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tv   Today  NBC  May 1, 2016 8:00am-9:00am EDT

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the only thing she's got going is the woman card. >> we don't need him. >> in the flesh. the washington rams select jared goff! >> good morning. welcome to "sunday today" on this first day of may. i'm willie geist. hope you're enjoying a nice pancake breakfast. i'll give you the same warning donald trump gave john kasich this week. small bites. a simple question you may have even asked yourself. why do eyeglasses cost so much? the answer led them to create one of the hottest brands in the world.
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in the computer lab. jeff and i were talking, andy and dave came up and said, hey, why are glasses so expensive? you work at a nonprofit that distributes glasses in the world. i said there's really no reason. then, the corporate world used to stay out of public issues but now it's part of the fray. >> it's ironic to think about in the 1960s the generation that now millenials taking to the streets and protesting queagain "the man." now "the man" is the activist, the protester. plus, a man who started a massive recycling project for children in need. his story later in the show. first, the indiana primary that's just two days away. it's likely
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john kasich and ted cruz will have to stop donald trump. saying he is not a true conservative. >> clear and simple contrast, that's what this election is about. donald and hillary have been washington insiders for 40 years. donald trump supported jimmy carter over ronald reagan. >> hallie jackson has logged literally tens of thousands of miles covering this race. she got a little bit of a rest attending the correspondents' dinner at white house. how are you feeling? >> just rolled in from the after party. >> we had john kasich, ted cruz, and carly
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running mate early. >> reporter: mathematically, if donald trump loses, he could still go on and lock up the nomination outright and hit that magic number, 1237. for cruz, the pressure is really on. now that john kasich is not campaigning there, he finally has the opportunity to prove that he can beat donald trump in a head-to-head matchup. it's a make or break state for him. while he won't say that publicly, and he carly fiorina saying it's very important, picking up the endorsement of governor mike pens, governor of indiana. i'm told he will be on the campaign trail for senator cruz. is he popular among conservatives in indiana, 71% favorable rating. do you know who is more popular in indiana? bobby knight. that is who is campaigning for donald trump. he will be there through tuesday, trying
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has what it takes to roll through indiana and get on to california and lock up the nomination, potentially on june 7th. >> bob knight has been out on the trail all week gl he's out there, yeah. >> president obama's final correspondents dinner. and he really enjoyed talking about donald trump. >> the republican establishment is increditulous. they say donald lacks the foreign policy experience to be president. in fairness he has spent years meeting with leaders from around the world, there's sweden, argentina, there's aserbajan. how did it play? >> reporter: people found to bet to be very funny. he seemed to wrap up his
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and everybody looked at each other and went, okay, he's not going to hit donald trump very hard. it was a head fake. he went in and slammed him pretty hard. a cameo from former house speaker john boehner did a skit with the president. as you know, he has been in the news for calling ted cruz lucifer in the flesh. >> and even offered the president a cigarette at the end of that speech. go rest of us from those parties. all right? a sixth body has been found in palestine, texas, among the dead a woman and her four grandchildren. world famous new orleans jazz fest even shut down by that stormy weather. janet shamlian, how does it look today? >> reporter: it looks like it's going to rain again today. the thousands of people who have traveled here for jazz fest are hoping that is not going
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show is scheduled to go on. saturday, wow, what a different story. torrential rain and thunderstorms. by late afternoon, festival organizers called it a day, canceling the rest of the performances. among the artists who didn't get to play, stevie wonder and snoop dogg. insisting the show had to go on, guess what they did? they found venue notice french request rt and went and played surprise concerts there. texas got pounded specifically east of dallas and the community of lindale. about 70 to 80 home there is damaged by a suspected tornado. for today, jazz fest is on. the threat of severe weather is diminished. we are expecting more rain here but the warnings have turned to watches and in terms of rain, just one to three inches, hopefully. back to you. >> janet, thank you. let's hope they get a bit of relief there.
