tv Meet the Press NBC August 17, 2014 10:30am-11:26am EDT
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next on "meet the press," the racial divide in america. new developments this morning as the slaying ofn unarmed black teenager by a white police officer turns a st. louis suburb into a combat zone. the search for answers and the national debate over race and policing that prompted president obama to weigh in once again. i'll be joined by the governor of missouri and key voices from law enforcement and the political world. and taking on the isis threat. does president obama's refusal to intervene in syria doom attempts to stop the terror group from taking hold in iraq and beyond? and how deep is the risk between hillary clinton and the president on the use of force in the middle east. plus, remembering comic genius
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as the world mourns the death of robin williams. our harry smith has an insightful interview. from nbc news in washington, this is "meet the press." good morning, a state of emergency is now in effect in ferguson, missouri, after another night marred by clashes between protesters and police. a group of protesters defying an overnight curfew met by the continued massive military style police response with armored vehicles. one person was hurt in an unrelated shooting. and more controversy friday as police released the name of t police officer that shot michael brown. the release was accompanied by a surveillance tape that police say linked brown to a convenience store robbery. but then conflicting statements
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were released. and adding to the confusion and anger to protesters. no details about the exact circumstances, still, of the shooting of michael brown has been released. i'm joined by jay nixon. governor, thank you for being with us. why has a whole week lapsed and the public still wants answers what happened between the officer and michael brown. >> well, he was shot down in the streets of his hometown. and the appropriate energy and angst everyone's had around there. with the dual investigations, the justice department and the local prosecutor, and after talking to general holder, appreciate them sending in 40 additional fbi agents to make sure they're moving to get a thorough investigation to get justice here and i appreciate the response of that energy to
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make sure they get this right. >> why is it taking so long? and you also have a county prosecutor who many say has a conflict of interest here because he said he disagreed strongly with your decision to bring in the county police. he called it shameful. saying that was, in fact, an illegal decision. how is he the person that would be trusted by this very angry and resentful community to come up with answers that are credible. >> well, he's a seasoned prosecutor that has an opportunity to step up here and do his job. when you see a dual investigation going on, and fbi agents out working in the community yet again. 40 additional officers. i think having those dual investigations will help guarantee this gets done in a timely fashion, that it's done thoroughly. >> isn't it more important to get correct answers to the public? what is a timely investigation?
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what is taking so long about telling the people what happened to michael brown? >> well, it's been a week, and late in the week, when we saw the police response there and the security side, i had to take an unprecedented action to replace and bring in our highway patrol to lead that. that has made a big difference. you saw the first night and until late night last night, i think the vast majority of the citizens, elected officials and others called on me to put a curfew in place to guarantee peace last night. and of the thousands of protesters and the community members out there, i think they made a difference. we look forward to keeping the peace and getting justice. >> governor, there was peace. there was peace on thursday night after you appointed the county police to take over.
