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tv   Today  NBC  May 16, 2012 2:05am-3:00am EDT

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captions paid for by nbc-universal television it's a little dreary booze day tuesday here, may 15th. we're hoping it is going to turn around but things aren't looking so good. >> the weekend they say is going to be -- beautiful! >> yes. yes. >> so there is some controversy brewing among -- between this couple and this happens with a lot of couples. they're dating for five years and they break up. so you think that that's just
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how life goes on. >> they go on and find other people to break up with is what usually happens. >> well, these guys had a dog together. it ended up that the girlfriend took the dog at the end of the day she ended up with the dog. >> wasn't the question, hoda, that -- because he was moving so he said will you take care of the dog while i move? >> right. apparently they were going to share some of that custody i think of that dog. when the time came for him to come and pick up the dog, she allegedly had gone to california with the dog. so this guy named craig spent $60,000 on lawyers trying to get custody -- that's him in the mustard pants -- trying to get his dog back. >> he didn't probably have any money left over to buy khakis. $60,000 is a lot of legal fees for a dog! >> anyway, his argument is he paid for the dog. he paid to take care of the dog. it's his dog. >> she says --
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>> her argument is he gave her the dog as a gift so it's like an engagement ring -- pretend. you get an engagement ring, it's your ring, can you sell it, do whatever you want. if he gave it to her as a gift it's probably hers. if he didn't, it's probably his. >> it could be a he said/she said. she assumed it was a gift? sad when you have to spell out everything legally in today's world. >> but $60,000? he says he's gone through all of his savings. this is all about the dog apparently. other things i'm sure. but 60 grand and he's in debt now and he's actually got some website where he's trying to get more money so he can fight on for the dog. >> strangers should help him pay his legal -- you know what? there are dog lovers out there that will do that. some people will part with their money. i'm not one of them. i'm going to put my money towards bambino. we can put up a picture of bam if we want.
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>> later. >> timing is the thing in show business. "the x factor" which is a new show -- >> it's not so new anymore. they expected it to be this blockbuster and it didn't end up being a blockbuster. it is successful but not as much as they thought. >> we told you britney spears had joined the group and now another 19-year-old has been announced as a judge. >> boy, britney got her figure back. didn't she? wow. >> demi and britney aren't known as being very outspoken and opinionated. >> they're not known for articulation. >> yeah. okay. >> it will be interesting to see
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what happens with those -- >> i think britney's going to be adorable. i think she's got a southern charm to her. she certainly knows what she's talking about. she's accomplished a great deal. we forget how young she still is. demi is the one that i think is the question mark. because i don't know what she brings to the table except for the youth factor because -- you already have -- to me britney spears, you get the youth factor. that's the world today. no, she's 19 as opposed to 25. shoot. my shoes are older than both of them put togetr. >> it will be interesting to see how that show works out. >> "america's got talent" was on last night. >> we haven't heard yet but i would think the interest factor would be huge. >> this is the beginning where all the kind of freaks are out and they have them all competing. there was a woman who was covered with birds, birds that she kisses on the belly, then she was singing. >> now see, i'd vote for her. >> just stop. >> look who just walked in. >> "america's got talent." we've got betty white! hi, betty! >> hi! >> hi, sweetie! >> how are you? >> by the way, you have a roast coming up tomorrow. >> oh. tell me about it. i'm going to leave town tonight. >> no, you're not. we're coming.
