tv News4 at 6 NBC February 26, 2015 6:00pm-7:01pm EST
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own homes. >> f at 6:00, breaking news out virginia. feder ag in norfolk are queio m right now in conio with the alleged isis conir that led to three arrts the united states jusyesterday. >> tha man has not been charge a all this comes atz we lea n t g behind mas income some grueso videos from isis. steve smn capitol hi with now. ste? mohammed emwa is his name, jim d hoping to learn more about threahe homeland. u.s. and british officials have been secretly studying this isis mon for months. how moed emwazi, born in kuw g in london, got a comt science degree, got into jihad and ended up a stone cold executionerith a british acce. when t left-handed killer behead american journalist jam foley in a video released by isis in august and in later vid h sounded british. >> an islamic army, an
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esta. >> now u.s. intelligence confie is once kno a jihadi john h bn ideif as mohammed emwazi who grew up and lived in west lonn. emwazienbeheaded at leasf hostages including amen e sotloff. >> he couldn't hide behind a masforever. >> wit his identity known emwa cannot go home. other is fighters with western pasorhave, but so far no proem the u.s. >> a relatively small number have returned and we've not identi any of them engaged in atta plotting. >> the two men charged yesterday in w w planning prosi attacks never got to syria. the says the pair got hooked onle isis. >> they're put ought a very effectop message throh media, through lotof platforms, saying hey, if co ctsyria do set in the u.s. >> despite that threat, on cap speaker john boehn still refusing a so-llan vote to f
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depenomserit insiin sy linked to unfdi o immigration order. a new york replin furious f. isis is killing people all ovee world. it'so insanofiy for repuicat don't vote on a clean bill. >> far no plan to do that in the house. sena republicans have agreed to fully fund dhs through sepmbth of 2016 and to do it separately a to do it befo t deadline of friy/ay midnight. buteshe house goes along, it n' matter. and about 200,000 dhs employees, many i area, won't be paid starng saturday. i'm steve handelsman, news4. are looking for a man in goou toght who expose elf to one woman and then tackled another and tried to rape her. pole say last night around 11:1 t m approached a 20-yr- and asked fose she refused. he then forced her to the ground
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on hampshire court west near new hamps1/ silver spring. she wa to get away. poli think this is the same guy w exposed himself to anoth just minutes earlr. hab8"170 pounds no faci hair and was wearing a fur hat, a blackjack et and gray pants. anye w information is asked to ca the montgomery cnt pole. >nde the district are looking for one more suspec in aai carjackings in geortoha happened jt mines yesterday afton pole people approached a man sitting in his car at 26th and p, pointed a gun at him. he sp away and wasn't hurt, butn s r woman was carjacked at 31st and p near wisnsavenue. parkol arrested one suspe the gu is still out the. ria is legal in the disicnout that does not mean you'll see people smoking it a ovee streets. and users still have to be carel where they carry the drug as o mark segraves reports now, lot of places in the city
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whearnremains illegal. >> as of 12:01 this morning marna legal in wasng.c b it remains bannedm all college campuses and dorms. arias highlighted in yellow on thimap. it's als not allowed on d.c. schl prt atz we've been telling you any fedal parks or government buigs in ft, you may not be able to smoke it in your own home. d.c. law says adults can e maruanir homes now but not all homes are covered und e new law. if y live in an apartment or you nt your home, it's not up to you. it' to your landlord. >> property owner is going to be required to allow marijuana use their property. >> and if you own your home but there condo or home owners assia >> majority rules. if the majority of your condo ownwa to allow it then it's allowed. >> we given the general publi right to use marijund they have the
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righto leverage their rent inton apartment building that cats ij users. >> if colorado which legalized pot 2012, is any indicator eveif you own your own house you ma a problem if you have a townhome that shares a comwa with your neighbor. >> tree arguments to be maded theare being made in colora that you are not a solewnalur your lan you hae t property. >> todor muriel bowser subeden listi clafya marijuana use willot be permitted in private clubeither. >> the only thing that's 100% clear that the only lawful pla for sure is going to be in a prt that you own that is frees >> you see our map of reste locations by going to the nbwainon app. in the district, mark segraves, news4. while marijuana in the city is le has been decrin s last july.
