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tv   News4 Midday  NBC  October 19, 2012 11:00am-12:00pm EDT

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good morning. welcome to news 4 midday. i'm keith russell. >> i'm barbara harrison. it's friday, october 19th, 2012. it was a bad, bad morning for hundreds of drivers. after a truck accident brings the inner loop of the beltway to a screaming halt for hours. all drivers could do is sit there and wait. it started around 4:30 this morning. traffic didn't start moving again until 8:00. megan mcgrath reports it made for a lot of friday morning headach headaches. >> reporter: a horrible morning for people who take the inner loop to 355.
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a tractor trailer accident. they had a fuel spill, they shut down all the las. for the people who got caught between the two exits, all they could do is sit and wait. oh, the frustration. hundreds of cars and trucks stuck on the inner loop for more than three hours this morning. a man missed his morning flight. >> caller: i was supposed to be on a flight. total standstill. i mean, occasionally you see cars move a little bit. i'm not sure anyone is moving at all. >> reporter: a tractor trailer accident was the cause. work crews had to clear the trucks and had a fuel spill on their hands. all lanes of the inner loop were closed at 355. those who didn't exit at old georgetown road, they got stuck. the weight was so long some drivers got out of their cars to
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pass the time. >> i was coming up upon old georgetown. i seen the lights. i knew there was an issue, but didn't realize the beltway was stopped. i was caught in it. we were parked for a couple hours. >> reporter: his car then broke down in the back up. when the lanes started to move, he was stuck on the shoulder. >> i'm waiting for a tow truck now. >> reporter: they were able to free some lanes. needless to say, it was a frustrating morning for many. from the inner loop, megan mcgrath, news 4. >> be happy if you didn't have to deal with that. >> thank goodness. >> let's see if congestion is clear. >> joe fox is in for danella sealock this morning. how is it looking out there, joe? >> good morning barbara and keith. it is looking a lot better now. the beltway is moving quite well. the only delays are in the falls
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church area. this is a live shot near the sycamore street exit. minor delays. inbound 14th street bridge looking good at 12 miles an hour from the beltway. we have a look at i-270. all clear for the commute this morning. back to you. >> thanks, joe. >> track work means delays on metro's red, orange and green lines. on the red line, buses replace trains. the bethesda and medical center stations will be closed. no trains between east and westphals church. training single track between greenbelt and college park. the delays could cause major headaches if you run in the army ten miler. it starts near the pentagon. more than 30,000 runners are racing in the event. this is the 28th year the army ten-miler will be run. >> turning to the weather, rain is moving out of the area.
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we had quite a bit of it this morning. >> storm team 4 meteorologist tom kierein with the first forecast. >> overnight, we were rudely awakened by loud bolts of lightning that came through around 10:00, 11:00 and 1:00 in the morning. accompanying that were heavy downpours. the wet roads no doubt contributed to the big accident on the roadway. it is drying out. most of the rain ended around the metro area. we had a batch of heavy downpours. across the eastern shore later this morning. lingering light rain where you see the areas in green. off to the west, to the left of the screen, the sunshine is nice and bright in western maryland, much of west virginia and a few shots of sunshine. still cloudy over the metro area. temperatures are still holding steady in the 60s. we haven't hardly budged since
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dawn. right now, reagan national at 66. it's cooler out of the mountains and the shenandoah mountains, upper 50s there. a look at the weekend, i have improving news. i'll look at that coming up in ten minutes and into next week, too. barbara and keith? >> thank you. we are waiting to learn more about a deadly crash that killed a prince george's county police officer. the 28-year-old was off duty yesterday afternoon when witnesses say he was hit by an suv at the intersection of branch avenue in clinton. the crash sent his car into a utility pole. police and witnesses don't believe he is at fault for the accident. >> we have witnesses saying that the officer was cut off. we are not at a point to say that's what caused the accident. certainly, we are looking into that. >> you heard a loud crash. it sounded like an explosion.
