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tv   NBC Nightly News  NBC  April 13, 2015 7:00pm-7:31pm EDT

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on this monday night, off and running. hillary clinton's road trip to iowa. fast food and pit stops. what's behind the low-key and marco rubio jumps in as well setting up a likely florida showdown with jeb bush. another controversial police shooting caught on camera. a suspect killed a 73-year-old reserve deputy now the parenting debate that has people taking sides. kids as young as 6 walking off unsupervised. their parents in trouble again. how young is too young to go it alone? and master class. the young american who just made history and the sister who inspires him to win. "nightly news" begins right now. from nbc news
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world headquarters in new york, this is "nbc nightly news." reporting tonight, lester holt. good evening. they are off and running. late today, on the heels of hillary clinton's official entry into the presidential race yet another long-anticipated name joined t florida senator marco rubio addressing supporters just a short time ago in miami formally declaring his bid for the republican nomination. meantime, just over 24 hours under her twitter launched candidacy, hillary clinton has barely been seen, apparently by d only sightings of her posted online as she makes her way to iowa by car. yes, it's her on a security camera video at a fast food restaurant. this has started out at least as a very low-key campaign ki we're covering both campaign launches tonight. andrea mitchell starts us off in des moines, iowa. andrea, good evening. >> rep evening, lester. it's certainly an unconventional launch. her campaign for the presidency.
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one of the best known women in america on her road trip here to iowa stopping at coffee shops like this one and trying to blhe for her first day on the road, this was the only evidence hillary clinton was campaigning. her tweeted picture from a gas station stop near altoona, pennsylvania. and pictures from chris lern, a college student who bumped into her. >> literally when i walked out the door i saw her and i was like, oh, that's her. i didn't even realize she'd be here. it was funny, though. >> reporter: this afternoon security camera video of her ordering a chicken bowl with guacamole at a chipotle outside tole tantalizing hints of a seemingly carefree jaunt from the clinton estate in chappaqua across key battleground states. more than a thousand miles to her first public event tomorrow carefully choreographed to re-introduce hillary clinton as the self-declared champion of everyday americans like those seen in. >> we've been doing a lot of home renovations.
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>> but most importantly we just really want to teach our dog to qui the trash. >> reporter: trying to re-create the voting blocs of the winning combination from '08. women, latinos millennials. like this couple who said they had no idea the interview they did two months ago would be part of her campaign announcemen >> we were p shocked. i rushed home and by the time i got home my phone had already exploded. >> reporter: and a group with growi political clout-gays. >> we invited hillary clinton to come to o >> reporter: it did not mention her most recent job, secretary of state and questions she's sure to face about foreign policy failures like benghazi or more rece deleted e-mails. instead she's borrowing language from critics on the left like senator elizabeth warren about the economy. >> but the deck is still stacked in favor of those at the top. so i'm hitting the road to earn. >> reporter: some iowa democrats still need to be convince >> i haven't made up
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my min i want to see all the candidates and hear what they've g say before i make up my mind, but i'm really excited a her joininth >> i wou a woman in the white house. i am concerned about the clinton, bush, clinton, bush you know that there's just been so much talk of clinton >> reporter: and so she gets here tomorrow, she'll meet people in small groups trying to reconnect with the very voters the iowans who rejected her soundly, she came in third when she ran for the presidency last time around in iowa. lester? >> andrea mitchell by contrast republican senator marco rubio is making a very public entrance into the race. kelly o'donnell is i miami where rubio just made it official in front of a pumped-up hometown crowd. hi, kelly. >> reporter: hi, lester. candidates rarely make their announcements in the evening, but marco rubio did. he came here at the precise time of 6:03 p.m. to make sure that cable networks like the conservative home
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of fox news would carry it live for a friendly audience and the location was also intentionally . the landmark, miami's freedom tower. the ellis island for cuban refugees who fled fidel castro's regime a generation ago. the legacy. a crowd of supporters who registered for tickets came to see a blue-collar son of cuban immigrants. >> you know, i think we need somebody who is real. i think that's so important. >> reporter: tonight senator marco rubio launched his run for the republican nomination appropriately in the place where his parents entered the country. >> i live in an exceptional country where the son of a bartender and a maid can have the same dreams and the same future as those who come from power and privilege. >> reporter: earlier rubio stopped by to rehearse all smiles, but taking no saving his thunder for later. senator, you're the youngest candidate. are you prepared president, sir? at a local lunch spot florida voters told me they can relate to rubio.
