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tv   Today  NBC  February 11, 2013 7:00am-11:00am EST

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breaking news. a stunning announcement just coming in from the vatican. pope benedict xvi is resigning. we're live with what's behind his decision and how quickly the next pope will be elected, "today," monday, february 11th, 2013. >> announcer: from nbc news, this is "today" with matt lauer and savannah guthrie live from studio 1a in rockefeller plaza. >> good morning. welcome to "today" on a monday
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morning. i'm matt lauer. >> and i'm savannah guthrie. can't say that this is unprecedented for a pope to just step down, but you have to go back 1600 years to find another example of it. pope benedict xvi announcing he is stepping down as leader of the catholic church. huge news for the world's 1 billion catholics. >> and noncatholics as well. the 85-year-old pope made the announcement moments ago, saying his strength is no longer adequate to carry on his duties. in a moment we'll talk about the decision with timothy cardinal dolan, the highest ranking catholic here in the united states. claudeio is in rome. this morning, would you say this is total surprise? >> reporter: matt, this was total surprise. always clear that pope benedict xvi was getting weaker by the month. every time we saw him coming out on official celebration, he did
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look weaker and weaker, but then he again he is an 85-year-old man. john paul ii before him was even in worse shape and he did not resign. nobody was really expecting him to resign or abdicate, as was said in a previous conversation. so, it did come as a surprise, for sure. we have, just right here at the vatican right now in st. peter's square, there are a few faces that express his belief when asked what the cameras are all about. i'm telling them that the pope is about to resign. nobody can really believe that because that is unprecedented in modern times. there was a pope in the 13th century that resigned but certainly this hasn't happen ed >> there is concern that this is more than just a pope aging, that there are more health
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concerns. have you heard anything like that? >> reporter: there are a lot of allegations, of course, in the house of pope benedict xvi, a lot of rumors going around in the past few months that he wasn't doing so well. but as usual as ever with the vatican, it's always very fickle to get complete and full survey on the actual health of the pope as, you know -- we're talking about the leader of the catholics and they don't want to raise an alarm. we probably will hear about the real reasons behind this decision in the next hours or days but certainly the pope has said it himself, he just does not have the strength anymore to carry on as leader of the catholic church. >> right. claudio, he the statement reads after having repeatedly examined my conscience before god, viacom to the certainty that my strengths, due to advanced age, are no longer suited to an
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adequate exercise of the petrine ministry. you would expect that a pope making this kind of historic announcement would have done so in a bigger fashion. >> reporter: yes, indeed. i mean, i have heard reactions from a few cardinals who didn't even know about it. the pope, making such a strong, important and unprecedented in modern times, decision, you would expect that he would have been talked to the cardinals first and made them aware. clearly, he hasn't. this is a decision that he has made personally and this has always been a low-key pope. he hasn't been the media star that john paul ii used to be. he has just tidecided to stay te to his character. and made the announcement not lock like such a big deal. >> claudio lavagna in rome. we will be check iing in with y throughout the morning. and now with more here is savannah.
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>> thanks, matt. a consultant, thank you for being with us. >> hello. >> george, it's savannah. an incredibly surprising turn of events. what is the process for replace ing a pope under these circumstances? >> savannah, let's pause on that first statement just a moment. this is a surprise in that it hasn't happened in 717 years, but it's not a surprise in that benedict xvi has, on several public occasions and in his most recent interview book said that if he ever reached the judgment in conscience, as that statement said today, that he could not give the church the service it deserves because of advancing age or ill health that he would abdicate. i think it's a great statement about the humility of joseph ratzinger, as he will become at
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the moment of his abdication once again. and in a strange way, this is his last great service to the church. he wants the church to have the kind of strong leadership that it needs. as i understand it, the process will unfold rather much like the process would unfold had the pope died except for the fact that the cardinals will obviously now be gathering in rome in the weeks before february 28th so that they can enter the conclave immediately on the abdication of the pope and begin the process of choosing his successor, which could take several days or several weeks. >> for those who are not familiar with this process, the papal conclave will be convened and require a tw-thirds majority among the cardinals to elect a successor? >> that's correct. and one thing about the timing of this that is interesting is that the college of cardinals is
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now just about as full as it can be. the maximum number of the electors is set at 120. i think we're almost there right now. so, this will be the largest conclave in history when it convenes either on february 28th or on march 1st. >> george weigel, i'm going to ask you to stand by. we have greg burke on the phone from vatican city. thank you for being with us on what i know is a busy morning for you. >> good morning. yes, it's a little hectic, straight away. >> the first question is how much of a surprise was this? clearly the pope was not in great health. he had talked about his willingness to step aside if he felt his health was such that he couldn't perform the duties of pope and yet we hear from our producer in rome, real surprise, almost shock at this. >> well, it is a surprise. although i think people had fair
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warning because it was a few years ago in a book called "light of the world," a book that i suggest to a lot of people, long interview with the german journalist, peter seawald and the journalist asked the pope if he would resign at any time. he said something interesting, because this was in the midst of a scandal and all that stuff. and he said well, now is certainly not the time. it's not a time to run when you're at great risk or in an emergency period. but he said, i do believe there are times when a pope, if he doesn't have the strength, can and even should resign. so, we did have fair warning, but at the same time since it is something that hasn't happened in centuries, it always does come as a surprise. >> greg, of course, it raises the nationural questions of whas going on with the pope? the pope's brother said that his doctor said no trans atlantic trips. we see his weakening gait, using a cane in certain weeks.
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is there anything severe about his pope? >> i don't want to give my dad a hard time but he's 90. when i think about my dad, i think about the pope. i think twice before i say, hey, dad, let's go to new york. i'll meet you there at easter. something i did up until a couple of years ago. and i think the pope is exactly the same way with, you know, people have seen him. he has had a harder time walking, started using the cane. on the other hand just the other night he looked very tired but spoke off the cuff for well over a half hour. and as the pope has done for -- shown for years, great, great intelligence. but clearly, physically, he doesn't feel up to the job. and i think this is somewhat an act of humility to admit that. >> before i let you go, how much advance notice did church leaders have? how much planning has there been
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now for this papal conclave that will elect a new pope? >> a couple of top officials have known for quite some time. certainly for several weeks. i was told that just this morning. i only found out a few hours beforehand from the pope's chief of staff, but the chief of staff had known for a few weeks now. and, you know, they're used to this. i know it's huge news, but the romans -- one pope dies and along -- you elect another one. that's the old phrase here in rome. in this case it isn't the pope dying, obviously. it's him resigning. but in the process of a conclave, that works just the way it does every other time. >> greg burke from rome, thank you very much. appreciate your time. >> thank you. his eminence, cardinal timothy dolan is the archbishop of new york, just walked over from st. patrick's cathedral down the block after hearing the news. good morning. >> matt, thank you.
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appreciate the invitation to join you. >> we talked to you and you were just getting word of this. >> you can confirm that i'm started. i'm as started as the rest of you and as anxious to find out exactly what's going on. so apparently it is confirmed. when you called first, matt, you and i both chuckled and thought this might be another rumor, but it sure enough is confirmed. i find myself eager for some news. i find myself itching to rooech read the statement in latin. i hope you can translate it. >> good luck with that. >> that the holy father made. and i find myself kind of somber. in a way -- i love this pope. every catholic feels the pope is his father. we call him our holy father. the world looks to him with respect and affection. i sense a special bond with him. he is the one that appointed me to you all as archbishop of new york. i'm wearing the ring he gave me and the cross he gave me. i feel a particular bond with
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him. and a note of sadness, to be honest with you. on the other hand, my appreciation for him, which is already high, is enhanced a bit because with the sense of realism, that he has such an esteem for the office of the successor of st. peter, which is what the pope is, the bishop of rome, the successor of st. peter, that he says, you know, i may not be up to it now. perhaps i can best serve jesus and his church and his people by stepping aside. so i have to admire him. >> and even as we stop and pay tribute to what he has meant to the papacy and the church now, an enormous responsibility falls on your shoulders. >> yes, it does. >> and the shoulders around the cardinals of the world. >> yes, it does. boy, i've never been through this before. i'm still unpacking the red s socks from a year ago when i was made cardinal. i don't exactly know, except by prayer, which i already do a bunch of and need to do more of.
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except for prayer, i don't know what else to do. i'll await instructions with everybody else. >> there will be, and you help me out. you always correct me on this. there will be a period of sata viconte. >> you got it. latin word, chair and viconte, empty. so that chair will be vacant after february 28th and then the college of cardinals, pastors of parishes in rome. myself a member. you came to my church in rome, our lady of valupe. we get together in conclave to elect a new successor of rome. >> is there a short list, as it were? >> well, if you look, a good police to start would be to look at pope benedict. there's a learning, there's a savviness about the world. there's a theological depth, unquestionable personal piety
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and holiness. there's a linguistic talent. those would be qualities you look for. >> as a cardinal are you allowed to vote for yourself? >> no. only crazy people. >> your eminence, it's awfully nice for you to walk over here. >> i appreciate the invitation. you were one of the first people i spoke to. i promised you a long time ago that when this sad day would come i would be at your service. >> sadly, you mentioned, mixed emotion. >> there are mixed emotions. i love the guy. one thing everybody notices is humility. almost from the beginning he shrugged and said, boy, compared to john paul ii, i don't know if i'm up to this, but with god's grace and mercy, i'll give it a shot. he has done well for almost eight years. he's winsome in his humble acknowledgement in his frailty and weakness. it's touched all our hearts. >> again, pleasure to have you
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here. >> thank you all. we'll have more on the pope's decision to resign throughout the morning. but we want to get to natalie, who is here with a check of the other top stories of the morning. good morning to you. >> good morning to you, savannah. good morning, everyone. trail of destruction across southern mississippi this morning after a powerful tornado tore through three counties. reynolds wolf is in west hattiesburg with the latest. good day. >> reporter: good morning to you. i'm coming to you from right downtown hattiesburg. damaged by the tornado that came through yesterday and an immense tornado, half a mile wide. it came through right around -- i would say late afternoon, early evening hours. what's incredible is that although there was extensive damage and there were 50 people that were injured, thankfully, no fatalities at this time, natalie. that is a miracle. one of the key things comes back to timing this happened on a
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late sunday afternoon. people were not in church at that time. students were not in church -- students were not on campus. a lot of the students were down in new orleans, preparing to celebrate for fat tuesday, for mardi gras. the timing of this was truly perfect. the cleanup will get under way in a matter of hours. over 5,000 customers without power as we speak. we cruise down the roadways, many roads have been impassable at this point. they're going around, trying to restore line in many of the places that have been toppled by strong winds and certainly by many of the trees that have been damaged. to understand the full scope of the damage in this community or surrounding area, the reason why is because this happened late in the afternoon into the early evening. so we had a chance to see this from high above. national weather service will go up in a series of helicopters, give us a better idea of the full scope of this and give us a better understanding of how to stay safe when these systems
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strike. back to you, natalie. >> reynolds wolf in hattiesburg, mississippi, thank you very much. stranded in the gulf of mexico this morning after an engine room fire disabled the ship and it will take days now for it to be towed back to land. tom costello is following this breaking story as well. good morning. >> natalie, good morning. this is the carnival cruise ship triumph. a four-day cruise that left galveston, texas, friday. it is now drifting after a fire in the engine room. 150 miles off the mexican yucatan coast. the fire was put out by a sprinkler system on board and the crew. it has left the ship withoutny propulsion. it is drifting, operating on emergency power and a tugboat is en route. it should arrive some time this morning. there are about 3,100 passengers and a crew of more than 1,000. they are being given food and refreshments, another carnival cruise ship pulled alongside to
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help and the coast guard cutter vigorous was also dispatched as well. the plan is to tow the ship to a port in mexico, where passengers will deboard and then be flown to houston. the next two departures set for today and saturday have been canceled. carnival says the passengers who booked on those next two trips will be given full refunds and discounts toward future cruises. the passengers on board this ship will be given full refunds, reimbursements for travel expenses and discount for future five-day cruises, hopefully with power and propulsion. back to you. >> tom costello, following that story. all three people on board were killed when a chopper went down. the helicopter was working on a reality tv show for the discovery channel when it went down. it's never a good sign when a mascot attacks its own team. things just got worse and worse at this minor league hockey team when the condors brought out
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their namesake. first eluding its handler, sending him for a spill on the ice. after getting back on the ice, incited -- bird that went on a war path, attacking the condors in their box. after some pecking, the bird decided to hit the showers, even walking into the locker room. not sure what he was looking for. the wrath of the condor. >> really went in the locker room? >> locker room. >> trashed the place? >> from the heart of the locker room -- >> mr. roker, big weekend for you in the weather department. >> great job, by the way. >> thank you very much. we still have a lot going on. down to the south, south the sa system that caused tornadoes in mississippi is causing more problems. flooding throughout new orleans into the southeast. we're talking two to four inches of rain. some areas, even higher.
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north of that system we have icing conditions. we have winter storm watches. we have winter weather advisories and freezing rain advisories for the northeast and a new england already add aing insult to injury for areas that dealt with more than 40 inches of snow. we'll have your local forecast after these messages. good morning. most of the overnight steady rain has moved east of the bay. behind it we have scattered showers across virginia,
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maryland and around the district. everything is wet from the overnight rain. you may need extra time and a winter coat. still in the upper 30s. we'll reach upper 50s by later this afternoon after the rain ends. sun back tomorrow. breezy and colder. >> and that's your latest weather. >> all right, al. thank you very much. coming up, we are staying on top of this morning's breaking news, pope benedict xvi announcing he is resigning effective february 28th. >> for the first time we are hearing from the navy s.e.a.l. who claims he is the one to shoot osama bin laden. his story. but first this is "today" on nbc.
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coming yup, the grammys. some missed the memo? >> i saw a leg.
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we won't mention. not allowed to talk about that. but first your local news and weather. hi. john stamos. enchanté this is too good to be true. dannon oikos non-fat yogurt... delicious yet healthy. sounds too good to be true. there are things that are too good to be true... such as dannon oikos. thick, creamy, with 0% fat and twice the protein... of regular low-fat yogurt mmm huh. i want an oikos! dannon oikos greek non-fat yogurt... too delicious to be so nutritious. dannon you know that, right? uh-huh. i know this hasn't always been easy for you. and i'm really happy that you're in my life, too. ♪ it's just like yours, mom!