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the state police, rather, to take over from the county. but then the local police chief released that video. what justifies releasing the video about the convenience store while there's still no details about what happened with the shooting itself? that's what caused everything to erupt again on friday night and eventually led to the curfew having to be imposed. >> we our security team and highway patrol did not that was going to be released. i don't think the attorney general knew that and quite frankly, we disagree deeply. for two reasons, one in, to attempt, in essence, disparage are the character of this victim in the middle of a process like this is not right. it's just not right. and secondarily, it did put the community and quite frankly the region and the nation, you know, on alert again. this is -- these are old wounds. these are deep wounds between -- in these communities and that action was not helpful. >> well, should police chief,
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chief jackson then, be fired or have to step down? >> well, i mean, we have moved in the highway patrol in to manage security. justice department and detectives in st. louis are doing the investigation. >> but he is still -- with all due respect, governor, he is still ing things, like releasing that video without even reporting to the state police captain, captain johnson, who is supposed to be in charge. >> well, everyone can rest well assured we have very serious discussions about that -- that action and how much it was not the right way to handle the victims' family, which i had a chance to speak with. they were deeply troubled and when you see your son gunned down in the street and then you see a police chief begin an attempt to do -- attack his character, that's just not the way to operate and we made that clear to everyone. hope and expectation is that folks are in charge of security
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and we have these dual investigations going on, that that -- that bump is behind us hopefully. >> governor -- >> the wounds are very real. >> governor, i know that you say you are doing a a lot of things behind the scenes, but you why did it take you until friday to get to ferguson what they call ground year? he row and when did you first hear from the president about all of this? >> i have been involved all week. i was having meetings with -- phone calls and meetings with local officials, been here a number of times and once again yesterday the morning conference call with local officials that asked know put a curfew in place, to make sure that we have safety as well as peace so this community could be safe. so, we have been here all week, most of the days and i talked to president in the middle part of the week, talked to general holder at some length later in the week and i appreciate deeply after that conversation, general hold entered a fbi sending 40 additional fbi officers in to make sure they are getting a thorough but timely
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investigation here and i think that's helping. >> thank you so much, governor nixon, from missouri. while the events in ferguson this week certainly shocked the nation, focusing renew aid attention on the racial disparities that still exist in our justice system. our kevin tibbles takes a closer look at that situation. >> reporter: a week of unrest and racial tension. in today's america, black men are six times more likely to be incarcerated than white men. prison sentence for black men are 20% longer than those for whites, convicted of the same crime. and on average, 100 black people are killed each year by white police officers. >> they had to get america's attention. they had to get america to take notice of their pain. >> reporter: james clark is a st. louis community activist who says he sees the disparity every day. >> crime is going up. the perpetrators are now getting younger and younger. and there is a fundamental
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reason why, because they are living in cultures that mainstream would rather act like doesn't exist. >> reporter: but they do exist and some maintain there are two americas, one white, one black and they are not equal. greg howard is a columnist who was so outraged, he wrote an essay entitled "america is not for black people." >> we are seeing so many black men killed by police officers because police officers don't value black men's life as they do, you know, that of white people t is physically easier for a police officer to weigh what a black man's life is worth and to end up feeling that he's justified in pulling the trigger. >> reporter: heather mcdonald strongly disagrees. >> i found the opposite. the criminology profession has been praying for decades to show the overrepresentation is the are result of criminal justice
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racism. it is black crime rates that predict the presence of blacks in the criminal justice system, not some miscarriage of justice. >> reporter: still, in ferguson, as in many other impoverished urban communities, the authorities are often seen as the enemy. >> after the cameras leave and after young michael is buried, if we don't reach into the neighborhood, they will become more bold, they will become much more brazen. >> reporter: the death of a young man in suburban st. louis resonate across the nation, but will it encourage solutions or create further division? for "meet the press", kevin tibbles. >> to discuss the broader immediate meeting of ferguson for the rest of the country, i'm joined by wesley lowery, covering the story for the "washington post" and his own encounter with ferguson police show the on tape, he was arrest
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and released without being charge there had on wednesday. and a also here is gilbert bailon, editor of the "st. louis post dispatch." stephanie rawlings-blake, mayor of baltimore, charles ogletree, professor at harvard law school and founder of the charles hamilton houston institute for racial justice and from los angeles, bernard parks former chief of the l.a. police department and now a member of the los angeles city council. welcome all. wesley, first to you. you were on the streets that awful night and all week with really. what has been the response now to the local police and the curfew as the state police have taken over? >> i think we have seen a lot of community leaders and members, protesters, organizers, who really try to abide by the curfew. as i was talking to people getting on the plane up here, talking to reporters still on the ground, community wanted to respect this curfew, by and large, there were certainly a group of people who stayed past daughter few and sounds like people looking for trouble. we have a real anger on the ground here and we have not just
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an anger among protesters and residents but also people who are seeing this as an opportunity to come into ferguson from outside of ferguson, either opportunistically to cause trouble, or a way of saying this is a way of having voice this protest is happening here, clashes are happening here, maybe i don't live near ferguson. if i live in a separate suburb, i can come here and express my voice there were chants of, we have the right to peacefully assemble back at the police, after they said they were violating curfew. >> gilbert bailon, the backstory here is that there are 90 municipalities around st. uis. there is a deep racial divide. there's a history of police harassment. and you have got a police team here led by a chief who released that video above the convenience store without telling any of his then superiors. and you have got three black officers and 50 -- 50 white officers with a town that is 67% african-american a. >> well, it's interesting to
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know that history of this town this town's been incorporated for more than 100 years. it has historic areas. and people have been beginning to change in the last few decades. the african-american population grew. what has not groan with that is the political situation, they feel isolated, a deep mistrust for the police there. we have a store in the apartment complex, people harassed, profiled, asked why they are in the neighborhood. police will say there is a crime problem in the area and to enforce it, to keep the public safety, that is the clash. not unique to ferguson. i think many, many cities in our region and many cities throughout the country have similar issues. >> but a lot of people, mare, mayor, were shocked by the militarization we saw on wednesday night. we saw this in '96 and '97.
