tv News4 Today NBC October 3, 2014 5:00am-6:01am EDT
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nothing but activity he. the n get ready for game 1 of alds. ki of the calm before the st ther one person in line for e standing room only tickets th go on sale at 9:00 a.m. wel hav more on that the newscast, but in ju a few hours, tens of s of people will pack park, and they wi be g through the gates h open at 12:30 and we know e all excited and hoping for a pla win. no we wa to take you through the day, everythg you need to before you head down to park. if you're heading down to the pa, gates open at 12:30, and ev is saying get here ea it imp to know that. fa are being told they sh le their backpack extra ba, any extra items at home. it jus makes it easier and to get through security. and one reasons to arrive ea besides just getting to e ballpark, getting in your se, feeling the exciteme, er plenty of pomp and an and activiti. ths going to be a reading of
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e starting lineup, the anthem by the very quantico marine band, and -- the quantico marine corps ba, i should say, and the swr katie ledecky throwing t the first pitch. yo have much more you need w abo the game, about g here, about watching it, and of course, one of e most t sto is game day we been talking about the l for some rain heading our area. wet to make sure the game is t ruined, and tom has more on r forecasmorning, tom. >> rain in the midwest g up on the storm 4 team ra but it should e game today. the national forecast for today l on track. li i've been saying for the la three or four days, should st dry for the gam 3:07 first p e in the upper 70s and
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pa sunny. overcast after that. th may play a role with some those pop-ups that may be to see. by the last out, still cloudy. te rig around 70 de s sta dry for the ga. for saturday's game, first h is at 5:37. she bright sunshine but and cool and just the mis by first pitch time. tug mh coor by the last ou down to the mid-50s as the skie que a change coming for the we doe ps ear on, me >> we do have problems, tom. ths in laurel. ths 198 at sweitzer lane. all lanes blocked there. yo alterna will be sce road this morning. we look good. no issues anywhere at this point th morning.
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270 io and out of town is g good, a5 in skm prince william pa town you're good, out of no problems right now. log i virginia, you're also log quite good. bey at branch avenue, no there. i'm back in 10 minutes. i' see you at 5:11. >> thanks, melissa. yw w counting down to game one live inside nats pa. su an exciting day and you the fans couldn't be more d for this day. pl there is still a chance. th a hot ticket. the tickets sold out in 17 mi but there is a way to t inse the ballpark today. the a few limited seats go on sale in just a couple of hours. our meg mcgrath is outside now the box office with more on w you can your hands on e tickets. hi, megan. >> hey, yan, yeah,
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e a limited number of the standing room only ti .to get out of to come down to nats like these people have. two tickets per person, $30 a po wi thr peopl standing in li, i think if you get up, get out of bed, get down here and t dow here quick, you've got a pre good shot at getting s for this game here to be going on down here nationals park. les t a look. the going to have a white y towel. the g to be handed out t com fir serve at all of e gat while supplie there's goi t on half street. thl have stilt walkers, a line. th drum line begins at noon. fa painting for kids at the fun area. the gates open at 12:30. of co, we are expecti a crowd, though, before that, so come early. wi more on all the day's ev, i'm going to send it to you, yan.
