tv News4 at 6 NBC October 25, 2012 6:00pm-7:00pm EDT
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but that's about all they're going to get. they're also getting heavy rain and that will continue for the next couple of hours, as sandy, the center of sandy continues to make its way up to the north. latest advisory has winds of 105 miles per hour. on that track, it's going to head closer to florida and then back out to sea. and as it does, this is what we've been talking about the last couple of details. it then makes the turn back to the east coast, including our area. so we're going to be watching this one very, very closely over the next couple of days. for the potential of a huge impact. not just in t mid-atlantic, but also up towards the northeast. you want to make sure to stay tuned with us right now. let's see what the storm has done in florida today. jim cantore has been in palm beach shores all day long. >> reporter: hurricane sandy continues to unleash its power on the bahamas. we're getting the outer fringes of that here on the southeast coast of florida. we continue to watch these waves roll in. some of them as high as four, five feet. and the winds have been gusting 40, 50 miles per hour with a constant horizontal rain.
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so we're in this now. and this weather is expected to be with us all detail tomorrow and in parts of saturday morning before things finally pull away. officials have closed down schools, obviously they don't want anybody in the water here. very worried in the city of jacksonville about the georgia/florida football game on saturday. they're asking tailgaters and folks heading to that game to really make sure that they use their best judgment. don't go in the water, don't bring out a lot of loose things like umbrellas and tarps and things like that that will be blowing around. when you talk about 100,000 people out tailgating in that sort of thing, we could certainly get into trouble in a big hurry. from there, that is where potentially the bigger concern lies as we watch a storm that we've never seen on the modern meteorology maps potentially unfold for the northeast. details about that are uncertain. bau high impact, multi-million dollar event could be in the making. jim cantore. back to you.
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>> multi-million dollar event potentially billions of dollars because it's going to impact such a big area, washington, d.c., and of course the i-95 corridor has the biggest population in the country. all affected by this storm. we want you to stay tuned with us. live web chat going on right now. if you have questions about sandy go to veronica johnson and myself continuing to answer these questions through the 6:00 hour. >> thank you, doug. we hope you stay with storm team 4 for continuing coverage of hurricane sandy. we have complete coverage on news4 and keep us with up on facebook and twitter as well. to the presidential race now. a marathon day on the campaign trail. president obama has just voted in chicago. she was in tampa, florida, at 7:00 this morning. and still has miles to go before he sleeps. the president is set to leave chicago in about an hour for a campaign affair in cleveland. there's a new "washington post"
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abc news poll that shows mitt romney edging ahead of president obama. 50% to 47%. the president made a stop in virginia today, northern virginia bureau chief julie carey spoke to voters there about who they think will win in november. >> you may notice that my voice sounds just a little hoarse. we are right in the middle of our 48-hour fly-around campaign extravaganza. >> reporter: by the time he reached bird park, the president's two-day fly-around to six battleground states is already taking a toll on his voice. this crowd of 15,000 was one of the biggest in virginia this campaign season. there was no new material in mr. obama's speech. with 12 days to go, this rally was all about asking supporters for their votes, and asking them to redouble their efforts to get others to the polls. >> if you're willing to roll up your sleeves with me, and work
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with me, knock on some doors with me, make some phone calls with me, we'll win richmond. we'll win the commonwealth of virginia again. we'll win this election. >> reporter: uva center for politics director larry calls virginia a true tossup. >> the romney people think they have a small edge, a point or two, the obama people insist it's tied. i think it will be decided by a small number of votes. so it's really worth getting out and working in virginia. >> reporter: virginia republicans insist they are adding to their numbers. while the president is shoring up his base. >> our electoral map continues to expand, where barack obama continues to contract. same is true in virginia. >> reporter: but obama supporters say today's rally leaves them feeling more confident. >> i feel like it's going to happen. he really brought it today. we're all behind him and we'll put him back in office. >> i'm feeling him better than i was when i came this morning. i think he's going to do it.
