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tv   News4 at 6  NBC  October 2, 2014 6:00pm-7:01pm EDT

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at dulles airport days after the ebola pat traveled through here. > new develops in e case of two maryland sisters who disapp nearl. >> tonight police have named a second per of interest in the case and admit there's a good chan the girl's bodies are buri in a remote area of virgin. afternoon, investigato named richard welch as that seco perso of interest in the lyon sisters case. public rec show he lives in hyatts maryland. we hav learned he used to work as a 1970s, and now police are asking busine owners near wheatton plaza who may have employed him to give them a call. tisha thompson with the news4 i-team is live to put this toge for us tonight. tisha? doreen, like so ma people in our area, i grew up in the montgomery area in t late 70s and early '80s and it's really hard to explain how this case in particular rocked our community. especi for parents.
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because be kids could walk home alone. afterw, people could not unde how two blonde sisters cou just vanish like that. w 39 years later, it looks like they are the closest they been. but police say they need your help. >> montgom dets say d allen welch senior was a security guard near whean pla in the 1970s. >> our feeling is we're cl to resolution than we have ever been. police say he is out 20 years older than his nephew, l lee welch jr., who also went by the name michael, named a person of interest earlr ts year in february. the news4 i-team has learned that at le a half dozen peop have now come forward since febr, all saying they were approd by a man with a badge at wheaton plaza, who accuse them of stealing, and tried to grab them. at lea one of these incidents happ two years after the lyon sisters vanished. 12-yea sheila and her 10-yd sister, kathryn, we last seen at wheaton plaza
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mah 25th, 1975. theye wal to their home a half mile away, but never arri sketc was made from a desc giv by a witness at mall. a friend who was with the lyon sis earlier told police a man had been following them. thiss the mug shot taken two s later of lloyd b. welch. he's connected to sex assault in self states, and is currently seg a 33 year sentence in de for sexual assault. cold case investiga started fo in on welch earlier th year, and the last few wes the been searching a large swath of property they bee was and may still be owned by the uncle, richard welc here in southwest virg, about five hours south montgomercounty. >> i bel we'll get to the bott of where numerous crimes han committed when this inn is over. >> do you thk the girls are on that mountain? >> do i personally think so? i personally think there is a >> r investiga won't say if the two men or anyone in e welch family has answered
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thr questions. but announce they will convene a gran start. now, the commonweah atty he says if someone refuses to an questions, the grand jury n force them to by throwing th in jail and keeping them in jail unt they agree to test now pole say if you ran a bu or run a business in the wheaton plaza area, they want you to go through your res fro the 1970s, to see ou had a security guard nad richard welch. you did, they want to hear fr you. a thompson, news4 i-team. >> thank you. > now to the urgent effort to keep one case of ebola from be an outbreak in the u.s. the world's top ebola expert is in texas right now, working to idti anyon who might have been exposed. ther late word that prt oba called the mayor of dallas this evening and fede health officials are ta steps to ensure that air tr remains safe. jay gra h
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>> when i go, i come to you. as she prays for her son -- >> i know you are looking on me and i a looki on you. i pray for you to get well. >> r a specializ l team continues to treat th eric duncan inside an isn unit at texas health pr hospital, while in a second emergency cent, t there's centers for die control have tracked his prog and the ongoing effort to f any who may have had cot with duncan before he s admitted to the hospital. >> there is a list of about 100 of what we call potential po conta and that will culled down to a list that wi begin the contact tracing on. heah workers co to post flyers and comb the apartment complex where four memb duncan's immee family have now been ord to stay inside their ho with no visitors until at t october 19th. >> the actions that we took, whe unusual, were ap and they're there to come to,
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you kno -- for the safety of e family, as well as the of th. >> good morning, good morning! says there were no ol sit absences today at scs whe some of the family membs were students. >> just pray about it, you know, j going about our days, while federal, can do. ste and local teams do what th to make sure that de vir doesn't spread. heal off say now they're conft they have the virus cont but will continue to widen the net to make sure it stays t way. jay gray, nbc news, dallas. and now that we know the eba patient in texas made a in our area, some people .re wondering how safe it might tran reporter, adam tuss, continues our coverage now, at dulles airport. jim, tonight we have learned the man who has ebola is accused of lying on a questionn about coming into contt with the disease.
