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tv   News4 at 6  NBC  April 23, 2015 6:00pm-7:01pm EDT

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killed by a u.s. drone strike in pakistan. >> weinstein was a contractor who had been taken hostage along with a contractor from italy by al qaeda. they were killed back in january but the president today apologized to the families. we have team coverage on this report. chris gordon in the neighborhood where weinstein lived. first we go to steve handelsman at the capitol. >> reporter: up here on capitol hill, lawmakers including democrats are vowing to investigate how this kind of tragedy could occur. american aid worker warren wie steen had been held by al qaeda four years. italian giovanni laporta for three years when both were killed january 14th in a u.s. drone strike. by mistake, said president obama, who said that was verified this week. he took responsibility. >> i profoundly regret what happened. on behalf of the united states government, i offer our deepest apologies to the family. >> my name is warren weinstein. >> reporter: in a video and
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letter, weinstein had begged president obama to negotiate, pay a ransom anything. the answer was no. >> negotiating with terrorist groups to try to secure the release of innocent americans would only put at risk more innocent americans. rnchs weinstein's wife elaine today called much of the u.s. government's assistance inconsistent and disappointing. what went wrong? u.s. officials say using drone video the cia spotted the signature pattern of al qaeda leaders and picked up no indication of hostages and attacked. senior al qaeda leader ahmed fa resume was also reported killed, an american. al qaeda spokes manl adam gadham born adam perlman from california was also killed in a similar strike. but any celebrating was short lived. intercepts were picking up that hostages had died. >> as a husband and as a father i cannot begin to imagine the anguish that the weinstein and laporta families are enduring
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today. >> reporter: president obama asserted the strike was legal in the sense that it followed guidelines. no specific al qaeda leader was targeted, he said. but clearly if they'd known adam gadhan was at that site owe could have been targeted. he was one of the best-known al qaeda top officials. their chief propagandist from california, spoke flawless english, did video after video. but any joy that they may feel at the white house and at the cia at finally getting gadhan is overshadowed by the hostage disaster steve handelsman news4. our team coverage continues with chris gordon in weinstein's hometown of rockville where friends are describing what kind of man he was. chris? >> reporter: well we have just learned that at a white house briefing this afternoon the u.s. government announced that it will pay the weinstein family an unspecified amount of compensation for their loss. here at the family home in
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rockville, we ran into a friend of warren weinstein who describes him this way. >> he was a very very warm, very dedicated guy. he loved what he was doing. >> reporter: now robert kopaken brings bread to warren weinstein's family as they begin their time of mourning. >> i remember one time when he was home on leave since i had lived and worked in pakistan many years earlier, i said warren, i don't think you should go back. he said, no, i'll be fine. >> my name is warren weinstein. >> reporter: since dr. weinstein was taken ho his family has kept a positive attitude. the tree in front of their rockville home was decorated by neighbors on the third anniversary of his captivity. the yellow ribbons have faded and now so has his wife's hopes. >> we are all very devastated that her hopes aren't going to
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happen, you know, that his return is not going to occur. i just -- i mean she and her daughters need to be able to grieve. >> reporter: dr. weinstein's wife elaine on behalf of her daughters and their families issued a statement saying there are no words to do justice to the disappointment and heartbreak we are going through. we do not yet fully understand all of the facts surrounding warren's death. weinstein's family believes his captors are ultimately responsible. his friend robert copakeen says -- >> i was in government for 30 years, and i know there are lots of mistakes that can happen. it's just tragic, and it should not have happened. >> reporter: we have posted the entire weinstein family statement in our nbc washington app. just click on our story, and you can read it all. that's the latest live from rockville chris gordon, news4.
