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tv   News4 Today  NBC  April 15, 2013 5:00am-6:00am EDT

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returns have to be in. >> good morning. erin is back and so is nice weather. we had a little bit of drizzle. >> 58 degrees at 5:00 am. tom is here with with our weather headlines. >> thank you. sir. starting off this morning we have a few scattered showers around the metro area and into maryland and west virginia. moderate showers and most of that is going to stay to our south this morning. be prepared to get your umbrella. we'll have showers through the morning commute. we have wet pavement in prince north county and the district. storm team four high definition radar not picking up shower activity. to our south and in parts of north central virginia.
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right now the temperatures are in the mid and upper 50s around much of the region. that includes the nearby suburbs and near the chesapeake bay. here is how we are looking. through 10:00 scattered showers by 10:00. and by noon time 60s and cloudy. this evening in ten minutes let's look at traffic now. >> good morning. looking at the beltway right now no delays or incident is being reported. watch out for the pavement it can cause slick conditions. looking at route 109. no delays, all lanes are open. again here is 270 as you are getting off the spur onto the beltway back to you. >> the senate could vote as early as wednesday. few more republicans say they
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will support that measure. we expect susan collins and illinois senator mark kirk to vote for that. the senate will also be dealing with immigration reform this week. tomorrow a group of senators will unveil their proposal. it will allow immigrants to become citizens. >> but it does give them access to a process that will not encourage them -- >> key senators will find out the details on the bill today. >> a developing story on the korean peninsula now. the north rejected calls for talks with south korea.
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the north uses this time to show military strength. many wonder whether the north will five a test fire. jen john kerry just left the region. he promised to protect the island nation from north korean threat s said the north will tr to get them to the negotiating table. coming up. >> also new this morning, the death toll is climbing. 27 people died and another 100 were hurt. this all comes less than a week before iraqis are supposed to vote. 5:04 right now police in the s
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district need your help to solve two sex assaults. the first was on saturday at the interception at 21st and 8th streets. police say a man knocked on a woman's door and asked to use the phone. police are looking for someone who shot a person. the victim was taken to a nearby shop. >> take a good look at this woman. police in virginia are still looking for her after a week after she skipped town with her son. her ex-husband said she was supposed to drop her son off to
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him last week. inside they found a passport photo of the boy with different colored hair. >> this is a picture of a fire after firefighters arrived around 9:00 last night. we are told 40 firefighters worked to get the flames under control. the fire did engulf a house. no word on how the fire started. >> doctors worked to save two people. the fire broke out yesterday. firefighters say an elderly woman and a mannen hailed a lot of smoke. someone may have started that fire. arson dog detected something in the bed room of this home. >> arlington county leaders hoping virginia can help pay for
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a street car line. washington examiner thinks it can find money for the project. the bill raises the sales tax to pay for transportation projects. the federal government announced it will not fund that street kacar project. >> you have until midnight to get your forms into the irs. this year 94 million americans submitted their tax forms and 90% filed electronically. >> it was the video that shook rutger's university to the core. >> and not so fast, that is what many lawmakers were saying about a maryland's man's nomination. >> you may have to use the wipers
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(woman) 3 days of walking to give a break cancer survivor a lifetime-- that's definitely a fair trade. it was such a beautiful experience. (jessica lee) ♪ and it's beautiful (woman) why walk 60 miles in the boldest breast cancer event in history? because your efforts help komen serve millions of women and men facing breast cancer every year. visit to register or to request more information today. it was 3 days of pure joy. ♪ and it's beautiful
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city of chicago and the cubs have announced a ren innovation of wrigley field. it will include a new video screen and hotel.