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unit air is contacting who may have been on plan with that man. mean the cdc and the airp are telling us they're rey for whatever the infected ebola patient, thom eric duncan, was not shg any symptoms of ebola wh he was here at dulles in mid september. and e airport says it's prep with medic personnel on hand 24 hours a day just in case. e cdc says it uses simple qug of passengers to de illnesses and has qu stations available in majo airports like dulles if the sit cal for it. >> my job is to travel so i keep trav it doesn't have much impact on as on the move, going from country to coun says news that duncan was he isn't troubling. >> i just, you know -- try to be safe. t to, you know, keep my the centers for die control says there's ze risk other passengers would contracted ebola from mr.
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dunc, because he wasn't syc whe he was flying and ebola only spreads once the in person begins to show sis of sickness. the airpo authori here says the not been made aware of d they say dulles does have emery m personnel on duty around the clock to address any issues in the terminal and ed and linda are from vienna, virg, headed to portugal, spai and they said they didn't even thin twice abo coming to the ait today. >> we ha planned this trip. we're going. we'r not concerned. -- >> the never a fear. >> no, none. >> r and back here now li at dulles. unit airlines says it's reac out to about 300 to 400 pass on the plane with dunc. the airline says it's doing that becae it believes it's not a risk that it believes it's t thing to do. repog live, at dulles, adam tuss, new we more coverage and he resources on our website,
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nbcw d coming up in our next half hour'l tl you about the work under way here in our area to stop the spread of the dise > a man named deion warren has accused of murdering a man, a father, who is trying to prt his son. they picked up warren at a hotel in laurel last night. poli say ace notoriety as a loca rapper helped track him s accused of shooting and kig a man in bowie on tues the secret service will have a new leader on monday, just days the resignati of di julia pierson. form spe agent joseph cl has been named the acting dire. the head of president obams protection detail until he retired in 2011. since then, clancy has been the head of corporate security for comc the company that owns nbc universal and this tv stat pison resigned yesterday with
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th servi under fire for a number of serious security brea> i just a few minutes, the the can for mayor will de critical issues facing the city. one quen liky it to come up, shoul there be a change in on d.c.'s most important and high jobs. tom sherwood shows us which way the cans sm t >> swore in cathy lanier in may r mother holding a bible. lani has stayed on for mayor vit gray and says she hopes to stay on with the next mayo >> would y be prepared to cont as police chief, re of who gets elected the nex mayor of the district? >> sure. i love the city. i love my police department. d you know, i love what i do. prov that the new mayor asks to stay.y, i certainly would >> r an nbc 4 "wasn post" maris poll in sept showed lanier had a
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75% rating, the highest of d.c. officials. mura bowser says she would apt her. david kattania won't publicly any potential appointmen. but news4 reported last month th kattania intends to keep the chief. an independen carol schwartz, al has declined to make any prom. lani job is expected to come up tonig at 7:00 p.m. at the se of four debates among the three candidates th one hosted by wamu's kodjoe nnam. it comes as an affiliated group, economic groh d.c., is releasing a poll shg bowser leading kattania by only eight percentage points. in t district, tom sherwood, news now to our weather. get ready for a big change in co over the next 24 hour is tracking the threat of st storms tomorrow. yeah, that's right. take a look at those numbers rit now. we're i 70s across the