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>> really? >> yeah, yeah. we're going to be there with you. but in the meantime, we would love to have you judge our talent or lack of. would you do that for us right now? >> certainly would love to. >> we had a thing yesterday. >> oh, let me see. >> let me see. are those the legs you're going to use? >> these are the legs, yeah. yeah. >> step down here. >> i will, but you can't get too far away from you know what, hoda? >> i'll hand it to you. >> this is kathie lee's talent. watch the other prop. ♪ >> boy, that's talent if i ever saw it. >> ready, betty? wait. watch this. >> i tell you, you are probably
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two of the most talented people i know. >> who won? >> well, i would say it's a draw. >> it was horrible! >> awful! >> i lost my mojo and i must get it back. i used to be the world's greatest hula hooper. >> but you can without the wine. >> watch this. >> whoa! >> no, i never do it with the hoop. >> she does her best work hoopless. we love you, betty. we're going to talk to you in just a few moments. give it up for miss betty white, everybody! >> i just have two words for you. keep practicing. >> i thought you were going to say day job. keep day job but that's three. gosh, i'm depressed. you want to though another thing that depresses me? >> what? >> they say that women look in the mirror and this is why. i think six times a day? eight? >> eight. >> every time i do i want to go
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into -- ♪ memories of the way i used to look ♪ after a certain age you don't want to see yourself anymore. except betty, and she looks perfect. >> often you go into a public restroom and there's a mirror there or often -- it's just like sometimes it is just around you. you know what i mean? there are mirrors around. the gym. >> you're not looking for yourself but there you are. >> here's the thing. after all these years in show business, you know good lighting when you're in it. don't you find that you avoid it like the plague? i know when you walk into a lady's room and it's that fluorescent stuff, just look at your hands when you're washing them. just don't even check it out. but, you go on certain shows where the lighting's great, it's like -- honestly, you just can't get enough of your flawless self. hey, anthony, do what do you for me, baby. yeah. you look so much better. i love you, anthony! but you can't do that with these mirrors. >> no, no, no.
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peep often have compacts. you often seen the people who are constantly checking and powdering? >> i do that to see if i have spinach in my teeth or something like that. i spent more money on my teeth than any other part of my body, you know what i'm saying. >> really? >> yes. but they collect everything. everything. have you noticed it? >> yes, i have. >> thanks a lot more never saying. when you say something -- when you're smiling and you think you're just so awesome and just -- then you go home like four hours later and the thing you ate nine hours later is still hanging there like the goober from hell. yeah. that's why i check it out. it's not vanity sake. >> but there are people who are constantly checking for that. they can't help it. >> but they don't know who they are. you know what i'm saying? you always say and you know who you are. that's the sad part -- they don't know it. >> people do it in the makeup room. the makeup room you always have mirrors, you're constantly talking in the mirror. some people talking in the mirror with looking at themselves, hey, something funny
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happened to me. you're like i'm over here. >> and they don't know who they are either. >> i'm not spilling. >> i have a big deep question to ask you. are you happy with your sex life? >> yes. yes, i am. >> how happy on a scale of 1 to 10? >> i mean happy. fine. it's good. how about you? >> no. -- no, just kidding. yes! thrilled to pieces! there's a survey from yahoo! shine and fitness magazine. keep that in mind. people say 64% of the people they have sex one to three times a week. betty, more than that. how many times, betty, would you say a week for you? >> she's so far away she can't hear us. what gets you in the mood? that's a question. one of them -- number four reason they say something gets you in the mood is exercise. number three is a sexy text or e-mail or phone call. two is a sexy movie. and they say the number one way to get you in the mood is dinner and wine. >> that's the last way to do it for you. >> just wine is for me. yeah.
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>> hoda does not like to feel bloated. >> crazy. >> she doesn't like to go to rosa mexicana beforehand. >> stop! up next, the lovely betty white and her band of sassy seniors are "off their rockers." >> we can't wait to hear all about it right after this. attention - americans living with limited mobility. what do you do when you can no longer get around like you used to? when you fear losing your independence? who do you call? call hoveround now, to see if you qualify for america's premier power chair. hi, i'm tom kruse, inventor and founder of hoveround. now you can do more, see more, enjoy life more. here's why hoveround makes it easier than any other power chair. hoveround is more maneuverable to get you through the tightest doors and hallways. more reliable. hoveround employees build your chair, deliver your chair, and will service your chair for as long as you own your chair. and most importantly, 9 out of 10 people got their hoveround for little or no cost. call now for your free dvd and information kit. and now every hoveround comes with this tote bag
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and cup holder for handy access to your favorite items. you don't really have to give up living because you don't have your legs. call now for your free consultation. and right now, get this limited edition hoveround america travel mug free with your hoveround delivery. call or log onto right now! we love theme parks but with four kids, it can just be too expensive. yeah, so to save money we just made our own. oh no! what could be worse than ninety-foot swells?!
