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tv   News4 Today  NBC  November 5, 2012 5:00am-6:00am EST

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welcome to "news 4 today" for this monday, november 5th, 2012. we'll take a live look outside at 4:59. just about 5:00 a.m. 42 degrees out there. that is one of the warm spots. storm 4 meteorologist tom kierein also tracking a storm that could bring rain, and i don't think i'm going to say it. snow. >> i'll have the details come'ing up this half hour, stay tuned. we have a lot of cloudiness. a0 the areas in the really dark blue, they're in the 20s in western maryland and western parts of the viewing area around the blue ridge and into west virginia in the 20s. but the light blue area, you can
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see right around northern virginia and the district and the nearby suburbs hovering around 40 degrees. and reagan national at 43. we're going to stay cold for another couple of hours. hour by hour throughout the day today. winds picking up a little bit too, gusting to around 20 miles an hour. that will be happening later this morning and during the afternoon. sunrise, that's an hour earlier. back to standard time, 6:40 this morning. sunset, that's an hour earlier too. part of getting used to. 5:03 is the sunset today. it will be right back down into the mid-40s by then. i'll show you a hometown forecast in ten minutes. now let's take a look at traffic with danella. good morning. >> good morning. checking out the beltway for you now. if you're traveling the inner loop of the beltway at georgetown pike, a disabled box truck in the right shoulder lane. travel lanes are open. outer loop, still seeing paving taking place, blocking the left lane as you make your way towards new hampshire avenue on the outer loop of the beltway. also checking the rails. not seeing any reported delays
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along the metro, marc, or vre open and running on schedule. if you're traveling westbound 50 at 201, i am seeing delays there because paving is blocking at least one of your lanes. you are slow as you make your way westbound at 50. aaron and eun, back over to you. >> thank you, danella. just 24 hours until the polls open in decision 2012, and the race for president is in a statistical dead heat. here's a look now at the latest nbc news/wall street journal/marist poll that shows president obama with a one percentage point lead over mitt romney among likely voters nationwide, 48%-47% right now. that is well within the margin of error of 2.5% for this poll. the same goes for one of the most critical swing states in this country. we're talking about virginia. the poll mirrors national results, the president leading mitt romney 48%-47%, again within the margin of error. the president holds a narrow lead in the battleground states
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of florida and ohio. >> thoese campaigns will battle for every last vote in virginia the final hours before election day. mitt romney will make two stops in the commonwealth. he'll stop by lynchburg before heading to george mason university this afternoon. the rally begins at 2:45 at the patriot center. doors open at 12:45. vice president joe pbiden will visit virginia today. he'll make two stops in richmond and sterling. he and his wife will be joined by senators jim webb and mark warner. tim kaine will also be there as well as singer john mellencamp. volunteers are also getting out the vote in the commonwealth. supporters for both candidates are working long hours, making a lot of phone calls, knocking on a lot of doors during the final push. the president's camp said nearly 21,000 volunteers contacted nearly 1 million voters either in person or on the phone on saturday. the romney campaign says they talked to about 2 million voters. >> it's the future of our
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country for the next four years. what's more important than that? >> i haven't volunteered ever before. this is really the first time in any campaign, but i think it's a very important election, and i think it's a pivotal decision point. >> some volunteers are coming in as far as california to help win virginia voters for their candidates. a week after sandy wreaked havoc on the east coast, some things starting to get back to normal for new yorkers. new york city schools set to reopen today. the subway running at 80% of its normal service. gas lines are still long. both new york governor andrew cuomo and new jersey governor chris christie have promiseded an end to the shortage this week. later this week, president obama will meet with fema to discuss the disaster relief effort. fema approved nearly $158 million of individual disaster assistance. sandly has claimed 113 lives. they're working to restore power to more than 2 million people.