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t by the time this thing moves in and out for the weekend, wee talking about temperatus that could be some 40 degrees cold than what you are looking at rig now. and thas actually the tee we' going for. 77 for a high today in leesburg. now thinking a low of 37 early on sunda morning. so, yeah, much colder air. we've bn on the mild side, but the cool air and the cold air, the chill, it is coming. and it does come with a chance for som of those stronger break it down for you comi up and show when it moves in and exactly what you can ex for your friday and the week coming up next. tha you, doug. not by reason insanity. des beh the stunning t in the s al policofficer. and how soon the gunman could be rele. wit jesse matthew linked to two abductions, another man cod of killing another won in charlotte last ye is now making a big also, nationals fans are we'll tell you about the
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scavr hunt giving some pe access to the playoffs as we explore the striking si between this team and the 1924 senators. those a the ones who
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you're watching news4 at 6:00> more now on the stunning t in th shooting of police officer, peter labo
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a judge ruled the gunman not by reason of insanity. th decision visibly stubld stun prosecutio we we in e courtroom when the ver was announced and chs joi us live with more. chri good evening. as officer laboy left the cour i asked him for his shook his head and quietly sa "not right now." he then met with a comm attor who came out and spoke w. pros brian porter came out court after the verdict to y offic peter lab and his fami are an inspiratio and a remi to the community of the sacr polic >> obviously, i'm disappoint i wish we could have brought a co home in this case. howe on the evidence that was introduced at trial, i un leg decision d i can understand why the jue made the decision he did. mental health expe inclu psychologt wim stayskel testified that bash she did not
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unde the consequens of his act when he shot officer labo said he heard voices in buy a knife and a handgun the day before the shoo. and he drank three beers to help him do what the voice commanded, to go to old town alexandria, to rape a woman. and sho a cop. but the voice told bashir nog bad was going to happen, that he was living in a parallel univ, and these aren't real peop. th was a nonjury trial. judge james c. clark ruled the dee had met his burden of prg that bashir was not cr responsibl because he didn' know what he was doing was wrong. the judge referd bashir to the depa of behavioral health for an evaluation and report in 45 days. and then judge clark will ar >> the judge will decide whether he shou committed to an institu or released with cor released obvi we'll be arguing he be held in a secure facility. and tn if he is heltd held in a secure facility, a decision
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be annual reviews of his me status and his reha and his treatm prosecuto will seek to have bashir confined for as l the law allows. that the latest, live at the al courthouse. s gordon, news4. > tomorrow, d.c. councilman jim graha will hold a meeting th will attempt to repeal cutb to a city program ca the temporary assistae for needy families. it's program tt many fa depend on for health wis they need. yesty a 42% cut took effect in that program. that pro -- or the part that affected are those families th have been in the program for fiv years or more. that program right now helps mon 6,000 families in the city. doug is back with more on our weather. we he got some big changes ar the corner, huh? >> and i'll tell you what, e going to the game, for
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exampl you friday game is goin to be a great afternoon. your satur game is going to a lot different for the nas and then it's going to much, much cooler. some said kind of like san o weather. kind of. temp will in the 60s but we' going to get the wind ar our region during the afte there currently, look at dealing with some cloud r earlier. now some sunshine and some nice cor in the trees. the col is starting to show up. 74 degrees, winds out of the east at 9 miles per hour. arou the rest of the region, te are in the 60s. 68 in gaithersbu. in baltimore. as the o's right now are taking on the tigers. 73 in winchester, 74 towards fred a nice afternoon again. we he had three days this n a row of clouds and fog early and th better conditions in the afte what we'll see again tomo. fog early. then par skies. and then becoming rather breezy. the wind tomorrow afternoon gug upwards of 15 to 20 mihour. wind coming out of the sout rada not to show in our regi. just back to the west, we're watc this system. and it's a very strong system. a lot of storms back towards st.
