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tv   News4 Today  NBC  May 31, 2015 6:00am-8:01am EDT

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vice president joe biden's son died. we take a look at the former attorney general for delaware. >> time running out, some nsa spy programs unless senate takes action. they will meet in a rare sunday session. news shaping up this sunday. good morning, i'm adam tuss. >> i'm angie goff. the very last day of may. >> can you believe it? >> feeling like jun july and august with the precipitation out there. >> don't think for a minute we're going to have any sort of
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immediate change in the weather. today is going to be very similar to yesterday. another warm and humid day around 90 degrees here in town. there will be much higher rain chances for friends and neighbors in the shenandoah valley cared to those of us who live in and around the city. the tower towards jefferson memorial. a quiet start out there, mostly cloudy. most of the rain there's a lot of it way to the north. there's a fetch of moisture on the south side. all that moisture will be riding our way as we go through the afternoon. i think starting with higher elevation, rain chances will creep up today. in and around washington i think our best chance for rain inside the beltway comes between about 7:00 and 9:00 tonight. right at the tail end of the day. right now temperatures in the low- to mid-70s. we'll see a quick climb today up into the mid-80s by lunch time today. as mentioned, highs later this afternoon right around 90 degrees. storms moving into the metro
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probably not until after 5:00 6:00, 7:00. more on the timing of all that and back to work forecast coming up. thanks, chuck. want to begin with breaking news here. secretary of state john kerry is in a swiss hospital after getting hurt during a bike crash. kerry in stable condition with a leg injury. the crash happened this morning in rans. we're working to find out what happened. a doctor and paramedic were with kerry's motorcade when it happened. he was then felony to geneva. a major story unfolding, congress has until midnight to renew the patriot act. republican majority leader mitch mcconnell called senate back into question. this is an attempt to pass a bill before it expired. it's not clear whether he has enough support yet. a revised bill called the freedom act could be the answer. it preserves, counter-terrorism, prevent nsa from collecting marianne phone record. republican rand paul said even if enough senators support it he plans to delay the bill past
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the deadline. maryland senator supporting it. president obama says he supports it at as well. "as technology and these change, congress must be able to exercise this type of oversight to ensure our lawyers are not outpaced by the times." sad news, vice president joe biden's son beau biden has lost his battle with brain cancer. >> my friend my father, my hero, the next vice president of the united states, joe biden. now, beau biden died last night. he was diagnosed with brain cancer two years ago. doctors at walter reed put him in intensive care earlier this month. beau biden followed his dead into politic served as delaware's attorney general since 2007. said he planned to run for delaware governor in 2016. he was 45 years old.
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president obama said they are grieving. beau's life was defined by service to others." the entire biden family is saddened beyond words. we know that beau's spirit will live on in all of us. in 2016 former maryland governor martin o'malley is taking his campaign on the road. the presidential candidate will be in new hampshire later this afternoon. yesterday the former mayor of baltimore announced he would run for the white house. news 4's derrick ward has more on o'malley's message for the middle class. >> today, to you and to all who can hear my voice i declare that i am a candidate for president of the united states. >> the declaration was met with enthusiasm by the crowd that climbed baltimore's federal hill to hear it. o'malley chose the city which put him on the political map as a two-term mayor in a state in which he served two-term governor to announce his most ambitious political effort yet. a run for the white house. it comes at a time when he says
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realization of the american dream at its most precarious. >> the urgent calling for us today to rebuild the american dream now. >> o'malley lit into malfeasance on wall street amid big banks blaming him for what he called land of opportunity turned to a land of inequality. >> tell me how it is you can get pulled over in this country for having a broken taillight but if you wreck the nation's economy you're absolutely untouchable. >> martin o'malley has received quit sichl over this zero tolerance policing practice put in place while he was mayor of baltimore. detractors blame those inequalities for the killing of freddie gray and rallies that followed. o'malley said there's a broader issue at hand. >> conditions of extreme poverty breed conditions of extreme violence. >> reporter: amid a troubling economy and state of inequality he chose to end on a positive note, one his supporters hope
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will carry him in the coming election season. >> for the story of our country's best days is not found in a history book, because this generation of americans is about to write it. >> reporter: in baltimore, derrick ward news 4. coming up in our next half hour. we're going to sit down with meet the the press moderator chuck todd to talk about what kind of shot o'malley really has at that democratic nomination. coming up in the day ahead, a viewing for the d.c. family murdered inside their home. the savopouloses and their housekeeper found dead inside the home. the viewing at joseph galler funeral home on wisconsin avenue in northwest. begins at 6:00 p.m., will last until 8:00 p.m. the funeral will be tomorrow at st. sophia orthodox in northwest. da ron wint charged with savopoulos murders but police believe he may have had help. a special event for military
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families happening in d.c. the tenth cinderella ball will bring children's with illness and disability together for the hotel. all the children in military families. chris brown will perform a private conset for them and fourth degree 3 will hand out scholarships. first lady obama will be prom-like event lady chair. nice. >> nice of them. 6:07 only sunday morning. we'll hear from a couple attacked in the district. i said we'll be dying. >> we're going to hear how they fought off their attacker. deadly floods in texas. heavy rains making problems worse for people trying to recover.
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welcome back. we're hearing from a virginia couple that defended themselves from an attacker. they didn't want to share their name. they said a man tried to rob them. the woman said she began beating the man with the cane. >> i was looking for my hugs. he was on the ground. he was over him. this time i try to hit him. >> some lady. you don't want to mess with her. police arrested the suspect. she said his bruises helped identify him. >> parts of oklahoma and texas are bracing for more rain this morning. 31 people died from last week. eleven are still missing. three inches of rain fell yesterday in the houston area. the high water is now moving downstream, threatening the
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city. the risk of widespread flooding is low. meanwhile in oklahoma, fema opened a disaster relief center to help residents get back on their feet. you can only feel for them. >> yes. >> they just have not gotten a break at all. >> not at all. >> every day more rain more rain more rain. there's just no way to really start to recover from all this. >> tough situation. we're going to find out if we need to break out the umbrella. chuck bell joining us from the "weather center." what do you say, chuck. >> defends where you live. farther north and west, sooner you'll need your umbrella. everyone has the chance to need it only in the metro area i think our chances to use the umbrella may come after 5:00 or 6:00 this evening. the rain timing in the metro area fairly late in the day, a little earlier out into the north and west. so outside forcloudy start. temperature mostly in the 70s. that's what you look at for today.
