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tv   News4 at 6  NBC  March 1, 2016 6:00pm-7:01pm EST

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in the race for the white house. >> there are more delegates at stake than at any other primary night this year. 595 republican delegates up for grabs, donald trump leading the polls. in every state but one. on the democratic side, hillary clinton hoping for a strong showing to solidify her lead over bernie sanders. >> our team coverage begins with steve handelsman in texas where ted cruz is hoping his home state will keep him in this race. steve? >> hi doreen, thanks, this is a redneck country club, what's what they call this music venue in stafford, texas. ted cruz' election night headquarters, where he hopes to celebrate a victory tonight. texas senator ted cruz cast his vote on a super tuesday that's do or die for him. >> any candidate who cannot win his home state has real problems. >> state polls show cruz with a lead over donald trump. >> i voted for ted
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primarily because i don't want donald trump to get those electoral votes in texas. need to stop his momentum. >> but trump without texas could sweep ten of the 11 super tuesday states. >> he and his new ally, chris christie are talking tough. >> deal with rubio, i deal with cruz, these guys don't know anything, they have no clue what's going on. >> the next two weeks, his desperate opponents will say and do anything to try to dare him down. >> america's top elected republican tried today. house speaker paul ryan on trump not repudiating the kkk. >> if a person wants to be the nominee of the republican party, there can be no evasion and no games. they must reject any group or cause that is built on bigotry. >> marco rubio trying to hold on two weeks until the vote in florida called trump unelectable and democrat hillary clinton slammed trump. >> i'll continue to speak out
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or speak about it. >> bernie sanders hope force a big turnout in vermont. >> if there's not we're probably going to be struggling. >> like ted cruz if he loses texas. >> cruz and marco rubio who has a shot today at winning minnesota and bernie sanders could get some delegates tonight. but they will never get enough delegates until they start winning. which ted cruz, you'll remember, did win back in iowa and hoped he's doing again today in his home state from stafford, texas, steve handelsman, news4, back to you. with just an hour left now until the polls close here, many have their eye on virginia. as one of the first signs of how this night may play out. our coverage continues now with bureau reporter david culver in bristow, virginia. what's the sense you're getting from people coming out of the polling places? >> doreen, it's interesting, over the past several days i've
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in the commonwealth of virginia. you can get the sense early on in the past two or three days that they were still mostly undecided. what's interesting is many of still undecided even as they walk up to the doors of polling stations like this one here in bristow, virginia. they say one guy telling me he wishes there was none of the above box they could check. i asked them why. for them they say it's the campaign rhetoric, they can't believe it's only march and there's eight more months of this until the general election. 251 days, i looked at a countdown to election day. thatter worried that this kind of back and forth they're going to continue to hear throughout the election process and they're wondering when they can finally get down to the issues. that's the real frustration that you can hear from the folks you talk to as they come here in prince william county to cast ballots. >> you're in prince william county. i know you've been talking to voters in loudoun county as women. there's a reason why you're focusing on those two counties? >> there's a good reason.
