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tv   News4 Midday  NBC  February 13, 2013 11:00am-12:00pm EST

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right now a second service this morning for pope benedict. these are live pictures from the vatican where ash wednesday mass is just beginning. where's the dividing line? some people in our area will see snow tonight. others just rain. tom huron tells you where you'll see what. good morning and welcome to news4 midday. i'm keith russell. >> and i'm barbara harrison. right now no vatican city, pope benedict is presiding over ash wednesday mass, said to be
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his last public mass with cardinals as pontiff. his ceremony is beginning now with a procession to st. peters villica. the 85-year-old told his audience this morning that he's simply not strong enough physically or spiritually to continue. it's for the good of the church, he said. pope benedict will spend his final day attending a ceremony with those cardinals. now to the rain and snow headed this way. the clouds are already making it very glum outside. what you need to know with the latest storm. >> it's coming from the west. right now the storm team 4 radar showing stri ining sprinkles tr reach the ground. a lot of them not reaching the ground. the areas in white, the left of your screen, in west virginia.
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viewers watching west of westchester may have a few flakes hitting the ground there. and farther south some light rain. and then farther west of there to charlottesville. closer to washington, some sprinkles hitting the ground. probably is in northern fairfax into louden county into prince william. that's advancing to the north. that's not the main amount of precipitation. that'll be arriving later this afternoon. right now temperatures around 40 degrees. maybe a little bit warmer during the afternoon. then the changeover to snow tonight. what areas might see accumulation coming up in just a few minutes, keith. >> all right, tom. now to the breaking news we've been following this morning. things are getting back to normal after a man was hit by a metro train earlier this morning. adam tusk joins us live with the
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latest. what can you tell us? >> reporter: this all happened about 8:00 this morning. the heart of rush hour here at the gallery place station. the system just now getting back to normal, but there were big delays earlier. metro says a man, an adult male, intentionally jumped in front of a yellow line train. unfortunately this continues to be a problem on metro. this is the second time someone has committed suicide on metro. it happened at the boston station last month. last year there were seven attempts. five of them resulted in e in person dying. metro's been trying to combat the problem with a suicide prevention campaign. >> it's a campaign where we have posters, signs up in all of our stations. in every one of our metro stations you will see one of these signs. the whole point is to try and draw attention to our crisis helpline. >> reporter: metro says it's also trying to train employees to spot signs of a suicidal
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rider. things getting back to normal here at the gallery place station at this hour. adam tuss, news4. and investigators are investigating a deadly accident. this happened in new york avenue northeast. the westbound lanes are closed right now during the investigation. yesterday a 94-year-old woman cousin h was hit and killed in northwest d.c. let's take a look now at the traffic right now and see how things are moving around our area. he's danella sealock. >> good morning. checking on construction. you saw this yesterday during the commute. 214 westbound just before the beltway you'll see just the right one there. and outer loop looks nice. inner loop seeing some delays.
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you're going to see two lanes blocked by the road work there. doesn't look as slow as it did, but be prepared to stop because of that. right now law enforcement in prince georges county are training on how to respond if a targeter targeted a certain school. tony, after all the tragedy we've seen around the country recently, who else is involved in these drills besides police? >> it's not only the police department. we have sheriffs deputies here. we have united states park police and representatives from the marine corps taking part. look at the video we shot moments ago. some were showing some of the students how to run the drills here at the green valley academy. that's what they're using to do this active shooter situation. i want to bring in the head of the seminar here.
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give me a quick synopsis of what you have going on. >> an instructor training program. you mentioned some of the agencies involved. it's a three-day program. we certify them. we give them information to take home and share with their communities whether it be schools, churches, places gathering, things like that. to prepare in case this does happen. >> reporter: over ten agencies. st. mary's police department, prince georges, places all over the region. we were talking about how critical it is all these jurisdictions know how to run the same drills in case for instance two montgomery police officers show up to a scene with two prince georges county police officers. >> yes. now we share information between agencies. not only agencies within the county but bordering agencies.
