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tv   News4 at 11  NBC  October 23, 2012 11:00pm-11:35pm EDT

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plus special financing on selected beds. final days! ends saturday. exclusively at a sleep number store, where queen mattresses start at just $699. >> announcer: an now, from washington's leading news station, this is news 4 at 11. >> right now. at 11 kwlok, a community is on
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edge. police believe the suspect may be linked to other crimes in that area. >> a local mother on a migsz tonight, the one thing she's fighting to change that could help students stay focused in school. >> 800 people gathered inside a church with a common mes sablg. we'll report on the political issue that has them banding together. >> our top story tonight, a serial groper strikes again, the latest victim, a mother out w k walking her baby in falls church. >> police don't have any solid leads yet. they only have a sketch. and they believe the same guy is behind five similar attacks in fairfax county last month. shomari stone has our report. >> reporter: tonight, a lot of women tell me they are concerned for their safety. they push their children in strollers like this one and get exercise. they tell me that there's a concern that there's a possible serial groper targeting them. megan worries as she pushes their four-year-old daughter to their house. >> it's very nerve-wracking.
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>> reporter: it was on south maple avenue and gibson street in falls church. the woman was walking in broad daylight with a baby stroller when a man forcefully grabbed her and ran away when she screamed. police believe this attack may be linked to five other assaults in the springfield area. >> it's incredible that something like this would happen in this community. i've never heard of anything. i thought it was a pretty safe area. >> police released this composite sketch. it all happened on residential streets where you're more likely to feel safe let your gard down. >> and, tonight, police are issuing a warning for people who walk around with headphones in their ears. they recommend that you take them out. you won't know what's going on around you, especially when you're playing loud music. also, if you have smart phones, i can't count how many times i see people looking down not knowing what's going on around them.
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they say look down, look up, look around and remain vigilant. in falls church, i'm shomari stone, news 4. >> a woman accused of leading police on a bizarre car chase is in the hospital tonight. officers dragged the woman from her car kicking and screaming. her name angela cobald. she was reportedly going 90 miles an hour at one time while chewing on a bar of soap. the security guard shot at her car. she ended up crashing into a fence. >> no jail time for a teenage boy who beat his two-year-old foster sister to death. aniah bachelor was killed in prince george's county. her foster brother, who was 12 at the time, pleaded guilty to involuntary manslaughter. today, a judge sentenced him to
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an involuntary group home instead of juvenile detention saying the boy didn't understand the seriousness of his actions. >> he has a 3.0 grade average in one of the great schools. comes from a religious family. how do you not understand right from wrong? >> the judge ordered the boy to be placed in a home with no one under the age of 18. >> hundreds of people rallied in favor of question four. that's a measure that would allow undocumented imgrants for the right t pay in-state tuition at public colleges in maryland. critics are making their voices heard, as well. erica gonzalez has both sietz of the debate. >> it was two years ago that they came together at this church to preach the benefits of the dream act from the pulpit. hundreds of people packed the hundred asian seventh day churng.
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>> in this country, what's legal is not always what's fair. >> the dream act would allow students to pay in-state tuition regardless of immigration status. students and clergy pray that educations and careers would not be held back because of the decisions made by these students' parents. >> it's not fair at all. >> and while columbian and aspiring surgeon steven acuna is the face of a dreamer -- >> it doesn't make sense. >> reporter: so the yanic dufe of sentigal. >> i'm not about to contribute my education here in college. i'm going to take my talents elsewhere. you just waeszed your investment for the past 12 years. >> she's familiar with out-of-state tuition. >> i think it's 25 hundred. but if i was instate, it would be about a thousand less. >> i think i would vote against it, frankly.