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amtrak telling passengers make your reservations by phone or online to avoid sold out trains and long lines at ticket counters. air travel is almost back to normal as well. most airlines say they should be running at regular service today. hurricane sandy affected thousands of flights throughout the world. some airlines say they're continuing to waive rebooking fees for passengers going through new york's airport. and new yorkers living near that crane dangling from the luxury high rise, they're being allowed to return home. the tower crane on west 57th street has been fastened to the side of the building, so it is now safe to walk under. neighbors were evacuated last sunday when sandy's winds knocked the crane loose. building inspectors had to climb 74 stories to secure that crane. 5:05. today montgomery county's council president will discuss pepco's response to hurricane sandy. roger verlander will meet with the media today in rockville. thousands lost electricity in the county as trees knocked over
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power lines following the storm. pepco is receiving generally high praise this time around for its response to sandy, restoring power to everyone only a few days after the storm. folks in garrett county, maryland, are finally digging out of the storm. hurricane sandy dumped 38 inches of snow in that area. this morning state and county roads are back open. the army and national guard is helping stranded vehicles and coordinating recovery efforts. on this monday morning, a tragic ending to a day at the zoo. dogs maul a 2-year-old boy. redskins lose heading into the bye week. what coach shanahan is now saying about how he'll treat the rest of the saeds on.
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nine minutes after the hour. i made the mistake of stepping out without my coat on. >> i made the mistake of stepping out with my winter coat in my hand and still shivering. >> 41 degrees as we look over the naxtion's capital. a few clouds for some of us to deal with right now, but for sure put the coat on. >> especially if you're going to be standing outside waiting for
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the bus because the wind is going to be picking up. good morning. time for weather and traffic early on this monday morning. right now around the region, quite a bit of cloudiness. these clouds coming in on a northwesterly flow, and the cloud cover will be with us here for another few hours. it is cold. look at these temperatures. it is down into the 30s. below freezing most regions from the blue ridge east. blue ridge west, many locations below freezing. stanton, virginia, down to 26 right now. petersburg, west virginia, 29 degrees. elsewhere, if it's in the mid-30s to upper 30s, montgomery, arlington, fairfax, prince george's counties, much of southern maryland as well as in fauquier county where we have the hometown forecast for warrenton. by 6:30 just in the low 30s there. then by the launch hour into the mid-40s with sunshine breaking out. hour by hour today. we'll have winds with us off and on. gusts maybe around 20 miles an hour. forecast for the whole region, highs reaching near 60 with
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sunshine in the afternoon. right down in the near 40s by sunset today which is early, 5:03. our sunrise that's an hour earlier at 6:40 this morning. a look at the coastal storm, what it may do to us. i'll have the latest on that in ten minutes. the latest on your traffic with danella. good morning. first let's start with i-66 eastbound approaching the beltway. a disabled vehicle there just off to the right shoulder lane. your travel lanes are open. still seeing road work there. if you're traveling westbound 50 at 201. that paving is taking away one of your lanes. we are seeing delays as you get towards 205 just slow approaching 201. heading to bw parkway in maryland between the baltimore beltway and the capitol beltway, all lanes are open. and i-95 in maryland nice and clear. no issues to report. over to i-270, a nice look at shady grove.
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making your way from clarksburg all the way to the beltway in both directions, not seeing road work and not seeing any delays for you. just a little more volume southbound but no major delays at all. i'm back in two minutes with another look at your traffic. aaron and eun, back over to you. >> danella, thank you. 5:12 is the time. ahead on "news 4 today," the new lower fines that go into effect today for those caught by d.c. speed cameras. [ earnest ] out of the blue one day,
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we were told to build a 30-foot stage. gathered the guys and we built that 30-foot stage, not knowing what it was for. just days later, all three shifts were told to assemble in the warehouse. a group of people walked out on that stage and told us that the plant is now closed and all of you are fired... i looked both ways, i looked at the crowd, and...we all just lost our jobs. we don't have an income. mitt romney made over 100 million dollars by shutting down our plant and devastated our lives.
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turns out that when we built that stage, it was like building my own coffin, and it just made me sick. [ male announcer ] priorities usa action is responsible for the content of this advertising.