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>> reporter: all of this, the signs, the gates, move to northern virginia on monday where the president will hold a rally in prince william county. he'll have former president bill clinton there by his side, too. steve handelsman is on capitol hill with more on how both candidates are hoping the frenzied pace will pay off on election day. >> reporter: sure they do. it's not just because they'll cover a lot of ground. these candidates figure a major effort, a marathon effort like today communicates to voters they've got energy and they've got commitment. mitt romney soldiered on today, apparently buoyed up by his rise in the polls. barack obama's making his marathon effort part of his message. president obama started the day hoarse. >> i've just got to keep on keeping on. >> reporter: he had been in iowa, on the "tonight show" in l.a., in nevada for a late rally, on air force one a call
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to colin powell after the general endorsed the president on cbs. >> i think we ought to keep on the track we're . >> reporter: at 9:00 a.m. florida, the biggest swing state where the president trails by two points. >> i've got a plan that will actually create jobs. and unlike mitt romney, i'm proud to talk about that plan. >> reporter: on to richmond, the race in virginia is still tied. nationwide, the obama lead with women has disappeared. he's reminding them that a republican senate candidate tuesday said if a woman gets pregnant after being raped, it's god's will. >> i don't think any male politician should be making health care decisions for women. >> reporter: mitt romney, too, was on the move, in his must-win state, ohio. cincinnati at 11:00. >> the path around the status quo path is a path that doesn't have an answer about how to get our economy going. >> reporter: romney's got his campaign going in this key state. cutting the presidential lead from 6 points to 2. >> the obama campaign is slipping because he's talking
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about smaller and smaller things. despite the fact that america has such huge challenges. and if this is such an opportunity for america, and that's why on november 6th, i'm counting on ohio to vote for big change. >> reporter: so he stayed in the state. paul ryan went to virginia like the president. as barack obama headed to chicago to early vote. >> this is really convenient. i can't tell you who i voted for. >> reporter: the president tonight goes to ohio, where mitt romney has kept campaigning. president obama became the first-ever american president to early vote in person. he not only did it because he wanted to do it, cast his personal ballot, but to inspire others to do it, because exit pollings producing a strong obama win among those who do early votes. he wants to bank them in places like virginia and ohio. i'm steve handelsman, news4. tonight a suspect involved in a chase that killed a police
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officer in prince george's county has been charged with vehicular manslaughter. prosecutors indicted kevin neal today on that charge. they also charged him with fleeing and eleading police. officer adrian mars lost control of his cruiser and crashed back in august. he was chasing the man on i-95 that he thought may have stolen a car. the former university of maryland student who made threats against the school today was sentenced to three years supervised probation. his name was alexander tsang. he was arrested back in march after posting online that he was planning to go to the campus and shoot lots of people there. he pleaded guilty back in august. he's also required now to continue his mental health treatment. it is shocking and somewhat graphic video showing metro bus accidents and close calls on the road. but the transit agency doesn't want you to see it. transportation reporter adam tuss is here with that story. >> doreen, after repeated attempts to obtain this video from metro through a public
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records request, the transit agency still says no. it is shocking. a metro bus making a left turn hitting a woman in a crosswalk, knocking her over. another bus rolling down a street, narrowly avoiding hitting a little girl running behind an ice cream truck. operators on cell phones, a direct violation of metro policy. metro showed the video exclusively to news4 after a public access to records request that says the public can't view it. why? >> you feel like bus operators are safe out on the road? >> i think they are. there's always a situation where somebody blinks or is not paying total attention and we deal with that when we need to. we're focusing on driving one block at a time. >> reporter: dozens of collisions, close calls and traffic violations are on file, and keep in mind these all happened over a one-month stretch this past summer. even though this similar video was released just this year,
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metro's pulling back from releasing this type of video. the transit agency says drive cam now solely used as a training tool. metro board member downey is head of the safety and security committee. we asked him if metro is being transparent. >> i think on the whole, in general, yes. certainly much more so than we have been in the past. >> is there room for improvement? >> there's always room for improvement. >> reporter: the clips are supposed to be reviewed by top metro staff especially if they get to the level of a pedestrian crash. but with these clips, that hasn't happened yet. >> i know that you review clips. >> we continue to request that metro release this video to us. reporting live, adam tuss, news4. coming up, the violence continues in syria. but finally there's word on a truce. a dog is abused, put into a trash bag and dumped in the
