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tv   News4 at 6  NBC  November 7, 2012 6:00pm-7:00pm EST

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putting aside florida, where the votes were still being counted, the president dominated the election map. victory across the battleground states, except north carolina. obama backers celebrated his win in swing state virginia. harry reid, whose senate majority got bigger, demanding house republicans cut deals on taxes and spending. >> american people want us to work together. republicans want us to work together. >> reporter: and house speaker john boehner opened the door to higher taxes. >> for the purposes of forging a bipartisan agreement that begins to solve the problem, we're willing to accept new revenue under the right conditions. >> reporter: conceding his loss, mitt romney called for compromise. >> at a time like this, we can't risk partisan bickering and political posturing. our leaders have to reach across the aisle to do the people's work. >> reporter: how did the people of america reject romney? one reason is, our population
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has changed. a smaller share of whites voted, down to 72% of the total. more minorities voting, more young people. changes that favor democrats like barack obama. he reached out last night to romney backers. >> whether i earned your vote or not, i have listened to you. i have learned from you. >> reporter: some republicans say they better learn, from an election that gave barack obama four more years. bipartisanship will get the media test,he dreaded fiscal cliff. automatic across-the-board tax hikes and deep defense spending cuts. just seven weeks away. steve handelsman, news4. thanks, steve. not much changed on thrill as a result of the election. republicans kept a lock on the house of representatives. 233 to 193. democrats maintain control of the senate, 53-45.
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maryland democrats picked up a seat in the house. in the sixth district. john delaney beat incumbent roscoe bartlett. the lines in that district were recently redrawn to include a large part of montgomery county. democrats also celebrating a big win up in massachusetts. elizabeth warren beat scott brown for the u.s. senate seat there. the democrats regained the seat that was held by the late ted kennedy for 47 years. warren will be the first woman to represent massachusetts in the senate. democrats are holding on to a u.s. senate seat in missouri, thanks to controversy created by a republican challenger. todd akin lost to incumbent mccaskill. akin came under fire for comments he made he called legitimate rape. he said abortion should not be allowed in conception by rape. republicans called for him to
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drop out of that race. tim kaine said he's determined to work with people on both sides of the aisle when he takes his seat in the u.s. senate. as julie carey reports now, his victory was likely changed by the demographics in the commonwealth. >> reporter: tim kaine had just started to celebrate his own victory when he was handed a piece of paper containing even more good news for virginia democrats. >> more than halfway there. nbc just called the presidential race for president obama. >> reporter: after last night's election, it was back to reality today, as kaine held his first news conference. j to the extent that i won by a couple of points, i think it was largely because people looked at me and believed that i would be able to go into the senate and just be an extra voice in the
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common ground caucus. >> reporter: kaine's victory over george allen came on the strength of a showing in northern virginia. he won fairfax and prince william counties by huge margins. aides know the spanish speaking cain was helped by the growing number of latino voters. in his final day of campaigning, 5 of 20 radio interviews were with language speaking spanish. >> they're all over virginia. it's grown significantly. naturally, if you're doing what i'm doing and trying to get elected, you want to speak directly to people in the way that's most persuasive. >> reporter: but kaine rejects the notion that prince william and loudoun are as blue as fairfax. bob mcdonnell, one of the strongest supporters analyzed the virginia results today. he gave credit to the obama campaign and the ground game that in the end surpassed the best the republicans had ever
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staged in the commonwealth. >> to win twice in a row as a democrat in virginia is a historic achievement. i credit the president and his campaign for their good work. >> reporter: governor mcdonnell said he found one bright spot for republicans in yesterday's virginia election results. eight of the 11 congressional seats stayed in republican hands. we're keeping an eye on a storm that is slamming the northeast coast once again. we won't see much of it in our area. but doug kammerer, you can tell us who will feel the brunt of this one more time. >> that's really the same in all this. about nine days ago we were talking about hurricane sandy making its way onshore in towards portions of the jersey shore and new york. they're going to get hammered again. they're already getting hammered right now. as far as our weather's concerned, look on the radar. very light rain making its way across the area. most of this light sprinkle activity. maybe a flurry or two mixed in. we're not seeing anything like
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they're seeing up to the north. this major storm making its way up to the coastline. you can see philadelphia, new york, all seeing snow, including areas hardest hit by sandy. the coastline. take a look right now. we've got video coming out of philadelphia. these are actually live pictures of philadelphia right now. you can see the snow making its way down, creating havoc on the roadways there. it is rush hour in philadelphia, too. they'll continue to see the snow. winter weather advisories in effect across their area. as far as our weather's concerned right now, this is all we're dealing with for the most part. the cold air, 44 degrees, winds out of the north at 15 miles per hour. that brings us our windchill of 37 degrees. i'll let you know how this storm will affect us as we work through tomorrow morning and what's coming up next. we've got big changes in the forecast. we're going to take a look at the impact of the coastal storm hammering areas already trying to recover from hurricane sandy. jay gray in trenton, new jersey, with more on how people are trying to cope with all of this. jay?