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loui up toward the chicagola area, memphis. that the cold front that will sht our way over the next 24 hour d man, is it going to bring us a big change. futu weather timing out well. 7:00 a.m. tomorrow morning. noti once again the fog. most fro i-95 towards the west. but even towards southern we'll see some of that fog, very similar to what we s. frid at 5:00, maybe an is shower that would be du the game. but again, i really think the ga is going to stay on the dry side. theyl g it in, no problem. a pr nice after for e then the rain comes in ar 10:00, 11:00, 12:00 hour. any storms hold together, th could easily produce strong hour.pwards of 40 to 50 miles th somethi we're going to see we move through the night on friday night into saturday mo morning, that front is ou here. by saturday afternoon, we're dealg wit sunshine, but it is going t windy. i thk winds gusting over 30 mi during the you've got plans on saturday, just mak note of that nd. and then sunday night or
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sa night, sunday morning, th when it gets cold. but one more day in the 70s. 77n d.c. 78 tw in fredericks. 73 in martinsbur leesburg at 74. headg towards the nationals park tomorrow, hey, looking pr good. 75 degrees at 3:07 start. 73 in the seventh inning. 70 degre for that last out. so a nice forecast. here the big deal. 65 for a high on sunday. low of 47. that puts most of you in the 30s. i'm thig you could see your fit frost of the season. it wl n last long, though. get rig back into the 70s on . next, a growing problem in a local county. thieve smashing car windows to t women's purses. w at 6:00, where one woman saw her credit card being used just hours aft her car was hit this suing a sperm bank. one mom's fight after having a > plus, partying like it's 1924? the last time a d.c. baseball te won the world series. why tha team was loved nati, a the striking
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simio this year's . ♪
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♪ with 5 perfectly sweetened whole grains, you can't help but see the good. look for big g cereals with money saving offers on these breakfast favorites and give your budget a boost.
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the some energy inr out the. octor air meaning playoff base. and tomorrow right here in d.c., the natio prepare to make a run for the pennant. >> when the washington senators won t world series 90 years ago, the entire country seemed toe rooting for d.c.
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newss mark segraves got his has on some recently video of that 1924 cham and joins us from nas park. hey, mark. >> r hey, baseball fans are going to love this. the library of congress today ju released newly discovered vio from game seven of the 1924 world champions -- world sep game. this whe the senators won e excitement you see in stadium. th video from 1924 was felt all across the country 90 years ♪ while fans here at griffith stadm went wild for the home te back in 1924, fans across the cou were rooting for them as well. >> people we really excited. they wanted the senators to go all of e way, becau they didn want to see the yankees or giants win as they had in the author of "you've got to have heart: the history of basebl in d.c." says when the ss pet the red sox in
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bost to clinch the pennant, bo fans cheered. >> the red sox fans became se fans for that day. theye vy excited. they rushed the field. they fou clark griffith, the sena' owner in the stands and car him out on the fiel almost like a home viy for the senators. newspape 1924 tell the story. >> it was big national news. it w on the front page, as you ment of many newspapers, the "new york times," ab the fold. y washington played it big. of even the "boston globe" had a buck harris cartoon. >> r the president of the united st only at the games, he rooted for washingt. hono the team with a parade. >> huge parade, 100,000 people. prest coolidge greeted the team even said he was glad the pennt was finally won because now maybe the government workers could get back to doing work. he sd pductivity had suff because everybody was
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so caugh up in baseball favor. >> r tomorrow we'll find t if governmen grin to a halt when fans take the fie here at nationals d is the giants who knocd the senators out of the 1933 wor series. repog live at nats park, ma segraves, news4. >> all right. thanyou, mark. we don't even want to think abt a possible parade yet. >> no, i wonder in mark res that nats fans, wasn't a whole lot of prody today. gnomes th aced 100 of those the area. six of them are autographe and the fans who find those win two tickets a piece to satu game. there s some out there. here now are some of the places the alr been found. dupo circle, national portrait gall, alexandria city and the city dock in annapolis.
