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tv   News4 at 4  NBC  October 3, 2014 4:00pm-5:01pm EDT

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dr. nancy s herse after her n tests posite for out of an abe of we are self oursel going the cdc guidel, e we recog theres a g story back home and frankl want to be respect to our ll and to the amerin > news4 at 4:00 begins with now two paties here showing sym that could be with the ebola virus. afte everyb i'm handly. i'm pat ln muse. aftern two local s tell they e paties who have simil to those with the virus. shady grove hospis tell this r a p theres is in is and we're also g from howard unive . thas where we find news4 ward, who is live with e latest. >> well, a key thing remem here that the
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thing that has b d is that they a t that has ebola- . d they' taking all the steps, becau they just t wan to take any chanc. l howard unive admitd a patie who is ey quote, ebola- , and that that person s td to nigeri do say in a state that an abe of cautio activa the proper n con protoc h inc isola the w as for the howar commun who attend the school and s who just live in the area, a sense of fear. becau this a very s sickne? why i'm worri so much. we just talki their power to er i think theyo this person. now, you know, s who are invold in this, at th cdc, say is very import e t other diseas
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can also prese themss ebola does, at let in the y stages. d that inclus malari t we are hea this patie in stable condit not much infor comin out on hope to ha more on it later it becom availa t now we are live in ward, news4. tha you, derric> late devels c after in th to the virus from sprea in countr the patie wah the one d case inside the u.s., duncan, remai in n at a hospil in . offic are close more 100 of his , inc four family s und quaran. > an america news workin liber return to the u.s. for t and after testi for ebola. l hh exper say e c they n keep s conta. n stop the spread of ebola by sure that contas are d e day, and the they get sick, isola
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and testi them to see if e. cdc offic now say the way to erase all risk of e source.nd the outbre at west africa. the amerin news who contrd a in liber is ashoka he wi be treat at the medic center. s p say he's coming to wit the diagno i think, obviou he's . d worri he's been filmi been happe in liber r two weeks. the enorms anxie i have a mother or as paren is the y b now and him g on sunday. the second camer for esd to s chief medic editor, dr. snyder start showi sympts the day and as a precau,
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c order dr. nancy and her to fly back to the u.s. on a p plane. e spo on the phone with bec the crew's tv b steri the rest of my team, very av bn extra t we are obvio very of this virus. dr. nancy and her team have sympto, but will remain in n f three weeks to mi the chanc of exposg else. many exper belie the most experl drug zmapp. treat is zmapp is an experl drug a proble e pro is, it's t e right now. p uses genet injur o pla and animal cells. e compod appea promi fight aga ebola. th serum was ud to treat the e u.s for ebola treatm t the limit suppls ran out august. l off are worki
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pharml compa to produc. we're trackg every angle of outbre and invite you to with nbc washin for even send you push alerts your cell phones> at 4:30, we'e white for a by senior offic ebola. with us for that live co > a devg right now, m team 4 is trackg rain our way. ready. s go to storm team 4 t amelia segal in e storm center with your first sho are going to be into the area over the couple hours with a cold and breezy right now. e latest check of storm team 4 r shows the area mainly dry. drizz being repord up freder so light, , the radar having troub g it up. we look back to the west, s like peterg alrea rain. this line rain that s throu overnit tonig your satury mornin the timing we e at 6:00. e d.c. metro still dry.
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s o virgia seeing rain. s to push east. 8:00, rain is in washin, county, moves into e' and southn , as wes the easte 10:00, 11:00 p.m. , s for maybe an isolad of thunde d tn we'll contie to track s for satury mornin will lead to a breezy and satur aftern wea low to modere on your day tomorr. hav the timing, jim, of the rain leaves your w m up in about ten minute >> allright. e y then. > now to a story you'll see here on news4. major constn proje will impact riders on s red line. the groven medic center d bethea metro statis will clos crews could fix serio water at those sites. ou tra report, tuss, joins us live to expla why metro s to take this drast step. pat, metro says the
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r leaks here along this n of red line are . d that's why this stret will to close for a period of n con weekes to th vw under the medic not pretty. sunny day, water, mud, , debris, too my fract count. o is trying to patch it up, t it's become too much. s rail chief and deputy l manag sat down with " to expla the . theres no place else that s issue that is this . d it costis this much money. costi metro about mil a year, just to fix e corrod tracks, witch and here. y t metro says kpo and to make fixes o w close the bethea l cen and groven for sever conse , that work not expecd l 2016. t wk to get ready is already
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going to cause metro to e statis in s. jail time for what' known as e porn. e n push to keep your e m privat and a social expert about u inter if you saw a fightg in the street? a hidden camera inves t at 4:00. .
