tv Meet the Press NBC August 12, 2013 2:05am-3:05am EDT
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ftball. mm, how'd it happen? funny story. [silently] it's not. it's not funny. in ancient rome, women took pride in their husbands' achievements on the battlefield. in ancient rome, their husbds didt injure themselves tripping over the pony keg at third base. thanks for blowing the end of my story. anyway, soaked my shoulder in the hot tub at the gym but it's still a little sore. hot tub? jeff, you know those are bad for your sperm. nice mealtime topic, audrey. yeah, audrey, it's kind of gross. so what's up with your sperm? i think you're making jennifer uncomfortable. well, what's g going n down there? i mean, are your guys weak or is it failure to launch? i don't want to talk about my junk. jeez, jeff, it's not a big deal. they're our friends. we had a fertility test a while back and jeff's boys were a little slow. [gasps] i didn't even know you guys were trying. well, we're trying to be trying.
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the doctor gave jeff a list of things he should do like wearing l loose underwear and taking supplements and staying out of hot tubs. yeah, i've been doing most of that. i just fell off the wagon a little bit. what's a little bit? i may've forgotten to refill the supplements and when i play softball i wear tighty-whities. are you kidding? i tried wearing boxers but when i ran it felt like someone was shooting dice in my pants. you're getting retested this week. don't you want to be at your best? yes, that's why i switched to briefs. i didn't want my guys all dazed and punchy from the beating they were taking down there. es that affect your fertility? because one time when i was 12 i jumped off this diving board and landed right on my-- adam. what? i was gonna say pool toys. man, did that hurt balls. ♪ how many ways to say i love you ♪ ♪ how many ways to say that i'm not scared ♪
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a tick that isn't repelled or killed may attach and make a meal of us. get veterinarian recommended k9 advantix ii! may attach and make a meal of us. hey. did you rearrange your furniture? oh, yeah, i porn-shuied the whole office. you what? i porn-shuied it. that's where you rearrange the furniture so no one can see what's on your computer screen. porn-shuied? yeah, i i invented it. you are a very deep guy. and yet i don't mean to be. boy, imagine how successful you'd be if you focused more on work and less on porn. yeah. we'll have to imagine that. anyway, there should be no spot in this room where people can see what i'm doing. so here, you be me.
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sit down for a second. let me test this. all right. oh, god! oh, grow up. all right, i can't see the screen. good. i can't see your hands... which is important for long meetings. oh, crap. what there's a reflection in that picture and i'm getting a hint of an orgy. help me take this picture down. here, that's not going anywhere. now help me take this picture down. hi! oh, hey. what's up? well, i know you and jeff aren't having any luck getting pregnant so i brought you something. oh, god. tell me there isn't a baby in thahat bag. no, , i brought you th.
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oh, i feel bad. i didn't get you anything ugly and slightly offensive. no, it's a fertility idol. it's been in my family for years and everyone who gets it ends up pregnant. oh, honey, that's really sweet but i don't really believe in that stuff. i know it sounds crazy but ten years ago, a doctor told my cousin she couldn't have kids. she got this and two months later, pregnant with twin boys. really? yeah, her husband was pissed 'cause he had been out of town for six months but that's not the idol's fault. okay, i mean i guess it can't hurt. unless i sit on it. it's so excicitg that you guys are trying. i'm so happy for you. yeah, that makes two of us. why, you think jeff's not? come on, you heard him: the hot tub, the unrwear. plus he's missed his last two appointments to get retested. i think he's lost interest in having a kid. so talk to him. talk to jeff about his emotions and how he feels? yeah, it'd be like trying to get turnip juice from a monkey's head.
