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tv   News4 at 6  NBC  January 16, 2015 6:00pm-7:01pm EST

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third rail mond after the tunnel started fillin smoke. tonight, w complicated e rescue. the u.s. supreme court will hear another monumental case about gay marriage. new reaction from the obama administ.> a a rabbi accused of secret videotaping nude women in a ritual bath. why there we p this is damage from the undergrod tunnel on monday. >> an electrical problem burned a rail and sent heavy smoke billowin int two tulanes at the l'enphant pla station. is live where it all happened. derrick, what's the new informn in this first report from the ntsb? >> repor a prelim and is a finding of fact. what it comes down to it's about emergen equipment. electric and mechanical. whether or tt equipment worked as it s supposed to. this is a section of third rail
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that severely damaged by electr arcing during monday's metro incident. this was in a tunnel south of the l'enphant pla station. now, early information from the nationfed s that when that arc occurred a circuit breaker, a safety component, tripped, cutting power to one section of track. but it would be another 46 minutes before the damaged section was completely cut off. when workers at metro operations center tripped another circuit breaker by remote control. in the meantime ventilation fans had b turned on inside the tunnel but firefighters report were delayed by uncertaiy or weather the track they needed to get to rescue riders was still electrifie also hamper tharg efforts, just gettine doors open. sours tell news4 that the type of railcar involved didn't have readily accessible emergency handles to open the doors. firefigh in the tunnel were trying t get passengers to open them from the inside. th couldn't. more than 80 people were injured as the tunnel and train filled with smoke. one woman died from acute
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respiry failure. again, these are preliminary findin from the ntsb. they are proceedg on several frontsn terms of investig. mar bowser is looking at the em 1 tapes fire and ems, as well police and of course there e the lawsuits. now, as many as 12 lawsuits have bem people who were on board those trains and we're told that more could follow. we are live at l'enphant plaza, derricward news4. >> derrick, thank you. new virginia congressman don buyer has reacted to the new ntsb report and is not happy. he says the report confirms a 44-minute w for power to be shut off to the third rail delayi first responders. he said, "the delay is both alarming and unacceptable. the washington metropolitan transit autho must get to the bottom of what occurred immediat ensur that it will not happen again and that metro passen safe." late developments in another story we're following. the supreme cou agrees to hear
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pivotal arguments about same-sex marriage. scott mcd at the live desk. just a short while ago, u.s. attorney eric holder says the obama adminisn will urge the court to make same-se leg nationwi the high court announced today it will hear these histori april to determine whetr states are in power to t marriage to between a man and a woman. a federal appeals court upheld such restriction, a ban on same-s in four midwest states. 46 states and d.c. allow same-sex ma wh based on these justices' decisions? pete williams. >> reporr: if the supreme t says no a state cannot ban same-sex marriage then same-se becom the law of the land it would be legal in every state. but if the court after hearing case says yes, a state can constitu ban same-sex marriage then it would still be legal in the states that choose to do it on their own by vote of the people like maryland, for or vote of the state
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legislat but other states that want to ban it like these four that are up here now, can still ban it. so it would be a mixed picture if the court says there's no constitu rig to same-sex marriage. a ruling expected at the very end of this year's supreme court session at the live desk i'm scott mcfarla. thanks scott. there is new information tonigh about the deadly terror raid in belgium last night. nbc news has confirmed that u.s. officials were aware of that terror cell and that the cell posed a spe threat. the informati was shared with belgia but it is not clear whether u.s. sounded the initial alarm. meanwhile, at the white e tonight, president oba and british prime minister dav cameron agree on a joint effort to fight that threat. we have team co tonight. we begin with steve handelsn at the white house. >> repor here at the white e today iran suz wls a big issue but that was issue number
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worry number one for president a and david camerons terroris >> the threat we face is severe. >> repor today in france jews are getti protec and 1 more suspects were arrested for lynns to last week's terro attacks. in belgium, 13 suspects are under arrest. in germany, a dozen arrests. and in cincinnati alleged isis sympatr christopher c was in court, accused of planni an attack on the u.s. capitol. a and cameron vowed to defeat homegrown muslim terroris >> we can't just defeat it through weapons. >> countering thl death cult of terrorm that is perverting the religion of muslim. >> repor sanctions and talks can still end a threat said the