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arrest orders for anti-government protesters. baghdad under a state of emergency after demonstrators occupied the government building. u.s. is concerned that the chaos could distract iraqi forces from isis. the venezuelan embassy released these pictures of the rescue made by their forces. they heard moaning coming from a collapsed building. the 72-year-old was dehydrated, suffering from foot injuries but is expected to survive. motorcyclist stopped at an intersection in eastern china, with cat-like reflexes, jumping off his bike and running to safety right before a massive jack-knifing truck was about to hit him. somehow everyone walked
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from this one. johnny, founder and ceo of girls who code and one time candidate. she is also flying across country with a 14-month-old after this show. >> pray for me. >> editor in chief of wired, scott dadich, print into digital. enjoys a glass of smooth bourbon, two-tiered seafood platter but is allergic to g garlic. >> true. >> like jay-z, olivia sterns grew up on the mean streets of new york city. >> my friends are in the green room. >> we washed the correspondents dinner. we were here, staying behind, dutyifully doing our jobs. one more bite. president obama, the confluence of his
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presidential campaign makes for comedy like this. >> on the republican side, things are a little more -- how shall we say this? a little more loose. just look at the confusion over the invitation to tonight's dinner. guests were asked to check whether they wanted steak or fish. instead, a whole bunch of you wrote in paul ryan. >> nobody marinates in a punch line like president obama. stay there is and soaks it in. >> it was a blast to watch. >> what do you think? >> i loved it. he is ready to be done, like a drop the mike moment every single second. i loved it. >> he does really well in these settings. comedy. he sort of pauses, anticipates his own punch line and literally deposits his own mike. >> i thought he was
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larry wilmer. >> obviously a hilarious guy, but so hard to follow the president of the united states in that room every time. let's talk about that campaign, though. donald trump sweeps all five of the primary. looking into indiana, pretty strong. the poll pretsy tight. ted cruz could win. it does look, scott, like if he wins indiana, now there's no stopping donald trump. >> i think at this point the presumptive nominee. both teams are sort of focusing their attention on one another at this point. >> i also thought he had a horrible week with his comment on the woman card. it was a gift to hillary. it activated a lot of women who were either standing on the sidelines and not sure yet. if i'm for reproductive rights, deal me in. >> that has to comek
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revisit him. >> ted cruz, let's have an alliance with john kasich. they announced the alliance. then kasich was like, there was no alliance. then cruz comes out with carly fiorina and then trump comes out with bobby knight. >> i think he said the basketball ring. you can't show up at the hoozier state and stand on a basketball court and call it a basketball ring. they're sort of alpha males, making offensive comments toward women. but seriously, great endorsement. indiana is sort of make or break. kind of weird when cruz decided to pick a running mate when it looks increasingly like he will lose. kasich, okay, we'll lay off staff. he's doubling down. >> banking on the fact that he can win indiana, steal delegates anen
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this point but he believes if he can get there, everything is up for grabs in cleveland. >> seems tonight only goal. >> and it didn't help that john boehner called cruz lucifer in the flesh this week. >> what did the president say last night? i think ted had a bad week. this story from the nfl draft, not about 40-yard dash or jump. ten minutes before the draft, this video you're looking at right here, posted to his twitter account. some people say he could have been the number one pick. probably wasn't going to be, but could have been the fourth or fifth pick. he fell to 13. depends who you ask. some people say he lost six to seven. he says his account was hacked. it wasn't him. but my gosh. what was your
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>> individuvideos are part of everything. and the pendulum has swung the other way. young folks especially don't care about privacy and share everything. and they're encouraged to do it, right, by their likes and like bid their favorites. every parent should show this video to their child and say this is what's possible. you can lose $7 million in an instant. >> i hate to think that anyone in the nfl is putting any kind of controlled substance into their body. >> ever. >> there is that point that people have said of all the things that have gone into the nfl, this is the worst and is going to cost you -- >> domestic violence, right? i feel bad for him. no surprise kids in college, even if they're on the big team, smoke pot. it's legal in some states right now. it looks like he was hacked. he will be making millions of dollars le
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he's untouchable now. what brand will get behind him now that there's this video of him smoking pot? and in a weird way. i didn't realize there was such a thing. >> scott, could you explain that gas mask? >> maybe later. >> in the post johnny manziel era, nobody wants to touch him. >> yeah. you guys are out with the trend-setters, cultural taste makers. people who are going to change our culture. high on the list is who? >> we all live and die by the phone. imagine a world where you always have signal. it doesn't matter if you're on verizon, at&t or sprint. the phone finds the best and strongest signal and nick is working on that project at google called vie. he's pushing the carriers into a world where we always have rich, full high-speed