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>> reporter: with november 6th just two weeks away, dreamers are wondering if they'll wake up on november seventh and be able to pay less or more for attending a four-year institution. >> the race for the white house turned into a sprint for the finish line today with the debates behind them. both president obama and mitt romney hit the campaign trail stumping for votes and key battleground states. the president was together in dayton ohio today while mitt romney and paul ryan spent the day in nevada and colorado. the president zeroed in on mitt romney's trustworthiness while romney said tresident liked the plan. >> everything he's doing right now is to hide his real positions and try to win this election. you can trust that i say what i mean. and i mean what i say. >> we haven't heard an agenda from the president. that's why his campaign is taking on water and our campaign
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is supposed to be the ad. >> both sides also continue to flood the air waves trying to get a leg up on the race that is statistically tied in the polls with just two weeks now until election day. >> a republican u.s. senate candidate from indiana is scrambling tonight to qualify some controversial remas he made about rape. it happened during a debate tonight. richard morlock says that when a woman is impregnated in a rape, he says, in his words, it is something that god intended to happen. he says he does not intend for rape to happen, but god is the only one who can create life. he says while he disagrees with abortions, in cases of rape or incest, he says he does believe they are okay to save the life of a mother. >> some voter who is used absentee ballots did not get the entire ballot. the news 4 iteam heard from a voter who said he was missing an
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entire page of referendum questions. that page included some of the most talked about ballot issues, including question 6 on same-sex marriage and question 7 on gambling. election officials confirm there is a small number of ballots missing -- that are missing pages and they were in montgomery and prince george's counties. if you have not voted, you can call your local election board for a new ballot. you can go to and search ballot for more information. >> tonight, there's a new effort to help some students get more sleep. a mother in montgomery county started an online petition to push back the start time at some schools. and it already has thousands of signatures. jim rosenfield has a closer look at this issue. >> i have my clock over here and i have it really loud so it annoys me enough to get up. >> garrett maider has mastered the 5:45 a.m. wake up to catch the 6:50 bus.
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but that doesn't guarantee he'll stay awake in class. >> i think there was one class where i was out for 20 minutes. >> it's a problem studied nationally and captured close to home. these youtube videos appear to capture students napping. gary has a close ally in his apparent biological need for more sleep, his mom. >> man day mader's 10-day old online petition drive seems to have awakened a sleeping jient. 5,000 plus virtual signatures supporting her push for a one-hour reprieve at montgomery county high schools. >> one hour could make a huge difference in terms of their immune system, car crashes, attendance. >> it's great in theory. >> reporter: but state senator nancy king has been down this road before as former montgomery
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county school board president back in 1998 when the issue came up at the school board. >> where do you want to spend the money? >> reporter: they wouldn't talk to us on camera about it saying the issue hasn't been formally put before the board. that's something mader plans to do next month. in montgomery county, jim rosenfield, news 4. >>hat do you think? should schools have a later start full-time? you can weigh in on nbcwashington facebook page. you can pick up this issue of the gazette or log on online to gazet right now, crews are working on a six inch water main break in kensington. this is the live picture from if 4400 block of glenridge street. the water main break caused the road to buckle and it created some flooding. the cause is still under investigation, but it could be an old pipe that burst.
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>> tonight, traffic is running smoothly again. earlier, though, there was a leak and a tanker truck that created a horrible rush hour. it happened just before 4:00. a tanker carrying 9,000 gallons of propane fuel sprung a leak. traffic was shut down in both drexzs for tlooegs an hour as crews cleaned up the mess. >> everything is back to normal now in bethesda after the emergency department. there was close due to a small freon gas leak. all the offices on that level of the hospital were evacuated. suburban officials say no patients were affected. >> some new developments in the deadly meningitis out break. health officials discover unsanitary conditions inside the pharmacy in massachusetts that's linked to the outbreak. those violations included visible, black specks of fungus in the stairways. 23 people have died, more than
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300 others throughout the country have been infected. the governor of massachusetts is ordering surprise inspections of that state's 25 compounding pharmacies at least once a year. it's part of an effort to try to stop something like this from ever happening again. >> still ahead on news 4 at 11:00, a deadly shark attack off the coast of california. >> you eve probably seen the google car operates without a driver. and, tonight, it is one step closer to alienating our highways. >> a local marine separated from his four-legged companion. >> we're looking pretty good after a fantastic day today. jim, our temperatures are in the 50s and low 60s. we're talking about some more mild air, really mild. and what could be wild next week from a tropical storm that could get closer to an east co
