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tv   Today  NBC  September 10, 2012 7:00am-11:00am EDT

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good morning. breaking news. the nation's third largest public school system in chaos this morning as chicago's teachers go out on strike. class is cancelled after talks break down overnight, leaving hundreds of thousands of parents now scrambling to figure out what to do with their children. royal threat. a spokesman for the taliban tells nbc news it plans to kidnap or kill prince harry during his four-month deployment in afghanistan. how are the british reacting? we're live in kabul. and buffalo chills. a bison charges a group of tourists and chases a young boy at yellowstone national park. luckily no one was hurt, but a lot of people are wondering why they got so close today, monday,
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september 10th, 2012. captions paid for by nbc-universal television . live from studio 1 ak-in rockefeller, plaza. and welcome to "today" on monday morning. i'm matt lauer. >> and i'm esguthrie. following that breaking news. a massive teachers strike in chicago, the first there in 25 years, and at this point there's no telling how long it's going to last. >> this despite intense negotiations district officials and the union representing more than 29,000 teachers and support staff are very far apart on issues like health benefits and job security. chicago's mayor, rahm emanuel, calls the decision to strike a necessary and unfair to children. we're going to have the latest on that story straight ahead. all right. deadly new violence in syria this morning as hundreds of
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thousands of people flee that war-torn country. ann curry has made her way to the syrian border and will join us live straight ahead. also ahead, what would you do if you got the chance to meet the president of the united states in person? well, one pizza shop owner in florida got a little excited when he met president obama, gave him a bear hug and then lifted him up. doesn't the secret service frown on things like that? by the way, he's a republican. we'll talk to him this morning about what he was thinking. >> i think he did clear it with secret service, which is probably a good thing. all this week, matt, natalie and al and i will take a turn choosing the music for this show, call it the soundtrack of our lives. >> right. >> put a lot of thought into this. a lot of anxiety. >> today is yours. >> today it my day. >> good news for carpenters fans. >> but let's begin with that breaking news. public school teachers going out in strike or on strike in chicago. nbc's kevin tibbles is there. kevin, good morning to you. >> reporter: good morning, matt. i'm outside the ray elementary
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school here in chicago where for the first time in 25 years chicago's teachers have gone on strike. this, after a frantic weekend of negotiations that went right down to the wire. after days of non-stop negotiating, the chicago teachers union made this late-night announcement. >> we have failed to reach an agreement that will prevent a labor strike. >> reporter: a strike by the city's 29,000 public school teachers and support staff means the third largest school district in the nation is effectively shut down. its 400,000-plus student population today will be without instruction, and perhaps more importantly many working families will be caught with no place to send their kids. >> this is totally unnecessary. it's avoidable, and our kids do not deserve this. >> reporter: the school board, which was sounding optimistic, maintains it can't go any
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further. president david batali says more than 20 offers were made to the teachers. >> we've done everything we can. >> reporter: the core issues involving pay raises and health care, the teacher evaluation system and a recall policy for laid-off teachers. >> we demand a fair contract now, and until there's one in place that our members will accept, we will be on the line. >> reporter: this strike is seen by many as first real test for chicago mayor rahm emanuel and a challenge for president obama who has been relying on labor support in this fall's election. now, 140 schools will remain open for half a day to provide breakfast and lunch for those students in need, but for the families of some 400,000 chicago public schoolchildren this morning, many are scrambling to find alternative care for their kids. matt? >> kevin tibbles in chicago, thank you very much. it's four minutes after the hour
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of the here's savannah. >> thank you. now to presidential politics and the election less than two months away. mitt romney heads to the battleground state of ohio today and president obama stays close to home. >> reporter: look, with both conventions now behind us, it's a 57-day sprint through nine states, and in this post-convention period, while both campaigns acknowledge the president is ahead, the question is how significant is that lead? >> and i have really two months to be able to convince people i can do a better job than the incumbent. >> reporter: on "meet the press," mitt romney shed new light on several of his positions, like the auto bailout where he tried to sound like he had the same stance as the obama/biden position. >> i said let them go into bankruptcy, help them come out but let them go in, and i don't think most americans know that gm went bankrupt. >> reporter: and romney clarified his opposition to obama care saying he'd keep some
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of the laws most popular features. >> there are a number of things that i like in health care reform that i'm going to put in place. one is to make sure that those with pre-existing conditions can get coverage. two is to you a sure that the marketplace allows for individuals to have policies that cover their family, up to whatever age they might like. >> reporter: romney again tried to blame the president alone for a bipartisan debt deal that includes some potential deep cuts in defense spending, but when pressed criticized house republicans, too. >> i thought it was a mistake on the part of the republicans to propose it and a mistake for the republicans to go along with it. >> reporter: but to the issue of tax reform and how he would get to a balanced budget, he was not as specific on how he'd do that. >> people at the high end would have fewer exemptions and deductions. those numbers will come down. >> reporter: campaigning in florida president obama fired back on that because of lack of specifics. >> you've got to do the math because when my opponents was
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asked about it today they couldn't. it was like two plu one equals five. >> reporter: over the weekend romney seemed like a candidate in a primary rather than a general election, endorsing representative steve king in iowa, best known for his anti-immigration rhetoric. as for the president as he surges for a bounce in his poll, he's found a bounce on his campaign step, on display at a florida sports bar and making a birther joke as he made a birther joke. >> you were born in hawaii, you have a birth certificate? >> reporter: later he got a very enthusiastic welcome from a florida pizza shop owner: overnight we got fund-raising numbers for both xaps and for the first time in five months the obama campaign has outraised the obama campaign in a monthly period, 114 million to 112 million. just a reminder, savannah, a lot of money is out there. money is not going to decide
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this presidential election. >> all right, chuck todd, thank you. nbc's david gregory is moderator of "meese the press." good morning to you. >> good morning, savannah. >> reporter: >> want to talk to you about the interview with mitt romney. state of the race, both conventions behind us. is there a sense in the romney campaign that they know they are behind at this point? >> i think they do. they understand, and i discussed it with governor romney, that beating an incumbent is very difficult, even when you've got economic troubles in your favor politically. they also look at some of the key swing states, ohio and virginia. that's where they are behind. that's arguably much more important than this national number. >> you mentioned the economy. we had another dismal jobs report, but i guess the question is that kind of baked into the poll numbers? do voters already know that they are in a terrible economy and it's already been factored in? >> they do. i think the question, savannah, is do voters, that narrow slice that will decide the election, blame the president for where they are? if they do, it's advantage romney. if they accept his argument from the convention and former
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president clinton that nobody could have fixed this in four years, that that's part of the context, that he needs more time and that the economy is going in the right direction, look at how the stock market is performing, then it's advantage for the president, and that's the case he's making. >> you covered a lot of ground in your interview with mr. romney on "meet the press." some people viewed it in total as a signal that romney was moving towards the center, sounding a more general election tone. is that how you read it? >> also spending some time with governor romney, yes, is the answer. i got a sense of his pragmatism, that he knows he'll have to make tough choices if he becomes president. that he would indeed have to infuriate conservatives on some of these budget deals and a recognition that paul ryan is someone that can help him in that regard with his own caucus. flashes of bipartisanship talking about health care, talking about bill clinton, gives the president credit on foreign affairs and when it comes to the big issues, he's called the debt a moral crisis. his proposal for fixing the
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deficit is still what critics say is a pretty hardline approach. he doesn't give you all the specifics of how the math will add up. he wants to increase defense spending and cut taxes, even beyond extending the bush tax cuts. all of that is really designed to motivate his base. >> and very quickly, ann romney, who you also interviewed, thought she her husband had been demonized. the biography of mitt romney, image of mitt romney was something this campaign was very focused on. >> there's a feeling that if you look at the polling, romney has an advantage over the president on the economy, who has better ideas on the economy, but are voters comfortable putting him in the white house? he says it and other republicans say that this is an area where he's got work to do to make people comfortable with making this choice. again, not easy to fire an incumbent halfway through two terms. >> david gregory, moderator of "meet the press." good interview, david. >> thank you. >> ten minutes after the hour.
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hear he's matt. >> a dramatic uptick in violence in syria. at least 27 people killed in a weekend car bombing there as fighting between rebels and the syrian military has destroyed a vital pipeline that delivers water to hundreds of thousands of people. nbc's ann curry is near the syrian bordner jordan. ann, good morning. >> reporter: matt, good morning to you from a massive and very dusty refugee camp 15 miles from the syrian border. the war in syria has reached a stunning new intensity. in recent days the government has increased systematic air strikes on civilian targets, and now the flow of refugees has turned into a flood. more than 240,000 people have fled across syria's borders, including running here to jordan. just before sunset last night, a distant firefight highlighted syria's growing human tragedy. people struggle to escape government attacks by crossing this river valley into jordan.
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most traveled on foot, but some had to be carried out in vehicles. including this 20-year-old, said to be a civilian who was seriously wounded in an attack on a building in his town, and it happened the day before he was to be married. the nightly drama has now more than 1,000 people crossing here every day, according to this jordan border commander. they are crossing along a 70-kilometer area. what are we hearing? >> they are shooting, the syrian army. >> reporter: how close to the border are they shelling? that's about a mile away. are they trying to stop the refugees from coming across? you think so. still, 69,000 people have been able to cross this stretch of border in the last 16 months,
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many with family and children this. baby is four days old. arriving with what they could carry, they are vulnerable, in need of something to drink before they are loaded on to buses that will take them to a refugee camp. how difficult is it for you to leave syria? he says very difficult. the fear was overwhelming because the destruction was all around us. we were forced to leave. but perhaps nothing could really prepare them for where they are going, a refugee camp in a dust bowl run by jordan's government. there are tents sent by the united nations and a field hospital run by the moroccan army, but sudden rise in refugees has overwhelmed all donations so far. this man complains there isn't enough food. not far from the plussy playground set up by save the children, a bright 11-year-old named mohammed draws to express
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his feelings. he tells us it was so sad to leave our country. i've seen my home attacked by government troops. i've seen bodies on the ground. i miss school. because of the human suffering he has seen in syria's war, this little boy dreams of becoming a doctor, and even more, he says, he dreams of peace. the attacks by syria's alowite-led government -- >> we covered the arab spring over the last year and a half, places like egypt and tunisia and libya, is this what's happening, a continuation of that, or is there a different dynamic there? >> it is a continuation of that, but we should also mention that it is the longest and one of the deadliest of these arab springs so far. at least 20,000 people have been
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killed so far here, and the international community appears still to be at a loss on how to stop it, matt. >> ann curry on the syrian border this morning, ann, thank you very much. you can see more of ann's coverage from syria all week here on "today" and on the "nbc nightly news" with brian williams. >> the day's other top stories with natalie morales. >> good morning to you. the spokesman to the taliban tells nbc news that they have a plan to kidnap or kill prince harry who is currently deployed in afghanistan. for now from the latest from kab kabul. >> reporter: the taliban spokesman referred to the british prince as a precious bird. they said that their priority is to abduct them, but if that doesn't work they say they will kill him, stating that they will use their spies within the afghan security forces, referring to the infiltration to keep tabs on prince harry and
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his whereabouts. they also say that they will continue to fire rocket-propelled grenades against the apache helicopter, the same helicopter harry will pilot. >> the navy s.e.a.l. book "no easy day" about the raid that killed osama bin laden spoke out for the first men. the s.e.a.l. calling himself mark owen appeared with his face and voice disguised and appeared moments after his team shot osama bin laden. >> after osama bin laden is wounded. he's still moving, you shot him twice? >> four times. >> did you recognize him? >> no. everybody thinks it's like, you know it's him? no. to us at that time it could be anybody. maybe this was another brother, a bodyguard. it doesn't matter. the point is to just continue clearing. >> the s.e.a.l. says his team was instructed to capture or kill the terror leader saying that they were not there to carry out an assassination.
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he said that they had to fatally shoot bin laden because they could not see if he had a weapon in his hands. a police officer part of president obama's motorcade escort in a florida trip on sunday died after being struck by a pickup truck. the president did not see the accident but said their thoughts and prayers are with the officer's family. and silliam captured her 15th grand slam title overwell on sunday. number one seeded victoria azarenka won the second set but williams poured back to win it all. it's been a great summer for williams. she's won wimbledon and gold medals in both the singles and doubles at the olympics. a harrowing tourist video from yellowstone national park as a group of children had an encounter with the bison. the bison snapped forward and
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chase that had young boy who as you see there narrowly escaped. luckily, no one was hurt. it's now 7:17. back over to matt, savannah and al. not sure how they got so close to the bison. >> why they got so close. >> a little too close. >> running in a tight sirkle, pretty smart thinking. >> i've -- i have some pictures would i not want to be showing that has me pretty close to a bison because i saw the stay away from the bison pictures or signs after i took the pictures. >> we can dig those up. >> if you really need a -- >> some might say it's common sense. >> exact ly. >> just have to run faster than you. >> mr. roker has a check of the weather. >> let's see what we have for you starting off. we'll be looking at more moisture down in the southwest, so we've gotsouthwest. we've got some monsoonal moisture that will bring anywhere from 1 to 3 inches.
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we are talking about possibilities of flash flooding over the next couple of days. then you go to the north and you've got a lack of rain. we have red flag warnings. fire weather watches from iowa to the pacific northwest. the danger of fire very high over the next 48 hours. that's what's going on around the country. here's what's happening in your neck of the woods. >> good morning. you need a jacket on this monday morning. temperatures are down into the 50s throughout much of the region. reagan national near 60 degrees. this chill in the air will be with us here through the next two or three hours. by noon time, climbing into the low 70s. upper 70s by afternoon. a blustery wind today. few clouds. sunny tomorrow, lighter wind. chilly in the morning, afternoon, that's your latest weather. matt? >> thanks very much. just ahead, the rash of viruses like west nile, hantavirus and
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bubonic plague popping up here in the united states. we'll talk about that with dr. mehmet oz, but first, this is "today" on nbc. i'm barack obama, and i approve this message. mitt romney's position on women's's dangerous. vo:mitt romney and paul ryan would get rid of planned parenthood funding. and allow employers to deny coverage for cancer screenings and birth control. we can't afford to let him take away our choices... to take away basic health care. vo: both backed proposals to outlaw abortions...even in cases of rape and incest. i don't think that women's health issues have faced a crisis like this in decades. but it makes millions off west marylanders every year.
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now they're running dishonest ads. why? because voting for question seven is a vote to build a... world-class resort casino in maryland. creating thousands of jobs and... ...according to the official department of legislative... services, hundreds of millions for our schools. while saving taxpayer money by cutting casino subsidies. question seven. good jobs and better schools in maryland. not west virginia.
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back now, 7:22. we're ticking off our special series of the go-to play list where we get to play deejay for the show for the entire show. >> look at that stuff come out of your head. >> what are we listening to, savannah? >> music by madonna. >> this is one of your favorite seasonings. >> i just thought it was a good way to start. i wanted to play the beginning of the song, you know how it goes? hey, mr. deejay, put a record on. i want to play with my baby. >> this is motivational? >> my little disco dancing going on. no. don't give it away. i'm not looking. really?
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really. >> don't worry, when we listen to your old man music later in the week. >> whoa. >> you know what? you're right. some of them are old man songs. no question about it. >> meanwhile, back into the grammar program. >> my musical taste ended like in 1979. i don't know what happened. how was the u.s. open this week? >> great. watched the final match between serena williams and victoria azarenka. can i still hear that grunt in my head. >> oh, she was one of the underdogs. >> by the way, my son was laughing every time she did that. tonight our guest, thomas sargent. nobel laureate in economics, and one of the most cited economists in the world. professor sargent, can you tell me what cd rates will be in two years? no.
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if he can't, no one can. that's why ally has a raise your rate cd. ally bank. your money needs an ally. they're whole grain good... and yummy good. real fruit pieces. 12 grams of whole grains and a creamy yogurt flavored coating. quaker yogurt granola bars. treat yourself good. my name is sunshine and i have three beautiful girls. i like taking advil® for a headache. it nips it in the bud. and i can be that mommy that i want to be. ♪ [ male announcer ] take action. take advil®.
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we test-drove the camry, took it on the freeway, and it was just like -- this was the car for me. [ ryan ] it has stuff that guys like, like the rims and the sleekness to the body. and, then, had the bluetooth and the navigation that diana really wanted. [ diana ] and it was a sport edition, so it felt really grounded to the ground. [ man ] grounded to the ground? yes, yes! grounded to the ground. [ male announcer ] see their story and more at the camry effect. camry. from toyota. [ male announcer ] every time you say no to a cigarette you celebrate a little win. nicorette gm helps calm your cravings and makes you less irritable. quit one cigarette at a time. till you finish your vegetables. [ clock ticking ] [ male announcer ] there's a better way... v8 v-fusion. vegetable nutrition they need, fruit taste they love. could've had a v8...