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toward mark the end of a 2 1/2-year ordeal that resulted from mistakes i made. >> former cia director david petraeus will serve two years probation and he'll pay a $100,000 fine for leaking military secrets. petraeus was a four-star general who pleaded guilty to a misdemeanor. he admits that he shared classified information with his biographer and former mistress. >> after months of delays and debate, the senate has confirmed a new attorney general. loretta lynch becomes the first black woman to serve in the post. in a speech just a few minutes ago president obama congratulated lynch and said america will be better for her appointment. lynch was nominated last november, but a vote was held up by her support of the president's executive actions on immigration and anti-human trafficking bill that had
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anti-abortion language in it. ten republicans voted in her favor. police are calling it a heartbreaking case. a toddler not even 2 years old yet beaten to death. tonight, a man close to the boy's mother has been charged in that case. pat collins now with reaction from those who knew both the victim and the suspect. pat? >> reporter: jim, neighbors remember seeing the man. they remember seeing the little boy. they say they had no idea this would lead to a case of murder. police say the murder happened in this apartment on goodluck road. the victim 23-month-old anthony winfrey. cory dickerson lives in the apartment below. >> it's heartbreaking being that i have kids. my kids were here. you know what i'm saying? i knew the guy. i had conversations with him, exchanged phone numbers with him. jut to find out -- it's kind of scary. it's definitely kind of scary. >> reporter: the murder suspect,
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29-year-old joshua riley, the boyfriend of the toddler's mom. in that apartment, police say he killed that little boy. emerson scarlet lives right above where it happened. >> i don't know. just shocked. like i did not see that coming at all, you know. you don't hear about that type of stuff too much around here. >> reporter: anthony winfrey on his mother's facebook page today is pictured with wings. the message, though there's pain in our hearts, we know we'll see you soon. we love you. john winfrey was the little boy's grandfather. >> well anthony was my -- he was our grandson. that's, you know -- that's a very deep part of our life. >> reporter: and then for something like this to happen. >> it's incomprehensible. >> reporter: police say in this goodluck road apartment yosh wa riley was babysitting little
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anthony while his mother was at work. when she came home, the little boy was unresponsive. he died later at the hospital. they say he had been beaten to death. >> when you have a toddler that dies at the hands of someone who's been entrusted to them it affects the community affects the police democrat. you department. we're parents as well. it's completely heart breaking. >> reporter: joshua riley held without bond tonight in this first degree murder case. live in prince george's county pat collins news4. >> thank you pat. he is accused of three murders. the case is so high profile the trial is being moved out of alexandria. julie carey tell us prosecutors pointed to his poetry about murder to prove their case. >> reporter: the hearing opened with the first of many outbursts from charles severance. he asked, can i be referred to as the accused instead of the defendant? but it was severence's chilling
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writings about murder and revenge that were soon spotlighted by prosecutors. defense attorneys are asking the judge to severe or separate the 2003 murder of the former sheriff's wife nancy dunning from the more recent killings. they argue there is no clear connection between the cases. but prosecutor brian porter fired back revealing key new evidence that will be used at trial. he points to passages from severence's writing, one seems to describe the way in which the murders were committed. all three victims were shot to death just inside their front door. wrote severence, knock, talk, enter, kill, exit, murder. prosecutors say severence had a longstanding distrust of public officials after losing custody of his son years ago. wrote severence murder is good. a question is how can you forgive someone for kidnapping your son? can you murder someone for kidnapping your son? this longtime severence friend
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discount it's all saying he was a fantasy gamer. >> i think that they looked through his writings and extracted what they wanted to be sensational about it. >> reporter: prosecutors also revealed new ballistics evidence that shows the same unusual ammunition was used in all three murders. it's small caliber, low velocity, quiet. the state crime lab had never seen it used before in other murders. and boxes of the same type of ammo were found in severence's parents' home and with severence. now, the judge will rule soon on whether to separate the dunning case from the other two. this trial is set for october now in fairfax county. live from alexandria julie carey, news4. now to our weather on a chilly night ahead. doug how cold is it going to get out there? >> down to freezing in some locations or at least close to it. we're talking a freeze warning. that's actually in effect for part of the area. not in d.c. and not along the
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i-95 corridor but to the west, portions of the blue ridge up towards the panhandle west virginia, catoctins, frederick county, virginia and maryland and down toward the shannon dough wa valley. freeze warning in effect from 2:00 a.m. to 9:00 a.m., a very cold night out there for sure. that's really the top headline here. cold overnight, but the cold air wants to stick around for a little while and the weekend, well unfortunately, is looking wetter and wetter. i've got all of this in my forecast in just a couple of minutes. >> doug, thank you tv. the grace period is over. a lot of local cameras that watch you while you drive just came alive. we'll tell you where you could get a ticket if you're not careful. andcy ed it's now or never. and i went. >> he made national headlines when he jumped the white house fence. tonight, this man is reaching out and telling why he did it and what happened once he cleared the fence. a tornado outbreak.