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county and neighboring loudoun county for a good reason. speaking to some strategists. because this is generally one of the bellweather counties this along with loudoun county when it comes to winning over the state of virginia as a whole. most of the time to win statewide, you need to take on prince william county or loudoun. >> keep a watch on the car backing up right behind you. all right. >> you got it, i got it. david culver, thanks, more from you later. data from the nbc news exit polls of virginia voters is starting to come in early results suggest 60% of democratic primary voters want the next president to continue president obama's policies. 30% of the virginia democrats polled say they want more liberal policies than president obama's positions. while just 6% say they would prefer less liberal policies than president obama has favored. nbc news
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coverage of super tuesday tonight. nightly news has a special hour-long broadcast at 7:00. we'll be updating the results online and on our nbc washington app throughout the night. and be sure to watch primetime network coverage starting at 10:00 followed by local coverage on news4 at 11:00. tonight first responders from virginia and across the east coast hope that they have sent a message to the family of a young police officer who was killed on her first shift. thousands gathered at the hilton chalen in prince william county today to salute ashley guindon and to remind her family she will not be forgotten. bureau chief julie carey has her report. >> honor guards from across the commonwealth, bagpipes, motorcade, part of a heart-breaking ritual for a brand new officer, ashley guindon shot and killed on her first
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william county police. >> a young person who had their career cut short so immediately. >> ashley's mother was held in an embrace as she entered the chapel followed by other family members. the young officer remembered as someone driven to public service, a marine reservist before joining the police force. >> she had accomplished more in 28 years than i think i could in 100. that was her desire to serve, to be involved in the things that mattered. to give her life to something worth giving it to. >> it was in her drive to help others that guindon was killed, allegedly by a man accused of shooting his wife and turning his gun on officers, only his 11-year-old son escaped the gunfire. >> she had a willingness for an 11-year-old boy in that home, a willingness to give her life for that child. >> outside the chapel, perhaps the saddest moment, the end of service call. >> this is the
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1135, officer ashley guindon 2016. >> a final salute as the motorcade led ashley guindon on her final journey home. >> there were also prayers in the chapel for two other officers shot on friday. both of them seriously injured. ashley guindon's body being flown to massachusetts where her family lives. there will be a burial there with military honors. with most of the county's police force paying tribute at the funeral. crime was unfolding nearby. chopper 4 flew over the dillingham square shopping center. as the police responded to a robbery at a bb & t bank there. that's only about five miles from the hilton chapel where the services were being performed. witnesses say a man in a dark red wig jumped over a counter and pointed a knife at the teller there. the man gotay
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bag full of cash. showing up on cash machines in prince george's county and they're costing some of you hundreds of dollars, dorothy spencer is live in bowie with a warning about atm skimmers. hi, dorothy. >> hey there, doreen you're going to hear from two of those victims who were scammed out of hundreds of dollars. tonight police are telling us how we can tell if they're putting our card into one of those fake readers. thieves placed fake debit card readers and tiny cameras on atm machines inside three different 7-eleven stores in bowie. scamming innocent bank customers out of their hard-earned cash. this man says he's one of them. he recently withdrew $200 from the machine here on crane highway. >> the next day i get up, stop at a convenience store. and i went to use my atm card and -- it just had insufficient funds. >> were you like, whoa --
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this account. shouldn't be no insufficient funds. >> but there is a way to detect the fraud and keep your greenbacks in your own pockets. police say if a card reader can be moved it's probably a fake. >> you can also give a little tug object the card reader, it's not held down by any adhesive or anything very solid. the card reader would move if you gave a little tug on it it's a sleeve that goes on top of it. >> the camera as small as m&ms are harder to see, they record you punching in your p.i.n. the cameras and readers business covered by an atm technician last thursday. >> this looks like it could be part of a ring or a part of a larger investigation that the federal authorities are looking into. >> robin benfield, a relative of a news4 employee was scammed out of more than $800 at one of the 7-eleven stores. >> were you able to get your money back? >> i was, i was. the bank asked me
