tv News4 at 6 NBC October 5, 2015 6:00pm-7:01pm EDT
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joins us with the developments. >> the woman is lynn miller, a well-known figure in northern virginia politics and the feds have charged her with fraud and accused her of being a crook who made off with more than $1 million in just the past few years. >> outside her home on a wooded, secluded street we tracked down linda wallace, also known as lynn miller last week before the charges were officially filed against her when the news 4 i-team learned she was being investigated. she wouldn't talk about the case against her. >> call my lawyer. >> miller helped create an autism organization in 2010 purporting, in their words, to be a non-profit. the community college consortium on autism and intellectual disabilities. prosecutors say miller funneled money into bank accounts she controlled and used it on food expenses and her mortgage. her fairfax home is listed for sale. real estate photos show you inside including the theater in
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the home. the feds don't say what, if any work the organization did on behalf of student, but they did say miller continued to commit fraud in 2013, serving as campaign treasurer for virginia senate minority leader dick saslaw of fairfax. they say she wrote 73 fraudulent checks from the campaign without the senator's knowledge to bank accounts she controlled including to a shell company, the feds say called the traily company. the i-team had been investigating miller's campaign filings and saw the campaign books listing those expenses. no company from senator saslaw or the defense attorney. she's expected to appear in court and that's federal court in alexandria, virginia. >> she's in trouble. >> facing a felony. it started with a tip to the i-team, we invite you to visit our nbc washington app and click on investigations. >> now to the historic flooding in the carolinas. the rain is starting to let up down there, but the death toll
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is rising. tonight, 11 people are known dead. nine in south carolina and two in north carolina, and tebs of thousands of people are without power or clean drinking water tonight. all of this comes amid new evacuations. rescuers are going door to door to search for people trapped in their homes and the national guard has deployed 1300 troops in what's being called a 1,000-year rain, vent and nbc's jay gray is in columbia, south carolina with the latest there, jay? >> hi there, doreen and the rain has stopped and the problems have not. they are still fighting floodwaters and then communities like this one that are dealing with the problems those floodwaters left behind. south carolina is still under water right now historic flooding that's tossed aside cars and torn away roads,
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bridges and dams and swallowed communities from the coasts to the midlands. >> we are continuing rescue and evacuation operations throughout the state. in the columbia area alone from the weekend through today there have been more than 150 swift water rescues and first responders expect that number to climb. the national guard has moved in to help with the ongoing effort in the flood zone, focusing their attention in the columbia area where the water has had an effect on just about everyone and everything. >> our infrastructure is compromised. one of the most severe issues, water. not the flood levels that continue to climb, but the public water system that's been compromised, leaving thousands without usable water. the situation so dire, fire teams continue to pump tens of thousands of gallons of water into area hospitals. >> we will continue to provide the water to the hospitals as long as we can sustain it and we just don't know how long we can sustain that. >> reporter: fire fighters and
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water system like most everyone here pushed to their limits, but the struggle for many is still far from over. >> when it finally does stop raining and the floods recede then we have to deal with the incredib incredible amounts of property damage that i'm sure will total into the billions. we have a lot of work to do, but we're doing it together. >> the same way that so many to this point have survived this historic storm. and back live now, you can see this roadway ripped apart by floodwaters after a dam gave way. the scenes like this are playing out across the carol kales right now and in communities like this. what we've seen a lot is neighbors helping neighbors, doreen. that effort will be put on hold as we resume dusk to dawn curfew for the second night in a row here. >> hard to do anything after the sun goes down. jay, you're our man on the scene on all natural disasters. how does this compare to the others. >> reporter: it is overwhelming
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because it is so widespread here. we are talking about almost the entire state that is dealing with the flooding here and we're talking about thousands of families that have been pushed from their homes and many of them only with the clothes on their backs and losing everything they have to leave behind. it is overwhelming and one of the worst i've seen. >> jay gray reporting from columbia, south carolina, thank you. >> a search and rescue team is in south carolina trying to help with flood rescues and virginia task force one arrived in manning today and that's between charleston and columbia. >> that team consists of 85 people and four dogs and they took 59,000 pounds of equipment with them. coming up at 6:30, a closer look at the critical role this team will play in the recovery. >> crews are scouring the atlantic ocean near the bahamas and they're trying to find any survivors from a missing cargo ship. the coast guard believes that the ship called the el faro sank after it was caught in hurricane joaquin last week. 33 people, most of them