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>> all right, thank you, megan. no coming up we have a very l guest, a very familiar that you know. he has a connectn to the white ho he' fast, he has a big he. cau g who it is? wee goi to have that special gut next. st witus. >> i thought you were talking t me, but there's no to the white house. alrigh l see you in a little bit. richard jordan at the live coverg some breakin ne. in prie georges county, surroun a home on rie road and lewis lane. th the 4700 block of rie road. th thes someone inside a home there. rit now officers are with caution. e any weapons inside this home or exactly why police are after person tha holed up that home. wee got the light green on s working to find out more in we get to her, we find out exactly what she's led at this point. no we are hearing that this is
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not affecti traffic. th a big police presence, ho this a residen communit so traffic is not being affected ex for the people that li there in that e stayi on top of this on aa richard, thank you. it 5:06 right now. wee f devels in e ebola outbreak. now a freelance cameraman for nbc ns has the virus and other ems are at risk. the entire crew new headed back the u.s. from liberia. th phor was working our chief medical editor, . nancy snyderma nbc hired him on tuesday. he started showing symptom on wey and quarant f immediat you s his photo there. dr. snyderman says she and her are being very careful not further spread this virus. >> traveli to the united reall ve, very little chance of ng it to anyone and would be a risk if one of us ends up getting sick. snyderman and three
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r employe will be > the ebola patient in dallas d face some legal trouble. th duncan lied on an airport qu he never came in contact wi peo infected with ebola. his n back in liberia, th, they say duncan helped a si woman who later died from disease. du trave from the u.s. to lia las month. he now be prosecut. the cdc now monitorg about a hu here in the u.s. o may contact with du. m closer to reality, e next step that needs to be n bef construct can n on the eisenhor me. a pleasant start te morning as you get reao leave for wo. th high temperatu you'll see e new fitness device that when you're being
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>> welcome back at 5:10. if youe a fan of fitness like fitbit or fuel ba, y mighte interesd in a new tracker that monitors your in. the darma cushion restores your t rate, breathi and po through an app. les say you've been sitting at yo desk too long. th app sends you a text mee to tell you to walk ar or do a little stretchr
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so ri n you can buy the app for $49. the model expects to ship in after 5:00. sos on our picture he looking i the district th morning. your weather and traffic on the 1s. to what can we expect for the y ahead? >> orioles taking on the tigers ag won last night. tos pitch is early, just afr noontime 12:07. she beautifu right 70 degrees. du the game, by stretch, by mid-aften she low 70s. by the end of the game, mild aroun in the low 70s. ma a bright overcast, but hard to e the pop-ups and fly balls. wee hg in the 50s to ne 60 degrees, and highs n with increasg his cl. ra comes in tonight. a look at that coming up at 5:.
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me there wires down? >> this is in laurel at 198 and sw lane. yo alterna will be ske rd this morning. crews out some ti th right now. ba in 10 minutes at 5:21. wel t a wide look at th. ovl everythg looking quite go right now. i'm lin yang right now. he his feet. he a fan favorite. wel let you kno who is g us next on news4 today. g us next on news4 today. st with
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we getti pumped for the t p game for this po he a live look at the park e the box office. ther only three people g in line for those st room tickets only that on sale at 9:00 a.m. i imagine that line is going to gr, and come 12:00 when these s open, it's going to be a te day to be here at the pa. tag about our special guest mo. we gave you a couple clues. we big head, we said a to the white house d we fast. any guesses? its teddy the racing pr a fan favorite, perpetu un and awesome fast racing pr yo you're excited about the nats, right, teddy? han pra really ha? you're racing. yo been doing your st dog your stretche there you go. yo gone seven seasons t missing a race.
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sensnz. i to call you out a little bi yoe so much fun to watch but you don't always play by the ru right? doe anything up your s ye going to tell us? nog up your sleeves, all ri you seem good to go for to te is ready. he pumped, he's excited about happeni and we're going toe back with more on the for the nats. th so much, teddy. high five, high five. li, weavere been talking about how awesome this team is. hot team, nationa baseball rit now. jan ph has more on what we to know about the giants. >> thanks, guys. best re in nationa league, t takg down the giants will be an easy task. sao has won two of the la fou world series title. bu the nats players are ready r the challeng >> it's non the post-sea d series like they o t
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ha. thl be a tough team, na a lot of respect for them and it should a great series. pl and not worry about who has ri who doesn't have rings. wee a team that goes out there an plays hard. we work hard and that's all that ma >> game one will not only t also a good story line.up o i' jason peevey of in san e giants. >> it's going to be a thrilli da tod to start the playoffs. wet to let you know that who are lucky enough to tickets at nats s going to be plenty of and activs for the day. olc gold medalli swimmer e ledecky will be there to
