i'll quiz you all the way to your destination. as the meter clicks, the questions get harder, and the stakes get higher. if you get stumped, you can shout out for help on the phone or off the street. but be careful, because in the cash cab, it's three strikes, and you're out. ohh! so, what do you say? you in? -- captions by vitac -- captions paid for by discovery communications, llc
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hello. how you doing? hi. we're going to 67th and central park west. [ mumbling ] 67th and central park. [ mumbles indistinctly ] i'm sorry? [ alarm sounds, bells ring ] what's going on? you're in the cash cab. it's a tv game show that takes place right here in my taxi. all right! [ laughs ] what do you think? pretty crazy, huh? a game show in your cab? a game show in a cab. and here's how it works. i'm your host. my name is ben bailey. i am gonna drive you ladies to your destination. i'm gonna ask you general-knowledge questions. as long as you continue to answer them correctly, you're gonna win cash all the way to where you're going. but here's the catch. if you get three wrong, that's three strikes, and you're out.
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which means i'm gonna pull over and kick you out on the spot right where we are, and you lose everything. all right? what do you say? do you want to play? yeah! yeah! all right, let's take a ride in the cash cab! all right, here we go, ladies. so, what are your names? i'm angela. and i'm dolores. angela and dolores, welcome to the cash cab. you ladies are headed up to 67th and central park west. that's 30 blocks away, so we're gonna get started immediately. are you ready? yes. all right, here we go. these first questions are worth $50 each. here's your first one. according to a best-selling book from the '80s, what emasculating dish is not eaten by real men? quiche. the answer is quiche. quiche is right, and you're on the board with 50 bucks. oh, great, ang. all right! we made it one block! uttered by dr. watson, what exclamation is believed to have originated from the german expression "gruss gott"? do you know? i can't think of -- oh. dr. watson.
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um... is it "good god"? oh, no. good guess, but strike one. it's "great scott." oh. you're one for two. you have $50 and one strike. still have both your shout-outs. don't forget about them. here's your next question for $50. easily confused with a south american beast of burden, what title is commonly held by a tibetan buddhist teacher? a lama. a dalai lama. a lama? lama is correct! and you're up to 100 bucks. well done. you've got $100 and one strike. here's your final $50 question. 24 blocks to go. on a mac, command/option/escape is the equivalent of what three-key sequence on a p.c.? control/alt/delete. yes! that is correct! and you're up to $150. i do that all the time. all right, ladies, you're three for four. that's it for the $50 questions. these next questions are worth $100 apiece and they're a little bit harder. here's your first one.
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used to make wrinkled warm-weather clothing, what flax-based fabric did ancient egyptians wrap their mummies in? the only thing i can think of is linen. is the answer linen? yes, it is! and that's good for 100 bucks. oh, great! i knew i'd see a little bit of the discovery channel in there somewhere. honoring her celibate status, the state of virginia was named after what never-married english monarch? queen victoria. no! elizabeth. elizabeth? elizabeth is right, and that's good for another $100. and you're up to $350. queen elizabeth i, but queen elizabeth is an acceptable answer, so good job. you guys have $350. and we're stuck at a red light, and that triggers a red light chall-e-e-enge! it's a multiple-answer question. you have to get all parts of the answers correct in order to win the money. if you do, it's worth an extra $250.
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no penalty for wrong answers on this one, and you have 30 seconds to answer from the time i've finished asking. are you ready? yes. well, then here we go. this red light challenge may prove to be a true brain twister. name the five states that average the highest number of tornadoes per year. kansas, oklahoma. got two. texas. got three. missouri. florida. got four. you need one. virginia. north carolina. minnesota? north dakota? keep guessing. south dakota. keep guessing. nebraska. arizona. yes! you got it with nebraska. i thought that was my first one, but i don't know why i didn't say it. whoo. all right, good job. you got the red light challenge, and you're up to 600 bucks. well done, ladies. did you say you guys are sisters? we are. yeah, we're the twister sisters. the original twister sisters. the original twister sisters. all right. we've got 10 blocks to go. you have $600. let's see if you can make it $700. located in the southeast u.s., the so-called stone belt is known for its high incidence
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of what physical malady? a stone belt? the stone belt. i don't know. gallstones. oh, no. strike two. it's kidney stones. oh. oh. all right, that's your second strike. one more, and i have to kick you out. you do still have both your shout-outs, so don't forget about them. we only have three blocks to go. here's your final $100 question. oh, my goodness. launched in 1993, what cartoon series retells biblical tales with the help of anthropomorphic produce? and we're here, so this is gonna be it. "veggie tales"? i don't know. yeah, there's these bible veggie tales. are you sure? you said "biblical," right? i did indeed. "veggie tales." is it "veggie tales"? yes, it is! and we're here, so you just won $700 in the cash cab! i can't believe it! i can't believe it! wait. what's the song? ♪ let's do it like they do it on the discovery channel ♪
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[ laughs ] nice. this is awesome. we didn't think we'd get past the first block. okay, twister sisters, here's the deal. you've won $700 in the cash cab. i've got it right here. you can take it now and be on your way. or... you can stick around and risk it all and go double or nothing on a video bonus question. so, take a minute and decide what you want to do. okay, what do you want to do? i don't know. i mean... it's your decision. you know what? the fact that we had a lot of fun and we made out better than i ever imagined, i want to leave on a high. i always leave on the high note. so you're gonna take the money? we're gonna take the money. not gonna be greedy. great choice. great game. here's your cash. congratulations, ladies. thank you so much. very nice to meet you. that was a lot of fun. good game. take care. i will. i'll try. take it easy. have a good one. all right, thanks. you, too. we won on "cash cab"! that was the best cab ride we ever took in manhattan. hands down, the best cab ride in new york city ever.