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in those 31 weeks the police handd 283 tickets. near half of them were in the sevent district which covshbs east of the anacos river. the frt district which is primil northwest d.c., issued onlei tickets. we weary of winter and winrbe getting a little wearitself. soundse spring is going to sta t us in the coming days. i think we have a chance for a spring-like storm late next week. t rsav little more wenr e with. we h a winter storm earlier toda tak. iss wa it looked bet ad 3:00 a.m. and 11:00 as that snow came in moved in quickly and quickly coved roads and the ari. saw numerous school closings aroou region before it finay moved out. once it moved out we saw sunsne tho roads became a lot better. upwas inch to two inches insi the district, down to the south, 6 inches as we talkedb last night at the 11: hour. we d see a pretty good amount of snoo to the south.
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headltoday, more cold, ano cof snow, then, yesthig warm-up. i'lowou when it arrives in my forecast. >> and just into our newsroom nowa homeowner in adams morgan tems news4 that his trash has finly collected. sayed h opinion complafo two weeks now abohe t not getting picup because l the snow and t ice and whatever. and we featured his story on new at 4:00 today just over the la hour, the trash truck showed in the alley so on you go. >> maryla 911 dispatcher who told a teenage girl to stop whing now out of a job. the anne and cntyi deptmys dispatcher no longer works for them. the 13r-d gi called for helfo her father who was dyingr a scar accident back on ua 1st. she d trouble staying calm. her father was rick warrick. he d his fiancee were hit by a car whi theyere changing a tiren the b. wvnlt parkway. whoer them kept going.
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the fiancee survived. park poce believe they have fouhe car and the driver who hit th but no charges have yet been filed. net neutralitis kind of the ra of the last few weeks it'st confusing for some peoe, it is big news today fornyo he internet bec t the federal commuonis voted to ban internet service prover allowing one compan to pay for faster intnee over another. so providers cannot gave parla streaming service prefel treat. todas decision was historic rulg capitol hill. >> and nbc's tom costello is herew to break it down for all o us, because some of us do not understand exactly what hapnetoday. howil my experience on the intern ce if at all becae this? >> itul not, and i think that t headline. the heaine is that it won't in the future. now really this isn't about corrtith that happen right now or that is that ha has happened? happen in the
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past. it is t ensuring your expnche internet in the xt few years is not going to be slowed down because yore not amazon or netflix, you're just tryg watch a video online me your kid's science proje they have dat home. what th ruling sed is they're not go to allow preferential treatmot going to allow amaz, amr hulu or net t buy faster pipes if you will, to buy a faster highwa faster lane on the hig. but ier interesting becaus what's happened is as we' talke many people in our newsroom, as sooas we saith r net neutrali their eyes glazed over. that t problem. it soun so bureaucrac. does mean? it means the net is neutral. it means everybody is treated the same. >> so tod some of the critics of th said well it wasn't bro w 't need the governo it, and this is sor of government intveinomhi that reay s to stay pure. whas sw that?
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>> a lot of republicans have sai listen why are we creati whole new bureau mess? the fcc says we're not creating a bureaucratic mess. we' tryingo leave the inteet open for everybody to parci and if you were to allow some companies to have access to or be able to literally dominate the high-speed lanes, that that would it more difficu f mom p shops for you and me, f whomever. and the idea is according to the fcca it clean and clear for everyb youxp legal challenges from telecom and cable comnid we need to say com owns nbc. >> right. >> tom costello, thank you very much. i tnk gtet it now. >> your eyes didn't glaze over. >> t time. well lor raet will lynch is one sp closer to becoming t natione attornegeneral. the naicomtte apruf nomination today, sendg o full senate. not clear when a vote will happenthere, but she is expect to winval. lyn would replace eric holder and become the first black woman to hold the nation's top law
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enfce t may be the last chance for th women known as the iron lads to fight against devop along the waterfront in alexandria. the virginia supreme court hea oral arguments today in t lawst be the three wome the appealing actions that amo o thing ace lou for consuc hotels along thawaterfront. a deci is expected to come down i or early summer. coming up tonight, smoke on metro tracks, two more incidents just today. we' rt metro is doing to ep riders safe. and parts of the south dig o from nearly a foot of snow. in th deep south. the nl d to rescue some nd drivers. >> poshad sex with himnd thhehohiinhe hea and cp voemt she nt his funeral.