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to minimize the loss of life and protect the citizens in our community. >> reporter: we appreciate the time and hospitality. keith, by the way, this is a serious situation but these officers get to have a bit of fun. these are the rounds they use. these are paint balls but they actually hurt. they make a mistake, they know it. we'll have more at 4:00 on this story. back to you. >> definitely a lot of agencies involved nowadays. we all can use the help. thanks, tony. it appears the manhunt for a suspected former officer is now over. authorities are trying to identify the body as christopher dorner. police told us they have to use forensics to identify the remains. dorner has been one of this country's most wanted men for the past week. police launched a massive manhunt for dorner who say they waged a deadly campaign to exact
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revenge for his firing. that search led to a cabin in big bear lake, that's in california. that's where they say dorner barricaded himself inside. he and officers fired at each other before the cabin somehow caught on fire. >> until mr. dorner has been identified as either deceased or he's got handcuffs on him and he's in a jail, we're going to continue as though he's still out there. we just want to make sure that all our officers and the citizens of los angeles are safe. >> police say dorner killed at least four people. it could take days or weeks for police to identify the remains found in the burned out cabin. new today, protest interrupts the senate hearing on immigration. >> i have dealt with immigration law and policy -- >> the committee will -- the committee will stay in recess until the police can restore order. police will ree order.
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everybody will be seated so as not to block the view of those behind you. >> it took capitol police little more than a minute to clear the protesters. homeland security secretary janet napolitano continued her opening statement. >> i can say without equivocation what everyone who deals with this issue knows well. our immigration system is not just broken, it is hurting our country. our communities, workers, and employers are all frustrated by a system that treats a drug smuggler the same as a high-achieving student. >> ranking committee member chuck grassley of iowa noted he was on the judiciary committee in 1981 when immigration was overhauled. he said it will be important to learn from mistakes then so they will not have to revisit the issue in the future. president obama is taking his new agenda on the road this morning including a push for immigration reform. >> mr. speaker!
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the president of the united states! >> the president spent nearly half of his annual address focused on the economy and just arrived at an autoparts maker in asheville, north carolina. but he's also saying that immigration reform is just months away from being made a reality. and he's ready to sign it into law. >> real reform means stronger border security. real reform means establishing a responsible pathway to earned citizenship. a path that includes passing a background check, paying taxes, and a meaningful penalty. learning english and going to the back of the line behind the folks trying to come here legally. and real reform means fixing the legal immigration system. to cut waiting periods and attract the highly skilled entrepreneurs and engineers that will help create jobs and grow our economy. >> the president also made an emotional plea for gun control toward the end of his speech. he highlighted recent gun violence pointing out about two dozen families in the audience
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impacted by recent shooters. they included the family of hadiya pendelton who was murdered a week after she marched with her school in d.c. he says they owe it to them to at least vote. >> gabby giffords deserves a vote. the families of newtown deserve a vote. the families of aurora deserve a vote. the families of oak creek and tucson and blacksburg and the countless other communities ripped open by gun violence, they deserve a simple vote. >> president obama did mention universal background checks and reducing magazine sizes, but primarily used the moment to rally a vote on the measures. republicans are responding this morning largely by criticizing the president's new economic initiatives. up and coming senator marco
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rubio spoke on behalf of the party saying the president has an obsession with raising taxes. >> in order to balance our budget, the choice doesn't have to be higher taxes or dramatic benefit cuts for those in need. instead we should grow our economy so we can create new taxpayers, not new taxes. so we can help those who truly cannot help themselves. >> rubio also called on the president to adopt the republican plan for medicare reform and renewed a call for spending cuts. it's 12 minutes after 11:00 now. coming up, the terrible conditions passengers are dealing with an o disabled cruise ship and when they may finally make it home. plus we continue our makeover week. a mother is here to show off her am