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you got yourself mcdonald's new fish mcbites. hit it! ♪ fish-ay! fish-ay! [ male announcer ] you can catch a lot with a dollar. like the snack size of mcdonald's new fish mcbites. ♪ ba da ba ba ba >> announcer: this is a news 4 news break. >> good morning. 7:26 now on this monday, february 11. i'm aaron gilchrist. tracking breaking news from overnight. a big house fire in the northeast broke out on field place along the maryland border with d.c. this is a live picture from the scene. you can see traffic on eastern avenue is once again moving. the street had been closed for hours while crews battled the flames. only field place is closed at this point. the fire started in the back of an abandoned home spreading to an occupied house next door. that homeowner got out safely. no word on what started the
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fire. let's go to danella with potential traffic problems. >> still looking at an earlier accident i 270 southbound as you make it to the lane divide. now on the right shoulder lane. at one point all of the traffic had to be stopped. as far as delays, stop and go toward the beltway. i-95 an accident at route one. the camera zooming in. as you make your way northbound the right lane is blocked and the right shoulder lane. you're slow as you make the commute to the beltway. aaron? >> thank you, danella. a look at the fo
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good morning. most of the rain is now east of the chesapeake bay. still rain far southern maryland, northern neck of virginia. a few scattered sprinkles and it's chilly in the mid and upper 30s around the metro area,
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northern virginia in the nearby suburbs in maryland. later today in the 50s. much of the region. a little sun breaks out later this afternoon. sunny tomorrow. breezy and colder. highs 40s to near 50. a bit of a wintry mix on wednesday. maybe a combination of sl
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7:30 now on this monday morning, the 11th of february, 2013. you are looking live at vatican city. just this morning, pope benedict xvi has announced he will resign on february 28th. he is the first pontiff to leave the papacy since the 13th century. >> he calls it a great importance for the life of the
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church. claudio lavagne is in rome, following the story for us. are you seeing additional activity there this morning or are these the typical tourists and pilgrims arriving? >> reporter: good morning, matt. well, it's the usual activity there in st. peter's square with tourists wandering around. nobody really knew about this breaking news. of course, i was there, everybody was right there with the cameras and they were all asking what that was all about. and when we said, actually, the pope is resigning, everybody looked shocked. just as shock ed as we looked this morning when we got the news ourselves. nobody really saw this coming. although, the pope, pope benedict xvi kind of hinted that if he felt that he wasn't strong enough to carry on the important task as the leader of the catholic church, then he would consider resigning. nobody thought he would do that
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before at least next year because this year is the year of the faith. so, there must be -- he must have felt that really his strength was leaving him all of a sudden to decide or to take such a grave decision -- he even said it himself, that he is fully aware of the gravity of the decision he's taking. obviously, if he has taken this decision, then maybe there are major reasons behind it. >> we are looking at the conclave perhaps early march or middle of march to choose the next pope. claudio lavagne in rome, thank you very much. let's get a check of the weather. al has the latest. >> thank you, savannah. we had a tornado touch down, one of nine yesterday, in hattiesburg, new hampshire. when they go out to view this, the national weather service, i expect this will be an ef-2, possibly an ef-3. thankfully, nobody killed. 50 injured, at least 200 homes
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and businesses destroyed out of this system. now we're also talking about another sys talking about another system coming in. we have just gotten through a big storm system. as we look at the european models there is low pressure developing in louisiana bringing rain there. it makes its way to the east coast by wednesday afternoon. then hopefully moves offshore. american models keep it closer to shore which could mean snow from washington up to boston. we'll have so wait and see. icy in the northeast. snow in northern new england. sunshine in the pacific northwest. rainy conditions on the gulf coast into the midatlantic states. snow in the central rockies. that system may cause problems for us by the weekend. that's what's going on around the country. here's what's happening in your neck of the woods. >> good morning. the overnight steady rain has moved east of the bay for the most part. behind it we have a front yet to come through. we may see more scattered showers into early afternoon. temperatures right now are chilly. we're in the upper 30s.
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most of the metro area, northern virginia, maryland later today climbing into the 50s. much of the region. then the front comes in. any rain chances end this afternoon. clearing out tonight. colder on >> that's your latest weather. s savannah? >> al, thanks. now to the latest on that manhunt in los angeles. former lapd officer accused of killing three people still on the run. miguel almaguer is in los angeles with the latest. good morning. >> reporter: savannah, good morning. running short on new leads, lapd is offering an historic reward, $1 million that leads to the conviction of christopher dorner. th this, as we get a new look at the murder suspect. in surveillance video obtained by nbc news, law enforcement sources say christopher dorner dumps a gun belt, helmet, his police uniform and ammunition the morning after his first two murders. police also release these pictures of dorner taken in late
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january. another look at an accused cop killer who remains out of sight. >> targeted because you took an oath to protect others. to have your family targeted because they're related to you, that is absolutely terrifying. >> reporter: with the former cop turned fugitive accused of murdering three, today we've learned more about the last victim, an officer with two young children who survived two tours in iraq, but was ambushed while on patrol here at home. >> our brother is officer michael crain. he was 34 years old, an 11-year veteran of the riverside police department. >> reporter: fired about making false statements about his training officer, in this ranting 20-page manifesto, dorner outlines how he will murder those involved in the case. in a stunning reversal from last week. >> it is not going to happen. >> reporter: the police chief
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now says he will reopen dorner's personnel file. bill bratton was running the force in 2008. >> you don't just fire somebody without significant evidence and information. >> reporter: in the mountains three hours outside of los angeles where his broken-down truck was discovered, investigators now say they've recovered a cache of weapons and camping gear. back in los angeles, police beefed up their presence at the grammys, fearful dorner would target a large venue. today there remains no sign of the suspect. in his wake, there is still widespread fear. today the lapd has deployed tactical officers to protect family members throughout this region, many of them afraid to leave their homes. savann savannah? >> miguel almaguer, thank you. s.e.a.l. team 6 member who says he is the one to shoot
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osama bin laden breaks his silence. you may be surprised at what he's saying. the story right after this. and i'm a fish guy. it's a labor of love. it's a lot of labnd it's a lot of love. i don't need to go to the gym. my job is my workout. you're shoveling ice all day long. it's rough on the back. it's rough on the shoulders. i get muscle aches all over. advil® is great. pain and soreness is just out of the picture. [ male announcer ] make the switch. take action. take advil®. and for sinus congestion, now you can get advil® combined with a proven decongestant. breathe easier with advil® congestion relief.
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osama bin laden. for the first time we're hearing from the s.e.a.l. team 6 member who says he was the one who pulled the trigger, his story featured in an article in "esquire" magazine. phil wrote the story. why is this guy talking now? >> he got to a place, it took a long time, to get to tell the story and the kind of life that these guys face after service. >> is he worried about backlash from speaking out? another guy, member of s.e.a.l. team 6 wrote a book, got a lot of criticism. is this guy coming out now to make money off this, profiting from this article? >> he's not going to profit off this article. >> was he made for it? >> he was not paid for it. he is not going to get paid for it. so far he has resisted the idea of writing a book. i'm sure a number of them thought about it, or movie or video games or anything else.
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he really wanted to tell his story to help his fellow s.e.a.l.s as they leave the service. >> there were 23 s.e.a.l.s there that night. how do we know that this was the one who actually pulled the trigger? >> for the story i did a lot of interviews, talked to a lot of s.e.a.l.s who were still in, some who were retired. i talked to a number of people who were there. i was at a dinner. there was a guy called the mentor in this story who is a mentor to the shooter. we call him the shooter, who was with the cia and navy s.e.a.l.s and he's -- he got a call from a very high official in washington. >> absolutely convinced? >> a couple of hours later saying it was your guy. >> this guy says he was the last one to see osama bin laden alive. here is what he says in the interview. i shot him two times in the forehead. the second time as he was going down. he crumpled on the floor in front of his bed. i hit him again. his tongue was out. i watched him take his last breath and i remember, is this
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the best thing i've ever done or the worst thing i've ever done? >> think about that. this is what you've just done. you've just killed the world's most wanted terrorist and you have to consider, was this bad or was this good? the good was that he felt he was doing this for the people of new york, for the country. for the s.e.a.l.s. and the bad thing, of course, was the security issue among other things. >> he signs up for four more months and then he leaves the s.e.a.l.s four years short of his 20-year pension time. >> right. >> now this is really the gist of your article, by the way. he feels that he is fighting a completely different kind of battle? >> yes. i work at the center of reporting and we've done fabulous work on v.a. problems. nine month average wait for regular vets to get their disability claim adjudicated. his health care that he got from the military, tri-care, ended the night he left. he gets no pension, none, zero. >> is that because he left four
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years short of 20? >> yes. if he stayed in at 20rks he would have gotten half his base pay, $2,100 a month. >> which is the same, you point out in the article -- >> in the navy choir. >> the guy in the navy choir gets the exact same pension as the guy we're asking to be the face of warfare around the world is this. >> exactly. >> what about his security? he is the guy who killed osama bin laden. there are a lot of people who would like to exact revenge on him or his family members for that. what is his situation? >> he has no security. obviously he is doing what he needs to do, but he trained his wife to put the kids in the bathtub in their house because it had a reinforcing wall in front of it, should anybody try to get in front of the house. he taught her how to sit on the bed, put a shotgun with her elbow against the wall so she was braced and shoot through the door. >> his job prospects, he cannot go in to a fortune 500 company or anywhere else and say i'm the guy who killed bin laden. give me a job. this never happened. >> he also can't talk about anything really.
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technically, certainly theoretically, this is all private. what you put on your resume when your job has been classified for that long? >> you feel this is a major injustice that's being carried out not just on this navy s.e.a.l. but all the people in this position for years and years and put their lives on the line and then find the transition to private life, civilian life so difficult? >> there's nothing in place -- i mean, the pentagon had some things, department of defense had some things, even special forces. they have a few programs for these guys but mostly they don't know about it. >> is that their fault? is the independepentagon doing but is not widely known? >> v.a. will tell you one pentagon program in particular is not widely known. >> navy s.e.a.l.s continue to fight bravely, accomplishing crit critical mission that is keep our nation safe. the details of the bin laden operation are well known. we take seriously the safety and security of our people as well
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as our responsibility to assist sailors making the transition to civilian life. without more information about this particular case, it would be difficult to determine the degree to which our transition progr programs succeeded. what's the takeaway? >> the takeaway is that i think it's great. i think it's great they're committed to these guys. at the same time what they offered him when he came out from that -- at the end of the raid, the next day or day after the raid was a form of witness protection. and someone, perhaps jokingly at s.e.a.l. command said we could get you a job driving a beer truck in milwaukee and you have to break all contact with your extended family. it's like a mafia snitch. they don't even have that program, by the way, yet. >> phil bronstein, he has written this article with the man who says he was the one who shot osama bin laden. it's fascinating. >> thanks for having me. >> you can read more about this on the issue hits newsstands february 19th. nfl cheerleader taking a stand against cyber bullying
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after she was ridiculed by fans of a rival team. we'll switch gears dramatically and talk about what happened at the grammys last night. more after this. s, or tall. it's not all about who sparkles the most. or who is the best dressed. what nature really cares about is what you have to offer. like the stevia plant. small and humble with a surprising secret to share... sweetness. truvia sweetener. zero-calorie sweetness, born from the stevia leaf. from nature, for sweetness. have been masters of jewelry design for centuries." this levian collection is amazing! maybe it's time to start your own. [ female announcer ] kay presents today's levian... with exclusive levian chocolate diamonds. ♪ every kiss begins with kay
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[ male announcer ] make your escape... twice as rewarding. earn double points or double miles on all your hotel stays through march thirty first. sign up now at as your life and career change, fidelity is there for your personal economy, helping you readjust your retirement plan along the way. rethink how you're invested. and refocus as your career moves forward. wherever you are today, a fidelity ira has a wide range of investment choices
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to help you fine-tune your personal economy. call today and we'll make it easy to move that old 401(k) to a fidelity no-fee ira. i made the clear choice. claritin-d. decongestant products on the shelf can take hours to start working. claritin-d starts to work in just 30 minutes. power through nasal congestion fast. get claritin-d at the pharmacy counter. so ditch the brown bag for something better. like our bacon ranch quesadillas or big mouth burger bites, served with soup or salad, and fries. starting at just 6 bucks, at chili's. ♪ let's go. ♪ ♪ ♪ [ male announcer ] introducing the all-new cadillac xts...
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another big night on the town, eh? ...and the return of life lived large. ♪ made with milk, cream... a touch of sugar... and pure, natural flavors. coffee-mate natural bliss, from nestle. now try new low fat chocolate. back at 7:50. 55th annual grammy awards were held last night out in los angeles. jason kennedy has all the highlights. good morning. >> savannah, good morning to you. the biggest stars in the world all come out to play. i have to say, they did not disappoint. it's an awards show that's always more show than awards. >> i'm sorry, i'm busy opening
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up the grammys. >> and on this night there was something for everyone. a fun night for fun, winning best new artist and song of the year with "we are young." >> if this is in hd, everybody can see our faces and we are not very young. >> reporter: gauthier picked up three awards for "somebody i used to know" but seemed more impressed with the man with the golden cane who presented the award. >> kind of hard to find words, impressed by the man standing behind me with the cane. >> a big night for the band with the banjo. >> lonely boy, black keys. >> black keys swept the rock category, winning best rock song, best rock album and best rock performance. but, as always, the grammys are
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all about those once in a lifetime performances. >> these grammy moments, pair superstars with new artists and pay homage to something historic. >> elton john and ed sheridan, bruno mars and rihanna sang a tribute to bob marley. ♪ could this be love >> maroon 5 and alicia keys were on fire together. ♪ walking on fire >> frank ocean was a runaway hit, winning two grammys in his first trip to the show. ♪ >> reporter: while justin timberlake went retro in his big black and white return to the stage. ♪ gonna show you a few things >> but let's not forget fashion. carrie underwood's dress was a
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show all its own. >> i should take that home and we could watch movies on it. >> not sure we'll be watching movies on her dress, but get this, 81 grammys are given out, but just 10 on the live show. did i mention it's all about the performances, guys? >> really good ones. great performances last night. >> thank you. >> jimmy fallon won. >> that's right. >> congratulations to jimmy. the making of mass public service announcements on an issue that's very near and dear to him. >> we'll tell you more about that after your local news. (subway announcer; "now arriving at city hospital") which is why we're proud to help connect our students with leading employers across the nation. (subway announcer: "next stop financial center") let's get to work.
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it's not a candy bar. 130 calories 7 grams of protein the new fiber one caramel nut protein bar. you know what, while we're waiting why don't we play a game of hide and seek? right now? yeah go hide. go on buddy. one, two... [ son ] come and find me! three! [ son ] are you even looking for me? i am looking! [ male announcer ] bite-sized chicken's grown up. kfc bites. freshly hand-breaded big bites of premium breast meat, seasoned in the colonel's original recipe. try 10 bites with an 8 piece meal for $19.99. [ son ] dad? [ male announcer ] today tastes so good. can be the worst part. my medicine alone doesn't always give me all the congestion relief i need to sleep. [ female announcer ] adding breathe right nasal strips
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can make all the difference. it instantly relieves nasal congestion symptoms caused by cold and flu. [ man ] and because it's drug free, it's safe to use with any medicine to relieve my nighttime stuffy nose. so i can breathe better and sleep better. [ female announcer ] go to for special offers. ♪ time to jump in to something new ♪ ♪ ♪ the best part of wakin' up ♪ is folgers in your cup < band tuning > ♪"suit & tie" ♪
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oh, that's exciting. this is a news 4 news break. >> 7:56 on this monday, february 11, 2013. good morning. a wet, rainy start to the day. tom kierein has your forecast. tom? >> good morning. a lot of rain has moved east of the metro area. we still have the possibility of scattered showers as we get into the latter part of the morning into early afternoon. coming in from the west. temperatures now are still chilly in the upper 30s. most of the metro area, northern virginia nearby suburbs in maryland. into the 50s with sun breaking out. tomorrow, sunny, breezy and colder with a wintry mix of snow, sleet, cold rain on wednesday. sun back thursday, friday. flurries for the weekend. >> tom, thank you. we
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good morning. traveling eastbound, little river turnpike toward 395 at lincoln. all your eastbound lanes are blocked. use seminary road to 395 if you are thinking of taking edsell. expect delays. heavy on the brakes to the 14th street bridge. >> reaction is pouring [ male announcer ] we began with the rx. ♪ then we turned the page, creating the rx hybrid. ♪
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now we've turned the page again with the rx f sport. ♪ this is the next chapter for the rx and the next chapter for lexus. this is the pursuit of perfection. it is 8:00 now on a monday morning, the 11th of february, 2013. raining outside, as you can see, in new york city. that's following a weekend of pretty nasty, snowy weather throughout much of the northeast. you've heard about that by now. we'll have al's forecast today coming up in a minute. i'm matt lauer, alongside savannah guttihrie, mr. roker a natalie morales. we'll meet the former professional cheerleader now leading the charge against cyber bullying after she became a victim herself. naomi campbell stopping by
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to fill us in on her new reality program. you know the slogan, friends don't let friends drive drunk, take a bite out of crime and many, many others, iconic phrases tied to campaigns from the ad council. they're celebrating their 70th anniversary and we decided to actually get involved and make psas for issues that are important to us. peggy conlan is the president and ceo. happy anniversary. >> thank you so much. >> how do you choose? there's so many great ideas and causes out there. how do you pick which ones you get involved with? >> we're looking for campaigns that will make a big impact on the country, what people can do to help themselves and their families, eat right, exercise, look for signs of autism and things we don't want them to do, like drive drunk, texting and driving. >> the iconic campaigns that the ad council has put together. is there real evidence that the psas are making a difference? >> they do. we measure the impact of these
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campaigns very carefully and statistically. and we can tell you that things like 85,000 lives have been saved by people using seat belts, 15,000 children have been adopted from foster care since we began our foster care adoption campaign. there are so many great pieces of evidence. >> we got a chance to see how it all comes together and how the process works. we'll each be doing a psa and we'll have one coming up in a little while that i did for you folks about fatherhood involvement. we appreciate it, peggy. >> thank you, matt. a stunning announcement, as we've been reporting from the vatican this morning, pope benedict xvi says he is resigning at the end of this month. michelle kosinski is live in london with more of what was behind the decision. >> reporter: the 1400s was the last time a papal resignation happened.