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thw out the first pitch. th in 2012 when she threw t the first pitch. waite way, t we'll see you in a little bi th. 5:19 our time. a lot of you are really in a over the nats knowns, and luy f you, there a still a few out there. a search for the knowns out th right now. e hidden in places like tis corner, universi. six h found. the of those autogra gn hav followed so h everythin nats, > about 20 minutes after 5:00
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no and friends of the freshman s hit by a car. he been in a medical induced co since saturda pr georges police are still log i what led to the fi w working on finding out wh caused a crash between a car ended up in the woods. two people taken to the ho was serious hurt. wee working to find out r there wer passengs on th bus. plans to build a memorial r pre dwight eisenhor on the national mall are moving fo a revised design for met moral n approval from the national commin yesterda it still needs congres prooifre const can begin. lights could be shining over
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the stadium in alexandr. for w now we've been telling you h the issue has divided people in that communit it the only high school in witho stadium lights. 21 minutes now after 5:00. yo weather and traffic every ten minutes on the 1s. we look at the forecast today with this live picture and some cloudy skies. to yeah, the clouds have be g in, and that is really g back the fog. if we really cleared out a lot, we might he quite ait of fog ar. cly watching and don't have y dense fog like we had y morning. co temperat. do around 60 degrees now in fa county in alexandr. fas church, low 60s. pr georges county near mis by the bay waters. it hovering in the mid-60s. wh to wear this morning? the cool temperas will the next couple hours or
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so. sleeves, long pants, you'll c for school kids wa for the bus this mo be comfort mild, in the mid-70s by min u a mostly sky as we have great weather for both the s and t national i'm wat this area of rain he. coming into kentucky and e and indiana. this aa is tracking off to the no so these showers here wi likely track west of the o area this afternoo th it will eventuay sweep r east. he the timing on that as it do move on in later this ev wee clouds coming and g t midday and the t sho showing up around 5:00 or 6: p.m. mae a little thunder and li, a ouray maybe 5:00 a.m. on saturday.
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r that we'll get the sun on saturday. a blustery wind. ba down to the low 60s during e gam and in the 30s on su afternoo highs only the low to mid 60s. t g mild as we get to mi now let's check on traffic on frida morning. br news with melissa. >> breaking news, downed trees, thr marlbor mmulberry road. 198 b sweit zerks r lane d van dusen road. mo right along on 56. 95 no major problems. the beltway at ritcie-mo
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looking good. wel h fun today with all nats stuff. >> 5:24 your time right now. lo sheriff's de are looking for a man o robbed a chantil store at gu. th hap at croson's store. the robber got away with cash d a customes cell phone. the suspect was wea a g sty hat with a dr and a hoodegr the man who shot an al pol in the he will not serve time behind a four-day trial, the ju fou him not guiy by of insanity. dos said it was a miracle th peter leboy survived last ye shooting. a forensic doctor testifi that ate of the shooting, r did n know right from
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wr miriam kerry was shot to h one year ago at the ca po say she tried to ram her r thr a white house r befor leadi police on a high-spe chase. her family maintai she ran out of fear for the police. key w shot five times. her one-year-o daughter was al in the car. at 1:00 this afternoo her will hold a silent t at the garden field me rig in front of the ca we' taking steps to r prevent attacks. the ste taken in maryland y after two girls were gr w also tracking this m and the impact it will on your day. wh you c expect in your e and the nationa fo. we, ocourse, are pumped for e pennant as the nats gear up for the first game against the a live picture here from the alt nats park. wel sw you the best way to t around and down to the and how you can avoid g in line ife metro, and of couu cat be in front of your tv,
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fr tin fairfax countyool he play. we had to cut a lot of waste. we consolidated offices. started sharing printers. we can walk a few feet. replaced computers, but kept the monitors. they still work fine. we even discovered that the phone company overcharged us by three million dollars! i approve this message because congress doesn't need another right winger. they need someone who can balance a budget. oh, and we definitely didn't need
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d we ar pumped for the here at nats park. yo taking a live look e the ballpar office. on a few people there to get ti but you know this place is going to be hopping. go mor to you. i'm e yang. i s dn here for the home just about six months ago to the day. the place was just brimming with an and excitemt for e coming season. now six months later, we've come fu circle. yon just imagine how g it is to be here to no we' going to tell you you need to know to you a coming to the , whether or not. fit of all, game time. fit pitch is at 3:07 after the gas open at 12:30. no peoe are going to be d up outside the box office, as we mentione the a three people in right now but we'll check with megan mcgrath on what u need to know to get your s on tickets. wee also going to be telling yo abo how to get down to park.
