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tv   Today  NBC  December 31, 2012 7:00am-11:00am EST

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breaking news. secretary of state hillary clinton in a new york hospital this morning, being treated for a blood clot. her spokesman says it stems from her recent concussion. we'll have a live report from the hospital. last chance. the nation now just hours from going over the fiscal cliff after lawmakers fail to reach a deal over the weekend. could a last-minute push from vice president joe biden get something done before your taxes go up? and oh, baby. kanye wecakanye west surprises y announcing his girlfriend, kim kardashian, is pregnant with their first child. how her family is reacting to
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the news "today," monday, december 31st, 2012. >> announcer: from nbc news, this is "today" with matt lauer and savannah guthrie live from studio 1a in rockefeller plaza. >> welcome to "today" on a very busy monday morning. i'm willie geist. >> and i'm erica hill. matt and savannah have the morning off. we'll have the latest on secretary of state clinton's condition in a live report straight ahead. it is the last day of 2012. >> you and i are both in the same situation with young children. people filing into times square in new york city. it is the world's biggest party. of course, security will be extremely tight. we'll check in on celebrations there and around the world. >> then we'll catch up with
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three women that had us talking in 2012, including a mom that sparked debate over this picture. and an anchor who caught flack about her weight. andrea mitchell joins us with the condition of secretary of state hillary clinton. >> her spokesman called a blood clot stemming from the concussion she had sustained earlier. the administration's most high profile frequent flyer, 112 countries, nearly 1 million miles, more than 400 days of travel, now grounded under doctor's care at new york presbyterian after a spokesman says physicians discovered a blood clot wednesday. onny whirlwind trip, she picked
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up a stomach virus that led to dehydration that led to a fall, a concussion and now, her aides say, a blood clot. >> she's had a very real accident and is recovering from it. she will be back. >> reporter: for three weeks, clinton has been out of the office, but still working while recovering at home. her concussion caused her to miss a grilling. her deputies went instead. >> secretary clinton is recovering from a serious virus and concussion. all of you who know hillary know that she would rather be here today. >> reporter: a scathing independent review board blamed the benghazi attacks on officials under her command and the action that state department takes in order to prevent any future attacks like the one in libya. >> secretary clinton has indicated she will implement all of them. my message to the state department has been very simple. and that is, we're going to solve this. >> reporter: now a new senate report released today also sharply criticizes the state department while widening the blame as well, finding fault
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with the pentagon and white house. clinton told the committee chair she's committed to working with them once she recovers and will appear before them once she gets the go ahead from her doctors. republicans want to hear from clinton in person before they'll consider confirming her successor. >> i've been told from senator kerry he wants that approach also. he needs to hear what she says so he can make comments about i agree with her, i don't agree with her. it makes sense to have her go first. >> clinton's spokesman has not said where the blood clot is located. doctors not involved in her case say if in her legs it's easily treatable. if in the lungs or brain, it would be potentially more dan r dangerous. and doctors want to make sure there are no underlying conditions that led to the clot. she has not announced her future plans but is widely considered the democratic front-runner if she chooses to make another run for the white house in 2016. willie? >> andrea mitchell, thank you.
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dr. roshini raj is a contributing medical editor. we know weeks ago she fantd as a result of dehydration and the flu. how do we get from there to a blood clot? >> it's a little murky. she did have a concussion after the fall. but to go from a concussion to a blood clot is not the common consequence. however if she was in bed, immobilized, people who have surgery or on long plane rides, because they're not moving so much, can develop a blood clot. if perhaps she was just lying in bed from the concussion, she could have developed it for this reason. >> andrea said we don't know exactly where this blood clot is. >> that's right. >> what is the general concern? >> a deep vein thrombosis, usually in the legs. the fear is that that part of that will break off and travel to the lungs, causing a pulmonary embolis.
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>> if they had done an ultrasound, they would have discovered the clot that way. >> she's on blood thinners now. how long could she expect to be on those? >> three months or longer depending on her other conditions. >> her travel, something like a million miles over the last four years, back sw forth. she has talked about it herself, not in the best health of her life. how concerned are you, as a doctor, somebody who is constantly going for four years? she's only got a couple of weeks left but has been going nonstop here. >> the travel may have contributed to the development of the blood clot n terms of long term, she's on blood thinners. some people think that will affect her performance. i don't really think so. millions of people are on blood thinners and lead normal lives except they can't do sports or do something that potentially they would be hit and fall. in politics i don't think that's a concern. >> you are not treating secretary clinton, you haven't
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seen her records but this is someone who potentially could run for president a few years from now, could become president. how concerned should americans be about her health? >> the next few days will tell us a lot. if she's just in the hospital to adjust the doet dose of her medication, we don't need to be concerned about long-term consequences. if she's longer in the hospital, sounds like there's more going on than meets the eye, then we need to be concerned. >> dr. raj, thank you. erica? there is still no deal. can a deal be reached in time? kelly o'donnell is on capitol hill. >> countdown to midnight is actually a celebration on this day, but that is not the case here. there has been some constructive movement on issues like all kinds of new taxes that could go into effect. the real problem is a battle over spending.
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today there is a change in who is leading the talks. after working through the weekend, holiday good wishes gave way to pessimism, following a sunday night meeting of house republicans. >> the future of the country, you know, rests in the hands of 70 and 80-year-olds who have jet lag it's probably not the best thing but that's all right. >> reporter: no deal struck and so no vote to take over big tax increases sperng s increases, spending cuts. some lawmakers saying they're embarrassed. >> something has gone terribly wrong when the biggest threat to our american economy is our american congress. >> reporter: since friday, the democrats' point man has been majority leader harry reid. >> everybody should hang loose. because we -- something may break and we'll be able to get something done. >> reporter: the top republican in the senate made clear he wanted to shake up the talks by changing players. >> i want everyone to know i'm willing to get this done. but i need a dance partner.
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>> reporter: mcconnell called on joe biden, who spent decades in the senate. and the vice president headed to the white house sunday. >> the vice president and i worked together on solutions before and i believe we can again. >> reporter: behind closed doors and working the phones, biden is described as democrats as playing the good cop as reid was more bad cop. >> there's still significant difference between the two sides but the discussions continue. >> reporter: it came not long after the president appeared on the "meet the press" and called out mcconnell and boehner on tax hikes. >> i think it's been very hard for speaker boehner and mcconnell to accept the fact that taxes on the wealthiest americans should go up a little bit as part of an overall package. >> reporter: the sticking point for them is that they say the democrats want to use the revenue that would come from new taxes to use that to cover the cost to prevent some of the
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spending cuts that are part of this so-called fiscal cliff. republicans want to see more deficit reduction. democrats say that could come later, but this would be a smaller plan. there are really some serious differences and not a lot of time left. congress has created its own deadline to this so-called fiscal cliff and now has to live by it over the next several hours to see if something can get done. erica? >> kelly o'donnell, thank you. chuck todd is nbc's political director. kelly mentioned some constructive movement but then there's this chasm we keep hearing about. is there a chance for a deal? >> i think -- i want to say yes, there's a chance for a deal! they're not that far apart. it really depends on the political motivations of the people at the negotiating table. you think about joe biden and mitch mcconnell, mitch mcconnell is totally looking at this through a political lens, what
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is in the best interest of republicans in his view? from what i understand in his view he thinks what's in the best interest of the republican party is getting the tax issue off the table and then having a big knockdown, drag-down fight with the president in six weeks over the debt ceiling. under that scenario, that would tell me, okay, he's likely to want to make a deal. when you look at the actions that republicans threw out that idea of throwing in the social security change and suddenly democrats balked -- and he pulled it from the table. mitch mcconnell wants to make the deal, get the tax issue off the table simply because he thinks having more leverage -- if you leave taxes there, it gives the white house and democrats more leverage in the debt ceiling. even if they get a deal today we have a big fight in the next six weeks. >> if there is a deal today can it about get passed in time to
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avoid the fiscal cliff? >> i'm not optimistic that it can get through the house. if there's a deal of 75, 80 senators voting for it, which is what mcconnell and biden are trying to construct here, it's not a deal that would just get over 60 votes but something bigger than that, the house would have to put it on the floor and it probably passes and probably gets over the finish line. you know, that's where i'm not sure we get a deal. is the political will there among house republicans? i know what mitch mcconnell believes is in the best interest of the republican party. i don't know if john boehner and mitch mcconnell are in sync on believing that the tax issue should completely be taken off the table. if there's no deal today, they'll cut taxes in three days when there's a new congress. >> focusing back on the senate, how important is vice president biden? >> the only person with any sort of warm relationship with mitch mcconnell is joe biden. the president doesn't have one.
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harry reid and mitch mcconnell do have one, it's on again, off again, but it can deteriorate quickly as we saw yesterday. biden is important. if there's anybody with a personal relationship in the white house -- if you can fault the white house for one big thing, it's the lack of developing a personal relationship with mitch mcconnell, between the president and him. there is one between joe biden and him. >> chuck todd, thanks. >> you got it. let's get to the morning's other top stories. andrea canning is in for natalie at the news desk. good morning. >> good morning. and happy almost new year's to you. and happy new year's to you at home. authorities are hoping to speak with a seriously injured bus driver. at least nine people were killed and 26 injured. the bus was returning to canada after a trip to las vegas. the woman charged with pushing a stranger to his death in front of a new york city subway train thursday reportedly
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has an issue of mental health issues and three previous arrest s. erica men endez targeted a 36-year-old native of india because she blamed, quote, muslims, egyptians and hichlt n duchlt s for the 9/11 terrorist attacks. in memory of a 23-year-old medical student who died two weeks after she was gang raped on a bus in india's capital. the crime has led to a wave of demands for greater protection for women against sexual violence. six men have been charged with murder in that attack. in wall street final trading day of the year is attracting more attention than usual. mary thompson join us from the new york stock exchange. >> we could see stocks drop for the sixth straight session. nonetheless it's been a good year for the market, the dow is up 6%, s&p up 11.5% and nasdaq
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is up 13%. auto sales are on track for their best year since 2007 and in hollywood a record year. movie ticket sales are expected to reach $10.8 billion. back to you. >> good news in the economy. thanks, mary. dramatic video of an ice rescue. a man crashed through thin ice on a lake in southern california. before long nearly a dozen good samaritans were in the water trying to reach him with ropes and inner tubes. mickey herman kept his camera running. he and mp else made it out safely. something tells me that he'll have a new outlook on 2013. al is in pasadena, california. getting ready for the big rose bowl parade there.
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>> we're just across from the famed rose bowl itself. massive floats that are works of engineering and floral ingenuity. every inch, every service has to be covered by a flower, seed, petal, some sort of plant life. we'll have the rose parade coverage, nbc's rose parade coverage tomorrow morning at 11:00 am 1:00 a.m. eastern, 8:00 pacific time. we have another storm system coming through the south. look at the winter weather advisories from new mexico all the way to indiana. we are looking at snow to the north of the system. check it out. you can see it making it across the country. to the south, mostly rain. to the north from oklahoma to indiana, we are talking snow through tuesday morning. then it's all rain through the south. snowfall amounts anywhere from 6 to 9 inches in central kansas.
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three to six inches from the southwest all the way to ohio. then in the lower mississippi river valley, one to two inches of rain. that's what's going on around the country. first this message and your local weather. happy monday, everyone. new year's eve. filtered sunshine for today. we'll rise into the low and mid 40s. it will be one of the warmest days of the work week.
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college park at 32. riverdale, 32. vienna at 27 degrees. let's look at the forecast for today. we'll see high clouds in the area. the high, 41 to 46. new year's >> erica, that's a big tract or. we're going to be up on it, coming up. that's a big tractor. >> we look forward to seeing that, al. thanks. it is going to be a cold night for the million or so people who will welcome the arrival of 2013 in times square. good morning. i'm sure you're not aalone. >> reporter: good morning to you. absolutely electric tonight as revelers here for the biggest party on the planet. and keeping everybody safe is big business so the good times will roll. on a night when it's perfectly
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okay to drop the ball even one as big and expensive as this, thousands of new york city police officers will be everywhere in times square and elsewhere to make sure that doesn't apply to security. annual show of force stands ready at america's biggest block party. >> 54 checkpoints into the core at times square area. people will be safe. we believe it's the safest location in america, times square. >> reporter: unlike new year's celebrations past, nypd has received no specific threats this year, but will be on high alert for signs of trouble in whatever form it may come. >> we use our helicopters in the air, observation posts. we have chemical radiologic al, police on scooters. it is a major commitment on the part of the department. >> reporter: and the department
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gets major kudos from this former secret service agent who safeguarded president obama in venues large and small. >> the world has changed so the game has changed and people want to see that force there. they want to see the uniforms and the police personnel, they want to see those tactical teams on the ground. it gives them a sense of security. >> security aside, preparations for fun and games have been ongoing for days. 2013 is in place. >> three, two, one. >> reporter: the confetti has been tested. yes, they actually test it. and the crystal sparkles, especially one in honor of mr. new year's eve himself, the late dick clark. >> i hope you have a healthy and happy new year. >> the first time on new year's eve because it's on my bucket list. >> times square when the ball drops. >> definitely something i wanted to do for the long time in my life, to be in the center of it, the glitz and the glamour. >> reporter: last year was a balmy 45 degrees when the ball
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dropped. this year we're expecting a windchill of 25, much cold er. happy new year to you, erica. >> ron, happy new year to you as well. that is when you huddle up close to each other in those pens. >> they get them in there ten hours before it starts. >> they stay for a long time. >> bring your blanket. a baby for kim kardashian and kanye west in 2013. how her family is reacting to the just announced news. first this is "today" on nbc.
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coming up, the women who had us talking in 2012, from the mom on the cover of "time" breastfeeding her son. >> to the anchor who stood up for herself after a viewer criticized her weight. [ male announcer ] let's go places. not just the ones you can find on a map. but the ones you can find in your heart. let's go beyond everything we know.
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and embrace everything we don't. and once we've reached our destination, let's keep going. because inspiration doesn't favor those who sit still. it dances with the daring... ♪ oh, oh, oh-oh, oh [ male announcer ] ...and rewards the courageous with ideas that excite, challenge, even inspire. ideas that take you places you never imagined. ideas big enough and powerful enough to make the heart skip a beat and, in some cases, maybe two. toyota. let's go places.
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[ male announcer ] the rhythm of life. [ whistle blowing ] where do you hear that beat? campbell's healthy request soup lets you hear it... in your heart. [ basketball bouncing ] heart healthy. great taste. mmm... [ male announcer ] sounds good. it's amazing what soup can do. that's been wrapped in a flaky crust stuffed with a gooey center toasted up all golden brown then given a delicious design? a toaster strudel. pillsbury toaster strudel. so fun. ♪ i got it made, i got it made ♪ i got it made ♪ fresh at subway ♪ breakfast made the way i say ♪ i got it made ♪ i got it made, i got it made, i got it made ♪ ♪ fresh at subway ♪ breakfast made the way i say [ male announcer ] get breakfast made the way you say. like your very own sizzlin' steak, egg white & cheese. amazingly under 200 calories. want green peppers, red onions on toasty flatbread? oh, you so got it made. ♪ at subway
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now you can get 4 box tops for education on 70 general mills products. 4 more box tops... so we can help our schools even more. that's 84 box tops! [ female announcer ] get 4 box tops, now only a walmart. this is a news 4 news break. >> good morning, everyone. it's 7:26 on monday, december 3 31. a rough morning on the roads. alexis davies is here with all you need to know. >> we have good news on the roadways. all of the oubd lanes on the memorial bridge have been re-opened. there was an earlier accident that shut them down. it's been cleared out of the roadway and has been re-opened. a live look now at the beltway. the inner and outer loop looking good. you're looking at an 11-minute drive time. >> we have breaking news from montgomery county. you're looking live at chopper 4
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video where teams are rescuing two hunters who were stranded after their boat floated away in toby town. both are doing okay. new this morning fairfax county police are investigating a deadly crash. a tractor-trailer and a car collided on sully near route 66 west before 2:00 this morning. the driver of the car died. police haven't released information about the victims or what caused the crash. we have your forecast coming up. stay with us for that.