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>> reporter: hey there, jim. this is what they're coping with right now, snow mixed with rain. it's playing out up and down the east coast as you talk about. and coming at the worst possible time. just a week after sandy. the damage and difficulties still stretch for miles. >> we just got hit. everybody got hit with sandy. >> reporter: now millions along the east coast must deal with a second storm. >> it's expected to arrive with heavy winds and rains, as we go further into the day today, through tonight, and into tomorrow morning. >> reporter: a harsh nor'easter has already dumping heavy snow in central connecticut. front loaders and piles have been moved into place, piles of salt and sand are at the ready. but it's difficult to protect an area already ravaged by sandy. hundreds of thousands are still without power, tarps cover roofs where they can. and other places, homes and communities have been wiped
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away. and this latest round of rough weather will likely set back the recovery here. >> i can see us actually moving backward, people who have just gotten power, losing power again. >> reporter: an overwhelming task, that cleanup will become more difficult now. >> we have a lot of stuff in the street. if ice and snow gets mixed with the sticks out there, it's hard to chip it. >> reporter: the winter storm is already chipping away at travel. flights have been delayed and canceled. a situation that like the conditions is only expected to get worse. the temperatures are dropping, the wind picking up. it's going to continue for the next 10 to 12 hours, which means the cleanup and recovery really can't get back to business until at least probably sometime this weekend. live in trenton, new jersey, jay gray, news4. >> jay, thank you. this election was a big success for supporters of
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same-sex marriage. voters in maryland, maine and washington state all approved gay marriage yesterday. in minnesota, voters defeated the measure that would define marriage as only between a man and a woman. news4's chris gordon shows us the new law in maryland includes protections for people who are opposed to gay marriage. >> reporter: supporters of marriage equality, celebrated. 51% of the voters cast ballots against it. >> as the world changes, you have to accept ideas. so i had to go along with it. it wasn't my belief. >> you're born who you are. how can a christian tell son th -- someone they can't marry who they want to. >> reporter: same-sex marriages in churches throughout the state. but the law says any pastor, caterer, photographer or party
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planner who doesn't want to participate in the gay marriage doesn't have to. >> it's important for people to understand that two-thirds of the bill contains religious exemption language. that exempts clergy and religious institutions who do not acknowledge same-sex marriage because of their particular beliefs. >> reporter: some maryland pastors say they can't accept gay marriage, citing the bible. >> it's very clear there that marriage, there is a union between a husband and a wife, or a man and a woman. going all the way back from the garden of eden. >> reporter: chris gordon, news4. we have more election coverage coming up, including a look at the other questions in maryland. a big upset in the district. and how the national election may affect our metro area. the so-called east coast rapist is scheduled to plead guilty in northern virginia. his name is aaron thomas. he'll have a plea hearing later this month in loudoun country.