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typhoon! first prize! it's a cheese grater. wooooo... this isn't scary. are you kidding me? look at that picture of your mom's hair from the '80s. there's an easier way to save. wooohooo... geico. fifteen minutes could save you fifteen percent or more on car insurance. show us your boobies! >> get a present! you get a present! hey! >> whoa! >> show us your boobies! show us your tatas! one each! it's my bucket list! >> that's a clip from betty white's "off their rockers" starring america's favorite sweetheart and seven-time emmy winner herself. >> if you've never seen it, betty's new nbc show sends a fearless band of senior citizens to the streets to pull shockingly hilarious pranks on
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the younger generation and they always seem to fall for them. >> hey, betty. >> hardest working woman in show business! there's big old special about an evening with. gosh, do you ever get tired? >> i'm greedy. i'm just plain greedy and i love what i do. >> "off their rockers" is funny. when it started off the concept seems funny but it wasn't until we saw the clips that we just realized this thing was going to be really good. >> well bless your hearts for running it every day. we can't thank you enough. believe me. >> we get paid to do that for nbc. we're happy too. what's it like to be so daggone beloved? does that get boring? >> are you kidding? i'm not that beloved. they haven't gotten wise to me yet. i'm 90 and i've been in the business for 63 years but they're going to catch on to me any minute. >> one of these days. we're going to find out you're not that animal lover. you love your animals so much.
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>> oh, i love my animals. >> what would you do in a situation like what we talked about. and a love broke up and one of your animals -- he wanted one of your dogs or something. what would you do? >> i'd make up with him. or kill him. one or the other. >> "hot in cleveland" is one of those shows that started off funny and again is one of those that's built -- kathie was on it. >> i loved it. >> regis is going on it. >> i just talk him to -- he said did he an episode, had a ball and he told me that he's coming back for the first episode of your next season. >> the opening season. >> yeah. which would be your fourth season or third? >> i think it's our third but maybe it's our -- who's counting? as long as they let us stay on. but we have such fun with him and such fun with you and it really is the happiest ship in town. >> i worked on a lot of different -- that i've never had more -- everybody adores one another. >> we really do.
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and it didn't start out that -- well, i signed on to do the pilot with the proviso in my contract that i would not be obligated should it go to series. how many pilots do you that don't get pick up? and so we got picked up in three weeks and they came and asked me if i'd do some more. i said, no, that was not in my -- not in my -- then i got thinking, but i had such fun with these girls, what's to say no to? so i've done them all. >> now tomorrow you're going to the fryar's pub. to get roasted. >> look at her face. >> matt had one two years ago and he got fried. >> i wouldn't even attend it because those things get so raw and so nasty. >> so are you excited? >> well, but the thing is they'll explain the things i don't understand. >> yeah. i got a feeling this is going to be a very, very different one. very different. >> well, mary tyler moore's coming. >> how dirty can she get? >> barbara walters is hosting. right? >> i know barbara's hosting.
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i'm not sure whether mary can come or not -- >> a birdie says -- you two never got along though, did you? >> that's what nobody ever knew. mary and i really don't like each other. but if you think that's enough, wait until you hear what i say about kathie lee gifford. >> one of the worst things that ever happened to me working was with betty and we were doing a carnival cruise line commercial. we were out on the high seas and i get -- they gave me some bacetracin. you remember i had hives all over my -- everywhere. >> you got to be careful who you date. you really do. >> i should have let those pursers alone. they have got a girl in every port. who knew? >> betty, we wish you great luck. not that you need it. we're going to see you tomorrow at the party! >> you're coming?
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>> absolutely. >> we are going to be there with you. >> absolutely. absolutely. we love you and you can catch -- >> two new episodes of betty white's "off their rockers" tomorrow night at 8:00, 7:00 central. right here on nbc. lots of fun. >> now can you practice and i'll -- >> let's get that hula hoop out. up next, sara gives up the latest scoop on some of the coolest ice cream shops after betty rings her whistle. they're waiting for you, hon. ♪ so every year my family throws this great reunion in austin. but this year, i can only afford one trip and i've always wanted to learn how to surf. austin's great -- just not for surfing. so i checked out hotwire. and by booking with them, i saved enough to swing both trips. see, hotwire checks the competition's rates every day so they can guarantee their low prices. that's how i got a 4-star hotel on the beach in san diego for half price. ♪ h-o-t-w-i-r-e ♪
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throughout our entire lives. ♪ one a day men's 50+ is a complete multi-vitamin designed for men's health concerns as we age. ♪ it has more of seven antioxidants to support cell health. that's one a day men's 50+ healthy advantage.