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leaders, begging the u.s. congress not to get tough for a ricks of war. >> i respectfully request them to hold off for a few months to see if we have the possibility solving a big problem without resorting potentially to war. >> repor but both leaders agree winning the war of ideolo fanatic islam is the best way to fight domest terror. i'm steve handelsman nbc news washingt. >> prime m cameron's visit with the president was set long before this month, but now clearly the focus is on renewed concern abo possible terror cells europe. >> the moderator of "meet the on nbc, chuck todd, j thoughts. the president and prime minister talked today some about how this violent s ext message, is appealing to young men in europe and in other location but really how much can they to about that? >> i thought it was interesting that the president addressed the issue of assimilation talking about how here in the united
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our muslim population think dearborn michigan they've assimilated more. there is a rising middle-class muslim population that doesn't exist in western europe. he but we know france has a problem, the uk has an e in a couple of other western european countries. that's one. also interesting the president said we haven't won over the hearts an minds yet of these young downtrodden islamist fundamen who are basicay open to recruitment for some reason or another from these groups. of course t oth part of this is we've been hearing about dismantle and disrupt of these terror cells for over a decade now. mae they disrupt them for a little while, but they haven't been dismantled. so what's not working here? >> chuck, is the current threat level going to change the presidens mind his decision on pla sur reform is going to shift at all? i think it already has. they've -- it's interesting, tg e
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announced at the state of n and now they've said it's not going to be for the state of un wh you talked about what ha with belgium and mentio report that the u.s. clearly had, you know, and the preside him broug up the issue, surveillance this is what works. and they know they have internet is what they're using. they're act ghoebly, think locally type of thing. i think you're going to see a scaling back of maybe reforms they might h open to six months a a lot of big issues to cover this weeke on "meet the " >> new editor of "charlie hebd le guest, so we'll talk to him about their decisionmaking and whether they bee they hold any respons f all of this. >> lot of controversy there. >> yes, there is. yes, there is. that's for sure. >> chuck todd from "meet the thank you. you can wat "meet the pre" at 10:30 sundayng here on nbc 4. twitter accounts belonging
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"the new york and united pre int were hacked today. fake tweets were s china had fired a missile at the "uss george washingt the united states navy says no ships were ever fired upbo upi and "the po" confird the hacking and are investig > a local rabbi appeared in cot today in a case involving crim charges he'd been facing since october. prosecuts say at least six women were secretly recorded in a sacred bath and they may be looking for more victims. news4's chris gorn caught up with rabbi barry freundel as he left court. >> share anything that you're going throu why this is progress through court? >> sorry. >> repor do yo anything to say to the victim rabbi barry freundel has told by his lawyer not to discuss his case. >> do i feel betrayed? yes, i feel violated. >> repor at this demonsn tod in front of the courthouse one woman said the rabbi was supervising her
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conver to orthodox judaism and asked her to take a practice dunk in the mikveh. >> i was concerned i was one of the victims and i'm no longer in the orthodox conversion process. i'm seeking a conservative conver or reform. >> the experience dr orthod judaism? >> yes. it was so shocking. >> reporte prosecuto asked for more time to review all the video evidence they have from computer seized from barry freundel's georgetown home last october. e former rabbi at kesher congregation in george is charged with voyeurm for allegedly planting a clock radio equipped with a hidden camera and taking video of six women who were undressed as they took sac baths at the mikva. these demonstrators out in front of the courthouse say no plea deal. committed these acts
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i hope he's punished but we'll keep praying for him that he learnsm it. >> rep beside the criminal case against the rabbi here in d.c. superior court, there have a number of lawsuits filed on behalf of women who used the mikveh under his supervision. >> some of the folks we represt wer identified. >> r as? >> as having been videotaped. >> lawsuits have now been filed in federal and local courts. as for the criminal case rabbi barry will be back in court next month. prosecutor were granted an extension of time until then because t say there is so much video to review they are tryingo identify more victims. jo the son of the la marion y will move forward with his campaign despite an incident inside a d.c. bank this week. christopy is accused of threat ang bank teller throwing a trash can, and breaking a