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>> a cloudy start for some. sun came up. relatively quiet start. sun up at reagan national. winds out of the south averaging 10 miles per hour. temperatures around the rest of the reenl low 70s in and around town. there are mid-60s out towards the shenandoah valley mid-70s washington low 70s along western shore, 68 in culpeper. going out for early morning run, make it early. it's another one of those days where we'll be very wamplt noontime mid to upper 80s. if you want to run in the 70s, you need to hurry up and get out the door in the morning. noticeably humid, sweating it out for sure. carry extra water. mid to upper 70s by 9:00 a.m. mid-70s by 1:00 90 by 4:00. that's high temperature. about 4:00 5:00 showers and thunderstorms likely to the west of the metro, then those rain
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chances sneak into town a little bit later than that. here is our high resolution computer model with a depiction of when the rain will get going. 2:30 this afternoon. most rain chances back across shenandoah valley. there will be pop-up shower chance in and around the metro before 5:00. the better chances will remain along the west of i-81. but by 6:00 7:00 8:00 there's that rain trying to do its best to sneak into the metro. rain chances in town really start to ramp up after 7:00 this evening. just sort of plan to have your rain plan ready to go because you never know with these things. they can pop up earlier. heavier rain rain chances back. the last bap of heavy rain moving into parts of mississippi and alabama, eventually over to georgia. for us you can see a quiet start to the day. this is for monday. this is monday's future cast here starting out cloudy and
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widespread coverage of what could be some pockets of heavy rain tomorrow from lunch time to about sundown. here we are stopped at 7:30 monday evening. there's that yellow and red around there. seems to me a good chance of moderate to heavy rain at times. seven-day forecast. near 90 best rain chances to the west moving into the metro about sundown. best chance for rain this week is monday. rain should be ending tuesday, wednesday, thursday friday actually look very nice. highs in the upper 70s and overnight lows in the 60s. that's actually cool by june standards. we'll take it. >> thanks. next up we have reporters notebook for you. those are stories affecting our community. >> we're back in 15 minutes with more of the morning's top stories. good morning, welcome to reporters notebook. i'm pat lawson muse. this morning we begin with a tax hike backlash in prince george's county. county executive baker backed off a proposed 15% property tax hike after failing to get enough support tore that hike on the
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county council. he cut his request in half from $133 million to $65 million. additional funding barracker says he needs to improve schools. the compromise was a last-minute effort to save part of his improvement plan a plan he calls critical to attracting new residents and raising property values in prince george's. bre monte bryant what is your take how it plays out. >> it's interesting how much political capital he has. you would have thought the county executive would have known how much support he had on the council before he put this out in front of the public. you can question how much his persuasive powers with the public. he puts it out there and tries it sell it to the public and realizes the public is not for this. a lot of things against him. property tax hike in a county with the highest foreclosure rate in the state. citizens say we're not for that. now, in his defense, he ran on
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the position education executive. a bold move state senate leader miller behind him on this. yet the public wasn't behind him and the council isn't behind him. >> dave what's your impression about the way it's been played out? >> it's unlike rashon baker in many ways. he's careful, i'll say the best possible word not that i'm for or against him, but in politics calculating politician that looks at the political ground around him an prepares. it's funny that he didn't you know in little batches kind of prepare the public for this. suddenly one day he seems to have said i want more taxes. people weren't ready for that. you have to wonder what the thinking was, why he did it. now he's got to do a sales job, explain all the reasons why you must do it. many people who follow him think he has got a good case to make. it's been a while since he got this serious.
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he should have done it sooner. it isn't that he can't do it now but really a big hurdle to get over. >> listening to some of the teachers who called into whur one teacher said what i would like to know what are you doing with the money you have now. there are programs can you get rid of and shift into better programs. she said the issue wasn't raising more revenue but the revenue you have how are you using it. teachers are saying specifically this teacher says we have no say so in the money. they gaskly say this is how much money you have. find way to use it. if it comes out, comes out of your own pocket. >> where was this argument before he made the big announcement about tax increases and the other issues that go into it. >> the county is still struggling with the foreclosure crisis. many people have not recovered. yet, i do hear some back and forth and some ambivalence on the part of some residents who seem very concerned about the school system and its performance and improving and
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investing in the schools. they are still suffering at home. >> i think that's the issue that prince george's county finds itself in. i think folks who live in the county, like myself i must say, know they are second from the bottom in the state. only baltimore is higher or lower rather. something has to be done. the approach was correct. maybe the manner in which he took the particulars didn't work. i didn't think he sold the program enough to say this is exactly what the money is going to do. this is how it's going to get us to the level of howard county or montgomery county. i think that came too late. also let's factor in you have councilmembers who have to run for re-election. they have to run on the platform of you raised our property taxes. >> that's right. you had to make this pitch when people are not feeling very good. they are either losing a job, worried about keeping their job, having trouble finding work. it's like the mood of the country in large part even though the economy is clipping back a little bit. you make an announcement in that
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kind of situation, that kind of mood that's tough to do. >> in montgomery county council chair leventhal warned school system and public employee unions lost revenue will fact in the next two years. he said the county tightened belt because of slow revenue groth. when supreme court ruled maryland has been double taxing residents by denying credits on out of state income leventhal warns the budget challenge just got bigger. >> interesting thing here as we shift into montgomery county, all that he says is probably true. when you look at the big picture basically what happens in montgomery county none of the departments got what they asked for. at least in terms of the school the way the law is they had to get at least a level that didn't decrease what they had been getting before. so comparatively, i hear what the council president is saying but montgomery county is still in pretty good shape. the supreme court decision will affect montgomery county and other counties throughout maryland. it may hurt montgomery county
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more because they have a larger school district. >> dave you said montgomery could lose $24 million and have to refund $115 million to taxpayers. >> it's a blow no question about it. it's a tough nut to crack. but the argument is montgomery overall has the resources unlike prince george's county to deal with the issue. >> paying to park. paying more that is. this will be the last summer that you pay the same to park in d.c. starting in october, you'll be feeding meters until midnight in high-traffic areas of the $13 billion budget approved by the council raised parking fines by five bucks. the council rejected proposals to raise sales tax and taxes on parking lots and garages which the mayor wanted. there will be millions more for affordable housing services. the mayor didn't get everything she wanted but she got 90% of it. >> she made out very well here. the mayor stated what she
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wanted. jack evans said this is the largest amount largest budget we've ever had. now it's time to see results. because it really is the mayor's budget it will fall back with the mayor whether it's successful or not. she wanted more money for affordable housing, she got $100. what i would say with jack evans, the council is responsible for somewhat overseeing this budget even though it's the mayor's budget. i would say the few things she didn't get, i wouldn't say minor, sales tax increase bring in more money. taxes are never popular as we talked about. on the whole, the mayor made out very well i think, in this budget negotiation. >> the mayor comes from the council. shee worked with these ladies and gentlemen before. basically to my way of thinking a lot of the programs over the years have been her programs. didn't throw any surprises at them. the question now, will the money be spent properly and the
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>> a solution to low academic performance? >> not the best solution but give them a break they are trying to do something. historically has had issues last decade and a half if not further back. folks look at this and say you reconstituted this school years ago, gives the school some room listen we spent $142 million on this new building. we have a 50% graduation rate over four years where d.c. schools big average is 61%. more students are being
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suspended at ballou. they may feel they have to do something. teachers are saying listen something built in with a natural review. why doing this reconstitution. i think they are on shaky ground when you look at numbers in terms of how they are doing at the school. >> an analysis printed by "washington post" found many of the two dozen d.c. schools reconstituted between 2008 and 2013 failed to see economic improvement. in fact they saw klein. >> obviously need for drastic action. the question is is this the kind of drastic action needed? yeah maybe a review period before maybe they want it look more carefully, this they terminate people that they really have evidence to do it. they want to do it out on the open. everybody's job is on the line. they are making a public