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the sensational storm caught on camera.
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>> announcer: you're watching news4 at 6. the family of michael brown filed a wrongful death lawsuit today against the city of ferguson, missouri, the police officer who killed him, and the former police chief. attorneys for brown's family say they have new evidence in the case.
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brown was unarmed when he was killed by officer darren wilson last august. a grand jury and the justice department chose not to prosecute the former officer. >> the evidence has not changed but the presentation of that evidence will. we expect to put on evidence that you've never heard about before and never seen. >> brown's death sparked a national protest movement about the way police treat black people. tomorrow lawyers will try to convince a jury to spare the life of a convicted boston bomber. the prosecution rested today in its pursuit of the death penalty against dzhokhar tsarnaev but not before calling several more witnesses. and as chris pallone reports now, those witnesses revealed through details that could further condemn the bomber. >> reporter: he's had more than 60 surgeries, shrapnel still stuck in his body and mark fuch
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arely still might have his remaining leg amputated. today he took the stand for the prosecution, describing the moments when his life changed forever. i remember looking up at the sky, he told jurors, and hearing a nurse scream, he's still on fire. victim heather abbott followed him on the stand, speaking of her own leg amputation, she said it was the hardest decision of her life. doctors tried to save her foot three times. trauma surgeon david king told jurors he took care of three bombing victims that day. he's a veteran who served in afghanistan and iraq. he testified the injuries he saw were consistent with improvised explosive devices. a prosecutor asked whether 8-year-old martin richard died instantly when a bomb kmroeded three feet away. i can say with an extraordinarily high degree of certainty he did not die instantly, king testified. he was asked if richard felt pain before he died. yes, without question, king received. the defense will soon begin making its case that tsarnaev's
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life should be spared. >> they're going to throw a lot of things against the wall and hope that one of their arguments, whether it be that he was 19 years old, whether he was an immigrant, whether he was under the spell of his brother whether he was smoking a lot of marijuana, would resonate with just one juror. >> reporter: for tsarnaev to be put to death, all 12 jurors must be unanimous in their verdict. chris pallone, nbc news, new york. heads-up next time you're driving in the district. the grace period for six new speed cameras is over. that means the cameras will start issuing fines as of today. the cameras were activated last month in areas police say speeding is a problem. we have a map showing the six new locations you can find on search "speed a bunch of tornadoes out in west texas yesterday. a meteorologist caught this one on video in lubbock, texas. at least three tornadoes touched down in northwest texas. not a lot of damage.
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those tornadoes were said to be small, and they did not last long but they did bring some hail and up to six inches of in. that's loo a lot. >> kind of ugly looking. quiet around here but getting colder. we've turned the heat on. should we do something to protect our plants tonight? you know, those areas that could see the freeze, yeah, cover plants for sure. kind of ugly looking is the forecast. let's take a look. it is kind of ugly right now, the cloud cover around the area. yeah, some breaks of sun every once in a while but that sunshine we had earlier actually helped both the wind and the cloud z clouds to form a little bit earlier, all because of that cooler air making its way in. currently at 58, winds out of the west at 12 miles per hour, it is a fairly chilly day. we're talking about mid-april now. if this was mid-march, not a bad afternoon. this is april, winds gusting 25 up to 30 miles an hour. 52 in frederick, 47 in
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hagerstown, 59 toward luray and 61 in the fredericksburg area. here's where the freeze warning is back to the west. it does not include d.c. but does include frederick county washington county and right down the western side of the blue ridge here and toward the schennen dough wa valley. frost and freeze warnings. cover sensitive plants. we'll see a little bit of wind continuing and a little bit of wind actually helps as far as that is concerned, the plants. but cover them especially if they are some of those more sensitive plants. then look at tomorrow morning. this is the feels-like temperature, the wind chill. i actually put this graphic away about two weeks ago, didn't think i'd use it again. here it, feels like 30 when you wake up tomorrow, step out the front door in d.c. 26 in gaithersburg, 28 in winchester, 32 in fredericksburg. we may use this again saturday morning. then hopefully we can kick it to the curb until next winter. we'd like to see warmer temperatures. on the radar right now, showing some showers but these aren't actually hitting the ground.
