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tv   News 4 at 11  NBC  July 26, 2012 11:00pm-11:35pm EDT

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it's on me. i insist. no way. yes way. well let me chip in. [ male announcer ] send money from one bank account to another, with citibank popmoney. easier banking. every step of the way. >> announcer: and now, from washington's leading news station. this is news 4 at 11:00. >> some strong storms lam the east coast tonight. thousands of people without
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power. hundreds of flights have been cancelled and the clean up is just getting started. >> a very popular local trail. hear from the woman's rescue. >> our own dan howley is at the center of it all. we'll have a report from him in london in just a few minutes. >> but, first, here we go again, another round of storms. >> the best part about this was even though we saw a lot of severe weather across much of the country, these storms really fell apart. right now, only two counties left under that severe thunderstorm watch. that's going to be dropped. however, there is one storm, one fairly strong storm right now coming in through southern portions of fairfax county. this storm making its way off the east, maybe 40, maybe 50 mile an hour winds. you may also see some light ning out of this and a little bit in the way of some rain. a few more storms may develop and we're not done quite just yet.
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there is more rain out towards the west with more thunderstorms. but, once again, this was nothing compare today whpared t saw up around philadelphia. this one brought destructive winds all across a couple of states out there. >> forecasters in new york city say a deratio rolled through that tristate area. the storm produced an intense line of thunderstorms with widespread power outages. you can see from pictures posted on twitter. >> other parts of new york, people are clearing up after a tornado touched down in elmyra. several buildings were damaged. you can see a roof caved in on a warehouse on one part of the city. >> all the of this severe weather cancelled more than 800 flights along the east coast tonight.
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new york's liguardia airport was hit the hardest. three dozen flights have been cancelled locally. >> in other news, a disturbing sex assault. the victim told police she was jogging one min you wanted and then locked in a choke hold the next. an exclusive interview with the person who heard the victim's cry from help. >> reporter: that woman told police she was jogging on the trail minding her own business. you'll hear from the woman who she has she rescued her. >> she was very, very upset. >> reporter: elizabeth williams explains in vivid detail about what happened when she helped the jogger who police say was sexually lly assaulted near georgetown. >> she had dirt on her chest and a scrape on her face. >> reporter: e li elizabeth was
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riding her bike and suddenly she heard screams for help. >> she was hysterical. she said that she had been attacked and she thought she was going to die. >> reporter: elizabeth and a couple more good samaritans called police. >> as she was jogging, the suspect came up from behind and put her in a choke hold. >> reporter: she woke up minutes later. the woman yelled and police say the man ran around two-thirds of a mile. police rushed to the scene in minutes. >>. >> they showed up very quickly. >> reporter: she says that police marked this circle right here for evidence. police said this attack is rare. they applaud the good samaritans who stopped riding to help a woman on the side of the trail. >> i feel bad for her and i'm glad we were able to help her. >> meanwhile, they urge people
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who use the trail to do it with a partner or do it in the daytime. >> a customer's clash in the post office and one person pulls out a knife and stabs a guy. the confrontation happened in silver spring. police believe the argument was over somebody cutting in line. the postal employees stepped in using pepper spray. the suspect was arrested and the victim is expected to recover. >> to a warning for women filling up at the gas pump. there have been a series of purse snatchings. surveillance video shows the crooks grabbing purses through car windows. police are telling people to keep a close eye on valuables. >> a pregnant woman drowned during the vacation in the outer banks this week. the victim's husband is still in the hospital after he failed in his attempt to save her.
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>> reporter: jill shanay was a second grade teacher at this d.c. school for the hearing impaired. friends and family say her life was about serving others. it was supposed to be a vacation on the outer banks for this d.c. couple expected their first child. a baby girl named olive. >> just had to put together. >> reporter: but wednesday, it quickly turned to tragedy. >> you don't have the words. >> reporter: pastor jim park married matt and jill baile bailey shanay and says it was jill's mom who broke the news to him. >> i got this frantic call saying something very bad has happened at the outer banks. >> reporter: the couple were swimming on a sand bar when the edge quickly came upon them pulling them under. help was not close. life guards had already ended their shifts. so for 20 minutes, matt struggled to keep his wife and unborn child afloat.