3:08 am
in absolute perfect iphysical conditioner, and i had a heart attack right out of the clear blue... he was just... "get me an aspirin"... yeah... i knew that i was doing the right thing, when i gave him the bayer. i'm on an aspirin regimen... and i take bayer chewables. [ male announcer ] aspirin is not appropriate for everyone so be sure to talk to your doctor before you begin an aspirin regimen. so he's a success story... [ laughs ] he's my success story. [ male announcer ] learn how to protect your heart at i am proheart on facebook. @l ♪ i don't wanna be right [ record scratch ] what?! it's not bad for you. it just tastes that way. [ female announcer ] honey nut cheerios cereal -- heart-healthy, whole grain oats.
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you can't go wrong loving it.
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[ female announcer ] introducing the ultimate daily lotion from gold bond. because your skin needs a little healing every day. the ultimate daily lotion -- new from gold bond. hi. 57th and 7th. carnegie hall.
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you just made it. really? [ alarm sounds, bells ring ] you guys are in the cash cab. it's a tv game show that takes place right here in my taxi. oh, wow. yay! so, what do you say? do you want to play? yeah! yeah! yeah! all right. let's take a ride in the cash cab. whoo! all right, here we go, guys. so, what are your names? eddie. carl. dave. eddie, carl, and dave, welcome to the cash cab. you guys are headed up to carnegie hall. that is 30 blocks away. so you're gonna have 30 blocks to rack up as much money as you can, so we're gonna start right away. are you ready? yeah! ready! yeah! these first questions are worth 50 bucks apiece. here's your first one. also called the congelatio, what dangerous condition nips at the nose, fingers, and toes of cold-weather victims? i want to say frostbite. sounds likely. frostbite. frostbite is right, and you're on the board with 50 bucks. you're one for one, guys. you have 50 bucks. let's see if you can double it. clinging to its imperial past, what is the only country in the world
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that has a reigning emperor? japan? i would think feudal. all right. we're gonna go with japan. ohh! that is correct and good for another 50 bucks. that is not fair! i got to have a little fun, too. you know what i'm saying? featured in the title of a shakespeare comedy, what mouselike mammal can eat its entire body weight in a single day? "taming of the shrew." the answer's a shrew. apparently it's a shrew. shrew is correct, and you're up to $150. all right, guys, you're three for three. you have $150, no strikes, still have both your shout-outs. things are looking very good. 23 blocks to go. here's your final $50 question. made by turtle island foods, what brand of faux turkey is a soy-laden staple of vegan thanksgiving dinners? i'm gonna say "tofurky." i don't know. tofurky. tofurky is right. good for another 50 bucks. how do you know this? mmm. delicious tofurky.
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all right, 4 for 4 on the $50s. those are now done. these next questions are worth $100 each and are a little bit harder. here's your first one. debuting on broadway in 2007, "the farnsworth invention" recounts the early days of what common electronic appliance? farnsworth? farnsworth. let's do a street shout-out. want to use a street shout-out? all righty. preferably someone who looks smart. and we're set, so choose wisely, and good luck. hi. excuse me, miss. we're on a tv show. can you help us out? "cash cab." we're on a tv show. debuting on broadway in 2007... debuting on broadway, 2007... ..."the farnsworth invention"... ..."the farnsworth invention" recounts the early days of what common electronic appliance? um... 2007 -- broadway. the... what you make cake with. what's it called? oven? no, no, no.
