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tv   News4 Midday  NBC  August 12, 2013 11:00am-12:00pm EDT

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[ cheers and applause ] whoo! all right. all right. >> hello and welcome to "the view"! joining us as special guest co-host, please welcome "dancing with the stars" karina smirnoff! [ cheers and applause ] >> thank you. thank you. >> owe so before the show, you told us that you have been engaged to be married once or twice. would you believe in giving the ring back. which i think is fantastic. why? >> when a guy gives you a ring it's a promise that you will be married forever.
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if it doesn't work out, it's not yours to keep. >> a gift is a gift. [ laughter ] >> spoken like a truman. yes. >> so you've been engaged a few times. but not married. >> well, i still believe in a fairy tale, i believe there's the right person for you. i learned a lot from those experiences, i think the first 12 or 18 months -- >> runaway bride. [ laughter ] >> the first 12 to 18 months, you market yourself, you want to be liked and loved. and it goes both ways. and after a while, you start to see the real thing. and that real thing sometimes is not what you thought it was going to be. >> karina, from hanging around you, karina can look at a man, then he goes, i want to marry you. like -- [ laughter ] >> you got that big old rock. and now you don't get married.
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how do you do that? >> does he have to dance? >> i prefer if he's not a dancer, you want someone from another field, that you can talk about not just the cha cha cha. rhythm is important. rhythm is important. [ laughter ] >> you're writing a book. >> yes. i've been talking to my girlfriend after every relationship that didn't work out, and asking where did i go wrong, i want to put that in a book, those are the lessons that hopefully make us better. >> give him a lesson. >> well, i think for the most part, women are very good at believing their own stories in life. you know, we want the perfect relationship, and we start building it in our head, and then by the time i'm done with my fairy tale, it's perfect. >> it never messes up. >> no. >> and the reality is different. i think we have to be honest with ourselves, first and fore
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more. >> foremost. >> foremost. thank you. >> i think that's probably right. but you have to be honest with yourself from the giddy up, i mean every day. you have to know who you are, so when you see the guy, you look and you go, oh, not him. and then you discover later on, that that is the one. because that's the one who was honest and up front with you. and you turned -- it's like dustin hoffman said, we see people, he sees people, then he never spoke to them, because they didn't fit his ideal. >> women, also, they put this thing on their list of things, this wish list of things that they want. and i know when i got married, my girlfriend niese nash introduced sal to me. i was saying no, i want this and this. she said don't date for your preference. what's your priority? you need somebody who is going to say i'm going to the doctor with you. and sal is all that. and he's got a lot of rhythm, too. he did the first stuff. [ laughter ] >> that's important. >> very important. [ laughter ]
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>> i think women got to look at what do you need in a relationship, not what is all the stuff i want. >> sex all the time. [ laughter ] >> you talk about all of the things, but the bottom line is do you want him? do you want to go to bed with him? >> that's important. [ laughter ] >> priorities, barbara. do you want him, do you want to go to bed with him? >> that has to be there somewhere. >> knowing that that's not going to last for 30, 40 years. and that whoever you marry, you better be able to talk to them. >> that's right. >> for the times when you're going through the change, and guys never understand it. don't touch me when i'm hot. [ laughter ] [ applause ] >> you got a lot of men over here, whoopi, going, the change? >> the change is we go from one thing to another. and sometimes we -- you know, it's harder. it's very difficult, sometimes. and men don't understand.