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if they are they're very very light. most of this actually evaporating as we are seeing a very dry atmosphere currently. but the at light and radar shows the cloud cover making its way in here. watch what happens. you get sunshine, cold air aloft, then sunshine which heats up the ground. watch how the clouds just go right across the area here. that's what we're seeing again during the day today. we may see that tomorrow. then again during the day on saturday, even some snow up toward the north. here's what's going to happen on saturday. 8:00 a.m., we're dry. no problems saturday morning. no problems until about 1:00 p.m. if you have practice at 11:00, kids be there at the park. looks like we'll be okay for practice. but look what happens by 3:00 or 4:00. here comes the rain and it will linger and last all night. i'm a little worried about this weekend forecast if you have plan onz sundays. looking a bit on the wet side. lows tonight 32 to the west 34 in leesburg, 38 in d.c. a very chilly start to the friday. it's going to stay chilly, 38 on
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saturday as well. close to freezing saturday morning for in, high of 57. the rain continues into at least early afternoon sunday with a high of only 54 degrees. then things start getting better. 60 on tuesday 66 on wednesday. by wednesday, our average high is up to 70. let's get back there. >> yeah, the sooner the better. thank you, doug. it's happening again. another big ice cream recall affecting our area. why this one is being pulled from the shelves. and a traffic stop that quickly became so much more. we'll meet the local officer who did what he had to do. >> he pointed to the passenger's se [ female announcer ] business
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travel isn't just about the going. it's also about the going home. and being connected all along the way. whether you're working or recharging do business travel on your terms. acela. take off.
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. john hinckley jr.'s doctors say he should have full access to the internet including contacting people and even looking at pornography. they argued in court today that living a modern life is important to his therapy. hinckley is asking a judge to let him live with his mother in williamsburg virginia, full time. prosecutors say if he is released from a d.c. psychiatric hospital he should have to wear an ankle monitor and drive a car with a gps tracking device. the hearing for the man who shot president reagan resumes tomorrow. more nervous moments in the sky today. a delta flight made an emergency
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landing in buffalo. crew members were concerned about a possible issue with one of the engines. there were nearly 180 people on board that flight. it did land safely. but that comes just one day after a skywest flight made an emergency landing at the same airport in buffalo. three passengers on that flight passed out. skywest airline officials say inexpectors on the ground could not find any mechanical issues with that plane. a transgender teenager took on the dmv and won after the agency refused to let her wear makeup for her driver's license picture. the 17-year-old south carolina girl filed a federal lawsuit against the dmv for violating her constitutional rights. in a settlement announced from the step fz the statehouse in columbia, the agency will now allow transgender and gender nonconforming people to be photographed as they look on a regular basis. >> i do believe and i have been taught ever since i was little
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about you should stand up for what you believe in and you should stand up for your rights. so that's what i did. >> the dmv will now train its employees on how to deal with gender and nonconforming individuals. yet another ice cream recall to tell you about. jeni's ice cream is recalling all of its products after a sample tested positive for listeria listeria. jeni's ice cream is sold locally at stores such as whole foods and super target. the company says that you can return it to the store for a refund. earlier this week blue bell ice cream recalled all of its products. >> announcer: next a d.c. man tells news4 why he jumped the white house fence and what happened when the secret service took him down. a prince george's county police officer changes his mind and enters a plea in a case accusing him of beating a handcuffed teenager inside of a prince george's jail. i'm tracee wilkins. coming up on news4 we speak
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with that teenager's mother. plus, more powerful than chemotherapy and changing lives. see the new treatment some doctors may even say could cure some of the deadliest cancers, next.
