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tv   News 4 Today  NBC  September 30, 2012 6:00am-8:00am EDT

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jesus has done for you and me all that needs doing. ♪ [ music ] welcome to change point. a television ministry from near washington dc. and now here is the pastor. hello, friends, this is change point and it is a joy to be with you again. now today's message is i didn't deserve that. there are things no happen, i know that happened in you life, things that we don't deserve
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but it happened any way. but friend, let me talk to you about something else, we don't deserve the grace of god. i am preaching from [ inaudible ] chapter 1, praise be to the god and father of our lord jesus chaste with who has lessed us with every spiritual blessing in christ. we have the forgiveness of sin in accordancewet riches of god owes grace. friend i don't deserve to be a chris christian or to be saved. i didn't do one thick to deserve that. but god gay tout me. god is love and he loves you and he is going to give to you the
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riches of his grace. now let's go hear the message. believe, receive, be blessed. let us take our bibles, bring them near to our heart, we are going give thanks to our god. and he is going to speak to us. heaven is going to whisper something. we are going to pause now, hold the bible near your heart. pray after me, thank you, father for you holy word. give me an open heart and hind to hear and receive. thank you for you holy word. breathe into it my heart, holy spirit. bless your word to my heart and life today.
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in jesus' name, amen. amen. i didn't deserve that. you know, life can be mean. things happen that we don't deserve. life can be very cruel. but things happen any way and we can not do anything about it. you cannot go back and take anything back. once it is out there. it is out there. i think of [ inaudible ] fall, about a year and a half ago, months and months in the hospital and rehab and it happened i mean did she deserve that? she has just loved her church and served her church. but it happened any way. it happened. i think of the man that came and told me, he said i am losing my job and i have been therefore
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years. i really don't deserve to lose that job. i have served faithfully and i have gotten promotions and awards. and he said, they are letting me go. he said, i don't deserve that. i have to agree. i think of the husband and wife that stood here before this holy alter, the man held his little baby girl in his arms and i gave the vows and the vows were do you accept this child as a gift in heaven, from god into our house? yes, i do, we do. will you have bible reading prayer in your house and grace at the table? we will. when your child comes to the age to know right from wrong will you do all to lead this baby to
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jesus? yes, we will. will you bring this baby to church where it is going to grow up with other boys and girls alike? yes, we will. grandparents, god patients, will wow support them in the vows? yes, we will. took the water, and then he walks back, about two thirds of the way back and she said hi my husband is leafing me and he left her a someday or two later and moved in with another woman just a few miles away. now he promised before god who he would do for his child. and i walked back to him and i said sir, would you come in and talk to me before you leave? yeah, okay, i'll do it.
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another lie. he never came in or called. that wife doesn't deserve that. those babies don't deserve that. i mean, there are the a lot of things that can,--there are a will the of things that are happening. i think of the many people we have here today and the things going on in your life, you don't deserve some of that stuff. but everybody is effected by life. friend, let me tell you something else, you don't deserve the love of god. we think of the negatives thing that is we don't deserve. how about the good things that god has blessed us and his grace that he has lavished upon us and without exception, we are not good enough to go to heaven on
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our own. none are righteous, no, not one. christ going to calvary and taking my place, my sins, i don't deserve that but i got it any way because of his love and his grease. in chapter 1, verse six, would you put it on the screen, there it is, to the praise of his glorious grace, which he has freely given us, the one he loves. his glorious grace, i think of that word, that must be the most precious word, his glorious grace. and i knew i was going to breech this message today and how am i going to define that word? i have been a pastor for a long time. that is a word that transcends. it is a word that cannot be
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brought down into human language. it cannot be looked at like other words can. because it comes from heaven. it issues from the heart of god. how can i tell you about god's grace that was manifested in jesus christ? i did no deserve that. but he gave any way. now he died on the cross 2,000 years a go, long before i was born he had planned my salvation, he pro-paired all of that god goodness ahead of time. but let me give it a try, i am going to attempt to define the word grace. it is going to fall so far short. it cannot be explained, it cannot be put into words but it
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can be experienced: you can experience this grace of god. it is like a man looking over the grands canyon and then going home and--grand canyon and trying to describe what he saw to a blind man. but god brought a kindness into my life. that is what grace is. it is a kindness that is being brought into my life. it is love that touches me and trance forms me and makes--and transforms me and makes me into a brand new person. it is a gift that is giver. now all of us have broken the law of god and we are approaching automent. and soon the leaves are going to be dry and dead and swept into a pile and burned. that is our life. our life,--what is our life added to god? but what has god's life added
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to our life? he didn't just sweep us into a pile and cast us away because we sinned. but, he lifted us up and blessed u and saved us. we have a tendency to do wrong. i wish i were a smart person that i could describe this to you. this tendency to sin has always been there. we are born with it. we want to do wrong. i don't know why we are like that. i got a call the other day from my nephew that i have been praying for for years and he tells me now he is going to abbatial teaching church and he was asking me some questions. and then he said uncle jack, it is easier to be a sinner than
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to be a christian. i said you don't have to do anything to be a sinner. you joust drift away into all of the temptations of the world. but when become a christian, there is a peace that god give that is those other things promise be cannot produce. but jesus produces it in us in the beginning of his life. that is there, we are attracted by the glitter and the sound. my daughter said about, or my grandson is growing up, she said dad, that boy, now i have found out something about him, i found out that if i don't want him to do something, if i want him to do something, is that it. if i want 3zhim to do something i'll tell him not to do that. now god said to not touch the tree. don't look apartment the tree, don't eat of the tree.
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they went ahead and ate. so whatever that is in little billy, i know where it came from and whatever it is in you and me, we know where it came from. and it is still there. do you want to make sure it is still there. have you walked into a mark and you saw a bench and it was painted and had a sign on it, wet paint, don't touch? what is there in us that we want to do what we are told not to do? but so hard times to do what we are told to do. what god wants us to do and there are blessings lord. and then those that say, that it is grace that he has freely given, he took the initiative. he and he alone, you did n nothing to be saved. we did nothing for the peace, this joy, and this life now and
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to come. we have got it all and we did nothing at all but he freely gives to us without charge and without cost. would you put on the screen 2, 8, and 9, please. for it is by grace that you have been saved through faith and this is not of yourselves it is the gift of god, not by works so that no one can boast. now i did a little under lining. for it is by grace this kindness that touched my life, this love of god that issued from his own heart that came into my life and your life. this has brought about a great salvation and has come, how has it come? through faith. say that, through faith. well, where did i get the faith? he had to give that.