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securi camera earlier this week. he has not been charged. in a post on hisk page he wrote, "i learned from my father long time ago not to get bogged down and deterred by sensatio. a fighting spirit that's hungry to make great change for my p" new at 6:00, the mother of a murder suspe at the scene last night in ashburn, virginia. julie cay wh n details about what she was doing there only on news4. new video of the spacex explosion. why we could see this happ n and again. >> walk into a travel agency pull up a brochure on the caribbea how soop that could change. our next storm system br
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a new range of opportunity rgs now available between america and cuba. the new rules took effect tod among the changes certain citizens can visit cuba without special permits monopoly americ companies can export cell phon computers, and internet technology to cuba and americans c buy up to $1,200 in cuban alcohol and cigars and
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up to $400 in total goods. local travel agents tell us don't think about a spring break trip to cuba yet. david cut loo at the potentl time line to book that trip. >> omega world travel. y i help you? >> rs professional travel planning. >> business or vacation? >> reporte and annette mccormk admits it's rare to discov a new desation. >> two w travel agency like omega, pull up a brochure on t ignores the region's largest island cuba. but these could b >> book is being written even a we're standin here. >> repor americans no longer need special permission to visit the island nation that is if they qualify for one of 12 exempt including cultural exchange education and family visits. that doesn't mean open travel for all. >> there's a lot of curi
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you knowe want to go down and experience something and they want the first to get down there and enjoy, you kno that cuba has to offer. >> rep but for those who do qualify for the new rule such as students with an educatl foc on cuba it's a significant step. here on the campus of george mason university one professor telling me it should be simpler now for her and her students to travel to cuba. >> north american students often think of cuba as an inaccessible and prohibited place. >> repor professor charlot rogers has traveled there twice. in 2a group of studen b that required specl licensing. >> it's a great opportunity for students find out that cuba is not just about cigars and rum but that it has a very vibrant and active cultural life. >> as you can see -- annette and her fellow trave agent want to tap but it could take some time. >> early 2016 realistically will probably be the first as far as
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a u.s. citizen flying out of the united sso havana and going to a beautiful resort. >> repor in fairfax, i'm david cu news4. >> free at last free at last, dy we are free at last. >> in honor of dr. martin luther jr.'s birthday today, 100 fifth-s read his acclaimed "i have a dream speech" at the steps of lincoln memorial. the students are from northeast d.c. one of the teachers told us these students are aware of fergus. >> so bringing his words, we're there but we're not there yet, is really powerful for them. they understood where lincoln got us. they understood where dr. king got us. and now our job is to move forward. >> new at 6:00 this is the 11th year watkins elementary has particip this ceremony. it was an absolutely beautil d for it lots of sunshine chilly but not as
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chilly as we've seen but my friend tells me there are changes coming. >> who's y you. >> i wasn't sure how close -- >> come on. >> there are some big changes. the next 24 hour diminishes. always the wise guy. >> sorry. let's show you those changes coming in. my good friend erika -- r good friend. >> -- she's hopi coue weeks. >> one week. >> she's getting married. how about that. she . well she might get it about a away. we'll talk about that in the next couple days. first, 42 degrees with winds out of the northwest at 13 miles per hour. 42 degrees and 13 that pultds a windchill out there. look at the rest of the number 30s. 45 town towards fredericksburg. now 44 fredericksburg was at 51 earlier today, so much warmer to the south than we were to the north. all because of a frontal bo al thr the area. can't see it here. watch what ha when we widen
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out. see what's happening right there? see the snow shs coming through? that is that frontal boundary and that cold front continues to drape right down across our region. it moves down to the south, well, for se more cold air. a cold night tonight, 25 in d.c. 19 gaithersburg 20 in leesburg 21 down toward frederic. tomorrow afternoon, much cooler than today. today's high 48 in d.c. tomorr will be around 39. 38 in leesburg 39 in manassas. still not bad, though. we will see some sunshine tomorrow. will a little breezy at times but as los you're ready for it, if you're walking arnold town walking a dog, taking jog, just be sure you're ready to feel that cold. that's all it will be. a little on the cold side. bundle up. that impact foreca will be rather low. sunday that impact will be much greater, especially fos of i-95. take a look at this. nothing tomorrow. again, we ha some clouds but also some sunshine during the day. future weath timing it out pretty well satury 4:00 some sunny condi during the afternoo t then on sunday here we are at 7:30.