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spectacle of this really show probably other teachers and administrators if you don't shape up you're going to get what happens at ballou. tough action. a lot of people probably support it. >> one win for free range parents. daniel and alexander cleared of one neglect charge letting their six and ten years old walk home from a park in middle december. there's another case they are facing a similar case. do you think if they were cleared of one charge of neglect, they would be cleared of the other. >> that's what they are thinking. that would make sense. this took on national proportions because it really became an issue, some might say generational issue, many folks, at least my age, you would get on your bike and be gone for two hours, nowhere near home if you're 10 or 11. i think there's some support for this family. also raises the question how does the state dealing with
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this. should they be involved? are more folks becoming these helicopter parents that hover over their kids or are free range parents more the way you should go. if not, should the state be involved in it. that's going to be the issue even if they are cleared. does the state get involved in these kinds of issues further down the road. >> davis, they are cleared of both charges, charges in both cases, what's the message there? >> the message is that parents have a certain amount of discretion and ability to deal with their children. one of those prime issues, to know when their children should be out and back home and when they respond. it appears from my reporting there was some draconian activity in this. one person from a state agency was rae ready to take the children away from them out of the home if something didn't happen. they were going to move right in and take out the kids where there was no evidence of the home being run badly, that they
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were destitute, not able to take care of kids. it was a dispute over how long they let kids stay out and play. a lot of people thought this could have been settled a lot differently and a lot better. >> in virginia campaign of virginia's former attorney general ken cuccinelli is getting $85,000 back from a political group accused of misleading conservatives. under the settlement reached cuccinelli accused conservative pact using gubernatorial am pain campaign that was never delivered to the campaign. they have to return the money and turn over direct mail and e-mail contact list. what does that mean? >> the larger issue, you don't see cuccinelli saying they were sending out a message that wasn't in line with my campaign. what he was saying they weren't working with me. they were raising money, using my name and i had no control over this. the larger and broader issue, what does this mean for pacts
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down the road that if ken kitsch cuccinelli jeb bush decides to run, are there pacts that can do anything in the name of jeb bush but jeb bush doesn't receive the money. even though kenh money because most will go back to legal. >> a lot of people saying this is a scam. you're raising money, spending money. i'm surprised in law there's noing to prevent this. >> thank you for being with us. that's reporters notebook. i'm pat lawson muse. stay with us for "news 4 today" which continues right now. once again this half hour breaking news secretary of state john kerry in a swiss hospital after being hurt in a bike crash. this morning kerry was riding
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his bike in france when he crashed. he hurt his right leg. doctors and paramedics were with kerry when it happened. he was airlifted to a geneva hospital. we're told he did not lose consciousness during the accident. he's there to talk to the prime minister. today -- [ inaudible ] senators headed back to the hill today. >> not all lawmakers want to renew because of the controversial phone record collection program. the biden family is also mourning right now. joe biden's son beau died of brain cancer last night. >> and this evening, there will ab viewing for the d.c. family murdered inside of their house. it begins at 6:00 p.m. at joseph
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galler funeral home. the savopoulos family and their housekeeper found dead in their home earlier this month. good morning, everyone. welcome to "news 4 today." i'm angie goff. >> i'm adam tuss. sunday may 31st last day of may. can you believe that? >> went by like that already jumplg into summer. >> storm team meteorologist chuck bell, does it already feel like summer? >> 16 of 30 days were at least 10 degrees warmer than average. as a result we're now in second place for the warmest may on record. we may be able to tie that record. it will be every bit as warm in many neighborhoods today. there is a view of the sky this morning. sun is up already. still clouds lingering out there first thing this morning. not anything in the way of rain
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just yet. rain coming back in the second half of the afternoon. a check on big view of storm team 4 radar. low pressure in parts of the great lakes there. that's where most of the energy will go. there's just enough moisture when we add in daytime heating today, particularly in the shenandoah valley and panhandle of west virginia that's where rain chances will remain highest for today. unlike yesterday, i think today we may have a little chance of rain getting into the metro as we get to 7:00 8:00 9:00. forecast virginia saw a nice dry start, 0% chan of rain as early as 2:00 50% chance of rain by 7:00. get into everybody else's rain chances and look at the week ahead when i see you next. >> thanks. you can go to a prayer vigil to remember a reporter killed in d.c. still working to figure out who killed milton, someone used her as a human shield during a shoot-out in southwest washington.
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she wrote for capital community news. spiritual leaders will gather at good hope and alabama avenue to remember her. milton's family will be there, too. the prayer service at 3:00 in the afternoon. >> detectives in prince george's county investigating a homicide right now. they say someone shot and killed a man in glenarden yesterday. this happened off barlow road. neighbors say they hope police arrest one soon. >> i've been here for a long time. it's like everywhere else we don't usually have -- we haven't had any murders or any shootings. well police say the man was shot multiple times. so far they have not released the victims' names. we have an update to a story we brought you as breaking news during yesterday's newscast. it took crews 90 minutes to clean up this sulfuric acid spill on whiskey bottom road. people forced to their home with air conditioning off.
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the acid leaked from a truck. resigned from his alma mater wheaton college, the first action we've seen from hastert since indictment for breaking banking laws covering up. he was a teacher and sports coach. a spring saturday in yorkville, illinois locals visiting the annual garden show. some taking time to talk politics about a favorite political son now accused of wrongdoing. >> i feel sorry for him. mostly family. >> what is your reaction. >> shocked. just shocked. >> shocked over allegations that former house speaker dennis hastert has been charged with breaking federal banking laws to conceal past misconduct. hastert was a popular teacher and wrestling coach here in yorkville prior to becoming a
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political star in washington. the indictment says he had agreed to pay $3.5 million in hush pony to someone in yorkville. money withdrawn from banks. the identity of the man he was allegedly paying has not been released but authorities have told nbc news it is a former student the at his alma mater, nearby wheaton college, he resigned from economic government and political policy that bears his name. former democratic political strategist david axelrod once ran a campaign against hastert. >> every major political figure has questions that follow them controversies, but there was never anything that intimated this sort of problem in hastert's past. >> the shock expressed as well today at a yorkville diner.
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>> i'm surprised if this is true why didn't come out a lot sooner. >> others take a more cynical view. >> just seems the norm with politicians running wild with money scandals just basic thievery. >> in the place that sent hastert to washingtoners genuine concern as well. >> we think we're doing the very best by voting people in that have a squeaky clean record. all of a sudden we hear allegations like this. it worries me. >> that was kevin tibbles reporting. hastert's lawyers have not commented on the charges. the sexual misconduct claims cannot be prosecuted because the statute of limitations has long since run out. well in decision 2016 form he were maryland governor martin o'malley isn't wasting any time hitting the road. the presidential candidate will be in new hampshire this afternoon. yesterday o'malley announced his
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run for the white house in baltimore, the city that catapulted him on the national stage. >> to you and to all who can hear my voice, i declare that i am a candidate for president of the united states. >> o'malley cast himself as a new generation leader promising to help rebuild the economy and reform wall street. he promised to raise minimum wage and invest in education. he took subtle jabs at another presidential hopeful. >> i've got news for the bullies of wall street the presidency is not a crown to be passed back and forth by you between two royal families. it is a sacred trust. >> o'malley is the third democrat with significant backing to jump into the race. his rivals former secretary of state hillary clinton, the presumed front-runner and vermont senator bernie sanders. speaking of o'malley's presidential contenders hillary clinton welcomed the governor to the race. she sent out a tweet saying she
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looked forward to discussion strong families and communities. spoke with former white house excited. >> pool know him well not just virginia d.c. but also delaware pennsylvania people he worked with during his time as governor. >> he served as executive on the local level and state level. not everyone is in favor of an o'malley administration. one gun rights activist told us he didn't like o'malley's stance on gun control as governor and doesn't want o'malley in the white house. right now eight republicans running for the white house with a few more expected to join the race. mike huckabee carly fiorina, surgeon ben carson marco rubio, rand paul rick santorum ted cruz and george pataki are off and running. >> the time we're looking at 6:38. in northern virginia a group is
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tching hearts and touching hearts and changing lives. how their mission began. >> turning heads, some neighbors upset. unique foil wrapping goi
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puerto rico's healthcare system is on life support... putting three and a half million puerto ricans at risk. it's an outrage. puerto ricans are us citizens and pay the same medicare taxes, but receive only half the federal healthcare funding as the other 50 states. the headlines tell the story.... "unfair treatment from washington"... "thousands without medications"... "it's a crisis that could imperil the whole economy." president obama must act now to protect care for three and a half million u.s. citizens. before it's too late...
