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tv   News4 at 4  NBC  January 3, 2013 4:00pm-5:00pm EST

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students from sandy hook are returning to class. >> news4's keith russell has the details. keith, what stopped him? >> guys, a man who was admitting to having a gun tried to get into the middle school this afternoon, reportedlyosing as a security guard. he said he left clothing he was trying to retrieve it. he was approached by a campus supervisor whflt the supervisor noticed what happened to be a gun, he asked the man if he was arm. the man said yesterday. a spokesman for the town police department said the man made no threats. the matter is still under investigation. well, the incident in long island happened the same day the students from sandy hook elevate tear returned to school for the first time since the massacre. nbc's jay gray is live in monroe, connecticut to explain what the first day was like for these students. jay? >> reporter: hey there, wendy, emotional for a lot of families. teachers and students were back
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in the classroom today for the first time since the tragedy, but the focus was on something more important than any other school subject. for sandy hook survivors, it's the first day in what will be a long and difficult journey. this part of that trip for many by bus to a new school in another town seven miles away. >> the kids all got off the bus, a lot of them were happy to see friends they hadn't seen in a while. they're excited about the new schools. >> reporter: almost three weeks after the attack, the old school where 20 students and 6 teachers were lost. >> it's tough to imagine what that's doing to them psychologically. >> reporter: even harder to understand what it might take to move on. linda alvarez talked about that after taking her little girl back to school this morning. >> we're trying not to keep talking over and over about the same stuff, and we just want her
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to get back to normal. >> reporter: counselors and administrators say an important part of that process came today as students returned to the structure and routine of the classroom under the watchful eye of a heavy police presence. >> the monroe police have worked diligently with the newtown police so we can all feel comfortable and secure. >> security that the governor talked about today as he announced a special commission formed in the wake of the tragedy. >> we will work together to make our state a model for the rest of the nation. >> reporter: governor malloy wasn't suggestions by march 15th. most here understand it will take much longer to find the answers they are looking for. >> reporter: during that search counselors are committed for saying there as long as teachers, students or parents say they need them. live in monroe, contract contract, i'm jay gray, news4. 2012 set a record for the number of fbi background checks
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requested by gun buyers. december was the busiest month of them all, with requests for nearly 3 million background checks. in all the fbi recorded nearly 20 million checks for the entire year a new annual record. federally licensed gun vendors are required to request background checks. but many gun shows are not covered by the law and private sales are not subject to the checks. worst fear are with his confirmed into. police identified a body found as michael poe, a 23-year-old clarks burg man who vanished new year's eve. as news4's megan mcgrath, reports, his death appears to be an accident. >> reporter: a sad close to a missing person case. police confirm that a mad in a ventilation shaft is that of
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michael poe. poe has been missing since new year's eve when he parted ways at shenanigan's bar. friends say around 2:45 a.m. poe called a friend, said he was celebrates on a rooftop, which meant he was on a rooftop bar. a 911 call from a resident brought investigators to the hattington building late wednesday night. it is located just a block from the bar where poe had been with friends. what he was doing on the roof and how he fell down the shaft is still under investigation. a resident of the hattington describes that ventilation shaft by 3 foot by 2 foot, a lightweight grate across the top, something to keep squirrels out, but nothing that would hold up against much weight. megan mcgrath, news4. he'll have the latest at
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"news4 at 5." the victim is a senior citizen from prince george's county. the cause of her death was not confirmed until this week, the first hypothermia death was confirmed in mid december. 15 people died in related cases last winter. if you need a warm place to say, we have information on hypothermia hotlines on our website. visit and search "hypothermia." a live look outside, a beautiful today about to get cold again tonight. veronica johnson, just how low is it going to go? >> just as low as it was last night in many, many areas. take a look. this morning we started out at 30 degrees, in d.c. just the fourth time since march 6th that we've gotten that cold. other locations in the teen north and west, around areas just north and west of there, washington county, northern loudoun county, dropping into the teens, early part of the
