tv News4 at 5 NBC October 5, 2015 5:00pm-6:01pm EDT
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half million dollars. lynn miller was campaign treasurer for veteran fairfax senator dick saslaw. er created. $653,000 worth in a one-year span from 2013 to 2014 and without the senator's knowledge, the feds say and she funneled the money into separate bank accounts she controlled. the news 4 i team saw the campaign filings in one of the companies miller created, the strayly company. >> we tracked down lynn miller last week to ask about this case and her work for dick saslaw, but she wouldn't comment and saslaw declined to comment, too. prosecutors say miller went a step further to enrich herself and make mortgage payments and covered personal expenses. >> an autism organization that was a non-profit and she funneled the money to herself.
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that part of the story on news 4 at 6:00, but for now, scott macfarlane news 4 i-team and now to the death of a man that got into an alter kagdz with security guards at washington hospital center. the hospital had a news conference today, but there is still some mystery as to what happened. news 4's meagan fitzgerald spoke to an attorney who says it's possible the patient's rights were violated. it all happened last tuesday night at around 5:00. medstar officials say a patient who was not formally discharged walked out of this hospital. he was able to make his way here to the rehabilitation hospital across the street which is where his nurse and a guard there started escorting him back. dr. st. andre is a surgical critical care specialist with medstar washington hospital center. at a press conference earlier he said while the patient was walking back he was confronted by two guards. >> and then the interaction
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occurred which the patient was injured and he was resuscitated there at the scene by his nurse and by a rapid response team. according to this police report the patient became non-compliant and resisted and that's when he was taken to the ground and ended up dying two days later. while we don't know all of the facts surrounding this situation. health care law attorney patrick malone says patients do have the right to discharge themselves. >> hospitals are not prisons and you cannot be held against your will or restrained. >> malone says there are only two exceptions where a patient can be forced to stay. >> a doctor has to decide that you're mentally ill and that you are in immediate danger to yourself or someone else. >> that's something hospital officials did acknowledge, but nevertheless, they're also conducting an internal investigation although two
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security officers are on paid administrative leave. >> they're examining the entire event to see what we could have done better. >> police or hospital officials have released the patient's name. they're telling us that the family is asking for privacy at this time. coming up at 6:00, why it took hospital officials so long to report this incident to the media and if the actions of other employees could be under investigation. back to you. >> thanks, meagan. late developments at the charles severance murder trial in fairfax county. jury selection has ended for the day. lawyers are questioning 100 potential jurors about the hardship of a suspected six-week trial. 52 candidates still remain. he has often interrupted the judge in earlier hearings, but sat quietly today. charles severance is charged with killing three well-known alexandria residents and it could be mid-week before we hear opening statements. >> someone heard gunshots before a car smashed into an apartment
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building and we just learned the identity of the driver who was found dead. this happened at the rochelle hall apartments and news 4's pat collins is live in district heights with what we're learning now about the woman behind the wheel. pat? >> jim, police identified the woman who died in this incident as markia wynn and she's 42 years old from calvert county maryland and police are regarding this as a death investigation and there are puzzling elements here. this is how witnesses tell the story. it was 10:45 saturday night. a woman in the car drives through the parking lot, over the curb and then through this fence here. the car comes to a stop. it backs into the parking lot about 50 feet. witnesses say they heard a gun shot and then the car comes back. back over the curb and then through this lot between these trees it goes over this
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embankment between the power pole and the wire and ends up in that apartment below. this is what the scene looked like when emergency rescue workers got here that night. at one point the car was airborne. inside the car they found ms. winsly. they say she had a gun shot wound to her upper body and thai took her to the hospital where she was later pronounced dead. >> she was the only one that was hurt in this bizarre crash. >> i did talk to a man who was here today when it happened. >> they were hollering saying get out of the building! get out of the building! >> reporter: and you got out of the building. >> damn right. left my cigarette and everything. it was time to go. >> reporter: coming up at 6:00, we'll talk to a friend of the victim. he has some answers, perhaps as to what happened here. now back to you. >> pat collins. a teenager from woodbridge died
