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tv   Today  NBC  August 1, 2014 2:07am-2:57am EDT

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>> announcer: from nbc news, this is "today" with kathie lee gifford and hoda kotb. live from studio 1-a in rockefeller plaza. >> let the games begin, everybody. it's thirsty thursday. july 31st. last day of july already. we're going to make it good. we'll celebrate because jenna bush hager is in for hoda today. >> i'm so excited to be here. you've already had me laughing. >> you know what jenna bush hager i want to show up today? >> which one? >> the one that has us all in fits in the makeup room. is she here today? >> she'll be here. the pg-13 version. >> darn.
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>> mama is watching. she doesn't want rated r. >> i know your mom and dad are watching. the stuff we learned about you today. it's safe. it's not going anywhere. >> we hope it's safe. we hope it's safe. >> no, jenna. everybody knows. we have just welcomed you since the day you walked through these doors. and you have become -- you're family to us. we want to come down and be family to you. when are we going to the ranch? >> what? >> family is a two-way thing. you married henry. you sometimes go and visit henry's family. >> no, that's true. you're my fam -- >> you did invite me to your beautiful home. >> you came. >> you invited me to your beautiful home. >> you have yet to invite me to your huge, beautiful, childhood home. >> well, do you do crawford, texas, well? >> i would probably for a night. oh, yeah. >> i was going to say i can't really imagine with the tumbleweed and cacti. >> the cacti? you have no idea what i've done
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with a cacti or two. although a cacti is two. >> that's why i'm scared to invite you to the ranch. right there. >> it makes me happy to know that your mom and dad are happy to see you on nbc where we you can about "sharknado" instead of iraq. okay. we're going to talk about "sharknado 2" last night. did you see it? >> i watched 30 seconds of it. >> why? >> how much did you watch? >> none. >> see if that's what i'm saying. >> i watched none but i knew i wasn't going to watch any. >> it was a phenomenon. there were people talking about it on twitter. i was watching the yankees/rangers game. >> your dad -- >> got to watch the baseball, america's pastime. >> are the rangers having a good year? >> not great but they beat the yankees. >> that doesn't make you popular in new york. >> it doesn't. >> let's work on that. >> derek jeter was there and whatever. he makes you popular in new york. >> last year. of course, of course. >> i watched a couple minutes. it is crazy. >> it's crazy because it's so ridiculous. movie was packed with over 20 cameos including -- remember robert hayes, the pilot on the "airplane" movies.
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kelly osbourne, i don't know why. judd hirsch was a taxi driver. billy ray cyrus. >> achy breaky heart. don't break your heart. >> our own matt lauer and al were in it. hilarious. here they are. we've seen it about a thousand times. >> we thank you for watching the "today" show. we now resume our regularly scheduled program. >> the thing that's so ridiculous is they were as good of actors as anyone in the film. >> that's saying nothing. because -- >> that's saying everything. >> how he kept his tongue firmly implanted in that cheek of his, i don't know. it will be interesting to see how it did in the ratings. >> i bet it did great. it's hilarious. we've decided that this is "isn't that correctn ach -- snarknado. >> my daughter is turning 21 this saturday. your daughter is what -- 1?
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>> yes, she's 15 months. >> it goes like this. i was out to dinner with my daughter and her best friend since they were in kindergarten and her mom. mother/daughter dinner we thought would be there for an hour and a half. it was four hours. >> oh, i love that, i cannot even wait. >> when people say just wait -- the best is always yet to come with your kids. >> every day i hear something a 3-year-old thinks and i can't wait until she's 3 but i'm trying to live in the moment. >> so much fun. >> at 15 months she's a total nut. >> you were a twin and you were telling us stories -- you remind me of hoda. when you were around -- when i'm around you, the spirit of hoda is here because you leave everything everywhere. your purse is a disaster. >> i appreciate that. thank you. >> you forget things. you're just like hoda which we love. >> yes. >> you say you're the polar opposite of barbara, your twin. >> i am. >> not your grandmother. >> i'm more like her. >> you are? >> i've got that kind of wild mouth that you have. >> thank you. yeah, yeah, yeah.
