tv Today NBC October 9, 2012 2:05am-3:00am EDT
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>> it is, and friday it was 80s and gorgeous. and in parts of the midwest they have snow. >> colorado has know too, i mean the temperatures are in the freezing -- let's keep in mind it's october 8th, okay? and even in dc are democrats are normally in the 70s, it in the 50s. >> can we talk about your outfit because this outfit rocks, i have something similar in my dressing rook, and now i regret not picking it. >> okay, this is velvet pants and a tank top. it takes 20 pounds off of you. look at that. i walked in and the cameraman
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has never said anything to me in 4 1/2 years and said "like it." they come in all kinds of different -- look at the jeans, they don't -- there is no zipper, and they cover up anything. you think you'll never get in them and then the fun begins. >> it's and the pants are $74 and the tank tonight is $54. we had to do it right away because we just did -- and i wish i would have worn mine. >> are they comfy? >> so comfortable. and they come with like leather up the sides -- and just the older i get, i want comfort, baby. >> i'm going to do this really
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quickly. again, these books usually bore me. but "killing kennedy" reads like you're watching it on tv. >> and ridley scott is making a movie out of it. >> parallel stories, it's brilliantly written. if every history book was written like these, we all read them. >> we would actually all know our history. let's move on to weekend. >> we'll get to sarah's favorite thing in a little bit. >> you had a big weekend. >> well, thursday i went and spoke at the pink chair luncheon, and those girls turn it out.
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the organizers of the group, it was such a great group of people. it was for breast cancer. i played my music. that's what i do at speeches, i force it on them. and great, great ladies, these are all breast cancer survivors, and it was just a great day. and raised $450,000 that day. >> last night, my lady who does my nails and colors and all of that stuff, told me that all of the ladies in her salon can talk about hoda woman came to west port. >> i don't know if you realized this, but scandalous previews open saturday. >> saturday passed, we were in a recording studio, and we were in
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a studio, and you see some of the ensemble in the back. it's the first time you hear the orchestration with the singers. it's thrilling for everybody. and bruce coughlin makes a 15 piece orchestra sound like a 40 piece. he's brilliant. >> i snuck in the back, and the singers are off the hook. they're amazing. and when you watch them perform, there's a fun song you will see when you go to the show. it's called "a girl's got to do what a girl's got to do." >> she loves a good hooker number. who doesn't? >> yeah, who doesn't? i'm excited about this show. tickets, some people go, oh, i want to go, and previews are coming up.
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previews is a wonderful time where you get to put up your show in front of an audience -- >> and the critics. >> no critics. they come at the end of previews and you get to change and make adjustments in your show, and i won't know until we have living breathing humans in front of us. laughing when they're supposed to, crying when they're supposed to. we want to make that available for people who think they can't afford maybe broadway tickets. >> so this will happen just for previews, because it doesn't open until november 15th. if you buy a ticket, you can bring someone for free. that way you g to see it while it's being worked out. >> people love previews, they'll come a few times to see the changes that are made. it's not that unusual. say on a saturday night there's
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a chunk that doesn't work, i'm up all night writing, and they rehearse, and it goes in the next performance. it's kind of crazy, but it's thrilling. >> where do they get the tickets? >> . >> we would love to see you, everybody. >> when are you coming? >> saturday, the first night, and bringing a posse. >> thank you, i'm going to make an announcement later in the week. there is going to be a place, to be announced, where we will party with you before the show. >> so like work, but somewhere else. >> yeah, in a restaurant. this we cannot believe, the woman who reinvented the term bridezilla. we're not sure if this is on the level or not. if you have ever had a wedding, and had bridesmaids, this woman
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wrote this note, to letter to all potential bridesmaids. it is horrifying. >> it says it's very important you read and think everything through before you accept this honor to be a bridesmaid. we want every single of them at our parties. i have ten, not eight. if you know you can't make it to a party, then we have to find someone else. i would like everyone to send me any dates they are going away or planning to go away after february. and if you can't afford a dress or money for the bachelorette party or you can't afford the dress, we don't have time to deal with that. if you think by affordable, it's going to be $25, you're going to the wrong wedding. i'm not going to harass you with wedding stuff, but if it's something important and it takes
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you a week to get back to me, see ya. by wednesday, i need to know if everyone is in 100%. >> i can't read any more. >> if you don't think you can make it to one marty, and t the rest, i'll have to take you out. >> she said it's going to be the most epic wedding ever. so i hope you girls can share this special day with us. >> if you are -- if this is legit, we would love to introduce this person to kenneth krause. we can't imagine someone that wants to spend his life with her. >> and i can't believe someone would send that out. >> who does that to so-called friends? >> that's sick. i'm grossed out, i need a drink. >> once again, we have passed over as the sexiest women alive. "esquire" magazine named mila kunis sexist woman alive.
