tv News4 Midday NBC August 28, 2014 11:00am-12:01pm EDT
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gridlock again today. a paving project on connecticut aven t to a mess. just ahead how much longer dri w be dealing with that problem. >> i looking forward to bringih to a conclusion. >> and the conclusion could be soo that when we find out if the bronia defense worked in eti trial invvi former virginia govnob mcdonnell and his wif > s is back home just days a winning five gold medat swimming
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champis. we s down with 17-year-old kat la decky to talk about her goalfe next olympics. good morning, everybody. i'm aa gilchrist in for bar harrison. rightw you want to avoid concavenue. this h b the scene all week ther as crews working to repave that road. whaar asa routine proct turned into an emerncsituation. today lane on both sides of connti ae is shut down. meg mcgra has been on this stor a morning and has why todas have been the wor. >poitrg repr work, repaving work. if you look behind me you can see t cones and constructi vehledoc also see the traffic. take a look at this. they i down to just one lane there at that sign there. onea creeping by to the lef afty finish the work on thethd side, then the g to start up on the otherid so we're talking
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later on tonight or perhaps tomoowin connecticut avenuebes tohe weeken as crews continue pe, drivs ue to sit in trafc. it'be rough couple of days on connecticut avenue. >> cut it down to one lane in most cases. in t afternoon, you ed every lane. >poyone every lane,ut one is all you're gointoor now. it s northbound side this morng cars crawled by single file to the left. and e tt work is done, crewsi move to the other side, shutting down twoanes headedo toward the circle. the best advice -- >> avoid it if you can. i go brookville road or wisnsavenue. but y and stay off of connecavenue. evenhet good, it was bad. pthnct was supposed to be a routine thing. wn crews milled off the top layer asphalt, they discovhae ba layer
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was in bad shape too. peoe d on it last night, but it wasn't fun. >> the really bad and theye paved pretty low so if therse a sewer hole or any kind of pothole it's made about 20 tim worse. >> poan the work has risen to the level of emergency repas. et f delays between chehacl and 410 goin into tke and i hasn't been a great sitonhe construction worrs either. i talke to one man this morning and he said that frustrated drirse actually been prettyun. thesame pretty nasty this e constc crews as ty by. now, wwi all of this be cleed u and when will things get b to normal? the stghmistti hopo ot sides of conct ue done sometime saturdevn backo in the studio. >> megan mcgrath, live for us in chevy. tha megan. 'sot really if but when and whe a new stadium will be
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buior washiton reds. o d snyder announced those pla dg interview with comstsn airing on mond. theyav already seen prena drawings. >> i'm going to vy tro witit. >> really? >> i asked several architectur fir to it. i sa tth lower bowl sectis going to want to rock the stadium like the old days. >> n back to that when and whe questio d.c maryland and virginia all want a pie of the nfl's third mosvale franchise. the stadium would generate millns dolla in revenue and snyder is hoping a new stadiu bring a super bowl to our region. snysa he's considering all regnshe new stadium. of course d.c. councilmember wellsa the team needs to be bac d.c. >> really if he wants a secrasite, go to virgin >> a worried at all about who en up footing the bill for this >> he wants the city to pay for i which he has not said,
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then we goi to have to talk a lot about that. >> it will be interesting to see wheth t redskins name debate comnt pl here. both mnd an d.c. lawmakers have sn out against the name viiner terry mcauff has largely stayed out of tt debate. we turn to the weather now. a live look outside for you sho m of a few little clou there. a le ne us too. storm 4 meteorologi amel s is joining us with the f forecast. >> gd morning, aaron. for t r of today we're lookin plenty of sunshine and actually the humid will be lowinug the day tod so a beautiful afternoon. whatev outdoor plans may be. the we as f as having a negivct on t rest of your y is not going to happen of e tetughi 70s and 80s. 82 is the temperature in washin75 in gaithersburg and 78 in camp springs. hers planner for the rest of today. nicafternoon, gorgeous