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what? it's a saying. no, it isn't. anyway, you were talking about jeff. i've just--i've learned i can't force him to talk about his feelings. i have to wait till he's ready. usually the signal's when he says something like, [imitating jeff] "hey aud, i been thinkin'-- ah, forget it." i'm hearing john wayne. it's a fine line. hello, ladies. that's just scary. hey. this one of those things that's supposed to tie a room all together? it's a fertility il. jen says that everyone who's ever g gottent had gotten pregnant. which is what we both want, right? sure. now that we're resorting to magic, why don't i have david copperfield wave his hands over my crotch? no, i know it's silllly but at least i'm making an effort. hey, i'm making an effort not to laugh at that thing. it's no stupider than your magic softball glove.
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audrey, the glove is not magic. i am magic when i'm wearing the glove. [approaching footsteps] what are you doingng in my office? oh, i'just checking some email. my computer crashed. ugh, how much porn did you download? all of it? oh, crap. there's jennifer. better get this porn off your computer. i thought you were checking email. don't be stupid. surprise! hey, what are you doing here? well, i thought i'd show you what i'vcome up with for the brochure so you could give me some feedback. oh, uh, well i got a meeting in five minutes but i guess i could take a quick look. uh, why don't you guys do this at home? because this a work adam and work jennifer thing, not a home adam and home jennifer thing. ay yi yi, i hate all four of you. now if you'll excuse me, i have to go down on some, uh...
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oh, i don't know what i'm gonna do. all right, whattaya got? well i think you are really gonna like this. so i wanted to do something exciting, something that would really set these condos apart. mm-hmm, yeah. yeah, yeah, i see where you're going here. but i'm just not sure about it. what are you not sure about? the colors. i think they're too ud fofor the client's image. well, maybe these colors could update their image. i don't think the clients want to update their image, so i think you're gonna have to just tone all this down a bit. i don't want to make it boring. jen, we're not trying to sell the brochure, okay? the brochure's supposed to sell the condos. the brochure is just a tool. i get it. a tool. jeff, come on. you don't want to be late for the doctor. i'm just having second thoughts. really? something you want to tatk about? yeah, i guess. for my fertility test, i was gonna go with the '84 vanessa williams.
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but i'm thinking '78 bo derek. what does it matter, babe? it's gonna be over in five minutes anyway. babe, it's not about the destination. it's about the journey. come on, let's go. you know, i have a really good feeling about this test. how abouyou? yeah, i think it's gonna go betetter than the othe. it's gonna be great. really? yeah, 'cause now i got pornocchio over here. let's go. i was gonna rub him for good luck, but it looks like somebody beat me to it. hey, home jen. i think i owe you an apology. oh, yeah? yeah, yeah, because today this sexy graphic designer came into my office and i was totally checking her out. oh. ha ha ha. i was talking about you, you know?
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yeah, i got it. anyway, i'm glad you had a nice day, 'cause my day kind of sucked. what? why? well, it turns out my new boss is kind of an ass face. wait, that's me. what'd i do? oh, no, no. th isn't about you. this is about work adam. oh, all right, what did he do? well, i stayed up all night designing these great brochures and he didn't say anything nice. he just insulted me. i did not. i was just running late to a meeting-- no no no no no. this is about jerk adam. oh, i'm sorry. i'm meant work adam. oh, okay, let me tell you about my day. this freelancer came into my office with these designs that i knew the client wouldn't ke and i tried to help her-- oh, you call that help? hey, you don't kno you weren't there. well, work jenold me. did she also tell you she can't take constructive criticism? wellaybe that's because she has personal problems. she's probably engaged to some ass face. why are the results taking so long?