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but then it became the kind of defense vehicles. i think more than $16 million in the last five years was sent in the st. louis area alone. does baltimore have the same kind of equipment and who decides when it gets used? >> well, we have some equipment that is being -- that's used for emergencies and emergency preparedness and up and down the east coast, especially after 9/11, our region has armed ourselves for that type of emergency. it's very unusual that it would be used against your own citizens. so i don't understand that decision. there's a sacred bond that police have with the community and when it's broken, it has ripple effects and that community and across the country. people don't want their military equipment being used on them when they are just voicing their opinions. you have to be very careful. we had the occupy wall street movement, baltimore's one of the only cities that was able to break up that encampment without
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any arrests or any problems because we were very judicious in the use of forces. you have to be. you don't get do overs with things like this. >> yet even your city is 63% african-american. yet your police and fire departments don't fully reflect that -- that racial background. you have tried to have more community policing, tried to do something with hiring promotions, we talked about that this week, but it still hasn't worked. >> well, we are determined to get it right. the issue is you can't do the same thing you did year after year knowing off shift in the demographics and expect things to happen differently. we are doing things different labor day fight department and the police department, we have members of the community who are now part of the panel, when we are putting fire officers or fire -- or police officers up for promotions, so that the community has a voice in who responds, who were the first responders in their community. you have to do it on a consistent basis, and you can't just show up after the something has happened and think you are
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going to have that level of trust, that is necessary in a crisis. >> charles ogletree, we have seen some interestingly diverse voices around the nation this week. one leading republican, who may well be running for president, rand paul, wrote, "when you couple this militarization of law enforcement with an erosion of civil liberty and due process that allows the police to become judge and jury, we begin to have a very serious problem, give the racial disparities in our criminal justice system. it is impossible for african-americans not to feel like their government is particularly targeting them." speak to that. >> think rand small telling the truth and i'm glad that a republican is saying that. i think people need to understand that. this is a problem. what is going on in ferguson, missouri, is now like any other city. never gonna change, the conflict of african-americans arrested too often, too young by white police officers and a predominantly black community and these white officers who don't live there aren't a part
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of the community i who don't note community and yet given all the power to make things happen we need to have a change in the sense right now. and i tell you what, people think that three days of rioting is the end of it in ferguson, missouri. it's just starting. people are upset they frustrated, they want to take their city back they tonight like the fact that police -- the black men, young, are being stopped and killed. how many people have to bury young people for people to understand that something is wrong in ferguson, missouri? and i think we have to change that right now. we have to change that urgently. the governor, the mayor, everybody involved. and i appreciate the fact that the federal government is involved in it with president obama and with attorney general eric holder but we need a lot more to happen, a lot more to get going. >> in fact, think with 67% african-american community, the arrest rate is 93% or 83% is the arrest rate, the incarceration rate is 93% african-american.