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day. that was because of the snowpack on the ground still to our north and west. 23 degrees started out in leesburg, virginia we had some sunshine today, the clouds moving out around sunrise this morning. upper 30s throughout the area. we've got 42, though, down around fredericksburg, 42 degrees, just a tad warmer there. a bit of wind, so it still feels like we're freezing. one cold day and another cold night coming up. so we'll head back down just as low as we were last night, dropping anywhere from 18 to 28 degrees. we'll talk more about what you can expect tonight and the next couple days which just might have you smiling. we're following some breaking news out of howard county. right now police are on the scene of a crash involving some teenagers near mt. hebron high
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school. >> we're told four teenagers are hurt, one with serious injuries. this crash just happened after 2:00 this afternoon at the end of the school day, investigators tell us the students' vehicle hit a mac truck as they pulled out of the school parking lot. we'll continue to bring you the latest. hey, tim, how are you? good to see you. the 113th congress is officially under way right now. earlier today vice president biden gave virginia's new senator tim kaine the oath of office. maryland centeren cardin took the oath, he's an old hand, versus served the house for 20 years. steve handelsman, is on capitol hill, john boehner has been reelected as speaker of the house. steve? >> jim, thanks. here tess capitol today, boehner did avoid the embarrassment of
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this going to a second ballot he won on the first round like speakers normally do. >> my colleagues, the speaker of the house, john boehner. >> reporter: john boehner tonight a few more shots as the new congress reelected him speaker. >> boehner -- >> reporter: nine conservative cast protest votes, but boehner sounded a conservative theme. >> our government has built up too much debt. our economy is not producing enough jobs. these are not separate problems. >> reporter: this first day was about families and about firsts. iraq war veteran dump amp pew tee, tammy duckworth, the first disabled woman in congress. republican tim scott of south carolina, the only african-american now in the senate. where 20 women will serve, a
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record. a moving moment. republican mark kirk made his way up the steps in the capitol a year after he suffered a stroke, supported by senators from both parties. but bipartisanship will go on the back burner with the fight ahead on defense spending, entitlement cuts, social security. they warned the president you've got -- the first step is for democrats to get over their fanatical commitment to guarding every single dime the government ever got its hands on. >> reporter: in the senate and the house. no big changes in the democrat/republican balance. that's a guarantee of gridlock and epic battles up here soon that could shut down government and damage the u.s. economy. live from the hill, i'm steve handelsman, news4. big crowds will descend on
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d.c. for president obama's second inauguration, but they won't be as huge as the first go-around. officials are projecting 600 to 800,000 people to take to the maul to watch the public ceremony january 21st. back in '09 the crowd estimate was about 1.8 million. this year's crowd projection is based on past attendance as well as hotels, restaurant reservations and charter bus permits. markets are closing in the red. one day after the dow's biggest gain in more than a year the stocks shot up yesterday on the heels of the fiscal cliff deal, but dropped this afternoon upon news the federal reserve not sure on how long it will continue a bond-buying program that's designed to stimulate our economy. those numbers are still settling down, but the dow is down 21 points, nasdaq off 11, the s&p down about 3. nfl revs have made a lot of
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headlines this season. today they were the talk of the town for redskins fans, too. here's why. remember this? it's from back in october when the skins played the steelers. deangelo hall got ejected for verbally berating an official. earlier today it was announced the linesmen involved in that, mckenzie was scheduled to work the game on sunday. a few hours later, another set of tweets came out. those said mckenzie would not be working the game after all. no word on exactly why that change was made. we want to see your redskins spirit. send us your pictures of your kids, your house or you decked out in your burgundy and gold. e-mail us horrid tweet us, and use that hash tack of "skinsfans." your cat, your dog, anything. coming up a maryland pizza driver gets robbed, then
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something else happened. >> he sucker punched me in the face against the door. >> find out why he was demoted, because he caught back. catching up with an old friend. a taste of what wally has been doing after news4 sports. what's wrong with you? >> that's what handley looks like in the morning. the navy teaching through what appears to be a horror movi
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authorities identified the photographer. they say a car hit 29-year-old christopher guerra when he crossed the street to get to his own vehicle. though bieber wasn't there, he expressed his condolences and said he hopes this accident will inspire new legislation protecting. a bomb scare after an employee finds three hand grenades. the bomb squad discovered that the grenades were harmless. "the orlando sentinel" found them in an employee parking lot. they're tries to figure out how they got to the property. this is the answer to one of those whatever happened to questions. you may remember wally brock ner who spent years here as a broadcaster. they turned their lives in a whole new direction a few years ago. now they're runs a restaurant in