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has to be the doctor's fault because me... i crushed my old record in there. that's great, babe. shouldn't you be a little more concerned about the results? of course and i am. that's good. yeah. it's just that lately i've been thinking... ah, forget it. no, no-no, what? tell me. well look, it's just that lately i've been feeling... whoa, chocolate kisses! sorry i'm late. oh, by the way, doc, thanks for suggestin the vanessa/bo tag team combo. that was a no-brainer. you're all theame, aren't you? hmm? anyway, i, uh, wanted to double check your results to be sure. is everything okay? welli don't know quite how to say this, but--
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well, it appears that you've got-- super sperm! the doctor actually used those words? yes, he did. it's like a koi pond down there. waitress, can you cancel my fish and chips, please? i thought your boys were slow. turns out they were just mild-mannered like clark kent. what happened to the guy who didn't want to talk about his junk? that guy's been replaced by this guy. i've got super sperm. yeah, well, that about kills the whole menu for me. well i guess you don't have to worry about the hot tub anall that other stuff. i guess not. who knows, maybe that fertility idol had some mojo after all. you knknow, that's where we're different. in my bedroom, i have an anti-fertility idol. yeah, it's called your face. [laughs]
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anyway, thank jen for me. oh, yeah, well jen and i aren't really talking. uh, we're kind of fighting about working together. uh--wait a second. now, no way. who could've seen that coming? oh, i don't know. anyone who's lived anywhere ever. you know, jen ge criticism all the time about her work and she's fine, right? i make a few little comments and she calls me an ass face. tsss, you kinda are. it's a common rookie mistake. about ten years ago, i brought audrey on as my assistant for a month. or as it turned out, the longest day and a half of my life. just a day and half? figured it was either lose a secretary or lose a wife. kicking yourself for blowing that call, aren't ya, buddy? i might get something after all. i'm just saying sometimes it's best to cut your losses. yeah, hey thanks for the advice. don't thank me. it's my duty to help.
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with great power... comes great responsibility. hey, there's my man. come on, i thought we were gonna go to bed early tonight. where you been? i just got talking to phil down the hall there. about your test results? of course. jeff, you told everyone in the doctor's waiting room. our cab driver, the door man. bill krawski in 7-b. since when do you know the names of other people in this building? since i fofound out that i had-- no, god, please don't say it again. [silently] suspr sperm. you've had your fun. you've bragged about it. now it's time to put those boys to work. you da man! [phone rings] all right, you know what? i gotta take this. yep, it's important. jimmer, thanks for getting back to me so quickly. "jimmer?" that's important?
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guess what part of me is faster than a speeding bullet? come on. jeffwe-- no. no. bingo! i'm going to sleep. hi, i'm alex. who's that? that's alex. it's alexis. nice one, alexis. it's ally. ...s-i-s-, "metamorphosis" that's correct, ally. it's lexi. alexandra elizabeth maria smith! go back to school in style with jeans and more for $10 and under. going on now. only at old navy.
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what? you're fired. huh? seriously, that's your solution? working together was bad. we need to cut our losses. fine, then you quit. i was there first. i'm not quitting. well, i'm not letting you fire me. fine, then you're not fired. good, i quit. i was just giving you constructive criticism, the kind you get all the time. well, i didn't like getting it from you. maybe we shouldn't work togeer. then maybe we shouldn't! damn it, russell was right. great, that's all we need. [sighs] ugh, god, i can hear him now. [imitates russell] i don't want to call you stupid but you kinda are. hey, you know russell won't know he was right if you make that presentation. well, i'd like to. i mean, i did do all that work. well, great. so you gonna do it as-is or with changes? i'll make your changes. i mean, you are the boss. you do know what the cent wants. and that's what i came up with. frankly, it's a little boring. we were hoping for something bolder. someing to update our image.
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really? i totally agree with you. i'm such an ass face. you kinda are. ♪ da dee da, la dee da hey, dude, i don't know if you had a hand in all this, but if you did, thanks. well, that can't be good. good as new. come on! whatappened? i broke the idol. what? jeff, that is jennifer's! i know. i'm sorry, i'll fix it. well, you better. i know you thought that idol was big joke, but you didn't have to go and break it. it was an accident! you know me.
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when things are going good, i don't chanange anything. yes, i know. i remember that disgusting mets winning streak underwear. r never should've let you wash those. it cost us the world series. now that the idol's broken, it may cost me my super sperm. oh, yeah, that would be a tragedy, wouldn't it? then you couldn't brag to everyone about it. that's not it. oh, then what is it? i guess over the last few months i've just been feeling-- ah forget it! no, no, no! just tell me. i don't wanna! just tell me how you feel! frustrated! good, why? cause i want us to have a baby and it's not happening. so you do want to have a baby? yeah, of course. why would you even say that? well, cause lately you haven't seemed so excited about the whole thing. because it's not happening and it's my fault. oh, honey. oh, lots and lots of things in this marriage are ur fault.