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the ori pla right now. and we'll have more on that game comi up in our sports report. >> and we've got news about anotr big event that will be happ here in d.c. emin, bruce springstee mea and rihanna, some of t artists booked on the nati mal next month. merystre, tom hanks and st spielberg will also make appe e concert for valor is set for vete day,uesday november concert will be free, but sp hope fans will donate to causes that help veterans. > the high-profi crimes, ing the abduction of a uva stud w a man in prison for ki and killing a vi teenager is asking a jue to take a second look at his case. maryld one of only a hal of stas that can ha ebola testing. the warning for health providers heregi t developmes in texa> and an uptick in smash an grab tonit w report a victim
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reg what the robbers did wi her stuff in just a very wi her stuff in just a very short a
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in cases of rape and incest, just wi her stuff in just a very short a like the right-wing republicans in congress. they want to overturn roe v. wade. so does she. "i think roe v. wade should be overturned." barbara comstock even voted with right-wing republicans to require women seeking an abortion to undergo transvaginal ultrasounds.
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that's all i need to know. i'm john foust and i approve this messge. new tools in the search for mig uva student, hannah grah. a convicted criminal about st anr crime. thieves targeting cars and sm windows to get inside. >> i was shaki. i wa reall shaking. >> the one area seeing an uptick
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> bracing for an ebola emery in our region. what offic are doing to make sure hea workers here dot miss potel red flags. two months. that how l jesse matthew wi sit in a charlotte ja before facing a judge. >> as the pre suspect in hanngraham's disappearae awaits trial, others are coming forwar rg matthew's dna be compared against case virg buru reporter david culv is in charlotte now with more on this. davi van and doreen, amid the recent disappeara and all the unknowns here, last year abduction of 17-year-old al murphy was thought to be a case closed. a case solved. in fact, one man was convicted d given twoe sentences. but tonight because of the de hanna case, t man's attorney as for the evidence to be reex. with jesse matthew behind bars
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li by police to hannah grah disappearae and to morg harrington 2009 abn and murder, randy ta wants investiga to ret evidence in his client's convicted of abductingd killi . she disappeared last summer in ne nelson county. >> there were multiple dna samp found in alexis murphy's car and most came back unknown prov. now taylor's at wants investiga to chk any connen alexis may had to matthew. via socl media and through dna. i'm asking them to take the known sample of dna from jesse maw the law enfor has and compa to all the unknown dna samples in that case. >> r late last week, be police connected matthew to other crimes, i asked alex' great aunt if she be is he could have been involv that's what i'm going with. day 20 of searching now wra up.
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crews b in a drone for the seco day to hover and search fr above. stil sign of hannah >> my focus right now is hannah. that wha i have to remain fod on. in fact her former high scho frs from west potomac high had these wristbands made up for us. we just got them this morning. hann elizabeth graham, and ap this was her jersey nu on the softball team when e was in high scho there. >> r many time, nelson coun commo attorney put out a note saying there is no credible evidence linking jee matthew to the alexis mu case. and they convinced that ray taylor, behind bars serv two life sentences, acd alone. stil though, the comm attory in ne county says that they're gog to request scientific test to done just to end live in charlotte tonight, i'm dav culver, news 4. >> david, thank you. and the family of a woman mu near lynchburg,
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virg, is hoping matthew's ar might bring a break in thr case. 23-yd cassandra morton did in 2009. her body found months later. her father says if matthew is cod to the morgan ha case, maybe he had sog to do wh his daug murder. well, there's a possibilit but all of the evidence, it mit seek justice right here. >> the campbell county sheriff's office says jesse majorityw is t cons a person of interest ats poi but are looking in whether he was in the area wh morton disappear and was killed a teacher accused of hav a sexl relationsp with a .tud will stay in jail for at her nam is erika mesa. she was arraigned in stafford co today. she is a teacher at colonial e . invest say she sent nude phot and had a sexual re with one of her stud. g to the local
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news police say mesa had inape relations with at l four stud since 2012. her bond hearing will be held a > a woman goes to pay for her ga only to have her car targ by thieves. county.ned today in prince and county bureau chief tracee wis rep on what the crs were able to do with one vict possessio in a ve short period of time. >> nobody should leave their bag in the car. like i did this morning. it w a big mistake. >> within minutes, nut ellis says ev was taken from her car. she was just going to pay for gas when it happened. >> all of my credit cards. driv li sociy card. ever gone. >> r three hou later, the crooks alrea started using her credit cas miles away. >> they used the -- my chase ca at waldorf. home for 320 something dos already. that quickly? >> yes. >> unfortun thefts fm
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ca or thefts from auto is ac our number one crime. >> r pri co police say while they seen a decrease in these inci it is still far and away the most popular crime. >> and if the community will meet us halfway and do their pa in an effort to hide or re those valuable items, we thk we can dramaticay reduce this type of crime from happ >> r throu social mea and communi outreach, are ta all valuables with you >> part of the trouble of this mess we're not trying to say to people this is somehow your fat that you have become the vi of a crime. >> i was shaking. i was r shaking. r for add alis an invasion she won't soon forg. when i see this in the news, m like really? now that it happened to me, yeah. every sho real care >> r prince ge co pole are investiga to fige out who is responsib for this, but again, with so of these happening in the coun, there is a very high ch that who did this may ju get away.