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ev is saying take metro, and metro does have a few tips to make it quicker and easier d safer, your commute at 5:45, jason pugh will talk t the nats home field ad very importan wet e we can get r hands on to make this a win fo the nats. ist that right, aaron? i youe excited, too. >> absolute. wel h a couple he. yon see some clouds as you out the door this morning as we wait for the potenti s in the day ahead. he the impact the weather e on today's game. to not much impact, right? >> thankful. th be a front coming in dry for the game.shou at nationa park, f 3:07. the t should right the mid to upper 70s. so a beautif way to start the ga. have increasg clouds for the r of the game. wel have a bright, high ov by late in the day.
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those high pop-ups. with some the ball may get lost in that ov. mis by the last inning. last out, dow degrees. ga 2 is tomorrow. the the first pitch at . itl be breezy and 64. th it drops down to 59 in the 7th inning and 55 at the last ou breaking news in laurel. 198 is shut down betwe sw van dusen ro. yo alterna will be skag to make it over to 95. the ramps are not open right no log q good this morning in and out of town. inr loop, ous moving just fine
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t now. rie road is also moving e croom road at molly y road with some downed li > thank you, melissa. no we are counting down to the stt of the game at 3:07 the fit pitch. th mor you know fans are ex trying to figure out how the goi to watch the game. if you're g to come down to e park, there a a limited of tickets a couple of hours, t you have to act fast. les check in with megan h out with just a people in line already. go morni to you, megan. >> we actually have three people in line. it looks like just two right now bee one guys just we to move his car. but there a three people here g for the box office to at 9:00 this morning. i' been trying to figure out find out how many standing ro only tickets they ha av we don't have an exact number. a limited that they
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the g to hand them out, fit ce first serve, starting 9:00. $30 a pop. n can get two tickets. l is here. wh time did you get here? >> i got here about 4:30, 4:35. >> why do yo to go to the ga so bad? >> i went to charlot two yes ago, and this time we made the drive last night and looking fod to it. >> any plans before the game? >> w just going to look ar and then enjoy the game. >> you have a couple hours to t on down here. the tickets still ave i that standing room section, so i bet the line going to grow quite a here as y to score those tickets. reg live from nationa pa, megan mcgrath. ba to you. >> as you can imagine, a lot of wil heading to the this afternoo e gates open at 12:30 and the
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are recommeg everyon down early. not just because there's so much fun hap here at nats park, but bec it will be easier u to get here early and in yo seats. meo say people need to fan ou th navy yd station, you know, is going to be especiay busy. e waterfro is just a short away. yon avoid some crowds. and capitol and stout is sog to consider as well. dot use the transfer lines if u don't have to. pl like the gatheri place e very, very busy. pr enough money on your sm cd to get that return tr. that way you don't have to stand mne machine.n get on the traint on your wag sa an option, but y therel be a lot of
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tr a lot of delays. ife to drive, leave ea parkinge st ex to pay anywhere from 10 $50. n imagine.premium, as you co up, we'll talk to a man o has a very importa job. he not a player, but he might l be because that's how t his job is. wel tk to him about this fi aa back to you. >> 5:35 our time right now. be you watch the nats, n c the orioles game. you o's fans hoping for ano vi th crushed the tigers 12-3 night. >> it's everythg you wish for d everythin you want. the atmosphe was great and it d up being a great ball game fous. we got a game win and that's all or the e orioles and the tiger again at camden yards at 12 the baltimo sun reads
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"p th exactly what orioles fans wa especiay in the eight ins when the team scored t runs off the tigers, and the sports page summed up last t "what a start." 5:36. so breaking news right now in georges county. molette green at >> police in prince s and new care wr up the rie road. th hope to open up the roa n between lamont driver and s lan in just a little bit. ba they got a call just r 2:00 a.m. about a domestic di th reason to belie there s a high threat level, and so brought out the command and there w a large presence, but a lot of the vehicles, those police of have left the scene no the determid there w threat to the communi and this was possibly a false re. ag riverda road is going
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reopen very soon between s lane and lamont drive. we live hen new moe green. ba to you. a commu on this morning afto st were groped on the way school. it happened last week on d drive at a middle in laurel. the groped on two separate ins w walking to sc. handing flyers with the will sus sketch. hes d as heavy build dreadloc mohawk. >> if they see someone that s suspicis or not someone the familiar with, that is g that they can bring to ne attentiosh sketch again. if recognize this man, pr georges county police d le to hear from you. a break in a decades-d ca. new person of interest for