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road. seeing the picture of that dog in that bag last night, i haven't slept. >> but that's not the end of the story for the animal that had the will to live. news4 is knocking on doors and searching for answers after the son of a virginia congressman is caught in a voter fraud scandal. a volcano in hawaii is providing breathtaking images, but there's another reason scientists can't take their eyes off of this one. i'm meteorologist doug kammerer. more coverage on hurricane sandy in less
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an end to the violence in syria could be just a few hours away. at least a temporary end. the syrian army agreed to a cease-fire today. the truce with militant fighters is set to start tomorrow and run through monday for the muslim holiday eade. but a syrian military official said the army will respond to any rebel attacks. the cease-fire doesn't come soon enough for some. four people were killed in damascus today. the fighting started when rebels
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ran army road blocks. police in arlington say they are now investigating the possibility of voter fraud in connection with a campaign of virginia congressman jim moran. the case involves moran's son, patrick, who is seen in a video talking about how someone could vote illegally. tom sherwood in our newsroom now with more on this. tom? >> jim, we have tried all day to reach congressman moran, but so far, no comment. >> it's going to be with the new voter i.d. laws as well. >> reporter: a group shows patrick moran, the congressman's son, engaging in an october 8th conversation with a fake volunteer. the volunteer wanted to cast ballots in the names of 100 infrequent voters. patrick moran who resigned as field director as soon as the video was disclosed wednesday is showing discussing how to get fake identifications.
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patrick did not answer knocks at his alexandria apartment where a filing cabinet sitting outside had all sorts of campaign materials. but gop challenger patrick murray making a second uphill campaign against the veteran moran denounced a flirtation with voter fraud. >> to me here as a constituent, an american, army veteran who spent 24 years in uniform, i'm concerned about the integrity of our elections and i can tell you, as the candidate running against him, i'm sure as hell concerned about the expespecter being voter fraud. >> reporter: in northern virginia we were in search of congressman moran. his office insisted he would have no comment for the media. but voters outside for lunch in northern virginia had strong reactions. >> shameful even that someone who is the son of a prominent politician would openly discuss how to commit voter fraud. >> politicians aren't above the law. so that will be what happens.
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they're going to do it. >> reporter: virginia democratic party chairman brian moran, brother of the congressman, issued a statement opposing any voter misconduct. and he said patrick is a good kid who in this instance made a mistake. now, we just checked again, still no comment from jim moran on this investigation. jim, back to you. >> thanks, tom. there's more about this, tom. virginia attorney general is now involved in the criminal investigation into possible voter fraud in the commonwealth. a contractor hired to conduct voter registration drives for the republican party was charged last week with tossing out completed voter registration forms. that man faces charges in rockingham county. that contractor's parent company is already under investigation in florida for more than 200 allegations of voter fraud. a reminder, the news4 iteam wants to hear about you about any other voting problems that may develop between now and election day. call our tip line at
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202-885-444, or e-mail us at more on the forecast. we start talking about the cone of uncertainty. it's never a good thing. but this time it's really pretty serious. >> that's really the thing i want people to understand. when we show this track, there is that cone of uncertainty, and we are in that cone. even if this storm hits philadelphia, even if it hits new york, it is still going to have a big impact on our weather. so i want you to make sure that you remember that. let's show you what's going on right now outside across our area. things are calm right now. that's the way they're going to be for the next 24 to 48 hours as we continue to watch where sandy goes. one thing to note tonight, there will be areas of fog tomorrow. so if your flying out of reagan or dulles early tomorrow morning, you may want to call ahead of time. next couple of days, that will be a completely different story as we talk about sandy making
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its way up the coast. then you'll have real travel delays in the northeast. here's the bahamas. central bahamas seeing hurricane sandy now. back to miami, they're seeing what's going on with this. thunderstorms and outer rain band. they're seeing winds upwards of 50 to 60 miles per hour. that's about it for southern florida. they'll see a lot of rain but the winds will be 50 to 60 max. they may have some power outages, but it's not going to be a huge storm for southern florida. where this is going to be a huge storm, portions of miami, this band coming through here, that's where you see the strongest winds, fort myers, west palm beach. 105 miles an hour right now, close to the center of the storm with winds moving to the north at about 20 miles an hour. the storm moving to the north at 20 miles an hour. on that track, moves out, back out into the open waters of the atlantic. and what we've been talking about for days, this storm moving back to the coast.