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>> sex. >> you're say sex and you're saying the change. are you talking about menopause? >> they are connected. >> they are connected, because sometimes no matter what your head for sex has been, sometimes you go through that change, and chemically, you start to alter, and guys have to know, that this is real. it's not, i don't want to go to bed. it's like you are too heavy for me. [ laughter ] [ applause ] >> that's why they look for younger ones. >> that's indicative of their change. >> they have viagra now, it never ends. [ laughter ] >> they have viagra now, it will never end. >> it won't end happily, is what you mean. it will end. because they say with the viagra, if your erection lasts 17, 18 hours, go to the hospital. >> yeah. >> you know, if you 90 years old, that's not a good sign. [ laughter ] >> a man married for seven years told an online advice column
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that he cannot have sex with his wife unless he fantasizes she's someone else, and he asks if this means he doesn't love her. the column said all it means is that he's found a way to keep their sex life fresh. >> right. >> when you read these columns, it says you should fantasize. if you're with him and not that excited, fantasize he's somebody else like -- i can't think of somebody right now [ laughter ] >> who's that guy, gabriel burns, you love gabriel burns. you don't fantasize about him? >> no. >> no? [ laughter ] >> what about rob lowe? rob lowe is coming up. see, rob lowe. [ applause ] >> how about colin powell, he's hot. yes? [ laughter ] >> clear that up. >> i love barbara.
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[ applause ] >> he is wonderful. >> yes, he is. it's just a fantasy. >> i don't believe you. [ laughter ] >> i tried to think of the classiest man i could. >> fantasize about somebody. >> colin powell. >> yeah, but barbara, we read the book. okay? [ laughter ] >> hey -- [ applause ] >> i knew i should have taken today off. >> it takes -- >> can i just clear that up? >> yes. >> i think colin powell is just an absolutely wonderful man. he has a very happy marriage. and we have never gotten beyond -- >> too much, barbara. [ applause ] >> got to go, babe. got to go. [ applause ] >> so what about this? >> change the subjects. >> i'm getting ready to. >> the wife of brooklyn nets star andrei kirilenko says she
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knows how many women throw themselves at male athletes, so she gives him permission to cheat once a year! he claims he's never taken her up on the offer. >> i have two questions for him. does he think she should do the same? >> no. no. >> no. >> and does she hope that he's going to say no, honey, i don't want to? >> one thing -- the thing about it, when she lets him, here's the problem, good for you, hope it works. but i think you open up a huge pandora's box, what if he gets with a woman better than you? and i think as time goes on, it's like a drug. one woman is not enough. then you start wanting more, so it's -- >> she is not on birth control pills and he isn't wearing a condom. >> well. >> what if she -- he doesn't use this year and he says can i do two? [ laughter ] >> he hasn't taken her up on it yet.
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we have to say that. >> i don't even know what to say. we're going to go and come back. you know we have to talk some more. yes. [ cheers and applause ] >> announcer: still ahead, "parks and rec" star rob lowe is telling you why he and matt damon were comparing speedos and what his teenage sons think of his past hit movies with the brat pack! [ cheers and applause ]
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vamanos dusty! the fans await! roger that. so, el chu... what do i do? i've never done this before! just smile and be yourself! oh! it's dusty crophopper! over here! dusty!!! hey! aaaaaagh! wow! so many fans! dusty my friend, don't let it go to your head. you have to stay humble... like me! aaaaaaaah-ha-ha-hiiiiiiy! fly into target for everything planes. ♪ i see you made yourself breakfast. how'd you know?