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right now president obama's nominee for treasury secretary is facing questions from the
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senate. lawmakers from the senate finance committee are grilling jack lew for his hearing. they will ask him about his group that received help. lew hopes to succeed timothy geithner. tug boats are slowly pulling the cruise ship back to the states after an engine fire knocked out power over the weekend. passengers report increasingly unsanitary conditions including sewage running down the walls and the floors. the company's ceo says carnival is using its full resources to help the passengers. carnival will offer a free flight home, a full refund, and future cruises. >> some people say it's the worst experience they've ever had. meantime starbucks is
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setting sail. opened on the uss boxer. the coffee shop named star boxer served starbucks coffee, tea, and smoothies. starbucks baristas came aboard the boxer to train the crew members on how to operate the starbucks machines. i mean, i guess somebody can order that coffee with extra steam. >> maybe so. so many different sizes and different ways to get it. we'll see what happens with that. storm team 4 tom huron here to tell us about the snow that may be hitting some of us? >> it's going to be some of them. not many at all. we'll have a lot of rain moving in by the afternoon. we've had a few scattered sprinkles trying to reach the ground. look at this photo of this cloud passing over maryland. this was taken by veronica johnson just a few minutes ago. it's a mammatus cloud that
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usually gives indication rain is on the way. send your pictures to that is stra toe cumulus and we we have a cloudy sky at the airport. mid-40s by 4:00 p.m. and little light rain into 6:00 p.m. maybe the rain coming down steadier by 6:00 p.m. down to the upper 30s by then. after that is when we may see a change over to snow. right now around the region in montgomery county, upper 30s. low 40s now. arlington, fairfax, most locations near 40 degrees. where they've had a few sprinkles to our south. much of southern maryland now into the mid-40s as well. and it's in mid-40s in fredricksburg and farther west. but the northern part of the shenandoah valley. it's farther west of there that
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they're beginning to see some snow showing up there in the ohio valley into western northern kentucky and southern ohio. that is coming our way out of southern indiana as well. and a few wet snow flakes showing the view up to our west. but closer to washington across northern shenandoah valley getting a few scattered light sprinkles of rain there now nap is advancing into the north and northe northern. it's that cloud that's produced the mammatus look to the sky. now as we look at the afternoon, here is the time line. does look like we'll hit the mid-40s around 1:00, 2:00. some of the rain will be steadier around 3:00, 4:00. then changing into snow until 8:00 or 9:00 or so before we'll see that changeover right in washington. but farther north and west it'll probably happen sooner. here is the timeline here looking at the wide view.
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the areas in lavender, potential noefl. not close to washington until 9:00 this evening. we'll have the change from rain into snow moving into washington. after that between about 9:00 and midnight there may be just a brief coating on the grassy areas mainly. then it will quickly move off and exit to the east and leave in its wake less than an inch. north and west of the metro area. maybe a little bit more, 1 to 3 inches western maryland and northern west virginia. then tomorrow the sun back and sun back on friday too. a little bit warmer friday near 50. then friday night into saturday turning much colder. when the cold air moves in we could have some flurries and few scattered snow showers late friday night into saturday. does not look like a big storm. then cold sunday and monday. highs only 30 saturday and sunday. morning lows only near 20 sunday morning and monday morning. reminding us, yes, it's still february.
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>> i know. i'm ready to forget it. thank you, tom. let's head out to the roads, see how things are moving. >> are things forgettable out there, danella? >> i have good news. southbound near the overpass construction was there just a moment ago blocking the right lane. but you can see now nice and clear. so it's good as you make your way north and southbound in both directions between dale city all the way to the dealtway. clear in both directions. speaking of the beltway, you're past the pentagon here. northbound lanes, nice clear trip as you continue into the district. back over to you. >> thank you so much. it's 21 minutes after 11:00 now. still ahead on news4 midday, more evidence why women who want to have children should be taking folic acid. plus a new look for a mother helping her son recover from war injuries. our valentine's day makeovers continue. i saw the prep work going on myself just minutes ago. and it's truly amazing.