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eveng perfect night for eatg outdoors. 4:00 tpe 87. thase high for today. dryortveng commute, aar teerat 6:00 will be in the mid-s. >> alright, thank you. developing in virginia, the airce now joined the air nationrdh f a misng fighter jet pilot. the f-15 pilot was headed from masuso new orleans yester loso contact five minutes befee pla crashed near the al town of deerfield, virgi e morning. a se and rescue operation on the gu and in the air has been ongoing since wednesday. todas includes a speci aircraft designed forow light searches. the massachusetts air national guard s the pilot reported an in-ig emergcy one county police are loongor a driver who hit somee t took off in silverng this hne at piney branch road ad 9:00 last night. the iv was in a black fouor honda. police tilha heavy end and wind shooeld
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damage it seen headed toward takomp the who was hit is going to oka ju a few minutes ago, procu in former virginia govern bob mcdonnell's corrup t rested their cas clo arguments could begin tomw morning. on his way into court today, mcdoel julie carey he's lookg d wrapping up this trial. >> 's b a long five weeks bute felt every day that witnesme on the stand and tell e trh is a good day for us. >> news4's northern virginia buru in richmond for us. look r updates throughout the day nbcwashingtom a watch julie carey and david culv's full reports tonight bet 4:00 and 7:00. e following a develo story from jpmorgan chase. cg up, what the fbi and the secsearng about a cyber attack on that u.s. bank. >ndh we now know about a seco ameran killed while figg her ou isi
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it's between those two traffic lights w some activity. yould flashes from a gun goiffd people were seen runni across the street and that cl reversing there at rath h speeds, so police areutg out this video and wantedo see if anyone may have anyor ie case. agair two thursdays ago in souea washington. if you know anything, call d.c. pol thae latest from the live des aaron. >>denght now, the fbi and the secret serce teang up to investigate a cyber attack on u.s. banks. ages looking into two hac incidents that happened earlie month, one of them aga fal giant jpmorgan cha. cheind savings account infoatw stolen. oth banks are not being named her it'nor s respoible but the fbi is examining whether russia tied to these attacks. dry could be the latt of a data breach. sev b detected fraud on cards at the ice cream chaila month. dairy n hasn't heard of
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isni nbc news is sti working to learn more abo a second american who died figg isis. u.s. officials have still not reld name. we le douglas mccain died figinr isis in syria. u.s. officials believe both men came from minnesota. they ee beten 70 to 100 americve gone to syria to join isis or other militant groups mother of a journalist beingd by isis made a heart felt ea for her son's return. shirl sotloff directly to the leade isis. she ser son, steven, is an honleman. islam teh an individual shodot be held responsible for th sins of others. >> as a mother i ask for juic to be ul and not punish my son matters he has no contl over. i a y to use your authority to spare his life and to follow
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the exa set by the prophet mohd, o protected people of e book. >> isis has threatened to kill her son if the u.s. carries out any re r strikes in iraq. i to go back to richard jordanwi breaking news from t le desk. >> aaron, we are just learning of wha appears to be some kind of invasion in ukraine. milita tanks, believed to be rus military tanks, moving acrth border in southeast ukr. thi an area that's been conle those russian sepathe and now it appear t russian miliry backing them up. the border guards have had to pull b because they don't havehe ammunition to take on thesen that are reportedly movi in. a nato official going on the recoay as many as 1,000 rusan troops are also moving acrth border. ukr's pride is urging citins remain calm despite thisew development. we'll be watching things from theiv desk. in just a few minutes proer will march to the whithomag immra reform. the fht families rally