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nyannic in a small found. jason shows us what the former sports caster is serving up. >> reporter: dawn and wally are on a mission. >> local, local, local. >> there's so much. >> at their restaurant la belle aurore, they're plating up the best. >> gorgeous produce. clean eggs, the freshs fish. >> reporter: all finding its way into a menu packed with simple yes colorful farm dishes. >> we have a stuffed pumpkin right now. wild rice, nuts, cranberries. >> while they sizzle up lamb sausage. >> would you like a glass of wine? >> reporter: wally plays the restaurant's master of ceremonies. >> i was working for nbc. i was doing tv sports, redskins, maryland, george town. >> reporter: after years in the
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tv biz, he was starting to get burned out. they decided to make a change for their kids' sake. >> the small town opportunities that it presented, and the school system here was terrific. >> reporter: so they began looking at real estate in connecticut. in the middle of the search for a perfect home, they stumbled across something else, a restaurant for sale. >> we flew up to look at it. she said, i think i can make something of this. >> reporter: in 2005, they headed north. since then la belle aurore has gained a developed following. >> i love working the room. at times i've never worked so hard for so little, but it's great fun. i really like the people. >> reporter: the biggest life change they're still getting used to -- each other. >> we went from never seeing each other to seeing each other every single day. >> reporter: how is that? >> it's kind of nice. we're still together.
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>> some wonderful following them and their progress up there and how much fun they've been having. >> a loyal following up there. >> the critics do love it. a lot of people from the station have gone there to eat and say it's fabulous. >> i wonder what ours will be -- >> we'll be waiting tables at his restaurant. >> i could do the wine thing. get ready for cold air again tonight, folks. areas to the north of us seeing some of the coldest air in the last couple years. you can see right now we do have a clear sky out there, areas across southern maryland, so let's talk about that cold air from this morning. take a look. even boston very cold, starting out at 7 this morning. under sunshine here.
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we're at 37 degrees, again very cold when you consider the average now is 44 degrees. you can see throughout the area, the range 36 to 39 degrees, mainly over in culpepper, virginia. we have 42 in fredericksburg, 40 in charlottesville, but for the most part for sure everyone agrees it's been cold, and it doesn't take much wind to add to that windchill reading, 26 to 28 degrees, close are in by the beltway. maybe a few wispy clouds down south again. 18 degrees to our north and west. we will be clearing out nicely. we've got that system down to the south that will remain there. and clouds up to the north for a yet even weaker system. we'll see sunshine around the area. i do think that tomorrow afternoon just a tad warmer.
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high pressure moves on and we'll have a southwesterly wind coming our way for the weekend. sunshine, chili conditions, but still nice for saturday. it's sunday we'll start to pick up a few more clouds. as the clouds come in, there might be areas down to the south and east, but looking at a dry weekend. a clear sky, we're cold. very cold 18 to 28 degrees. again those areas with the snow still on the ground to our north and west really dropping the most during the overnight period. 39 to 44, we're back to average and seasonably cool then tomorrow. the next couple days, big game on sunday, no problems at all, the high 47 looking like the warmest day out of the weekend. we'll look at your extended forecast in just a couple minutes. two lanes of wisconsin avenue remain as crews work to
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repair a broken water main. it broke last night, but crews could only begin working on the break this morning. that caused some big backups for commuters. the leaking water and freezing temperatures created ice on the roads, which let to a multicar accident today. crews are still working to replace that 8-inch pipe. a teenager accused of drugging her parents' milkshakes. coming up what she's accused of doing while mom and dad were asleep. a guy buys an ipad, but gets a big surprise. we'll tell you what he found in
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we have officially become the gadget nation. more smartphones cell phones and gaming consoles than people. it is said there are 425 million interconnected devices. the study reflects the growing trend of screen sharing, where you stream a movie from your tab lett or smartphone. in a number is expected to go up
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throughout the year. it hasn't been a year since the release and buzz about a new iphone is already spreading today. tech sites are reporting that apple has multiple developers testing out the new operating system for the iphone 6. some developers are even saying they're seeing hardware in their app. usage logs. those data logs help developers identify the types of devices and systems that are using the app.s. what the logs don't show is anything about the new features that could be coming to the iphone 6. on the edge of our seats. coming up, hear about the sperm donor who has been sued for child support? we're going to hear from him and find out why the state wants him to pay up. bicyclisting running stop signs, we've beening in and out of traffic. the dangerous conditions we found. a fed-you had cowboy fan is still updid i about the win.