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in fairfax county we had to cut a lot of waste. we consolidated offices. started sharing printers. we can walk a few feet. replaced computers, but kept the monitors. they still work fine. we even discovered that the phone company overcharged us by three million dollars! i approve this message because congress doesn't need another right winger. they need someone who can balance a budget. oh, and we definitely didn't need so many government studies.
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. ye watchg news4 at > now to anr health alert time invol whoopg n county public schoo the "washin post" today a s at eagle ridge middle in ashbu has the e-mais sent paren to
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t for sympto. s is a highly contas y infect > montg police relead a photo of a t hoping it wi help them a man who alleg expos f to a woman at a car . say the incidt happed r 4th at the flagsp r wash on chapman avenue in e s walke up to the n and began fondlg you recog him, ye d to call police> the public te two bills before the d.c. counc that would e what' known as e porn. w both bills would put a in jail for five years r distrg sexua photos or videos taken r priva use during a relati. e m of speaks favor bills. hav conces that laws e balan freed of . e distrt is not alone. t two years, 13 states
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pas legis reven porn, g mar v > remem merri carey, e single mothes life ended a hail of gunfi one year w h family marked the y tod here in > and we're awaitg a live e briefg by senior offic now the deadly ebola with us for live covere et
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you watchg news4 a. > theres new fallo today virgia senate scanda w there alleg that a p aide to virgia govr y mcaul tried to make a to keep a democc r in office. p phuket resigd in june accus repub d js to he and his to entice him to leave e gener assemb. resig flipp l oe senate to g to the "washin " c of staff may he d to head off his depar a voice mail, the aide said daughr might get a p job if he stayed in e goverr spoke today the aide acted on his own. > a of th virgi race. ed gille and t democt senat mark are goi head-d in
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a debate hosted by news4 the x county chamb. t the press" moder chuck will modere the debate r 7th at 7:00 p.m. covere here on co > f at 4:00, a beam from e worldr is about make its way to virgin. headed to the marine corps in quanto tomorw and expecd to br traff on i-95 and route 1. to 1,500 vehicl, inclu a fire truck are expecd to the beam. e procen is expecd to n from 3:00 to 6:. amelia joins us now, and did we ha a gray, cloudy y tod becau rain is coming yeah, a cold t moving h tonig will bring -- not a lot of rain, . only about a tenth to e tenths of an inch. e g news, the rain s during the overni if not all of your satury dry. is e latest check of the
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d this the rain we're from pennsa into r weste maryld down h virgin. d then contig on throu conti to push east, g t area in a few 5:00 the d.c. metro still cloudy. e arod 72. where we're at ri p.m., trackg showe in virgia and west . still around 71. 9: this when showe are d.c. metro. ia arrivg earlie e as early as 8:00 p.m. nig footbl 6:00 to 8:00, this showe are . not so bad, but zy so you definy want a to 10:00, trackg d rain. u need a rain jacket and at th point. e s holdi for e most part aroune s future weathe very early at 3:00 a.m. s across the . e heavit rain over in the shore. plenty of clouds and br condit. a.m., still trackg some
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t by 8:00 a.m., the area dries and look at what happen sta to see sunsh across the area. skies will be tomor aftern t i be breezy and look tempes tomorw in washin. e sub for the most part e ie low 60s. when you factor in the winds, l feel a bit cooler definy swea r tomorr. s f if you're g to game, i would recom to bundle if you get cool . sitti at the with breezy condis d tems falli into e upper 50s. s definy going to be a chill in the air. t good news, dry weathe rain in the forect for . aft 8:00 p.m., we do dry out. , it's a cool day. degre is our high. t lk at where we start out. s a cold start. aro 45, 46. e suburb though, are going
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e in the upper 30s in some frede and leesbu, at 38. a very cold sunday mornind a cn t partly to mostly , a high tempef 74 we' trackg partly s on monday. cour redsks at home t the seahas monday for the game will in the 60s. and breezy condis for game, as well. t no rain in . we contie on into next , t a chance of some s on tuesda a tempe of 76. next friday, high back to near 80 s wit a chance of some pat and jim. thanks, amelia> in news4 your u yoursf your cat or dog's now a scien to back how mh you love your pets. a new study sugges women's may react the same way r they' looki at their child or at animal