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d.c. right on down through southern maryland down around the northern neck some heavy potential, but leesburg front royal, culpepper, frederic hagerstown martinsb no rain at all. let's go through noon and see what hap here. same deal. the rain around washington over towards annapolis, down towards lexington park this boundary is going to shift a little bit with the latest computer models. so where is this going to set up? d.c. could come out of here with nothing, could come out of here with an inch. that's the kind of boundary we have. it's a difference of only 30 mimes. leesburg 30 mime ace way from d.c. if that moves back 30 miles we could see some rain there, but all of us will have a good chance of rain i-95 to the east. back to the west maybe we all want to move back towards our friends, leesburg and frederick during to the day on sunday. 45 degrees on sunday martin lug day, 41 degrees. and then next week we stay side most of the day, but look at thursday. back into the 30s during thursd afternoon. >> all right. thank you, doug. new at 6:00, anoty
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bottom bar dealing with fallout from recent violence. coming up, the debate over its liquor l. > right now a man is facing a murdr allegedly similar cone and she ultimately died.
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in a report out today, navy says a pilot flew too low in a maneuver. severely injured after e jebting durg the training exercise. in one of his last days in office martin o'mall says he white house. he said today he'll join johns s univey as a visiting profr next month. he will focus on government by and urban issues. o'malley a democrat finishes s second term in office on wednesda that sam larry n will inaugurated in annapoli a woman accused of murdering two young children in an exorci in germantown pleaded guilty today, but she's not going to prison. monifa san was town not criminal responsible for the crimes by a montgomery co court. instead of prison she was
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committe a psychiatric hospital. prosecuty she and the children mother zakieya avery, believed the two toddlers were possessed by demons and the devil. sanfd accepted a plea deal. >> she and misav that it was their mi to rid the world, but specifically their immediate sphere of demons. >> avery is also in a psychic hospital. she faces murder charges and has a trial date set for june. prosecuts also charged both women with the attempted murders of avery's other two children. > they are cleaning up a murder sce here tonight in ashburn village. a newlywed is dead. his wife's ex charged with the murder. i'll tell you why the suspect' mother was also on the scene. their children's walk home ended charges of neglect and a national debate. how a maryland's couple controve mov is sitting parents across our region.
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pluses why
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now at 6:30 -- >> a girl come rounding out the front door screaming, you call 911, call 911. >> a break-in and deadly shooting. nes react to family violence. what we're learning about signs of trouble in the past. plus cosmetic injections gone wrong. we're uncovering new details in chargi documents.
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why this man is getting charged with murder. and close but no cigar, one ceo 2013s about this explosio first at 6:30 a mother jumps a car to chase down her son and try to stop a tragedy. >> but that son could not be stopped and tonight he's in jail and his ex-wife's new husband is dead. the results of a horrible few minutesn a normally quiet communit noa bureau chief julie cay is in ashburn village with the story you'll see only on n >> repor well that garage ba there with the light on that w the murder scene. the townhouse was home to a couple denise and corey mattison and her three kids. last night horror as her ex-husba bro in and started shooting. bullet hole shows the first shot fired thursday night as when nn broke down the door of this townhouse. the next shot hit his ex-wife's
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new husband, corey mattison. the couple married just three months ago. this neighbor who didn't want to be identified heard the shots a came out to see what had happened. >> all of a sudd i heard pow, pow, pow. and, you either five or six shots that i heard. i looked at the window and i saw a girl come running out the front door screaming, you 911, call 911. >> repor another neighbor took these photos. inside the home two children. it appears the victim ran out the back door to try to escape nguyen. that's w pulle in this this white suv, another child with her. >> farce we know the ex-wife was on her way home from an event with one of the children and as she w coming home her ex-husba was simultaneously breakit door targetg the ex-wife's new husband, and that's when the violen erupted. >> repor the wife's suv
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smashed into this car in her drive way, then the deck post and then it struck another vehicle that was parked in the neighbor drive. loudoun quickly custody. >> i came out outside and the mom was yelling and screaming like you should have stayed away from him, i told you to stay away why w y. >> reporte a neighbor tells me this tragedy comes in the wake of months of strife of the ex-wife and ex-husband chiefly over chi custody and visitati. when ngun is in a detention sent we are no bond. i'm julie carey, news4. water mn repairs on park center drive in alexandria she wrapping up soon after this geyser shot up in the air or s just off king street which had to be closed near 395 during the morning rush. all that water was freezing on the road. king street is back open