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carriers? >> they'll have to negotiate this. google is leading the innovation front where the technology is far ahead of the policy and the business will have to catch up. >> obviously consumers will want this. it will make your cell phone signal a lot more reliable. will that demand overwhelm all those carriers? they'll have to reimburse each other when -- >> exactly, from phone to phone, network to network. there's a lot of infrastructure at play there. >> stephanie landry, amazon prime now. what's she up to? >> we've all been in this boat. you're out of laundry detergent sunday afternoon. >> diapers. >> or diapers. you dial up the service prime. it's in 30 cities. stephanie is the mastermind behind this. they added 20 boeing 767s to the entire amazon fleet, ramping up tear ability to get products and
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centers, cutting delivery times down to 30 minutes. >> it's a big part of our house now. we start clapping whenever we can talk to her. as the mother of a 1-year-old, we use amazon prime all the time. it's a huge, huge sense of efficiency in our household. make ace difference. >> couple of names on the wired's next list. helen we'll explain this bravest moment. and ted cruz attempts to he rehe enact the famous scene from the movie hoosiers. do don't do that. getting moderate er
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frederick county, these pockets of yellow. all of this tracking off to the north and east. this off and on rain through much of the rest of the day may taper off a bit this afternoon, but maybe evening thundershowers. after that, we'll dry out and monday we'll warm up, afternoon highs today only funner 50s, but near 80 tomorrow afternoon. could get more showers on tuesday and perhaps again thursday and friday. ifficult times, it never gives in. in fact, it gets stronger... ...and stronger. i created open hearts to be a universal symbol of giving and receiving love. right now, save up to 20% on select open hearts jewelry. kay jewelers has helped make it the perfect gift for the person in your life with an open heart. because when you keep your heart open... will always find its way in. ♪ every kiss begins with kay.
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see if you're eligible for 12 months free at you say avocado old el paso says... zesty chicken and avocado tacos in our stand 'n stuff tortillas . (record scratch) you say stand n' stuff tortillas old el paso says... start somewhere fresh
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the highs and lows of last week. chobani greek yogurt ceo announced full timers would get shares up to 10%, based on tenure. some workers could make more than a million bucks on the deal. the boss telling his people, i want you to share in our success and to be rewarded by it. how cool is that? >> love it. wish i work there. >> it's great. giving the employees a stake in the company's future. he gives profits to charity. >> next move of generosity, eliminating that weird water on top of yogurt. republican candidate ted cruz trying hard this week to connect with the storied basketball culture of the state of indiana, which votes on tuesday, campaigning in the very
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gym where "hoosiers" was shot. re-enactment, but he called the hoop a basketball ring. that's not what that cylinder is called at all. he quickly redeems himself by praising indiana basketball god gary bird. beautiful little orelia underdahl broke a string of boy births. that's right, no underdahl girls since woodrow wilson. already has a 22-month-old brother. proud grandfather said maybe it just took 100 years to create perfection. she gets new clothes. the poor boys have been handing down the same gear since 1914. >> imagine when that girl goes on her first
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we've covered the gas mask. but what about the crop top? former ohio state star running back known for turning his jersey into a crop top to show off his six pack. showing off a crop top dress shirt. next, rivalry that dates back to the earliest days of humans enforcing laws versus firefighters. stuck in the elevator. after exhausting all other options, short of calling in s.e.a.l. team six, the boys in blue had to call the firefighters to bail them
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the kc department posting, that was embarrassing. take me out to the ball game at friday's cubs game. it wasn't great. >> one, two, three. ♪ take me to the ball game ♪ take me out with the crowd buy me some peanuts and cracker jacks ♪ >> he's a rapper, not a singer. we have to love the old lady in the crowd genuinely upset. no, that ain't no good. apparently she's more of a nate dog fan. good luck on that flight today. >> thank you. >> olivia is sticking around. coming up, did you ever wonder why
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hi dad. uh huh. yeah...sorry about that. ♪ think about it ♪ there must be higher love ♪ down in the heart what do you think? ♪ and in the stars above hi ted, glad you could join us, we think you're going to like these numbers. ♪ bring me a higher love ♪ i could rise above
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we're following breaking news out of northeast d.c. where a csx train has derailed and we have a hazmat situation. derrick ward is live it at the scene.