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this isn't one of them. whatever happens, we're in this thing together. really? yes, we are a team. we're like the mets. before or after you washed the underwear? before. come on. and you know, if breaking that idol really did ruin your streak, we better get to that bedroom quickly before you lose your, uh-- can i say it? yes. super sperm. if i let you watch, will you forgive me? it also repels most titicks before they can attach. the leading brand kills, but doesn't repel. a tick that isn't repelled or killed may attach and make a meal of us. get veterinarian recommended k9 advantix ii!
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...and a great deal. . thanks to dad. may attach and make a meal of us. nope eeeeh... oh, guys let's leave the deals to ooh that one! nice. got it! oh my gosh this is so cool... awesome! perfect! yep, and no angry bears. the perfect place is on sale now. up to 40% off. only at there's a new way to fight litter box odor. introducing tidy cats with glade tough odor solutions. two trusted names, one amazing product.
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cheese quesadilla, all you can denn's veat pancakes, the... the classic burger, the fried cheese melt. so many choices, so little airtime. the $2$4$6$8 value menu®. only at denny's. i'm here to fix your computer. [russell thinking] oh, my god. have i looked at so much porn that i somehow entered porn? better run a little test. so...what are you gonna do here today, service my hardware? yes, i am. that's my job. [thinking] damn, that was inconclusive. maybe the only way to know is to make a move on her. well, i hope you're good at your job because maybe later you and i could-- what the hell do you think you're doing? [thinking] still not sure.
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good morning. i'm john muller. >> i'm diana perez. some of the top headlines we are following on "world news now" -- a little rhode island boy, the subject of an amber alert found safely. 2-year-old isaiah perez was kidnapped after his mother and another woman were killed at his home. >> two workers at new york's jfk airport sickened by fumes from a package. several tests indicated the presence of a highly lethal nerve gas, found out to be nail polish remover. >> done ald frald trump in iowa. trump claim he is worth $10 billion. he says he is willing to spend
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whatever it takes if he runs. >> primetime viewing tonight and tomorrow night for the annual perced media shower. if you can't get outside to watch the show. nasa has a live stream. some of our top stories on this monday, august 12th. >> announcer: from abc news, this is "world news now," with john muller and diana perez. >> should be out in central park. right down the block. >> one block away. >> staring up at the meteor shower. >> the best spot to see it as opposed to inside a studio which has no windows. >> big old ceiling. >> cops would bust us f. we begin with a soaker in the west after a weekend of deadly flash floods. >> raging walters trapped drivers in there cars in colorado are being blamed for one death. the search continues for a woman who may have been swept away while others were rescued in
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dramatic fashion. abc's ginger zee has more. >> reporter: up to half food of mud caking everything in manitou springs. tense moments as flash floods invaded. we know two of the three missing have been found and we are hearing more from that guy. >> he has got to know he's better off in the car. >> reporter: 70-year-old glen dodson risking his life jumping out of his car and into the floodwaters. as he attempted to get to the nearest vehicle, dodson was saved by ben tildman who happened to be on the road next to dodson. >> he was in shock. being a medding. i know you talk them down. we are together. you are not going to get out until it's time. >> reporter: look at the river gauge. south and east of the manitou springs. in 15 minutes, 10 feet. goes up to 13 feet higher than it was in minutes from there and drops off almost as quickly. i have got bad news for areas
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slammed last week with the flash floods. we have got watches out for parts of northeastern oklahoma, you can see where three-plus inches could fall. tulsa, fayetteville. other places northwest arkansas. southwest missouri on alert this week. ginger zee, abc news, new york. >> take a look at monday weather. a day of heavy downpours in the rockies. severe storms around tulsa, wichita. thunderstorms, gulf coast, deep south, carolinas. showers and thunderstorms in the midwest. dry day in the northeast. >> 80s from boston to the new york, washington areas. 90s in the southeast. see 80s for middle of the country. mid 70s in l.a. and seattle. >> security forces in egypt put off a crack yun on tens of thousands of protesters supporting ousted president morsi. the military appointed government had been threatening for a week to clear camps where they're staying. pressure from overseas and from liberal members of the egyptian government helped avert a crackdown. >> the california teenager kidnapped buy a family friend