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back up. >> a peaceful protest turned into chaos on the streets of portland this weekend. this was the scene shortly after police pepper sprayed more than a dozen protesters in the middle of a march. police say that the demonstrators, who did not have a permit to protest, tried to cross a police line into an area of the city with heavy traffic. one man was arrested and a man in south carolina hit a power pole before plummeting to the ground and killing two police officers this weekend. they're still investigating who caused the chopper to hit the pole. they were searching for a missing 9-year-old boy, who was later found. the helicopter crashed in a busy neighborhood, but no one on the ground was hurt. grief counselors coming to the aid of a pennsylvania couple whose 2-year-old son was mauled to death when he fell into a wild dog enclosure at the pittsburgh zoo. the boy's mother was trying to give him a better view of the animals when he fell into the pit. dogs attacked him immediately. police and zoo cokeepers respond
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right away, but there was nothing they could do. they secured all but one of the dogs. police had to shoot and kill the dog as it remained aggressive. >> they were able to get several of the dogs into the back of the building. the veterinarians arrived and tried to scare the dogs away from the child with darts and were unsuccessful in doing that. >> the pittsburgh zoo is closed now. it's unclear when it will reopen. a 19-year-old is responsible for two attacks on women in d.c. demarco miles is accused of sexually assaulting a howard university student friday afternoon. he's also facing charges for attacking a woman in her rhode island row apartment late last month. the woman in that incident is still in the hospital recovering from multiple stab wounds. james "whitey" bulger is in the hospital this morning recovering from chest pains. the former leader of the winter hill gang is awaiting trial. he's accused of playing a role in 19 murders. he avoided capture for close to
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40 years until police caught him last year in california. the election can't come soon enough for those suffering from political fatigue, ready for an end to the signs and posts and political posturing on social media. you're bound to have seen it. friends and acquaintances sharing their political views over and over again. 34% of social media users post their political views, and that has led to a great deal of friend dumping. 20% of facebook users say they have blocked users whose political opinions they're tired of hearing. >> political communication is communication about deep feelings, and i think what people are discovering, many people are discovering that the text modality of facebook is not a great medium for the expression and processing of deep feelings. >> they say you should use the same etiquette as you would in real life.
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if you wouldn't say something to someone's face, don't post it online. when a child is crying, most parents will do just about anything to calm their child down, but how clean is the pacifier being used to soothe your child? used pacifiers, even those that look clean, are crawling with bacteria. scientists took a close look at pacifiers and found all kinds of bacteria, including mold and staph. >> the pacifier is a potential reservoir for germs that will make you sick. may look solid in your hand, but when you look at it under the scanning electron microscope, it looks like a sponge. >> this was a relatively small study, and there's no research tying dirty pacifiers to actual illness. doctors say it's a good idea to replace them at least monthly. nasa says all systems are go for a rocket launch this week.
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the rocket is set to launch from the wallops facility in virginia. that launch is delayed because of weather conditions, nasa will try again on thursday. someone has been on the international space station every single day for 12 years. to celebrate it, a new app to keep tabs on you. it's called spot the station, and it will text you when the iss is passing over your location, and you can wave from the ground. it even takes into account if there are trees and buildings blocking your view. it looks like a bright star moving across the sky. we set up a link to where you can get the app on news 4 today's facebook page. >> you think we've seen it? >> probably. if it's a bright star, it looks like it's passing overhead. now you have the app. you can see when it's above you. >> absolutely. >> tom, you think you can actually see it moving? >> it's super bright. looks brighter than venus, and
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it's tracking right across the sky. it's awesome. i've given you the information on when to look, and we've had so much cloud cover now, we haven't really been able to see it. it is quite a sight to see. i'll tell you about it next time we have a clear sky and it's passing over. this morning we've got clouds back. starting off with a cloudy sky over northern virginia, the district, and much of maryland. breaks in the clouds south of winchester. it's all clear. it's cold too. central shenandoah valley down to the mid-20s. mid and upper 20s much of west virginia, these areas of dark blue. in the 30s in the lighter blue area. reagan national at 43. here is your four-day forecast. storm team 4 four-day forecast showing partly sunny sky by midday. during the afternoon as we climb to near 50 and winds gusting to around 20 miles an hour. tomorrow election day, good weather. a cold start, down near 30
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tomorrow morning. we'll have temperatures climbing into the 40s. we'll have increasing clouds on election day tomorrow. a coastal storm still looking like may be developing and developing rapidly on tuesday night and into wednesday. perhaps here right around the metro area and from points east to west. rain moving in. it may change over to snow wednesday late afternoon into wednesday evening around the metro area west of i-95, may get some accumulating snow wednesday night. back to around freezing by dawn thursday. the wintry mix ends during the day thursday. sun back and warmer weather returns. danella is here with your first 4 traffic. >> good morning. checking the roadways in our area for accidents, incidents, and things like that. so far things look really good and clear. if you're traveling in clinton, maryland, also checking things out in brandywine, fort washington, accokeek as well, not seeing any accidents in that area and very light volume.