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pope benedict xvi says he is resigning at the the end of this month. something that took not only 1 billion catholics, but the vatican by absolute surprise as well. pope benedict xvi has been a leader in the catholic church for more than a quarter of a century. pope john paul ii in his highest position position, in 2008 becoming the pope. his strength, due to his age, are no longer suited to his position, that strength of mind and body are both necessary and his have deteriorated in the past two months, two months shy of his 86th birthday. born joseph ratzinger, he was an academic, planned to retire and write books. some criticize him as a cardinal for becoming too strict. for which he apologized.
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>> i express my deep sorrow to the innocent victims of this inspeakable crimes. >> reporter: during his eight years as pope, he has taken on major issues, speaking of environmental climate change, putting solar panels on the vatican. he will be pope until exactly 7:00 pm on the 28th of this month. he will eventually move into a residence in the vatican. the vatican is saying they hope to elect a new pope by the end of march before easter. according to church rules, this pope will not be able to vote for his successor because he is over the age of 80. natalie? >> michelle kosinski, following the breaking news for us. thank you. los angeles police department is hoping that a $1 million reward will lead to new clues in the search for former cop christopher dorner, who is suspected of killing a police officer and a couple engaged to
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be married. in surveillance video obtained by nbc news, sources say dorner dumped a gun belt, helmet, police uniform and ammunition the morning after the first two murders last weekend. his trail went cold in the mountains three miles outside of los angeles. now for a look at what is trending today, our quick roundup of what has you talking online. the top ten songs for valentine's day. topping the lover's list is "i won't give up" foreigner's 1984 hit "i want to know what love is" follow bid christina perry's "i'll love you for a thousand years." this viral video spoof. >> got to get the bread and milk. got to get the bread and -- they said snow! i've got to get the bread and milk! oh, my god!
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>> that's comedian and his bread and milk freak out already racked up more than 4.25 million youtube hits. do it yourself video for the harlem shake, creating their own visuals to go along with the infectious dance beat. take a look. ♪ >> a father and son duo posted their video with this explanation, mom was out, so, um, this happened. i'm not sure what this happening really is, but 8:06 now. let's go out to al with a check of the weather. >> announcer: "today's" weather is brought to you by jared, galleria of jewelry, to help you find the perfect ring.
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that's why he went to jared. weatherwise for you, starting off with our pick city of the day, anchorage, alaska, nbc 2. partly sunny, cold. 28 degrees. and as we and cold. 28 degrees. as we look on the radar satellite you can see a lot of rain into the gulf coast. flooding stretching from east texas all the way into northern florida. we look for wet weather along the midatlantic coast. icy conditions in the northeast. snow, northern new england. sunshine in the pacific northwest with temperatures seasonal and sunny. we also have a weak clipper moving across the upper midwest with and great lakes bringing light snow from minneapolis to chicago. that's what's going on around the country. here's what's happening in your neck of the woods. >> good morning. most of the rain has ended now just past 8:00. still steady rain on the eastern part of the northern neck. a few scattered showers in the mountains maybe moving in later this morning. temperatures now near 40 in washington and the nearby suburbs in the upper 30s. much of the rest of the region.
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40s around the bay. later today in the 50s with sun this afternoon after scattered showers into the afternoon. sunny, breezy and colder. maybe a wintry mix on weather. >> mr. roker, thank you very much. up next, former nfl cheerleader taking a stand against cyber bullies after she became a target of some hateful comments. then i'll take a crack at making a public service announcement for a cause that a lot of people feel very strongly about. can it work? then couples who are not involved romantically, coming together to raise a child. but first these messages. red the galleria of jewelry here. yes, i'm a jewelry store. and yes, i'm talking to you. mike here needs a necklace. but not just any necklace. he needs a "honey, i love you even more than the day we got married" necklace. well, i don't want to brag, but my selection is larger than ordinary jewelry stores,
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with truly unique pieces you won't find just anywhere. making it easy for mike to find the necklace that tells his wife exactly how he feels. there. that's why he went to jared. you got yourself mcdonald's new fish mcbites. hit it! ♪ fish-ay! fish-ay! [ male announcer ] you can catch a lot with a dollar. like the snack size of mcdonald's new fish mcbites. ♪ ba da ba ba ba i use bounce outdoor fresh sheets because they're just that much fresher and they help keep static off in the cold so my clothes will never embarrass me. mommy, i dressed the snowman! how do you get your bounce? less static year-round. i had[ designer ]eeling enough of just covering up how do you get your bounce? my moderate to severe plaque psoriasis. i decided enough is enough. ♪ [ spa lady ] i started enbrel. it's clinically proven to provide clearer skin. [ rv guy ] enbrel may not work for everyone -- and may not clear you completely,
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but for many, it gets skin clearer fast, within 2 months, and keeps it clearer through 6 months. [ male announcer ] enbrel may lower your ability to fight infections. serious, sometimes fatal events, including infections, tuberculosis, lymphoma, other cancers, nervous system and blood disorders, and allergic reactions have occurred. before starting enbrel, your doctor should test you for tuberculosis and discuss whether you've been to a region where certain fungal infections are common. you should not start enbrel if you have an infection like the flu. tell your doctor if you're prone to infections, have cuts or sores, have had hepatitis b, have been treated for heart failure, or if you have symptoms such as persistent fever, bruising, bleeding, or paleness. if you've had enough, ask your dermatologist about enbrel. made with milk, cream... a touch of sugar... and pure, natural flavors. coffee-mate natural bliss, from nestle. now try new low fat chocolate.
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one, for making my perfect cup of coffee. one for being the perfect neighbor. and one for no reason at all. ♪ a talking car. but i'll tell you what impresses me. a talking train. this ge locomotive can tell you exactly where it is, what it's carrying, while using less fuel. delivering whatever the world needs, when it needs it.
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♪ after all, what's the point of talking if you don't have something important to say? ♪ back now at 8:12 with a woman taking a stand against cyber bullying. it says like if you agree that packers have the worst cheerleaders in the nfl. >> asking the fan page to remove that post. kaitlin is with us. good morning to you. >> good morning. >> a lot of these comments aren't suitable for morning television. >> not at all. >> generally what did you find most shocking?
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saying something about your appearance? >> my appearance and the overall fact that the packers have the worst cheerleaders in the nfl. >> some of these were extremely crude comments. >> definitely. >> you contacted facebook, as i understand it, and this unofficial bears fan page, asked for it to be taken down, but that didn't happen. >> nochlt my friends and family, we all sent messages to the page and to facebook. and we all received the same message from facebook, saying that according to their community standards, it did not qualify. >> you know, i think all of us, as we reach adulthood, we've heard ourselves being called names from time to time, but this must have really hurt. >> yes. you know, we all struggle with body images and especially in today's society. and for somebody to go online and type those kinds of things
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and a picture of mine up for everybody to see, it was very hurtful. >> you decided to do something about it. you posted your own youtube video. part of what you did was hold up signs that have some of these comments with these people's names. was that your intention, to call them out and shame them a little bit? >> i wouldn't say shame but, you know, they were, you know, commenting on my photo and they put their names out there and they were claiming that i put myself out there to be ridiculed like that. >> you also got a lot of support. in fact, including some bear fans -- which is why you're wearing bears colors in this video. >> yes. >> are you surprised by the reaction? your video has had almost 800,000 views. >> i am extremely surprised. when i uploaded the video, it was in thanks for everybody who did stand up for me.
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and honestly overwhelmed with all the wonderful support that i've gotten. >> the fan page has apologized and taken down the post. >> yes. >> thank you for bri coming here and bringing us your story. appreciate it. >> thanks for having me. matt has a psa for a cause that's close to his heart. to c. what we need are people prepared for the careers of our new economy. by 2025 we could have 20 million jobs without enough college graduates to fill them. that's why at devry university, we're teaming up with companies like cisco to help make sure everyone is ready with the know-how we need for a new tomorrow. [ male announcer ] make sure america's ready. make sure you're ready. at ♪
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at new griddle-melts to yourime usual breakfast sandwich. a lot more flavor. [ anouncer ] ihop's new griddle melts... made fresh and hot! hand crafted just for you. it's like a sexy sandwich. [ anouncer ] compare new griddle melts yourself. just $4.99. it's an epic breakfast sandwich. i made the clear choice. claritin-d. decongestant products on the shelf can take hours to start working. claritin-d starts to work in just 30 minutes. power through nasal congestion fast. get claritin-d at the pharmacy counter. [ male announcer ] make your escape... twice as rewarding. earn double points or double miles on all your hotel stays through march thirty first. sign up now at of philadelphia cream cheese. it always begins with fresh, local milk,
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blended with real wholesome cream. going fresh from the farm, to our fridge, in just six days. when it comes to fresh taste, philadelphia sets the standard. perfect. thank you for making our home his home. our home is his home. [ jane ] behind every open heart is a story. tell yours with my open hearts collection at kay jewelers, ♪ every kiss begins with kay tell yours with my open hearts collection at kay jewelers, nature's true celebrities aren't always the most obvious. it's more than being glamorous, or tall. it's not all about who sparkles the most. or who is the best dressed. what nature really cares about is what you have to offer. like the stevia plant. small and humble with a surprising secret to share... sweetness. truvia sweetener. zero-calorie sweetness, born from the stevia leaf. from nature, for sweetness.
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the ad council is behind years of ads. >> i chose to spotlight fatherhood involvement, something important to both of us here. we've got three kids. i understand how hard it can be for some dads to take the time to be a father. we'll show you that psa in a moment. but first a look at some very special dads. >> looking forward to kindergarten? >> yeah. >> after school i'm going to play with you. >> mike zimmerman didn't clock in at the car wash this morning. >> rain, rain, rain. >> jake endrich won't be handling any i.t. issues today
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either. and corrections officer landry wally is spending his day correcting spelling. these guys are hard at work at the business of being dads, back to school for a lesson in what it feels like to be a kid again. >> raise your hand if you're a great father. raise your hand if you've always been a great father. all right. go ahead. why? why, ehh? >> you're the chauffeur, the go-to guy but mom gets all the information. >> these dads from berkeley county, west virginia, are part of a national program called watchdogs. to participate, they simply vl tear to help out in their children's schools. >> good job, guys. >> my dad is kind of funny. >> he takes us bowling. >> when i tell a story, he always listens and knows what to say. >> if you have something to say and need somebody to talk to --
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>> my dad. >> all your dads come to school once in a while, right? tell me why it's a good thing. >> you're bonding together more. >> i think we've become like better friends. he knows more about me and how i do at school. >> he's not as grumpy as he used to be. >> at what age do you think your kids might stop thinking this is cool? >> my 10-year-old thinks it's cool. this is my dad. this is my dad. i say they know i'm your dad. >> going to sixth grade next year and he wants me to go with him. i'm tickled to death. ye yeah, it's crazy. >> my son is ecstatic. i'm getting a better look at how my son is reacting in school. >> what did you know about your son that you didn't know before this? >> he's a ladies' boy. he loves the girls, but he hides it from his mom. >> why do we need this?
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>> number one, study after study has illustrated that a child that has a positive adult male role model is twice as likely to graduate high school as a child that doesn't and will develop more fully socially, physically, academically. >> dads matter? >> a huge difference. >> especially when they take time? >> that's right. >> do you know what's interesting? when you started talking about spending time in the school, you all started smiling. that's unusual for dads to be able to do, isn't it? >> yeah, it is. >> shows how easy it is, too. make everything better. >> when i go back to new york, i'm going to do a commercial that's called a public service announcement about fatherhood. who can explain to me what they think other dads could learn from your dads? >> takes his free time out of the way and his work out of the way and he's coming to my school to be with me. it makes me feel good. >> it makes me feel like super awesome that they go out of
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their way just to hang out with their kids. >> what is that? >> you mentioned your daughter, lauren, right? >> yeah. >> you may be surprised with something lauren told us. lauren said that before this program, quote, i didn't think he loved me a lot. >> yeah. i can understand that. >> and now i do. >> wow! it must feel good to hear her say that. >> i love my daughter with all my heart. >> what's your definition of fatherhood now? >> being there. it doesn't take money. it doesn't take things. you can walk out in your backyard and go swing, shoot basketball, wrestle. you see the little time you're in the school how much it lights them up. you get hungry for more and you want more of that. >> you guys look like you're all dressed up and ready to go. inspired by the dads in west virginia, i'm ready to spread the word with my psa but i'll need a compelling concept. advertising agency campbell iwold steps in with a plan. >> you're covered with couch
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cushions in a sand box with a matt lauer shaped lump, roll yourself in a tub of water. >> adapted my love of hiding out in far away places. >> where in the world is matt lauer? >> tahrir square, the netherlands. >> i am the james bond of hide and seek. >> you take it to the next level. >> i love that. >> should we do an eight by eight -- let's play hide and seek. >> when my kids start talking about playing hide and seek, my mind goes into overdrive. i'm trying to think of the ultimate place to hide without scaring my kids. are you the champion hide and seek player? are you? >> after an hour or so, my own kids usually start searching for snacks instead of me. so for this marathon eight-hour game -- >> here we go. >> we bring in the big guns, professional actress kaylie cirano. >> ready or not, here i come.
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>> behind the curtain, behind a painting. running around a house. but she hasn't found me yet. i'm not sure whether i'm the best hide and go seek player in the world or she's the worst. >> i just want to look sinister in this thing. >> as a dad i've done this a million times. when i'm suddenly playing the game in front of a 20-person crew -- give kids nightmares here. >> i'm afraid it's more freddy krueger. >> i'm not an actor. i never have been. i'm not good at these emotions. go go. >> like in the fetal position? disk-slipping corners. >> this is a great spot. i actually dozed off a few seconds. this is fine. >> i'm thinking go fish might have been a better choice. as the number of bruises multiplies, i realize there's only one logical way to save myself and end this game. >> 5:00 in the afternoon, tape
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145, i'm no longer hiding from the little girl that's the actress now. i'm hiding from the director. it was a long day! >> long time before i have that visual of you in the bathtub out of my head. >> and around the germs of that also as well. had they edit it all down to a 30-second psa? take a look. >> the smallest moments can have the biggest impact on a child's life. >> ready or not, here i come. >> take time to be a dad today. >> daddy, i'm going to find you. >> fantastic. that's so good! >> the ad council really did a great job. it was really fun to be part of
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that. >> who is that voice? >> he is the one who does almost all of these things. i think you'll hear him on yours as well. you can find more information on fatherhood programs in your area at >> tom selleck. knew. >> tomorrow on "today," the making of al's psa. >> we'll be right back after your local news. >> announcer: this is a news 4 news break. >> it is 8:26 on this monday, february 11. i'm aaron gilchrist. bob mcdonald will try to sell his transportation plan to people in the area today. he'll be at the mclean area to lay out the impact his plan will have on northern virginia. the governor wants to eliminate the gas tax and raise the sales tax to generate billions for transportation projectses. his proposal would raise vehicle registration feeses. let's look at the forecast from tom kierein. >> we may have a little bit of drizzle before afternoon. maybe sun this afternoon.