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♪ it is time for sara in the city. when our sara haines leaves the safety of our studio to explore everything new york has to offer. >> apparently this city has a lot of ice cream to offer because she hit the streets hoping to satisfy her sweet tooth and it sounds and likes like she hit the jackpot. >> i'm almost there. before you know the city streets will be sweltering and tons of tourists will be in search of something cool to eat so i did the leg work and created my own ice cream tour. taste testing all over manhattan. >> poor baby.
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>> and still doing it. right now i'm on the lower east side at sundaes and cones. i want to see what they can dish up for me. >> i'm going to make the banana boat today. >> christy's teaching me how to make the largest sundae on the menu. determined to succeed, i dig in. yes! this one's going to be my best scoop yet. oops, i dropped some into the other flavor. and do some tasting along the way. it is sticking out uneven so i'll just get this piece and put it into my belly. do y eat this stuff all day long? >> sometimes. you can't stop. >> see, it is healthy. you have fruit in it. oops, i dropped one on my hand. christy puts the cherries on top. it is so pretty, like artwork. then it is time for a final taste test. i got banana, cookie, whipped cream, peanut buttercup. need an m & m. ready? the perfect bite. that is amazing. after finishing my sunday, i'm off to stop number two --
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>> hi, how are you? where owners doug and brian serve up soft serve ice cream and plenty of laughs. >> we'll just hang this up. you ever made a soft serve cone? >> no. >> you want to try? >> yes. >> now you don't have to pull the thing down all the way. just go easy. okay? >> a little more than that, right? >> yeah. you got to have the ice cream come out. oh, my gosh. it's a little lopsided. >> it's way too small. keep going. now you're getting it. but which some more hands on -- >> this is much easier. i make a perfect cone and even master the art of chocolate dipping. after all of my hard work, it is time for a sweet reward. >> oh, yum. pretzels and ice cream. oh, my gosh! that is so good! i follow my sweet tooth.
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here owner john gives me the scoop on italian ice cream. >> gelato is just italian word for ice cream. >> i did mention that this lab makes over 250 flavors? >> you came one all these flavors? >> yep. >> i am loving you more every minute i know you. and because manhattan just isn't big enough for us, we decided to head to brooklyn to the brooklyn ice cream factory to try some more! views of the brooklyn bridge and classic frozen treats are on owner mark's menu. >> we make small batch ice cream here. we only do it in five-gallon batches. all of the ingredients are top notch. >> you make that here? >> everything gets made here. >> after a long day of touring ice cream shops, there's only one thing to do.
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eat more ice cream! can't get enough. can i get a napkin? >> whoa. >> but i brought some back for you. i know this isn't enough for us to share so here we go. is from il laboratory. this is acai. >> hoda with can have that? >> yeah. we hope so. we'll see in a few minutes. s
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we're back on this tuesday with "today's health and fertility." thousands much women undergo fertility treatment in the hope one day someone will call you mom. >> whether you're in your 20s or 40s, there are things you need to know right now about your fertility to protect your options later. dr. jamie griffo, nice to see you. interesting, a lot of women, they're busy with careers,
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they're busy with life, they're moving ahead. when it comes to fertility they say i'll get there when i get there. it's not a priority. >> i think we need to be a lot more aware of it. it is a lot harder to get pregnant than you think. as you get older it changes. peak fertility is in the mid 20s and it starts to change. from age 30 to age 40 you can see 50% decline in your -- ability to get pregnant. >> what's the likelihood of a woman in their 40s getting pregnant? >> at one time, its 2% to 4% per cycle. it's not as high a number as you think. >> because people do not know these statistics these become extremely frustrated when after maybe four attempts they get or don't get pregnant. you say you're just in the average right there. >> people underestimate how important having a child is and when they can't it has a profound impact on their life. it is a big ticket. >> not only just being able to conceive but the health of the child. i remember when i got pregnant for the first time at 36, it was