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there is it nothing that i can take credit for. nothing. by grace, through faith, and this is not of yourselves. i didn't say that, the bible says that. and it is a gift of god. not by works so that no one can boast. god favor me and you and brought salvation to us an offered it to us and then he gave us the power and the means to bring about that grace. so, god did it all. and it all came in the one he loves. all because of jesus. can you say that? all because of jesus? say that again. all because of jesus. is great love. there is a hymn and jesus paid
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it all, all to owe and i was thinking of that beautiful hymn. how olds is that hymn, who wrote it? and well, it came in a lady over in baltimore, maryland, not very far from us back in the late 1800s, she was a member of a monument street methodist church and the preacher was preaching and the words that he was speaking started to work in her like yeast works in bread. that is how the word is suppose today work in us. and she took a hymnal and she wrote down the words, jesus paid it all, all to him i owe. well, unknown to her, the organist of the church had composed a song, the music and
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when they both gave--she gave the words to the pastor, the organist gave the music to the pastor, they put it together, it matched exactly. friend, it is jesus. -did it all and paid it all. the gospel can be spelled in one word. done. done. it is done: my sins in the past forgiven, done. the hurt and the pain in my heart, forgiveness, healing. it is done. the sadness that you and i might experience from time to time, it is done. he has taken it away. the joy and peace that you and i need, it is done. jesus has done for you and me all that needs doing. let me say it again, everything
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that needs doing, healing, fore giveness, joy, peace, whatever your need is, you may say pastor, have you thought about this, i might not have but whatever the need is, jesus has done it, completed it, to forgive, to heal, to make whole. jesus did it all. the only thing that remains now is the receiving of what he has already done. we are coming to this altered to and we are going to remember the broken body of jesus. the blood of jesus. friend, you and i don't deserve it. we don't deserve it. god break my heart and your heart. let under the circumstances come with tears of praise and thanks give to the lord. deferent always think of the bad things that have happened to
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you. but think of learn how did this happen to you? this issued from the very heart of god. i don't deserve it. but god loved me so much and loves so much and still does. let's bow before him. let's bow. father, god, you love us with a love that knows no height, no depth, no breath. we thank you for you love to us. for you wonderful grace and loving kindness that came. we didn't deserve it. but we received to in the name of jesus we receive. friends, let keep our mades bowed. i need to ask you, i can not go on without asking you the question, have you received? it has already been done for
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you. is there nothing you need to do. you just need to receive what has already happened. it is offered today. will you receive? you can say pastor, i am going to receive what jesus has already-for me. i am going to receive now. any where? i'll pray for you. any where? all right. all right, yes, okay, thank you, ma'am. wow may put your hands down. any where else? okay, i see you, someone else? friend, you received the greatest gift of all and it only remains now for the unwrapping and the receiving. you don't have to do anything but to receive jesus, he is the gift most meboses. i want you to know this gift 6789 jesus suffered and died to give you this gift, to give
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this gift to me. eu8 like to pray for you--i would like to pray for you. we are not just using words today. this is an experience of heaven and if you raised your hand, come down and let me pray for you just a moment and then you can be seated. i am coming down down, won't you come down with me. i want this thing to be very real and precious to you. come on right now, would you please? and then coming in you are saying i am coming to receive jesus as my savior. thank you for coming, ma'am. bless you, god bless you. anybody else would like to come stand with me today?
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everybody here has already received the blessing of god. we have receive that had which god provided and we are going give praise and give thanks to him. ma'am, this whole service was for you. it is for me and all of us also to remember and give thans. but god has spoken to your heart. he has given you the faith to come forward and make this confession of faith today. he loves you, you are his child. he is going to heal your body. he is going to forgive whatever needs to be forgiven. he is going to bless your marriage and your family. god loves you with an every lasting love it were-ever lasting love. you are his child. pray with me, deer, lord jesus, come into my heart, forage me of
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my sins. i receive jesus and all that he has done for me i receive. i receive the healing that he has done for me. i receive the blessing upon my marriage and family that he has done for me. i receive the blessing of healing upon my body that he has done for me. thank you for loving me, thank you for being my savior. i love you, lord. jesus' name, amen. amen. amen. you may be seated. words are inned a quit to describe what god has done for us. he has done so much. all because of his love, we
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were not ready 6789 we had nothing to prepare ourselves but god gave it to us. we didn'tern it. friend, open your heart, god is going change your life and make it more beautiful than you thought. god cares for you. it has been a joy being with you. i am always happy to come to you with these change point missages because god is with us, loving us, and then i can share this trial. we are located at 1701 enterprise road. that is [ inaudible ] come, bring your family. we have two great services, 9:00, 1 is is. you pick the time and come: if-off prayer request, send it to me--if you have a prayer request, send it to me, i have
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prayed over the prayer requests and if i have an offering you can acceptable to help with the purchase of television time, that is going to be greatly appreciated. these are very costly moments that we share together. so let the lord lead you and i hope to hear from you with a gift and with a prayer requests. i'll see you next time. i am jack most and this is change point. ♪ [ music ]
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captions by: caption colorado, llc (800) 775-7838 e- mail: from washington, "the mclaughlin group," the american original. for over three decades, the sharpest minds, hardest talk. that's d for debate. d for determinator. tuesday night next week, 9:00 do 10:30, hours from now, location, denver, colorado, university of denver. participants, democratic party endorsed presidential candidate barack obama, republican party endorsed presidential candidate mitt romney. debate subject area, domestic policy. debate moderator, jim lara. structure, six 15-minute
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segment. three focus on the economy, four, five, and six health care, the role of government and governing. procedure, each candidate gets two minutes to respond to a question posed by jim lara. time remaining is given to freewheeling discussion of segments. risk factor, dangerous, sometimes lethal. ♪ [music] ♪ >> are you better off than you were four years ago? is it easier for you to go and buy things in the stores than it was four years ago? is there more or less unemployment in the country than there was four years ago? is america as respected throughout the world as it was? do you feel that our security is as safe, that we're as strong as we were four years ago? if you answer all of those questions yes, why then i think your choice is obvious as to who you'll vote for. if you don't agree, if you
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don't think that this course that we've been on for the last four years is what you would like to see us follow for the next four, then i could suggest another choice that you have. >> jimmy jimmy carter practical gagging. question, who will win the debate on tuesday? can romney pull a reagan? pat bu cannen? >> that's exactly what he's going to do, john. reagan came into the debate with a caricature, an out-of- touch old geezer with 1930s values and views, cowboy, not very knowledgeable, and he knocked that dead by his appearance and the way he handled himself. romney comes in and is similarly caricatured partly because of his own mistakes and partly because of what democrats said about him, partly because of the merciless attacks from the media on him. so he's got to be a fighter, someone who's competent, tough and takes the measure of barack obama and says look, we can't
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take four more years of this and here's where we're going. if he comes in there tough and competent and destroys that caricature, i think he can still wake up this country, and i think there's still a chance he can turn it around. he's got to win it, though, john. >> obama's campaign staff is telling everybody it sees how good romney is at debating. >> well, each of the campaigns sent out a memo basically saying how good the other guy is and stressing all of their guy's flaws. ironically, they are right. both of talented debaters. obama has some advantages. he's debated in the general election stage before. romney has the advantage of having simply debated more over the last year. so i think it's kind of an even stage there, but the situation is not comparable to reagan versus carter. the economic metrics when carter was running for re- election were extremely negative, much more negative
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than they are today, and just this last week, polls show that the pub has more confidence in the president's economic views and vision and program than romney. so he has lost the one advantage that he once had. secondly, there were a lot of independent, undecided voters in 1980 who had lost faith in carter and were just waiting to see if they could feel confidence in his challenger. there are so few independent voters. this is an election that's about mobilizing the bases. so going after the independent voter is not a big surprise. having said all that in the memo put out by david axelrod -- >> who is who? >> he's the campaign guru on the obama side. >> right. >> he points out that five of the last six challengers won the first debate. i think the temptation by the media is going to be to say that romney did what he had to, is in the game, because we want
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a race. >> i'm not so sure about that. [ laughter ] >> we want the race to continue. what else would we talk about? >> all i've heard for weeks and weeks is that it's all over. this debate is obviously extremely consequential. the debates and primaries are consequential because it is the one source of truly unfiltered information you can get. romney handled himself quite well. is he an adept debater. the problem is, it isn't a 1980s situation. the theory going into the race on the romney side is he has to show up and reassure people. that's what his whole convention was about. he has a much higher bar than that. he needs to convince people that his program is a better answer for the country. that's what he has to do. it's not going to be easy to do because there's going to be lots of distractions coming at him and the president himself is quite an adept debater. >> he had clinton at the convention. >> that comes down to the two theories of the race. one was right, one was wrong. the romney theory, tell people