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americans were onboard. >> three more crew members were identified today. jeremy rimes, steven schultz and keith griffin. the mother of danielle randolph says she got an email from her daughter before that ship disappeared. >> there was a hurricane out here and we are heading straight into it, love to everyone. >> she always said to me if anything happens to me out at sea, mom, it's okay. i died doing what i want to do. >> the coast guard says the debris field from that spans 225 square miles. we've seen a lot of significant weather over the past week with hurricane joaquin and major flooding toward the carolinas and with the nor'easter all up and down the coast to maine and a lot of coastal flooding could be the concern tonight in parts of our area and let's take a look at the radar and this is over the last 48 hours and look at the
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rain and this is a tropical moisture feed coming through charleston and columbia, south carolina and it just sits there for two days and this was forecast and the national weather service put out forecasts of upward of 20 to 25 inches and that's exactly what they got here. here it is today and this was early this morning and it was still coming down heavily into portions of north carolina. now starting to relax a little bit as far as the rain is concerned and still seeing shower activity and the heaviest rain is now gone, but look at that moisture plume coming into charleston and columbia. how much rain did they see there. this is just some of the totals and this is very close to columbia and 26.88 inches and gill's creek around 20.28. we've already seen how much damage around the gill's creek area that we have seen. as far as our weather is concerned, we have something different moving in and something we haven't seen in a while. i'll get to that forecast in a minute. new at the live desk, we are hearing from passengers who help
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people get out of the wreckage when that train derailed in vermont this morning. first, we have new details about the victims and 98 passengers were onboard with crew members. seven of them got hurt including three of the crew members. passengers are describing how they help elderly people climb out and one man had to rescue the conductor. all of the most able-bodied people kind of adopted an older person and we got them off the train tracks and out. >> he held on to my neck like this, and i just told him to hold on and just balance yourself, like, just stay in line so i can get us out of here. this was amtrak's vermonter train which leaves from st. almond in the northern part of the state and then heads down to d.c. federal records show the railway that operates that stretch of track has had 54 accidents in the past nine years. right now the ntsb is investigating the crash.
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passengers say it was going 50 miles an hour when it derailed. doreen? >> chris lawrence, thank you. >> a patient died after a confrontation with two hospital gaurts. it happened almost a week ago, but tonight there are questions about what happened. meagan fitzgerald is live outside the washington hospital center where the investigation is still in the early stages. meagan? >> reporter: doreen, a lot of unanswered questions about how this patient died and how he got into altercation in the first place, but p.d. is investigating and as more details, merge it's possible that more employees can come under scrutiny. >> what happened on the campus of the medstar washington hospital center last tuesday eaching is something officials here are calling a tragedy. >> the patient under our care suffered a tragic interaction with two of our security personnel. at a press conference today, dr.
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andre said it happened when a patient got out of the hospital without being discharged. he was spotted at the rehabilitation help across the street and they were walking him back when things got physical. in the way they were met by two of our security officers and an interaction occurred which the patient was injured. he was resuscitated there at the scene by his nurse. >> dr. andre admits most patients have the right to discharge themselves, but he wouldn't explain why this particular patient was restrained and how he ended up dying two days later. while the case was immediately given to mpd to investigate, he says they hesitated for days since going public. >> the family made it very clear to us that their desire was to keep this private. >> what isn't private is that the actions of two hospital employees are now under scrutiny and dr. andre says there could be more.
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>> the security officers from the hospital center were put on administrative leave, and we began and are continuing our own investigation. >> reporter: now the name of this patient has not yet been released. the hospital says the official cause of death will come from the medical examiner's office once that autopsy is complete. jim? >> thanks, meagan. it could be a few days, maybe thursday, before opening statements are made in the charles severance murder trial. lawyers today were questioning 100 potential jurors telling them about the hardship of what could be a six-week trial. severance has often interrupted the judge in earlier hearings, but today he sat quietly in the courtroom. severance is charged with killing three well-known alexandria residents over a 10-year span. next, new fallout after a charity hospital in afghanistan is bombed in an apparent u.s.