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after that, i didn't hear anything. he was the father of two and veteran of the police force. the driver of the other vehicle was taken to the hospital with non-life threatening injuries. >> boden is the second officer from prince george's county to die in recent months as we reported. back in august, an officer was killed during a chase. the two suspects in that chase were later arrested. new this morning, police are searching for the person who shot a man two times standing on his front porch in southeast d.c. it happened around 11:15. the victim was shot during a robbery. he was taken to the hospital and is expected to survive. now, to the race for the white house. just 18 days before the election, the candidates are focusing on the battleground states. president obama is at george mason university today. tony tull is live at the campus.
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did the rain keep students from showing up there? >> reporter: good morning. no, it didn't. it's still drizzling outside. there was more of a downpour this morning. everybody we talked to said it wasn't going to stop them from seeing president obama. up at the check-in tent, hundreds of people are still trying to get in. down the walkway, a few people making their way up to the check-in tent hoping to see president obama. there were overcast skies in an early morning rain. stop thousands of people from standing in line at george mason university to see president obama. >> the only time i'll get up this early is to come here or catch a plane somewhere warm. >> we want to get in. we are so excited. >> reporter: especially for this 7-year-old working a volunteer position with her mom. for the few minutes i spent with her, this isn't the first time she got to see the president. it was the first lady that was
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the topic of conversation in the extra special moment she had to share with michelle obama. >> it was pretty good. i haven't practiced in a long time but i remember the song, i played "ode to joy." ♪ >> reporter: here on campus, there was no talk of studying for an upcoming test or what everybody was doing for the weekend. it was a bipartisan message, there's no reason not to vote. >> i'm flying home to texas to vote. if i can fly home, you better go to your posts. >> reporter: we turn to northern virginia chief, julie carey with what she expected to hear. >> he is talking to women, again. he had a huge lead among women before the first debate. afterwards, the gender gap closed. that's his target today. >> reporter: take a live look
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inside george mason university stadium where thousands of people are set to hear president obama speak at 11:45. as i said, we have the northern virginia bureau chief on the inside and she will have more on that on news 4 at 5:00 and 6:00. tony tull, news 4. tonight, mitt romney heads to florida, another crucial battleground state. he and paul ryan will be there. a four-day festival with rock music, beer and harley-davidson's. the latest polls put president obama ahead. in iowa an eight-point lead with 51% of likely voters. in wisconsin, he leads romney by six points. the debate had a minimal impact. 95% of the people say they have already made up their minds. coming up, new information
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on the health of the teenager from pakistan shot by the taliban. i had a lot more energy in the second debate. i was really well rested -- >> plus the punch line to president obama's joke and a f maryland schools are number one in america because we invest in them. but we can do even more. every year marylanders spend five hundred and fifty million dollars at casinos in other states. question 7 keeps that maryland money in maryland through expansion of gaming in maryland. it will mean hundreds of millions of dollars for our schools. as governor, i can promise you, that money will go to education. that's the law and that's what we'll do.
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vote for question seven. president obama: i'm barack obamthis anncr: victims. dependent. that's what mitt romney called forty-seven percent... of americans. including people on medicare. but what about his plan for you? romney would replace guaranteed benefits with a voucher system. seniors could pay six thousand dollars more a year. a plan aarp says would undermine medicare. you're no earned your benefits.
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don't let mitt romney take them away.
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the 16-year-old pakistani girl shot at point-blank range in the head by the taliban is able to stand-up with help. she's currently being treated in the uk. doctors say she's unable to speak, but can communicate by writing. she's still very, very sick, fighting infection. weeks or months away from serious reconstructive surgery. the taliban targeted her for
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advocating for education for girls. >> the defense of marriage act is unconstitutional. it denies federal benefits to married same-sex couples. statings don't have to recognize the unions. president obama and mitt romney took a break last night to share dinner and trade jokes. the two took the stage at the memorial foundation dinner in new york. it's a white tie event that raises money. romney and the president took jabs at one another focusing on their own faux pas. >> big bird didn't even see it coming. by the way, in the spirit of sesame street, the president's remarks are brought to you by the letter o and the number 16 trillion. i have a lot more energy in the second debate.