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>> rihanna had it last year. >> congratulations, she's with ashton kutcher these days. >> she's a beautiful girl and really good actress. do you stop being the sexist woman in one year? do you sag that much in one year? >> we do. >> i'm not talking about us, i'm talking about 29-year-olds. >> true. can we congratulate drew brees. johnny unitas had a record that he threw touchdowns in 47 consecutive games. it was a record since the 1950s. what happened last night? drew brees broke the record. it was the 48th consecutive touchdown pass in 48 games and johnny's son was there, and drew brees is such a sweet guy. >> he's just the real deal. every time he's here everybody
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is in love with him. he's the kind of person that treating everybody the same no matter who they are. his wife, who is adorable, and the baby, eating with a spoon. >> he was in the studio, speaking to someone in the crew, and kim kardashian walked up, and most guys would have said, see ya to whoever they were talking to. he didn't. he held eye contact, she stood there and waited, and when he was finished, he talked to kim. >> he really has priorities straight. it's so easy to lose your perspective on life when you are adoered and worshipped and women throw themselves at you. >> don't know if we want to thank is next person coming up, but susie lynn posted this facebook photo, and i guess we look horrible. >> that's not bad of me. >> thank you susie lynn -- >> you know what?
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you're over, okay? would you like to threat this recording, is that what it said? those freeze phrase things are hysterical. >> this is delectable. have you ever been to alice's teacup in new york city? cutest thing ever. you should go. it's really a girly thing, but this is a pumpkin scone, and it's the definition of fall. i'm just telling you now. >> what does it taste like? >> amazingness. they have it year round, but if you do it with a pumpkin coffee or tea -- yum. do you have one up there? >> we don't. >> we're going to have a segment later on where you kind find all kinds of different things available to raise money for breast cancer. this was sent to us, and it's absolutely beautiful. and it's $59 and it goes to one of the foundations.
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i'm sorry, you have to go to the website. along with these cute bracelets -- what is it? >> the norene frazier foundation. scott baio is back in charge. >> is that his little girl? >> she's so cute. what were the big stories this weekend? guess what, jason kennedy has flown in from hollywood to be with us. he has the hots for me and hoda. we love him. first, these messages. 2@
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yeah for him. >> when his show ends and his wife returns to work, david must learn the ins and outs of being a stay at home dad. take a look. >> i've got to pick up charlotte from school. i'll be back in two. i lost jane. >> i don't know where my daughter is. >> retrace your steps. where did you see her last? >> she's not a set of car keys, kevin. >> how do you lose a kid? >> didn't you say it was at charlotte's mommy's house? >> i don't know where charlotte's mommy is. >> we've been seeing you back on reality stuff lately. i thought nothing could drag you back to sitcoms. >> yeah, i was kind of done, and
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my partner called me up and asked if i would read a script, and i said no. >> why? >> after the reality show, i was done. i was with my wife and kid, we have a foundation that my wife runs and i help with, and i was just happy playing golf and hanging out with my family, and this thing came out of the blue and he said would you read it? and i said no. i said look, do you like it? he said yeah. i said okay, i'm in. >> without reading it? >> yeah. i said, we're shooting a pilot? no, no. >> and it's 20 episodes. >> yeah, we shot the pilot, and we work at paramount, on the old happy days studio, and when i got back to work i realized that
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i really like doing this, and i missed it. >> it's the old way of doing it where you do it monday through friday and you have an audience in front of you. >> yeah, every day i go to work is a good day. >> the cast looks fun, tell us about the group. the cast. >> mark curry plays my great friend. he's a wonderful guy, i love working with him. three terrific kids. ryan newman, bailey brown, and i have a sister on the show, and just a great bunch of people. that guy with the hat, there you go. >> you know how important that is when you get up and you're going somewhere to make something, you have to love the people. >> it is.
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and the producers are great people, the creators are great people. the best thing about the show is that i'm 52 years old now. >> you look great. >> not as great as ralph. >> but he's younger than me. any way, machio. >> do you have a problem with italian? >> i'm getting old. >> you're drinking red wine. >> that's what we do. >> and i'm in a place now where i get up and i enjoy the fact that i go to a place that i like. and i'm not worried about what comes next anymore. >> a lot of people think of you and they think of joanie loves chachi and think of erin moran. do you think keep in touch? >> no.