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you're watching "news 4 today." >> as the first family sat down gathering for a glimpse. president obama, first lady and malia ate there last night. inside an 18-year-old woman from new jersey collapsed on the sidewalk while waiting to see the president. a police officer says it was likely from dehydration. a northern virginia mom is
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teaching. >> why don't we -- >> sorry, guys we're just getting a cue from what we're going to do from the producers. we're going to bring in chuck todd now, who is walking into the set. >> we're going to show you a little behind the scenes here. we've got a lot to talk about. not only a lot of new faces joining 2016 campaign we also have an approaching deadline whether or not to renew nsa programs. we also have some heartbreaking news that has come out of the white house. vice president's son beau biden passed away after a battle with brain cancer. that is where we want to start, chuck. this is really sad news and something they kept very close to the vest. >> they did. beau has been fighting this a couple of years. obviously he had the first stroke in 2010. it looked like they were making progress. there was a setback a year and a half ago. he had been put on a good face.
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they had been thinking his career would go on behind the scenes they were looking for any hope they could fight this but the brain cancer took him. >> it's amazing how quiet it was. >> look the biden family is a very tight-knit family. this all goes back to the tragedy has met beau biden his entire life. he was three years old when he was in a car accident with his mother. it took the life of his mother the vice president's wife and a sibling at the time. so this is, you know since then you had joe biden had been elected a month before his wife and children died. they became very tight. if you -- beau and vice president biden, they were best friends. fathers and sons are typically very close. these two were best friends. when you think about it you're thrown in single parent at the time. i've gotten to know beau a
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little bit. the whole thing, anybody that has known anybody that has lost a child, no matter how old you are, it's not the way nature -- it's not the way nature is supposed to be. joe biden is very -- he's been through a lot. >> we hear joe biden speak, he says yeah we're both in politics follow in my father's footsteps. talked about politics together showed that father and son bond. >> if you followed the vice president's schedule over the last year he spent every single weekend back in delaware. that was to be close to beau. >> gotcha. switch gears, 2016 race o'malley george pataki. this is interesting. >> tomorrow we'll get lindsey graham two days later rick perry. the republican field may get as large as 15. >> they are going to have to
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start a 24 hour cable channel just for the presidential race at some point. there you go. o'malley delve into three candidates this morning. for martin o'malley boy, has the timing been off for him. some of it not in control with what happened in baltimore certainly made it harder to launch a national campaign sort of a lot of focus on his tenure as baltimore mayor. meantime waiting to be chief council to hillary clinton bernie sanders showed up. he steeled some of the progressive thunder. the question is going to be is there room for two anti-hillary candidates to the left. if you're clinton campaign you're ecstatic if you have two candidates splitting up the anti-hillary vote. that's the challenge, what can he do. >> how he can be the olt tiff candidate to someone he supported in 2008. that's a whoth whole other story. we want to talk about nsa
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deadline we'll talk more in the 10:00 hour. >> it's a busy morning. >> thanks chuck. a reminder see "meet the press" right here on "news 4 today." want to talk about northern virginia mom teaching kids how to give back in a big way. >> i sat down with her to talk about a project that spans three generation s generations. one woman's act of kindness after korean war continues in washington. when she saw children left homeless and hungry she opened an orphanage. she was able to save souls and inspire a granddaughtered promise. >> i told her one day i'm going to carry your legacy of kindness and helping others and be like you and give back. >> for helen ye fighting the good cause was like writing a good song. it took time. five years ago it happened when her daughter taylor turned 13.
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>> i said i wanted to have all my friends donate to a local charity of their choice. >> the response was overwhelming turning a birthday wish into touching hearts a way for kids to create their own service project and give back. recently eighth-grader helped organize an art gallery. this allowed them to buy 300 new duffel bags for foster kids in the area. >> in the beginning just community service hours. in the end it became this whole different experience and i loved it. >> owen buying chickens for this orphanage in kenya. he soon learned skills to secure sponsors and how to budget. >> so much we actually had -- we bought a cow, which is huge in kenya. we may not think it's that bag but it was really a huge thing for them. >> touching hearts launched kids on a mission at one elementary school with hopes to go
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countywide. asian-american chamber of commerce named them nonprofit organization of the year. >> that was a huge honor. as asian america, proud to represent the asian community, we too, can make a difference. >> a difference that a community and grandmother can be proud of. >> you know i just think there is a feeling whenever we do give we always remember her. i think she's never forgotten in the work that we do. >> wonderful. >> well said. >> the next big event fourth annual joy of giving golf tournament with former redskin great. it is this monday tomorrow at clinton families. you have to take a look at this. one florida artist chose a pretty unique medium to paint his house. he used aluminum foil. most of the front covered in foil and spray-on adhesive. the man renting the house said
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he wanted the house to stand out against nature. not everyone in the neighborhood is for it. >> defacing the property. he's got a piece of art inside the garage -- you can't see it now -- he's painting. that should be the canvas. >> the art is said the foil will only stay up a few weeks. there it is shiny. he accomplished the standing out part. the only question i have is wouldn't that keep all the heat in right? maybe the air conditioning too? maybe it works. >> its tin foil a good reflective property it sheds heat from a science perspective. the thing i would wonder would you turn your house spoke a big lightning rod. >> he's going to take it down after a couple weeks. it's just an art display. >> okay. fair enough. want the aluminum foil house, take your chances with mother nature and thunderstorms in florida. outside for us we will be
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dealing with our own rain and thunderstorm chance coming up later on today. rain chances just like yesterday are going to be focused along i-81 today. rain chances in town are low, not zero but they are fairly low. there's the sky outside this morning, a bit of a micky white color out there. the skies should get more and more blue with time. 74 at national airport. winds out of the south averaging 10 miles an hour. nice southerly breeze yesterday afternoon made for a pleasant day. muggy start. just like yesterday 90 degrees. metro rain chances, i think they come in after 5:00 6:00 7:00 this evening. a little bit farther down the day we might normally be facing. as far as rain chances this week only 30% chance for rain today. a much higher chance 70% chance coming up on monday. rain lingers at least spot first half of the day tuesday. finally wednesday, thursday friday rain chances back to zero. we need the rain. here is the way other future cast handles it dry through
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noontime. 2:00 3:00 showers get going i-81 in shenandoah valley. couldn't rule out sprinkle or two on the west side of the metro 2:00 or 3:00. you can see widely scattered and hit and miss. as opposed to steadier batch of rain in the winchester area 5:00 6:00 7:00 this evening. that train of moisture gets here after that 5:6:00 7:00. out of the mountains and down to the i-95 corridor. as a result of timing today, i think our best chances are closer to sundown. rain chances at least low everywhere but highest out to our north and west. so have a rain plan ready to go just in case. 90 our high temperature in town today. that will be our fifth 90 degree day in the month of may. a little more than usual. rainy weather on monday especially monday afternoon and into monday night, lingers into tuesday morning first thing. but wednesday, thursday friday looking great. temperatures closer to 80 than 90. >> progress.