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>> that's exactly right. >> the targeting. bernard, you were a police chief had a very complicated place, los angeles, now a member of the city council. the disengagement in ferguson is extraordinary. it's not just the police department that's virtually all white, it's the city council and the school board. they are not like thing people who represent them ethnically or racially. >> i think it's very important, as we watch the coverage of this incident, is that we have not heard, in my judgment, one word from the mayor or the city council members. you hear from the governor. you hear from the highway patrol. you hear from the st. louis county police. and i think one of the issues that is going to have to be addressed, what is the recovery plan for this? i when is the ferguson police going to get reintroduced to the community so they can begin to work in relationship? when is the community, in addition to raising their hands as to a protest, become
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activists and that energy goes into elections and voting so they can take that role that they -- that they request to be a part of city government, showing up at council meetings, elected representation, these are things that should be on the table on the recovery of ferguson because this issue's gonna pass. you're again ma have the shooting investigation completed, the fbi, eventually, all those people will go home. lou the citizens gonna interact with ferguson, elected officials amount police department, the personnel department and all those decisionmakers once everyone else goes home? >> and let's go around the table. what can be done, what do you think is the most important thing that should be done to try to move beyond the anger and the disengagement? >> i think there needs to be a release of information of i think one of the biggest issue, i talked to hundreds of protesters the last few days, hundreds of residents the past few days, no police provided whatsoever as to why officer
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wilson was interacting with michael brown, why he pulled his gun, why, after the first shot, he continued firing, and i think that that is where -- that's the core of the anger and the core of the frustration is that there's been so little information. there's been an open hostility toward members of the trying to get that information and so i think that -- do i think that that would calm things completely? not at all. i don't know if there's a plausible pathway forward, that's peaceful. think we need more information. >> well, with the range, how close was he, where did he shoot him? you don't have any of that information? >> exactly. i think the first thing needs to happen, you need to arrest officer wilson. he shot and killed man, shot him multiple times and he is walking free. no one knows anything about him, no one knows why he did that. we need to have that done, number one. number two, the curfew is -- i appreciate it, the mayor, very important, but that's not the answer. you have to have a dialogue with
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people who are frustrated, who are angry, who are mad at what's going on in ferguson, missouri. until that happens, until there's a dialogue, people are gonna continue to go out, gonna continue to, in a sense, show their disobedience, you think about it john lewis, who i think will be coming on the program later, we have a lot of lessens to learn from him, he was beaten on the bridge, he was the person going through all of this and we have to realize that somebody who has been beaten, who has -- ran for congress, who was a young, non-violence person and still believes in non-violence, i think that he -- his message has to be list tonight by not just seen your you young people who are wondering what gain nah do? they are coming out, very angry and going to be mad until something happens to make that change. >> in fact, that's perfect introduction to john lewis and we should point out that there is a continuing curfew, not only in ferguson but a continuing curfew as well in baltimore city.
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i'm joined now by congressman john lewis, democratic congressman from atlanta, who of course, marched with dr. martin luther king, jr., more than half a century ago and survived this brutal beating by police in birmingham, alabama. congressman, what do you see as the solutions going forward for this terrible situation in ferguson, missouri? >> well, i think it's important for people to come together and begin a dialogue. begin to talk. that's what we did during the '60s, when we had difficult, when we had disorder, black people and white people came together. in a place like ferguson, it is not just ferguson, it may be ferguson today, but tomorrow, it could be some place else. we have to get police officers, locally elected officials to respect the dignity and the worth of every human being, it's a a shame and disgrace in a
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city, that's almost 70% african-american, to have only three african-american police officers. ferguson, it's not in the american south, but we are doing much better in the small towns and cities in georgia and alabama and mississippi. this is shameful. this is a disgrace. we must teach people the way of peace, the way of love, the way of non-violence, but we cannot have peace and order without justice. >> well, how would you persuade people there that they can believe in their local authorities that they should actually participate in elections, run for office, when they have -- when they are being harassed by their local police and when we see what the police chief did just on friday? >> well, i think that the police chief and the mayor and other local official has a moral obligation and responsibility to literally apologize to the
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community and the city mothers and city fathers should come together in a fashion, reach out to the average community, instead, going to work together for the common good. instead, all live in the city together, learn to live together as brothers and sisters, as dr. king would say, or we're going to perish as fools. >> congressman, i know you voted against it but does congress bear some responsibility for the militarization of local police -- police departments around the country? >> well, i was watching the film coming out of ferguson is, it looked like it was in baghdad or some other war-torn zone. you know, ferguson is a part of the united states of america. it's not china. it's not russia. it's not the congo.