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an electric mixer? electric mixer? five seconds. is that the answer, or you're guessing? an electric mixer. oh, no! strike one. an electric mixer is incorrect. it's a television. the tv. that's one we should've got. it's tv. thank you very much. [ laughing ] cake mixer was a good guess. no, it wasn't. "the thing you make cakes with." what? why would you answer that? you guys go, "an oven?" you should've gone with the tv. an unsuccessful street shout-out leaves you with your first strike. you still have 200 bucks. and your street shout-out is now gone. we have 12 blocks to go. metamucil uses super hard working psyllium fiber, which gels to remove unsexy waste and reduce cholesterol. taking psyllium fiber won't make you a model but you should feel a little more super. metamucil. down with cholesterol. ♪
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[ camera clicks ] ♪ it's hard to resist the craveable nature of a nature valley sweet & salty nut bar. you know, from car insurance companies shouting, "save 500 bucks over here!" "no, save 300 bucks over here!" "wait, save 400 bucks right here." with so many places offering so much buck-saving, where do you start? well, esurance was born online, raised by technology, and majors in efficiency. so they're actually built to save you money... and time... and whiplash. esurance. insurance for the modern world. click or call.
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esurance. insurance for the modern world. bailey: an unsuccessful street shout-out leaves you with your first strike. you still have 200 bucks. and your street shout-out is now gone. still have the mobile shout-out. don't forget about that. we have 12 blocks to go.
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here's your next question for 100 bucks. introduced by an american greetings exec, what bald, schlumpy comic-strip character never seems to be wearing pants? [ sighs heavily ] i would guess ziggy. ziggy doesn't wear pants. that's true. ziggy. ziggy is correct, and you're back on track and up to 300 bucks. with the stock-ticker symbol rsto, what home-furnishings chain has been described as "pottery barn for boys"? rsto? do a mobile shout-out. we'll do a mobile shout-out. a mobile shout-out. who are you guys gonna call? gonna call john. john. okay. yeah, hi. john? i hailed the cash cab, and i need you to help me with something. um, are you gonna tell me the question? yep. here we go. with the stock-ticker symbol rsto... with the stock-ticker symbol rsto... ...what home-furnishings chain...
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...what home-furnishings chain has been described as "pottery barn for boys"? 15 seconds. hurry up. five seconds. i need an answer. i need an answer. i'd say ikea because... time's gonna run out. ikea. oh, no! strike two! ikea is incorrect. it's restoration hardware. all right. thanks a lot, john. that's your second strike. one more strike, guys, and out you go. we're getting close. we got about four blocks to go. shout-outs are both gone, so you're on your own, but right now you have $300, and we're stuck at a red light, and that triggers a red light chall-e-e-enge! nice! we can't lose, guys. we're gonna nail this. are you ready? yes. all right. let's do it. this red light challenge will be a cakewalk for fans of the catwalk. name the four big cities that host the so-called "big four" fashion weeks. paris, new york. london, milan, paris.
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you got it! and we're just pulling in to carnegie hall, so you guys just won 550 bucks in the cash cab! [ all cheering ] whew! oh, my goodness. all right, guys. here's the deal. you've won 550 bucks in the cash cab. i've got it right here. you could take it and be on your way, or you could stick around and risk it all and go double or nothing on a video bonus question. if you get it wrong, you lose the $550. if you get it right, you're gonna double your money and you're gonna climb out of the cash cab with $1,100. so take a minute and decide what you want to do. i think we should be rich after this. let's do this, guys. we got to pay tuition bills. [ laughs ] um, we're gonna double it. you're gonna go for it. all right. let's go for the video bonus! all right, guys. here we go. this is it! this is the big moment. it's for $1,100 or for nothing. take a look at the screen, and good luck. without some extra traction, even the most expert mountaineers will struggle with the slippery slopes of this glacier.
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what is the term for these detachable spikes that help hikers get a grip? think what it is. oh, my god. i just had it in my mind, and i lost it. spikes. i would guess ice cleats. i don't know. i'm sorry, guys. i'm sorry. yeah, ice cleats. ice cleats. oh, no. ice cleats is incorrect. i don't know if it was what you had in your head. the answer was crampons. no, it wasn't. crampons. ugh. ohh. all right, guys. sorry i got to boot you, but thanks for playing. at least you made it to your destination. i hope you had a good time, still. it was nice to meet you. thank you. all right. take it easy, guys. well, easy come, easy go. stay tuned, everybody.
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we'll see you right back here in the farnsworth invention.
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[ male announcer ] new icy hot arthritis lotion. powerful encapsulated menthol gets icy to dull pain, hot to relax it away. power past pain.