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>> so anyway, my sister is different than i am. we're best friends. >> is she patty perfect? >> she's patty perfect but doesn't think that about herself. you know? >> she's adorable, met her. you told us one thing you said was okay to share, about the one thing your parents once said to you -- >> i said thank goodness my parents didn't compare us because had they? i would have come out on the bottom. let's just be honest. my dismissed two problems on her math s.a.t., the kid's a genius. they never said anything, never said anything. jenna is funny. jenny is very funny. jenna is weird. she can ride her bike. you know, whatever talents i could possibly do. which i appreciate. >> barbara's doing log rhythms. >> exactly. she's solving the world's problems. which is happening today in my life as well but anyway. when they thought i was old enough to take it, we were applying to college, stanford has a twin policy. if one applies the other automatically gets in. >> i know that. >> or they did back 15 years ago
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when i applied to college. they both get in or they both don't. >> she deserved to get in? >> she's brilliant. not that i didn't deserve. but let's just be honest. i said, yes! a twin policy! i'm going to stanford! i'm going to ride on barbara's coattails all the way to palo alto. my parents looked at me and said, no, do not ruin barbara's chances. mom, do you remember that, lady? because i do. >> oh, so there's some issues in the bush family. >> there are no issues. >> there are issues still at "the bachelorette." we've been following it. most everybody but me. so tell us what the latest is. >> i watched this because -- >> of course you did, you admitted it. >> i admitted it. i'll admit it. my husband was out of town. i had three remote controls all to myself. >> that's a little bit of heaven. >> it is heaven. >> the baby was asleep. >> the baby was asleep. i did miss henry but i could watch whatever i wanted without him making fun of me. i was watching this. i didn't mind nick.
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i'm the only person in america. he came out and said something that was very below the belt. >> yes, he revealed, and we can say so, that they had slept together. >> which we all assumed. >> which we all thought was a little bad form, you never kiss and tell. and you never rrr and tell, if you know what i'm saying. we use the word boink. never boink and tell. >> he sat down with "access hollywood" and made a comment. >> to the other bush guy. >> if you weren't in love with me, i'm not sure why you made love with me. >> any regrets saying that? >> i was as surprised as anyone that it came out of my mouth i suppose. you know. if i had anticipated it, maybe i could have been more delicate or wish i was. you know. that was something that was weighing on my mind. >> a lot of people think that maybe what you said on the live show there kind of broke the code. >> it was something that meant a lot to me. unfortunately it was my only
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opportunity to express that to her. i wish i would have had an opportunity in private. but that -- you know. we were in an extraordinary situation. >> there is no privacy on "the bachelorette." or "the bachelor." what do you mean, i wish i could have taken you aside -- >> he tried. >> after 20,000 hours of being in front of the cameras. >> he did try to meet her in mexico or something like that. >> would you have any faith in a guy that was willing to go on and show all his stuff on that kind of a show? >> no. i myself would not be the "bachelorette" type. >> you like to watch other people. >> i just like to meet people the old fashioned way in bars, you know what i'm saying? or i did when i met my husband. i just met him in a bar. you know? >> yee-haw! was it the kind that had the bull? the bull bar? >> why are you stereotyping me because i'm from texas? >> love texas! >> again, no ranch for you, lady. right after that.
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>> when hoda and i went down to san antonio, we rode the bulls, didn't we, you guys? >> you rode the bulls? >> the mechanical ones. we did. do you know there's a new beauty trend you're going to want to jump on. >> no, i am not. this is sketchy. >> most baby mothers want to do this. does your butt need a facial? it's called a bacial. it's a bottom facial. >> i just closed my eyes when you said that. >> only joanne knows about things like that. >> have you had butne before? >> is that like acne? >> on your bottom. >> no. well, i don't spend hours looking at it, i wouldn't know. if i'm not scratching it but i don't understand. according to amanda and joanne who know all things in that world out there, celebrities are taking belfies, which are self-portraits of their back -- >> their butts. which is disgusting. they're hiding in the corner. they're the ones that introduce this.