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wants lawmakers to stop the depoat migrant workers and th families. simila demonstratns are happe across the couryud in phide las and phoex. >>prt aod take acti immigration inhe comi days. for mo on that we're joined by mark murray, the senior polica editor for nbc news. we aree coming in. >> thanks, aaron. >> so we're hearing from lawke about this immigration idea. thedont any action to happen we don't know what the president is planning to do. why al the angst not even know whae en might do. >> i t a lot has to do with the ecs coming up. evebos trng to game out howou this end of inflnce election. we don't even kw athi actn wd end up being or if it'som ot some of e ang f democrats are saying it's gng to hurt a lot of red sta democrats running in arks, alaska, north caroli on ter w a lot of talk that republicans might end up wai to shut down the govern o withhold some money if president obama goes
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ahead does executive action, that g republicans worried bec t don't wa to see any d talk. that doesn't help their message at all. >> sen marco rubio sent a letre president. >> you nd to look at 2016 polics yes, marco rubio is one of the gang eight members able to pass comprehensive immigration refo in the is that trun siea off and said unls t border is completely 100% fortified and secure, that the rean party will never be for immigration reform. so as he's maybe looking for a 2016 bid trying to get where his par is on immigration rather thawh he was a year a. >> do you get the impression, you lk about t midterm eleio politicians tryto a message to their votsnd th issue, in terms maybe they should be afra of reform too? >> yeah. and even in new hamhi wre scott brown is running against demrato jeanne sha, using immigration.
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i t people will use it in those where they thk it'helpful. the's state where it would help t democrats and that's colorare 25% of the poputis latino. but we're all speculating abt somhit' never with done yet owe kn what the policy is, thenet talk. f more from mark and the res t nbc news political tea che out first read on nbcws. l today, activists are goi te white house lli for a in the aftermath of the micha brown shooting in missou orger to deliver a petionh mo than 800,000 signatha asks president obama ensure a full investn,cuonnd firg of all the officers invve i brown's killing by a poloffi the petition also demands cha t policing nationwide. this happening at 5:00 this eg outside the white houslawn. movie night, the film you can s tonight for free thanks to t nn gallery of art, and a solution for peanut allerg
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pean allergens by 90% to 100%. rig now 2.8 million americans live with a life-threateni aller to that popular food. >> it created inspiration for choreors theyldo things they hadn't seen be >> that is a scene from the film "after of a fawn" that you can seig for free. the film's director, nancy berskys us along with peg parsons from the national galler art. ladiesk r coming in. >> th. >> t us about this film. >> th is a story about a ballinwahe height of her career and was tragically strn polio at the height her career, which mea that she would never walk aga d certainly never dance aga. >d one would hope that thers a inspiratiol tale to be told here. >> this is a woman who had lived in themoment. you ow ballet careers are usu very short to begin with
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and hers is tragically short. but s has learned to live in the me and her resilience and her strength allowed her to livin mt and have a very fu life after her dance carr over. >> a looking at some of the vid there, some of that was in bla and white. when w performance time? >> e in the early '50s, late '40s, early '50s and strke in 1956 on a tour in euro. re toe taking some qutis afr the scrnitonight. >> yes. >> have done that before? >> yes. >> whe people sit and watch thia hear that story and you lea about some of the tragedy and sot inspirational asptsf it, what are some of the questions you hear at this? >> first of all, they all want to w we got the fooge it' a lovely film to look at. theso want to know what does thime for us as individuals, and i think that one takes away fromhem the fact that we alle life that is going to chan a how wee going to adjust it, how we're going to
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accep it is such an important part o who we are. >> peggy, the gallery has seval fil every wee. w e ab to pick and choose ones you're going to put out for folks to see. >> right. that's k of a tough question to answer. i guess the short answer is therar many, many different this that we take into conse. we ha a very nice theater, whi fully equipped to show all the formats, film, digital format video formats. somes w take advantage of the ft that there's a new resra out there. somese might be a filer italy who's in town and we find out that he's avaibd he'll come and talknd ow his work. someme y know, we show fabuus documentari le this one, pt that we're not sho it at the gallery. >> i know. i sulio the east buig gallery is under consuc right now. >> rig >> is that going to reopen, do youin >> well, not entirely certain. probl it will be fully