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highs upper 50s. chillier weather tomorrow with the sun coming back. a blustery wind and maybe a wintry mix on wednesday. then sun back thursday into friday. flurries for the weekend. >> thank you, tom. we'll see how the morning commute is going when we come
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good morning. traveling eastbound little river turnpike at lincoln avenue. the earlier crash blocked your eastbound lanes. travel lanes are open. you may still see delays. aaron? >> thank
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♪ i was gonna keep it real like chill like only have a drink or two but it turned into a party ♪ >> back now at 8:30 on this monday morning, february 11th, 2013, with a look at blake shelton's new video "sure would
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be cool if you would." blake will be here, performing live for us next month. >> sounds good. next month, naomi campbell is here. the supermodel not a stranger to the spotlight at all. now she's trying something brand new. we'll catch up with her in a couple of minute. and taking the stress out of the mealtime with a budget-friendly menu for every night of the workweek. we want to say hello to miss julianne hough, taking on her first dramatic role in a movie. many people know safe haven, the nicholas sparks book. this is your first strictly speaking, dramatic role. was that kind of intimidating? >> it was exciting. it was challenging. i love a challenge. and this is a complete departure from what people discovered me as. it's nicholas sparks, so i've been -- i am the demographic of
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people who -- >> or what? >> my dad, my family, we were all at the premiere a couple of nights ago. they were tearing up. it's a good sign. >> there's your co-star there, josh dumel. we understand there are pretty steamy scenes -- i almost said sex scenes but pretty steamy scenes in here. he's crying, you're crying. what happens? >> the story is about a girl who has a bit of a traumatic past and she's moving forward and she goes to south port, north carolina. definitely therapeutic for me. i think, again, it was a pretty heavy topic that she goes through some domestic abuse. so, to me, it was a nice thing to be able to be free and liberating through, through the acting. >> you've read all the nicholas sparks books, i imagine. >> when i was 13 years old, "a walk to remember" wags ts the f
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book i read. it's all about first love. this one, though, is more about second chances. i think his -- the writing in this book and this movie in particular has grown as his books have evolved as well. >> there's a bit of spence. >> yeah. not just -- >> exactly, not just a straight love story. there's spencuspense, thriller aspect to it. definitely keeps you on the edge of your seat. it's fun. kind of kicks some butt. >> are you pleased with the way it turned out? >> i'm really excited. our director was very much about improvising and so this is the first time i really felt like i was hired as an actress. so, it was very exciting. >> julianne hough, it's great to have you here. safe haven opens up this thursday, appropriately enough for valentine's day. >> nice having you here. >> thank you, mr. roker. >> let's see what we've got for you as we look toward the week ahead. above normal temperatures in the great lakes. in the northeast, wet weather making our way through the
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southeast and colder than normal temperatures in the west. midweek period watching the east and the great lakes. chilly in the southwest. wet weather along the southwest coast. look for the latter part of the week. temperatures take a nose dive in the eastern half of the country with a potential snowstorm along the northeast. that's what's going on around the country. here's what's happening in your neck of the woods. >> most of the rain ended temporarily. might get an additional sprinkle or drizzle off and on into early afternoon. it's just remaining cloudy into mid afternoon. maybe sun breaking out before sunset. warmer into the mid and upper 50s. tonight getting colder down to the 30s. high 40s to near 50 tomorrow with the blustery wind but near sunshine. cloudy on wednesday. looks like midday wednesday into wednesday evening could get cold rain, sleet or don't forget, any time you need that weather go to the weather channel on cable or
8:35 am online. a new type of family. parenting partnerships for couples who are not in romantic relationships.we'll talk about . but first this is "today" on nbc.
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back now at 8:37 with a new spin on the modern family. couples who are not dating or married but choosing to raise a child together. an arrangement that comes with some criticism. heidi sedowski and david share a biological connection with their son, but they don't share a romantic relationship with each other. >> this is someone i've known for a very, very long time and i trust and i love her. >> when heidi turned 41, she explored anonymous sperm donor options. >> it left me feeling a little cold inside.
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i really wanted my child to have two parents and i wanted to share responsibility of raising a child with somebody. >> so she turned to her gay friend of 20 years, david, who also wanted children. >> and i said, david, we talked about this. i'm ready. >> i just knew i was going to be this great dad. >> three months later, heidi was pregnant. while heidi and david believe their co-parenting is rooted in having nate's best interest in mind, experts say this trend should be approached with caution. the center for marriage and families at the institute for american values says, at best these parents are creating a good divorce situation. at worst, parents who have no foundation ace couple will soon face many conflicts over how to raise the child. >> if you don't love the other person you are parenting your child with, it makes it that much more difficult to compromise. >> while heidi and david admit their family may not be as
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traditional as others, they stand by their decision. >> we feed and love and clothe and shelter him. the fact that we're not married is not a big deal. >> david, eric and heidi sidowski is with us. connecting people who are looking for a coupleless co-parenting partnership. good morning to all of you. thank you for being here. >> good morning. >> we know what the good news is. you have this beautiful little boy, nate, that we just saw. how is this working out? what is the biggest challenge so far? >> the biggest challenges for me so far, we do have separate households. it takes a lot of communicating. we need to really be on the same page. if we're not under the same roof that's a bit of a challenge at times. >> when nate was little, he spends one night a week right now with david. is your ultimate goal to have the time split 50/50? >> i think that's going to evolve over time. as nate gets older, we will see
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what's best for him as far as where he's going to school and what have you. the time he spends with david will definitely increase over time. i don't know if it will be 50/50. we have to decide what is in nate's best interest. >> you've known each other 20 years. you've sorted out a lot of the nuts and bolts, legal, finances and custody. there's so much in parenting that's truly unpredictable. >> that's right. >> do you worry about that at all? >> if i worried, it would shut me down. and i always think about the best interests of my son. and we know as a couple, as a de facto couple that things are going to change along the way. we have to be open to that. >> you mentioned the best trst child. you heard the criticism. this most approximates, i guess, a friendly divorce situation. is it good for a child to be shuttling through both households? >> i think if that's all that child knows, then it becomes normal. it becomes okay. and as long as you provide the love and care and support that that child needs, whether you're
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in one household or two, it works. >> let me turn to you, darren. have you had a huge response to your website? >> absolutely. i founded family by design as a new parenting option for millions of adults in their 30s and 40s who are single, childless and still want to become parents. we all know someone like that our lives. think of liz lemon from "30 rock," for example. we educate people about what are parenting partnerships and walk them through a process. we actually connect people with our matching technology and we have experts and people in these types of relationships on the site to answer their questions and give them more information. >> there was a family advocacy group spokesperson quoted in the times, it's a terrible idea, con signing a child to be raised in two different worlds with parents who did not even attempt to form a loving bond with one another. would you agree that in the best
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circumstances, a child should be raised in a home where the family -- in the traditional nuclear family? >> i think tradition -- i come from the traditional relationship. and i think, of course, that's a wonderful way to have a family. listen, we all know someone who is that person, right? we know someone who is that single person who just has wonderful love and care and would make such a great parent. and if you can connect two people of that same mind-set together and get them talking about the issues around parenting and take the time to build that relationship before they go down that path, that's going to be a really lucky child. >> i was going to say, it's a little bit like a dating website, plus more. how long do you recommend couples talk about this before they take this on? >> i'm also writing a book on parenting partnerships. i've interviewed dozens of couples in this type of relationship to understand what are the issues. there are three things it comes down to. first you have to take the time to get to know the person and build a real bond of friendship. that does take time. it does not happen overnight. number two, you have to like talk through all the issues
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around parenting and write it down. what are your feelings about what you need to cover. and to your point, once you have a child, things change and you have to build in the flexibility and strength in the relationship. >> very quickly, heidi and david, any advice? >> know what you're getting into. it's not dating. we're creating -- the stakes are very, very high. we're creating a life and we have a son together. >> and know what you want as well. from the female half of the partnership, if it is a male/female couple, if you will, know if you want an involved parent versus just an anonymous donor. >> interesting to get your story and your perspective. thank you so much for being here. >> thank you. what do you think of coupleless co-parenting? will it take off? if you want to weigh in on this issue, head to and join in on the conversation. coming up next, supermodel naomi campbell live in our studio. first this is "today" on nbc
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we're back now, 8:45, with supermodel naomi campbell, discovered at just 15 years of age, graced more than 700 magazine covers and runways. >> i'm very disappointed in you. i'm going to tell you it's game on from now on. >> naomi campbell, good morning. welcome back. what was going on there? that's carolina. >> carolina. >> the other two coaches. >> yeah. basically i was very upset.
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i'm very protective of my girls. we have four on each team and carolina eliminated my girl and i was just not ready for it. >> and you let her know it in no uncertain terms. >> i let her know it, yeah. >> i was reading something. youf done some press for the show. at the beginning of the show, you say people don't know the real you. >> that's right. >> we've heard a lot of stories about you over the years. what's not true? >> i can't say what's not true and what's true. on this show, you'll get to see me and i speak about things that i've never -- i've never been one to justify anything. i speak pretty much in depth about things i've never spoken about before. >> are you that intense? are you that competitive? >> i'm competitive. >> are you tough on the contestants? >> i'm competitive, absolutely. first and foremost, it's not about us, the mentors. it's about my girls. and we do have a life of someone in our hands that's going to win a big contract. and it's important that this is done properly. and that they really do get the
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auth au authenticity. >> i was surprised you would do reality television only because for the last ten years a lot of your life has resembled reality television. >> i know. >> why do you want to be out there like this? >> because it's not a camera following me and my life. i would never display my life and what i do and where i travel and where i live. i need to keep that anonymity for me. when i was called and asked about this show, to share what i've been doing for 28 years, which will be in april. i thought this is something different other than just following me around for no reason. so i'm happy to share what i've learned in this business. there isn't a model handbook to guide. so, this has somewhat taken that form. >> discovered at the age of
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15rks still in demand in the business. how has that happened? is it as much about beauty as it is about attitude these days? >> i think you have to have both. now you have to go and do in-store signings, meet with the consumers. you have to be much more personable than before when i started. you could just be the face. >> was that hard for you in the beginning, when they asked you to start doing those things? >> yeah. i got to start that kind of thing slowly, slowly in europe and then, you know, building up around the world. and it's like, making personal appearances. yes, it was. you have to pick it up very quickly. just like i had to pick doing this show up very quickly. legendary at television and reality and do iing other shows he has been graciously helping me from the first day off. i was like, what do i do? what do i say? then i just forgot the cameras are not there for me. it's really about my girls and giving them as much time as i can for myself and mentoring
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them. >> will you offer advice with these ladies? >> i'm in touch with my girls. some of them flew in today. >> thick skin part of the advice? >> you have to teach them about rejection because it's out there and that's real. you have to teach them it's not about you if they don't accept you for a job. you can't take it personally inside and say something is wrong with me. you're just not right for that job and you have to go on for the next. >> naomi campbell and "the face" appears tomorrow night on our sister station oxygen. thanks for being with us. >> thank you, matt. mapping out your meals for the next week. first this is "today" on nbc. my mom doesn't drink starbucks coffee because she thinks it's too dark, and so i brought her some blonde roast. she loves it now. "my son made me this coffee," "you should try it, it's delicious." ♪
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and some people found that a little bit strong. but as soon as they tasted blonde roast, boy they were on board.
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♪ back now at 8:51 with mapped out weekly meals. this is where we'll help you plan your family dinners for the workweek. there is something for everyone on the menu, host of america's test kitchen and editor of cook's illustrated. chris, good morning to you. >> good morning. >> we have four meals planned. if you go on our website you can actually get the shopping list, too, right? >> you can. >> this is skillet pizza. is this store-bought dough, i hope? >> this is store-bought dough. if you use a typical method in an oven, it takes an hour to heat up and you need a pizza stone. >> what do we do? >> put a little flour in this. you're going to try -- >> i appreciate your confidence.
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>> roll it out from the center gentle. you can do this with your hands, t too, if you like. >> if you stop there it's a kniche. >> you can hold it up like this, stretch it if you like. >> obviously a lot of people want healthy meals for the week. obviously, there are different versions of this? >> yeah. you could do anything you want here. just don't put too many toppings on and it's obviously fairly healthy. ling winnie. >> i hope we have time. this takes forever. >> pull it up like this. >> let's assume we've got that thing stretched to perfection. >> put oil in here, about two tablespoons. >> i'm stretching mine out. >> you'll have a little tiny pizza. >> exactly. >> individual servings. >> diet pizza. it's smaller. >> put that in there. >> got it. do you make your own sauce? >> you can make the sauce in about five minutes. put that down in there. we're going to put a little bit of sauce on top. you did a very good job.
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>> thank you. >> this is onion, garlic, tomatoes. and oil. >> okay. and now we're going to put sauce on this one. >> what about toppings? >> moving over to toppings, take this. we put it on the burner. we won't turn it on just yet. you get to pick your toppings. >> that's fun. you don't do all that cheese? >> pick a selection, little cheese. i'm going to take a little bit of this. and i'm going to take a little bit of fresh mozzarella. >> we're sharing this cheese, i see. >> it's not a competition. >> what do you mean? >> don't put any bleu cheese on mine. okay. there we go. >> do you have a way to get the pepperoni reduce the fat a bit? >> put it in a microwave for 30 to 60 seconds. >> >> why are you laughing? >> because joe michaels said boy, does hers look bad. >> that's not fair.
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>> we've done it with this one. put it in the oven and take the finished one out. >> you heat it up and then bake it basically? >> this is the eight layer. >> still going. >> i'm not going to put meat on it? i have to. >> this has been in here three minutes. >> you want to get it a little browned. >> put it in the oven. >> how long. >> for seven to ten minutes. >> great. these are great ideas. >> we don't want to forget this. >> no. al once forgot this. >> that was great. wow! >> looks really good. >> will you tell us what our other three meals of the week are? >> lasagna bolognese. tomato paste, anchovie to make it meaty. two pork tenderloins cooked with small potatoes at the same time in a hot oven for 20 minutes and toss the potatoes in a mustard vinaigrette.