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oh the coast of california, a 29-year-old man was killed. a friend was able to drag him out of the water, but the man was dead by the time paramedics arrived. there were no shark warning signs posted in the area. the police there say sharksightedings are not rare. >> an alexandria marine will soon be reunited with an old war-time friend. he took the dog in, nursed him
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back to help and let bolt sleep in the tent during the winter. but the commander of the base ordered all dogs to be removed. they were taken miles away, but bolt couldn't just bare to be separated from his new behind. >> apparently ran behind a convoy for roughly 10 miles or so, pitch black, 3:00 in the morning. all of the sudden, out of nowhere, bolt comes running full speed right behind me. it was a good feeling having your buddy back. >> dualing could not take bolt with him when he returned to the u.s., but a fellow marine helped raise $4,000 to reunite the man with his best friend. bolt and shawn dualing are expected to be together again sometime this november. >> a former athlete at the university of virginia convicted of murder is serving his sentence now in southern virginia. george hugley will spend 23 years locked up at the king mountain correctional center in oakwood. he was convicted back in febl of
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murdering his exgirlfriend, yard lee love, also a lacrosse player back in 2010. the prison released his release day as may of 2030. hugley's lawyers are appealing the conviction. >> seeing a moving car with nobody behind the wheel is another step closer to reality in the district. a hearing that would grant licenses for self sdrooifing cars to travel the streets of d.c. one of google's automated prototypes took a test drive around the city this year. so far, california, nevada and florida have laws that allow driverless vehicles. the obama administration also just launched an initiative to test the safety of the futuristic vehicles. >> apple, today, officially launched its new ipad mini. they say it's as thin as a pencil and very light, but it's not cheap. prices begin at $329 for the bagsic wifi model.
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apple also unvailed a fourth generation ipad. they say it has a better camera and processor. preorders for both products will begin on friday. >> you may not think of a wilson building as a hot spot for dining, but some food vendors serve some hot dishes from there off pennsylvania avenue in northwest for the next three weeks. the move comes as d.c. council members are set to vote for new information that could restrict where they can operate. >> i'm thinking the food vendor trucks are going to be kind of popular tomorrow. >> that's right. they're probably popular today, too, doing a lot of business. well, we're watching two things in the weather. the easy part is tomorrow. and that's the mild day that we're going to have. the little harder, trickier part, is going to be tomorrow and days out watching this tropical system that could come close to the east coast early parts of next week. so let's talk about the mild first because that's the yummy stuff.
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that's what we're going to get soon. outside right now, it doesn't feel too bad. our temperatures are in the upper 50s to mid 60s right now through the area. we eave got gaithersburg coming in at 59 degrees under a partly cloudy sky. 57 degrees in manassis and warrington. so first thing tomorrow morning at the bus stop, a partly cloudy sky. here's what's going on. we've got high pressure that's moving in. we've got that system up to the north and still may have a few clouds drifting over northern maryland early part of the day tomorrow. but as high prshl moessure move we're going to see a partly sunny day with near-record warmth. could tie our high temperature for tomorrow. 84 degrees from 2001. and it might bring some sunshine coming our way for thursday as
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we could see some slightly cooler air coming in for thursday and for friday. here it is. we're watching tropical storm sandy. right now, winds at 50 miles an hour expected to move to the north, northeast at 8 miles per hour. so the certainty part of the storm system is that it's going to be moving across jamaica to the bahamas. the uncertain part is what happens beyond friday for saturday and sunday. right now, the national hurricane center cur bs that system out to see. the southwestern part of that track could come very close to brushing the mid at lalantic, h a big impact for monday and tuesday. right now, for us, i think we've got wind and rain. our biggest potential for whatever we get from sandy, right now, is what will be on monday. so, for tomorrow, generally sunny conditions. warm, 77 to 83 degrees.
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here's a look at your four-day forecast. from 83 to tomorrow to 73 on friday. we do start cooling down with your northeasterly wind. sunday turning windy. mostly cloudy with a 50 percent of rain and some late-day showers. there you see the early part of next week from 83 tomorrow to mid 50s on monday. a huge drop. >> so we better enjoy this while we can. >> rielgght, one more day. >> we've got sports coming up. the skins have made yet another roster move. anncr: seven-hundred-thousand jobs. that's what the plan george allen supports... would cost our economy. newspapers called it "economically destructive." like allen's votes to give tax breaks to companies...
