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tv   News4 at 11  NBC  October 13, 2012 11:00pm-11:30pm EDT

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but only through sunday. exclusively at a sleep number store, where queen mattresses start at just $699. from washington's leading news station, this is news 4 at 11. >> three weeks to go. the race for the white house tightens as both candidates get ready for this week's second presidential debate.
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new polls tonight show the president with a slight edge on mitt romney but experts say it is still anybody's race to win. the president hunkered down in virginia tonight preparing for tuesday. but mitt romney spent the day out on the campaign trail. darcy spencer is following both campaigns tonight. >> today mitt romney still basking in the glow of his post-debate bump. and the president is reminding voters of the bailout of the auto industry, and it paid off. it's a weekend of debate preparation for president barack obama. he boarded air force one heading to williamsburg where he'll get ready for the town hall-style debate taking place tuesday. before leaving washington he reminded voters of his administration's rescue of the auto industry. >> but we refused to throw in the towel and do nothing. we refused to let detroit go bankrupt. i bet on american workers and american injean newty and three years later that bet is paying off in a big way. >> reporter: republican contender mitt romney is in ohio
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first preparing for the debate, then campaigning. he says there's been a crescendo of enthusiasm for his campaign and hammered away at the president's record. >> the income of the median family in america has gone down by $4,300 per family. in times like this, what is he talking about? saving big bird. >> reporter: his running mate paul ryan also campai pagining the buckeye state. the campaign has relied on small donations to boost totals throughout the summer and fall. .shave not yet released their september fund-raising totals. pieces of shatter the glass are scooped up outside the president's denver headquarters. police say someone shot at the ka impain office friday afternoon. a bullet shattered the front window. there were people inside at the time but no one was injured when bullets flew from a passing car.
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the president will continue debate preps tomorrow. tomorrow morning on "meet the press," david gregory has a slate of guests on to talk politics including virginia governor mcdonnell and stephen colbert. the boss is heading out on the campaign trail. bruce springsteen will be in ohio this week to help campaign for president obama. he'll be joined on thursday in parma, ohio, by former president bill clinton. the event will be free, open to the public. springsteen campaigned for the president in 2008 as well. thursday's event is his first political appearance in this election season. beautiful day outside today. leading to a clear night tonight. look at that shot of the capitol. we're head for a warm-up tomorrow. chuck bell with a first look at the forecast. >> good evening. the withins have come back around to the south. that does promise a warmer day for tomorrow. and even a lot milder tonight than it was the same time last night. temperatures as of the 11:00
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hour drifting back into the upper 40s and low 50s. a far cry from where we were last night. and start-off temperatures tomorrow generally speaking going to be in the 40s. no real widespread 30s and certainly no wide spre freeze like we endured last night into early sunday morning. there's your planner tomorrow. nowhere near as cold to get started. breezy and warmer tomorrow. mid 70s tomorrow. perfect wieather for the redskins. we're following a developing story tonight out of the u.s. virgin islands. a woman has been rescued from the waters of the atlantic after a plane crash. this happened south of st. thomas just before 8:00 this morning. the coast guard got word a small twin engine plane went down. around 2:00 p.m., rescue teams found and rescued valerie jackson. she was able to tell rescue workers there were three other people on the plane with her. the search for those three continues at this hour. new details in the deadly meningitis outbreak.
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maryland health officials confirm a 15th case of infection in the state. 197 confirmed cases nationwide. today the centers for disease control announced a 15th person has died from the infection. that victim got a steroid injection in indiana. a woman who had an injection in minnesota is the first to file a lawsuit against the pharmacy linked to the contaminated steroids. that company has now suspended all operations. the space shuttle "endeavour" wrapping up its final mission tonight. this is a live look from los angeles as the shuttle makes its way to its new home at the california science center. and look at all the people out tonight in l.a. watching that. it's taken two days for the shuttle to make the 12-mile trip. crews had to maneuver it through the streets of los angeles as you saw there. nbc's stephanie stanton talked to excited fans who lined up to get a glimpse of the shuttle. >> reporter: thousands of excited fans lined the streets for day two of the shuttle's slow crawl through the streets
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of l.a. >> this is history. >> reporter: at top speeds of just 2 miles an hour, officials navigated the 170,000-pound shuttle through the city, carefully avoiding trees, street lights, and even coming within inches of some buildings. why'd you want to come see it? >> because it looks really big. and cool. >> oh my god. huge. really huge. it's amazing to see that this was in space and now it's here in our city. >> reporter: last night engineers were faced with one of their most difficult maneuvers yet, getting "endeavour" across the 405 freeway. this morning, the shuttle made its first stop at the historic forum in englewood for a special ceremony. >> "endeavour" is a true national treasure and i'm extremely pleased to welcome it to the new home here in southern california. >> reporter: later in the day, after a delay due to maintenance on the transporter and
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maneuvering challenges, fans were treated to a special musical performance arranged by famed choreographer debbie allen. "endeavorer's" new home the california science center where officials hope it will inspire future generations of astronauts. stephanie stanton, nbc news, los angeles. here at home, plans are moving forward for a development of st. elizabeth's east campus in southeast d.c. maynor gray unveiled plans for a new gateway pavilion that will open next summer. it's designed to be a temporary hub for farmers' markets, casual dining and cultural events. a larger redevelopment will bring retail and residential space by 2015 and a new coles guard headquarters is scheduled to open on the west campus next year. thousands are spending the weekend walking 60 miles for breast cancer awareness. today was day two of the komen walk. today walkers made their way