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but first here's a look at what's hot on
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experts call a new study on folic acid significant in a child's development. scientists followed 85,000 children for six years. women took supplements before pregnancy and in their first trimester. they lowered their baby's chances of developing autism by 40%. the study is published in today's journal of the medical association. say the drink 4 loco needs to make major changes. now required to put alcohol facts panel on the backs of every can. it will include volume and the
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number of servings. they'll also have to change all cans containing more than 2.5 servings of alcohol so they can be resealed and don't have to be consumed in one sitting. meantime, health officials in new zealand said they won't be serving warnings on their labels. after a woman died from a heart attack. a coroner who examined the woman said the amount of soda and caffeine likely led to imambulanci imbalances that caused it. it's 11:26 now. for the next half hour of news4 midday, dramatic video of a raging fire. a local family devastated. plus a deeper look into what causes a person to take drastic measures like the actions of christopher dorner, a former police officer now suspected of killing four people. and after tonight's
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rain/snow mix, storm team 4
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right now on news4 midday, we're looking at live pictures from the vatican. the pope is scheduled to deliver his last mass as pontiff. he's not speaking currently, but he will be presiding over an ash wednesday ceremony. the pope announced monday that he will resign or step down. we should say step down at the end of the month. he told the crowd this morning in his weekly address that he's not strong enough physically or spiritually to continue in his current position. president obama is visiting an auto parts maker in north carolina right now. he's looking into -- he wants to hammer home his economic agenda which he introduced during his state of the union last night. it includes infrastructure projects, medicare, and tax reform, education and job
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training, and increased energy production. new this morning investigators are trying to find out the kaulz of this fire. it broke out around 9:30 last night the the 5300 block of stuckey road. >> reporter: in the light of day you can see the full extent of the damage. the roof has collapsed and everything inside was incinerated. there were eight people home when the blaze broke out last night. seven of them were able to get out. but 66-year-old geraldine key was trapped. despite the efforts of her relatives and crews, she could not be saved. >> how far in are you off the street? >> reporter: it was a fast-moving, intense fire. this dash cam video was shot by the volunteer fire department and shows what rescue crews had to contend with when they arrived.
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the home on stuckey road was fully engulfed in flames. trapped inside, 66-year-old geraldine key. >> it's just very sad to see her go like that. i don't know. >> reporter: stuckey road is a rural street with no fire hydrants so water had to be brought in with tanker trucks. when the roof collapsed, they had to move back. one firefighter was burned battling the blaze. keys' daughter-in-law says five generations of the family lived in this home. while too upset to go on camera, she wanted people to know how wonderful a person her mother-in-law was. she never turned anyone away. as one family friend put it, if you needed a place to stay, geraldine key would open her door.
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news4. police in prince georges county are looking for the man that shot and killed someone in fort washington. all they'll tell us at this point is someone was shot and killed just before 11:00 last night off tucker road. police won't even say if the victim was a man or woman. meantime, the university of maryland's president says changes could be coming to the school after yesterday's murder/suicide involving three students. dr. wallace lowe spoke last night at a vigil for the victims. police say green had a back of weapons including a machete and extra ammunition. one of green's roommates was killed and another was injured before green turned on gun on himself. the injured student is expected to be okay. and happening today, d.c.'s fire chief will deliver his state of the fire department speech. he'll address paramedics and firefighters at udc this
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evening. during last year's speech, a group of firefighters walked out during his speech after he proposed changing their schedules from 24 hour shifts to 12 hour shifts. but today the 24 hour shifts are still in place. and we're going to tom kierein to check on our weather. >> good morning. a little patch of blue passing over. it's a pretty small one, but we're getting a bit of sunshine here in northwest washington. cloudiness elsewhere. there is the view of the city camera downtown. getting a little sunshine there on the washington monument. temperatures climbing into the low to mid-40s. here's the view from space. it shows thin spots in the cloud cover. those areas in green. that's not the main area of rain. that's probably not going to be arriving until later today. temperatures now into the low 40s in washington. south and southwest. it's into the low to mid-40s. northwest where the cover's been
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more persistent. it's in the upper 30s to 40 degrees. and later this evening it's probably going to change over to a period of wet snow. and just a very minor accumulation mainly on grassy areas. darker blue areas out of the mountains might get on inch or two. and even there a lot of that just on grassy areas. and then tomorrow the sun comes back into the 30s. afternoon highs into the 40s. then on friday increasing clouds and mild up into the upper 40s near 50. then colder air moves in friday night. we could get some flurries friday night and off and on on saturday. saturday's highs upper 30s. down to 20 sunday morning. sunday afternoon mid-30s. still cold monday. could get rain on tuesday. that's the way it looks, barbara. we're going to check again now on the midday traffic. danel danella? >> right now checking on
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accident i-95 this is northbound near lorton. so delays, they're less than a mile right now. but it is pretty slow as you continue northbound. be aware of that making the commute in virginia. wilson bridge nice and clear in both directions. along the wilson bridge as no problems. there are a lot of unanswered questions about what led christopher dorner a former lapd officer to allegedly commit four murders. dr. yienert, police believe they found his body inside that charred cabin. they believe it's his body. they still want to go through forensics to confirm it's his body. what do you think christopher dorner is thinking as last night unfold ld assuming that's him?