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u.s. officials say there are now three invest galgzs under way into the bombing of a hospital in afghanistan. that hospital was run by the humanitarian group called doctors without borders. coalition air strikes killed at least 22 people in that hospital on saturday. military officials said at first that the strikes were in support of u.s. forces who came under fire by the taliban. today at the pentagon, commander of the u.s. forces in afghanistan corrected that and said afghan forces requested the air support. >> an air strike was called in to eliminate at that time taliban threat and several civilians were struck. >> severe violation of humanitarian law. >> the president expects a full accounts of what transpired. >> investigations are under way by the pentagon, nato and by a joint team of u.s. and afghan military officials. doctors without borders is accusing the u.s. of war crimes and demanding an outside investigation.
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hillary clinton promised tougher rules on buying guns today if she is elected president and she got a little emotional talks about mothers who have lost children to gun violence. steve handelsman is live on capitol hill. >> this issue changes the subject from benghazi and hillary clinton stands out in a positive way. >> reporter: hillary clinton says tougher gun laws could help cut america's death toll from firearms, 10 those a year. >> we have got to keep guns out of the hands of people who should not have them? she promises executive action to require background checks for all private sales. at 40% of guns were sold. gun shows is, online sales. we need to close that loophole. >> and she would push to allow lawsuits against gun manufacturers without victims that congress passed in 2005. clinton's voice cracked praising
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moms like nicole hochman who pushed for stronger gun laws. >> and have tried to be the voices that we need to hear. >> the issue sets clinton apart from all of the republicans running and from democrat bernie sanders who has a mixed record on guns and leads in new hampshire where clinton was today. >> hillary, if i can call you that. >> or you can call me val. >> clinton played val the bartend or saturday night. >> i wish you could be president. >> me, too. >> now she's pushing tougher gun control as a female. >> who could be more of an outsider than a woman president. >> and what she says she would do. bernie sanders up here voted against the brady bill that began background checks in the early 1990s and senator sanders would be willing to vote to end the so-called gun show loophole.
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i'm steve handelsman, news 4. >> thanks, steve. there will be no classes at umpqua community college in oregon until next week, but the campus was open today to students who want to talk to counselors about the mass shooting that happened there last thursday. a heavily armed student killed his writing instructor and eight other people. the father of one of the survivors says his daughter is too traumatized to even talk in public about what happened. he related her description of the shooting to nbc's miguel almaguer. >> she said, daddy, all of a sudden i heard a horrible bang. she then heard another lady say to the shooter i'm so sorry for what you've gone through, and he said -- as lacy would say, and i quote, i'll bet you are, but it's not good enough and with that he shot her. >> the pastor's daughter sat in church with another survivor, a
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young man. the gunman had told that young man that he picked him to live, and he gave him a hard drive to give to the police. back home, there's new video that's been released showing an elderly woman getting robbed. d.c. police are hoping someone will recognize this guy seen here. the video was taken in a parking garage of a giant grocery store on connecticut avenue in northwest d.c. last month. the guy appears to be trying to help the woman with her walker. in fact, police say, he stole from her. >> the district's booming economy means good news for thousands of taxpayers that hit lower to middle income workers is going to drop by as much to 30%. tom sherman has our report. catholic university, vocational career training includes ceramic trial work, and they know each student is trying
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to get ahead, but it's tough. >> it's getting very expensive to make ends meet and it's never enough. >> it's lower and moderate income citizens that could put hundreds of thousands of dollars in their pockets next year. and the good news for working men and women is that we're continuing to reduce the income tax burden for them. >> growing tax revenues means the city can cut tax rates and not just a little for those earning 25,000 to 50,000, the tax cut is 34% this year and 17% for those earning up to 75,000. overall it's a tax cut of 8% for all taxpayers except the most wealthy who will pay slightly more. the district, unfortunately, continues to have this reputation which dates back a couple of decades and we have the highest tax jurisdiction and that's not true. >> nicky mackenzie teaches financial literacy for the planning organization and she knows saving is tough.