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a live look at 5 as you pass northbound at 301. you can see a little bit of volume but no major delays as you continue northbound past the beltway, southbound absolutely clear along 5 in that area. let's head over to the beltway in montgomery county because earlier we had paving. it was blocking the left lane at new hampshire avenue. it is now gone, and your travel lanes are open, and you're free to get by as you travel towards the american legion bridge and even loop around to the wilson bridge in both directions. not seeing any incidents to warn you about just yet. i'm back in ten. aaron and eun, back over to you. if you see the dreaded flash of a speed camera behind you, expect to pay a little less for a ticket in d.c. starting today. fines are dropping $25 for any speeding violation up to 15 miles per hour above the speed limit. if you're caught going 25 miles per hour or more over the limit, fines are now up to $300. d.c. mayor vincent gray says the revenue from the fines will help hire 100 new police officers. new numbers into our news room show that gas prices are
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falling pretty fast around our area. the national average for a gallon of gas is $3.47. that's 7 cents cheaper than a week ago. in d.c., drivers paying $3.70, down 3 cents. virginia averages $3.44 a gallon. maryland is down 5 cents to $3.51, and west virginia drivers paying $3.60, 5 cents less than a week ago. those prices mean you should think about driving over the holidays instead of flying. the annual airfare guide shows prices could drop 30% to 70% over normal airfares. you need to book now. the site says, wait any longer, and you'll add $5 to $10 a day over the price of your ticket. for splchristmas, you should bo before november 10th. the redskins fall to the carolina panthers. they're now 3-6 heading into the bye week. and as news 4's dan hellie tells
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us, mike shanahan is already looking towards next season. >> reporter: this was the tipping point game for the redskins. enter the bye week at 4-5, we'd be talking about the playoffs, hopes still alive, everybody praising rg3. lose, you drop to 3-6, and the season is all but over. and mike shanahan essentially acknowledged that in his post-game press conference, saying the redskins were now in evaluation mode, something you rarely hear from a head coach with seven games remaining in the regular season. >> obviously very disappointed. a must win game gives you the chance to play for a playoff spot. when you lose a game like that, now you're playing to see who is going to be on your football team for years to come. now we get a chance to evaluate players and see where we're at. obviously, we're not out of it
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statistically. now we find out what kind of character we got and guys fighting through the rest of the season. >> people are going to criticize the coach. they're going to criticize the players. they're going t say that drastic changes need to be made. i don't feel that way. i feel it's on us, on the players, to make sure we go out and play. regardless if it's offense, defense, or special teams. we're the ones out there playing. >> so the redskins have lost three straight going into the bye week, and things do not appear to be getting better. after getting 13 penalties for 97 yards against the panthers, the skins are the most penalized team in the nfl. the schedule after the bye week doesn't get any easier at all. from fedex field, dan hellie, news 4 sports. redskins loss might mean good news for republicans, though. since 1940 the team has helped decide all but one presidential race. it's referred to as the redskins rule. if the team wins their last home game before the election, the party that won the last election will win. if they lose, the challenging party wins.
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if the rule holds up, mitt romney will win the general election. depends how superstitious you are. >> i'm not very superstitious. 27 minutes after the 5:00 hour now. coming up in our next half hour, new york visitors in town for the marathon help families devastated by sandy. we'll hear from the volunteers.