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it's okay even though the president's a nice guy to vote against him because everyone's primed to vote against him. the democrats went into the convention realizing they needed to make a substantive case and tear down romney's agenda. romney needs to build that up again. >> have you everybody observed, mortimer, how -- have you observed, mortimer, how much the president relies on a teleprompter and of course romney probably less so? but he's been out there in the field. obama really hasn't been debating, and he doesn't have a teleprompter during the debate. >> he won't have a teleprompter, but let's face it, he is an articulate speaker and i'm sure he'll practice enough so he doesn't need one. i have a slightly different view of what romney has to do. he has to establish himself as a credible candidate and credible occupant of the presidency. that is not something he has done just yet. if he comes across forcefully enough and with enough clarity on his program, then a lot of
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people will look and say, hey, i think this guy can be the president what do we think about obama? with all due respect, i think the economy is in the worst shape since the great depression and nothing has happened to improve it. >> yeah. >> so obama's really vulnerable on the major issue which 70% of the country thinks is the major issue. >> i would argue that "nothing has been done to improve the economy. i think that's debatable and i think we believe the poll." romney is a man at war with himself. he has to it go in and be the aggressor here and take the fight to the president. he also has to prove himself more likable. those two objectives are at odds with each other. >> what does he have to project? >> he has to project a credible program that will sell the american people on -- >> what does he have to project about himself? >> the whole likability thing. >> he has to project confidence in himself? [ all talking at once ]
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>> excuse me, i want to finish my thought, please. >> we all want to fin shall a thought. >> please. he needs to project a credible economic program that would sell the american people that he would be better than the current occupant. [ all talking at once ] >> let pat in. let pat in. >> his problem is not confidence. his problem is, is he one of us? does he really understand us? he's got to do a number of things. rich is right, he's not only got to say, look, this guy, obama basically is a good guy. he has failed. he's got no new ideas. we're going down the same road, and we can't do that. here is where we are going, my friend. >> that's the key thing. >> friendly and tough -- [ all talking at once ] >> you are directing the president's -- >> use the humor to dismiss- type humor in his approach to
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the other guy. >> it's like saying never go to a doctor whose office plants have died, okay? whatever his programs are, the president's programs have failed. the economy isn't growing except they have reduced the rate of growth in the economy to 1.2% so don't tell me his programs are working. >> hold on. [ all talking at once ] >> people know that. >> swing voters? how does he get the swing voters? >> i think there are more swing votes than eleanor thinks. if you look at romney's 47% remark, it hurt and persuaded people the wrong way. the key thing is not just saying the president has failed it's convincing people that romney's program is better. people don't believe that yet. >> he has not put out any credible program. he talks in platitudes, and because he is afraid of offending his base, he can't come out with a credible program because he can't say -- [ all talking at once ] >> he's got to put the word --
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>> i want to hear pat. >> the word he's got to put out there, if you elect me, we have hope for a better time in the next four years than this guy can conceivably offer because of the mess he delivered -- >> you think that obama can put romney on the defensive? >> i don't think so. >> can romney put obama on the defensive? >> he'll have to. >> both could put the other on the defensive. >> who is going to fight for that and proceed as though it doesn't exist? >> no, no, no, they will both fight for that. the whole point is now, whoever two-thirds of the country think the economy is headed in the wrong discretion. there is a huge 23%, 23 million people are out of work. people have lost 40% of the net worth and 40% of the income. >> and they are more optimistic about the president all of a sudden. >> maybe, it all depends on which way you look at the polls. when we come back, mahmoud versus b. b.
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issue two, mahmoud versus bb. >> the policies of the world's main centers of power are based on the principle of domination and the conquering of others. these centers only seek supremacy and are not in favor of peace and definitely not at the service of their nations. continued threats by the unsievelized designennists to resort to military action
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against our great nation is a clear example of this bit of reality. >> in his speech before the united nations general assembly, mahmoud amidin jab, he railed against israel and the west and their interference with his country. the u.s. and israel have repeatedly warned iran not to build a nuclear bomb. iran insists that its nuclear energy is not weapons grade but for peaceful purposes like medical treatments. on thursday, israel's prime minister netanyahu had none of it. >> so at this late hour, there's only one way to peacefully present iran from getting atomic bombs and that's by placing a clear red line on iran's nuclear weapons program. red lines don't lead to war.
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red lines prevent war. >> the prime minister has urged the u.s. to set clear nuclear thresholds for iran. red lines, he said, meaning if iran crosses a red line, military action will be taken by israel. question, in the "wall street journal" this week, alan dershowitz called on obama to forget netanyahu's red line based on a qualifiable amount of enriched uranium and instead declare a black line. the u.s. will not tolerate iran to be in possession of nuclear arms. so who's right? the red line or the black line? mort? >> the israelis feel that if as netanyahu was pointing out, if you get the nuclear capabilities within 15 days of being able to launch rockets against israel, that is a disaster for israel. it is an existential threat.
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the warning is between 10 and 12 minutes. so you fire a number of rockets and one of them lands it is the end of israel. so that's what he's worried about. alan dershowitz has a different way measuring it, but i would trust bb's interpretation since he is the prime minister. >> that's all based on physics and whether or not he is right in all of this. >> i don't think anybody will disagree with the description of the way netanyahu was describing the development of the efficientable material that is necessary for atomic weapons. he was a are lot clearer this time, by the way and delayed it until the middle of next year. >> iran has no nuclear weapons program. there is no nuclear weapons program, according to 16 united states intelligence agencies in 2007, reaffirmed in 2011. even the israelis are now saying we think the americans were right. they don't have a nuclear weapons program. the ayatollah has said nuclear weapons on iran's part would be
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immom, unjust and unislammic. so why are we now considering talking about a war on a country to he dehe prior it of weapons of mass destruction it does not have? >> the big news out of netanyahu's speech is he reaffirmed the fact that israel has no intention of attacking iran before the november election. i think there was concern that there'd be this november surprise. and i think that the intelligence agencies in this country and in israel agree that iran has not made the decision to go nuclear and what netanyahu wants to do is if they get close, he wants a preemptive attack. let's talk about it after the election. i think netanyahu's attempts to insert himself in american politicses have backfired. >> to pick up pat's point, you may be correct. >> there is already a black line. >> the reason he gets it now is look at this page 1 of the "new york times." >> that's a cartoon. >> that's not a cartoon. that's b.b.
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netanyahu. >> look at the "wall street journal," your newspaper, pat. there he is, bb netanyahu explaining it. then we have the "washington post" right here first front. bb netanyahu explaining it. what about it? >> i'll tell what you there is a black line. the united states -- obama has said they will not be allowed to get nuclear weapons. obama's already got that on the record. so there is this black line that already exists. >> president obama as he points out puts responsibility for our military action . >> we respect the right of nations to access nuclear power. one of the purposes of the united nations is to see that we harness that power for peace. that's why the united states will do whfrom obtaining a nucl weapon. >> meaning that we are members of the united nations. if the united nations decides to use military force, then we will go along with the united nations because we're also -- [ all talking at once ]
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>> america has made this u.n. worthless. america has made a statement that we will not -- >> obama -- >> obama has said so. that's it. >> obama is tossing this load right over to united nations,he not? >> no money. >> no. >> he said the united nations will take care of it in so many words about. >> no, that's not what he said. >> we're members of the united nations. >> he was clearly saying what the united states would do, not what the united nations would do. >> is this physics or optics on the part of netanyahu? >> it's physicsp. >> it's also optics. >> of course. because when you have something that look hikes an atomic bomb and smells like an atomic bomb and can blow you up, it no longer becomes optics. >> didn't you say at the beginning this suddenly emerges as a big what, edge of the election issue? >> if it failed, it failed.
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john stewart had the perfect approach on him in the cartoowas silly. >> they kicked it over into the new year. the whole thing has been kicked over to the new year. >> has it become kicked over to the new administration? >> there may not be a new administration. >> there may be one. >> that may be part of the calculation as well. >> we know that the romneys and the netanyahus had dinner together. >> that doesn't mean we're going to war. >> iran is among israelis and palestinians, the future must not belong to those who turn their backs on the prospect of peace. let us leave behind those who drive on conflict, those who reject the right of israel to exist. the road is hard, but the destination is clear. a secure, jewish state of israel and an independent prosperous palestine. [ applause ] understanding that
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such a peace must come through a just agreement between the parties. america will alongside all who are prepared to make that journey. >> reporter: president obama at the u.n. on tuesday revived an issue that used to be front and center, israeli-palestinian peace. prime minister netanyahu has been focusing on iran while talks with the palestinians stalled. this week, israel's minister of defense and former prime minister, the widely respected ehud barack refocused attention on the israel/palestine issue. he urged that israel withdraw settlements from the west bank, the home of 2.5 million palestinians. in the ideal order, he said, "it is better to reach an agreement with the palestinians, but if that does not happen, we must take
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practicaa separation." question,a renewed push for a peace agreement between israel and the palestinians in the cards? yes or no mort? >> i don't think there will be an agreement but i think what ehud barack is doing makes sense. it's what sharon did when he pulled them out of gaza and what the israelis originally did when they formed the state leaving the west bank for 2.5 million palestinians. so i do think there is going to have to be something. i think this is one approach because the palestinians are not prepared to negotiate. >> how much would that cost? >> what do you mean? >> the removal of the settlements. [ all talking at once ] >> they're not going to do it, john. >> there are a number of settlements. the major settlement blocks which are close to the current israeli border will stay with israel, and the rest of it -- [ all talking at once ] >> that's exactly right. >> that is an enormous outlay. >> is it realistic? >> no. >> compared to what, though?