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but did not succeed. pastor park met matt at the hospital. >> he insisted that i bless, at this point, the deceased infant. >> reporter: tonight, matt shanay remains in critical condition. in northwest d.c., ericawonsalez, news 4. >> we are looking at the center of a scandal that has rocked one of the areas. >> it was nearly 30 years ago. she was then a swimmer on his team at georgetown prep. curran's family signed an agreement never to talk about the case or press charges in exchange for $150,000. today, curran talked to news 4 from texas where she's living now. >> i know what i know and the truth will set you free. i was bound for 23 years, 6
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months and however many days. and i'm free. >> currel has not commented. he has taken a leave of absence. he has coached hundreds of elite athletes. >> athletes and fans from around the globe are in london now. skurt is security is tight. cameron fired back at comments mitt romney made about possible security concerns. cameron says security is and has been the country's top priority. ze seven years of planning, building and waiting is about to be over. london's mayor said that they're ready to put on a great show. over in london covering the olympic games for us tonight, he takes us inside one of the first stops for team usa. it's called team processing.
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it's where all the ath lelet at get their uniforms. >> police have finally lifted the crime tape six days after the shooting at a movie theater. holmes' lawyers are getting the first look at his home as neighbors in the building are being allow today return. this new video shows a very different james holmes. he was recorded in 2006. it shows him giving a presentation at the institute for biological studies. instructors remember him as a mediocre student who did not take direction. people going to the movies are already on edge in wake of that shooting. but two separate fights during a screening of the "dark knight rises" had them running for safety. police show a man punching a woman in the face. this happened on sunday. all of this in a dispute about a bathroom stall.
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then, two women started fielgting. somebody yelled something and then everybody in the theater panicked. >> attorneys for the victims say the school's reckless behavior contributed to the abuse. they also claim that the abuse lasted for many years after that shower incident. lawyers released voice mails left by sandusky last fall. in them, sandusky can be heard saying i love you to the victim. >> i was just calling to see -- i don't know whether you're going to answer this, going to a penn state game this saturday. when you get this message, give me a call. and i'll talk to you later, thanks. i love you. >> the victim's identity is not being released. penn state is not commenting on the lawsuit or the voice mails. >> the man who kidnapped ca cal ripken, jr.'s mother is still on the loose.
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investigators say the man abducted violet ripken at gunpoint in her home in aberd n aberdeen, maryland. she was left in the car unharmed. police still have not revealed a motive for that kidnapping. >> back lashl over same-sex marriage protests. >> chicken's good, chicken's great, why would god discriminate. >> what they call anti-gay marriage statements. those comments prompted the jim henson's company to pull muppett toys. the company says going forward, the same-sex marriage debat shou debate should be left to lawmakers. >> coming up, we'll show you how
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this dramatic police chase ended. >> a nationwide crack down on designer drugs. they're still being marketed to kids. >> behind the scenes of the olympics.
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a man trying to avoid a traffic stop in texas could now face attempted murder charges. instead of pulling over, he drives into oncoming traffic hitting another car head on.
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three people are in critical condition. one of them was a kidnapped passenger in his car. police believe the man was trying to avoid a drug arrest. >> tens of millions of synthetic drugs are off the streets tonight. it was all part of the first nationwide crack down on those drugs. authorities arrested more than 90 people who make and sell substances call k2, spice and bath salts. those drugs mimic the effect of marijuana and pcp, but we're told they can be much more dangerous. >> here's a live look from london. the opening ceremony of the olympics just a few hours away now. our own dan helly traveled over to london and here's a look at his journey.
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>> reporter: we're here. it's 9:49 in the morning, which means it's about what? 3:00? 4:00 in the morning our time? i'm tired. >> uh, dude, is that all the luggage that you carried there? two little backpack sns is that it, sdan? >> reporter: come on, man. that wasn't my packing. i had a couple of big bags. actually, i was made fun of when i arrived for how big my bags were. >> and that was just his hair prukts. [ laughter ] >> so how's it going so far? >> reporter: you know, it's going great, doreen. it's been just a blast. we've been all over london. we've been taking boat tours, we've seen big ben, i went on a double decker bus tour with
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somer sanders, yesterday eating in the nbc -- it almost looked like a sports center kmishl. one of the other things we've been able to see is the check-in process for the olympians. there are over 10,000 athletes competing. when they get here, you have to check in. you have to get fitted for all the gear you're going to see in the opening ceremony. part shopping spree and part fun for these guys. >> this side this ordinary building in east london is an extraordinary site. some of the biggest names in the world are here to shop. >> first things first. head on over to follow the pony to ralph lauren. >> reporter: no credit cards and no cash. this is pure swag. and it's mandatory. you want to represent your country? get dressed.
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even if you're a two-time defending olympic champion like kerry walsh. >> i'm older and experienced. i'm not bouncing off the walls. >> now i'm trying on the outfit and doing it where it's so much more real. >> it's been a dream up until now and it's starting to become reality. >> reporter: there's nothing little about this place. 96,000 total items. each olympian rolls away with about a hundred items. it's not often a room of super-stars can check their egos at the door. but it's not often that the olympics come around, either. >> it's koolg ee's cool to be . >> reporter: so here's what we had, guys, when we checked in. we got our credential. and, as you can see, it has my real first name, jack on here.