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chicken cutlets fill with cheese and basil. put on tam ate sauce. those cook in 15 to 20 minutes. >> all our work for us. print out the recipes and complete grocery shopping list on coming up, what are you in the market to buy? this is a news 4 news break. >> 8:56 is your time on this monday, february 11, 2013. good morning. metro wants your help developing the future of d.c. transit. they will hold public meetings to get feedback on a strategic
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plan called momentum outlining better, faster service for riders. the first meeting is tonight at treetops. let's see how traffic is moving. danella, good morning. >> good morning. i see problems on 29 in maryland. the accident is at bearlynn roadblocking two left lanes. on 29, heavy on the brakes at randolph. delays on 29 straight from randolph road to the beltway. you are sluggish. speaking of the beltway, we'll talk about the outer loop. this time past 13 your delays continue. >> we'll check the forecast wh
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good morning. sun may break out this afternoon. between now and then perhaps an additional shower or a sprinkle. sunny to
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back now with more of "today" on this monday morning, february 11th, 2013. large portions of the northeast still digging out from a big weekend blizzard. we now have got some rain. i'm willie geist inside studio 1a along with al roker and natalie rales. we have our pick three in a moment. we have a special guest. but we got surprising news this morning, pope benedict resigning. you have some more information on that, natalie. >> that's right. pope benedict xvi made the stunning announcement this morning he will be stepping down.
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rome bureau chief claudio lavagne joins us now with more. good morning, claudio. >> reporter: good morning, natalie. even the elements seem to be reacting to his shocking news. there's a storm raging over vatican city just behind me now. it took everybody by surprise, this announcement this morning. it even took by surprise his closest aides, his spokesperson, lombardi, saying in a press conference that he didn't even know about it, and if he didn't know about it, then who would? well, maybe just the closest cardinals he confessed it to. the cardinals, more than 120 now. certainly he made his announcement as if it was a low-key decision. he did that during a fairly small cardinals gathering here in the vatican and he just said, look, i just don't have the strength anymore to carry on my duties. you need both body and mind to carry on the very important
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duties of the pope and the leader of the billion catholic church and he just doesn't have the strength anymore. >> claudio lavagne reporting outside vatican city. thank you very much. hoping that a $1 million reward will lead to new clues for the search of former cop christopher dorner, suspected of killing a police officer and a couple engaged to be married. in surveillance video obtained by nbc news, sources say dorner dumped a gun belt, helmet, police uniform and ammunition the morning after the first two murders last weekend. his trial went -- his trail, rather, went cold in the mountains three miles outside of los angeles. it could be at least two days before a carnival cruise ship stranded in the gulf of mexico is towed to the nearest port. the carnival triumph lost power after an engine room fire. nobody was hurt. the ship is relying on a backup generator. the ship left galveston, texas, thursday with more than 4,000 passengers and crew on board. and damage is still being
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assessed after a huge tornado swept through hattiesburg, mississippi, sunday. a wave of severe storms downed trees and injured more than 12 people across that state. skiing champion lindsey vonn is recovering this morning after undergoing surgery on her right knee to repair two shredded ligaments. she crashed at the world skiing championships in austria last week. the 28-year-old hopes to be healed in time to represent the u.s. at the 2014 olympics in sochi. even a blizzard couldn't keep moviegoers away from a good comedy. "identity thief," jason bateman and melissa mccarthy debuted took top honors and "warm bodies," zombie romance. >> new genre. >> i know. "side effects" opened in third. >> rom zombies. >> at least they're date noug not eating each other.
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>> they need romance, too. >> they do. >> natalie, thanks. how about a quick check of the weather? >> unfortunately we've got another system to talk about, already the northeast. first we look down south where the same system that caused tornadoes down south is firing up again, bringing a lot of heavy rain with it. rainfall amounts from three to six inches of rain. to the north we have more icy conditions making their way through the northeast and new england bringing freezing rain, sleet and rain to boston, providence and everywhere in between. we have winter weather advisories to caribou, maine. freezing rain advisories from central new jersey into eastern new york. that's what's going an ornd the country. here's what's happening in your neck of the woods. >> damp and chilly. still around 40 degrees around the metro area. we have one more line of scattered showers coming out of the mountains from the west. it may be coming into the metro area over the next two, three hours. now reagan national is at 40 degrees. later today, maybe sun breaking
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out this afternoon after the rain chances end. highs in the 50s. much of the region near 50 tomorrow with a blustery wind. might get snow, sleet, cold rain >> and that's your latest weather. >> good, more weather. thanks a lot, al. abby huntsman, host for huff post live and daughter, by the way, of former presidential candidate. good to have you here. >> striking similarities. >> good to be here. >> i covered you and your father's campaign quite a bit. this was a year ago. >> yeah. >> have you kind of stopped to think about what that was like and what it meant to you and your family? did you like being in the public eye that way? >> you know, it was an experience we'll never forget, traveling the country and just seeing democracy at its best. there are some emotional times, though, where you just -- pondering back, you know, there are some tough moments. but it's something that, as a family, we got -- we became so close. and my dad is doing better than
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ever, you know. >> and some would say it's a bit of a blessing. >> no regrets, obviously. you can't look back and say what if. a lot of people say, he could have been the one to actually be the president. that's not how we look at t it was an incredible experience for our hole family and are grateful for the opportunity. >> there are still some people in the country that would like to see your dad take another crack at it. >> i'm sure you'll see more of him in the next little while. he has always been the first to say i want to serve my country and help out the party wherever i can. the party has some issues and needs some help and some vision. >> he's thinking about maybe running again? >> i don't know. >> nice try. nice try. >> we'll see a lot more of him. >> get a little bit of a break. >> he's still happily married and that's not what you can always say about politics. >> we'll leave it there for you. take one, big night at the grammys. good night for indy fans. black keys. gauthier, mumford & sons.
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a lot of them performed, too. won album of the year. >> that's fun. >> that's fun right there. >> banjo. >> all about the banjo. >> foot stomping. >> the lot of talk, though, besides the winners was about this dress code, right? >> yes, the memo. >> what you could and could not wear. >> what cbs put out. >> what's the puffy skin? >> exactly. what does that mean? >> this was just a case where it was leaked, the memo is sent out every year. >> interesting. i didn't know that. >> you saw a lot of the musicians wore scandalous dresses. >> but the usual. >> the the usual. a lot of cleavage, a lot of side boob. >> that's another category. >> it's a category now. the memo said no side boob. >> beyonce. >> very buttoned up. >> did you like it?
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>> very nice, black and white. >> no puffiness there. >> rihanna? >> red dress is absolutely stunning. as you can see, some people say it was a little -- you can see a little something there. it's a little see through. >> little bit see through. i thought she was a little more covered up. >> the guys had no problem with that. >> willie geist has been studying it. >> i'm just looking at it before i comment. >> she had three dresses, i believe. >> she wore a very conservative black dress when she was singing up on stage. >> then j.lo's dress. she actually early on addressed the memo. here was her, about to give an award. >> as you can see, i read the mem memo. >> you look gorgeous. >> there you go. >> angelina had it going on. >> the embarrassing thing, matt wore that this weekend.
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>> didn't look that good, though. >> casual wear around the house. >> leg has become the new thing, right? >> got to show the leg. other moments that went viral, kelly clarkson photo bombing ellen and portia de rossi. >> performing on stage and sort of -- >> butterflies came flying out of her dress. >> pretty. i thought it was cool. >> i wondered if i was half asleep or not. >> hallucinating a little bit. did you have a favorite performance? >> elton john and ed shearing. >> right. >> great number. >> alicia keys and avril levigne from maroon five. >> they've been around ten, 15 years. now they can finally get out there and be hrd herd. >> once you win a grammy, are you now still an indy band? >> i don't know. >> i'm thinking underground.
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take two, melissa mccarthy getting the last laugh. fans of the actress are rallying to her defense after film critic rex reed called her, to his terms, tractor size and a female hippo, very well-known commentator on film. >> he hasn't been relevant since superman one. the '70s called. you're welcome to go back. >> he still has a column, writes for "the new york observer" talking about her new film "identity thief." >> which one as we said -- ro sweet redemption for her. >> and it would have been better, had it not been for the snow storm. >> she got the last laugh. basically he said melissa mccarthy has made a career by being obese and obnoxious. >> he has made a career being small minded and an idiot. >> hurtful, offensive and masogenistic. >> but also unprofessional. evaluate the movie and not -- >> not comment about someone's size. >> we see it in the world of politics. with chris christie.
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you don't have to like him. you can disagree with his politics. we see media figures, politicians making fat jokes about him. >> he is governing right now. it's not as if he's not in good enough shape to be governor. she's entertaining us. we enjoy watching her. who are we to judge what she looks like or what she eats? >> people voted with their pocketbook. >> by the way, she's hilarious. justin bieber was across the street at snl over the weekend, host and musical address and addre guest and addressing head on what you might call scandal about him smoking marijuana. >> i hear he still has his baby teeth. i also heard he got busted for smoking weed and he's really sorry about it and that people make mistakes and he's never going to do it again. >> yeah, right. me, too! okay. >> that qualifies as an apology?
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>> an explanation perhaps. pretty good, though. >> it's hard to see someone at the pinnacle of their career stumble like this. but it's how they handle it. i think he did a good job addressing it head on. >> and adding humor, if you can laugh at yourself it's always the way to do it. >> abby huntsman, glad to have you here. >> thank you. >> huntsman in 2016. >> abby is running. >> i just might. the best bargains right now after this. the boys used double miles from their capital one venture card to fly home for the big family reunion. you must be garth's father? hello. mother. mother! traveling is easy with the venture card because you can fly any airline anytime. two words. double miles! this guy can act. wanna play dodge rock? oh, you guys! and with double miles you can actually use, you never miss the fun. beard growing contest and go!
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and fraudulence. i'm in deep, babe. you certainly are. [ male announcer ] fiber one.
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now to the best things to buy in february. "today" contributor elizabeth mayhew says february is one of the best months to find deals. elizabeth, good morning. i hope that's true otherwise i don't know why i'm standing behind two dozen roses. why february? >> folks at shop it to did an analysis of 2012 prices online and found that february has crept up as the best deal time. we're talking the highest discounts and even more than that, president's weekend has kind of usurped labor day, which used to be the biggest bang for your buck. next weekend, gear up. there will be really big sales. >> let's get into some of these. where shall we start? >> valentine's day is coming up. the best time to get things for valentine's day is after the holiday. companies are doing things to make it affordable beforehand. 1-800-flowers, if you get roses you'll get six more than you normally would at half price. opposed to $68, you'll get even
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more roses., usually $18. they're giving it for $11. go to fannie mayberrys. they're usually $29.99, and giving it to you for half. they're creating insecentives f you to go out there. facebook sweepstakes. you go and post pictures of your loved ones on godiva. it's called share the love and win chocolate for all your facebook friends plus 25% off your first purchase. incentivizing the deals. >> macy's is doing something cool. february is also heart month. >> a lot of companies are doing this. macy's in particular, if you buy their pin, wear red or buy red campaign, buy a pin for $2. they'll give you 20% off your purchases. you don't have to buy just red stuff. it applies to everything in the store. again, that money goes -- it's celebrating their ten-year
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commitment to heart health. >> 20% off, wow. >> there will be other deals on top of that. you can bank some of these deals. >> the consumer electronics show was last month in january. that means lower prices on electronics in february? >> 2012 pricing, yeah. take, for example, best buy the nikon cool pics, a $259 camera, now $99. unbelievable. $100 off other things. great prices on phones. even target has also great deals for this nikon, $100 off. it's usually $399. now $299. >> you have a couple of toy boats here. but february say good time to buy a real boat. >> we couldn't get a real boat into the studio especially given the storm. i talked to the editor in chief of boat shows are happening right now. it's a great time for you to negotiate dealer, cross dealer, go aisle to aisle and get those great incentives like free docking for a year, all of that. if you're in a market for the boat, also you'll get it for the
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season. get your boat in time. >> tv, good time now. >> it used to be november. if you missed the super bowl deals, you're okay. amazon is giving you 25% off. plus they'll install for free. coats, 50% off coats from land's end even cool places like see wonder and prom dress. >> now prom dress? >> buy them now. they're in the store. they start at $70 at kohl's and burlington coat factory starts at $25 plus. they'll give a dollar to for every dress you buy. >> february is the month. elizabeth, thank you. keeping your love life hot after these messages. what makes your family smile?
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backflips and cartwheels. love, warmth. here, try this. mmmm, ok! ching! i like the fact that there's lots of different tastes going on. mmmm! breakfast i'm very impressed. this is a great cereal! honey bunches of oats. i hear you crunching. waiting for your wrinkle cream to work? clinically proven neutrogena® rapid wrinkle repair. it targets fine lines and wrinkles with the fastest retinol formula available. you'll see younger looking skin in just one week. one week? that's just my speed. rapid wrinkle repair. and for dark spots rapid tone repair. from neutrogena®. progress-oh!
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[ female announcer ] with 40 delicious progresso soups at 100 calories or less, there are plenty of reasons people are saying "progress-oh!" share your progress-oh! story on facebook. now you can help too. when you buy a bag of pedigree, you'll help more shelter dogs go home. join us. feed your dog pedigree. and you'll help us feed more shelter dogs. - at dole, we start with the best fruit,
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pack it in %100 juice, and let the award-winning taste speak for itself. dole fruit bowls. made simply, so they're simply delicious. ♪ ♪ ♪
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♪ [ female announcer ] nothing gets you going quite like the power of quaker oats. today is going to be epic. quaker up. and we're back with david jones, latest contestant to get cut from the ranch from nbc's hit show ""the biggest loser." good morning. >> good morning. how are you, sir? >> i'm obviously doing great but you are doing wonderfully. when you were on the ranch you couldn't run. did you that put you at a disadvantage, do you think? >> huge disadvantage. not just competitively but
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strategically. i didn't get to become as part of the team. when they were out doing stuff, building those relationships. >> but it's not hurting your efforts. you lost 57 pounds on the ranch but now you're how many pounds -- >> i weigh every friday and only fridays. 96 pounds. >> wow! originally at 307. >> down to 211 as of friday. >> on a goal to losing what? >> i want to get around to the 175 mark, which is what my goal is. >> you're a police officer. so being fit is really part of the job, too, right? >> it's one of the things that really got me to get on the scale. i was a disastrous failed foot pursuit that made me decide that i've got to -- >> you have a daughter with special needs. >> yeah. >> you say losing all this weight has helped you take care of her. how so? >> one of the things i realized especially when i got back was how much easier it was to lift her, put her in bed or her stroller or whatever. what happens 20, 30 years from
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now when she's still around? i've got to be physically fit. every parent of a special needs child. >> good for you. >> great, great job. keep it going. >> that's right. biggest loser airs tonight at 8:00, 7:00 central here on nbc. . while managing their schedule with my producing partner. i set up kid's corner so they can learn and play games without deleting my stuff. "working mom" is sometimes a tough role to play, but it's definitely the one i was born for. [ clattering, children laughing ] and...action. that's me. and this is my windows phone. [ male announcer ] now buy one nokia lumia 920 for just $99.99 and get a second one free at at&t. ♪ shimmy, shimmy chocolate. ♪ shimmy, shimmy chocolate. ♪ we, we chocolate cross over. ♪ yeah, we chocolate cross over. ♪ [ male announcer ] introducing fiber one 80 calorie chocolate cereal. ♪ chocolate.
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>> announcer: this is a news 4 news break. >> good morning. it's 9:26 on monday, february 11. i'm aaron gilchrist. a big warm-up but winter will return by the middle of the week. tom kierein has your forecast. >> right now we are climbing into the low 40s. most of the rain from this morning is on oh the eastern shore. we have a few more sprinkles coming out of the mountains into the valley. those may be moving into the metro area over the next couple of hours. reagan national is now at 42 degrees. later today, maybe hitting the 50s. maybe a little sun breaking out after the rain ends. tomorrow, sunny, breezy and chilly here. maybe a wintry mix wednesday.