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>> no, john it's not. [ all talking at once ] >> abbas was more correct when he said the palestinian issue is at the bottom of the global agenda. if this ever happened it would be an absolute last resort and represent israel throwing its hands up the way it did with gaza, and you might very well have the same result when you did it. >> there's a reason. >> the p.a. is corrupt. >> why does -- >> bb netanyahu opposed the withdrawal from gaza. you really think he's going to pull settlers, tear them off the west bank and say, get out of there and give that back to the palestinians? get real. >> is this an effort to pull us off some kind of a track that we're on? >> this is barack's own little gamble. >> there's no track. the obama administration tried very hard. >> what is it they don't want to us talk about? on the edge of this election of a new president, of a president, not a new president, of a president?
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>> i don't want they don't want to us talk about. i know what they want to alk ab >> to talk about it now? >> they want to us talk about iran, that's exactly right because that is the existential threat to israel. >> do you think in a second term obama will go along with the idea? >> with this idea here? >> yeah. >> let me put it this way. i'm willing to put a lot of money on this john, whichever way you want to bet it. >> if there's ever a case of leading from behind this would be it.
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predictions, pat. november 24, at that time loney will vote to secede from spain. >> i said that last week. >> super pacs will shift away from romney and put it into todd aiken in missouri. >> rich? >> republican todd aiken will lose in missouri but just barely. >> mort? >> the decline of the second quarter gdp means we'll have poor economic numbers and unemployment numbers for the rest of this year. >> and it will be reported that the assassinated u.s. ambassador of libya chris stevens knew he was on an al qaeda hit list and inadequately protected before september 11th's deadly attacks that killed him. bye-bye.
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>> welcome to "government contracting weekly," sponsored by aoc key solutions, incorporated. "government contracting weekly" is the only television program devoted exclusively to the competitive and dynamic world of government contracting, a world where coming in second place is not an option, but where principle- centered winning is the only approach. >> good morning and welcome back to "government contracting weekly," where each week, we aim to bring you tactics, strategies, and information that will help you, the government contractor, win a contract using principle-centered winning. today, we're delighted to have with us ed hammersla, the chief operating officer of raytheon's trusted computer solutions, and joe brown, president and co-founder of accelera. both of these experts talked to us about the critical issue of cybersecurity. it's a critical
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issue, it's a hot issue, and cybersecurity, despite this era of austerity, still provides many growth opportunities. ed hammersla talks to us about cross-domain. that's the software that operates across multiple platforms that they're implementing at raytheon, and joe brown talks to us about the culture of trust that they have there at accelera. he's worked with his colleagues, actually, for over 30 years. he met them when they were all growing up in the same neighborhood. and that culture of trust is pervasive at accelera, and it takes it to the government agencies they're working with. he also talks about mobility--mobility with different devices and the security that is imperative for the government to operate today with multiple devices in existence. so, as they say, no matter what device you're watching today's program on, bring your own device--byod. welcome to the segment of today's program where we're
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covering cyber, and i'm delighted to have with us ed hammersla, who's here with us from raytheon, because he has particular depth of expertise and actually a different perspective than some of our other guests previously. ed, i'd love you to actually expand upon for our audience your background and particularly what you're doing with trusted solutions at raytheon, and i know you have over 30 years of background, so, let our audience know some of the high points. >> well, i'm pretty much a software company type of person, so i've spent my career mostly inventing software solutions that solve interesting problems. and got into this about 10 years ago when it was apparent that sharing information among government agencies was a problem that needed solving. >> yes. >> and so i happily came upon trusted computer solutions and have been with them ever since. >> and you mentioned, i know, one of the articles i've seen you've written, you talked about the quicksand and the fact that there isn't a solid foundation, and that's one of the big issues facing government. can you talk a little bit about that and how
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you're addressing that at raytheon? >> yeah. that comes from a now-somewhat-famous white paper from nsa entitled "the inevitability of failure." great title, right? >> yes. positive title. >> right. and it's on the basis that most cybersecurity solutions are built on common operating systems that are available in the market and not on a trusted operating system, so that's the building on a foundation of sand concept, right? so, all of the cross- domain solutions or information sharing solutions have to be built on a trusted operating system in order to pass scrutiny with government. >> so there's a lot of rectifying to do... >> right. right. right. >> ed, you mentioned cross-domain solutions, and that for raytheon is a big issue and also, of course, for what you're delivering to the government. for those in the audience that maybe aren't as familiar, can you clarify what that is and also talk about sort of some of the major opportunities you've fulfilled recently?
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>> sure. a cross-domain solution is a software product, sometimes linked to hardware, that allows sharing information between different networks. if all the information you wanted to share was on the same network, you wouldn't need a cross-domain solution, but of course, every agency has its own network and particularly when those networks are classified or contain classified information, special care must be taken when that information is shared. recently, there's been a lot of activity in the cross-domain arena, most notably, the navy canes program, which is aboard surface ships. also, the defense intelligence agency recently, about a year or two ago, did a big procurement called next generation desktop environment. so, agencies are moving in that direction, and we're seeing more and more of those come in. mostly cross-domain is a component of a bigger procurement, not a procurement on itself. >> on itself. and so you would then team with other firms and there's a lot of teaming going on around all that cross-domain. yes. and so people looking to enter this segment of the
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marketplace, what should they focus on? i mean, obviously, their competency. what else? >> you know, i would say partner with someone who's in the space already. we're not the only ones, of course. there are others. because it's a tough-- it's a tough area to get into if you're not experienced in it. >> ok. yes. and when you mention security clearance, is it a highly secured space? >> yes, it is. most of the solutions are installed in scifs or other secure facilities. >> mm-hmm. so, if you haven't been in this, it's not something that you can, as an ingenue, start up. >> right. it's a difficult startup. yeah. >> and you need to have those clearances. what about the depth that raytheon has in this and what do you see in terms of-- given those past procurements, what are you looking to prepare for? >> well, it's just broader and broader rollouts now. the technology's evolving and becoming more and more user-friendly and more and more capable of these enterprise deployments. so, we're now seeing 10,000, 30,000-seat deployments throughout the community, because not only does it facilitate sharing information, but it saves a lot of money as well.