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so we've got credentials. we didn't get all the gear that they got. what's going on? >> i know you're going to be doing a lot of work and i'm serious about that. but are you going to be able to watch any of the contests themselves? >> reporter: that's a great question. the way it works is because there are so many media here, there's 21,000 members of the media as opposed to 10,000 athletes that they have to select individual members for the different events. you have to put in in advance the events you want to go to. i'm hoping to go to the team usa basketball against france. i'm hoping to go to the 400 meter im. that will be on saturday, as well. i know i planned that far ahead. we're just taking it a day at a time. >> 4:00 a.m. over there, we'll see you again on early morning news, i think, right? >> i can't wait. t
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overnight shift. i'm starting to like it. >> i promise you, if i you could get me a tick et to the 100 meter dash and that boy that's whipping his butt, i'd leave now just to go see that. >> there is is a lot to look forward to with these olympics. so what's the latest with our weather? >> good thing for us. we have calming down out there. last couple of days, we've dodged a lot of bullets. this is one we knew we would not have the severe weather threat like we did up toward the north. that's where the severe weather really hit. the state of pennsylvania today, simply rocked. high temperatures out ahead of these storms? a hundred degrees. we hit it again for the 7th time this month. that is a new record. seven days at a hundred degrees or better. we're not done with the month, but i think we may be done with the hundreds.
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we saw the heat index close to 110 in most locations today. you know it was hot today. i think we're in for another hot one tomorrow. not quite as hot. 82 right now, the current temperature of the heat index. we still have some shower activity across the area. 74, in martinsburg. here's where the storms are now. you can see a few of them still coming through the our area. a severe thunderstorm watch just for about everybody. the storms now down towards charles county and across the river down towards king george county. these are not severe, but they could have some brief, strong winds from time to time. we may not be done just yet. take a look at the storms back here. first, let's show you the deratio. it's a long-lived high wind e hent.
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it's what we saw come through the entire state of pennsylvania through philadelphia and new york city. we still may have some storms here. that he're going to die out before we get here. the hot temperatures and all of those storms, just to our north and west tomorrow. they could be right on our doorstep. i think we do have a good chance for some strong to severe storms tomorrow. a better chance tomorrow around the d.c.-metro area. temperatures will still be up there around 95, a hundred degrees. tomorrow morning, you're going to wake up to partly cloudy skies. you may see a few passing showers, but i'm not too worried about rain tomorrow. 95 on your friday. some areas will get into the upper 90s. 91 on saturday. and then we calm things down a little. it's unsettled monday, tuesday and wednesday. but not in such a bad way. showers and a few thunderstorms. that's not too bad. tomorrow is the day to watch.
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>> sports up next. nationals took their
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so i'm assuming the nets have a another win, correct? >> they're on another roll right now. that's why davie johnson said don't expect the nationals to make a big splash. he has the best pitching staff in baseball and is getting a power surge from the line-up. so, by all means, stand pat. the skipper in milwaukee opening a four-game set with the brewers. bottom of the first. edwin jackson on the hill. braun goes down swinging. jackson went 7 innings.
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did not allow a run and struck out four. top of the sengd, lombar chases one down the line into the right field corner. jesus flores and edwin jackson all come around to score. nats take a 4-0 lead. they go onto win this one 8-2. they're now tied with the yankees for the best record in baseball. day 1 of red skins training camp is in the books. those who did not melt in the one hundred degree heat got a glimpse of robert griffin, iii. it was a humbling day that began with fans chanting griffin's name. after a morning walk for a little over two hours this afternoon, no dout rg3 was the main attraction. but after that, the opening of
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camp was pretty main eventful. >> a lot of the stuff in the past we've created ourselves, you know, with the dimpblt dffe distractions or drama. right now, we just have a team of guy that is just really want to go about their business on a day in, day out basis. we have a group of guys that like each other, guys that like coming to work with each other. so i think this is really -- this environment, this is normal, how you would think a national football league training camp should be. >> translation, no mcnaa
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if you haven't noted the olympics are on nbc, 20 hours to go before the official start of the games. the crew is putting the finishing touches on what they hope will be a spectacular show. that show will be here tomorrow night. it begins at 7:30. you can watch it all here on ♪
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♪ ♪ [ male announcer ] virtual wallet can help you be that person who's good with money. see what's free to spend. move money with a slide. save with a shake.
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feel good about your decisions. >> announcer: it's "the tonight show with jay leno," featuring rickey minor and "the tonight show" band. tonight, jay welcomes -- from "total recall," colin farrell. from the world champion miami heat, dwyane wade.


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