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i was really well rested after the nice long nap i had in the first debate. >> gotta laugh. mr. obama and romney will meet monday night in florida for the third and final presidential debate. >> they were both funny. >> yeah. >> it's nice to see them sitting at the same table and enjoying a meal. they ate together before that last debate. it's funny to think of them getting up and going at each other. hey, you have something great to tell us about. >> we are into october. this is the time to go on hayrides. time for the annual ladies board rummage sale. this is the 74th annual ladies board rummage sale. it's been going on 74 years. it benefits the hospital. they raise money for nursing scholarships and patient services and 40,000 square feet
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of bargain shopping extravaganzas are going to be there today until 3:00 tomorrow going on until 9:00 to 3:00. come on by. it's at the equestrian center there. getting brightening spots in the y. there's a live view. 66 now at reagan national. the wind out of the south at 7 miles an hour. we have a few breaks in the clouds. a little sun coming down to look at the beautiful scene at the black hills regional park in montgomery county. this was taken yesterday afternoon. big sweeping cirrus cloud. look at the gorgeous color along the perimeter of the lake. there's beautiful color in virginia, too. this was sent to by matt in manassas, virginia. here is another photo on the mall of the washington monument. send your photos if you are going to be out and about.
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take a photo, send it to now the weather is gone. it's headed up to philadelphia. lots of sunshine breaking out. shenandoah valley into the mountains. cloudy in the district and much of maryland. this dry air is going to move over us as we look at temperatures. we'll warm up a bit. the areas of yellow are hitting near 70 degrees. it's 68 at reagan national. to the west, it's cooler. generally in the 50s. shenandoah van lee and into the mountains, a drying trend for this afternoon and evening. during the day tomorrow, this is as of saturday morning at 6:00 a.m., mostly clear. a few clouds popping up. saturday night should be clear for the meteor shower between midnight saturday night and dawn on sunday. may see bright streaks of light in the sky. this happens every october. as we look here, going into the afternoon hours, we'll have
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sunshine breaking up. light breezes reaching mid-70s mid afternoon. by dawn tomorrow, we'll be down to the 40s after we hit near midnight. after we start off chilly in the morning, afternoon highs on saturday, mid-60s, a delightful day to get out and about and go pumpkin patch hunting and go toward the blue ridge and gorgeous autumn color, too. it's near peak color north and west of washington and into the mountains. a beautiful day to do that, too. 40s and mid-60s in the afternoon. a mild, dry pattern monday into much of next week. enjoy. >> a lot of people send you photographs, they should send them e-mail, right? >> yeah. that's through we can share them online. always pretty pictures. >> let's check on the midday traffic now. >> joe fox with the latest. >> good morning. the area is clearing out nicely.
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a couple lingering issues on i-66. the roadway is clearing out well. you notice a police car. that is the onramp from glebe road. the ramp is currently closed. elsewhere around town, the american legion bridge is moving well. 395 coming into town, 12 minutes from 495 to the 14th street bridge. back to you. >> okay. thanks, joe. >> it's 19 minutes after 11:00. still ahead, who are the best celebrity watchers dressing as on halloween. plus, picking a pumpkin. we'll plant the seed on what you should look for. >> here is a look at what's hot
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well, they are everywhere this time of year. pumpkins, we are talking about. picking the perfect gourd is not that easy. david martin joins us with good advice. good morning. >> good morning. >> has it been a good year for pumpkins? >> a great year. last year was not good. there was a fungus and there weren't a lot of varieties available. we went to a farmer and gave a farmer selections and had pumpkins grown for us. >> as we look at the stores, there's some things we should look for in picking the right pumpkin. >> take the pumpkin and check it all around. look around the entire thing. look for soft spots on it. anything that looks like it's a black area or anything like that, it's more than likely going to mean the pumpkin is going to rot before its time. >> you have a pumpkin therehat has what? warts? >> exactly. they are no longer what they were when we were all kids.
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they have so many varieties now that are great. this one is literally called mr. warty. >> there's nothing wrong with it? >> nothing wrong with it. exactly. it's a virus in the pumpkin. it ends up making this wart here, which is the same as anything. it's just an overabundance of tissue on the skin of the pumpkin. >> is it okay for cooking in. >> they are not the best varieties for cooking. when you look at the typical jack-o-lantern, this is an iron sized pumpkin. it's got a huge face, great for carving, doesn't have a lot of meat in it. that said, this is a great pumpkin for eating. when you cut this open, it's the color of cantaloupe and has the same smell to it. >> no one would think that from the color. when you are in the pumpkin patch or gourden store, never pick them up by their -- >> don't pick them up by the stem. that's very important.