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like the chance of having a down syndrome child goes precipitously the other direction. a lot of things you should be thinking about. >> exactly. i think that's the key term. you should be thinking about it. >> when you're in your 20s what should you be thinking about? obviously people are just getting their first job, they're busy. >> you want to plan your life and there's not a lot of pressure to do that. that's unfortunate. you really need to fit that into your plan because it may change with your ability to get pregnant changing as you get older. you have to be thoughtful about it. >> fertility affects men as well. it is not as -- do men even think about this sorts of thing? that's right, charlie chaplain had one when he was 90. >> men are less thoughtful about it and their age doesn't impact them like women. in your 20s in 30s you want to make sure you're healthy and stay healthy an develop good healthy habits. eat well, stay fit. but then plan. it's going to be harder to get pregnant if you wait until you're 40. you may not be able to get
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pregnant. >> a lot of women wait for love. >> they wait for the perfect guy that doesn't exist. sorry, doctor. >> i agree, you're right. we're missing half a chromosome. >> something's wrong. >> i think women in their 40s, when you feel physically fit and look like you're very healthy you assume everything on the inside is young and fit, too. >> plus the message is out there. you see celebrities getting pregnant in their 40s and thinking it is so easy and often you don't know the whole story about how they got pregnant. >> what would you say is how they got pregnant? >> i never know for sure but some of it is through assisted reproduction. some is through egg donation because their eggs aren't good but you don't know those things. >> it really isn't anyone's business. however, except if it creates the illusion that 48's easy to have twins. >> you can't assume you're fertile. there's only one test to fertility and that's trying to get pregnant. everybody has a different rate. >> what about freezing eggs an
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things people can do? >> this has become something new now that we've developed a technique that's as efficient of ivf, freezing a cycle of eggs we can get a baby rate comparable to a fresh ivf cycle. a lot of women are delaying their child bearing on purpose for career and that's good, but they need a back-up plan and this for them becomes a back-up plan. >> what age should you freeze? >> the optimal age is under 35. it starts to drop off in success rate. over 40 it doesn't do very well at all. >> i wish we could discuss it further but you really should see these statistics. i had no idea when we were looking at this. it's like, wow. something very serious to think about. plan for it now. >> thank you so much. up next, from photo frocks to scenic swimwear -- >> that's bobbie thomas' mother. >> one of the most beautiful women on the planet! we'll be right back. mr. parker! sir... excuse me, excuse me... can i get you to sign off on the johnson case...
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oh, i like that. let's move on to product y, which is a far more expensive product. whoaaa. i don't care for that at all. yuck. you picked x and it was geico car insurance and y was the competitor. is that something you would pay for year after year? i, i like soda a lot but for a change of pace...
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we are back with "tuesday's trend."
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all this week it is about picture prints. >> photos are covering the fashion landscape literally. bobbie thomas is here to show off the goods. hey, bobbie. >> it's all about pictures. all over. >> i don't get it. >> i'm wearing a pair of jeans. by mother denim. it's got a landscape and high-end designers really put this trend on the runway and i wanted to show some different options because you shouldn't be afraid of it. it can be figure flattering and fun. >> you said on the runway, people are wearing it all over. >> celebrities, rocking really cool dresses on the red carpet. looks like you've got your favorite vacation destination on your dress. on the runway we saw fun, quirky designs. this looks like these are racing cars going across to make the stripes. that's a balcony, a view with a vista with a woman sitting there. really cool stuff. i've got some great looks.
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>> we're anxious to see this. >> ebony's got a skirt on. tell us about her skirt. >> this is from h & m. very affordable. it is work appropriate. if you're thinking sometimes a trend doesn't work at work, this one could. what i really like about it is, notice that it is on the panel in the front which is very slimming. this can really help elongate your frame. this picture's doing a lot for your figure. keep it basic on the top and she adds a little fun shoe and i love this look. >> very cute. thank you. >> next up, mae. she's rocking a look that you said women of all ages can rock. >> you don't have to be in your trendy 20s. >> you are stunning. >> if she turns around can you see this print even on the back, a little fun ombre look. it is dark and just the place places. you can wear with a little capri, casual top from zara. love this idea. >> that really says summer. >> it's affordable. i never pull anything over 100. but these are all affordable, most are under $50.