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strong enough to rebuild tooth enamel, yet gentle enough for sore mouths. new act sensitive. strong teeth, fresh breath. in a sensitive formula. bailey: how you doing, there? how you doing? i'm all right. where are you going -- downtown or uptown? delancey, please. delancey and clinton. delancey and clinton. [ alarm sounds, bells ring ] you're in the cash cab. it's a tv game show that takes place right here in my taxi. and this is a cash cab double ride, which means the dollar amounts are doubled, so you're gonna have a chance to win twice as much money. what do you think? i think it's great. do you want to play? yes, sir! let's take a ride in the cash cab. so, what's your name? my name is mike perazzi. mike perazzi, welcome to the cash cab, sir. thank you. you're headed down to delancey and clinton street. you're gonna have 42 blocks to rack up as much cash as you possibly can, so we shall begin immediately.
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are you ready? i am ready. because it is a cash cab double ride, these first questions are worth 100 bucks each. named for a national park, what pistol-wielding redhead made his debut in the merrie melodies cartoon "hare trigger"? yosemite sam. bam! that is correct, and you're on the board with 100 bucks. well done. all right. both quicker and noisier than shoelaces, what type of fastener did puma introduce to the sneaker in 1968? it would have to be... [ imitates rip ] velcro? velcro is correct, and you've doubled your money in this cash cab double ride. that's good. and you're up to 200 bucks. representing the word "and," what keyboard symbol is derived from an ancient roman system of shorthand? i think it's that little... [ whistles ] which i believe is called... the ampersand. that is correct, and you're three for three. up to 300 bucks. good job, mike. 26 blocks to go. here's your final $100 question.
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okay. penned by brooklyn's own walt whitman, the 1865 poem "o captain! my captain!" eulogizes what slain leader? ugh! pain. that's painful. um... my guess is napoleon. oh, no! strike one. napoleon is incorrect. abraham lincoln. you still have 300 bucks, but now you have one strike, mike. okay. i'm gonna call you that -- one-strike mike. 'cause there's no more strikes. we've got 20 blocks to go. that's it for the $100 questions. because this is a double ride, these next questions are worth $200 apiece and they're a little bit harder. here's your first one. okay. in a famous quip, france's charles de gaulle asked how can you govern a country that has 246 different kinds of what? oh, my goodness. guess what. time for my mobile shout-out.
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you want to use the shout-out. who are you gonna call? i'm gonna call my uncle junior -- j.r. uncle junior? hey. listen, i'm on "the cash cab," and you are my mobile shout-out. all right, here we go. in a famous quip... france's charles de gaulle... ...france's charles de gaulle... ...famously asked.... ...famously asked how can you govern a country that has 246 different kinds of what? okay. i'm gonna go with you because i love you. cheese. the answer is cheese. cheese is correct! that's good for another 200 bucks. yes, thank you! and you're up to $500. well done, uncle junior. i'll talk to you later, uncle junior. we got 12 blocks to go, mike. you have one strike. a longtime critic of bill o'reilly, what msnbc host regularly hands out the title "the worst person in the world?" that guy is a former espn,
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and his name is keith olbermann. yes, it is, and you're up to 700 bucks! well done, mike. three blocks to go. let's see if you can make it $900. adding drums, vocal, and bass, what video game has been described as "guitar hero" on steroids? my answer is "rock band." "rock band" is right, and you're up to 900 bucks. yes, yes, yes, yes, yes. often used to make essential oils, what fragrant wood is the product of the santalum tree? the santalum tree. i'm going to say -- hopefully staying one-strike mike -- sandalwood? sandalwood is correct, mike, and that's worth another 200 bucks! and that brings you up to 1,100 bucks. and we're here, so you just won $1,100 in the cash cab! wow. that's unbelievable. that is unbelievable! and you stayed one-strike mike all the way through. good job, man. congratulations. now, here's the deal. i've got it right here. i can give it to you now.
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oh, you can give it to me now. or you can stick around and risk it all and go double or nothing on a video bonus question. i think i'm going to respectfully decline your offer. well, congratulations. here's your 1,100 bucks. wow. this has been great. it was really fun. it was a nail-biter. have a good night, mike. all right. h-h-hey, h-h-hey! the best cab ride of my life. whew! one-strike mike takes us for $1,100. thank you, guys. have a good one.