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7:26 on this monday, september 10th. the lights are back on for most people who lost power during this weekend's storms. maryland transportation officials insist the intercounty connector is safe even though they found cracks on two more bridges. and the redskins 1-0 after shocking the saints. now your forecast. >> good morning, feast your eyes on the seven-day outlook. a gorgeous autumn-like pattern today into saturday. highs each day, 70s to around 80. morning lows chilly in the 50s to 60s by saturday and sunday. might get some showers saturday night into sunday. traffic after this.
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typical delays on the beltway. very heavy, eastbound, 66 right
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now, man francis, all the way to 123. it's also slow, fairfax county parkway to the beltway at 26 [ romney ] this president can ask us to be patient. this president can tell us it was someone else's fault. but this president cannot tell us that you're better off today than when he took office. [ female announcer ] here in virginia, we're not better off under president obama. his defense cuts threaten over one hundred thirty thousand jobs, lowering home values, putting families at risk. the romney plan? tax cuts for middle class families. north american energy independence. create over three hundred forty thousand new jobs for virginia. [ romney ] i'm mitt romney and i approved this message.
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back here at 7:30 on a monday morning, september 10th, 2012, with another selection from savannah's go-to play list. go ahead, savannah. tell us a little bit about that. >> it's "wanna be starting something" from michael jackson. >> i have to say this is probably my favorite song ever. >> is it really? >> i think it might be. let me put it this way, my favorite dance song ever. >> can we go back to the exterior shot. clearly has the crowd rocking out. >> go crazy. >> so far you've got this party started. >> i brought a disco ball but you guys said it wasn't appropriate. >> by the way, find the play
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lists on we partnered with the streaming music service spotify to future the selections as well. >> does it distract you when i chair dance like this? >> just a little bit. >> all right. >> also ahead, a lot of scary sounding viruses in the news, west nile, hantavirus, and now a 7-year-old has contracted bubonic plague and is recovering. dr. oz is here this morning trying to fill us in on what's going on. >> we've got a great story. a remarkable man who is making the most of his second chance at life. a former professional race car driver who lost his legs in a crash. he's just won a gold medal at the paralympic games, and we're going to hear from him. >> that's inspirational, it really is. we want to begin this half hour with a look ahead at names on the ballot in the 2016 presidential race. nbc's andrea mitchell has more on that story. andr andrea, good morning to you. >> reporter: the conventions were barely over when both parties started talking about
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likely contenders in 2016 and overshadowing all others was the woman who wasn't even there. with the 2012 conventions with both democrats and republicans now history, the traffic on the road to the 2016 presidential campaign is starting to build. secretary of state hillary clinton was halfway around the world when she watched her husband nominate president obama. >> this is the first convention i have missed in many, many years. >> reporter: but even though she was 10,000 miles away, her presence was felt. >> president obama appointed several members of his cabinet even though they supported hillary in the primary. heck, he even appointed hillary. >> reporter: hillary has been waiting a long time for her chance to be president after losing a bitter primary fight to then senator obama four years ago. >> well, this isn't exactly the party i planned, but i sure like the company. >> reporter: she says she has no plans to run, but if she did,
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some say she would clear the feel. >> i think people know who the real hillary clinton, is like what they see, and obviously she would be the front-runner, no question about it. >> reporter: if she doesn't run and joe biden decides not to, the torch will quickly pass to a new generation of democrats, like new york governor andrew cuomo trying to stay under the radar by not coming to the convention floor in charlotte. those who did like maryland's martin o'malley is wooing iowa democrats. >> i want to focus on the presidential election because i know how critically interest interested -- important it is. >> reporter: amy klobuchar and devalue patrick. >> time for americans to grow a backbone and to stand up for what we believe. >> reporter: while in tampa republicans also seem to be trying out for 2016. just in case mitt romney doesn't make it to the white house. >> tonight i say together let's
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make a much different choice. >> reporter: new jersey's governor chris christie seemed to spend a lot of time in his keynote talking about himself instead of romney, and florida senator marco rubio made a big splash. >> our problem is not that he's a bad person. our problem is that he's a bad president. >> reporter: if the romney/ryan ticket wins, paul ryan would also be high on a list of likely contenders. >> we can get this country working again. we can get this economy growing again. we can make the safety net safe again. >> reporter: still, hillary clinton is the most experienced of any of the candidates in either party. jon stewart made it clear who he hopes the future republican candidate would be. >> this is the republican national convention, the road to jeb bush 2016. >> reporter: as for hillary clinton, her longtime fund-raisers certainly think she will run, but those who know her best say she has made no decision yet and doesn't have to for a while.
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but as one "new york times" columnist wrote on sunday hillary is the real comeback kid. savannah? >> all right. andrea mitchell in our washington newsroom, thank you. now let's get a check of the weather from mr. roker. >> thanks very much, savannah. nice friends hanging out here. where are you from? >> canada, new brunswick. >> similar haircuts, too, so it's very nice. worked out well. nice little spelling, crossword puzzle. we like that. let's go over to the weather wall and take a look at what we've got for the week ahead, and we're goingthat. we're going to be looking at below normal temperatures in the northeast. midsection of the country going to be nice and warm. below normal temperatures out in the pacific northwest. midweek period, we expect to see above normal temperatures moving into the northeast. below normal through the western plains. it's going to stay warm in the northeast. below normal temperatures. finally, a cooldown, down through the central plains into texas. that's what's going on around the country. here's what's happening in your neck of the woods.
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>> good morning. it is fresh and chilly this morning. we're down into the 50s, much of the region. right now, down to the 50s across much of virginia, the shore, the bay water, low to mid-60s later today. a bit a blustery northwest wind. highs upper 70s by afternoon. lighter winds tomorrow. another chilly morning. we'll have chilly mornings and mild afternoons with sunshine into friday. might get some showers saturday nigh and that's your latest weather. matt? >> al, thank you very much. now some new details on what led to a very frightling situation for passengers onu.s. airways flight from philadelphia to dallas. the plane was turned around after a man called airport police saying that a passenger on that plane was carrying liquid explosives. nbc's tom llamas is there with the details. >> reporter: good morning. kenneth smith took a prank call way too far or in this case way
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too high and in a hoax he's confessed to a u.s. airways flight to make a mid-air u-turn and turn back here to philadelphia after takeoff. >> no comment, please. >> reporter: philadelphia resident kenneth smith didn't have much to say outside of federal court, but he did have a lot to say to federal agents. according to this court affidavit smith admits last thursday he walked to a pay phone and called philadelphia airport police, using a fake name he told police u.s. airways passenger christopher shell flying to dallas had liquid explosives on him and that he was going to attempt to get through tsa security. but when police looked into, it they realized shell was also airborne, so they ordered the plane back. >> they just come on and said that they were going to turn us around for technical difficulties, and then there's fire departments on the side and the s.w.a.t. team back here. it was a little weird. >> several fbi and atf agents
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came in from the back of the plane and walked up to the middle of the plane and pointed guns at a particular passenger and told him to put his hands in front of the seat. >> reporter: they handcuffed shell and took him off the plane. >> and i could see him out the window. they were frisking him and had his hands down on the ground. >> reporter: as fbi agents questioned shell and frisked his bags they realized he was no terrorist or mad bomber. >> this was a hoax and a pretty nasty trick was played on a passenger, and it resulted in -- in really a threat to all of the passengers. >> reporter: according to the affidavit, shell told investigators he believed his ex-girlfriend ann mary and her boyfriend kenny were responsible for making the phone call tip to police, that he and kenny recently had hostile exchanges. >> i don't believe that my client had any ill will or meant any harm or any disruption of service. >> reporter: kenneth smith tells "today" he made the call because he was angry at shell for posting a naked photo of ann marie on facebook. >> it is the kind of photo that
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could incense a boyfriend. >> reporter: it's unclear if the court will even care what prompted smith to make the call, a call that u.s. airways says cost them tens of thousands a dollars, a call, the feds say, put people's lives in danger. now, smith has been charged with knowingly phoning in a fake bomb threat against an aircraft. if convicted, he could face ten years in prison and a $250,000 fine. as for shell, well, he finally made it to dallas, but when he got off the airplane he was arrested for missing a court date on a prior drug charge. he spent some time in jail and has since bonded out. it's unclear if he'll ever want to travel again. >> tom, thanks so much in philadelphia this morning. coming up next, is it necessary? college-bound teams spending a lot of money to learn how to get into a sorority. that's right after this. ♪ to look at [ sighs ]
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i don't have time for the flu. that's why i'm knocking things off my to-do list. vitamin d, done! hand sanitizer, done! hey, eric! i'm here for my flu shot. sorry, didn't make an appointment. well, you don't need one. whether it's flu shots or prescriptions, we continue to accept express scripts and medco plans. i'm bonnie, and this is my cvs. and there's juicy chicken hellmann's is the secret to making parmesan crusted chicken so juicy so delicious it's your secret to making dinner disappear hellmann's. bring out the best to making dinner disappear (belhi.ings) good morning. big news. we're spreading the word about new honey bunches of oats
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fruit blends and their unique taste combinations. like peach/raspberry... and banana/blueberry. we're telling everyone. with one flavor in the granola bunch and one on the flake. try some. mmm! two flavors. in harmony. yummy. four nutritious grains and two big fruit flavors to make your day bunches better. back now at 7:42. as college students settle into campus life all across the country, a lot of youngs women will be looking to join sororities, and some are actually preparing well in advance, taking courses and getting coaching months before heading off to school. >> reporter: it's the rite of
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passage played out on college campuses across the nation, sorority rush week, the time of year when young women are on a mission to get in the sisterhood of their choice. it's even been glamorized on the big screen. >> as president of my sore try it's come to our attention that the maintenance staff is switching our toilet paper from charmin to generic. >> reporter: now hundreds of studentses are spending thousands of dollars to make sure they get in, hiring coaches, taking classes and perfecting their image months before rush even begins. >> if you're not prepared for it, you'll be a little blown away. >> reporter: katherine cantwell and meg an tomack hired a coach before they rushed to the university of illini. >> went in a little more level headed and not freaked out by it at all. >> it opens your eyes a little bit and shows you what you'll be getting yourself into instead of throwing yourself into something blind. >> reporter: their coach, founder of
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>> that is our goal is to be able to help women become the best versions of themselves so that they are the most confident that they can be and they can put their best foot forward and have a successful recruitment experience. >> reporter: and the coaching industry is booming with blogs, books and websites offering advice on how to be perceived as likable, damage control techniques, just in case you say the wrong thing, and hair and makeup consultation. the cost of all this, anywhere from $50 a session to $8,000 for a two-week course. >> these are skills for life. we're teaching them skills they can use through recruitment will help you get into organizations on campus. they will help you get that internship. they will help you get that job. >> reporter: and there's battling amongst sore try houses, too. at the university of kentucky sorority sisters are practicing their pitches to make sure they attract the very best candidates. it may be part of college life, but critics say young women should be focused on their education, not their social
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lives. >> the young woman is spending tons of time and money to rush, then she has lost her mind, and so have her patients who are paying for it, and also what the parents are doing is they are telling their daughter is what's more important to them is that she's pretty and cute and superficial instead of going to school to come into her own and learn. >> coming up next, the thrill of victory from a former race car driver competing at the paralympics. his remarkable story right after this. bacon?! gotta get that bacon!
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bacon?! bacon? bacon! who wants a beggin' strip? meee! i'd get it myself but i don't have thumbs! yum, yum, yum, yum, yum... it's bacon!!! mmmmm...i love you. i love bacon. i love you. [ male announcer ] there's no time like beggin' time.
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they're whole grain good... and yummy good. real fruit pieces. 12 grams of whole grains and a creamy yogurt flavored coating. quaker yogurt granola bars. treat yourself good. quaker yogurt granola bars. try our new lunch-size grilled chicken fajitas, with sauteed onions and peppers, served with soup or salad. lunch break combos, starting at 6 bucks. enjoy them with friends, because a lunch together feeds the friendship. if we took the nissan altima and reimagined nearly everything in it? gave it greater horsepower and best in class 38 mpg highway... ...advanced headlights... ...and zero gravity seats? yeah, that would be cool. ♪ introducing the completely reimagined nissan altima. it's our most innovative altima ever. nissan. innovation that excites. ♪
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the 2012 paralympics game to a close last night, and one of its lasting images, a gold medal for one remarkable athlete. nbc's ian williams is in london with details on this.
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ian, good morning to you. >> reporter: good morning, matt. they have even dressed up tower bridge here with the symbol of the paralympic games. these were by far the biggest ever, more than 2.5 million tickets sold. this morning everybody is talking about last night's closing ceremonies where jay-z, rihanna and coldplay performed. ♪ >> reporter: a spectacular london tribute to athletes who captured the hearts of millions, from the royal box to every corner of the world, these remarkable games have taken us to the edge of belief. >> and it's a brilliant, brilliant performance. >> reporter: thrill of victory for former race car driver alex zanardi, yet it's nothing short of extraordinary that he's alive, let alone the winner of two golds and one silver. this horrific crash nearly killed him in 2001. he had to be resuscitated seven times. >> i don't know why it happened, but i don't complain because i'm here. everything else was up to me to
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change an adversity into an opportunity, and i think you can do that with everything in life. >> reporter: zanardi took up the sport of handcycling two years ago. now competing on a track he used to race cars on. these days he says it's not about standing on the podium, it's about enduring the long ride to it. >> i'm a happy man, and i know that happiness does not come from a medal. a med al makes the taste of the steak a little bit better, a little more salt if i like to, or a little extra virgin olive oil, an italian one. >> reporter: though he's happy with his life now, he sometimes imagines what could have been had he kept his legs. for the past 11 days these athletes have shown the world that it's not about what they can't do, it's about what they can do. >> saw a woman swimming with no
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arms, and i got chicken pox, tears in my eyes, but not because of pity but admiration. >> reporter: zanardi is proud of how far he'll come and will never forget the person who inspired him to ride there. >> i admire my dad, and i miss him so much, and i know -- i know that in these days -- sorry. he was just getting pat in the back from god up there because i'm sure he's very excited for what his son did. >> reporter: less than an hour from now a big parade of olympic and paralympic athletes will bring the city to a standstill. the key game's organizers have summed it all up and said we'll never think of sport or disability the same way. matt?
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>> ian williams in london this hour, all those athletes are inspiring. >> amazing. >> when you think about what happened to him and nearly happened, nearly got killed, but losing his legs and then saying, okay, wait. this isn't the end of something. this is the beginning of something else and then going on and excelling. won two golds and a silver. >> amazing. >> what a personality. >> i love how -- >> i love him. >> classic italian describing everything in terms of food, extra virgin olive oil, the happiness of life. >> our kind of guy. >> a little red win to that extra virgin olive oil. >> still ahead, we've got blake shelton. a guy who knows music. what he thinks of savannah's play list. >> "september," from earth, wind-and-fire. >> love that. [ male announcer ] this is anna, her long day teaching the perfect swing
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begins with back pain and a choice. take advil, and maybe have to take up to four in a day. or take aleve, which can relieve pain all day with just two pills. good eye. for their "destination wedding." double miles you can "actually" use. but with those single mile travel cards... [ bridesmaid ] blacked out... but i'm a bridesmaid. oh! "x" marks the spot she'll never sit. but i bought a dress! a toast... the capital one venture card. fly any airline, any flight, anytime. double miles you can actually use. what a coincidence? what's in your wallet? [ all screaming ] watch the elbows ladies. [ all screaming ] a world without breast cancer is a world with more birthdays.
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7:56 is your time on this monday, september 10, 2012. a brand-new state of the art athletic field now dedicated in the memory of yeardley love. the field located at notre dame prep near baltimore where she attended high school. she is the former university of virginia lacrosse player killed by her boyfriend george huely. he receive a 23-year prison sentence for the murder. a chill
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anncr: this casino's in west virginia. but it makes millions off marylanders every year. now they're running dishonest ads. why? because voting for question seven is a vote to build a... world-class resort casino in maryland. creating thousands of jobs and... ...according to the official department of legislative... services, hundreds of millions for our schools. while saving taxpayer money by cutting casino subsidies. question seven.
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good jobs and better schools in maryland. not west virginia. good morning. we're still in the 50s throughout much of the region.