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new at 6 tonight, the latest man to jump the white house fence is explaining his actions today. his name is jerome hunt.
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he says he's homeless. he also says he came here from california to jump that fence. he cannot leave the district though, until his next court date. >> news4's mark segraves is here to tell us why hunt says he jumped the fence and what happened right after he got onto the white house lawn. mark? >> doreen, since being released ond monday, jerome hunt has been living on the streets and seeing a psychiatrist. his family tells news 4 he's been struggling with mental illness for years. >> i'm doing pretty good. then i'm getting help from my counselors. >> reporter: jerome hunt admits he jumped the white house fence late sunday night after taking a bus from california to d.c. since monday he's been sleeping on the sidewalks around union station. >> i'm learnfrp learning how to suv survive. >> reporter: hunt very much wants to get back on a bus and return to california but he's been ordered by a judge to stay in d.c. wearing an electronic monitor until his next court
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date. while hunt says he came to d.c. to jump the fence and try to see the president he said he almost didn't go through with it. >> i walked around the white house. i seen all the security and dogs and everything, and by seeing that i already thought, i can't do this. it's not going to work. i can just forget it. >> reporter: but when he saw a bike rack next to the fence. >> i said it's now or never. and i went. >> reporter: once on the white house lawn -- >> i said well, i'm over here now. soy started walking out in the opening. as i walked out, i must have tripped some kind of surveillance or alarm because lights came on all right around me. >> reporter: that's when hunt says he saw the first security guard. >> i could see a man with a gun coming with a red thing, and it went across my face like that. i said, he's going to kill me. >> reporter: hunt says he froze and threw up his hands. >> i kept my hands up and then
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another fella said, this is the fbi. >> reporter: as hunt stood in the pouring rain with guns pointed at him he kept his arms raised. but his bag was still in his hands, and it was getting heavy. >> the bag dropped. when the bag dropped they went bananas. >> reporter: hunt says he was ordered to drop to the ground and crawl toward the officers. then he was taken into custody. >> they asked me, was anybody with me and am i here to hurt the president. i said nobody is with me and i'm not here to hurt the president. what are you here for? >> reporter: he was xrip searched a regret it. >> reporter: hunt says he jumped the fence because he wanted the president's help. hunt believes the fbi is tracking his movements and listening to his conversations. he says he knows people will hear his story and think he's mentally unstable. >> you know what? if it happened to them, they'll feel the same way i do. and i'm seeing doctors and that's good. that's good. >> reporter: hunt has written a letter to the president explaining why he jumped the fence. >> i want to apologize to the president and first lady and the
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secret service. >> jerome hunt's family is spread out all across the country. they had lost track of him some time ago until they saw him on the news after he jumped the fence. they're now trying to reach his lawyer and get him some support. jim and doreen? metro is going to take new action following a deadly smoke incident at l'enfant plaza in january. the transit agency will create an audit process for its ventilation system. that system sucked smoke into trains during the incident in january. there are also plans to real estate placereplace or rehabilitate all 88,000 tunnel lights. a crew will continuously clear the tunnels of debris. and there will be a review of the alarm system ols. now to a developing story in baltimore. protesters upset over the death of fraed di gray are marching through downtown and blocking rush hour traffic.
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marchers are being escorted by mrooefr police officer police officers. peaceful protoasters have been held for the past six days. gray died sunday from a spinal cord injury he allegedly suffered while in police custody. his funeral has been scheduled for this monday. the trial has ended for a local police officer accused of beating a teenager. we now have new video of that beating. prince george's county bureau chief tracee wilkins caught up with the teenager's mother and she is not happy with the new guilty plea. >> there was too much evidence on the table for him to not be convicted. >> reporter: some say it must have been the video that convinced officer jerry thomas to stop his fight against his misconduct in office charges. >> i think that the testimony was very compelling in the case. of course, the video in this case cannot be refuted. >> reporter: in the corner of this jail surveillance video you can see rashad's head bouncing like he's rapping or singing. even though he was told to stop.