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[ female announcer ] zero to pizza. pronto. but lately she's been coming in with less gray than usual. what's she up to? the new root touch-up by nice'n easy has the most shade choices, designed to match even salon color in just 10 minutes. with the new root touch-up, all they see is you. designed to match even salon color in just 10 minutes. dare to whisper. color whisper lipcolor from maybelline new york. sexy, sheer color with a whisper soft feel. no oils, no heavy waxes. color whisper, sheer, soft color.. maybe it's maybelline. backflips and cartwheels.mile? love, warmth. here, try this. mmmm, ok! ching! i like the fact that there's lots of different tastes going on. mmmm! breakfast i'm very impressed. this is a great cereal! honey bunches of oats. i hear you crunching. hey! totally got it all!m! don't forget your favorites, girls. hey girls! the good ol'days when we could eat as we wanted. yes, but we are not 18 anymore. sometimes if i eat as i used to
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my digestive system gets out of whack. it's not easy keeping it working as it should. it's easy if you enjoy an activia everyday. mmmm... delicious! with the exclusive probiotic bifidus regularis, activia helps regulate your digestive system. put a smile back in your day! ♪ activia ♪ dannon [ cheers and applause ] we are back with our guest
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co-host, the fabulous karina smirnoff. joy, let me set you up. [ cheers and applause ] >> during the break, guess who called? mrs. colin powell, she wants to talk to you. [ laughter ] >> she said something outside. >> we won't let you off the hook. >> you are so mean. >> that's righght. [ laughter ] >> she is outside. she's like this -- [ laughter ] >> you know, joy -- >> you know, whoopi, i know a little bit about you. >> whoo! >> okay. >> you know who i've been with, so does everybody else. [ laughter ] >> you don't know how often, because nobody knows. [ laughter ] >> one of them talked. >> one of them talked a lot, but you know what, many of them have talked. [ laughter ] >> but you know what, i got poison for them. yes. i got some poison for them. >> that's it. >> now, listen, you shot some very revealing video of sherri
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recently. >> yes, i did. >> what the hell? >> well, people ask what's going on backstage where some of us are in a segment and some are not or there's a long commercial, then we go backstage. well, the other day i'm backstage with sherri, i took out my video part of my ipad, and i shot this footage. look at this. this is what she was doing. [ laughter ] [ applause ] >> look at those legs. >> moisturizer. >> she's priming a chevy, the girl. [ laughter ] >> look at the crickets sounds she could be making. [ laughter ] >> look at her. >> the thing was, it was like they were ashy. i was so tired after doing all that. [ laughter ] [ applause ] >> people don't know that one time barbara was getting tattoos. >> tattoo?
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what? >> i thought you said she went out with tattoo. i did not know that. i read the book. >> if you were with us backstage, you would be with us backstage, the things you would see would be crazy. >> how about this, there was a recent online article in the new york times, that looked at how more female college students are taking the lead in the so called "hook up culture," looking for sex on campus, rather than getting involved in a relationship. what do you make of this? people seem to find this amazing. >> will you respect me tomorrow, do you snrm. >> no. i don't remember. >> i grew up with, you know, you won't respect me tomorrow. and so i didn't do it. >> i agree with you. >> but the morality, whatever, they don't consider having intercourse as sort of the ultimate or, you know, you have to go out with them. >> the pill.
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that threw that out. the sin of -- because you know, if you got pregnant, not quite our day, but our day, you know, people disappeared you. and then suddenly you showed up. and you had your cousin's mother's sister's aunt's baby. [ laughter ] >> the thing about that, i think with these college women, nobody can stop you from doing what you want. if you want to be like the guys, and you want to be on campus, and have the same -- do the same thing. but what you can't do, i don't think, is rewire how men think. and men think that, you know, men think i'll get with you. but i'm not going to marry you. that's what you can't change. >> i don't think they are looking for that. they are looking for sex. they are looking to have sex. and to get out, and go finish what they have to do. >> that's what i'm saying. if you want that, you can get that. at the end of the day -- >> you ever been with a guy you just wanted to sleep with him sdpnt want to marry him? >> yeah. [ applause ] >> i'm sorry. [ laughter ] >> people, i think y'all are lying. [ laughter ] >> you wanted to sleep with him,