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street bridge in the area of 10th and franklin looking south down the railroad track toward the rhode island avenue station. what you're seeing there in the sdwa distance is a gondola that has derailed and we're told that there are three tanker cars derailed perhaps leaking three different chemicals. we don't know what they are. we have reports from sources that tell it thaws one is it a chemical that reagents to rain hence the caution that we have here. we don't have minute that we have been told that has been told to evacuate, some people have been told to shelter in place or not go out. and there may be people in the immediate area. we'll have details on the situation as it becomes available pl we're live in northeast, derrick ward, news 4. >> we have 90 minutes of news and weather coming up in half an hour, including more on this
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ranking from top to bottom. car company of the year? luxury cars just seem like they would be top awarded. better be some awards behind what you are paying for, right? the final answer. chevy. the most awarded car company two years in a row. wow, it's like a luxury car. i was shocked. i mean it's like, this is chevy? for a limited time, get cash back for 15% of the msrp
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find new roads at your local chevy dealer good morning. steady light rain across much of our region including maryland, virginia, west virginia, the eastern shore. continuing to track off to the north and east. some heavier downpours pockets of yellow in frederick county and shenandoah valley, all of this getting closer to the metro area here around 10:00, 11:00 this morning. may settle down a bit this afternoon. and then maybe thundershowers this evening. highs only near 60 day. more showers possible tuesday and thursday and friday.
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unfolding situation in northeast d.c., a csx train has derailed and some roads are shut down. we'll be live bernie's slogan has helped his campaign catch fire among young people. feel the bern. feel the bern. it's a good slogan. hillary's slogan has not had the same effect. let's see this. >> more from president obama at last night's white house correspondents dinner, the last of his presidency. it was the year president obama was first elected to the white house that four business school buddies were cooking up an idea that would change an industry. we all, at some point, had a brilliant idea that was going to change the world and make us millions but very few get past the dream stage. the guys who started
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with a simple question. why do eyeglasses cost so much? it took them from a classroom study group to a billion dollar company. >> i remember vividly, we were in the computer lab. jeff and i were talking. andy and dave came up and said, hey, like why are glasses so expensive? he worked at a nonprofit that distributed glasses in the developing world and i paused and said there's really no reason. >> neil, jeff, and andy were students. >> i spent a few months traveling before business school, left a $700 pair of glasses on an airplane and bought a new iphone, paid $200 for that and it did all these magical things that i couldn't have contemplated were possible even a few years earlier, meanwhile the technology behind
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old. >> your first mistake was owning a pair of $700 glasses. i think that's theless lesson you should take way from that one. >> serves him right. >> we had this personal pinpoint and built warby parker to solve that for sboursz lots of other people. >> blumenthal knew there was a better way, because of his experience working for vision spring, a nonprofit that provides glass to the poor in developing countries. >> less than $4 a day and literally ten feet way on the same production lines were some of the most famous names in fashion being produced. >> what's a typical markup on a pair of glasses? >> 10 to 12 times from what they're being manufactured for. markups in this industry are craze. >> i one company dominates the industry as the world's largest designer, manufacturer, distributor and retailer of eyeglasses. >> most consumers don't realize most eyewear brands they've heard of, including
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dolce gabbana, are manufactured by the same company. >> at a booth at nearby roosevelt's pub, the four classmates came up with a shakeup and warby parker was born. >> what was some of the reactions you first got? >> cool project, guys. >> you're on a roller coaster where this is awesome and then have you days where we are the dumbest people on the planet. >> introducing warby. >> parker. >> just. >> 95. >> dollars. >> a pair. >> they combined two characters in the dharma bums. for every pair of the the $95 pair of glasses, another pair is donated to someone in need. do you think you could make more money if you weren't giving way half your glasses? or is it because you give away half your glassesha