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perhaps it was the last straw for officer jerry thomas who's seen walking to the cell when this happens. three strikes to the handcuffed kid leaving his right eye swollen shut according to his mother. >> it's disturbing to me. it angers me. >> reporter: after one full day of testimony from the state in this misconduct trial officer thomas changed his plea from not guilty to guilty and entered an alford plea instead. >> who dropped the ball? because he wasn't charged with assault. >> reporter: the victim's mother is not satisfied. thomas was charged with mistukt in office and not assault because the statute of limitations ran out. she's accusing the police department of purposely waiting to indict the case. >> you took his head, and you slammed it into a table. something's wrong. that is assault. and he should have been charged with assault. >> reporter: today police chief mark mcgau admitted that was a mistake made by his department. >> we lost track of that case. we put protocols in place it
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doesn't happen. this was not intentional. this officer is being held accountable. that's the bottom line. >> reporter: right now officer thomas is on paid suspension. the chief says he has in internal reviews to go through and there is a very real possibility that he could be fired. he's back in court here on june 22nd for his sentencing. in upper marlboro, tracee wilkins, news 4. it's not the emergency one montgomery police officer expected to encounter. he spotted a speeding car in silver spring. when he kautd up to it, the driver told him his wife was in labor and they couldn't make it to the hospital in time. >> i could see that the baby was crowning already, being delivered. i was able to put on my gloves. and at that point mom did all the work ktsand a beautiful baby boy came out. >> here is mom, dad, and baby at holy cross hospital this afternoon. they're all doing well. now, if delivering a baby on the side of the road wasn't challenging enough, throw in a language barrier.
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mother hilda agouilar said she understood the officer when he said good job. she has a message in return. >> thank you so much. >> i want to tell him good job. thank you so much ff's an experience i never thought i'd have. we are trained for this but i don't know if anything really prepares you to deliver a baby in the middle of the street. >> by the way aguilar tells us she would have named the baby after the officer if she hadn't already picked out a name. it's christopher, and he is her third child. veterans waiting months for care, but is the program that's meant to fix that really doing more harm than good? jason and diana down at the verizon center. >> reporter: the game hasn't even started yet, and the caps could already have an advantage rfrnlts for the first time in the nation's capital, traffic turned out to be a great thing today. we'll tell you all about that coming up in a bit. doug? talking about home ice
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tonight. speaking of ice, freezing temperatures is what we've got in many areas overnight tonight. how about that transition? 38 tomorrow morning chilly, breezy again tomorrow. another chilly day. but wait until you see that weekend forecast, guys. you may need the umbrellas and may need them for a while.
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congress spent billions of dollars on a program to shrink wait lists at veterans affairs medical centers. so far that program isn't meeting anybody's expectations. the veterans choice program was created last summer to help wait listed patients see private sector secretary doctors. but a fast rollout caused confusion and according to the v.a. only about 38,000 vets used the program to schedule appointments. that's fewer way fewer than officials estimated more than a month ago and a fraction of those who are eligible. the v.a. says it's studying the
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problem. more than half of the foods advertised to children in america don't meet government nutrition guidelines. a report just released by the centers for disease control found that 32% exceeded recommended limits for sugar 23% had too much saturated fats and 15% were over the limit for sodium. children see about a dozen food-related tv ads every day. somebody stole a vintage truck from a repair shop in northern virginia, and police are hoping somebody will spot it. it is a red 1970 ford bronco. when is the last time you saw one of them? investigators say, in fact, there's only a few of them still on the road. they think that one ought to be pretty easy to recognize. somebody took it from a shop in chantilly late sunday night. we're told it has washington state tags on it. building boom down at national harbor, one building going up, another one expanding.