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i don't know what her situation is. somebody just told me, and i went oh, sorry. don't know. >> great to see you and back on tv. we are going to meet your wife and beautiful daughter in the commercial break. >> thanks for having me. great to see you. >> it premiers this coming sunday on nick at night. first scripted series. good for them. >> all right, we're going to see your face here when we announce our fan of the week. right after this. [ male announcer ] this is mike.
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mike's being healthy and chewing like a man. introducing one-a-day vitacraves for men! it's a gummy multivitamin... with more vitamin b, to convert food to energy, and help mike do manly things, like wrestle bears and take out the garbage. new one-a-day vitacraves for men. like wrestle bears and take out the garbage. new pink lemonade 5-hour energy? 5-hour energy supports the avon foundation for women breast cancer crusade. so i can get the energized feeling i need and support a great cause? i'm sold. pink lemonade 5-hour energy? yeah and a portion of every sale goes to the avon foundation for women breast cancer crusade. i'm sold. new pink lemonade 5-hour energy. get the alert, energized feeling you need and support breast cancer research and access to care.
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and is a stay at home mom. she always ready for a tie breaker even if the score is not actually a tie breaker. she has a crush on willie. walking the fourth hour is her me time when she puts her daughter down for a nap. we're joining in the celebration by sending karen to the caribbean islands. you will sail like a diva from miami and make stops in st. thomas, jamaica to name a few. the hotel and airfare were provided by msc cruises. >> in addition, we have a couple of real fans in the studio. they were so great. and we're so glad, guys. wave to the folks at home.
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we're back with "today's buzz." >> from beyonce joining jay zee on stage to why ben afleck is a hit at mcdonald's. >> i love you guys. >> beyonce joins jay dee, was that a surprise? >> she was there for all the performances. this time she gets up there for two songs. that song "forever young," we have to pay for it if i keep singing it. she closed the show south.
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my buddy john took this footage. >> the audience must have gone crazy. >> the best part, they kissed at the end. they're not very passionate in public. so it was cool to see. >> they made a baby. they were once passionate. >> i'll give you a multiple choice, did he roll in on the train, helicopter, or rolls royce. >> i heard he took the subway. >> we have news about hulk hogan, he is our guest tomorrow. >> we love hulk, but this sun fortunate. >> i hope mine never gets out. >> there were rumors this was coming out, apparently shot in 2009. the woman in the sex tape is the ex-wife of one of his best friends. that's interesting. >> ex-best friend, too. >> she's upset.
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he's upset. they've lawyered up and i think at the time he and his wife had split up. >> all right with his new wife? >> no, this was in 2009, he wasn't with anybody at the time. they're upset about this whole thing, and it's just -- >> who leaked it, do we know? >> no one is saying anything right now? we just now they're lawyered up, and on the exact same day, linda hogan, his ex, gets a dui. >> when you do a sex tape, are you doing it to rewatch it? why do people tape themselves having sex, what's the point? >> i don't know how to answer that question. >> it looked planned. was it on a tripod. >> you saw it? >> i saw six seconds for research purposes! i've got to do my research.
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>> poor jason. >> ben affleck, let's move on, he did what a lot of us did, he knocked a mirror off of a car. >> it can happen to anybody. >> what did he do? >> he is followed by the paparazzi, but he leaves a note, i'm ben, knocked your mirror off, call this number. it wasn't his personal number, which is a smart move. it was a woman, his publicist or assistant. i would frame the thing, for crying out loud. >> he did the decent right thing. >> people don't do that anymore, especially in l.a., you bump a car and you just drive away -- not me though. >> you're right, because when you're not watching porn -- >> boom! hi mom. >> nicki minaj and mariah carey, what's going on? >> on friday, "american idol" said this is our best judging
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panel, we support everybody. despite the accusations that production is going very well. they said their piece. at this point, especially what mariah said to barbara walters that nicky threatened her, that she's scared for her life and her children's sake and she needs bodyguards. >> the live shows will be very interesting. >> the box office "taken 2" was number one. but you know what i'm so happy about? "pitch perfect," i love -- >> have you seen it? >> it came in third place, and with the trailer, a lot of people were not sure how it would do. and the girl from "bridesmaids" steals the whole thing. >> she's blowing up right now. >> jason can't stay out of
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trouble today. >> she's popular. . wooohooo....hahaahahaha! i'm gonna stand up to her! no you're not. i know. you know ronny folks who save hundreds of dollars switching to geico sure are happy. how happy are they jimmy? happier than a witch in a broom factory. get happy. get geico. fifteen minutes could save you fifteen percent or more. anyone have occasional constipation, diarrhea, gas, bloating? yeah. one phillips' colon health probiotic cap each day helps defend against these digestive issues with three strains of good bacteria. approved! [ phillips' lady ] live the regular life. phillips'.