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people saying the computer model sending it out to the atlantic. that's not happening. they're all coming back on this trend that we've been talking about for days. we'll watch this closely. we talk about the cone of uncertainty, richmond, winchest winchester, all the way up to boston. even if it were to hit new york, long island, philadelphia, we would see fairly big impacts. saturday, don't worry about saturday. saturday's looking like a pretty good day. a lot of events on saturday. you should be fine. most of the impact down to the south. but as it moves up the coast, gets closer to the coast, we're talking about major impacts, high impacts, especially along the delaware beaches, portions of maryland beaches, ocean city, around the i-95 corridor, we'll see wind and rain. but it's not going to be too bad. on monday, as the storm gets closer, this is monday, and into tuesday. expect very high impacts from i-95 from washington up through baltimore, philadelphia, and new york. if i had to pick exactly where this would come onshore today, i think this would be just to our
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north, which would still bring some very strong winds here. maybe even flooding for our region. strong winds, definitely. coastal flooding, for sure. heavy rain, and yes, power outages, even in our area and through portions of the northeast. watch out for this. make sure you call ahead if you're flying this weekend, if you have anybody flying in sunday or monday. you may wt to rethink those travel plans. we're holding a web chat right now. we have questions about sandy, e-mail us at temperatures right now, 65 in martinsburg, 68 in leesburg, 72 in fredericksburg. beautiful evening. a lot of cloud cover earlier today. now we're seeing clearing skies. but with an easterly wind we'll see the fog move back in. early tomorrow morning some of that will be dense. tomorrow morning, mostly cloudy. still mild. temperatures 66 to about 71 degrees. on saturday, we will start to see the winds pick up out of the east at about 15 to 20 miles per
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hour. well ahead of this storm. but sunday, monday, tuesday, that's when we start to see the storm really begin to affect us. we've got the marine corps marathon early sunday morning. that's just going to be rainy, a little bit of wind but not too bad. monday and tuesday look like the big days for this storm. it will be a fairly cold rain, too. keep it right here on nbc 4, and also download our app. download that on ipad, on your iphone or on android. just go to nbc washington weather. >> start getting your flashlights, check your flashlight batteries and your radios and all that kind of stuff. >> the power goes out a lot in this region. this one's going to be a test. >> seems like the dur ach yo was just a few weeks ago. a swim coach arrested in a child abuse case. we'll hear the reaction from his accuser coming up. coming up in sports, the
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latest on the injury situation for a couple of key redskins. rg3's take on the steelers defense and the steelers take on rg3. and it's pandemonium in san francisco in game one of the world series, as news4 at 6:00 continues. ike leggett: gaming generated one hundred and eighty... million dollars for maryland schools. question seven will double it. rushern baker: question seven will add table games and... a new casino, generating millions of dollars... every year, without raising taxes. leggett: and audits will ensure the money goes... where it's supposed to. more jobs, and millions for schools. baker: question seven will be good for our kids... our teachers, and our schools. leggett: keep maryland money in maryland. baker: please vote for question seven. leggett: vote for question seven.
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what will the next four years be like? one: the debt will grow from $16 trillion to $20 trillion. two: 20 million americans could lose their employer-based health care. three: taxes on the middle class will go up by $4,000. four: energy prices will continue to go up. and five: $716 billion in medicare cuts that hurt current seniors. five reasons we can't afford four more years of barack obama. i'm mitt romney and i approve this message.