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rosen' sury clearce has been suspended. he's due back in court tomorrow. heje tonig for the family of a montgomery county man who was found murre his bed. andhe convicted in the caseil spdi life in prin. tht we're learning the mes t tt victim's famhar his killer. new pat collins is live in rocit the details on this case. >> rt wendy, she had sex with him, then sheill him, then e went to his funeral. jude day for katrina ben. on the sixth floor of the montment courthouse tod the family of eric samoa came face-to-face with his kilr. one by one they told the judge abo tpain. >> w never be the same agaifor family. >> rtey ask for the max. >> i hope this is today that she speth of her life behba >> and the max is what she got.
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katrin sentenced to life witho parole plus 20 years. the victim 34-year-old eric samo s in the head while he was asleep in his bed in this silv sghigh-rise. thesa ben killed him because sheas jealous. in court, the prosecutor descri this as an exetil close-range cold-bemuer. to conceal her involvement in the muer katrina ben went to eric samoa's funeral. thehe sitting in the seco row. sheol the cops she didn't even o a gun. then som found this paraldismantled gun along the beltway. it turned out to be the murder wean. pe trt g to a pawnop columbia, misssihey learned that was bought by katrina ben th message to katrina ben tonighm the samoa family. >> that justice has been served
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today and what you have sewn into the life of our dear brotr, cousin, nephew, friend you will reap bountfully. withifn prison. >> rt one point during the he today, katrina ben benn g up, faced the is ed somuah famy, started talking about eric like she was giving some sf eulogy. the family was flabbergasted many j got up and walked out of the courtroom. life wut parole plus 20 yea f katrina ben. live rockville, pat collins, news i mark segraves at the live desk. new w first to report about vanli a local mosque. now we've learned the ivy city mos inme northeast d.c. has been vandalized again. theirr of the mosque tells news4 vandals came in sometime latst night early this mor and ripped relig hanginm t wall and broke
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furnur polye earlier attack did t appear to be motivated by hate because of otr skrand vam th neighborhood aroth same time. i'm mark segraves. anr neighbors to the south in virginia digging out tonht this latest winter blast dumped abo 5 to 8 inches in the richnd fol down in hampton roads s anye 3 to 9 inches. virgin s police are respontds of calls toda t natialua was call i help stranded drivs birmingham, alabama. traffis backed up for miles on interstate 65 down there. parts nthn alabama a buried nearly a foot of sno theoa covered in slush and i now. that maybes for really treaeavther whe tar used to that. >> no they are not. but i heard doug in the last hour use the number 60 as in degree >u that. >> i love that. >> that's a good numbe >> that's better than flowers.