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we set our goals higher than anyone. perdue is the first and the only chicken company to have usda process verified programs for fresh, all natural chicken. our chickens are not fed steroids or hormones. [ jim ] we raise our chickens cage-free. we're trying to make a better chicken.
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just ask pc mag. [ man ] "cable can't touch fios upload speeds." "it's hard to imagine anyone ever beating fios." "there's no doubt fios is the fastest in the country."
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[ male announcer ] after 110,000 speed tests, nothing came close to fios. and fios doesn't cap your internet usage. so switch to fiber-optic fios because according to pc mag... [ man ] "if it's available, you should get it." [ male announcer ] last chance to get the fios triple play for our best price online of just $79.99 a month contact the verizon center for customers with disabilities for two years with a two-year agreement, at 800-974-6006 tty/v. plus get $300 back. that i put on my children's plate. that's why we use all-white meat, breading that is whole grain with omega-3 and no preservatives. it is my goal to make the highest quality, best-tasting nugget on the market. i want consumers to go, "dang, that's a good nugget." welcome back to breaking news. >> an update out of howard county, maryland, chopper 4 over the scene just a short time ago, a crash involves teenagers. police tell us four teenagers in the hospital now, one with some
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serious injuries. they say a mack truck hit the teens' car as they were pulling out of the high school at el cot city. investigators are not sure at this point whether the car was turning left or right, but they do tell us the car appeared to pull out directly into the path of that truck. more details as they come into news4. we are also following breaking news from long island, new york. all schools are on lockdown after a man with a gun showed up as hammocks middle school. officials say he tried to get inside through a locked, and then went to a pain entrance. a campus supervisor approached a man, noticed he had a gun and asked him to leave. police say the man maid for threats and was described as pleasant. heavy security today at the new sandy hook elementary school in connecticut. students and teachers returned
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to class for the first time since the massacre that left 26 people, most of them children, dead. the school bus has been moved -- the school has been moved to a new location in a nearby town of monroe, connecticut. teachers brought old furniture and other items to make it feel familiar. tim kaine took the oath of office today along with mark warner behind him and the rest of the u.s. senators and house members who will be representing the nation's interests. the new session is officially under way as of noon today. we have some really cold weather moving in. veronica? >> yeah, for sure. we're going to drop down really low tonight again, guys. take a look at this shot. once again a beautiful shot coming to us from the harbor shot, the national harbor with a clear sky out there. your temperatures in the 30s. that's where we've been most of the afternoon. once the sun sets at 4:59, 5:00
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tomorrow, so that sun setting later and later, we're at 36 gaithersburg, 39 culpepper, over in green belt, maryland, 37 degrees, once again tonight we're down into the teens and 20s. 26 degrees around waldorf and la plata by tomorrow morning, 30 in fredericksburg, 18 degrees in fred ricks maryland, at least tomorrow we're going to be just a little higher with our temperatures we'll talk about tomorrow and more what you can expect this weekend in a few. relatives of people killed last summer in colorado's theater shooting are outraged after receiving an invitation to the theater's reopening. the owner invited members to attend an evening of remembrance on january 17th. families of nine of the 12 people who died angrily rejected that offer in a her to cinemark. they also wrote that the company had bad timing sending that invitation via e-mail just two
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days after christmas. one mother called it a disgusting offer. >> none of us are interested in ever stepping foot in that theater, that killing field. they never sent a condolence letter, but now they want the public relations ploy of having us there to support their grand reopening. >> cinemark hasn't commented on the families' response. the accused shooter james holmes will be in court for a pretrial hearing next week. a california teenager is accused of drugging her parents so she could would the internet. police say she used a sleeping medication into her parents' milkshakes, sending them into a drug-induced sleep and allowing the girls to use the internet beyond the 10:00 p.m. curfew. the adults awoke, and both said they thought the milkshakes did taste odd. they were both charged with conspiracy and willfully mixing a drug into food.