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it could have quite a view. i don't know why i don't feel worse than i do because i feel excellent. >> it could be a breakthrough that many have been waiting for. meet the man whose different approach to battling cancer has hi
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♪ there is no royal blood in this country. nothing is reserved for anyone. it's all just out there... ...waiting... ...for someone to reach out... ...and take it. and the ones who do... ...these are the kings and queens of america. ♪
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doctors are working on a possible cure for some deadly forms of cancer. they're trying to help people who have advanced stage disease, everything from melanoma to lung and stomach cancers. typically these patients might have only a few months to live, but now oncologists are fighting their disease using the body's own immune system instead of toxic chemicals. gary mcluv listen says he remembers the moment when doctors told him he might only live another nine months. the result of melanoma that had spread to his lungs, liver and neck. >> we had retired and i was thinking, oh, my god how did i retire and suddenly have a problem that was going to affect the way we live the rest of our live snz. >> members of his church started praying for him, and even gave him these prayer shawls. but his oncologist had one more idea a new treatment that could
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not only extend his life but possibly cure him forever. >> it's not chemotherapy. it's immunotherapy. so rather than give you a chemical, they were giving you an infusion kind of like you get when you're giving blood. >> so instead of shooting a bullet at the cancer, you're actually machine gunning the cancer. >> medstar georgetown university hospital oncologist dr. michael adkins says the treatment works by giving patients an infusion of drugs that stimulate the body's own immune system so the body destroys the cancer on its own. there are no long-term studies yet, but the most recent research found up to 70% of patients who undergo the therapy live at least two years after diagnosis, leaving doctors hopeful that patients could be completely cured. >> and if you've gotten rid of it through your immune system you're immune to it and it's going to be gone forever. >> dr. adkins says there are
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minimal side effects with this treatment, none of the hair loss vomiting or nausea that so often comes with chemotherapy. gary mclaughlin says since he started the treem a few weeks ago he's under gone about six infusions. he's gotten a rash but he's feeling well. >> and i don't know why i don't feel worse than i do because i feel excellent. >> and his cancer is almost gone. his last scan showed the tumors that were once all over his body have either disappeared or significantly shrunk. >> we're trying to have a very good life and we're trying to have it one day at a time. >> the treatment is still under investigation, but for a lot of people there are already some amazing results and the future possibilities are very hopeful. the bottom line though is that this research is still new. it's going to take a few years before we know if this can really cure cancer for some. >> it may be new, but that is
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fascinating information. >> it sure is. >> incredibly hopeful. >> yes. trying to attract a younger crowd at national harbor. the maryland-based hotel operator opened the ac hotel washington, d.c., today. it's designed to appeal to ma millennial millennials. >> like me. >> modern style, more social spaces, more visible technology. actually, that's a little younger than doug's demo. during the opening there were plans announced to expand the gaylord at national harbor. ground will be broken on a new ballroom in three months and they're promising a stunning view of the at that poem ak. >> i don't think they'd turn doug away. >> oh, no. nobody will turn him away. >> looks beautiful. >> it really does. i just love what they've done with that area. i mean, i lived in the oxen hill region for a while. i think it's great what they're doing. >> it looks different every time you go out there.
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>> it definitely does, 100%. looking different tonight, too, if you're going out there tonight. wear the jacket. it's going to be a nice night. evening planner tonight, sunset around 7:11. i put 7:57 in there, but it didn't register. anyway, don't worry. 58 degrees the current temperature. chilly conditions, 55 going down to 45 degrees. it will be a very cold night tonight. we're talking about temperatures in the 30s for many locations by the time you wake up. 54 right now in leesburg 50 in gaithersburg, cool for sure. radar picking up some showers, but these are all aloft. none of these are actually hitting the ground atmosphere a little too dry for that. but you can actually see what's happening here. here is our storm system continuing to bring just little waves of moisture and more cold air through, cold enough for pretty good snows up there towards the great lakes, toward parts of new york, up around the buffalo area. all of that chilly air has been fubl funneling in. the jet stream dipping down, it
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tries to get out of here the next couple of days and brings it right on back in here. we're going to stay on the cool side over the next few days, too. be on the lookout. you'll need the jackets for sure. look out for rain. temperatures tomorrow, 54 to 60 degrees sun and a few clouds, breezy and cool, kind of like what we saw today. though i think we'll see a little more sunshine. then we get to the weekend. saturday and sunday, 57 on saturday, 54 on sunday. and take a look. 60% chance of rain late on saturday afternoon chilly weekend, rain late. i think the rain could be in as early as 4:00 in the afternoon around the d.c. metro area, a little earlier off to the west. and sunday right now some of the latest computer models making sunday rather wet, too. high temperatures only around 54 degrees. we do dry a little bit on monday with just a slight chance of a shower. tuesday wednesday and thursday, hey, we're getting better. at least we're back into the 60s. >> we like that. thanks, doug. caps looking for some momentum. they're back at home for the
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playoffs. jason and die diana and a few thousand of their best friends at the verizon center.