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>> perfect for the weekend. thanks. time is 6:53 what you need to know before you hop on metro today so you won't be late.
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welcome back. there's track work on most of the metro lines. green belt closed. shuttle buses will replace trains orange blue silver lines every 20 minutes, red line every 20 minutes. a new tool will help screen their child's mental health. mental health america says 350,000 screens taken for depression anxiety, ptsd. that's about 1,000 screenings a day. they will be tailored for 11 to 17 years old. they are tailored for women.
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holding conference june 3rd through 5th in alexandria. next week. the group is honor nbc 4 for changing minds campaign and for more information we'll tweet out a link to take that online screening. it's a great tool absolutely free. it's helping a lot of people. >> very cool. >> much more ahead on "news 4 today." >> that includes danan hour by hour look at your forecast with meteorologist chuck bell. we'll be right back.
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as we head into the 7:00 hour here is what we're looking at. family and friends mourning the loss of vice president son's beau biden. we take a look at the career. spy programs set to expire tonight unless the senate takes action. there is a special sunday session happening today. >> good morning and welcome to "news 4 today." i'm adam tuss. >> i'm angie goff. today is sunday mai 31st the last day of may. we want to check in with storm team 4 meteorologist chuck bell with more on this summer weather. hey. >> hey, good morning. i like knowing once in a while those elected officials have to work on the weekend just like us real folks do. outside we have a little sunshine in our sky. we get more and more sunshine as it heads into the afternoon.
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more enough sunshine to put us into the 80s, 90 today. big push of moisture warm moist air coming to the south. most of the rain up to the north but daytime heating with this much moisture around means we will have a chance for showers and storms today. most favorite area will once again be west of the mountains where it rained yesterday. basically if you got rained on yesterday, pretty good chance you'll get rained on today west of the metro i-81. temperatures low- to mid-70s around town. by later partly cloudy skies, 88 by 1:00 90 by 3:00. a chance of some storms making it into the metro after 5:00 or 6:00 this evening. so keep that in mind. if you're going to get it done outside, sooner rather than later. neighborhood highs 87 in old town alexandria back to work and increasing rain chances next. chuck, thanks. breaking news right now, secretary of state john kerry is in a swiss hospital after hurting himself during a bike
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crash. this morning kerry was riding his bike in france when he somehow crashed. we're hearing he did hurt his right leg. a doctor and paramedic were with kerry's motorcade when the accident happened. he was airlifted to a geneva hospital and we're told he did not lose conscious during this accident. kerry in switzerland holding nuclear talks with iran's foreign minister. >> new this morning anne arundel county police need help finding a car stolen during a carjacking. maryland tax 1ay-3980. police tell us a woman was unloading on hackberry in odenton when a man approached her. he point add gun at her and demanded her keys. police say the suspect was 6'3" with long curly dirty blond hair. >> watching a story where congress had you believe midnight to renew patriot act. mitch mcconnell called senators
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back into session. this was an attempt to pass the bill before it expired. it's not clear whether he has enough support. some senators don't want to renew the bill because of the nsa's controversial phone collection program. in fact republican rand paul said even if enough senators support a bill he plans to delay it past the deadline. the president and several democrats are supporting the revised bill. it's called the freedom act and it prrves counter-terrorism programs but limits those nsa programs. in a statement cardin said quote, as technology and threats change congress must be able to exercise this type of oversight to ensure our laws are not outpaced by the time. vice president joe biden and family are grieving today. his son beau biden passed away last night. >> my friend my father my hero the next vice president of the united states joe biden. beau biden had brain cancer. doctors at walter reed put him
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in intensive care earlier this month. he followed his dead into politics served as attorney general since 2007 and said he planned to run for delaware governor in 2016. beau biden was 46 years old. lots and lots of people who knew beau offering condolences including politicians on both sides. delaware national guard where biden served also released a statement. "it is with great sorrow and heavy hearts that we share the news of the loss of a great leader." former maryland governor martin o'malley taking his campaign on the road. the presidential candidate will be in new hampshire yesterday afternoon. yesterday the former mayor of baltimore announced his run for the white house. news 4's derrick ward has more on o'malley's campaign message for the middle class. >> today, to you and all who can hear my voice, i declare i'm a candidate for president of the united states. >> reporter: the declaration was met with enthusiasm by the crowd
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that climbed baltimore's federal hill to hear it. o'malley chose the city that put him on the map. in the state he served two-term governor to announce his most ambitious political endeavor yet, the race for the white house. the american dream at its most precarious. >> that is the urgent call for us today, to rebuild the american dream now. >> reporter: o'malley lit into malfeasance on wall street and big bank blaming him for what he called land of opportunity to a land of equality. >> tell me how it is you can get pulled over in this country for having a broken taillight. but if you wreck the nation's economy, you're absolutely untouchable. >> martin o'malley received criticism over zero tolerance policing practices put in place while mayor of baltimore. detractors blame those for killing of freddie gray and
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riots that followed. o'malley says other conditions. >> conditions of extreme poverty breed conditions of extreme violence. >> amid economy and state of inequality he sought to end on a positive note. one supporters hope will carry him coming election season. >> reporter: the story of our country's best days is not found in a history book because this generation of americans is about to write it. >> reporter: in baltimore, derrick ward news 4. coming up in the weeks ahead, a woman accused of killing her husband will be in court they are facing murder charges in the death of cecil brown. the browns had been married 50 years. last august police say she found her husbanded body in the backyard. a man accused of murder. montgomery county police says he killed his neighborhoods earlier
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this month. they arrested tomhim in alaska. you can attend community meeting. they want to hear from you. on independence avenue in southeast. we hear from a couple attacked in the district. >> i was very afraid. i said we'll be dying. >> and how they fought off their attacker. coming up in news for your health what you can do to keep your hair while undergoing chemotherapy. stay with
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pref welcome back ahead.
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the savopoulos and housekeeper found dead. the viewing will be at 6:00 p.m. will last until 8:00 p.m. the funeral will be tomorrow at st. sophia orthodox on massachusetts avenue in northwest. daron wint charged with the murder. police bleach he had help. >> 76-year-old woman and 81-year-old man did not want us share their names. they say a man tried to rob them while walking near embassy row on friday. then the woman said she began beating the man with her cane. r>> i was so -- i start to hit him. i hit him.