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a lot of sunshine later today. into the upper 70s. blustery wind. this beautiful autumn-like weather going to continue through the week. warmer by thursday and friday. over the weekend, could get showers saturday night into sunday. now our traffic. >> we still have heavy interstate delays west on 50 in maryland. slow after the beltway to bw parkway. also dealing with slow traffic in the outer loop of the beltway into maryland. slow making your way from 95 to 270. new hampshire, about a 23 minute ride. [ romney ] this president can ask us to be patient. this president can tell us it was someone else's fault. but this president cannot tell us that you're better off today than when he took office. [ female announcer ] here in virginia, we're not better off under president obama. his defense cuts threaten over one hundred thirty thousand jobs, lowering home values, putting families at risk. the romney plan? tax cuts for middle class families.
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north american energy independence. create over three hundred forty thousand new jobs for virginia. [ romney ] i'm mitt romney and i approved this message. [ 8:00 ] [ 8:00 ] [ 8:00 ] [ 8:00 ] 8:00 now on a monday morning. it's the 10th day of september, 2012. there's a chill in the air here in new york city, but this song from savannah's play list is helping warm people up a little bit. we are being deejays for a day, and is this "night fever" from the bee gees? >> yes. you guys are hating the '70s. >> you were born in -- >> 1971. >> so were you 6 years old. >> i didn't go to the disco. don't you love it? the crowd is going crazy. >> need a disco ball on the street. >> either this or "how deep is your love." i went back and forth.
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>> just to remind people or just in case you're tuning in all morning long we're getting to play some songs off our personal play list, deejay for the day. today is savannah guthrie day today on the show. >> and friday, doesn't the audience get to vote. >> go to and the best songs will be played. this is like a big era for many people on our -- jimmy, he loves it. doing the disco moves. anyway, what's coming up? >> blake shelton is here, and i just saw him and i said if i had known you were here i'd put you on my play list. he's on my play list at home. the new season of "the voice" kicks off. a new twist and a good competition. we'll talk about that. >> blake shelton is on your play list? >> he's on my play list, too. kill his mike. >> you know who else is here, dr. mehmet oz is here. heard a lot of news about some
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pretty nasty viruses in this country. we've got hantavirus and wet nile and bubonic plague. dr. oz is going to be here to put this into mer spective to tell us what we need to know about that. >> from your wardrobe to decorating for fall, five things you need to know coming up for fall. >> before we get to that, let's go over to enmorales with the day's top story. >> reporter: good morning, everyone. republican mitt romney is campaigning today in the battleground state of ohio. sunday on "meet the press," romney said high income taxpayers would have fewer deductions and exemptions under his administration. he also said he would keep some of president obama's health care reform. the president, meanwhile, was in florida on sunday raising questions about romney's budget math. meantime, the obama campaign reversed a three-month trend in august by topping romney in fund-raising. faa investigators are trying to determine how a landing gear
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door fell from a boeing 747 over suburban seattle this weekend. nbc's tom costello has more. >> reporter: even folks who live near an airport don't expect to make this kind of discovery. it happened right in front of john hanson's house. >> came back to turn in my driveway, and there was a -- part of an airplane sitting here. >> reporter: no doubt about it. it's a landing gear door. the i.d. tag even says boeing 767. the big question is which boeing 767, which landing gear door and where was the plane headed. >> reporter: boeing field is nearby, and witnesses in this kent, washington neighborhood say the plane appeared to be flying low, maybe taking off or preparing to land. >> it was a big flap of metal. >> reporter: exactly how it came off is what the faa will investigate. was it corrosion or loose bolts? nbc aviation analyst john cox. >> they are going to look closely at the maintenance of it, and then also whether the airport, whether the gear was extended at the proper speeds.
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>> reporter: given the thousands of flights every day, it's rare for a plane to drop parts, but it does happen occasionally. last may in toronto, an air canada -- >> all right. now for a look at what's trending today, a quick round of what has you talking online. wild scenes from the campaign trail are winning support online. as we showed you earlier president obama was swept off his feet by a florida pizza shop owner. the big guy cleared the bear hug though apparently with the secret service ahead of time, and vice president joe biden met up with a group of motorcycle riders at a diner in ohio. one female biker didn't have a place to sit, so biden pulled up a chair and offered her a cozy spot right in front of him. "gossip girl" star blake lively is a top google search following her reported weekend marriage to sexiest man alive ryan reynolds. "peop "people" magazine say they tied the not in south carolina. and what does a new jersey comedian do when his mom walks,
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dances and talks in her sleep? well, he puts it on youtube, of course, and attraction more than a million views in a couple of days. >> the tomato cage. >> tomato cage? >> yeah, i was doing a special thing with the tomato cage and it wouldn't open. >> where is this tomato cage? >> some place. >> come on. >> reporter: even more viral is this nick's posting, showing his mother watching and reacting to the original sleepwalking video. pretty funny stuff. we're going to see more of that coming up in the 9:00 hour. but let's turn it back now to matt and samantha. tomato cage, meanwhile, the new term. >> it's funny, but it's a little scary, too, that she can stay asleep that long during that. >> she has a pretty good sense of humor. >> lucky she doesn't get into a car, literally. it's crazy. i can find the dark in almost anything. >> okay, debby downer. let's go over to al. he's cheery.
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>> like the new rosebud, tomato cage. there's a birthday girl, begin the of spifty. >> 50 today. >> got the crown and everything. >> let's see what we have for you as far as today is concerned. pick city today, evansville, indiana. going to be going to be gorgeous today. sunny, 79 degrees. as we go and show you what's going on, not much. some showers down through southern florida. wet weather through the southwest where we may see flash flooding over the next 24 hours. a few showers moving to the pacific northwest. nice and cool in chicago. 78 and sunny. beautiful weather here in the northeast with cooler conditions. really, the only serious wet weather going to be in the central hawaiian islands. we're looking at wet weather down through central and southern florida. here's what's happening in your neck of the woods.
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>> still an autumn naal chill i the air. we're still in the 50s through much of the region. 63 now at reagan national. later today, here's your forecast, highs reaching the upper 70s. lots of sun and a blue sky, few clouds, blustery wind. tomorrow, still chilly, but sunny afternoons and mild. maybe showers saturday night and you're only here because your daughter made you come for your birthday. very nice. >> exactly. >> you feel better that you're here now? >> yes. i kind of like it. >> i kind of like it. i love you. >> well, there you go. it's all right then. happy birthday. >> thank you. >> savannah. >> she came for her daughter but stayed for the good music that we've been playing all morning. >> your play list. >> absolutely. if i do say so myself. coming up next, a serious story. how did a 7-year-old girl turn up with a case of bubonic plague? we'll talk with dr. oz about
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that and the recent rise of other viruses. that story coming up right after this. ♪ we're gonna have, we're gonna have ♪ ♪ we're gonna have a good day [ female announcer ] wouldn't it be nice if we focused less on the number and more on how the fit makes us feel? ♪ and all my ladies got pride today ♪ take the special k challenge™. drop a jean size in two weeks and slip into size sassy. so many delicious ways to get started at what will you gain when you lose?™ so many delicious ways to get started at tonight your eyes will do the talking. revlon photoready 3d volume mascara. the round-tip brush coats even the tiniest lash. the innovative formula reflects every lash... for a 100% more magnified look. [ annoyed ] i'm pure milk chocolate on the inside. and i love that about you. and here i thought you loved me for my brain. is that made of chocolate too?!!!
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♪ to make just about anything delicious. introducing new jif chocolate flavored hazelnut spread. whatever you put it on... reaches a whole new level of deliciousness. choosy moms choose jif. and there's juicy chicken hellmann's is the secret to making parmesan crusted chicken so juicy so delicious it's your secret to making dinner disappear hellmann's. bring out the best to making dinner disappear - hugs from beneful baked delights... - [ barks ]rs ] are crispy, oven-baked dog snacks with soft savory centers, made with beef and cheese. beneful baked delights: a unique collection of four snacks...
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to help spark play in your day. [ beep ] 15 seconds and counting. serve the world's best-tasting chicken. t-minus 10... that's why our whole chicken is delivered fresh. 9...8... and prepared fresh by real cooks 7... t-5. all systems go. 4... with kfc's world famous secret recipes. preparation complete... 3... 2...1... taste for yourself why fresh is better. mission accomplished. try our new freshly hand-breaded premium breast meat original recipe bites today. we're back now at 810:00. with a rash of viruses that have popped up in the state across the country. the latest example, a colorado girl recovering from the bubonic plague and a new case of hantavirus down in texas. we'll talk with b that with dr. oz in a moment but first janet chanelian inlands, texas.
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janet, good morning to you. >> reporter: yes. the case here in texas is an unusual one. the house behind me has been sealed off and quarantined after a woman who was helping clean it as part of a reality series on hoarding tested positive for the hantavirus, and it comes as cases of the hantavirus, west nile, even bubonic plague are turning up all over the country. the owners of this texas house featured on the tlc show "hoarding: buried alive" collected more than years of clutter when a woman cleaning the house became ill. doctors apparently learned she had contracted the hantavirus. a deadly airborne disease spread by rodent droppings. friday night health officials descended on the home in woodlands and placed it under quarantine. >> at that point we asked the fire department and hazardous materials team to come out, don their protective gear, enter the home and close the windows to prevent any further spread of potential pathogens outside the
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house. >> reporter: the deadly hantavirus is threatening thousands of visitors to yosemite national park. one has died after vacationing in the park bringing the total number of people to eight and prompting warnings to all who enter. >> information about the hantavirus in here. >> reporter: rangers believe mice got into the inner walls of some of the area's tent cabins. park officials are concerned for some 29,000 people who visited the infected areas. >> the letter and e-mail that we're sending them is basically a health alert saying that we have had these cases. >> reporter: early symptoms of hantavirus mimic the flu, headaches, fever and body aches. and in colorado 7-year-old sierra jane downing is recovering from a disease also spread by rodents, bubonic plague. >> we found some flea bites around her torso. >> reporter: doctors say she contracted a rare disease after coming into contact with a dead squirrel during a camping trip. while cases of bubonic plague are rare, reported cases of the
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west nile virus are not, and they have increased. as of last week 48 states have reported west nile infections in nearly 2,000 people. that's the highest number of cases since 1999. according to the centers for disease control, texas has seen the worst outbreak. with nearly half of the nationwide cases coming from the lone star state. and the woman who contracted the hantavirus here has been released from the hospital, but there was something like 30 people involved in the massive cleanout of this house. officials are now reaching out to all of them to see if any of them are showing signs of the disease, matt, back to you. >> janet, thank you very much. dr. mehmet oz is host of "the dr. oz show." great to see you. >> good morning. >> seen a temporary rise in isolated incidents, or is this something more like a trend? >> this is here to stay for sure. >> why? >> and it's coming about -- i think part of it is the environmental changes we're seeing. the unnaturally warm winters, and then you have weird weather
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in the summer and some of these differing investigators start to survive, like mosquito and disease and the big part is we're global. the west nile virus came from a mosquito cargo in a plane from the west nile. >> things move around. hantavirus and janet talked about the case in texas. a lot of the cases or several cases we've seen have come from people who traveled to yosemite national park. is the good news here that there's only been three deaths considering some 29,000 people may have been exposed? >> the good news is that only a few people have died. the bad news is a lot of folks have been infected. that's probably the big story today is that these infections are how much more common than we appreciate, and if you don't know what they can be, you won't pick up on them. take the hantavirus, for example. typically has gotten into your lungs, walk into an old shed or cabin, inheal the spores from dust droppings from mice and poop from mice and if you have the regular flow, coughing and
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virus associated with it, the back of your mind, could that be hantavirus? >> i remember over the last 15, 20 years covering stories about west nile virus. every single year we're dealing with this here. are we seeing more of it this year? >> more than it's been in the last decade. came to new york city initially, but it's been reported everywhere, and the big story with west nile virus is there's a pretty good chance if you're hearing my voice, probably had it and didn't even know it. >> the symptoms are not that severe. >> for 4/5 of people they are completely benign. typically a classic flu virus, a lot of headache and malaise. my wife had it last week. you know, for the first couple days -- >> treated how, because it gets better by itself. >> virus from mosquitos, vast majority of people it can be fine but sometimes it becomes meningitis so be attuned. >> talk about a disease with a bad past, bubonic plague and look back to the 14th century and a third of europe's population was wiped out. that's the 14th century, right? we've come a long way, baby, as
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they say, but what do we need to know about it? >> the best part of the bubonic plague it's not a virus but a bacteria so you can easily kill it off with antibiotics. it will typically give you big swollen lymph nodes. don't play with dead animal carcasses. put flea collars on your pets, that's how you get it from a flea biting you after it bit a rodent. >> the 7-year-old girl recovering. do most people recover naturally? >> our immune systems are so strong that unless we're immunocompromises, very young, very old, be attuned to what they are signaling you. because it's a weird virus or weird syndrome with a headache or a cough, don't let it off. find out what you've got. >> got a new season of your show starting this week and restarting your life is the theme. tell me about it. >> digging deeper. getting those folks stuck in a rut who can't seem to get rid of the paggage in their life, repack the baggage, take the audience across the country into a desert and these
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transformations are unbelievable. the biggest experiment we've ever done, a new herb that people are talking about, we'll break it open. >> give me a hint, good or bad. >> intriguing. if you use it right, people want to know about this. >> dr. mehmet oz, good luck with the new season of the show. appreciate it. up next, we'll catch up with country star and "the voice" coach blake shelton, right after this. imagine you, with less pain. cymbalta can help. cymbalta is fda-approved to manage chronic musculoskeletal pain. one non-narcotic pill a day, every day, can help reduce this pain. tell your doctor right away if your mood worsens, you have unusual changes in mood or behavior or thoughts of suicide. antidepressants can increase these in children, teens, and young adults. cymbalta is not approved for children under 18. people taking maois or thioridazine or with uncontrolled glaucoma should not take cymbalta.
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because vitamin d3 helps bones absorb calcium, caltrate's double the d. it now has more than any other brand to help maximize calcium absorption. so caltrate women can move the world. eat tomato sauce on my spaghetti. the acidic levels in some foods can cause acid erosion.
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the enamel starts to wear down. and you can't grow your enamel back. i was quite surprised, as only few as four exposures a day what that can do to you. it's quite a lesson learned. my dentist recommended that i use pronamel. because it helps to strengthen the enamel. he recommended that i use it every time i brush. you feel like there is somhing that you're doing to help safeguard against the acid erosion. and i believe it's doing a good job. . back now at 8:20. make shelton's career is now soaring. tonight he returns as one of coaches on nbc's "the voice." ♪ ♪ a whole lot of medication
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>> man, you know how i know that you're the real deal, we've heard so many different singers come out here and they sound like different singers when they go for different parts of the song. they change their tone. you sound like the same guy from the time you start singing. >> signature. >> exactly, christina. >> blake shelton, good morning to you. >> that wasn't very -- >> you don't like that clip? >> no. >> why? >> because i don't like it when christina and i agree ever on anything. it's not entertaining. >> to be fair, it doesn't happen that often. >> i guess that's why they threw that in there. such a rare moment. >> that's why we have to show that we do get along. >> you are the reigning champion right now, your guy, jermaine paul won -- >> that's right. >> i figured you were going in there gloating. >> i did, i did. >> you just rub it in a little bit? >> i think it's actually irritating not only the other coaches but like the production staff, network people, everybody, like, oh, yeah, really, you won? really. haven't mention that had. >> you have a t-shirt that says
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i won last year. >> i've found ways to bring it up now and then. >> yeah, how? >> you'll just have to watch. it comes on tonight. mostly i don't remember. >> all right. it's blake shelton won, adam lavigne won, christina and cee lo. >> a long time ago that adam won. >> the heat is on. they got to prove themselves? >> you know, they are just probably -- i'm sure they feel pretty crappy about it. they have let not only themselves down but all of their teammates. >> and america. >> yeah. >> america, their families, their friends. i mean, it's got to be embarrassing to be cee lo or christina, don't you think, savannah? >> i don't know how they get up in the morning. >> i don't either. >> how competitive is this group? i think i got my answer. >> what's funny is the only time we really trash talk is if i'm sitting here doing something like this or one of the other three are doing an interview then i'll hear them mouth off about me. i saw adam making fun of me on jay leno the other night, and
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it's just like, he never does that to my face. >> no. >> what a wuss, yeah. >> anything else you would like to say right here and now to adam? >> no. i just -- i've got a box of old ripped up crappy looking t-shirts i'll give him because that seems like that's all he wears. >> size extra small. >> with the collar all stretched out, yeah. >> talking about the competition, i assume you've got some good contestants this year. has the quality of contestants gotten better every year now that the show is more and more well known? >> seems like we say that every season, but it's the truth. i mean, i honestly believe it's better than ever this year, and i think -- i just think that the show overall, you know, it was hard for me to, on season two to compare it to season one because it was all brand new and so exciting, and so those two are like how do you compare it, but i think season three, it really does trump both the first two seasons. i mean, for so many different -- so many different reasons.