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through parts of northwest washington, walking through neighborhoods including dupont circle and adams morgan. the event wraps up tomorrow afternoon. nearly 200 volunteers got to work today to help revital it's an affordable housing community in adams morgan, part of the 20th annual jubilee work day. volunteers painted, landscaped and repaired eight apartment buildings. goal is to speed up much-needed repairs to the community. loudoun county now home to a new war memorial to honor the victims of the recent wars in iran and afghanistan. the memorial is located on the south lawn of the loudoun county courthouse. it features the name of four loudoun county residents who have been killed in the conflicts of iraq and afghanistan and has room for others to be added if necessary. the money to build the new memorial was anonymously doted. he has seen a lot in his life. coming up, this 99-year-old
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bethesda man has never seen what happened to the nats last night. he gives his optimistic take on the team easily future. plus the bachelor party that ended with life
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the last time she hosted snl the world knew her as ankledy bundy. tonight, 19 years later, christina applegate is hosting "saturday night live." right now she stars in the nbc comedy "up all night." applegate has spent her -- nearly her entire life on tv. she first appeared in a commercial at 5 months old. you can see her on snl tonight after news 4 here at 11:00.
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a groom in san francisco has quite a story to tell about his bachelor party. he and his friends had so much fun, they had to be rescued by the coles guard. the group was on a party boat last night when the 40-foot ship hit a rock near alcatraz, started taking on water, the captain had to call the coast guard to take passengers ashore. fortunately, no one was hurt. still ahead, a 99-year-old washington baseball fan gives his take on the nats' disappointing end to their season. [ female announcer ] it's one of the hardest decisions
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a family can make... realizing a nursing home is the only choice. for many middle class families, medicaid is the only way to afford the care. but as a governor, mitt romney raised nursing home fees eight times. and as president, his budget cuts medicaid by one-third and burdens families with the cost of nursing home care. we have a president who won't let that happen. [ obama ] i'm barack obama and i approved this message.
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it was a heartbreaking finish for all nats fans last night. an unbelievable season came to an unexpected end against the cards. for one baseball fan, it was especially tough to watch. he wasn't just alive the last time a d.c. baseball team made the playoffs, he was older than bryce harper is now. 99-year-old bertram abramson sat down to talk a little baseball with us today. he attended the 1924 world series between the washington senators and the new york giants. he hopes to see the next washington world series and thinks the nationals have what it takes to get there. >> i hope that team stays together. years ago, like in '24, the teams stayed with the city. they didn't move around like they do today. so you knew everybody's name. and i hope they keep that group we have now.
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>> and look at this, mr. abramson showing us one of his most prized baseball possessions. this is a ball signed by some of the biggest stars of his childhood, babe ruth, ty cobb, walter johnson. >> whoa. heavy hitters on that list. >> hitter hitters to say the least. he's going to turn 100 next month. >> nice. >> he was going to throw out the first pitch if they had made it past yesterday. >> wow. >> but they didn't. >> there's always next year. >> he is waiting for next year. he's great. >> he'll be 100, it will mean more. >> nice job. beauty of a day outside today. near 100% sunshine out there today but even with the sun, boy, that north wind of yesterday just put so much cold air in place that we just couldn't recover. a lot of spots out to the west and north of the capitol and beltway below freezing. growing season is over for much of northern maryland out into the mountains of west virginia. and today was a chilly one for sure. only 60 degrees our high
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temperature. tomorrow how about a 15-degree improvement for you at no charge. outside we look on our saturday night. there's a live view of the washington monument standing tall in downtown d.c. under a mostly clear to partly cloudy sky. and temperatures not dropping as fast tonight as last night at all. 52 now at national airport. and you can really tell the difference as you are outside and about on your late saturday night. light wreetss out of the south at 7 miles per hour helping hold temperatures up into the upper 40s and low 50s. so start off temperatures tomorrow morning will be generally in the 40s and no widespread thinks like late last night. your day tomorrow nowhere near as cold in the morning. a nice south to southwesterly breeze tomorrow afternoon puts temperatures into the low and mid 70s tomorrow. partly to mostly cloudy by tomorrow morning. raindrop chances are holding off until monday afternoon. redskins game, temperatures between 4:00 and 7:00, upper 60
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busy game's end. no serious threat for rain. no rain showing up on radar. a couple of rain drops cannot be ruled out across northern maryland and southern pennsylvania tonight. those drops are moving away from us. the next batch across ohio valley and midwest is inbound. probably monday afternoon, monday evening time frame before you have to worry about it. milder to the west. columbus, ohio, is nearly 70 degrees right now. that milder and more moisture-laden air is coming our way tomorrow into monday. nowhere near as cold to get sunday started tomorrow. southerly breezes tomorrow afternoon with allow for a right arm waer day, low and mid 70s. the moisture comes in late tomorrow night into monday. it will be dry for the monday morning commute. afternoon, evening time frame, rain chances and maybe even a chance for a rumble or two of thunder, especially south of d.c. down towardth the lower end of the chesapeake bay. fall color near peak now.