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bunte, backne. they showed us. >> and so women are going in and spending tons and tons of money on butt facials and butt massages and they started laughing at us. tammy did, our executive producer. like, what else? who would ever do that. >> she said, who gets bottom massages? excuse me. have you had sciatica? we both immediately said yes. >> i need one right now. i gave jenna a little -- >> that looks like a mom butt that you're massaging, i've got to get to the gym asap. look at your face. was it that terrible? >> you know what, tammy, you gave it -- >> look at your face. >> i ham it up a little bit. you hit that spot. i do have to go for that sciatica thing. >> when we get -- if we get a massage, we don't mind a butt massage. a butt facial? ridiculous. >> not by a man. have you had a man massage you? >> yes. i like that. strong. i like deep-tissue massages. >> you don't mind? >> no. >> stripping down in front of a strang it done?
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>> you put it that way. i don't mind a massage from a man mature enough to know it doesn't mean anything beyond get my muscles worked. these muscles. stop. >> how do you know what it means to him? >> believe me, when i just looked at my mom butt, i'm sure he's not that into it. >> all right. anyway. if you've ever had a butt massage -- a -- whatever. any of those treatments. >> it's so gross. can we talk about something more pleasant. >> we're on sirius radio. that we're on all day and forever. >> some of you driving to work having danish listening to us talk about butt facials. >> i know, i know, listen, believe me, i wish it was something deeper. they won't allow it around here. guess who is here with me tomorrow? >> so exciting. >> regis philbin is coming back to co-host with me tomorrow. hoda is taking a couple days off which she never does. >> i know. i sat down in the wrong seat because we've never done this before. >> you were at my house for a podcast and we had a ball. >> we sure did. >> she's with her mom, her sister and her two best friends in the whole world some place
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quiet for pre-birthday bash. >> how nice. >> if you have any questions for regis tomorrow, please post them today on our facebook page. he may answer your question on the air. we don't have time to do our i-hoda. >> we need to do i-hoda. >> this is my choice since hoda is missing. right? >> here we go. >> here we go. this is my choice. >> you're taking over. >> while i have the chance, here is my song in honor of tomorrow. >> that's the wrong one. >> i was going to say. >> i think that's billie holiday singing. it was supposed to be regis singing "pennies from heaven." i'm sorry, rege. he loves that song. you got billie holiday. anyway. >> hoda wouldn't approve. let's put it that way. >> all right. okay. all right. >> is it okay or not okay?
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>> to show skin at the airport. probably hoda did on her way down. here's what we had to say about it. >> i think there's a time and a place for everything and i just don't think airports are sexy. >> here's my answer. no, it's not okay. do you know how freezing cold it is in airports? more clothes not less. more clothes not less. more clothes not less. >> yeah. okay. so hoda will be back with me on monday. but listen. these people could have stayed in bed all morning but instead they made their way here and they got what they were looking for. >> they sure did. we'll check out the results of our ambush makeover. and some of the most famous women in the world wear his designs. >> "runway" judge zac posen is here to show us something special. he's going to teach us how to sew. every 20 minutes i clean the toilet. sometimes i get up in the middle of the night
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and clean the toilet. now every time you go, lysol cleans for you. new lysol no mess max gives you max cleaning with every flush. while its fragrance gels release 4 weeks of max freshness. that's what i like to hear. someone cleaning the toilet for me. lysol. start healthing. so factors like diet can negatively impact good bacteria? even if you're healthy and active. phillips digestive health support is a duo-probiotic that helps supplement good bacteria found in two parts of your digestive tract. i'm doubly impressed! phillips' digestive health. a daily probiotic. the summer of this.mmer. the summer that summers from here on will be compared to.