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report. which i did. and then they restored the money to my bank account. >> that is certainly good news. police do not know how long these devices were on the money machines, they don't know how many victims there are if you were victimized in this scam, you're asked to call the bowie police department. jim, back to you. tonight we are working to learn more about a shooting in maryland that left a man with a bullet wound in his leg. the victim flagged down a driver on hungerford drive in rockville this morning. the driver called 911 and drove the victim to a nearby parking lot at montgomery county college. investigators are try og to figure out where the shooting took place. and why. kind of hard to believe. this time tomorrow temperatures feel 30 degrees colder. how nice was it out there today? sunshine, highs in t
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60s, even around 70 in fredericksburg. 66 leesburg. 63 baltimore. and another great afternoon, sunday was great, monday was great, today was great, tomorrow, no the so great. this is why, it's a cold front making its way through. a very strong front as it moves through. the winds pick up, we're seeing those. behind this look at the numbers, current temperature in the city, 58 degrees. behind this, 23 in chicago. that's the cold air moving our way. we'll show you what moves in next coming up. kirk cousins fans rest easy, he's coming back. next season. at leave for a year. jason pugh here with more on that. >> advance, the redskins and kirk cousins don't get a long-term deal done between now and mid july, his base salary would make him the highest paid quarterback in the league. the team decided to use a
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the franchise tag gives them sometime. the team has until july 15th to get a long-term deal done. otherwise, cousins will play under tag next season, earning close do $20 million. a huge jump from last year, when he made just under $700,000. but there is a chance that kirk cousins is playing for another team next season. we'll have more on that coming up later in sports. >> jason pugh, thank you. the legal fight between the fbi and apple takes center stage on capitol hill. why the government admits this isn't just about unlocking a terrorist's iphone. new questions about a man's final moments alive. we'll report what his mother is saying amid reports from police that he committed suicide. imagine your grandmother dies, you go to the funeral home for the viewing, you look down in the casket, and the woman in
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grandmother. that sto kathleen matthews: imagine paying 20% more for a cup of coffee just because you're a woman. so why does congress think it's ok that women get paid 20% less than a man for doing the same job? i'll fight for pay equity, to protect planned parenthood, choice for women, and expand paid and family leave. now some politicians will belittle this
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need more women in congress. i'm kathleen mathews and i approve this message.
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some people in winchester, virginia are taking to the streets today in protest. they're upset over the death of a man who was shot while being chased by the police. officers say that man killed himself. but some of the people who live in winchester are skeptical about
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man, d'londre minifield was a wanted man. jackie bensen has our report. >> as people gather for another night of protest here, winchester police reveal that he had had been searching for d'londre minifield on charges of armed robbery and assault. there's confusion and anger here in winchester after the death sunday of 20-year-old d'londre minifield. >> wrongfully shot for what? for running? >> a police press release said minifield's death is being investigated as an apparent suicide. that he shot himself while running from police following a fight sunday afternoon on roosevelt boulevard. jacqueline minifield is his mother. >> where is my son? why can't i see him? and why won't you tell me what happened? that's my son. i'll never see him again and i don't know why. nobody will tell me what
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happened. >> minifield's friends have set up a memorial at a chain-link fence, a fence they say he was attempting to climb over sunday when a gunshot was heard. >> how you going to jump a fence and shoot yourself in the back of the head. >> the city of winchester police department has requested that the investigation be conducted by virginia state police. in winchester, jackie benson, news4. no signs of a breakthrough after a meeting at the white house about the vacancy on the supreme court. republican leaders from the senate met with the president in the oval office, it was their first face-to-face meeting since the death of justice antonin scalia. and the partisan fight over filling his empty seat. meanwhile there was no deadlock as the court issued its first ruling since scalia's death. one case involved mandatory minimum sentences toor child abusers, the other claims to collect health care data. both were decided by 6-2 votes. there were a lot of laughs and some tears today as hundreds