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the redskins are in the playoffs. they beat the dallas cowboys 28-18 last night to clinch the nfc east. rookie al friend boris rushed for 200 yards, three touchdowns. the skins take on the seahawks.
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bundle up, veronica has your forecast. >> for sure. cold for the early part of the day and then warming up. look at the beautiful sunrise, the last of
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♪ >> kim kardashian and kanye west are expecting. we'll have details of that surprise baby news as the world gets ready for the arrival of the new year tonight. i'm erica hill alongside willie geist in for matt and savannah. i spent all night on twitter making sure i was totally up-to-date. >> people were very twitter on busy with that story. hollywood could not have scripted a better ending to 2012, successful year coming to a close with big blockbusters that have crowds flocking to the theaters. >> the most dangerous drugs out
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there are probably things like cocaine and heroin, but it turns out overdoses from prescription drugs kill more people than both of those drugs combined and why the epidemic is growing. how to help someone if you think they have a problem. was this woman going too far, breastfeeding her 3-year-old, or was she a better mom for doing it? can women really have it all? we'll talk to three women who sparked a lot of soul searching this year. kim kardashian and kanye west are expect iing their first chi. >> i'm just upset we didn't lead the whole show with this. i have a feeling it will be a long six months. >> it is. >> headline that tabloid writers everywhere, of course, have been waiting for. while there's plenty to celebrate kim does have one matter from her past to settle in the new year. kanye west certainly knows how
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to put on a show. >> stop the music for a second. >> and sunday night, the grammy-winning rapper -- >> can we make some noise for my baby mama right quick? >> took to twitter to share the joy. while mom kris said oh, baby, baby, baby. jenner gushed over the future father of her soon-to-be grandchild. >> he's a great guy. they're well suited for each other. they're definitely really, really happy. >> reporter: the rapper went th march. this fall west even wrote his lady love into one of his songs. >> my girl a superstar all from
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a home movie. >> reporter: that's a not so subtle reference to the sex tape that helped to rocket kardashian to fame. since then she has reached superstar heights. millions tune in to see her family's exploits into "keeping up with the kardashians." >> whatever. >> and her 2011 wedding to nba star kris humphries. west wrote about that in another song. >> and i'll admit i fell in love with kim round the same time she fell in love with him. >> the marriage only lasted 72 days but the divorce proceedings have gone on for a year. only likely to intensify in the new year with their bundle of joy. kardashian is reportedly 12 weeks pregnant, maybe a summer baby, i guess. it's not clear if she was at
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that kanye concert. i did hear she was there, but that's only from the blogs. as far as her divorce, a trial is likely to be held next year. willie? >> this came as a surprise to most people. any word on the street that you heard about this? >> no. the kardashians just had a christmas party that kris throws every year. people were there. she didn't really look pregnant. this one shocked us all. >> how surprised was kim kardashian last night that kanye west told everyone how she did. >> her family flood with tweets so they were all ready to go. they said they had been keeping this one close to the vest and are relieved that everyone knows. >> they had their marketing opportunities. >> ready to go, yes. >> you also told me, i didn't realize this, that kanye west a's ex is pregnant as well. >> yes. having a baby at the same time.
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>> this is kind of a strange time for this it came on quickly. >> it came on pretty quickly. she's three months pregnant. they've been dating since spring. kim says she loves kanye, says she feels like she's found her equal. k kim's ready. she's always wanted babies. >> are we hearing plans about a marriage between the two of them? >> no plans yet. but if you look at her sister who has two children with scott, they're not married. has to get divorced first. >> it's all about the branding and market iing. a baby that has two superstar parents that aren't afraid to market themselves, it could be a spin-off. this child, the whole world lies ahead thechl. >> duke and duchess of cambridge expecting a baby and now kimye, if i can use that term. >> kimye. >> a very busy time for you.
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>> yes. >> what does this mean for kim kardashian's future? what does this mean for her brand? >> it's the evolution of a brand. we saw her as a single lady, as a married woman. now we'll see her as a mother. like her or love her, everybody is invested in kim kardashian. >> we'll be watching. felicia quarrels, happy new year. now let's head to pasadena for a check of the weather from al. >> announcer: "today's" weather is brought to you by kellogg's special k products. >> good morning, everybody. we're here at the rosemont pavilion in beautiful pasadena where they are putting the final touches on the trader joe's float. everything has to be covered by some sort of plant life. take a look at this. this is how intricate it is. everything put on by hand, seeds, grasses, little lentils all cut -- these lentils have
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been cut in half for god of wor. let's see what we have for you weatherwise today. temperatures will be taking a big drop across the country. look at today. temperatures from 10 to 20 degrees above normal west of the mississippi. as we move through the week you will see cold air making it through the eastern, northern half of the country all the way into new england. temperatures anywhere from 10 to 30 degrees below normal as we move into wednesday. only warm spot the southeast and florida. that's what's going on around the country here's what's happening in your neck of the woods. >> good monday morning. looking at a gorgeous sunrise. last one of the year. we are at 30 degrees. your sky, partly sunny with wind delivering a wind chill of 24 degrees. generally in the low 20s throughout our area. afternoon high, 41 to 46 degrees.
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not as cold, not as windy as it was yesterday. then as we look at midnight, a possible sprinkle could come willie, the good news is lots of free food available. i can bring you back some grapefruit. >> all right, al. and lentils cut in half. again, lentils cut in half. wow! >> lentils cut in half! >> we'll talk to you later. thanks. the new drug epidemic, what's being done to prevent the sky rocketing number of drug overdoses. can i take my clothes off, too? [ woman ] oh, i don't want to look. ♪ [ woman ] let's get it over with. ♪ satisfaction! satisfaction! pizzazz! pizzazz! confidence. i like it!
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back now at 7:41 with the latest on the war on drugs. turns out it's your medicine cabinet. >> creating what doctors are calling the greatest drug problem. many aren't taking the pills to get high but to get better and having an unshakeable addiction. >> when jennifer cassidy looks
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at old photos of her brother, aaron, she still sees the picture of health. >> that guy in high school, starting pitcher for the baseball team, starting football, defensive end. very popular. >> reporter: at 33, aaron, a successful insurance salesman, who loved music and working out, went to a doctor about some old sports injuries and left with a prescription for the painkiller vicodin. he no history of drug or alcohol abuse but his sister said he developed a powerful addiction to painkillers. >> came out of nowhere. >> reporter: though aaron continued to feed his addiction with refill after refill, swren f jennifer said he desperately wanted to kick the habit but lost that battle, dying in his sleep from a prescription overdose at 36. >> we still beat ourselves up. we feel like we failed him. he was so special and we feel like we failed him. we do. >> reporter: tragically, aaron's
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story is become iing all too problem. >> the fastest growing drug problem in the united states. >> reporter: prescription drug overdoses now kill more people than heroin and cocaine combined more than triple the number from ten years ago in what experts are calling an especially dick d dem an epidemic. >> always prescription medications. this is what they overdosed on. >> reporter: in the last ten years, prescriptions for powerful pain killers have sky rocketed after the medical community vowed to do a better job. >> relieving it quickly and adequately for the patient. >> reporter: four times greater than in 1999, enough pills to medicate every adult in the country around the clock for a month. >> in terms of the scope of the drug problem in this country,
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where would you rate this? >> at the top. >> to tackle the problem, the white house is calling for better monitoring systems, more education and stronger enforcement of existing -- >> synthetic heroin. i don't think we've recognized that. now, of course, we're paying a terrible price in this country for that. >> reporter: like so many others, jennifer cassidy and her family know that price all too well. >> the way the system is set up, unfortunately, makes it very easy for unsuspecting people to become drug addicts. there are so many people dying this way and there's very little talk about it. >> reporter: one family speaking out for all those who no longer can. every state except missouri has passed legislation for prescription drug monitoring program but they're only up and running in 35 states. health experts say while steps do need to be taken to address this problem, it's important to remember that strong pain
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medication must be reserved for those who need it most. erica? >> specializing in drug addiction. it's very powerful, the sister saying this addiction came out of nowhere. how addictive are these drugs? >> very addictive. the doctor prescribe it is and it's a pill but these are as dangerous as street drug. >> a lot of kids, we're hearing, are finding them in medicine cabinets. how do you stop this? if there's someone in your family, like this young man who we saw, the family thinks there may be a problem. what are some of the signs you would look for? >> things like missing work, pursuing the drugs at the expense of other activities in life, getting into trouble with, you know, driving, complications -- legal complications. i think just being tuned in to behavior in your family member
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and friends is important. >> how do you then know to wane them off of them? there are people who legitimately need a lot of these drugs to manage their pain. is there a middle ground here? >> there is. there's a lot of treatment available. if you or your family have problem with these medications, i urge you to get treatment. >> are there alternatives for people trying to manage their pain and also deal with this addiction or wean themselves fft of it? are there other medications that are less addictive and effective? >> there are pain strategies that don't involve medication that have shown to be successful. most of these medications should only be used in the short term. >> how concerned are you about this? >> very concerned. the cdc has called this an epidemic. >> and you agree with that? >> i certainly agree with that. >> thank you, dr. lewerenz.
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>> thank you. a way to follow through on your new year's resolution. first these messages. because it was so yummy. weight watchers online worked for me because it lets me live my life. i can still go out with my friends. i can still enjoy my favorite foods and drinks. it's just a smarter way of eating. i lost 40 lbs. wow it's amazing. my most favorite part of my new body is my bottom. [ laughs ] [ hudson ] weight watchers online. the power of weight watchers completely online. join for free today. >> thank you, dr. lewerenz. ♪ i'd like to thank eating right, whole grain, multigrain cheerios! mom, are those my jeans?
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[ female announcer ] people who choose more whole grain tend to weigh less than those who don't. multigrain cheerios to practice math more? i love math! but two ipads means two data plans? that's crazy. maybe not. with at&t mobile share, adding an ipad is just $10 a month. but honestly, mom and dad's love is all i really need. we should keep these for us. we should keep these. what?! [ male announcer ] at&t mobile share. add an ipad for just $10 a month. one plan. up to 10 devices. at&t. rethink possible. something this delicious could only come from nature. new nectresse. the 100% natural no-calorie sweetener made from the goodness of fruit. new nectresse. sweetness naturally. but add some sauce, pepperoni and cheese and fold up the crescent dough...and presto! tuesday night just became
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crescent pizza pocket-tastic pillsbury crescents. let the making begin hollywood certainly will be sad to see 2012 come to an end tonight. diana alvear is in los angeles to explain. good morning. >> good morning. the year they hoped for, when americans went whack to the movies and helped make hits out
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of the stories they loved. >> bilbo baggins, i'm looking for someone to share in an adventure. >> an offer moviegoers accepted by the millions. topping the box office over the weekend, helping their precious fantasy franchise earn $33 million. but the second place finisher was a surprise. quentin tarantino's latest "django unchained" was a winner, audiences lined up to see it, helping bring home $31 million in its debut. the western thriller features jamie fox as a former slave turned bounty hunter. and then there was the answer to so many broadway fans' dreams. ♪ from what it seems >> the big screen adaptation of "les miserables" had an all-star cast that helped it finish
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third. capping off a record-setting year, hollywood earned an impressive $10.8 billion in 2012, up 6% from last year that reverse d a three-year trend of lower returns. >> in 2012, we had the perfect storm of movies. just the right combination of films, comedies, action movies, sci-fi and it all played out very well for hollywood. >> i volunteer as tribute. >> like "the hunger game" and twilight's "breaking dawn" become big hit. >> bond. james bond. >> and three movies joined the billion dollar club, "skyfall," "the avengers" and there were some duds. but in the end hollywood got what it wanted, a hollywood
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ending at the box office. if 2012 is the best ever, 2013 could be better with several big sequels slated for release, experts say it could be the year when the box office timely breaks the $11 billion mark. so willie, it's been a good year and, hey, happy new year. >> happy new year to you. up early for us in los angeles. three women who sparked debates, everything from breastfeeding to body image in 2012. [ rain pattering ] [ heels clicking ] [ female announcer ] yoplait light tastes great now... ♪ ...and feels great later 20 delicious flavors of yoplait light, now at 90 calories each. yoplait, it is so good!
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[ man ] excuse me miss. [ gasps ] this fiber one 90 calorie brownie has all the deliciousness you desire. the brownie of your dreams is now deliciously real.
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just begin with america's favorite soups. bring out chicken broccoli alfredo. or best-ever meatloaf. go to for recipes, plus a valuable coupon. campbell's. it's amazing what soup can do. faster than mandy can hang up on mr. monday. you hang up first. [ female announcer ] in just 60 seconds, you've got snack-defying, satisfying totino's pizza rolls. [ ringing ] it's on. let's roll.
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totino's pizza rolls. [ ringing ] with a samsung galaxy ii from we straight talk he'll get the same great nationwide coverage for half the cost. let's see if he notices. everyone noticed. joe saved $950 a year. enough to buy some sweet mother of glory pyrotechnics. rock on, abigail. rock on. same phones, same networks. half the cost. a samsung galaxy s ll with unlimited everything just $45 a month. straight talk wireless. only at walmart.
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this is a news 4 news break. >> good morning, everyone. it is 7:56. the redskins are the nfc east division champions. they beat the dallas cowboys 28-18. rookie alfred morris rushed for 200 yards and three touchdowns in the win setting a new redskins record for rushing yards in a season. now the skins will host the seattle seahawks on sunday. pretty cold morning out there. weather and traffic are next. stay with us.