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reopen b the end of 2016, but we might be able to open the the be that. >> be that we want to let know tonight's screin is at 7:00 at the nation archives so people can show te for the screening of e and to have a convsaite director. lads, we apia you coming in today, thank you. >> thank you. >> anyo t a busy time for beache and down the eastern seaard for a second day in a row there are a concern about rip cu and high waves. we' g an update from storm team 4 meteorolist amelia seg plus, the community making safety priority this morning. safety priority this morning. what they're doing in
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ht now hurricane cristo bringing high surf and dangerous rip currents to theas seaboar youe log at cape may, new jeryt now. a le picture from there. that s is a category one hurran meaning it has winds up to 74 miles an hour rit now e or is not expected to make landl but it will cause dangou beach conditions at placese ocean city this weekd. so you headed to ocean city ft holiday, there are new safety rules to tell you abo morning. on tues an 18-year-old from mansa pulled under by a strri cnt there. eveos being told to stay out tte when lifeguards are on duty. even expeend swimmers will have a problem with these strong water condion >> we people to keep their feet it sa until the lifua is in the stand. remembo relax, let people
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know that u need help. swimal fhe leng of a backyard pool and try to get up he beach at that point. >> to avoid being caught in a rip current, lifeguards do not want y going in any deeper than y knees. amese joining us now. you' listening to these wars. peopled to be thinking aut thian paying attention. >> the news is if you followth lifeguards and offialsaying, the storm is really having very little impace eastern seaboard. aga,e rip currents throhe weekd but it's not briiny really to the unid ss. in t storm right now racgd the northeast at almo 30 miles an hour, maximum sused right now 75 milean here you can see its current projec path as we put this into motion. it wi make its way toward the north keeping itself well sou of nova scotia and then contin weaken as we work our way into our labor day holay weekend. so today surf at the beaches 3
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to 5 feet. aga,se rip current conrn only today but on into t weend as well. now, bac here at home, we're lookinrtis t jusd but tomorrow as well. youaet the car washed, knowhau mig be dealing with s rain over the weekend. we're keeping a close eye on the lab dom forecast. right it's looking like the best cnc of rain would be latert day on sunday. humidiur on saturday so nice, refreshing conditions around t area. two really nice days. temras right now in the 70sxc for washington, one of t warmer spots coming in at 82. colle park at 79 as well as res dulng 76. high temperatur today in t midup 70s. d.c. hits a high temperature of 87. freder a high of 86 as well as e wal e dog this evening, great r for that. 6:00 e on the warm side. may w to bring a water bote. temrain mid-80s.
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by 8:00 low 80s, nice conditions outsid for tomorrow, remember, it remnsor your friday. a comfortably cool start, temrain mid-60s but we' wm up quickly. our hh temperature tomoow 84 degree plenty of sunshine, nice a mild. nowfolad weekend, an isolated afternoon thunde i possible on satua remem's muggy, a high temperof 88. it's downright hot and humid for sunday and monday. somescattered, late-day storms are likely on sunday. otheis temperatur in theow is ia washout? no,ut we'll likely be tracking thahit-or-miss activity on stoea radar. for monday, there's the chance you' d with an afternoon thunde. othwire looking at a cloudx and a high tempeof 92 degrees. now we work our way on into the ek there's a chance of showetstmey much every day, of course labor day monday. but th best chance i'm seeing rig w would be on subbed