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>> and efficiency is what government wants now, so that looks like it's a good future. >> right. especially now. >> yes. ed, thinking about trends and where raytheon's looking to be, obviously, government efficiencies are a huge issue. sequestration is looming. what are you getting prepared for at raytheon? >> well, we're preparing for some headwinds, for some tight budgets. fortunately, we're in a space where we actually assist with tight budgets. many of the installations that we do report 60% savings in power consumption, savings in cabling costs, implementation costs, and this, that, and the other thing, so not only do you assist the sharing of information, but there's--substantial cost savings can be realized. >> and that's good for the taxpayer and that's what government is trying to do right now and do it more efficiently while protecting our nation. yeah. and speaking of protecting our nation, in that overall mission of the government, raytheon, i know, has been committed for many years. i
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mean, you were involved in the landing on the moon. you were involved in vietnam war previous, many previous wars. what do you look for in terms of the future role for raytheon? it's focused in your division, the cybersecurity area? >> well, raytheon has a big focus on cybersecurity, because, as you know, that's a predicted growth market for everybody, but raytheon will continue to lead in the traditional areas that it's been, you know, known for in the past, and i think there's a renewed commitment to sort of stay where we are and continue to help the government achieve its mission. >> serve its mission. yes. ed, in this ever-changing world, there's obviously a need for ever-increasingly more sophisticated technologies. the government obviously has a procurement cycle, and yet things are evolving quickly. how do you view the reconciliation between the speed of the government and what you're trying to do and bring things to the market at raytheon? >> yeah, it's a difficult problem, especially in this age of software technology, when you can create solutions pretty
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quickly. i mean, one--one tact we've taken is to try to make our products commercially available, the commercial off- the-shelf products, so they can be purchased off a gsa schedule or as task orders on existing contracts, so there's not always the need for an enormously new procurement, you know. >> and the government's getting more efficient at those procurements... >> i think so, yes. i think it's a well-known challenge that they've had. i mean, traditionally, if you're buying aircraft carriers and airplanes, you can understand a long procurement cycle, but for small pieces of software, it ought to be quicker. >> faster. yes. and more efficient, and that's what they're trying to get to. yes. ed, in the area of whole information sharing, that's the space that you're in, what are the challenges that you see on the horizon, both for raytheon, for the government, and also for our viewers, the government contractors in general? >> probably two things. one is education, knowing what's possible. it's been so long that
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information sharing was difficult that some people don't realize what is possible today, so that's a burden on all of us, government and industry combined, to do that. and of course, there's always the issue of accreditation. these solutions, in order to be used operationally, have to go through an accreditation process and that's always longer than you want it to be. now, they have made some great strides. the unified cross-domain management office has shortened that cycle greatly with their baseline list, so, progress is being made, but it's still longer than most of our customers want. they want it to happen in 30 days if they can. >> and you have a lot of products now on the gsa schedule. that has sped things up as well. >> right. that speeds up the ability for government to procure it easily and move out with the project. >> and also the track record that you have. i would think that you've had a lot of proven technologies that hopefully are... >> yeah, we've been at this for about 18 years now, so we've been doing it for quite some time, and we're proud to have a number of large implementations throughout dod, intel agencies,
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and others. >> mm-hmm. and what about for our viewer? for those people that are looking at this and saying, "well, what challenges should i really"--if they have a great product, they need to be on the gsa schedule. what else should they be doing? >> well, i would say, you know, if you can make the product easy to use, easy to procure, and if it solves a real problem, by the way, if it saves money, then you've got a winner. >> [indistinct] and speaking of winning, what do you view as the most important aspect of your whole involvement in the procurement cycle as to why raytheon tends to win? you've got a great track record. you have a track record of serving in great products. anything else you'd like to add to why you win? >> well, i like to say that at the end of the day, we have to have 3 happy human beings: a user, who finds the software helps him do his job better; an information assurance accreditor, who will let him turn it on; and then a financial guy who says, "yes, this is worth the investment." >> and it makes sense financially. >> and if those 3 people are happy, then, you know, everybody is. >> yes. ed, all of us have a lot of
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responsibilities, but you have a lot more on your shoulders, particularly in the area of cyber. you know a lot of things, also, that are going on. you're privy to many things. i hope you don't mind me asking, and i'm not insinuating that it looks like you're up all night, but what keeps you up at night? >> it's what you don't know, right, that bothers you sometimes, but the good news is the cybersecurity community, meaning government and contractors, are full of some very, very bright people that work very tirelessly to extend the walls and protect our systems, and so the adaptability and the responsiveness to problems, even unpredictable problems, is just amazing. >> protecting our nation. >> problem gets solved in two hours that may have taken weeks before, so you can have faith in the resiliency and the talent that the government has in this area. >> and that you're bringing to bear, to--yes. well, ed, thank you very much for joining us. i'm sure that you've given a lot today that our audience has appreciated in some of the issues about procurement and so
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forth, so, thank you very much. really appreciate you joining us. thank you. >> if we focus solely on profit and exclusively on what is in our best interests, we will lose our ethical compass. however, if we focus on our clients, and what is good for them, then business will naturally come to us. we will reap what we sow. we will not only endure, we will prosper. did you know there are various capture and proposal leadership models, including attila the hun and mother teresa? which is best for you? here's a hint for you. it's a trick question. for more information, contact us at >> welcome back to the segment of the show where we interview one of the experts in this
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region. today, of course, we're focusing on cloud and cloud computing, and i have with me joe brown. he is the co-founder of accelera, and what i find particularly interesting, and some of our viewers might, too, is it says a lot about you sort of implicitly that you founded the firm with some childhood friends. maybe you'd like to expand upon that, even though i know you might be a little too modest to say what it does say about you, which i think is all great, but just share with our viewers. >> yeah, so, the other co-founders of the organization, there are 4 total of us, have been childhood friends. we've known each other for over 30 years, and our business is built around trust and the relationship expands beyond the 4 of us and into the rest of the organization, which really helps to create a great place to work and it really creates a very trusting environment for people to be able to, you know, go out on a limb, to bring out new ideas and things like that, where otherwise they might feel stifled. >> and you don't have those internal conflicts and different agendas that some companies have to worry about. >> that's true, and when we do have conflicts, it's very easy to work them out, because we all
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know each other very well. we're able to sit down and come to a decision very quickly and move forward, where others might struggle with it and slow down business. >> and you've been together too long for this to--this friendship to now end. many, many years. >> that's very true. i mean, it's--for us, it's, like i said, over 30 years we've been friends and really very close friends for all that whole time. >> that's wonderful, and something to have achieved also, and i think what's happened is that that's translated over into your work also externally. i know that you do a lot of work for dod. tell us about some of the work that you're doing, other agencies, and what you're doing with dod. >> sure. our biggest dod customer is really the military healthcare. we feel very close to their mission in the sense that all the active duty military that are getting healthcare from the organization, they're near and dear to our hearts as they are to all americans, and for that matter, anybody across the world who has people in harm's way. so, we are developing solutions for military healthcare that allow them to be able to more
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closely interact with their patients in pretty much any type of environment, leveraging cloud computing technologies to deliver their electronic health records application. >> anywhere that they are. >> anywhere that they are. >> so when they come right off the battlefield and they're being flown back through, i think it's frankfurt, anybody can access them. >> yeah, on any device as well, so it's not just an old-school laptop way to access information. >> wonderful. in terms of the trends that are out there today that our viewers should really be looking at, be cognizant of, everybody's heard, of course, about what's gonna happen with sequestration, but can you tell me how accelera is preparing and/or what's happening in terms of efficiencies and mobility and how you're addressing those issues? >> so, in and around sequestration, specifically, our organization isn't as heavily invested and we don't have as many contracts directly with defense-associated vehicles and defense-associated initiatives. most of our stuff