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you didn't want to wake up with him. >> sometimes you got to get a hit and run. it's like okay. [ applause ] >> hit and runs do some damage, there is collateral damage. >> i don't think there is, sherri, because you wanted to get married. your marriage -- that's your thing. you love being married. i didn't love being married. that wasn't something i wanted. and so sometimes i get a little horny and call up a friend, can you come over? come over. have some fun. and then go home. [ applause ] >> can i say something. it took you three times of being married to figure out i don't like being married. >> that wasn't the reason. the reason i kept getting married. i wanted to feel like i was normal. because people kept making me feel like there was something weird about me. because you know, that i had this career. and how could i do those things and go make -- so i thought if i married them, they would be more comfortable. and we'd be able -- and the
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truth of the matter is look, i was this, when i met you. and if you can't respect that, then you're not respecting me. if you're not respecting me, i can't be here. >> like elizabeth taylor, she kept getting married, also. >> in those days, if you wanted to live with a guy and have sex with them, you had to get married. >> yes. >> that's the trouble standard. women are in a different place nowadays. >> wow. >> ramifications. >> when you're 19 or 20, you don't want to hook up for the rest of your life, because between the years of 20 and 35, you change 20 different times. >> you have had these engagements. what are you-y. >> i want to be married. i want to have a family. but i want it the right way. i want the right guy who will be supportive. >> what's your idea of the right guy? >> somebody who is my best friend and will grow old with me and share the experience of life. >> do you have relationship issues? >> i love being in a
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relationship. >> so you broke up with your guys. >> you know, it's not a or b. it's very mutual. like when you get to the same place, and you realize, you don't want to continue on the same road together. get out. >> yes. >> you should follow joy's example. she is my role mod sgll wait 30 years. >> 30 years she loved with him. and then finally she said for taxes, i think. right? [ laughter ] [ applause ] >> marry him for taxes. [ applause ] >> we moved in together in 2001. i met him in 1981. so i did not live with him for 20 years. i lived with him for 10. and i wanted -- i didn't want to live with him all those years, because it kept the relationship hot. when he was there and i lived here. it was like hey! the moment you're in the house together you're sharing the bathroom. now it's like -- now i'm on
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vagosam. what can i tell you? >> wow. we'll be right back, with the amazing rob lowe, who you know has something to say about all of this. yes. >> still ahead, barbara's catching up on some little things she never had the chance to when celebrity chef rocco dispirito helps her learn how to make the perfect omelet! [ cheers and applause ] hey, it's me, progressive insurance. you know, from our 4,000 television commercials. yep, there i am with flo. hoo-hoo! watch it! [chuckles] anyhoo, 3 million people switched to me last year, saving an average of $475. [sigh] it feels good to help people save... with great discounts like safe driver, multicar, and multipolicy. so call me today. you'll be glad you did. cannonbox! [splash!] so i can't afford to have germy surfaces. but a fresh sheet of bounty duratowel leaves this surface cleaner than a germy dishcloth.
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it's durable. and it's 3 times cleaner. so ditch your dishcloth and switch to new bounty duratowel. [ horn honks ] kevin! toaster strudel, yah? ♪ warm, flaky, gooey toaster strudel. are so divine. more divine than this? oh yah. well what about... [ shopper ] sharon!? [ female announcer ] new skinny cow divine filled chocolates. 3 pieces just 130 calories. find us in the candy aisle. day prepped. schedule kept. contents arranged.
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[ cheers and applause ] from the tv sit-com "parks and recreation" to one of this summer's most enjoyable movies "behind the candelabra," this man makes everything he's in even better! and is he sorry he's on today, because he was listening to our "hot topics." [ laughter ] >> i wonder what he has to say. please welcome rob lowe! [ cheers and applause ]
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>> you look fabulous. [ cheers and applause ] >> how are you? [ cheers and applause ] >> thank you. >> this is the best seat in all of entertainment right here. >> would you like to comment on anything that we should not have commented on. >> well, i just want more details on your hook up with colin powell. [ laughter ] >> no. [ applause ] >> right? >> i told you, i am a serious journalist. >> and i say, barbara, that's so last century. [ applause ] >> i'm going to stick with it. you are so busy. and you're so cute to come on here. joy said, you're on, you have nothing to plug. >> i just come here to hang. well, because i might also get a hook up. [ applause ] >> it's in the air. >> who knows, you have a good audience. >> there's always the possibility. right?