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short-term profits but we think we would be making a mistake. we really view it as a great long-term investment. >> before warby parker had 20 sloo sleek retail stores with 20 more planned this year, they sold their glasses exclusively online, working out of neil's philadelphia apartment. >> how am i going to buy glasses online? what if we sent people frames to try on at home? that gets over this fit issue. they'll touch the frames, look in the mirror and be like this is great. idea of a home try-on came from a moment of self doubt. that gave us the confidence to keep moving forward. >> everything changed one day in february 2010 when gq posted an article, calling warby parker the netflix of eyewear. >> as soon as the gq article hit, we were all in neil's apartment, having a mobile app
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came in. it kept going faster, faster, faster. there's a limit supply. >> we had wait list of 20,000 customers. we were out of inventory for about nine months. good problem to have, but we were all terrified that we had all these early adopters that were excited about this brand and we were leaving them with a disappointing early experience. >> they reached out to those customers personally, every last one of them. >> we had to get jeff off the phone because he would give everybody a free pair of glasses. >> just dishing them out? >> really sorry. your glasses are on us. they're like, we don't have any more glasses to give away. >> we would be sitting in a lecture, with the professor giving a lecture, answering customer service e-mail. >> when is the breakthrough moment then, when you say, we're done with the bootstraps? this is not a mom and pop shot anymore? >> the company shot off like a rocket ship, hit
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sales in three weeks, selling out our top styles in four weeks. it was mayhem. >> fast company magazine named warby parker the most innovative company in the world, over the likes of apple, google and ali babba. five years after it was born, warby was valued atwell over $1 billion. >> the bigger we get, and each of those milestones that we hit, we realize there's such a big opportunity in front of us. we're just motivated to continue to grow and have more impact over time. >> one of our very first frames, the roosevelt, named after that first bar where we decided to start the business. >> did you ever stop and say, wow, i can't believe we pulled this off? >> a couple of years ago, we announced that we distributed 1 million pairs of glasses in the give a pair program. just thinking about the scale that we had achieved in such a short time period, the four of us took a step back and
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that we had accomplished a lot in a pretty short period of time. >> people often ask us, aren't you afraid of the big optical companies? no, we're actually more afraid of four guys just like us, sitting in a dorm room somewhere, thinking up a better way to provide glasses to people. >> show of hands. who actually needs the glasses they're wearing today? >> oh, man. >> i hate this question. >> 50%, huh? otherwise you're just walking billboards, is that right? >> fashion accessories. >> advertisement. >> sorry, guys, had to ask. neil and dave run the company. andy has moved on to venture capital and jeff has undertaken his next active disruption with the company harry's, which aims to do to the shaving industry what warby parker has done to eyewear. if you dream of your own billion dollar business and want to get dave's ideas, check out chelsea handler
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new show on netflix. we hope to include some of what she says on sunday morning tv. next on "today," used to be corporate gospel not to weigh in on political issues. their newfound activism, when we co this might look like a zero-gravity drop... but it's actually a triumph of predictive analytics. because of optum. through population health data, they provide insights so doctors and hospitals can identify high-risk patients. like me... asthma... potential hospital visit. so now thanks to optum, this asthma thing's under control. gravity not so much. this is healthier, powered by optum. from health plans to providers to employers. we connect all parts of health care. healthier is here. ever since jim signed personalized lawn care plan, he's been getting step-by-step instructions based on where he lives that ensures his lawn looks amazing. hey jim, you know what else would look amazing in the yard? a lady unicorn. i'm lonely jim!
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we stop arthritis pain, so you don't have to stop. because you believe in go. onward. today's the day. carpe diem. tylenol® 8hr arthritis pain has two layers of pain relief. the first is fast. the second lasts all day. we give you your day back. what you do with it is up to you. tylenol®. my dad gave me you know.ares, he ran that company. i get it. but you know i think you own too much. gotta manage your risk. an honest opinion is how edward jones makes sense of investing. mabecause it's thee only almondmilk made with california-grown blue diamond almonds. of course, if you ask one of our almond growers... there's no maybe about it. almond breeze. the best almonds make the best almondmilk.