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tonight. virginia amen water says it was a 12-inch main that broke. d.c. streetcar system won't meet its deadline because of concer with passenger safety. in a statement, the director of transp said quote, safety certification is still needed before the cars can begin picking up passengers along h street. e streetcars were supposed to be ready by monday. d dot now says it will not set a new official start date. the virginia republican party has filed an ethics complat against democratic senator mark warner. republics w to know if warner violated federal law when he discussed possible job opports for former state senator phi po ket's daughter last june. the democrat was contemplating resignin the legislature whicd give control of the state senate to republicans. warner admits he brainstormed ids but never made any job offers. phuket did eventually resign and republics were able to block govern terry mcauliffe's
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effort expand medicaid. it's a dangerous fad that flooded t nat a couple years ago and it's still leading deaths in women. tonight, pennsylvania man faces a murde charge in our area for performing an illegal ks enhancement procedure. prince g county reporter darcy spe explains how police connected him to the victim. vinnie taylor being held on a murder charge. authorits say the philadelphia man injected liquid silicone in a woman's bottom to make it larger. the woman, who was an exotic dancer got sick and later died. this doctor is a plastic surgeon and says it's a dangerous and illegal proc >> if that silicone gets into the bloodstream, it can result in a series of complications and many of them can be life-thr. charging documents show taylor injected the woman several times here at the comfort inn in capitol heights. detectiv connected taylor to the victim through dozens of
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cell p calls and text messages. the doctor says the people who do these illegal procedures are often hard to track down. >> no one really knows who it is or the credentials of that person or more importantly, what they're actually injecting. >> repor authorities just caught up to taylor who's from philadel last month, and that w in st. louis. he's been brought nt face a seconde murder charge. christina kostka recently got butt enhancement surgery to make her body more proportional. she works at bella cosmetic y where they're seeing an exponel increase in women ienhancement. the surgery costs several thousa doll save up for it because it's defini worth it. you can't cheap out on this one. it's your health and your body. >> repor in capitol heights, darcy spencer, news4. police want you to take a good look at the guy in these surveill images. the police say he held a hotel clerk at gunpoint. it happened last night at the
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quality inn on hornerd in woodbrid. told he got some cash and ran off in the direction of gordon boulevard. nobody was hurt. a popular d.c. w banned from hosting deejays and live music. the city's alcoholic beverage control b says it will contin to suspend the liquor license a even if that suspen is lifted. the board se the foggy bottom restau and lounge will be barred from using promoters or charging a cover. they say it must provide an enhanced sec plan. this all stems from a stabbing earlier this month there. thousands of parents weighi in. are a 10- and 6-year-old too young to walk a mile alone? local parents react to a story that's getting a lot of attentn on our facebook page. a rally set for tomorrow in downtown d.c where the crowds will be and why they're marching to capitol heights. we're talking abouty day tomorrow, chilly b on sunday, some o lot of
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rain, . sp
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. > a across the country people have come together to support our police officers. a rally like this one in south a is planned for d.c. tomorrow. hund of people are expected gather for this sea of blue march. that kicks off at noon at the nationl a will end at the capitol. organize say t rally is to help counter what they view as an anti-police climate. the olest congressional building is about to get a major overhaul. construc wil start soon at the cannon house office building. architec say upgrades need to be made. the facade is starting to crumble and the equipment in the basement is rusted over and damaged. project will take about ten years and cost just over $752 million. the cannon house office building
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will stay open during construc. > george mayson university is giving high sc seniors a little extra time to apply for freshm gmu's dean of admission said they hea from students and parents and counselors thy couldn't complete their applic b of the winter weath closures around the country. the school is accepting applic thr februy 2nd. in honor of martin luther jr. day on monday thousas of d.c. public school studenl get to watch the "selma" for three. the oscar nominated film is about the 1965 voting rights march from selma to montgomery alabama, led by dr. king. the march on washington film festiv raised more than $80,000 so that students can see the movie for free. organize say they not only want to educate the students but also to inspire them. >> ordinary people throughout this country do courageous thingso register to vote. wh your courage? what wou you want to be involv in? we think this story really will
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inspire eighth ninth, tenth, left graders to think how do they wt to change their communit >> d.c. public schools are also develo lesson plans to guide classroom discussions about the film. students just need to show their school idea or report card to get in for free. head over to nbcwashington to see which theaters are particip > new at 6:00 incredible video g at sea. >> spacex taking to twitter with a sense of humor about this costly attempt to do something that's at what age would you let your child walk home alone from a neighborhood park? parents here tell me they have seen it all the time. i'.