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>> we have marina wearing a picture print dress. >> yeah. this is really fun. this is from new york & company. i believe this price point is close to $60, $70. very flattering. again it fades into a darker place. this is great, sizes go up to i think 20. really fantastic look. great for a summer party. >> terrific. >> comfortable. >> so comfy. >> thanks, marina. we're so excited about our next and final model. fatima's here. if she looks familiar -- is she rocking a bathing suit? >> no she isn't! >> she is. i can tell you, i got this bathing suit from jcpenney for $22. we thought, oh, wow, who's going to wear this? my mom! >> that's just so not right on so many levels. >> i can't wear this. >> i think michael saw your mom and said, you know what? bobbie's got good genes.
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>> i love my mom for wearing this. if you like a certain picture, right here on the back of my chair, this is a very special company online. will take your own vacation photos and print it so you can make your own scarf or sarong so you can take your backyard, your favorite beach. i even did one here of 30 rock. i know it is not our vacation destination but you can really have fun and make diy -- get in on the trend, whether you buy it or diy it. something for everyone. >> unbelievable. >> what is your secret? you eat very, very well. don't you? >> i am an executive chef. >> what cream do you use on your face? >> whatever my daughter recommends. >> really. she likes oil of olay and kate somerville. >> you look great. thanks for coming to see us. >> keep it up!
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coming up next, penny wise wedding ideas for all you brides out there. good morning. i'm chris warren with your forecast. we're watching for areas of storms, mainly across the eastern seaboard here and florida, the entire state a chance for showers. also throughout parts of utah and colorado, we'll see a little bit of activity. but the temperatures still a lot of red. still some warm temperatures across the entire country today, with 70s and 80s really going to be the norm. 70s in the northeast. 80s in the south. even some warm temperatures into some of the northern tier states, including montana, close to 90 degrees. 87 in billings. just a chance for some storms in the extreme southwest part of the country. a few hit and miss showers throughout the great lakes and into the intermountain west.
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thursday temperatures, still all this red and warm air, still around the northern plains and into the southeast. tough to complain about the lower 70s for you in boston and new york city. friday, things clear out, looking pretty good. showers around florida. mid 80s in orlando. then we'll see that next system start to bring showers into places like idaho and montana. a lot of warm weather around. for saturday, chances for showers in the upper plains. still 70s for you in the northeast. 80s from chicago to kansas city over to albuquerque. still some heat in the southwest. but that's going to be down closer to what you would expect to see for temperature readings in phoenix. next system in the western lakes and upper midwest and 70s and 80s on the map and more showers once again in florida and then on monday, another system moving into the pacific northwest.
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another chance for a few showers. remember, weekdays on the weather channel, you can "wake up with al" with al roker and stephanie abrams on the weather channel.
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you do it. >> just like flowers, love blossoms in spring. >> she said it. i wouldn't say it. kicking off the most popular time of the year to get married also making it one of the most expensive times of the year to take that vow. >> so if you have your heart set on being a june bride but your budget says dead of winter, southern living's editor at large kimberly schlegel whitman has some sensible ideas for you. >> that's cents-able. >> look at us wishing we were brides. we're not. what's going on here? >> this is sad. >> this is fun. what we want to think about with weddings is not how expensive they are but how to show off our
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personal style, make the wedding memorable without breaking the bank. >> while we save some dough. >> that's right. >> this is a great idea for the reception. bridesmaids have their bouquets and you don't know what to do with them after. >> they have to hang on to them through the whole reception. why not collect them from them, take them back. that's right. >> snatch them out of their hands. >> why not? use them as the entrance to the reception. then you get a lot of bang for your buck. >> i love this song so much. >> while you are handing them a signature drink. >> you skip the full bar and do a signature drink. this is a lavender champagne cocktail. it's so delicious. >> did you get the lavender out of your yard? >> absolutely. why not? >> you have beer and wine, then the signature cook tame instead of the full bar. put out pieces of paper and ask them on a chalkboard to share advice for the bride and groom. >> this table looks simple and beautiful.