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for decades some of the best swimmers in our area were coached by a man named rick curl. but now curl has been charged with child abuse in maryland. and today, he turned himself in to the montgomery county police. the charge is from one of his former swimmers and it dates back to the 1980s. >> pat collins talked to his accuser. >> rick curl, a well-known washington area swim coach. leaving the montgomery county jail after he was officially
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charged in a child abuse sex case. a case that goes back 30 years. curl released on a $50,000 money bond. the victim, kelley davies currin, now 43 and a mother of four. i talked to her by phone about curl's arrest. >> i don't know whether to laugh or cry. i'm thankful. i'm sad. i just feel confirmation that what i did was the right thing to do. >> reporter: according to court documents, curl sexually abused the victim from the time she was 13 until she was 18. while he was her swim coach. she was one of his star swimmers. the acts happened at various places, including georgetown prep high school, one of the many venues leased by curl for his competitive swimming
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lessons. do you want to see rick curl go to jail? >> yeah. that's what he deserves. absolutely. for as long as the justice system -- i want the justice system to do its job. >> reporter: back in 1989, kelley, whose maiden name was davies, said curl paid her family $150,000 if they agreed not to press charges and not to speak publicly about these matters. she said she went public last summer because she was afraid there would be a cover-up. >> i felt like i could not stay silent anymore, because i knew that usa swimming was going to do nothing. >> reporter: rick curl once ran the curl burke swim club. he coached scores of swimmers, many who went on to win national and international medals. the curl burke swim club is no more. they call it now the nation's capitol swim club. and rick curl, they say, is no longer associated with it. in montgomery county, pat
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collins, news4. ten years after the sniper attacks that terrorized our region and left ten people dead, lee boyd malvo is speaking out on his part in the killings. in a phone interview with nbc's matt lauer he claimed his adult accomplice john allen muhammad manipulated him. >> for the entire period, when i was almost 15, until i got arrested i was sexually abused by john muhammad. >> i would imagine the families of the victims would say, you could stop and run away, you could have done something to stop the killing and you did nothing. >> i couldn't say no. i had wanted that level of love and acceptance and consistency for all of my life. and couldn't find it. and even if unconsciously, or even in moments of short
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reflection, i knew that it was wrong, i did not have the will power to say no. >> malvo said he has forgiven himself. he asks the families of the victims not to give him power by allowing the shootings to haunt them. a d.c. man picked the wrong place to jump a fence today. he's accused of fleeing a crash scene and ended up in the tightly guarded russian embassy compound this morning. news4's jackie bensen has more on the incident that involved negotiations between the secret service and russian security. >> reporter: 34-year-old michael worley of northwest d.c. has a lot of explaining to do. this video shows d.c. police and secret service officers standing in front of the russian embassy on wisconsin avenue in northwesterly this morning trying to figure out how to get worley back in the u.s. the incident began just after midnight when worley's silver toyota hit a tree and overturned on massachusetts avenue northwest. this man who asked not to be
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identified stopped to help. >> there was a man inside the vehicle trying to get out. he was banging on the sun roof, and not being able to open it. so i ran back to my car, and picked up a hammer to break the glass. >> reporter: but he says the man managed to get out by himself and took off running. the good samaritan followed all the way to the 2600 block of wisconsin avenue. >> and i turned the corner, and i was mystified because i was staring at gates of the russian embassy. i quickly glanced inside and i didn't see anyone. so i thought, nobody would be stupid enough or crazy enough to climb the gates of the russian embassy. >> reporter: after about 90 minutes of negotiation, which appeared cordial but a little tense, worley was released by the russians and taken to a waiting ambulance to be treated for his injuries. the entire area is filled with video cameras, but it is unlikely that d.c. police will ever have access to the images. in northwest washington, jackie
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bensen, news4. a former fbi agent was convicted today for causing a deadly crash in brandywine last year. they found adrian johnson guilty on all counts including motor vehicle manslaughter. johnson was drunk and speeding when he crashed into a car driven by lawrence garner jr. johnson is facing 13 years in prison. he will be sentenced on december 14 tl. president obama brought his campaign swing to virginia today, speaking to a crowd of 15,000 in richmond. the president will return to the commonwealth next week. he'll campaign with former president bill clinton. a new poll shows mitt romney edging ahead of the president 50% to 47%. utility companies are already preparing for what could be widespread power outages and other damage from hurricane