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gathered to pay tribute to justice scalia. a memorial at the mayflower hotel. speakers included clarence thomas and ruth bader ginsberg. both of whom fondly remembered their interactions with justice scalia. the battle between apple and the fbi went to capitol hill today. it comes after a judge in california ordered the tech company to help the government hack a terrorist locked phone. the house judiciary committee is weighing in on the privacy fight. nbc's brian mooar has the report. >> on capitol hillings the fbi versus apple, with phone encryption on the line and congress playing referee. >> until this, there was no closet in america, no safe in america, no garage in america, no basement in america that could not be entered with a judge's order. >> fbi director james comey said apple's new encryption is so powerful, only the compa
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bernardino terrorist syed farook. but he acknowledges what the government previously denied this fight is about far more than one phone. >> if the fbi is successful in requiring apple to unlock this phone, that won't really be a one-time request, correct? >> the issue of locked phones, certainly not. >> apple says everyone's privacy is at stake. >> building that software tool would not affect just one iphone. it would weaken the security for all of them. >> for lawmakers it's no easy choice. >> the big question for our privacy is how much privacy are we going to give up in the name of security. >> the right to counsel, free speech, a jury trial isn't as much use if you're dead. >> yesterday a federal magistrate sided with apple in a similar case in new york. ruling there's no law forcing apple to hack a locked phone. brian mooar,
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school safety policy review is under way in prince george's county. a task force formed after the arrest of deonte carraway began work today. carraway was a volunteer at judge silvania woods elementary school. charged with slix abusing as many as 17 children. the task force is expected to be finished with their work by may. new research on the zika virus and why it could be a link to another infection that has an impact on your ability to walk. new questions after a deadly tractor-trailer accident shut down a maryland road for hours, what the i-team discovered about the safety of our roads. will a federal lawsuit filed by friends of the capital crescent trail derail the purple line? thi
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one day a rider made a decision. the decision to ride on and save money. he decided to save money by switching his motorcycle insurance to geico. there's no shame in saving money. ride on, ride proud.
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great rates for great rides. we are loving that march lamb. but it's not going to be with us very much longer, is it? >> not at all. i mean it will be with us for -- 15 minutes? >> six hours? >> you can pretty much time that out. that's about the time when the cold front is going to be coming through here. that's going to change everything. highs today, simply beautiful. the coldest i saw was maybe 59 over towards annapolis. the warmest i saw, 72 down towards stanton, even fredericksburg got
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degrees, d.c. hit a high around 65. still mild, 58 degrees, with the southerly winds that kept us on the mild side. cloud cover starting to move in the numbers still mild, 67 charlottesville. 61 in leesburg. ashberg, down towards manassas and oakesville. mourt vernon. falls church all seeing temperatures well above average today and across the river towards prince george's county coming in around bowie at 57 degrees. look at the winds, starting to see the winds gust upwards of 25-30 miles per hour. and they're going to increase overnight ahead of a front and they'll increase again behind the front. no rain to look at right now. it's not far off, you can see towards the ohio valley, in through portions of west virginia moving very rapidly our way. you can see the cold air up to the north, but it's wrapping around the system. it's a very strong front. we're not seeing a whole lot of severe weather. that's good
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rumble of thunder. 58 here. 23 in chicago, that's the cold air racing on in here. very cold. much colder than it's been across the region today and we're going to see the chance for rain. 10:00. most of the area dry tonight. going out, make sure you take the umbrella, there will be a few showers to the west. just about everybody gets in on the rain. right around midnight. a little thunder or brief heavy youp pour and it's out of here. by tomorrow morning's rush, we're not dealing with any rain at all. the rush hour should not be impacted as far as rain is concerned. you'll need the coats, look at the hour by hour forecast. 43 and windy at 7:00 a.m. wind chills in the upper 20s, lower 30s. same deal around 11:00, getting back up to 45, and the winds going to be gusting upwards of 30 miles per hour and tomorrow night we're just on the cold side. much colder, wear the heavy coats tomorrow you'll need them again, you may have put them away the last couple of