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>> this is very inexpensive. instead of getting big elaborate flower arrangements, go simple, pick flowers that are in season. in the spring obviously that's easier because there are so many flowers that are in season. then use the single type of bloom on each table. this is the sweet pea table. they could have another table, the lavender table, another table, the tulip table. it is much nicer than being assigned a number. >> the menu is smart. you don't have to print up a ton of menus. look what you've done. >> we took and old frame and painted it, then used chalkboard paint in the center and wrote the little menu. can you reuse it for other things. >> the dessert. usually there is a big wedding cake but not at this wedding. those wedding cakes are so expensive. beautiful but expensive. so instead we've asked family members to contribute their pies and maybe even bring along an heirloom cake plate to display that. >> that's a great idea. >> they're all mix and match family recipes. we put little flags in them so say what they were. it's different, right? >> you know what would be fun,
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too, if everybody had a little tasting and you had the recipes mimeographed -- if someone loved the recipes -- >> i need to enlist your help. >> i'm a little busy. >> your feet ache at weddings. >> i've never been to a wedding where there wasn't a big pile of high heels. so why not put out a little bucket of flip-flops for there. you do it in your colors. there's a little sign on there that says tired feet. >> this is great, tasteful, too. >> thank you. they are so inexpensive, you can buy them in bulk on line for less than a dollar. up next, madelyn's here and she's answering all your questions about nutrition. but first, this is "today" on nbc.
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it is time for "today weighs in" and the answers to your burning questions about diet and nutrition and some questionable snacks. >> and "today" diet and nutrition editor madelyn -- i don't know what's funny. sorry. let's calm it down. come on, bring it home. >> hello, madelyn! >> that's are all really great questions. can you read the first one? >> i have no idea how much protein i should be getting. i'm a 25-year-old female, 5'1" and 119 pounds. i'm very active and don't eat any red meats. what other ways can i get protein besides meats and beans and how much should i consume in one day? >> that's actually a really good question because everyone thinks they don't get enough protein. >> nobody notices him, don't
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worry about it. nobody sees anything going on. >> just relax and enjoy it. >> i am. >> just clip it on. >> so the protein -- >> so the protein. pay no attention to that man behind the curtain. can you hear me now? >> if you have two serving sizes about the size after computer mouse that's great. take your weight in pounds. divide that in half. 60 grams a day. that's it. don't forget about eggs or dairy products. they can all fill in as well but you don't need as much as you think. >> really? >> what do you do for protein? >> it's really none of your business, natalie. >> protein in chicken? >> yes. that's great. that's wonderful. >> aimee -- >> i used to run ten miles a day but now am injured and can't run. don't laugh, it's not funny. this has taken quite a toll on
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my body and i have to eat a lot less to maintain a healthy weight. i can't seem to get back to the eating habits of a non-runner. this is big for a lot of people. but i'm so hungry. i'm sorry. what can i do? sorry. >> you know, this is -- what she's saying is everybody's problem, connecting the dots. if you want to eat more you have to exercise more. she's going i can't exercise now and i'm really hungry so it is an issue. you can decide to eat less, snack less but you go i don't want to do that, i still want to eat a bunch of stuff. you have to start to eat foods that are feel-full. they have water, fiber and air. popcorns instead of corn. fruits and vegetables that have a lot of water or things with fiber. that's her choice. you can eat everything you've always eaten, but just cut back, stop all the grazing. >> it is frustrating when you can't work out -- >> you don't get your endorphins. >> do you work out in part so you can eat a little bit more? >> yeah. i don't really think much about what i eat but partly because i
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work out. if i didn't work out i'd think about it more. >> this lady cut out 1,000 calories a day. ten miles is a lot. 100 calories in a mile. >> hopefully she'll get better soon. >> i see coconut water everywhere! what is the deal with it? what does it give you, coconut water? >> coconut water is great for hydrating you. it comes from sort of the -- liquid from the coconut tree but it is not to be confused with coconut milk. it has no fat in it, it is very low in calories and it hydrates. it is another sort of water substitute. it's got some potassium. it is very pricey. for most people the price point -- it is not worth it. but there's nothing magical about it, it's not going to boost your performance. all of the claims it is a new super food, it boosts a lot of thing are not really evidence based. that just means people say it but you don't know if it is really connected to performance. it is a chic thing but it is sort of like 25 cents a sip. >> thanks, madelyn.


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