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this pumpkin, this was grown for that very reason. this is a wolf pumpkin. so many people want to pick it up with the stem and you snap the stem off and you lose your handle. >> they fall off easily, don't they? >> they do. >> how long should they last? >> when your carving a pumpkin, once you have carved it, make sure the adults are the ones handling the sharp instruments. let the kids dig the insides out. let the adults carve the pumpkin. clear the insides out of it, dispose of it or roast the seeds. we fill them with a solution of one part bleach to three parts water. let it sit on the inside. pour it out. let the inside dry and cut it. it will kill bacteria on the inside. >> you have decided you are not going to try to save that for cooking. >> exactly. >> you have some ideas about
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things to use for carving pumpkins? >> yes. they have great tools. this doesn't look like much. it's a serrated saw with a scraper. they are great and work well. as i said before, this is not really that sharp. in handling anything with a sharp edge or teeth, make sure the adults are doing that. >> this is a great pumpkin for cooking. >> this is a great pumpkin for cooking. it's a fairytale pumpkin. it looks like a carriage. it has a great, very thick, beautiful meat on the inside. great for cooking with. >> these gourds are fascinating. >> a dress up pumpkin you say? >> you can glam up a pumpkin. take it and carve it. it's the vessel you want to use for an arrangement. >> these colors and flowers are out now indefinitely. >> that's it. david martin, thanks so much for
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coming. i'm ready to go out and buy my pumpkin. >> until thanksgiving. as long as they are not marked up or blemished they should hold until thanksgiving. decades of allegations reveals in secret files revealed by the boy scouts. what's been found so far. plus, will the weekend be rain free? tom kierein is back with an update. a lot more honey boo boo later this month.
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as governor, i cut five billion dollars in spending and balanced the budget every year. and tim kaine and i both cut our own pay as governors, to lead by example. mark warner and i reached across party lines to get things done. we were a great team in richmond and we'll be a great team in washington. i'm tim kaine and i approve this message ...because we'll work together to restore fiscal responsibility, grow our economy and create jobs. [ male announcer ] tim kaine. bringing people together to tackle the challenges of tomorrow.
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president obama: i'm barack obamthis anncr: victims. dependent. that's what mitt romney called forty-seven percent... of americans. including people on medicare. but what about his plan for you? romney would replace guaranteed benefits with a voucher system.
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seniors could pay six thousand dollars more a year. a plan aarp says would undermine medicare. you're no earned your benefits. don't let mitt romney take them away. right now, we are awaiting word from prince george's county police about what led to a crash involving an off duty police officer. we went into a utility pole. keep it here throughout the day for the latest on this story. here is a live look at george mason university where
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president obama will be speaking in a short while. we are looking at congressman jerry conway speaking now. this is the president's second trip in two weeks. then he'll head to camp david to get ready for the final presidential debate in florida. >> mitt romney is focusing on the sunshine state. they will hold a rally in daytona tonight. thousands are descending on the city for a four-day festival with rock music and harley-davidson's. today, a judge will sentence a man. he admits firing an assault rifle into a crowd of mourners who gathered at a funeral in march of 2010. it was for a young man they killed days earlier because one of them thought he stole his fake gold bracelet. in all, five people were killed, eight others injured.
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prosecutors are recommending he get a reduced sentence of five years because he helped get the other men involved in the attacks. we have new information about the man accused of throwing a molotov cocktail in a food court. video you will see only on news 4 show the police taking this 29-year-old into custody near the courthouse metro station. he now faces a number of charges including the use of a fire bomb. this morning, fbi eights are trying to find why he threw it, then ran away. we talked to people who heard the bottle smash. >> i was going down the escalator and all of a sudden, glass just splattered all over down the food court. >> five minutes after that, i saw police and bomb sniffing dogs. >> no one was hurt. police evacuated the mall for mar than five hours while they
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searched the building. they found three more bottles. they do not believe he's connected with terrorist organizations. police in howard county are trying to find a man who secretly recorded two women in their home. look at this man setting up the camera. he dressed in uniform and likely breaking into their apartment back in june to set up the hidden camera. he returned several times to point the cameras toward the bedrooms and bathroom. police are not sure how he got into the apartment, there was no signs of forced entry. we expect closing arguments today for police officers accused of beating two university of maryland students. sources tell news 4 it was after revelations the judge was married to a police officer convicted of a similar crime. the officers are accused of beating him after a maryland duke basketball game in 2010.