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first video screen. that is a big deal. >> i wonder if they will play better. >> all right. 5:11 time for weather and traffic on the one's. tom is here with with your forecast. >> you can't see it in this picture. but when you step outside you will feel it. that is showers of light rain coming down from the gray sky overwashington. that is a live view showing up on storm steam four radar. these are scattered showers across maryland, the district and virginia. you have a break here across virginia where it is not much of it reaching the ground. south of frederick's burg. coming down harder. we are going to have scattered showers around for another several hours they are going to
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be with us for the morning commute. and you will need a light jacket. temperatures in the low to mid 50s. upper 50s now in the district of columbia. for the day we will have showers around for 10:00 this morning. and tonight temperatures drop back down to the upper 50s and under a cloudy sky. i'm back with your 7 day out look. >> good morning. >> traveling 267 inbound we have no reported delays. taking a live look now at sully road. route 28. no delays being reported. another look at sunset hills where things are running
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smoothly. getting reports of a water main break we'll talk about that and how it is affecting your commute next. >> coming up an answer to the big question, do men understand women's emotions? >> but first, new concerns over the japanese nuclear plant. >> man was living like
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♪ [ female announcer ] from meeting customer needs... to meeting patient needs... ♪ wireless is limitless.
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[ female announcer ] from finding the best way... ♪ to finding the best catch... ♪ wireless is limitless. welcome back at 5:15. new this morning, venezuela has elected new leader. the winner with a 50-49% victory
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over opposition leader. 300,000 votes separated the two. he is demanding a recount. he has been acting president since chavez died last month. >> nbc has learned the school will introduce eddy jordan as head coach this week. he will replace mike rice. rutgers fired him when video of him surfaced. >> confirmation could be rocky. he served on the montgomery county council. lawmakers are calling into question his actions.
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they accuse him of convincing case to be dropped. cases could have returned $200 million to taxpayers. justice department said they cleared the deal and confirmation hearing begins on thursday. >> today the supreme court will try to decide if companies should be able to patent human genes. the patents give miriad a monopoly on testing those genes. they say no company should have the right to patent parts of the human body. american university students can get an inside look at the last two presidential elections
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tonight. he helped orchestrate president oba obama's campaign in 2012 and worked with secretary of state, hillary clinton before that. >> council members will officially endorse bonds today. bonds has been serving at an interim council member. >> the football team will visit with the president today. he will honor them for their championship win back in january. it is alabama's third trip to the nation's capitol in four years. >> two rides closed this morning after employees safety concerns same up.
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space mountain and the bob sleds and the soaring over california were shut down on saturday. disney faces fines over problems. worker was injured while working on the outside of space mountain. it is unclear while working on the other rides stay closed. there is growing concerns at the fukushima plant. researchers will analyze waste management at the plant. it has been running on damaged equipment since 2011. it is expected to take 40 years. >> crews are struggling to remove a lion air jet that crashed on saturday when it was attempting to land. this morning the pilot said he
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felt the winds were dragging it down as he struggled to regain on troll. the plane will need to be cut up because it is too heavy to tow. the man who lived by himself in the woods is now a minor celebrity. christopher knight has received a marriage proposal. a stranger has offed to bail him out of jail. they say he was looking for supplies for his camp. >> this morning, runners will pause for 26 seconds of silence before the race to honor the victims of the race at sandy hook. there is also a banner that will
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appear at the 26th milemarker on the course. the midwest is waking up to more than a foot of snow this morning. the blizzard conditions caused a pile up on interstate 34. another carrying cattle. several cars were involved and there were no reports of injuries to humans or the livestock. amazing to have that kind of snow at this point in the year. >> 5:21, storm team 4 meteorologist tom klerein is in the weather center. >> here a little bit of rain. but up there, there may be another snow storm. bismarck, north dakota got 19 inches of snow. spring in the northern plains but here it is a new sprinkles of rain. showing scattered showers into maryland and the district of
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columbia. they are going to be here for another couple of hours or so. so have an umbrella handy as you head out the door. we will have these showers with us. and the rest of the day is looking cloudy. right now temperatures are in the mid and upper 50s. low 50s in the suburbs and rural areas. you will need a like jacket as you head out across the rest of the region into the mountains. now here is your storm team four, four day forecast. temperatures reaching the upper 60s to near 70 degrees. back down to the 50s. cloudy tonight. little sun back tomorrow. then on wednesday we should be
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reaching the upper 70s. thursday another mild day. afternoon highs should make it into the upper 70s. average low is upper 40s. warmer than average here. friday looking like rain and highs in the mid 70s and a strong front comes through. much of saturday triggering showers and thunderstorm s high in the mid 60s on saturday. back in ten minutes and storm team 4 radar. >> good morning. we have a water main break west virginia avenue between fenwick and mount olivet road. no issues being reported traveling on 301 route 210 or route 5.