3:30 am
bailey: there are 13,000 cabs in the streets of the big apple, but there's only one that pays you. climb into the cash cab, and i'll quiz you all the way to your destination. as the meter clicks, the questions get harder, and the stakes get higher. if you get stumped, you can shout out for help on the phone or off the street. but be careful, because in the cash cab, it's three strikes, and you're out. [ crying ] so, what do you say? you in? -- captions by vitac -- captions paid for by discovery communications, llc
3:31 am
hi, there. hey. going down to chelsea market. [ mumbles indistinctly ] 9th avenue and 16th street. [ mumbles indistinctly ] what was that? [ mumbles indistinctly ] whatever you think's the best. sure, you'll get us there. [ alarm sounds, bells ring ] you guys are in the cash cab. it's a tv game show that takes place right here in my taxi. [ laughs ] great. oh, yeah. all right, fine. you got us. all right, good. i'm your host. my name is ben bailey. i'm gonna drive you to your destination. i'm gonna ask you general-knowledge questions along the way. they're gonna start off easy. they're gonna get harder as we go. as long as you guys continue to answer the questions correctly, you're gonna win cash all the way to chelsea market.
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if you get three wrong, that's three strikes, and you're out, which means i'm gonna pull over and kick you guys out on the spot right where we are, and you lose everything. mm-hmm. all right? those are the rules of the game. do you want to play? absolutely. go for it. [ laughs ] let's take a ride in the cash cab. all right, here we go, guys. so, what are your names? newman. i'm benjy. hello, newman and benjy. welcome to the cash cab. [ laughs ] you guys are headed down to chelsea market. that's 44 blocks away, so you're gonna have 44 blocks to accumulate as much moola as possible. are you ready? we're ready. all right. here we go. these first questions are worth 50 bucks apiece. here's your first one. fronting paper towels since 1974, what fictional, muscle-bound icon lost his moustache in a 2003 makeover? the brawny man. the brawny man? yeah, you know that big guy that sits in front of the towels? brawny man? yeah. the brawny man. brawny. the brawny man is correct, and you're on the board with 50 bucks. all right.
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in 1967, the new political headquarters of nato sprouted up in what belgian capital? brussels would be the capital of belgium, so let's go with that. we're going for brussels. that's the way to go, and you're two for two. all right. you are guys are two for two. we're gonna keep them coming. here's your next question for 50 bucks. in the lingo of hollywood's "daily variety," what genre of entertainment is called a sudser? sudser as in soap, do you think? a soap opera? we're gonna go with soap opera. oh. that is correct and good for another 50 bucks. you almost did it to me. i got you. i'm getting old, man. you can't. all right, i'll quit playing around. i'm sorry. all right, you're three for three, guys. you got 150 bucks, no strikes, still have both your shout-outs. here's your final $50 question. called king billy in canada, what colorful butterfly was named in honor of england's william of orange? monarch? yeah, i don't know.
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let's go. the monarch? monarch is right, and you're four for four. i guess that makes sense, huh? it's a king billy, eh? there he goes. look at him. that's it for the $50 questions. these next questions are worth 100 bucks each and are a little bit harder. all right. bring them on. meaning "spindle-shaped" in french, what is the term for the main body of an aircraft? the word "fuselage." fuselage is correct, and that's good for 100 bucks. according to the u.s.d.a., what sour, dairy-based biscuit ingredient is also a good thirst-quencher? uh, sour? buttermilk? yeah, i don't know. i'll go with your answer. buttermilk? buttermilk is right, and that's good for another $100. a good guess, and you're up to 400 bucks. oh, my goodness. 24 blocks to go. centuries before it founded georgetown university, what catholic order briefly owned a feudal fiefdom in japan? well, you got the jesuits,
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and you got -- what's the other ones? jesuits? yes, jesuits is correct again. desperation. good guesses. this is working. keeping you guys on track. 500 bucks. all right. here's your final $100 question. meaning "cut the brain" in greek, what surgical procedure has been described as one of the worst crimes in medical history? oh. lobotomy? yeah. yeah, i guess. let's go with it. lobotomy? lobotomy is right, and you're still perfect and up to 600 bucks. you guys have $600, and we are stuck at a red light, and that triggers a red light chall-e-e-enge! all right. here's how the red light challenge question works. it's a multiple-answer question. you have to get all parts of the answer correct in order to win the money. if you do, it's worth an extra $250. no penalty for wrong answers on this one, so both of you call out anything that you think might be a part of it till you've gotten it all or time has run out. if you do miss it, you don't get a strike. you don't lose any money. you just don't get the $250.