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good monday morning. we have some high clouds outside. we'll see more clouds moving in today. temperatures sit in the 20s throughout the area. 29 degrees with a little bit of wind. the wind chill reading at 23 degrees. later today, a high of 46 degrees. alexis? >> thank you. looking at the beltway this morning we had a smooth ride without major incidents or delays. we have reports of a water main possible break in eastbound leesburg pike. no reports of lane information now. looking now at route 50 in maryland. no incidents or delays reported. back to you. >> thanks. we'll have another update in 2 [ male announcer ] there are plenty of reasons to be jolly at the chevy year-end event because chevy's giving more. more efficiency with sonic and cruze... more function in equinox and traverse... more dependability with the legendary silverado... and more style in the all-new malibu. chevy's giving more at the year-end event
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because 'tis the season. chevy's giving more. this holiday season, get a 2013 cruze ls for around $149 per month or get $500 holiday bonus cash. morni morning, the 31st of december, 2012. we here are still a few hours away from ringing in the new year. halfway around the world as you can see there in sydney, australia, they are already celebrating 2013 with a massive fireworks display. i'm willie geist along with erica hill, matt and savannah have the morning off. we're sharing at least the early part of our new year's eve with honey boo-boo apparently. we are surrounded. >> which is lovely. morning person. you know that, right? >> yeah. >> three of the most talked
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about women of 2012. some of them pretty tough to forget. remember this mom who appeared on the eye-catching cover of "time" magazine or the news anchor who took a stand against a viewer who attacked her weight? maybe you remember the mom with a high-profile job who said women still can't have it all. we'll catch up with them. from veterans to overnight sensations, we'll have all the artists who made splashes in 2012. if you're stressed about what to serve at your new year's eve party tonight, we'll have last-minute ideas to help survive the night. first let's head over to andrea canning at the news desk. >> good morning and happy new year again, almost new year's to everyone at home. secretary of state hillary clinton is in a new york city hospital today. she was treated sunday for a blood clot. more from nbc's chief science correspondent robert bazell who
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was at the hospital. good morning, robert. >> reporter: good morning, andr andrea. we don't know a lot of what's going on here. columbia university hospital is not saying much. we have a one sentence statement from hillary clinton's office which says, as you said, is being treated for a blood clot and it stemmed from a concussion she suffered a few days ago. the problem is that concussions, when they lead to blood clots, the blood clots are not usually treated with blood thinners as they say she's being treated. if she has a blood clot that occurred because she was sitting around or something, they would treat that with blood thinners and that would be fine. but there may be more to this story that we don't know. we'll have to watch it the next few days. as they say they're keeping her under observation to maek sure she's okay. andrea? >> let's hope for the best and thanks for the update, robert. raising taxes on the wealthy is separating the two parties as
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the deadline to the fiscal cliff draws to within hours. unless aan agreement and reached and approved by congress by midnight, $500 billion in tax increases will begin to take effect and more than $100 billion will be cut from defense and entitlement programs. some analysts warn that could trigger another recession. a quick roundup of what has you talking online. 2012 has been a huge year for movies but christian slater starred in playback with horrible returns that cost $7.5 million to produce but earned only $264. the dubious distinction of making the least money of any movie this year. jessica simpson is pregnant and proud, self portrait of her baby bump on twitter sunday. the second child for the star
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and fichlt and fiance eric johnson. oakland boys saying amazing grace for george h.w. bush sunday. former president was moved out of intensive care at a houston hospital. ♪ i once was lost but now i'm found was blind ♪ >> first lady barbara bush called the band one of her husband's favorites and asked them to serenade him while he was in the hospital suffering from bronchitis and other related issues. al roker is in pasadena. lucky guy. >> announcer: "today's" weather is brought to you by ankkellogg special k products. >> awful nice of you, andrea. thank you very much. we are literally riding high, 17 feet in the air, this is the rfd
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tv float. it is a giant john deere tractor. take a look at our other camera, all the detail. you see tea leaves, parsley covering this, aall these flowers. it is awfully cool. we'll have 13 vintage tractors following them here on the rose parade route that kicks off tomorrow, 11:00 am rrow at 11:0 8:00.m. pacific time. let's get you caught up as far as the weather is concerned. we are looking at new year's eve day a lot of rain down through the south from texas into the mid mississippi river valley. snowshowers from western new york back to the southwest. rain along the pacific northwest coast. for your new year's eve midnight celebrations it will be chilly. new york will be 20 degrees colder than last year. coldest new year's eve since 2009. we have cold conditions in west texas. we've got 35 p in seattle.
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a lot of wet weather for ringing in the new year through the lower mississippi river valley. you will be looking at snow and confetti through ohio. southern indiana. new year's day it's wet on the midatlantic to the dpul of coast. sunny and cold in the pacific northwest. chilly through the southwest. it will be chilly in pasadena for the start of the parade. we'll see temperatures in the low 40s. that's what's going on around the down oh tri. here ooh's what's happening in your neck of the woods. beep-beep! >> we are only expecting a little bit of precipitation today in the form of sprinkles. maybe a flurry up north late. 29 is the temperature now. the wind giving us a wind chill reading of 23 degrees. so if you are going to be heading out bundle up and stay warm. by the afternoon, 41 to 46. we'll warm up quickly. not too cold today. one of the best todays of the work week temperaturewisement at midnight, 34 to 39 with a
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>> erica, this giant steering wheel is covered in seaweed. got some tuna? i could make a heck of a sushi roll. >> i'll bring the soy sauce. thanks, al. three women sparking big debates on everything from breast cancer to body image. we'll talk with all of them right after this. is a little fr. i weigh myself naked. can i take my clothes off, too? [ woman ] oh, i don't want to look. ♪ [ woman ] let's get it over with. ♪ satisfaction! satisfaction! pizzazz! pizzazz! confidence. i like it! joy! [ female announcer ] tell us... what will you gain when you lose?
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i just served my mother-in-law your chicken noodle soup but she loved it so much... i told her it was homemade. everyone tells a little white lie now and then. but now she wants my recipe [ clears his throat ] [ softly ] she's right behind me isn't she? [ male announcer ] progresso. you gotta taste this soup. you're always on, so we're always ready. tyson grilled & ready chicken. no preservatives, 98% fat free, and fully cooked. we'll take care of dinner, you take care of everything else. these are sandra's "homemade" yummy, scrumptious bars. hmm? i just wanted you to eat more fiber. chewy, oatie, gooeyness...
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and fraudulence. i'm in deep, babe. you certainly are. [ male announcer ] fiber one. blast of cold feels nice. why don't you use bengay zero degrees? it's the one you store in the freezer. same medicated pain reliever used by physical therapists. that's chilly. [ male announcer ] new bengay zero degrees. freeze and move on. here's a better idea. pillsbury grands! flaky layers biscuits in just 15 minutes the light delicate layers add a layer of warmth to your next dinner. pillsbury grands biscuits let the making begin. gives you 1% cash back on all purchases, plus a 50% annual bonus. and everyone...but her likes 50% more cash.
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but i'm upping my game. do you want a candy cane? yes! do you want the puppy? yes! do you want a tricycle? yes! do you want 50 percent more cash? no! ♪ festive. [ male announcer ] the capital one cash rewards card gives you 1% cash back on every purchase plus a 50% annual bonus on the cash you earn. it's the card for people who like more cash. what's in your wallet? it's the card for people who like more cash. nayou just mix together a few. simple ingredients, add a bit of heat, and "voila." so to make truvia baking blend, we shared one of nature's most surprising secrets: sweetness from the stevia leaf. for a blend of truvia natural sweetener and sugar that bakes and browns like sugar, with 75% fewer calories per serving. from nature, for sweetness.
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back now at ten after 8:00 with the women who had us talking in 2012. >> a mom on the cover of "time" magazine, breastfeeding her then 3-year-old son. she was here talking about it when that edition hit newsstands back in may. >> you need to do what's best for your baby and your own family. >> and jamie is with us this morning from san francisco. good morning. >> good morning. >> it's been quite a few months for you. the cover was pretty provocative, ease toy say. what has the response been like for you since then in these last few months? >> i don't think that there's been really much difference in our daily lives. we were able to family wellness, because of the "time" cover thatt brought that into the
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forefront of the media and a realistic view of it as well as advocated for choice rather than i think people have the misconception saying this is a superior way to parent. that's not what we were saying at all. >> you were talking about the passion of parenting. that's what the article was about. >> exactly. >> the cover, though, people said this doesn't reflect attachment parenting. do you feel that the cover was misleading in terms of what was really inside? >> i think that the cover was intentionally provocative and controversial and i think -- and i understand that. and it's unfortunate in our culture sometimes we need provocative and cultural images and tag lines to grab people's attention to talk about things that maybe aren't very controversial or provocative. i think that's what it did. it potentially -- maybe detracted a little bit from what
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the article was even about. >> as you embark on this journey that you're still in, in terms of attachment parenting, do you feel it's given you more of a voice to talk about something that is important to you? >> yes. i think we're really blessed to have this opportunity and to be able to bring the spotlight on to issues that we think are really important. breastfeeding is extremely important in our culture. and i'm not trying to detract from that at all. another thing we've found is that we were able to meet people through the "time" cover and all these opportunities we've created this project in ethiopia to bring clean water to millions of people who have never had it before. and so just this month 8,000 people received access to clean water for the very first time in their lives. >> not exactly what you imagined would come out of that cover, i imagine. jamie grumet, thank you for
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being with us this morning. news anchor from lacrosse, wisconsin, who received an e-mail criticizing her weight. instead of ignoring it, jennifer livingston took to the airwaves with a very personal message. >> the truth is, i am overwei t overweight. you could call me fat and, yes, even obese on a doctor's chart. but to the person who wrote me that letter, do you think i don't know that? that your cruel words are pointing out something that i don't see? you don't know me. you are not a friend of mine. you are not a part of my family and you have admitted that you don't watch this show. so you know nothing about me but what you see on the outside. and i am much more than a number on a scale. >> and jennifer is with us here in new york this morning. great to see you. >> good morning. >> 10,661,000 and change views. i just checked in my office. >> okay. >> can you believe what happened with this video? >> i can't. i still -- it's hard for me to grasp how widespread the
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editorial went. and it's unbelievable. it's very inspiring. but it is hard to grasp. >> was there a moment for you when it really took off? you did this on your newscast. was there aa moment when someone called you and said this thing is really take iing off? >> it's funny. we had heard from some midwest markets who wanted to talk with us. i with his at a luncheon for octoberfest celebration when i looked down at my phone and said the "today" show just called. it was like the reality set in, we excused ourselves from the luncheon and got back to the office and realized what was sort of happening. >> it's fun and exciting but there's a very serious message in here. there's a quote in there i want to point out. to women, do not let your self worth be defined by bullies. learn from my specious that the cruel words of one are nothing compared to the shouts of many. this is now being taught in schools. they're showing this. >> it is. i've heard from so many schools and i continue to hear from
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schools who have used this as a learning tool. for me that's what it was all about. it was meant to be something local. it was meant to be a discussion that i wanted my own community in lacrosse, wisconsin, to start discussing. the fact that now schools all over the country and schools in canada and across seas are using this to talk about and learn from is amazing. >> have you talked to the man who sent you the e-mail? >> i have not. i've not had any contact with him. i hold no ill will against him and i hope he doesn't to me. he was really a representative -- representation of a culture that we have right now that i think needs to address being more kind to one another. >> it's a great message. we're so glad to have you here in the studio. safe travel to you back to wisconsin. >> thank you. working as a director of policy planning at the state department. when she found the balancing act between her career and family too much, she returned to her job as a professor at princeton university. opened up her decision in an
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article published in the atlantic titled "why women still can't have it all." she is here this morning. good morning. >> good morning. >> it hits me right here with three little girls, working so many hours in this job. it's called why women still can't have it all but you say that women can towelly have it all if we do some restructuring with the economy and society. what do you mean about that? what changes need to be made? >> as long as i've been a professor, i can have it all because i'm in control of my own time. there are many, many more women and men who could have much more flexibility at work, who could be told here is the work you've got to get done. here is the quality of the work. you decide when you do it, how you do it. you could take time to be home when your kids get home from school, you could take that time to work out. but there are a lot of changes at the workplace that would make it much easier. >> ann marie, people had a lot of mixed reaction to this article. some people say you're setting a bad example for the next generation and others say thank you so much for letting me know
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i'm not alone and not a failure, trying to do all of this. >> absolutely. most younger women, 35 and under, are just very grateful that this conversation is being had, because they want better choices than i think they see their mothers having had. many other women are very ambitious. they want top careers. but at some point with their families, they need to step back. and those women often feel like failures because they feel like somehow they didn't live up to being able to do it all, all the time. we need a world in which they feel good and they can still make it to the top. >> it's not a euphamism for being fired if you say i'm going to spend time with my family? >> no, only in washington when you say stepping down to spend time with your family means you're being fired. there's something really wrong with society. >> we appreciate you being here, ann marie. and happy new year, of course. up next from gangnam style to adele, the hottest music al
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acts of 2012 after this. treatme. now with a fancy coating that gives you a burst of wildberry flavor. now why make a flavored heartburn pill? because this is america. and we don't just make things you want, we make things you didn't even know you wanted. like a spoon fork. spray cheese. and jeans made out of sweatpants. so grab yourself some new prilosec otc wildberry. [ male announcer ] one pill each morning. 24 hours. zero heartburn. satisfaction guaranteed or your money back. yep...doh. [ boy ] slurpably fun and a good source of calcium. dads who get it, get go-gurt.
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to make peanut butter so deliciously creamy. ♪ it can even be a game changer. that's why choosy moms and dads choose jif. mom, pop it. ♪ two inches apart, becky. two inches. t-minus nine minutes. [ ding ] [ female announcer ] pillsbury cinnamon rolls. let the making begin. ♪ ♪ yer always after me lucky charms! whoa. i forgot how good these taste! [ lucky ] ♪ they're magically delicious
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not just the ones you can find on a map. but the ones you can find in your heart. because inspiration doesn't favor those who sit still. it dances with the daring and rewards the courageous with ideas. ideas that inspire. ideas that take you places you never imagined. ideas big enough to make the heart skip a beat and, in some cases, maybe two. toyota. let's go places. at the year in music. editorial director of billboard magazine is here with a preview of its year in music edition. you're killing that sweater
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right now. handsome sweater. >> thank you so much. i had a little wardrobe mishap this morning. >> i hadn't heard. >> you guys covered it all for me. but thanks for bringing it right to the sweater. >> drum roll, please. >> it's adele. she has been artist year now two years in a row. her album 21 came out two years ago and never, never stopped. first artist that was artist twice in a row since destiny's child. and album of the year since the album "thriller." >> never stopped. even this year, two years later, she was the number four singles artist of the year. >> what does that tell us about her? what happens next for her? obviously she's had a couple of albums already and is selling in a way that albums haven't been selling lately. >> it sold 10 million copies which i thought honestly wouldn't happen again in this
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era. she's in that enviable position of having to follow up one of those blockbuster type of things. everyone is watching to see what she does. you can be assured it's a quality album. >> she has the talent to back it up, too. >> absolutely. >> rihanna. what's her honor? >> hot 100 artist of the year, spent an enormous amount of time at number one in the charts "we found love" "diamonds." didn't really stop. a lot of people can focus on the controversy of rihanna, who she's dating, how provocative she's being. she embraces that role of pop star. >> hottest songs of the year we're talking about and you went to gotier. >> hung around the top five, top ten literally almost forever all year long. the song that people discovered
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online first or a lot of people discovered online first, has that super artsy video that you're seeing right now and radio took over and it became unavoidable in almost every format, had dance remixes. >> something about it, it has staying power. >> maybe more staying power than he does. we'll see if he becomes somebody that we used to know. >> we'll see. now tell me about one direction. we've got to go there. big year for new artists. >> great year for new artists if you look at grammy nominations coming up in february. frank ocean, hunter hayes. amazing new singer. one direction became one of the first bands in a while to sell a million copies of two different albums in one year. they were just a force. anyone who kind of was remotely aware of music and music-related headlines know their tickets for concerts were going on sale and getting snapped up not only
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right away but showing up on resale sights for thousands of dollars. this was the ticket every little girl and boy had to have this year. >> and blew out our plaza when they were here. "call me maybe" and "gangnam style." >> i would say social media in addition to artists. you can develop it without having the traditional radio or record backing. gangnam style comes out. it hit 100 million views before radio gets to it. "call me maybe" justin bieber sends out a tweet saying check this out. >> what's the lesson there for an artist who wants something to explode? >> first lesson would be to get justin bieber to tweet about it. >> that helps. >> the second lesson is make something great and people can connect with it online, that word of mouth marketing online, that social marketing can be the most powerful tool in the world. >> happy new year. >> thank you so much. >> we'll be back.
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first your local news. >> announcer: this is a new 4gs newsbreak. >> 8:26 this morning. it's been a rough start to the day. let's get to it be alexis davies in for danella. >> we have a water main break in falls church. southbound haycock road closed. taking a look at 66 at sudley road. you have eastbound lanes on the right. 12-minute ride as you head from 286 to the beltway.