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over the weekend when police say he missed a curve in the road and slammed into two other vehicles. jimmy castro rivas hit another sedan and an suv when his car slid on a curved part of the road. it happened saturday evening along telegraph road and the roads were wet on saturday. castro rivas died at the scene and the people in the other beings ha vehicles are expected to be okay. a worker who was hit by a car will have a bit of a financial help in his recovery. someone set up a go fund me page for mike musgrove. he said at some point a driver lost control and slid on the wet road past a coned area before hitting musgrove. a safety truck and the guardrail. that person in the car is facing reckless driving charges. it's being called a once in a thousand-year storm and though the rain is relenting tonight, people in south carolina are not
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yet out of the danger. this is a bird's-eye view of a river in columbia. it rose ten feet in 12 hours and up to two feet of rain fell in some spots and south carolinians are being asked to avoid travel at all costs and observe curfews where they're in place and boil all water before drinking it. the flooding is being blamed for at least nine dead so far in the carolinas. >> meanwhile, we're learning more about the damage to some of the state's infrastructure tonight. >> this video of highway 17 through myrtle beach. it's one of 150 roads and bridges that are closed now because of flooding. south carolina governor nicki hayly warns the waters may run downstream meaning things can get worse for people in those areas. >> right in the middle of the flooding was our own doreen gentzler who was on vacation in kowa, south carolina. >> okay. this is us trying to escape from
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our condo. that's doreen and her husband trekking through nearly knee-deep water when their rental car couldn't go further and she made it safely to the airport and has a number of photos on her facebook page. we'll hear more from doreen on news 4 at 6:00. >> that caused flooding in maryland, too. >> meteorologist doug kammerer is here with our storm team 4 coverage. doug? >> yeah, guys. it does continue to cause minor issues in some of the coastal sections. we've had a lot of flooding over the last couple of days along the chesapeake and this is the pawtuxet river. take a look at this. this is an area that is still recovering from the nor'easter that hit over the weekend. this is halloween point mobile home park in prince frederick, maryland and last night fire fight hers to go over this area to rescue 14 people from flooded homes. it took about two hours to get
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everyone back to safety and higher ground. >> no one there was hurt and there was flooding along the river and you can see, we still have those advisories along the region and a coastal flood advisories and that includes d.c. and alexandria and you will see more flooding tonight around the downtown area and normal areas have flooded. you will most likely flood tonight and even toward annapolis and around the prince frederick area and this is the pawtuxet right here and a flood warning down toward that area and flooding in low-lying area and two feet above normal, so we will see minor flooding across that region and we will start to break out of that pattern. no rain out there right now and just some really nice weather coming in and we need a break from the nor'easter and we'll get one. i have the seven-day forecast coming up. >> thank you. metro ridership on the rails is spiralling downward and that's not good news as the agency tries to balance its budget and keeps your costs low.
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transportation reporter adam tuss is live at the vienna station with a look at the the precarious position metro finds himself in. >> think about this. metro gets most of its revenue from riders. if you're losing riders, then you're losing revenue to run the trains and the busses. the only way to make up the difference would be to raise fares and that could push more riders away and they call it a transit death spiral. . for some riders it's become too much. >> they break down, but you never know because you don't know if it's getting updated so you have to schedule your trip maybe an hour or two just to get around. >> reporter: natasha frye, one of the many irritated and metro is finding that over the last five years as fares have steadily gone up and the quality of service has gone down, tens of thousands are staying away. natasha can relate. >> sometimes you have to wait maybe 20 minutes to get on and it's frustrating at times.