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s d mri scans of 14 part of the brain showi n and reward, the d act when the n saw their kids or their t t part of the brain d to bondi only d for their childr. > t plenty of ways to track of your exerci. t now there a device to tell u when you need to get moving. called the darma cushio recor your heartb g rat and postu h an app. if you have been sitti at desk too long, the app s you a text, telli you to t up and walk aroun or do a k stretc e darma cushi is selli for about 100 bucks. bu t first models aren't to ship out until june. > f at 4:00, one oe t young stars in pop musice com > taylor swift will g conte over three
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s later this month. t will make her first on "the voice" r 27th. same day her new album e out. n watch "the voice" s and tuesds here on nbc > localns fear a in their commu with e f confi a in the unitestates. johns us comin today's talk around town. > al g you fool playe big hearts. w a high quart d up for the opposg team the field during their tim > and we want to hear from that'right. us on twitt and . s wha you think. wh stori you're c
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> b it's such an momen in histor s j the day for , the day for the . what are y expec from is game? t'm expec we are going to i like that. e day has arrive folks. e gs and nats are squarg f in their first game in the lined up for hours to get room only ticket
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th f man in line got there 1:00 a.m. wow. but thanks to the nats' g depart, good folks are, he actuat a . goo for him. a limit number of those gnome are still out there. yeah. e t kicked off a scave for about 100 jayso yester pe lucky enough to fi them d pics with the x were autog and the who found won ticke to gam on saturd. of this morning, there one signed gnome still up r grabs. to follow everyg nats our free nbc washin p to your smarte and send d instagics to us on twitt add the #natsps and on twitt and facebk keep up with our hash tag f beards> a high footbl team brando missis took sport to a whole w level. at e game on monday night,
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game betwe the brand and cougar the s quart was injured d the team had no backup e a down 21-0. e c tried others in e , but it just didn't out. e bullds sent one of his over to play for of course, he made a joke and d you do bad for us, i'll you back over there. k they knew what to t i told them, you know, i was d e g to score a couple e a great group of guys. the course lost 46-14, but e playe said fun. the just out there to and that's what it's l wt it's about.> is the carto " racist? o is warni paren and their bef they watch the t and mouse play. > and the spry s and u.s. plans to the virus in its tracks.
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y gy joins us live from and awaitg a white by senior offic the virus. st with us for live covera, e m
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> r now, the tempe washin at 72 degre and condis across the . gusts aroun 20 miles r the most part, dry right
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t a cold t moves throu evenin getti here as y as 6:00 p.m. in th d.c. o are by 8:00. t the best night for dining s and cool breezy , as well. for the most part the upper 60s and around 70 g cha come for the r a low, 55 degree mornin not so bad. e around 65. mornin some spots will in the. have more detai on your d coming up in about ten . > back now with more on the t to keep the ebola s fm sprea here in the a w briefg on the l effort is s y any minute now, and we s it happeno you live as meanti, we're going to k in with nbc's jay gray in , texas, where the only d cas of ebola in the is be treate hey there, jim. a lot unfol right now in the
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again ebola in africa d here at home, as you talk hea teams inteng r fig to make sure the virus doesn aftern hazmat teams d away items inside the t whe dallas ebola t thomas eric duncan spent l days before being rushed hos and where four who were with m have order to stay inside with v du is still in a hospil unit, and serio but condit while at let people, inclu childn in e ds area, are being dailyy exper from r d do a also keepi a close paties in washin d atlant who s they have traved to west africa d s early sympts of the n stop th spread of ebola by sure that contas are d e day, and the y get sick, isola and testi them to se if ebola. asmoke u mukpo has
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sympto. l ret to the u.s. for t t he fears he becom sicker we a chance to t him. right now. the same medev t will also bring dr. and threc back to the states they be in isola r the next 21 days. the rest of my team, very e been extra . to this point, no r mem of th has n s aft his family d that mukpo will d at the nebraa medic in omaha, the same that succey d an earli ebola en in dallas, i'm jay gray, > meanwh many people are d about discr e of ebola virus. our talk around town today.
