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tv   News4 Today  NBC  March 9, 2014 10:00am-10:31am EDT

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for a brief time this afternoon. best news of the day, sun down at 7:09 tonight. enjoy that extra hour of daylight at the tail end of the day. see you in a few. >> thank you chuck. new this morning, the death of one afghan president is confirmed. he ousted the 2011 president. he served in karzai's first administration. the president's office says he died from illness. the government is calling for a three day mourning period in the country. he was 57 years old. we are staying on top of new developments this the search for the missing malaysia airlines plane. there's no sign of the missing plane. right now they're not ruling out possible hijacking. earlier the radar showed the boeing 777 jet may have turned back before it disappeared. no one checked the worldwide
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database for two stolen passports. two people boarded the plane using stolen passports. >> the plane vanished on a flight from kuala lumpur to beijing. tom costello has more. >> authorities have suspended the air search. the malaysian military says the plane may have attempted to turn back before it vanished. they're looking at the passenger manifest to see who was on the plane and true a tentiidentitie. two have reported passports stolen in thailand over the last two years. then this morning we learned there may be two more passengers who were traveling on false
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documents. 40 ships and 22 aircraft including ships and planes from the u.s. are converging on this area near the gulf of thailand and south china sea. the plane's last known location. on saturday, the vietnamese military spotted two oil slicks on the water. not known if those are related to the missing 777. it's all they had to go on. at moment they're concentrate on that area, south of the vietnamese coast. three americans. they include phillip wood, ibm executive from texas. this plane is 12 years old, considered middle aged. in 2012 it lost the tip of a wing after clipping another plane on the ground in shanghai. while that wing was repaired, investigators want to know whether the repair contributed to the crash. we've talked about how eerie similar this is to air france flight 447 that disappeared over the atlantic in 2009. search crews found pieces of
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that quickly. it took two years to find the body of the plane on the ocean floor. that was air bus 8330. this time it's a boeing 3eing 7. now wreckage and debris is being searched for as night falls the asia. >> we'll be continuing the coverage on news 4 as well as a deadly crash in maryland, police confirm a motorcycle and suv crashed late last night on route 198 near the laurel racetrack. the biker was killed. the driver of the suv was taken to the hospital where he remains in serious condition. officers believe speed was a pack tomorrow. the motorcycle was reported stolen to howard county police earlier in the week. another motorcycle was involved
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but drove away after the crash. yesterday police reported to the scene on a call that someone fired a gun. we later learned the information was a mistake. instead fireworks were set off inside the movie theater. police are trying to figure out what kind of fireworks were used and where exactly they went off. a woman is in serious condition after she was shot in the head during a robbery. take a look. police are working to identify this man. he went into the fast mart store on brock road yesterday morning. he pretended like he was going to buy something. when the clerk turned around, that is when police say he shot her twice in the head. fellow fellow coworkers are shocked. >> robberies never got my attention because nobody ever got hurt until now. but this is making me have a second look at things.
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>> police say the robber was out to kill when he shot that clerk. they are looking through surveillance videos to try and identify him. mcauliffe is calling lawmakers back for unfinished business. the general assembly wrapped up without passing the budget. >> just minutes after the gavel fell to end the session, terry mcauliffe picked up the pin to sign to call lawmakers back to session this month. the most important piece of business, the budget, is not passed. it expands coverage for low income individuals. >> people are dying because of lack of health coverage. let's not let one more virginian die when we can do the right thing and provide the coverage. >> the governor and senate say medicaid must be extended now.