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>> take a look at this graphic and you can see the trend headed in the wrong direction, starting in 2010 where 750,000 trips a day were getting taken, we are now under 720,000. >> reporter: you're wondering if you will find a seat. these days, plenty of empty seats as ridership drops. the problem larger for metro because it relies on riders for revenue to run trains and busses and if there is a shortfall, a fare increase may be the only solution and that could push more riders away. still, people like james wilson, the train is the only way. >> with it it's really hard to stay into the district. >> it's looking for ways to increte revenue watt a sharing services and we'll introduce you to a rider has made the dumb,
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thank you adam. >> all hell broke loose and that's what am track riders are saying about their trip on a train and what shook up wle la pulled a u-turn into without signali signaling. >> hundreds of crashes involving bikes and cars every year. and you could be traveling through some of the most dangerous intersections every day. >> the news 4 i-team reveals the list. and a lowdown, dirty crook. a pick pocket set his sights on a pick pocket set his sights on someone who couldn't fight back.
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my favorite. bad news. the johnsonville factory burned down brian. it's terrible. well if you can't serve tasty sausage why are we even a family? i may as well move out. well, if that's what yo... you're right. i'll stay. and tomorrow we're going to help johnsonville rebuild that factory. i'll take dinner in my room, with chocolate milk. make pasta tastier with johnsonville italian sausage. we don't make sausage. we make family. and sausage.
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two big stories in d.c. sports tonight. a big win and a firing for the redskins that huge last-minute victory over the eagles while a nationals disappointment ends with a major shake-up today. we have team coverage for you tonight. jason pugh is out at the park with the redskins and we begin with carol maloney at nats park where manager matt williams is out. >> reporter: yeah. it's a move that surprised no one today. matt williams was fired.
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it was a fresh start that was deemed was needed and such high expectations followed by such a disappointing season and matt williams and his entire coaching staff let go today. matt williams being let go after two seasons and it's his first and only managing job in the majors and the replacement at the big-league level is now a priority according to the nats' gm mike rizzo. >> we're looking for some person that has some type of experience at the managing experience at the level and we're hoping to win a championship in the very near future. >> reporter: coming up at 6:00, we'll dig deeper into the list of possible replacements for matt williams. drawing the long straw, jason pew. he is live at redskins park with a victory monday press conference with jay gruden.
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>> reporter: hey, carol. a much happier at nats park and everyone is buzzing about the victory yesterday over the eagles and the performance from redskins starting quarterback kirk cousins. he led the team back to victory in that ball game yesterday. cousins was just outstanding on that final offensive drive and 15 plays, 90 yards. the result, that game-winning catch by receiver pierre garzon. he had two touchdowns in this game and that could go a long way in this quarterback's psyche. >> it's important especially for future games to give him the confidence and give the team the confidence that we can do this. we're not out of this. this isn't a here we go again. this is a let's go do it and it's great to have that experience and to now back it up with some history. i think it's awesome for him and his confidence and for the team in general. never give up and always feel like we have a chance to in back.
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>> the disappointing news here at the park and jordan reed injured yesterday in that victory. reed has been banged up a lot in his career and he sprained his acl and ankle and he suffered a concussion. reed has had four concussions that have been diagnosed since his college playing days and also here at redskins park and i'll tell you all about that and their visit coming up on news 4 at 6:00. from ashburn, i'm jason pugh, news 4 sports. a salmonella outbreak is widening. the centers for disease control is looking into cases in other states and no official word, but the chain has locations in new york and chicago. here in washington, as many as 150 people got sick after eating at the fig & olive at city center. 20 other cases were reported at the chain's location in west hollywood. at least three people have filed lawsuits. former usa lacrosse player a
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krouzed of killing his girlfriend takes his appeal to the highest court in the land. a virginia task force arrives in south carolina to help during historic flooding. we'll tell you what is their biggest asset that can help during their mission. and if you have a professional profile on linkedin, linkedin
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here at the live desk we are getting video of a police cruiser that ran into a fire truck in the district. take a look, this happened just a short time ago on quarter street in northwest d.c. we are told the police officer did have some injuries. they had to rush him to the hospital, but he is expected to be okay, but this did go beyond just the police car and the fire truck. there were also several other cars that were involved in that crash. at the live desk, i'm chris lawrence. >> and now your storm team 4 forecast. >> oh, and that forecast for you, well it just has nice weather over the last couple of days and that is really it and say good-bye to the nor easter and say good-bye to the wind. say good-bye to the wind and the cooler temperatures, kind of. tonight will be pretty chilly and take a look at the potomac and a really nice shot and clear skies and not a cloud in the sky or almost no clouds in the sky