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in chillum, i'm tracee wilkins, news a third person has died afr a bus crash in delaware. it w a tour bus on its way fr d.c. to new york on ser 21st that overturned. a wom from new york, another fry were killed. the thi victim, a woman from indi die this morning from in sufd in poli say the driver was spee has been charged in the virginia leaders a worried that the use of heroin and pr is growing ou contr in the s say deadly he overs rose from 3 in 20o 197 in 2013. the national drug czar spoke to ste off at a summit in che tod and says the epidemic isn't just an urban >> you know, i think part of the issue is that we are seeing he in different parts of the couny that we haven't seen befo suburban and rural areas
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wher people dot suspect, and pares d suspect. and it's not in virginia. a repor released by the cdc toy found the number of heroin deat across the country dod fm 2010 to 2012. a big mistake has been und a sperm bank. we'll tell you what a white mo is now demanding after beg inseminat with sperm fr an african-a donor no more waiting in line. now you can see the views from one area's most popular ats from the comfort of your own home. you might need the comfort of your own home this weekend. we're t much cooler air. we've g mild air, but the cold air right back to the west. that cold air moving our way. in between, some strong storms. and i'll show you what those st did down to our sout new video just coming in.
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an ohio woman is suing a sper bank, claiming she was imd by an af donor by mist
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jenn cramblett filed a $50,0 medical malpracti lat again the illinois clin. she says chose a donor with bl hair and blue eyes so the child w look like her part she is suing so she can move to a larger and more diverse comm we just want her to have the abil to see different cult and possibly feel welc. you just say, oops, i'm sorr happy you got a child. and walk away from this. >> jennifer cramblett's daughter is 2 years old now. she says she has no problem with > you can now catch the view from the top of the washington mo any time you want. usuay you would have to wait for an open spot there. 800,0 peoplt every year, thou durin peak times, that's que a hot ticket. now, though, all you have to do is turn on your computer to chk out the sights. the national park service has set up a camera that extremes li views of the national mall
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all t way across to virginia. in o to che it out, we in you to nbcwashing sear for washington monument web cam. pretty beautiful view toni> on alert, what maryland he officia are doing to prt a texas-type mie whe diagnosing patients > and a look into the futur air juo jet. juo jet. how can i avoid maintenance fees? why would you want to avoid them? because i don't want to... you know what? i'm gonna bring my maintenance guy in here to tell you all about it. roddy! so, uh, without your fee, your checking chamber can't run smoothly. every time you put money in, it causes, uh...deposit friction. gotta get some fiscal lube on there.
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[ male announcer ] it's time to bank human again. [ defeated] okay. [ male announcer ] avoid monthly maintenance fees at td bank with a minimum checking balance of just $100. td bank. america's most convenient bank.