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house republicans stand against it. their solution, strip medicaid expansion out of the budget and debate later. >> what it is is a major major piece of legislation they want us to take and just accept. that makes absolutely no sense. >> governor mcauliffe says lawmakers need time to get home, relax and reflect. one democratic leader skeptical minds will change by the time they return. >> this is driven by one thing only. it isn't medicaid. it's the hatred of the man in the white house. they'll sit and tell you now, but let me tell you, i didn't just get here from mars. >> governor mcauliffe expects lawmakers to stay in session three weeks to work on medicaid and the budget when they return march 24th. lawmakers passed several bills. reforms improving the mental
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health services which comes in the response to attack on senator deeds by his son. the general assembly voted to tighten ethnic laws capping giftgift at $250. they passed the measure to allow hunting on sundays. a house is set to be torn down. those nearby are fighting the demolition. we'll tell you why they do not want the developer to move in. concerns about terrorism are rising as we learn about stolen
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more than two dozen psych h -- dozen cyclists are traveling. they're pedaling 40 miles. team 26 was started after the shooting at sandy hook elementary in december 2012. 20 children and six adults died in that shooting. the group started to promote in their memory. groups gathered to stop this house from being demolition. >> the owner wants to build a house twice as big on the salot. neighbors do not want a modern eyesore in its place.
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your child could be one spending more time at school. students will get out later to make up for snow days. two half days are turned to full days. one day will be shaved offspring break for all students. other schools in the region are also making similar arrangements to make up time missed for snow days. as the search continues this morning for that missing plane, a behind the scenes look at how the boeing planes are actually made. we're going to show you what it takes to get the jumbo jets in the air plus how a simple mistake could cause major problems. chuck? good morning ev
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as investigators try to find the missing boeing plane, we find out how these are actually made. >> glenn went inside one of the planes -- plants i should say, that brings planes to life. >> after most of us have gone to bed, the doors of boeing's plant open. revealing another jet joining the ranks of the world's top selling airline, the 373. >> move around about 20 to 25 every week.
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>> there are two assembly lines for making one type of airplane. on most nights, not one but two 737s head outside. >> they're coming now. >> three days they'll put wiring in, blankets. >> there's no drama here. no feeling like this work is being rushed. renton has become a well oiled machine building airplanes at the rate of two jets a day. that's about to go higher. >> we've modernized, leaned out the process. >> in this spot, a body for another jet is moved to the floor incoming the wing. after laser alignment, wings are bolted in place around 5:00 a.m. the future depends on three things, figures tout the big stuff, small stuff, eliminating mistakes. by day seven, united 4809 is
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looking like an airliner. tail is on, interior panels going in. >> going to pull the tug in rights? ready to go. >> soon the doors are opening again. united 4809 night to roll out. >> it's finished besides paint and flight testing. you may be flying on it yourself. just breathe in the new airplane smell. >> that was glenn farley ror reporting. these images are as a sky diver and plane collide. the 87-year-old pilot was practicing takeoffs and landings. the plane hit the man and started to nose dive. the photographer that captured the photo could not believe his
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eyes. >> as soon as i heard the thump, i went all blank. i stared through the lenses like is this really happening? i couldn't believe it. >> the sky diver was thrown 75 a feet before he crashed to the ground. the plane was destroyed on the front end. were both taken to the hospital and going to be okay. >> that's something you look at, shake your head in disbelief, the fact they were able to walk away with minor injuries. >> somebody was looking out for them. >> no doubt. >> for us around here, good kite flying weather. we were talking how do you get kids ready for the change of time. best way to make kids go to bed on time, aka early tonight. wear them out. kite flying, walking around. if you're not going to keep moving, you'll need the extra layer to bring with you. our hint of april yesterday is long gone. it's welcome back to february
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outside. typical of the month of march. little bit of february and little bit of april for the front half of the month. now though clouds are gone. earlier this morning we had full overcast. 45 degrees our current temperature. it's great for kite flying, a nice north westerly breeze 15 miles per hour range. the cooler air and breeze joining in, it's going to feel chilly outside today. overnight rain drops are gone. you will not have to worry about using the the umbrella today, tomorrow, tuesday. next rain chances wednesday. we're waiting on a consistent warm up around here. we'll cover tomorrow. since the first of the year e we've had 67 days, 39 of which have been colder than average. 12 of them have been more than 10 degrees colder than average.