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>> because it's never with extra money and because there's no extra money and they need to have some in reserve. >> what about yvette sorrow? >> i will save it. >> does every dime count? >> every dime does count. >> why? >> because either you need to steal to pay paul to make things work. >> reporter: the tax breaks go into effect right away. in the district, tom sherwood, news 4. so how could this affect you? we posted the entire plan on the nbc washington app and it shows you just how much full implementation can benefit you and your family. just search tax reform. new details are emerging about a man arrested for shooting into office building and we'll tell you about what was found in his car and about one of the sites that he shot sdwloo there was a gun shot and the woman's car ends up airborne over this embankment and into that apartment. why was she here?
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only along the coast. we didn't see a whole lot of rain and we didn't see any rain flooding or from areas of heavy rain. wh we did see was tidal flooding and this is one of the areas today along the pawtuxet river and this is the scene at the mobile home park in prince frederick and along the pawtuxet river. last night firefighters had to go into this area and rescued 14 people from flooded homes and it took over two hours to get everybody out of there, but they were out safe and we'll see a repeat of that as far as flooding is concerned again later tonight, most likely. head's up for that if you live in an area that has flooded over the last couple of days and it will most likely flood tonight into tomorrow morning. looking off toward the east and here is the brand new station as you make your way into tun and 20 minutes at 6:45 and temperature of 65 degrees and we still have the northeasterly flow. we have to see the tidal departures go down and before we
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can see the temperatures go up and that will be during the day tomorrow and much better news tomorrow and 64 in fredericksburg and it's on the cool side. no clouds around the region and we saw sunshine today and we're not talking about rain around our area and you can see some rain and cloud cover going out. the clouds coming in courtesy of the nor'easter that's still making its way out of here and getting rid of the northeast winds and tomorrow morning, look at these numbers, clearing dies, very cool conditions overnight. 45 in leesburg and 46 in manassma manassas and it is going to be a cool start to your tuesday and make sure the kids have their jacket on if they're headed to the bus stop early. >> sorry, buddy, it's pants tomorrow and 56 degrees at 8:00 and look at what happens by noon. close to the 70-degree mark by lunchtime and 76 degrees by 4:00 in the afternoon and nice and mild tomorrow if not warm for this time of year and the
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temperatures are around 71. the next couple of days and one thing you notice here, temperatures above average and look at average high, 71 and 72 degrees and we'll be 76 on your tuesday and 79 on tuesday and ahead of your frontal boundary, you get to 80 degrees and that's ahead of the cold front and we'll bring through much cooler air and coming up at 6:45 and i'll talk to you about the weekend forecast and cooler weather for yo saturday and sunday. guys? >> thanks, doug. unprecedented flooding in the carolinas, and at least 11 people dead. homes destroyed, power is out and some help is on the way and coming up, we'll tell you about the role one local rescue team and their effort to help out. >> i'm juliecare ney fairfax county where we're learning more about a tech company employee accused of shooting into office buildings. coming up, i'll tell you about the last gel attacks that ended
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learning about the moments before this dramatic scene. >> a local rescue team deployed to flood-ravaged, south carolina and the critical role they're playing as the water continues to rise and my firsthand account of the problem in south carolina and the long track home. police say they got an arsenal of weapons from a man charged with shooting at office buildings and we'll have more on the suspect's connection to one of his targets and new numbers show just how many people are ditching metro in the wake of fair hikes and spotty service. the new way commuters are getting around. >> there was something really strange in district heights maryland on saturday night. and the police are still trying to figure out exactly how it all happened. a car crashed into an apartment. a woman named jaquita whims.
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>> why was she here in the first place? who fired that shot? what led to the death of marki it, a whims. we begin our story with some words from a good friend. >> she was a great person. a wonderful person. always the same. she was a wonderful person. >> reporter: for her to die this way? >> sad. sad. >> reporter: that's douglas peepels. a longtime friend of markita whims. she died in a strange incident in this apartment complex in district heights. they say her car went through a fence between two trees, airborne over an embankment and into this apartment below. when rescue workers got to the scene, they say they found ms. whims inside the car and that she had a gun shot wound to her upper body.