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>> wow. police arrested that suspect. they said the bruiseses and lumps that were left on him helped identify the suspect. so she helped catch him, too. >> good for her. >> she wasted no time. she was -- don't mess with her. >> adopt mess with that lady. absolutely. >> good for her. glad they are okay. >> glad everybody is okay and the guy is off the street. 7:11. >> your chances of beating breast cancer. taking a look outside, get ready for heat and humidity. can you feel it when you walk outside. storm team 4 meteorologist chuck bell will let us know h
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you're watching "news 4 today." >> in news for your health, scientists came up with a special device for cancer patients. how it saves their hair. >> married for three decades, the life they built together was suddenly threatened when donald was diagnosed with breast cancer in 2013. >> i just envisioned me very skinny with no hair going through chemo. >> what was it about losing her hair that you feared. >> voila. >> that is an incredible head of
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hair. >> the cancer was treatable and curable but chemotherapy was unavoidable for this mother of four. >> i was really scouring books and internet and trying to learn about it. >> musicians in europe, they learned about scan systems that save hair not cleared for the u.s. >> i wrote a letter to several doctors conducting them. donna has a head full of beautiful thick hair a unique feature, a shock of white hair creating a halo for her face. >> she got in treated at the hospital one of five participating in the trial by the doctor. the goal give back to cancer patients some control. >> you didn't choose to get your cancer you have chemotherapy
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this is something you can do for yourself. >> it's connected to a machine that cools scalp to 30 degrees. researchers say this keep hair follicles from dividing quickly and restricts blood vessels. >> scalp cooling does in no way diminish the effectiveness of chemotherapy nor does it increase the rick of occurrence. >> 101 women used the cap while they got treated for early stages of breast cancer. donna kept all of hers. there are side effects. the cap is cold and can cause mild headaches. patients are told to wash their hair just once a week and not dye or blow dry it. a year and a half later donna is healthy and his words move her. >> we're in 30th year of marriage they are encouraging us to plan the next 50 together. >> a future that is cancer free.
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nbc news stanford, connecticut. >> a great story. another breast cancer study says having a little extra tissue taken off during surgery lowers the risk of needing a second operation. doctors say there's no way to tell if they have removed all of the tumor in the operating room so removing around the tumor lowers the risk of leaving cancer behind. study presented at american society of clinical oncology meeting. >> you live in virginia days the last chance to get emergency items tax-free. you don't have to pay sales tax on hurricane prep supplies. that includes things like batteries, first aid kits and bottled water. donny load the nbc washington app for the complete list. we put it online. parts of texas and oklahoma bracing for more rain. 31 people died from last week's devastating floods. eleven are still missing. three inches of rain fell yesterday in the houston area. those waters are now moving downstream threatening the city but officials say the risk of
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widespread flooding is low. meanwhile in oklahoma fema opened disaster relief center to help residents get back on their feet. >> i think what they are saying july could be the first time they see water levels rivers and lakes start to come back down to normal levels. >> an average month of may, because i lived in oklahoma for about nine years and forecast it out there. an average may might have about four inches of rain. >> okay. >> they have had 20 to 25 inches of rain in the month of may alone. so literally four five six months worth of rain in a 30-day stretch of it's going to take a long time. getting reservoirs back down to controllable levels depends on not getting more crazy levels of rain as we go into june. >> seems like every day more rain coming more rain coming. >> the pattern has flipped around at least for now to give them a little bit of a reprieve. the overall pattern that's been soaking them for weeks is showing no real sign of being gone long-term. so they may have to deal with more problems out there over the
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coming weeks. let's just keep our fingers crossed and hope not. for us on the east side of the u.s. we've been sitting in really the same nasty pattern that's been bringing them all the rain as has been bringing us our warmest may since 1991 and possibly our warmest may on record. so those broken record type of weather patterns that inundated southern plains kept most of the east here toasty warm here in the month of may. 75 in washington south winds averaging 10 miles per hour. southerly breezes will continue for today. if you spend any time outside, it was a nice day. if you get into a shady spot there, wasn't a bad afternoon to be outside. 70 in frederick and leesburg and manassas. everyone has a chance but chances are highest as you get out towards shenandoah valley and blue ridge mountains. a medium chance western fairfax, montgomery loudoun county a relatively low chance in and around the metro.
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again, we have the chance running in after 4:00 or 5:00. hourly temperatures hop out of the 70s and into the 80s way before noontime today and be up near 90 by 3:00 4:00 this afternoon. a little grilling in the backyard this evening. there may be an opportunity for a shower or rumble around 6:00 but that should tend to fade out a little bit. grill time temperatures would be mostly in the low- to mid-80s. put your dogs and burgers out there without too much fear. there are rain chances in southeastern west virginia. that's the little impulse of moisture that's doing to be riding up the spine of the appalachians during the course of the day. that's why we have the rain chance in the forecast. then for future weather, kind of keeps us quiet through noontime today. there's that chance for rain bubbling up after 3:00 4:00 5:00 into the shenandoah valley and coming into the metro after 7:00 8:00 this evening. how much rain might we get? not a whole lot during the course of the day today. but tomorrow rain could be heavy at times during the day on monday. so by the time we get to monday night, a solid inch to an inch
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and a half of rain may have come down between now and the end of the day tomorrow. so heavy rain possible on your monday. that will slow things down for sure on the commute, the commute most likely impact the afternoon ride home tomorrow. rain chances end on tuesday and the rest of the week looks much more pleasant. no 90s. >> like the 60s. >> you and me both. >> the sweet side. >> thanks chuck. well as season gets under way a new survey by rent a car, how far would you drive? turns out you'll go the distance for love and family. 6% nearly 70% of married people said they would drive five or more hours to see their spouse. less than half of unmarried people said they would drive that far to see this significant other. 20% of parents said they would drive five hours or longer to see their child's sporting event. only 9% would drive that far to see their favorite pro sports team. >> a lot of us have to drive that long right around here just
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to get around. >> just to get to work. >> circling the beltway, a couple hours. 7:22 this sunday morning. coming up. we take a look at a program helping teens deal with emotional trauma.
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. welcome back in the district
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teens getting a greater sense of value. zachery reports a new documentary getting their work to the masses. >> during my experience i discovered a bigger person inside of me. >> it has been around a while, a documentary featuring young kids they work with that's getting attention. ♪ ♪ >> for the past 15 years we've been developing and working at the intersection nonviolence, conflict resolution through arts and music. this small nonprofit community began as a response to a string of school shootings in washington, d.c. high schools. lives were lost. >> we wanted to give young people outlets to express their emotions to find feelings through grief and trauma. that was the birth of the program. >> they called it flyby light. artists, poets, musicians coming together. marvin and cynthia, a sophomore
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at bell high school is one of the beneficiaries. >> also in the program -- >> i feel like this is somewhere i can always go to. >> the film shows it's almost one part knowledge of self one part trust your struggle. it's not just music they use, it's poetry yoga meditation. >> try to really know what our purpose is. why are we here on earth? why are you here on earth? these are the most important questions towards happiness. if a young person can't be happy, can't find joy in life they really aren't going to be able to contribute much to society. >> it kind of opened my eyes. i was like okay i'm not the only one. i'm not alone here. >> making an impact and getting noticed. reporting in northwest d.c. zachary kiesch news 4. official event for military families happening in the district today. the cinderella ball will bring
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children with disabilities and serious illness together at the willard hotel. all the children are in military families. chris brown will perform a private program for them. first lady obama will be prom-like event honorary chair. >> very cool. a lot of cool names there. >> sweet. >> 7:27 on sunday morning. >> why a business center in arlington doesn't want a gun shop to open near her school. >> taking a look outside. storm team 4 meteorologist chuck bell will
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puerto rico's healthcare system is on life support... putting three and a half million puerto ricans at risk. it's an outrage. puerto ricans are us citizens and pay the same medicare taxes, but receive only half the federal healthcare funding as the other 50 states. the headlines tell the story.... "unfair treatment from washington"... "thousands without medications"... "it's a crisis that could imperil the whole economy." president obama must act now to protect care for three and a half million u.s. citizens. before it's too late...