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. > d.c.'s mayor muriel bowser met with joe biden for the tunnel project near rfk that's part of a $2.6 billion effort to improve water quality. during heavy rains, storm water has be mixing with sewage and overflowg io the nearest body of water. the tunnels will store the overflow then sd it to the blue plains treatment plant. when is it okay to let your kids walk home alo question has led to a huge debate on our nbc washington facebook page. the silver spring family that sparked the discussion is talking about their so-called free range lifestyle.
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molette n reports. >> repor it comes up a lot for debate. >> it's kind of split. most of the parents feel it's okay at some point. >> repor but no confusion for this tamly. the children enjoy playing here with or without their parents watchi over them. >> your story is appalling. >> repor 10-year-old rafy and his mom, danielle are reading e-mails of support. >> kids can be trusted. they c go outside. they can have autonomy. they can find a couple friends down the street to play with and, you come back when it dinnertime. >> repor it all started when rafy and his 6-year-old sister devorah, walked home from a p close to their home without an adult. someone called police and now child protective services is investg the silver spring parents for neglect. >> i'm amazed. i a that this was going to touch such a nerve. >> i like the freedom. i think it's really fun to be independ
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and that's -- we really are old enough to do it. >> repor not so according to maryland law, which prevents a child under the aim of 8 from being unattended unless a reliab person who is at least 1 years old is with him or her. >> my little guy? yeah. he 6 years old. he's 9, 10 years old, let him go he'll be fine. >> repor next week the family faces child protective services and will get their chance to argue their side of the story. the mother danielle tells me she is much more terrified of the possibili of her kid being taken awn she is over the danger of allowing them to walk home alone from a park like this that's just a couple of blocks from her house. in silver spring molette green, news4. a baby born on the beltway .
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this hap near the the he fairfax 911 and labor. woman to they cou the baby c highway,by fire off be say the mother and baywy are well. spacex released this dramat footage of a failed rocket landing that happened last week. the rocket hit the side of a barge off florida's atlantic coast and exploded on impact. although the rocket was blown to bits its falcon 9 drone ship suffer minor damage. spacex attempts the landing again late thermowith more hydrauli fluid. makes space geeks like doug ka just go -- >> on to plan b. it's going to be amazing if they n actually land it on a barng fully interact. most of the time the rockets go up they're blown up they're
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gone you can't get them back. but if you can reuse a rocket -- >> save a fortune. >> i'm all about save money. >> looks like it won't be easy to do. >> better minds than us. take a look outside, showing what's happening around our region your planner tonight, 42 degrees, dropping to about 37 by 9:00 34 by 11:00. we are in for a cool night. most of you will be in the 20s a9:00 10:00 tonight. already down to 36 in gaithers 37 in reston and 36 in dulles. a little bit of wind too, so that will continue to bring us a little bit of a windchill. . won't see anything over the next 24 hours. tomorrow wil a pretty nice day. it will be chilly but it will be nice. mostly sunny, cold breezy late temperat 36 to about 41 s during the afternoon. it will be below average ow and it will be a lit colder side. look at the windchills only in the teens to the north and west. during the noon hour still only in the lower 20s. so if you're going out and about tomorrow jus be sure to take an extra coat maybe the gloves and the hat.