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and the only thing we'll worry about with the potomac is higher water with coastal flood advisory for areas that normally flood. so we're not going to see a big-time flood and we are going to see areas that normally flood flood overnight tonight. 67 degrees and winds out of the northeast at 9 miles an hour and we just can't get rid of the northeasterly wind and it will be changing and because of that the temperatures will start to go up. still nice outside and it's on the cool side and 65 in fredericksburg and right now 66 over toward mart iinsburg and we're not going to see rain through the next four to five days and here's what's happening. you can see some cloud cover trying to move in and this is overnight last night and we had the clouds last night and down during the afternoon we stted to see clearing skies. the clouds just down to our south. look at the rain and down here toward portions of the carolinas here and over the last 24 hours and south carolina has just been inundated with that rain and it's the past 48 hours. look at this, places in south
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carolina 26.88 inches and this is close to columbia, south carolina and very close to myrtle beach is at 21.63 inches in gills creek, south carolina at 28.3 inches and we've seen the pictures of the extensive flooding and we'll tell you over and over again never drive through flooded roadways and take a look at this guy this is down to south carolina and he's going into a raging river. you can see some guys stuck in it and he tris to make it through and this does not happen. fortunately, this guy was saved by a good samaritan and both had to be saved by a rescue squad. that goodness they were able to get out okay. once again, someone trying to drive through flooded roadways. >> i mentioned for us, our only concern is the coastal flooding that we've got. it will be the cool numbers and look at the lows, 44 in gaithersburg and 45 in kull pepper and 52 in d.c. starting off on a very cold note tomorrow, but here's the best
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part of the forecast. hour by hour tomorrow, we'll warm up nicely. 56, cool by 8:00 and 69, close to 70 with sunshine for noon and get outside tomorrow afternoon and make sure you can eat lunch outdoors and then again at 4:00, we're looking at 76 degrees and 81 degrees as we head toward 8:00 tomorrow night. the next four days nothing, but beautiful skies. 79 on your tuesday. 79 on thursday and most likely friday evening. if you have plans friday night you may see some rain, but friday during the day will be dry. ahead of that front we'll get to 80 degrees behind that front. amelia segal has the numbers coming up for you in the seven-day forecast and she'll have that in just a couple of minutes. >> now at 5k clo, a local task force is in south carolina, why there's no time line for their return. >> a pick pocket takes advantage of the elderly. we'll share more of this video that could help catch a
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now at 5:30, body cameras are a hot-button issue for police all over the country and starting next week some school resource officers in our area will be using them while patrolling schools. >> as news 4's derrick ward reports it's part of a pilot program in montgomery county with the council's backing. >> reporter: they're everywhere.
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surveillance cameras of one kind or another and they're in schools, too. body cameras are in three of montgomery county's school resource offices and it's a way to protect citizens and officers against each other's abuses and you're not supposed to turn them on yet at the school. >> body cameras in school, maybe. >> at no time did any superintendent or any other school official make any comment to me about any resistance to having cameras in the schools. never have, and in fact, but they did have questions. >> as do council members. >> this is a great opportunity for us to figure out steps are. >> we'll see the tapes. >> official say the data from the cameras will be treated like juvenile school records, closely guarded and requiring court records to release and any access will leave a traceable electronic trail. what do parents and others think about the idea. >> i understand the privacy of the issue, but i think that the
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way that these cameras can do such a service in really seeing what's going on, i think is much more, you know, important. >> my opinion, i think, yeah. i would say i would welcome it. >> school and police officials point out this is still a pilot program and three months into their learning curve. county council members were comfortable enough with what they heard to take the next step in this test program. >> as it stands now, by monday the three school resource officers wearing body cameras will be able to turn them on inside the schools when there is an interaction with students and by next spring more than 1,000 county montgomery police officers will have them on the streets in general. in rockville, derrick ward, news 4. the supreme court's new term will want feature a high-profile murder case involving the uva lacrosse player. george hugly is serving 23 years for killing yardly love in 2010.