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that ship jobs overseas, his economic plan would... help big corporations, devastating the middle class. allen even voted against tax breaks for small businesses. virginia can't afford to go back to george allen. the democratic senatorial campaign committee... is responsible for the content of this advertising.
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and this is maryland. teacher: this is west virginia, pennsylvania, delaware. every year marylanders spend five hundred and fifty million gaming at casinos in these other states. question seven will build a new casino and bring table games to baltimore... generating hundreds of millions for schools. and that money has to go to education. it's the law. so vote for question seven. so we can stop spending all that money here, and keep maryland money in classrooms like mine. this is the xfinity sports desk, your home for the most live sports. >> we're just talking. we're at that odd time of the year when because of the strike and because of the way everything is coming together --
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>> and basketball hadn't started yet. >> there's no game. nobody's playing anything. >> i have to correct you. it's a lockout. the players aren't striking, the owners have locked the hockey players out. >> correct. correct. i stand corrected. >> we always do that. but it is technically a lockout. so no hockey highlights tonight. but we do have some other stuff to talk about. things always evolving on the red skins roster. no new help coming from the secondary. the skins did bring back a familiar face at running back. williams has been signed to replace ryan grant. williams has been with the detroit lions for the last couple of seasons. he spent his rookie year for the first 15 games who could compete with evan royster. williams had 39 receptions during his rookie season in washington. down a level. randy etsel is down to the last quarterbacks to tear his acl.
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he was forced to burn his red shirt freshman. and then there's devon burns. a converted wide receiver who also played well on saturday. so coach edsel, who's going to start against boston college? >> they came in the game on saturday and they were just as calm as they were the starting quarterbacks the whole season. like i said to the other guys, we're in the middle of the season. so we're really not going to get down on ourselves. they're the next guys in line. we have faith in them. they're good football players. we're going to do our best to keep protected back there. >> i'm not panicked. i'm not upset. i'm not frustrated. you just roll with the flow. you roll with the punches. you know, you go out and get yourself ready to go get a win. >> i think that's all you can do right now. wizards still trying to work out some kinks or a lot of kinks and get healthy with the season opener exactly one week away. bradly biel skipped today after
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tweaking his ankle. he hopes to play against the miami heat tomorrow night. head coach randy whitman not a big fan this time of year. >> you know, what if i could have a genie come out of the bottle. i'd skip these next two weeks. it's the worst part of my job. i don't like making decisions on guys' dreams. but it is what it is. >> coach kaye on hand to see fompler dukeshaye batting it in. lebron gets the steal and throws it up to harris. nice start for miami. next possession for the heat, harris ahead to chris bosh who passes it back to a cutle lebron james. lebron doing what he does. two-handed dunk.
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he had ten points and eight assists. the heat win it 98-92. by the way, no surprise here. the heat have been picked as the favorites to win the nba title this year. let's not forget about the lakers. they have a lot of new interesting twists in the nba inter[ male announcer ]he nba if barack obama is re-elected,
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what will the next four years be like? one: the debt will grow from $16 trillion to $20 trillion. two: 20 million americans could lose their employer-based health care. three: taxes on the middle class will go up by $4,000. four: energy prices will continue to go up. and five: $716 billion in medicare cuts that hurt current seniors. five reasons we can't afford four more years of barack obama. i'm mitt romney and i approve this message.
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>> finally tonight, a whale trying to speak our language. check this out.
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>> no, way. >> researchers have been studying this beluga whale for more than 20 years. some think he's trying to mimic the human voice. scientists say they first noticed it back in 1984 when the whale was 9 years old. noci died five years ago, but scientists say they will continue to study the voice recordings. there's no knowledge of any other whales atechting to make similar sounds. >> those are sounds that you hear almost any friday, saturday night down on 18th street.
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>> announcer: it's "the tonight show with jay leno," featuring rickey minor and "the tonight show" band. tonight, jay welcomes -- academy award winner, denzel washington,


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