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[ phillips' lady ] live the regular life. new pink lemonade 5-hour energy? 5-hour energy supports the avon foundation for women breast cancer crusade. so i can get the energized feeling i need and support a great cause? i'm sold. pink lemonade 5-hour energy? yeah and a portion of every sale goes to the avon foundation for women breast cancer crusade. i'm sold. new pink lemonade 5-hour energy. get the alert, energized feeling you need and support breast cancer research and access to care.
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back now, time far look at the fit club. at her heaviest, she weighed a whopping 276 pounds. >> 17 months later, she shed 171 pounds, seven pant sizes. let's look at her amazing story. >> my name is nell. growing up, i was involved in everything from ballet to swimming. but my bad eating habits caught up with me. i became an emotional eater, and i started to look to food to fix my problems. on the outside, i was satisfied with my life. i had a great job as a
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kindergarten music teacher and i married my college sweet heart. on my inside, i felt something was missing. i ate may way to 276 pounds. one day, after having four slices of pie, i realized i had had enough. so i began my weight loss journey. i wrote down everything i ate, and i exercised ten minutes every morning. by december i had lost 83 pounds but i hit a plateau. that's when my husband decided to join me on my joshy. together, we signed up at our local gym. we were taught if we eat junk food, we feel like junk. the last time i visited the "today" show was in 2006. i weighed over 250 pounds. i can't wait to come back and show kathie lee and hoda the new me. >> and you all know our wonderful joy baaer. what a great storey. >> so you encouraged her thursday to help her get over that plateau.
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>> earlier this morning, i spoke about how the easiest thing that you can do to increase the volume and drive down the calories of a meal is to add freges. either a fruit or vegetable. that's what she did. so i want to show you her before and after. this is a before breakfast, 600 calories. huge bowl of captain crunch with milk. now she adds a produce item. she takes some oatmeal, adds pumpkin puree and nonfat yogurt. 210 calories. now she sakes soy milk, frozen berries, greek yogurt, and i think this is only 120 calories. >> they satisfy the same urge.
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>> there's no deprivation here. >> let's look at her before picture, and now let's have nell come out. >> oh my goodness, are you kidding me? wow, you look great. you started off cutting the food and exercising ten minutes a day, how much do you exercise now? >> i go to the gym about six days a week now. >> for how long? >> from 30 minutes to an hour. >> whatever you can fit it. >> you helped her get past that plateau? >> absolutely. >> do people recognize you? >> no, i have to reintroduce myself, but that means that it's worked and that i have really changed. >> you look gorgeous.
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>> you look healthy and radiant. congratulations. great accomplishment. >> thank you. coming up next, shop pink and raise money for breast cancer awareness. > we're going to see some showers, northern locations, parts of north dakota and northern minnesota, a few snowflakes will be mixed in. that's it as far as the rain and snow goes. it's the cool air that will be the big story in the coming days. daytime highs struggling to get up into minneapolis today. mid 60s in chicago. but that's going to change. things drop back down, bump back
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up and drop back down. plenty of 60s still throughout the heartland here. upper 60s in kansas city. that blue, you can see that there. that first front is going to push into the appalachians there on wednesday. so cool air really starting to filter in. you can see that cool air moving into the great lakes. and now chicago, lower 50s, that's it for the daytime highs. not going to see the cold air get as far south as the last push did over the weekend. but you'll notice it around the great lakes. thursday, another front going to bring more cool air coming in from canada. high only at 51 in minneapolis on thursday. and chicago, back into the 60s on thursday. but that's not going to last as that cool air moves through and moves in. you have high pressure replacing that. now back down into the 50s in chicago. chance for rain in the northeast. the southwest, especially the mountains, with a chance of showers. the pacific northwest, after a
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huge dry stretch will be an increasing chance for rain. and the next system taking shape in the middle part of the country. going to see a chance for rain, mild air ahead of the system. this isn't going to be a big drop down from the north. so mainly just showers and moderating temperatures. sunday, still a chance for showers in the northwest. weekdays on the weather channel you can "wake up with al." [ male announcer ] this is rudy. his morning starts with arthritis pain. and two pills. afternoon's overhaul starts with more pain. more pills. triple checking hydraulics. the evening brings more pain. so, back to more pills. almost done, when... hang on. stan's doctor recommended aleve. it can keep pain away all day with fewer pills than tylenol. this is rudy. who switched to aleve. and two pills for a day free of pain. ♪ and get the all day pain relief of aleve in liquid gels. prove it.