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he's accused of raping and sodommizing a woman. police believe thomas is responsible for raping or attacking 17 women up and down the east coast since 1997. he could be sentenced to life in prison if he's convicted. coming up on news4 at 6:00, top officials are targeted in a new onslaught of attacks in syria. gambling expansion passed in maryland, so when are all those new jobs coming to prince george's county? a couple of states made history legalizing the sale of marijuana for recreational use. it could set up a big governmen
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the president of syria survived an attack on his palace today. it hit nearby homes instead. three people died and seven others were hurt. syrian media called it a terrorist attack. they said it was retaliation for syrian violence. syrian tv also reports a judge died today when a bomb exploded in his car. wall street had its worst
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day of 2012, tumbling more than 300 points today. the dow fell below 13,000 for the first time since september. the nasdaq and the s&p also suffered big losses. the sell-off was triggered by worries over the looming fiscal cliff here at home. there are also new concerns about europe's struggling economy. it is not just americans who are excited, or upset about the election results yesterday. millions of people in other countries held watch parties as the results came in. nbc's michelle kosinski has reaction from around the world on president obama winning a second term. >> reporter: people partied through the night, watching the election results come in live. 4:30 here in london, crowds of brits, not americans, british citizens were in there cheering on the results. today also we're seeing reaction come in from world leaders.
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israel offered congratulations. >> i want to congratulate president obama on his reelection. i think the united states of america again demonstrated why it's the greatest democracy on earth. the security relationship between the united states and israel is rock solid. >> reporter: we're even hearing from the taliban and pakistan, saying, you know what, obama and romney are pretty much the same enemy, that they will continue to fight. and for president obama, who just won his next term, he gets his first order of overseas business, at least courtesy of british prime minister david m camer cameron. he was interviewed on the border of jordan and syria. during this interview he said we must do more now. >> one of the first things i want to talk to barack about is how we must do more to try to solve this crisis. >> reporter: he wants these two nations together to put more pressure on the assad regime and do more to aid the rebels. back to you. michelle kosinski reporting from london.
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doug is here now with more about our weather. and the weather in new york and new jersey. it's terrible, seeing the pictures of the snow coming down there. >> we'll talk to mike seidel in just a minute. he's at one of the beaches hit very hard by sandy just a week, week and a half ago. for us, we're really dodging a bullet again. just up to the north and east, bringing a lot of snow and wind and flooding, too. we're just seeing the cloud cover, rather chilly conditions and windchills right now that are in the 30s across the area. we'll continue to see our winds gusting between 10, 20, 25 miles an hour this evening. we're going to see light precipitation. that's what we've seen. i walked outside a little bit earlier where it says on the radar picture, storm team 4 radar. i'm not expecting much at all in most of the roads should be aok as you make your way through the night tonight and tomorrow morning. heads up for a few slick spots tomorrow morning. once again, this is not a big deal for us. where it's a big deal is
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philadelphia, new york city, towards long island, staten island, places like that are getting hammered once again, just after they got hammered by sandy last week. i want to take you to point pleasant beach. mike, are you there, buddy? >> reporter: i'm right out here, doug. i have never done this before. the blizzard in washington a few years ago, but to do this on a sand dune, a dune that was just built yesterday and today, they took all the sand that went inland with the surge from sandy nine days ago, they brought it back out here and built the dune yesterday. what you're seeing is yours truly climbing up sand with two to three inches of snow on top of the sand. and behind me you can see the atlantic. we didn't get the wind gusts we thought we would get today. they've been up in massachusetts, we've had gusts 30 to 35. the coastal issues have been minimal. the power is still out east of the railroad tracks in point
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pleasant beach. they don't know when that will come on. they're concerned about fire starting because water got into the boxes. but this entire dune system was wiped out from sandy a week ago monday and they had to do something. they built this temporary dune, around-the-clock work. this is what you get. then you end up with the swirling snowstorm. we were talking about this today at the weather channel, doug. we can never remember, i never remember having seen snow nine days after a hurricane. maybe two or three months later, but not nine days. something very surreal. >> you talk about this storm coming through. sandy obviously having big impacts there. the focus is going to be more on power outages and things like that. if this storm was to come on a normal time, this would not be a major storm for the northeast. >> no. we're talking 48 inches. they just issued a winter storm