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>> it' a good ring, but if you're t g the 60 with it, yo kw it's coming with someinelse, which is rain may ums. we'alt that. >> that >> on it's not snow. >> a chance for that too. let s you what's happening towds reston where the road are j fine. you see the dulles toll road there moving a-okay currently. look at the season's snowfall totarur area, always the winner, dulles airport coming 24.8 inches, national at 13.4 and bwi coming in at the month of feby. lmc the way, last marmu did we get? oh yeah. jusototowrom thr se storms. we c st see more snow comins winter. suntot 5:56. look at e snow we saw around ourego 2 inches on top of what was already on the grod last few days. curly but drop through the 30 dn to about 32 by 11:. cega we' be talking act evethrefreezing, very icy condio on some of those roadwsy secondary
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roads ve yourselves extra time noinhe radar right now. go ba the west and you see a little sysm ward pennsy. you ll that backwards cinnn that colder air that's trying to ve down and it might proce snow ow or two oveigtonight maybe a snow flur e tomorrow morning. betwn 6:00 and 8:00, arias of lighsno most of the area standry. if u get snow, it could t qui coating on the roadways. hea uor th with a tempatof 26 degrees. then it's just cold. 4:0m. to 6:00 p.m., 32 deges that shou the high tomro a v day tomorrow. higmpesy 30 to 35. we e now 15 degrees or we will be tomorrow close to 15 to 20 degreebelow average. if we're at 15 to 20 degrees abo a i july we're well 100. thath kind of cold air that we he here. it's like a cold wave instead of a hwa 33 o friday, 32 on satda9 on sunday. chaef a late mix. we may s a little bit of icing
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late sund into monday then channgin as temperatures war deges on tuesday. we cous start with a mix and then it goes over the all rain and right now it looks like we d some very warm air comup, 60 degrees is what we' gng for on wednesday. that's. 60. w tee. thuray coming in with a temrafrod 50. so we end february on a very cold t could the coldest february we' seen since 1979. i was wi swings in the weather creang problems for water main whath e going out to fix them? tracee wilkins with will show us the wo ad they've been deang e d now. nd a black histormon recept the white house toda we' r where the presen g nt ek
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to sta up for what is right. not st when it's easy, but when i hard. not jt when it's convenient, but when it challenging. >> the prede also talked abo plans to go to sell marx alabama, next week. he wi commemorate the 50th annerf the historic voti rights marches led by the late dr. martin luthering jr. 160 confirmed kills attrutt late navy chris kyle. morth any other sharpshoot in u. mility history. now there's a move to award him posumwi the nation's higstar decoration. the med of honor. kyle served four combat tours in iraq and earnedevalade medsr valor. a texas congressman that would authoze that medal. kyls memoir inspired the film "amecape he retired from the navy and was shod killed two years ago in tex hisle was convicted th week. > of the more significant
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annual events for the gop is und w tonig in maryland. thiis t conservative polalon conference. it's taking place at national har that' le shot right there. seval presidential hopefuls have taken the stage today, incng former johns hopkins surgeoben carson, new jersey governor chris christie and wisconsin governor scott wal a stw poll will be held this wee w sometim signals the csee favorite for predecandidate. last year rand paul won that straw poll. next metro digging deeper into concerns for your safety. what says could be behind a seri of smoky tunnel emeen. starts as a trickle and then w shows up, digs up the groan fixes the pipe. how do they decide which ones get xet?
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but e ist beginning. i'mavvrichn whe p push for medical marnafr here. a repeated problems on met. we' ror how the agency's deali o the tracks and why it is not raising fares. se a just a few of the isss the metro board tacktoday. >> hh l priotiw to make the rail sysm r. chrigos live at l'ehaza >> tr says it learns lessons from fre and is taking steps to mak the system safer. met ss it is doing everhi n recommends aft th fatal accident at l'ent s in midan smo filled the train. it claimed the life of one rider. seve others had to be treated for sm inhalation. >> s has redefined the prore regng crisis manage in the real control
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cent, the procedures for allg train operator to turnf the environmental air intey on the railcars in the event that smoke is encoun >> recen there have bn a numbf problems at metro statns a spark from arci insulation or some other mish filled the station with smoke delaying train service. tod metro's safety committee got an explanation of the cause of one of those incidents. >> obvio through the state of goo repair program we're workin diligently to take care o all those. >> metro wants to reassure ride the system is safe. we ke passengers if they agr >>ft incident that just hapne kot to do a betjo >> ysto cautus i going to ride it ri now and i feel safe. >> eydie schwartz is a disabled metro rider who is gay bli. my concern about safety right nows that i want to get
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traed emergen evacuation and ibe pointedly told i'm n invited to the only ses that's been scheduled. >> right after that interview, we ou eydie's request to the atn of a metro repntwh went right up to eydie and invited her to the very n een training ses f their accessibili advoom nap's the late l a l'enphant pla statiorigordon news4. >> tha you, chris. the boa is also still seang f a new general maner metro. sou a telling us that the seleio process could take a whi longer because the board is divided over the short list of candidates. it's d to three people now. the b says it's looking for a leader who's both a financial manar and a transportati expt. > al to a lot of metro rids yhore happy to leaha rates are going to holsteady. the b decided not to raise fares to cut service. this m t issue is off the tabl at for now. metrsa it will focus on
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other ways to balance the budge ht now crews are working nonsto to repair water main breaksar popping up all over t area. the recent cold snap and some big teur swings are cau lots of problems far lot of peoe. traceensh some tips on how y mht keep your home dry. trac? well we were here just an houa there was a hole in the ground. you c how quickly wssc has gott this broken pipe fixed. but ior to get to this point, h to prioritize. and r how they do it. >> it a bit of water was comingou >> we've had water leaking for the st w or two. >> s where the concrete has come um? whe th asphalt has come up? >> e ol just sta c out. >> del mar avenue versus lucy lane. two broken pipes two different neigor thest is -- who gets a repa today?