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how about the rain for sunday? most of us west of i-95 will not see much rain at all, maybe a few showe bac here but that's it. most of your day will be dry. to the east of i-95 washington coming i rig now, the latest run of this model giving us about a quarter inch of rain here. but over an inch close to an inch and a half toward the pawtux river, close to 2 inches for the eastern shore. if you're to the west of this area gaithersburg leesburg frederic you might not see any rain at all other than a few showers. to the south and east charles county prince george county calvert, st. ma and parents of the northe neck, you folks have the best chance to see a little t of a washout during the day on sunday. that's why we have a rain chance at about a 50% chance. 50% of us the east coast, will see the best chance for rain. 45 for a high on sunday. 41 on monday. a little bit on the breezy side. temperat stay above average on tuesday and wednesday but then fall back into the 30s as we make our way towards thursday. ladies? >> all right. thank you. a lot more coming up on nightly news with brian williams. >> here's a look at what they're
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working on tonight. coming up tonight, late word from the supreme court, they are going to take on gay marriage. and the question once and for all. also tonight, climatologists tell us last year was the hottest yea on record. we'll look at ramifications for the future. and someo we're used to ion around here prep. carol has a look at what's ahead in sports. >> hey, ladies. some old faces and new plays tonight. pae letting the nets know why they miss paul pierce. plus barry trotz back to the building he helped build. a hockey home
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coach trotz going to get all choked up back in nashville. >> a billboard brought him to tears leaving town. now a video tribute and one of the fans on the website set get ready for the biggest standing ovation ever tonight. a big nie known for being the center of the country music industry also home to one of the best hockey teams in the nhl. the man responsible for making a hockeytown.
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in the arena he practically built. he spent 15 seasons, nearly 1,200 games behind the bench in nashvill now back caps head man, trotz not letting his players know how important tonight's game is to him. >> i haven't said a whole lot other than, you kn that there's proy five guys that will really like to win this game tonight, you k former pred at some point. with will i always have a nashvie predator tattoo? absolute. hopefully we'll come up with a few points for him. i'm sure he's had this day marked on his calendar for a while bp we're looking forward to going in and having some fun. >> drop the puck at 8:00. paul pierce will face his former brooklyn nets squad. the nets decided not to bring back the veteran forward this past off-season. the way, they're currently on a six-game losing skid.
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with thes td into a points leader. he certainly has the respect of his teammates. as for how he feels abou team? >> any team without paul pierce misses them. >> whenever he comes, whenever he talks period nobody says anything. of amazing just how he has a lot of power but it's amazing because he's speaking the truth. it like 300 now. got it rallied up man, like they mean it like we're ready to battle. >> 37 years old and still going strong. lo it. good tho who wait. can i do a take two on that? i messed up. >> we'll wait for it. >> good things come to those who wait. on the joke works if i get it. another way the redskins might put that good things come to hose who waited and haven't hired anybody yet because vick sang owe has fallen into their laps.
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he's the 49ers ex-deechkd. two weeks ago the skins asked to w him were turned down. but now he's coming to d.c d.c. thanks for letting me do another one on that one. the ncaa and penn state reached new settlement today that restor 112 wins from 1998 to 2011 that were taken away followe j scandal. with the vacated wins back, the late joe paterno again is the winningen d-i college win total bac 409 victorie college hoops tomorrow number two virginia tryie to 17-0 visiting boston college. that game at 2:00 p.m. over in college park at 4:00 p.m. a rematch between maryland and michigan stat up they're big ten campai with a double overtime win in east lansing back in december. teams just one loss in confer play. maryland knows tomorrow's game isn't just any other.
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>> we know they eat get their best shot tomorrow since we beat them at home. beeel stay focused. >> we know how big it is. we've got one loss they've got one loss. when you look at where it can put us in the lead with the win right her and down the road we know it's huge. >> also tomorrow georgetown taking on butler at verizon center. teams have bulldog mascots. they're friends and buddies off the court. already hanging out before tomorrow game. they actually brought them back into town early just for this play date. they give out autographs. they're ver popular. >> studs. >> they look very cooperative, too, don't they? >> i want them to fight, like growl at each other, anything. e there doggie treatsn there s
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on our broadcast tonight, blockbuster case as same-sex marriage is headed to the supreme court. the justices agree to settle the issue once and for all. it's a showdown over one of the biggest cultural issues of our time. this flu epidemic underway far more lethal in children this year than in years past. some hospitals have been overrun as an alarming situation now takes hold across the country. the hottest year ever in recorded history. a shocking new picture tonight of what's happening to our planet. and the parenting debate that's erupted with people taking sides. the question is how young is too young for kids to go off without adult supervision? "nightly news" begins now. from nbc news world


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