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western pennsylvania, good color skyline drive into west virginia. overnight tonight, 40s for most. partly cloudy to most hi clear skies. the further south the clearer your sky tonight. tomorrow, clouds gradually on the increase. a breezy and warm day tomorrow. the seven-day forecast, a couple of days here in the mid 70s. rain chances monday bring a brief end to the mild weather. even tuesday, wednesday look pretty good. temperatures close to averageha late friday into next saturday. stay ahead of the weather on twitter @chuckbell4. tweeting game forecasts and weather tidbits. >> sports and weather all together, thank you. coming up in sports, maryland and virginia continuing their long-time rivalry as one freshman makes a huge
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did you hear burt, our 99-year-old fan, saying he hopes they keep the team together? >> bryce harper had the most positive quote, saying i get 20 years of this. >> 20 years for him, that won't be a bad thing. >> we've had 24 hours to process it but it's no rationalizing for a lot of people, it was one of the worst baseball losses ever. the washington nationals spent the day cleaning out their lockers, still in shock, still heartbroken. it was a fairy tale turned into a nightmare last night at nats park. going to take you out there now. nates led 6-0 after three
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innings. this is in the ninth. just watch it, don't cry. it's 7-5 when drew storm comes on to close it out. he's in trouble after loading the bases. two outs, needs one more. he wouldn't get it. the rip off the love of ian desmond into center, two runs score, 7-7. next batter, petwo runs score. the cardinals get to celebrate. unbelievable comeback. that was heartbreaking. 9-7 the final score. the agony of defeat is not going away any time scan. >> you know, it's the best job when you're good at it, the worst job when you fail. that's part of it. you just -- just got to learn from it. >> we feel terrible for drew. you hate to see seven, eight months worth of hard work go in
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one inning like that. i would say -- just frustrating. this is going to sting. this is going to sting until next year. >> you know, we have nothing to be ashamed of, i think. we went out, had a great season, won a division, we came here, went toe to toe with the defending world series champion. i think end of the day, this last game, they got a couple more big hits than we did. their guys got us out a little bit more. you know, we gave them all we had. >> yes, they did. it will be a long offseason, of course. college football. border battle between the maryland terrapins and virginia cavaliers. and the cavs thought the low point was a blow-out loss to duke last weekend. alas, today they couldn't celebrate their homecoming. terps ruled the guy from the get-go. can you dig it. packed house in charlottesville. virginia fans hoping to stop a four-game losing streak. the crowd quiets down right away
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after this opening kickoff. terps fresh money stephon diggs coming out of his end zone, it is go time. virginia's kicker said, we had a feeling he was going to take a knee, tricked us. you get he did, 100-yard kickoff return to start the game, maryland up 7-0 early. special teams looking good. the offense, first drive perry hills, swing pass to justice pickett, freezes the defender, sprints 20 yards to pay dirt. terps up 14-0. third quarter now. uva down 17-3. here they come. philip simms, play action. finds e.j. scott in the end zone. what a catch, 20-yard score. cavaliers down seven. fourth quarter. it's now a four-point game. terps with second and goal. hills fakes and takes it himself. six yards up the gut for the touchdown. maryland wins 27-20. the terps are now 2-0 in the acc for the first time since 2001.
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there's jim rosenfeld's h o hero, david cutcliff. blue devils 5-1 going into their game today against virginia tech. thomas looking for tony gregory, loses it. going the other way, touchdown, duke up 20-0 in blacksburg. >> but? >> but the 3-3 hokies had enough. they cut the lead to 10 in the second quarter. thomas finds a wide-open marcus davis, 42-yard score. third quarter, thomas to j.c. coleman. finds a gap, he is gone. untouched for the half the field. 45 yards it was, a td run. virginia tech its first lead of the game. hokies score 41 unanswered and beat duke 41-20. heisman helpful gino smith at number five west virginia
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visiting texas tech. red raiders leading 7-0 when seth doege hits eric warden back of the end zone. texas tech 14-0, upset alert. third quarter, red raiders up 35-7. doege far from done. a 29-yard scoring strike to darren moore. doege throws for six touchdowns, career high 504 yards as texas tech hands west virginia its first loss of the year. red raiders win 49-14. howard falls to north carolina,
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[ woman ] ring. ring. progresso. i need your help... i just served my mother-in-law your chicken noodle soup but she loved it so much... i told her it was homemade. well...everyone tells a little white lie now and then. but now she wants my recipe
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well...i'm not at liberty to give that out, but we do use tender chunks of white meat chicken in an herb & spice broth. come on that's it? i need the recipe. you gotta help me out! [ clears his throat ] [ softly ] she's right behind me isn't she? like a ninja! [ male announcer ] progresso. you gotta taste this soup. the first and only vice presidential debate of 2012. [ applause ] thank you. thank you.


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