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sandy. pepco crews are out today checking on problem spots and making sure the equipment is ready to go. bge said it's planning for hundreds of thousands of potential outages. and putting workers on standby. dominion virginia said it also has workers on standby. and they're all making sure that all their trucks are stocked with the right supplies. supporters of the dream act were taking action in maryland today. the dream act would mean that immigrants could get in-state tuition in maryland colleges. a new "washington post" poll shows the act is favored by 60% of maryland voters. but as chris gordon reports, both sides are intensifying the fight as election day approaches. >> reporter: university of maryland students rallied this evening in support of the dream act. on the maryland ballot is question 4. earlier, at prince george's community college, elective leaders and representatives appeared with children of
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undocumented immigrants who would be allowed to pay in-state tuition at state colleges and universities if question 4 passes. prince george's county executive baker says it's a good investment. >> the further they go, the higher the jobs that they're going to receive, and the more they'll pay in taxes. it will be a benefit to society. that's what the dream is about. >> reporter: but opponents of the dream act say question 4 is a bad investment. >> the prince george's school have been raided in terms of maintenance of the school, the worst in the state. they have no funds to renovate those schools. so the turn-around is to spend potentially hundreds of millions for in-state tuition for illegal immigrants is just criminal. >> reporter: veronica came from al salvador seven years ago and dreams of becoming a psychologist. she would like to join these students at prince george's community college, but says she can't afford it. >> the tuition rate that i'm
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supposed to pay is way too high and i don't have any money to pay right now. >> reporter: these stints attend roosevelt high school. >> i want to be a doctor in the medical field. and am pretty sure, i mean, i'm going to work hard. i know, i can't afford that much. >> reporter: if maryland voters approve question 4, the dream act on election day, immigrant students could start paying lower tuitions next semester. at the university of maryland, chris gordon, news4. coming up, a couple of roadside heroes save the life of a dog who was dumped out like trash. jones jumping into a new challenge now. doug? >> like you know i'm going to say something bad. we've got the hurricane out there. it's down to the south today, bringing miami strong winds up to 60 miles an hour. we have new video of some of the damage that the storm as it made its way through cuba.
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[ earnest ] out of the blue one day, we were told to build a 30-foot stage. gathered the guys and we built that 30-foot stage, not knowing what it was for. just days later, all three shifts were told to assemble in the warehouse. a group of people walked out on that stage and told us that the plant is now closed and all of you are fired... i looked both ways, i looked at the crowd, and...we all just lost our jobs. we don't have an income. mitt romney made over 100 million dollars by shutting down our plant and devastated our lives.
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police in kentucky are looking for whoever it was that put a little dog in a trash bag and then threw it out a car window onto a highway. it all happened tuesday in downtown louisville. that dog only weighs about three pounds. his hips were fractured from the throw. but he's going to be okay. two people driving nearby rescued the dog from the street. they got out of their cars when they saw a trash bag dumped in the road. >> seeing the picture of that dog in that bag last night, i haven't slept. just the monster that could do that. let alone not take care of the animal, but then to stuff it into a bag and discard it on the side of the road made me sick. >> that dog is being called car american now. pet lovers on facebook think that's the face of the person
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who abused the dog. after they gave him a good bath, turned out he's a white dog. chinese custom agents have seized about 1,000 new iphones smuggled in from hong kong. they're worth $1,000 each in mainland china. it's a big lure for smugglers. many hide them in their clothing, others with suitcases with false bottoms. the new adapters are popular, too. they are often smuggled in separately. it looks like cool running for lolo jones, the record-breaking american hurdler is now part of the bobsled team. she's one of six push athletes on the bobsled team. she'll have to compete for one of three spots in the world cup event and could compete in the 2014 winter olympic games.
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there were male sprinters that do that a few years ago. >> herschel walker. he made the team. but they didn't do very well in the olympics. >> that's tough work. >> not easy sledding. >> totally different set of skills. >> you didn't get my pun. doreen got it. >> no, i heard it. coming up in sports, a giant night for pablo sandovalsandova. plus an injury update. pierre garcon, where have you been, my friend. anncr: seven-hundred-thousand jobs. that's what the plan george allen supports... would cost our economy. newspapers called it "economically destructive."