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troy johns is he with t on that. fears about a backla. are y heari from your all, we're all intercrst th this situat e a global commu and s a situa affec l of us. d a lot of people are from this area, d e conce about their e unite or somepla ble travel if they would like to flee this partir there a lot of co t that. d t conce about r own indivl health, of , wonde if this a . thas going to spread this family in s ts been deali with and being kept away other family member a lot of conce about . d the other situa is the that they feel like there a backlh again n communit don't want people to d by this. don't want people to feel peopl in this commu
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just, you know, try to people as they get away the virus in africa. situa with the n from liber makes conce that people are g to think that people are g thi intentd that's not the ca. sin it is a teach , what are some of the that people need to know? e knowl can comba absolu. d t more that you know, the let's take a look at some of ebola inclu fever, r than 100 degree headac. pain, weakne. r t like diarrh, , abdomi stoma . d hemorry bleedg or bruisi. d sympts also are going to anywhe betwe 2 and 21 heard a lot about that situat af expose to ebola. t the avera is eight to ten . good news that people rem recov devel
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for at let ten e tha have it and are able recov are not likely going get it any time soon. all right. troy johnso thanks so much. yom and we e trackg every e of this outbre and you to stay with nbc for contig can send you push alerts on phone. d v our websit m for mor sho out. y the launch of the lebron 12 and being delaye d a social exper about violen. u inter if you saw a fightg in the street? a hidden camera inves
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in cases of rape and incest, just like the right-wing republicans in congress. they want to overturn roe v. wade. so does she. "i think roe v. wade should be overturned." barbara comstock even voted with right-wing republicans to require women seeking an abortion to undergo transvaginal ultrasounds. that's all i need to know. i'm john foust and i approve this messge.
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> live to the white now update on the ebola we e facing a natiol priori. d it's one that he has his team is as t as any threat we're e this outbre began in the presi has that we scale up our , both here at home d the count affecd in it africa. d that's exact what we ha ne recent, by deplo s mility membe liber and to the region to t civils on the . s we using a whole of
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appro d that's evide by the who are here with me y a podium. 'r d a number of things addre this epidec at its in west africa, first and . also enhan our prepas and e here in d we are rallyg for the l commu to to this respon, and was seen most when e presi at the last week, and we had an unprecd in the u.n. secury l to contre and to galva forces of the l commu to te to thi. straty of the unite is execu hy contr the epidec at its in west .
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mitige the second order s of this epidem. lead a coord l respon. d to build a robust, globa we ar prepad over the long n to confrt epide such the one we're facing today. k it's impor to re the amerin people that e unite has the most e healt and the best s ie world, bar none. d it's why peopl travel from l over the world to recei . care here in th i want to empha the unite is to deal with this , both at home and in the . y ebola outbre over the 40 years has been stoppe know w to do this. d w will do it ag
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americs leader, i'm t and presi obama is t that this epidec also be st with that, let me turn the over to secre top health offic from the e t address the outbre, treatg it as a much more co up the eveni on this > does your little girl have sanda in her closet that want to tell you about? now part of a massi , a 19,000 of the a sanda for girls were at toys" and babies r s this year. nt beware, the butte s can come off, posing a g haz to kids. e sanda can be returd for a fl refund> more probls for ge t 300,000 suvs need to be th inclu the cadilc srx
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model years 2011 to 2015, d the saab 94-x from 2011 to . e sus nuts linked to o injuri. is also recal the chevy k mini cars becau the hood unexpy open. th car maker has now recald milli vehics this year. > your cheape s price have dropp to their poi in four years. ed is now $3.33.a gallon of g t aaa. it' expecd to drop below befor. e lower prices are due in part of the summer travel . e domesti oil produn d no hurrica in the gulf . > yl have to wait a little lo to get your hands on the lebros sneake it d to what the compa s a small cosmec issue l sneake
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e lebron 12 was set to be out shelv in china yester d around the world octob . new date yet has bn set. > t and jerry cartos now with a warnin t becau of the violen. of e class cat and e series were made 70 years w when people watchg them on prime, they' see a e scenes may be consid . the d of a black in so epis. e disclr says such scenes wrong then and are wrong > up next, the hunt for a man o i targe local teena he's accus of doing and y pol are askinr your > and with domes headl so often , an impr group stages a social expert befor onlook u int if you saw a fightg in the street? e r a
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you're watching news4 at 4:00. domestic abuse. we have seen awful surveillance video lately in high-profile cases. how would you react if you witnessed it right in front of you? >> the "today" show's national investigative correspondent, jeff rossen, shows us a stunning social experiment. and it comes with a warning, because some of the video is disturbing. >> you could tell me the truth! why are you talking to that guy
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last night! >> reporter: a boy friend and girlfriend arguing on the street. and it gets violent. the crowd speaking up. what they don't know? this boyfriend and girlfriend are just actors with the improv group, octv. a social experiment to test reactions. it's ripped from the headlines. the tmz sports video of ray rice hitting his wife in the elevator, causing worldwide outrage. but when solange knowles hit jay-z, people laughed. there were even comedy spoofs on tv. >> so let me tell you once and for all what i think of this man. >> reporter: so these actors hit the streets and posted their video online. >> today we're doing the domestic violence experiment. >> i'm going to be abusing him, he's going to be abusing me and we'll see who got more attention. >> you spoke to him last night? >> i wasn't. >> reporter: first, it's the guy abusing the girl. >> wait, look at me.