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in maryland know delays. taking a look at metro, no delays on metro or bre. looking at a six minute delay back to you. >> 5:24. look at the national's uniforms tonight. every player will be wearing the number 42 and that is because today is jackie robinson day. the nates head to miami after a brutal weekend at home. the braves have only lost one game all subpoeeason. they need the nationals. we are two weeks into the season at the orioles are in 500. their record now 6 and 6. they are off today. >> a terp is likely headed to
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the nba. sophomore is likely to announce he is entering the nba this week. he has been praised for potential and is likely to be a top ten pick. >> and we'll find out today is georgetown's star player will be part of the nba today. porter was the big east player of the year and a first team player this season. >> australia celebrating it's first champion in the u.s. adam scott one the masters yesterday. it took two holes for him to beat the champ after they ended the day tied at nine. it is the first win over for an aussie at the masters.
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>> today is the deadline for you to file your 2012 tax returns. if you own a small business there is a higher chance you will be audited. the study looked at irs data and audits 1% of tax returns each year. >> ladies, you might not think your man understands you and now research has confirmed that you are right on that too. men struggle to read emotions. researchers showed men 36 pairs of eyes half from men and half from women. and asked them to guess the emotion the people felt. men had twice as much trouble guessing the emotion in women's eyes. >> it would be better if you
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would say it so they wouldn't have to get it. >> hallelujah. is that how this works? >> just tell us. it takes us too much time and effort for us to try and figure it out. >> still ahead, the local woman who said she wasn't allowed to come back to work because she was pregnant. >> and it is not the weather we like to see as we start the work
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right now at 5:30 all eyes are on north korea. >> at least 31 people are dead more than 100 wounded after a strict of attacks in iraq. >> and today is the day if you didn't file your income tax returns yet, you have until midnight tonight to file. >> good morning to you. welcome back. as we look outside this morning 57 degrees outside our studios. lots of clouds and rain coming
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down. good morning. starting off this morning we have a few scattered showers around this morning. a couple of bands, south of washington. towards richmond. north of there. up 95 from 66 coming inbound. it looks like that pavement is wet. getting a few showers there as we get into the afternoon hours temperatures in the region climbing to around just near 70 degrees by afternoon. and i'll have your afternoon forecast and evening forecast. that will be coming up ain ten minutes. let's check traffic.