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snow, sleet and cold rain. aaron? >> thank you, tom. we'll se
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good morning. if you're taking the arlington memorial bridge in bound a crash blocks two lanes. one lane gets you by the
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accident. eastbound at leesburg pike, the crash moved to the shoulder lane. you are just under speed as you make it to the belt pway. speaking of the beltway we'll check it out now. slow, no accidents reported now. from i-95 to georgia avenue you are under speed. aaron? >> thank yo
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the snow has turned to rain here in new york city. we're back now with more of "today" on a monday morning. i'm willie geist alongside al roker and natalie morales. fighting a cold with natural remedies, vitamin c, chicken soup and zinc. which of those may work and may not work. how to bring a little romance and passion back into your day, especially with valentine's day coming up. we'll meet a woman who wanted carrie bradshaw's "sex and the city" life and ended up living with a rabbi.
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>> there's a story there. >> a woman and a rabbi walk into a bar. >> explaine've got for you. here's what's going on. talking about the european model bringing a storm system through the southeast later today. then offshore by some time wednesday night into early thursday morning. now this model brings it off mostly lighter snow and no problems. the american models keep it closer and colder and actually suggest a little bit stronger of the storm. we'll have to wait and see what happens. we do know we have icy conditions in parts of new england. snow in northern new england. wet weather up and down the east coast into the gulf coast. look for snow in the central rockies. beautiful in the pacific northwest with cures in the 40s under partly sunny skies. 63 and sunny in los angeles today. that's what's going on around the country. >> low clouds, light fog around the metro area. just past 9:30.
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good morning. i'm tom kierein. radar showing some other scattered light showers now moving out of the mountains into the valley. right around the metro area, temperatures near 40. we'll climb into the 50s much of the region by later this afternoon. maybe sun breaking out. tomorrow, sunshine, breezy and chillier. maybe a little bit of the cold rain, sleet and snow wednes >> that's your latest weather. natalie? >> al, thank you. on "today's" relationships, bringing back the romance. michelle callahan is the author of "ms. typed: stop sabotaging your relationships and find dating success." good morning, ladies. >> good morning. >> judith, let me start with you. we know what romance feels like. when you try to put it into words it's hard to define. >> that spark between two people. it could be a moment. could be a mood. but it leads to some feeling of -- i would call it positive,
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emotional arousal. >> emotional arousal, michelle, as opposed to sexual arousal here? because there's a difference. >> yes. you can have sex without romance but you can also have romance without sex. we want people to know it's okay to be -- you don't have to be sexually active to have romance in your life, to have romantic interactions. >> so whether it's with a stranger, having that little interaction, or with your spouse of some 40 years, it's about bringing that spark back. and little things, right? >> it's a little juice. and you can create it. you can create an opportunity to do it. you need a little imagination, a little flirtation and the willingness to touch. those three things, doesn't matter whether you have a 40-year partner or four-minute. you have something going. >> some people, though, may fear rejection or they may just have put romance by the wayside. they just don't feel romantic
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anymore. how do you kind of approach whoever it is you're trying to be romantic with and kind of get that back? >> if you're shut down, yourself, it will involve taking a little bit of lift. we're talking eye contact. we're talking eye smile at a stranger in the coffee shop. >> little things, yeah. >> just that to keep yourself out there and alive. this is the icing on our cake. you don't have to do without that icing any time in life. >> it's just a smile. if the person doesn't smile back you can keep moving. chances are they will. that opens up the opportunity for more interaction. >> you have to be willing to take a risk, right? >> absolutely. >> when we think of romance, sometimes we get older, we often don't think as older people as having that romantic spark. >> the people that do not think that older people don't have that romantic spark are our children. >> we just don't want to think about that maybe. >> and i say don't tell them. but the fact is, that spark is there. if you got that spark going and
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when you get that spark back, it's going in the home. it can carry us out of the home, that spark. >> i would imagine that romance would get better with age. >> it certainly can. for some people they have changes that make them feel less confident. they go through biological changes, hormonal changes. it can actually keep going and we can keep it moving if you just stay confident and just, you know, be creative with it. >> keep one huge thing in mind. romance is appreciating somebody else. it's not about me and what i look like and what my -- it's about you and the fact that i think you're adorable and i just might tell you today because that feels good to both of us. >> we were talking on friday -- we did a whole -- we talked about this survey in a book and they basically say communication really is the key to bringing that romance back. >> express the feeling. express the thought. it's a low-risk, high-reward
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thing to do. >> just talking can be very flirtatious. that communication, as you were saying before, just a little bit of touch. the study also talked about affection. even like you said, a touching of the hand. a touching of the elbow. >> a wink, a hug. instead of shaking hands, what if you give them a hug and a side kiss? that's very romantic. >> the eyes are going. >> i'm working it. >> it's working. i'm feeling the connection. judith stills and michelle callahan, thank you. happy valentine's day. >> happy valentine's day to you. >> thanks. coming up, cold remedies that work, right after this. mor. i love bread. i love cheese. did i say i love chocolate? i'm human! and the new weight watchers 360 program lets me be. the reason i'm still in this body feelin' so good isn't because i never go out and enjoy the extra large, extra cheese world we live in. it's because i do. and you can too. because when a weight loss program is built for human nature you can expect amazing.
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introducing the new weight watchers 360 program. join for free and expect amazing. because it works. join for free and expect amazing. if yyou've got thegood whenwrong toilet, you want it to get you clean... gently. as long as i use quilted northern ultra plush® i'm happy... and positive i'm clean. quilted northern ultra plush with the innerlux layer. for a comfortable, confident clean, or your money back. it's not a candy bar. 130 calories 7 grams of protein the new fiber one caramel nut protein bar. i'm maria, and i have diabetic nerve pain. i felt like my feet were going to sleep. it was like pins and needles
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sticking in your toes and in your feet. it progressed from there to burning like i was walking on hot coals. at that point, i knew i had to do something. when i went to see my doctor, she chose lyrica. once i started taking the lyrica, the pain started subsiding. [ female announcer ] it's known that diabetes damages nerves. lyrica is fda approved to treat diabetic nerve pain. lyrica is not for everyone. it may cause serious allergic reactions or suicidal thoughts or actions. tell your doctor right away if you have these, new or worsening depression, or unusual changes in mood or behavior. or swelling, trouble breathing, rash, hives, blisters, changes in eye sight including blurry vision, muscle pain with fever, tired feeling, or skin sores from diabetes. common side effects are dizziness, sleepiness, weight gain, and swelling of hands, legs, and feet. don't drink alcohol while taking lyrica. don't drive or use machinery until you know how lyrica affects you. those who've had a drug or alcohol problem may be more likely to misuse lyrica. having less pain... it's a wonderful feeling. [ female announcer ] ask your doctor about lyrica today. it's specific treatment for diabetic nerve pain.
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to hear more patient stories, visit it's specific treatment for diabetic nerve pain. dare to go big & bold or slim & sexy. new master duo liquid liner from maybelline new york. with our unique dual tip, go from thick to thin with just one twist. in 6 glossy shades i dare you. new master duo thin or thick liner maybe it's maybelline. [ female announcer ] eggo waffles are a great way to get your family together for breakfast. in fact, they might work too well. [ ding! ] [ shuffling, scooting ] [ clears throat ] [ children laugh ] [ female announcer ] golden, crispy outside. warm and fluffy inside.
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we are one good-looking family. [ children laugh ] [ female announcer ] eggo waffles. simply delicious. this morning on "today's" health, natural cold remedies. dr. roshini raj is "today" contributor and professor at new york's langnone medical center. >> some work, some don't. this is cold and flu season. people want relief. >> let's start with echinacea.
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>> been around hundreds of years as a cold remedy but scientific evidence doesn't back it up. studies have been mixed at best. when we look at it carefully, there's not been a benefit shown of shortening the duration or symptoms of the cold. people with asthma, it can be made worse by taking echinacea or if you have an allergy to something like ragweed. you have to be careful with that one. >> zinc. i always heard got a sore throat, take some zinc. >> studies have been mixed. although recently a larger view of the different study did show some benefit, shortening the duration of a cold by one day. children who take zinc regularly have less colds during the winter. >> take it, in a sense, prophylactically. >> sprays have been linked to a permanent loss of smell. >> that's not good. >> not good at all. fda did issue a warning a couple of years ago. >> you don't hear that a lot. >> you don't. it's not a fun thing when you
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lose your sense of smell. >> i got it. vitamin c. >> again, something people have been talking about for many years, whether it's in orange juice, oranges or the actual vitamin c supplement. here again the studies haven't shown a great benefit. one exception, i will say, is that people who exercise or are doing very strenuous things in cold temperatures, people in the military or marathon runners who run outside, construction worker, there has been a benefit shown to taking vitamin c every day to prevent colds. >> in a supplement or as a -- juice form? >> that was in a supplement, yeah. for the average person, probably not going to show a big benefit. yeah. >> all-time fave, chicken soup. >> this one actually does work. surprisingly. studies have shown that chicken soup -- they're not exactly sure which ingredient, but it has some anti-inflammatory effects and helps the passage of mucus, which can decongest you.
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>> and it makes you feel better. there's a psychological benefit? >> oh, sure, the comfort. >> mom made it for us. >> grandma's chicken soup. >> i'm not being fresh here but what about honey? >> well now that you mention it, it's one of those remedies that actually works. anti-cough properties. it works well for children as well. it also helps soothe an achy or irritating throat and can help with the clearing of mucus in the back of your throat. >> little-known fact, honey is the one food that will never, ever go bad. actually found them in the pyramids and they were still good. >> honey sometimes contains something, toxin, never use it for a child under 1. >> got it. >> this is one of the if disgusting things. >> i think it looks cute. >> it's what you do with it. it's not like, ooh, aladdin, i would like to run water through my nose. >> the idea here is saline
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rinse. using salt water to rinse out the nasal package passage, squie or neti pot. i've used it myself. >> what does it do? >> basically you hold it up, tilt your head back and pour water into your nose to rinse out mucus, virus part icles as well. pregnant women -- >> i didn't want to take any cold medicine while i was pregnant and it actually helped. >> do you still do it? >> i do. >> there you go! >> warning with this one, make sure the water you're using is either boiled, distilled or sterile. there have been reports of people getting infections from impure water. >> humidifiers. >> cold viruses thrive in dry environment. keep your house as humid as possible, especially your bedroom. nasal passages can get dried out. steam shower works just as well. this is when you get it all night. >> you have to make sure these are clean, too. >> replace the water daily and clean the machine. they can harbor mold, fungus,
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bacteria. >> then you have to pour this through your nose, take a spoonful of honey. dr. roshini raj, thank you very much. >> thank you. one woman's search for "the >> thank you. one woman's search for "the sex and the ♪ ♪ "love" a collection by prabal gurung, exclusively at target. for a limited time. [ man ] excuse me miss. [ gasps ] this fiber one 90 calorie brownie has all the deliciousness you desire. the brownie of your dreams is now deliciously real. the brownie of your dreams
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cnow with added whitening.... and concentrated formula. to clean and whiten laundry better than ever. stress sweat is different than ordinary sweat. it smells worse. get 4x the protection against stress sweat. introducing new secret clinical strength stress response scent. get 4x the protection against stress sweat. new honey bunches of oats greek yohere we go.ole grain. honey cornflakes and chunks of greek yogurt. i'm tasting both the yogurt and the honey at the same time. i'm like digging this yogurt thing. i feel healthy. new honey bunches of oats greek.
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go olive garden's three course italian dinner, just $12.95. choose one of five new entrees like parmesan potato crusted chicken. plus soup or salad and finish with dessert. 3 courses, just $12.95! go olive garden!
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♪ you have to let me know [ female announcer ] when sweet and salty come together, the taste is irresistible. sweet and salty nut bars by nature valley. nature at its most delicious. sweet and salty nut bars by nature valley. nature's true celebrities aren't always the most obvious. it's more than being glamorous, or tall. it's not all about who sparkles the most. or who is the best dressed. what nature really cares about is what you have to offer. like the stevia plant. small and humble with a surprising secret to share... sweetness. truvia sweetener. zero-calorie sweetness, born from the stevia leaf. from nature, for sweetness.
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journalist rebecca dana thought she had it all, the boyfriend, the apartment in new york city. when her relationship ended pretty abruptly, she moved sbout found a new home with cosmo, an orthodox rabbi. her new book "the jujitsu rabbi and the godless blond." good to see you. >> good to see you. >> we'll get to the identity of the jujitsu rabbi. you're raised in pittsburgh. >> yes. >> jewish but -- >> i was nerdy as a kid, went to space camp twice. >> did you really? >> i really did. i spent a lot of time alone in my room in our little house in a cul-de-sac and growing up and being a fabulous character like i saw on tv on "sex and the
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city." >> in many ways you grew up to become that person. you moved to new york city, got the job, went to the glamorous parties. did the reality live up to what your dream had been? >> in some ways it really did. i got here. it was a glamorous, fabulous exciting life although i was way too poor to afford the shoes that carrie bradshaw wore. as i spent a few years going to these parties and writing about fashion and media, it occurred to me that it was unfulfilling in some pretty big ways. >> now things get interesting. you break up with your boyfriend. >> everything kind of crashed in on my head at the same time, which seemed to me in that moment the worst thing that had ever happened to anyone ever. i've now realized it happens to absolutely everybody at some point in their 20s. >> and craigslist actually brought you together and changed your life with this guy we're calling him cosmo. a russian orthodox rabbi, who practices jujitsu.
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>> electric bass, listening to punk rock and, without tion, the funniest human being i've ever met. >> you room in, become roommates. you didn't date. >> no. >> what did you learn from him? >> cosmo called this our cultural exchange. i would take him to movie premieres and parties in manhattan and he would take me to dinners and introduce me to other members of this ultra orthodox, very traditional, religious community. it was kind of an odd couple story of our time together. i really -- i went into this community having a lot of, i would say, misconceptions and prejudices about what their lives were like. i'm not proud of it, but it's true. in getting to meet especially the women in the ultra orthodox community, i was totally blown away. these are beautiful, thoughtful, intelligent, kind, warm women who were my age and had three, four, five kids and were, in many cases, very happy. >> did cosmo and that community then change your idea of what the dream was?
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did it become less about the carrie bradshaw life because of cosmo? >> there are still a lot of perks to the carrie bradshaw life. it opened my eyes to an idea of community and family as being the center of your world. spending less time thinking about fancy things and glamorous parties and a little more time thinking about the people around me and my family is what matters most. >> cosmo has read the book? >> he has. >> what does he think? >> i don't want to give away too much about cosmo. he has had a pretty remarkable transformation that you get sort of at the end but he had lots of notes and opinions along the way. one of his thoughts, which i perhaps stupidly followed was he encouraged me to put my actual e-mail in the book in case there are any women out there who would like to go on a date with him. i would like to say to all of america, if anyone would like to date cosmo, i can set you up. >> he sounds like a catch and he has the jujitsu thing going, which doubles it. >> exactly. >> congratulations on the book. >> thank you so much.
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>> we're back with more
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♪ [ oz ] no! ♪ am i dreaming? ♪ [ theodora ] you're in oz. you're the only one strong enough to save us all. ♪ ♪ ♪ [ wicked witch cackles ] [ male announcer ] rated pg.
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coming up tomorrow on "today," al's psa. >> that's right. "today" takes action. we're helping out the ad council, 70th anniversary. my psa is one that i will say is very timely. >> absolutely. and hits close to home for so many people. >> yes. also, the real house wives of beverly hills, brandy. coming up next, kathie lee and hoda take over l.a. after your local news and weather. . . . .