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>> i think he was probably recognizing when he was barricaded in that home that he had no way out. and i think that's what he probably intended on having happen at some point. it was just a matter of when that would happen and how many people he might kill before that happened. but i think when he was barricaded in, he knew that there was no way out for him. he didn't have a stockpile of weapons or anything like that because he wasn't expecting to be in that barricaded house. so i think he knew he was going to go out and go out on his terms. it seems like from reports there was one gun shot heard before the fire broke out or shortly after the fire broke out. >> that may have been a suicidal gun shot? >> exactly. that's what i think. because he said in his manifesto that he was going to go out in death, basically. i mean that's essentially what he said in the tail part of the manifesto. it was basically a suicide note saying good-bye to all these people that he's loved and he's been a part of for his life. >> and people he wasn't a part of. he gave out shoutouts to charlie
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sheen, serena williams. the manifesto at points made no sense. does that give you a look inside how crazy he was? >> it's interesting. i took it the same way. when you read the first part, it seemed to make sense. i couldn't guarantee what he was saying was factual, but it was logical in how he was laying things out. he was articulate. then towards the end it does become nonsensical. he starts talking about the -- >> the prettiest women on earth. >> and he's given advice to news commentators about what they should and shouldn't do. to me that was an indication there was something off with his thinking but also i think it indicated that this guy is a guy who had an increased sense of himself. kind of what we would call a malignant narcissistic personality disorder. that people would care. >> that the world cares about his life to that extent. >> exactly. why would these newscasters really think what he thinks and give them advice on their jobs?
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it's ridiculous. >> why would he run to the mountains if his vendetta was to kill all the lapd officers he could and their families, why would he run into the big bear mountains? why wouldn't he stay there and try to do as much damage in that area as he could if he knew it was coming to an end? >> i think that's a great question. i don't have a great answer for that. what i'm guessing is that he probably just did this to prolong the time that he was going to be able to stay in the spotlight. keep those families that he had named in the manifesto worried thinking maybe he would be around the corner. keeping everybody on alert. and i'm sure he probably felt like okay i'm going to run away. maybe i'll evade getting caught. then i'll come back in and inflict more damage. >> the bottom line, dr. weiner in your experience, obviously his vendetta was streakily in his terms against the lapd. does a person go crazy like that based off one event?
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did he go crazy based off being fired by the lapd or is this long running? >> in the manifesto he talks about the firing from the department, he plummeted into a deep depression. his life fell apart. so i think that it is possible for somebody to feel so enraged and so angry and so vindictive feeling they are responsible for his life falling apart. if you add that on top of somebody then feeling so depressed they feel like their life has no meaning, then it's a recipe for disaster. it kind of makes me think of a suicide bomber. somebody who feels like they're so repressed and they have a bigger mission. they're going to sacrifice themselves for a bigger mission. that's what i think he thought he did. >> someone who blames someone else and took parties into his hands in the wrong way. thank you so much for giving us a look inside the mind of someone like a christopher
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dorner. >> thanks. the time now 11:40 right here on news4 midday. still ahead, the postmaster general faces tough questions from lawmakers a week after announcing saturday mail delivery service would be cut out. plus we'll introduce you to this mother. helping her son recover from war injuries. and show you her amazing transformation. her valentine's day makeover
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right now a senate panel is examining financial problems plaguing the u.s. postal service. the postmaster general is testifying right now. just last week he announced the post office will end saturday mail delivers come august. he called on lawmakers to approve more funding to prevent future cuts. >> if we had reformed the business model several years ago, we'd be in better shape today.