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>> th said they hasoany water re t area that the just couldn't get to it. i'm looking for the strongest point the water main. >> jus needs repairing. >> marty windsor is an inspector with wssc. he'e t on the scene to accs break. >> n ll judge by the amot water or how much damagidoing. >> water coming through the grou asphalt has exploded here. 's a pad water main break, but not e wot wssc has seen today it may not be repaired now >> nobody's lost any water. nobo's of water. >> sound like he know what he's speaking of. >> basically just hold till our nextvalcrew. >> you d't mind. >> no. no. >> so del mar will have to wait. >> t now we got action. i'm thankful. >> and lucy lane's repairs are quicy way. >> th promised they would come back i'ju thankf they're here. >> now o to the next break. >> a lot of no water calls, a lot broken mains, a lot of flogng on. justad all day long.
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>> homeowners will surely have more questions. >> that's the first question we' asked, when is somebody gointoe out and address this. that's what everyone wants to know. whe well,e at lucy lane, they're tone h this repair, on one. wssc started off the week with morehaep. now they' down to just a littlee than 20. liv'm tracee wilkins, news4. >> thayou,tracee. eo who live in prince geoe'ty sn be ableo qun sundays. lawmer maryland are conriil that uld allow according a local newspe measure may have a beer chance of passing becauo dell galt who were oppedt past are no lonr t legislature. the council is pushing for the chan hoping it boosts economic develot and make the it more aing to young people. e rhino bar is auctioning off i decor including the big
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rhi head. spor mil he wall is so for grabs, as well as furnitd signs. thi t rhino bar's last week in operation. ownern renewing the leas the bar has been open for eight 18 years. at 6:30, stricter rules for college campus reporting sexast we'll te you what one group is doing try to make students saf a major commuter route is of tolls for now, but somlas are thinking they want to add toll lanes similar to the 95 express lanes in vira. we'l you where. temperatur around 30 deges many ofou tomorr it'sco butow we raise the temra
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monomun councilman rog verlander tells wtop radio thahe supports converting t two hov lanes into reversible toll lanes. larry is viewed as road fridl and called it t greeswa builder in the cou. e project would take several yearo start to finish an req apublic/private partrs facebook is expanding optns it comes to gender identy itil off "fill in the blan on for those who don't identify with the avale options. last facebook expanded its options from male and female to include dozens including trage thisewon will bring the total sat fr both sides of the joined forces today to thatdresses colleg assaults. the laers met with survi students, law enforct come up with a
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strgtveof what theca the campus accaban safety act. amo things that bill woulesi new campus resrc and support services for survivors. it ulo create a uniformed procs udscli. current it is more likely for a survivor to drop out of scho t it is for a rapist to be expelled. thaisunacceptabl and th healing from trauma is ffan i want ice a nonlea process, this process shou n include reliving our persal stories in the pre to shame our colleges into comyih the law. >> e bill was introduced just one y after police announced a new sexsau instati invvi a student at the unirf virginia. the victim was found unconscious in an off-campus apartment. police h symptoms were cone wi date rape drugs. she ha no memory of hours spent with a male acquaintanc
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i'm jim handly at the live desk. a dog being recued from a frozen pon fairfax. this happened on woodland lake. the vi tells us a golden reter was pulled fromhis pon there a response. morth a dozen rescue vehle dozens of police andir responders. the appears to be okay but we've no official word yet on i exact condition. at the live desk, i'm jim hand. > d at 6:00 where the fig f medical marijuana goes next i virginia. a major milestone for one local familytoday but up next david culveexplaining the hurdles that sl remain. the team that seems to be evern favorite to win the wor sth year held the fitu squad wor
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terry m is praising e lawmake for approvi bu. it includes raises for teachers ste employe and college fa it restores $30 million that had cut for local governme its a does not expand medicaid as democra had wanted. vi income is ahead of oj the state has money with which to work. you can now use marijua in vi to treat debilitg se.a new law there now allows for oil, an oil that t produce a high but you to have a prescrip.