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hughley and love were both lacrosse players at the time. he argued he didn't get a fair trial because a lead attorney got sick during a critical part of testimony and the judge refused to delay. hughley is from chevy chase and graduated from the landen school in bethesda. developing right now, people across south carolina are bracing for more flooding. several dams have broken, threatening to swell the waters again after a record two feet of rain in some places over the weekend. the weather channel's reynolds wolf is downstream from one of those dams near columbia. >> reporter: that's right, pat and jim. i am coming to you from the catherine lake area just outside of columbia, south carolina, and the rain has continued to come down. we have crazy movement here. we've got it, of course, in the vertical of the raindrops and we also have it horizontal and people are moving across this stretch of portobello road and quail lane. quail lane goes across that
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bridge and that bridge goes across that expanse that we call gill's creek. we have rain that fell over this area and the water has been receding a bit, however we heard just a short time ago that susquee dam farther up the street might have been compromised. what's interesting is we'll go over here on this side and we'll see this one large home and partially -- you'll notice the bricks have a different color, from mid-window down it's a bit darker and from mid window up it's a bit brighter and that is the water line. i'm kind of a tall guy. the water was over my head at one point and it has since receded and with the threat of the other dam breaking we may have the water rise back up again and it's a day for a lot of people and going into their homes trying to salvage things from medication to petfood and things like socks, t-shirts and things like that. the thing is eventually this
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water is going to recede and the skies will clear up by mid-week and they'll warm up a bit and then people will go to the other phase and it will be the recovery and restoration and that is going to be a pretty tall order for all of the people that called this great area home. let's send it back to the studio. >> meanwhile, a local search and rescue team has a riefred in south carolina to help with the flood response there and the death toll in the state has risen to nine. tens of thousands still without power and water and evacuations are expected to continue even as those rains subside. news 4's mark segraves is here with more on our local rescue team that's helping out. mark? >> virginia task force 1 was deployed to south carolina last night and they are right now coordinating with local and federal officials in the charlest charlestoniary. i just got off the phone with the manager of the team and they're basing their operations in the town of manning, south carolina and they're going to begin operations within the next few hours. >> the biggest asset that we'll take with us here will be the
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water resources. we have flat water boats as well as swift water boats that we're taking with us and we have the swift water team embedded with our team to perform the rescues and searches in the water. based on the past few days of flooding. with more evacuations expected, the members of virginia task force 1 are prepared to work around the clock to help south carolina recover from rainfall that has been historic. >> we haven't seen this level of rain in the low country in a thousand years. that's how big this is. >> reporter: as well as deadly. >> we are, unfortunately, now at nine weather-related fatalities. >> reporter: at least 11 county ins south carolina are feeling the pain of the flooding. families rescued from their flooded homes by boat. a mother and her baby plucked from their rooftop by a coast guard helicopter and despite warning to stay off the roads -- >> the roads are still unsafe. a lot of them have been
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undermined by the flooding and so the road may look perfect on top, if you drive across it it could collapse. we've had that happen to our rescue crews. >> the 85 members of virginia task force one are now in the charleston area. they're prepared to stay for as long as it takes. >> we tell the guys don't look at the calendar. plan on going and when it's over we'll come home. so we plan on ten days. if it turns into 21. >> task force one takes enough supplies to be fully self-sufficient for up to two weeks. the team manager tells me all 85 members of the team will begin search migs this evening and they'll work in shifts after that rotating so some can sleep while the others perform the search and rescue efforts. members of these teams never know when they could get called up. many members of virginia task force one were on duty when the call came in and they went directly from work to this deployment. pat and jim? >> mark segraves, thanks, mark. >> we want to show you
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surveillance video. police are hoping you can look at this and help them track down a brazen pickpocket. it happened on the terrace, saturday, september 12th and you can see a man walk up to a person using a walker. police say he took something from the woman and then walked off. >> if you have any information give d.c. police a call. hundreds of crashes between bikes and cars, they happen every year. still ahead tonight, the news 4 i-team reveals the list of the most dangerous intersections. >> the search for a missing cargo ship takes a grim turn.