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. >> announcer: this is the xfinity sports desk, brought to you by xfinity, your home for the most live sports. remember back in the day when the caps first came here and how long it took to build a fan base and all of that? well, boy have we built a fan base now, haven't we jason and dianna down at verizon center where i know the joint will be full and rocking. >> reporter: it's already started. the support is definitely not an issue for this caps team. you know hockey players. they're creatures of habit.
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the islanders bus 45 minutes late to show up to the verizon center tonight because president obama's motorcade was causing traffic. so even in the playoffs you're dealing with traffic. >> reporter: we'll see how that affects their game. let's take a look back at how we got to this point. no team has won back-to-back game soz far in this series. >> reporter: the caps fall flat in the series opener, a deflated 4-1 loss at home. >> reporter: philipp grubauer starts for game two and we finish a come from behind 4-3 victory to even the series. >> reporter: overtime in new york for game three. john taveras puts away a rebound for a 2-1 islanders win and a 2-1 series lead. >> reporter: overtime again in game four. nicholas nicklas backstrom's goal even
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the series. we go into game five on the same page. >> you get into the locker room and they're chanting, how could you not be up for a game? it's hard -- how could you not be excited? >> if you're not motivated this time of year, you should probably be in the stands watching. that's not an issue. the issue is now we're focusing on the things we need to do within the game to be successful. >> reporter: now, a little earlier today here at verizon center the wizards practicing for game three against the raptors tomorrow night. the wiz kids lead this series 2-0. part of the reason the playoffs second year porter taking a lot of minutes with hustle plays and aggressive mentality. >> just a lot of confidence, you know. i think the main thing is he's defending very well. >> just opportunities, you know. opportunity presented itself, i try to take full advantage, you know. that's just the way i look at it. >> it's terrific, man. he's a big teasepiece of the team.
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i don't think a lot of people realize how valuable he is. we just need him to continue to be aggressive being the player he's capable of being just got to get ready to go. >> reporter: some advice to otto porter, don't ever wear those goggles again. leave them alone. >> reporter: my good friend doug kammerer likes to wear those in a basketball charity game. know a good look. nats had an early game, final game of the series against st. louis. >> reporter: rubber game against the nationals and cardinals. max scherzer on of the mound, bottom of the fifth nats down a run. span hits this one, espinosa scores, the runner at first check him out ignoring the stop sign from third base coach bob hinly. he slides in safely. scherzer only gives up two runs. aaron barrett facing mark reynolds and reynolds takes him deep. matt holliday coming home,
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espinosa's throw way high. then they try to get reynolds ats second, but the throw goes into the outfield. reynolds would end up scoring on a comedy of errors. the nats fall short in this game. your final score 4-1. >> reporter: the super bowl champ new england patriots in d.c. today. wonder if they hit traffic. honored by president obama at the white house. no tom brady because of a family commitment. but there's rob gronkowski, owner robert kraft and head coach bill belichick. athat helmet signed by all the players on the team and number 44 obama patriots jersey. the president made a joke about deflate gate but it fell flat with the crowd. get it? i did talk to a patriots player and gronkowski and obama were joking with each other. obama asked gronk to be in the secret service. i don't think anyone wants gronk protecting them. >> reporter: no. >> reporter: back to you. >> thanks, guys.
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on this thursday night, fatal mistake. a cia drone strike overseas accidentally kills hostages including an american. tonight questions about the drone war and the two other americans kill the u.s. says were al qaeda lea. money trail. hillary clinton facing new questions about who gave big money to her family foundation and why wh secretary state. nbc news exclusive. dr. oz one on one as more physicians tonight why he says the "dr. oz show" is not a medical . and without warning. a volcano dormant for decades su erupts exp miles high. a state of emergency declar evacuations ar ordered. "nightly news" begins right now.


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