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>> so, behind the candelabra, i mean, you were almost unrecognizable as this creepy plastic surgeon. >> dr. startz. >> what? >> dr. startz. >> whoo! >> liberace's -- he was liberace's plastic surgeon. >> yes. >> so, did you portray anyone? did you -- [ laughter ] >> how did you get your eyes like that? >> well, my eye, the look -- dr. startz is a real guy, i did my own version of him. i did no research. >> we'll show it. >> i want you to make scott look like this. can you do that? >> i see. oh yes, i think i can do what you want. he's going to need a nose job. i'm going to have to restructure his cheekbones and his chin with silicone implants. but it's not impossible.
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>> but first we got to slim him down. i have a terrific diet, the california diet. guaranteed loss of 15 pounds in four weeks. [ laughter ] [ applause ] >> you are creepy. >> matt damon and michael douglas playing liberace and his boyfriend. where did you come up with that look, the hair, the whole thing? >> well, i sort of modeled him after these types of guys you would see at the laker games in the mid'80s, eefts coast transplants came to california and went off the reservation. >> yes. yes. >> and sampling their own wears maybe, a little too much. and then the voice was a little bit of sort of men's warehouse, you're going to like the way you
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look. [ laughter ] >> and watching you behind the candelabra i'm sitting here there had to be times with michael douglas, his voice, and with matt damon the way he looked, you guys had to be laughing all the time. >> oh, matt and i in particular got -- he finally just stopped looking at me. yeah. literally the last few days of my shooting he just turned away. [ laughter ] >> and in that scene at the beginning, when i show up, even in that take, you could see him looking away from me. [ laughter ] >> you must have had a laugh. >> we had so much fun. and steven soderberg directed it. this shows you what actors can do, when a director asks you to bring everything you've got, and the part isn't limiting what they want you to do. they say be the best you can be. because that doesn't happen all the time. so when you get that opportunity, you can really swing for the fences. and that's what we were all trying there. >> michael douglas and matt
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damon get through that sex scene without cracking up. >> isn't that amaze something. >> that was very -- >> you know they were like -- really? >> i saw an early cut of the movie. people say what is it like? you know you've seen something, when you see gordon gecko getting it on with jason bourne. [ laughter ] [ applause ] >> you know -- >> now you're in a whole other direction, because you're going to be playing president kennedy. >> yes. >> in the bock that bill o'reilly wrote. "killing kennedy." so we see you in the same pose, but did you try to -- that very famous portrait of john kennedy. but did you try to do the voice, the boston accent? >> well, the thing is, you know, look, we all -- he's so emblazoned in our consciousness, that you have no choice, but to look like him, and to try to sound like him. for me, it's not about doing a great imitation of him. it's about doing a great
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inhabitation of him. and to make him a man, to make him, you know, someone -- because he's such an icon. at the end of the day, he was a father. a brother. a son. and all of these things, that -- and that's what i'm trying to do with my portrayal of one of my idols. >> must have been hard to do, because you are doing someone everybody recognizes. >> yes. i was sort of under an illusion, there would be the amount of pressure i realized after i said yeah, i'll do it. everybody said you better get the accent right. >> you practiced it in front of your kids? >> i did. my sons weren't happy about it. i had to do a lot of prep to get it right. >> really? >> and my sons -- yeah. those are my boys and my wife cheryl. >> big boys. >> they are getting older. yeah. they suffer me. i'm an actor. when i'm working out a
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character, i work it out with them. >> if you'll stay here a little longer. >> i'm happy. i'm not going anywhere. >> we'll be right back with rob lowe. [ cheers and applause ] can it get any cleaner? [ steam hisses ] actually... guys! [ female announcer ] can. introducing swiffer steamboost powered by bissell. it gets the dirt that mops can leave behind with steam-activated cleaning pads that break down dirt and lock it away. how did you get this floor so clean? ♪ steamboost, sir! [ female announcer ] new swiffer steamboost powered by bissell. not just clean, steamboost clean. that's why i eat belvita at breakfast. it's made with delicious ingredients, then carefully baked to release steady energy that lasts. we're golfing now, buddy! i got it! belvita. steady energy. all morning long.. [ female announcer ] and now introducing new belvita soft-baked breakfast biscuits. made with delicious ingredients and whole grains,
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they'll give you 20% of your daily fiber... and a new way to get nutritious morning energy. available in mixed berry and oats & chocolate. ♪ yer always after me lucky charms! whoa. i forgot how good these taste! [ lucky ] ♪ they're magically delicious [ female announcer ] volume without fear of clumps. covergirl clump crusher. big green brush, curved to crush. 200% more volume. zero clumps. clump crusher from easy, breezy, beautiful covergirl. they're going back to school. and payless has a big sale for that! [ male announcer ] hurry in for a great selection of back to school shoes. women's start at only $16.99. kids' only $9.99. everybody loves to payless. disa"hel"ry lht liquidy $16.99. kids' only $9.99.