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look at me. i'm talking to you. >> reporter: watch how people spring into action. this woman jumping over bushes to pull them apart. >> stop, stop! >> you don't talk to him! i'm not playing. >> this man literally tackling the guy on the street. >> yo, yo, we're filming. we're friendly. we're filming a social experiment. >> are you okay? are you all right? >> reporter: every time they ran the scenario, bystanders raced over to help. then you switched it up and you started hitting him. >> yes. >> reporter: were you surprised by the reaction? >> are you cheating on me again? are you texting that girl again, huh, huh? >> reporter: she's going to town on him. but watch. a very different reaction. this guy in the red hat is taking video. some are even laughing. this guy walks over, and joins in, slapping the man. >> like, i'm getting goose bumps watching it. >> reporter: we showed the video to katie rayjones, ceo of the national domestic violence hotline.
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>> it's really heart breaking to see there could be a man on the street who is suffering and no one offers to help. >> we do have a double standard in society, right, when we see a woman in need of help. we want to jump in and help her. but we expect a guy to be able to take care of himself. >> when men reach out for help to us, they often say they have tried to talk to someone, or their co-workers knew what was going on and they were ridiculed. they were told to put their wife in check. no matter who the victim is, domestic violence is not okay. >> experts say many victims, men and women, suffer in silence. we have more information about what to do if you or someone you know is in an abusive relationship. visit and search domestic violence. all right. are you ready for a cooldown? amelia has got one for us on the way, huh? >> cool or cold? >> it all depends. in my opinion, probably cold. i think -- i'm just cold all of the time. temperatures start to get into the 30s, and 40s, which is what we'reo see sunday morning. coolest weekend so far this season. and that's all because of some rain that's going to be moving through tonight.
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arriving here as early as 6:00 p.m. most of us will hold off until about 8:00 p.m. and then it will be out of here tomorrow morning by 8:00 a.m. or earlier. so most of your saturday is dry, but breezy and cool. and then a chilly sunday. temperatures right now in the 60s and 70s. washington at 72 degrees. really not going to see the temperatures move too much overnight tonight. and then throughout the day tomorrow. be showing you that in a moment. but first, here's the radar on storm team 4 radar. all right pushing into parts of virginia, west virginia and western maryland. again, this arrives in the district around 8:00. so walking the dog this evening, i recommend a quick walk. showers at 7:00 p.m. rain, though, by 9:00 p.m. notice temperatures nearly steady, around 70 degrees. sky cast 4, how the sky will look throughout the day tomorrow. notice the rain here at 6:00 a.m. by 8:00 a.m., we're dry, but still plenty of clouds. then as we get into the afternoon hours, we start to see more sunshine arriving across the area.