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there's been a lot of rule changes, and the coaches, we've all kind of, you know, had our fights and got back together again and fights and got back together again. >> like a country song. >> it is, but it seems like it's made us as a group that much tighter, and, you know, we all have each other's backs, when it's time to, and we're stabbing each other in the back when it's time to also. >> when it's appropriate. >> yeah. >> who is the easiest to get the red button pushed? is that you? the one who turns around most quickly and most often? >> cee lo has -- i think he has the record this year. there was one day where i -- i think he filled up half his team in one day, it seemed like. i don't know how they will edit the show, but i remember the three of us were going, man, i wish i was trying out for the show today because i know i could get picked if cee lo is in one of those moods. >> do you ever press that button and then regret, it like you wish there was another button you could turn back around? >> times, for lots of different reasons. sometimes you'll turn around and
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you'll realize off the bat when somebody starts talking that they have an ego or, you know, a lot of different reasons, or you'll hit your button and they still have 30 seconds left of the song and they start sucking really bad at that point. oh, my god, turn me back around. but that's just -- that's part of the fun of the show. you know, you never know. you just never know. >> so real quick, what's your approach to coaching? are you like the tough love guy or encouragement, you a softy? >> i don't know. i don't know. >> all right. well, it's working, whatever it is. >> i think you just treat each individual differently, you know, based on where they are at in their career. >> we'll be watching. "the voice" kicks off tonight 8:00, 7:00 central time. sing it again. ♪ ♪ this is the voice >> okay. i wouldn't hit my button for you. >> i wouldn't hit my button for me either. another song from my play list. adel. he likes it. your local news is next.
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8:26 on this monday september 10th. the redskins 1-0 after shocking the saints yesterday. robert griffin iii was stellar in his debut. he threw two touchdown passes and threw for 320 yards. statistically among the best quarterback debuts in league history. let's check your forecast. >> with pleasure. feels like autumn. still only around 60 degrees as we approach 8:30. we'll hit the mid-70s by midafternoon. a blustery northwest wind and low humidity. low humidity in plays with cool mornings and mild afternoons. then over the weekend, a front
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approaches. might get a passing shower i didn't know strawberries where in season right now.
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shh's no no no no no no.. rosco, no, no... ♪ opera love it. (crying) ally, ally oh, same dress yeah, you want to get up off the floor? i do. okay. vo: from the new to the hard-to-find: when it's on your mind it's on ebay™. no reports of serious accidents on the interstates but we're dealing with significant delays. very heavy 395 north, parking
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lot to the 14th street bridge. about 57-minute ride there. also very slow inside the beltway, 66, each direction. aaron. >> thank you, mike. another update
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imagine not being blinded by sight, just sit back and listen. >> i have to have you on my team. three nights of blind auditions begin tonight. ♪ take me to your girlfriend's house ♪ >> 8:30 now on this monday morning, it's september 10th, 2012. we say hello to our happy crowd at rockefeller plaza as they enjoy and rock out to another song on my play list. how am i doing, people? it's a good one, right? i didn't know who it was by. when i wrote it down i said "tongue tied" by whoever. >> grouplove.
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>> not to be confused with questlove. >> an educational play list. >> everyone has a chance to do their play list. we'll get to hear your choice and friday is viewer's choice. go to and some will be picked and played right here on the "today" show. another one that's a huge sensation, "gang man style," white hot here and he's red hot and he'll perform live. >> oh, boy. >> i cannot wait to see you do this. this is going to be so good. >> that will be great. >> also, you know who is in the studio right now? tony danza is here. the star of sitcoms like "taxi" and "who's the boss?" . he tried a bunch of different things and he became a teacher in the philadelphia high school.
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the hardest he's ever worked. he's written a book about his experience, and he's going to apologize to every teacher he ever had when we talk to him in just a couple of minutes. we like tony danza. >> i bet he was a trouble-maker back in school. the five must haves from food to fashion and even simple projects around the house that you can tackle on your own. >> and then jenna bush hager is here with a real ground breaker. she will introduce us to a model who just happens to be 81 years old and still working. >> unbelievably striking and gorgeous. >> beautiful. >> let's get a check of the weather. >> starting off with today, gorgeous weather here in the easternrgeous weather in the ea half of the country. monsoonal moisture there. could be some flash floods. showers in the pacific northwest. then for tomorrow, another gorgeous day here in the east. still some showers through florida. more heavy rain into the southwest. beautiful in the pacific
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northwest with sunshine. breelzy through the northern plains. sunshine will be in abundance. that's what's going on around the country. now your neck of the woods. >> sapphire sky over capitol hill. on this monday morning. it's fresh and cool. still only around 60 degrees. humidity is low. a wind coming in out of the north around 10 miles an hour. lots of sun though. highs reaching mid-70s. by this evening, winds diminish. under a clear sky. near 50 tomorrow night. autumn-like through the don't forget to check that weather any time you need it. go to the weather channel on cable, online. >> coming up next, tony danza on what it's like to be a high schoolteacher for the year. what it's like to be a high schoolteacher for the year. we'll get the story, but first
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now sink your teeth into that big n' toasted if you're ready to soar. good. exits are here, here, and here. a big day calls for the big n' toasted breakfast sandwich. grab yours at dunkin' donuts.
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8:35 now and we're back with "education nation," actor and author tony danza. he's written a new book about his experience in the classroom called "i'd like to apologize to every teacher i've ever had, my year as a rookie teacher at northeast high." tony danza, welcome back. good to see you. >> you, too, man. >> i remember you coming on the show and deciding to do this, to go into a classroom and teach for a year. just remind our viewers why you wanted to do it. >> it also has to do with the title about apologizing to every teacher because i wasn't -- i was like most kids. i didn't take advantage of it to -- i didn't -- i didn't really get it. i didn't see how it was going to relate to my life, and i didn't put my mind to it. i didn't take it seriously, and i wonder, like a lot of guys, what it would have been like now, neglect now what you know to get as. >> this wasn't some stunt. let's say you went and you taught tenth grade english in a huge high school. what was your experience like? was it different than you thought it would be?
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>> oh, it was -- it's so much harder than you think. you know, we have all these -- these conceptions about teachers, you know. we hear about bad teachers, and there are bad teachers, just like there are bad actors, but there's a lot more discouraged teachers, and the statistics bear it out, you know. 30% after three years. almost 50% after five. >> a lot of the kids were too young to know you from television. how do they treat you because they know you're a celebrity? >> we had cameras in there for the first half of the year, so i didn't play to the cameras, so they didn't play to the cameras. i really -- i felt this tremendous responsibility which is another thing teachers feel. these kids have won tenth grade, how to make it count. wasn't like given another chance because you have a celebrity for a teacher, so i really felt like i had to do a job. >> i liked what the principal said. you don't get a badge that says, poof, you're a teacher. it's a title you have to earn. do you think you earned it in that one year?
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>> i don't think you can earn it in one year. i think i tried real hard, but i don't think you can. i think it takes time. like anything else, there's a learning curve, you know. just ask the president, but, you know -- >> wow. wow. >> put a blinker on there. >> sorry, i think it's a very difficult job, aside from -- here's something you never hear with that the teach verse to deal with is the emotional grind. >> you got emotional a couple of times in front of the class. why? >> first i was scared i would afraid and something comes that they either make your heart soar or they break your heart totally. you go in there and give everything you have and they could give a damn. you hear this mantra, you have to engage the kids. and i'm saying okay, here engage me. it's real -- and then have you to show them that you care. you show them that you care.
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now they open up to you. >> now you're responsible. >> and you hear things that you can't believe. >> right. >> and teachers aren't even trained for that. >> you wanted to apologize to every teacher you will ever. i want to bring out a treat. i want to bring in doug dye, one of your former high school teachers from the 11th grade, all right, and this is long island. hello. >> i'm here for my apology. >> i'm so sorry. >> how are you? nice to see you. it's a pleasure. do you remember having him in your class? >> very difficult to forget. >> why, why stood out about tony danza in 11th grade? >> first of all, it was my first year teaching. >> you were a rook? >> i was definitely a rookie. tony was a challenge, let's put it that way. when i first met him, the first week or so, i said to myself, this kid must be taking the train from brooklyn every morning because it was like he's got to be from brooklyn.
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i can't be -- >> that's true. you are from brooklyn >> i just moved into the school district from brooklyn, from east new york, and it was a different, very different place from where i had been going to school. i was at ps-171 and then, boom, at malvern high school. >> my best story, on my hall of fame stories. i was there about three months. it was my birthday, and i learned a lesson, you don't tell kids it's your birthday, so i said, my birthday is tomorrow. oh, fine. following day, i see him come walking into class. got a paper bag, and i said, okay, he's got a paper bag. at some point during the class he said mr. dye, mr. dye, we're going a celebrate your birthday. he pulls out a six pack of beer, all right. takes one off, pops it open. thank god he didn't drink it. >> might want to apologize for that. i'm not sure the first apology was enough. >> i'm sorry. >> that's -- listen, i just --
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this book -- first of all, i wrote a book, i want my mother and father to be here so bad, but it really is just what i saw. i just saw a very tough -- a very tough day. it's like teachers are proud, exhausted, overworked and overjoyed, and so it's like a very, very -- >> most of them will tell you it's a calling. they can't imagine life any other way. you went on after surviving the rookie year with him 36 more years. >> taught 37 years. >> so hats off to you. >> i had a teacher there, mr. carr, coming back for his 37th year and i said to him, what are you doing? people said you did a whole year there, a whole year, big deal. how come you're coming back? and he said maybe this year i'll get it right. >> they keep trying. >> have to keep learning. you have to -- you have to keep learning. >> and matt, until we can get the kids to understand that it is up to them, we can't want it more for them than they want it for themselves, we're never going to turn it around. >> and get parents involved.
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>> and get parents involved. >> great to have you here. >> thank you very much. >> tony danza, always good to see you. >> good to see you. >> absolute pleasure. >> mr. dye. >> by the way, tony will stick around and help us out in our next hour as well, and nbc news will shine the spotlight on the big issues impacting our teachers and students and schools when our "education nation" series gets under way on september 23rd. up next, from fashion to [ romney ] this president can ask us to be patient. this president can tell us it was someone else's fault. but this president cannot tell us that you're better off today than when he took office. [ female announcer ] here in virginia, we're not better off under president obama. his defense cuts threaten over one hundred thirty thousand jobs, lowering home values, putting families at risk. the romney plan? tax cuts for middle class families. north american energy independence. create over three hundred forty thousand new jobs for virginia. [ romney ] i'm mitt romney and i approved this message.
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and those well grounded. for what's around this corner... and the next. there's cash flow options from pnc. solutions to help businesses like yours accelerate receivables, manage payments, and help ensure access to credit. because we know how important cash flow is to reaching your goals. pnc bank. for the achiever in you.
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but it makes millions off west marylanders every year. now they're running dishonest ads. why? because voting for question seven is a vote to build a... world-class resort casino in maryland. creating thousands of jobs and... ...according to the official department of legislative... services, hundreds of millions for our schools. while saving taxpayer money by cutting casino subsidies. question seven. good jobs and better schools in maryland. not west virginia. back now at 8:45 with five must haves for fall, and this morning we've got you covered with the latest in everything from style to decorating. emily shuman is the author of the new book "cupcakes and cashmere." emily, like the sound of that. >> thank you so much. >> five kind of fun things to do with fall and we'll start with the pencil skirt which i think of the black classic pencil skirt but you've got a new twist
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on it. >> exactly. the pencil skirt has always been a wardrobe staple, but this season it's really been updated so it feels kind of current and fashion forward so we have three main trends here. first, a bright. >> yeah. >> what i love about this skirt is that the shape is modest, it's professional so it's great for an office setting, but it's the punchy pink color that keeps it fresh. >> and you match it with a white top. >> exactly. secondly this, skirt combines two really great trends for fall. it's the possibly and scattered detailing. keep the rest of the outfit really simple, pared down, ideal for date night. >> and this one seems to have texture on it. >> that's what i love and burgundy is a huge color for fall. i would pair with this with a cozy sweater. >> and the clutch is a classic item. you've got a do-it-yourself way to update it. >> color blocking is really trendy and be can a bit
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intimidating for those not comfortable combining bold-colored clothing. we have a lut they are clutch, under $50 from american apparel. some acrylic painter's tape and a ruler and paintbrushes. right here i have one started and what you do is just paint directly on to the letter so we've text it had off with the paint, and you want to paint right on. >> and you're painting over the tape. >> tainting over the tape because we've section it had off so it won't bleed through and you get it started like this, and two between two and three coats. finished, we have one right here and you want to wait between 30 and 45 minutes before it sets and use a blow dryer. >> here's a finished one. >> how to update the clutch. caramel apples, a good treat. why do you like this? >> one of my favorite treats year round but especially during the fall when apples are in their peak season. these are really simple to make at home. just have granny smith apples. these are great because they are
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tart, crunchy, caramel squares and some sticks, so you don't even need to make homemade caramel. heat it up over the stove. >> yeah. >> get an a. we have some here that are already done, and you just want to take it and roll it in whatever topping you like. that's kind of the fun part. roll it right in. >> cute. >> and then we have some that are done over here. they are great for a party favor or if you line them up, it makes a really cute centerpiece as well. >> very nice. >> this one i'm going to be honest, intimidates me. the floating vase but how do you do it. >> i swear it's very simple. >> you need a piece of wood, a jar. just make sure that it has a little lip on it like these ones here, a drill, wire and wire cutter. >> okay. >> here we have one. cover this, paint it whatever you like. drill four holes, two at the top and two right below, and then you're going to get one piece of wire and want to secure it around one of the jars and do it a few times to make sure it's really secure and once you have that in place you're going to push the pieces of wire through
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the bottom holes and make sure that it's secure in the back and this one would be here, skur ec it in the back and then put it through the top. here we'll finish this one and once it's done, you get the flowers and add the flash flowers, put it on the wall and it's all set. >> completely adorable. i don't know if i can pull it off but i love how it works and spray paint things around the house. >> spray paint is one of my favorite tricks for sprucing things up. convenient and foolproof and with a couple coats of paint you can really transform an item. we so v some old tarnished candlesticks, a couple of glossy coats of paint, looks completely different. >> a vase i spray painted this vase with black matte and gives it a whole new sheen. and we have a before shot of a side table that really didn't have much personality.
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it was wood, didn't really have much going for it. >> kind of boring. >> spray paint it had a glossy white and here we have the finished product and it looks good as new. >> and look at the book right on top, emily shuman's "cupcakes and cashmere." coming up, a woman who is still modeling and turning heads coming up, a woman who is still modeling and turning heads at now sink your teeth into that big n' toasted if you're ready to soar. good. exits are here, here, and here. a big day calls for the big n' toasted breakfast sandwich. grab yours at dunkin' donuts.
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you've heard that fashion week is under way here in new york city. one model is really making waves. today contributing correspondent jenna bush hager has her story. >> that's right. she's amazing, and she's spent her entire life in front of the cameras. at 81 years old, she's still turning heads. fashion week in new york city, hundreds of models posing, strutting the catwalk, but 20 years before the days of the supermodel in 1947, model carmen delovici was on the cover of "vogue." >> it meant nothing to me. stepping off the bus and going to ballet class and there was a stack of them with a rope around them, and i looked down at this cover, and i thought that i
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looked like a little boy. i looked at the cover underneath, because i was hoping it was different and better. that's how square i was, or how disappointed, and i looked at the next one and i thought, oh, god, they are all the same. >> reporter: but life was not picture perfect. carmen was born in the wake of the depression, the child of immigrants. when you were asked what you wanted to be, you said you wanted to be happy, not hungry and free. >> yeah, that's true, because i was not living the life that i depict in those photographs. i lived alone with my mother who brought me up alone. i was a latchkey child. in those days we didn't even have locks and keys, you know. it was open door policy. there was nothing to steal. >> reporter: at 13 she was discovered serendipitously while riding a bus. modeling helped open new doors
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but didn't change the way she felt about herself. did you feel 13? >> no. i felt exactly as a 13-year-old who weighed 90 pounds and was 5'9" would feel. >> reporter: her early career remarkable. she was photographed by avadon, pin, sketched by daly. more than a century later at 81 she's the oldest working model. >> i don't know if it's good or silly. it's what i enjoy doing, and i'm able to do it. >> reporter: you said earlier that when you saw this cover, you didn't love it. now when you see pictures of yourself at 80 and you look at yourself, do you like what you see? >> i can identify more with what i'm looking at today than looking back, yet i can remember that little person. i love that little person, and i keep her alive because she's earned the right to live a long time. >> reporter: carmen's lifetime of work has helped make her one
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of the world's most recognizable faces, and those who work with her share in her legacy. >> it's amazing, like photographing history, like fashion history. >> reporter: with her incredible history carmen is redefining beauty. >> she is a glamorous woman, a beautiful woman, and she's been able to transcend time. >> reporter: lifetime of creating iconic images, proving dedication is timeless. when you look at these images, what goes through your mind? >> how lucky i am and how lucky i continue to be. >> reporter: and some day women may wonder what carmen's secret is and if she's had work done. she admits, she says, this is her response, if your ceiling was falling down, wouldn't you fix it? which i have to say, so she's admitted to using fillers. she actually swears by them. i have to say i met her.