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this is a news 4 news break. >> 9:57 on monday, february 11, 2013. good morning. virginia governor bob mcdonald will try to sell his transportation plan to people in our area today. he'll be in mclean to lay out the impact the plan will have on northern virginia. the governor wants to eliminate the gas tax and raise the sales tax to generate billions of
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dollars for transportation projects. his proposal would also raise vehicle registration fees. time to look at the forecast now. >> might get sun breaking out. a chance of an additional sprinkle between now and early afternoon a. tomorrow the sun back. breezy and chilly. could get a wintry mix on wednesday. danella, how is late morning traffic? >> good news across the arlington memorial bridge. an accident in bound. clear. travel lanes are open. now getting a report. if you are on gw parkway southbound, a crash reported there. >> danella, thank you. ahead on midday, incorporating chocolate into (woman) 3 days of walking to give a break cancer survivor a lifetime-- that's definitely a fair trade. whoo! you walk with friends, you meet new friends, and you keep those friendships. it was such a beautiful experience. (woman) ♪ and it's beautiful ♪ undeniable
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(woman) why walk 60 miles in the boldest breast cancer event in history? because everyone deserves a lifetime. visit to register or to request more information today. ♪ burning like a fire ♪ building up from deep inside it was 3 days of pure joy. susan g. komen's investments in early detection and treatment have helped reduce breast cancer mortality in the u.s. by 33% since 1990. help us continue serving the millions of women and men with breast cancer who still need us every day. register for the 3-day now. (woman) it's just been an amazing, amazing journey. i love these people. ♪ and it's beautiful
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♪ ♪ california girls from nbc news this is a special edition of "today" with california girls kathie lee gifford and hoda kotb center santa monica place in santa monica, california. ♪ >> are you ready? are you ready? let's do it. are you ready? are you ready? uh-huh. ♪
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>> oh, oh, oh. oh. coats off. doing it right now. come on. >> hi, everybody. >> i'm going to put mine in the palm tree. ♪ >> oh, my word. >> hi. >> good to see you. hello. kath. kath. >> that's of you. >> oh, my gosh. thank you. >> thank you.
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>> wonderful. >> come on. >> hey. >> how are you guys? nice to see you. oh. help me. >> here we are. oh, oh, oh, oh. >> hello, everybody. >> it is nice here at santa monica place. >> wait a minute. >> oh, yes. >> it feels so good. >> what did i say, hoda? >> you said it was going to be beautiful in southern california, and it is. >> you know who we have to thank for that? the l.a. tourism board. yes, we do. >> by the way, you guys, for those of you that don't know, this is an outdoor mall, which i am unfamiliar with. the sun is shining. anyway, we're just steps away from the third street promenade. >> which has been around for a long, long time in the little wonderful town of santa monica,
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which is this gem community, isn't it, in the middle of los angeles. you're right on the ocean. it's gorgeous. >> we want to point out, we have a spectacular looking crowd. >> yes, we do. >> we have something for one of you. one person in this oaudience is going to get a spectacular prize. >> and it's not blake. >> it's not even a mug. >> it's not even a mug. >> it's better than a kathie lee cd. >> don't push it. >> it's even better than a hoda "ten years later" book. >> oh, you got it? >> yes, she does. >> we're going to reveal the person, and this person is going to be just knocked off their socks. by the way, blake shelton is with us today. >> he is with us today. >> yes, yes, yes. a new cd coming out. the grammys were last night. a lot of people -- they broke the rules. >> yes, they did. >> the beg news is that huge storm that you and i and
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everybody with our crew missed. oh, my gosh, they're all shoveling out. >> that was a crazy storm on the east coast, and here's the thing. i have to hand it to all the meteorologists, al roker, and all those guys because they called it the monday before. they were talking about the convergence of the two fronts and the 30 inches and all that -- >> we changed our flight plans. >> we are here. i got to tell you, we like the way you guys do things on the west coast. with a couple of exceptions. >> no, no, no. i think they're healthy, hode. they start the day. with wheat grass. >> they start it nice -- >> we're not that into your wheat grass. instead we like our -- do i have a spanx problem? >> probably. >> so what else is new? they like it with wheat grass. we like it a little differently, don't we? >> well, we want the healthy and fun. >> it is called spontaneous happiness with infused -- what is that -- sochu elder flowers.
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>> well, welcome good-looking. >> thank you. where are you from? >> right up top there. >> all right. what's in this drink? >> you have sochu, lime juice, and a little simple syrup. >> in other words, it's good for us. >> hit me with it. >> thank you very much. >> what is your name, big boy? >> michael. >> hello, michael. >> what's your name? >> cliff. >> isn't that sweet? >> takes a little more time. >> absolutely. here's a piece of lime for you. >> cheers. thank you. >> thanks so much. thank you. >> okay. the "sports illustrated" cover is out. have you seen it? >> one more time they didn't pick you. >> it's just wrong on every level. >> have you seen the cover? kate upton is on the cover. have you seen both of her? you guys, it's almost a little
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grotesque. >> it's on the utterly ridiculous side. have you seen it? >> they don't even look real, and i have seen fake ones and real ones, but those are -- those need your own zip code. >> those are huge honkers. it will probably be up there in a second, but it was leaked early. >> hopefully they don't leak. they don't want the leaking. >> okay. first of all, i don't think they're real. i don't care what anyone says. you can see right there. i don't think so. >> she looks pretty darn good. it's kind of a great honor apparently. only a couple of times has a model been deemed worthy. especially after 24 nothing is the same. >> the picture in ten years, what's going to happen with those knockers? >> bovine city. >> she's joining us where they fall. >> yeah, yeah. >> we packed to come here. >> gravity takes its course. >> we packed to come here, and you know the way you pack is just like your permit, isn't it?
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>> everything about you that a future spouse would need to know probably, don't you think? >> probably. yeah. we have some photos of our -- of our packing. okay. so you -- this is your photo, i think. now, i have -- this is how we pack to come here. i can't even. that's bambino sitting. >> that's all i immediate. that's all i need. when i bring out the suitcase, you immediately gets the hound dog look and jumps in the suitcase. he loves his mommy. >> how do you pack? do you roll it up and make it perfect? >> i roll it up and make it perfect. what do you do, hoda? what do you do, my darling girl? >> you know what i do? >> do you even think about it ahead of time? >> i don't plan. i look around my apartment and throw -- can you see it? you know what, a friend of mine who looked at that picture said what's more shocking than the bad packing job is the horrible nightstand pile. my apartment is a complete mess. it does show exactly your
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personality. but they say the way to pack is -- do you guys stress about packing, or you don't care? you don't care. >> how many -- show of hands, please, if you stress over packing. first of all, they're californians. they don't stress about anything. earthquake? ah, it will be over in a second. thc? they'll get the boulders out of there in no time. >> fires? who hasn't seen fire? >> i only packed a couple of pairs of shoes, but i have the best tip for shoes. if your shoes hurt you, and i know -- >> they're great because look at the bottoms. we know what they are, but they're my daughter's. she painted that red on there. not real. >> they're a half size too big. >> too big? >> yes. she's the little tiniest thing, but she wears a half size larger than i do. >> look what i did, you guys. this is so good. okay. >> oh, hoda, is that a kotex
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pad? >> have you ever put a max ipad in your shoe? >> i apologize. >> if your shoes are hurting you, go to your drugstore, peel it. >> that's a man saying, yes, he has done that, hoda. >> i'm telling you. don't judge. your shoes are so comfortable. it's look a cushion. they don't hurt. i'm doing it with all my shoes. excellent technique. all right. enough about packing. should we do our favorite things? >> yes. once again, i have to thank cassidy. you either have to be like bobbie thomas and jill martin that knows everything that's going on, or you have to have a teenage daughter to tell you what you are doing wrong and what is really hip and wonderful out there. the other day this box came -- or this bag came, and i opened it up. said cassidy. four of these were in it. have you all seen these? from the body shop. okay. i said, first of all, what is she ordering four of? you know, i open it up, and it's this cream, and then i smell it.
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it smells like coconut, and then i see that it's shiny, and then i put it on my skin, and i'm going, order four more. it's -- i put it on hoda this morning. it's all -- >> well, don't ask what she's talking about. >> again, don't judge. but you get it at the body shop, and i have no idea how much it costs. i don't think it's much because i don't give her any money, so it can't be too much? >> $21.99. >> if you want a book that will put you in a great mood, it's called god never blinks. i try to do a daily quote, and i tweeted one of her quotes, and she sent me her book. is flying here on the plane ride to l.a. i started reading it. i had tears coming down. each one is a life lesson and an anecdote about life. i'll have to tell you, it is so uplifting. it put me in such a great mood. >> sarah haynes is in the audience. what's your favorite thing? >> real quick, it's from
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chocolate it's the best body scrub i have ever seen in my life. it's about $30. i have never experienced mying like it. it's amazing. >> well, you're young. >> we have blake shelton. we have a lot of fun coming up. stick around. >> unbelievable prize. >> you won't believe it. ♪
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i'd like to thank eating right, whole grain, multigrain cheerios! mom, are those my jeans? [ female announcer ] people who choose more whole grain tend to weigh less than those who don't. multigrain cheerios dare to see the difference with pantene anti-breakage. reduces hair fall up to 97%. get less hair fall. ♪ i took the dare. will you? anti-breakage. pantene. i took the dare. will you? i'll give you five. need a good reason to change shampoo? l'oreal paris creates new total repair 5. our most advanced level of haircare. it fights five of the top hair problems. total repair 5 with ceramide targets weak, limp, lifeless, dull, and straw-like hair. my hair is transformed, full.
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feels stronger with a healthy shine. total repair from root to core to tip. five problems, one solution. change the life of your hair. with new total repair 5. l'oreal's most advanced haircare. because you are totally worth it. mommy! i went potty! that's great, honey.... where? for life's bleachable moments. hers hey' 's is more than hers chocolate. it's an invitation. to stop and savor. when the chocolate is hershey's. life is delicious.
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behind the silver of philadelphia cream cheese. it always begins with fresh, local milk, blended with real wholesome cream. going fresh from the farm, to our fridge, in just six days. because we believe in fresh taste. that's the way we set the standard for intensely rich, luscious flavor. so our story of fresh taste always ends... deliciously. when it comes to taste, philadelphia sets the standard. ♪ i was going to keep it real, like chill, like only have a drink or two ♪ ♪ but it turned into a party when i started talking to you ♪ >> we are kicking it up with country superstar blake shelton. that's his newest music video off his brand new cd called based on a true story. >> we had a chance to set down
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with blake to talk about his new music and "the voice" and everything. take a listen. >> it's hot in here. >> stop it. stop it. >> no, no. behave yourself. stop it! >> when you are with blake shelton, it is -- >> behave. >> -- hot in here. >> i'm worried about this one. i don't know that hoda is going to be able to control herself. >> i want to do it too. >> are you so full of it. >> who doesn't love him? nobody. >> somebody be, like, i hate him. >> the last couple of years have been amazing, but just this last one in particular. have you had a moment to stop and think about everything that's going on, blake? >> yeah, a little bit.
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not until january. i kind of had some time off in january, and kind of reflected on last year and then the way that this one is starting with the new single and i pointed at the new single because it's on a sign there. the new single. >> it would be cool if you were our honey bee. >> i love it. >> i don't know. i try not to think too hard about this stuff because once i start thinking about stuff, i tend to screw it up really bad. >> how do you have time to work on music because you are busy on "the voice." we've seen ow that. we have this new album coming out soon in march. you have a new video. >> march 26th. >> the 26th. there's a video that you are doing -- >> with us in the studio in new york for that. i hear a rumor. >> there's a -- >> it's very powerful. >> there's a video you are debuting for the very first time, and you have chosen one program in which to debut it, and it's our program. >> first of all, any show that just purposely says they have --
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what is it -- 130 days to drink like you did -- >> 130 would have never said yes. that was the longest month of july. >> that's the show. i want to debut my video on. >> that's what we like to hear. >> they'll be drunk enough that they'll actually think it's a good video. >> come on. give us a little credit. >> tell us about you have a whole new team on "the voice." okay? you have shakira and usher. i saw the promo of you in the pickup truck. what's the vibe like among you four? snoo that's kind of what it's like. we kind of had a thing going with, you know, the four of us when it was cee lo and christina on there, and it's becoming a new thing now with the four of us. you have to learn to communicate all over again because you have all these inside jokes and ways we understand each other, and now we have to kind of start all over again. but it didn't stop adam and i from giving them crap right from the beginning. >> does it infuse new energy in
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a good way? people have their favorites, obviously. thank you. it can infuse a new energy when new people are introduced? >> yeah, it does. gosh, i mean, it's usher, and it's shakira. that's a big deal. i couldn't believe -- i couldn't believe it when i heard that they were going to do it, you know? i just thought there's no way we can get people like that on the show. >> let's find out how much you know about your two new co-hosts. >> oh, god. >> are you ready for a quiz? >> no. >> let's start. shakira just had a baby. what's the baby's name? >> she's kicking around blake, i think. i don't know. i just heard that she did just have it, though. she had a boy. she had a baby -- >> it's a city. in italy. >> i don't know. what's in italy? rome? >> milan. >> okay. is rome in italy? >> yes, it is. here's one. moving on to usher. what is usher's last name?
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>> i know this because i follow him on twitter, and he has his full name on there. i can't remember. >> it is raymond. >> that's right. but who cares, because he doesn't want you to call him that, so why bother? >> i thought this was cruel, personally. i looked and said he is not going to know any of this crap. >> i know a couple of their songs. >> what was the name of shakira's highest selling single? >> was it the one with beyonce? my hips don't lie? i don't know. this sucks! >> we love blake shelton. blake, good luck with the tour. >> thank you. >> what? >> nothing. >> good luck with the tour and good luck with "the voice." we love you so much. >> great to see you, bud where i. >> oh, my god. are you kidding me? >> i love you. >> no, no, no. break up with her.
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break up with her. >> i got to -- >> i lost control. i lost control. >> go away. this is the best show ever. you guys, thank you. love you, blake. >> love you. >> love you, buddy. thanks so much. new honey bunches of oats greek yogurt and whole grain.
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here we go. honey cornflakes and chunks of greek yogurt. i'm tasting both the yogurt and the honey at the same time. i'm like digging this yogurt thing. i feel healthy. new honey bunches of oats greek. waiting for your wrinkle cream to work? neutrogena® rapid wrinkle repair has the fastest retinol formula. to visibly reduce fine lines and wrinkles in just one week. neutrogena®. your soups are so awesomely delicious my husband and i can't stop eating 'em! what's...that... on your head? can curlers! tomato basil, potato with bacon...
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we've got a lot of empty cans. [ male announcer ] progresso. you gotta taste this soup.
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♪ >> we are back. we are back with our audience give-away. all right? >> one lucky person is going to get an incredible prize, and we're not going to tell you exactly what it is. are you ready to pick it out? >> i'll pull it. you read it. your glasses aren't on. >> that's right. >> this is it. >> and our winner is -- i want you to come immediately, please. hannah able. >> where is hannah?
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hannah, come over here. >> i got it. >> hannah, hannah, hannah! >> all right. come on up, hannah. come up here. >> hi. nice to see you. >> we are so happy you lucky winner. first of all, you get kathie lee's cd. what else does she get? >> it's about 15 years old. >> and what else did she get? >> she gets hoda's new book "ten years later." and she gets one other small little thing. >> there is one more thing. >> turn around, and it is coming that way. >> what? oh, my god. are you serious? >> tell her what she's won, kathie. >> hold on, hannah. >> hoda, she has won a new 2013 toyota rav 4. toyota has been granting a lot
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of wishes with these new cars, and this is one of the wishes. let's get in. come on, hannah. come on, hannah. >> you get the driver's seat, hannah. >> she wants to drive, please. >> oh, no. >> she's playing my music already. you got to love the woman. >> hey, hannah. >> can you believe it? >> no. >> can you believe it? >> all right. >> i am so excited. did you need a new car? >> oh, my god. there is 60,000 miles on my car. >> we'll be right back. ♪ ♪ [ male announcer ] let's go places. not just the ones you can find on a map. but the ones you can find in your heart.