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looking at the stories making headlines, president obama and mitt romney are making their final push the day before the election. and already looking into voter problems in virginia. and cleaning up after hurricane sandy, another storm could bring rain and high winds to the east coast. first, good morning to you. i'm eun yang. >> and i'm aaron gilchrist. welcome into "news 4 today" on this monday, november 5th. none of that rain, snow stuff to deal with today. very much have to contend with the cold. >> get out all your
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accoutrement. >> this morning you need your coat. that's one of the accoutrements you need. you need your winter coat. storm team 4 radar not picking up any precipitation. just a lot of cloud cover over most of the region. central shenandoah valley and areas south of fredericksburg, where it's clear and cold and down below freezing in many of those locations. it's in the 20s much of west virginia. under the cloud cover, acting like a blanket, holding in some of the warmth from yesterday, generally mid and upper 30s. montgomery, arlington, fairfax, prince george's county, much of southern maryland and the rest of northern virginia. here's how we're looking today. by 6:00, we're still in the 30s with the cloud cover and a light breeze. winds ought to increase a bit. the rest of the day, breezy and chilly. winds gusting to 20 miles an hour as sunshine breaks out. mid-40s by noontime
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midafternoon. ought to hit upper 40s to 50 degrees. by late afternoon, we get sunrises and sunsets. sunset today at 5:03. i'll return in ten minutes with a hometown forecast. a look at your traffic on this monday morning with danella. good morning. >> good morning. first 4 traffic report, we're going to start with metro. delays on the orange line because of a train malfunction at minnesota avenue. if you're taking the orange line, delays continue as you head towards vienna. over to the marc, just looking like a six-minute delay. brunswick east 870. vre not reporting delays. over to the roads, if you're traveling along i-270, starting to see delays, really heavy delays. from 85, you're heavy on the brakes as you make your way to 109. this is where you see the bulk of your delays. delays from germantown and even to rockville, not bad as you connect towards the beltway. northbound looks really good on
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i-270. back over to you. >> thank you, danella. 5:32. we are in the final stretch of the election. both candidates will use the final full day of campaign to go make their case in the states that likely decide who wins. president obama will visit wisconsin, ohio, and iowa today. he'll end the day in chicago, where he'll spend election day. mitt romney will also be in ohio today. he'll make two stops in the area, including one at george mason university. the republican presidential candidate will also hold rallies in florida and new hampshire. at this point, ohio will decide who wins the election. tracie potts is live in cincinnati, the city that may very well decide who wins ohio. tracie, good morning. >> reporter: good morning, eun. people are keenly aware of the importance of their vote. we talked to a lot of them during early voting over the weekend, including the guy who was last in line behind about a thousand people, and believe it or not, he was still smiling. some of those folks still in line to vote when president obama was headed across town to
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speak in cincinnati last night. his last day of campaigning here includes wisconsin, another stop in ohio. he'll be in iowa this afternoon and wrap up things in des moines, iowa. mitt romney, two stops in virginia, ohio, also in columbus a few hours after the president, and'w wrapping up in virginia a new hampshire. both of them making their final argument. >> part of a presidential race is about policy, and part of it is about trust. you've got to have a sense of whether or not the person means what they say and say what they mean. the thing is, colorado, after four years, you know me. >> if there's anyone worried that the las four years are the best we can do? is there anyone who fears the american dream is fading away? is there anyone who wonders whether better jobs and better
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paychecks are a thing of the past? i have a clear and unequivocal message. with the right leadership, america is about to come roaring back. >> the nbc/wall street journal poll says it's a very tight race. nationally 48% for president obama, 47% for romney. last day of campaigning today. in ohio, i'm tracie potts. back to you. frustration and anger in florida over issues with the state's early the voeing. voting. hundreds lined up at an election office in miami on sunday, hoping to turn in absentee ballots. but the county was so overwhelmed by the crowd, that they shut their doors for a time then decided to reopen. it came after horrendous lines on saturday as residents tried to beat the deadline for early voting. >> i'm a little upset with the lines. it's been, what, five hours now? >> voting issues expected in
