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tv   News4 Today  NBC  January 17, 2016 9:00am-10:01am EST

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just referred to. that's going to be coming later in the week ahead. but this morning "storm team 4" radar showing very light snow falling in parts of the virginia into the carolinas. it is advancing farther north. "storm team 4" radar showing the leading edge of the snow now beginning to come right up near fredericksburg and into southern maryland as we take a look at that. you can see that area in the white is where the light snow is beginning to reach the ground. down toward richmond. but it i melting on roadways. farther north and west, it's melting. this is all advancing to the father north. still about another hour or so away from coming in, but it's going to be some flurries and very light snow that with temperatures here above freeze willing melt on roadways as well as grassy areas. some spots here, though, it's at or below freezing. it may stick a little bit on some of the rural roads. but southern maryland right now, it's in the mid-30s.
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so it's kind of a wet snow that is falling for this morning and into early afternoon. a look at that bigger chance of a major snowstorm coming later in the week. that will be coming this half hour. >> you've got our attention, tom. thank you. developing right now, three freed americans have left iran after spending time there as prisoners. now among them is "washington post" correspondent jason rezaian. we want to get straight to "news4" derrick ward with more on the release and home coming for the journalists. where is he now, derrick? >> reporter: well, indeed, you know there are going to bo b some happy moments at this week's release of pritz never of iran, anywhere between four years to 40 days. one of those happy reunions will be happening on k street at the headquarterses of the "washington post." jason rezaian who was a kropt for the "washington post" has been in captivity for 545 days. earlier the post released a statement saying they could.
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be happier and they recently released another statement saying they're looking forward to the joy us reunion to his return to the "washington post" newsroom. he's among five americans as well as former marine amir hekmati who ha been held for four years, and say media abedini as nostratollah khosravi as well as matthew trevithnick, a student who's been held for 40 days. now, six had duo u.s. and iranian citizenships. most of them were businessmen who were facing charges for violating trade sanctions between the u.s. and iran. some of them were actually jailed. now, there's no word of a quid pro quo, but within hours of the announcement here, the u.n. nuclear energy agency certified
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that iran had scaled back its nuclear program and thus made it harder to make weapons out of that, so that is representing a bit of a warming of relations between the two countries, but obviously some warm moments expected here. we don't know exactly when that reporter jason rah zain returns to the "washington post" here on k street. that's where we're live. derrick ward, "news4." back to you. >> thank you, derrick. new this morning we're working to learn how a fire started in northwest d.c. firefighters rushed to a house fire near gallaudet to put out a house fire. everyone got out, no one was hurt. developing this morning two woodbridge men will appear in federal court for allegedly trying to join isis in syria. joseph a farrokh was charged. he's charged with supplying materiels support to a terrorist nation. mahmoud elle hassan will charged
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with driving him to the airport. serving back to normal at the arlington police didn't. they evacuated the building after a bomb threat. we're told the threat came from an automated phone call. dogs came in to sweep the building. they detected something in the lobby. they came in and asked people to avoid the area. police were moved to a temporary location. the scene was cleared around 9:30 last night. a metro train had to single track after man stabbed himself saturday evening. the pentagon city station never closed. anti-gun activists and gun rights supporters rallied in mclean yesterday. the issue, no gun storrs near schools. organizers support bills moving through the virginia general assembly that would empower governments to keep gun stores away from schools.
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>> elementary students can sit in their classrooms and see people walking in and out of the store with weapons that. is not appropriate. this is not about gun control. >> don't see where it affects the safety of the children at all. people out here that carry guns that have permits and so forth are law-abiding safe citizens. >> now, the proposed bills would keep gun stores 1,000 feet away from schools. a worker is dead after a chemical plant exploded in texas. three people were hurt in this accident. officials saying that workers were doing a routine function when the contractors' equipment exploded. there were about 1,000 gallons of an oil-based cleaning solution inside of the tank. the accident is under investigation. a martin luther king tribute is taking place tonight in arlington. it's happening at wakefield high school. it's a celebration of live music, spoken word as well as dance. tomorrow many across the area will participate in a day of service to honor dr. king's life. 9:05.