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>> good morning, tom. looking at the beltway we have reports of a water main break. west virginia avenue is closed between fenwick street and your best alternate route would be -- traveli ining in that area. no reports of delays there. east falls church here seeing smooth conditions looking good. we are in for a busy week on capitol hill. gun control and immigration reform. let's go live with the latest good morning. >> good morning immigration bill due out tomorrow. the gang of aid that has been
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working on it. mark marco rubio made the rounds on the talkshows. >> it creates a way for us to address the millions of people that are here in a way that is compassionate and responsible. it will allow them to earn access to our immigration system. there are conservatives that are concerned that more low skilled workers will be put into the system. now let's move to gun cone troll. this new compromise that would expand background checks to gun shows and the internet. they are still trying to get support and conservatives say it
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is not going to stop criminals. susan collins the first republican saying she will vote for it. >> john kerry is coming back to the u.s. this week. kerry will visit tom and mary beth smoothinghof. their daughter was killed earlier this month in southern afghanist afghanistan. >> new this morning, nbc news confirms the aviation administration will look at the move to attach removable tail
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panels on the fufuss lodge. so tar no accidents connected to those parts. >> someone vandalized the furniture and fixtures of the chapel. georgetown is working with d police to find the vandals. investigators say five started in cars parked outside the garage around 5:00 yesterday morning. it quickly spread to the garage. police have not said if they have leads just yet and no one was hurt. >> right now dc police need your help solving two sex assaults. the first happened saturday morning at the intersection at 21st and 8th streets. the second happened on sunday in
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the 1900 block of lincoln road. if you have information call police. >> this morning, peggy young tells news4 she delivered letters and packages for ups in 2006 when she became pregnant. company sent her home and she lost her pay and benefits. >> go home, we don't have anything that you can do until you are pregnant because you are a liability. >> she sued ups and lost hercation. since then the general assembly bans companyies from doing so.
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ups says that the courts have validated that the company policy does not discriminate. >> dc governor does not plan on opening the investigation on the cheating scandal. he says he does want to find out why that investigation only focused on one school but says he cares more about scandals like this one don't happen again. this comes days after we got our hands on a memo in 2009 that said students cheated on tests. >> report by house democrats shows that most states do not track or inspect compounding pharmacies but shows boards in nearly all 50 states lack the
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expertise that they need. they require permits and licenses. there have been calls for more federal oversight. international network of scientis scientists, new form of the virus has killed 14 people. the rest of the cases have been in the eastern part of the country in the shanghai area. man had a high fear and struggled to breathe. he died 13 days later. >> facebook and the government teaming up. coming up why the two are working to keep your information safe. [ male announcer ] if you could re-design business travel from scratch,
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you'd make it about speed and efficiency; giving people the freedom
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to spend their time how they choose. chances are, you'd make business travel a lot like us. acela. take off. chances are, you'd make business travel a lot like us. good evening, this is flo. [laughs] yes, i'm that flo. aren't you sweet! licensed phone-ups available 24/7. call 1-800-progressive. if you missed the national's game check out what happened. a mascot may lay broke out on the track. they tried to get in on the fun. you know what happens then. the mascot was one of them. there he goes.
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thomas jefferson goes around there and he won the race. man, i hope no one got hurt. because that is a mess. looks like a lot of fun. i guess so. >> you get back up and you do it again. those heads have to be so heavy. >> you raise them. >> they are still pretty fast. >> let's check the forecast. tom is here now with weather and traffic on the ones. >> and we have a few showers of late rain here. some areas coming down harder. that is going to begin to move closer through the morning commute. you will be needing it for the next several hours. right now a light jacket is needed. throughout out most of the region, we will stay in the 50s here. and by noon time, should be into
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the low and mid 60s. and by noon time and through the rest of the afternoon, clouds around. i'm back in ten minutes with your storm team four 7 day out look. good morning. >> good morning, tom. we have reports of an accident northbound 95 approaching do ii dunfrey's road. this is a live look north of joplin road. give yourself extra time there. elsewhere in the region. west virginia avenue is closed in northeast dc due to a water main break. >> all right thank you. >> coming up. big concerns in one local town about how some gangs are en lifting new members. >> and a huge pushback
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well you might want to check how many frequent flier points you have on your balance. according to a new survey three out of four of us don't keep track of our points. travel agents suggest using an app or online program to manage your points. it can get confusing. but these apes will ensure that your points don't go to waste. >> a new study show s singing
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some premature babyies can improve their ability to eat and sleep. the most beneficial they were parent's soft singing and the sound of a mother's heart beat. doctors in men min ainnesot killing tumors by applying extreme cold. they say the cold kills the cancer cells for at least three months. it could help slow tumor growth. >> this morning, a new study pointing out how much anti-by ottics are being prescribed that four out of every five americans could have them in their medicine cabinet. patients could build a
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resistance that could treat infection. >> instead of changing to a different anti-by ottic when one doesn't mork they try increasing the strength to see if they get effective treatment that way. >> it is the highest in states where more are handed out. >> gangs are using social media to recruit and intimidate. gangs use social networking sites to find out where kids are hanging out and show up to get kids to join their gang. >> today doug will announce a new initiative. it will teach teens and their parents how to stay safe.