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ohio as well where there are new absentee ballot rules, and in new jersey and new york, where power outages caused by sandy could cause headaches for voters. maryland governor martin o'malley will attend two rallies for marriage equality. the first rally at 11:00 on capitol hill. the second rally at 3:00 this afternoon at the university of maryland. also today, more than 100 people expected to attend a rally for maryland's d.r.e.a.m. act. students and advocates will gather at montgomery college's takoma park silver spring campus at 1:00 this afternoon. the law will allow all maryland residents to pay instate tuition regardless of immigration status. if the d.r.e.a.m. act passes, lower tuition could kick in as soon as next semester. later today, president obama will meet with fema to discuss the hurricane sandy disaster relief efforts in new york and new jersey. this comes after more than 1,000 people set to run in the new york city marathon literally ran to help those in need. runners delivered water, toilet paper, garbage bags, batteries, and ready to eat meals to
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victims. >> glad that the run was cancelled when they were able to just lend a hand. these folks need it. >> in new york, walmart and pepsi delivered 11 tractor-trailers packed with things, including clothes, food, and cleaning supplies. >> stay with for the latest on sandy's impact. you can help the victims now by going to or calling 1-800-help-now. you can even text the word "red cross" to 90999 to make a $10 donation. >> 5:37 is your time. 42 degrees. the man who lost his leg in an accident did not let it keep him from climbing a skyscraper.
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"and what's your name?" "oh, it's flo." "and what do you do?" "oh, i sell insurance like no one else." "oh, that's nice." "thank you." now, that's progressive. call or click today.
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welcome back. >> hi, aaron. >> it is coming up on 5:41. we'll take a live look outside this morngs. cold is what you'll have to deal with when you step outside this morning. make sure you bundle up the coats, gloves, hats, whole nine yards. >> storm team 4 meteorologist tom kierein with the forecast. hi, tom. >> good morning. we're starting off this morning, yes, you need a winter coat. we have a lot of cloudiness over much of the district and maryland. the district to our south and west, shenandoah valley and east and west virginia, it's clear. that's where the coldest air is now. the areas in the very dark blue are in the 20s. that includes much of the shenandoah valley and the blue ridge into the mountains. the areas in a little lighter blue, medium blue, they're in the 30s. very light blue, that's in the 40s. near 40 around the immediate metro area around the beltway and elsewhere on the eastern shore. reagan national at 43.
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rural areas, most locations are down to the mid-30s. smithsburg, washington county hometown forecast by 7:00 a.m., near freezing. a few breaks in the clouds. by the noon hour, into the low 40s and partly cloudy. here's the regional forecast for the whole area. afternoon highs climbing to around 50. hour by hour today, notice the wind will be increasing too, gusting to around 20 miles an hour. could get a coastal storm bringing us rain, wind, and snow. i'll have the latest on that coming up in ten minutes at 5:51. now, danella, how's traffic? checking out metro because a couple of problems are going on. first let's talk about the orange line at minnesota avenue. a train malfunction there, and it is causing delays as you make your way towards vienna. also on metro, this time affecting both the orange and blue line at stadium armory. single tracking between stadium armory and eastern market causing delays on the orange and blue line. be aware of that if you're taking metro. vre not reporting delays at this
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time. over to theed road, let's talk about delays on i-95. you slow in stafford. delays continue as you head to 610, a little bit heavy in that area, red there. solid delays as you head towards quantico. i want to give you a live look at lorton. karb cars hitting the brakes in this area. checking travel speeds heading from the occoquan to the beltway, you're at 60 miles an hour. that drive is taking you 11 minutes. at i-66 eastbound at fairfax county parkway, police officer lights flashing here. travel speeds from fairfax county parkway heading to the beltway, good here at 58 miles per hour. that drive taking 11 minutes. back in ten minutes. >> we'll see you, danella. thank you. it is 5:43. still ahead, a final homecoming for the country's first nuclear powered aircraft carrier.