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has been reunited with her father. hannah anderson was rescued over the week end from idaho wilderness after four horseback riders recognized her and called police. >> an amber alert was on the television and i told my wife, i said that is that girl. we seen on the mountain. >> she was -- kind of had a scared look on her face when i first come up the trail. we didn't know if it was from the horses or what. >> the man who took hannah was killed by an fbi agent. suspected of killing hannah's mother and brother in san diego. >> a father suffering from depression killed his 9-year-old son and himself at a new hampshire ywca. it happened during a supervised visit with the boy. the father sent an e-mail before the visit suggesting he was suicidal. >> father of edward snowden is speaking out for the first time since his son revealed top secret information about u.s. surveillance programs.
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lon snowden spoke with abc news. >> as a father i want my son to come home. >> reporter: in an exclusive interview with abc's george stephanopoulos, lon snowden, the father of fuj fif nsa leaker ed ward snowden. the family lawyer says it will happen very soon. >> we have visas. we have a date which we won't disclose right now. >> reporter: the purpose of the trip to come up with the criminal defense against charges of espionage. >> what i would like is for this to be vetted and open court for the american people to have all of the facts. >> reporter: the elder snowden is not convinced his son could get a fair trial. >> when you kid many of the statements made by our leaders they have poisoned the well so to speak in terms of a potential jury pool. >> reporter: just friday, president obama had this to say. >> i don't think mr. snowden was
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a patriot. there were other avenues available. >> reporter: mr. obama outlined new measures to reform the programs snowden revealed saying he would have done it anyway. >> i called for a thorough review of our surveillance operations before mr. snowden made these leaks. >> this weekend, julian assange took issue with the administration saying reforms are being made therefore edward snowden is owed a debt of gratitude. others say he ernl harned his f charges. >> taxi passengers in norway had a candid camera moment when they realized the country's leader behind the taxi wheel. the prime minister says the point was to find out what people think. itch there is one place where people say what they think it's in a taxi. he is right about that. >> looks like brainiacs in the family are getting more parents time and money than kids who dent do well in school. a study found that parents were likely to enroll high performing
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kids in extra couric lar activities, and share meals and network with peers. parental resources are limited for the lower performing kids. this makes me a little sad. >> it sound horrendous. i only have one kid. my daughter is so cool. and she is good at stuff. so i'm quick to say let's get a lesson. get an extra piece of equipment. i can see where if i had a dud kid, bless his heart, that i don't have. i would be like. uh. >> you have one. >> want to go see a smart movie. i'd bring alexa. she is smart. >> i would feel terrible. devon is so young. in my eyes he is the smartest kid i have ever seen. want to include him. i don't know yet. this is terrible. you grew up in a family of seven. >> seven kids. >> they weren't all brilliant. did you notice a difference, or were they all brilliant? >> everybody is pretty good. a lot of competition. everybody is coordinated. pretty good at sports. i could go down the line and
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give you my order which i am not going to do. >> not on tv. >> my sister is watching she watches every night. i am sure we have our opinions. disparity wasn't that great. >> did you notice a difference with how your parents treat you'd guys? >> i wouldn't say so. they had so many kids. they just, they had their hand full. >> nobody was -- >> nobody got any individual attention. just stop doing that. it was a madhouse. >> probably something noticeable in a family with two, three kids. when you run out of time to spend time with your kids. that's it. all out the window. >> thank good alexa is coordinated and a good athlete. if he she wasn't. they would feel bad for her. you're doing it wrong. la lucky her. talk about a 12-year-old boy from north carolina. he was smart enough to be recognized, or to recognize a diamond in the rough literally. great story. michael detlap on vacation with his family. at arkansas crater of diamond