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he is a younger candidate compared to some. what does that mean to you? >> i think like i do. and have same views as i do. >> reporter: like the extra sugar heaped in cuban coffee, here rubio's heritage sweetens his appeal. what do you think rubio's biggest strength is? >> his background. his double culture. the united. >> reporter: rubio's quick political rise does include some awkward moments. pressure appeared to get the better of him with that water break delivering the gop state of the union and now more personally. rubio is challenging his own mentor, fell floridian jeb bush, who is also expected to r f and rubio is the third first-term senator to get into the race, but unlike ted cruz and rand paul, he's more establishment than tea party. and unlike rand paul his aides tell me that rubio will not seek
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re-election to the senate while he's running for president. lester? i'm joined by chuck todd our political director and of "meet the press." let's talk about the timing of the rubio announcement in the wake of the clin announcement. does it he a contrast? >> well, look, it does. obviously, he would like t let's not pretend he wants to be overshadowed and have this split-screen mome however there's a way for him to make lemonade. he did it well in this speech. he's generation x, she's a baby boome by the way, marco rubio's chief primary opponent is jeb bush, another baby boomer. so he's able to make that point quite a bit, that he's abo. you talk to anybody, presidential campaigns are always about the future. this is something th clinton campaign is very worried about they're hoping her gender, the idea of electing the first woman president will do that. and lester, one othe note -- and this is why generation matters. five of the last six have been won by the younger candidate. voters instinctively respond to the future sometimes by going
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with the younger candidate. >> we're going to see others jump very quickly, jeb bush among them? >> i think we're going to see a little bit of a lull here next couple of weeks, and then watch out for may. that's when you're going to see officially hillary clinton with her b speech and then everybody else like planes on a runway, ben carson, jeb bush, you name it. may will be a big announcement month. >> all right, chuck, than. senator rubio will appear live tomorrow morning on " now to the shocking video adding fuel to the firestorm over use of police force. it shows another incident in which law enforcement fatally shot an unarmed man. we learned late today charges will be brought in this case though the sheriff's office says it was an accident. >> i got you. i got you. >> reporter: police video of a sting operation in oklahoma. the suspect bolts from undercover agents with the tulsa county sheriff's office and is chased. a scuffle is picked up by a police body cam. according to police, one deputy says,
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taser. >> roll on your stomach. now. >> reporter: but then 44-year-old eric harris, who authorities say had an extensive criminal record, is not tased but shot. immediately a voice is heard. >> i shot him. i'm sorry. >> reporter: officers then subdue harris. one kneels on his head. >> i'm losing my breath. >> reporter: the man who pulled the trigger is 73-year-old bob bates, an insurance broker who volunteers as a reserve deputy. the sheriff's office says he mistakenly pulled his handgun instead of his taser and fired. harris died later. >> he believed he had a less lethal device in his hand and he was going to administer a less lethal taser probe when in re he had a firearm in his hand. >> reporter: the sheriff's office says reserve deputies are members of the public, doctors, bankers, even retired police officers who receive varying degrees of training. bates donated
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thousands of dollars in equipment, and the authorities say his role in this operation was in a. >> if he had as much training as he supposedly had, he would definitely know a .357 from a taser. >> reporter: while a sheriff's office investigation recommended bates not be charged, late today the tulsa county district attorney did charge him with second degree manslaughter. kevin tibbles, nbc news, chicago. the images from that tulsa shooting emerge less than a week after the country saw video of an officer in south carolina fatally shooting an unarmed man running away from him. tonight more dash cam video is filling in gaps about what that officer did in the aftermath. nbc's gabe gutierrez has that for us. >> reporter: just minutes after officer michael slager shot and killed walter scott, we hear his voice on his dash cam video speaking to an
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>> when you get home, probably be a good idea to kind of jot down your thoughts or what happened. >> okay. >> you know, once your adrenaline quits pumping. >> it's pumping. >> oh, yeah, oh, yeah. >> reporter: then slager is heard speaking with someone else on the phone. >> hey, everythi okay. okay? i just shot somebody. >> reporter: now, there are calls to charge other officers on the scene who claimed in written accounts they rendered first aid, including cpr. >> thank god for video because what we see is is that there was a very different encounter that actually hap >> i haven't seen all of the videos yet, but i know that the one officer did try to prevent the bleeding. >> reporter: also today a second man came forward to claim slager used excessive force. julius wilson, seen here in this dash cam video says slager tasered him in 2014 even though other officers had alr how painful was it?