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(vo) they were married for... 53 years. she was his everything. he can't live alone anymore. but we don't have the room. so, we talked to suntrust... looked at our options... remodeled... for family, you make it work. he taught me that. (anncr) join the thousands of people switching to suntrust's award-winning service. how can we help you shine today?
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it's mostly cloudy now. sunshine will filter through the high clouds later today. storm team four veronica johnson here. 29 degrees. a little bit of a wind. so the wind chill temperature throughout the area running in the low 20s later today your high 41 to 46 degrees. not bad at all.
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cold but not freezing at the stroke of midnight. there is a possibility late of a sprinkle coming through the area. the high tomorrow, 42. then cold starting midweek. >> we start the new year here at
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now on this monday morning, december 31st, 2012, our plaza is filled with lots of good energy. lots of people here, ready to kick off their new year. many of them are probably heading out to times square
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tonight. i'm erica hill along with willie geist and andrea canning. matt, savannah and natalie have the morning off. we have ideas for your last-minute party that your guests will never forget. a lot of people are making new year's resolutions that a lot of people won't keep. but there's a scientific method out there for keeping your new year's residency res luolution. >> my resolution is to spend more time with you. >> dripping with sincerity, too. >> it is, it is. >> what you can expect in the new year with entertainment, politics and technology, including a new website from the creators of twitter. that's a big deal. >> first, we want to say hello to carson daly, hosting new year's festivities tonight. >> hi, mom. >> number nine for you.
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>> oh, my gosh, yeah. mtv years added in, it's like number 15 i've-in times square. it's a tradition i've grown to love. i heard al say it's almost -- '09 was record cold. and we're going to reach that. >> bundle up tonight. >> you still have to get excited when you're standing there with a million people below you. >> it's fun. it's one of those things like halfway through the show, am i going to do this next year? and then when the ball drops you're like, i'm so lucky to have the greatest seat in the house. we try to bring all the excitement and the danger and the fun that is times square. >> you'll be adding a level of fun this year. >> from "the office," rather than just talking to people, we're asking people on twitter to write us and give us from dares for angela to do. that should make for some -- and in trouble for that reason. >> along with angela, domd trump
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will be joining you. >> donald trump will join us tonight. we'll look back at the music performances and the domd will give us a helping hand tonight. some performances like adele, robert hall in london, madonna, super bowl, mumford & sons. >> unlike these guys i'm home alone with my kids. we'll be watching you. >> you should. you're more than welcome. it's good family tv. they're talking about putting me in precocious areas of times square, too. >> last-minute tips for people to stay warm tonight? >> just go home, all of you. go back to your hotel rooms and start drinking. >> happy new year. nice to see you. >> thank you so much. >> thanks, andrea. >> new year's eve with thanks. >> new year's eve with carson daly tonight 10:00 to 11:00 going right through to 12:35. now to al out in pasadena
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getting ready for the rose parade. good morning, al. >> that's right. once everybody wakes up from seeing carson's show they can watch the rose parade. this is the donate life float which is really cool talking about ups and downs. over 30,000 flowers including the heart-shaped ethereum. they put it on there because of travels of the heart. what's the heem? >> journeys of the heart. >> journeys, not travels. let's check your weather. see what we've got going for you as we watch in 3-d. basically looking at the week ahead for the early part of the week it will be below normal back through the plains into the west. rainy through the south. snowy in the mid plains into the northeast. then mid-week we'll look at the temperatures cooling throughout much of the country. snowshowers around the great lakes. lake effect snow there.
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rain. but more normal conditions for the western third of the country. these are just some of the volunteers. all the floats are covered by volunteers which makes it that much cooler. that's what's going on around the country. >> right here we have sunshine coming through filtered clouds. 29 degrees the current temperature. reagan national. quite cold throughout the area. running under the freezing mark. meanwhile later today it's not going to be until the noon hour today where we get up to 40 degrees. the high, 41 to 46. not as cold. not blustery like yesterday. we could see a sprinkle at midnight. your temperature, 34 to 39 degrees. four-day forecast cold in
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and that's your latest weather. don't forget, get your new year's forecast, go to weather channel on cable or online. willie? >> al, thank you very much. coming up next, we'll drop some science on you. it's called changeology, a scientific method to keep all those new year's resolutions. first this is "today" on nbc.
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new year new you is brought to you by kellogg's special k products. back at 8:38. this morning on "new year new you" resolutions, many of us vow to take a fresh start but what does it take to see them through? in search of the answer. >> we ask so much of ourselves all year. january 1st comes along and it's
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usually this. >> hi, there. >> how are you? >> i'm looking to join a gym. what are your hours? >> 24-hour fitness so that would be 24 hours. >> 24 hours? ooh, yeah, i don't think this is going to work. thanks. >> reporter: we tried. believe me, we tried. what are your dessert specials? >> chocolate peanut butter bomb is a good shake and red velvet cake is outstanding. >> i'll have both. thank you. >> reporter: but too often we're tempted by the eye candy around us. fitness and food are your popular resolutions but this year, the focus is on improving finances. let's first take a step back and look into the long winding road of the new year's resolution. >> they originate in ancient roman times when worshippers would offer resolutions of good conduct to the two-faced diety after whom the month of january is named. >> reporter: it may very well be an age-old tradition, but the new wave attitude has been to
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avoid the topic to avoid failing. >> i'm going to make a resolution not to make a resolution. >> reporter: you have your avoider and your pro accurac mu rastinator. >> my resolution is to get in touch with friends but i'm too busy right now so i'm going to put it off. >> when i have a chance? 75% of resolvers make it about a week. 50% succeed through january and only 40% will make it six months. psychologist dr. john norcroft says we are not destined to fail. he has a new scientific method he outlines in his book "changeology." >> were you, yourself, a failed resolution maker? >> yes, i am a failed resolver myself. as are most people. >> reporter: finally after years and years of failed attempts at
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resolutions you will show me how to finally get this done? >> honest. you are going to psych yourself. then you are going to prepare or prep. then you'll perspire. so you will persevere through those slips and finally we need to persist for the long haul, three months, 90 days to seal the deal to solidify your behavior change. >> let me throw a little monkey wrench into your system and tell you what my new year's resolution is and see if we can apply the five p's. controversial spanish by the end of the year. so with my resolution in hand and coaching from dr. norcroft i'm ready to go. >> psych, prep, percent entire, persevere and persist which i think for a lot of people, at least myself, you have to pray.
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>> jenna, i think you have the five steps of changeology down pat. where are you going to begin? >> my dad used to say to me when i was a kid. i think it's i'm such a sweet kid or something. it's -- [ speaking spanish ] i may be off by a word or something. i'm jenna wolfe. first this is "today" on nbc.
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back now at 8:44. from the fall of hostess to the rise of gangnam style, 2012 was full of surprises. what can we expect in 2013?
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senior editor of "time." the president will nominate john kerry for secretary of state. >> he was once passed over the v.p. nomination, maintained his good soldier silence as hillary got the job that he wanted as secretary of state. this is his year to step into that job. eminently qualified for it. this is his chance to put that expertise into fray, egypt, seara iran, russia, china. it will be a big year for senator kerry. >> if confirmed. a lot of people think 2016. we hear about jeb bush. what about this year? >> the bush family brand was clearly damaged between 2001 and 2009.
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the outpouring of love for george h.w. bush in the last week shows us that that clan still has clout and a lot of impact in the u.s. whatever jeb bush does in 2016, now is the time for him to have -- he has already begun doing this, stab himself as an ideological cornerstone for his party. he can draw his party back to the reasonable center. >> do you suspect he will make the move? >> that will be hard for him especially with the wide open primary. >> let's move on to business in 2013. marisa mayer coming to yahoo! from google. >> the fact she's a woman, so very young, announced her pregnancy on the day she was announced as the new head of yahoo!. none of that matters to yahoo!. is she going to acquire apps, acquire a tech company?
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the fact that they released a new flicker that can compete with instagrahm and did it the day before instagram had their privacy issue. silicon valley legend. good year in a lot of ways for apple. released a flock of new products, ipad mini and iphone 5. there were some debacles, the maps issue, the plant issue. the stock is off 70% of its share high. we'll see how he will right the ship. >> also in technology couple of names people may not know as household names, ed williams, people who helped to create twitter out with something new this year. >> if you judge by twitter, these guys know what they're talking about. medium, open blog platform for
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writing and other kinds of art. the thing about medium, it's sort of self cure aated. it's sort of leader-selected excellence. you'll see quality emerge. >> the teen screams in great britain aren't just for one direction. they're for a 17-year-old kid who has created something that will make him very wealthy. >> yes, very wealthy. nick dilunzio, tackling the problem next to impossible, to read a 2,000-word story on a tiny iphone screen. an algorithm, single page synopsis. doesn't give you as much as 2,000 words. think of it as finger food but very nutritious. >> when he was 15 years old he created it and you think the future this kid has. >> i'm an underachiever already. >> we both are.
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what are you looking ahead for oscars? >> dark thirty and lincoln, struggled with for years. especially in zero dark thirty, we never figured out how to deal with that. les mis trying to become the first musical to win best picture. chicago did it in 2002. and "django unchained," savory, payback, civil war, tarantino-esque violence. we should expect a big festival, maybe a little bloody. >> lots to choose from. great wrap-up, jeff. thank you so much. happy new year. simple ways to impress your guests as you ring in the new year later tonight. first this is "today" on nbc.
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on "today" celebrates 2013, you only have a few hours left before your guests arrive. no pressure. good news is that there's still time to host a great night. no pressure. >> no pressure. these are really easy things. no one wants to spend a lot of money. no one wants to spend a lot of time. hopefully these will take you an hour or two to get ready. >> that's doable. >> these are actually party
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hats. you can get them at the party supply store. >> very cute. >> little parchment in there. fill it up with popcorn, spiced nuts. this is my christmas decorations. i took them off the tree and you can decorate with those. >> very smart. >> people are intimidated by seviche, but it's very easy. poach the shrimp for two minute s. make a marinade with grapefruit juice, lime juice, garlic shallots, salt and pepper. then you can dress a little bit. >> looks delicious. >> with a little cilantro. >> the whole time to full time putt that together was what? >> if you don't count the sitting time -- >> only talkative time. >> within ten minutes.
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this, i love these phyllo cups. they're the perfect vehicle. you can buy them already made, fill them with whatever you want. this is artichoke dip. you can put spinach in it, arugula. using some of the same ingredients. you don't have to buy more. put cream cheese in it, little mayonnaise, parmesan cheese. do all you want. we did gruyere and parmesan. you fill them and bake them for eight to ten minutes. >> so you can boy these made already. >> these are already done. put salads in them. you don't even have to bake them. another perfect vehicle, potato pancake. >> i like these vehicles. >> the delivery system. you can do endive, whatever you want. >> it's classy. >> it's all about class.
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potato pancakes, potatoes, onion, squeeze out the excess water, put eggs in, salt and pepper. pan fry them. they're good to go. let them sit around. throw them in the oven to reheat them. loaded potato pancake. sour cream, anything you would want to put in your baked potato. >> load that up. >> the pancetta. put a little filet on that, seared scallop on it. so many options. it's just a vehicle. >> great vehicle. >> everyone has champagne on new year's eve. >> hey! >> just in time for champagne. but an affordable option, this is called glara. $14.99.
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so easy. here, let me pour one of these. 12 grapes, one grape for each month. when the clock strikes 12, you're supposed to have a grape with every ding. if you get all 12 grapes in -- >> we did that -- >> didn't you do that with natalie? >> the more champagne you drink, the more difficult it is. >> and you have to get them all in. but then you have prosperity. >> happy new year. >> good idea. special new year's eve edition of "today's" take three after your local news.
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this is a news 4 news break. >> it is 8:56 a. i amorika gonzales and the title belongs to the redskins. they clinched it last night after a win with the cowboys 28-18. rookie running back al a fred morris rushed 200 yards and three touchdowns and the win. the skins host the seattle
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seahawks sunday at fedex field. let's check on the new year's eve forecast. right now with storm team four meteorologist veronica johnson. >> thanks. today we'll see more clouds than sunshine. at least it will be warming up. not too warm now. we are right at freezing. 32 the temperature. a light wind but enough to give us wind chills in the 20s pushing spo the upper 20s. not as cold today as yesterday. 41 to 46 the high. expect thick clouds. oh! progress-oh! -oh! -oh! oh! oh! ♪ what do you know? oh! ♪ bacon? -oh! -oh! oh! [ female announcer ] with 40 delicious progresso soups at 100 calories or less, there are plenty of reasons people are saying "progress-oh!" share your story for a chance to win a progress-oh! makeover in hollywood. go to to enter.
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a water main break this morning closes southbound haycock road between falls church drive and route 7. on the beltway looking good on the inner and out
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back now with more of "today" on this monday morning, new year's eve, 2012. we're out here, enjoying the last day of the year with a group of folks. pretty cold out there in times square. i'm willie geist with erica hill. joining us this morning, great co-host. >> i can't believe i'm on the plaza. with all these fine people coming out for new year's eve. so nice to meet you, too. >> nice to meet you, too.
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>> the billy to the willie and i'm coming in hot. >> i think you're going to like t we'll talk more about kit. >> learn everything there is to know about kit. also ahead, we're taking a look back at some of the best in entertainment of 2012. oh, yes, here they are. of course, all the movies. you name t we'll also look ahead to 2013, what you can expect. >> all right, guys. on the computer, those instagram, but now there's cinnagram, poke. >> i'm big on twitter. i'm getting better on the other stuff. >> i'm following my 10-year-old on this. aall the trends for 2013. >> plus we'll take a look back at the year that was, some of the best doing gangnam style. >> yes! >> lots of dancing on this show when you look back. al getting loose. man! you don't realize how much
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dancing there was until you see it all at once. let take a look at it in a few minutes. first let's go inside and get a check of today's top stories with andrea can ining at the ne desk. >> i love all the dancing. happy new year. hillary clinton will be spending the new year in a hospital. doctors discovered a blood clot after suffering from a concussion earlier this month. just released gallup poll, most admired woman. president obama is the most admired man. congress will spend part of the new year in session, trying to come up with a deal that will prevent the nation from going over the fiscal cliff. the american academy of pediatrics has released a new statement encouraging elementary
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schools to let kids have their play time. recess gives children the opportunity to develop skills that can't be taught in the classroom, that it should not serve as a substitute for phys. ed. class. fond farewell 75 watt incandescent light bulb. under law, they can no longer be produced or imported as of january 1st though retailers can clear their remaining stocks. government will turn out the lights on traditional 60 and 40-watt bulbs in 2014. it's what everyone is talking about, i think. reality tv star kim kardashian and rapper kanye west are expecting their first child. west made the announcement last night at a concert in atlantic city. west is 35. kardashian is 32, she is in the process of divorcing kris
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humphries, whom she married in 2011. still ruled at the box office, stayed on top for a third straight week despite serious competition. "djang unchained" debuted in second place and "les mis" came in third. long underwear may be a must tonight for anyone ringing in the new year in times square, the chilliest since 2009 and 20 degrees colder than last year. midnight kisses might generate just enough heat. and all those people. it is 9:04. back to al with another check of the weather, sending a virtual kiss for new year's to aal. >> announcer: "today's" weather is brought to you by kellogg's special k products. >> nice way to start the year, a virtual smooch from andrea canning. andrea e. canning. very nice. we are at the rose mont pavilion
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where they put together some floats for this year's 124th annual tournament of roses parade. behind me the second half of the rfd-tv float. farmers feeding the world. they've got over 10,000 roses. over 15,000 carnations. look at the american flag. again all floral. perfect stuff. this is amazing. let's show you what we've got for weather. for the last day of 2012, not so amazing from the southwest all the way to indiana where we have winter weather advisories in effect. look at the storm getting itself together, bringing snow to the north of it. rain to the south from kansas to ohio. we are talking anywhere from one to six inches of snow. but as you get into central kansas we are talking as much as nine inches of snow and rainfall from waco to memo mis. one to two inches of rain.