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for every shade of you. as soon as you feel it, weigh you down? try miralax. it works differently than other laxatives. it draws water into your colon to unblock your system naturally. don't wait to feel great. miralax. take the miralax pledge to feel better sooner. get a reward like a beauty treatment, a dance class or a $5 gift card with purchase of a specially marked pack. go to for details. this is lee from ohio. >> rob lowe when "the view" returns on abc.
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"the democratic party of virginia sponsored this adad." ken cuccinelli is on a mission. he wants to overturn roe v. wade, in virginia, to make all abortions illegal. cuccinelli even tried to bully the state board of health to get his way. the virginian-pilot said "the consequences of such a popolitically motivated precedet could be significant." cuccinelli's war on abortion, even in cases of rape or incest. ken cuccinelli. he's focusedn his own agenda. not us.
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[ cheers and applause ] we are back with the amazing rob lowe. so rob lowe. >> yes. >> yes. you wrote this wonderful book last year. >> thank you. >> and now you are writing another one.
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>> yes. >> what prompted the second? >> yeah. >> um, a couple things, one was the response i got to the first one from people that i would run into all over the country. and all over the world. >> tell people what it was about. >> it was stories i only tell my friends. it was stories of my life, and how i got to where i got to. and they literally were stories, that i would only tell my friends. >> right. >> over the years. i felt like i wanted to share that with people, young actors. >> yeah. >> people struggling with addiction. you know, all the things i've been through in my own life. so the new book is called "love life." and there's some stories in it, that didn't -- that i actually didn't have frankly the balls to put in the first book. i didn't -- i feel like now i earned the right to tell these stories in a very particular way. and really, it's what makes life worth loving. >> yes. >> you know, rob, you're very
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honest when you don't necessarily have to be. you recently tweeted, that you've been celebrating 25 years -- >> 23. >> okay. 23 years of sobriety from alcohol. [ applause ] >> thank you. listen, i really appreciate that round of applause. but that's not why i tweeted it. why i tweet it is part of my own recovery is sharing my story with people who may be debating on whether they want to change their lives. and that's really the only reason to do it. and for me, it saved my life. >> was it hard? >> when i was ready to quit, it actually wasn't. because i was ready. >> how long had you been drinking. >> off and on since i was 17. listen, on my first movie, and i was 17 in my first movie, they pile us in the van. they would give us beer. every night.
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i mean, that's the era of show business i grew up in. that would never happen today. so you know, and it gradually, you know, progressed. and i knew that i would never live the kind of life i envisioned for myself. because i didn't make a change. but i was done, and i think the problem is people who may not really be done, those are the folks who struggle, i think. >> you know what, congratulations on the second book. and you're involved in so many things apart from acting. and you are in a new documentary, it's a wildlife documentary series. can you tell us about that? >> sure. it's -- >> oh! >> those are my co-stars, people. eat your heart out matt damon. >> what is this? >> this is celebrating dawn's 40 year campaign of dawn saves wildlife. helps clean up and rescue animals from oil spills all over the world. they actually use it to remove the oil and protect the bird's
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feathers. so we do a seven part document ree that i narrate, it's on right now. and it really celebrates the heroes, the people on the front lines of rescuing these animals every day. >> okay. amazing when you see it. [ applause ] >> so, you know, you could come hang with us any time. we love you. we say thanks to rob lowe. and we'll be right back. [ cheers and applause ] >> announcer: up next, celebrity chef rocco dispirito is helping barbara come out of her shell she learns how to make an omelet! [ cheers and applause ]
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looked great. [ female announcer ] ask about a free sample size of aczone gel. aczone gel. see a dermatologist and see for yourself. ♪ [ applause ] barbara's mission to catch up on things she never got around to has helped her learn to golf and to make pottery.