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let's turn our attention to decision 2016. today could be the most contentious democratic debate that we've seen so far. this will be the last time presidential candidates hillary clinton and bernie sanders face off before the iowa caucuses. that race is now in a dead heat. foreign policy could be a big theme tonight following yesterday's release of "washington post" reporter jason rezaian from iran. the debate will air tonight at 9:00 right here on nbc 4. lester holt and andrea mitchell are going to moderate and coming up chuck todd will debut. hillary clinton and bernie sanders will also be on the show at 10:30 this morning. >> excuse me. did he report his bank loans. >> not the reaction donald trump is used to hearing these days. he was booed in south carolina. the crowd was lkts happy trump criticized ted cruz for not revealing his bank loans. the gloves came off between the
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two candidates who are in a razor tight race in iowa. at a rally in south carolina trump called cruzs out for embracing new york liberalism and his reaction to 9/11. meanwhile he suggested trump isn't a serious candidate. >> i think in terms of commander in chief, we all to have someone who isn't springing out offed by to tweet in a frantic response to the latest polls. >> well, cruz took an offhanded jab at trump after getting stuck in an elevator for about three minutes yesterday. he asked, all right, who pud donald trump in charge of the elevators. >> well, coming up they were one of the most popular gifts. now there's fewer places that you can ryan them. the new spots hover boards are being banned. six women, montgomery county, and a whole lot of drama. get your popcorn ready. how a new tv show is
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9:10. now to a developing stoifrmt nine more birds have tested positive for bird flew. testing is under way to determine the strain of the highly contagious virus. they're still trying to determine how many are detected. all 60 have been euthanized. >> this morning we're learning new details about the investigation into the san bernardino shooting. the fbi now saying they've not found any direct links and the suspect farook and malik. they're trying to fill an 18-minute time gap. a number of universities and college campuses across virginia are banning hover boards.
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uva, virginia tech, and several other schools say they pose a hazard. nationalligu> the salahis. >> you can't forget them. that season was canceled after one season, so it didn't last very long. >> we'll see how this one plays out for sure. it should be interesting. well, winter brings out all kinds ofnimals and that can make for good video. here's proof. take a look at this video out of europe. a photographer in estonia caught this little guy diving in and out of the snow. he thought he found his buried
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treasure, his nuts he was looking for, his stash. >> he was hungry. they'll go to a great lengths for their food. >> poor guy. >> they're having a good time. cute video. it might not be long before we start seeing flakes in our area. the kids are going to be all kinds of excited over this. tom's tracking your hour-by-hour forecast how you can plan for the week ahead. and a warm bonfire, sure, they might sound like a good idea but a backyard fire can quickly get damages if you don't
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how you doin'? good how are you? so today you're gonna choose a mobile office. you can choose this chevy silverado which offers built in 4g lte wi-fi. or you can choose this ford f-150, which doesn't offer wi-fi. but to make up for it, we added a trailer, a satellite antenna, and dolores. hey fellas! (group laughter) what? so, which one do you want? i pick the chevy. definitely. or, get this dependable silverado all star edition with a total value of seven thousand two hundred and fifty dollars. find new roads at your local chevy dealer.
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developing right now the united states and japan agrees there needs to be a strong response. diplomats from both countries say a failure to send a clear message would send it. there's also hope china will join in to work for a stronger resolution it's very mard to take any of their overtures very seriously, particularly in the awake of now their fourth nuclear test. >> all right. it's 9:15. a lot of people like to like a botfire. >> more products make it easier to get burned in your own backyard. "news4's" ericka gonzalez share as warning. >> reporter: bonfires, fire pits, both are gaining
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popularity. paul harmon has been lighting fires in his backyard for more than 20 years. >> that's where we all congregate. it also helps with yard cleanup. >> reporter: but one night this fall he says he made a life-threatening mistake. >> never had an incident until recently. i remember everything that happened from the blast to my earring ringing and knowing that i was fufly engulfed in fire. >> reporter: harmon thought he grabbed motor oil. >> instead it was pure gasoline in the can. instead of stopping at that moment, i gave it one more shot and that's the moment you wish you had back. and when that can exploded, it literally rocked the neighborhood. >> reporter: harmon suffered third degree burns all over his body and required multiple surgeries at med star's washington burn center. dr. jeffrey scupp -- >> we see dozens of these every year.
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california this girl suffered injuring while roasting marshmallows other a fire pit. >> things they do very often so they get very comfortable with seth a bonfire. >> he rye stores cars for a living but today continue his recovery with physical therapy. >> i need my hands every day so my work has come to a screeching halt. when you're burned bad enough, your life changes. >> erika gonzalez, "news4." >> got to be careful out there. >> a lot of those people have bonfires. they look nice and fun. >> no gasoline in the fireplace. never a good idea. i'm not sure oil is a good yesterday gechlt a starter log. >> or animated fireplace you turn on in your house.