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is in the federal government. the heaviest concentration of our work is in federal healthcare, i.t. work, so-- >> utilizing the cloud. >> utilizing the cloud with the veterans administration, with the military health services, and with hhs as well, so we have a broad range of contracts in and around healthcare, i.t. we feel like that's gonna insulate us to a certain degree, versus some other contractors who are more weapons-systems-oriented, things of that nature. >> because healthcare issues are gonna continue, especially with everybody coming back after being deployed. >> that's right. we really feel like, you know, our government's gonna continue to fund those types of programs, because they're so critical to making sure that we take care of war fighters, both active duty and retired. >> yes. joe, you've been in business now with accelera just over a decade. so, what are the changes in the existence of accelera that you've noticed and witnessed and that you're
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looking at and dealing with today? >> interestingly enough, we started this organization 10 years ago. we were focused on virtualization technology, which are really the underpinnings of what cloud computing is today, and so we really feel like the market kind of caught up with us. >> or you're on the cusp. >> we're on the--right. we were the bleeding-edge people, right? and so we feel like as the market's caught up with us and expanded dramatically, now what we're doing today is basically everybody wants to use virtualization technology and cloud. >> that's a lot more competitive for you, then, so how are you sharpening that sword? >> it is more competitive for us. the good news is that we have fantastic past performance. we've been doing this for 10 years, whereas others are just trying to enter this market today. so, it sort of separates us with all of our deep history in the technology and the space. we're able to separate ourselves from the competition fairly easily. >> which is very good. so, what do you see as the pain points that you're able to address that maybe some of your competitors, without your track record,
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can't? so the advice to our viewers being "try to catch up with accelera," but what are those pain points? >> i think some of the biggest pain points for most organizations are, number one, they don't have the lessons learned brought from the field back to their organization, and so they tend to have--their projects tend to have big cost overruns because there's a lot of unknowns. and if they're doing those projects on fixed price, then they tend to have to overscope them on the fixed price. >> so, you're more cognizant of all the issues that may arise. >> that's right. we're able to give people better value for their dollar, because we know how it works and we can do it on a repetitive basis the same way over and over again. >> and that's what government wants--efficiencies, efficiencies, and efficiencies. >> that's right. and they want to work with--want to work with contractors on fixed-price basis as much as they can, so it puts the risk back onto the contractor, which is great. >> for you. >> great for us, because we're able to be competitive and we understand that landscape very, very well. >> ok. joe, in order to mitigate security risks, things have changed. you've been able to evolve with them. you have a great track record, i know, in
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that space, but can you address for our audience sort of what are the things and issues they should be aware of if they want to get into this space with you, teaming with you, subbing to you? >> yeah, so, we've been lucky enough to be prime on a large percentage of our contracts, which has been great. it's due to our subject matter expertise, mainly, and we do bring subs on to help round out a contract. >> like teaming with some skills you don't have. >> exactly. that's exactly what we do. we tend to bring in folks who are also subject matter experts, which help us to be able to put together a great team and a great solution for the federal government. i encourage folks to reach out to us on opportunities where they're working themselves, and they might need some subject matter expertise from cloud or virtualization technology. we're happy to participate on a team as a sub or prime. it doesn't matter to us. >> but you're usually a prime, which, of course, you enjoy. everybody wants to be the prime. what are you looking for--issues or particular skill sets? those [indistinct] that are out there right now? what would they be? >> so, to round out our company, to help add people in? yeah, so, folks that we're looking for have a great degree of
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experience in the virtualization space. they've worked with citrix and vmware and microsoft virtualization technologies for a long, long time. and they have a lot of experience with enterprise architectures and things of that nature. >> and they've been familiar with working with systems integrators, hopefully for a while. >> that's right. that's right. yeah, we like that. >> and you want a teaming partner that, of course, works well with your culture. can you describe a little bit your culture and how you're very sensitive to all the security issues, particularly on the cloud? >> sure. so, well, our culture is built in and around trust in our organization, and it's built in and around people being able to trust their team members, their teammates, and things of that nature. we want to be able to do the same with teaming partners. we want to have folks who are--they're fixated on winning, the goal, but they're also--also very conscious of making sure that they're--they're able to deliver on time and deliver within budget for the customer. those are core values we have at our organization, and they should extend out into our teammates as well.
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>> and that's what the government wants and the taxpayer wants from our contractors as well. do they have to have grown up in your neighborhood? >> well, we'd like to have that to be the case, but not necessarily. >> there are many issues and trends that are evolving, including the federal risk-- the fedramp program. can you tell us more about that and how that has helped you and/or hindered you and what that means to accelera and other contractors of yours? >> yeah, well, i think fedramp has, to a certain degree, validated the space even more, right? >> been beneficial. >> it's been beneficial. sure. i think, you know, the commercial customers have adopted cloud computing at a rapid clip, and they're rushing into the cloud as fast as they can. and i know there was some trepidation from the federal government to adopt cloud. a lot of it was due to perceived security risks. >> but that--overcome that, i think, pretty quickly recently. >> i think so, and i think fedramp is helping to validate the fact that there are security controls you can put around
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environments to help mitigate any risks or concerns over security. >> and speed up the process somewhat. >> speed up the process, absolutely speed up the process by being able to pre-certify vendors and things of that nature so that, you know, federal agencies can feel comfortable walking out into the cloud and believing that all the controls that need to be put in place that are adequate to secure the data and the transport and things like that are in place and ready to go. >> so, i guess a commercial analogy would be like when we travel and the tsa gives us the clear passes or something like that. >> that would be a good way... >> it's still secure, but efficiencies. and that's what the government's after, all the efficiencies. >> yeah, i think so. you know, when we approach the government about--any federal agency about moving to the cloud, we tend to try to take them in a very slow approach to the cloud. we'll work with them in a private or hybrid cloud scenario. we'll allow them to kind of dip their toe in the water. and then as they feel more comfortable with the transparency and the security controls wrapped around the solution, we'll help them then to wade a little bit more
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into the water by looking into a community-based cloud, and extending out into that, depending upon what their requirements are, they may use more of the community cloud or less of the community cloud. >> so, by the time they have more exposure, they know it's really secure. they're secure in that security. >> that's right. yeah, it helps. it really helps people feel more comfortable with a new type of enterprise architecture. >> mm-hmm. joe, in terms of future trends, we've talked a little bit about mobility, and, of course, we all want to have less people on the roads, and i know that you do a lot of work with government agencies in terms of permitting and giving access to government employees, to the cloud, so they can work from anywhere virtually. are you the big hero in this region that's gonna prevent all the traffic jams this fall or-- >> i'd love to say i could, but-- >> what are some of those trends? >> sure. so, over the last 10 years or so, this mobility has been termed telework. it's been termed remote access and a whole bunch of different things. and we've been working with
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agencies over the last 10 years to develop these types of solutions. really, what's driving this, we believe, is really the consumerization of i.t. >> handhelds. >> handheld devices. all the great things. ipads. all these different types of tablets are really driving people to want to be able to work from anywhere on any device. so, the solutions we develop allow people to be able to get quickly from a work scenario to a life scenario and back and forth very rapidly. we like to call that life slicing, because it allows people to be able to very efficiently get in and out of a work scenario. >> when they want at their time. >> that's right. >> versus rush hour time. >> on their own terms, right? and also, to add to that, the younger generation of workforce that's coming into the federal government and to our businesses today are really also accelerating that trend dramatically. and so we believe in order to be able to keep and attract those types of employees, the younger generation, we all need to be able to provide that type of a scenario for these folks. >> and what about--you mentioned
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to me about the agencies you've worked with where they're actually consolidating? they're able to do a lot of hoteling now with employees, which is saving the taxpayer money as well. >> that's right. yeah, recently, i talked with a federal cio. we sat down and talked about the solution we were putting in place, which was a virtual desktop, private cloud solution for them. and this cio shared with me that he was gonna be able to close one of his existing buildings that was only two blocks from his primary building, close it down and create a hoteling scenario in his primary building, so that his employees could come in and out of the agency when they wanted to, work from the office, and just choose a cube or an office to be able to work in for the day, and then check out and work from home at the other times of their work week. >> so, tax saving and also being more efficient at the same time, and improving people's lives. >> and cutting traffic down. >> traffic, which is, you are the big hero in our region. joe, not that i'm insinuating that you've been up all night or you look really tired or anything, but what keeps you up at night? you've got lots of issues. security concerns.