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>> excruciating. >> reporter: last week mario gibbons said he was planning to sue claiming slager used excessive force by tasering him the. slager now charged with murder has not yet entered a plea his new attorney is declining to comment. the state investigation into the walter scott shooting is expected to last at least until next week. some residents here praised city officials for charging the officer within days but right behind me others just finished protesting calling for change lester? >> gabe gutierrez, thank you. four americans received lengthy prison sentences today for an infamous incident during the iraq war. all four are former blackwater security contractors convicted for the killings of 14 unarmed iraqis including women and children in baghdad in 2007. nicholas slatten was sentenced to life in prison. he was the only one the other three each got 30 years in prison. spring means
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storms and a dangerous one swept through north-central texas this morning creating flash floods in ft. worth that moved in so fast some people were forced to abandon their . the water reached waist high in some areas, and it's not over. more rain is expected in the region throughout the week. still ahea tonight, late and lost b new rankings are out. which airlines fare the best and worst? plus one-way trip. we're on board an extraordinary journey. all the seats are empty. and once the plane lands, it neve. and later, the driving force be 21-year-old texan who had millions cheering his swing into the history books. they call it planning for retirement because getting there requires exactly that. a plan for what you want your future to look like. for more than 145 years, pacific life has been providing solutions to help individuals like you achieve long-term financial security. bring your vision for the future to life with pacific life. talk to a financial advisor to help build and protect your retirement income.
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tonight researchers are out with their annual list of best and worst up in the air. if you thought more flights were late and more bags were getting lost, government data as far as on-time performance goes, hawaiian airlines is best. envoy air, which operates most american eagle for lost bags, virgin america is best, envoy is worse. consumer complaints are also up with alaska airlines receiving the fewest and frontier airlines receiving the and if you've flown on a commercial plane over the past 30 years or so there's a good chance you've ridden on an md-80. it's a plane some passengers might complain about because it's so old, but one pilots love to fly. week by week the airline that flies the most md-80s, american, is retiring them to make way for
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more modern planes. but where do the on their final flights? nbc's tom costello went along for >> reporter: it's the sunday night run, baltimore to dal >> thank you. >> reporter: but what none of these travelers knew b booking thei is that this is the last time this plane will ever carr passengers. >> this is this aircraft's final flight. they are retiring it. >> reporter: after 23 years tail number n-595 is at the end of its life. as american airlines slowly retires what had been the backbone of its fleet. all 370 of its md-80s built by mcdonnell douglas before the fully automated cockpits of today. the kind of plane old-school pilots love to fly >> like an old shoe. they're very comfortable in it. it's such a reliable, just good solid airplane. >> reporter: after passengers departed 595 was off again, headed for its final resting place. on its log books 71,000 hours of flight time. more than 31,000
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takeoffs and landings. that means over the course of this plane's life more than 4 million people have flow. it wasn't long before we were on the ground in roswell, new mexico, the dry boneyard for hundreds of planes that have served their time. every make, model and brand. many of them cannibalized to keep planes that are still flying in the air. this is where planes go to die, dismantled piece by piece. this once proud 747 now a relic. it's really an inglorious end for these icons of the jet age, now salvaged for spare parts and scrap metal. but more modern, more fuel-efficient planes mean this pilot's favorite is nearly obsolete. so every week for the next two years yet another md-80 will touch down for the last time. tom costello, nbc news, roswell, new mexico. we have late word tonight of an emergency involving an alaska airlines flight from seattle bound for los angeles. the airline says that
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shortly after takeoff the pilot repo hearing bangin after immediately landing back in seattle, a ramp was found inside a front cargo hold. the airline says the worker appeared okay, but was taken to the hospital as a precaution. the aircraft was in the air for a total of 14 minutes. no word yet exactly how this happened. the incident is obviously under investigation. when we come back, how young is too young for children to walk off on their own? a case that got a lot of attention is back in the spotlight tonight. we'll tell you about it. making a fist something we do to show resolve. to defend ourselves. to declare victory. so cvs health provides expert support and vital medicines. make a fist for me. at our infusion centers or in patients homes. we help them fight the good fight. cvs health, because health is everything. my constipation and belly pain feel like a raging storm.