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e probl is you can't buy oil in virginia and you t transfer it to virginia. ne david c is in wit a look at how one lol family plans t . >> as the snow blanket vi capitol, inside we d jennifer collins and her make their way to the to you know you did this right? >> i did not. >> yes, you did. you started it. >> surround by five other family jennifer tells me today will chae their li >> eve w telling us that couldn'to it but it's we did. >> for the collins family it's a painfulr y to this point. th why they're trying cae every moment. je and mom snappedlf with dad in the ba. month jennifew each time her eye flutters it a seizure, 300 a day. ha year the family had to t up. je and her mom had to movee colorado where they cod y use cannabis oil, the d mal marijua without a
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hi. i wt to thank the motherss -- with on signatu from the go t no longer need to li far from home. >> okay folks. its n law. >> but the family isn't tone their l oil right here in nor legally transfer it out of another state. so they're taking their fight to the u.s. ca try to convince them to because it's the rit t to do. t the states want. it what the people wan and e servant people. >> for now, jennifer gets to he back to norther d legally use her struggle. >> incredib. >> in richmon so have your kids ever d you this -- dad, what did u do? how did you survive before the in? >> yep. >> well folks ia fou out yesterda co cell phones 911 sy atms, all of them
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std worki hours as a large part of the state. st at northern arizona were said to be near s when they we told no one cod tn the internet back on. can you imagine? wer maps on local tv had no temps on them. >> what? >> goodness. bee they couldn't -- i'm near tears, chris. >> you're in the fetal position. the rn for all of this a guys decidedo steal copper and in order to get they cu in the desert. crs had to check miles of e lines before they found e missing section and were ab to fix it. in the meantime panic reigned the area. >> can you imagine. >> the dark ages. >> we have some internet for you, don't we. yeah. my temperas were working fine. th do work off the internet and they're still telling me -- it's cold. >> it'
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les s you what the deal is ou degrees, wind out of the h a if this were mid-january, we'd be saying 37, not too bad. but mid-february, late february, march st a couple days. we ul tso warmer weatr. w gin the next couple day 31 in hagerstown. a lot of areas starting to go und freezing. with that we will see a refreeze of a of the snow that we saw duri t d today. so tc for that. a little bit of refreezin some swe towards the panhan west virginia. we may see some of these contue try to make their way o the a little system, and i do mean little you can kind of see one little area of snow. there'hee back to the wes thearon by a little frontada th's going to try to i on through the regi. m see a few areas of snow oveign early tomorrow. main roads tonig into tomorrow morng, isolated slick spots but i think they'll be okay.