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markita whims was 32 years old and she's from calvert county and she did administrative work in the medical field. although she lived in temple hills, she has friends in this apartment complex which could explain why she was here last saturday night. no one was hurt when the car slammed into that apartment, but a lot of people were scared. i talked to a guy who was here when it happened. >> they were hollering, get out of the building! get out of the building. >> and you got out of the building. >> damn right. left my cigarette and everything. it was time to go. >> reporter: now police are awaiting word from the medical examiner. in the meantime they're calling this a death investigation. live in prince george's county, pat collins, news 4. >> thank you, pat. the rain is starting to let up in south carolina now, but the danger is far from over. the death toll stands at 11.
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nine deaths in south carolina and two in north carolina. tonight the governor is warning people to be on alert amid the devastating flooding and tonight more communities have been evacuated and more roads and bridges need to be closed as the water runs downstream toward the coast. 40,000 people are without water, but help is on the way, news 4's mark segraves with the local rescue team that's been deployed. >> part of the rescue effort in south carolina includes more than 80 members of a local search and rescue team. virginia task force one is now in the charleston area and prepared to weeks if necessary. virginia task force one based out of fairfax county is part of search and rescue teams, about 45 minutes of the elite team are in south carolina last night equipped with boats and search dogs. they are now in the charleston area coordinating with local and
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federal agencies and even subsiding with the governor of south carolina and theyearned that more evacuations in low-lying areas are likely. the fairfax-based team are responding to disasters around the world including hurricane sandy and the earthquake in nepal last year. virginia task force one includes the swift water rescue team trained specifically for the dangerous conditions they're sure to encounter as floodwaters continue to rise in south carolina. mark segraves, news 4. >> there is growing concern tonight about a series of small dams that broke today near colombia south carolina. those breaks are having a domino effect forcing more water downstream. now there is fear that the dam at one of columbia's biggest lakes could breach tonight. it's called lake katherine. if that happens, the water from that could have a devastating
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effect on a community that was under nine feet of water only yesterday. evacuations are being ordered again tonight. >> i was in south carolina on vacation last week as some of you forced on facebook and i was on kiowa island, just south of charleston. we thought about leaving early and when we saw the hurricane heading away from the east coast we stayed. then -- >> whoa! surf's up! >> overnight friday heavy downpours all night, suddenly there was significant flooding everywhere saturday morning. all of the rain combined with astronomical high tides to produce the highest water since hurricane hugo hit 26 years ago. this was not a hurricane. there was damage on the beaches that they're still assessing. after days of rain, the ground was already saturated and the roads were closed on the island and we weren't going to be able to go anywhere in our rental car. sunday morning it was even worse
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when we looked out there and the water was deeper and that's my husband you see there wading. the two of us waded out through the high water to a hotel about a quarter mile away and the concierge at the hotel helped us get on to a couple of busses that got us to the airport yesterday. we abandoned our rental car with hertz's recommendation. we have a photo gallery on our nbc washington app that shows the devastation in south carolina. >> and coming up at 7:00, lester holt anchors a special edition of nbc nightly news from columbia, south carolina. today the supreme court declined to look into the murder conviction of george hughley. he is a former uva lacrosse player who is convicted of the murder of his former girlfriend, a woman named yardly love. she was killed in her off-campus apartment five years ago.