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zac posen is one of the world's most famous designers dressing everybody from our first lady michelle obama to oprah winfrey and hollywood a-listers like naomi watson, amanda sayfried. >> and now he's back in the judge's seat scooping out hot new talent for the third season of the hit reality show "project runway." he's going to help you learn
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something that he does best. >> something brand new. >> which i cannot do. >> i'm so happy to meet you. i feel like i know you, but we never met before. welcome. it's your third season on "project runway." heidi was doing something weird with jimmy fallon last night. >> she was doing some sort of circular -- >> some sort of german thing. >> gerbil -- >> german thing. >> singing? >> do you remember when halle berry rolled with him on the ground -- >> yes. >> she did it german. >> heidi does surprising things. we sing all day on set. >> do you? >> how is it with heidi? is it so much fun? >> we have fun. she as hidden musical theater geek. >> she should do "glee." >> "les mis." >> we sing everything. sometimes "chorus line" when designers are standing up there. ♪ what i did for love >> i was going to say. ♪ god i hope i get it >> there you go. what are we going to learn today? >> we're going to sew. >> what are we going to see on "project runway" this season?
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>> let's talk about tonight. tonight is the second episode of season 13 and tonight is one of my favorite things. alternative material challenges. we're going to the movies. they have to come up with stuff with materials -- >> like trash? >> popcorn? >> like things that are inspired and made in the movies. film. popcorn maybe. >> all your life did you want to be a designer? >> i started sketching little dresses and sweaters when i was 3 or 4. >> that's a dead give-away. >> i wanted to be an actor and a singer, a jazz and tap kid. i became a baritone. no more tenor, no more good roles. >> it ain't over yet, honey, never say never. teach us how to sew. >> you know how to sew. >> i sewed when i was in junior high school. i haven't sewn since. >> we're going to do this really quick. i hope you like the fabric. you got the weird pattern. >> i have the old, old, old -- >> i like it. >> they're floral. >> plum. so is there nobody here to safeguard my hand in case of an accident. >> take it slow. the first thing is there's no rush in sewing. >> okay. >> you want to be meticulous lining things up.
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>> on the left here -- so once you put it up, i'm going to make a little handkerchief thing. >> shall i turn it inside out so when we turn it outside in it's perfect? >> stop, polly perfect, over there. come on. >> yeah, baby. >> what do you do? do you just push the dial and go? >> yeah. push it -- hold on. sorry. >> it's okay. >> first you push that down. >> there we go. >> new fang angled. >> all right. i just made something beautiful. >> okay, let's go. >> this is nuts. >> this is right -- i go crazy with this stuff. >> we can drape something on you. you can be my muse today. >> okay, okay. >> i love it. >> oh-oh. >> what do you do when -- >> you just take your time. this is what designers do on the show. >> where'd you find that? >> i can't turn unless i find out where that thing is. >> come on. competition's almost up. >> i won. i won. >> i'm done. >> what did you make? you won? >> yep. >> we're going to have you on
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"runway." >> oh, yeah. okay. >> i made a circle. >> come on. >> i'm going to turn it inside out and make it a pillow. >> come on. >> you put it on the mannequin >> okay. >> and then you come here. >> you're known for draping, right? >> i drape. >> how do you drape without making someone look like a blob. >> you control. >> it's about seduction of the fabric on the body. >> that's why kathy's so good at it. >> you go there. you come here. that would be rooshing, exactly. so you would take that up there. you would take the fabric here. >> there. >> so far you have something that will look good on halle berry. >> yeah, exactly. >> you fill that in. there. >> do you pin as you go along? >> i pin. get some pins. >> okay, we need some pins. >> quickly. >> i'm your assistant, we don't have much time. >> i already love it. >> what do you do to cover the other bazoo. >> you match it. >> is that weird? >> very weird. >> nobody likes that, nobody likes that. >> excuse me. you're supposed to be supportive. >> one day you're in, one day
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you're out. >> zac, one more right here. >> they want their beauty routines. >> they came in for an ambush makeover. >> right after these message. i should never go down like that. stand up straight. >> look at this amazing jumpsuit. is coming up... have agreed to... kid for a night. so we can finally get some sleep. the hotel has to be right. you can get a 4-star hotel for up to 60% off, even at the last minute. in the neighborhood where we wanna go? yes. you just won't the name until after you book. hmm. ooh. definitely. it's all about sleep. it's not all about sleep. yeah, well, for me it is. lucky me. ♪ take them on the way you always have. live healthy and take one a day men's 50+. a complete multivitamin with 7 antioxidants to support cell health. age? who cares.