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[baseball crowd noise] ♪ ♪ [x1 chime] ♪ ♪ [crowd cheers] oh! i can't believe it! [cheering] hi, grandma! ♪
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in session today because patriot act expires tonight. some senators want to renew the bill or pass a replacement before it happens. others want to replace counter-terrorism programs it allowed. >> vice president joe biden and biden family in mourning right now. their son beau died of brain cancer last night. this evening there will be a viewing for the d.c. family murdered inside their home. it begins at 6:00 p.m. at the funeral home on wisconsin avenue avenue. the savopouloses along with housekeeper found dead inside their burning homerlyier this morning. good morning and welcome to "news 4 today." i'm angie goff. >> i'm adam tuss. sunday may 31st last day of may, june 1st around the corner. maybe some summer weather.
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>> sweat factor in full effect again. right, chuck? >> sure is. looking at temperatures over the last couple of days. you would think the calendar for july or august yesterday 90 87 92 90 88. so we've been all way above average here for much of the last week or 10 days. six days this month, 10 degrees or more. as a result we've got a top one or two finisher for warmest may outside. there's the view over ruston town center. plenty of sunshine getting through. already a couple of clouds trying to bubble up across panhandle of west virginia. there's a better rain chance today west of dulles airport into the shenandoah valley panhandle of west virginia. your rain chances are highest. everyone has a chance to be rained on today. a little better chance than yesterday, i think. but the rain will get going first in the shenandoah valley and drift into the d.c. metro area with time. it will probably be evening time before we get wet.
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temperatures low- to mid-70s. a quick climb into the 80s, mid-80s before noontime today. hometown forecast berryville, virginia. watch ute for showers. seven-day forecast coming up. >> thanks chuck. well today you can go to a prayer vigil to remember a reporter killed in d.c. d.c. police working to find out how killed her. they say someone used her as a human shield during a shoot-out last week. milton wrote for capital community news. today spiritual leaders gather at good hope and alabama avenue to remember her. milton's family will be there, too. prayer service at 3:00 p.m. >> detectives in prince george's county investigating a homicide right now. they say someone shot and killed a man in glenarden. this happened off barlow road. neighbors say they hope police arrest someone soon. >> here for a long time. like everywhere else we don't
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have murders or shooting. >> police say the man shot put pell times. they haven't released names. update on breaking news yesterday in the newscast. took crews time to clean up sulfuric acid. more than 5 had not people forced to stay inside their home with air conditioning off until it was safe to come out. the acid leaked out of a taepger truck. indictment of former house speaker dennis hastert. resigned from his alma mater wheaton college. he was charged with breaking banking laws. paid millions in hush money to cover up sexual misconduct with one of his students when he was a high school teacher in yorkville, illinois in the '70s. some people in town say they are shocked while others are not surprised. >> seems the norm now with politician s
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politicians running wild with money scandals, just basic thievery. >> the identity of the man hastert paid off was not released. hastert's lawyer has not commented on challenge. >> a gun shop creating controversy. critics say it could hurt business. supporters say they want somewhere close they can go. bureau chief tells us how the battle is moving online. >> at nova firearms in mclane, the space is a little tight. when they spotted this vacant story they jumped signing a five-year lease. >> nice amount of space, perfect wide open showroom. >> rachel dresser says they weren't prepared for the opposition that recently surfaced in the form of this petition asking the landlord to stop plans to lease to nova firearms. jane whiter was an early signer. she works at the flower shop next door. she points to another tenants,
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hair salon, nail salon, it doesn't fit. >> they come for beauty nails, hair not a gun. if you want to open a gun shop do it elsewhere. >> reporter: other opponents say they are worried about safety of teens at the high school down the street. now there's a competing pro down shop petition. >> we live in virginia. virginia is very pro game. >> earl douglas down the street usually orders his guns online but he'd like to shop here. >> a lot of times before you purchase something, you like to check it out, touch it feel it see what you're looking for, see if it fits right. guns are the same. >> but at the flower shop they fear a gun store could ruin their business. customers threatened to boycott. >> a lot of people coin and say good-bye to us. they said they are just not going to shop here. and you know they are not going to patronize a block with a gun
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shop. >> julie kerry, "news 4 today." green line green belt station closed. shuttle buses will replace those trains. orange silver blue lines trains running every 26 minutes, trains on the red line running every 20. breaking news secretary of state john kerry will head back to boston after breaking his leg during a bike crash. this morning kerry was riding his bike in france when he crashed. this is video of him bike riding in march. a doctor and paramedic were with kerry's motorcade when it happened. he was airlifted to switzerland. we're told he did not lose consciousness. time is 7:36 this sunday morning. a lawn mower under recall. we'll tell you which one and why. >> unusual art turning heads and has neighbors upset. we take a look at the unique foil wrapping.
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people look at the lawn mower. the manufacturer says it starts when the key is not turned. if you have one, contact the company for a replacement that doesn't have a problem. >> all right. one florida artist chose a pretty unique medium to point his house. he used aluminum foil. most of the front covered in foil and spray-on adhesive. the man renting the house said he wanted the house to stand out against nature. not everyone in the neighborhood is thrilled with the shiny cease. >> to me he's defacing the property. he's got a piece of art inside the garage -- you can't see it now -- he's painting. that should be the canvas.
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>> the artist says the foil will only stay up a few weeks. what do you think? >> i think it's cool. the fact that he's doing this it's something new in the neighborhood, he's doinggoing to take it down. it doesn't stop there. we didn't show the video but he planted huge ears planted on the side of the tree trunk. supposed to represent curiosity. >> when he wants to take it down, just roll it up into a ball and throw it away. >> 20 minutes before the top of the hour news 4 team follow-up, county officials takes action following school bus stop safety reported in maryland. take a look outside. how hot will it get.
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we have the "today" show next on nbc 4. it starts at 8:00. >> let's get a preview. carl quintanilla live. good morning. >> good morning to you. we know this is something you're covering. mourning of a the death of vice president joe biden son beau. succumbed to brain cancer age 46. we'll be live with andrea mitchell and chuck todd as we remember the vice president's son. also this morning duggar's ready to break silence following explosive accusations josh molested five underage girls as
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a teen. as fallout with tlc and coveted advertisers. summer barbecue alert. your beloved grill may be more dangerous than you think. jeff rossen will join us with fright think video of what happens when proper safety precautions aren't taken. >> taking students to global citizens comfort of the classroom. introduce you to teachers turning to technology inspiring a love of learning. boy, have these kids learned a lot in the process. >> those stories and much more when we get started on sunday morning right here on "today." >> thanks so much guys. looking forward to it. a top county official has formally asked maryland to investigate the safety of some school bus after what he saw in news 4 iteam investigation. >> scott mcfarland reports news 4 viewers reacting strongly to our story as well. >> watch closely. the school bus stops along state route 355 in montgomery county stop signs deployed lights are flashing. drivers in the other direction keep driving anyhow.