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it's the secondary roads and the sidelk sidewalks espia they h the snow on them from the other day that beme ice, now they ha snow on them agai hea for those walking to woror to the bus tomorrow morng. 31 degrees in gaithersburg tomoow33 in la plata, 35 frederrg those high temperatures. that's we'll get tomorrow. we'lse a cold day and it will get colder on saturday. a hteur of only 32 after a low of 16. dulles once again be close to a record. i beev the record is 10. we' b close to that number on saty. 39 on sunday pap a late mix possib then look at next wednes i'm even going to worry abohi storm. i'm worried about 60 degrees on weday tt'. tut shorts. >> okay. thas. > comin up in sports, high prae the face of a loss. we' l you what the ca d that wgh even as they dropd tsbgh
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d tells us we have a day approaching 60 in our near fute. thagood. whaev better is down in flori the nats are there. we a about to have some basebaics rin >> i'm hoping thaton start taking te photos and pos them, like, oh, it's so warm here. i do nt hear that. hopefu thl avoid that. dayne all the players in the boo for the nats as bryce harp p it on twitter "we now everyone can stretch." we also know our jason pugh is get t interviews do theod pe hdo with manager matt wilam >> itl to be back out tre with the entire team? >> iwagood. had the threat of rain today, which for spring trai, it was good. a chan to get out there and run ou a little bit.
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make evebo's legs a little sor ws good. >> the expectations being so high d you embrace them? >> w wouldn't want to be on the team that has those expeat it m t we've got a good clu th means we can do some things it means that, you k you've got a great starting pitching stafth y get to play behd y day. all tt is good for us. and they'll meet it. thellt it head on and play anbe free to play like they did last year. and we'll see where we can go. >> all right. the fir full squad workout. jays w mostly just doing conondrills. no bp, he underwent surgery last montan hopes to be ready for openg day. didwa to speak in front of the catot talked to the writers the clubhouse and id he wants to be cautious rig now and doesn't want to sufsetba base coming back too early. jas p ay man in flodaopinion.
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on nbinppche out interview with the $210 million pitcher max scheer jusar nats. andyes, they talk about schr'different-coled eye >> i know. >> ha you guys noticed that? one blue one brown. >> jus noticed that. >> when the nats introduced them and i d an interview with them couldn't sp arg. he sa it brings him some luck. >> he yeah. >> like 210 million dollars in luc >> one is sexier than the oth lite green, little brown, whave nfl free agency starts in one week. soues o to the washington redsk tls me washington willot be bringing back safety brand meriweather who a freen meanwhunack adrian peters a step closer to retuinhe nfl. nfl commsier roger goodell suspen indefinite aft the vikings' pro bowler pledo contest to charges he beat h 4-year-old son with a swi the players union sued, arguing goo w acting outside his
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authit and today a judge overturned the suspen. the ue has filed an appeal of that ruling. peteon future still up in the air. as the caps look ahead to tomoow game against carinch barry trotz said today they need to forget last nig loss to the penguins. one thing they did right standormme. not even ten minutes in 46 in red, michael latta on the peninhea to take on everyo what thinking? it's m for a minute or two. wheth o finally clears, che out tom wilson comes outro behind the ngns benc he was there the whole time taki shots from everyone. on t replay, look inside the red circle. that's wilson bei pulled into the bench. lat w in after his teammate and roommate there. wilson very grateful. >> took a lot of shrnelor me,is hd looked like a bobblend there was about six guys going at him. i'll hav to buy him dinner r
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thaone. >> go get 'em, lats. go save them. thers n down. i wouldn't want anything else. the more guys that would jump ovean go get one of their teaes better. >> toug situation for him. just really uncomfortab feelg. >> a lot of friend in special ops. never e man behind. we wer leaving a man in theibench. >> so pride there. figor your boys you know? ll. tal a this fighting spi y saw them eli, thewo llamas on the loose. the sports world was ng atn, both now listed as fiar prospects of the cge recruiting website. b wh needs college when you ha e teal from the anacas. a y deal making more than a hay. >>40 pounds of hay pip'd run ato
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on the broadcast tonight, behind the mask. the brutal isis killer with the knife beheading hostages including three americans. tonight, jihadi john has been identified. what secret intelligence has known about him for years. also, the priceless destruction underway by isis, wiping out some of the most important pieces of history. nbc news exclusive, robin williams' daughter zelda breaking her silence about the sudden loss of her father and the legacy she carries on. and a whodunit. a shocking heist after the oscars. tonight a big star at th of a mystery. "nightly news" begins now. from nbc news world headquarters in new york, this
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