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there was no ceiling that was falling down. she's absolutely lovely, and her iconic white hair is because her husband pulled a hair out and she -- one of her husbands, she's had several, said -- said, no, if you don't like me like this, i'm going to go all the way, and here she is. all white. >> beautiful. >> i see her from time to time in our neighborhood, live in the same neighborhood, walking down the street and she turns your head. she's lovely. we stop and talk. she's a lovely, lovely -- >> next time you see her ask her what her night cream is? >> i've got a list, i've got a list. >> okay. still ahead, the best package food for women as we listen to another fantastic song. >> i like it. >> "take it to the limit." >> sell, it baby. >> back after this. >> ryan seacrest with justin bieber, this week. >> is there stuff off-limits? >> and matthew perry here talking about his new friends and he's got the world dancing.
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cy is live only on "today." le:56. 8:56 is your time. good morning. here's our top stories. people in the d.c. area are cleaning up after this weekend's strong storms. maryland transportation officials insist the intercounty connector is safe even after inspectors found crack on two more bridges. and rg3 and the redskins are 1-0 after shocking the saints.
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now, your forecast. >> what a beautiful morning under way right now around the region. temperatures are beginning to climb into the 60s. reagan national now is at 66. and later today we should be making it into the mid, maybe 70s by midafternoon. a bit a blustery northwest wind. this wonderful tautumn-like pattern continuing into sunday. >> we'll take a quick break.
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still have some major interstate delays. no reports of any serious accidents. very heavy, 395, north, parking lot. here we are at gleeb road. >> another update in 25 minu
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>> hi. >> back now with more of "today" on a monday morning. it's the 10th of september, 2012. a terrific late summer morning here in new york city. it's beautiful out. >> gorgeous. >> temperatures in the 70s today. perfect blue sky, and a nice crowd. i forgot to mention, and a nice crowd of people gathered here as well. i'm matt lauer along with savannah guthrie and al roker. savannah has been acting as our guest deejay all morning. >> yes. >> and listening to some songs off her play list, and tomorrow, by the way, it's your time. >> that's right. i can't remember any of my songs. >> how did you do it in. >> used the most frequently
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played. >> i think we're listening to one of them. >> oh, no, this is mine. >> sorry. the smiths, you guys a big smith fan? >> my mer's maiden name is smith. >> i had every single record back in the '80s. nothing about me. >> meanwhile, kids are back in school. that means your lives are probably more hectic than ever. could also mean that you need to find really simple basic but healthy and good tasting snacks and dinners. coming up, we're going to share the best tasting packaged foods on the market. >> all right. and longtime viewers of the show know that both of you are kind of germophobes. is that fair to say? >> a little overblown. >> don't turn to me while you're talking. >> if anything, it's underblown. we know sometimes getting on a flight, it's full of germs. actually it turns out the airport itself is full of germs, so even more reason to be paranoid. >> hey. >> coming right up. >> i feel fantastic about that.
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plus later, we've got a 60-second style challenge to transition your wardrobe from summer to fall. >> also, just want to mention tomorrow is tuesday. that means it's time for today's professionals and joining dr. nancy and donny tomorrow, paula abdul. that's tomorrow and we look forward to paula being in the studio. >> let's get a check of the news with natalie morales over at desk. good morning, everyone. a final sprint to election day is on as candidates have just 57 days to go with boast conventions now wrapped up. president obama is leading the polls and has finally edged ahead of rival mitt romney in fund-raising. the obama campaign pulled in some $114 million in august, beating out the romney campaign for the first time since april. no school today for some 400,000 students in chicago where the teachers union has announced its first strike in 25 years. the city's mayor rahm emanuel is
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vowing to quickly end the strike in the country's third largest school district. some 140 schools will open today though to provide free lunches to eligible children, and city officials are deploying a heightened police presence to keep kids safe. a police officer who was part of president obama's motorcade escort during a campaign stop in florida sunday died after he was hit by a pickup truck. a spokesman said the president did not see the accident but was notified and said our thoughts and prayers are with the officer's family. the navy s.e.a.l. whose book "no easy day" recounts the death of osama bin laden spoke out for the first time. for the first time the s.e.a.l. calling himself mark owen appeared with his face and voice disguised talked about the moments just after he and his team shot osama bin laden. >> after osama bin laden is wounded, he's still moving. you shot him twice? >> four times. >> did you recognize him? >> no.
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you know, everybody thinks it's like you know it's him, no. to us at that time it could have been everybody. this is another brother, maybe a bodyguard. it doesn't matter. the point is to just continue clearing. >> the s.e.a.l. says his team was instructed to capture or kill the terror leader saying that they were not there to carry out an assassination. he said that they had to fatally shoot bin laden because they could not see if he had a weapon in his hands. yet another major win for tennis champ serena williams as she clinched her fourth u.s. open championship on sunday, her 15th grand slam title overall. number one seeded victoria azarenka won the second set, but williams powered back to win it all in the end. it's been a great summer for williams. in just the last ten weeks, she also won wimbledon and gold medals in singles and doubles at the olympics. well, the labor day weekend box office was the worst since 9/11. the top film, "the possession," grossed under $10 million,
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"lawless" took the second spot followed by "the words" and actress emma watson is now the most dangerous celebrity to search for online, knocking heidi klum out of the top spot. there's a 1 in 8 chance that searching for the harry potter star will land you on a malicious site. other top cyberbait celebrities include jessica beal. "gossip girl" star has tied the note with blake lively and also "how i met your mother" star married and have a 3-year-old daughter together. the father/daughter wedding dance is a time-honored tradition and lowe is a and her dad got things started off
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interestingly enough but they weren't going to stop with a simple box step so they had to let loose and have fun. well, their dance spanned several decades mashing up disco and hip-hop. love their style. six minutes past the hour now. let's go over to al with the weather. >> dad's got it going on. >> and so does daughter, she's great. >> let's see what we've got as far as your weather forecast for oday. great. let's see your weather for today. we are looking at monsoonal moisture through the southwest. that's going to bring rain anywhere from 1 to 3 inches. maybe even 5 inches into some areas. we have flash flood watches out through the southwest. we've got fire weather warnings. fire weather watches from iowa to the pacific northwest. breezy conditions. it's very dry. and so we have the risk of more fires cropping up in the pacific
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northwest all the way into the central plains. that's what's going on around the country. here's what's happening in your neck the woods. >> good morning. the air brisk and cool under a sapphire sky. temperatures are now climbing into the 60s. regular be national, 66. later today, ought to make it into the mid-70s. a bit of a blustery northwest wind. down to near 50 by dawn tomorrow. tomorrow, another gorgeous day, into the upper 70s. a bit milder. could get some showers saturday night and perhaps on and off on and that's your latest weather. >> all right. al. on this morning's "take three" we share our take on hot topics and we're getting help from the one and only tony danza. all right. our first "take 3" has four. >> we showed you the viral video a little earlier on in trending that has a lot of people
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talking. over the weekend a son videotaped his mom sleepwalking and posted the video on youtube. take a look. >> the tomato cage. >> the tomato cage? >> yeah, i was doing a special thing for the tomato cage and it wouldn't open. >> and where is this tomato cage? >> some place. >> come on, nick. >> even better is this video. he showed his mother the tape, and you see the reaction. apparently this one has gone viral to the tune of 1.8 million hits on youtube, probably even more now. >> oh, she's got a dance move. >> tony, like that dance move? >> well, yeah. >> catch phrases, tomato cage. >> is this what happened to tom brokaw? >> she's apparently taking something to sleepwalk, according to the son. >> does sound a little dangerous. >> could have hurt herself. >> good thing she has pajamas on. >> would you be upset? >> wouldn't it be hilarious if i
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tape my mom. >> my mom would have killed me. >> yeah. >> and then she went out and she robbed a bank. >> i suspect -- >> look at this. she's got like a waltz routine. it's pretty funny. take a look at her feet. >> yeah. >> how about --. >> i don't know. >> good enough to show you again. >> sorry mom. >> the question is would you be upset? >> absolutely. >> please e-mail, tweet us, if you'd be upset. >> that lady's got to stop drinking. >> al, you have some strong feelings about what went on at the u.s. open, serena and victoria azarenka. >> my family and i were watching during dinner and the noise she makes, listen to this. have you heard this.
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i mean, it's like curly howard. >> i was sitting there, the grunt, it's so long, that by the time the ball goes across the net and comes back she's still on that other grunt. >> this is just -- you know, sometimes i play softball and i pitch, and the ball is hit right back at me, like a line drive, i scream just before it hits me. >> but it doesn't last lore a long time. >> isn't that part of martial arts. >> yeah. >> it helps her with the power. >> i want to show you something, i didn't see myself at dnc last week in charlotte but this guy, a traffic cop directing, got really into his job. let's watch. >> oh, look at that. >> i know. >> yeah. oh, there we go. >> i like it.
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>> there's a giant traffic jam all around him. >> no cars. they are all so mesmerized. >> is that what happens, nobody is watching. >> definitely stopping traffic. >> i liked the lady in the pajamas better. >> finally, tony, you brought us a treat. >> i didn't bring this, but this is bizarre. >> okay. >> candy corn oreos, okay. so, in other words, they found a way to match these two. i don't know if i'd eat that on a bet. >> but you're going to. >> like the filling on the inside. >> what you canned see is how these smell. there's a very strong smell. >> that would be empty calories. >> how do you eat your oreo? >> that's just wrong. >> i'm not a big fan of candy corn to begin with. >> me either. >> i don't think it tastes too bad. i like the idea about it. >> it's all about halloween. >> limited edition. >> limited edition. if you want, al will autograph this for you, and you can have it. >> some things shouldn't be combined. >> it's not that bad. >> that's what i think. it's pretty good.
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>> tony danza, thank. >> and come back any time. >> second prize is -- >> i'd like to thank the academy. >> coming up next, the ultimate guide to the best packaged foods for women, probably not in there, and in our next half hour, fall's hottest accessory. the best fall handbags. but first these messages. [ female announcer ] how do you define your moment? the blissful pause just before that rich sweetness touches your lips. the delightful discovery, the mid-sweetening realization that you have the house all to yourself. well, almost. the sweet reward, making a delicious choice that's also a smart choice. splenda no-calorie sweetener. with the original sugar-like taste you love and trust. splenda makes the moment yours. these are sandra's "homemade"
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yummy, scrumptious bars. hmm? i just wanted you to eat more fiber. chewy, oatie, gooeyness... and fraudulence. i'm in deep, babe. you certainly are. [ male announcer ] fiber one. [ marcy ] it's like memory foam. [ female announcer ] the only pad made from a revolutionary material. [ erina ] it totally fits to your body. [ female announcer ] it's incredible protection, you'll barely feel it. always infinity. tell us what you think. a kraft homestyle mac & cheese bowl. it's yours for a mere 30 minutes of a pg-13 movie. [ alien noises ] [ male announcer ] kraft macaroni & cheese. you know you love it. it's eb. want to give your family the very best in taste, freshness, and nutrition? it's eb. want to give them more vitamins, omega 3s, and less saturated fat? it's eb. eggland's best eggs. eb's.
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the only eggs that make better taste and better nutrition... easy. eggland's best eggs. better taste. better nutrition. better eggs. it's eb. a digital scanning system five times more precise. helping you see perfectly. that's precision. ♪ lenscrafters. ♪ chips, chips,...! silence those tempting thoughts with new light & fit greek. its creamy-thick texture helps satisfy you. and at 80 calories, it's the lightest greek yogurt with fruit. new light & fit greek. be light and fit and satisfied.
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dentists are happy to have something that they can recommend to their patients. pronamel iso-active does everything that pronamel can do but gives you a different experience. the gel starts off on the toothbrush and expands into a very fine foam. that's what helps it get into those hard to reach areas where acid goes. it feels very clean very fresh. dentists that i call on and see every day recommend pronamel. pronamel iso-active can protect against the effects of acid erosion. it's really important to protect your enamel because you only get one shot at it. back now. this morning the best of the best when it comes to packaged foods. "women's health" magazine is out with its annual list tomorrow and here with a sneak peak is registered diet contributor and dietician carrie glassman. good morning. we're all eating a lot of packaged foods because it's convenient and faster.
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>> real food is the way to go and as you said convenience wins and sometimes that means packaged foods. that's why "women's health" flag scene scoured the aisles to pick the best 125 packaged foods, taking into consideration, of course, cost, availability and nutrition and taste because it's got to taste good. >> you're reading the labels very carefully for nutrition and salt content and all of that i imagine as well, sugar, right? >> looking at the nutrition panel and ingredient list as well. >> let's get started. starting off with cereal. good blek fast choice to get started here in the morning. you need your fiber. what do we see in terms of the cereal we pick? >> the rule of thumb is more than five grams of fiber and less than ten grams of sugar and keep all of those bad unhealthy ingredient away like high fructose corn syrupvht. >> vht. >> nature's best, six grams of sugar and no artificial ingredients like dyes so if you
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have one of the high sugar cereals you're addicted to, swap this in. >> the dark chocolate in there. that looks good to me. the steel cut oats here. >> cook in half the time as the slow-cooked oats. >> good. granola cereal here. >> the bare naked fit almond crisp, one cup, 230 calories, seven grams of finer and seven grams of protein and it's under that ten grams of sugar, loaded with great healthy ingredients like chia seeds and delicious coconut. >> packs a punch. let's move over here. don't have to deprive yourself when it comes to snacks, crackers and chips. found some winners. >> sometimes you need that crunch and the rule of thumb is stick to snacks that are about 100 to 200 calories, and, again, keep the unhealthy ingredients away like hydrogenated oils. here we have boom chicka pop. this is clean, delicious, 120
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calories for 2 1/2 cups. >> nuts here, pistachios. >> nuts a great choice. what i love about these is chili powder, you get that capcaisin chip. >> and i love these sweet potato chips. >> everybody wants a chip, sweet potatoes are good for you and the barbecue is really satisfying, can you stick to the 14 chips with 140 calories. >> as i crunch my way. tell me about the sweet treats. >> use portion control and try to get a little bit of nutrition in when you're indulging. i love the newman's own, five of them is 140 calories and when you eat things in small bite-sized portions you end up eating less calories sometimes. >> okay. >> one pop, the same amount of sugar as the same piece of fruit. a piece of fruit is much better, but if you need that frozen treat, this is a great option. >> for the kid a great summer snack. okay. >> this cozy shack rice pudding,
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really watch portion control but you'll never make pudding on your own at home. >> that's true. it is delicious. last categories, fruits and veggies. >> the veggie wedgies, fun to say wedgies, and you get in broccoli in here. >> really. >> a great way to sneak them in here. >> my kids hate their veggies, that's a good way to do it. thanks so much. the full list is in the women "women's health" issues. coming up next, defending yourself against all those germs at the airport right after this. two years ago, the people of bp made a commitment to the gulf. and every day since, we've worked hard to keep it. bp has paid over twenty-three billion dollars to help people and businesses who were affected, and to cover cleanup costs. today, the beaches and gulf are open for everyone to enjoy -- and many areas are reporting their best tourism seasons in years. we've shared what we've learned with governments and across the industry so we can all produce energy more safely.
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i want you to know, there's another commitment bp takes just as seriously: our commitment to america. bp supports nearly two-hundred-fifty thousand jobs in communities across the country. we hired three thousand people just last year. bp invests more in america than in any other country. in fact, over the last five years, no other energy company has invested more in the us than bp. we're working to fuel america for generations to come. today, our commitment to the gulf, and to america, has never been stronger. hi. we're spreading the word about new honey bunches of oats fruit blends and their unique taste combinations. like peach/raspberry. with one flavor in the granola bunch and one on the flake. two flavors. in harmony. honey bunches of oats. make your day bunches better. there's a place where the sky is always blue
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and the kids always eat their vegetables. because the salad there is always served with the original hidden valley ranch. lt's the way ranch is supposed to taste. and try new italians and vinaigrette's from hidden valley.