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but heavy coat, maybe even the scarf as you're getting the kids out to the bus stop and school tomorrow. 42 degrees on thursday, cooler but with less wind. a better day. thursday night into friday is the next system that we're watching. chance of rain or snow, late thursday, goes until friday morning if there's enough cold air it could be some accumulating snowfall. not a big storm. not a big storm. but there could be a few slick spots in the morning rush. we'll talk about it and the weekend, i'll see you at 6:45. next, only 30 minutes until the polls close in virginia. a look at the role northern virginia is playing in the super tuesday. the new legal battle that's brewing as the work on the purple line moves forward. justice for two virginia college students who were abducted and murdered. a mother reacts to an expected guilty plea in the case. >> there's no answe
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make the act make sense. a family's grief over the loss of their grandmother. it's now turning into anger and frustration after they found out their loved one's body is missing. >> lunacy is what
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now at 6:30, one of the most
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presidential race. virginia one of the 12 states voting in super tuesday contests today. this somehow it looked in loudoun county this morning. at cedar lane elementary school in ashburn. a high voter turnout was predicted across virginia, major school systems across loudoun county, prince william and fairfax decided to close for the day. >> david culver is in prince william county. that's an important state for the candidates, i understand you're finding division even within families aren't you? >> yeah, that's the case, jim. i'm looking now, 30 more minutes until polls here close. we've seen folks coming in at a good steady clip for the past three or so hours, trying to get in before the polls close. they may be coming here in many cases family and together some of them feeling divided. >> the bra nimpb dos from bristow. >> i want to get them and we had
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>> who did you go for? >> we went for sanders, actually. >> a 2-1 family vote for sanders. >> that means young christopher's choice, didn't get his datd's vote who did you want? >> hillary clinton. >> your dad went against who you wanted? >> yes. >> we met the demers family here, dad hoping to see a united country despite division in his own family. >> i think a candidate that brings the country back together again. >> any candidate that could kind of do it for you? >> for me we're a divided family. i think hillary clinton is definitely the candidate for me and she feels strongly that bernie sanders is the candidate for her. but you know we'll see who wins. >> you're going to go in with two different votes? >> democrats, we'll see who wins. >> gary miller leaning republican. but not too happy with the options. >> if there was a, a candidate for none of the above, that's what i would pick. >> really? >> yes. >> when you go in there, who do you go for? >> the lesser of the evils. >> who i
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>> i little undecide, kasich or rubio. >> kasich or rubio. >> you got to be able to do it. >> brian miller frustrated with politicians altogether. nonetheless he's here voting. >> is there a candidate that you've been able to narrow it down to, might exercise what your ideals are? >> the only one i can think of is trump. i don't like some of his ideas, but you can't buy him off. everybody else on that list, you can buy off. >> our super tuesday coverage really just getting under way this evening. here in prince william county, going to make the rounds tonight. not only me but my bureau chief, julie carey, bring you all the coverage tonight and keep you updated on social media. doreen, back to you. >> see you soon, thank you, david culver. we asked you to weigh in. did you or would you vote in a presidential primary outside your political party affiliation. it looks like people are kind of split on this. with the majority of people saying no, you
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but some say, 24% said i did. and 25% maybe. but not this year. in the district, former mayor vincent gray taking the next step in his political comeback. he's running for a seat on the d.c. council and in ward 7 where his political career began. gray is running against the incumbent there. they'll face off in the democratic primary race in june. gray's first big campaign event will take place on this saturday. police in montgomery county say they expect a return to the site of a deadly crash several times over the next few weeks. the accident happened on river road near pyle road on saturday. 17-year-old thomas de masado was killed along with both of his parents. his 15-year-old sister, helena still in critical condition tonight. we saw an officer parked near the crash scene earlier today. so
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as this investigation continues. right now, investigators are trying to figure out what caused a deadly accident involving a tractor-trailer. it happened late last night on fingerboard road in urbana, maryland. police say carl neil lost control of his big rig. it flipped over, and then caught fire. neil died on the scene. that road was closed until about noon today. that accident is the latest in a series of deadly crashes involving big rigs. a review of federal transportation records found 49 fatal accidents involving large trucks in maryland, in the year 2014. frederick county had eight accidents, the most in the state. we checked virginia and found the most deadly accidents involving trucks were in rockingham and prince william counties. there were four in the last year. several businesses in chevy chase are vacant now and some