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and today, she's taking a crack at the most important meal of the day, when celebrity chef rocco dispirito shows her how to make the perfect omelet! showing our barbara how to make the perfect omelet. please welcome the author of "now eat this! italian", rocco dispirito! [ cheers and applause ] >> this whole show could be titled, how to embarrass barbara. i do know how to make an omelet. but maybe not you're way to make an omelet. >> do you know how to make it the right way? >> you say there's a right way to make an omelet. >> there is. >> first thing i have to know, rocco, you know what i love, when people go like that, and -- >> you want me to show you how. >> you say this is a true test of a chef. >> if he can make an omelet. when i interview chefs i have them make an omelet for me.
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in france they have something. she would have red white and blue on her collar. they go from 1,000 she was to 100 based on the omelet. [ applause ] >> barbara is going to make one. >> this is the one handed crack. just like that. you can do that, barbara. >> you want me to try? >> in a second. just watch for now. i'll teach you how to do it. mix it well, vigorously. shake and stir. shake and stir. omelets are all about shake and stir. very hot pan. no milk. no milk. >> just the egg. no milk. >> hot pan. pay attention, super hot, very hot, two forks. >> two forks? >> too hot. oh my gosh. >> that's the way you do it. >> no. no. >> done. >> what are you putting there? >> some pepper. >> i'm paying attention.
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>> some cheese. >> i'm paying attention. >> you're paying attention. are you understanding what's going on here? do you see that? >> oh, wow. [ applause ] >> i don't even know where to begin. that's divine. >> would you like to just eat this instead of making it. [ applause ] >> barbara, now you guys want to see barbara be the chef. >> yes. [ cheers and applause ] >> one handed crack, there you go. >> do the one handed crack, barbara. >> one two three. >> do you pinch it. >> hold it like that and hold on to it. don't let it fall in the bowl. hard. hard. yeah. one more. one more. >> okay. >> one more. one handed. hold on to it. >> rocco, you're not helping me. >> i'm helping you, barbara. >> there you go.
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yeah. >> yeah. [ cheers and applause ] >> with a yoke. >> that's what i'm talking about. what is she supposed to do now? >> you're still holding the shell. >> let it go, barbara. [ laughter ] >> let the egg go. >> i did. i did. what next? >> hold my hand, hold my hand. shake vigorous. there you go, look at you. shake and stir. shake and stir. [ applause ] >> it's all about shake and stir. you're a righty, right-handed person. >> yes. >> hold the pan with your left hand. >> from fidel castro to making omelets. [ laughter ] >> i don't want you to burn it. >> hold it. >> i'll put this in here, very hot. >> butter. >> use your spatula, i know you like it. >> yes. >> i want you to shake and stir shake and stir, shake and stir. >> come on, barbara. come on. >> yeah. >> you got it. >> shake. shake. shake. shake. let it go. don't touch it.
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leave it alone. [ applause ] >> can i tell you how do i did? >> no. i'm teaching you the right way. >> she never let a man tell her what to do. [ applause ] >> put some onion in there. how you feeling barbara? >> now, the best part, barbara. barbara, we're going to roll the omelet out. >> of course we are. >> i want you to hold it with the left hand. >> let barbara do it. i think she can do it. >> hold it like a dagger, pretend you'll kill me with this pan with your right hand, like a dagger, pretend you'll kill me with this hand. >> i do. >> she does. >> show everybody. hold on. >> there you go. >> make that omelet. [ cheers and applause ] >> put it back down. let's taste it. >> you know how happy that makes me. i taught a woman who knows how to do everything, one thing she didn't know how to make.