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you're working with some very sensitive information, sensitive issues to do with the cloud, so what is it that keeps you up? >> well, really, i think our business is in a great space right now. everything's accelerating around us and we feel like we're just in a great point in our business career over the last 10 years, and we feel like we're just in such a good position that nothing is really keeping me up at night. >> oh, really? that's why you don't look exhausted. ok. all right. >> i still feel great. and i think the one big thing is that i like to make sure that my employees have a great place to work, and that's really the thing that's on top of mind for me at all times. >> that makes you feel good. that means you can get a good night's sleep. well, i appreciate you coming today. i hope our viewers do, too. you've given us a lot of information, trends, and things that our viewers also can use and maybe come and work with you as a subcontractor. >> my pleasure. thank you. >> did you know that business developers and capture managers are most often right brain dominant, while proposal managers and program managers are most often left brain dominant? do you know how to tell the difference? for more
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information, contact us at >> thank you for joining us this morning, and as always, we aimed to bring you information from our experts on cybersecurity, our topic of today. cybersecurity is a hot topic, a dynamic topic, and even in this era of austerity, regardless of what happens to the current budgets and any cuts that take place, there will still be growth in cybersecurity. our experts today--ed hammersla from raytheon and joe brown from accelera--they both talked about mobility. they both talked about the platforms that are necessary. they both talked about growth areas. so, whether you're a prime or a sub, we hope today's program was beneficial. we'd like to hear from you with regard to future programs. we hope you'll join us next week. and send us your suggestions. we'd like to hear from you at >> you've been watching "government contracting weekly,"
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sponsored each week by aoc key solutions, incorporated. "government contracting weekly" is the only television program devoted exclusively to the competitive and dynamic world of government contracting. for additional information, comments, questions, or suggestions, please write us at an soldiers
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today new formulas for fracking. what difference can they make in shale gas drilling. then oil jobs everywhere. a global look at opportunities in exploration and production. but first a u.s. uranium enrichment company seeks a lifeline. hello. i'm bill loveless. welcome to "platts energy week." the only u.s.-based supplier of enriched uranium for nuclear reactors is banking on some new technology to stay in business. but for usec, the clock is ticking. the company has less than two years to show its centrifuge technology is advanced enough to warrant a $2 billion loan guarantee from the u.s. government. without that federal aid, usec faces the prospect of shutting down its existing 60-year-old plant in kentucky and giving up on its plans for a new facility in ohio. the c.e.o. of usec john welch joins me.
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welcome to the program, john. >> pleasure to be here. >> usec has had good news lately. the u.s. congress before it left for its recess approved $100 million to continue research development and demonstration on the centrifuge technology. and you also reported in recent days that the project had hit the second of five technical milestones. where does things stand for the project? >> it's a very exciting stage of the project right now. we have been working on this project from resurfacing the technology from the department of energy to where we are today over ten years. we've done lots of demonstration. but this is the first real demonstration of a module for the commercial plant. it's called the research development program funded by the department of energy. this is a very exciting time because we are deploying 196th of what will be the commercial plant. things as you mentioned with meeting milestones, we've met
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some longevity milestones on specific components. the project is going very well so we're very excited about the funding that's in place to allow the project to go forward. but as you mentioned, this is all meant to be predecessor activities towards fully certifying the machine for its commercial readiness but the real pot at the end of the rain bow is to do commercial deployment of the plant so we can realize the full potential of the technology. >> so much seems to hinge on getting the $2 billion loan guarantee from the department of energy and getting it sometime next year when the research is scheduled to be completed. what sorts of challenges does usec face in making that case to d.o.e.? >> the department of energy has very -- a very formal process, a very comprehensive process for reviewing loan guarantee applications. we have been progressing through that with the department over several years. the conclusion they came to last summer was we want to see
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further demonstration of the commercial machine and all of its balance of plant systems so that they're comfortable technically it's ready to go. they also were willing to make that investment because it helps assure that the national security needs that we meet with our plant are well supported by the government so that the technology is ready to deploy. so first and foremost is the technology ready or the risk in deploying the technology under control. then the biggest item in the loan guarantee is going to be the financial structure of the entity requesting the loan guarantee. clearly the taxpayers are looking for a repayment of any sort of loan they would make to the company so we would put together a strong a team we can to go for the loan guarantee. >> d.o.e.'s loan guarantee program is under sharp scrutiny as you know in congress because of some of its decisions, particularly because of the loan it now gave to the
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bankrupt solar panel maker solyndra. how difficult is it for usec to make this case for a loan guarantee under these circumstances? >> i think that it's important to understand usec. usec has been in operation doing enriverment -- enrichment since the 1940's. it's been a commercial operation since 1998. it has been a very profitable company. it's returned a lot to the original taxpayers that spun it out. the business is very sound. we do all our work selling the utilities around the world that are grade a investment type of utilities. so this is -- we're much different. we have proven technology that we have demonstrated through a series of tests. then we will have the final demonstration. so i think in many ways we're much different than solyndra as a business entity. but when we go back for a loan guarantee, we'll go back with
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very strong partners. today we have toshiba, babcock and wilcox. exon is actually helping us in the research development demonstration program. we will add to that team as we go back to have a very solid financial team. it's also important to understand that the jut put of the -- output of the plant when it's anticipated to operate over the first 10, 15 years of the contract, we have agreements very similar to a power purchase agreement that h you have antinuclear democrats. you have fiscal hawk republicans just blasted now this loan guarantee or for government support, period. some say you're seeking a loan guarantee that will be 30 times the company's market cap of about $65 million. it doesn't sound like a good deal to them. >> first we have very strong bipartisan support for the project. we've had the support from the government for the funding for the research development and demonstration program. the deployment of this
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technology and the building of this plant meet many of the administration's policy goals, national central security goals. it creates a lot of jobs. it's rebuilding a manufacturing base that's been dormant for 15 to 20 years. and it fills a critical need in a commercial environment. so it could be very good business. the critics i think are -- no one has had any questions relative to the national security role that we're providing. >> that at the end of the day may be the die sissive -- dee sighsive fact -- decisive factor. >> it certainly is an important factor. you need a strong u.s. company being able to provide that. i think the decisions that the administration has made, the department of energy, both in the near term and the long term capability. >> we need to leave it right there. hydraulic fracking greener. we'll be right back.
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talk to halliburton and it
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there's been a lot of controversy over the drilling process known as hydraulic fracking. it's pumping millions of gol gool lons -- gallons of water underground to release gas there shale formations. while the industry says the process is safe, some scientists worry the chemicals
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used in fracking may pose a threat either underground or when waste fluids reach the surface. now halliburton, one of the largest oil field service companies, has develop add new fracking solution using ingredients from the food industry. the company says the recipe provides an extra margin of safety. joining me to discuss this is mike watts, the company's director of future stimulation affairs. fracture sometime ration -- stimulation repairs. i love that. maybe 1% involving fracking but some are toxic. the mere presence of them worries some people. is halliburton removing them entirely in these new greener formulations? >> what we are doing is working towards that end. we have what we have a -- what we call a chemical storing index. basically if you have a product and you break that product down
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by components individually, we take the health, the safety and environmental aspects of those individual constituents and we score them. we rank them. and then what you end up doing is rolling that all up and you get a composite score on that particular additive. so now you can look at the health, the safety and the environmental aspects of a particular product that we have. what we do is -- does so when you add it up, does that mean you have less toxic material in the fluid than you had before? >> it's a relative ranking. so what happens when you do that, you take the subjectivity out of it and you put science around it. so it gives you a benchmark for the products that you have. so when we start looking at that, what we did was we said okay, what are some other alternatives? how can we horne into this as -- honey into this -- hone into this aspect of this particular product. we looked at things from the food industry, for instance. when we did that we came up with the clean stem fluid which is sourced as you said entirely from the fluid industry. what that did by developing those right off the bat, we had two or three orders magnitude
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stepdown in the numbers. >> numbers of what? >> it's a relative ranking. if you look at one product just in round numbers, let's say it's got an 800, which is what we have been using, some are down to 300 this. >> in terms of what? >> the effects of health, safety and environmental standpoint. >> researching and developing the new recipes for fracking is very expensive. tens of millions of dollars i imagine. >> yes, sir. >> the company believes the existing process, the ones they have been using for years is safe. why is hag burton doing it? -- halliburton doing it? is it to improve productivity? >> there are a couple of reasons that we do it. you sit down and you say okay, you source something from the food industry. what benefit does that have for the public? by looking at our ranking system, we're actually lowering the effects of that and our intention is to get to zero over time. >> zero? >> zero effects from a health, saicht and environmental standpoint -- safety and environmental standpoint. the other side of that there
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are also performance aspects we look at. when you have a formation, if you put a fluid on a formation, you can actually mess that up. we have a test called a regain perm test whereby we put a formation -- we put the fluids on a formation and test how it was before and after the fluid was there. a typical fluid you might get 70, 75% regained. so you end up leaving materials in the formation. with clean stem based on the nature of the ingredients that we're using, we're actually getting up to 90%. so we're getting some increased performance. what does that mean? we get more production. >> is that the primary reason no doing this is simply to improve the productivity? >> it's both of those. we're trying to improve the cost factors, the environmental footprint, and we're also looking at the performance of the fluids. >> give us an example of where this new type of formula substitute as toxic material for something derived from food? >> when i look at that, what we're doing is we're doing
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things like taking walnut holes, things like that, right. we're actually putting them and using them as part of our breakers. so you can use them in the breaker system. so we're finding more benign terms that we can use. you take those and you put them in there and they help break the fluid back to where you get larger regain conductivity. as an example, we're substituting things like that. >> walnut shells. >> walnut holes or shells, yes, sir. >> one of the big controversies of fracking is disclosure of the chemicals in the fluids that are used. increasingly companies are disclosing them. a new national data base includes a lot of this. in most instances the companies keep some things, some chemical constituents private. they consider them proprietary. is this really necessary? >> yes, it is. let me say this to start with is that agencies that we deal with either have this information or they can get access to it. so it's not like we can't prevent an agency from having it.