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a maryland pizza delivery driver is back on the job after he was demossed for using a rep during an attack. he works an a pizza hut, saying he used a fiberglass tent pole to protect himself after five men attacked him during a delivery last month. he says after the attack, management put him on kitchen duty and accused him of sleighting the weapons policy. he said he had the pole, because a driver had been robert in that same neighborhood. >> he sucker punched me in the face against the door. i fell against the door, dropped my pizzas, the dropped the tent pole into my hand, grabbed it, cover my face, and i started swinging at them. >> pizza hut initially told our affiliate that he was not demoted as a result of this incident. police did arrest three teenagers in connection with that attack. the sperm donor in the
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middle of a bizarre battle. yesterday we told you about the kansas man being sued for child support, because he helped a lesbian couple conceive a child. michelle fran senn talked to him. >> reporter: he thought it would be a simple act of kindness to help a lesbian couple -- >> if you're two women, that's kind of difficult without men there, so i donated. now the 46-year-old is caught up in a child support legal battle, not with the couple, but with the state of kansas. >> no good deed goes unpunished. >> reporter: he found an ad, offering $50, but he decided, along with his wife kimberly, to take no payment. >> this is not at all what we signed up for. >> reporter: morada signed a legal contract with the biological mother and her
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partner at the time, giving up any parental rights. the contract also says he would never be held responsible for any child support. the couple has since separated, but still care for the child together. >> we never intended for him to financially support her. that was our responsibility as her two parents. baugher became ill, and snyder applied for financial assistance. kansas doesn't recognize same-sex marriage, and becauser would not legally adopt the child. >> i have the joy of raising her and loving her every single day. it's only because of william that i have that. >> reporter: in a statement kansas officials say the state is entitled to pursue child support costs in cases where the parties do not go through a licensed physician or a clinic. there remains the question of who actually is the father of the child or children. in such cases, dcf is required by statute to establish
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paternity and then pursue child support from the noncustodial parent. >> the idea is the state of kansas shouldn't be paying support if there is a person who is legally obligated to pay support. >> morada says the case has made him question his good intentions. >> with what i know now, i don't think i would have been a sperm donor. >> now, the couple handled that insemination without a doctor, and that's the basis for the state's case to pursue child support. tonight a new show debuts on mtv taking the old-time slot held by the wildly popular series "jersey shore." this show is called "buck wild" following nineual adults in west virginia, and critics have lamb baased the show for playing on offensive stereo times. manchin even wrote to mtv to cancel the seeies. on "access hollywood" said they represent themselves, not an
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entire state. what's up with that cup? the big change you might notice the next time you head to is it starbucks. bath assaults, and zombies? the navy is taking tackling
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starbucks already giving customers a small discount if they bring in their own reusable come. same rules applies. stark bucs said it wanted to serve 25% of the drinks out of the radio usable comes, but now the company says 5% is a more realistic goal. well, we have heard all the dangerous side effects when people take those drugs called bath salts. the navy has its own version of what can happen. >> what is wrong with you? are you sick? >> what's wrong with you? >> pretty scary. the navy put this dramatization of a sailor inguesting the drugs on youtube. you see him hallucinate. this video also includes a psychiatry resident talking about how bath salts can make people violent and unpredictable. the navy itself has no-tolerance policies when it comes to
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synthetic drugs. when we come back, a man buys an ipad, but finds something quite different inside the box. why this has become a growing problem. veronica, how cold will we get tonight? >> got up to 40 degrees, but today just 38. starting tomorrow that cold air will start to retreat. we'll take a like at your highs for friday and beyond, including the weekend. look at this gorgeous
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(woman) 3 days of walking to give a break cancer survivor a lifetime-- that's definitely a fair trade. whoo! you walk with friends, you meet new friends, and you keep those friendships. it was such a beautiful experience. (jessica lee) ♪ and it's beautiful ♪ undeniable (woman) why walk 60 miles