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warning a few minutes ago from the suburbs, connecticut. not a big deal. but the fact that it's coming in a state where more than 200,000 customers are still without power, we just heard from pse & g, another 60,000 customers have lost power today due to the storm, with the wind and the snow. and just a real mess up here for the poor folks that are still in the dark, in the cold. now going into the second full week after sandy hit. but these pictures tonight, something you won't probably see again the rest of your life. a snowstorm nine days after a hurricane hits the area. >> mike seidel reporting from point pleasant beach. thanks, mike, for joining us. a man who does more live shots in the weather than anybody out there. look at the storm impacting our area, nothing going on. we had winter weather advisories in baltimore, those have since been dropped. coastal flood warnings, winter storm warnings, high wind warnings, hurricane force wind warnings, those are out towards
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the atlantic. in our area, as we move back down toward the south, the only area that's really going to be affected by this is our coastal beaches once again. ocean city, coastal flood warnings there. they're expecting moderate to severe flooding on the che chesapeake bay. you want to make sure if you have a place down there, get some of that furniture off. but you probably already did that from last week. so hopefully this one should not be too bad. they're talking about potential flooding around downtown ocean city. 44 degrees right now. winds out of the north at 15 miles per hour. a very cold evening. it's going to stay that way. already in the 30s in fredericks and gaithersburg. 30 in winchester. as the temperatures fall, the rain may change over to snow. once again, i do not anticipate any major problems as we move on through the day tomorrow. our area of low pressure moves out. and guess what moves in. sunshine. in an area of high pressure that is going to bring us some fantastic weather. this storm will be a memory once
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again, and we can start to dry out and hopefully they can start to dry out and get better in parts of the northeast. improving daily. 53 tomorrow. seeing sunshine late in the day. 60 on friday. saturday and sunday, temperatures near 70. i think we go on monday, too. this weekend probably the best weekend we have seen in quite some time. and the first time temperatures will go above average in over two weeks. we need it. we're going to get it. and it looks great. >> for all those people who have monday off for veterans day, what a bonus. >> thank you, doug. coming up on news4, find out if a d.c. candidate who was arrested on election day was able to walk away with a victory. metro already preparing for the inauguration. things could look quite different this time for the president's inauguration. coming up in sports, the hoops team gets great news before their opener. the wizards hope to turning losing into old news as they head to boston. plus, he was supposed to make
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headlines, but he's just been on the sidelines. what pierre garcon said about the rest of his season. that's all when news4 at 6:00
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hmm, it says here that cheerios helps lower cholesterol as part of a heart healthy diet.
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that's true. ...but you still have to go to the gym. ♪ the one and only, cheerios ...and now... you! [ giggles ] ♪ the one and only, cheerios undocumented students in maryland are celebrating a big win at the polls yesterday. voters approved ballot question
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4. it allows undocumented students to pay in-state tuition at public colleges. it is maryland's version of the dream act. students must attend a maryland high school for three years. the student or their parents must prove that they filed state income taxes during that time. maryland is the first state in the country to approve this measure by a popular vote. table games and a new casino are coming to maryland. voters yesterday approved a ballot issue, question 7 it's called, that would allow expanded gambling. >> tracee wilkins is at national harbor with what county executives and voters have to say about a casino coming to their area. >> reporter: i know a lot of people woke up this morning thinking, i can go and start playing table games now in maryland. well, that's not the way this process is going to work. this is actually just the beginning. there's a lot of work that has to happen between the county and the state. and that work starts with annapolis. the first changes you'll see
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thanks to the passage of question 7 will be an existing maryland casino, like maryland live, where the introduction of table games like blackjack and roulette will begin. they're expecting to hire more than 1,200 new people to handle the work. >> it does impact us. i think in a favorable way. howard county residents will have an opportunity to get jobs and more revenue coming into the state. >> reporter: prince georgians will have to wait until 2016 for a new casino to open. the way the legislation was crafted, they'll have a few years to get the casino off the ground without having to compete with prince george's county. >> it gives them to build the type of resort they want. it also gives us a chance in prince george's county to bring in the type of partner we want. >> reporter: while mgm has made it clear it wants to win the bid to build a new casino at national harbor, anyone can submit a bid, including the casino company that put millions