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welcome back at 5:47. let's go to angie goff at the live desk with breaking news. a week after sandy struck, we have residents waking up in a small town in new jersey to a small earthquake. it was a magnitude 2.0 quake. it struck around 1:20 this morning. it centered in the town of ring wood. this is an area that's still dealing with a lot of downed power lines and downed trees in the aftermath of sandy. right now the good news is no reports of any injuries or damages. at the live desk, angie goff, news 4. >> angie, thank you. it's now time this morning to check other news. an israeli news channel is reporting that israel is preparing for an imminent strike
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on iran's nuclear program in 2010. it's part of a larger documentary set to air tonight. the order to prepare for the attack was given by prime minister benjamin netanyahu in a meeting of ministers. but several questioned whether they had the authority to give the order, and preparations were called off. police in savannah, georgia, looking for whoever opened fire on a crowded fair this weekend, shooting seven people. this happened saturday night as the coastal empire fair was'wraiwas'wr wrapping up. 6 of the 7 hit were teenagers. police say they are going to be okay. police have not ruled out the possibility of a second shooter. tonight friends and family will gather together to remember a montgomery county teenager who was hit and killed by a car while walking to school. christina morris moore died last week crossing germantown road at wisteria drive when she was hit. tonight's vigil will be held at seneca valley high school.
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5:48. a fairfax county family is asking for the public's help in finding their father missing for almost two weeks. 63-year-old mohammed yazani suffers from dementia. he was last seen at his home in havenswood, place. police officers combed through huntley mills park yesterday. the family pleaded for help in finding their father. >> tell anybody you know. put up a flier. it's online. if you just google it, you'll see the flier, and you could just post it up. every little bit helps. every pair of eyes helps. we just ask that you please just keep an eye out. >> yazdani is 5'6" and was wearing a gray sweatsuit when he disappeared. if you know anything about where he may be, please call police immediately. the world's first nuclear powered aircraft carrier ended its run in virginia yesterday. they began shutting down the eight nuclear reactors almost as
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soon as it arrived at the pier yesterday. the final deployment was nearly eight months at sea. the navy will officially deactivate the enterprise on december 1st, but it will take several more years to be decommissioned as the reactors are taking out. a man who lost his legs is testing a new kind of prosthesis controlled by his thoughts. yesterday he climbed 103 flights of stairs at chicago's willis tower. he was one of 173 people who participated in sky rise chicago, a fund-raiser for the rehab institute that developed the bionic leg technology they're using there. >> hard to wrap your mind around that it's controlled by thoughts. >> like a real leg would be. >> pretty cool. time for weather and traffic on the ones. >> storm team 4 meteorologist tom kierein is here. we're talking cold today and maybe wet stuff later in the week. feels like winter this morning, and it may look like
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winter within about 48 hours or so. stay tuned. as we take a look now, there's capitol hill under a cloudy sky. live view from the nbc 4 hd city camera. there's the live view on the warmer waters of the potomac. a light westerly breeze at 18 to 20 miles per hour. it feels colder than that. you need a winter coat this morning. there is the view from space. a lot of cloudiness across northern virginia, the district, and maryland, and all throughout most of western maryland and west virginia. there are breaks in the clouds. central, southern shenandoah valley and into extreme eastern west virginia and the rest of west virginia south to fredericksburg are clear. that's where the cold temperatures are. down to the 20s to near 30. culpeper down to 34. manassas 39. so's leesburg. fredericksburg at 37. it's really a very cold morning. it's in the mid-30s to upper 30s in prince george's county. much of southern maryland and the northern neck. now let's go forward and see
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what may be happening with this coastal storm. throughout the day today, we'll have sunshine breaking out this afternoon. and then as we get into wednesday and wednesday evening is when we'll begin to see the effects of this storm. here's wednesday at 7:40 in the morning, just a lot of clouds. this area of green and orange, a lot of heavy rain, a rapidly developing coastal storm off the carolinas at that point. let's go forward into wednesday afternoon. this is 3:00 wednesday afternoon. this is moderate to heavy rain. these areas of yellow and orange heading off to the west. it's going to be drawing in colder air as it does develop off the atlantic seaboard. as a result, we'll see it change to snow. does look like areas in the dark blue a mix of rain and snow. these areas in the lighter blue and white could be accumulating snow for parts of western maryland, maybe right along the blue ridge and wet snowflakes and rain mixing in western and northern suburbs. this is as of wednesday at 8:00 p.m. after that, as it tracks farther