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>> you're more of a button pressing kind of person. i see how it is. if i could press a button to make everything nice and warm, that would be a great. but, tom kierein, we know that's not going to be the case, especially today. >> i stepped outside to see in snow is falling. i can smell the aroma of wood smoke in the air. a lot of people have fireplaces going on this sunday morning. it's above freezing. we're in the mid-30s with the cloud cover closing in. it is producing a little light snow to our south. as we look, this looks way more ominous than it is. this just some very light wet snow. most of it is melting on roadways. maybe light akum lace. the leading edge of that. one little streak here right along 95 from just south of the beltway toward prince william, stafford, spotsylvania. >> it's farther to our west.
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very light flurries trying to reach the ground. but southern maryland right now they're getting a little bit of light snow. this is showing light snow. you can barely make it out. that's very light snow and you can see a little snow, light accumulation in southern maryland in the -- right around st. mary's county. as we go forward here, 10:00, 11:00 is when we'll likely see the flurries moving into the area and then during the afternoon, we'll see it tapering off, moving off to the east. but the back oechlk this snow, the accumulating very light snow will be in the northern neck and st. mary's county by 2:00 p.m., maybe lingering flurries in the metro area. after that it will quickly end moving off across the eastern shore and sun breaking out right before sunset by late this afternoon. so the amounts of snow, just some flurries in the metro area. the light blue zone in maryland, virginia, and the metro area and west into the shenandoah valley.
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it's a darker blue zone where there may be a dusting. from the southern part of st. mary's county down to richmond and the lower part of the eastern shore. temperatures right now, in the mid and upper 30s in the metro area and upper 30s around the chesapeake bay. a couple of spots, though, at or by low freezing, manassas down toward warrenton and the shenandoah valley as well. if you're going to be getting in some exercise, now's the time to do it. you may be running through a few flurries. it's kind of invigorating and magical with flurries coming down. it will be mild comparatively. dress like this, young lady, for dr. king day.
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go to and the app throughout that frigid period. then wednesday still cold but lighter winds. then thursday near 40. but we do have a chance of our first significant snow stom of the season on friday. mainly in the afternoon and evening and into saturday. stay tuned. >> all right. we'll do just that, tom. thank you very much. coming up, it was a scam from inside metro's own employees. how an elaborate scheme was put together and what's being done to make sure it doesn't happen again. it's 9:21. mike, we're here on the road in charleston, south carolina, ahead of tonight's demographic debate, tonight's big showdown. let's put on a big rumble. >> hnlt aillary clinton and ber sanders. what's fascinating in the democratic race, we have our own divide here as well. you have hillary clinton representing the continuity with the obama years and bernie
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sanders who's calling for political revolution. >> and this has become, mark, a really unexpectedly tight race in recent weeks. bernie sanders is rising in iowa and besting hillary clinton in new hampshire and you're seeing that reflected in the rhetoric between those two candidates getting very heated going into sunday. >> one of the other candidates to talk about, martin o'malley, a former maryland governor.
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welcome back at 9:25. it's a story you learned first about a push alert on the nbc washington app. station managers and others were involved in an ee lab yacht scheme to sell fraught lent smart trip cards for big bucks. it was flat out theft. several station managers and two custodians had been collecting paper cards from riders. after they collected a sizeable stack of paper fare cards which still contained value the employees would transfer the balance of those cards to plastic smart trip cards and sell them at a discounted price. metro chief spokesperson dan stessel. >> the seven station managers and two custodians will all face
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charges. >> the way it's designed if a rider gets off and doesn't have enough they're directed to a fare machine to pay the right fare but they were turning a blind eye. >> the station manager would say give the fare card to me and then let the customer out ever processing the fare card. the customer is thinking the station manager is being really helpful. it's a great service. at least the seven station managers were retaining the cards and then going to a developedi i vending machine, trading several of them in all at once and then loading that onto a smart trip card. >> the nine metro employees were all fired in that case. well, help is on the way for hungry children and local food pantry shelves. fairfax county's first stuff the bus effort got off to a great start. the northern virginia bureau was there as people dropped off donations near herndon saturday. there was another bus at the shopper's food warehouse in
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alexandria. and, of course, you can find out where they'll be next weekend on stuff the bus nbc washington app. well, we are in for a big temperature change. it will definitely feel like winter. tom will update his forecast with the season's first major snowstorm also starting to take shachl and right now disaster unfolding in florida. the places where severe storms geñ least two people dead and several homes damaged. and hunting el chapo, the and hunting el chapo, the new video of the raid
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and hunting el chapo, the new video of the raid not gecould be you've sleep? got the wrong bed. enter sleep number... she likes the bed soft. he's more hardcore. you can both adjust the bed for the best sleep of your life. save $1100 on the i8 mattress with purchase of sleepiq technology and flexfit3 adjustable base. ends monday.