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into trying to stop question 7 from passing. penn national gaming. >> they're going to bid on it. certainly we in the county are going to do economic development around that area. what i have to do as county executive and what these gentlemen understand is that we've got to look out what we think is in the best interests of the county. that's why i said national harbor. >> reporter: this is going to be a long and interesting bidding process. but they're not there yet. now, in annapolis, they're going to have to do two major things. first of all, come up with rules how they want to govern table games throughout the state. secondly, they'll have to create the rules and regulations around this bidding process and decide exactly what it is they're looking for in companies that have the opportunity to bid. and there's no timeline right now for when that work is going to begin. reporting live in national harbor, tracee wilkins, news4. tracee, thank you. in the district, phil mend el
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son will stay on as council chairman. he was ore whemingly elected into the seat vacated by kwame bro brown. david grosso beat michael a. brown for his at-large seat. grosso previously worked for norton. other incumbent council members won their respective races for reelection. question b reduces bargaining rights of police officers there. another will allow montgomery county to recruit and hire individuals with physical and mental disabilities on a noncompetitive basis. and damascus will no longer be a dry town. voters there repealed a ban on beer and wine sales. the national elections on tuesday were a major setback for republicans who also saw democrats gain strong support for minorities, women and young people. but local leaders say those
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results could also help lead to more compromise perhaps on capitol hill. tom sherwood here now with a look at what just might happen next. >> the elections are barely over but there's a lot of serious business to face right now. maryland democratic congressman chris van holland is the major democratic leader in the house, where republicans retained control in tuesday's elections. but holland said the strong obama victory over mitt romney and the democrats' growing support among hispanics, women and young people, opens the door to compromise if republicans are willing to move beyond their base of white voters. >> the republican party is having a big debate right now post-election. there are some that say they should have cared even more to the right wing. i think they would be making a big mistake. they are narrowing and narrowing their sort of base of their electorate. >> reporter: for example, in maryland, the dream act provided
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educational opportunities for children of undocumented immigrants, won easily. and democrats picked up 71% of the hispanic vote. >> we became the first state by referendum to endorse the idea, yet you've got the republicans wanting to close the door. >> reporter: both democrat van holland and northern virginia republican tom davis, a former house member, say the federal government must also act to ease the budget deficit, or hurt the country and the national capital region. >> congress has got to address this, and not just do it by addressing discretionary spending. they're going to have to get into entitlements and revenue. >> i'll certainly do everything possible to prevent us from going over the cliff. it would be bad for america and maryland. it would be bad for the washington area. >> some national conservative commentators say the gop must begin to expand its base, or keep on shrinking. >> there was an effort some time back to get utah another seat in
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the house, and give the district a seat in the house. does the makeup of this congress lend itself to an effort to try that again? >> the moving force to have that done was tom davis. the moving force against it were the city officials, who decided that was a half a loaf or something and didn't want to do it, so they never got it. >> it's not likely to -- >> i don't know of anyone trying to push that again. >> thanks, tom. police in fairfax county say there's been another fondling incident in the springfield area that happened last thursday along hibbling avenue. they say it's connected to eight other attacks. they released a sketch of the suspect and increased police patrols in the area. areas hit hard by sandy are dealing with yet another coastal storm. this one bringing wind and rain and snow to parts of the northeast. governor chris christie is warning some people who only recently got their power back could lose it again. >> an advisory neighborhood commission candidate accused of