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it's america. people have the right to protest. people have the right to engage in peaceful, non-violent action and person have a right to coverage what is going on. >> thanks so much, congressman john lewis. and to all of our other guests on this issue. and next, the u.s. has launched more air strikes targeting islamic extremists in iraq this weekend. but was it president obama's failure to intervene in syria that fueled the rise of isis in the first place? hillary clinton seems to think so. our roundtable will discuss, coming up next. "meet the press" is brought to you by boeing. where the drive to build something better inspires us every day. [ male announcer ] whether it takes 200,000 parts, ♪ 800,000 hours of supercomputing time, 3 million lines of code, 40,000 sets of eyes, or a million sleepless nights. whether it's building the world's most advanced satellite,
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the place of the yazidis in iraq has brought a group that many americans had not heard of into the spotlight. the place of the yazidis in iraq has brought a group that many americans had not heard of into the spotlight. on this week's press pass, nbc's kelly o'donnell sat down with yazidi activist and "voice of america host" to learn more who the yazidis are and what he told the white house about his people's dire circumstances. see that and more any time at up next, we will have more on iraq after this. this is kathleen. setting up the perfect wedding day begins with arthritis pain and two pills. afternoon arrives and feeling good, but her knee pain returns... that's two more pills. the evening's event brings laughter, joy, and more pain... when jamie says... what's that like six pills today? yeah... i can take 2 aleve for all day relief. really, and... and that's it. this is kathleen... for my arthritis pain, i now choose aleve. get all day arthritis pain relief with an easy-open cap.
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welcome back. the latest now a key military offensive in the u.s. air war in iraq. the u.s. is launching more air strikes as part of a joint operation with the kurds to recapture a strategically important dam in mosul held by isis militants. kurdish forces say they are now advancing on that d.a. and on friday, at least 80 yazidi men were reportedly killed by isis after refusing to convert to islam in a northern iraqi village. but there was some welcomed news for the u.s. this week. the nomination of haider al-abadi as prime minister to replace nouri al malaki, whose divisive leadership created the vacuum for eyes sits in the first place. all this as hillary clinton apologized to president obama for shag believes his failure to act in syria fueled the rise of isis. our chief global correspondent, bill neely, looks at whether america's latest intervention in iraq can be successful without going after isis strongholds in
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syria. >> reporter: are the islamist militants of isis are on a fast march through the heart of the middle east. in iraq, they have taken the second biggest city, mosul, and advanced to within an hour's drive of the capital, baghdad. in syria, this they are threatening the biggest city, aleppo and killing off moderate rebel groups, many of them backed by the u.s. they are doing what al qaeda never did in the region, holding ground, and defeating armies. american air strikes targeted its fighters to halt their advance. in the last 24 hours and just half an hour's drive from here, american warplanes have hit isis targets nine times, but why is isis being hit here in iraq? why was the pilot of the yazidis the trigger went gassing of hundreds of civilians in syria last year and the killing of tens of thousands of more merited a threat from president
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obama and then no military action whatsoever. the president drew a red line in syria but went assad regime used chemical weapons in damascus, he pulled back from air strikes and struck a deal with assad's main ally, russia. questions are again being asked in washington and else where about american power and the president's willingness to use it, but bombing isis and bombing syria are very different. the militants have no big country protecting them at the u.n. america attacked them to stop a threatened genocide, but also to protect its own facilities. >> we will top air strikes to protect our people and facilities in iraq. >> reporter: questions are also being asked about america's strategy. striking a few isis vehicles will do little to halt their advance. >> our success means that a few million iraqi kurds are saved from isis and kurdistan is kept stable, which is a great thing, but that means really nothing
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for the millions of arab iraqis who are going to stay under isis rule for the foreseeable future. >> reporter: president obama, wary of military action, is now the fourth consecutive president to bomb iraq, but now that he started, when and why will he stop? isis is a threat way beyond syria and iraq. >> there's no political solution to the isis problem. isis has to be squeezed. it has to be deprived of oxygen and it has to be confronted. >> reporter: analysts estimate perhaps 1,000 westerners have joined its fight. among them, dozens of americans. isis presents an indirect national security threat to the united states. isis wants to redraw the map of the middle east to establish the islamic state. it's already targeting not just syria and iraq, but jordan, lebanon and turkey. it has its sights on a far bigger prize.