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one nearly takes that man out. our news 4 iteam investigation along a half mile of this busy state road in montgomery county police ticketed more than 50 drivers for illegally passing school buses in the past year. >> it's unfortunate drivers still aren't paying attention. >> after seeing our report chairman of montgomery county council education committee formally asked state highway officials to investigate whether kids are safe boarding buses at several stops along state highways in the county citing our new story councilmember craig wright asked for formal audit of ped tran safety here. >> that's one of the things we really want to take a look at. we really want to focus on why these bus stops in certain areas, high traffic areas, we know there's larger risk. his formal request just for the bus stop on this part of route 355 in germantown. our investigation an parents who saw it also raised concerns about performance of drivers near bus stops on other busy
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state roads in maryland and virginia. police reports showed dozens of drivers ticketed along this stretch of lee highway, fairfax city line in fairfax county. frequent violations here on riverdale road in prince george's county. >> did you see the bus? did you see the sign? >> i did. >> you kept going because they kept going? >> well i know that was wrong. >> after watching our report viewers called in and wrote us about their local bus stops including karen winetrop whose daughter boards along route 355 in rockville. >> i see cars going by every single day. >> just like iteam, she used her camera to show us what happened. you can see the bus stops, kids step off and drivers illegally zip past the bus's flashing lights. >> people just blow right by. >> a maryland highway administration official sells news 4 likely agency workers will look at the history of
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krarks on councilmembers. likely will visit those roads in person too. montgomery county public schoolses acknowledge the risk is higher. stops on those state roads. set up their bus stop to ensure no kids have to cross the roads. members of assembly tell news 4 they will introduce legislation next year to double fines against drivers who illegally bypass the bus. scott mcfarland news 4 iteam. >> chuck is here. >> yes. >> tells us who jump in the pool. >> yes, absolutely. the pool water after the week we've had. most of the pools people complained to me about too cold for memorial day weekend, those pools should be just right. we've been near 90 degrees for five out of the last six days. that's what you need sunshine and warm days to get that pool water up. so my social media friends, put your toe in the pool and report back to me on social media and let me know how the pool is. >> we're still waiting for mayor
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bowser to do a cannon ball. >> challenge is the 4th. we've got a little time to work on the mayor. we'll start a media campaign to get her cannon balling on july 4th. that doesn't sound like a positive cannon. >> cannon ball into an empty pool. >> kind of like a bad breakfast. >> yeah. >> there we go. >> outside this morning, a mild start, 75 already in washington. winds out of the south promise another very warm day today. 74 in stafford and spotsylvania 72 in st. mary's county 72 edgewater by the way, 72 winchester and port royal. future weather as we go through the afternoon, we'll have more than enough sunshine to get temperatures back near 90 degrees. by 2:00 3:00 that's when popcorn variety showers go along. west of the blue ridge by 3:00 or 4:00 not a complete zero rain chance in and around the metro. you could get one. rain chances will continue to
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increase as we get later and later into the day, especially into the evening. there's 7:00 tonight, chance for showers in and around the metro. more rain forming to the south. that will be moving in during the overnight hours tonight. rain chances, everyone has a chance. highest chances remain from montgomery county central poolesvill gaithersburg westbound, leesburg martinsburg. that's where rain chances remain highest. hourly temperatures we should be in the mid-80s by noontime today, 86. near 90 for a high around 4:00. weather impact on your day, on the whole we'll call it low. but it is plenty hot and humid so have extra water, take your shade breaks, wear light colored clothing and try to beat the heat as best you can. a lot of moisture to the north. traveling to pennsylvania and ohio more rain chances there. for us rain chances in southwestern virginia for now. this whole push of moisture going to provide us with a lot of rain as wets into the day tomorrow. so just hit and miss shower
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chances during daylight hours today. tomorrow a lot of rain coming our way. not a big threat for severe weather. we sure could have pockets of heavy rain. some places could get an inch to an inch and a half of rain on monday. so keep in mind the workweek we'll be starting on the wet side. there's your forecast. today will be the last day with a temperature up near 90 degrees for a while. that's welcome news. back into the 80s with cloud and rains tomorrow. then 70s with sunshine later in the week. >> going to feel good. thanks chuck. we are working for you. we put those fitness trackers
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over 20 million kids everyday in our country lack access to healthy food. for the first time american kids are slated to live a shorter life span than their parents. it's a problem that we can turn around and change. revolution foods is a company we started to provide access to healthy affordable, kid-inspired chef-crafted food. we looked at what are the aspects of food that will help set up kids for success? making sure foods are made with high quality ingredients and prepared fresh everyday. our collaboration with citi has helped us really accelerate the expansion of our business in terms of how many communities we can serve. working with citi has also helped to fuel our innovation process
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and the speed at which we can bring new products into the grocery stores. we are employing 1,000 people across 27 urban areas and today, serve over 1 million meals a week. until every kid has built those life-long eating habits, we'll keep working.
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so aware fitness trackers to help stay in shape. >> do you ever wonder how accurate they are? consumer reporter erika gonzalez did and she found out the answers. >> reporter: it's a great time of year to start moving. gain motivation. the results are likely tallied by one of these, fitness trackers. but are they accurate? professor and his team at iowa state test trackers. >> very little information provided by the company about accuracy. that's important to us. >> they tested four monitors
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fitbit flex and mostly sunny fit shine both $100 a price tag of jawbone up24 $130, nike $200. 56 people participated ages to 65. doing activities like working on computer. then 25 minutes of aerobic exercise and 25 minutes using various weight machines. researchers compared the trackers to this mobile machine that measures oxygen consumption to determine calories burned. results show all four trackers either overestimated or underestimated activity. overall he found fitbit flex jawbone up 24 and nike fuelband se provided reasonably estimates for calories burned. fit bit flex and nike fuel band off 17%, jawbone up 24 off by
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18% and misfit off by 24%. let's say trackers tracks 1,000 calories burned. if it's off 18%, that's 108 calorie difference. >> there's some serious technology inside the devices. >> as for aerobic activity the largest error from the misfit shine hov 60%. the biggest problem found in resistance weight machines. >> you're lifting an object with your hands moving fairly slow but you're doing a lot of work. so it's not able to capture that. >> we contacted the manufacturers of the fitness trackers tested. misfit told us iowa state's study conflicts with its own scientific study and believes there are problem with the university's methodology resulting in skewed data. it also questions the way the university recorded calories burned. misfit believes the tracker used in the study was damaged was participants of the study all use the same tracker.
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fitbit told us while there may ab small difference of a few calories between tests, ultimately the success of our products comes from empowering users actually see their overall health fitness trends over time. the other companies did not respond in time for our story. so at the end of the day, does welk think fitness trackers are worth it. >> i think the key to consumer not as much if it's accurate or not in terms of calories but whether it's motivational for them and keeps them accountable. >> as we received comments in the companies received in the study we'll post them on the website. as for news trackers you know what i'm talking about on the market iowa university has another round of testing this summer and it includes the apple watch and latest version of jawbone. talking about apple watch, i have a friend that has it. he says the best thing about the apple watch is the fact it tracks so well his activity. he runs a lot. he works out a lot. he says it's the best device.
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>> make a phone call. >> let you know what's on your twitter feed. >> exactly. >> yes, that's the feedback i got on that. today a good time to go out for a run maybe early in the morning. >> get out there. if i could go running right now i would. >> you can't. you have a show. >> i can't go running until noon. >> all right. that's all for "news 4 today." thanks for joining us. >> we'll see you again at 9:00.
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good morning. tragic loss. >> beauy, i love you. >> vice president joe biden's son beau succumbs to brain cancer at the age of 46. a life dedicated to public service, both in office and in the military. an incredible bond with his father. we remember him as the finest man any of us have ever known. hospitalized. secretary of state john kerry airlifted to switzerland after crashing his bike in france. this morning we'll get you the latest on his condition. breaking their silence. the duggars now say they are ready to talk more than a week after those explosive allegations emerge that their oldest son josh fondled five underage girls when he was a young teen. and seismic start. the summer


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