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39 gathers ville and rockville. 42 leesburg, 36 winchester and toms brook. here's your temperature graph today. not much of a rise at all. we'll inch up another four maybe five degrees between now and your afternoon highs. that's going to leave us 15 to 20 degrees short of yesterday. the wind chills again back down to 30s. we'll have wind chills mainly low 40s much of the day. now tomorrow, return of southwest wind means good news for everybody. highs tomorrow, well back to upper 50s, mid and low 60s for a time. mix of clouds and sunshine. you'll notice how much warmer it is. nice day tomorrow. northern maryland more like 58. fredricksburg, culpepper, 64 or 65 tomorrow. winds northwest this afternoon. winds go near calm overnight and
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return from the southwest during the day tomorrow. that's the reason for the nice warm up. get ready for a nice day tomorrow. pick of the litter this week is going to be tuesday. for today, clouds and sunshine mix together. breezy and cool. going to feel as i mentioned 15 to 20 degrees colder than yesterday. >> here's the forecast with more april at the front. 60 tomorrow, 66 tuesday. showers coming in on wednesday. could be quite a bit of rain, an inch or more. watching that carefully. it might end with rain snow mix early thursday morning. not looking for accumulations. a harsh reality check back down to early february like weather with highs in the 30s thursday. little recovery friday. still on the chilly side. by next weekend, things start to improve. fly a kite today and find a way to take tuesday off. >> we'll work on it chuck. thanks. >> let the boss know thanks. technical problems, foul play. a lot of questions about the
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malaysia flight that disappeared off radar. >> david gregory joining us to talk about this. good morning. >> good morning. >> we know no sign of it. officials haven't ruled out hi jacking. there could be a terrorist level. what do we know? >> i talked to the deputy national security advisor this morning. the president has been briefed on red flag alerts including the fact you have two passengers who reportedly were traveling with stolen passports. how does that happen? what does that indicate? it's too early to tell definitively. investigators will start there. >> we want to talk about u.s. and russia tensions. we know they're escalating. are we starting to see a revisit to this former cold war standoff? >> look, vladimir putin is a cold warrior. he still thinks it's the cold war. america does not and west does not. how do you stop him when you say don't cross this line, and he keeps crossing the line?
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that's the message that needs to be sent to him. one strong enough to freeze him in place a little bit. i think the administration is counting on isolating him and that's going to work. we haven't seen it working so far. that's the question, what makes him stop? do we have to accept this status quo of russia gobbling up crimea? >> getting the support this week, is that going to put pressure on putin? >> it's going to put pressure, the question is how he'll respond to it. there's reports he'll fight back not inspecting nuclear weapons with russia as part of the deal with united states. >> you have an exclusive coming up with cardinal timothy dolan as we look at the second year of pope francis. >> we have a big moment. a look at pope francis and what a rock star he's been around the world. my question is what's his agenda? now that everybody is listening,
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what does he want to do? i talked to the cardinal, wonderful american leader in the church. i asked him about controversies the church is facing. you'll see that coming up. >> it's not only catholics watching the pope but everybody in the entire world. >> we put that on the website. what stakes do non catholics have in the church? he's working to strengthen people's faith across the spectrum. that's perceived in a lot of way wills. >> -- ways. >> we are. >> you can catch "meet the press" every sunday right after this newscast. a cutting edge experience to help children fighting cancer. how one group is making a sacrifice to help a special cause. you're
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happening today, several people will shave their heads to raise money for children's cancer research. the irish pub on seventh street will begin at 2:00 this afternoon. the money goes to the foundation. over the past few weeks volunteers collected money to have their heads shaved today. a taste of spring in northern virginia. big thanks after the cookie making class at wildfire
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restaurant in mcclain. it benefitted food for friends which feeds people in need in fairfax county. a lot of wonderful people including melissa turned out to help the cause. i apologized to parents after wards. i mean, we had dozens of kids on sugar highs. some were eating frost out of the dispenser. it was awesome. there were spring cookies. everybody is in the spirit, flowers and butterflies. >> today crunch, crunch, crunch out the door you go. burn up the sugar. sunshine and today.
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breaking news this sunday morning -- terrorism concerns and that missing malaysian airlines jet with 239 dead. the latest from the white house on what the u.s. knows. good sunday morning. such a difficult way to begin the program this morning, more on the investigation into the mysterious disappearance of that plane and the questions about foul play give thanwo


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