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in the boldest breast cancer event in history? because everyone deserves a lifetime. visit to register or to request more information and receive a free 3-day bracelet today. ♪ building up from deep inside it was 3 days of pure joy. susan g. komen's investments in early detection and treatment have helped reduce breast cancer mortality in the u.s. by 33% since 1990. help us continue serving the millions of women and men with breast cancer who still need us every day. register for the 3-day now. (woman) it's just been an amazing, amazing journey. i love these people. ♪ and it's beautiful
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. nasa is abandoning a launchpad that sent the apollo 11 crew to the moon. it's no longer in the business of launching crews, so nasa wants to rent facilities to private companies. it's been tough to find takers for the highly specialized assets. >> there's a lot of uncertainty in the commercial space industry, in the nasa space industry, so there's -- things have not necessarily evolved as quickly as we would have liked. nasa is renting the space shuttle runway to analysis cash. boeing is building a commercial space ship in a former shuttle hangar. but start-up space companies have been slow to sign on. nasa says facilities not leased by the end of this year may be demolished. that would make one heck of a, what, loft condo? >> just a party pad. [ laughter ] >> there we go.
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on the water? heys skins are off to the playoffs. some fans are -- some cowboys fans are having a hard time coping with sunday's loss. take a look. there you go. >> well, that fan was so upset he decided his tony romo jersey had to go. and started firing, and -- there you go. there goes tony romo's jersey. to smithereens as they say. tony romo threw three interceptions in the loss to the skins on sunday. it's the second year in a row the cowboys have missed the playoffs by losing the last game of the season. we'll have continuing coverage of the impending battle with seattle, coming up at 5:00, pat collins is roaming the streets searching for seahawks fans. you can watch the news leading into the playoffs on our home page. we do want to add, you shouldn't
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be blowing up anything. it's dangerous. >> whatever happened to number 10 -- >> it was texas. >> we're blowing up the cold air. we'll start thawing out here. by the time we ghent to the weekend, including the ravens, yes, they've got a big playoff game, too, we're talking about very nice conditions. outside right now, pretty beautiful, pretty nice, but again it's cold, and there's a bit of wind, too. you are feeling windchills. a little dash line that you see there, that is the jet stream, and has way down to the south. you are heard areas of texas picking up the snow. today's high is 38 degrees by the time we start moving through the weekend and certainly sunday that jet stream will be further to the north, allows the cold air to retreat and some milder air to run into the east. 47 degrees right now is what we're expecting on sunday for a
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high temperature. take a look at your good night/wake-up forecast, bowen to 34, then 28 to 26 in the morning. as you can see, for friday getting into the low 40s, cold conditions with sunshine around the area, but at least we'll be on the other side of 40. many neighborhoods tomorrow, a cold saturday for your saturday, back to around freezing. into the 40s on saturday. if there was any day this weekend, saturday or sunday when we could see a few clouds around, it would be sunday, but still perfect for a redskins game tomorrow. again, warming up, 47 degrees by sunday, take a look at next week, could get to 53, 56 degrees, unfortunately, though, that will come with a bit of rain and another storm system, but 50s by midweek. oh, goodness, not something you want to see when you unwrap your gift, but it happened to a couple in florida. a husband bought one of the most
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popular gifts only to find notebook paper inside a box that was supposed to have an ipad inside it. he is not the only victim. >> reporter: when it comes to holiday presents, the ipad is one of the hottest gets out there. people lust after them and save for them. so petersburg resident patrick metz figured he scored a pretty good gift when he brought home an apple ipad from walmart. >> i've got working two jobs, getting extra for christmas. i have three kids. so i wanted to make sure my kids and my wife had a good christmas. >> reporter: but metz says when his wife opened the i pat god, they got a shock. inside was a stack of yellow notebooks and no ipad. >> it was astounding. it was like, really? i don't know, it was just mind-blowing. >> reporter: metz said the box had been sealed, but someone had