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attacking a man outside the polling place lost the election. he was arrested outside a recreation center in southwest. he's accused of attacking eric anderson after he appeared to be tampering with one of her signs. she was charged with assault. inauguration day preparations are already under way. the inauguration falls on a monday, january 21st, next year. and as adam tuss reports, the agencies say they'll be ready this time for the big crowds. >> reporter: we're just hours removed from the election, but now the real interesting stuff starts for transportation planners. how many people will be coming here for the inauguration? and how will everyone get around? cars, buses, trains, people, all jam-packed into one confined section of the city. >> you just know you're not going to be able to drive or get around like normal on those days. but it's part of living in d.c. >> reporter: certainly huge
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crowds for the president's first inauguration four years ago. metro's busiest ridership day was his inauguration. 1.5 million trips on trains and buses. those who were there -- >> it was wall-to-wall people. in spite of all that, i have never seen a large group of people like that where everyone was in such a good mood. >> reporter: the inauguration this time falls on monday, january 21st, which also happens to be the martin luther king jr. holiday. metro said the ridership numbers could be cut in half compared to four years ago. >> we don't know. we put a range on it, between 500,000 and 800,000. we'll get more updated numbers from the park service, from secret service as we get closer to the date on what to expect. >> reporter: but regardless of the size of the crowd, metro is drawing on lessons learned. >> what we did last time was we charged for parking as you entered those facilities. that created some long backups onto highways. so now we're switching that around and you'll be able to pay for parking as you exit which
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will be less of a crush. >> reporter: the transit agency also ordering up about 100,000 commemorative smart trip cards that will cost $15 each. and you'll be able to preorder them soon. on the streets of the district, anticipation for the event. >> i'm definitely excited about it. it's a good time for the city, for america. i'll be here. >> you'll be here? >> yes, sir. and i suggest everyone else come as well. >> reporter: much of the celebration will take place right here on pennsylvania avenue. if you live or work in this area, you already know, you and your car here, not likely on inauguration day. in the district, adam tuss, news4. he's right about that. coming up, it is legal to sell recreational marijuana now in two states. but the federal government may have the last word on this. social media buzz still all about the elections. we'll find out how even hillary clinton made a comeback there. doug, what's up with the weather? >> a little snow starting to mix in with our light rain. that's all we'll see overnight tonight as this storm continues
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to move in across portions of the northeast. this will move out, though, and what's moving in next for us? i've got the forecast.
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light now the justice department is examining ballot measures that legalize marijuana in two states. colorado and washington state voters became the first to approve the sale and possession of marijuana for recreational
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use. in colorado, residents over the age of 21 can have up to an ounce. both states are required to tax and regulate sales. it's unclear what will happen with these laws, since marijuana possession is still a federal offense. no question this was the most tweeted shared and liked election in history. social media played a role as it never has before. angie goff now with more on what became a record breaking night. >> binders full of women. >> governor, we also have fewer horses and bayonets. >> reporter: big bird, horses, bayonets, who knew media would shape so much of the election of 2012. more than 20 million tweets made the day the most tweeted political event in u.s. history. president obama posted this picture. it has more than 3 million likes on facebook and has become the most shared post since twitter started. in mclean, virginia, a realtime
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tool that shows that in our area, the first-time voter got overwhelmingly positive sentiment for those online. pictures of long lines at the polls and #stay in line dominated local feeds. as did photos of marked ballots which is illegal in most states. big bird made a comeback. then we headed back to the future. one of the night's big trend before the election was called hillary 2016. no doubt, social media's role has soared since the last election. just to put it in perspective, in 2008 there were 3 million people on twitter. this year, there are 70 million people. angie goff, news4. also at sometimes there are some places it got ugly out there on facebook and twitter last night, too. that's the down side of that. >> what a segway. >> yes. what are we looking at, carol? >> talking about ugly were the redskins last week. on the bye, we're still talking about them. the redskins' biggest free agent
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signing. facing a huge decision about his future. and the season not yet under way, but the maryland basketball program already picks up a win. we