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withhe afternoon showers and thustn rest the, aaron. otheis again, the humidity mak return to the area and tho hot and humid conditions las t on through a good por o next week. so as summer unofficially comes to a close, it's certainly not loo le that on the weather map. >>anplo much. it's be so good we have to take the rough stuff. >> t really nice days and the weekd,no washout, the best chance ofa sunday. l down. jusab everyone pitching in to driv the message home before schl start molee n is live in chantith more on this. >> rep a, good morng the mge here is that speed matrscin neibo. now, this is a community camn slow down. youiv here, we live here. and t timing couldn't be bette it's easy to see. this is the neighborhood full of
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kids >> i us to see some speeding. some a kind and stop for us. >> rep w school starts next week, school-age children like e brothers will add to the m of morning traffic and their mom is concerned. >> it not safe for the kids to go to the bus stop at the inteecf ma road where cars go so crazy. >> u' s all the little kids with their backpacks walkgk and forth in the morngd in the afternoon. >> rep neighbors say they haveed for speed humps and more st signs to slow down drirs th we the county's new spe cami focused right in neibo l th one. >> ve seen people fly on this road. so t that would be a great ide >>ep police say a drir'e matters, and at this kickoff of the slow down campai they demonstrat how just t miles over the posted speedld very dangerous. >> 10 miles per hour over the spe limit through our neibo in fairfax
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coun can make a huge difreen it comes to safety >> : now, fairfax county poli y the number one call that they get is about speeding. themu devoting $150,th campaign. theye g to be buying eight new eltric radar messaging signs. t a ones that tell you how fa you' going down the street th're going to give homer signs so that theyanl and warn drivers to simply slow down. we ee in chantilly, virgia mol , back to you, aaron. >>ha. >t story you saw first on four. thirn'r learning that d.c.'s police chief is reconsg floon reassign detve st duty. kat lanier plans to release a new order tomorrow. the po union says moving detvear investigati violt could impact safe. ghno only homicide deteiv are exempt from e moves. yester she said the current lisll b reviewed and exempwi be granted on a
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>> in five world record swims in thet weeks for you, righ >> tt'huge. do yth numbers in your headbo t kind of thing? >> sody told me after i finied this last meet, i tried to count and didn't realize that of ee a really excg summer. >> ha to assume that a lot of wh y do is a love for the sport. notesy yg rack medals and counted number you love to swim. >> i l training every day, being around my teammates and i'm alwsr to improve in theat and improve my best tim. at wdi really well this summer. >> the 1500 meter we know you cald you called the race painful. talkit bit about how youe feeling in the pool for thaso of a race halfway thr yb whait like? >> itas like halfway through or with 500 meters left it real s to hurt. but w the last 500 meters were t my fastestt whole race s
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definias able to push thr and just wanted to get my on the wall at the end and finish my season on a good note. it s last race of the sean. i a really good summer and jusno end with a really good feel. you kno just end on a really great not >> know that imng obsve say that you've got incred- i think i read lethal speed and stamina when it comes to being in the water. in rs it just a matof last 500 meters psh youel go for it, push as har you can? >> thas part of it. it s whole race and you havtoy focused the whole 150 iw 200, the 400, 800 and 4 by 200 relay earlier in the meet it was a long week. i wwig the 200 and the mile i enjoy all of them. >> m cont in awe of you. letet swimming aside and talk e rest of life. yougo to start your seni ye at stone ridge next
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week >> right. >> dyotave much of a norm ? thas where your entourage was wheyo in here. what's a regular day like for you? >> it' a typical day for any o high school student. >> really? >> i normal. i have really great friends that have been extremely suprta i can't wait to starmy seor year. >> you don't ve idiots like me lookg at, oh, olympic swimmer? >> oh, i enjoy meeting people around area. agai i'm really grateful for all of their support over the past couple of years. >> 's awesome. as somebody who knows a little bit ab swimming, micel phelpsn interview i in he ed s was the word the used in talking about how does that feel from somebody wheree very few people on yo level? >> it means a lot to me. it w really cool growing up and looking to him as a role mod, a a young swimmer and now i on a team with him agaith year.