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gotten in. it's glued to the bottom. >> reporter: it may sound like a crazy story. >> it was like a sick joke. >> reporter: when i contacted walmart, a spokesperson says they have heard it before. it's happened to other customers, and it's a problem they already know about. they say, it's happening all over and it's happening to all retailers said sarah spencer. she wouldn't say how many reports they have gotten, or where it's happening, just that, quote, it's been all over. until we called, though, walmart didn't say any of that to patrick metz. >> the manager walked up briefly looked at it and said that's not my problem, that's yours, and you need to contact apple. >> reporter: metz says apple send him back to walmart, and ultimately he called 8 on your side. wall matter said they would make this right and still trying to figure out how some ipad sales are going so wrong. >> wow. walmart says it's looking at
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surveillance video to see -- and looking into its return policies to see if people are switching out the i pads and then running just the boxes. if you do buy an ipad, you might want to ask an employee to open a box for you. coming up on "news4 at 5," a thief who changed his mind. how he returned the package stolen from a doorstep and why more than hi conscience might have gotten the best of it. a store clerk attacked by a thief carrying pepper spray. and sparking lot rage. a walmart security camera catches a woman hitting a teenager with her car over a parking spot. police were shocked when they [ male announcer ] this commercial is not about getting fios,
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the woman was working at a convenience store in massachusetts. two masked men rushed into the store, one of them had a knife. the clerk told police she had no intention of fighting back, and was cooperating, but despite that, they hit her with pepper spray. we saw several package thieves caught on camera. now a california man is mosting what appears to be a thief who had a change of heart. a short time later after picking up a u.p.s. delivery, the man takes the box. the homeowner said he and the neighbors identified the fan and found out where he works, but
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before police questioned him surveillance video shows him dropping off the then opened package -- i think he opened it, didn't like what he saw and put it back. >> there's nothing heroic about this. go get him. still head bicyclists caught in dangerous situation. i'm julie carey on capitol hill capitol hill where tim kaine hopes to bring a renewed sense of bipartisanship. his thoughts are coming up. be sure
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a new survey ranks d.c. as the sixth most friendly bicycle cities. it looked at several factors, including the number of commuters who ride bikes, lanes, trails and how well they interconnect. d.c. scored a 65 out of a possible 100. topping the list, minneapolis with 79 points. the number two spot was a tie between portland, oregon and san francisco. k.c.'s about to become even more bikable. there is plans for new bike lanes, leading to concerns about sharing the road. transportation reporter adam tuss is live with more on the
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effort to help drivers and cyclists all get along. >> reporter: yeah, jim, you may not know this, but d.c. is home to the largest bike-sharing program in the country. so many people are riding bikes around here that drivers, pedestrians, and cyclists are all having to re-learn how to share the road. of course, as the city looks to add even more bike lanes, neighborhood groups are telling city leaders there needs to be more education. you don't have to wait long to find some cyclists running red lights. we saw it today. others say it's a two-way street. coming up at 5:00, we talked to local bike groups about the need for all cyclists to always obey the rules of the road. find out what the district is doing about it, against that's at 5:00. reporting live in northwest, adam tuss, news4. breaking news, a last-minute stay will keep a former death row inmate behind bars at least for now.
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we're talking to those who crusaded for his release for years. they say he was wrongly convicted of capital murder. new faces in washington tonight, but the 113th congress is -- and a home taken advantage. we're looking for seattle fans here in redskins nation. good evening, everybody. i'm jim handly. >> i'm wendy rieger. we begin with new details of a bizarre death. the 23-year-old was out with friends in adams morgan on new year's eve, and he disappeared. late last night his body was found down a 50-foot shaft. richard jordan is live outside the apartment building that may hold the answers to what happened to michael poe. richard? >> reporter: wendy, today some of the victims' relatives were out here taking a look at the area. they are trying to figure out


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