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we've seen scenes like this around our area. but this is not our area. thank goodness. philadelphia, this is the new jersey turnpike just outside of philadelphia. the snow starting to cover the highway. when it's starting to cover the highway, you know you've got a big mess and that's exactly what they're seeing out there right now. just off the coast, here's the center of circulation. it is now just to our north. that is a good thing. that tells you it's going to be very hard to wrap in any more precipitation from the north. so i think we're just going to see some shower activity, a few flurries here and there, that is it for us. notice around portions of philadelphia, through new jersey, over toward new york city, very heavy snow. this dark white here, or bright white here, that is the heavy snow. our weather tonight should be fine. 32 in gaithersburg. 28 in leesburg. if we see the showers continue, and they're already seeing some of those around the d.c. metro
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area, alexandria, southern maryland, some of these areas you may see slick spots overnight into early tomorrow morning. especially bridges and overpasses. you want to make sure you give yourself a little bit of extra time this evening. tomorrow afternoon, we're going to be very nice. tomorrow starting off with cloud cover. and then i think everybody sees the sunshine come back into the forecast. high of 53 in washington tomorrow. 53 in gaithersburg, 51 back to winchester. mostly sunny skies here. we'll start off with clouds around the d.c. metro area and break out into the sun. the sun is going to be what we're going to be seeing a lot of. and we need it over the next couple of days. temperatures have been below average now for almost two weeks. i think we'll finally get above average, and that streak could continue for a while. we'll talk more about that coming up in the seven-day forecast in just a couple of minutes. >> bring it on. thanks, doug. i say what are you leading with? she said redskins. i said why? she said watch this sports report. i said, i already know why. and you know the reason why?
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we are never going to see that dude in a redskins uniform again. he's toast. he's done. >> oh, my goodness. pierre garcon? >> yes. >> you heard it here first. jim vance is going out on a limb here. i'm not ready to say that. let me first start, because it's as close to the political scene as we're going to get, talking about a bizarre statistics. the team has a long and impressive statistic predicting the presidential election. if the redskins before the win before the election, the incumbent wins. make it eighth the last ten times it makes it true. let's hope the naysayers suffer the same fate about the team's chances this season. now to pierre garcon. his future is in doubt. >> take a good look. >> you may remember him limping off the field after the first game.
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he suffered an injury during this play. the only impression he made since signing with the skins. now pierre hasn't practiced in two weeks going into the bye. a decision will be made about possible surgery, if he hasn't ma strides in his recovery by next week. >> it's getting better. i'm trying to put more force on it, walking around every day, with my orthotic shoes and giving it a little more push. still not where needs to be. it's going to be a group decision, me, coaches, and the team. we're trying to avoid that if at all possible costs. sometimes you've got to be realistic, you've just got to have it and hopefully a successful surgery and recover from it. >> jim is shaking his head. i'm going to quote him, he's going, huh-uh. >> i don't think he wants to play here. i think he would rather be somewhere else. i think the coaches and the other guys are happy with that.
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>> i think he's been hurt. >> no, there's no question he hasn't been hurt. but there's more than injury involved here. >> i've got fingers crossed for a bye week miracle. meantime, the maryland terrapins basketball team never gave up on their fight with the ncaa. the battle was finally won today. it's an unprecedented ruling. transfer des wells can play right away. transfers usually have to sit out a season and the request was initially denied last month. wells transferred to maryland after a sexual assault allegation while at xavier. got him expelled. prosecutors later deemed the evidence unprovable, didn't even file charges against him. after a massive effort by the terps administration, the good news came today. >> i didn't have much to do about it, except i don't like the word no and i don't like to lose. so those guys deserve all the credit. i thought des was great
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throughout the whole process. the reason you won't have des today, because it is emotional. there was a lot of people crying this morning. adults, just a lot of work, you know, and a lot of things that that kid went through. it's pretty emotional right now so we kind of want to protect him today. you guys will have time with him in the future obviously. he's going to be around a lot. >> looking forward to that. they tip off the season friday night against kentucky. the washington wizards closed their home series with the celtics tonight. this one is in boston. wizards are one of two winless teams in the nba. it's them and the pistons. not panic time yet, they're only 0-2. starting the season, like they've been starting the games, very slowly. in saturday's home opener, it was a one-sided affair. at least in the moments after tip-off. the celtics jumped out to a 17-2 lead. with seconds remaining, a chance to win the game. down one.