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the jury is expected to begin deliberations. the fungus behind the meningitis outbreak was found in viles of steroid medication. it was in one batch of viles made in august by the new england compounding center. the massachusetts pharmacy is at the center of an investigation. so far, at least 20 people died. two in virginia and one in maryland. there morning at least 257 people in 15 states are sick. a peanut recall has schools across the country double checking their supplies. smuckers is advising schools to pull their peanut butter and jelly sandwiches. they supply several products to trader joes that were recalled because of salmonella. smuckers tested all products and found no problems but recalling in an abundance of precaution. >> are we looking at a rain-free
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weekend? tom kierein, what can you tell us? >> we are drying out. we have a cloudy sky. bright spots in the sky. right now, still cloudy over the nation's capital. there's a live view from the hd city camera. nice color showing up along the potomac. the last six hours heavy rain passing through. it's gone now. a few lingering showers on the eastern shower. west to east from the mountains and points east later this afternoon. temperatures in the 60s in much of maryland and virginia. 50s in shenandoah valleys. 70 around the bay. later today, mid-70s in much of the region as the sunshine moves in. mostly clear tonight, down to 60 by midnight. 40s tomorrow morning. saturday partly cloudy. delightful for outdoor activities. a terrific day on sunday.
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feeling autumnal. a mild, dry pattern as we get into next week. that is the way it looks right now. barbara and keith? >> all right, tom. >> sounds like a nice weekend. >> it does. we are going to head out to the roads to see if it's a great day to get away. >> joe fox, what is the latest? >> good morning. it is a great day to get away on the roads. you can see pretty clear around. the only minor delay is 66 westbound. it's a 14 minute trip. the outbound ramp from glebe road to 266 reopened. you are in good shape. allow a couple extra minutes out of falls church. montgomery county is looking great. an average speed of 57 miles per hour. back to you. >> thank you, joe. thousands and thousands of pages of documents details more than two decades of alleged abuse of 1200 boy scouts. the boy scouts fought for years
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to keep information from getting out. now, it's out in the open. anne thompson has more. >> reporter: boy scouts pledge to do their best, to do their duty to god, country and obey the scout law. in these boxes, some of the men responsible for building moral character did anything butt. >> they used their authority to groom kids, build relationships with them and find excuses to hang out with them. >> reporter: and sexually abuse them. there were abuse cases in 49 states from 1965 to 1985. some accusations were reported to authorities, others were not. >> we saw example after example where the boy scouts chos not to call law enforcement. you will see in the files over and over again, references to making the organization look bad. if it don't stink, don't stir it. >> reporter: earlier this week, the boy scouts of america
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president apologized. >> we didn't do the job we should have. we are sorry for that, profoundly sorry. >> reporter: the boy scouts kept the files since 1920 to keep abusers from returning to scouting. he concedes, it didn't aulgs work. >> one time, the medical community thought you could be cured of this. it's in the last two decades they determined you can't be cured of child abuse. >> reporter: today, the boy scouts do background checks on volunteers, require reporting of abuse and training. >> the more everybody knows the safer our children will be. >> this doctor was not safe. his leader abused him for two years in the late '70s. >> i told my parents. they went to the other assistant scout masters who persuaded them not to press charges. >> his case is not included. he hopes abuse is always reported. >> we have to remember, what happened to these children and
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myself is a crime. you need to go to the police. jerry sandusky wants a new trial. the former penn state football coach is asking a judge to overturn his convictions. he claims his attorneys didn't have enough time to prepare for his trial. he also says the statute of limitations has expired. a jury convicted him in june of abusing ten boys. he was sentences to 30 to 60 years in prison. the virginia senate race is getting more heated as we get closer to election day. tim kaine and george allen squared off in their debate. before voters headed to the polls, it got heated. if congress cant reach a deal to reduce the deficit by the end of
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the year. >> i have a son who just started a career in the military. i'm not going to do things to hurt the troops. >> we have 200,000 jobs at risk here in virginia. they shouldn't be used as a political marketing tool. >> right now, kaine a democrat holds a lead over allen in the polls. some residents are fighting to keep an historic building intact. this used to be a school for black children. some residents worry possible redevelopment could hurt the charm of old town. >> something you can grow old and tell your grand kids about it. this building, instead of saying this used to be here but it's not there anymore. i think it's good to keep the history of old town.