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that's what's going on around the country. here's what's happening in your neck of the woods. >> precipitation here today isn't going to fall until the afternoon or evening hours. could see a sprinkle. not getting a lot out of this weather system al talked about that will be pushing east. 32 your temperature currently. throughout the area, a cold morning for us. not until noon today that we get on the other side of 40 degrees. we should hold in the mid 40s for a couple of hours. 41 to 46. not blustery like yesterday. >> and that's your latest weather. willie? >> al. you could just hear al singing in that break from pasadena. now from "today's" take three, we take on issues that have you talking. kit joins us. >> kit hoover. >> look at the cute girls in their dresses and i'm dressed like i'm going sledding. >> no, you look super cute.
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>> erica has polka dots, too. >> you're doing okay. what's it like working with the bush men, billy bush? >> i love the bush men. at 40 to get the call to do that job, i was a stay-at-home mom at that time. i was like, cha ching. here we go. we go live every day. it's been a dream. we joke around for one hour straight. >> he loves you. >> you can tell. >> talks about you in glowing terms. >> really? >> i talk to him offline. he won't tell you to your face. >> is he jealous we're together? >> you'll see a picture of my husband coming up and you look like a stretched out version of my husband. he's a little smaller than you. >> oh, really? >> yeah. you can't tell there. that's my husband, crowley s sullivan and my children. >> you have three kids. >> we all do. >> look at these adorable people. >> that's campbell, hayes,
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little crowley, 10, 9 and 5. this is me, trying to get the christmas card. >> i took like 100 pictures for one. >> nobody is cooperating. no one wants to be there. my son wouldn't wear a collared shirt. that was like december 24th. >> that may have been it. looks like a joke, but merry christmas. >> i e-mailed her to tell her how much i loved her and she did it all. >> this is too nice right now. >> hit me, willie. >> if kit looks familiar to you it's not just because of access hollywood. >> oh, lord. >> let's go back to mtv. >> that's the boy i made out. >> you made out with him? >> oh, god, this is going to get good. >> what are we doing? >> i like him after you shaved his head. >> i like to call that my beer
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swollen face. i was 23 right out of college, good beer fat swollen -- >> i know all about that. >> if you don't have it, you're not having fun. reality tv was not any good then. honey boo-boo has me to thank, snooki, you're welcome. i paved the way! parlay this into anything, that would be great and kept running with that. espn, little jobs here and there. >> cold pizza. >> little cold pizza. >> i followed kit hoover's career. >> you were in atlanta together, right, my hometown. >> we were, yeah, headline news. >> is it true you were most athletic and homecoming queen in atlanta? >> come on. where are you digging all this up? >> he has sources, lot of sources. >> i go deep in atlanta. >> the joke with the homecoming queen was the whole school voted and so my dad was like, you really cornered the seventh and eighth graders. and i loved playing sports.
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it's so neat to watch the transition. girls sports now is so huge. i was lucky enough to run at carolina. gpa was not the highest. top 48. i skated right in. >> you won hardship there. >> i won hardship. >> you got married age 24. >> i met my husband at 24 and we married at 29. together a long time. when you look back -- >> you have the cutest relationship. >> thank you. i literally got so lucky. thank godness i met him when i did. he's just the best. we all know marriage, you're just hanging on tight. i cannot believe how quickly the time has gone by, that we have the three kids and now both working. that's my new year's resolution is not about giving up sweets or working out. i want more time with my husband. >> that's a really good one. >> i can't love crowley sullivan more. if he's watching, honey, coming in hot for the new year. >> she is coming in hot.
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>> police misses her man. >> the girls and i were talking, party at your house tonight. >> we all go to bed at 10:00 pm. it is going to be a blast. it will be huge. we talked enough about kit. >> yes, please move on. thank you very much, by the way. >> our take two, top new year's eve destination. according to travelocity, this is where people like to go most on new year's eve. start at number five, los angeles. >> warm weather. >> number four, vegas. >> definitely been there. >> viva lass v vegas. that's where you go in your 20s. i did. >> number three, south florida. great get away. number two, new york city. before we show number one, what do you think? >> i didn't even look. >> don't look. >> i'm surprised. new york city should be number one. with the ball dropping. >> i don't know what else is left. >> any guesses? >> omaha. >> good guess. orlando. orlando, florida.
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>> no. >> you have the kids. >> harry potter. >> go get loose with the kids. >> you can't have a list where the kids should go and one for single people. my new year's is always the day before school starts. my calendar starts in september. that's when i buy new shoes for everybody, we eat healthier. >> january 1st means nothing to you? >> nothing to me. it's amateur night. >> blue mountain, canada, where it's a great place for new year's, i have to say. >> i'm moving us ahead, as we're running out of time. these are new year's eve party beverages. kit, you mentioned honey boo-boo. we'll talk about honey boo-boo's goo juice. >> go-go. >> what is it? >> go-go juice. >> oh, excuse me. must be this one here. >> oh, dear lord.
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>> mountain dew with bacardi limon. what do you think ofthat? no. >> what's worse than giving your daughter caffeine and mountain dew and she said i could be giving her alcohol and they said i'm gla glad you're not. i guess this is what you would be drinking. >> do you want one? >> my baby daddy. >> you can pull it off. >> i went -- >> hunger games drink, 50 shades of gray drink. >> which one is that one? >> olympic rings. >> willie, knock that back. >> this is my favorite. >> it looks like it to me. >> gangnam style drink. we're going to knock these down. while we do that, celebrities that stood out above the rest in 2012 after this. [ woman ] weighing myself in times square is a little frightening. i weigh myself naked. can i take my clothes off, too?
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[ woman ] oh, i don't want to look. ♪ [ woman ] let's get it over with. ♪ satisfaction! satisfaction! pizzazz! pizzazz! confidence. i like it! joy! [ female announcer ] tell us... what will you gain when you lose? gives you 1% cash back on all purchases, plus a 50% annual bonus. and everyone...but her likes 50% more cash. but i'm upping my game. do you want a candy cane? yes! do you want the puppy? yes! do you want a tricycle? yes! do you want 50 percent more cash? no! ♪ festive. [ male announcer ] the capital one cash rewards card gives you 1% cash back on every purchase plus a 50% annual bonus on the cash you earn. it's the card for people who like more cash. what's in your wallet? [ nyquil bottle ] just reading your label. relieve nasal congestion?
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sure don't you? [ nyquil bottle ] dude! [ female announcer ] tylenol® cold multi-symptom nighttime relieves nasal congestion. nyquil® cold and flu doesn't. relieves nasal congestion. let's say you want to get ahead how do you get from here... to here? at university of phoenix we're moving career planning forward so you can start figuring that out sooner. ln fact, by thinking about where want your education to lead, while you're still in school, you might find the best route... leads somewhere you weren't even looking. let's get to work. your soups are so awesomely delicious my husband and i can't stop eating 'em! what's...that... on your head? can curlers! tomato basil, potato with bacon... we've got a lot of empty cans. [ male announcer ] progresso. you gotta taste this soup.
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look at that body, willie. from kate middleton's fashion moments and her pregnancy announcement, "us weekly" has come out with their celebrity yearbook of 2012. here to recap the hot headlines is senior editor, writer ian drew, looking so dapper this morning. >> so nice to see you on this coast. we get to see you more often. >> let's talk about you. >> just mixing it. i had to give you something today. i had to give you a little show here. >> it's working. >> besides you, who is the best dressed celebrity of the year? >> i don't hold a candle to kate middleton. mama-to-be middleton really tore it up. she never looked bad. she couldn't look bad. the green dress we just showed that was stunning and she never had dull moment.
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she was upstaged by someone who had a leg up on her, angelina jolie. it wasn't as much about the dress but that leg. she threw that leg out there, it's how she worked the leg. the dress is amazing, too. >> i love the leg out there. i got that everywhere. >> everyone is photo shopping that all over the place. >> 2013 should be kate middleton's year, too, because her pregnancy style will take over everywhere. >> it will be for sure. all hands on deck to make sure everything is perfect. >> what are the most talked about fashion moments? >> beyonce, we voted her america's hottest mom in our fashion issue in september. she never stop ped as well. there was never a bad moment. the thing about beyo nce is that even on the street she looked amazing. red carpets, on the street. she tore it up everywhere. kate middleton, of course, had many more public appearances. but beyonce had a year where she really laid low and was a mom
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and looked good. >> that's where you separate the men from the boys. >> stars just like us, taking out their garbage, they look gorgeous. >> we also had michelle williams, who looked perfect, heidi klum, gwyneth paltrow. >> let's talk it girl in hollywood. >> of course, jennifer lawrence. she started out with the hunger games and everyone thought she's like the new kristen stewart but then did a 180 when silver linings playbook came about. nominated for a golden globe. it will be her year in 2013 because another hunger games movie is coming. >> she is so good. >> and just likable, too. >> showed such versatility. both roles were totally opposite. she was amazing in both. >> besides willie geist, leading man for 2012? >> channing tatum. sorry, willie.
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>> i yield to him. >> he had the vow and 21 jump street along with magic mike. i think that's why women loved him so much. he is the new hunky leading man that all the women look out for. he is also expecting a baby right now. it's going to be a big year for him next year as well. they're also doing "21 jump street." >> are you on board with that program? >> will ferrell, when i have to pick my go to guy, will ferrell is my guy, anchor man. >> really? >> yeah. >> somebody for everybody. >> yeah. >> as they say. >> i've never heard that from the woman's point of view. >> little belly on him. >> man's guy, funny. >> man's man. >> is there an it guy in hollywood this year? >> channing tatum, of course. he really ruled it. you also saw ben affleck who is always a hot guy in hollywood. blew people away with his direct
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orrial skills, daniel day lewis as "lincoln," hugh jackman in "les miserables" and ann hathaway, of course. i saw it last night. it blew me away. >> what about music? >> one of the best years like ever for taylor swift. >> ever, ever! >> she had "we're never ever getting back together," the best kiss-off anthem ever. that was number two on my best songs of the year list actually. and gotier who came out of nowhere from australia with somebody i used to know, this very odd duet that sort of took over the charts. we also had fun with "we are young," this new rock trio that had a song called "some nights" and carly rae jepsen. "call me maybe." you can listen to it on the treadmill for the entire 40
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minutes and it works. >> we haven't even mentioned gangnam style yet. >> are we ready to retire? come the new year -- >> i say that until it comes on the radio. >> i see willie with one of these. >> we'll be singing it tonight. >> happy new year. we're back after this. [ dog barking ] ♪ [ female announcer ] life is full of little tests, but your basic paper towel can handle them. especially if that towel is bounty basic. the towel that's durable, and scrubbable. in this lab demo, bounty basic is stronger than the leading bargain brand. everyday life? bring it with bounty basic. the strong but affordable picker-upper... now costs even less.
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[ female announcer ] hamburger helper stroganoff. beefy. creamy. stroganoffy. helpers. forty dishes, all delicious. beefy. creamy. stroganoffy. now is the best time to stock up and save... petsmart! save up to 25% on thousands of items during the petsmart stock up and save sale. and save 20% on 21st century® hip & joint supplements. at petsmart®. it's no ordinary nonfat yogurt.k it has twice the protein of regular lowfat yogurt. and at 80 calories,
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it's the lightest greek yogurt with fruit. its creamy, thick texture helps satisfy you. so you won't feel like you're running low on satisfaction. light & fit greek. be light and fit. and satisfied. [ coughs ] [ baby crying ] ♪ [ male announcer ] robitussin® liquid formula soothes your throat on contact and the active ingredient relieves your cough. robitussin®. don't suffer the coughequences™. and the active ingredient relieves your cough. vo: for cold and flu season, honey, don't use your sleeve. there's clorox bleach. coming up, the lighter
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moments that had us laughing here in 2012. >> first your local news. we really love tailgating. a little more. there's a real, like, camaraderie in the parking lot... shut up! that's it! let's go in the car. my time to shine is the smoked pulled pork. i think it's done broseph! pretty much got it down to a science... pretty much. we also really like a great pulled pork sandwich even when we can't make the game. you ruined it! some people even like it better. really? yep. [ male announcer ] new carving board pulled pork, get that delicious slow smoked taste without the hassle. it's game time food. it's oscar mayer. it's game time food. we're spreading the word about honey bunches of oats fruit blends and their unique taste combinations. like peach/raspberry.
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with one flavor in the granola bunch and one on the flake. two flavors. in harmony. honey bunches of oats. make your day bunches better. >> announcer: this is a news 4 news break. >> it's 9:26 on this monday, december 31. you will have to bundle up if you are going outside this morning. star team 4 meteorologist veronica johnson has a look at the new year's eve forecast. >> we have to look hard for the sunshine. it will come filtered through the high clouds that have been across the area today. talked about the cold. we are at 32 degrees now. freezing temperatures throughout the area. still wait until 11:00 a.m. or noon. we'll warm up. 41 to 46 the high today. not as cold or blustery as yesterday. the midnight temp, 34 to 39 with cloud cover at midnight. could see a sprinkle. >> we'll get a look at the roads
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when we come back. stay with us.
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traffic is looking good as you travel on the beltway this morning. inside the beltway we have a water main break in falls church with haycock road closed from falls church closed to 7. incidents on oh the right side of the screen. a 13 oh-minute drive from prince
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william parkway to the belt way. we had an accident on the inner loop of the beltway earlier. looks like it will move to the shoulder now. erica. >> tune in to news 4 today tomorrow a
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♪ >> that was the scene earlier this morning in sydney, australia, welcoming in 2013. we still have a while to go here. about a million people will be right here in times square to do it. i'm willie geist along with kit hoover, co-host of active live. >> i'm taking lenny, your number one fan, and we're going to go out there and wreak some havoc. >> get in there with the people? >> and wave. >> you're not allowed to have booze in there. did you know that? >> no. >> that's something you should know. >> i will watch it cozy from my hotel. >> i think that's probably the smart play. from 2013, what to look for
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online from viral videos to new apps, online world changes so fast. what you might be talking about next year. good news for air travelers in 2013. i'll believe that when i see it. spruced up airports, more leg room, which is great for you on flights, more wi-fi and faster security lines. >> kit hoover doesn't need a lot of room, does she? >> i cramp up easily. i'm like lily tomlin on that chair. >> she is dangling off the couch. how about that? we'll take a look back at the fun we had here on "today" in 2012. it was a busy one from the hottest music acts out on the plaza, to the london olympics to al creeping out matt there. >> what was that? >> all the fun we had in studio 1a. first, let's head out to pasadena for a check on the weather. that's where we find al. good morning. >> hi. good morning, willie. hey, kit, good to see you as
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well. and we're heredena. the rose mont pavilion where they built the great floats in the 124th tournament of roses parade. it airs here on nbc starting 11:00 a.m. eastern tomorrow. we are on the honda float. honda is a sponsor of the parade. it's a beautiful float. a lot of activity going on. you will see it in action tomorrow morning. let's show you what we've got as far as your weather is concerned. starting with new year's eve day. we are looking at a lot of wet weather making its way through the south. snowy conditions from the southwest and the ohio river valley. rain in the pacific northwest. brutally cold temperatures on the plains. for your new year's eve midnight celebrations it will be wet through the gulf coast on into the mid mississippi river valley. icy in the central plains. snowy from central kansas all the way to ohio and parts of interior new england. cold out west including here.