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like allen's votes to give tax breaks to companies... that ship jobs overseas, his economic plan would... help big corporations, devastating the middle class. allen even voted against tax breaks for small businesses. virginia can't afford to go back to george allen. the democratic senatorial campaign committee... is responsible for the content of this advertising. in virginia, we know education means opportunity. that's why tim kaine expanded pre-k... championed higher ed and job training... helping make virginia "the best state to raise a child."
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but george allen has not made our kids a priority. as governor, he tried to cut funding for public schools. in washington, allen voted to end tax deductions for college tuition. and now, a budget plan that devastates k-12 classrooms-- all to pay for even more tax breaks for the wealthy. seiu cope is responsible for the content of this ad.
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hello, everybody. welcome back, of course, all eyes on hurricane sandy. well down to the south in through portions of florida and down toward the bahamas. now is the time to prepare. once again, we're going to be talking about this storm over the next couple of days. stay right here at nbc 4. it came through portions of bahamas and cuba. the latest video now coming out of eastern cuba.
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they have seen extensive damage from this storm. numerous trees down, over half a million people now without power down towards the santiago area. we're going to be watching this scenario take place around much of the mid-atlantic and around much of the northeast over the next couple of days. right now it's in through central portions of the bahamas with winds of 105 miles an hour. it's moving quickly at 20 miles an hour. it's going to make its way out toward the open ocean. and then back towards the west as we've been telling you for the last couple of days. we are now in the cone of uncertainty. don't follow this line. but even if it hits philadelphia, even if it hits new york, we'll see very large impacts around our area, especially our beaches, around the d.c. metro area. this is something we have to watch out for. wind and rain on sunday. wind and rain monday and tuesday. expect travel delays. you want to make sure you call ahead. of course, stay with
6:46 pm the biggest travel delays will most likely be monday and into the day on tuesday to get ahead of the storm. stay with us right here on nbc 4. ku always do that by tracking sandy on just put in sandy in the search bar, also follow us on facebook and twitter. we'll be here throughout the storm right here for you here at nbc 4. shanahan has had quite a task to figure out who to put on the field. >> orakpo, redskins preparing now to play without london fletcher. he missed practice for the second day in a row. he spent six to seven hours with a neurologist to address issues with his balance. it's not known if fletcher's balance problem is concussion related. london has played in 231
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straight games. that's the longest streak in the nfl. the other big injury concern for the skins remains pierre car season, the number one wide re receiver hasn't been on the field for a regular basis since the season opener against the saints when he turned this pass into an 88-yard touchdown. garcon had his foot examined in charlotte yesterday. the diagnosis is a torn ligament in his foot that could require surgery. it's an option that pierre and the redskins are hoping to avoid. >> pierre is having a hard time just pushing off. if you can't push off, you can't play. we're going to give him some time off and hopefully he'll get better. but you just don't know. >> i felt it early in the year, in the preseason of play. i just kept playing. i'm kind of stubborn. i was fighting through whatever. but it was just a toe injury. i was like, it will be all right. i just iced it. just keep playing. and then in new orleans, it
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popped. it's frustrating. but you've just got to think about what's best for the future. this is a long term. you don't want to make it worse just for one season, as bad as i want to be out there. it's tough to deal with. >> i get that from athlete's perspective. but here's the rub, the coaching staff said this can't get worse. pierre said i think it can get worse. there's a little bit of a disconnect there. we're hoping he can get back on the field very soon. the skins offense is preparing for a steelers defense that ranks second in the nfl, allowing just 277 yards per game. mike shanahan said logan paulson will replace fred davis in the starting lineup but he will look for ways to use all three of his tight ends. as for robert griffin's take on the steelers, let's say there's already a lot of mutual respect there. >> they like to bring a lot of pressure, make it a kay oting game. it's something that you truly be ready for until you're out there
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on the field. they've had guys in that system for a long time so they know what they're doing. it will be a good chess match. >> rg3. he is as advertised. great player. he's as fast as anyone out there. he's going to be very tough to stop. >> they have a unique offense around him the way they run pistols and wishbones, all kinds of formations. our defense will have their hands full. our defense is as good as anyone. it's a big weekend in the burg, if you plan on going up there for the game. 117 out of 118 hotels sold out. pit pitt is playing saturday afternoon, springsteen has a concert saturday night, and the skins play on sunday. game one of the world series, panda power was in full effect. giants and tigers last night, san fran getting a little excited before the game. hunter pence practicing some