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you have 30 seconds to answer from the time i finished asking. are you ready? yes. well, then, here we go. including both downloads and online orders, name four of the top five music retailers based on 2007 u.s. market share. go. itunes. got one. got two. rhapsody? keep guessing. ebay? he said ebay. keep guessing. anything. downloads and online orders. barnes & noble? [ laughs ] borders? borders? keep guessing. you still have two. you need two more. no penalty for wrong answers. guess anything. rolling stone? five seconds. wal-mart. got one with wal-mart. target. got it with target! oh, man, at the last second. you are good. thanks. all right, good job. the only one you didn't say was best buy. but that's all right. you got four. that's good for 250 bucks, and you're up to $850,
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and you're still perfect. that's it for the $100s. these next questions are worth $200 apiece, and they're a little harder still. you still have both your shout-outs. don't forget about them. here's your first $200. also an apt motto for "cash cab," what one-word slogan did ibm president thomas watson post throughout his company's offices? eureka? oh, no. strike one. eureka was a good guess, but no, it's "think." you know. i almost -- almost had it. all right. all right. all right. all right, guys, that's your first strike. that's the bad news. the good news is, we're here, so you guys just won 850 bucks in the cash cab. a lot of fun and thanks for the moola. a lot of fun. great game, guys. nice meeting you. yeah, nice to meet you. beautiful new york experience. [ laughs ] all right, guys, here's the deal. you've won 850 bucks in the cash cab. i've got it right here. you can take it now, go into the chelsea market
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and buy a couple of steaks, or you can stick around and risk it all and go double or nothing on a video bonus question. here's how the video bonus question works. i'll play a video clip for you. i'll ask you a single question about that video clip. if you get it right, you're gonna double your money. you're gonna climb out of the cash cab with $1,700. but if you miss it, you're gonna lose everything at the very last second and leave with nothing but a cab ride. so, take a minute and decide what you want to do. i think i'm going for the moola now. take it? yeah. i mean, that's right there, so... unfortun-- right? -- unfortunately, you hit two really impecunious young men who are looking at the wall month by month, so we're gonna take the cash. i should give you extra credit for using the word "impecunious." how about that, huh? all right, a wise choice maybe. we'll never know. we'll never know. that's okay. here you go. it's up to you. here's your 850 bucks. congratulations, guys. thank you.
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great game. great to meet you. enjoy the rest of your day. ah. all right. [ indistinct talking ] two more happy winners in the cash cab. and away we go. all right. in absolute perfect iphysical condition, and i had a heart attack right out of the clear blue... he was just... "get me an aspirin"... yeah... i knew that i was doing the right thing, when i gave him the bayer. i'm on an aspirin regimen... and i take bayer chewables. [ male announcer ] aspirin is not appropriate for everyone so be sure to talk to your doctor before you begin an aspirin regimen. so he's a success story... [ laughs ] he's my success story. [ male announcer ] learn how to protect your heart at i am proheart on facebook.
3:40 am
♪ i don't wanna be right [ record scratch ] what?! it's not bad for you. it just tastes that way. [ female announcer ] honey nut cheerios cereal -- heart-healthy, whole grain oats. you can't go wrong loving it.
3:41 am
[ female announcer ] introducing the ultimate daily lotion from gold bond. because your skin needs a little healing every day.
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the ultimate daily lotion -- new from gold bond. [ cab door opens ] piper: hi. hi, how are you? good. how are you? i'm doing all right. where we going, ladies? nobu. hudson and franklin. nobu? yeah. what's that, a sushi joint? it sure is. all right. [ alarm sounds, bells ring ] you guys are in the cash cab, it's a tv game show that right here in my taxi. [ laughs ] someone was telling me this. do you want to play? yes. whoo! all right. let's take a ride in the cash cab. oh, my gosh. let's win some money. all right, here we go, ladies. so, what are your names? i'm piper. and i'm jennifer. piper and jennifer, welcome to the cash cab. thank you. thank you. you're headed down to nobu. that is 40 blocks away. that means you're gonna have 40 blocks to rack up as much cash as possible. whoo-o-o-o! so, we're gonna get started right away.