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it's 9:30 and we're working to learn how a fire starts. firefighters rushed to the home near gallaudet university to put out the fire. everyone got out, no one was hurt. police arrested joseph farrokh. the man who drove him also was arrested. employees were temporarily moved to another location. the scene was cleared around 9:30 last night. thankfully everything was okay. time right now, 9:30 on the dot.
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we've made it halfway through the 9:00 hour. >> so far, so good. >> so far so good. we want to get a check of your weather with "storm team 4" meteorologist tom kierein. he's ventured outside. any snowflakes yet? >> not yet but it smells like snow. the sky looks like a snowy sky, a little fuzzy. no doubt the snow is beginning to fall out of the clouds. not quite reaching the ground. you can track it at the nbc washington app and track the "storm team 4" radar which i'm showing you right now. that area in the light gray and the white area, that is where there is some snow now reaching the ground and that is in southern maryland, st. mary's county. a little streak there of gray and white. it's right along the beltway of springfield over toward prince george's county. that area may be getting light snow as well. all of that advancing toward the north over the next hour or so. temperatures are above freezing.
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whatever does fall, most of it is going to be melting. most of the roads will be wet. track all this with the nbc washington app in the palm of your hand as the day progresses and we'll look at major storm may be coming in by the end of the week. the new timing on that. that will be coming up in just a few minutes. >> oh, boy. that will get everybody's attention. thank you very much. right now cleanup is under way after severe storms and at least three reported tornados slammed. officials say at least two officials died in those storms. it knocked out power to 17,000 homes. damage assessment teams urged neighbors to stay inside as they investigate. developing right now, three freed americans left iran after spending time. among them is "washington post" correspondent jason rezaian. in all four were released. how the prison release intersect with the iran nuclear deal. the breakthrough was announced here in vienna, and
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diplomats here are calling this implementation day, the day the iran deal came into effect, the day iran was welcomed back to international markets. >> five were unjustly detained in iran have been released from custody. >> among those released, hekmati and a christian pastor jailed for four years. >> it's something we've been hoping for and praying for. >> and jason rah zye ya the "washington post" tehran-based
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journalist often held in solitary confinement. the "washington post" in a statement said we couldn't be happier to hear the news. matt t matt trevithnick held for 40 days. critics have denounced washington for signing any agreement while tehran held americans. and hours after the swap was announced the nuclear deal over two years in the making did move ahead. >> iran has carried out all necessary measures under the agreement. >> that's nbc's richard engel reporting. now, one of the released prisoners did not get on that plane leaving iran. officials say thoed who wished to depart iran have left. new detail this morning. an american missionary is among those killed in a terrorist attack.
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mike ritterrington was one of those killed. we have new information about an a man who tried to run two police officers down. when told to get out of the car, he refused and accelerated toward them. they shot at the car. he stopped just inches from hitting them. he faces attempted murder charges. the mexican navy launch thad raid last october. this is one of the hideouts he use. now officials say el chapo left the safe house shortly before the raid there. he left behind things like vitamins and sandals. police caught him irl ler earlier this month and he's now back in prison.
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federal help coming to flint, michigan. why some are calling for the glonch to step down. a reminder to join us on facebook. we share behind-the-scenes moments you're not going to see anywhere else
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developing right now, an emergency situation for flint, michigan. now flint can also get up to $5 million in federal funding. filmmaker michael moore is a flint native. he asked the u.s. attorney general to arrest him.
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this week's "wednesday's child" was a little shy when he first met our barbara harrison but as you're going to see in this next story it did not take long for 11-year-old dion to loosen up. >> certainly not. he and barbara had a chance to spend time at art jams where he could explore his artistic side. >> reporter: it's called art jams tucked away in northwestern washington. we were invited in. >> welcome to art jams. >> this is dion. >> hi, dion. i'm chelsea. may i take your coat? >> we could see there had been a few aspiring artists down here before us. >> i'm going to intro due you to shean hchl's going to be your art teacher today. >> shaun works with lots of student students, kids and adults. he showed us all the equipment, brushes and more and showed dion
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all the colors of acrylic paints available. >> hair dryer, you dry in between to dry your paint. ready to get started? >> yes. >> reporter: with blank canvas ready, he asked dion -- >> what do you want to paint? >> iron man. >> he decided on an iron man mask. he's a bright boy who tries hard at whatever he does. he wants to really try hard at school. >> what's your favorite class in math? >> science and math. >> he's done very well. missed school back in october but is making it up. >> he took time out to tell us some of his favorite riddles. he said it's one of his best riddles and one that most can't answer. >> what do you call a bear with no teeth? a gummy bear. >> he has a great smile. >> he wants to study engineering in college.