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state park. kicking around 10 minutes in the dirt when heap hits pay dirt. 5.16 carat honey brown diamond. deflaf surprised rock identification people at the park. >> when i brought this rock out of the bag the guy who is there, he just, bug eyed basically. and he said, hang on a second i need to take this back to the back room. so then, people start coming from everywhere. they're like, yeah, a big diamond. >> i dent knon't know. hardly the largest stone ever found there. a 40 carat rock found 90 years ago. appraisers say it can be cleaned and shaped, the diamond can be worth $15,000. >> hoping that the diamond is back with him and not at some. >> it is. it is. let me take this into the back. >> and we were at our state park. >> no, got it back. yeah, a great kid. now they were good. >> i need to go there on
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vacation. >> they find a lot of diamond there. >> that is my next vacation destination. >> no kidding. all right, no other way to say this. an amazing kachl catch on a dia our favorite story of the day. takes place in vermont. >> on a whiffle ball diamond. not a baseball diamond. guy in the outfield making a miraculous catch to end the game. check this out. yes. >> wait a minute. >> have off to see that again. >> in slow motion. >> there we go. one more time. oh. no! >> remarkable. awesome. >> played on a scale model of fenway park. home of the red sox. >> part of a whiffle ball tournament that raises money for spinal cord research. great play for a good cause. my brother and i played 10,000 hours of whiffle ballen my backyard. we were great at it. if it was a pre sport we would have made the pros. >> anything as good as that. >> we didn't have a stadium. if we hit it over the telephone line. a home run.
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>> watch him. wow. want to see when we comes back out with the ball. the moment he comes back out with the ballen his hand. no, i caught it. >> robbed. great swing! >> oh, man. >> whiffle ball rules. ever played? >> never played. >> i understand it is easy. the hollow bat, hollow ball. >> yeah, the ball, hit submarine pitches. curves. does a lot of things. advanced level whiffle ball. >> not as easy as it looks. what i played in gym class. >> gets a little tougher. in my backyard you would be in trouble. put the chair. whip the thing. hit the chair. >> not interested in playing that whiffle ball. no thanks. >> still to come. we told you abut the dramatic rescue of the teenage girl in idaho. >> hear from the men and women who helped officials find her. sharp eyes, in to eggs and experience may have saved her life. >> if you are taking a late summer vacation. good news. gas prices are going down. tell you about it. you are watching "world news now."
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♪ gasoline >> announcer: "world news now" weather brought to you by lysol toilet bowl cleaner. so you want it to be the cleanest. that's why you need lysol. because when you use bleach, some stains are left behind. as this dye reveals. lysol toilet bowl cleaner does more. it removes the tough stains that bleach doesn't, and it also disinfects. so why just bleach? with lysol you can do more. that's healthing. and for a clean and fresh toilet with every flush, try lysol no mess automatic cleaner.
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prices are falling. the national average for a gallon dropped to $3.56 down a nickel from last week. and there may be even more relief at the pump by autumn. prices falling to $3.40. gas prices are going down how do you feel about that? >> that's a good thing. it's great. tired of paying high prices. >> think it would be amazing. if it goes down it would be great. great thing for me. i would come into the city more often with my car. >> reporter: the reason for the dip. aaa says crude oil prices are lower putting downward pressure on gas prices. if there are no hurricanes this season to threaten refinery production prices are expected to stay the same or fall more. the good news keeps on pouring in. after three years of rising prices the gas average for 2014 is expected to be $3.37, the lowest national average since 2010.
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we have been hearing a lot about the dramatic rescue of the 16-year-old hannah anderson in the idaho wilderness. >> it may have never happened if not for the tip from horseback riders who happened to run into hannah and her captor, james dimaggio. this morning hearing their amazing tale in their own word. >> well, when we got up on the moun t mountain that morning. we hadn't been to the lake fishing in a while. that wednesday morning we rode in.