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the purple line. the light rail would link montgomery and prince george's counties but it's facing a new obstacle. as news4's chris gordon reports now, a lawsuit could stop this project in its tracks. >> some ride bikes, others walk along the trail with the purple line is being proposed. a federal lawsuit has been filed by friends of the capital crescent trail to stop the purple line. the light rail system that will link new carrollton and bethesda. montgomery county councilman george leventhal doubts that the federal lawsuit will delay the purple line. >> i think the group that's filing the lawsuit is on the wrong track. residents of chevy chase will benefit enormously from being able to ride the purple line. >> the people we asked here hope the purple line and the capital crescent trail can peacefully co-existent. >> they both serve the community. they're both must haves for a growing metropolitan area. >> to make way for the purple
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center will be history. this store is closed. the hair salon, empty. t.w. perry, which has been here over 100 years has closed its show room and is getting ready to move to brookeville road in silver spring. lynn gallagher has been shopping here for more than 30 years. >> i will miss them being here, yes. yes. but i'm sure i will follow them to brookeville road. >> chevy chase supermarket is not revealing its plans yet. it believes that it has time until a new real estate development is built here. the purple line is up and running. it's unknown when construction will begin on the purple line. it is already changing the lives of people who live and work along its route in montgomery county, chris gordon, news4. a victims family says it will not bring closure. a local man arrested for firing shots into h
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home. but it didn't end there. what police found inside the property that led to even more criminal charges. 65 today in d.c., 70 in fredericksburg. how about the wind chill tomorrow afternoon around 12:30? do i have to say them? 26 in leesburg? ouch. see you in a minute.
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tonight, a mother is reacting to the news that the man accused of killing her daughter is planning to enter a plea in that case. the man's name is jesse matthew. he is expected to plead guilty tomorrow, in the deaths of morgan harrington and hannah graham. both were college students, they were abducted and murdered in charlottesville, virginia, years apart. harrington's parents have waited more than six years for justice. >> justice for morgan, for us,
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an end point to this process. rather than it being infinite. so there's finality. as well as accountability. that he will admit blame. >> it is unclear right now whether matthew will admit guilt or make another plea. which would allow him to maintain that he is innocent. matthew is already serving a life sentence for sex assault in fairfax county. an unusual situation and fine in fairfax county. police say they arrested michael stride yesterday after somebody reported bullets being fired into their house on cherry drive in falls church. police say that stride was squatting in an empty house nearby. while searching the vacant home officers found a six-foot python snke and several handguns. animal control officers took custody of the snake. the montgomery county school board is meeting behind closed doors right now. to hammer out det
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contract for the new superintendant. the board of education selected dr. jack smith to fill the role. he is currently serving as interim superintendent for the state. previously he had been superintendant of the cal vvert county schools. he will begin the job on july 1st if approved. researchers found new evidence that could link the zika virus to a paralyzing condition. a group of scientists from france looked at blood samples from 42 adults who had been diagnosed with guillain-barre syndrome during an outbreak a couple of years ago. tests revealed all of those people were carrying the zika virus antibodies, showing proof of the infection. guillain-barre is a neurological illness that typically lasts a few weeks, can cause muscle weakness and even the inability to walk. nearly 90% of the patients reported zika-like symptoms days before noticing the neuroc
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coming up, a local family preparing for the funeral of a loved one only to discover the body of a stranger in the casket. >> lunacy is
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for a cup of coffee just because you're a woman. so why does congress think it's ok that women get paid 20% less than a man for doing the same job? i'll fight for pay equity, to protect planned parenthood, choice for women, and expand paid and family leave. now some politicians will belittle this as a women's agenda. more proof that we just need more women in congress. i'm kathleen mathews and i approve this message.
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a local family coping with the loss of a relative now dealing with an unthinkable situation. after planning the funeral they arrive for the services to find -- their grandmother was not the one in the casket. and her body is missing. pat collins has the story you'll see only on news4.