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there's some blue sky for you to enjoy. remember, it's going to be breezy. 8:00 tomorrow evening. we are dry and clear with the clear skies. temperatures will plummet. but until that happens, look how they stay nearly steady from this evening through tomorrow afternoon. around 73 at 6:00 p.m., 6:00 a.m. still around 68. 2:00 tomorrow afternoon, still around 67. so near steady temperatures tomorrow. in the mid to upper 6 oh 0s. tomorrow fall fairfax going on. i'll be there. chuck will be there with zachary kiesch sunday so come out and say hi. a cool sunday. definitely need the jacket out this weekend. a high temperature on sunday of only 64. and then next week, our temperatures start to improve. by next friday, temperatures in the upper 70s with a chance of showers, pat and jim. >> amelia, thanks. first at 4:00, scary moments in loudoun county for a convenience store customer and an employee here last night. they were this -- at kroson's
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store at gum springs road when it was robbed. a man pulled a gun, demanded cash from the employee. he took off with the money, and a cell phone he took from a customer. police with k-9s and the helicopter searched the area but failed to find the suspect. we're following a developing story out of prince george's county, where police want to know who took two young girls. he attacked the girls minutes apart as they walked near eisenhower middle school in laurel last tuesday and then ran off. police spent the day passing out flyers and canvassing the neighborhood for clues. a woman has been sentenced to life in prison for her role in the quadruple murder in prince george's. takeesha gilmore in the murder of dawn brooks, her children and aunt. the couple killed them execution
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style after 60 pounds of marijuana disappeared. he was sentenced to four life sentences earlier this year. first at 4:00, a neighborhood in northern virginia stepping up to stop hate graffiti. words attacking the hindu culture have popped up in 16 places over the last few months. mark segraves is in brambleton community in loudoun county with an update for us. >> reporter: here in this normally quiet neighborhood in ash veteran, virginia, please are looking for whoever is responsible for a string of vandalism attacks. police say they are hate environment directed at the hindu community. over the past several weeks, there have been at least 16 attacks. tonight police and local leaders will meet with community members at this elementary school to try to provide some answers. coming up at 5:00 and 6:00, we'll have more details on what police are doing to make this community safer. in ashburn, mark segraves, news4.
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anymo you're watching news4 at 4:00. thunderstorms have brought down trees and power lines across several southern states. >> thousands of people are still without power right now, and jeff smith reports from dallas now. >> reporter: crews are hard at work here at the arlington baptist college, clearing the debris away. you can see them behind me now cutting through all of this lumber. the roof was peeled back almost like a sardine can, and then
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thrown down on the parking lot during those storms last night. there is a lot of damage, including to six cars that you can see there that are badly damaged or destroyed. some of the cars are flattened almost, completely devastated by what happened last night. the winds here up to 80 miles per hour. fortunately, a few students had some minor cuts from shards of broken glass from broken windows. only one student had to go to the hospital very briefly, because she had some cuts to her hands and her ankles from the broken glass. but she will be okay. other than that, no one was seriously hurt. no one had any major injuries at all, which is almost a miracle when you consider the damage left behind here. in total, about 60 students stay at this woman's dormitory building at this baptist college. about two dozen were actually inside when the storms rolled through. they huddled together and
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prayed. and no one was seriously hurt. the crew cleanup effort will go on all day long. a big cleanup effort under way from these powerful storms. in arlington, texas, jeff smith. news4 at 5:00 begins with breaking news. >> ebola fears tonight in the washington region. we're breaking down the facts about how two local hospitals are dealing with patients who showed symptoms that could be associated with ebola. and live right now, the white house press briefing is still going on at this hour about how to keep the virus contained. right now at 5:00, we are following a number of big developments, folks, about the growing fears surrounding the spread of ebola. >> we have live team coverage tonight to help break down exactly what we know. here's the very latest at this hour. >> there are no confirmed cases in our region, but a patient who recently traveled to nigeria is at howard university hospital. and that patient has shown
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symptoms that are associated with ebola. >> and in montgomery county, shady grove add van 'tis hospital officials are monitoring a patient who has another illness, but that patient's travel history and symptoms have the hospital on alert. and in atlanta, a patient is also being monitored. here's the latest from the white house briefing. >> i want to emphasize that the united states is prepared to deal with this crisis. both at home and in the region. every ebola outbreak over the past 40 years has been stopped. we know how to do this. and we will do it again. news4's derrick ward joins us live from howard university hospital. derrick? >> reporter: good evening. you know, you would be surprised it to know how many times hospitals have raised the alert like howard university hospital did today. how many times it contacted the cdc to say look, we have someone
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displaying symptoms that look like ebola. now, there's been a very, veryin finish tess mal percentage that have turned out to be ebola. and what they're doing today represents a measure of well-warranted caution. of all the patients seen here daily, there's only one that has generated such concern. the hospital identifies the patient only as someone who has recently traveled to nigeria and has displayed symptoms that look like ebola symptoms. a written statement from the hospital says in part, an abundance of caution, we have activated the appropriate infection control protocols, including isolating the patient. early on, this is not much more than that officially. but anecdotally, a lot of concern. >> this is actually something that shouldn't be taken lightly. >> reporter: still others say, while they are comforted that the proper steps are being taken to protect the public, should the patient be found to even have ebola, they're more worried they found


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