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but if we delay reform another year or more, we may never get back to a sustainable model and will put tremendous pressure on liquidity. >> the post office lost nearly $16 billion last year and is expected to lose even more this year. turning to business news, stocks are mixed this morning. let's check in with cnbc's kayla tausche. she joins us with that and more. good morning. >> good morning, keith. we do have the markets that are heading toward the red this morning on the back of the president outlining broad economic measures in his state of the union speech. the dow is down just about 63 points, still close to all-time highs though. the s&p is also down slightly while the nasdaq is up three points. comcast and general electric are stocks reaching all-time highs today. the cable giant is taking full control of nbc universal buying the rest of the stake for $17 billion. comcast will also pay $1.4
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billion buying the 30 rock studios. it will stream live shows as well as on-demand contact. in talks with content providers this after struggles to part with cable and satellite companies. and president obama's choice to replace tim gooitny, jack lew, is in the hot seat today. his confirmation hearing is expected to touch on his time in wall street during the financial crisis as well as his offshore investments. lew is expected to be easily confirmed. back over to you. >> all right. thank you. after being wounded in the line of duty, servicemen and women often spend months and even years recovering right here in our area. the families of those injured also end up here spending countless hours nursing their
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loved ones back to health. this week we have a special treat for some of those. a valentine makeover. today a look at how lisa harris enjoyed her experience. >> reporter: after learning about the surprise makeovers, some of the wives and mothers headed over to pr partner salon. where they were first treated to lunch from z burgers. the owner invited them and other wounded warriors families to visit the restaurant any time for a free lunch. then it was time for hair consultations. lisa harris met with pr and partner stylist jackie davis. they talked about some of the options that would be easy for lisa to manage considering all the responsibilities she has in caring for her son army specialist charles harris who is become treated at walter reed. >> my son was injured back in may. we've been here for eight months with his recovery. he stepped on an ied and lost both of his legs and wound up losing some arm tissue and
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damage to his him. >> how's he doing now? >> he's doing really well. he's very positive and dedicated to recovering and moving on with his life. >> reporter: lisa also has another child serving overseas. >> i have a daughter serving in afghanistan right now with the marine corps. >> reporter: lisa has had a lot to worry about lately. >> okay, so are you excited? >> i am. >> great. >> nervous but excited. >> so you haven't had your hair done in how long? >> it's been over eight months. >> is this your natural wave here? >> yes. >> great. it's beautiful. >> reporter: with highlights in the making in her hair, she was off to talk makeup with sherry mackerel. >> so tell me about your skin. >> u i don't do makeup at all. >> a little bit dehydrated so we're going to use moisturizers that will keep your skin hydrated. >> reporter: she said the plan would be simple. >> just a highlighter on the brow, under the brow bone. kind of gives her that lift in
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the eye. and, yeah. we're just going to feature her eyes and a pale lip. lo >> reporter: in looking for a new outfit, she said she likes the color turquoise. >> we do have a cute turquoise dress upstairs. i'm glad you like color. >> reporter: they looked at color and found some turquoise. >> something like this could be adorable with a solid colored z top. because it's beautiful with your eyes. >> now let's take a look at lisa after her makeover. and here she is. good morning. >> good morning. >> wow. you look absolutely beautiful. >> thank you. >> how do you feel? >> i feel really good. >> you do? >> i do. >> do you feel loose and ready to talk about this? and what did your son say when he saw you? >> he was surprised. he really was. >> now, have you ever had your hair done this way? >> no. >> it's beautiful.