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set up camp, rode in. mike here was the first one to encounter the two hikers. >> i just asked him where he was headed. he said he was going to the salmon river hopefully. but they were headed the wrong direct tugs gion to get to the river. that was one red flag for me. he had a backpack. she was wearing sweats, pajamas. regular top. not long after i got, she turned was trying to look the other direction. i was mainly concentrating on him. but she was -- kind of had a scared lack on her face when i first come up the trail. we didn't know if it was from the horses or what. but then when i turned and talked to him a little bit, i just didn't, just had a gut feeling about him. >> then when we went to the lake. they showed up at the lake. there was just like a -- a square peg going into a round hole. they didn't fit. he might have been an outdoorsman in california, but he was not an outdoorsman in
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idaho. he didn't fit. >> they had a tent set up on a big dry ridge out there which was really strange. >> in that time he had moved closer to her. and it looked like he had his arm around her waist. and they did not want to talk with us. >> he was off to the side of the trail. petting a gray cat. >> what? >> petting a gray cat. i made a comment then. i said what are you doing with a cat in here? cats are only good for wolf, to bring the wolf in or bring in a mountain lion or something. and he just, he just kind of grinned. didn't say much more. had a little smirk on his face. >> i spock to him also, i said what the heck are you doing out here? he said well last year it was her turn to pick a place. and she wanted to go to los angeles. and hollywood. and i went. he says that's why i picked this place.
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and so, we left it at that. >> we got home thursday evening and i put all the horse as way. took care of the live stock and everything. and we went into the house. and the news flashed on. and the amber alert was on the television. and i told my wife, that is that girl we seen on the mountain. >> thank goodness they did. and one of the writers described seeing her. they know the back country. one in a trillion. >> chances of being able to spot them. a couple other things you didn't hear them say. they were also talking about that didn't make a lot of sense. aside from the fact she was wearing, pajama bottoms or sweat pants. probably what she was kidnapped in. he was unpreparred to be in this rugged terrain. >> day pack rather than a big pack. >> they set up two-person tent. >> sneaker rather than hiking boots. >> set up a two person tent, a
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george. >> could be some one who has had the very same job before. here's abc's david muir. >> reporter: a young prince william holding his nanny's hand seen here in 198 #. lon done abuzz whether the same nanny may soon be holding prince william's little prince. newspapers reporting prince william has reached out to ask but no official word from the palace. royal baby, prince george, now 20 days old seen here in his father's arms. if true prince william and duchess kate would be getting help from the very experienced nanny, jessica webb, 71 years old, never married, never had children of her own but cared for them like they were. she is kidding coming out of retirement to take the job. royal observers long said she protected the princes william and harry from their parents bitter divorce. one celebrating her no nonsense approach saying she was the one children to bring cheer into the household. over the years she has kempt in touch with the princes and ape guest at william's birthday and
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the royal wedding two years ago. william said to be a favorite of hers. she thought he was too thin at times and would fill the fridge with bacon and donuts. william and kate don't have a full staff but haven't ruled it out one day. there is precedent. >> in the very old days there used to be nanny, assistant nanny, nursery maid and nursery footman. will the steady hand soon be back to help with the newest royal baby a few weeks old. david muir, abc new, new york. >> what a cutie pie. >> recently as ten day as go the royal couple saying we are going to do this alone, not get a nanny. now having second thoughts. >> well, you bring a baby home. >> oh, my god, i'm mrs. doubtfire, mary poppins. >> you would be an excellent nanny of the british type. hop across the pond. >> get over here! >> my goodness. if any body. >> i didn't do anything.