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for their "destination wedding." double miles you can "actually" use. but with those single mile travel cards... [ bridesmaid ] blacked out... but i'm a bridesmaid. oh! "x" marks the spot she'll never sit. but i bought a dress! a toast... the capital one venture card. fly any airline, any flight, anytime. double miles you can actually use. what a coincidence? what's in your wallet? [ all screaming ] watch the elbows ladies. this morning's today's health, the secret germs at the airport and some of the nastiest germs found inside the airport. the author of "what the yuck" joins us. >> good morning, al. >> bring stuff to clean with you. >> bring stuff to clean with
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you, airports, huge numbers coming in and out from all over the world. you want to wipe down your hands and wash as quickly and as often as possible, and when you think about the passport that you're hand together security check person they are touching your documents as well. >> same with the tickets. >> same with the tickets, the kiosks where you ent you are your information to get the ticket, wipe down afterwards. >> i cannot believe people going through the security checkpoint walking barefoot. >> wear your socks, no holes preferably because if you're barefoot you're exposed to people's foot fungus and other germs because people are walking around on these things and watch out for the bins, people putting their dirty phones, putting the cell phone in there and putting it up to your face. keep your cell phone in a plastic bag, same thing with makeup and any loose foodite sgle else. >> once we get on the plane --
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>> not cleaning these things as much as they should be. wipe down the tray, the arm rest and the seat itself, especially where your head is coaching. you're being exposed to all the germs. >> what about the bathroom. >> the worst part of the plane. >> what a shock. >> it's so small, difficult not to touch things, even if you're being careful but if you have to go, use a paper towel and not try to touch anything. >> and use the paper towel to try to get out of the door. >> absolutely. the door handle is the worst. >> if you're lucky enough, probably not as clean as you want it to be. the blankets are loose, not in a plastic container. friends of mine find hairs and all sorts of things. same thing with the pillow, if you want a pillow, bring your own. >> and lastly, your baggage. >> not out of the woods even after the flight. they are throwing the bags around, in a baggage compartment, could be in the floor, give it a wipedown before you bring it much further in your house. >> and check it for hotel
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bedbugs. >> check for bed before bugs. >> just stay home, don't travel. >> or find a friend with a private plan. i don't have any, but i wish i do. >> we've got your local news coming up next. donut cookies chips, chips,...! silence those tempting thoughts with new light & fit greek. its creamy thick texture helps satisfy you. it has twice the protein of regular lowfat yogurt. and at 80 calories it's the lightest greek yogurt with fruit. cupcake! it's not gonna happen. new light & fit greek. be light and fit and satisfied. a digital scanning system five times more precise. helping you see perfectly. that's precision. ♪ lenscrafters. ...but add some ham and cheese ...roll them up in some crescent dough and tada, thursday is now...
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a ham & cheese crescent roll-up wonder pillsbury crescents, let the making begin. good morning. it's 9:26. on this monday, september 10th. let's go for the look at the roads. >> northbound 355 shut down between montgomery village avenue and christopher avenue with a serious accident. slow on the beltway in maryland in each direction. inner loop at connecticut we're seeing slow traffic. about a 60 minute ride from 270 to 95 and on the outer loop a right at colesville road. anncr: this casino's in west virginia. but it makes millions off marylanders every year.
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now they're running dishonest ads. why? because voting for question seven is a vote to build a... world-class resort casino in maryland. creating thousands of jobs and... ...according to the official department of legislative... services, hundreds of millions for our schools. while saving taxpayer money by cutting casino subsidies. question seven. good jobs and better schools in maryland. not west virginia. this president can tell us it was someone else's fault.
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but this president cannot tell us that you're better off today than when he took office. [ female announcer ] here in virginia, we're not better off under president obama. his defense cuts threaten over one hundred thirty thousand jobs, lowering home values, putting families at risk. the romney plan? tax cuts for middle class families. north american energy independence. create over three hundred forty thousand new jobs for virginia. [ romney ] i'm mitt romney and i approved this message. a gorgeous autumn day under way. low humidity. cool temperatures later into the
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70s. a blustery northwest winds. might get a passing shower saturday night into sunday.
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she says she's from your group and seems crazy so i believe her. >> really. did you tell her that i was here? here you are at my office. that's fun. what's going on? >> nothing. what's up with you? >> well, i'm working, so that's why i'm here at work. >> yeah. >> matthew perry on his new nbc comedy "go on." of course, we all remember him as chandler on "friends." this time around he's playing a bitter and broken sports talk radio host in group therapy. somebody say "countdown with keith olbermann." he'll be all about here tomorrow on "today." meanwhile coming up you've got a 60-second challenge. >> that's right.
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the calendar says it's time to put await summer clothes. au contraire. how to stretch your summer wardrobe into fall and make the 60-second transition. >> everyone loves a new back and we'll show you what's hot this fall, color, texture, pattern, everything is in. >> that's what i think about a pot luck meal. we've got creative ways and ideas on how to transport your goodies to the party. >> but before a check of the weather. big party. >> gorgeous in the east. rain in southern florida. heavy rain through the southwest. beautiful around the great lakes. going to be a little on the breezy side. looking ahead to tomorrow, the gorgeous weather stays in the eastern half of country. few showers down through southern florida. heat is back in texas, on into the midplains. more hot weather in the southwest. sunny and mild from the pacific northwest into the plains with
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some breezy conditions. that's what's going on around the country. here's what's happening in your neck of the woods. >> gorgeous day under way. temperatures now as we are just past 9:30 are climbing into the 60s. just about everywhere we're in the mid to upper 60s now. into the 70s in the afternoon with lots of sunshine. a bit of a blustery wind 20 miles an hour or so during the afternoon. tomorrow, chilly start near 50, afternoon, near 70. milder on wednesday, thursday and friday. might get showers saturday and that's your latest weather. >> thank you, al. coming up next, transforming summer styles to fall in just 60 seconds. get your watches going, or less. but first, these messages. ryan crest with justin bieber this week? is there stuff that's of a limits. >> and then matthew perry is here talking about his new friends and he's got his new friends dancing.
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cy is live only on "today." [ male announcer ] if you stash tissues like a squirrel stashes nuts, you may be muddling through allergies. try zyrtec® liquid gels. nothing starts working faster than zyrtec® at relieving your allergy symptoms for 24 hours. zyrtec®. love the air.
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a kraft homestyle mac & cheese bowl. it's yours for a mere 30 minutes of a pg-13 movie. [ alien noises ] [ male announcer ] kraft macaroni & cheese. you know you love it. over the age of three have gum disease, and that tartar buildup can be a contributing factor? now there's a solution. doggie dentures. [ ting! ] [ dog ] you're kidding, right? just get me dentastix. the treat with the unique "x" shape that's clinically proven to reduce up to 80% of tartar buildup. and introducing new dentastix fresh, with added ingredients to fight dog breath, too. from pedigree.
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bring a smile to kids who need it the most. how can you change . this morning on today's style, a 60-second style challenge. we're embracing the transition from summer to fall. this can take no time at all or specifically 60 seconds, right? >> all you need is a little creativity, the right basics and one minute. >> let's go through the summer looks one by one. >> the models have something left over from the summer, a tank top and shorts and a maxi skirt, huge trend, still carries over to fall and kelly down there in a printy dress, a dress
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you wore all summer to the wedding and at the very end, everyone's favorite, greta is in a pair of white jeans. >> i'm anxious to see how you pull those off for fall. so start our 60-second clock. ladies, are you ready? okay. they are excited. they are going to change into a fall look. you ready. >> ready. go. start the clock. >> you think generally speaking, layering can change a summer look into a fall look. >> layering is absolutely critical here and what you want to do with the layers is add texture and mix fabrics when you're laying and here's the thing. doesn't take a lot of money to buy a couple of pieces that you can layer over the summer essentials. >> want to wear the summer essentials because you've spent the money on them. >> buying new fall staff, most of this is under $50 so you can still be stylish and on trend for fall and on budget which is so important. you don't have to buy a whole new wardrobe because it's a season. >> you guys did rehearse this.
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>> 60 seconds. >> was it hard to pull this off, and they were like, yeah. >> got 15 seconds. >> how are they doing, by the way? >> there's no test involved. >> raise your hand if you're done. >> okay. >> didn't even need an entire minute. >> okay, and there's buzzer. let's go one by one and start with the shorts which a lot of people are wondering how do you make that work for fall. >> just like a skirt. add tight or something in the bottom. because it's not quite winter, added a wool kneesock from dkny and boots with a wedge from victoria's secret, under $80 and, of course, the critical piece is a knit sweater in a light color. wear pale pinks in the fall and a fantastic scarf and how cute are her gloves with the sweater. >> great job. >> and then the maxi skirt. >> i love the max irs skirt for the fall. watch the proportion with the jackets that you pair it w.add a
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cropped motorcycle jacket, this from h & m, under $50 and her look is really about the accessories. got a great fall felt hat which makes a statement, under 20 bucks and her boots are fantastic, an ankle fold-over boot, must have for fall. she looks so adorable. i love then tire look. >> with the maxie look you don't want anything too flowy. >> you want a pulled together look. >> the summer dress, how did kelly do this? >> layer it with an unexpected piece. a turtleneck over a dress turns it into a skirt. any turtleneck, basic black navy, throw it over the summer dress, add ankle boots, black ankle boots are perfect for the fall and in the fall add tight t.creates a long line, uninterrupted and very visually slimming, the black tight with the black ankle boots. >> putting on tight in 60
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seconds. >> won't try that. >> next time. >> we'll go for that one. >> last but not least greta and her white jeans. >> so white is one of my favorites for the fall, but you need to add different textures so we've added a cream chunkiness sweater from macy's, the only piece that was right about $100, a piece you can carry with you through the fall and winter and added texture in the bag. to me this bag looks so polished and perfect for the new season and is wearing what might be my favorite shoes for the entire fall. they are these gorgeous deep burgundy velvet bumps from h & m, under $50 and the reason to do a dark shoe is that helps anchor the lighter white winter lack. >> you're not a person who says you can't wear white after labor day. >> you absolutely can. breaking all the codes. >> thank you so much. really gave you a challenge. you met it. thank you. thank you so much. >> thank you. >> coming up next, the hottest bags for fall right after this. copd makes it hard to breathe,
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but with advair, i'm breathing better. so now i can be in the scene. advair is clinically proven to help significantly improve lung function. unlike most copd medications, advair contains both an anti-inflammatory and a long-acting bronchodilator working together to help improve your lung function all day. advair won't replace fast-acting inhalers for sudden symptoms and should not be used more than twice a day. people with copd taking advair may have a higher chance of pneumonia. advair may increase your risk of osteoporosis and some eye problems. tell your doctor if you have a heart condition or high blood pressure before taking advair. if you're still having difficulty breathing, ask your doctor if including advair could help improve your lung function. get your first full prescription free and save on refills at
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fire bad! just have to fire roast these tomatoes. this is going to give you a head start on your dinner. that seems easier [ female announcer ] new progresso recipe starters. five delicious cooking sauces you combine with fresh ingredients to make amazing home-cooked meals. a digital scanning system five times more precise. helping you see perfectly. that's precision. ♪ lenscrafters. [ crunches ] mmm. ♪ [ male announcer ] pringles... bursting with more flavor. [ crunch! ]
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try this... bayer? this isn't just a headache. trust me, this is new bayer migraine. [ male announcer ] it's the power of aspirin plus more in a triple action formula to relieve your tough migraines. new bayer migraine formula. never ending pasta bowl is back! relieve your tough migraines. endless combinations of pasta and sauce for just $9.95. plus, all the unlimited crisp salad or homemade soup and warm breadsticks you want. the pasta never ends but the offer does. only at olive garden. chips, chips,...! silence those tempting thoughts with new light & fit greek. its creamy-thick texture helps satisfy you. and at 80 calories, it's the lightest greek yogurt with fruit. new light & fit greek. be light and fit and satisfied.
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back now with the best bags for fall. the runways are full of colorful looks, bold textures and big patterns. good morning. >> good morning, natalie. >> looks like anything goes for fall when it comes to handbags. a variety of different choices and options and ways to go. >> that's right. >> there's not one iconic it back for this season, a whole variety, whether we're talking price, trend, pattern or color. >> shape and size. >> okay.
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a lot here. we've got every price range, too, on the table. let's start with this bag here which is the splurge, and this is the studded bag but also cobalt blue, two trends in one. >> two trends in one. >> there you go. >> and this is from nouveau, been so hot that it's coming back to the website in another two weeks. you know, this has sort of a work sort of vibe. >> yeah. >> and the studded look brings out your inner rock chic and something you can wear during work and the weekend so that's our splurge bag. >> okay. this is a steel version of it. >> here to abolish that rule of no wearing white -- certainly can wear it white after labor day, do it in this bag, you get the structure and ladiness with a little bit of an edge and it's only $25, sorry $50. >> these are two bags from kohl's, right? >> this is the gold and black which is a big trend, too.
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>> beautiful all-over studding, very elegant. >> and this is vieda, little stick red with studding onterm the kind of bag can you throw it on with a very basic outfit and adds in the personality. >> look for the metallic accents. speaking of metallic, metallic bags are in as well, this is from ivanka trump's collection. >> ivanka trump. metallic bags aren't just for evening, a lot of women think that, but can play well during the day as well >> the splurge is $175. >> who knows luxury better than she does. great tufted elements on the bag, from steal, only $13. wear this with something upscale or more casual. >> a nice clutch. and over here, these two bags, where are they from? >> jennifer lopez for kohl's and vera wang for kohl's. this is your best friend. talking about shifting the contents of your bag constantly.
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>> which i don't do. >> this will take you right through the season, every day of the week, the weekend. it's a great, great bag. >> perfect. >> and this one is very special, very glam. >> more evening-like. >> yes, in a very square shape, and this quilting, always telegraphs luxury and has a little bit of distressing. all me at allics but very different. >> and from that trend to the box clutches, the splurge is $165, that goes with any dress? >> this is inga christopher. it's black and has instant wearability but when you put it under the light. >> lots of color patterns. >> you can wear it with a lot more colors. >> okay. and then some other kinds here. >> this is the steal, only $25, and what i love about it, it's -- it's cut kind of like a gemstone so it has a special aspect there. >> that's pretty. >> back to the cobalt plus from hand picked, cobalt blue pops so well off of a lot of colors like
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ivory and black. it's a fun departure from your safer colors for fall. >> this is lady like. >> you can dress this up or down, luxurious and can look distressed as well. >> over here. animal print bags, and you're seeing the animal print everywhere. now this is the splurge by madewell, good old across-the-body bag. >> wear it over the shoulder or cross-body. and with animal prints, there's so many patterns to choose, from and a lot of people think this is a specific type of fashion personality, not necessarily. this is a bag you can wear to work. it's very classic. it's $25. >> very neutral. >> a lot of people think of the leopard pattern and think it doesn't look right with pink but it kind of goes with everything. >> jennifer lopez for kohl's bag. this is python, love python because it's on a smaller scale and then you get a lovely
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palette of neutral colors, like ecru and browns. mixes into a lot of people's wardrobes. >> this is a clutch or nice handbag. >> wear it to an evening event or during the daytime. hide the strap. this is autiful bag. >> lots of great stuff here. thank you so much. >> thank you. >> thank you for scoping it out for us. coming up next, perfecting the pot luck meal, but first this is "today" on nbc. i'm barack obama, and i approve this message. mitt romney's position on women's's dangerous. vo:mitt romney and paul ryan would get rid of planned parenthood funding. and allow employers to deny coverage for cancer screenings and birth control. we can't afford to let him take away our choices... to take away basic health care.
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vo: both backed proposals to outlaw abortions...even in cases of rape and incest. i don't think that women's health issues have faced a crisis like this in decades.