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>> where is the body of virginia gray? her family wants to know. >> i want her to have a proper funeral and burial. if it's not too late. we just want to find our grandmother. >> virginia gray was 83 years old. she fell unconscious at her home last month. and ambulance took her to the prince george's county hospital. she died there sometime later. her grandchildren say they hired the horton funeral home to prepare her for the funeral and the viewing. but when the grandchildren went to the viewing last friday, the woman in the casket wasn't their grandmother. >> you never had chance to have a service for her? >> no, we vth. >> you never had a chance to do a proper internment of her body. >> no, we haven't. >> all that's on hold? >> yes, it is. >> because you don't know where she is? >> exactly. we reached out to the
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situation. we reached out to the horton funeral home about this. no response. you can imagine the great heartbreak this has caused miss gray's family. >> we have a million and one thoughts going through our brain as far as what's going on with our grandmother. where she is. hopefully she's not buried somewhere else. anything, all kind of possibilities. >> so where's the body of virginia gray? her family wants to know. her family says they have a right to know. which leads to the question -- who was the woman in miss gray's casket? and where's her family? in northwest, pat collins, news4. if you drive through prince george's county, pretty soon you may come across more work zones than normal. while it may slow you down a bit you'll probably appreciate the end result. today the county launch w
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calls a pothole blitz to take care of all the problems spots in the county. a lot of information about potholes from how to report them and what to do if your vehicle has been damaged. you can check it out on our nbc washington app just search potholes. blitzing the potholes in time for the next weather event, right? >> the weather event tonight will be a little rain followed by very cold conditions tomorrow. you start to get used to the nice weather. when we have it for a couple of days, tomorrow it's gone. temperatures today in the mid 60s, tomorrow it will only feel like the mid 30s and that's going to be a big difference across our area. 58 degrees, temperatures dropping. nice weather at 7:00, rather breezy as we move on through. by 11:00, is when we'll start to see the showers coming on through. rockville coming in at 58 degrees, 61 down towards manassas and 51 a
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not much on the radar until you go back to the west. this front is racing off to the east right now and again very warm air ahead of it. very cold air behind it. >> i want to show you where we are, the rain is making its way in fairly quickly. around charleston, some quick raindrops here this is moving at a good clip. so if you continue the movement, about four and a half to five hours, that puts it here, right around midnight tonight. don't be surprised, if you're towards the west, it could be in about 11:00, 10:30, you could hear a rumble of thunder, but not much in the way of severe weather. but we're anticipating a brief shower and colder conditions. look at tomorrow morning. 43, rather breezy. that's at 7:00, 8:00 a.m. 44 and chilly between 3:00 and 4:00, those are the temperatures without the wind. let's add the wind in. 25 to 30 at 7:00 a.m.
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30-35 around the noon hour. and 31 to 37 around the 4:00 hour. we use this picture a lot. we call this guy cold guy. when we look for him, we look up cold guy. there he is. definitely on the cold side. 45 on your wednesday, 42 thursday, that's cold. 45 on friday. snow overnight thursday night into friday. for some of us, a system we're going to continue to watch much more on this tonight at 11:00, a quick-moving system. not a big one, it does look like things get warmer as we head into next week. it is super tuesday. virginia, one of 12 states voting in presidential primaries today. the polls will be closing just a few minutes from now. a live look at one of the polling sites, middle school in bristow in prince william county, virginia we'll have live results in our nbc washington app as soon as they come in from virginia and all of the super tuesday primetime states, nbc news coverage begins at 10:00 tonight on news4 followed
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sports coming up, burgundy and gold have tagged kirk cousins, jason is coming up to tell us what that means. and also, what it does not necessarily guarantee. but first, here's lester holt with a look at what's ahead on "nbc nightly news." our super tuesday coverage begins shortly. we'll look at why a huge night for trump, does it mean the gop race is over? and why clinton is shifting to a new target. we take you inside the hearing where apple and the fbi are facing off. and more testimony from the erin andrews trial, is the hotel to blame for giving her stalker