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i was on olympic team and now he' come back and he was on the s. team again this year andt re neat to be a partf tm with him. it's really speci to say that youone team with the greemm all time. >> y' right there with him. real quickly, i want to ask do younk 10 or 15 years out, long-term goals? >> not 10 to 15 years out. i just focus on this next year. i'lle at world championip in russia next summer and then i'll h olpic trials the next yea hopefully qualifying for rio. >> graduate from high school and do what? >> then i'll be continuing to trainor rio and i've committed to stanford. >> fantastic. katiled k u for comi in. >> k yo he final test of the presso comiup, what we can expect frotonight's redskins game and fun f your holiday weekend. a lo at some of the big events taking iare
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m richard jordan at the live w breaking news. comn rivers rushed to the ho in critical condio after she stopped breaing a medical procur rive w having throat surgery at a clinic this morning. appani that proreep brehi sheah to mt. sinai medic center in new york. we' told that her condition is cric rig now. rivers 81 years old. her daughter, melissa, repdl her way right now to yo to be with her motr, that is the breaking newsg right now.
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joan rivers in critical condio hospital after she reportedlytoed breathg during medical procedure. thath latest from the live desk. >hecountdown to the big holidake is on right now. if you're not leaving town, no wores a lot of stuff going on right her we ha few ideas for the weend go m t >> hi aaron. >> of things going on arod th weekend, right? >> labor is considered the endf summer. so th wrap up. so if you're in town, there's a loto do. >> let start with a wine fesva >> tri the wine festival that's only b going a couple of year it really fantastic. it's i leesburg friday through suny. various events. what's really cool is it engages so many of the local diser breweries, winees this is a big industry. this is a big thing that's hapng virginia right now. this i your chance to see them all. ticke for the main festival on satur are $85 but it includes
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pleof tastings, food and wine >> yo fill. >> yep >> th national book festival is thisee too, right? >> this is everyone's big event. theidas year about 200,0 peoe attended the nati b festival on the mall the big change this year is it's moving indoors. i tnk has some people sad but t benefits. it's al going to be lonr. igo go from 10:00 a.m. to 10. so f who wa to make it a day,here plenty of opptu t that. it's completely free and at the walr. whit convention cent. lii conditioning doe'hurt >> eecy in august. >> t final thing this weekend, two things. this is the final weekend for two things at the national buildi museum. >> 'sright. the on buiing museum is wrag up two big events. the hil country backyard barcure which are concerts thahaee set up on the malwi bales, a lot of fun inos the big maze, which thedi summer, just for a few hs thi really popular with kids. this is a 3,600 square foot
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maze. its feet high in places and this a lot of fun for folks to vi in the lobby of the musm. it clo on monday but the's a cool event tonight where ' staying open until 9:00.m ad you can visit the maz a rthyou. appat it. for ideas just log on to nbcsn. the going outdeshpo.c. o wednesday's child this weeis a talented young man with grt attitude. whi h has dreams of one day starrithg screen, what he'd really love is a family and placell home. news4 barbara harrison takes us to meet malik. >> ror t class thear, 15-year-old shared his dream. >> f a career, i would like to be an actor for television and film >> er malik has a plan for his future that includes the theate so came to the atlas theater whe he told me he's already had a litt experience acting and singing at school. >> when i was in fifth grade, i did an opera.
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>> did you sing? >> yes, i sang a solo. >> po:al was excited to see what was happening on the sta here. act darren stewa w rehesein with the director on a ter production. >> the instructor said go home and write a page tonight and let that pa come out of you. then it will be true. barbar >> ihtom to meet you whold to be up there on the se some day himself. >> is this malik? >> yes. malik. >hi, sir, how are you? >> do good. >> malik has acting on his list of fu possibilities. tho who know him say with a famy guide and encourage him, t sky's the limit. >> 's honor roll student. hisehr at school is exel he h friends and his teachers love him. >> malik knows what he would lik an adoptive family. >> i would like to have some siblgs i w like to have a family that similar interests. >> he w to go to college to study history and acting and
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bein stage here was a real thrill. >> dyo to do a little monolowork? we' got the lights set up. >> y kat do it. >> i known rivers. i'vkn rivers ancient as the wor a older than the flow of hum blo in human veins. my soul has grown deep by the rive. > al ask malik to hear a litt t opera he sangn fiftgr ♪ and learned he also has talent in dance. cal mal a triple threat, both darren and sandy were imped >> ot a bright future ahe o you, sir. >> an >> with proper training, i expe to see great things from you. his ready to join a pernt family. he wts to be part of finding that family, which is why we came he today. >> h w are pretty simple.