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right now, concern is spreg in dallas about the eba virus. a man there is being treated in a hospi in isolation. and hea officials have asked
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his girlfriend family to stay hod up in their home. thom dunca traveled to the u. from liberia and did not re on his airport quese bef leaving libe that he had contact with some wit ebola. that cou land him in a lot of tre if and when he returns to liberia. mean, hh officia want to know who in the u.s. came in contact with him. and they said today, it may be as many as 100 people. newss kristin wright joins us wi what' being done here to ma sure we're prepared. kris well, doreen, ma state health officials y are emphasizi that with the expertise right here at home at some of the world's leading hee facilities, they are >> health ca providers th maryland, throught the country, need to be aware, ne to be thinking t ebola. >> r the maryland depaf heah sending a proae m today on ebol we need to be prepared for, you know, the possibili that a patit or two patients with -- who develop ebola virus are --
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inside the health depa, a special lab, one just 13 in the country that can do speci testing for ebol in t event the need arises. >> we haven't had anybody that has reached t level, the ex level to require ebola test in maryland. >> r humanitarn aid work, suzanne van hall, just re from west africa. she works with nonprofit ca relief services, mostly in t areas of malaria, tube and nutrition. now ebola is at the forefront. >> staff and security is really our main priority. and so we have looked at being caln who can actually go to areas that are infected. and limiting our staff you should also kn in maryland health ca provs must report all suspd cases immediatel the maryland health department and local health departmen in e state have a 24/7 system in
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plac to respond to investiga cases. and state health officials say the provided guidance on prev to hospitals, to nug homes, clinical labs and doct offices. jim? of thanks, kristin. > it seems in chica cannot catch a break. hund of flights have been cad or delayed at o'hare and at midway airports today. thise because of receive st approachi that ar. airl in chicago are still re after a fire last we at an air traffic control fa that grounded all the fls in and around chicago. those ds and cancellat are expected to last into and pr thr the night. > airports in our regency pret planes. this one, though, this is a big one world's largest jumbo jet. it landed at dulles intel today. they cal it the ai a-380.
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this i the first of its kind from british airways tha landed here. i thk i read someplace that tht with it 400 and so people. thing is so big that ber. ai have to have upgraded fa to handle it, and, of cour, all the people that are on it. the plane was given a ceremony water cannon salute as it pull int the terminal for the firstime. i thk i read somewhere that first class on that thing is li 12 grand or something like that? >> whoa. and they give you pajamas or some well, for 12 grand, they ought to -- >> at least some pajamas. >> pajamas, slippers, a robe, what it looks prey cool, though. i would like to fly on that. >> sure. >> nice day out there toda >> yeah, you know, what nice toda tomw is going to be a very similar day than what we seen across our area today. and, of course, that's when we stt the playoffs here in our city. g prett good as far as is concerned too. but we' got some big changes. and the going to start ocg r after the game
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tomo. out towards reston and northern virg, l pretty nice. but not this. the n goes down tonight at 6:49. it is currently going down right now. amazing. the first time i brought you th so far this year as our da continue to get shorter and shorte a s. city cam is concerned here, r as we look towards the city rit now, if my clicker will work be right back. right there. don't go anywhere. i' got your forecast for you. don't you worry. thiss what we're going to be se here as we move on thh t next couple of days. got it, guys. ther it is right about -- i got it. don't worry. don't worry. it coming. tempe, 74 degrees right now. 71 degre at 7:00. going d to 66 degrees a li cooler -- quit at me. and the numbers currently on the dry side. we're going to stay dry the next 24 hours or so. but that' when we're looking at some big storms back to the
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we. boy, do i mean big. take a look at this line of st down towar dallas. we've got some video out of the da area where these storms ca through. 60 a 70-mile-anr winds kn out power to hundreds of thousands. hail, 2 inches, almost basee hai copying thro there. , take a look at that. that not somethi you want to in. i do it be that bad in o area. that's some good news. but we are going to the chan for at least some showers with some rather windy t it's going to get rather br tomorrow after and th just plain windy on sa and cold on sunday. sund morning's lows of 47. many of you will have temp in the 30s. coul the first frost of the seas? >> all right. chan the batten that clr before we meet again, >> thanks, doug. nats, 24 hours away from ga one. dian help us. >> i'm sorry, i'm so happy that happ. maybe did that.