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the call just came in. she's about to arrive. and with her, a flood of potential patients. a deluge of digital records. x-rays, mris. all on account...of penelope. but with the help of at&t, and a network that scales up and down on-demand, this hospital can be ready. giving them the agility to be flexible & reliable. because no one knows & like at&t. the philosophy of corporations has long been to stay out of fights o
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or political issues. recently some companies have begun to change that mind-set, leaping head first into controversial headlines. olivia sterns explains why. >> grown, adult men, strangers, should not be alone in a bathroom with little girls. >> caitlyn jenner in the trump hotel. >> man? not anymore. >> reporter: suddenly everyone has an opinion on the newest hot button issue. >> the boss, bruce springsteen, became the latest to take a stand against north carolina today, canceling a concert over the new state law that some say discriminates over gay and transgender people. >> pay pal canceled plans for a 400-job expansion, citing north carolina's new law, limit ing
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>> we cannot open a center in a state that does not embrace rights of all citizens. >> new power player? >> new power players and new activists. in the 1960s, the generation that is now millennials is taking to the streets and protesting against "the man." now the man is the activist, the protester. >> expert in ceo activism. >> i think it started last year when it came to indiana and the religious freedom restoration act. >> another major story we're covering this morning is the growing backlash against a new law in indiana that some argue discriminates against gays. >> in the washington post, apple's openly gay ceo tim cook called the law dangerous. >> after one week with enormous business pressure, indiana revised the law. >> it looks like ceos are sticking their necks out over principle, it might also be about profit. you think supporting these causes are actually good
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business? >> when tim cook spoke out on the religious freedom restoration act in indiana, people that supported him on that issue were more likely to buy apple products. >> this week, target becoming a target of both support -- >> makes me want to shop more at target. >> and outrage over its transgender bathroom policy. the boycott target pledge has gotten half a million signatures of support. from target to starbucks intimate race together campaign to chick-fil-a taking a stance against marriage, speaking out comes clearly with its risk. >> what was the advice of the ceo 20 years ago? >> why would you ever want to get involved in an issue that's 50/50? why alieniate 50% of your profit? >> arguing in part taking a stand on thesess
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critical in their ability to recruit. >> states considering pushing these through, do they want to be inviting to the innovation economy or repel it? >> deutsch bank joined pay pal in nixing expansion plans and the nba commissioner said they won't have the all-star game in charlotte if the law stays. businesses have suddenly become the bully. >> what people expect from the companies they do business with is to provide good service. they don't want these companies weighing into arguments that impact their lives every day, like where they go to the bathroom. >> some businesses like the westin in charlotte, feel like they have no choice but to weigh in on the controversy. ever since the legislation passed, the hotel says it's been losing business as several big groups have pulled out. >> it's against our pillar as an organization, but it's impacting us from a standpoint that, yeah, we have 350 associates that really relyn
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busy to support their family. >> olivia sterns joins me now live again. what is the risk for a company like target to step out on this issue and run off some of their customers as they did this week? >> this is something i asked everybody. is this about headlines, bottom lines or just about principle and trying to be on the right side of the social issue? in apple's case, it does seem to have done them some good but there are a million people now protesting at target. so, it's really hard to figure out at the end of the day what this is actually going to do. >> there is some hipoch hypocri >> we don't want to do business in north carolina where gay people don't have rights, lgbt people don't have rights. they have big offices in singapore and malaysia where you can go to jail for being gay. even apple sells a lot of products in many coues
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you'll go to prison for being gay. >> fascinating subject. rain continuing to fall 37 and we have moderate rain this pocket of yellow along 81 between hooray and written chester, that is moving in to loudoun county, perhaps fairfax and montgomery county and the will metro area. an around 10:00 or so this morning. and after that, maybe settling down a bit in the afternoon. could get showers and thundershow you know when i first started out, it was all pencil and paper. the surface pro is very intuitive. with the pressure of my hand i can draw lightly, just like i would with a real pencil. i've been a forensic artist for over 30 years.
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site sketches which are the bad guy sketches. you need good resolution, powerful processor because the computer has to start thinking as fast as my brain does. i do this because i want my artwork to help people.