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the coast guard found debris and the body of a crew member from that missing cargo ship near the bahamas and crews are still searching for survivors. the el faro lost transmission somewhere near crooked island in the middle of hurricane joaquin. coast guard officials say the body they found is unidentifiable and there were no signs of survivors near the lifeboat. the el faro had 33 people onboard including 28 americans. the two areas where crews are focusing is a combined 370 square nautical miles. they were able to abandon ship, it would have been in challenging conditions and the category 4 level storm where they might have been a life raft or in the water directly sfloot coast guard says the el faro has two lifeboats and 46 life suits
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onboard. they've only found a handful. after the flooding problems here, anyone in st. mary's county maryland should avoid water near a waste water pumping station. we are told the main from that sanitary sewer broke, causing an overflow. this is along piney point road in st. george island. county officials tell us you should avoid any contact withstanding water around the st. george island waste water pumping station for ten days. a doctor and mother are found dead. find out what we just learned about the person who initially tried to get help. i'm julie carey in fairfax county. we are learning more about a man accused of shooting into office buildings and banks. this is a list of what they found in his car. coming up, i'll tell you about all of the firepower that was there. >> chilly tomorrow morning with mainly clear skies. temperatures will be in the 40s and low 50s, but overall warmer than today. i'll let you know by how much
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to a developing story out of new england where a derailment has knowledge inned seven people. it's the vermonter that travels here to the district and it had just started the 14-hour journey when it derailed south of montpelier. you can see what appears to be rocks on the tracks from a passenger's photo. chris lawrence is at the live desk with some new reaction. chris? >> yeah, pat. vermont's governor is calling this a freak of nature and passengers say they can feel something hitting the train before, quote, all hell broke loose. one locomotive and one passenger
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car wound up going off the tracks and over an embankment. the train had about 98 people onboard and seven of them were hurt including one person who had to be airlifted to a nearby hospital. the other his neck, back and shoulder pain. one passenger says he found the train conductor looked like he was in shock. >> i threw him on my back and he held on to my neck like this, and i just told him to hold on and just balance yourself, like, just stay in line so i can get us out of here. >> this happened on a line that runs out of vermont and it cuts through massachusetts and new york and heads down here to d.c. federal records show the railway that operates that stretch of tracks has had 54 accidents in the past nine years. they say four of those accidents on the new england central railroad involved debris being on the tracks. jim? >> chris, new details are coming out tonight about a man just charged with shooting into herndon office buildings. news 4 has learned that man
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worked for one of the companies he shot up. bureau chief scombruly carey joins us live from the fairfax county courthouse with documents that reveal he was driving around with an arsenal in his car. julie? >> well, an assault rifle with three fully loaded magazines, just some of the victims that officers found in the silver audi. these court documents shedding light on what he was accused of doing and he w buying new weapons as early as a few weeks ago. the gun shot shattered office building windows during the night, alarming workers who discovered broken glass the next morning. most of the companies tech companies off the dulles road, although two banks have also been hit. last night matthew malcarney was arrested and charged with several of the shootings. they describe him as a low-level employee at mantech. the company's herndon office was hit twice and he is also
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suspected of damaging a rooftop satellite there. this is the long list of items that investigators seized from his home, a shotgun, two handguns, 22 boxes of ammunition and four magazines. there was also a silencer and something called the improvised munitions handbook. in malacarney's car more firepower, an assault rifle with fully loaded magazines, another rifle, a handgun, 10 boxes of ammunition and three magazines. it started in july and continued into september with malacarney buying new weapons as recently as september 5th. the investigation shows how most of the bullet holes in the buildings seemed to come from a small-caliber weapon, not the assault rifle. no one was injured. i checked in with fairfax county police, but they say they can't comment on these new details because their investigation continues. ahead at 6:00, how the suspect got into his office overnight and what he did once he was