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hughley is a graduate of the landen school, a private school in chevy chase, maryland. his appeal argued that he was stripped of his right to competent counsel because his lead attorney got sick during the trial and the judge refused to delay the proceedings. >> up, in, how you can weigh in on plans to transform one of the area's most congested roadways. metro ridership taking a hit because of the car sharing services like uber, among other things -- uber, that is. things -- uber, that is. tonight we'll tell you their
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you can upload your favorite videos up to 5x faster than cable. plus with the fios mobile app, you can view your entertainment at home, or on the go. but the main reason to get fios? we're rated number 1 in customer satisfaction. why fios? ultimately, that's why. right now, get 50 meg fios internet, tv & phone starting at $79.99 a month, guaranteed for two years. plus get $300 back with a two year agreement. get out of the past. get fios. there will be a public meeting tonight at the fairfax office of the virginia department of transportation from 7:00 to 9:00. at that meeting you can learn more about plans to transform i-66 inside the beltway. the state is already testing a program that allows commuter busses to drive on the shoulder of that road. now they want to convert the hov
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lanes to high-occupancy toll lanes and they would increase the carpool number to three people. a future widening project is also a possibility. if you can't make the meeting tonight, there will be another meeting tomorrow and another on wednesday. metro is trying to avoid something called a debt spiral. with fewer people riding the trains and less money in the budget it forces the agency to consider raising fares. new at 6:00, transportation reporter adam tuss looks at the tightrope metro officials are walking and how new businesses like uber are taking aim. >> metro is in a bind. ridership is down. that means revenue is down and more riders may be leaving. >> i find that an hour, an hour and a half to get to the city and i'm not sure how metro will run or if it's short on time. >> meet matt, he's a chef in the city and exploring other options
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like car sharing services like uber and lift. he says they've worked before. >> i can get from my house to work on 14th and q for $14. that's $9 more than the metro because i know i can get to work in 28 minutes and i knew i was going to be on time. >> you can see the train headed in the wrong direction and 250,000 trips were being taken and we're now down to under 720,000. a lot of times when you get onboard a metro train you're wondering if you'll find these days, plenty of empty seats as ridership drops. the problem larger for metro and it relies on riders for revenue to run trains and busses and if there say shortfall, a fare increase may be the only solution and that could push more riders away. still some like james wilson with clogged roads, the train is the only way. >> it's 66th and 28th and it's hard to get into the district, and it makes it easier to get on
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shooting into northern virginia office buildings. bureau chief julie carey reveals the stock pile of weapons and ammunitions he had in his home and his car. it's a story you will see only on news 4. >> reporter: for weeks it was a mystery, bullets fired into office buildings overnight shattering windows. there were seven incidents in all from hearn donne to leesburg. last week, 29-year-old matthewr malacarne was arrested charged with destruction of property and shooting into buildings. one of those buildings mantech, his employer. the search through documents revealed malacarne had the weapons and ammunition to do far more damage than he's accused of. this is the long list of items investigators seized from malacarne's herndon home. a shotgun, two handguns, 22 boxes of ammunition and four magazines. there was also a silencer and something called the improvised munitions handbook. in malacarne's car, a lot more
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firepower, an assault rifle with three fully loaded magazines, another rifle, a handgun and ten boxes of ammunition and three more magazines. court documents show malacarne was identified as the suspect when he drove into the mantech parking garage on september 17th and struck the surveillance camera causing it to go blurry. he broke into a lockbox and stole a key to the roof and it's believed he then cut power toddle vart and disconnected and damaged a satellite dish, but another security camera captured images of him leaving in a silver audi. a few days later the building engineer saw the same car leaving with malacarne behind the wheel and he made the connection. but there's still one important thing we haven't been able to learn matthew malacarne's motive. in fact, the detective writes in these court documents that he has learned of no explanation for malacarne's sinister behavior. in fairfax county, i'm julie carey, news 4. >> beginning next week, school
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resource offices will be able to use body cameras in montgomery county schools. it's part of a program the council signed off in today. 76 officers in the county wear body cameras. three are school resource officers. >> beginning on monday, those officers will be able to turn on cameras in will skoos, but only when responding to an incident. leaders in the county any data collected by the cameras will be highly guarded and treated like juvenile records. montgomery county police officer james herndon was on his duty and when he pulled over a car on i-270 and that traffic stop may have saved a life because the family was with an emergency pulled up and here's officer herndon in his own words. >> and see the pan nick his eyes. >> he was holding a baby and she's screaming and he's not baby and he gave me the baby and