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a new report shows the number of deaths in virginia is sk. law enforce officia say e cases nearly doubled in a tw period. in 2011, it was 100. in 2013, it nearly doubled, to 19 vi is the only state with a sha increas in heroin de. loudouny public ho tell the "washin" that a as has whoopincough. les went home at eastridge schoo telling about the di mo county, marylan had cases at 12 schools in the 5:41 your ti right now. br news inicmelissa. hd past connect av, y see the jam a two-car crash appareny not
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any lanes. no major issues at this point. pr see some slowdowns on th beltway. 66 eastbou from fairfax county pay to the beltway running minutes. 270 s from germantn road beltway on time as well. and a look at gw parkway. no problem there. another big game today. ca yards game 2 as the s take on the tigers. she 70 at 12:07, and then mis in the rest of the game. we rejoin eun yang out at s park. >> thanks, tom. he not a player but his job is cr to e game. wel talk about a man who has s and plays of his own. st
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i'm mark warner...i brought republicans and democrats... together on a bill that gives incentives to companies that... bring high tech and manufacturing jobs to virgina. because instead of outsourcing jobs to china...we should be... insourcing them here for our people...and thats why i... approved this message.
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welcome back to news4 today. i'm eun yang at nationa park. yo looking live outside the box office where a few people e standing in line already to t the hands on the hottest in town. st room only tickets go on sale at the box office at 9:00 lid number. ift to get these ti you hav to act fast. wel che in with megan mc live out there in just a few moments. we tal about t players, we about t manager, matt talk about the coaches, but man has an importa job, as importa to how this ga is going to end, and we to win. ths john turnour, the r here at national. thu for talking with us morning. >> thank you. >> tel why field conditis e so importa to each and evy game, especiay the first
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pl game of the post-sea >> it's the playing surface the s play on. it what they depend on when e out here, the way the is coming to them. if the ball is rolling on the or anything. but t fie is out there for e players and it's their of. >> their office. th a good way to put it. and you he to make sure their of is just so. wh do you to do in n to make this field r this game? >> and, you know, every game we out here whether it's a pon game or exhibitn ga, we're always trying to ma sur we give the players e bes possible surface that a lot of hours go into it. our cre does an amazg job out he. the vy passione and take a lot of pride in what we do, d our goal is to give the s the best possible sue we can. >> john, thank y so much for g us. jo turnour, the head gr
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making this field so. wew the nationa play the at 3:07. wh get the fans, the home crowd really rallies arounde p. he why it's such an ad >> the giants may hav the pon expere in the na but the nationa home field advanta if e playoffs will take place at nas pk starting this af >> i t it's huge. beg able to play your first o gam at home is somethin i think, everyone wants to do. toe a to hopeful go away this 2-0, and they play good at home. we'r goi to try to take care of buss the way we need to and we look forward to g there in victory. >> i'm pretty sure the fans will hyped and on another level.
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>> first pitch today at nats at 3:07. the ace, steven strasbur will his first ever post-sean st jan pugh, news4 sports. >> so if you're not one of te of thousan of fans g down to nats park today watch the game, you still mi want to head over to e a lot of fun things a. ha as you can imagine. s park, which is not too far fr nat park, are host ag lot of fun things for the family toy before and after the game. lol bands, food, and you can h the game from that as well. ev if you don't have a ticket, yon still watch t game the yards park. th event is sponsor by the cal riverfro busins di. being in this vicinity, g in this neighbod will pre just as much fun. an awesome day to be in the
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ci. ri aaron? >> it's going to be electric do there all over the a riverfrt there. eu we' see you alt bit. ts run for the series has a long time coming. it been nine years since the s won a world series, they we the senators. e 1924 world series game 7. giants to clinch the then new pe s a 12-inning game and won 4-3. pr calvin coolidge not attended the game, he ro for washingt honoring e tea with a parade before e wor series. ths pretty awesome to see crowd rushing. we won't see that this time, i'm gu, but pretty awesome to e that old footage. wee everyg nats yon g the nbc washingn
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ap the d.c. city council will d critici what's known as ve porn. bo bills would put a person in y explicit years for and videos taken for e use in a relation. 13 other states have this, g virginia and maryland. richard welch sr. was a guard in the wheaton when sheila and katheri went missing in 1975. ne4 h learned half a dozen s hav come forward man with a badge tried lure them out of wheaton pla a the same time. rid welch's nephew, lloyd lee welch, was named a person of in earlier this year. pe to speak to anybody o would have informa about rid welch sr.'s employmt du the 1970s.