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>> basical i want to have a famy loves me and that i'll have a happy life with. >> barbara harrison, newso wedne c >> pretty awesome kid there. if youro in your home and yr heart for malik or anotr d that's waiting, call o special adoption hotn 1-88-t adopt me or search wedsd child on n asn. >>yoe t now 11:52. comup, the money-savi deals n want to miss out on in stores right now. plus
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welg several devel stories througho the y here on nbc4. first, an hour ago, proton former virginia govern bob mcdonnell's corrti trial rest their case osi argts set to begin tomro morning. our am coverage of that trial, of crs you can look for julie carnd david culver's full reposht on news4. avoid connecticut aven tod if you can. crews repaving the road from the d.c line to east-west highwa chevy chase. only lane getting by on eith of that road so that mea major delays. use wisconsin as an alternate. the repairs will likely last thr t weekend. is the last tune-up befth games really start koukt. the redskins take on the tampa bay buccaneers tonight and this is a game that has a lot of peoe watching ve closely. people wl be watching kirk cou. the na cuts coming as well
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and is will be the last chance for players to make their mark befe f roster is set. you cah t game at 7:30 right here on nbc4. we, you did your homework and ylse that comes wits ydsffo 62. now how about a little something for yoursf. eri gz some great end-ofr s that you just wo want to miss. >> the plenty of sales going right now to take advaagof. the lesson, know what to buy now so you don't end up paying more late for starters, now is a really goome to buy a new car. thise of year dealers often feel presse to move older cars off the lot to make room for nextyear models. >> the longer a car sits on the lot, more expensive it is forhedealer. >> rorha one big tick item to consider buying this t of year. we're working with consumer rep t bring you five more sale items tonight at 5:00, inclin why there's they're been a better time to break out the od china. >> there you go. le get a last look at our
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forests morning. amese back with us and we're g pretty good. >> re t lucky one because youe once midday is over. it's buloutside. theid is low, go out and enjoy it. nice today, nice tomorrow. let tal abou the weekend wheme shower and stm chaes enter the forecast. an isolated storm is possible on saty. t's umd/jmu game that kic off. besa of showers on satd b west of washin othee humid, it's warm. a high teatu of 88. then i just muggy and hot for sunday monday. thees chance of rain over the three-ek will be later in theay on sunday, so some scatte afternoon thunrs and tn on monday, labor day, the is the chance that you're dea w an afternoon shower or thunderstorm. i wt stress, though, it's that of hot and humid weatr e most of the day is dry. you dealing with some rainr 30 to 40 minutes. >> i you guys don't like to go tof into the future but fol w wondering the
11:58 am
virgia schools going back on tuesy. >>hes a chance of showers andndmst's going to be and humid it's looking like. upp s. summercrou even though it unofficially clos this weeken >> o wel take it. thank amelia. and th is news4 midday. be sur tune in from 4:00 to 7:00 tonight, for all the day's newsnc the breaking news we just got about joan rivers beings to a hospital after shet breathing during thro surgery in new york city. look t nbcwashingt.c for the latt on that throughout the as well. we'l b back here tomorrow morng 4:26 a.m. with news4 tod unl weyo a great
12:00 pm
today on "access hollywood live," brad and angelina are married. details on the top secret wedding. >> plus jennifer aniston's "friends" reunion. >> "access hollywood live" starts right now. >> stand by billy and kit. camera two. we're live in five, four, three, two, one. >> oh, yes. >> oh, it all started with
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