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where would you like to go in. >> schools that have engineering sources. >> those who know him say he tries to be hard in everything he does. >> he's a perfectionist to a "t." he wants a lot of praises and validation for his work. >> he hopes a family comes along for him. >> do you want a mom, a dad? >> both. >> both? would you like to be the only child? >> yeah. >> that sounds good, yeah? >> get all the attention. >> i'm looking for a really good either single parent or two-parent home, somewhere where he can be the only child and get all that love and attention on him. >> fantastic. wow. >> as for the iron maverick, everyone agreed. he had gifts including a shirt that said he is the work of earth. barbara harrison, "news4" for "wednesday's child." >> well, if you have room in
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your home and your hart for keyon or perhaps another child who's waiting, call our special child adoption hotline. 1- 88-to-adopt-me. remember we have them all in our nbc washington app if you want to learn more about them. :42. if you have any green grass, enjoy it while it lasts. those days are numbers. tom is tracking snow and cold coming our way. we track your hour-by-hour forecast so you can plan ahead. right now we have a developing story for you. at least one person has died from a mosquito-spread virus. the new health warning as
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themming this morning there's a travel advisory for pregnant women. the cdc says the zika virus is behind the spike in the number of newborns with an issue called micro sefly. a baby born in hawaii had the virus and defect. the birth defects in babies born with small heads and brains. brazil is the epicenter with 4,000 cases in this past year. they're sending people to the country to try to deal with the country. it's 9:456789 the group will begin lobbying for pro-gun bills tomorrow morning at the general assembly building in richmond.
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the gathering could draw protesters after recent mass shootings. there's a march tomorrow to honor martin luther king in landover. the march is happening at fedex field. registration is opening at 7:30. you can$8@ñ volunteer in sel different events. in d.c. there will be a beautification project at ballou high school. in montgomery county they'll pack more than 1,000 meals for area's food banks. you can find out more by going to our nbc washington app. >> we turn our attention to the weather now. tom, we're starting to get some people tweeting us and telling us that it's snowing in our area. >> a couple of places have said they're already starting to see flakes. >> it's getting closer to us. we can see it, getting reports from st. mary's county, calvary
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county as well. all the area in white and gray is mostly very light snow. this is not major storm at all. most of it is falling. it's going to be melting. it certainly is kind of magical as it's coming down on this sunday morning. we've got one little streak. that green area is where it's rain farther east. right along i 95, that's all the way down to richmond and here in southern maryland and here's that one streak near alexandria and across the river along the beltway into prince george's county all the way up into now beginning to move into anne arundel county, that one little streak. all of this advancing to the north coming into the metro area shortly. there's our national harbor camera. you can see fog in the air. that is the very, very light snow and flurries that is falling. here's the timing on the main event of this coming through here by noontime. we'll have it all across the
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metro area into much of maryland as well as the shenandoah valley and the eastern west virginia. all the area in the lavender is the snow. the darker colors where it may be coming down harder. that's going to be richmond to st. mary's county. the eastern shore is where it's going to be moving on through and maybe putting down a dusting to an inch. around 3:00, 4:00 it ends and maybe a little sunshine breaking out right before sunset. lingering snow showers in the mountains. that's going to be lingering into the evening hours. metro area in the suburbs and-month-old and across the rest of northern virginia except far southern eastern virginia, a dusting to an inch mainly on grassy areas. wet roadways as it falls. it's in the mid-30s right now. it's in the mid and upper 30s.
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over the next 12 hours we'll have that falling. by 4:00 a little sun breaking out. maybe near 40 degrees by then. by k89 p.m. back to the 30s under a clear sky. love this gorgeous sunrise yesterday morning over the shenandoah valley. you can see the valley fog in the lower part of the photo posted by jen johnson on my twitter page. share yours on facebook and twitter and instagram. dress like this young lady tomorrow for dr. king day. windy, sunny, and cold the rest of the day. windchill just 10 degrees tomorrow and more of the same on tuesday. wednesday, upper 30s with lighter winds. near 40 on thursday. then a chance of our first major snowstorm of the season coming in on friday, maybe a rain/snow mix. now the timing friday night into saturday with a lot of wind. stay tuned. we'll be keeping you posted.