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perfecting a pot luck feast. a great way to prepare great food and spend time with friends. >> part of the problem. >> it's a great idea bringing stuff. >> it doesn't matter if you're going to a tailgate, a back-to-school party, sunday pot luck, there's some tricky items that we've got some trips for
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you, but first a hostess gift. >> you don't always think about that when it's pot luck because everybody is bringing something, still a host or hostess. a clever way to wrap two bottles of wine or two bottles of sparkling water, a nice new kitchen towel. picked a pretty fall color. kind of like a giant tootsie roll so we want to make sure -- >> the world may never know. >> just stand up the bottles like this, and tuck this little side in there and tuck the top together. >> so they are protected. >> this is your carrying and also a lift gift for your hostess. >> very nice. >> so we have one right there finished in another fall color, and you can take it just like that. >> that's pretty cool, nice little token. >> sometimes you want to bring drinks and bring them in mason jars because they already have tops on them. >> come with tops, easy to transport. keep that box that you bought them in. this is a cocktail, do some for
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adults, a mocktail, rum in here and a little bit of mint. ask you to put ice in there. and for the kids, smaller mason jars. >> wait to put the ice in until you get to the party. >> don't be shy. get right in there. >> okay. >> just trying to be a little sanitary. >> add some ice. >> it's sanitary. >> washed your hands before. >> i sure did. >> of course i did, al. >> of course. >> and give it a shake. and then you just serve them as is, just like this, and for the kids pink lemonade. it's the fall, do apple crider. >> there really is rum in there. >> there is rum in there. good morning, al. >> you couldn't smell at that coming at you a mile away. so we'll take you from that. >> this is a nice appetizer. >> this is a nice appetizer and a great way to transport deviled eggs or something like figs. this is a used egg container, washed it out. this is a nice ripe fig, nice
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and ripe and you can put a little bit of feta in there. >> could you use blue cheese. >> whatever you want, and the feta is already rolled in mint, and then you can put that in there. >> i notice you've got a little bit of honey. >> a little bit of honey, night light honey, just a little bit, and then i have some almonds here. >> yeah. and we can finish the rest of them. >> you can use almonds and macadamia nuts, toasted walnuts, whatever your favorite is. >> soup. >> soup is tough to transport. this is a great looking lid pitcher. it's a corn soup. pour that right into the bowl. a beautiful way to transport and easy way to serve it, once you get there. >> and if you're bringing a main dish, this is a terrific idea, do a slow roasted beef barbecue brisket and bring the whole thing right there. >> the whole roaster, not too early to start using your slow cooker. this has beer, bacon, cook it long enough, falls apart, and
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then the eastiest one of all, always think we have more time than we do, an iced kaloua coffee drink already made. pick them up on your pot luck, come in three decadent flavors, mocha, espresso. >> is there alcohol in there? >> already has alcohol in there. >> fooled me once. >> all right. >> this is the already made dessert for you. >> thank you so much. >> coming up, kathie lee and hoda hanging out with blake shelton. >> but first your local news and weather. heavy load in america. but mitt romney plan, a middle class to $2,000 more a year in taxes. multi-millionaires like himself hits the middle class harder... bigger break. forward for america? this message.
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anncr: this casino's in west virginia. but it makes millions off marylanders every year. now they're running dishonest ads. why? because voting for question seven is a vote to build a... world-class resort casino in maryland. creating thousands of jobs and... ...according to the official department of legislative... services, hundreds of millions for our schools. while saving taxpayer money by cutting casino subsidies. question seven. good jobs and better schools in maryland. not west virginia.
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9:57 is your time now. it has been a tough morning commute. let's check in for a look at the roads. >> good morning. delays have cleared up on the interstates but we have problems now on northbound 355 between brook parkway, accident blocking the the two right lanes. further north, lanes blocked between mount gomry avenue and christopher avenue. southbound gw parkway very heavy.
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123 at the rosalynn tunnel and slow approaching 14th street bridge. >> gorgeous morning under way. bright sun. and a royal blue sky. temperatures now climbing into the 60s to near 70s. reagan national is at 69. we'll hit the mid and upper 70s by midafternoon with low humidity and the winds gusting to 15 miles per hour. tomorrow and wednesday, thursday, cool mornings. afternoon highs, upper 70s to low 80s. remaining dry. then over the weekend, we could get some passing showers saturday night into sunday. >> tom, thank you. [ romney ] this president can ask us to be patient. this president can tell us it was someone else's fault. but this president cannot tell us that you're better off today than when he took office. [ female announcer ] here in virginia, we're not better off under president obama. his defense cuts threaten over one hundred thirty thousand jobs, lowering home values, putting families at risk. the romney plan? tax cuts for middle class families. north american energy independence. create over three hundred forty thousand new jobs
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for virginia. [ romney ] i'm mitt romney and i approved this message.
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from nbc news, this is "today." with kathie lee gifford and hoda kotb live from studio 1-a in rockefeller plaza. hello, everybody, fun day monday. we have quite the show, woman, i hope you ate your wheaties. >> we have blake shelton in the house. >> that would be enough, except also we have randy jackson. that would be lots, except we also have big ang. >> oh, my god. look at her on the cover. just look real quick. hi, look what's happening here. >> bigger is better.
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i met her downstairs, she's funny. >> i went to shake hands, not good for big ang. >> what happened? >> bear hug. >> did they come at ya, both of them? >> she tells a funny story, she says she's got killer boobs, but literally. apparently she was upstate, out one night, a bat flew right into her breasts and died. >> boom and dead at the catskills. >> we have a big announcement to make, don't we? >> big, very big. >> it's called the twiker launch. you see that thing on the bottom of your screen right there? that is going to start a twitter feed of people writing in as they are watching our show. as you guys are watching it, you can clickety clak and we'll screen you and then put it up on the screen. >> we may show yours up on the air, unless sometimes it slips
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through. brittney will be on that. tweet @klgandhoda or # klgandhoda. >> you go first. we're going to tweet from here. it takes about 10 or 15 seconds. stop fake typing. that is so obvious. >> and send. >> let's see. now we have to wait for two seconds. i'll fake type and do mine. twittering. >> don't ask me. >> okay, this is good. -- is fancy. go. now go. what did you say? >> i can twikker quicker. >> that's not what it said. no, but you really can. we have trouble with the internet in the studio. i would never lie to you. >> this is very fancy.
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klgandhoda, hash tag, you forgot to do it. tweet a song you like a lot, you can do things singing. this is my tweet where it said -- and, go, go. >> you're assuming i can actually see something on the bottom of that screen. >> anyway, people are tweeting right now, apparently, as we speak. we just can't read it. >> that's going to be fun. we just want to hear more quickly how you feel about things. we think we want to hear that. we're not sure. >> we're not sure. >> that remains to be seen. big weekend, big, big weekend. it's happening. >> i know it. >> on friday, i went over to the neil simon theater with my leading lady, and we actually -- they were put iting up the marquee, so that -- >> here it's going up. >> yeah. >> are you contributing? >> i was helping the guys. >> i noticed you helped carolee.
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>> i helped her and then it went up. >> that's pretty cool, huh? what a fun day. >> unbelievable. this thing is huge. somebody's calling me, hoda. >> i know. >> i don't know if we have anything rare, i was hoisting carolee. >> both your hands on her tush. >> then yesterday, i was very honored to host broadway on broadway, where it's a big free celebration in times square. thousands of people came out and our "scandalous" -- oh, hoda was sweet enough to show up with something i had forgotten, a nice big old glass of wine. then you took off stage and drank. >> you didn't need it. >> anyway, a lot of the new shows performed a different song coming up. people were so excited about new stuff. >> it was cool, too, i had never been to this, you're literally
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out in the middle of times square, it's all free. people stop and listen, and carolee was singing the song from kath's show, she hit this moment in the thing, and there was this spontaneous explosion from the crowd, clapping and cheering. ♪ this is what i was born for >> then the crowd went crazy. >> they did, it was fun. >> you know what else is fun? >> never in a million years expect to see it. >> here's the thing, the page through "the new york times" this sunday. you end up having your coffee, you open it up, and what is happening here? >> i don't know why that in particular. >> this is what i love here, temptation is not a sin -- >> temptation isn't a sin. >> -- unless you give in. >> think about it. we're all tempted. it's juicy. >> how cool is that? >> thank you, everybody, for coming down yesterday.
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it was a lot of fun. we had a gorgeous day. >> it was a gorgeous day on the tennis courts too. >> good day for serena. >> wait a second. my gosh, sorry, new ring tone. it's very loud. anyway, serena was playing, usually she cleans everyone's clo clock. but at this open, she has not dropped a set. it was one set a piece, she was going against this woman. it was 5-5 at the end. i got to tell you, it was such a great, great finish. she won at the end. she went crazy. i got to tell you something about watching sports, i'm realizing. watching sports is making me fat, because i am nervous all the time. >> football fans have done that forever. >> oh, my god, i got the thick crunchy barbecue potato chips, the one you bite with a real hearty kind of crunch.
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i can't remember who makes them. anyway, that was gone, then the saints lost, that was the end there. i ate then. then my brother, the steelers lost. i am a lode at the end of the weekend. but anyway. >> it's a little thing called discipline, hoda woman. come on. you can have one hotdog or something like that. here's the thing, get up at the crack of dawn and haul your carcass out and run, you look great. if you had a pound or two to lose, i'd agree with you. you're fine, you're fine. >> one more thing to gross you out. the airports are so germy, it is nasty, according to one of these studies. >> mit based this study on connectivity, in other words, how many people are connecting in one area from other places and bringing things from outside. >> apparently jfk international is the germiest of all, lax, honolulu, san francisco, newark. >> something is wrong for
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honolulu. >> boarding pass is nasty, passport is germ ridden. the conveyer belt, whatever is on the bottom of your stinky shoes, someone's putting their coat on the conveyer belt and what not and it's all getting picked up. >> i know, i know. arm rests, the tray tables, and, of course, the nastiest place in a plane is the restroom, because there's no cleaning it during the flight. >> imagine, what about the back where you put your head? >> i know. god knows what's going on there. >> how about the pouch where you shove your stuff in. who knows who put old tissues in there before you? ah-ha! >> nasty. >> all righty, you know what, they give you this information and don't tell you what you should do about it except take some purel. >> then everyone thinks you're crazy, you know? >> tammie is. tammie, our producer. >> tammie brings a gallon,
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however much they'll let you take on the plane. she'll soak everything in it. >> i don't know. what good does it do to know these kinds of things? we know they are filthy, try to be careful. >> nothing you can do. let's talk about our favorite things. i thought with the election coming up, this is -- this is underwear. >> those are hankies? >> hanky-panky thongs, they are $21 a pair from they sent this whole little thing to get you through the election. >> what do they have in there? >> aspirin. >> that's cute. >> you drink, what is this? five-hour energy. >> bullseye. >> throw darts, whatever gets you through. >> ear plugs. >> these are cute, red, white, and blue. >> those are adorable. i'm going to disclose she's a friend of mine, but here is something called the skinny girl cleanse.
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>> bethany! >> bethany. okay, so you open it and it is made of lemon, green lemonade, you open it and you pour it in a glass of water like this, like so. then you stir it up. >> uh-huh. >> and it's got all kinds of aloe vera, not the kind of cleanse that makes you run to the restroom immediately, just your eyes brighter, feel better, skin looks good. green things don't taste good, this one out of all that i've tried is the least icky. it's not terrible. >> no, it isn't. >> anyway, you can get 30 packs for $40. >> needs something else with it. >> mine is an attempt to get some school spirit -- i went to smith college in massachusetts, but i'm from iowa, and we're not getting any iowa schools to tweet you. a little from drake, but university of iowa, i'm begging them, please. >> who's the mascot?
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>> hawkeyes. we are getting no iowa love and i'm feeling abandoned. >> roberts is in second place. >> iowa is not representing. >> roberts, way to go, guys. >> we want to go to your college. if you tweet us and show us your school spirit, we might choose you and do our school live from there. virginia tech. >> usc, come on. fight on, fight on for usc. beat the pants off the other day. that's usc. >> look at that. >> there's tommy trojan and the horse. >> do not diss my people. ♪ >> that's embarrassing. >> that's cute. >> gorgeous guy on a horse, what is that? >> that's a turkey. >> uva. we want uva to come out.
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regis' old alma mater, notre dame. >> bobo down at rollins college. lehigh university. >> send us your tweets. >> this first one is a photo from west virginia university. "come home to morgantown, home of the mountaineers." there's another photo from rollins college in florida, "starting our morning with kg and hoda again." claiming hoda loves it there, i do too, hoda, woman. see you soon. >> okay, you've got until friday, so get tweeting. >> nobody is twikking us right now. it's not working yet? >> okay, it's working. anyway, country music star. >> and a very good-looking hotty, blake shelton. >> he's eating the food in
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there. >> what was the big stories? >> don't eat the food in there. >> you know not to eat in the green room. >> what were the big stories this weekend? we have the latest buzz from andy cohen. first, these messages. [ female announcer ] can your pancake mix do this?
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sure, bisquick makes delicious pancakes, but that's just the start. unleash the hidden power of bisquick. see what you can make at tomato, obviously. haha. there's more than that though,
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there's a kick to it. wahlalalalallala! smooth, but crisp. it's kind of like drinking a food that's a drink, or a drink that's a food, woooooh! [ male announcer ] taste it and describe the indescribable. could've had a v8. [ male announcer ] taste it and describe the indescribable. why they're always there to talk. i love you, james. don't you love me? i'm a robot. i know. i know you're a robot! but there's more in you than just circuits and wires! uhhh. (cries) a machine can't give you what a person can. that's why ally has knowledgeable people there for you, night and day. ally bank. your money needs an ally. ♪
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♪ we are very, very excited here at nbc, and so is america. those are judges christina aguilera, cee lo greene, adam shelton belting out a tune on "the voice." >> here to get us ready for tonight's big third season premier is country music star and our friend blake shelton. >> celebrating. i'm excited too. you have alcohol on this show. all other shows suck. that's why this one's awesome. >> we have quite a history with you here. >> i know it, i know it. >> the world is just starting to know you about four and a half years ago when i joined hoda. >> i owe it to you all. >> do you remember co-host something. >> i do. i sang you a song. >> never been the same since, if you know what i mean. >> big crush, big old crush. >> not happy that you and
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miranda lambert got married. sobbing and hodaville. >> great interview so far, isn't it? we're getting down to the important issues. >> how is the mrs., by the way? >> she's good. she just flew back to nashville. she was at the canadian country music awards last night. i guess she's in nashville today, she's waiting on me to get back there. she's going to dvr the premier of "the voice" tonight so when i get home, we can watch it together. i seriously don't remember what has happened. >> how long ago did you do it? >> we filmed a lot of the stuff that's going to air in june. >> okay. >> yeah. in fact, all the stuff for the first eight weeks. >> those are the blinds? >> blinds and battles and all the other crap. it's a hit, it's a hit, who cares? >> so is this crap, go figure. >> this time it's a little bit different. you have some new rules that
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weren't in place last year. explain the thing you can steal somebody. >> first of all, there's 16 artists per coach this year, where the first year it was 8, then 12, now it's 16. >> that's a lot. >> in the battle round -- we found out people like the button, they like the button, so they brought the button back for the battle rounds. basically, we can steal artists from other people's teams to be on our team if they pick somebody in the battle round, that loser doesn't necessarily have to go home. we can hit our button. you can either win or you can lose. >> now, the guy who's going to be working with you is michael buble. what's he like? >> we love him around here. >> oh, my god, michael buble is my favorite concert i've ever been to. i've been to two of his concerts and went and got tickets. >> you have a bromance going with him. >> he's a good-looking guy, you
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know what i mean? anyway, we've actually worked together in the past before and did a david foster special one time. i had a country hit on "home," and he's on my christmas album. there's just a lot of reasons that he ends up being my mentor, whatever. the smart guy. >> he is very smart. >> do you have a new christmas album coming out, i heard a rumor. >> i do. it comes out in the nick of time for christmas, october 2nd or something like that. we're desperate for something to sell. >> i did read you're concerned a little bit by doing back-to-back seasons that you're not out there on the road as much and you want to be able to be out there with your people. >> i hate the way -- and i've always been vocal about it. i hate having seasons back to back with the voice, because i want to get on the road and tour. that's still my real job. >> uh-huh. >> but also, i love, you know, being a part of "the voice" so
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much and so i'm going to keep doing it for a while. but eventually, i'm going to have to get back to what i do. >> well, good luck. >> maybe y'all can let me co-host every now and then and i can be on tv. >> say hello to miranda for us. >> i will. >> continued success for "the voice." >> three-night premier of "the voice" tonight at 7:00 central on nbc. >> we'll announce our fan of the week. right after that. [ female announcer ] dear sweet tooth, i love you.
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new chocolatey delight pastry crisps from special k. two delicious crisps. for 100 calories. so you'll never have to break up with your sweet tooth again. what will you gain when you lose? flawless skin doesn't have a so you'ltime limit. to break up with your sweet tooth again. revlon® colorstay™ makeup has 24-hour coverage that stays fresh without feeling heavy. hey, becky. hey....uncle steve. for life's bleachable moments.