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we have to give it to them. the epa has it. the state of wyoming has it. new york has it. >> the public health officials have it? other people have it? >> they can gain access to it. we give that information to them. they have to protect that from our competition because there's commercial value there. the u.s. is built on trade secrecy laws and protection of ip. >> coke cola doesn't want pepsi to know all the ingredients but at the end ever the day these are toxic materials, some of the materialings -- terms are carcinogens. >> those would have to be limited on the term data sheet. they would have to be listed out there and put in the public. that's how first responders know what to do. the employees know what personal protection they need, whether it's glasses or goggles or rubber gloves. >> people know in time enough. i heard public health officials say we need to know sooner what's going in there in case we have to deal with it. >> it's real time. material safety data sheets are copied. we have a product that goes to
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location. there are material data sheets on a formation and like yours have begun to work on and have some progress. mike wattwith halliburton. thank you very much. >> thank you, sir. coming up, just how good is the outlook for oil and gas jobs around the world? that's next.
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now a look at jobs in the oil and natural gas industry around the world. and by and large it's a pretty good picture thanks to offshore activity in the americas and other regions and a gush of
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shale development in the u.s. but there's some concern as well over finding enough people particularly hot for these jobs, which ones would you talk about? i know australia has to gas pro these opportunities and challenges. it was done by, an online job posting service and the consulting firm air energy. join meeting from houston is's managing director mark guess. mark, welcome to the program. >> hi, bill. >> mark, take me around the world a bit and tell me where some of this growth is taking place? >> the industry is strong on a global basis. there are hot spots. in canada there's a lot of demand there. there's a lot of demand in australia where there are liquid gas finds and then you can go to off shore brazil which is very active. and here in the united states, the shale finds are moving the industry and it's very important for the north american market having its own
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gas supplies. and gulf of mexico off shore really bouncing back after the shutdown of drilling. all in all a very active market. >> mark, what are the biggest roles that are in demand right now? >> the biggest always is in engineering, especially when you're developing new fields. you've got design activities. a lot of that is done on shore. so at this stage, the engineering demands cross from mechanical, electrical, design in particular. but then there's also a lot of research into new field areas so the geophysicists are in demand and very pleasingly drilling. there's an upsurge in drilling activity in a lot of areas, including here in the gulf of mexico area. >> you talk about the u.s. and the shale and the gulf. is the shale, though, the single biggest thing right now that's driving the market? >> it is. shale is definitely the u.s. way forward at the moment. it is a case of you've got here in the u.s. you've got to look
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at your own energy supply and not depend so much on overseas imports and you're going to need a lot of gas going forward. so it's very important that that market is allowed to move forward. i think there is more understanding now from an environmental point of view that it is important and can be done in a very professional manner. >> if you had to single out some other parts ever the world right now where the market is particularly hot for these jobs, which ones would you talk about? i know australia has to be one of them. >> australia is definitely a major demand. the australian dollar is very strong and australia has massive natural resources. it has enough gas. if it wasn't exploiting gas to keep itself going, it has gas of over a hundred years at the moment. they're looking at actual export. you have shale building the world's largest process plants. and a lot of big projects,
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chevron project. so it's very important for them and they're looking to bring people in from other parts of the world. in some ways they're leading a lot of the competitive activity. >> do you see much migration of people around the world looking for jobs these days? >> the oil and gas industry remains probably the most mobile industry out there. top engineers expect in their career to work in more than one country and often more than one continent. australia is very interesting for them and a lot of them would like to go there. the australian government actually holds some of that back on making pieces available. although if you're in a specific demand or you work for one of the operators, there are opportunities. other countries are also actively trying to bring people in. >> finding as the survey pounds out, finding -- points out, finding people with the right skills is a big challenge. the survey found shortage of
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skills ran second only to economic instability as a threat to the oil and gas industry. are skills becoming a bigger issue? >> skills i would say are the most fundamental in most parts of the world. economics is important but if you're in a country with a stable economic regime, such as the united states, canada, or australia or the u.k., the economics is probably less important than actually having the people there. there is -- there's always an opportunity for these projects to happen. and if you don't actually have the people to develop the projects, then the investors which are the operators, they can go and look elsewhere. if they can find the right people to develop a project off shore brazil and they can't find the right people in the gulf of mexico, then that will be a factor on where they actually develop their next project. >> that raises the question are the schools in the industry doing enough to train and provide the skills necessary for these jobs?
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>> it's a very interesting point there, bill. the industry as a whole over the last 20 years, it's training -- its training and recruitment policies usually attract the oil price. we've had a reasonably sustained oil price so that means more investment is going into training and retention but it is still a major issue. i think that filters right down to school and college level as well. in the west i don't think we're bringing enough people into the industry as engineers. and that really needs to actively trying to bring people in. mark, that's all we have time for. mark is the managing director of up next in market spotlight, a look at big changes in the united kingdom's electric power mark
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in market spotlight from london, platts' editors take a look at changes taking place in the united kingdom's electric power market. paul? >> thanks, bill. the price of commodities usually falls in the line of demand but not awls. the price of our electricity has risen when demand has been depressed. i'm joined by the associate
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editor for platts in london. what's been hatching with u.k. prow we are prices and why? >> the relationship seems almost in congress at first glance. electricity demand fell 20% last year. this is of course following lower industrial demand associated with the recession but also with austerity hit households trying to save money through their energy bills. far from capping electricity prices, we've seen year on year gains and endless announcements that consumers might be paying as much as twice what they were in 2004. official sources paint a slightly clearer picture. it shows take gas price increases has occurred at a rate double of electricity. to really understand the tension here, we need to look quite closely at the gas wholesale market. >> what has been happening with the wholesale gas and power markets then? >> well, it's -- gas demand is almost half that of where it would be normal this time of
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year. prices have remained surprise willing resilient. there have been short term and medium term supply concerns as well as crude prices that will naturally affect the market. this is important for the u.k. now more than ever because the u.k.'s moved from being a net exporter before 2004 to now relying on foreign imports for as much as 50% of its total gas supply. so things like rising asian demand, norwegian maintenance schedules even affect what the u.k. is sensitive to. [indiscernible] >> well, energy producers will tell you a greater dependence on domestically produced renewable energy could help the u.k. security of supply and insulate the market from global energy price shocks. but the pursuit of greener
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energy comes with its own price tags, too. the u.k. government is aiming to see 15% of consumption met by renewable sources by 2020 which is a huge step up from just 3% in 2009. so this is going to need a lot of investment from already cash strapped utilities and a deficit ridden government. that said, no one can say if gas prices will continue to rise and certainly we can't say the rate which renewable technology might decrease. what we can say for certain is pressure is likely to remain on u.k. utilities as the tub of war between lower demand thanks, paul. that wraps up this week's show but keep up with energy news throughout the week on our website and you can download our free iphone and android apps. follow us on twitter,
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