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okay. are you ready? i think so. we're ready, right? yeah. we're ready. we're ready. these first questions are worth $50 apiece. here's your first one. according to e.u. law, what dairy product must hail from the italian province of parma? parmesan cheese? parmesan cheese. that's got to be it. yes. parmesan cheese. oh, no, it's goat cheese. just kidding. parmesan cheese is correct. oh, my god. and you're on the board with 50 bucks. sorry about that. sorry about that. hitting the net in 2001, an infamous computer virus promised jpegs of what russian tennis ingenue? kournikova? that's the only russian -- i don't know. um, kournikova's russian and sharapova's russian. ingenue means -- five seconds. i'm gonna say -- kournikova. kournikova. anna kournikova is correct. [ cheers ] and that's good for another $50, and you're up to $100. [ laughs ]
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sharing the 2007 nobel peace prize with al gore, the i.p.c.c. is formerly named the intergovernmental panel on what? climate change. yes! climate control or climate change or something. climate change? yeah. climate change. climate change is right, and you're up to $150. [ cheers, laughs ] all right, you're three for three. you have $150, no strikes, still have both your shout-outs. here's your final $50 question. meaning "of the monks" in french, what midwestern capital was declared cool in a 2007 new york times article? maybe des moines? it's got to be. "of the" is "des" -- "d-e-s" -- so des moines. des moines, iowa. yeah, des moines. that is correct, and you're up to 200 bucks. well done, four for four. four years of french. 25 blocks to go. that's it for the $50s. these next questions are worth $100 apiece, and they're a little bit harder. here's your first one. the opposite of supinated, what type of foot
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results in wear and tear near the big toe of a shoe? pronated. supinate and pronate, right? um, maybe. i don't know. pronate. supinate. supinated means more. five seconds. no, it'd be hyper, so pronate. pronate. i'd say pronate. being a runner and all. oh, pronated. pronated is right, and that's good for 100 bucks. [ laughs ] still have both your shout-outs. here's your next question for 100 bucks. established as a kingdom in 1701, what european state spearheaded the unification of germany under otto von bismarck? oh, no, i knew the answer. bismarck, um... bismarck, prussia. um, bismarck. he was -- the unification of germany. it was one state. it was, like, prussia, bavaria, bohemia. i guess i'd go with bavaria. bavaria. oh, no, strike one. you were so close. it was prussia. it was prussia.
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ooh, that was a tough one. you almost got it. that's your first strike, ladies. be careful. two more of those, and i have to kick you out. i don't want to do it. it's just part of the job. metamucil uses super hard working psyllium fiber, which gels to remove unsexy waste and reduce cholesterol. taking psyllium fiber won't make you a model but you should feel a little more super. metamucil. down with cholesterol. ♪ [ camera clicks ] ♪ it's hard to resist the craveable nature of a nature valley sweet & salty nut bar. you know, from car insurance companies shouting, "save 500 bucks over here!" "no, save 300 bucks over here!" "wait, save 400 bucks right here." with so many places offering so much buck-saving, where do you start? well, esurance was born online, raised by technology, and majors in efficiency. so they're actually built
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to save you money... and time... and whiplash. esurance. insurance for the modern world. click or call.
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3:49 am
that's your first strike, ladies. be careful. two more of those, and i have to kick you out. let's get back on track. here's your next question for 100 bucks. a fixture of dictionary pronunciations, the "schwa" resembles an upside-down version of what letter? it could be an "e." schwa. is it a... a "u." it's a "u"? i think "u." i want to say "u." oh, no, strike two. ouch. it's an "e." ah, see! it's an "e." an "e"? yeah. all right, that's two strikes. now you really got to be careful, and you really got to remember those shout-outs. they could save you that final strike and keep you in the game. you have 11 blocks to go. go to make it 11 more blocks without another wrong answer. here's your final $100 question. meaning "to gape" in latin, what term refers to a planned break in the programming schedule of a tv series?
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shout-out. shout-out. a shout-out it is. a mobile or a street shout-out? um...street. all right, a street shout-out it is. we're not at a busy intersection. choose wisely and good luck. all right. hi, we're in the cash cab. can you help us, please? can you help us with a trivia question? oh, yeah, here he comes. whoo! thank you. all right. are you ready for this? bailey: okay, here we go. meaning "to gape" in latin... meaning "to gape" in latin, what term refers to a planned break in the programming schedule of a tv series? intermission. commercial. a planned break in the programming schedule of a tv series. hiatus. hiatus. i think we're gonna go with that. that sounds good. five seconds. we're gonna go with hiatus. we'll go with hiatus. we'll trust him. hiatus us right. [ screaming ] thank you so much. thank you so much. oh, my god. have a good night. great job, man. all right. well done, ladies. oh. whew.
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that guy just saved our lives. all right, a successful street shout-out. that brings you up to $400. more importantly, you are still in the cab. all right. all right, this is turning into a cliff-hanger of a game. you've got $400 and 2 strikes, only your mobile shout-out remaining, 6 blocks to go. we can do this. we can do this. that's it for the $100s. these next questions are worth $200 apiece, and they're a little harder still. here's your first one. a popular pastime in tokyo, what vertical variety of pinball is said to have ties to organized crime? come up like this. um, hokeno, or something like that. or plinko? keno. yes. we're pulling into your destination. you have $400 and 2 strikes. i need your answer. this is for $600 or for nothing. what's it gonna be? we're gonna go with -- we're gonna say keno. oh, no. strike three. ouch. right here at your destination. you were close. pachinko it's called.