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bill neely, nbc news, iraq. >> to talk about the iraq crisis and the rest of the week's politic, the round stable here, ann guerin, diplomatic correspondent for the "washington post" will be covering hillary clinton as well. jason rile lakers member of the "wall street journal's" editorial board and author of "please stop helping us, how liberals make it harder for blacks to succeed." jane harman, president and ceo of the woodrow wilson international center for scholars and a former democratic congresswoman from california. and republican congressman michael turner from ohio. welcome all. thanks so much. you just got back off another round the world trip with john kerry. so -- and you have been spending so much time in iraq and afghanistan, the conflict zones. what about the argument that isis would not have taken hold if the administration had a year ago, labor day, gone after assad with air strikes and done more militarily to help the rebel there is? >> there's a fair amount of evidence that isis could have been blunted some time back.
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you can pick a different -- various points where they were gathering strength. but when they were incubating in syria might have been a better time to have been paying more attention to how much weaponry they were amassing. training was happening, where they were getting their money, not that the obama administration wasn't paying any attention to it, but it seemed like a much more distant problem and it's a problem that got so big so quickly that a lot of people are asking now where were some vector points that american -- even stopping short of a military -- military power, but other kinds of american influence might have been able to stop it? >> and now we have military engagement, jane harman, it was described as humanitarian mission, but then the president comes out and says, well, we have done that. the the yazidis are okay. and now we see air strikes, really successive air strikes deal with retaking the dam in
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mosul, working with the peshmerga and the kurds on the ground. are we involved in a war there? >> i think it is important to protect our consulate in irbil, if that dam floods, our consulate and a lot of people will be a taken out by isis. i don't think we should consider isis a rational actor, by the way and i think this very seriously. i spent years on the house intelligence committee and homeland committee and i think we should have acted in syria. this was something i said at the time. i think we sent a signal to the neighborhood that was disturbing. the the saudis expected us to act and were very upset and still are that we didn't, but let me just say that about saudi arabia. where are they? if they think they can export terrorism again, laid to with osama bin laden, i think they are wrong this big caliphate if it come to be, and god forbid, we will stop them, will have the front in saudi arabia. evolved in syria, isis didn't
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evolve out of thin air. they were emerge and then also, the any neglect of the administration to work with iraq, we have seen now how unstable iraq is, how threatened they can be by isis. and then this very odd red line that the president established with the yazidis, instead of when icy was establishing a stronghold with major infrastructure, threatening baghdad, mass killings, tens of thousands of refugees, the administration took action only when it was a humanitarian issue. >> well, that is a question. who -- whom do we save, jason, we don't save the syrians -- >> we don't save anyone. i think one problem is we have consistently underestimated isis. this is a committed group of extremists that to broke off from al qaeda because they thought al qaeda was too moderate and our policy needs to reflect that reality. i think the president has been obsessed with the political i think the president has been obsesse[ female announcer ] it's simple physics...
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>> it was like something that juste1 came oute1 in a way that channeled something and he coulq run with it. andt( take you on that little ride. it was pretty extraordinary to see. >>t( barry levinson directed ron williams' first hit movie, "good morning, vietnam." did you guys talk politics? you ever talk politics? >> we did. it wasn't necessarily political to one or the other. it was this is what's wrong. this is fáwhat's crazy. andlp you know, how come we address it and why is it so crazy? how is it you cannot -- we can't come to terms on some basic issues that shouldn't become a political football of the left andw3 right. >> nice to be in washington, where the buck stops here. way to go. and then it is handed out to aig and many other people. now,t( i have a new timothy geithnere1 $20 bill just been printed, kind of
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