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you teach me how to golf, by the way. >> hold on. we're now going to taste it. when we come back, we'll taste barbara's omelet. when we get back. [ cheers and applause ] ♪ [ female announcer ] when they wake up dry in pampers, mornings have more tickles, more kisses... ♪ ...and more cuddles. ♪ unlike other diapers, pampers has 3 absorbent layers, and up to 12 hours of overnight protection, for drier mornings, and so much more. ♪ [ female announcer ] wishing you love, sleep, and play. pampers. ♪ the wait is over. olive garden's never ending pasta bowl is back. unlimited breadsticks. unlimited salad. never ending bowls of pasta for just $9.99. did i mention it's all unlimited? never ending combinations of pasta and sauce.
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11:52 am
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11:54 am
[ male announcer ] and breaks the trail. it also kills ants for up to 4 weeks. we lost our signal. we must be in a dead zone. raaidd??!!! raaidd??!!! [ male announcer ] get the protection you need. raid. kills bugs dead. protects your family. [ female announcer ] sc johnson. a family company. [ applause ] [ cheers and applause ] >> this is the omelet, this is what barbara made. >> waste. because you ruined it. but during the station break, i made an omelet, it wasn't your
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way. but it was my way. and it's a good -- >> it's very beautiful. >> so there. >> barbara did it. >> it took 35 minutes to make an omelet. this is a good way to do it. >> it didn't take 35 minutes. i'd like congratulated on the beautiful omelet i made from scratch. [ cheers and applause ] >> not that you didn't do a good job. >> you think my omelet is terrible. is that what you're say something. >> no. i'm not a total flop, though. [ laughter ] >> this is the one barbara made. barbara, the one on the right, that joy is eating. >> that's good, that's the one that rocco made. >> that's the one we made together. >> let me taste barbara's. >> to clarify, there's really flow right way to do any of this. the reason -- >> it's hot. [ laughter ] [ applause ]
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>> you have a boo boo, joy. i kiss them all. >> i want a word in. i'd like to point out that i have made an omelet, that is a delicious omelet. and i'm not a total failure. [ applause ] >> how do you guys like barbara's omelet? >> there's nothing in there. >> it's a work in progress. it's going to be ready soon. [ laughter ] >> scrambled eggs, basically. >> no. >> this is the omelet barbara made, it doesn't have anything in there. this is the omelet rocco and barbara -- >> it's not my fault there was nothing in it. >> it's really good. the one you made with rocco how does that taste? >> that's rocco's this is mine. [ laughter ] >> there's nothing in it. >> i'm sure it tastes wonderful. i like this omelet, barbara, that you made. >> why do you hide your legs, they are really hot.
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>> they are wonderful. >> i'm surprised there is any butter left. >> we want to thank rocco dispirito. be sure to check out rocco's web series "now eat this! italy" on aol, and members of our studio audience are going home with a copy of his book "now eat this! italian." thanks to karina smirnoff for guest co-hosting! have a great day, everybody, and get out of the chaos. take a little time to enjoy "the view"! [ cheers and applause ] >> announcer: direct from nashville summer's biggest event, country top artists perform, tonight at 8:00, 7:00 central on abc. [ cheers and applause ]
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mayor's former campaign aides charged with lying to campaign aides. -- investigators. virginia, who is being charged with her disappearance merit -- ? thisout what went wrong in emergency landing. >> storms on
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captioned by the national captioning institute >> an emergency landing at a wawa in fredericksburg, the problem that caused the airplane to touch down in the parking lot. a news conference just started, breaking news, about the adoption of a 17-year-old girl from virginia.


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