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you like that? you like that? yeah! yeah! yeah! that's going to be with him forever, isn't it? >> especially after today. >> the question is is he going to be with us forever? >> yoe no about forever, but at least next season. the game of tag is so much more fun when there's $20 million on the line. kirk cousins wanted a long-term deal. but the quarterback has no problem when it comes to betting on himself. the front office could not reach a long-term
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but the nonexclusive franchise tag buys him more time. what does that tag mean? first off we know that cousins will make $19.95 million under the tag next season. which will make him the highest paid quarterback by base salary in the entire league. now since it's nonexclusive, other teams are free to negotiate a long-term deal with cousins. but get this, before you freak out, the redskins have the ability to match any outside deal but if they choose not to, whatever team signs cousins has to give the redskins two first-round draft picks. now the franchise tag buys the redskins some time. they'll have until july 15th to try to reach a long-term deal with cousins. head coach jay gruden and scott mcclellan say they want to see cousins get a long-term deal. he had single-season
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attempts records, completions and passing yards and became the first redskins quarterback to throw a touchdown in all 16 r regular-season games. close to $20 million for the franchise tag. here's the crazy thing. it's hard to look at the market for quarterbacks, tom braidy, the best in the game is going to make $9 million next season. he's won four super bowls. so it's tough to gauge the market a little bit. but you have to -- >> then you have bradford. >> come on, two years, $36 million he signed. he did nothing last year. so you understand where kirk cousins is coming from. hey i'm going to hold off like it's the best deal possible. >> no hurry. >> he has all the cards. also the next important date for redskins fans to remember, march 9th, that's the date when the team can exercise player options for 2016. robert griffin iii is scheduled to make $16 million if he's not released by then. kirk cousins not alone, a number of players were franchise tagged
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broncos tagged super bowl mvp vonn miller, since entering the league in 2011, recorded 60 sacks, no other player has more during that stretch. and panthers quarterback josh norman solidified himself with a breakout game. chiefs pro bowl safety eric bery. and the kicker, yes, a kicker was franchise tagged, ravens franchise tagged justin tucker. let's move on to hockey. the only thing that could stop or slow down the capitals just might be the schedule. four games in five nights. and a brutal stretch for barry trot, the first of back-to-backs, host the penguins, no one in the eastern conference is closing to catching the caps for most points. bau huge match-up tonight for this group. if the season ended today they would host the penguins in the first round of the playoffs. so this team knows just how important tonight is. >> we want to send a message, it's been
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us. fun games, hard games. but we need to a get our game back to exactly where we want it to be. b, try to lay some groundwork for potential playoff match-up. >> we want to build our game weemplt not looking specifically at who we're playing, we want to come in with the evident best effort and take down whoever we're playing on that given night. and continue to keep the team rolling going into the playoffs here. >> to baseball arriving to spring trains in style. this is -- matt fisher, outfi d outfieldoutfiel outfielder yoenis cespedes. cespedes has usually showed up in one of his exotic customized cars every day in spring training. today i guess he wanted to be a little low-key. he decided to bring horse and bought a goat from the county fair, yoenis cespedes, the nationals did try to sign him this off-season. he would have been a fun guy to have in the club house. >> instead of a ferrari, he comes in on
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>> owwww -- >> i couldn't resist. >> everybody thinking it. >> thanks for joining us. >> special hour-long edition of "nbc nightly news" next. we'll see you for news4 at 11:00
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decision 2016 super tuesday update. >> hello, the polls have now closed in three states on this super tuesday. let's walk you through what we know at this hour. let's start with the republicans in georgia. nbc news projects donald trump wins in georgia. in virginia, republican side the race is too close to call but based on early exit polls, trump and rubio are vying for first place. again, that's virginia. in vermont, republican race too early to call. let's look at the democrats now. in georgia, nbc news projects hillary clinton is the winner in georgia. in virginia, nbc news again projects hillary clinton will win.


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