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we talked earlier about the warby parker guy that asked a simple question that led to a big idea. one dad in danville asked another question while out with his children to dinner one night. now thousands of children are fwl
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>> reporter: in this kitchen little nervous. >> she thinks i'm nuts. >> because what he's cooking isn't dinner. >> we'll get out 1200 to 1400 crayons an hour. >> reporter: melting down coloring crayons is now his passion, an idea born from watching crayons thrown away at a restaurant when out to dinner with his family. >> they said they had to throw it way after it was on the table. that was a spark of there's got to be something we could do with it. >> reporter: he thought maybe we could recycle them and give them to kids for free. now he's collecting over 500 pounds of used crayons a week from schools and restaurants with daily deliveries to his house piling up everywhere. >> we take the assorted crayons, melt it down. you can see some of the paper is coming off here. >> reporter: almost looks like
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>> reporter: he calls it his crayon initiative. using what looks like a waffle maker that he designed. you're faster than i am. >> hard to get good help these days. >> reporter: these days he does have help and lots of it. before he cooks, they sort. at a community event this week, 100 volunteers gather to help. >> there they are. sorting them now. giving them back to the people who need them. >> reporter: once packaged, ware sends them to local hospitals. what's this drawing? >> that's a car. >> reporter: that's a car? >> where the payoff comes in the shape of smiles. 11-year-old jayden hendricks likes to let her imagination go when she colors. what kind of things do you think about? >> nothing. that's exactly why i color. your brain just shout shuts off when you
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>> you would be surprised what comes out on to a piece of paper. it's as important to their healing as the medications that they receive. >> reporter: recovering from spinal surgery and coloring helps her forget the pain. >> it's a place where i get to escape from everything and really focus on just coloring. sometimes my medical stuff really stresses me out. i try to keep my mind off of it. >> it provides them the ability to be whatever they want to be, dream whatever they want to be. that right there is why we do this. >> reporter: one father's simple idea turning unwanted crayons into unlimited possibilities. >> gowdy schwartz. if you've ever been tempted by one of those, but wait, there's more infomercials, you can thanks
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it easier to use than complicated food processors. >> just one of his many big sellers. he also sold 28 million of the brush-o-matic at $2.99 a pop. his as seen on tv feather touch, popular music as well, astounding 500 million records. he grew up without electricity or running water. his first sales were animal pelts he trapped himself, going for the low, low price of 40 cents. a born well this a predicament. homestyle sounds good. but country style, not without it's charms. brown sugar hickory. who says no to hickory? single-serve vegetarian? sure! there are no rules here. no rules on aisle four! with 17 delicious flavors cooked according to
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variety you can't resist. did you get a can of bush's beans? yes, yes i did. bush's beans. what's your favorite flavor? thank you so much. did you say honey? hey, try some? you know i'm always looking for real honey for honey nut cheerios. well you've come to the right place. mind if i have another taste? not at all mmm part of a complete breakfast thhit the road with.ather... no one i'd rather have dinner and a movie with. no one i'd rather lean on. being in love is an amazing thing. being in love with your best friend... everything. the ever us two-stone ring.
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one for your true love. for the one woman in your life who's both. ever us. available at zales, jared and kay.
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we close this morning with some predictions for the week ahead, as we always do at this time. monday night is the met gala, benefit for costume institute described as the super bowl of fashion. with all the glitter and big-name celebrities and the cutting edge haute couture, we predict that night we'll be watching game one of the hawks and cavs in the semi final eastern conference. with the leader kim jong-un and standing role as tommy boy, we predict the event will be so big they'll even have electricity. also that paul ryan will be elected on a third ballot. 132nd running of the kentucky derby will be held next weekend. last year it kicked off
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pharoah's triple crown run. this year it kicks off a three-day bender for gary b. cci. joining us now, chuck stone. >> that's quite the bender there. >> bucci style. >> there you go. kentucky bourbon style. ted cruz will try to make the case that he can win in indiana. i can tell you this, willi he, he has done everything he can to raise the stakes of indiana which, in turn, may be an achilles heel. now what does he do if he loses? >> it may be over if he loses. >> yeah. >> chuck todd, thank you. we'll see you in a few minutes. i'll see you tomorrow morning on "today" and over on msnbc later. enjoy the rest of your sunday.
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. as we head into the 9:00 hour, breaking news about a csx rain that has derailed causing a hazmat situation. . >> this is in the 900 blockhode metro station. d.c. fire shutting down rhode island avenue between 4th and 10th streets northeast. we know that several railcars have overturned and one of them at least one of them is leaking hazardous fluids. derrick ward just arrived to the scene, derrick, what you can tell us? >> reporter: we've actually been here for about a half an hour and we're at the franklin street bridge. take a look. what you're seeing at the he far end under that footbridge a
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carries coal. it has derailed. cars immediately this side of that, we're looking south, immediately north of that are also off the rails. i'm told on the other side of that, what we can't see from here may be some tappinkers tha have also derailed that apparently have a chemical in them. we're told it reacts with water, it is an acidic type chemical. we certainly hope there is no airborne threat, but probably not the kind of thing you want to come into contact with. i spoke to a gentleman earlier who said that he heard what he thought might have been a plane crash. want to give you a view from another angle here. take a look at other video that we have. he says that he thought it was a plane crash. it was a very loud and sustained sound. and he came out it see exactly what was going on. we also talked to some folks who said that they are just having some trouble getting to


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