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webster shot. nowhere close. the wiz drop to 0-2 on the season. they're looking for their first win in boston tonight. everyone is offering thoughts on what the keys to success will be. >> i think we'll have a better start. we started slow our last two games. and that put us in a bind. if we can come out with a good start. >> playing with confidence. taking care of the ball, execution. i think would be the three things that we have to really do a better job with. getting the shots that we want. and, you know, stop and defend at the other end. >> a fourth thing, i say belief. right? we'll see if they can get it done tonight. that's tonight. we'll have highlights at 11:00. dc united season is on the brink while their night is also in jeopardy. nasty weather up north as united is facing the new york red bulls in the second leg of their
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play-off game. ben olson's guys won't be cooled by the thought of stormy weather. uplifting sight in practice this week, their captain rosario returns to the field after a sprained ncl the past eight weeks. the latest look at red bulls stadium. united going to be ready to go whatever conditions. it's going to be tough no matter what. >> it's going to be tough up there. our rival. it's in a tough atmosphere. they have a good team. it's a tough game for us to play. but i think the guys are up for it. we need a result, we need a win. >> we have to come away with a victory. we're not going down this, down 1-0, but i think for us, it's a very winnable game. a lot of people have us out
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right now. i think there's a lot of belief in this group and this organization that we can come away with a victory. it's something that we should and can do. >> kickoff is hopefully at 8:00 p.m. tonight on nbc sports network. we have a lot of the shaking of the head in this forecast. >> still scheduled for 8:00 p.m. fans urged to take caution when traveling to red bull arena tonight. >> we'll see. coming up, a special tribute to the 44th president of the united states. >> for all your news, we invite you to follow news4 online, just search nbc washington on both facebook and t
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tonight at 11:00, a teenage girl assaulted in a public library. find out how she was able to get away and get help. two fires in a matter of weeks, a lot of people are ranting about the presidential race on facebook. see what some are doing to silence their friends on social media. another look, doug? >> another look, still talking about shower activity. a few light flurries in our region. one thing you'll notice on the satellite and radar, is the fact the snow is staying well up to our north and east, philadelphia, new york, connecticut, boston. that green is just light rain na will continue for us. i'm not expecting to see too
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many problems overnight tonight. there could be a few slick spots early tomorrow morning because of the temperatures. but don't worry too much, i think you should be okay. we'll be on relief at 4:00 a.m. 53 on your thursday. here we go, 60 on friday. 67 on saturday. 70 coming up on sunday. sunday, plenty of sunshine. this weekend looking fantastic ahead of another storm system. that same storm system on tuesday, 63 degrees, is actually bringing blizzard conditions right now towards montana, parts of the upper midwest. for us, it will not have nearly the same impact, august though -- although we could have a couple of thunderstorms. >> thank you, doug. president obama had a very good night in chicago last night. and he is now on his way back to washington as the reelected president of the united states.
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he celebrated the election in chicago last night. a lot of work to do now in his efforts to unite the country after a bitter campaign battle with mitt romney. there they are, the president and his family arriving back at the white house. >> those girls will be back at school first thing tomorrow morning. >> they're so happy about that. millions of people all over the world are congratulating the president on his reelection. but one man in india has a really special tribute. he created a 7-foot-high sand sculpture today in the president's honor. i don't know. it's on a beach near the city of paree. i don't know. the american flag is there, that's good. washington, d.c. skyline, that's very cool. i don't know about that thing. >> not a great reflection. >> it took him several hours to finish. maybe they ought to take several more hours and go back and work that out a little bit more. but anyway, nice effort.
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a nice tribute. >>
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