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started giving her some compressions and an off-duty firefighter, you stopped by after i hand him the baby and he said he felt a pulse and a faint pulse and it was amazing how the baby came back. anyone else would have done the same thing. i don't think i was a hero. just right place, right time. thank god. >> firefighter left without giving his name and police say they'd like the chance to thank him. >> we had today something that was so odd to behold. the sun. it was a beautiful thing to see and oh, my goodness, yes and especially for you. and you asked me last week and how is the week looking at south carolina and not looking good. and you made it back and we're glad that you got back on that. i'm sure. i'm sure. we do have some sunshine and boy, yeah, thursday, friday, saturday, sunday and not just
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cloudy and rainy, but windy and nasty the last couple of days and it's all because of the nor'easter that developed and boy, what a difference a day makes and the sun is going down now and the sun is going down at 6:45 and look at that, a beautiful sunset, 65 degrees the current number and look where we go by 11 and already 57. tonight will be a very chilly night and we're down to 61 in gaithersburg and 63 in manassas and most of you will be in the upper 40s so just know that and be ready for it and you'll need the jackets and the coats. most of the day will be dry over the last couple of days and 62 degrees, and 40s in most of the suburbs and 74 degrees by your 3:00 hour and nice and mild across the region and all week long looks very good and 75 on thursday and 80 on friday and the weekend, however, much cooler and the chance of showers
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early saturday morning and most of the weekend looking okay, and of the weekend looking okay, and cool with a high of 68 on keller graduate school at dof management.y's you can learn to unlock the leader inside you. so if you want to own the room, not just be in it. you're our kind of different. keller graduate school of management. learn more at
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cal ripken? >> his name jumps out at you, doesn't he? he actually talked to cal ripken and we emailed his people and no comment just yet and of course, they're debating and the nats season comes to an end and it was such high expectations coming in and world series aspirations, but here we are the day after talking about the announcement coming on a conference call, a conference call, so a tough turn of events, but during that 15-minute chat with the gm mike rizzo today we learned that matt williams fired this morning in a face-to-face meeting here at nats park. the entire coaching staff is being let go in a move to allow the nats a fresh start. it will be a little different this time around. >> last time we brought in managing candidates with little or no managerial experience, we're going to bring in a group of people with diverse backgrounds and diverse
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experiences and diverse skill sets. the list of possible candidates. cal ripken as jim vance mentioned. his name jumps out at you. he's in the conversation, of course, but he might not have the coaching experience that the gm is seeking. bud black managed the padres for eight and a half years and only two were winning seasons. former nats third base coach, a davey johnson disciple who went on to manage the astros currently on the braves. and randy knorr. those are just a few of the names. the list is long and rizzo says it's going to be a pain staking search. meantime, sunnier skies at redskins park. jason pugh has a cloudy forecast for jordan reed. >> hey, carol, it's been four games for the redskins and this game has yet to have the offensive schedule available for
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the full game. scombrord jordan reed suffered a concussion in the game with the philadelphia eagles. especially after the loss of receiver deshawn jackson. reed left in the fourth quarter and we heard from jay gruden that he injured his mcl and ankle. we are a quarter of the way through the nfl season and a lot of people had different expectations for this redskins team. i asked head coach jay gruden how would he judge this group after the first quarter of play. >> i like the way that the guys are giving great effort and it will pay dividends and being 2-2, it's not 4 and 0 and we're happy about that. bigger than any football game, today, some very special guests at redskins park and 31 women in the middle of their cancer treatment getting pampered by some of their favorite redskins players and this part of the eighth annual all-star survivors
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breast cancer celebration and spearheaded by cancer survivor tania snyder and wife of redskins owner dan snyder. the players, they get pumped up, too. >> and these ladies are going through a lot and i can never imagine. we're available for their favorite players and their favorite teams and i think it means the world to them and just a wonderful event put on the organization, and tomorrow the players will have off and they'll be back on the practice field getting ready for the matchup against the atlanta falcons. from ashburn, i'm jason pugh, news 4 sports. they have a lot of work to do because undefeated atlanta is up next and kyle shanahan's boys and they're hungry and they can score a lot of points. >> yeah, but they can also be beaten, too.
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breaking news. from a growing disaster in south carolina. a major dam gives way and fear another will blow. tonight new evacuations and hundreds of amazing rescues amid a once in a thousand year flootd emergency. lost at sea. a ship with dozens of americans on board now believed swallowed to the bottom of the ocean in a ferocious hurricane. a life boat found among the debris. could anyone have survived? fatal mistake. the pentagon changing its story over what happened during a deadly bombing. did american forces knowingly target a hospital killing doctors and patients? and in-flight emergency as a captain becomes incapacitated during a flight. a co-pilot calling for help, rushing to get the plane on the ground. "nightly news"
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