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ugh. heartburn. did someone say burn? try alka seltzer reliefchews. they work just as fast and taste better than tums smoothies assorted fruit. mmm. amazing. yeah, i get that a lot. alka seltzer heartburn reliefchews. enjoy the relief.
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finally. >> memory. ♪ pennies from heaven >> now we got it right. that's regis singing "pennies from heaven." that's my pick for hoda's ipad or phone or whatever it is today. >> i-hoda. >> whatever. i hate it usually but i love it today. get ready for the big reveal. two lucky ladies get set. see their ambush makeovers. >> all the movies you may or may not want to take your kids to this weekend.
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>> popcorn's popped. >> real moms are weighing in. and more jenna bush hager.
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♪ we're back with more of "today" on this thirsty thursday. ready to reveal the results of our ambush makeovers for two lucky ladies. >> they got here at the crack of dawn for a chance to get swept off the plaza into our hair and makeup chairs. we think it paid off. >> we're going to see. >> no one could make them look as fabulous as our makeover team. you know them. you love them. let's sing about them. ♪ ♪ la la la la la >> contributor and author jill marvin. >> you are cutting off all of the social media. >> she's crazy. >> jenna just agreed to give up -- what are you giving up? >> worrying. >> she's not in the hospital anymore, that's good.
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okay. >> so our first candidate is jennifer cox. she's a texas girl from frisco, texas. >> we'll forgive her that. >> oh, no, please, that makes her the best. she's always helping others. she's a physical therapist. she has two adorable little kids. >> i wonder if she does butt massages. >> she probably . d to talk to her later on. she needs help especially with the hair. it's dry. >> look how pretty her face is. >> i think her hair looks really good. let's see what happened. >> let's hear her story. >> let's do it. >> we ambushed your wife, kevin. what do you think about this? >> thank goodness. but -- no. i think she looks great just the way she is but she wants to do this so i'm excited for her. >> got to love a jokester. what do you guys think? >> i'm excited to be on tv. >> okay. i understand, sir. >> i'm happy. >> we love this. all right. ready to be pampered for three hours? >> i'm ready. i can't believe it. i'm so excited. >> we've got her husband here who's in a texas ranger hat. he's a man of my own heart.
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we've got her sons who just spoke the truth they just want to be on tv but they'll get to see their mom looking really beautiful. right? okay. jennifer -- >> let's see the old picture first. then bring her out. >> bring her out. jennifer? >> whoo! >> oh my gosh! >> okay. >> oh my gosh! >> all right, kiddos. do you want to look at your hot mom? >> wow! >> you look amazing. >> beautiful. >> do you want to see? >> sure. >> ready? >> my gosh. i feel so grown up. >> you're beautiful. >> thank you so much. >> look into this camera. >> you look amazing. >> you were beautiful to begin with. wow you glammed her up. >> let's hear what you did. >> this is a perfect example how color and cut work together. first of all, the hair color is darker. accents her skin tone. it's incredible.