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we'll have frequent updates. it's weather alert day with the frigid temperatures. >> thank you very much, tom. we'll be watching. high waves are making it hard to find 12 missing
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welcome. how you doin'? good how are you? so today you're gonna choose a mobile office. you can choose this chevy silverado which offers built in 4g lte wi-fi. or you can choose this ford f-150, which doesn't offer wi-fi. but to make up for it, we added a trailer, a satellite antenna, and dolores. hey fellas! (group laughter) what? so, which one do you want? i pick the chevy. definitely. or, get this dependable silverado all star edition with a total value of seven thousand two hundred and fifty dollars. find new roads at your local chevy dealer. welcome back. this morning search crews in hawaii are expanding their search for 12 miss mag reens. they were onboard two
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helicopters ha went down off the coast of oahu on thursday. the coast guard said high surf is dispersing the debris and complicating the search. the coast guard initially said there that the choppers collided, but a marine spokesman said the cause of the crash is still not clear. >> they would have to certify that each refugee is not a security threat. the bill passed the house in november but faces an uphill bat the senate. six democrats would need to okay the procedure for it to pass. if that happens the president has pledged to veto the bill. well, a destroyed pedestrian bridge that runs over the prince george's county should reopen next month.
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nine months ago a contractor destroyed part of a pedestrian bridge there, and metro says the company has yet to replace that structure. the bridge was between the greenbelt and college park metro stations. a metro spokesperson told the "washington post" they're not happy with the delayed work so far. that same company was supposed to build a new track to test incoming 7000 series trains. that project is two years behind schedule. he's gotting three open crimes and he's breaking open one. he's not a police officer and he doesn't even live here. scott macfarlane found a powerful man from iowa who's sifting through the clues of d.c.'s describe lens. >> you won't see him in the video but he'll say he was there the day john gear was killed by a fairfax police officer in 2014 as he stood in his door. he said he grew frustrated as the investigation into the shooting continued for months and months. >> i wrote a lot of nasty letters to people and didn't get a response. >> he asked them to announce who would get charged.
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>> the only person who got back to me within day was senator grassley. >> senator charles grassley represents iowa and hi never heard of the shooting until he read about it in the newspaper. he asked the justice department to answer why the investigation into the case including local law review was taking so long. >> i wrote a long letter asking a lot of questions and eventually the family had to go to court to get these personnel records opened up. >> soon thereafter the judge ordered fir fax county to release the name of the officer involved. in his order he cited charles grassley's inquiry as the reason. >> when the public knows what's going on, then the people that are working within the government are going to be more responsible. >> reporter: we found this isn't the only local case to which he's intervened. he's also asked the feds to investigate a crime in which two local undocumented immigrants
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are accused. both, grassley said, are undocumented immigrants from el salvador. he's asked why they haven't been deported. we asked how that investigation was going and they told "news4" they found the young men skipped immigration hearings and their legal status in august. a month later the feds say they ordered the two to be deported once their criminal trial ends and there's the case hardware say reyes reyes charged with attacking a sheriff's deputy, punching the deputy during a stop. they were asked why he was released. >> why was he out in society when he was a danger to society. >> reporter: homeland security wot not answer our specific answers saying instead they're smart to enforcement. the
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he says he will intervene again locally if he sees a need. >> because you only need one vote to do oversight, you own vote. if you want to pass a bill, you have to have 51 votes. >> we checked and found all of those cases reviewed by the senator from iowa are scheduled to go on trial within the next six months. scott macfarlane, "news4" i-team. well, it might no be long before we start seeing some snowflakes in our area. some of you are telling us you're seeing them right now. tom is tracking our hour-by-hour forecast with how you can plan for the week ahead as well. >> it's a big night in decision 2016. the challenges nation the democratic candidates before they make their way for the last time. we break down the new polls that just came out. just came out. >> reporter: new word on u.s.
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right now on "news4 today," get ready for a big chill. tom is tracking the cold front with some of the coolest temperatures we've seen all winter. and get this. what could be the first big snowstorm of the season. a "washington post" reporter and two other prisoners are on their way home. the controversy over the relief and the new iran nuclear deal. and let's get ready for a


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