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inside. reporting live from fairfax county, i'm julie carey, news 4. >> frightening information. so nice to see the sun again today, but over the weekend, what a mess. >> yes. we had ten consecutive days where we were mostly cloudy to cloudy and that's not even talking about the rain the area received and ocean city really feeling the wind, the effects of high surf there. here's video we have from over the weekend and veronica johnson was down there and speaking with officials you can see this is sand there and officials saying the biggest impact were the winds bringing sand inland into parts of ocean city and they were dealing with flooded streets and high surf. lickly today we transitioned to better weather and we're talking about warm days and chilly nights and the next chance of rain will arrive friday evening and stick around saturday morning, but for most of the weekend it is looking mainly dry right now and that could change and stick with storm team 4 as
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we continue to get more information in and update the forecast. tomorrow the weather having a low impact on your day and it will be a chilly morning and definitely want to the grab the jacket and with plenty of sunshine we'll warm up nicely and highs tomorrow in the low to mid-70s. right now we're at 67 degrees and you can see barely a cloud in the sky in the background there. so very dry air is over our area and with that, temperatures are going to drop quickly tonight as the sun goes down so walking the dog, definitely want to have the jacket tonight, as well and 9:00 we're in the 50s and 11:00 p.m. and a chilly 57 degrees at the bus stop tomorrow morning and 52 degrees from 7:00 to 8:00 a.m. as we work our way toward 9:00 a.m. we will warm up with the temperature at 60 degrees at that point. >> highs tomorrow generally in the mid-07s and gaithersburg, a bit cooler at 74 and leesburg, a high temperature of 76 and we continue to warm on wednesday with a high of 79. wednesday, a good day to have
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lunch outdoors and also something you might want to do this week is get the car washed especially tomorrow. that next chance of rain arrives friday night. here's the latest report and you can find this on my facebook and twitter pages and starting to see some color change in our area back in patrick, loudoun and fauquier counties and a little bit more color happening in the panhandle of west virginia and far western maryland. thursday, a high temperature of 75 so still a little bit above the average high for this time of year which is now 71 degrees and friday looking to be the warmest day out of the workweek. clouds will increase throughout the day on friday. it could be a bit breezy toward the afternoon hours and by your friday evening there is a chance of rain into saturday morning. by saturday afternoon we should be dry, breezy, but noticeably cooler. look at the high on saturday, 68 degrees and a big temperature drop there and we'll recover nicely on sunday and plenty of sun and high of 74 on monday and temps in the mid-70s with mostly sunny skies, jim and pat.
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>> thanks, amelia. >> it was a deadly summer for bikers with montgomery and howard counties. here in the district, 20 p/eed petteds and cyclists die every year. city leaders are trying to fiebdz out why some interseks are more risky and how to make them safer. tonight scott macfarlane and the news 4 i-team show you if your ride is in the danger zone. ♪ >> in the nation's capital, it's almost a hurried, frenzied commute. the people spinning their wheels and 15,000 bikers hitting the pavement each day, 124,000 drivers sharing the road sometimes gets too close for comfort. some frustrated commuters even posting their rough rides online including cyclists getting what's called doored. >> it was a split second. i didn't have the time to react in the way that i would have hoped. >> biker amy rossato survived a
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collision on a road she's ridden hundreds of times. >> unfortunately, a driver wasn't looking and pulled a u-turn into me without signaling. >> sending her over the hood and smashing her left wrist and tearing ligaments and muscles and the road did not have a bike lane, along with 93% of d.c. streets. >> there are certainly intersections that have a much higher crash rate than any other place in the city. >> a lack of a bike lane could be a contributing factor with the bicycling association. he says there's blame to go around. >> speed, distraction, noncompliance with the law and that's the responsibility that falls on everybody. >> it's something the news 4 i-team cameras easily caught, bikers running red lights and drivers blocking bike lanes pushing cyclists out into traffic. the i-team got its hands on d.c. bike reports since 2015 and we