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kung fu. someone who doesn't need practice is the man they call the kung fu panda, pablo sandoval, bottom one. a solo home run off justin verlander. sandoval not close to finishing this one. giants up 2-0, bottom of the three. one on for the panda and one gone for the panda. a two-run shot. sandoval's second on the night. bottom five, may i have another, please. yes, he does it again. the panda is hungry. another solo shot. his third of the night. sandoval becomes the fourth player in major league history to hit three home runs in a world series game. these names, he joins babe ruth, reggie jackson and albert pujols. the giants cruise to an 8-3 win over the tigers. >> i still can't believe it, man. when you're a little kid, you
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dream of being in the world series. you have to keep focused playing your game. >> we've seen a lot of stuff from pablo. i can remember a couple of sliders that he hit in the water that were just ridiculous. so it's kind of hard to impress us with what we've seen, but we were all very impressed tonight. talking hoops now. georgetown tips off the basketball season on an aircraft carrier down in jacksonville in just over two weeks. unlike last year, nobody's underestimating them. we caught up with john thompson iii and big john at the nike georgetown opening this morning. and he expects his young guys to lead the team. >> our current sophomore class, like the freshman class, is somewhat of a known commodity. but they have room for improvement. as long as that group along with our freshmen who i anticipate will have the ability to come in and contribute, much like last year's class did, as long as we get better. >> they don't have seniors, and
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that scares me a little bit. but i also know that the kids, from what i have been able to see, which hasn't been a lot, from what i've been told, are playing hard and trying to play together. but you never know what a team is going to be like until that team gets in competition sglenkts big john would have never scheduled this, a brutal early season schedule for georgetown. they play florida, tennessee, texas and ucla in the first month of the season. and just a tough break for the maryland football team, guys. they lose another quarterback. devon burns out for the season. so the terps now have one healthy quarterback on their roster going into the boston college game this weekend. >> that's incredible. >> unbelievable, isn't it. coming up next, a hot show
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same cars sitting in spots with no money in the meter. coming up tonight, find out which agency they work for and the new program the city hopes will prevent this from happening in the future. an iteam undercover investigation only on news4. still looking tricky out there, huh? >> it still is. this is a tough forecast. if it goes up to philadelphia and new york, we still get pretty big impacts here by strong winds, heavy rain. we still have a chance for power outages. if it were to come in to ocean city, across the chesapeake bay and to our region, there is that scenario still, we're talking about major impacts here. right now we've got low impact on sunday. sunday i'm not too worried about. we'll see rain and wind. we've dealt with that before. on monday and especially into monday and into tuesday, expect for very high impacts from washington, d.c., all the way up to new york and boston. once again, the biggest threats will be strong winds, coastal flooding, heavy rain and widespread power outages.
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just prepare now. make sure you head out to the stores as soon as you can, get what you need. get what you need now. i'm not saying run to the stores, doreen, i'm saying, make a plan for it. >> be calm. >> stay calm and carry on. sunday, 60 degrees. windy conditions. watching out sunday, monday into tuesday, that's the worst of it. halloween looking cool, maybe a few showers, but not too bad. stay calm for now. there's really no reason to panic at all. but get your stuff now. plan ahead. >> calmly look around for the batteries and make sure you have food in the house. >> very calmly. no, they're not in there. >> thanks, doug. some simply breathtaking images of a volcano erupting over in hawaii. scientists are closely watching kiluea. it's bursting up to record levels. molten rock could spill out onto the crater floor at any time. that hasn't happened in 30
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president obama: i'm barack obama and i approve... this message. anncr: victims. dependent. that's what mitt romney called forty-seven percent... of americans. including people on medicare. but what about his plan for you? romney would replace guaranteed benefits with a voucher system. seniors could pay six thousand dollars more a year. a plan aarp says would undermine medicare. you're no earned your benefits. don't let mitt romney take them away.
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