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he is the naag's president. >> 5:50 is our time. 58 degrees outside our studio. beautiful weekend to enjoy the weather and we are hoping for more. >> and there are a lot of people out. the blossoms in full bloom. you can see everything going green quickly. post your pics to our website. look at how busy it was over the weekend. gorgeous photo there. please include the hashtag love that you share your photos. because then we can share. as we look at storm team 4 radar, we have quite a bit of rain. it is creeping farther north. right now around the metro area.
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getting scattered showers. pave. but just enough to make it slick. so watch out for that. if you step out your there might be some in the next hour or two. right now in the mid and upper 50s. right now prince george county, here is how we are looking through the day today, temperatures in the 50s. mid 60s by noon time by then the rain should be cloudy during the rest of the afternoon. the rain is going to wash some of the pollen out of the air but it is still pretty high. it is going to be high tomorrow and again on wednesday the pollen counts remaining high. this is typical for our season.
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tonight cloude eycloudy. during the day on tuesday party sunny. mid 70s a small chance of an isolated shower tomorrow. it will be ten degrees above the high on wednesday and thursday. party sunny with a slight chance of a shower. could get rain on friday. highs 60s saturday and sunday. i'm back in ten minutes. now a look at traffic. good morning. >> we have an accident reported northbound 95 approaching dumfr dumfries where two lanes are blocked. do use caution there. king street northbound blocking the right lane. traveling on 270 southbound.
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we are starting to see heavy delays building there. >> 5:53 now. today family and friends will say a final good-bye to a tuskegee airman. he was 93 years old. his funeral will happen at noon at the hamlar curtis funeral home. they were the first black military fliers during world war ii. >> verizon is changing their contracts and you will now have to wait two full years to get a three or reduced price upgrade. >> this morning, signs that two of the country's industries could be turning around for the better. we have that story and more.
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>> reporter: good morning. first with the home buyer stuff. mortgage and real estate information. they are discovering conventional loans or those that ask for 10% or less. lending tree says those with 5% down payments accounted for a 5th of all offers in the first three months of this year. rebound and rising home prices which makes lending less risky for banks. they are teaming up to work on more transmissions. the systems would go into most new vehicles. both companies say they could save millions of dollars. analysts say the new transmissions could add at least
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two miles per gallon to the gas mileage. >> "50 shades of gray" is one of the most likely to be removed from library shelves. most complained about by parents and educators. number one was a children's series the captain underpant's books because of its toilet humor. >> stephen colbert, toilet humor, he will be performing before an impressive audience tonight. he is appearing for his sister here in washington. folks are paying at least $2600 to come to tonight's event. >> former president george w. bush announced the birth of his
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grandchild. congratulations. >> pop star justin bieber taking heat for comment he wrote about amne frank. he visited the museum and wrote in the guest book quote truly inspiring to be here anne was a great girl, hopefully she would have been a belebier. some call the comment insensitive. her diary chronicled her life during the nazi occupation. >> some say that was insensitive for writing that. >> maybe she likes -- i saw somewhere i read something that
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she actually was into hollywood celebrities. >> and maybe he knew that. still, sometimes you need to be a little kaurcautious. >> we'll show you more and tell you more about this video that is raising questions. >> and rain to start off the workweek. news4 today at 6:00 is next.
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new this mourning, secretary of state john kerry wraps up this trip to asia. the special stop he will make on the return home. >> plus, what police are saying about


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