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a maryland couple is back in the news tonight weeks after child protective services found them responsible for, quote, unsubstantiated child neglect. it's all because they let their children ages 6 and 10 walk alone in their neighborhood. and as nbc's rehema ellis reports, an incident over the weekend is igniting their fight all ov >> reporter: the meitiv family is battling child protective services again. their two children were taken into custody sunday afternoon after a
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report that they were walking alone blocks from their home in silver spring, maryland. 10-year-old rafi says they were kept from their parents for hours. >> i thought i was going to be taken away from my parents. >> they wouldn't even let my 6-year-old go to the bathroom. what did they think she was going to do? >> reporter: las december danielle and alexander were accused of neglect for what's been described as their free-range parenting style, which they say teaches . >> they're healthy, they're well behaved, clearly well-fed well dressed, articulate, confident, there's nothing that list that suggests neglect. that's our new safet plan. >> reporter: to get their kids back, the meitivs signed a safety plan which prohibits them from letting their children go outside by themselves. the state's department of human resources, which oversees child protective services,
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says it will review the situation and talk to all involved parties. as the family considers legal action, the kids are caught in the middle again. rehema ellis, nbc news, new york. when we come back, the inspiration behind a young american's record-setting w the masters. record-setting win at your eyes really are unique. in fact, they depend on a unique set of nutrients. that's why there's ocuvite to help protect your eye health. as you age your eyes can lose vital nutrients. ocuvite helps replenish key eye nutrients. ocuvite is a vitamin made just for your eyes from the eye care experts at bausch + lomb. ocuvite has a unique formula that's just not found in any leading multivitamin. your eyes are unique so help protect your eye health with ocuvite. incredible! i've been claritin clear for ten days. when your allergy symptoms start, doctors recommend taking one claritin every day of your allergy season for continuous relief. with powerful 24-hour, non-drowsy claritin live claritin clear. every day.
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finally tonight, it was one of the best performances in golf history as millions tuned in the masters yesterday and witnessed something of a changing of the guard. a young texan shattering the record books on his way to a triumphant victory. nbc's stephanie gosk takes a look at the driving force behind his will to win. >> reporter: jordan spieth says he didn't sleep well the night before the final round of the masters. up early, waiting all day to tee off, the nerves had a chance to build. and then he drilled it right down the middle. leading to one of his record breaking 28 birdies for the tournament. watching anyone win at augusta national is exciting. watching a 21-year-old win is special. tiger woods in 1997 was younger but only just. at 21, you're not supposed to be this poised, this gracious, this good. >> just how are you feeling right now? >> yeah, i don't really know.
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it's incredible. it's one of the best feelings. >> reporter: spieth grew up in texas with golf clubs in his hands and a philos from his father -- set goals and achieve them early. when he walked off 18, family and friends were there to share the moment. a beaming grandfather in the stands, hugs from his parents and a kiss from his girlfriend, a high school s his younger sister ellie who was born with a neurological disorder couldn' there. >> after each round she said, jordan, did you win? did you win? i can tell her i won now. >> reporter: being her older brother, the golfer writes on website, humbled me every day. >> i'm a professional golfer, but what i do on the course i want to be secondary to what i do off th course. >> reporter: that humility has won over the competition. >> he's just a qua individual. i think it's hard not to like, hard not to pull for the guy. >> reporter: fair to say the gentleman's game not only has another champion, it has another gentleman. stephanie gosk, nbc news, new york. and that will do it for us on this
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monday night. i'm lester holt. for all of us at nbc news, thank you for watching, and good night.
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rights camera "access." >> here you have me feeling all sad for you. you're like who am i going to hook j.lo up with? >> only because i love you so much. >> we are all ears jennifer. i'm billy bush. what is the deal with casper now? this as


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