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then as we move into new year's day, to start 2013 it will be wet through the south. look for snow through the central plains. looking at more wet weather in the pacific northwest. that's what's going on around the country. here's what's happening in your neck of the woods. >> warming past 40 today. that despite all the clouds, high clouds throughout the area today. oh, yeah. kind of shrouding the sunshine. 32 is the temperature now. your winds will be light out of the southwest. that will help carry us to 41 to 44 degrees later today. if you're going out tonight it will be cold but not freezing. at midnight could be a sprinkle from the clouds coming in. and the weak weather system could deliver a sprinkle tomorrow. the high tuesday, 42. >> don't forget, you can watch nbc's coverage of the 124th annual tournament of roses parade hosted by yours truly and allison sweeney "the biggest
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loser" coming up 11:00 am eastern, 8:00 am pacific time right here on nbc. now back to willie and kit. happy new year. sounds like a western. willie and kit riding again. hey now. >> firing on all cylinders. >> you do that rose parade. >> we live right by there. al is like three miles from my house. the key is under the mat, if you need a place to stay. >> he is getting up early tomorrow. what is hot online in the new year, after this. it 's
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oikos greek yogurt, and it turns the next person you see into john stamos. honey! i think i'm getting burned! eat. ♪ tastes pretty good, huh? [ men grunting ] open! [ male announcer ] oikos. possibly the best yogurt in the world. very interesting. cool. i like "success." joy. i got cracker chips. [ laughing ] chocolatey pretzel. mmmm.... special k! [ female announcer ] snack and stay on track with special k. i like "confidence." i am a confident lady. [ laughter ] or delivery? ♪ digiorno? or delivery? ♪ digiorno. taste for yourself why the shortest distance
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between you and a delicious, fresh-baked pizza, is your oven. 100 percent real cheese. ♪ amazing toppings. thankfully, it's not delivery. it's digiorno. nestle. good food, good life. not just the ones you can find on a map. but the ones you can find in your heart. because inspiration doesn't favor those who sit still. it dances with the daring and rewards the courageous with ideas. ideas that inspire. ideas that take you places you never imagined. ideas big enough to make the heart skip a beat and, in some cases, maybe two. toyota. let's go places. now you can get 4 box tops for education on 70 general mills products. 4 more box tops... so we can help our schools even more. that's 84 box tops!
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[ female announcer ] get 4 box tops, now only a walmart. that's 84 box tops! ( ♪ ) for those nights when it's more than a bad dream, be ready. for the days when you get a sudden call from the school, be ready. for the times you need to double-check the temperature on the thermometer, be ready. when you have children's motrin on hand, you're ready. for high fever, nothing works faster or lasts longer than children's motrin. be ready with children's motrin. i hate getting up in the morning. i love bread. i love cheese. did i say i love chocolate? i'm human! and the new weight watchers 360 program lets me be. the reason i'm still in this body feelin' so good isn't because i never go out and enjoy the extra large, extra cheese world we live in. it's because i do. and you can too. because when a weight loss program is built for human nature you can expect amazing. introducing the new weight watchers 360 program. join for free and expect amazing.
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because it works. well, from twitter to instagram, these are the buzz words, but what will be new for the new year? i feel like this was the year of twitter. is that fair to say? >> totally. it was the year you waim wake up in the morning, twitter is in our dna, where we're getting our news now. news breaks on twitter. if you're anyone, you have to be on twitter. that's totally -- twitter. >> one of the things that being resistant is futile. for me, you work on the news business, it becomes a ticker. >> the humble brag, my favorite thing. humble brag tweets. >> we have our dark side of twitter but also have people who do good things on twitter but there will always be a humble
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brag. always stay away, but -- >> why was this the year of the a-lister for twitter? >> most powerful man in america had the most important, most retweeted tweet, when he got re-elected. 22 minutes he already broke the record for most retweeted. >> four more years. >> four more years, then justin bieber and lady gaga battling it out. they're at 32 million each. interesting to see in 2013 who comes out on top. >> the pope has twitter. >> the freakin' pope has twitter. >> by the way, he doesn't follow anybody. the pope doesn't follow anybody. >> it's incredible, i know. if the pope is on twitter, it's time for everyone to get twitter. >> from god to the pope. >> i know. >> quick delivery system. >> what about the year of the big comeback? >> absolute favorite person is sally jesse raphael.
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she is hilarious. everyone can join in on the discussion. sally has an equal footing. she can really show her personality. hilarious. >> what about cher? >> cher is amazing. best people on twitter are people who are honest and raw. you know that cher is on her iphone typing out her tweets, like that's totally cher. >> she lets it come out, goes all caps on you. >> all caps. loves exclamation. >> she's amazing. in 2013 she has a new album out and has been teasing it with tweets, i'm working with lady gaga. it will be a pretty cher year. we'll see. >> i like that. >> apps, is nstagram, changes the way we take pictures. >> so easy to use. my mom isn't on facebook or twitter, but she's on instagram. you can share photos easily. they have 100 million users now. sold for $1 million.
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it will totally be in -- next year you'll be using it more and more. >> my kids use instagram because they're not on twitter or anything. what about snap chat? >> i know. all my little cousins have snap chat. you can spend a picture to someone. you can decide how long they can see it for. >> what's the length? >> one to ten seconds. then it disappears forever. it's suddenly gone. now we have facebook created their version called poke. in 2013 we'll have to see if -- who will come out on top. >> mission impossible stuff. destroys itself when you get it. >> it's awesome. really fun. i use it to send crazy faces or if i see something crazy on the street. it's to send something you normally wouldn't send. >> basically it's for crotch
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shots, let's be honest. >> we'll see some scandal. >> we love a scandal. >> happy new year. >> happy new year. >> you have great hair, matt. >> thanks. what's in store for travel in the new year, after this. i'm jessica and this is my emergen-c.
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keeping up with the kids is tough, so i drink emergen-c. with vitamin c for immune support and b vitamins for natural energy, i'm ready for whatever they get into. get your free sample at stay healthy and feel the good. very interesting. cool. i like "success." joy. i got cracker chips. [ laughing ] chocolatey pretzel. mmmm.... special k! [ female announcer ] snack and stay on track with special k. i like "confidence." i am a confident lady. [ laughter ] i like "confidence." i am a confident lady. with a samsung galaxy ii from we straight talk he'll get the same great nationwide coverage for half the cost. let's see if he notices. everyone noticed. joe saved $950 a year. enough to buy some sweet mother of glory pyrotechnics. rock on, abigail. rock on.
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same phones, same networks. half the cost. a samsung galaxy s ll with unlimited everything just $45 a month. straight talk wireless. only at walmart. john. loo. latrine. head. bog. the oval office. the porcelain throne. the toilet. no matter what you call it, clorox has been trusted to keep it clean for nearly 100 years. [ female announcer ] new roc® retinol correxion max. the power of roc® retinol is intensified with a serum. it's clinically shown to be 4x better at smoothing lines and deep wrinkles than professional treatments. roc® max for maximum results. faster than mandy can hang up on mr. monday. you hang up first. [ female announcer ] in just 60 seconds, you've got snack-defying, satisfying totino's pizza rolls. [ ringing ] it's on. let's roll.
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totino's pizza rolls. [ ringing ] oh hi, yes. wow you really went all out on the decorations, huh? yeah, but i'm so slow taking them down after all the fatty holiday food. but that's normal. what do you mean that's normal? it doesn't have to be. to me normal means feeling good inside. not slow. try some activia. activia helps with occasional irregularity when eaten three times a day. keep a video diary and let me know about your new normal. this morning on "today's" travel, looking up for 2013. you know what a hassle it can be if you've traveled in the last year. >> these are good seats, though. >> can you recline? you going back?
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>> couple of first class seats for us. the new year brings exciting new upgrades. with conde nast traveler, lisa. >> wi-fi will become prevalent everywhere you fly. do expect fees. it's another way to get a fee out of the customer. >> sometimes it doesn't work. i feel look i've paid, i do it i'm an hour deep into the flight and it still isn't on. >> don't expect the broadband to be what you're expect used to on the ground. sitting for six hours it's nice to have the option of wi-fi. >> any chance the security lines get better this year? >> if you are a frequent flyer, you will have a bit of a reprieve. thanks to the tsa, they are extending their precheck program, which allows frequent
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flyers to basically blow past the security check because they have their background checks on file. you don't have to take off your shoes, belt. >> how do you get on board with that program? what do you do? >> expanding it to more airports in the u.s. you can pay $100 and apply through global entry, which is a program that allows for free security checks and your passport control as well. >> i flew with my kids. they don't take their shoes off, under 12 already. >> fur a member of the precheck, your kids can go in the line with you. >> you're buying that for me. >> that's your christmas gift. how about new planes in these fleets? >> good news is that a lot of older models are going out to pasture. we're excited about the 787 dreamliner in particular. 20% less -- more fuel efficiency and it is also made up of composite materials instead of aluminum which allows for better cabin pressure, little more
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humidity on board, more comfort. windows are larger, lighting is more subtle. better experience. >> more room maybe, too? >> don't expect a lot more room. the airlines install the seats. however, the seats themselves are more comfortable and you get more technology and more amenities as well. >> i heard maybe beds, not only international but long flights? >> yes. if you are a red eye flyer, and a lot of us are, between new york and l.a., san francisco to seattle, expect to see more lie flatbeds, completely lie flat in business class. if you can get them, take them. it's like flying across the ocean while flat. >> body scanners you see in some lines. >> hate those. >> put up the sign like that. are we going to see more of those? they do move you through quicker. >> they do move you through quicker. they're here to stay for the most part. what will be mitigated somewhat are some of the health concerns that are coming out initially, congress has commissioned a study to show that the emission
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of radiation is safe. you don't have to worry about it affecting your health as well as your dignity. >> lisa gill, thank you so much. >> traveling alone, too, all that space. >> go sit with her. >> lisa, thank you so much. a look back at "today" in 2012. >> first this is "today" on nbc. i got to say it! >> you got one.
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alright let's break it down. mom, pop it. ♪ two inches apart, becky. two inches. t-minus nine minutes. [ ding ] [ female announcer ] pillsbury cinnamon rolls. let the making begin. ♪ faster than mandy can hang up on mr. monday. you hang up first.
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[ female announcer ] in just 60 seconds, you've got snack-defying, satisfying totino's pizza rolls. [ ringing ] it's on. let's roll. as we say good-bye to 2012, we want to take a look back at the fun we had on "today". >> happy new year, everyone. >> look out the window and you can see the people who are looking in at us. ♪ baby oh, baby you're the one ♪ >> i have to say, this is a very unusual way to start the show. there's no matt. but apparently he's on his way.
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>> so sorry. >> you are late, you know. >> the storm was coming. the waves on madison were huge. >> matt took savannah's blackberry, because she was trying to tweet with it. >> full fledge panic. >> it's in that drawer right below you. >> you have to do the weather, though. >> you're right, it is. >> i could be naked here. i'm naked here. i'm naked. i'm a 54-year-old naked man here. >> what's the name of your favorite book? >> "war and peace" by leo -- >> no, no. >> nice try. >> please. >> commercial, everybody. >> savannah's favorite book growing up was a book called -- your mom told us -- "dreams can come true." >> a lot of laryngitis. >> sounds good. >> i don't think it's at all contagious. >> oh! okay. do the weather. >> let's take a look, show you
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what -- >> i've got to get a new jacket. ♪ it's always a good time ♪ whoa oh, oh, oh, ♪ ♪ it's always a good time ♪ whoa oh, oh, oh, we don't even have to try it's always a good time ♪ >> a world shortage of bacon is unavoidable today, tuesday -- >> no! >> -- december 5th. >> oh! >> yes, i did. >> put it in there? >> okay, that's the recipe. >> i want you to get in there. >> oh, my goodness. do we have any music? >> bobby flay teaches this one to cook.
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he's a chef, not a miracle worker. >> i want you to cut that onion in half. >> okay. >> be very careful. some chicken bones. >> are these the chicken bones? >> yeah. >> i mean, like if you think i'm going to do anything with chicken carcasses, we don't know each other. >> shall we? >> go. >> hey i just met you. >> and this is crazy. >> so here's my number. >> lose it, will you? ♪ hey i just met you and this is crazy but here's my number so call me maybe ♪ ♪ ♪ so bad ♪ some day somebody's gonna make you want to turn around and say good by ♪ ♪ if i had known for just one second you would be back to bother me go on now go ♪ >> if i could, i would. ♪ baby baby baby oh, ♪
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>> is that his song? >> you know it. ♪ you don't have to be cool to rule my world ♪ ♪ all by myself anymore ♪ ♪ hey jumbo jumbo ♪ ♪ we are we are close as close can be so it don't matter what it is we look perfect to me so lucky indeed they can keep on talking it don't matter to me cause we are we are family ♪ ♪ we are we are we are we are we are we are we are we are [ male announcer ] there are plenty of reasons to be jolly
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at the chevy year-end event because chevy's giving more. more efficiency with sonic and cruze... more function in equinox and traverse... more dependability with the legendary silverado... and more style in the all-new malibu. chevy's giving more at the year-end event because 'tis the season. chevy's giving more. this holiday season, get a 2013 cruze ls for around $149 per month or get $500 holiday bonus cash.
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this is a news 4 news break. >> it's 9:57 on this final day of 2012. i'merika gonzales. expect warmer temperatures than yesterday but will new year's eve be cold, warm? veronica johnson joins us. >> let's get to the afternoon first. after the cold we should warm to a high of 41 to 46 degrees. a light wind blowing today. but for the morning enough wind to give you a wind chill, too. by midnight it's cold but not
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dropping down to freezing. should be around 34 to 39 degrees. the clouds by late will deliver a sprinkle to the area. let's look at traffic now with -- >> all right. looking at the beltway we are seeing delays on the inner loop. we had ap accident earlier in maryland on the american legion bridge where the lanes have been re-opened. we are seeing delays after the georgetown pike approaching the w parkway with a one-mile delay. >> thanks alexis. ahead a look at how some d.c. residents are prepping for the new year. see you then. we spend a lot of time on the feed because a chicken is what it eats. [ jim ] this seal verifies we feed my fresh all-natural chickens an all-vegetarian diet including corn, soybeans, and marigolds. no animal by-products. no meat and bone meal. when you put my chicken on the table, you know where it came from.
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that i put on my children's plate. that's why we use all-white meat, breading that is whole grain with omega-3
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and no preservatives. it is my goal to make the highest quality, best-tasting nugget on the market. i want consumers to go, "dang, that's a good nugget." from nbc news this is a special new year's eve edition of "today" with kathie lee gifford and hoda kotb from studio 1a in rockefeller plaza. >> happy new year, hodie. i just want to see if hoda's hat missed her head. nope. >> they don't make hats big enough for me, willard scott, or who else?
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>> willie geist. he has a big one like me. >> no one has as big a head as you. every pilgrim. we want to wish guys a happy new year's eve. >> i think this is -- i'm okay letting the past year go. i have no problem letting it go. >> 2013 it is. >> got to be a better one, everybody. god bless. cheers. >> okay. so every year ad week comes out with its world's best commercials. this comes from overseas in argentina, and this -- >> it sells. >> it still is past the sea. connected. >> anyway. that way. >> or that way. >> but not that way. >> anyway -- anyhoo, this commercial is based on this. nobody likes to see dads -- let's watch.