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>> alexandria city officials reached a temporary deal to find a buyer who would preserve the historic nursery school. the alliance says if a buyer is not found, the building could be torn down this february. today, you can enjoy the white house gardens without dealing with the rain. follow the white house on facebook, twitter or google plus. you can get a virtual tour of the gardens and south lawn. >> that sounds like a good thing to do. you can do it digitally. it's 11:41. still ahead, what you can expect to pay for your thanksgiving day meals. >> plus, how justin timber lake and jessica biel started their
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♪ just put a little bit of yourself ♪ ♪ in everything you do [ female announcer ] add your own ingredients to hamburger helper for a fresh take on a quick, delicious meal. it's one box with hundreds of possibilities.
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of green giant vegetables it's easy to eat like a giant... ♪ and feel like a green giant. ♪ ho ho ho ♪ green giant under the president's policies, middle income americans have been buried. they're just being crushed. middle-income americans have seen their income come down by $4,300. this is a tax in and of itself. i'll call it the economy tax. i'm not going to raise taxes on anyone. my plan is to bring down rates to get more people working. my priority is putting people back to work in america. i'm mitt romney and i approve this message. getting stuffed this
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thanksgiving is going to leave you lighter in your wallet this year. your holiday feast will cost you 15% more this year. turkey prices are up 20%. dairy products up 10%. apple prices shot up the most. they are up 30%. the new year won't bring relief, either. the biggest food price increases come next february. >> at least it will cost less to drive to the market. we are finally seeing relief at the gas pump. right now, the national average for a gallon of regular has fallen. it fell to $3.72, according to aaa. in d.c., $3.85 to buy a gallon of regular. it's 20 cents less in maryland where it's $3.67 a gallon. lower in virginia at $3.55. stocks are starting the day lower. we'll check in with hampton. he joins us live with more on that and the rest of the day's
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business headlines. >> weak earnings from microsoft, mcdonalds and google. checking the major averages at this hour, the dow is down 134 points. nasdaq down 34, s&p down 15. microsoft fell 22% as sales of computers running windows took a dive. the slumping european economy took a toll. the numbers, sales down 8% at $16 billion in microsofts first quarter. mcdonalds as the strong dollar hurt european sales. sales at existing restaurants are growing at the slowest pace. $1.46 billion down from years
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ago. chi poet lay down. the national association of realtors tells us the rate was 4.75 million homes. sales are 11% higher than a year ago but below the 5.5 million rate. economist i say it's the benchmark for a healthy housing market. if there's one silver lining, the median home price is $183,900. it's up 11%. back to you. >> there's good news. thanks a lot. have a great weekend. >> like wise. >> you all right? >> something is going on. >> a new insulation of the paranormal movie hits theaters today. just in time for halloween.
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a new family moved into the neighborhood. they have evil secrets from the past. paranormal activity 4 is rated r. tyler perry takes on a new role in alex cross. he plays the title character from the james patterson novels. he's a killer. when he threatens cross' family, he will do whatever it takes to keep him safe. it's rated pg-13. helen hunt plays a therapist helping a man explore his physical side. hunt and john hawks are already generating oscar buzz for their performances. the movie is based on a true story. it's rated r. italy is looking more like hollywood where justin timb timberlake and jessica biel will tie the knot.