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♪ it is monday, that manes it is time to reveal our new estefan of the week. >> sara is here to tell us who it might be. >> drum roll, please. our winner is michael hahn from portland, oregon. who tunes in on kgw channel 8. michael works from home, the fourth hour is getting the best of the office water cooler. today's hot topics, best material for evenings out with his friends. michael's favorite moments on the show are when the gloves go off and you go head-to-head in trivia. michael can't stand -- oh, gosh, to miss a show. not even during a flight. he's toasted you guys at 30,000 feet. we hope you catch us again when you're jet setting to new york city. >> cool! >> you'll enjoy a four-night
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stay at roosevelt hotel, food and beverage gift card, hotel and airport provided by the roosevelt hotel new york city. >> you know what, i will also throw in a ticket for him to see "scandalous." come after october 13th. >> like it. >> all right, if you got mail piling up at home, we'll show you how to get it organized and cut down to size. and will he or won't he, "american idol" judge randy jackson talks about his future on the show and a cause very close to his heart. what your favorite celebs were up to. we'll have the buzz after the news. and big ang, big ang is here. >> i think she's going to mix us a drink, i hear. [ rain pattering ] [ heels clicking ] [ female announcer ] yoplait light tastes great now... ♪ ...and feels great later 20 delicious flavors of yoplait light,
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now at 90 calories each. yoplait, it is so good!
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mitt romney's position onpprove women's's dangerous. vo:mitt romney and paul ryan would get rid of planned parenthood funding. and allow employers to deny coverage for cancer screenings and birth control. we can't afford to let him take away our choices... to take away basic health care.
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vo: both backed proposals to outlaw abortions...even in cases of rape and incest. i don't think that women's health issues have faced a crisis like this in decades.
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we are back with this fun day monday with more of today, and randy jackson, of course, best known for 11 seasons on "american idol." but in his favorite life, he's had to analyze something entirely different. >> after being diagnosed with type 2 diabetes, he's torn the country to help americans admit to a diabetes-friendly lifestyle with a campaign called "take diabetes to heart." >> great to see you, randy. >> thank you. thank you for having me. love you both, of course. and good morning. >> good morning. >> a lot has changed in your life when you found out you had diabetes, right? >> back in 2003 when i was diagnosed, one thing i partnered with this campaign, there's not
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enough education or awareness out there. i didn't know i had it, right, i was walking around, i thought i had a flu. couldn't quench my thirst, tired, lethargic. >> not normal for you? >> not normal for me, thought maybe i had a cold, started taking over-the-counter medications, nothing helped. wound up in the emergency room, found out i had type 2 diabetes. it ran in my family, but you always think it's going to happen to somebody else, not you. >> it was not the first thing you thought of at all. >> it was not the first thing. the sad part for me, i found out there was no cure, but you can manage it with your doctor, health care provider, but you're two to four more times risk developing stroke, there's so many bad things that can happen to you. >> you changed your diet, randy,
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everything? >> that's hard for a boy from louisiana. >> eating like that, food is just good. it's called good eating down there. >> for a reason, it's good eating. >> got to have everything in it, all the sugar, butter, whatever. but i had to get my weight together, i had to get my diet together. i had to start moving. >> you didn't exercise either before, did you? >> i had a sedentary lifestyle. >> when you're sitting there producing records, it's sitting there. >> sitting there and you see food and you eat it. you don't know where it comes from, you don't care about it, don't everyone think about it. >> let's talk about "idol." we know mariah carey's in, j-lo, steven tyler's out. so are you still a judge, what's going on with you? >> listen. "idol's" an amazing show, my friend mariah carey's there. i think she's going to bring a
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lot of excitement to it. let's see what happens. let's see what happens. it's me and mariah. >> what about nicki minaj? there's a lot of buzz about her. >> i don't know who else has been confirmed yet or not. >> really? >> but i know mariah's there. you two, the two of you could make cool judges. >> i've always said so. my personal choice is aretha franklin, though. >> we love aretha, the queen of soul, so unbelievably amazing. god, when you say that name, i keep hearing songs in my head. >> of course. >> you know, it's funny. speaking of diabetes, when i first got diagnosed, i started walking, right, i tried to find the simplest exercise i could do. so i put together this great playlist on my ipod, so much aretha on there. >> what's your go-to aretha song? >> "think" or "respect."
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>> i think we're out of time, no lack of respect for you. >> i like that. go to that website. >> got you. what was hollywood abuzz about this weekend? we'll get caught up with one andy cohen. >> and big ang is here. >> of course, she is. >> she'll talk why bigger is better. first, these messages. re's my m. gotta start the day off right. wardrobe. cute. then new activia breakfast blend. a great way to help start the day. mmm... creamy lowfat yogurt with grains in yummy breakfast flavors, like apple cinnamon. its hearty, with twice the protein of regular lowfat yogurt and helps regulate your digestive system. our morning routines are important, aren't they? new activia breakfast blend.
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♪ ♪ ♪ ♪
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there's another way to help erase litter box odor. purina tidy cats. only tidy cats has odor erasers. making it easy to keep things at home... just the way you want them. tidy cats with odor erasers. tonight your eyes will do the talking. revlon photoready 3d volume mascara. the round-tip brush coats even the tiniest lash. the innovative formula reflects every lash... for a 100% more magnified look. has oats that can help lower cholesterol? and it tastes good? sure does! wow. it's the honey, it makes it taste so... well, would you look at the time...
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what's the rush? be happy. be healthy. ♪ it is time for today's buzz and all the celebrities you may
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have missed over your fun-filled weekend. >> ryan reynolds and blake lively's recent marriage to the worst box office weekend in years. here with the scoop is bravo's big and. >> that's right, i was smothered in the breasts of big ang in the green room. >> how was it? >> fantastic! loved it. woke me right up. >> blake lively, ryan reynolds, who knew? >> perez hilton broke the news on my show last night. they got married over the weekend in south carolina. what a hot couple. florence welsh performed at the ceremony, as did bette midler, how amazing. >> how did they fly under the radar like that? >> i don't know, but i love it that they did. nobody knew. >> i thought this was a flirtation. i had no idea. >> me neither, but i like it. may met on the set of "green lantern." >> have they been together for
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long? >> i don't know. >> that's why you're here. >> at least i'm honest about what i don't know. >> amy poehler. >> apparently, it's amicable, they have two kids. such a fan of both of them. >> didn't see the marriage coming, didn't see the divorce coming. >> there you go, in the dark. >> what about katy perry and john mayer? >> they are back together, apparently. yes, they are. page 6 reported the other day they had a stormy night after the vmas. i love it that john mayer cut his hair. he had the long hair. he was on my show and we did a poll about whether he should cut his hair and it was a landslide that he should. i don't think he did it because of that, but he cut his hair, looks great. >> do you like him, what's he like? >> i've gotten to knowhim over the last couple years and i really do like him and i love his new album. >> just had another surgery, right? >> he did. he can't perform live, he can't
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tour, but the new album is great. >> miley cyprpscyrus, there was break-in. >> this guy must hate her haircut, he was found in her yard with a pair of scissors. they caught the guy, some 40-year-old dude. what do you think about this haircut? >> i don't like it at all. >> she won't like it for a long time either. >> yes. >> it's a statement haircut. >> sure is. >> tom cruise was out and about. >> loved it, gave him a standing "o" at the old globe, and then katie holmes, who allegedly didn't get anything from him in the divorce because she had signed the prenup, she is the new face of bobby brown. >> celebrity. >> first celebrity facer, and she's apparently got a speaking
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agent, she's looking for many ways to make money. so yeah, starting a new life in new york. >> i can't believe she didn't get any financial stub. >> some change, some loose change. >> let's talk about the box office, because nobody went to the movies. >> worst weekend in, like, ten years in hollywood. >> football starting. >> warner bros had a movie that was supposed to come out this weekend that they had to recut because there was a scene that would have been inappropriate to show in light of what happened after "the dark knight" incident, so they moved it off the schedule for this weekend, so there were no new releases, so it was a really crappy weekend at the box office, kathie lee and hoda. >> i sure didn't go. >> i didn't either. i saw madonna saturday night. >> did you love it? >> loved it! >> anderson cooper was with you. what's going on with all this? >> nothing, we're pals. >> okay. you guys go off to europe as well with kelly and mark
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consuelos? >> what are you doing? >> what is this segment right now? >> you're making news yourself. >> i'm here to talk about the buzz, man. >> that's your part in the buzz. >> thank you, sweetie. >> i'm excited for big ang. >> so are we. all right, big ang, see you next. cut the clutter, hoda. is bigger better? >> uh-huh. >> you bet it is. larger than life stories right after this. >> she is in our studio right now. >> not big enough for her. >> i don't think so. this is rudy. his morning starts with arthritis pain. and two pills. afternoon's overhaul starts with more pain. more pills. triple checking hydraulics. the evening brings more pain. so, back to more pills. almost done, when... hang on. stan's doctor recommended aleve. it can keep pain away all day with fewer pills than tylenol. this is rudy. who switched to aleve. and two pills for a day free of pain. ♪ and get the all day pain relief of aleve in liquid gels.
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♪ parebut not on your face. juvéderm® xc is the gel filler your doctor uses to instantly smooth out lines right here. temporary side effects include redness, pain, firmness, swelling, bumps, or risk of infection. ask your doctor about juvéderm® xc. new chocolatey delight pastry crisps from special k. two delicious crisps. for 100 calories. so you'll never have to break up with your sweet tooth again. what will you gain when you lose?
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tomato, obviously. haha. there's more than that though, there's a kick to it. there's a pop. wahlalalalallala! pepper, but not pepper, i'm getting like, pep-pepper. it's kind of like drinking a food that's a drink, or a drink that's a food, zip zip zip zip zip! i'm literally getting zinged by the flavor. smooth, but crisp. velvety. kind of makes me feel like a dah zing yah woooooh! [ male announcer ] taste it and describe the indescribable. could've had a v8. woooo!
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this president can tell us it was someone else's fault. but this president cannot tell us that you're better off today than when he took office. [ female announcer ] here in virginia, we're not better off under president obama. his defense cuts threaten over one hundred thirty thousand jobs, lowering home values, putting families at risk. the romney plan? tax cuts for middle class families. north american energy independence. create over three hundred forty thousand new jobs for virginia. [ romney ] i'm mitt romney
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and i approved this message. but it makes millions off west marylanders every year. [ romney ] i'm mitt romney now they're running dishonest s. why? because voting for question seven is a vote to build a... world-class resort casino in maryland. creating thousands of jobs and... ...according to the official department of legislative... services, hundreds of millions for our schools. while saving taxpayer money by cutting casino subsidies. question seven. good jobs and better schools in maryland. not west virginia. we've all heard the expression living large. well, our next guest has made it a lifestyle. big ang, aka angela. how do you pronounce the last name? raiola. hit of the hit show "mob wife." >> i want to get my insides cleaned out. i heard it's a fast and easy fix, and i love quick fixes.
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>> all right, now she's gotten her colon cleansed, she's got a memoir out. >> i didn't do it. >> thank god. it's called "bigger is better." the no drama mama, big ang. >> we're so happy you're here. >> so happy to be here. >> you just popped off that other show and got your own show. people are just into you. >> it's crazy. >> did you ever think in your wildest dreams that you'd become one of the biggest reality stars in the country? >> no. no, i was just being a mom and a grandma and a bartender, i don't know what happened. >> you were a minor character at the beginning, right, but your larger than life personality took over. >> angry when you became the big star? >> according to them, they are very happy. >> really? >> okay. >> the two things about you that draw the most attention, and you talk about them in your book "bigger is better," three things, your lips and your jjs.
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>> yes, and my height. >> and your height too. >> and your voice. >> my heart. >> okay, so the jjs, that's something you had done a couple of times -- plastic surgery a few times. >> '85, '95, 2005. >> why did you do it, tell us? >> because i had to. >> oh, you did? >> because after i had my daughter, my boobs were here, i had all this extra skin, they were horrible. dead figs, flap jacks. >> so you got the js. >> so then i had to keep filling them until they expanded to the skin and that's that. >> did you know there's a new thing out, a new survey or something that said drinking makes your boobs hang down lower too. >> that's not happening, because mine are up there. >> you could eat off them? >> yes. >> the chapter on your book is called "read my lips from space." you wanted thick, juicy lips. >> did this when i was 40. that was a while ago.
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this is -- that was a while ago. this is them since. i never touched them. >> never since? >> never. >> you said a little vile of collagen, five viles. >> at once. i came home and looked like daffy duck. this is them ever since that day, 12 years now. >> do you love them? >> we are 52, did you just say? >> 52. >> now, what is it like when people see you on the streets, big ang, what do they say, what do they want? >> they are chasing me down the block to take a picture. i stop, take a picture with everybody, i don't mind. >> you have your bar, the drunken monkey, which is in staten island, right? >> the drunken monkey has blown up. when i pull up on saturday nights, there's at least 50 to 70 people waiting outside with their children.
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>> at the drunken monkey. >> this is not a good thing, big ang. >> it's crazy. >> your book is funny. here's what you say on dieting, swearing off lasanga, you might be skinner, but bitchier. >> me, my friends, family, eating, having fun. no drama, everything nice. >> life is good at home? >> very good. >> okay, all righty. >> thank you, big ang. >> big book signing today, right? >> yes. brooklyn, 13th avenue, the boulevard, 7:00. coming up, you've got mail. >> we'll tell you how to get organized and mail sorted out. first, this is "today" on nbc.
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♪ all right, this week we're going to have a great new series called "getting organized today" in honor of hoda. first up, the huge pile of mail you've been ignoring, and hoda, it's bad. >> i know, i pick it up once every three weeks and throw most of it away. apparently, i'm not alone. viewers have sent in pictures, rosemary miller can hardly open one drawer. i like her. we'd be friends. dawn bumbul has been trying for a month trying to get this cleared off. and debby cleared off mail and here's what's left. >> good grief. must be missing important stuff. here to help you is "real simple" magazine editor mary kate.
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good to see you. >> get us started, what should we do, and by "we," i mean me. >> americans spend eight months of their lives going through mail, so it is a problem for everybody. the first thing is, attack it when it comes through the door. sort, sort, sort. >> right when you get it. >> right when you get it. if you take a few minutes at the beginning of the day, you won't be dealing with it on and on and on. the first thing is, weave through this big pile you get. we all get catalogs that we love and cherish. >> we also get a lot of junk mail. >> there are a few we don't want. direct marketers association, is a website you can go to and fill out what you want to get. keep it to a pile, make a nice pile. the ones you don't, recycle. >> okay. >> nice basket by the door, something pretty, nice by the front door. >> get rid of it. >> okay, the ones that you do want to keep, these are usually in your bookshelf or for an
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office space, but they come in great patterns now, these magazine files. if you could keep two, it's about a month's worth of magazines. >> once you've read them -- >> then what in. >> how often do you have a pile like this, oh, bieber got married, you missed it, it was hiding. >> is that ballard? >> nice and easy. also take this with you wherever you go. >> shredding, it's a big deal. >> this is important. identity theft is out there. >> we have about a minute, just so you know. >> shred through things you don't want. shredders are big and bulky, but this is only $44. >> okay. >> the next thing you do, you've gotten that pile down to this. that's something you can handle. keep it in a nice tray, only $30-something. it's only about a week's worth of mail. >> okay. >> oh, no. no. >> but if you are the old school
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person and keeping all of your papers, this is the command central. >> look at that. >> it's great, though. it's from pottery barn, starts at $27. you buy it by the piece. if you have kids, everyone can have their own separate slot. you teach them from the beginning, empty out the bag, in goes the papers, get your invitations here. >> nobody has an excuse they didn't know something. >> exactly. no longer rsvping late. the papers you keep, bills and what not, for tax purposes, you want to keep them for seven years. get some pretty file storage, put away for seven years. if you do want to go the route, 30% of your viewers are now going paperless, which is great for the environment. the thing you want to do is scan them. cute, portable scanner. not bad looking, only $199, and you're done. >> thank you, sweetie. tomorrow we organize bathrooms. >> have an awesome, awesome fun day. >> have an awesome, awesome fun day. bye.
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-- captions by vitac -- this president can tell us it was someone else's fault. but this president cannot tell us
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that you're better off today than when he took office. [ female announcer ] here in virginia, we're not better off under president obama. his defense cuts threaten over one hundred thirty thousand jobs, lowering home values, putting families at risk. the romney plan? tax cuts for middle class families. north american energy independence. create over three hundred forty thousand new jobs for virginia. [ romney ] i'm mitt romney and i approved this message. but it makes millions off west marylanders every year. [ romney ] i'm mitt romney now they're running dishonest ads. why? because voting for question seven is a vote to build a... world-class resort casino in maryland. creating thousands of jobs and... ...according to the official department of legislative... services, hundreds of millions for our schools. while saving taxpayer money by cutting casino subsidies. question seven. good jobs and better schools in maryland. not west virginia.


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