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her color and skin were a little close together. you needed to hit it up with makeup. and then igor gave her a great haircut. >> igor! >> amazing. >> with a name like igor -- >> you can do anything you want, right. >> yes, yes. >> and my gosh, the dress is amazing. i love that dress. >> she has a gorgeous figure. >> yes. >> adriana pappelle. just a little bit of sparkle. from >> beautiful. >> what do the men in her family think? >> i didn't think it could get any better but wow. >> much better. >> gorgeous. >> we hope you're taking her out. >> yes. >> yes, take her to lunch. in fact, you guys need to dress up to take mama out. >> enjoy your family, honey. so beautiful. >> our second lady is tara green she's from, from west point, new york. she's a military wife but an army veteran herself. she's a mom of four and about to start her first job since leaving the army 15 years ago. last night her sister told her it was time for a new look. we all need a sister that tells
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us the truth. a plaza ambush makeover was just what she needed. let's listen to her story. >> you made this fabulous sign. i know you want this. why is this so important to you? >> i got out of the army 15 years ago and this is my first job since and i need a new professional look. i've never worked in the workforce. i need help. >> we can do whatever we want? >> yes. >> her family is laughing in the background. we'll take good care of you. >> i trust you. >> you got good reason to. all right. she's here with a whole bunch of people. her four children, her mother, her sister, and her brother-in-law. let's take one last look at tara before. and bring out the new and gorgeous tara green. keep them on, you guys. >> wow! >> all right, family. you can take them off. >> what do you think?
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do you like? >> yes. >> do you want to see what they're looking at? >> yes. >> turn around. >> oh my gosh. oh my gosh! >> nobody can ever believe it. >> i know. i love this every time. >> you look beautiful. look right into camera 12, please, sweetheart. >> you changed the color obviously. >> yes, obviously. >> her hair was just dark and heavy. tara is lucky enough to have more hair than at least four or five girls. and what we did is i lightened the hair and we added a pinch of red which goes with the name tara, of course. igor just chopped into her hair, just made it pretty sure this is wash and wear to the epitome. >> i love this dress. >> this is her first job since working in the army 15 years. >> wearing a uniform. >> yes. we needed something sophisticated but also conservative and hot and this is new. by shani. >> it's got the inside panel thing. >> we need new. >> oh baby, yeah. >> what do you think, family?
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>> we love it. she looks beautiful. >> awesome. >> she sure is. the other lady, where is she? jennifer? >> our texan! she's on her date already. >> we want to thank you, lewis and jill, thank you, guys. >> awesome month, thank you, thank you. >> what are your weekend plans? >> it includes a trip to the movies, our real moms weigh in on the films for the whole family right after this. this is mark. work. for those who want to enjoy their days... not just get through them. new one a day vitacraves with energy support. the only complete gummy multivitamin... ...that supports energy and mental alertness. new from one a day. saffect over 1 million homes a year and can cost thousands of dollars to repair. thankfully, rid-x has enzymes to break down waste and time-released bacteria to reduce tank buildup. rid-x. #1 in septic maintenance. and now for rvs too!
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present. you guys are cartoons now, whoo! we've got our popcorn. our real moms are back to weigh in on the films you might want to take your family to this weekend. >> cara mcnamara is a mother of
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three and co-host of "mom's movie minute" owned by nbc universal. susan is a mother of two and lifestyle editor at "family circle" magazine. >> you have three kids, ceo of >> i love it. high-powered moms. >> "guardians of the galaxy" will be the number one show this weekend. we've seen sold-out shows on fandango. >> it's pg-13 so how old should the kids be? >> i would go 11 and up. we can talk about that. the reason people like this, it's a comedy. that doesn't happen. >> i haven't heard a word about it. now it's the big movie. >> i love chris. >> i loved it. >> didn't know it would be a movie i would love and my husband would want to take my kids. but i still -- my 10-year-old, we had the best time. >> 10-year-old? was it okay? >> here's the thing about it. there's more profanity in this than most disney or marvel movies so you need to know that. >> get your earmuffs ready. >> i thought is
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