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>> along with summer comes every family's worst nightmare. dads in briefs. ♪ ♪ >> oh. >> oh. ♪ >> oh. >> oh. >> what were they selling? >> who cares. >> that was so perfect. the bending. briefs don't look good. >> why can men point out every little thing that's wrong with you, right? >> yes. >> don't they have mirrors? don't they see what they look
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like with the and the -- they think they are hot. >> they think they're hot. sdmroog big, chunky, hot. >> what if that's the way you like him? >> so if you were one of those guys in 2013, you have got a chance to win hoda. >> all right. let's take a look back at 2012, okay? so this is what was happening in the country in 2012. one of the most watched american commercials was an old spice ad, but not the one you are thinking of. >> let's watch. >> automatic freshener softeners and static control has never been easier with the bounce dryer bar. i just stick it to the inside of my dryer, and i never have to remember -- >> whoa! makes you smell like power! so powerful it sells itself and other people's commercials. you smell like outdoor freshener. >> you smell like -- >> yeah, i do.
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>> p-p-p-power. >> oh. >> i have never seen that before. >> i love that one. how did we not see that? >> that was not mustafa? >> that wasn't. >> terry cruz, you said? >> yes. terry cruz. >> cody can do that with his pecks? >> with his pecks? >> yep. >> up and down? >> yep. it's amazing the things you learn in college. he came home from college, and amazingly, he could do it. yes, he could do it. i hate it. >> that is not sexy. >> no, it isn't. it wasn't meant to be. it's meant to gross out his mother, and it worked. >> the most listened to or downloaded album once again was adele's 21. it was the old one. came out last year. it was on top of itunes. >> it also topped the album sales for 2012. >> now, the most downloaded single track was -- >> hey, i just met you. ♪ this is crazy ♪
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>> now that we haven't heard it for a long, long time, i am happy to hear it again. i really get tired of it. >> the top grossing movie of the year. think about all of this past year. it was "the avengers." >> i never saw it. >> i didn't either. >> i can't believe that it was -- anyway, i can't believe. >> are you the superhero kind of -- >> that's not for me. i don't like this. that's surprising to me to learn. >> what? i'm thinking how much you loved "lincoln" and i haven't seen it yet. >> you got to. that's your new year's resolution. >> for all you rude people, and you know -- no, you don't know who you are is the problem. tonight is the busiest night of the year for restaurants. have you made your reservations? >> yes, i have. >> well, that might not be good news, hoda woman, because more and more restaurants are charging. if you cancel that reservation that you just lied about making. sthoo here's the thing about making rez everybody aings, and i get it. it's saturday night. you make a reservation. they don't have a lot of walk-in traffic. especially on a night like tonight. they're expecting you to show up. a lot of restaurants are trying to figure out whether they
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should also charge, and there's a restaurant in australia that is tweeting the names of people who cancel or don't show up. >> they out them. sdoo putting them on twitter. >> this is what i don't understand. that has to be with some sort of an understand when you make the reservation, you have to be told, by the way, we need your credit card number. if you cancel, we're going to charge. it seems to me that unless they get that information, how are they going to charge you $50 for a no show? >> yeah. i do think that it's not -- i do think that's rude. >> i'm going to make the reservation. if i cancel it, you get my $50. >> a lot of people when it comes to new year's, they do sell tickets in advance. they sell the whole thing with the meal and the whole deal. are you excited about tonight? >> not -- >> not your thing? >> here's what's happened in the last century since i was born. the thing that upsets me more than any other event you go to, when did music take over life? when did -- when did the decimal
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level -- who decided that it was more important to have music blairing in your ear than saying, yeah, great. i haven't seen you since my -- since my operation. you are trying to explain. you are battling -- ♪ hey, i just met you ♪ this is crazy ♪ here's my number >> i stay home. i stay home where i can control the decimal level. i can yell at frank. frank can yell at me. ♪ here's my number ♪ call me maybe >> why should i get yelled at? hoda can go off someplace bye-bye and leave all her cares aside, and the world is a sweet place to hoda because she has no idea what's happening. she has no idea. >> are you talking? >> i'm still talking. >> okay. here's something important. you are going to the new year's eve parties -- >> no, i'm not. >> not you. someone walks up to you, and you want to remember their name. you are actually very, very good
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at remembering names. there are few people. you know almost every single person who works around here, and we have tons and tons of people who work. only every now and then. >> one of us cares. >> how do you remember? sometimes there's the repetition. hi, joseph. you keep saying his name over and over. >> that's how you remember his name. >> we have youset. they say sometimes can you think of distinctive characteristic in someone. >> like if you meet someone named sally, and she's tall, you can think of long tall sally. >> or what if it's mean? >> hoda. it's an unusual name. hoda? is what you're supposed to say. what an interesting name. hoda, how did you get to be named hoda? then the repetition. actually starts a dialogue with hoda, and hoda will let you know how she was born and not born in egypt, but her parents were, and
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she was actually born in norman, oklahoma. >> the opposite of egypt. pretty much. >> by that time -- by the time you have that conversation, you'll never forget hoda as long as you live. >> i am not great with remembering, and i -- >> not at all. >> i try really hard. i'm often at a party in a total panic, but what i do is i say, oh, my gosh, hey, do you know tammy, and then i wait for tammy to say i'm tammy, and then you say, oh, i'm kathie lee. not great. >> people pick up on it. they wait for you to go and this is, and they say -- >> i know. >> i know. >> here it is. who are you going to kiss tonight? that is the question. >> bambino. and frank gifford. it's a threesome. got a kinky thing happening. >> one of the most romantic days of the year. i think you know how romantic it will be. >> who are you going to kiss? >> i don't think that will be happening. >> not in the cards? >> i'm going to be hanging with my sister. it's not happening. >> i would hope not. there's a word for that.
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>> you are sick. sarah hit the streets to find out who people will be kissing tonight. take a look. >> are you kissing anyone special on new year's eve? >> my husband. then my kids. >> on new year's eve, do you guys kiss anyone special? >> each other. >> can we get a new year's kiss? >> is there anyone special you'll be kissing on new year's eve? >> my husband. >> probably good to stick with that. >> are you going to kiss someone on new year's eve? >> i'm going to kiss a lot of people on new year's eve. >> can we do a new year's kiss? i got a little cheek action. there you go. >> thanks. >> you're welcome. >> how sweet. >> it is awkward, though, when everybody else is kissing, and you have no one to kiss, or somebody desperately wants to kiss you, and you're not -- >> ewe not in the mood. you have to go in anyway and do it. >> that's what you do. >> exactly. >> minia has this new year's eve kiss contest.
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all right? a bunch of people i guess applied. it was sort of a contest. they wanted to find out who deserved to have the perfect kiss, but to have it in front of everyone. >> they were smart. they said it's about people that are young and in love, so that got rid of almost everybody else, right? young and in love. well, nivea, please, they're the makers of the lip balm that they say makes kissing better. >> uh-huh. >> we all need help with it. it's making that moment extra special for this adorable couple we're going to tell you about. >> the adorable couple we have one of the lucky ladies on skype with us today. >> yep. >> her name is ali, and her husband's name is seth butler, and they are from summerville, south carolina. hey, ali. >> happy new year's eve. >> please describe what america is going to see when you are up on the nivea stage, you and that cute husband of yours. what kind of kiss are we going to see? >> it's probably going to be tasteful. my husband and i are pretty
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modest, but, you know, we might make it special for once in a lifetime. you never know. we're keeping it a surprise. >> well, now, you haven't seen him in a while. isn't at the in the armed forces? >> he is in the military. he just had an obligation today that he had to take care of, but he will be on the stage for sure. yeah, he is military. sometimes it takes you away from home. he has been gone a lot. in about the four years that we've been married, six years in a relationship, and we've only lived together for about two months of that time. >> oh, wow. >> wow. >> so you are way backed up in the kissing department, right? >> this will be -- everyone tells us we're still in the honeymoon phase. four years after marriage, you know, no honeymoon. sounds good to me. >> we're going to expect fireworks, aren't we? hoda can't be munching on somebody, and i have frank and bambino. >> you apologize for what you
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just said. >> we live vicariously through you. >> thanks for joining us today. >> happy new year to you. >> happy new year. hope you get lots of good time together. >> the picture is worth 1,000 words. a look back at the celebrities that made headlines over the last year. first -- ♪ here's my number so call me maybe ♪ that i could smoke for the first week... i'm like...yeah, ok... little did i know that one week later i wasn't smoking. [ male announcer ] along with support, chantix is proven to help people quit smoking. it reduces the urge to smoke. some people had changes in behavior, thinking or mood, hostility, agitation, depressed mood and suicidal thoughts or actions while taking or after stopping chantix. if you notice any of these stop taking chantix and call your doctor right away. tell your doctor about any history of depression or other mental health problems, which could get worse while taking chantix. don't take chantix if you've had a serious allergic or skin reaction to it. if you develop these stop taking chantix
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and see your doctor right away as some can be life-threatening. if you have a history of heart or blood vessel problems, tell your doctor if you have new or worse symptoms. get medical help right away if you have symptoms of a heart attack. use caution when driving or operating machinery. common side effects include nausea, trouble sleeping and unusual dreams. it helps to have people around you... they say, you're much bigger than this. and you are. [ male announcer ] ask your doctor if chantix is right for you.
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i'd like to thank eating right, whole grain, multigrain cheerios! mom, are those my jeans? [ female announcer ] people who choose more whole grain tend to weigh less than those who don't. multigrain cheerios
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as 2012 comes to an end what are the images that will last forever? time magazine has the memorable moments that have been captured. >> here to take us through the images is the time director of photography cara pollak and. >> i always love this segment at the end of every year because i get to look back. some of the images we're going to talk about is the spelgts endeavour. it was traveling through the streets of l.a. >> it's such an amazing image. the space shuttle endeavour, it's literally going through the suburbs of los angeles making its way to its retirement home. >> retiring. >> its retirement home. >> that's what space shuttles do. >> the california science center. >> i love the way that you can mablg a child is having breakfast, and --
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>> looks out the window. >> can you pause the -- >> did they know it? i'm sure they knew it was coming down the street that day, but it doesn't look like an awful lot of people were out and about to greet it, huh? >> yeah. >> there's a few. >> i love the fact that this is the top of what we can do technology-wise. a space shuttle, you know, a thing from outer space in the most suburban, benign, los angeles -- >> this is an iconic photo. mikayla maroney when she got second. not happy. >> i love this photo. you know, it's a woman. she was meant to -- she was a lock for gold, and she got silver on the vault, but what really made this photo successful and one of the, i guess, hallmarks of this year's photography was that it was used in so many other contexts. social media and photo shopping, they put this face. she's kind of holding it together. it looks like she's disappointed, maybe trying not to cry. >> maybe her nose itches. you know you do that? your hands are full, but you try
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to scratch your nose? i don't think so. i think she's angry. >> she's upset. it was put in every different context like some historical. she was actually -- she looks like she's not being a great sport here. she was actually a good sport about this photo because later she made the same one with president obama making that face. >> now, talk to us about the sandy hook elementary photograph again. this one was very iconic. >> yeah. this will be probably the most iconic picture from this event, which has just been so horrible. this is one of the first pictures made by a photographer named shannon hicks, and she was a local -- you know, she worked for the newtown bee, and she was one of the first people to get on site. she came right after the first 12 policemen arrived, and she took this picture through her windshield, and it's just an amazing picture. you can just imagine these kids. they have been practiced. they've done this. this is the protocol. you know, the congo line. they all put their hands on each other's shoulder.
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the one in the front has to keep his eyes open, and it's so heart breaking. >> so many do seem to be keeping their eyes closed, which the teachers said don't look, don't look. >> what about the next one? the tornado in texas? >> the tornado in texas, isn't this the most incredible? this was made, again, through a windshield by a photographer, and it was -- it became so iconic the next day it was one of the -- on 17 front page pictures -- front page papers. it's just amazing. >> wouldn't you get off the road real quick if you saw that coming from the windshield? >> the juxtaposition, you rarely get to see the sides of the car. it's on its way. this guy is not a full-time photographer. he is a jack of all trades. he is just in the right place, and he stopped. this is one of the things. i mean, we -- this year there were, i think, of all the photos that have ever been made, 10% of them were made this year. >> by amateurs? >> by everybody. because we always have our phones. there are so many more photos being taken all the time.
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>> yeah. the next one is president obama. a very candid moment. >> nobody thought -- normally the photos we see of the president are so posed, and everybody is being really deferring and this guy was so incredibly spontaneous. i mean, who does this to any leader? >> of the free world? >> i'm not exactly sure. i would love to get the picture of the faces of the secret service. >> that could go either way. >> let's end on an up note. these are the polar bears that make you go ah. >> one of the most adorable pictures of the year. this mother polar bear is giving her baby polar cub a ride on its -- on her back, and it's just like a little water taxi through the arctic ocean. >> we call this -- >> just another day for them. in paradise. >> thank you so much. great issue. >> happy. thanks so much. >> thanks for having us. >> could you be our next fan of the week? see if we put your face here? hoda says she doesn't think zoosh the chances are really --
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>> right after this. is?! oh hi, yes. wow you really went all out on the decorations, huh? yeah, but i'm so slow taking them down after all the fatty holiday food. but that's normal. what do you mean that's normal? it doesn't have to be. to me normal means feeling good inside. not slow. try some activia. activia helps with occasional irregularity when eaten three times a day. keep a video diary and let me know about your new normal. progress-oh! [ female announcer ] with 40 delicious progresso soups at 100 calories or less, there are plenty of reasons people are saying "progress-oh!"
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share your progress-oh! story on facebook. ...but he'd wait for her forever, for any reason, and would always be there with the biggest welcome home. for a love this strong, dawn only feeds him iams. compared to other leading brands, it has 50% more animal protein. help keep rocky's body as strong as a love that never fades... if he ever lets her leave again. iams. keep love strong. we're spreading the word about honey bunches of oats fruit blends and their unique taste combinations. like peach/raspberry. with one flavor in the granola bunch and one on the flake. two flavors. in harmony.
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honey bunches of oats. make your day bunches better. ( ♪ ) for those nights when it's more than a bad dream, be ready. for the days when you get a sudden call from the school, be ready. for the times you need to double-check the temperature on the thermometer, be ready. when you have children's motrin on hand, you're ready. for high fever, nothing works faster or lasts longer than children's motrin. be ready with children's motrin. it is time for our fan of the week. a shout-out and a trip give-away. >> sarah, who gets to kick the new year off in style, baby? >> our winner is cara rosener from florida. >> i love her. >> she tunes in on wish channel 2. cara's favorite segment is ambush, and for a good reason, because last year on the special
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september 11th 1-11-11 when we were at the -- she was select as our ambush makeover. >> what? >> she made 2012 not only a new her, but kind of giving back. she made a whole new version of herself. she said that ambush makeover has the power to be a life makeover, and she claims she's a walking, talking billboard now for the fourth hour. >> bless her heart. >> congratulations on everything you have accomplished in 2012. we are going to send cara to the dominican republic. >> oh, my gosh. >> eighty. >> you and a guest will enjoy a four night stay in dominican republic. the trip includes a touring cart to explore the 7,000 acre resort and round trip airfare for two. the hotel and airfare were provided by costa decampo. >> by the way, that is a great spot. i love it. >> hoda loves it there. >> i do. >> what were the big entertainment stories of 2012. which celebs made the headlines? we'll have the roundup. >> getting the party started,
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and champagne flowing. >> we're going to look back at all the fun moments we had here right after your local news. [ woman ] weighing myself in times square is a little frightening. i weigh myself naked. can i take my clothes off, too? [ woman ] oh, i don't want to look. ♪ [ woman ] let's get it over with. ♪ satisfaction! satisfaction! pizzazz! pizzazz! confidence. i like it! joy! [ female announcer ] tell us... what will you gain when you lose? [ female announcer ] new roc® retinol correxion max. the power of roc® retinol is intensified with a serum. it's clinically shown to be 4x better at smoothing lines and deep wrinkles than professional treatments. roc® max for maximum results.