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let's go beyond everything we know. and embrace everything we don't. and once we've reached our destination, let's keep going. because inspiration doesn't favor those who sit still. it dances with the daring... ♪ oh, oh, oh-oh, oh [ male announcer ] ...and rewards the courageous with ideas that excite, challenge, even inspire. ideas that take you places you never imagined. ideas big enough and powerful enough to make the heart skip a beat and, in some cases, maybe two. toyota. let's go places.
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♪ >> we are back on a special fun day monday from beautiful santa monday cardiacs and we are today's buzz like we do every week, but this time we're doing it with e news correspondent terrence. >> good morning. >> hey, terrence. >> hey, ladies. >> this is good. move in with me. i have plenty of room. >> not the first offer she's had today, believe me. >> with that dress. she offered me man spanx. >> they're manx. >> let's talk about the cover of
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"sports illustrated." that got leaked. it was supposed to be released today, but it was out a couple of days early, and what are your thoughts on it? >> there's two stories there. first of all -- >> there sure are. >> kate upton. this is -- >> impressive. >> a couple more there. i love her. she's a curvy woman. you got to love that. the shot was gorgeous. with tm sfwl putting this story out, it makes it a little weird because now things are really getting leaked digitally, and that's really where the story is. david letterman is having his show on monday with a bunch of models are coming in. it was supposed to be revealed, and we already know it. >> what do you think of the choice of kate? >> it's not common that they do twice back to back like that, so it's a little -- you know, it's a little weird. i would have loved to see a new girl. i would loved to have seen you two on the cover. that was an option. >> embarrassing. >> what do you mean you know? >> giselle and tom brady, and a
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beautiful baby. >> the baby was skyping with blue ivy a little earlier. they're making plans for kanye's baby to come. they're off on vacation. giselle and tom are just two beautiful people. the photos look amazing. >> they're on vacation in hawaii. they just moved into their unbelievably gorgeous home in brentwood. >> well, they're rich. they can do that. >> that's right. he couldn't go to the super bowl this year. even they have problems, people like that. how sad. >> let's talk lil kim for a minute because she has a different look. she's sporting a different look. what is she doing? >> different is a nice way to say it. >> you don't like the look? >> i leak the natural look of lil kim. >> why do people like this? >> you got to do -- >> take a look at those photos stwloosh she looks like plastic. >> what did she do? >> i love her, but she looks like a doll. >> too much face work? what is it? >> a little porcelain. >> a little bit too much of
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something work. >> just not like herself. that's the thing. yeah. >> there's something like that at toys "r" us. you buy it -- >> oh. >> a little doll. >> you don't know the pressure that women are under in this business, especially out here. >> she's gorgeous. i love lil kim. >> so are so many of them that do it. they feel an unbelievable pressure to always be ahead of the clock. then quit putting the pressure on them. >> he is not. >> men. >> let's talk about justin bieber. broke another record. >> talk about baby face. >> five number one albums before the age of 19. i mean, this is unprecedented. justin is just continuing to make his mark in history. he is the number one followed person on twitter, and this album is actually a recreation of his last album. it's an acoustical bum. it's a phenomenal record, and he is a good kid. we're really excited. >> we love his mom. >> thank you. >> thank you. >> coming up next, sara haynes
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is hitting the beaches of california. >> what a nice job. >> i like her job. >> right back. ♪ na na na na na ♪ i woke up to a new day ♪ every little thing gonna go my way ♪ ♪ i woke up to a light bulb on ♪ every little thing is possible now ♪ [ female announcer ] we've added a touch of philadelphia cream cheese to our kraft natural shredded cheese so you can bring a creamier melt to any morning. ♪ life is amazing with the love that i've found ♪ ♪ ♪ life is amazing with the love that i've found ♪ the rich dark chocolate. york peppermint pattie get the sensation. bury yourself in the flavorfall of sweet icing and filling.
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[ hounds calling ] call off the hounds, rescue is unnecessary! pillsbury toaster strudel. [ whisper ] the snow day of breakfasts. plus the perfecting color of a bb cream equal? introducing the newest beauty trend. total effects cc cream c for color. c for correction. [ female announcer ] fight 7 signs of aging flawlessly. cc what's possible.
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something this delicious could only come from nature. new nectresse. the 100% natural no-calorie sweetener made from the goodness of fruit. new nectresse. sweetness naturally. ♪ [ male announcer ] we touch a lot of things throughout the day. so it's nice that clorox disinfecting products help kill the germs that can live on surfaces for up to 48 hours. ♪ feels sweet when i can touch you ♪ [ female announcer ] hey ladies, you love it, you gotta have it. cinnamon toast crunch.
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'cause that cinnamon and sugar is so irresistible. [ slurps ] [ chuckles ] everybody craves those crazy squares. dare to whisper. whisper new color whisper lip color from maybelline new york. now, sexy sheer color with a whisper soft feel. the secret? pure sheer pigments in a smooth light gel. no heavy waxes, no heavy oils. shhhhhh just a soft kiss of color and shine.
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new color whisper from maybelline new york. sexy, sheer color with a whisper soft feel. maybe she's born with it. ♪maybe it's maybelline it is time for sara in the city. our girl sara haynes hits the streets. but actually she hits the sand. >> in the beautiful town of santa monica, which has so much to offer. >> it is one of the most scenic resort towns in the nation. it's laid back and fit. while discovering the city, i discovered my inner santa monica girl. >> oh, nice. >> this is the home of postcard type weather, sandy beaches that stretch for miles, palm trees, and some of the fittest people i have ever seen. and a set of stairs that is so long it could use its own zip code. >> only in california would people choose to walk up a
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staircase this tall. a new yorker would ask for an elevator. in fact, that is the question? where is the elevator. >> i definitely need guidance, and there is no better place to begin than right here, the crowned jewel, the santa monica pier. >> that's sort of how we fondly refer to it here. it's sort of the biggest front porch you could get. >> meet guru and cool guy jay farran sdwl. he was my guide on how to see all of santa monica with the right frame of mind. >> what makes someone like a santa monican? >> healthy lifestyle, a lot of fun. might need to take you down about, you know, 20 miles per hour from new york speed. >> oh, good. i'm all about slow down is fine with me. >> look at the fear on your face. >> so how -- is this, like, the ferris wheel is like the central part of the pier? >> this is the major visual icon of the pier. it's the world's first and only
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solar powered ferris wheel. welcome to california, by the way. >> of course it's solar powered. look at the view. >> an old-time carousel right out of the movies. really. this scene was filmed here back in 1973. >> loser buys milk shake. >> oh! ♪ my milk shake brings all the boys to the yard ♪ >> enjoying my victory, we cooled down with a milk shake. okay. so slowing down might not work, but i definitely want to look california cool, so i met with stylist emily indicateden from planet blue on main street where the young and hip shop. >> i need you to make me look santa monica. >> that shouldn't be a problem at all. let's do it. ♪ >> next stop is healthy lifestyle, and there is nothing healthier than the raw food from
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restaurant and culinary institute at the santa monica marketplace with chef scott. >> sanity why monica is amazing. we have four farmers markets every week, and we go every morning. we pick up all our herbs, tomatoes, pistachios. >> you have amazing stuff out. >> we're going to do the heirloom tomato lasagna. ♪ >> hmm. i just fell in love with you. >> let's get out of here. >> i can't miss in santa monica the third street promenade, known for its shopping, people watching, and cool california style. off to montana avenue, an ultra chic santa monica street where celebrities are at home and the trendiest shops can be found. along with m7 fitness center where workouts aren't for the faint of heart.
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>> i hope it's not -- >> i call this will power workout which basically is an anti-aging workout. tapping into nature. your body's evolutionary code, how we're meant to act. >> just down montana avenue is yet one more all natural workout. for my hair? my last stop may be my most important. a tan without the sun at chocolate sun. an all natural way to find my beach girl look. oh, yeah. me and santa monica, fit, fun, and oh so very tan. >> so you like that? >> yeah. i love the whole city, but i got the tan to prove that i was here now. >> compare skins, me and you. >> i'll use kathie. >> do you know what is three days from right now? >> valentine's day. >> we have the perfect gift for you if you haven't picked one out.
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i'll give you five. need a good reason to change shampoo? l'oreal paris creates new total repair 5. our most advanced level of haircare. it fights five of the top hair problems. total repair 5 with ceramide targets weak, limp, lifeless, dull, and straw-like hair. my hair is transformed, full. feels stronger with a healthy shine. total repair from root to core to tip. five problems, one solution. change the life of your hair. with new total repair 5. l'oreal's most advanced haircare. because you are totally worth it. ♪ yer always after me lucky charms! whoa. i forgot how good these taste! [ lucky ] ♪ they're magically delicious
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an amazing new taste to share. ♪ dollar menu. always sharing all your favorites, for just a dollar, everyday. ♪ for just a dollar, everyday. hers hey'or just a dollar, everyday. 's is more than hers chocolate. it's an invitation. to stop and savor. when the chocolate is hershey's. life is delicious. you score little victories every now you can do it with dinner. introducing land o'lakes® sauté express®. the all-in-one sauté starter with butter, olive oil, herbs and spices... so dinner really sizzles. it's one step, no prep. and so good, they'll ask for more. and that little victory is a pretty big deal. land o'lakes® sauté express. find it in the dairy aisle.
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♪ >> okay. we're ready for "today" celebrates valentine's day. it not too late if you haven't picked out the perfect gift. >> not us, exactly. an expert did. her name is allison. she per used santa monica place for the best deals and the best gifts. >> hey, girl. >> how are you? >> i see you've been shopping for us. >> yes, of course. you ladies can have your own glass of wine. >> thank you. >> cheers. >> i know. >> what kind of wine is this? >> this is actually from vina cotto. they have a website as well. they create clutch gifts. you choose a bottle of wine, and then you can choose everything from underwear to chocolate to jewelry. >> we love that. >> i'm actually drinking without wearing a thong. for those of you who aren't and you --
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>> and it starts at about $30. you can go in the store or go on-line and cure ate your own collection. >> i love the sweet department. this is pour me. >> sweet for the sweet. this is a sugar wish. it's a new e-gifting concept. you go on-line and you choose a box size. petite, classic, or ultimate. >> ultimate. >> what you do is send it to your girlfriend or boyfriend or wife or husband. they go on-line and choose what kennedy they want to fill the box with. >> oh, that's -- >> how would you choose? >> all righty. >> next up, jewelry. jewelry is always a success. >> right. >> and you don't have to spend the money on diamonds. can you go for fashionable styles. these are from bloomingdale's and nordstrom's. starts at $38. >> affordable. >> i like all these so so far. >> perhaps you're not at the jewelry point yet in the relationship. >> right. >> if you want something that doesn't mark off too much, these are ear buds.
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they're jewelry designed and they are made just for women, and they come in different kind of gold, rose gold, or silver. start at $49. so, yeah, they're beautiful. i found them at kit's inn and they are at nordstrom's. >> are they go? >> they are good. they also make headphones as well in different colors. >> oh, you're kidding? >> perhaps -- it's a jewelry inspired -- >> i love those. >> maybe you want to be a little naughty or nice. >> hoda does. >> i do. >> these are all from kitchen. first off you want to play a little doctor with your loved one. >> what do you do? >> so you have different cards, and you spin, and -- >> oh, my gosh. handcuffs. >> handcuffs and things. or maybe you want to be nice and read love poetry, or this is what i'm giving this to my husband. i'm getting all vintage valentine's day cards and putting them over the house. >> how long have you been married? >> three years. >> that's why. >> maybe you want to create a
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zen-like experience. from bird pick, you can choose all these disht kinds of infused teas. >> that's nice. >> pour some tea. or maybe wine for the rest of us. >> i like tea too. it's not as -- >> pour yourself some tea, and then obviously bring out the spa products. from aveda, you can bring out all the different spa products. have your wine, and just have like a little intimate moment at home. >> i like it. >> touchy feely thing we have going at the end? >> first off from cvq we have maggettic photos that you could put all over your frig in different parts of the house, and they start under $2. >> those are cute. >> this is from marbles the brain store. it's called touchy feely, and inside are different items. you can put your hand in the other side. you can figure out -- snoo what they are? >> yeah, what things are. there's a game that comes with it. you have to search for the items, or you can add in your own items inside. >> one ball. >> it does. it's got one ball. >> what else?
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>> and it's got a little appendage. >> it's a duck. >> it's a ducky. yes. >> so cute. >> but then you can add in your own items as well. lastly, because there's nothing more adorable than dressing up your little one. >> oh, yes. >> from gymboree you can get adorable shoes to dresses to tights and even hair ties. super cute. starts at, like, $7. >> allison, thank you, sweetie. >> thank you, ladies. >> we've got a great workout coming up. maybe one you haven't tried yet. >> you can burn 800 calories. >> you what, first, this is "today" on nbc. so... [ gasps ]
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these are sandra's "homemade"
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yummy, scrumptious bars. hmm? i just wanted you to eat more fiber. chewy, oatie, gooeyness... and fraudulence. i'm in deep, babe. you certainly are. [ male announcer ] fiber one. [ man ] excuse me miss. [ gasps ] this fiber one 90 calorie brownie has all the deliciousness you desire. the brownie of your dreams is now deliciously real.
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♪ give me a beat ♪ >> we've heard of this new l.a. cardio workout that helps you pound those pounds away. >> yes, yes, yes. we are going to bring on the sweat and swap weights for what?
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for drumsticks. that's the new thing. to tell us about pound, kooersen and christina. >> you got it. >> that's it. >> tell us about this. >> yeah. >> okay. so christina and i are both drumming enthusiasts, and we wanted to create a jam session of a workout. it uses cardio, strength training, all the best conditioning moves, but to mask all the pain of a normal workout, we're drumming. >> they're not heavy. >> i'll get yours. hold on. >> i'm exhausted. >> you guys ready? show us what we do. >> ywe're going to hold our sticks just like that. >> the audience all has these too. >> dpood. >> what we're going to do is make a lot of instability in your body by going like this. you'll hold a variety of different poses and get a full
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body workout. >> i feel the burn. >> your body absorbs all the shock of your arms moving, so you get a burn of 600, 900 calories an hour. >> oh, my god. >> it will be gone in no time. >> okay. so actually we're going to get the music going. >> let's go. quick. >> three four. >> one, two, three, four. >> so everybody we're going to go back first. okay. right stick is up. we're going to drop down and then bring the left leg up. >> not too high. i'm looking at you. >> and then up again. come on back. back. here we go. five, six. ready go. back up. back up. >> not in high heels. >> not in my spanx. >> oh, yes, we are. >> what are you doing?
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>> what are you doing? >> this works your inner and outer thighs. your gluts. >> out, in. out, in. everybody. >> watch this next move. >> you're the winner of our car, hannah. >> she's going to do the workout with us. >> hannah won the toyota, and she's with us. >> we're at santa monica place. >> hold the center. down. ♪ almost tastes like one of jack's cereals.
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fiber one. uh, forgot jack's cereal. [ jack ] what's for breakfast? um... try the number one! yeah, this is pretty good. [ male announcer ] over a third of a day's fiber. fiber one. ♪ shimmy, shimmy chocolate. ♪ shimmy, shimmy chocolate. ♪ we, we chocolate cross over. ♪ yeah, we chocolate cross over. ♪ [ male announcer ] introducing fiber one 80 calorie chocolate cereal.
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♪ chocolate.


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