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created this map, more than 1400 incidents and it happens all around d.c. and we found most happening in districts one, two and three. >> we need better designed streets that keep people safe. when people make mistakes, we all make mistakes, but they're not deadly. >> we need better cross walks. we need perhaps timing on the lights. >> she organized a group of advocates and city officials who spent the summer visiting busy intersections. >> we don't quite have a plan here. so we come here and put all of the ideas on the table. >> locations deemed by d.c.'s department of transportation are some of the most dangerous and in wisconsin avenue in georgetown. 14th and u. first street and union station plaza in northeast, minnesota avenue and bening road and new york avenue and bening road. >> we have a lot of sideswipes and shea used that information to introduce the now bicycle and safety acts. >> i want to bother ddot and say
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have you done this? have you done that? >> d.c.'s department of transportation has set goals, including setting new bike lanes. >> her name's bruiser. she's lived to see another day. after surgery and months of physical therapy. >> i think it's likely that we'll see some positive change. >> you can check the i-team on-line map of every bike accident that's checked in d.c. in 2013, 2014 and 2015. by clicking on each one, you can see the date, time of day and location of each accident. scott macfarlane, news 4 i-team. that's an eye opener. we've also posted information from ddot and find it all on the nbc washington app under investigations. a dermatologist found dead in manhattan and now three children are without a mother. we've just learned what played a role in her death. the full report coming up. all new at 6:00 tonight, d.c. has a reputation for high
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for a payout and it set out invitations to join, but linkedin sent reminder emails and something they did not consent to and it's costing linkedin big time. >> we are learning about a mysterious death in manhattan. a 38-year-old doctor found unconscious on her doorway over the weekend. >> the doctor had been using cocaine inside the apartment just moments before she was rushed to the hospital. catherine craig talked to neighbors. >> reporter: investigators spent all day sunday outside there 16th street building after a woman was found unconscious inside this doorway. >> everybody is up in arms. >> gil davidson woke up to police and to questions. they said have you ever seen this woman? i said no. have you ever seen this guy? no. do you know anybody who lives in
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that building? >> davidson says investigators showed her and other naeshs a picture of this woman. moments after kiersten cerveny was a doctor and lived on long island and may have been visiting someone in the building. someone had told us that it ended up being that this woman had died here and it was just very shocking to all of us. >> cerveny was discovered at 8:30 sunday morning and police were called and an ambulance was waved down by a man, and he left the scene and investigators took finger prins and evidence from the building as neighbors looked on with questions. >> a lot that they've been asking is what goes on around that time is people walking dogs and a few joggers. the whole thing is very strange. >> again, those new details from w nbc. sources tell them the doctor became ill using cocaine before her death. the doctor's boyfriend took her down to the vestibule and ran upstairs before ems arrived.
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police will only say that they are still looking for suspects. now at 6:00, the death toll rises as new pictures of the devastation emerge. tonight we're live on the ground in the historic flooding in the carolinas. >> we'll hear from some of the passengers on the amtrak train that derailed on its way to the district. what we just learned about the frantic moments onboard that train. >> a confrontation involving a patient at a local hospital and new questions about the scuffle with security and why it took nearly a week for the information to be made public. first tonight, though, a fairfax woman has been charged with a bold scheme against a powerful local politician. >> she's accused of profiting from an autism charity she helped create and then ripping off the campaign of one of virginia's most powerful state leaders for more than half a million dollars. scott macfarlane and the news 4 i-team broke the story and he joins us with the developments.
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>> the woman is lynn miller, a well-known figure in northern virginia politics and the feds have charged her with fraud and accused her of being a crook who made off with more than $1 million in just the past few years. >> outside her home on a wooded, secluded street we tracked down linda wallace, also known as lynn miller last week before the charges were officially filed against her when the news 4 i-team learned she was being investigated. she wouldn't talk about the case against her. >> call my lawyer. >> miller helped create an autism organization in 2010 purporting, in their words, to be a non-profit. the community college consortium on autism and intellectual disabilities. prosecutors say miller funneled money into bank accounts she controlled and used it on food expenses and her mortgage. her fairfax home is listed for sale. real estate photos show you inside including t
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