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enough is enough. d-con no view, no touch trap snaps to kill instantly. no looking, no touching. d-con. get out. the pink ribbons are out for breast cancer awareness month, and the symbol, aimed at creating a global community to support survivors all over the world, is celebrating their 20th anniversary. >> and with us is meghan murphy from "self" magazine. >> good to see you again. >> we're sporting our little pins. >> 20 years, and "self" is so proud to be the founder. >> a lot of people don't know
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who to associate the pink ribbon with. >> in that 20 years, we made such strides. there's been a 30% reduction in mortality. and a 95% survival rate with early detection. >> and hoda is celebrating that milestone herself. >> thank you. >> so everything on this table, we vetted it so everything is going to the actual charity. >> yes, my skirt too, and this pin, this is is the dream pin, $12.50, and 20% go to the breast cancer research foundation. she is our super hero, and she cofounded the ribbon. so we love her. this is a watch from avon, and $20 and 100% of that money goes to the breast cancer foundation. and fergie is their
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ambassador and she rocks that. and $10 for the scarf. fun way to show awareness. and 100% goes to the avon breast cancer proceeds. >> diapers or underies? >> you put these over a diaper, they're called ruffle butts, and 50% of that $17 go to the foundation. so fitness, too. we know being active and healthy lifestyle is a good way to reduce your risk of cancer. these are $34, and they're going to give up to $500,000. so that's amazing. soccer, i'm a soccer player, this is from puma, project pink. the ball is $11 and 100% is going to charity. you can go on and vote for the pink charity of your choice. these are from asics. they partnered with christina
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applegate, also a celebrity ambassador. and up to $100,000 will go to her right action for women charity. >> great. >> this is a super fun lipstick, $34, 100% goes to living beyond cancer. it comes in -- look at the little charm. philosophy, love them. >> they're a great company. >> 100% goes to charity. it comes with these fun little messages like "today i will share my beautiful smile with the world." smashbox limited edition lipstick, and $5 a tube goes to breast cancer research foundation. >> and hoda, you will love this little speaker, you plug it into your phone, $40, and that 20% goes to the breast cancer research foundation.
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>> it works. >> cute phone cases, $48, and up to $15,000 will be donated, more headphones from avon, they're $9 and all of that money goes to their breast cancer research. and this just makes me smile, this is from bloomingdales. when life gives you lemons make pink lemonade. >> so cute. thanks a lot. it's time to toast columbus day by picking out the perfect wipe. but first, this is "today" on nbc.
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it is time for today's wine workout. >> today, we're going to become stronger and faster. here r >> here with us is executive wine editor who used to be taken seriously, ray. we love our ray. >> we're going to learn everything about wine in 20 seconds, tannins allow wine to age. some wipes have less, some have more. take a sip of the first tea, tea has it in there too. just like wine.
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now take a sip of the eight-minute tea which has been steeping way longer than you would want any tea to steep. >> i don't like that. >> taste each of these wines and tell me which one has more tannins in it. >> getting stronger every moment. >> one of these is a baroli -- the other is a barbara. >> that has more tannins. >> exactly. >> i know you love really tart acidic wine. a little lime juice in this one, get a sense of acidity. and this is a lot of lime juice so it will be much more acidic. part of the acidity is what make it's go well with food. two wines, which one has more acidity in it?
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you can kneel -- feel your tasting muscles building. >> what are we asking? >> so which has more acidity. >> that one. >> who can tell after all of the lemon? >> oak and wine. >> i don't like it. >> usually i can tell from the color. >> you can smell it, weirdly enough, it has the -- >> i can usually tell from color, i'm going to say just from looking, this will. >> which one has the most oak? it gives it more body and more richness. sometimes with the chardonnay if you want a richer dish -- >> that one has more. >> that is correct. blindfolds.
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and now aromas and wipes. >> tell me what you think this is. >> oh! >> it's a vegetable of some kind. it's like a green pepper. >> cali don't know what that is real life. >> it's a grapefruit. >> no, it's not a grapefruit. >> which does it smell and taste like, bacon, green pepper? >> leachy. >> exactly. bingo. last one. using everything you've got -- take off your blind fos. we've run out of time. you both win. >> we use this to
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