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>> and the makeup is all new. it's a new experience for me and them. >> was it fun? >> it was. thank you. >> happy valentine's day. >> thank you. >> we were happy you were here and you were one that got to go out and get this look. how is your son feeling? >> he's doing much better. he's doing really well. he's excited about being able to start doing a bit more on his own and everything. >> what are you hearing about your daughter who's in afghanistan? >> she's doing well. i got to talk to her on chat yesterday. she's doing okay. she's enjoying what she's doing. >> well, quickly jackie, tell us about her hair. >> well, she had no color. and we felt like the aura was a little dingy and wanted to give a glow. cut the hair, did some layers. and gave her -- worked with her natural wave. >> michelle, did you have trouble talking her into doing makeup? >> no. not at all.
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she was actually sticking with lots of color theme. we actually just hydrated her skin and really gave her a beautiful pop of color on the cheek and on the lip. >> and she has some color that she's wearing today. >> she made it so easy for us. lisa said i love turquoise. so i thought immediately we've got a beautiful turquoise and green ensemble upstairs. she looks beautiful. >> she certainly does. congratulations. >> thank you. >> and good luck with your family. >> thank you very much. >> thank you so much for being with us, lisa harris. and all the goods and services provided during the makeovers were furnished by pr partners, bobby brown cosmetics, and niemann marcus. we thank them for that. coming up, how planning to spend presidents day. plus tom kierein will be back with another check on the rain that could be coming in the area.
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remember the nats were three outs away from advancing? bringing playoff baseball back to washington for the first time since '33. the quest for the world series begins today. pitchers and catchers reporting to spring training. the nationals had the best record in baseball a year ago. they'll have a different look this year. rafael soriano is the big move this off-season. the nats also traded for outfielders denard span and traded away michael morse. the allegations against gio gonzalez who led baseball in wins last year. allegations he used performance enhancing drugs. his name has been linked to a florida lab accused of providing banned substances to major league players. he insists he never cheated. he said his dad was a legitimate patient who went there to lose weight. we're headed to florida as we speak. look for reports tonight on
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news4 at 5:00 and 6:00. and the presidents are preparing. george, abe, teddy, and the new guy taft. they will race to the monument starting from here in d.c. beginning this friday. it's being called bill and teddy's executive adventure. we'll look now at some of the stories we'll be following later today. let's check in with jim hanley. >> we've got a busy afternoon coming up this afternoon at 4:00 and 5:00. the local bar offering a $1500 cocktail. what you'll find in the glass is not alcohol. and the porta potty becomes a dangerous crime scene. what agents found inside. plus tonight at 5:00, cpr lessons could become the law of the land for students in virginia. how one family says it could have saved their child. all the day's news and your first forecast on a rainy evening coming up at 4:00 and
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5:00. >> thank you, jim. time for a final check on our forecast. >> we've had a little sun break out. but the clouds are going to return. as we get into the afternoon hours, the areas in green that's rain. steadier rain by the afternoon. the lavender is snow. that's move to washington about 9:00 this evening. after that about midnight or so it should end and move off to the eastern shore. leave in its wake generally about maybe just a half inch at the most in those areas in the light blue. all on grassy areas. all melting on roads. just a light accumulation tonight. updates with veronica and doug. we'll keep you posted. >> thank you, tom. america's top dog is only about a foot tall and weighs less than 15 pounds. an affenpinscher named banana joe won this year's westminster kennel club dog show. he beat out the sheep dog who finished second. this was the final competition of banana joe's career.
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his handler said he couldn't have retired in a better way. congratulations. >> this is it for him. his name's not banana joe. it's banana split. >> oh. >> what do we give you for that one? >> da da dum. that's news4 midday. thanks for joining us. tune in later today for all the day's news. >> and we will be back tomorrow morning at 11:00 a.m. with news4 midday. hope you plan to join us for that. another makeover coming your way that's amazing. in fact, we've got two. until then have a terrific day.
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