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these are sandra's "homemade" yummy, scrumptious bars. hmm? i just wanted you to eat more fiber. chewy, oatie, gooeyness... and fraudulence. i'm in deep, babe. you certainly are. [ male announcer ] fiber one.
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[ female announcer ] hamburger helper stroganoff. beefy. creamy. stroganoffy. helpers. forty dishes, all delicious. i just finished a bowl of your light chicken pot pie soup and it was so rich and creamy... is it really 100 calories? let me put you on webcan... lean roasted chicken... and a creamy broth mmm i can still see you. [ male announcer ] progresso. you gotta taste this soup.
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>> we're back on this fun day monday with more of "today." as the year comes to a close, it's fun to take a look back at all the juicy and celebrity entertainment news that made the headlines. >> here with the recap of the year in hollywood is our friend entertainment weekly tim stag. we love tim. >> i don't know either. i think it's my masculine energy. >> it is. i love everything. >> can we talk about music, shall we? talk to us. what are the three big break-outs? >> i think one of the biggest ones was gangnam style, which, i mean -- >> it's over, though, hopefully. >> no, i don't think it is, actually. i don't think it is. you know, because he is -- he is everywhere. >> this is a new one? >> people love the pony.
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this is the same one. that's psy. he has been on the "today" show about 45 times. >> i want to say bye-bye psy, psy. >> carlyay jepsen sippingle. there's been about 1,000 youtube videos. >> i believe you did your own. >> we're guilty too. >> guilty of this trend. yeah, i mean, the biggest one of the year. huge, huge single. everyone was sing it. >> one direction. everyone is obsessed with the cute boys. everybody loves some floppy-haired british kids. >> there's nothing going on. >> they're my icons. that's sad because i'm 33, and i want to dress like a 20-year-old. whatever. >> they're sweet boys. every time they come here, their dressing room is right next to mine, they're polite. >> how fun for you. >> this year was twilight, waept it? >> it was the final "twilight." >> oh. >> maybe not.
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>> oh, no. you know, it's over, but obviously, this year "twilight" was overshadowed by kristen stewart and rob pattinson's break-up. >> they're back together again, right? >> who knows? it's like, oh, you know, people just -- i don't know. it's -- obviously kristen had some elicit photos with her director from "snow white and the huntsmen." it became a whole thing. >> he was fired. she wasn't. >> so she -- yeah, i mean, people i think want to see them together because they love bella and edward. it's a movie, people. grow up. >> this is a year of big movies. "lincoln" and all the rest. >> like "skyfall" will be the highest grossing james bond movie. >> les miserables. >> it came out. you missed it on christmas day. >> you're right. >> get to the movies. >> i'm so drunk in advance of new year's eve. >> let's talk about other hollywood relationships. >> yes.
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obviously -- kristen stewart and rob pattinson, and katie holmes and tom cruise broke up. >> a lot of people speculated that that might be, but the way it happened so quickly and then the way it was over. >> yeah, yeah. >> they almost cut the deal done within a night. >> she cut her ties, and she ran off to new york. she was -- she's on broadway already. >> yeah. >> but obviously people think having to do with scientology. they obviously it was a very public split. that was a major one. then chris brown and rihanna, that is just -- >> i'm over that one. >> the two of them, it's hard to really understand it. you know, they seem to be drawing back to each other. they keep -- >> she might be smart enough to keep it in the public eye, baby. keep them talking about us. some people just manipulate the drama for their own personal reasons. i'm not saying they are, but sometimes it's about that. totally for professional reasons. >> a lot of -- there were passing this is year. whitney houston passed? >> she's probably the biggest
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one. it was -- obviously it happened last february right before the grammys. she was found at the beverly hilton in her bathtub. yeah, i mean, it's obviously just such a tragedy. she -- it's hard to still fathom that she's gone. i think because she's just so iconic and the music is so huge. >> i hear she's coming back. she'll be back on broadway, not as her, of course, naturally, but it's just premiered in london to a huge reaction. heather headley. >> she's great. >> kathie lee is scooping me. >> of course she is. >> got to read cindy adams' college. >> a birth to blue ivy. >> the coolest baby in the world. she sshgs like -- she's barely a year. she's way cooler than us. she is -- i mean, i would like to hang with blue ivy. beyonce and jayzee's daughter. she was born last january, and she was kind of the secret. no one has seen what she looks like. they've been very cautious. >> they have been that way about their whole relationship.
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that's probably why it's doing so well. >> exactly. exactly. this is beyonce is doing a documentary that will be out in february. we'll probably see more of blue ivy in there. >> okay. cool. well, thank you for coming. >> have a very happy new year. mroo what are you doing? >> none of your business. thank you for asking. >> wow. >> be the star of your new year's party. we'll show you how to serve up the food and fun right after this. [ female announcer ] there are lots of different ways to say get well to your loved ones. ♪ this came for you, mommy. [ female announcer ] but it takes the touch of kleenex® brand, america's softest tissue, to turn a gesture into a complete gift of care. [ barks ] send your own free kleenex® care pack... full of soothing essentials at kleenex®. america's softest tissue.
10:36 am
something this delicious could only come from nature. new nectresse. the 100% natural no-calorie sweetener made from the goodness of fruit. new nectresse. sweetness naturally. i honestly loved smoking, and i honestly didn't think i would ever quit. [ male announcer ] along with support, chantix is proven to help people quit smoking. it reduces the urge to smoke. it put me at ease that you could smoke on the first week. [ male announcer ] some people had changes in behavior, thinking or mood, hostility, agitation, depressed mood and suicidal thoughts or actions while taking or after stopping chantix. if you notice any of these
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stop taking chantix and call your doctor right away. tell your doctor about any history of depression or other mental health problems, which could get worse while taking chantix. don't take chantix if you've had a serious allergic or skin reaction to it. if you develop these stop taking chantix and see your doctor right away as some can be life-threatening. if you have a history of heart or blood vessel problems, tell your doctor if you have new or worse symptoms. get medical help right away if you have symptoms of a heart attack. use caution when driving or operating machinery. common side effects include nausea, trouble sleeping and unusual dreams. with chantix and with the support system it worked. it worked for me. [ male announcer ] ask your doctor if chantix is right for you.
10:38 am
♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ [ female announcer ] nothing gets you going quite like the power of quaker oats. today is going to be epic. quaker up. >> now with today's holiday
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kitchen new year's party food, if are you throwing a party to help bring in the new year, the last thing you want to worry about is spending hours prime ministering food. here are some delicious recipe that is will feed an army without taking up your entire day. the owner of the bayou bakery coffee bar and eatery david. nice to see you. >> you are new orleans through and through. >> right to the soul patch. >> we're talking about new year's eve so, we're talking about beverages. >> we can get a start on that. >> with we do one called rebirth, and it steps off of the whole new orleans deal, you know? so fresh juices. a little bit of white rum. we just finish it off with the new year with a little champagne. you can also use cava. it gives it the tingle with you a little bit. >> this is just, again, fresh juices. it's about five or six different juices. we serve it in a mason jar with a little ice, and it's delicious. rebirth. >> pass it around. >> thank you.
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thank you. >> doesn't do any good sitting there. >> what are you making here? >> we're talking about pork. a beautiful pork loin. >> is this brined? >> it is brined. >> why do you brine? >> you brine a pork. you brine poultry, and for the very reason of keeping the moisture conat the particular time. you're plumping up the meat. it's going to sort of giver you a little bit of wiggle room when you sort of potentially overcook it. it stays moist. >> what is it? >> brining is a process of adding salt, yes. we do honey as well, and that gives a little sweetness with the pork, and i think it shows in the color here. when you add honey to it, it will give it a beautiful texture. we're going to add a little bit of more to our glaze. once we have brined it for eight, ten hours, we're going to add honey and whole grain mustard. we'll brush it in the beginning and get it roasted nice and -- higher heat in the beginning. then from there we're going to lower the heat after about ten, 15 minutes. a higher heat in the oven, 425 or so. nice color. >> all the way through. >> you're not going have a nice start to your new year, if you
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know what i mean. >> we don't want any of those type of issues. you see how beautiful this is? see how moist it is? the key here, no one likes a -- >> collard green with that? >> does have some collards. you see what the honey does to the full glaze. nice color on that. very attractive. >> i love. >> that is delicious. >> it's healthy just like chicken. that's pan juices. don't deny that. you got to hit that on top. again, just taking all of our natural stuff. come over here real quick. >> peanut brittle. >> i like it. >> it's our garnish pour the chocolate pudding. we're going to 300 degrees. make sure you have adult sprvs here. this is just sugar and water. at this point we're going to take the sugar and water. once it hits 300, using our thermometer. we're going to add a little bit of butter, our vanilla extract. >> how do you survive in new orleans if you -- >> hook, she's -- you can survive. >> nowhere in the world do you get -- i mean, there cooking.
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it's the best kind of food. >> we're going to do peanuts in there. good, healthy large virginia peanuts. extra large. >> that's it? >> just pull that together, and we're going to dump this out on a silt map. >> that looks so good. >> we're going to taste this. >> we're going to whack -- >> whack-a-doodle. >> this is the garnish. >> thank you, sweetie. >> thank you. you can find our website. all these recipes on our website. s klg and >> we have the food, and we're going to get ready to raise the glass. >> how to enjoy your champagne right after this. >> thank you. [ male announcer ] this one goes out to all the allergy muddlers. you know who you are. you can part a crowd, without saying a word... if you have yet to master the quiet sneeze... you stash tissues like a squirrel stashes nuts... well muddlers, muddle no more. try zyrtec®. it gives you powerful allergy relief. and zyrtec® is different than claritin® because zyrtec® starts working at hour one
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on the first day you take it. claritin® doesn't start working until hour three. zyrtec®. love the air. now you can get 4 box tops for education on 70 general mills products. 4 more box tops... so we can help our schools even more. that's 84 box tops! [ female announcer ] get 4 box tops, now only a walmart. tvo: for cold and flu season, honey, don't use your sleeve. there's clorox bleach.
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it's no ordinary nonfat yogurt.k it has twice the protein of regular lowfat yogurt. and at 80 calories, it's the lightest greek yogurt with fruit. its creamy, thick texture helps satisfy you. so you won't feel like you're running low on satisfaction. light & fit greek. be light and fit. and satisfied.
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>> it's time for today's countdown to the new year. you can't ring in 2013 without a little bubbly. if you can buy it in bulk, you can do more than just drink it right away. we have options. >> here to show you five different ways to maximize your bubble is ray food and wine
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editor from "food & wine maki magazi magazine." >> i brought you enough. glad to be here. sdhoo that will get us through lunch. >> part of the point is if you buy in bulk you get a discount. that's a great idea. >> for any product? >> most good wine stores will give you a discount, which is done perignon and on down. the nice thing is you have all sorts of things can you do with it. >> show us, ray. >> first of all, you can have a toast, which is -- >> thank you. >> that's the key thing. >> to 2013. >> to 2013. cheers. >> god bless us every one. >> can you do other things too. >> okay where. >> that ain't bad. >> cava is about $10 a bottle give or take. >> it's much more expensive than that. >> you calls make cocktails. this is a cocktail called french 75. that's cognac and simple syrup, and a little bit of lemon juice. >> what's not simple syrup? >> complicated syrup.
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>> all right. >> simple syrup is simply water and sugar, you know, blended together -- melted together. we do a little shaking. >> uh-huh. >> we do a little pouring. >> with -- we've watched you through the year. >> hoda is going to love this. >> we're going to top it off. >> this makes it a little bit sweeter. >> this is a spritz. french 75 and a little champagne. this is a classic, classic drink. it gets the french from the beautiful sparkling wine, and it gets the 75 from world war i canon, .75 millimeter canon which is said to be the effect of the drink. >> it's cognac. you can also use gin depending how damaged you want to be. >> sure. why not? >> what else you dpot? >> you can also make punch. this is much more mellow. this is the only alcohol in this is sparkling wine, which you guys are going to add to it. a little bit of sweet lake
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harvest riesling and simple syrup, and that's really the whole thing. pine apples, pomagranite. >> you can buy a millioned mold for it. if you want layers of fruit in it, freeze it, freeze a little more, put the fruit in. you can also make it. >> keep the kids away from it. >> keep the kids away from it. keep the dog away from it. keep the cat away from it. >> and the crew. they know who they are. >> and this is -- sorry. my pouring skills are not up to my mixin skills. >> you're no martha stewart. i'll tell you that. >> they don't make these for left-handed people. that's the problem. this is a right-handed ladle, and i am a left-handed person. >> oh. oh. >> a harsh world i live in. >> that explains a lot. >> pomagranites and can be made with prosceco or cava. nice, fruity. finally, you can make dessert with it. >> oh mishgs gosh. >> this is strawberries, sugar. they create a little bit of syrup. ice cream. >> strawberries, what?
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>> maserated. soaked in sugar. >> don't use words like that here. ray. >> innocence. >> sure is. >> with ice cream. it's basically -- >> people are going to be maserating. >> stop it. >> thank you, ray. >> we love you, ray. >> no matter how much those lips get in your way. champagne. >> thank you, babe. >> get ready to toast all the fun moments we've had here on the show this year. first, this is "today" on nbc. dinner's ready. [ female announcer ] hamburger helper stroganoff.
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beefy. creamy. stroganoffy. helpers. forty dishes, all delicious. i just finished a bowl of your light chicken pot pie soup and it was so rich and creamy... is it really 100 calories? let me put you on webcan... lean roasted chicken... and a creamy broth mmm i can still see you. [ male announcer ] progresso. you gotta taste this soup.
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>> as we wrap up 2012, we would like to take a look back at all the fun on the show. >> along with the names of the wonderful people that work so hard to make us look kind of good. every day. we're grateful to them. happy new year, everybody. god bless.
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♪ we are, we are not your ordinary family, but we can all agree that we are, we are close as close can be ♪ ♪ so it's no matter what it is it looks perfect to me ♪ ♪ we got every kind of love we're lucky, indeed ♪ ♪ it doesn't matter to me because we are, we are family ♪ ♪ we are, we are, we are, we are, we are, we are, we are we are family ♪ ♪ family ♪ family ♪ we are, we are family ♪ we don't look, we don't act, we don't talk, we don't walk like you do ♪ ♪ so what, if we hang --
10:55 am
we go through what we want to ♪ ♪ we come from everywhere which is for one to care ♪ ♪ somehow we found it here we found us a home ♪ ♪ we are, we are not your ordinary family, but we can all agree that we are, we are close as close can be ♪ ♪ so it don't matter what it looks like we look perfect to me ♪ ♪ we got every kind of love we're so lucky indeed ♪ ♪ it don't matter to me because we are, we are family ♪ ♪ okay, so a chain makes us strange, but really they make us stronger ♪
10:56 am
♪ no word can replace anything, mother or father ♪ ♪ because we -- we come from everywhere this is for one to care somehow we found it here we found us a home ♪ ♪ we are, we are not your ordinary family, but we can all agree that we are, we are close as close can be ♪ ♪ so it don't matter what it looks like, we look perfect to me ♪ ♪ we got every kind of love we're so lucky indeed ♪ ♪ it don't matter to me because we are, we are family ♪ ♪ family
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♪ we are, we are family [ fingers tapping ]
10:58 am
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...and feels great later 20 delicious flavors of yoplait light, now at 90 calories each. yoplait, it is so good!


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