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heading into election day. the calling the 7th district ra a toss-up. baa comstock running against su john faust, who is a demo tht to replace congres frk wolfe who is retirin th the politic t in that district has ch n hea directly from the in virginia senate next week. mi warner facing off against re ed gillespi news the chamber of are sponsorg this de. chk td will moderate. i' be a panelist along with virginia bureau chief ji kerry. yon see that de live on nbc4. wee in our natittude
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and baseball weather. >> here is your storm team 4 playoff game one fo. fit pitch 3:07. by then sho partly sunny and ts in the upper 70s right there at nationa pa. th by the seventh inning, back do to low to mid-70s with a high, bright overcast. th may play a role in some of e pop-ups and some of those fly balls for outfields against that cloud cover. it may be difficu to see the ba. as we' getting dark, it will aroun 70 degrees. th for saturday game, the t pitch is at 5:37. mu cooler. itl be breezy with te in the low to mis. th by the seventh inning h back down to the mis, so quite chilly for the la out on saturday evening. a lite fog in the shenandh h out for that. wh to wear today? a cool start, long sleeves and
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pants. this afternoo mild. his reag the upper 70s much of the metro area. low to mid-70s in the suburbs d rural areas. ra is beginni to advance in the tenness valley, kentucky ane ohio valley. th tracking off to the no of this is going to pass of us during the day. th tonight timing on that ra coming in, tracking that. not until perhaps around 10:00, 110 in the shenandh valley. afr that it will be around mi as showers move on h into the metro area, and mae even a little thunder and g as they come through afr midnight until dawn on sa. the sho will be ending by th, breezeier and cooler . 30s in the morning. afte h below 50s. th it wi get a little milder a with breaking news on and th fri morning. >> we have delays dy grove wi a track problem at union
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st 198 between sweitzer lane and n dusen road, all lanes are bl yo alterna is skaggsvie ro and 95 both looking quite this morning. pr georg county roadway looking good. 270 at montgomy village avenue mo right along. this morning claims that s for the virginia governor d to make a deal to keep a e leader in office. he ended up resigni earlier year. the fallout, flipped control. the chief of staff possibly made an offer to puckett in a voice r
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mit get a good job if puckett on the job. >> new revelat this morning by jp morgan chase add to doubts over on-line se. cds courtney reagan live with e impact. co goo morning. >> a data breach first announc in july affects 7 million house ho and 70 million small bu. th larger than target and depot th. e bank says there's no that sensiti in includi account nu passwords or social numbers. e not seen any fraud > they are recalli thousan of vehicles because of the risk stall. thd the chassis control could cause an electril sh the gmc yukon, acadia, a lot ofi
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if yours is on the list, make you pay attenti to those re ba to you. >> tha you, courtney. later today you'll have a to voice your concerns hate graffiti in loudoun . the targeti the hindu co e sheriff's office says s been at least five cases of hate graffiti and at least be a meeting at crn elementy school that st at 7:30. today a local soldier who fo and died in world war ii finally come home. rid labine grew up in the ar just outside manassas. he killed in 1944. la week researc posity id niz remains in a mass gr given the bronze star. he will be honored with full honors at 2:00 p.m. on sa. > you're looking live at pe waiting to get tickets at
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6:00 am
the nationa first playoff game f hou away. go morning, everybodgil. >> good morning to you. i'm e yang. wee at nationa park where it nothing but exciting here. the energy is building. s such a great day for a game. wet to know what the will be like fo pitch goes off at 3:07. les che with tom curran for a check of the weather. go morning, tom. >> good morning. grt to you there at s park. it cool now, but by first h time, partly sunny. bel in the mid to upper 70s at first pitch time. la in the game, a lot of cl. wel have a bright, high ov. may play a role in the pos and high balls. th may get lost in the cloud co
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