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it's okay. you said plinko. i thought you were gonna get it. oh, man. i never heard of pachinko. i have. that's a tough way to end the game. i hope you had a good time, though, anyway. it was very fun. it was a fun ride, right? very fun ride. the excitement of the street shout-out. that was awesome. remember that? that street shout-out -- i'll never forget that part. [ laughs ] we did okay. it's a tough show. it is a tough show. we did our best. i'm sorry i have to throw you out with no winnings, but thanks for playing. thanks for being good sports. thanks. take it easy. nice to meet you. nice to meet you, too. have a nice night. we didn't win, but we had a very good time. yeah, and we know stuff that we didn't know before. wow, i think the prussia got to them there at the end. time to take a hiatus. [ exhales sharply ]
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3:54 am
[ male announcer ] new icy hot arthritis lotion. powerful encapsulated menthol gets icy to dull pain, hot to relax it away. power past pain. strong enough to rebuild tooth enamel, yet gentle enough for sore mouths. new act sensitive. strong teeth, fresh breath. in a sensitive formula.
3:55 am
what's up, man? 45th and 10th, please. i know. well, i think it's the bear gardens. did you guys say 40, uh, 45th? yeah. 10th avenue. all right. you guys want to go there now, or, uh, what? [ scoffs ] when did you, uh... [ alarm sounds, bells ring ] aw. you guys are in the cash cab. it's a tv game show that takes place right here in my taxi. [ laughing ] oh, my gosh. what is going on? and guess what? this is a cash cab double ride, which means you guys are gonna have a chance to win twice as much money, 'cause all the dollar amounts are doubled. [ cheering and laughing ] awesome. what do you say? do you want to play? yeah! [ laughing ] let's take a ride in the cash cab. all right, here we go, everybody. so, what are your names? carrie. kristin. andy. justin. welcome to the cash cab, guys. you're headed up to 45th and 10th. that is 30 blocks away. that means you're gonna have 30 blocks to rack up as much cash as you can, so we're gonna get started immediately. are you ready?
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yes. we are. all right, then let's go. and because this is a double ride, these first questions are worth $100 apiece. here's your first one. what media institution promotes its website with the slogan "all the news that's fit to click." msn? is it... no idea. educated guess? i don't know. msn? don't say that. [ laughs ] oh, no, strike one. right off the bat. it's the new york times. the new york times. "all the news that's fit to print." 'cause their slogan is the "fit to print." all right, guys, a rocky start. one question, one strike. let's see if you can get on track with this next one. in astronomy, the event horizon is the literal point of no return that surrounds what all-consuming phenomenon? black hole? black hole? yeah, that sounds right. black hole? black hole is correct, and you're on the board with 100 bucks. yay! whoo! all right, 21 blocks to go. let's see if you can double your 100 bucks. after the british burned d.c. in 1814,
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thomas jefferson sold over 6,000 of his own books to restock what institution? the library of congress? wow. would it be the university of virginia? that's an institution, but the library -- but they said after they burned d.c. yeah. so it's the library of congress. the library of congress. that is correct, and you're up to $200. good job, kristin. [ laughing ] all right, we got a short ride. i'm gonna keep them coming. here's your final $100 question. invented to aid pilots, what specific type of headphones use acoustic waves to eliminate ambient sound? i don't know. [ indistinct speaking ] um, soundproof headphones? oh, no. strike two. soundproof -- you guys were on the right track. it's noise-canceling headphones. oh, my goodness. noise-canceling headphones. all right. that's your second strike, guys. be careful.
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one more, and out you go. all right. seven blocks to go. that's it for the $100s. these next questions are worth $200 each, and they're a little bit harder. meaning "a small group of conspirators," what word has its roots in the name of madonna's mystical religion? cabal. cabala. no, cabal. he's right. you're right. just go with it. we're wasting time. cabal. cabal is correct. g.r.e., baby. [ laughter ] yay. next question. all right, good job, guys. you're up to 400 bucks. in 2007, what french designer emblazoned his initials on an eco-friendly shopping tote costing 1,700 bucks? gaultier? or louis vuitton? oh. a shopping tote. yeah. let's go with it. jean-paul gaultier? oh, no. strike three. it was the other one. louis vuitton. oh! oh, no! oh, no! oh, well. that was a rough one. sorry, guys.
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it was the pressure of the double ride that got you. yeah. all right, guys. very nice to meet you. thanks for playing. sorry i have to kick you out. hope you had a good time anyway. it was a fun ride, if short-lived. have a good night. okay, thanks. you have a good night, too. all right. bye-bye. thank you. [ laughs ] the double ride ends in double zero. whoof. thanks a lot. bye. bye! bye, cash cab. have a good night.


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