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north, that we could even get the accumulating snow briefly into washington. i don't think we're going to geget a lot of snow out of it but enough to cover grassy areas. the temperatures are still so warm that a lot is going to be melting on roadways. it's going to rapidly move off to the north and east. for the afternoon, your winter coat and a blustery wind in the 30s to 40s. a lot of cloudiness around by 7:00 a.m. lunch hour, partly sunny and chilly, low to mid-40s. ought to peak around 50. storm team 4 four-day forecast for election day, cold, near 30 in the morning. afternoon highs in the 40s, increasing clouds. rain moves in midday wednesday to wednesday afternoon, changing to snow perhaps wednesday night. and all of that ending during the day on thursday. then drying out and rm warming friday, saturday, sunday, as sunshine returns. i'll be back in ten minutes. first 4 traffic monday morning
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with danella. good morning. >> good morning. checking out a view from the chopper. if you're traveling bw parkway southbound, had an accident at laurel bowie road. using the shoulder lane. following northbound just past lower bowie road, looks like an accident just happened here. fire department on the scene as well as police. again, this is northbound as you make your way past laurel bowie road. i'm coming back in ten minutes with an update because this is just happening now. i'm going to call and get more information on this accident. another accident got to make you aware of is on the outer loop of the beltway over the american legion bridge. excuse my. the inner loop of the beltway at american legion bridge. one lane blocked by this crash. police are on the scene. back in ten minutes with an update on both accidents. today financial leaders from around the world will tackle some of the globe's biggest economic problems. the last day of the g-20 summit in mexico city. discussions include how to
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handle the debt crisis and the struggling economies in brazil and china. also how to address the fiscal cliff in the united states. it's feared the spending cuts and tax increases that could take place january 1st would have a global impact. there is more relief from banks for those of us affected by hurricane sandy. cnbc's shartia brantley live with that story and more. good morning. >> good morning, aaron. the nation's biggest banks are offering more temporary relief for residents impacted by hurricane sandy. citigroup, jp morgan chase, wells fargo, pnc, bank of america, and hsbc are extending waivers on late fees and charges. most banks are extending their deadlines until wednesday. several banks are still without power themselves with dozens of branches and atms throughout the northeast and mid-atlantic states out of service. in other news, toyota reported better than expected earnings. the japanese automaker's
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quarterly profits tripled boosted by recovery in its home country and solid results in the u.s. and europe. toyota is raising its outlook for the entire year despite a big drop in sales in china, where a territorial dispute has prompted protests of toyota cars and trucks. and american airlines pilots union is reaching closure on the financial language for a new contract. the pilots had been in labor talks with the airlines since 2006. american filed for bankruptcy a year ago and received court approval to void the current contract with the pilots so it couldn't pose its own terms. as it tries to save billions of dollars in labor costs. back to you. >> shartia brantley at cnbc, thank you. if you tried to log on to "saturday night live's" home page yesterday and got a strange message, it wasn't your imagination. a group of hackers launched an attack. a group called pyknic, and it
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defaced the site with this message, remember, remember, the november 5th. it's a reference to guy fox today, an attempt to blow up the government 400 years ago. in new jersey, it's hall weeven. the garden state is celebrating halloween a few days late because of hurricane sandy. governor chris christie postponed the holiday due to safety reasons regarding downed trees and power lines. ♪ get ready for bieber fever. teen pop star justin bieber is bringing his "believe" world tour to the verizon center. we checked, and there are still some tickets available. the cheapest ticket, though, we found, ticketmaster, $93. can you buy me some tickets? >> i'm good. i'll be all right. ahead, what the final poll before election day reveals about the race. plus bracing for more.
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people in the northeast under the gun again this week and why today could test the patience
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monday, that's what today is being called. new york and new jersey, still crippled as people head bk


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