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we'll hear from the nats and why they aren't scared of a team th won two world series ti in th last five. find out why th gias game is actually the be thing for kirk cousins. .'ll explain.
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this is the xfinity sports desk, brought to you by xfinity, your home for the most live
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okay, 24 hours from now, wel all be just as nervous as we c be. carr on like crazy people. >> we'll be doing the news with our plasma screen over the wi the game on. all right. the beards are growing, doug. the gnomes have been located. and the redshirt are everywhere. now all fans can do is get a go night's sleep and wake up to ready to watch game one over at nats park. the team worked out one final ti before tomorrow's home game. two years after stephen g was h play. get the start in game one. of the players on this team that played in that 2012 pl say they underestim the value of playoff perience now this team has some of it. our n k has some insight. than. we know the goal of the nas tm is to win the wo championsp this sease goi to have to get by one toughest clubs in all of major league baseball.
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the san fs over the last five seasons have won two world series titles. >> the opportuni to play in the playoffs is nothing new to th sure. and you tell by the world cham couple world chs recently. >> i thi in that category, th probay advan gian. theye bn there -- they been through this first roun success in the first roun e got a pretty good team ove too. we're going to make it a chal i assure you. >> i go out there and play the ga ready to play and not worry about who has rings or who dot have rings. we're a team that goes out there and plays every night. k hard and that's all that matt those experienc are going toe helpful. but, you know, we have ex too on this team. we he played in postseason game we know what to expect. and, you know, we're ready to kif get the ball rolling on th year. >> r thi year and this pennt race all starts tomo. while t giants had the expe, the natio have
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the home field advantage. expe this place to be the loudt come tomorrow at 3:07 and the first pitch. from nat park, i'm jason pugh, news4 sports. >> it's going to be loud there and he at news4. >> yeah. in game one of the alds.e look at them on their feet. bott of the first. os up on top early. two-n st of scherzer. camd yar going wild. orios up 2-0. after tigers back-to-bk home tied at 2, nick markakis, chan to put the o's back ahead and that is exactly what he's gog to do. just went into no man's land he in center. flah comes around. orios up 3-2 right now. 3-2, looking good. we don't need to tell you or ke showing you how bad t re playe against the gian week ago. i cat look anymore. kirk cousins will be playing in e seventh nfl game monday nit against the super bowl
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cham how does the young quk get over those four in s and get into this ga with confidence? >> i always feel like it helps on i have watch the film wi both the coaches and on my own. that helps you bring some clt once you have been ableo w the film and ev it. that bei said, you know, it's al going to -- i have games back in college that didn't end the way i wanted to and i felt li fell on me and even though we had i great career and went on to do good thin after that, those games still don't sit well with and they still -- are part of who you are and toughen you up and i think this game do the same. once you watch the film, you stt to move on. >> the most common thoings the wi tell me is kirk is fanta at getting over challenges like that. they bel in him. real the test is going to be th offen line against this reds defense. that where if they c protect kirk, t redskins have a chan. do you even if they go forwd which they likely are, ths one they'll probably win. doreen was saying, it's a
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7:00 pm
on our broadcast tonight, ebola emergency. new concerns over just how many people may have come in contact with that first patient diagnosed in this country. it's far higher than we were initially told. bracing for impact, 40 million americans in the path of severe weather this evening already causing trouble on the ground and for air travelers. death on the field, questions about football safety have come roaring back after three high school players die in a single week. and our making a difference report tonight a great story about an act of charity 100,000 times over. "nightly news" begins now. from nbc news world headquarters in new york, this is "nbc nightly news" with brian williams. good evening.


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