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>> the amber alert was on the television. i told my wife that is the girl we seen on the mountain. >> this morning on "world news now," a chance encounter and a sharp eye lead to a dramatic end to a nation wide hunt for a teenage girl and the man who kidnapped her. also this morning -- >> i would spend whatever it took. why not? what difference does it make. if you do it you have to do it right. >> donald trump testing the waters of a presidential run. what he thinks of a hillary clinton candidacy and how much he is willing to spend to win. >> the mystery of mona lisa how science will uncover clues about the woman who inspired one of
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most historic iconic paintings of all time. it's monday, august 12th. >> announcer: from abc news, this is "world news now" with john muller and diana perez. i would look to know who the mona lisa is. >> first time i saw the mona lisa, i was disappointed. >> this big. >> this big, people. might be a little smaller. you can't take any pictures of her. they're look hawks watching you. you go around in a little circle. see her. the size of an 8 x 11. that's it. >> imagine a giant portrait on the wall. you are like, huh? >> i could barely. you know what else i was like that with, liberty bell in pennsylvania. >> underwholeelming. >> i went to independence hallment i got choked up. is that nerdy?
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>> it happened at valley forge park. you see the huts where they fought. >> actually my daughter, saw the liberty bell. cool, right? >> she was like, yeah. yeah. >> 20 years. >> take her to the mona lisa. should we get to it. >> serious stuff. teenage kidnap victim, hannah anderson and her father being reunited in idaho after the ordeal that is finally over. >> we are hearing for the first team from hero horseback riders who helped end the multistate search. the teenager is safe thanks to four alert horseback riders in idaho. wednesday they crossed paths with anderson and her abductor, 40-year-old james dimaggio. >> she kind of had a scared look on her face when i first come up the trail. when i turned and talked to him a little bit. i just, had a gut feeling about him. >> reporter: that something was very wrong, suspicion confirmed by a tv news alert one day later. >> and the news flashed on. the amber alert was on the
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television i've told my wife, i said that is that girl we seen on the mountain. >> reporter: they called police. a posse of 200 law enforcement officers jumped into action. a plane spotted the fugitive and kidnap victim. an fbi rescue hostage team dropped from a blackhawk helicopter and hiked two hours closing in on the suspect. the fbi will not say what happened next except dimaggio was given every chance to surrender before he was shot. hannah was safely rescued thanks to a group of outdoor enthusiast whose sense she'd might be in danger. >> for us to be there at the precise team to interact with them is one chance in a trillion. >> incredible story. >> incredible story. >> lot of red flags actually when the horseback riders were finally talking to police. they said things were adding up. wearing pajama bottoms. >> he had a day pack. not a real pack. >> he said might have been an outdoorsman in california he was
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not an outdoorsman in idaho. especiallien thy ein this terra. people go in. hike and camp for days. to see the two people. who didn't have hiking boots on. pajama bottoms on. he was barely wearing hiking gear. they knew right away there was something amiss. >> i hike the a culture of hiking. you see somebody on a trail middle of nowhere, you go, hey, how are you exchange a quick like pleasantry. they were looking down. just got a strange feeling. >> strange. one of the horseback riders' wives wanted to go back and talk to hannah. she thought something was a lit al miss. the male horseback rider said don't go near them. something was off. they could tell something was different. >> it worked out. they're awesome. >> thanks to them. moving on to this. police say a 2-year-old boy kidnapped from his home has been found in good health. little isaiah perez was found wandering around a housing project in providence. the search for the child began after the body of his mother and
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another person were found inside the home. two men have been arrested for murder. and kidnapping. >> father something of from depression killed his 9-year-old son and himself at a new hampshire ywca office. the tragedy happened when the man was having a supervised visit with the boy. now to colorado efforts to find a woman missing since a fast moving mudslide friday are going to resume at day break. the mudslide killed one other person and destroyed six houses. a 70-year-old man found himself stuck in his car amid a torrent of rain and debris. luckily though the man who saved him knew what he was doing. >> he was in shock. being a medding. i know that you talk them down. we are together. you are not going to get out of my car until it is time. i am going to take care of you. >> wow. two people were reported missing after the mudslide. they've been located. the whole thing happened in an
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