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the couple reportedly held a cocktail reception with their fireworks show on wednesday. they have been dating since 2007. they announced their engagement last december. our time is 11:49. coming up, halloween costume ideas for you. plus tom kierein will be back with a check of the weekend forecast
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[ obama ] i'm barack obama, and i approve this message. [ female announcer ] seen this from mitt romney? then take a look at this. [ anderson cooper ] if roe v. wade was overturned,
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congress passed a federal ban on all abortions, and it came to your desk -- would you sign it? "yes" or "no"? let me say it -- i'd be delighted to sign that bill. [ female announcer ] banning all abortions? i'd be delighted to sign that bill. [ female announcer ] trying to mislead us? that's wrong. but ban all abortions? only...if you vote for him. ♪
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halloween costume ideas top the mcfly report. tommy mcfly from 49.7 fresh fm is here. >> what's going on. >> you have the highlights working. >> we created top five celebrity costumes. what's complete without honey boo boo? >> what celebrities people will be. you are going to see a lot of honey boo boo for sure. i don't know how you are going to do honey boo boo, but you have to try. there's going to be a lot of unfortunately mistaken honey boo boos runs around. >> honey boo boo is going to be around for awhile.
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>> i think so. >> that costume can be repeated year after year after year. >> pass it along to your friends. a lot of honey boo boo happening. that is a gold mine. she's not going anywhere anytime soon. i hope we are at 1459, 15, thank you. get out of here. the "gangnam style" video is easy to do. get dark glasses and bounce around and do the dance. >> you think it's run its course? >> i hope so. it's not like "call me maybe." people got behind it. people are going the gangnam dance a little bit. but not like "call me maybe." this couple, the powerful couple. >> kimye, why not. you could do some bling and some butt implants and you are ready to go. kanye, he has a line. that's a big thing.
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they have the really cool sneakers. >> i think the sneakers might be easier. if you have bieber fever? >> i may do this one. he has a higher voice than i do. you can do the manicured eyebrows, earring and hair. you can say girl, you're my girl girl. >> you can pull that one off. can you pull this one off? flee lix baumgartner? >> i don't know. he did the highest jump from the atmosphere. >> fall on the floor, you got it done. britney spears, shaving her head. what is her ex-manager saying? >> in 2008 or so, now they are in court with the defamiliar mags. she shaved her head to avoid
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getting drug tested. it was her idea to shave her head so they couldn't test her hair. >> there would be things in her hair? >> yeah. that's how drug testing works. it's how they test people at an office. the residue stays in. i know this stuff, my dad was a cop. >> i was wondering. >> i know more about it than i should. the residue stays in your hair for awhile. >> let's talk about other hair. let's take a look at this picture here. take a look at this picture. what are you doing? >> this was me yesterday on 18th street getting foils in my hair and getting the pink highlights. our morning show took the pink hair challenge. they challenged us to raise $20,000. if we do, me, kelly and jen, on the show, we are going to die our hair pink. this fuschia pink, but our whole head. the donations are coming in at 49.7. we have people who have given us
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their lunch money, ten bucks or twenty bucks or thirty bucks. this came about, a good friend of our show, a good listener raised 12 grand over the last five years on her own. she dare us to do it. darn it, we are doing it. >> we are all pitching in. >> are you going to die your hair, too? >> i'm going to do it. thanks for stopping by. we are going to look at the stories we are following for news 4 this afternoon. pat lawson muse has a preview of things to come. >> coming up this afternoon on news 4 at 4:00, a 13-year-old boy gets an unwelcome surprise. what he found inside his bottle of mountain dew. halloween is almost here. whether costume lenses are safe for your eyes. coming up, it's that time of year again. tom seitz ma dishes out his
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favorites in the fall dining guide. join us for the latest news and those recipes coming up. >> thank you pat. we'll be watching. looking outside, we can see we have nice skies out there. no rain falling, at least not right here. what are you expecting? >> a little sun trying to breakthrough. that's a live view from the hd city camera. the view from space shows we have begun to see the cloud cover breaking up. the rain is long gone. temperatures are near 70 around the area. cooler to the west. we will climb into the mid-70s mid afternoon. then beautiful weekend to follow. enjoy, have a great weekend, see you monday. >> you, too. thank you. a kicker can win or lose. a high school player is coming through big time in the clutch. >> ooh! >> that's a kid from spokane
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valley in washington state. he kicked a 67 yard field goal longer than the current nfl record. he had a partial scholarship from one school. things may change with the help of this video. that's news 4 midday. >> thank you for being with us. i invite you to tune in throughout the weekend.
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